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Profit From Places

          Presented By
        Samuel Mowe Of

The publisher has made every effort to be as accurate and complete as possible
in this report, notwithstanding the fact that he does not warrant or represent at
any time that the contents within are accurate due to the rapidly changing
nature of the Internet.

While all attempts have been made to verify information in this report, the
publisher accepts no responsibility for errors, omissions or contrary
interpretation of the subject matter within. Any perceived slights of specific
persons, peoples or organizations are unintentional.

This book is a step by step guide to generating free traffic. In practical advice
books like this there is no guarantee of results, traffic or income. Readers are
cautioned to rely on their own judgement about their individual circumstances
and abilities to act accordingly.

This book is not intended to be used as a source of legal, business, accounting or
financial advice. All readers are encouraged to seek services of competent
professionals in the legal, business, accounting and financial fields.

All Rights Reserved

No part of this report may be reproduced or transmitted in any form whatsoever,
electronic, or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any
informational storage or retrieval without express written, dated and signed
permission from the author.

© Samuel Mowe                            2 
Table of Contents


Taking Stock Of Your Skills

Pricing Your Services

Finding Customers

Approaching Customers

Creating A Website

Additional Services

Customer Service

Working Smart, Not Hard



© Samuel Mowe                                                                   3            

Whilst many of us spend out time focusing on the Internet to make money we
are missing a big opportunity that is literally sat on our doorsteps. By stepping
away from the Internet and heading out of your door you can find lots of people
who will be very willing to pay you good money for your knowledge.

There are a lot of smaller companies out there who can’t afford to hire a full time
IT person and are desperate to improve their business. By selling them a
website you are helping them to overcome some of the challenges facing these
smaller companies by helping them to improve their customer reach and provide
a higher level of customer services.

There are a lot of these companies that are desperate to get themselves online
so they can reach out to more customers and have an asset working for them
around the clock instead of just through business hours.

The Internet allows many companies to expand their geographic customer reach
from their local area to literally the entire planet! For smaller companies this
can be a life saver, particularly in the current tough economic climate.

These companies don’t have the knowledge themselves to get online and don’t
know what they are doing. They are wary of trusting an outsider in case they
are out to scam them, but by contacting them and providing them with a high
class service you will find that they will be happy to take on your services if you
know what you are doing.

Offline marketing is a great way to very easily find extra cash when you need it.
You can literally go out tomorrow and sell several thousand dollars worth of
business to local companies who are desperate to take on your services.

© Samuel Mowe                            4 
This program has been designed to show you how you can make money from
selling Internet services (not just SEO or website designs) to offline clients nad
pocket a good amount of cash from it.

Unlike other programs, this one will show you how to interact with your
customers and how to make good money from them whilst providing them with
an excellent service. You’ll learn how you can create a residual income from
offline marketing and free up your time to help you live the dream.

Amongst other things you will learn how to …

   •   Take stock of your skills and what you can sell to offline companies
   •   Price your services for maximum sales
   •   Find and approach clients to maximize your chance of making a sale
   •   Meet with your clients and talk to them to ensure your success
   •   Create a client website
   •   Monetize your sales further with additional services
   •   And much more
There are a lot of opportunities in the offline world and by taking some action
you could earn a lot of good money from it. Follow through this course and you
can make some excellent money from offline marketing.

© Samuel Mowe                            5 
Taking Stock Of Your Skills

The first thing you need to do is to decide what services you can sell people.
You may be wondering what you know and what you can sell, but you will be
surprised by how much you know and how much you can do with what you

You don’t need to know everything in order to make money as an offline
marketer, all you need to know is more than your clients and where to get the
information you don’t know.

This is where a lot of marketers fail on offline marketing is they think they need
to know everything in order to succeed – you don’t. Even a fledgling Internet
marketer will know enough to create a website for a client and market it
successfully, and if they don’t then they can very quickly learn.

These companies need to get online but they also need to make being online
profitable for them. And that is where you come in. You provide them a service
and show them how to profit from the Internet and they will pay you money with
a smile on their face.

The key is for you to show them the Return On Investment (ROI) that they can
get from a website and how they can profit and improve their business from the
Internet. When you can show them how their website can make money they will
love your service and keep coming back to you.

There are many things that you can sell to them to help them make money

   •    A website
   •    Updating an existing website
   •    A customer mailing list (autoresponder)
   •    SEO Services to get their website ranking
   •    Domain names

© Samuel Mowe                            6 
•   Website hosting
   •   Facebook fan pages
   •   Social networking support
   •   Pay per click campaign management

Companies will buy this and much more from you if, and only if, you can
demonstrate the value of what you are offering them. It is up to you to show
them the benefits to their business, and this is going to make sure you make

The Internet can help them to increase their customer base by reaching out to
more customers and improving their customer services through information,
rapid response, autoresponders and more.

Once they realise that a website isn’t just there to look pretty and is there to
make money they will be very interested in your services. Many of these
companies know that the Internet is where people spend money but they don’t
know how to use it.

You are the expert and can show them how they can leverage a website and the
Internet to reduce their advertising costs, increase their profits and improve
their customer relationships.

As more and more people are turning to the Internet not only to make
purchases but to look for information, companies that aren’t online are missing
out on potential customers.

If you take some time now and write out all the things that you can do and all
the services you can offer then you can start thinking about pricing and how you
can get in touch with these companies to sell them your services. Remember,
this is something that has a huge profit margin for you!

© Samuel Mowe                            7 
Pricing Your Services

One of the many things that people struggle with when offline marketing is
pricing. They struggle to set the prices right because they don’t know how much
their knowledge is valued by people who don’t know.

It’s important that your price is right for your clients. This does not mean you
sell your services very cheap, but you have to reflect the value of your services
to them. The price you set reflects your costs (both direct and indirect) and the
value of your services to your clients.

If what you are offering makes your clients money and improves their business
then they will be happy to pay for it. If it doesn’t, then they will not.

Unfortunately there is no standard pricing formula you can use as the price
depends upon many things including your geographic location and the
competition in your area. The market in downtown Manhattan will bear higher
prices than a rural community in the mid west.

You need to have an understanding of the economy and competition in your area
in order to set your price properly. You can check out the competition in your
area to see what they are charging and that will give you an idea of what you
can charge. You can often phone your competition as a potential client to get an
idea of the prices they charge.

One of the important things is to ensure that you do not rip them off. So long as
you are honest and open and provide them with a good service then they will
not regret taking on your services.

Some people are selling simple five page websites for around $500 and
sometimes more and often they are charging $250 plus for an autoresponder.
Whilst these prices don’t represent the actual cost of the services they do

© Samuel Mowe                             8 
represent the value of the knowledge in your head and the expertise you are
bringing to the table.

Other services that can make you good money include setting up and managing
Facebook fan pages. This is a very hot subject at the moment and a lot of small
companies can benefit from having these pages created for them – particularly if
you are going to work to add fans for them.

At the end of the day the price of your services will reflect the value that they
get from your services as well as the strength of competition in your local
geographic area.

You don’t want to advertise your prices on any of your promotional material
because you want some flexibility in your pricing and to be able to “do a deal” to
seal a contract. Sometimes offering a years free hosting and domain name
registration (which costs very little) will help you to get a deal worth hundreds or
even thousands of dollars.

By having some room for negotiation you can ensure the companies you are
dealing with get good value and you earn a decent amount of money from them.
Sadly there is no standard pricing formula so you are going to have to work it
out a little through investigation and trial. Remember you can always ask what
other quotes the companies you are approaching have received in order to
ensure you get an accurate price.

© Samuel Mowe                            9 
Finding Customers

The key to succeeding with offline marketing is having the right price and having
the right customers. Actually finding people to sell services to is where many
people fall down and struggle, so this chapter is designed to help you
understand where you can find good quality customers without too much hard

Marketing offline does mean that you have to deal with real people, often face to
face and over the phone. For some people this is something that they struggle
with, but if you can do it (and it’s not hard when you get to it) then you will find
offline marketing to be very profitable indeed.

If you aren’t comfortable dealing with people yourself in person or over the
phone then you need to find someone who is and engage their services as a
business partner in this.

The best way, by far, to find clients is through word of mouth. The next few
sub-sections will give you some more ideas, but personal referrals are the best

You can also advertise locally in newspapers or on somewhere like Craigslist or
even in trade publications or other local publications, e.g. Church magazines,

Of course, there is nothing to stop you looking through the yellow pages to find
clients though you don’t know how big they are from their advert, but you could
approach anyone that doesn’t have a website on their advert as a potential

Driving around local business and industrial areas is a good way to find clients
because you can directly see the companies and walk in to get contact details, if
appropriate. At the very least you can get company names and phone numbers
from your drive by.

© Samuel Mowe                            10 
Make sure that when you are approaching these companies you are professional
at all times. This means in your appearance, how you talk to them and how you
interact with them. You are your business and if you are unprofessional you will
find you struggle to get business. Looking the part often helps massively, so
make sure you look like a professional when you meet with potential clients.

When you talk to them make sure you talk to them in their language and not in
techno-babble because you will put them off. You may understand a lot of these
terms but it is meaningless to them. If you can explain what you can do and the
benefit in language they can easily understand and relate to them you will find it
easier to get the sale.

With some creative thought and a professional approach you will find offline
marketing remarkably easy. You can literally go out tomorrow w and sell
thousands of dollars worth of business much easier than you thought.

       Finding Customers Through Friends And Family

Your friends and family know other friends and family who you do not know.
You should make sure that your friends and family know all about your business
and are willing to tell others about it. Chances are that unless your online
business is pornography, most of your friends and family will be glad to help you
with this endeavor.

A great deal of business is had by word of mouth. Think about it - when was the
last time you needed some work done on your car or on your house? What did
you do to find the person to do the work? Most people will turn to friends and
family and ask them if they know anyone who does this type of work. There is
no better marketing than viral marketing. Word of mouth does better than any
other type of advertising. So it sure pays to get your friends and family in on
the act.

Make sure that you talk to your friends and family about your business and
explain to them exactly what services or products you provide for others. Be
sure to tell them that you are successful in this business and how much others
are enjoying what you have to offer. Friends and family are just like anyone
else - more apt to proudly proclaim about a successful business than one that

© Samuel Mowe                           11
they think is a failing enterprise. Be sure that you give them your business
cards and then ask them to do just as you do, and give your cards out to others
who may be interested in your services.

Your friends and family will probably not be as diligent about giving out your
cards and discussing your business as you are, but if you continue to talk about
your business with them, without making it the central topic of every
conversation that you have with them and never asking about them, they are
more inclined to help you get customers. When they hear of someone who can
use the services and products that you provide, they can give them your
information or your card. This is how you can spread your marketing efforts.

You can even encourage customers that you have had in the past to do the
same. One way to get others to listen to what you have to say is through
testimonials from other customers. You can offer discounts to customers who
bring in any business. You can even use this tactic on your friends and family as
well. You can provide them with something for free in order to get them to
better promote your business. Cable companies do this all the time by asking
you to get friends and family to join up by offering you free cable for a month.
You can use this same marketing tactic for your online business.

Another way that you can get friends and family into the act is to have them
host a party where you can explain your business to others. This is similar to
hostess parties that are still used today to sell a variety of different products
that are usually part of a multi level marketing plan. Again, when you make
your pitch to those at this party, you should always stress that you are offering
something that can help them. Take the focus off of your business and put it
onto others. One of the oldest and still used phrases in the marketing world is
that success is gained through helping others get their needs filled. You never
want to come off like a carnival barker when you are trying to promote a
business, especially when you do so at a function that is hosted by one of your
friends or family.

Make sure that everyone you know understands what you do and how you can
help them achieve what they want. The more people you know, the better your
business begins to grow. Not only does this help your business, but it also helps

© Samuel Mowe                            12 
you as well. Too many people who have online businesses complain that they
feel insulated from the outside world as they work on promoting their products
online. Everyone likes to feel connected to other people and marketing your
product in this way, continuing to gain more friends and business associates, is
one of the best ways to not only attain success for your online business, but also
to broaden your horizons with others.

In some cases, you may find that you can share marketing tips with others who
are also in business. You can provide them with what they need by way of
customers, such as sending clients over to them, and they can do the same for
you. Most successful business people network in this way, especially
professionals such as doctors and lawyers. No matter what type of online
business you have, you can use social networking off line as a means to promote
your business.

It starts with friends and family and then goes on from there. The more people
who know about your business, the more chances you have of acquiring
customers.   Remember to keep in touch with existing customers and offer them
incentives so that they can also recommend you to others as well.      Once you
learn how easy viral marketing can be, especially offline, you will start to see a

vast improvement in your online business.

                Spreading The Word Through Groups

Another way that you can use offline promotional tactics to promote your online
business is to join groups of people who you consider to be your target market.
Your target market are those individuals who are likely to want to purchase your
products or services. You should know your target market before you even start
marketing your online business so that you do not waste time in marketing to
the wrong people. While you want to get to as many people as possible for your
sales, there are some people who will not have any use for your product, while
there are others who are looking for what you have to offer. You want to make
sure that you know who you are marketing to before you even begin your
marketing strategy for your business.

© Samuel Mowe                            13
Some online businesses can market to just about anyone. They have a product
or service that just about anyone can use and, in the best scenarios, actually
needs. In other online businesses, however, there is a niche created. Only a
certain group of people will be interested in buying your products or using your

If you have an online business that sells hot new ring tones of the latest music,
your target market is not the local senior citizens in the area. In the same
respect, if you sell products for seniors and older individuals, you do not want to
promote them at the local high school event. You need to know just who is
going to be most likely to want to buy the products or services that you offer in
order to know whom to direct your marketing efforts.

There are many groups, most likely in your area, that you can join where you
will be able to meet people who will be interested in what you have to offer. You
can also go to sites like where you can view different groups in your
area. If you, for example, have an online travel business, you can join a meetup
group for those who like to travel so that you can help them get the travel
information that they need so that they can get to their destinations.

You can also look through groups through your local community centers as well
as churches. Many groups discourage promoting business through these social
groups as they are formed for the purpose of social interaction and not for the
purpose of trying to solicit business. However, you can make use of these
groups just by meeting others and causally mentioning what you do for a living.

One of the first things that people usually ask one another is what they do for a
living, so you would not be out of line in mentioning your online business at any
social group. You should never look as though you came to the group solely for
the purpose of trying to procure business, however, as this is in bad form and
will most likely turn others off, even if they might like what you have to offer.
You never want to come off as you are selling something when you join a social
group, either online or offline. You always want to participate in the group,
make friends and then mention to your friends what you do for a living. Do not
come off like the salesman, come off like the friend.

© Samuel Mowe                            14
There are also other groups that you can join for business owners who are like
yourself such as trade groups. Trade groups are those that get together like
minded business owners and get them to network with one another. When you
join a trade group, the objective is to network with others by not only looking for
business for yourself, but also looking to help them attain business as well. If
you have a trade group in your area that pertains to the type of online business
that you have, you should join in.

Trade groups are also a good way for you to pick up more tips on how to market
your business better, learn new trends within your business and offer you
valuable insight as to how you can get your business to grow. You should never
be insular when you have an online business, or any other business for that
matter. Business ideals are always growing, there are new products and
innovations offered on the market every day and it is important to keep
informed as to what is going on in your business.

You can find trade groups in your area by reading a trade magazine or even
going online and looking for these groups. Interacting with those in person in
trade groups is often more effective than just interacting online with others in
the trade You tend to find those who are more serious about their business and
who have attained a level of success when you join trade groups.

One of the most important things that you can do to promote your online
business is to meet with as many people as possible off line so that you can tell
them about your business, learn about different trends in your business, new
laws that may affect your business and gain more customers. You can do this all
by joining groups. Not only is this a great way for you to grow your business,
but it also gets you out of your house, away from your computer and gives you
the opportunity to meet others.

So many people who have online businesses complain that although they love
the idea of working at home and making their own hours, they do not like the
idea of being insulated from society. By joining both social groups as well as
trade groups, you not only help your business to flourish, but you are also
helping yourself as well.

                   Promotional T-Shirts And Gifts

© Samuel Mowe                           15 
One way that you can advertise your online business off line is to use
promotional gifts such as T-shirts, cups and hats. These are easy enough to get
and less than you think to have printed up, especially if you use an online
printer. There are several good online printing companies that can help you get
what you need when it comes to your promotional gifts.

Before you order promotional gifts for your online business, you first should
have a logo or some sort of design that others will recognize. You can get a logo
in a number of different places, even hiring a graphic designer to design a logo
just for you. There are sites online for just about everything, including those
that offer inexpensive and custom logo design. You are better off to have your
own logo design rather than a design from others so that it is yours exclusively.
As your business continues to grow, you will want customers to associate the
logo with your business so that you can build your brand.

After you have your logo, you can then decide what you want to purchase when
it comes to promotional gift ideas or items. One of the most popular items that
you can get with your name and logo on it is custom pens. People are always
looking for pens, they are relatively inexpensive to order and can be given out to

customers without it costing you a lot of money. If you are looking for a

promotional item that is inexpensive and will portray the name of your business as
well as other pertinent information, you can get promotional pens at an online
printer. You normally have to order the pens in bulk and have a variety from which
to choose.

Another cheap item that you can get is a magnet bearing your business card.
These are relatively inexpensive and you can even make these up on your own
computer, although you usually end up saving money when it comes to time and
ink if you just have them printed. People are always looking for magnets to hold
up things on their refrigerators. You can always be in their thoughts if you give
them a magnet that they will most likely keep in plain sight all of the time.
When they want your business, they will not have to look far as they will have
the magnet. Best of all, these are so cheap to have made that they will hardly
put a dent in your advertising budget.

© Samuel Mowe                            16 
T-shirts are another way that you can advertise your online business. You can
give T-shirts to clients as well as to friends to wear. The great aspect about T-
shirts is that they are worn all of the time, attract attention and tend to get
passed around.    When one person gets tired of wearing a T-shirt, they usually
give it to charity or to another person who will then wear it. You can give T-
shirts bearing the logo and information about your business as gifts as well as
for promotional events.

Hats are yet another promotional item that you can use to advertise your online
business off line. People like hats of all sorts and you can get anything from
cheap visors to golf hats with your logo printed on them. Other items include
drinking bottles, cup holders and even can openers. There are many options
that you can choose from when you opt for promotional items that are printed
with the name and logo of your business.

When you choose to purchase these items at an off line store or printer, you
often have to go through a sales person for the items. If you skip the
middleman and go right to the printer, by using an online printing company,
however, you can usually save quite a bit of money. You should consider buying
your promotional items online and having them shipped to you rather than use
the services of an off line store that will usually end up costing you more money.

Another aspect about using an online printer to print your promotional items is
that there are many sites that are interactive and can actually let you see what
you are getting and what it will look like before you have it printed. This is a
great way to avoid surprises and get the items that you want delivered right to
you the way that you imagine them to be.

You can use promotional items as gifts, to give to charity events or simply to
give to customers, depending on what they are. They are one of the best ways
to make an impact off line when you are trying to advertise any business, be it
an off line business or online business. You can have your website put on your
promotional items as well as e-mail address.

Another item that you may consider is a car wrap. This is a bit more costly than
traditional promotional items like T-shirts and pens, but it can get the word out
about your business every time you go out. This consists of large decals that

© Samuel Mowe                            17 
cover your car and turn it from an ordinary car into an advertising machine. The
good thing about using the car wrap is that you tend to get a lot more exposure
in this way.

Billboards and park benches can also be rented if you are looking to market your
online business. However, one of the best ways that you can spread the word
about your business to others without it costing you a lot of money, and make
others happy at the same time is to make use of promotional gift items that bear
the logo and website of your online business to market your business off line.

                Joining The Chamber Of Commerce

One way that you can also market your online business offline is to use your
local Chamber of Commerce. This is an organization that is found in just about
all cities and towns and usually costs a nominal fee to join. Not only should you
be part of your local Chamber of Commerce, but you should also participate in
any events that the organization holds.

Most Chamber of Commerce events are held so that local people can get a feel
for the local businesses. People are encouraged to shop local and want to get to
know those businesses in the area that can supply them with the goods and
services that they need. Just because you have an online business and not a
store in the town does not mean that you cannot join the Chamber of

When the Chamber of Commerce has events, you should attend and have a
display so that others who visit the event can learn more about your business.
Be sure to have a professional display that will leave no questions in the minds
of individuals as to your business and how it can help them.

You should also be sure that you have plenty of brochures on hand so that those
who are interested in learning more about your business can take them with
them. At most of these events, little bags are given to those who attend so that
they can collect items from the various vendors.

People like to get free items such as pens and key chains, so this is the perfect
time for you to give out your promotional products to those who visit the event.

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Most of the local Chamber of Commerce events are free to the public and are
usually very popular. You should be sure to realize that they are most often
visited by those who live in the community, feel strongly about shopping in the
community and are adults as well as people with children. This is not an event
where teenagers usually frequent, so if you have a product that is marketed
solely to young people, this may not be for you. However, bear in mind that
those young people have parents and grandparents who visit these events and
may be interested in finding out more about your business so that they can get
gifts for young people.

You tend to get a whole dynamic range of people who attend the Chamber of
Commerce events in your town. It can be a good way to meet other business
owners as well as spread the word about your own business. There is no selling
at these events. This is strictly a chance for people to get to know you, learn
something about your business and then decide if they want to use your goods
or services in the future.

The more often people see you around and the more familiar they get with your
business name, the more trust you will build for your business within your
community. It is usually a good idea to join the Chamber of Commerce and
attend events whenever you can so that you can give your business the
exposure that it needs in order to grow. You can also join the committee that
steers the events and come up with some ideas of your own.

Chamber of Commerce committees are organized by local business owners and
are usually always looking for some sort of input that will give their businesses
more exposure in the community as well as get people to shop local. If you
have an online business that caters to local business owners, you should not
only join your own local Chamber of Commerce, but others as well.

In some communities, there are several Chamber of Commerce organizations
that you can join. They have them for the county, for the state and even for the
local area. Take a look at the local Chamber of Commerce first and see what
you need to do to sign up. Find out how many events they have each year and
what you can do to help.     Remember, the more people in town who know about

© Samuel Mowe                           19 
your business, the more potential customers you will have who want to purchase
your goods or services.

                Getting Publicity Through Newspapers

One way that you can get publicity for your online business is through your local
newspaper. Most newspapers have a variety of different ways that you can
advertise and promote your business either for a fee or for free. Some of the
ways that you can use your local newspaper to promote your online business are
the following:

   •   Classified Ads
   •   Sales Positions
   •   Events
   •   Goodwill missions

The most logical place to start to advertise is in the classified section of your
newspaper. You probably have different newspapers that are delivered to your
door as well as subscription newspapers in your area. The best newspapers in
which to advertise are those that are free. These are often called shoppers and
consist mostly of classified ads. People still read the newspapers and still look
for these classified ads. Not all businesses in the area advertise online.

One thing that you need to know when you place a classified ad is that the more
often people see the ad, the more they will come to know your business. You
should not expect to get a barrage of calls or visits to your website based upon
one ad. For this reason, you should sign up to place the ad on a regular basis.
The more people see it, the more familiar they become with your business and
the more they trust it.

You can also place classified ads for help wanted if you are looking for prospects
for an MLM business. You can expect to receive more calls for these type of ads
than you can if you are simply selling something. Many online businesses will
use the ads as a way to get people to come to a seminar or meeting so that they
can learn more about the business. This can be an inexpensive way to get
people to attend your promotion about your business without going through the
expense of seminar. It can also give you one on one time with a prospect.

© Samuel Mowe                            20 
You can also place events ads in the paper or press releases. These are usually
free. Press releases must be written in a way so that they look like news. They
should be timely and inform the public of something that is coming up, or a new
product or service that is available in the area. The best part about placing
press releases in your local paper is that they are free. You must be sure to
word them carefully so that you can make sure they get into the paper. The
papers will usually reject anything that smacks of a sales pitch. For this reason,
you may want to hire a professional copy writer to write your press releases for
you so that they can get into your local paper.

In addition to classified ads, job ads and press releases, you can also do a good
will act for someone in the area and have it written up in the paper. Many local
papers are always looking for human interest stories. If you do an act of
goodwill in the name of your business, you can notify your local paper that you
are doing this charity work and ask that they cover the event. You can get a
great deal of publicity for your business in this way and also build up goodwill in
your community on behalf of your business.

You should look for local papers that have a wide circulation and are usually
mailed out to residents free of charge. Most people enjoy getting these papers
and will read them simply because they are free. You can get quite a bit of
mileage when you take a look at your local newspaper and see what they can do
for you by way of helping you with your business.

© Samuel Mowe                            21
Approaching Customers

When it comes to approaching your potential customers, you need to do it in the
right way. It’s no good you turning up and speaking to any old Joe because the
likelihood is they do not have the authority to make a decision on whether or not
to buy your services.

You need to identify who the right person is at the company for you to speak to.
With a small company this could well be the owner and is unlikely to be an IT
director as they won’t have one of them. You are looking for whoever is in
charge and will sign the check for your services.

You can either walk in to the offices to find out who to speak to or you can
phone them up. Once you know who the right person is then you can approach
them by phone or with a mailing. Having something personally addressed to
them is going to get more attention that something addressed to “The person
who signs the checks” which will just get binned.

If you start by sending them out a mailing then you want to follow it up a few
days later with a phone call where you can explain the benefits of your proposal
and make an appointment to demonstrate and to show them how they can
benefit from what you can do for them.

The face to face meeting is going to help you a lot in selling it because you can
meet them and demonstrate how they are going to benefit from what you are
offering them.

Focus on what’s in it for them throughout the meeting and show them how it can
improve their business and help them make more money and improve their
relationships with their customers.

You are going to profit by them making a profit so you need to focus on how this
is going to improve their business. You can do this by understanding what they

© Samuel Mowe                            22
want to achieve from engaging you. This may involve you interpreting what
they are after and guiding them a little because they don’t fully understand the
technologies or know what they are after.

This is a good opportunity for you to upsell other services or package them in to
a bundle to provide them with great value and you a recurring income.

When you come out of the meeting with an outline agreement you want to
document and return it to them as soon as possible. This is your protection
policy because it outlines what you are going to deliver, when you are going to
deliver it and how much you are going to charge them.

This means that if they change their mind on what they want or they start trying
to add things in to the contract you have a good position to negotiate from. It
also means that if you deliver it and then they say it wasn’t what they wanted
you have a document to prove it was.

Make sure they sign a copy of this agreement and send it back to you.

Agree the deadlines and milestones with them and make sure they are
documented and you stick to them. Ensure there is enough time for you
complete the work.

Make sure you keep in contact with them whilst you are working on their
project. You don’t have to phone them every day, but agree to speak once a
week just to update and ensure everything is going ok.

Once you have delivered the project and shown them how to use it (remember
the training can be chargeable) then you need you need to keep in contact with
them afterwards and sell them other services and products and provide them
with support. This is your opportunity to help them make the most of the
Internet and for you to continue to earn from them whilst providing value to

© Samuel Mowe                           23
Creating A Website

When it comes to creating a website for them you need to really use Wordpress.
It is the ideal platform because it is easy to use and install, can be expanded and
customized very easily and is optimized for the search engines.

The other advantage of Wordpress is that it is very easy for them to use and
update. This means they can add and edit content without having to ask you to
do it all the time. It depends on your business plan but you may want to charge
them a maintenance fee each month for doing the work on their website. It’s a
personal preference.

You will need to get a theme designed that is customised to meet their
requirements. You can find designers on many of the freelancer sites who will
create you a theme for under $100. Make sure that the company is happy with
the theme and that you can employ the designer to make any tweaks.

It needs to make their requirements and look good for their customers. It has
to be good looking, not cluttered and easy to navigate around. You don’t want a
website which is confusing or hard to read. Think about the target market as
well and ensure it looks good for them and is usable by them. If their target
market is older people than you will need to use larger fonts. A younger
audience will require a trendier website.

By using Wordpress you can reduce your costs and make it easier for you to set
up and maintain the website. It’s going to streamline your business, which is
very important for when you start getting more clients in.

© Samuel Mowe                           24
Additional Services

A website and Google places is one thing you can sell your customers but there
are many other things that you can sell them as well. Some of these can be sold
at the time you are selling the original project but many of these can be sold
later on after a successful project.

In some cases, people will want to try out your services and see how good you
are before committing to further services. With some customers you will find
that they will give you a small piece of work as a tester and then when you
prove reliable they will give you additional work.

When you complete a project you want to keep in contact with your client either
via a newsletter or regular mailings. This gives you the opportunity to sell other
services not just by selling but also by educating. If you send out useful
information to them that will help them improve their business, telling them
about technologies and the like they could use then they are likely to get in
contact to buy these services from you.

This keeping them informed is a great idea because they will be interested in
new developments and services that could help them make more money and
work better with their customers. Remember this is very important to them
because it is how they make money and if you can help them make money then
they will pay you good money.

There are many new software and services coming out all the time that could
benefit your customers and so it is your responsibility to help them to improve
their business by keeping them up to date and providing the best services.

By demonstrating how these new services and software and help them to make
more money you will find it easier to sell to them and make money from it. You
are their expert and so you need to work in that role with them and guide them
to use the technology at their disposal in the best way.

© Samuel Mowe                             25
You also need to watch out for legislation that affects your customers – that is
also a great opportunity to make sales and provide additional services.
Sometimes they will need additional work done to ensure they are up to date
and meet their legal obligations.

A newsletter is a great way to keep in contact with your customers and educate
them. It’s quite easy for you to do and one newsletter will suit pretty much all
your clients. The aim is for you to offer valuable advice which will help them to
improve their business.

Don’t forget to ask your customers to recommend your services to their friends
and colleagues. These referrals are valuable for you because they are going to
make a big difference in getting good business. A personal referral like this is
worth a lot in the eyes of a new customer and is going to help to get you the
sale. Always ask for the personal recommendations as they will make a big
difference to your business.

© Samuel Mowe                           26 
Customer Service

One of the main things that can make a difference in making sales is having
outstanding customer service. People love to receive great service and if you
get known for your customer service then you will find that people will be very
happy to do business with you.

Excellent customer service can make a big difference when it comes to getting
business. People love to buy from people they like. Always ensure that you are
polite and professional at all times. All of this is going to help you get referrals
from your customers.

If you can explain the technology and the Internet in simple to understand
language then it will help you significantly in making the sale. These companies
don’t want someone to come in and baffle them with science. They want
someone who can come in and talk to them in a language they understand. This
is going to make you very popular and help you to make your sales.

One thing to avoid is the temptation to do things for free. Your customers are
going to push their luck and try to get you to work for free. It’s the nature of
companies and even the multi billion dollar companies do this!

By all means do a little bit of work to help seal the deal but don’t go overboard
because you will find yourself being taken advantage of. Free services can help
you to seal the deal, so always remember there is a place for them.

Set yourself up with a dedicated phone number and email address for your
business and ensure the phone number is only used for business.

Set yourself up a website for your business but don’t put any prices on it – make
sure that it has lots of information about your services and how they can benefit
potential clients but avoid pricing because it will give you some flexibility in
negotiating price with your customers.

© Samuel Mowe                             27
Make sure there is a lead capture on your page and offer a free report with
valuable information in it to your prospective customers.

Taking some time to set your business up properly and taking these steps is
going to help you succeed. Looking professional is a big part of succeeding with
a business model like this and having the website and phone number is going to
help you significantly.

© Samuel Mowe                          28
Working Smart, Not Hard

If you really want to turn this into a full time enterprise that makes you a lot of
good money then you need to start thinking about working smarter and not
harder. This will allow you to increase the amount of money you make whilst
you work less.

The first way to work much smarter is to pay for good quality leads. You can
either buy leads from companies that sell them or you can hire people to post
flyers and leaflets and recommend potential clients.

Eventually if you are going to take this seriously you will want to look to hire
some sales people who are paid a commission. Depending on the size of your
business this can either be on a full time or part time basis.

You can also outsource the website creation and marketing work which gives you
a lot more time to focus on building a business. You can find good quality
freelancers for a decent price on somewhere like ODesk, Elance and Freelancer.

However, you are going to have to manage them to ensure that deadlines are
met so make sure you build in some slack time to account for a delay from
them. Remember, if they fail to deliver they lose a few bucks whereas you
stand to lose a lot more if you lose your client.

You will be working much smarter by creating standard templates for website,
letters, newsletters, mailing and much more. This will save a lot of time and
help significantly in speeding up your processes.

Remember that you are not limited to what you can do when it comes to selling
services. You can sell pretty much any service with outsourcers. Before you
commit to a price for anything you are not sure of you can always tell your
customers that you will speak to your team and get an exact price, timescale

© Samuel Mowe                            29 
and get back to them later on. This means you go find a freelancer and find out
the details and use them to do the work!

By outsourcing you free up a lot more of your time and you can gain many
opportunities you would have to otherwise turn down because you can’t do it
yourself. It will help you to increase your profits.

Always think about automation and outsourcing to help free up your time, but
never at the expense of customer service and satisfaction. By working smarter
you can have more free time to enjoy your profits and less time spent working.

© Samuel Mowe                            30  

Offline marketing is a great way for you to make money outside of the Internet.
Listing local companies on Google Places with a website is a great service to
offer because these companies want to reach out and expand their customer
base. They also want to improve their customer services and ability to interact
with their customers.

Smaller companies are desperate for this information and will pay top dollar for
someone to do this for them. However, these companies can’t afford to hire a
full time person to do the work and are often worried about being scammed and
ripped off. By providing them with a reliable and affordable service, you will find
that you are going to be in high demand.

You need to approach your customers with a professional service that delivers
results at a great price and you will find that you will do very well.

There are plenty of services that you can sell both on the front end and at the
backend. By demonstrating the value of your services you will find that you can
make the sale and sell many other services to your client.

So long as you keep thinking about what is in it for them and offer good value
and service you will find that you will do well as an offline marketer.

You now have all the information you need to start approaching companies and
making money. By giving excellent service that helps them to make money you
cannot fail to make money.

You can go out now and find some companies to approach and offer them the
services we have talked about in this program. It is entirely possible for you to
walk away tomorrow with thousands of dollars of business from approaching
small companies.

© Samuel Mowe                            31 
There is huge potential in the offline market and more and more companies are
looking to get online. They understand the potential of the Internet but are
struggling to use it to benefit their business.

By helping them with their website and with Google Places you can get them
online, get potential customers to their website both locally and globally and
enjoy becoming an offline marketer.

If you take today then you will be able to add another stream of income to your
business and one which takes you away from the Internet and the constant
struggle to get websites ranking at the top of the search engines. Many people
are enjoying offline marketing and making a good profit from it and you could be

  To Find Out More How To Profit
    From Places Please Click On
     The Link Below And Access
      Your Free Video Training
         Moduels Worth £97


© Samuel Mowe                             32

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Profit from places - How To Find Offline Customers

  • 1. Profit From Places Presented By Samuel Mowe Of
  • 2. Disclaimer The publisher has made every effort to be as accurate and complete as possible in this report, notwithstanding the fact that he does not warrant or represent at any time that the contents within are accurate due to the rapidly changing nature of the Internet. While all attempts have been made to verify information in this report, the publisher accepts no responsibility for errors, omissions or contrary interpretation of the subject matter within. Any perceived slights of specific persons, peoples or organizations are unintentional. This book is a step by step guide to generating free traffic. In practical advice books like this there is no guarantee of results, traffic or income. Readers are cautioned to rely on their own judgement about their individual circumstances and abilities to act accordingly. This book is not intended to be used as a source of legal, business, accounting or financial advice. All readers are encouraged to seek services of competent professionals in the legal, business, accounting and financial fields. All Rights Reserved No part of this report may be reproduced or transmitted in any form whatsoever, electronic, or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any informational storage or retrieval without express written, dated and signed permission from the author. © Samuel Mowe 2
  • 3. Table of Contents Introduction ..................................................................................................................................................................4 Taking Stock Of Your Skills ..................................................................................................................................................................6 Pricing Your Services ..................................................................................................................................................................8 Finding Customers ................................................................................................................................................................10 Approaching Customers ................................................................................................................................................................22 Creating A Website ................................................................................................................................................................24 Additional Services ................................................................................................................................................................25 Customer Service ................................................................................................................................................................27 Working Smart, Not Hard ................................................................................................................................................................29 Conclusion ................................................................................................................................................................31 Resources ................................................................................................................................................................33 © Samuel Mowe 3
  • 4. Introduction Whilst many of us spend out time focusing on the Internet to make money we are missing a big opportunity that is literally sat on our doorsteps. By stepping away from the Internet and heading out of your door you can find lots of people who will be very willing to pay you good money for your knowledge. There are a lot of smaller companies out there who can’t afford to hire a full time IT person and are desperate to improve their business. By selling them a website you are helping them to overcome some of the challenges facing these smaller companies by helping them to improve their customer reach and provide a higher level of customer services. There are a lot of these companies that are desperate to get themselves online so they can reach out to more customers and have an asset working for them around the clock instead of just through business hours. The Internet allows many companies to expand their geographic customer reach from their local area to literally the entire planet! For smaller companies this can be a life saver, particularly in the current tough economic climate. These companies don’t have the knowledge themselves to get online and don’t know what they are doing. They are wary of trusting an outsider in case they are out to scam them, but by contacting them and providing them with a high class service you will find that they will be happy to take on your services if you know what you are doing. Offline marketing is a great way to very easily find extra cash when you need it. You can literally go out tomorrow and sell several thousand dollars worth of business to local companies who are desperate to take on your services. © Samuel Mowe 4
  • 5. This program has been designed to show you how you can make money from selling Internet services (not just SEO or website designs) to offline clients nad pocket a good amount of cash from it. Unlike other programs, this one will show you how to interact with your customers and how to make good money from them whilst providing them with an excellent service. You’ll learn how you can create a residual income from offline marketing and free up your time to help you live the dream. Amongst other things you will learn how to … • Take stock of your skills and what you can sell to offline companies • Price your services for maximum sales • Find and approach clients to maximize your chance of making a sale • Meet with your clients and talk to them to ensure your success • Create a client website • Monetize your sales further with additional services • And much more There are a lot of opportunities in the offline world and by taking some action you could earn a lot of good money from it. Follow through this course and you can make some excellent money from offline marketing. © Samuel Mowe 5
  • 6. Taking Stock Of Your Skills The first thing you need to do is to decide what services you can sell people. You may be wondering what you know and what you can sell, but you will be surprised by how much you know and how much you can do with what you have. You don’t need to know everything in order to make money as an offline marketer, all you need to know is more than your clients and where to get the information you don’t know. This is where a lot of marketers fail on offline marketing is they think they need to know everything in order to succeed – you don’t. Even a fledgling Internet marketer will know enough to create a website for a client and market it successfully, and if they don’t then they can very quickly learn. These companies need to get online but they also need to make being online profitable for them. And that is where you come in. You provide them a service and show them how to profit from the Internet and they will pay you money with a smile on their face. The key is for you to show them the Return On Investment (ROI) that they can get from a website and how they can profit and improve their business from the Internet. When you can show them how their website can make money they will love your service and keep coming back to you. There are many things that you can sell to them to help them make money including: • A website • Updating an existing website • A customer mailing list (autoresponder) • SEO Services to get their website ranking • Domain names © Samuel Mowe 6
  • 7. Website hosting • Facebook fan pages • Social networking support • Pay per click campaign management Companies will buy this and much more from you if, and only if, you can demonstrate the value of what you are offering them. It is up to you to show them the benefits to their business, and this is going to make sure you make money. The Internet can help them to increase their customer base by reaching out to more customers and improving their customer services through information, rapid response, autoresponders and more. Once they realise that a website isn’t just there to look pretty and is there to make money they will be very interested in your services. Many of these companies know that the Internet is where people spend money but they don’t know how to use it. You are the expert and can show them how they can leverage a website and the Internet to reduce their advertising costs, increase their profits and improve their customer relationships. As more and more people are turning to the Internet not only to make purchases but to look for information, companies that aren’t online are missing out on potential customers. If you take some time now and write out all the things that you can do and all the services you can offer then you can start thinking about pricing and how you can get in touch with these companies to sell them your services. Remember, this is something that has a huge profit margin for you! © Samuel Mowe 7
  • 8. Pricing Your Services One of the many things that people struggle with when offline marketing is pricing. They struggle to set the prices right because they don’t know how much their knowledge is valued by people who don’t know. It’s important that your price is right for your clients. This does not mean you sell your services very cheap, but you have to reflect the value of your services to them. The price you set reflects your costs (both direct and indirect) and the value of your services to your clients. If what you are offering makes your clients money and improves their business then they will be happy to pay for it. If it doesn’t, then they will not. Unfortunately there is no standard pricing formula you can use as the price depends upon many things including your geographic location and the competition in your area. The market in downtown Manhattan will bear higher prices than a rural community in the mid west. You need to have an understanding of the economy and competition in your area in order to set your price properly. You can check out the competition in your area to see what they are charging and that will give you an idea of what you can charge. You can often phone your competition as a potential client to get an idea of the prices they charge. One of the important things is to ensure that you do not rip them off. So long as you are honest and open and provide them with a good service then they will not regret taking on your services. Some people are selling simple five page websites for around $500 and sometimes more and often they are charging $250 plus for an autoresponder. Whilst these prices don’t represent the actual cost of the services they do © Samuel Mowe 8
  • 9. represent the value of the knowledge in your head and the expertise you are bringing to the table. Other services that can make you good money include setting up and managing Facebook fan pages. This is a very hot subject at the moment and a lot of small companies can benefit from having these pages created for them – particularly if you are going to work to add fans for them. At the end of the day the price of your services will reflect the value that they get from your services as well as the strength of competition in your local geographic area. You don’t want to advertise your prices on any of your promotional material because you want some flexibility in your pricing and to be able to “do a deal” to seal a contract. Sometimes offering a years free hosting and domain name registration (which costs very little) will help you to get a deal worth hundreds or even thousands of dollars. By having some room for negotiation you can ensure the companies you are dealing with get good value and you earn a decent amount of money from them. Sadly there is no standard pricing formula so you are going to have to work it out a little through investigation and trial. Remember you can always ask what other quotes the companies you are approaching have received in order to ensure you get an accurate price. © Samuel Mowe 9
  • 10. Finding Customers The key to succeeding with offline marketing is having the right price and having the right customers. Actually finding people to sell services to is where many people fall down and struggle, so this chapter is designed to help you understand where you can find good quality customers without too much hard work. Marketing offline does mean that you have to deal with real people, often face to face and over the phone. For some people this is something that they struggle with, but if you can do it (and it’s not hard when you get to it) then you will find offline marketing to be very profitable indeed. If you aren’t comfortable dealing with people yourself in person or over the phone then you need to find someone who is and engage their services as a business partner in this. The best way, by far, to find clients is through word of mouth. The next few sub-sections will give you some more ideas, but personal referrals are the best way. You can also advertise locally in newspapers or on somewhere like Craigslist or even in trade publications or other local publications, e.g. Church magazines, etc. Of course, there is nothing to stop you looking through the yellow pages to find clients though you don’t know how big they are from their advert, but you could approach anyone that doesn’t have a website on their advert as a potential client. Driving around local business and industrial areas is a good way to find clients because you can directly see the companies and walk in to get contact details, if appropriate. At the very least you can get company names and phone numbers from your drive by. © Samuel Mowe 10
  • 11. Make sure that when you are approaching these companies you are professional at all times. This means in your appearance, how you talk to them and how you interact with them. You are your business and if you are unprofessional you will find you struggle to get business. Looking the part often helps massively, so make sure you look like a professional when you meet with potential clients. When you talk to them make sure you talk to them in their language and not in techno-babble because you will put them off. You may understand a lot of these terms but it is meaningless to them. If you can explain what you can do and the benefit in language they can easily understand and relate to them you will find it easier to get the sale. With some creative thought and a professional approach you will find offline marketing remarkably easy. You can literally go out tomorrow w and sell thousands of dollars worth of business much easier than you thought. Finding Customers Through Friends And Family Your friends and family know other friends and family who you do not know. You should make sure that your friends and family know all about your business and are willing to tell others about it. Chances are that unless your online business is pornography, most of your friends and family will be glad to help you with this endeavor. A great deal of business is had by word of mouth. Think about it - when was the last time you needed some work done on your car or on your house? What did you do to find the person to do the work? Most people will turn to friends and family and ask them if they know anyone who does this type of work. There is no better marketing than viral marketing. Word of mouth does better than any other type of advertising. So it sure pays to get your friends and family in on the act. Make sure that you talk to your friends and family about your business and explain to them exactly what services or products you provide for others. Be sure to tell them that you are successful in this business and how much others are enjoying what you have to offer. Friends and family are just like anyone else - more apt to proudly proclaim about a successful business than one that © Samuel Mowe 11
  • 12. they think is a failing enterprise. Be sure that you give them your business cards and then ask them to do just as you do, and give your cards out to others who may be interested in your services. Your friends and family will probably not be as diligent about giving out your cards and discussing your business as you are, but if you continue to talk about your business with them, without making it the central topic of every conversation that you have with them and never asking about them, they are more inclined to help you get customers. When they hear of someone who can use the services and products that you provide, they can give them your information or your card. This is how you can spread your marketing efforts. You can even encourage customers that you have had in the past to do the same. One way to get others to listen to what you have to say is through testimonials from other customers. You can offer discounts to customers who bring in any business. You can even use this tactic on your friends and family as well. You can provide them with something for free in order to get them to better promote your business. Cable companies do this all the time by asking you to get friends and family to join up by offering you free cable for a month. You can use this same marketing tactic for your online business. Another way that you can get friends and family into the act is to have them host a party where you can explain your business to others. This is similar to hostess parties that are still used today to sell a variety of different products that are usually part of a multi level marketing plan. Again, when you make your pitch to those at this party, you should always stress that you are offering something that can help them. Take the focus off of your business and put it onto others. One of the oldest and still used phrases in the marketing world is that success is gained through helping others get their needs filled. You never want to come off like a carnival barker when you are trying to promote a business, especially when you do so at a function that is hosted by one of your friends or family. Make sure that everyone you know understands what you do and how you can help them achieve what they want. The more people you know, the better your business begins to grow. Not only does this help your business, but it also helps © Samuel Mowe 12
  • 13. you as well. Too many people who have online businesses complain that they feel insulated from the outside world as they work on promoting their products online. Everyone likes to feel connected to other people and marketing your product in this way, continuing to gain more friends and business associates, is one of the best ways to not only attain success for your online business, but also to broaden your horizons with others. In some cases, you may find that you can share marketing tips with others who are also in business. You can provide them with what they need by way of customers, such as sending clients over to them, and they can do the same for you. Most successful business people network in this way, especially professionals such as doctors and lawyers. No matter what type of online business you have, you can use social networking off line as a means to promote your business. It starts with friends and family and then goes on from there. The more people who know about your business, the more chances you have of acquiring customers. Remember to keep in touch with existing customers and offer them incentives so that they can also recommend you to others as well. Once you learn how easy viral marketing can be, especially offline, you will start to see a vast improvement in your online business. Spreading The Word Through Groups Another way that you can use offline promotional tactics to promote your online business is to join groups of people who you consider to be your target market. Your target market are those individuals who are likely to want to purchase your products or services. You should know your target market before you even start marketing your online business so that you do not waste time in marketing to the wrong people. While you want to get to as many people as possible for your sales, there are some people who will not have any use for your product, while there are others who are looking for what you have to offer. You want to make sure that you know who you are marketing to before you even begin your marketing strategy for your business. © Samuel Mowe 13
  • 14. Some online businesses can market to just about anyone. They have a product or service that just about anyone can use and, in the best scenarios, actually needs. In other online businesses, however, there is a niche created. Only a certain group of people will be interested in buying your products or using your services. If you have an online business that sells hot new ring tones of the latest music, your target market is not the local senior citizens in the area. In the same respect, if you sell products for seniors and older individuals, you do not want to promote them at the local high school event. You need to know just who is going to be most likely to want to buy the products or services that you offer in order to know whom to direct your marketing efforts. There are many groups, most likely in your area, that you can join where you will be able to meet people who will be interested in what you have to offer. You can also go to sites like where you can view different groups in your area. If you, for example, have an online travel business, you can join a meetup group for those who like to travel so that you can help them get the travel information that they need so that they can get to their destinations. You can also look through groups through your local community centers as well as churches. Many groups discourage promoting business through these social groups as they are formed for the purpose of social interaction and not for the purpose of trying to solicit business. However, you can make use of these groups just by meeting others and causally mentioning what you do for a living. One of the first things that people usually ask one another is what they do for a living, so you would not be out of line in mentioning your online business at any social group. You should never look as though you came to the group solely for the purpose of trying to procure business, however, as this is in bad form and will most likely turn others off, even if they might like what you have to offer. You never want to come off as you are selling something when you join a social group, either online or offline. You always want to participate in the group, make friends and then mention to your friends what you do for a living. Do not come off like the salesman, come off like the friend. © Samuel Mowe 14
  • 15. There are also other groups that you can join for business owners who are like yourself such as trade groups. Trade groups are those that get together like minded business owners and get them to network with one another. When you join a trade group, the objective is to network with others by not only looking for business for yourself, but also looking to help them attain business as well. If you have a trade group in your area that pertains to the type of online business that you have, you should join in. Trade groups are also a good way for you to pick up more tips on how to market your business better, learn new trends within your business and offer you valuable insight as to how you can get your business to grow. You should never be insular when you have an online business, or any other business for that matter. Business ideals are always growing, there are new products and innovations offered on the market every day and it is important to keep informed as to what is going on in your business. You can find trade groups in your area by reading a trade magazine or even going online and looking for these groups. Interacting with those in person in trade groups is often more effective than just interacting online with others in the trade You tend to find those who are more serious about their business and who have attained a level of success when you join trade groups. One of the most important things that you can do to promote your online business is to meet with as many people as possible off line so that you can tell them about your business, learn about different trends in your business, new laws that may affect your business and gain more customers. You can do this all by joining groups. Not only is this a great way for you to grow your business, but it also gets you out of your house, away from your computer and gives you the opportunity to meet others. So many people who have online businesses complain that although they love the idea of working at home and making their own hours, they do not like the idea of being insulated from society. By joining both social groups as well as trade groups, you not only help your business to flourish, but you are also helping yourself as well. Promotional T-Shirts And Gifts © Samuel Mowe 15
  • 16. One way that you can advertise your online business off line is to use promotional gifts such as T-shirts, cups and hats. These are easy enough to get and less than you think to have printed up, especially if you use an online printer. There are several good online printing companies that can help you get what you need when it comes to your promotional gifts. Before you order promotional gifts for your online business, you first should have a logo or some sort of design that others will recognize. You can get a logo in a number of different places, even hiring a graphic designer to design a logo just for you. There are sites online for just about everything, including those that offer inexpensive and custom logo design. You are better off to have your own logo design rather than a design from others so that it is yours exclusively. As your business continues to grow, you will want customers to associate the logo with your business so that you can build your brand. After you have your logo, you can then decide what you want to purchase when it comes to promotional gift ideas or items. One of the most popular items that you can get with your name and logo on it is custom pens. People are always looking for pens, they are relatively inexpensive to order and can be given out to customers without it costing you a lot of money. If you are looking for a promotional item that is inexpensive and will portray the name of your business as well as other pertinent information, you can get promotional pens at an online printer. You normally have to order the pens in bulk and have a variety from which to choose. Another cheap item that you can get is a magnet bearing your business card. These are relatively inexpensive and you can even make these up on your own computer, although you usually end up saving money when it comes to time and ink if you just have them printed. People are always looking for magnets to hold up things on their refrigerators. You can always be in their thoughts if you give them a magnet that they will most likely keep in plain sight all of the time. When they want your business, they will not have to look far as they will have the magnet. Best of all, these are so cheap to have made that they will hardly put a dent in your advertising budget. © Samuel Mowe 16
  • 17. T-shirts are another way that you can advertise your online business. You can give T-shirts to clients as well as to friends to wear. The great aspect about T- shirts is that they are worn all of the time, attract attention and tend to get passed around. When one person gets tired of wearing a T-shirt, they usually give it to charity or to another person who will then wear it. You can give T- shirts bearing the logo and information about your business as gifts as well as for promotional events. Hats are yet another promotional item that you can use to advertise your online business off line. People like hats of all sorts and you can get anything from cheap visors to golf hats with your logo printed on them. Other items include drinking bottles, cup holders and even can openers. There are many options that you can choose from when you opt for promotional items that are printed with the name and logo of your business. When you choose to purchase these items at an off line store or printer, you often have to go through a sales person for the items. If you skip the middleman and go right to the printer, by using an online printing company, however, you can usually save quite a bit of money. You should consider buying your promotional items online and having them shipped to you rather than use the services of an off line store that will usually end up costing you more money. Another aspect about using an online printer to print your promotional items is that there are many sites that are interactive and can actually let you see what you are getting and what it will look like before you have it printed. This is a great way to avoid surprises and get the items that you want delivered right to you the way that you imagine them to be. You can use promotional items as gifts, to give to charity events or simply to give to customers, depending on what they are. They are one of the best ways to make an impact off line when you are trying to advertise any business, be it an off line business or online business. You can have your website put on your promotional items as well as e-mail address. Another item that you may consider is a car wrap. This is a bit more costly than traditional promotional items like T-shirts and pens, but it can get the word out about your business every time you go out. This consists of large decals that © Samuel Mowe 17
  • 18. cover your car and turn it from an ordinary car into an advertising machine. The good thing about using the car wrap is that you tend to get a lot more exposure in this way. Billboards and park benches can also be rented if you are looking to market your online business. However, one of the best ways that you can spread the word about your business to others without it costing you a lot of money, and make others happy at the same time is to make use of promotional gift items that bear the logo and website of your online business to market your business off line. Joining The Chamber Of Commerce One way that you can also market your online business offline is to use your local Chamber of Commerce. This is an organization that is found in just about all cities and towns and usually costs a nominal fee to join. Not only should you be part of your local Chamber of Commerce, but you should also participate in any events that the organization holds. Most Chamber of Commerce events are held so that local people can get a feel for the local businesses. People are encouraged to shop local and want to get to know those businesses in the area that can supply them with the goods and services that they need. Just because you have an online business and not a store in the town does not mean that you cannot join the Chamber of Commerce. When the Chamber of Commerce has events, you should attend and have a display so that others who visit the event can learn more about your business. Be sure to have a professional display that will leave no questions in the minds of individuals as to your business and how it can help them. You should also be sure that you have plenty of brochures on hand so that those who are interested in learning more about your business can take them with them. At most of these events, little bags are given to those who attend so that they can collect items from the various vendors. People like to get free items such as pens and key chains, so this is the perfect time for you to give out your promotional products to those who visit the event. © Samuel Mowe 18
  • 19. Most of the local Chamber of Commerce events are free to the public and are usually very popular. You should be sure to realize that they are most often visited by those who live in the community, feel strongly about shopping in the community and are adults as well as people with children. This is not an event where teenagers usually frequent, so if you have a product that is marketed solely to young people, this may not be for you. However, bear in mind that those young people have parents and grandparents who visit these events and may be interested in finding out more about your business so that they can get gifts for young people. You tend to get a whole dynamic range of people who attend the Chamber of Commerce events in your town. It can be a good way to meet other business owners as well as spread the word about your own business. There is no selling at these events. This is strictly a chance for people to get to know you, learn something about your business and then decide if they want to use your goods or services in the future. The more often people see you around and the more familiar they get with your business name, the more trust you will build for your business within your community. It is usually a good idea to join the Chamber of Commerce and attend events whenever you can so that you can give your business the exposure that it needs in order to grow. You can also join the committee that steers the events and come up with some ideas of your own. Chamber of Commerce committees are organized by local business owners and are usually always looking for some sort of input that will give their businesses more exposure in the community as well as get people to shop local. If you have an online business that caters to local business owners, you should not only join your own local Chamber of Commerce, but others as well. In some communities, there are several Chamber of Commerce organizations that you can join. They have them for the county, for the state and even for the local area. Take a look at the local Chamber of Commerce first and see what you need to do to sign up. Find out how many events they have each year and what you can do to help. Remember, the more people in town who know about © Samuel Mowe 19
  • 20. your business, the more potential customers you will have who want to purchase your goods or services. Getting Publicity Through Newspapers One way that you can get publicity for your online business is through your local newspaper. Most newspapers have a variety of different ways that you can advertise and promote your business either for a fee or for free. Some of the ways that you can use your local newspaper to promote your online business are the following: • Classified Ads • Sales Positions • Events • Goodwill missions The most logical place to start to advertise is in the classified section of your newspaper. You probably have different newspapers that are delivered to your door as well as subscription newspapers in your area. The best newspapers in which to advertise are those that are free. These are often called shoppers and consist mostly of classified ads. People still read the newspapers and still look for these classified ads. Not all businesses in the area advertise online. One thing that you need to know when you place a classified ad is that the more often people see the ad, the more they will come to know your business. You should not expect to get a barrage of calls or visits to your website based upon one ad. For this reason, you should sign up to place the ad on a regular basis. The more people see it, the more familiar they become with your business and the more they trust it. You can also place classified ads for help wanted if you are looking for prospects for an MLM business. You can expect to receive more calls for these type of ads than you can if you are simply selling something. Many online businesses will use the ads as a way to get people to come to a seminar or meeting so that they can learn more about the business. This can be an inexpensive way to get people to attend your promotion about your business without going through the expense of seminar. It can also give you one on one time with a prospect. © Samuel Mowe 20
  • 21. You can also place events ads in the paper or press releases. These are usually free. Press releases must be written in a way so that they look like news. They should be timely and inform the public of something that is coming up, or a new product or service that is available in the area. The best part about placing press releases in your local paper is that they are free. You must be sure to word them carefully so that you can make sure they get into the paper. The papers will usually reject anything that smacks of a sales pitch. For this reason, you may want to hire a professional copy writer to write your press releases for you so that they can get into your local paper. In addition to classified ads, job ads and press releases, you can also do a good will act for someone in the area and have it written up in the paper. Many local papers are always looking for human interest stories. If you do an act of goodwill in the name of your business, you can notify your local paper that you are doing this charity work and ask that they cover the event. You can get a great deal of publicity for your business in this way and also build up goodwill in your community on behalf of your business. You should look for local papers that have a wide circulation and are usually mailed out to residents free of charge. Most people enjoy getting these papers and will read them simply because they are free. You can get quite a bit of mileage when you take a look at your local newspaper and see what they can do for you by way of helping you with your business. © Samuel Mowe 21
  • 22. Approaching Customers When it comes to approaching your potential customers, you need to do it in the right way. It’s no good you turning up and speaking to any old Joe because the likelihood is they do not have the authority to make a decision on whether or not to buy your services. You need to identify who the right person is at the company for you to speak to. With a small company this could well be the owner and is unlikely to be an IT director as they won’t have one of them. You are looking for whoever is in charge and will sign the check for your services. You can either walk in to the offices to find out who to speak to or you can phone them up. Once you know who the right person is then you can approach them by phone or with a mailing. Having something personally addressed to them is going to get more attention that something addressed to “The person who signs the checks” which will just get binned. If you start by sending them out a mailing then you want to follow it up a few days later with a phone call where you can explain the benefits of your proposal and make an appointment to demonstrate and to show them how they can benefit from what you can do for them. The face to face meeting is going to help you a lot in selling it because you can meet them and demonstrate how they are going to benefit from what you are offering them. Focus on what’s in it for them throughout the meeting and show them how it can improve their business and help them make more money and improve their relationships with their customers. You are going to profit by them making a profit so you need to focus on how this is going to improve their business. You can do this by understanding what they © Samuel Mowe 22
  • 23. want to achieve from engaging you. This may involve you interpreting what they are after and guiding them a little because they don’t fully understand the technologies or know what they are after. This is a good opportunity for you to upsell other services or package them in to a bundle to provide them with great value and you a recurring income. When you come out of the meeting with an outline agreement you want to document and return it to them as soon as possible. This is your protection policy because it outlines what you are going to deliver, when you are going to deliver it and how much you are going to charge them. This means that if they change their mind on what they want or they start trying to add things in to the contract you have a good position to negotiate from. It also means that if you deliver it and then they say it wasn’t what they wanted you have a document to prove it was. Make sure they sign a copy of this agreement and send it back to you. Agree the deadlines and milestones with them and make sure they are documented and you stick to them. Ensure there is enough time for you complete the work. Make sure you keep in contact with them whilst you are working on their project. You don’t have to phone them every day, but agree to speak once a week just to update and ensure everything is going ok. Once you have delivered the project and shown them how to use it (remember the training can be chargeable) then you need you need to keep in contact with them afterwards and sell them other services and products and provide them with support. This is your opportunity to help them make the most of the Internet and for you to continue to earn from them whilst providing value to them. © Samuel Mowe 23
  • 24. Creating A Website When it comes to creating a website for them you need to really use Wordpress. It is the ideal platform because it is easy to use and install, can be expanded and customized very easily and is optimized for the search engines. The other advantage of Wordpress is that it is very easy for them to use and update. This means they can add and edit content without having to ask you to do it all the time. It depends on your business plan but you may want to charge them a maintenance fee each month for doing the work on their website. It’s a personal preference. You will need to get a theme designed that is customised to meet their requirements. You can find designers on many of the freelancer sites who will create you a theme for under $100. Make sure that the company is happy with the theme and that you can employ the designer to make any tweaks. It needs to make their requirements and look good for their customers. It has to be good looking, not cluttered and easy to navigate around. You don’t want a website which is confusing or hard to read. Think about the target market as well and ensure it looks good for them and is usable by them. If their target market is older people than you will need to use larger fonts. A younger audience will require a trendier website. By using Wordpress you can reduce your costs and make it easier for you to set up and maintain the website. It’s going to streamline your business, which is very important for when you start getting more clients in. © Samuel Mowe 24
  • 25. Additional Services A website and Google places is one thing you can sell your customers but there are many other things that you can sell them as well. Some of these can be sold at the time you are selling the original project but many of these can be sold later on after a successful project. In some cases, people will want to try out your services and see how good you are before committing to further services. With some customers you will find that they will give you a small piece of work as a tester and then when you prove reliable they will give you additional work. When you complete a project you want to keep in contact with your client either via a newsletter or regular mailings. This gives you the opportunity to sell other services not just by selling but also by educating. If you send out useful information to them that will help them improve their business, telling them about technologies and the like they could use then they are likely to get in contact to buy these services from you. This keeping them informed is a great idea because they will be interested in new developments and services that could help them make more money and work better with their customers. Remember this is very important to them because it is how they make money and if you can help them make money then they will pay you good money. There are many new software and services coming out all the time that could benefit your customers and so it is your responsibility to help them to improve their business by keeping them up to date and providing the best services. By demonstrating how these new services and software and help them to make more money you will find it easier to sell to them and make money from it. You are their expert and so you need to work in that role with them and guide them to use the technology at their disposal in the best way. © Samuel Mowe 25
  • 26. You also need to watch out for legislation that affects your customers – that is also a great opportunity to make sales and provide additional services. Sometimes they will need additional work done to ensure they are up to date and meet their legal obligations. A newsletter is a great way to keep in contact with your customers and educate them. It’s quite easy for you to do and one newsletter will suit pretty much all your clients. The aim is for you to offer valuable advice which will help them to improve their business. Don’t forget to ask your customers to recommend your services to their friends and colleagues. These referrals are valuable for you because they are going to make a big difference in getting good business. A personal referral like this is worth a lot in the eyes of a new customer and is going to help to get you the sale. Always ask for the personal recommendations as they will make a big difference to your business. © Samuel Mowe 26
  • 27. Customer Service One of the main things that can make a difference in making sales is having outstanding customer service. People love to receive great service and if you get known for your customer service then you will find that people will be very happy to do business with you. Excellent customer service can make a big difference when it comes to getting business. People love to buy from people they like. Always ensure that you are polite and professional at all times. All of this is going to help you get referrals from your customers. If you can explain the technology and the Internet in simple to understand language then it will help you significantly in making the sale. These companies don’t want someone to come in and baffle them with science. They want someone who can come in and talk to them in a language they understand. This is going to make you very popular and help you to make your sales. One thing to avoid is the temptation to do things for free. Your customers are going to push their luck and try to get you to work for free. It’s the nature of companies and even the multi billion dollar companies do this! By all means do a little bit of work to help seal the deal but don’t go overboard because you will find yourself being taken advantage of. Free services can help you to seal the deal, so always remember there is a place for them. Set yourself up with a dedicated phone number and email address for your business and ensure the phone number is only used for business. Set yourself up a website for your business but don’t put any prices on it – make sure that it has lots of information about your services and how they can benefit potential clients but avoid pricing because it will give you some flexibility in negotiating price with your customers. © Samuel Mowe 27
  • 28. Make sure there is a lead capture on your page and offer a free report with valuable information in it to your prospective customers. Taking some time to set your business up properly and taking these steps is going to help you succeed. Looking professional is a big part of succeeding with a business model like this and having the website and phone number is going to help you significantly. © Samuel Mowe 28
  • 29. Working Smart, Not Hard If you really want to turn this into a full time enterprise that makes you a lot of good money then you need to start thinking about working smarter and not harder. This will allow you to increase the amount of money you make whilst you work less. The first way to work much smarter is to pay for good quality leads. You can either buy leads from companies that sell them or you can hire people to post flyers and leaflets and recommend potential clients. Eventually if you are going to take this seriously you will want to look to hire some sales people who are paid a commission. Depending on the size of your business this can either be on a full time or part time basis. You can also outsource the website creation and marketing work which gives you a lot more time to focus on building a business. You can find good quality freelancers for a decent price on somewhere like ODesk, Elance and Freelancer. However, you are going to have to manage them to ensure that deadlines are met so make sure you build in some slack time to account for a delay from them. Remember, if they fail to deliver they lose a few bucks whereas you stand to lose a lot more if you lose your client. You will be working much smarter by creating standard templates for website, letters, newsletters, mailing and much more. This will save a lot of time and help significantly in speeding up your processes. Remember that you are not limited to what you can do when it comes to selling services. You can sell pretty much any service with outsourcers. Before you commit to a price for anything you are not sure of you can always tell your customers that you will speak to your team and get an exact price, timescale © Samuel Mowe 29
  • 30. and get back to them later on. This means you go find a freelancer and find out the details and use them to do the work! By outsourcing you free up a lot more of your time and you can gain many opportunities you would have to otherwise turn down because you can’t do it yourself. It will help you to increase your profits. Always think about automation and outsourcing to help free up your time, but never at the expense of customer service and satisfaction. By working smarter you can have more free time to enjoy your profits and less time spent working. © Samuel Mowe 30
  • 31. Conclusion Offline marketing is a great way for you to make money outside of the Internet. Listing local companies on Google Places with a website is a great service to offer because these companies want to reach out and expand their customer base. They also want to improve their customer services and ability to interact with their customers. Smaller companies are desperate for this information and will pay top dollar for someone to do this for them. However, these companies can’t afford to hire a full time person to do the work and are often worried about being scammed and ripped off. By providing them with a reliable and affordable service, you will find that you are going to be in high demand. You need to approach your customers with a professional service that delivers results at a great price and you will find that you will do very well. There are plenty of services that you can sell both on the front end and at the backend. By demonstrating the value of your services you will find that you can make the sale and sell many other services to your client. So long as you keep thinking about what is in it for them and offer good value and service you will find that you will do well as an offline marketer. You now have all the information you need to start approaching companies and making money. By giving excellent service that helps them to make money you cannot fail to make money. You can go out now and find some companies to approach and offer them the services we have talked about in this program. It is entirely possible for you to walk away tomorrow with thousands of dollars of business from approaching small companies. © Samuel Mowe 31
  • 32. There is huge potential in the offline market and more and more companies are looking to get online. They understand the potential of the Internet but are struggling to use it to benefit their business. By helping them with their website and with Google Places you can get them online, get potential customers to their website both locally and globally and enjoy becoming an offline marketer. If you take today then you will be able to add another stream of income to your business and one which takes you away from the Internet and the constant struggle to get websites ranking at the top of the search engines. Many people are enjoying offline marketing and making a good profit from it and you could be too. To Find Out More How To Profit From Places Please Click On The Link Below And Access Your Free Video Training Moduels Worth £97 © Samuel Mowe 32