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©2016	Couchbase	Inc.	
Agile	Document	Models		
&	Data	Structures	
©2016	Couchbase	Inc.	©2016	Couchbase	Inc.	
Speaking	Your	Language	
•  Topics	for	today:	
•  Data	structures	-	tie	into	native	language	collection	interfaces	
•  Sub-document	-	lower	level	access	with	focused	power	
•  Data	modeling	with	Couchbase	
•  Session:	“Picking	the	right	API	for	the	right	job”	
•  SDK	Goal:	complex	data	access	made	easy	
•  More	than	just	a	document	storage/retrieval	system	
•  Tight	SDK	integration	is	key	
•  Consistent,	transparent	developer	experience	across	languages	
©2016	Couchbase	Inc.	 3	
Data	Structures	API
©2016	Couchbase	Inc.	©2016	Couchbase	Inc.	
Couchbase	SDK	Data	Structures	API	
•  Target	SDK	release	along	with	4.6	
•  Builds	on	awesomeness	of	sub-document	API	
•  Simplified	access	without	touching	whole	document	
•  Make	JSON	data	types	transparent	
•  Native	integration	of	Map,	List,	Set,	Queues…	
•  Java	Collections	Framework	
•  .NET	System.Collections	
•  Python,	Node.js,	Go	
©2016	Couchbase	Inc.	©2016	Couchbase	Inc.	
Typical	Document	Data	Access	
Object	SDK	 Collec?ons	
Framework	App	
©2016	Couchbase	Inc.	©2016	Couchbase	Inc.	
Simplified	Data	Structure	Access	
Doc	CB	 Collec?ons	
“user1”: {“name”:... ,
“address”:.. ,
“favs”: [...]},
“user2”:{“name” ,
“address” ...,
”favs”: [...]},
for (String f : favs) {}
“user1”: {“name”:... ,
“address”:.. ,
“favs”: [...]},
“user2”:{“name” ,
“address” ...,
”favs”: [...]},
©2016	Couchbase	Inc.	©2016	Couchbase	Inc.	
Targeted	Collection	Updates	
Update	 CB	
MapAdd(“user1”,”favs”, “newfav”)
“user1”: {“name”:... ,
“address”:.. ,
“favs”: [...]},
“user2”:{“name” ,
“address” ...,
”favs”: [...]},
©2016	Couchbase	Inc.	©2016	Couchbase	Inc.	
The	Four	Data	Structures…	
Structure	 JSON	Type	 JSON	Example	
-  Append,	prepend,	insert	
-  Size/count	
JSON	Array:		[…	,	...	]	 [	1,	2,	“abc”	]	
-  Add/remove	by	key	
-  Size/count	
JSON	Object:	{	“key”:	
{	“name”:	“value”	}	
-  Specialized	add/remove	
-  Unique	values	
-  Size/count	
JSON	Array:	[	…	,	...	]	 [	1,	3,	6,	8	]	
-  First	in	–	first	out	
-  Pop	–	retrieve/remove	
-  Size/count	
JSON	Array:		[…	,	...	]	
[	“task1”,	“task2”,	“task3”	]	
				remove	1...	
[	“task2”,	“task3”,	“task4”	]	
©2016	Couchbase	Inc.	©2016	Couchbase	Inc.	
Consistent	Access	Across	Languages	
Lists	 ListGet ListPush ListShift ListDelete ListSet ListSize
>namesList = bucket.ListGet(“key”)
>print namesList
Maps	 MapGet MapRemove MapSize MapSet
Sets	 SetAdd SetExists SetSize SetRemove
Queue	 QueuePush QueuePop QueueSize QueueRemove
•  Idiomatic	-vs-	functional	
•  Java	Collections	Framework	
•  .NET	System.Collections	
•  As	well	as	functional	approach	
*	Experimental	features	alert:	may	add/remove	to	this	list	–	feedback	welcome!
©2016	Couchbase	Inc.	©2016	Couchbase	Inc.	
Consistent	Access	Across	Languages	
Collec:ons	Approach	
Lists	 List<String> namesList = new CouchbaseArrayList<String>("key", bucket);
for (String name : namesList) { … }
Maps	 var namesDict = new CouchbaseDictionary<string, Poco>(_bucket, “key”);
namesDict.Add(“newkey1”, new Poco { Name = “poco1” });
Sets	 var namesSet = new CouchbaseSet<Poco>(_bucket, "pocos");
namesSet.Add(new Poco { Key = "poco1", Name = "Poco-pica" });
namesSet.Remove(new Poco {Key = "poco1", Name = "Poco-pica"});
foreach(var poco in namesSet){ … }
Queue	 var namesQueue = new CouchbaseQueue<Poco>(_bucket, key);
namesQueue.Enqueue(new Poco { Name = "pcoco1" });
var item = namesQueue.Peek();
•  Support	for	advanced	capabilities	of	collection	frameworks
©2016	Couchbase	Inc.	 11	
Sub-Document	API
©2016	Couchbase	Inc.	©2016	Couchbase	Inc.	
Sub-Document	API	
“The	sub-document	API	enables	you	to	access	parts	of	JSON	documents	(sub-documents)	efficiently	
without	requiring	the	transfer	of	the	entire	document	over	the	network.		
This	improves	performance	and	brings	better	efficiency	to	the	network	IO	path,	especially	when	
working	with	large	JSON	documents.”	
•  First	released	in	4.5,	support	cross	SDK	
•  Efficient	document	lookup,	insert	&	update	
•  Powerful	lower	level	control,	focusing	on	particular	elements	
•  Keep	work	on	server	
•  Two	methods	available	–	lookup	and	mutate/change	
©2016	Couchbase	Inc.	©2016	Couchbase	Inc.	
Digging	Below	Data	Structures	
Data	Structures	API	 Sub-Document	API	
MapGet(key, mapkey) LookupIn(key).get(mapkey)
MapRemove(key, mapkey) MutateIn(key).remove(mapkey)
MapSet(key, mapkey,
value, createMap)
MutateIn(key).(mapkey, value,
©2016	Couchbase	Inc.	©2016	Couchbase	Inc.	
Sub-Document	API	
LookupIn	 LookupIn(key, operation(path))
Get Exists Execute
MutateIn	 MutateIn(key, operation(path, value))
Counter Insert Remove Replace Upsert Execute

arrayAddunique arrayAppend arrayInsert arrayPrepend
MutateIn(key, operation(path, value), 

operation(path, value),
operation(path, value))
Returns	 SubdocResult<rc=0x0, key='map1', cas=0x14b6458980042,
specs=(Spec<GET, 'subkey1'>, Spec<EXISTS, 'subkey1'>),
results=[(0, u'subvalue1'), (0, None)]>
©2016	Couchbase	Inc.	©2016	Couchbase	Inc.	
Sample	Sub-Document	Lookup	
LookupIn(key, operation(path))







SubdocResult<rc=0x0, key=’copilotmark', cas=0x14b6458980042,
specs=(Spec<EXISTS, ‘phones’>, <GET, ’phones.number'>, <GET, ‘gender’),
results=[(0, None,), (0, ’212-771-1834’), (0, u’male')]>
©2016	Couchbase	Inc.	©2016	Couchbase	Inc.	
Sample	Sub-Document	Change	
MutateIn(key, path, value)




©2016	Couchbase	Inc.	 17	
Data	Modeling	for	Couchbase	Server
©2016	Couchbase	Inc.	©2016	Couchbase	Inc.	
What	is	Data	Modeling?	
•  A	data	model	is	a	conceptual	representation	of	the	data	structures	that	are	required	by	a	
•  The	data	structures	include	the	data	objects,	the	associations	between	data	objects,	and	the	
rules	which	govern	operations	on	the	objects.
©2016	Couchbase	Inc.	©2016	Couchbase	Inc.	
Data	Modeling	Approaches	
Relaxed	Normaliza?on	
schema	implied	by	structure	
fields	may	be	empty,	duplicate,	or	missing	
Required	Normaliza?on	
schema	enforced	by	db	
same	fields	in	all	records	
•  Minimize	data	inconsistencies	(one	item	=	one	loca?on)	
•  Reduced	update	cost	(no	duplicated	data)	
•  Preserve	storage	resources	
•  Op?mized	to	planned/actual	access	pagerns	
•  Flexibly	with	soiware	architecture	
•  Supports	clustered	architecture	
•  Reduced	server	overhead
©2016	Couchbase	Inc.	©2016	Couchbase	Inc.	
Modeling	Couchbase	Documents	
•  Couchbase	Server	is	a	document	database		
•  Data	is	stored	in	JSON	documents,	not	in	tables	
•  Relational	databases	rely	on	an	explicit	pre-defined	schema	to	describe	the	structure	of	data	
•  JSON	documents	are	self-describing
©2016	Couchbase	Inc.	©2016	Couchbase	Inc.	
What	and	Why	JSON?	
•  What	is	JSON?	
–  Lightweight	data	interchange	format	
–  Based	on	JavaScript	
–  Programming	language	independent	
–  Field	names	must	be	unique	
•  Why	JSON?	
–  Schema	flexibility	
–  Less	verbose	
–  Can	represent	Objects	and	Arrays	
	(including	nested	documents)	
There	is	NO	IMPEDENCE	MISMATCH	between	a	JSON	Document	and	a	Java	
©2016	Couchbase	Inc.	©2016	Couchbase	Inc.	
JSON	Design	Choices	
•  Couchbase	Server	neither	enforces	nor	validates	for	any	particular	document	structure	
•  Choices	that	impact	JSON	document	design:	
–  Single	Root	Attributes	
–  Objects	vs.	Arrays	
–  Array	Element	Types	
–  Timestamp	Formats	
–  Property	Names	
–  Empty	and	Null	Property	Values	
–  JSON	Schema
©2016	Couchbase	Inc.	©2016	Couchbase	Inc.	
Root	Attributes	vs.	Embedded	Attributes	
•  The	choice	of	having	a	single	root	attribute	or	the	“type”	attribute	embedded.
©2016	Couchbase	Inc.	©2016	Couchbase	Inc.	
Root	Attributes	vs.	Embedded	Attributes	
•  Accessing	the	document	with	a	root	attribute	
SELECT	track.*	FROM	couchmusic
©2016	Couchbase	Inc.	©2016	Couchbase	Inc.	
Root	Attributes	vs.	Embedded	Attributes	
•  Accessing	the	document	with	the	“type”	attribute	
SELECT	*	FROM	couchmusic		
©2016	Couchbase	Inc.	©2016	Couchbase	Inc.	
Objects	vs.	Arrays	
•  The	choice	of	having	an	object	type,	or	an	array	type
©2016	Couchbase	Inc.	©2016	Couchbase	Inc.	
Objects	vs.	Arrays	
•  How	would	the	object	look	like?	
class UserProfile{
Phone phones;
class Phone{
String cell;
String landline;
©2016	Couchbase	Inc.	©2016	Couchbase	Inc.	
Objects	vs.	Arrays	
•  How	would	the	object	look	like?	
class UserProfile{
List<Phone> phones;
class Phone{
String number;
String type;
©2016	Couchbase	Inc.	©2016	Couchbase	Inc.	
Array	Element	Types	
Array	of	strings	
Array	of	objects	
•  Array	elements	can	be	simple	types,	objects	or	arrays:
©2016	Couchbase	Inc.	©2016	Couchbase	Inc.	
Array	Element	Types	
Array	of	strings	
•  Array	elements	can	be	simple	types,	objects	or	arrays:	
class Playlist{
List<String> tracks;
String trackId = tracks.get(1);
JsonDocument trackDocument =
Mul:ple	get()	calls	to	retrieve	the	document.	Worth	it?
©2016	Couchbase	Inc.	©2016	Couchbase	Inc.	
Array	Element	Types	
•  Array	elements	can	be	simple	types,	objects	or	arrays:	
class Playlist{
List<Track> tracks;
Limited	Denormaliza:on:	commonly	needed	data	(e.g.,	?tle)	in	local	object,	detail	available	in	referenced	
foreign	document
©2016	Couchbase	Inc.	©2016	Couchbase	Inc.	
Timestamp	Formats	
Array	of	?me	
String	(ISO	8601)	
Number	(Unix	style)	
•  Working	and	dealing	with	timestamps	has	been	challenging	ever	since	
•  When	storing	timestamps,		you	have	at	least	3	options:	
©2016	Couchbase	Inc.	©2016	Couchbase	Inc.	
Observed	Practices	with	Timestamp	Formats	
•  Storing	as	Epoch	will	help	you	to	easily	sort	the	documents	
•  If	you	wanted	the	documents	to	be	sorted	in	the	order	of	their	“last	update”	time	
•  SELECT * FROM couchmusic WHERE type = ‘track’
•  Storing	date	as	array	format	helps	
•  To	grouping	
©2016	Couchbase	Inc.	©2016	Couchbase	Inc.	
Taking	Advantage	of	Storing	Date	as	an	Array		
•  Group	options	can	be	specified	to	control	the	execution	of	the	view	
•  The	group	and	group_level	options	are	only	useful		
when	a	Reduce	function	has	been	defined	in	the	
corresponding	View	
•  The	group_level	option,	used	when	the	key	is	an	Array,	
	determines	how	many	elements	of	the	key	are		
used	when	aggregating	the	results.	
©2016	Couchbase	Inc.	©2016	Couchbase	Inc.	
Example of View group_level = 1
Key	 Value	
[2014]	 36	
[2015]	 20	
Execute	Reduce	
Key	 Value	
[2014,11,29,18,49,36]	 3	
[2014,12,03,20,11,26]	 5	
[2014,12,03,23,37,21]	 2	
[2014,12,06,10,12,19]	 8	
[2014,12,09,05,01,26]	 3	
[2014,12,18,01,04,30]	 11	
[2014,12,26,18,34,44]	 4	
[2015,01,03,16,48,32]	 7	
[2015,01,03,20,20,06]	 5	
[2015,01,15,08,17,28]	 8	
Copyright	©	2015		Couchbase,	Inc.	 35	
•  For	the	data	below	with	Reduce	function	defined	as	_sum	and	group_level	=	1
©2016	Couchbase	Inc.	©2016	Couchbase	Inc.	
Example of View group_level = 2
Key	 Value	
[2014,11]	 3	
[2014,12]	 33	
[2015,01]	 20	
Key	 Value	
[2014,11,29,18,49,36]	 3	
[2014,12,03,20,11,26]	 5	
[2014,12,03,23,37,21]	 2	
[2014,12,06,10,12,19]	 8	
[2014,12,09,05,01,26]	 3	
[2014,12,18,01,04,30]	 11	
[2014,12,26,18,34,44]	 4	
[2015,01,03,16,48,32]	 7	
[2015,01,03,20,20,06]	 5	
[2015,01,15,08,17,28]	 8	
Copyright	©	2015		Couchbase,	Inc.	 36	
•  For	the	data	below	with	Reduce	function	defined	as	_sum	and	group_level	=	2	
Execute	Reduce
©2016	Couchbase	Inc.	©2016	Couchbase	Inc.	
Example of View group_level = 3
Key	 Value	
[2014,11,29,18,49,36]	 3	
[2014,12,03,20,11,26]	 5	
[2014,12,03,23,37,21]	 2	
[2014,12,06,10,12,19]	 8	
[2014,12,09,05,01,26]	 3	
[2014,12,18,01,04,30]	 11	
[2014,12,26,18,34,44]	 4	
[2015,01,03,16,48,32]	 7	
[2015,01,03,20,20,06]	 5	
[2015,01,15,08,17,28]	 8	
Key	 Value	
[2014,11,29]	 3	
[2014,12,03]	 7	
[2015,12,06]	 8	
[2015,12,09]	 3	
[2015,12,18]	 11	
[2015,12,26]	 4	
[2014,01,03]	 12	
[2014,01,15]	 8	
Copyright	©	2015		Couchbase,	Inc.	 37	
•  For	the	data	below	with	Reduce	function	defined	as	_sum	and	group_level	=	3	
Execute	Reduce
©2016	Couchbase	Inc.	©2016	Couchbase	Inc.	
Empty	and	Null	Property	Values	
•  Keep	in	mind	that	JSON	supports	optional	properties	
•  If	a	property	has	a	null	value,	consider	dropping	it	from	the	JSON,	unless	there's	a	good	reason	
not	to	
•  N1QL	makes	it	easy	to	test	for	missing	or	null	property	values	
•  Be	sure	your	application	code	handles	the	case	where	a	property	value	is	missing	
SELECT * FROM couchmusic1 WHERE userprofile.address IS NULL;
SELECT * FROM couchmusic1 WHERE userprofile.gender IS MISSING;
©2016	Couchbase	Inc.	©2016	Couchbase	Inc.	
Empty,	Null	and	Missing	Property	Values	
countryCode: “UK”,
currencyCode: “GBP”,
region: “Europe”
countryCode: “UK”,
currencyCode: “GBP”,
region: “”
WHERE region
WHERE region
countryCode: “UK”,
currencyCode: “GBP”
countryCode: “UK”,
currencyCode: “GBP”,
region: null
©2016	Couchbase	Inc.	©2016	Couchbase	Inc.	
JSON	Schema	
•  Couchbase	Server	pays	absolutely	no	attention	to	the	shape	of	your	JSON	documents	so	long	
as	they	are	well-formed	
•  There	are	times	when	it	is	useful	to	validate	that	a	JSON	document	conforms	to	some	
expected	shape	
•  JSON	Schema	is	a	JSON-based	format	for	defining	the	structure	of	JSON	data	
•  There	are	implementations	for	most	popular	programming	languages	
•  Learn	more	here:
©2016	Couchbase	Inc.	©2016	Couchbase	Inc.	
Example	of	JSON	Schema	
©2016	Couchbase	Inc.	©2016	Couchbase	Inc.	
Example	of	JSON	Schema	–	Type	Specification	
Available	type	specifica?ons	include:	
•  array	
•  boolean	
•  integer	
•  number	
•  object	
•  string	
•  enum	
©2016	Couchbase	Inc.	©2016	Couchbase	Inc.	
Type	specific	valida?ons	include:	
•  minimum	
•  maximum	
•  minLength	
•  maxLength	
•  format	
•  pagern	
Example	of	JSON	Schema	–	Type	Specific	Validation
©2016	Couchbase	Inc.	©2016	Couchbase	Inc.	
Example	of	JSON	Schema	–	Required	Properties	
Required	proper?es	can	be	specified	for	each	object	
©2016	Couchbase	Inc.	©2016	Couchbase	Inc.	
Example	of	JSON	Schema	–	Additional	Properties	
Addi?onal	proper?es	can	be	disabled	
©2016	Couchbase	Inc.	©2016	Couchbase	Inc.	
Data	Nesting	(aka	Denormalization)	
•  As	you	know,	relational	database	design	promotes	separating	data	using	normalization,	which	
doesn’t	scale	
•  For	NoSQL	systems,	we	often	avoid	normalization	so	that	we	can	scale	
•  Nesting	allows	related	objects	to	be	organized	into	a	hierarchical	tree	structure	where	you	can	
have	multiple	levels	of	grouping	
•  Rule	of	thumb	is	to	nest	no	more	than	3	levels	deep	unless	there	is	a	very	good	reason	to	do	so	
•  You	will	often	want	to	include	a	timestamp	in	the	nested	data
©2016	Couchbase	Inc.	©2016	Couchbase	Inc.	
Example	#1	of	Data	Nesting	
•  Playlist	with	owner	attribute	containing	username	of	corresponding	userprofile	
Document	Key:		copilotmarks61569
©2016	Couchbase	Inc.	©2016	Couchbase	Inc.	
Example	#1	of	Data	Nesting	
•  Playlist	with	owner	attribute	containing	a	subset	of	the	corresponding	userprofile	
*	Note	the	inclusion	of	the	updated	agribute
©2016	Couchbase	Inc.	©2016	Couchbase	Inc.	
Example	#2	of	Data	Nesting	
•  Playlist	with	tracks	attribute	containing	an	array	of	track	IDs	
©2016	Couchbase	Inc.	©2016	Couchbase	Inc.	
Example	#2	of	Data	Nesting	
•  Playlist	with	tracks	attribute	containing	an	array	of	track	objects	
*	Note	the	inclusion	of	the	updated	agribute
©2016	Couchbase	Inc.	 51	
Key	Design
©2016	Couchbase	Inc.	©2016	Couchbase	Inc.	
Choices	with	JSON	Key	Design	
•  A	key	formed	of	attributes	that	exist	in	the	real	world:	
–  Phone	numbers	
–  Usernames	
–  Social	security	numbers	
–  Account	numbers	
–  SKU,	UPC	or	QR	codes	
–  Device	IDs	
•  Often	the	first	choice	for	document	keys	
•  Be	careful	when	working	with	any	personally	identifiable	information	(PII),	sensitive	personal	
information	(SPI)	or	protected	health	information	(PHI)
©2016	Couchbase	Inc.	©2016	Couchbase	Inc.	
Surrogate	Keys	
•  We	often	use	surrogate	keys	when	no	obvious	natural	key	exist	
•  They	are	not	derived	from	application	data	
•  They	can	be	generated	values	
–  3305311F4A0FAAFEABD001D324906748B18FB24A	(SHA-1)	
–  003C6F65-641A-4CGA-8E5E-41C947086CAE	(UUID)	
•  They	can	be	sequential	numbers	(often	implemented	using	the	Counter	feature	of	Couchbase	
–  456789,	456790,	456791,	…
©2016	Couchbase	Inc.	©2016	Couchbase	Inc.	
Key	Value	Patterns	
•  Common	practice	for	users	of	Couchbase	Server	to	follow	patterns	for	formatting	key	values	by	
using	symbols	such	as	single	or	double	colons	
•  DocType::ID	
–  userprofile::fredsmith79	
–  playlist::003c6f65-641a-4c9a-8e5e-41c947086cae	
•  AppName::DocType::ID	
–  couchmusic::userprofile::fredsmith79	
Enables	Mul:-Tenency	
–  pizza::user::101	
–  Pizza::user::102	
–  burger::user::101	
–  burger::user::102
©2016	Couchbase	Inc.	©2016	Couchbase	Inc.	
Lookup	Key	Pattern	
•  The	purpose	of	the	Lookup	Key	Pattern	is	to	allow	multiple	ways	to	reach	the	same	data,	
essentially	a	secondary	index	
•  For	example,	we	want	to	lookup	a	Userprofile	by	their	email	address	instead	of	their	ID	
•  To	accomplish	this,	we	create	another	small	document	that	refers	to	the	Userprofile	
document	we	are	interested	in	
•  Implementing	this	pattern	is	straightforward,	just	create	an	additional	document	containing	a	
single	property	that	stores	the	key	to	the	primary	document	
•  With	the	introduction	of	N1QL,	this	pattern	will	be	less	commonly	used
©2016	Couchbase	Inc.	©2016	Couchbase	Inc.	
Lookup	Key	Pattern	
•  Lookup	document	can	be	JsonDocument	or	StringDocument
©2016	Couchbase	Inc.	 57	
Trade-offs	in	Data	Modeling
©2016	Couchbase	Inc.	©2016	Couchbase	Inc.	
Making	Tough	Choices	
•  We	must	also	make	trade-offs	in	data	modeling:	
–  Document	size	
–  Atomicity	
–  Complexity	
–  Speed
©2016	Couchbase	Inc.	©2016	Couchbase	Inc.	
Document	Size	
•  Couchbase	Server	supports	documents	up	to	20	Mb	
•  Larger	documents	take	more	disk	space,	more	time	to	transfer	across	the	network	and	more	
time	to	serialize/deserialize	
•  If	you	are	dealing	with	documents	that	are	potentially	large	(greater	than	1	Mb),	you	must	test	
thoroughly	to	find	out	if	speed	of	access	is	adequate	as	you	scale.	If	not,	you	will	need	to	break	
up	the	document	into	smaller	ones.	
•  You	may	need	to	limit	the	number	of	dependent	child	objects	you	embed
©2016	Couchbase	Inc.	©2016	Couchbase	Inc.	
•  Atomicity	in	Couchbase	Server	is	at	the	document	level	
•  Couchbase	Server	does	not	support	transactions	
•  They	can	be	simulated	if	you	are	willing	to	write	and	maintain	additional	code	to	implement	
them	(generally	not	recommended)	
•  If	you	absolutely	need	changes	to	be	atomic,	they	will	have	to	be	part	of	the	same	document	
•  The	maximum	document	size	for	Couchbase	Server	may	limit	how	much	data	you	can	store	in	
a	single	document
©2016	Couchbase	Inc.	©2016	Couchbase	Inc.	
•  Complexity	affects	every	area	of	software	systems	including	data	modeling	
•  The	complexity	of	queries	(N1QL)	
•  The	complexity	of	code	for	updating	multiple	copies	of	the	same	data
©2016	Couchbase	Inc.	©2016	Couchbase	Inc.	
•  As	it	relates	to	data	modeling,	speed	of	access	is	critical	
•  When	using	N1QL	to	access	data,	keep	in	mind	that	query	by	document	key	is	fastest	and	
query	by	secondary	index	is	usually	much	slower	
•  If	implementing	an	interactive	use	case,	you	will	want	to	avoid	using	JOINs	
•  You	can	use	data	duplication	to	improve	the	speed	of	accessing	related	data	and	thus	trade	
improved	speed	for	greater	complexity	and	larger	document	size	
•  Keep	in	mind	that	Couchbase	Views	can	be	used	when	up	to	the	second	accuracy	is	not	
©2016	Couchbase	Inc.	©2016	Couchbase	Inc.	
SDK	get()		is	faster	than	(get		by	key)	
N1QL	with	MOI	is	faster	than	
N1QL	with	GSI	is	faster	than	
Model	you	document	key,	such	that	you	document	can	be	retrieved	with	the	key,	if	possible,	than	
a	N1QL	query
©2016	Couchbase	Inc.	©2016	Couchbase	Inc.	
Embed	vs.	Refer	
•  All	of	the	previous	trade-offs	are	usually	rolled	into	a	single	decision	–	whether	to	embed	or	
•  When	to	embed:	
–  Reads	greatly	outnumber	writes	
–  You're	comfortable	with	the	slim	risk	of	inconsistent	data	across	the	multiple	copies	
–  You're	optimizing	for	speed	of	access	
•  When	to	refer:	
–  Consistency	of	the	data	is	a	priority	
–  You	want	to	ensure	your	cache	is	used	efficiently	
–  The	embedded	version	would	be	too	large	or	complex
©2016	Couchbase	Inc.	©2016	Couchbase	Inc.	
Next	Steps	
•  Flexible	data	access	is	key	to	solutions	using	document	stores	
•  Join	us	for	discussion	on	Forums	or	discuss	with	our	experts	here	
©2016	Couchbase	Inc.	 66	
Get	Trained	on	Couchbase	
CS300:	Couchbase	NoSQL	Server	Administration	
CD220:	Developing	Couchbase	NoSQL	Applications	
CD210:	Couchbase	NoSQL	Data	Modeling,	Querying,	and	Tuning	Using	N1QL	
CD257:	Developing	Couchbase	Mobile	NoSQL	Applications
©2016	Couchbase	Inc.	 67	
Tyler	Mitchell	
Senior	Product	Manager,	SDK		
Clarence	J	M	Tauro,	Ph.D.	
Senior	Instructor	
©2016	Couchbase	Inc.	
Thank	You!	

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