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Feeding	Therapy	for	an	Ex-24	week	
Preterm	Infant	
Alexandra	Munroe,	B.S.	
Department	of	CommunicaFon	Disorders	and	Sciences	
Rush	University	•	Chicago,	IL	
Case	Supervisor:	Sara	Shapiro,	CCC-SLP	
Case	Moderator	:	Lisa	LaGorio,	PhD,	CCC-SLP	
September	21,	2016
Learning	ObjecFves	
Understand	how	prematurity	affects	the	
development	of	feeding	skills		
Discuss	the	new	diagnosFc	category	of	
Avoidant/RestricFve	Food	Intake	Disorder	
Understand	theoreFcal	background	behind	
Sensory	IntegraFon	(SI)	therapy	approach		
Understand	the	role	of	the	SLP	in	pediatric	
feeding	disorders
Premature	Birth	
•  1	in	10	births	in	the	USA	
•  Greatest	contributor	to	infant	death		
•  Leading	cause	of	long-term	neurological	
disabiliFes	in	children		
CDC, 2016
Extremely	Preterm	 <28	weeks		
Very	Preterm		 28	to	<32	weeks		
Moderate	to	Late	Preterm		 32	to	<37	weeks
Child	A	–	Medical	History	
•  23	month	old	male		
–  Born	at	St.	Joseph’s	in	Fall	2014	
–  24	gestaFonal	weeks	
–  Born	via	C-secFon	due	to	placenta	abrupFon		
–  Birth	Weight:	1	lb	6	ounces		
–  Pulomonary	Hypertension	(PH)	
–  Bronchopulomonary	Dysplasia	(BPD)	
•  Medical	stay	included	the	following	procedures:	
–  Inguinal	hernia	bilateral	repairs	
–  ASD	lec	to	right	shunFng		
–  PDA	ligaFon	repair
Child	A	–	Medical	history	cont.		
•  Treated	for	the	following	at	discharge	home	
– VenFlaFon	and	tracheostomy	dependency		
– Steroid	dependency		
– Subglodc	stenosis	
– Osteopenia	of	prematurity	
– ReFnopathy	of	prematurity	(ROP)	
– Hearing	loss		
•  100%	tube	dependent		
•  No	clinical	signs	or	symptoms	of	aspiraFon
Child	A	–	Developmental	History		
•  Winter	2016	–	(14	months	olds)	
– RecepFve	Expressive	Emergent	Language	Test	
•  RecepFve	Language:	5	months	(55%	delay)	
•  Expressive	Language:	4	months	(64%	delay)	
– Oral	Mech	Exam	:	Within	normal	limits		
– Sensory	Processing	
•  Some	sensiFviFes	to	oral	and	tacFle	input		
•  Dislikes	light	touch	and	more	comfortable	with	deep	
pressure	input	
•  Sensory	over-responsiveness	in	the	areas	of	oral,	
tacFle,	and	vesFbular	movement
QuesFon	for	the	Audience	
What	is	a	feeding	
Feeding	Disorders	
– VariaFons	in	food	intake	or	feeding	
behavior	sufficiently	different	from	the	
norm	to	result	in	child	or	family	distress,	
social	or	developmental	risk,	or	negaFve	
health	consequences.		
Thoyre, 2007
Food	Refusal		
•  Specific	behaviors	ocen	associated	with	refusal	of	
food	such	as	head	turning	and	mouth	closure	
conFngent	upon	presentaFon	of	food,	spidng	out	
food,	dawdling,	gagging,	and	even	vomiFng.	
Williams, Field, Seiverling, 2010
Avoidant/RestricFve	food	intake	disorder	
1.  An	eaFng	or	feeding	disturbance	(e.g.,	apparent	lack	of	interest	in	eaFng	or	food;	avoidance	based	on	
the	sensory	characterisFcs	of	food;	concern	about	aversive	consequences	of	eaFng)	as	manifested	by	
persistent	failure	to	meet	appropriate	nutriFonal	and/or	energy	needs	associated	with	one	(or	more)	of	
the	following		
–  Significant	weight	loss	(or	failure	to	achieve	expected	weight	gain	or	faltering	growth	in	children)	
–  Significant	nutriFonal	deficiency		
–  Dependence	on	enteral	feeding	or	oral	nutriFonal	supplements		
–  Marked	interference	with	psychosocial	funcFoning		
2.  The	disturbance	is	not	bener	explained	by	lack	of	available	food	or	by	an	assoicated	culturally	
sancFoned	pracFce		
3.  The	eaFng	disturbance	does	not	occur	exclusively	during	the	course	of	anorexia	nervosa	or	bulimia	
nervosa	and	there	is	no	evidence	of	a	disturbance	in	the	way	in	which	one’s	body	weigth	or	shape	is	
4.  The	eaFng	disturbance	is	not	anributable	to	a	concurrent	medical	condiFon	or	not	bener	explained	by	
another	mental	disorder.	When	the	eaFng	disturbance	occurs	in	the	context	of	another	condiFon	or	
disorder,	the	severity	of	the	eaFng	disturbance	exceeds	that	rouFnely	associated	with	the	condiFon	or	
disorder	and	warrants	addiFonal	clinical	anenFon.		
Norris, Spetigue, Katzman, 2015
Kenney & Walsh, 2013
Diagnostic Criteria
Rommel,N.,	De	Meyer,	A.M.,	Feenstra,	L.,	&	Veereman	–	Wauters,	G.	(2003).	The	complexity	of	
feeding	problems	in	700	infants	and	young	children	presenFng	to	a	terFary	care	insFtuFon.	
Journal	of	pediatric	gastroenterology	and	nutri3on,	37(1),	75-84.
Rommel,N.,	De	Meyer,	A.M.,	Feenstra,	L.,	&	Veereman	–	Wauters,	G.	(2003).	The	complexity	of	
feeding	problems	in	700	infants	and	young	children	presenFng	to	a	terFary	care	insFtuFon.	
Journal	of	pediatric	gastroenterology	and	nutri3on,	37(1),	75-84.
Rommel,N.,	De	Meyer,	A.M.,	Feenstra,	L.,	&	Veereman	–	Wauters,	G.	(2003).	The	complexity	of	
feeding	problems	in	700	infants	and	young	children	presenFng	to	a	terFary	care	insFtuFon.	
Journal	of	pediatric	gastroenterology	and	nutri3on,	37(1),	75-84.		
•  CorrelaFons		
– Significant	relaFonship	found	between	type	of	
feeding	problem	and	age		
– Oral	sensory	based	feeding	disorders	
corresponded	with	nasogastric	and	gastrostomy	
tube	feeding		
– Significant	associaFon	between	oral	sensory	
based	feeding	disorders	and	hx	of	aspiraFon	and	
2	Types	of	Feeding	Disorders		
Sensory	Based	Presenta7on		 Behaviorally	Based	
•  Avoid	whole	foods	or	texture	
•  Difficulty	toleraFng	sensory	input	
•  Eats	the	same	regardless	of	
•  Overstuffs	oral	cavity/	takes	Fny	
•  Excessive	Drooling	
•  Rarely	presents	with	selecFve	
•  Eats	bener	for	certain	people		
•  Gags	to	get	anenFon		
•  Rarely	underlying	neurologic	or	
medical	issue
Sensory	Processing		
North	Shore	Pediatric	Therapy
Sensory	processing	in	preterm	infants	
Blackburn, 1998
Cabral, Silva, Martinez, & Tudella, 2016
Cabral,	T.	I.,	da	Silva,	L.	G.,	MarFnez,	C.	M.,	&	Tudella,	E.	(2016).	Analysis	of	
sensory	processing	in	preterm	infants.	Early	human	development,	103,	77-81.	
•  30	infants		
– Experimental	group	of	15	preterm	infants		
– Control	group	of	15	full	term	infants		
– Aged	between	4	and	6	months	corrected		
•  Infants	assessed	using	the	Test	of	Sensory	
FuncFons	in	Infants
•  Results		
– 80%	of	preterm	infant	group	showed	risk	for	
sensory	abnormaliFes	
– Significant	difference	in	total	score	of	the	test	
– Significant	difference	in	reacFvity	to	deep	
pressure	(p<.00001)	
Cabral,	T.	I.,	da	Silva,	L.	G.,	MarFnez,	C.	M.,	&	Tudella,	E.	(2016).	Analysis	of	
sensory	processing	in	preterm	infants.	Early	human	development,	103,	77-81.
Sensory	IntegraFon	Therapy	
•  Developed	by	Ayres	in	1972		
•  Designed	to	help	a	child	process	and	integrate	
sensory	informaFon		
Schaaf & Miller, 2005
Schaaf & Miller,
Interdisciplinary	team	approach		
McComish, 2016
Medical	 Motor	 Behavioral	
Delays	in	
gross	and	
fine	motor	
Update	on	Child	A	
•  Currently	accepFng	10-15	bites	of	puree	each	
Take	Home	Points	
•  When	treaFng	preterm	children	we	have	to	consider	their	
sensory	development	when	planning	treatment.		
•  The	new	diagnosFc	category	of	ARFID	is	a	more	inclusive	
diagnosFc	category	that	will	help	to	idenFfy	children	with	
feeding	disorders	that	were	previously	un-idenFfied	or	
•  The	sensory	integraFon	approach	to	therapy	can	guide	
intervenFon	for	children	with	difficulty	processing	sensory	
•  An	interdisciplinary	collaboraFve	team	approach	to	feeding	
therapy	increases	collaboraFon	between	professionals	and	
progress	towards	the	child’s	goals.
•  American	Psychiatric	AssociaFon.	DiagnosFc	and	StaFsFcal	Manual	of	Mental	Disorders,	5th	ed.	Arlington,	VA:	
American	Psychiatric	Associa3on,	2013.	
•  Blackburn,	S.	(1998).	Environmental	impact	of	the	NICU	on	developmental	outcomes.	Journal	of	pediatric	nursing,	
13(5),	279-289.		
•  Hawdon,	J.	M.,	Beauregard,	N.,	Slanery,	J.,	&	Kennedy,	G.	(2000).	IdenFficaFon	of	neonates	at	risk	of	developing	
feeding	problems	in	infancy.	Developmental	Medicine	and	Child	Neurology,	42(4),	235-239.	
•  McComish.	(2016).	Interdisciplinary	Feeding	Team:	A	Medical,	Motor,	Behavioral	Approach	to	Complex	Pediatric	
Feeding	Problems.	MCN,	the	American	journal	of	maternal	child	nursing,	41(4),	230-236.	
•  Morris,	S.	E.,	&	Klein,	M.	D.	(2000).	Pre-feeding	skills:	A	comprehensive	resource	for	mealFme	development.	
AusFn,	TX:	Pro-Ed.	
•  Norris,	M.	L.,	Spedgue,	W.	J.,	Katzman,	D.	K.	(2016).	Update	on	eaFng	disorders:	current	perspecFves	on	
avoidant/restricFve	food	intake	disorder	in	children	and	youth.	Neuropsychiatric	Disease	and	Treatment,	12,	
•  Pagliaro,	C.	L.,	Bühler,	K.	E.,	Ibidi,	S.	M.,	&	Limongi,	S.	C.	(2016).	Dietary	transiFon	difficulFes	in	preterm	infants:	
criFcal	literature	review.	Jornal	de	pediatria,	92(1),	7-14.	
•  Rommel,N.,	De	Meyer,	A.M.,	Feenstra,	L.,	&	Veereman	–	Wauters,	G.	(2003).	The	complexity	of	feeding	problems	
in	700	infants	and	young	children	presenFng	to	a	terFary	care	insFtuFon.	Journal	of	pediatric	gastroenterology	
and	nutri3on,	37(1),	75-84.		
•  Ross,	E.	S.,	Browne,	J.	V.	(2002).	Developmental	progression	of	feeding	skills:	an	approach	to	supporFng	feeding	in	
preterm	infants.	Seminars	in	neonatology,	7(6),	469-475.	
•  Thoyre,	S.	M.	(2007).	Feeding	outcomes	of	extremely	premature	infants	acer	neonatal	care.	Journal	of	obstetric,	
gynecologic,	and	neonatal	nursing,	36(4),	366-75;	quiz	376.	
•  Patel,	R.	M.	(2016).	Short-	and	Long-Term	Outcomes	for	Extremely	Preterm	Infants.	American	journal	of	
perinatology,	33(3),	318-328.	
•  Williams,	K.	E.,	Field,	D.	G.,	Seiverling,	L.	(2010).	Food	refusal	in	children:	a	review	of	the	literature.	Research	in	
developmental	disabili3es,	31(3),	625-633.

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