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Agam Berry
Serial Entrepreneur
New York
Marketing and Advertising
Current: Hiringz
Previous: CPXI
Education: Panjab University
■ I've been a full time entrepreneur for 7 years now and I built my first start up at 16. Big
problems excite me. I love challenges and being told something cant be done. There is
nothing more satisfying for me than being told something cant be done and then going
out and doing it!
■ I've been involved in the advertising industry for a majority of my time as an
entrepreneur and recently we started working on fixing one of the most mundane and
boring task in running a business ie Hiring.
■ Co-Founder
■ Hirinz
■ April 2013 – Present (3 years 8 months)Hiringz is a Free, Modern, Hiring Software.
Hiring is currently impossible to organize since most companies still use
email/paper/excel sheets. We are fixing that.
Head of Product Development
■ CPXi
■ September 2012 – April 2013 (8 months)Greater New York City AreaCPXi is a display
ad network with over 5B impressions a day. I worked on the new disruptive technology
initiatives inside of CPX.
■ Hindi
■ English
■ Punjabi
■ Online advertising
■ Digital marketing
■ Start-ups
■ Affiliate marketing
■ Online marketing
■ Advertising
■ Google adwords
Agam also knows about.
■ Google analytics
■ Web marketing
■ Web analytics
■ Conversion optimization
■ Website development
■ Marketting communication
■ Panjab University
■ B.Tech, Mechanical Enginnering
■ 2006 – 2010 Panjab University was ranked as the best University in India by the Times Higher
Education (THE) rankings in 2013.
Additional Info
■ Copy writing, Digital photography, Digital advertising, psychology
Personal details
■ Birthday: septmber 15
How Bitcoin Transactions Work by Agam
Berry■ Bitcoin transactions are digitally signed and are sent to and from electronic Bitcoin
wallets. The history of a transaction on a Bitcoin can easily be traced back to the
production point. The idea of having a Bitcoin is to spend it even though some
people like holding it waiting for prices to shoot.
■ Agam Berry notes that one funny thing about Bitcoins is that they are neither here
nor there. You can have Bitcoins, but when you look at your Bitcoin address, you
may not see any Bitcoins registered on it. It’s just not a physical object you can point
■ The key thing to watch is transactions, and that’s what you see between different
Bitcoin addresses. The Blockchain is a vast general ledger that stores every
transaction that takes place in Bitcoins. If you want to establish the balance of a
given Bitcoin address, you must view the block chain.
What’s the Nature of Bitcoin Transactions?
■ Agam Berry explains this concept by using an example. If John sends some Bitcoins to
Mary, three pieces of information including input, amount and output will be generated
from this transaction. Input indicates which Bitcoin address was used to send the
Bitcoins to John in the first instance (say from Ken), amount represents the amount of
Bitcoins John is sending to Mary and an output is Mary’s Bitcoin address.
■ You need two things to send Bitcoins; a private key and a Bitcoin address. Agam Berry
posits that, unlike a bank account, you don’t need an ID and loads of paperwork to set
up a Bitcoin address. These addresses are simply sequences of numbers and letters
generated randomly. The private key is another set of random letters and numbers,
which the user must keep secret. Everyone knows what’s in your Bitcoin account put
only your private keys can access it, and that’s why it must be kept secret.
■ If you want to send Bitcoins, you need your private key to sign a message with the input,
amount and the output. You then send them from your Bitcoin wallet to the Bitcoin
network. Bitcoin miners will then verify the transaction, putting it into a transaction
block to be solved.
■ Agam Berry says that you have to wait until the miners have finished mining for your
transactions to clear, because it must be certified. The standard time for mining a
Bitcoin is usually 10 minutes although some merchants may keep you waiting longer to
get your digital goods, because they may prefer to wait for the block to be confirmed.
Contagious as seen by Agam Berry
■ Contagious brings many thoughts to mind for most people. Some may think of laughter
and others of religion. Agam Berry is keen on the idea of how trends get started, how
fads move and how things catch on. Here he presents an expose on how catchy things
are “contagious”.
Some totally tubular thoughts
■ When a buzzword or catch phrase appears in the American Lexicon the penetration is
deep and effective. One would not have to go 5 minutes into the internet to see a
contagious thing. Agam Berry illustrates this by asking Facebook users (catchy itself) if
they have heard of “Candy Crush”. Most will say yes, and those who do not are not on
Facebook. That phenomenon is the crux of the contagious conundrum.
■ Catchy things that spread like wildfire are new to this generation but not necessarily
new to the human race. In the 1980’s for example, the “valley girl” contagion took the
California coast by storm. It wasn’t long after that movies were sporting the
colloquialisms. Before the nation saw what happened, the teen class had gone “radical,
How catchy becomes contagious
■ Common understanding can lead us to the answer to how catchy becomes contagious.
Humans are pack-driven. We like to hang in groups. While in those groups, we want to
see commonality. A common thread regarding thoughts, behaviors and so on leads to a
comfortable ad predictable life situation. From that idea comes the understanding of
catchy. “The Jones” family is the imagined success story with whom the rest of us
would like to stand. That same application works for us wanting to be associated to a
How catchy comes and goes
■ So if the feeling of inclusiveness goes along with the contagiousness of commonality,
then how does the “flavor of the day” become milquetoast and forgotten? That answer
can be found at The Jones’ house.
The boredom factor
■ It does not take very long for an individual to grow weary of a word or thing or activity. It
takes even less time for a group to tire of its current love. You have no doubt heard of
the “fifteen minutes of fame” phenomenon. Agam Berry says that same rule applies to
catchy contagions.
Is it ADD or is it just me?
■ Agam Berry likens the contagious tendency to the culture at large today. It is a result of
the Information Age, which had its beginnings in the late 70’s and early 80’s. The faster
the information superhighway ran the shorter the average attention span. Today, a
teenager can be texting a person, following a map and making a restaurant
reservation. That multitasking capability leaves us with a quick wit and an even quicker
span of attention. It is not ADD as the heading suggests. It’s a patience level. If the
world is moving at 100 miles per hour, a fad cannot go at 40 or 50 which they often do.
Thus, today you are hot, tomorrow you are not. Groovy huh?
Ways to Make Mobile Users
HappierMost smartphones today are so powerful that they can load traditional web pages.
However, that isn’t an excuse for website owners to avoid developing mobile landing pages.
That’s because mobile users have a higher conversion rate compared to those browsing
with their desktops or laptops.
■ Mobile landing pages are essentially the same as regular sales pages. They should still
contain the following elements:
■ Balanced text and graphics.
■ Short but memorable headings.
■ A Call-to-action.
■ Social proof or solid statistics.
■ The only difference is the lay-out and design of said elements.
Be Wary of Screen Size
■ Mobile phones and tablets have smaller screens compared to computers; hence they
tend to compress pages to make them fit. Knowing this, website designers should trim
where they can. Seven-word headings should be trimmed down to three or four words.
Similarly, five line statistics should be limited to two or three.
■ The user should be able to see the entire page without zooming. This means placing
large fonts against simple backgrounds. Also, the fewer the items, the better the
mobile landing page will be.
Be Touch Sensitive
■ Eliminating excess clutter on mobile pages also helps make the page more touch
sensitive. It’s frustrating for customers to try and click on links when they’re all too
close together.
■ To address this, make sure to retain some white space around links so that users
can only click the links they’re aiming for. Similarly, icons, buttons and links should
be clickable even without zooming.
■ When used properly, white space and large buttons make for a sophisticated and
contemporary looking web pages.
Use a Single Call-To-Action
■ Many websites use multiple calls-to-action to cater to the different needs of their
clients. However, mobile phone pages can be difficult to navigate; hence, using a
single call-to-action is important. The call should be as simple as “call now” or “find
the nearest store”.
■ In addition, mobile users will often leave a page without scrolling down. So make
sure to place the CTA within the top section of the landing page. If scrolling to see
the CTA is inevitable, make sure to add a teaser that attracts the attention of the
user and prompts him to see the offer below.
Be Wary of Loading Times
■ Mobile users won’t wait for slow loading pages so always keep mobile landing
pages lightweight. As a rule of thumb, mobile pages should be less than 20 KB or
should load in 5 seconds or less.
■ To speed up loading times, remove any unnecessary images or texts. Also,
eliminate videos that auto-play. If the video is necessary, turn into a click-to-play
video to make it qualify as a call-to-action button.
Be Wary of Page Scaling
■ Smartphones and tablets have autorotation options, which means web pages need
to look good both in portrait and landscape view. Similarly, make sure the pages
will look good on multiple platforms and devices. There are hundreds of screen
sizes for tablets and smartphones so it may be wise to use a responsive design
that adapts to them all.
■ Developing a mobile webpage that’s separate from the company’s main webpage
can seem costly and time-consuming. However, considering that almost 90% of
mobile surfers convert within 24 hours of their visit, ignoring their needs may be
much more costly.
Three Email Marketing Essentials Agam Berry Uses To
Increase Conversions
■ All of the traffic generation you do, whether it’s search engine optimization, Google
AdWords, media buys, or mailing solo ads usually only brings a visitor to your site
one time. You have one shot to convert them into a buyer or their gone forever.
Unless you have an email marketing safety net in place.
■ Instead of sending all of your traffic to your main sales page, consider sending
them to a squeeze page and offer something for free (even just a small video or
PDF) in exchange for their opt-in to your email mailing list. This will allow you to
send them emails and keep them going back to your offers on multiple occasions.
■ Once you have a mailing list, Agam Berry stresses that acquisition is simply not
enough—you have to actively market to that list and get the back to your money
site as often as possible, and convert them to buyers. Here are a few tips he uses
to increase your email marketing conversions:
Always Split Test Headlines
■ No matter how many people are on your list, take a small section of them and send
each a different headline before sending to your entire list. If you find the first headline
has a 38% open rate while the second headline has a 57% open rate, you would have
been seriously damaging yourself had you gone with your first headline straight out of
the gate.
Understand Your List’s Email Client
■ This may surprise you, but a huge portion of your list will probably be opening their
email on their phone. On some business email lists, as many as 40%–that’s nearly
half—of all subscribers view the email on their mobile device. When you send an email
to a client that opens it on a smartphone, the amount of headline space you’re going to
have is reduced—keep than in mind with split testing.
■ This is also key information to how you client makes their next move. If you are sending
them to your website but almost half of them are coming from a mobile device, how do
you think the conversions will be if your company doesn’t have a mobile or dynamic site
in place?
Don’t Poison The Stream
■ No one wants to be sold to all the time. Actually, no one wants to know they’re being
sold to ever. Instead of taking a “buy now!” approach to all of your emails; Agam Berry
suggests you go with a content marketing approach instead. Offer high-quality
information through your emails so people actually look forward to what you have to
say. Your open rates will skyrocket and your conversion rates will do the same.
Internet Marketing Tips For Small Business
In the last decade, there has been a huge shift in how advertising practices are being
conducted by small businesses. With nearly half a million new businesses starting up
every year, new owners are letting the allure of internet marketing attract them like
bugs to a light trap. If you are a business owner and are thinking about taking your
marketing efforts online follow the tips Agam Berry has lined up for you; it could mean
the difference between failure and success:
The basic principles of marketing have not gone anywhere.
■ You have to think of the internet as a medium to your marketing efforts. It is
different than other mediums, but the basics of marketing stay the same no
matter where you’re advertising whether it’s online, in a newspaper, on TV, or the
■ When doing social media marketing and you post a video on YouTube, you still
need to have your business contact information prominently displayed like you
would a TV advertisement, you still need a strong call to action like you would in a
print ad.
■ Don’t fall into the trap of thinking internet marketing is a different kind of
marketing altogether—it’s still the same marketing, just done on a different
The business with the most followers isn’t always the most successful marketer.
■ Social media marketing has left many small business owners scratching their
head. They don’t know how to properly engaged their audience and give them what
they want to convert them from interested prospects into repeat buyers. When the
conversions on social media accounts remain low, the business owner decides the
problem is they need more followers and fans.
■ This usually drives them down a path Agam Berry strong warns again: if you are
thinking about buying followers or fans, don’t do it. They’re usually bots and won’t
add anything to your bottom line. Instead, focus on providing quality information
and engagement through your social media channels; your fanbase will increase
along with your conversions.
Don’t bounce from strategy to strategy.
■ You’ll never get anywhere if you don’t create one solid internet marketing plan and
stick to it. If you decide on PPC adword campaigns one day, you spend a few
hundred dollars on keywords and don’t really get anything out of it and
subsequently decide to move on to social media as your core marketing strategy,
you’re setting yourself up for failure.
■ If you decide to do PPC, do PPC. Just do it properly. Every internet marketing plan
takes a lot of testing and patience (especially in the beginning). If you give up too
early and move from theory to theory, you’re never going to get anywhere.
Agam Berry Lists Three Most Common
Traps For Internet Marketers
■ When you just start out in internet marketing, whether you’re an entrepreneur
wanting to make information product sales or you’re a start-up company with a
new product you want to sell or you are an established business looking to take
their service on the web, you’re probably looking at the internet as a goldmine for
making money.
■ It can be, if done correctly, but it can also go very, very wrong if you don’t know
what you’re doing. Agam Berry, a long time successful internet marketer and SEO
expert, reveals three things you need to watch out for as a newbie:
Information Overload
■ There are so many products available today on just about every aspect of internet marketing
possible. If you want to learn how to do SEO you’re going to have thousands of different products
available using tons of different techniques covering every aspect of SEO, from entire books on
choosing the right keyword to huge video courses on social media backlinking.
■ It’s easy to get caught up in this type of information. If you spend all of your time reading about
different strategies for different aspects of internet marketing, you won’t be spending time
actually doing anything. Learning is important, but it doesn’t matter how much you know if you
never take action. Stop getting lost in a sea of information and start implementing a strategy.
Failure To Test
■ If you aren’t testing everything you do in your internet marketing venture, you are going to lose
sales. Period. No one has the ability to do everything right the first time and your gut feeling is
going to only take you so far. If you feel like a headline for your email marketing campaign will be
a real winner, test it against something else anyway. You could be surprised at how wrong you
■ The same thing goes for keywords. One keyword might look like it will deliver a lot of traffic, and it
might, but it might not perform as well as a different set of keywords. Always test to see which
campaigns are going to be better for your business. In the long term, this could be the difference
in making a lot of money and failing completely.
Focusing On Statistics and Not Sales
■ It might sound great to be able to tell someone you are rank one for 15 different keywords. But if
those keywords are only bringing in 1 sale per month, combined, is it really worth boasting about?
No matter what you want to do make sure you are looking at how it’s affecting your bottom line.
Having a mailing list of 10,000 people but only generating $1,000 per month is not as good as a
list that is only 2,500 people but bring in $4,500 in new business.
Agam berry | Serial Entrepreneur

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Agam berry | Serial Entrepreneur

  • 2. Agam Berry Serial Entrepreneur New York Marketing and Advertising Current: Hiringz Previous: CPXI Education: Panjab University
  • 3. Summary ■ I've been a full time entrepreneur for 7 years now and I built my first start up at 16. Big problems excite me. I love challenges and being told something cant be done. There is nothing more satisfying for me than being told something cant be done and then going out and doing it! ■ I've been involved in the advertising industry for a majority of my time as an entrepreneur and recently we started working on fixing one of the most mundane and boring task in running a business ie Hiring. Experience ■ Co-Founder ■ Hirinz ■ April 2013 – Present (3 years 8 months)Hiringz is a Free, Modern, Hiring Software. Hiring is currently impossible to organize since most companies still use email/paper/excel sheets. We are fixing that. Head of Product Development ■ CPXi ■ September 2012 – April 2013 (8 months)Greater New York City AreaCPXi is a display ad network with over 5B impressions a day. I worked on the new disruptive technology initiatives inside of CPX.
  • 4. Languages ■ Hindi ■ English ■ Punjabi Skills ■ Online advertising ■ SEM ■ PPC ■ Digital marketing ■ SEO ■ Start-ups ■ Affiliate marketing ■ Online marketing ■ Advertising ■ Google adwords
  • 5. Agam also knows about. ■ Google analytics ■ Web marketing ■ Web analytics ■ Conversion optimization ■ Website development ■ Marketting communication ■ Panjab University ■ B.Tech, Mechanical Enginnering ■ 2006 – 2010 Panjab University was ranked as the best University in India by the Times Higher Education (THE) rankings in 2013. Additional Info Interest ■ Copy writing, Digital photography, Digital advertising, psychology Personal details ■ Birthday: septmber 15
  • 6. How Bitcoin Transactions Work by Agam Berry■ Bitcoin transactions are digitally signed and are sent to and from electronic Bitcoin wallets. The history of a transaction on a Bitcoin can easily be traced back to the production point. The idea of having a Bitcoin is to spend it even though some people like holding it waiting for prices to shoot. ■ Agam Berry notes that one funny thing about Bitcoins is that they are neither here nor there. You can have Bitcoins, but when you look at your Bitcoin address, you may not see any Bitcoins registered on it. It’s just not a physical object you can point at. ■ The key thing to watch is transactions, and that’s what you see between different Bitcoin addresses. The Blockchain is a vast general ledger that stores every transaction that takes place in Bitcoins. If you want to establish the balance of a given Bitcoin address, you must view the block chain.
  • 7. What’s the Nature of Bitcoin Transactions? ■ Agam Berry explains this concept by using an example. If John sends some Bitcoins to Mary, three pieces of information including input, amount and output will be generated from this transaction. Input indicates which Bitcoin address was used to send the Bitcoins to John in the first instance (say from Ken), amount represents the amount of Bitcoins John is sending to Mary and an output is Mary’s Bitcoin address. ■ You need two things to send Bitcoins; a private key and a Bitcoin address. Agam Berry posits that, unlike a bank account, you don’t need an ID and loads of paperwork to set up a Bitcoin address. These addresses are simply sequences of numbers and letters generated randomly. The private key is another set of random letters and numbers, which the user must keep secret. Everyone knows what’s in your Bitcoin account put only your private keys can access it, and that’s why it must be kept secret. ■ If you want to send Bitcoins, you need your private key to sign a message with the input, amount and the output. You then send them from your Bitcoin wallet to the Bitcoin network. Bitcoin miners will then verify the transaction, putting it into a transaction block to be solved. ■ Agam Berry says that you have to wait until the miners have finished mining for your transactions to clear, because it must be certified. The standard time for mining a Bitcoin is usually 10 minutes although some merchants may keep you waiting longer to get your digital goods, because they may prefer to wait for the block to be confirmed.
  • 8. Contagious as seen by Agam Berry ■ Contagious brings many thoughts to mind for most people. Some may think of laughter and others of religion. Agam Berry is keen on the idea of how trends get started, how fads move and how things catch on. Here he presents an expose on how catchy things are “contagious”. Some totally tubular thoughts ■ When a buzzword or catch phrase appears in the American Lexicon the penetration is deep and effective. One would not have to go 5 minutes into the internet to see a contagious thing. Agam Berry illustrates this by asking Facebook users (catchy itself) if they have heard of “Candy Crush”. Most will say yes, and those who do not are not on Facebook. That phenomenon is the crux of the contagious conundrum. ■ Catchy things that spread like wildfire are new to this generation but not necessarily new to the human race. In the 1980’s for example, the “valley girl” contagion took the California coast by storm. It wasn’t long after that movies were sporting the colloquialisms. Before the nation saw what happened, the teen class had gone “radical, dude”. How catchy becomes contagious ■ Common understanding can lead us to the answer to how catchy becomes contagious. Humans are pack-driven. We like to hang in groups. While in those groups, we want to see commonality. A common thread regarding thoughts, behaviors and so on leads to a comfortable ad predictable life situation. From that idea comes the understanding of catchy. “The Jones” family is the imagined success story with whom the rest of us would like to stand. That same application works for us wanting to be associated to a
  • 9. How catchy comes and goes ■ So if the feeling of inclusiveness goes along with the contagiousness of commonality, then how does the “flavor of the day” become milquetoast and forgotten? That answer can be found at The Jones’ house. The boredom factor ■ It does not take very long for an individual to grow weary of a word or thing or activity. It takes even less time for a group to tire of its current love. You have no doubt heard of the “fifteen minutes of fame” phenomenon. Agam Berry says that same rule applies to catchy contagions. Is it ADD or is it just me? ■ Agam Berry likens the contagious tendency to the culture at large today. It is a result of the Information Age, which had its beginnings in the late 70’s and early 80’s. The faster the information superhighway ran the shorter the average attention span. Today, a teenager can be texting a person, following a map and making a restaurant reservation. That multitasking capability leaves us with a quick wit and an even quicker span of attention. It is not ADD as the heading suggests. It’s a patience level. If the world is moving at 100 miles per hour, a fad cannot go at 40 or 50 which they often do. Thus, today you are hot, tomorrow you are not. Groovy huh?
  • 10. Ways to Make Mobile Users HappierMost smartphones today are so powerful that they can load traditional web pages. However, that isn’t an excuse for website owners to avoid developing mobile landing pages. That’s because mobile users have a higher conversion rate compared to those browsing with their desktops or laptops. ■ Mobile landing pages are essentially the same as regular sales pages. They should still contain the following elements: ■ Balanced text and graphics. ■ Short but memorable headings. ■ A Call-to-action. ■ Social proof or solid statistics. ■ The only difference is the lay-out and design of said elements. Be Wary of Screen Size ■ Mobile phones and tablets have smaller screens compared to computers; hence they tend to compress pages to make them fit. Knowing this, website designers should trim where they can. Seven-word headings should be trimmed down to three or four words. Similarly, five line statistics should be limited to two or three. ■ The user should be able to see the entire page without zooming. This means placing large fonts against simple backgrounds. Also, the fewer the items, the better the mobile landing page will be.
  • 11. Be Touch Sensitive ■ Eliminating excess clutter on mobile pages also helps make the page more touch sensitive. It’s frustrating for customers to try and click on links when they’re all too close together. ■ To address this, make sure to retain some white space around links so that users can only click the links they’re aiming for. Similarly, icons, buttons and links should be clickable even without zooming. ■ When used properly, white space and large buttons make for a sophisticated and contemporary looking web pages. Use a Single Call-To-Action ■ Many websites use multiple calls-to-action to cater to the different needs of their clients. However, mobile phone pages can be difficult to navigate; hence, using a single call-to-action is important. The call should be as simple as “call now” or “find the nearest store”. ■ In addition, mobile users will often leave a page without scrolling down. So make sure to place the CTA within the top section of the landing page. If scrolling to see the CTA is inevitable, make sure to add a teaser that attracts the attention of the user and prompts him to see the offer below.
  • 12. Be Wary of Loading Times ■ Mobile users won’t wait for slow loading pages so always keep mobile landing pages lightweight. As a rule of thumb, mobile pages should be less than 20 KB or should load in 5 seconds or less. ■ To speed up loading times, remove any unnecessary images or texts. Also, eliminate videos that auto-play. If the video is necessary, turn into a click-to-play video to make it qualify as a call-to-action button. Be Wary of Page Scaling ■ Smartphones and tablets have autorotation options, which means web pages need to look good both in portrait and landscape view. Similarly, make sure the pages will look good on multiple platforms and devices. There are hundreds of screen sizes for tablets and smartphones so it may be wise to use a responsive design that adapts to them all. ■ Developing a mobile webpage that’s separate from the company’s main webpage can seem costly and time-consuming. However, considering that almost 90% of mobile surfers convert within 24 hours of their visit, ignoring their needs may be much more costly.
  • 13. Three Email Marketing Essentials Agam Berry Uses To Increase Conversions ■ All of the traffic generation you do, whether it’s search engine optimization, Google AdWords, media buys, or mailing solo ads usually only brings a visitor to your site one time. You have one shot to convert them into a buyer or their gone forever. Unless you have an email marketing safety net in place. ■ Instead of sending all of your traffic to your main sales page, consider sending them to a squeeze page and offer something for free (even just a small video or PDF) in exchange for their opt-in to your email mailing list. This will allow you to send them emails and keep them going back to your offers on multiple occasions. ■ Once you have a mailing list, Agam Berry stresses that acquisition is simply not enough—you have to actively market to that list and get the back to your money site as often as possible, and convert them to buyers. Here are a few tips he uses to increase your email marketing conversions:
  • 14. Always Split Test Headlines ■ No matter how many people are on your list, take a small section of them and send each a different headline before sending to your entire list. If you find the first headline has a 38% open rate while the second headline has a 57% open rate, you would have been seriously damaging yourself had you gone with your first headline straight out of the gate. Understand Your List’s Email Client ■ This may surprise you, but a huge portion of your list will probably be opening their email on their phone. On some business email lists, as many as 40%–that’s nearly half—of all subscribers view the email on their mobile device. When you send an email to a client that opens it on a smartphone, the amount of headline space you’re going to have is reduced—keep than in mind with split testing. ■ This is also key information to how you client makes their next move. If you are sending them to your website but almost half of them are coming from a mobile device, how do you think the conversions will be if your company doesn’t have a mobile or dynamic site in place? Don’t Poison The Stream ■ No one wants to be sold to all the time. Actually, no one wants to know they’re being sold to ever. Instead of taking a “buy now!” approach to all of your emails; Agam Berry suggests you go with a content marketing approach instead. Offer high-quality information through your emails so people actually look forward to what you have to say. Your open rates will skyrocket and your conversion rates will do the same.
  • 15. Internet Marketing Tips For Small Business Owners In the last decade, there has been a huge shift in how advertising practices are being conducted by small businesses. With nearly half a million new businesses starting up every year, new owners are letting the allure of internet marketing attract them like bugs to a light trap. If you are a business owner and are thinking about taking your marketing efforts online follow the tips Agam Berry has lined up for you; it could mean the difference between failure and success: The basic principles of marketing have not gone anywhere. ■ You have to think of the internet as a medium to your marketing efforts. It is different than other mediums, but the basics of marketing stay the same no matter where you’re advertising whether it’s online, in a newspaper, on TV, or the radio. ■ When doing social media marketing and you post a video on YouTube, you still need to have your business contact information prominently displayed like you would a TV advertisement, you still need a strong call to action like you would in a print ad. ■ Don’t fall into the trap of thinking internet marketing is a different kind of marketing altogether—it’s still the same marketing, just done on a different
  • 16. The business with the most followers isn’t always the most successful marketer. ■ Social media marketing has left many small business owners scratching their head. They don’t know how to properly engaged their audience and give them what they want to convert them from interested prospects into repeat buyers. When the conversions on social media accounts remain low, the business owner decides the problem is they need more followers and fans. ■ This usually drives them down a path Agam Berry strong warns again: if you are thinking about buying followers or fans, don’t do it. They’re usually bots and won’t add anything to your bottom line. Instead, focus on providing quality information and engagement through your social media channels; your fanbase will increase along with your conversions. Don’t bounce from strategy to strategy. ■ You’ll never get anywhere if you don’t create one solid internet marketing plan and stick to it. If you decide on PPC adword campaigns one day, you spend a few hundred dollars on keywords and don’t really get anything out of it and subsequently decide to move on to social media as your core marketing strategy, you’re setting yourself up for failure. ■ If you decide to do PPC, do PPC. Just do it properly. Every internet marketing plan takes a lot of testing and patience (especially in the beginning). If you give up too early and move from theory to theory, you’re never going to get anywhere.
  • 17. Agam Berry Lists Three Most Common Traps For Internet Marketers ■ When you just start out in internet marketing, whether you’re an entrepreneur wanting to make information product sales or you’re a start-up company with a new product you want to sell or you are an established business looking to take their service on the web, you’re probably looking at the internet as a goldmine for making money. ■ It can be, if done correctly, but it can also go very, very wrong if you don’t know what you’re doing. Agam Berry, a long time successful internet marketer and SEO expert, reveals three things you need to watch out for as a newbie:
  • 18. Information Overload ■ There are so many products available today on just about every aspect of internet marketing possible. If you want to learn how to do SEO you’re going to have thousands of different products available using tons of different techniques covering every aspect of SEO, from entire books on choosing the right keyword to huge video courses on social media backlinking. ■ It’s easy to get caught up in this type of information. If you spend all of your time reading about different strategies for different aspects of internet marketing, you won’t be spending time actually doing anything. Learning is important, but it doesn’t matter how much you know if you never take action. Stop getting lost in a sea of information and start implementing a strategy. Failure To Test ■ If you aren’t testing everything you do in your internet marketing venture, you are going to lose sales. Period. No one has the ability to do everything right the first time and your gut feeling is going to only take you so far. If you feel like a headline for your email marketing campaign will be a real winner, test it against something else anyway. You could be surprised at how wrong you were. ■ The same thing goes for keywords. One keyword might look like it will deliver a lot of traffic, and it might, but it might not perform as well as a different set of keywords. Always test to see which campaigns are going to be better for your business. In the long term, this could be the difference in making a lot of money and failing completely. Focusing On Statistics and Not Sales ■ It might sound great to be able to tell someone you are rank one for 15 different keywords. But if those keywords are only bringing in 1 sale per month, combined, is it really worth boasting about? No matter what you want to do make sure you are looking at how it’s affecting your bottom line. Having a mailing list of 10,000 people but only generating $1,000 per month is not as good as a list that is only 2,500 people but bring in $4,500 in new business.