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"We must throw open the doors of opportunity. But we also must
       equip our people to walk through these doors.“
                  - Lyndon Baines Johnson
Group 15 – LBJSC Advertising Plans Book
   Ben Wirtz
               Jesus Olivas
                         Corey Powers
 Executive Summary
 Situational Analysis
    SWOT
    Competitors
    Customers
    Background
    Research
 Objectives
 Creative Execution
    Target Audience
    Strategy Statement
    Big Idea
    Media Plan
    Sample Ads
 Budget
 Integrated Marketing Communications
 Evaluation
 References
We will make a
difference in the
lives of those we
The Lyndon Baines Johnson Student Center has been a useful resource that
Texas State University offers to its students. Centrally located between the McCoy
School of Business and Alkek Library, LBJSC is the facility where students can attend
class, eat, study, and participate in various other activities later described in this plan
book. Unfortunately the LBJSC is basically viewed as one building, but with many parts
that are scattered and vague. With low participation and a deceptive amount of foot
traffic that misrepresents the ever growing enrolment at Texas State, the LBJSC seeks to
increase exposure toward the less popular programs and services it offers. The student
center is a privilege for Texas State students, and would like it to be used more
consistently. It is our place and should be utilized to its greatest potential.
             To solve this problem, we have created an advertising plan book that intends
to increase participation of students 15-20% by the end of the 2009-10 school year.
Furthermore, the LBJSC intends to create a unified brand so that students will recognize
all of the services offered at the LBJSC as a whole. This strategy will help students
acknowledge that the LBJSC is a place where many things can be done, and is a helpful
tool when needed. This will be done through a campaign of print and broadcast media,
special events, and other strategies.
The media plan is set to commence at the beginning of the 2009 fall
semester, and hopefully last until the end of the 2010 spring semester. The plan will
consist of various aesthetically pleasing and elaborately published print
advertisements that will run in the University Star, as well as being posted throughout
campus. Also we will create a thirty second radio PSA. that will air on KTSW
throughout the semester. A low budget television commercial will be aired on Texas
State’s public access channel. To incorporate the students and staff, the LBJSC will
host a series of monthly workshops intended to provide a hands-on experience with
the vast amount of chartered student organizations that are not well marketed. Also,
George’s will be the venue of monthly college nights; marketing to the of-age crowd
which would be an alternative to the San Marcos square. Finally, there will be direct-
mail sent to parents in form of a newsletter that will provide information on what
their children are getting involved in; keeping them aware of certain events that they
can encourage their children to attend.
            This plan will successfully incorporate all the programs that the LBJSC has
to offer into a recognizable brand. With a unified brand the LBJSC will confidently
increase the participation of students that use its resources. By using eye appealing
graphics, exciting interactive events, and the ever-growing population at Texas State,
the LBJSC will be the first-choice for any services a Bobcat will need during the
The Lyndon Baines Johnson Student Center is a facility at Texas State
  University that has the capabilities to simplify a students everyday life.
  Bobcats can stop by the University Bookstore and pick up a pen before
going up a flight of stairs to their class. Conversely students can grab a bite
 to eat downstairs at The Lair and study for an upcoming test. An integral
    part of the LBJSC experience is the Associated Student Government,
     located on the third floor. It is also the meeting grounds for many
     chartered student organizations, and has been the venue for many
      illustrious speakers. The LBJSC is in its growth stage and is taking
   advantage of the expanding campus and reaching out to current and
  future Bobcats. Now in its tenth year at Texas State, the LBJSC will keep
                 providing students all of its beneficial services.
LBJSC Strengths
     Has a centralized location between the Alkek Library and the
    McCoy School of Business. Visible from most locations on campus.
     Houses the University Bookstore where stationary, books, and
    many other goods can be purchased.
     The location of The Lair, a dining area consisting of two floors.
          Starbucks, Chick-fil-A, Blimpie, Pizza Hut, etc.
     One of two major stops for TxTram.
     Containing the Associated Student Government (ASG), and many
    other chartered organizations.
          SACA, Non-Traditional Student Organization (NTSO), Inter
         Fraternity Council (IFC), etc.
LBJSC Weaknesses
     Minimal marketing hinders the exposure of the ASG, and many
    other student organizations that meet in the LBJSC.
     The limited hours of operation do not cater to students with
    crowded schedules.
     Low motivation in students to engage in extracurricular activities,
    events, and organizations.
     Select goods are more expensive than external competitors
     Students tend to avoid the LBJSC when entrances are
    overcrowded with solicitors
Texas State presents many opportunities for the LBJ student center to take
advantage of such as…
     Texas State University is currently expanding its campus. They are
    constructing prestigious buildings which will drive in more prospective
    students, thus increasing the amount of students who would use
    LBJSC’s services.
     Texas State is currently in its Drive to FBS. Football Bowl
    Subdivision (FBS), formerly known as Division I-A, is an American
    football classification for NCAA collegiate football. The Bobcats will
    be able to play for a bowl game which has the potential to increase
    the amount of students and fans at football games. This step forward
    could increase the popularity of Texas State University – San Marcos,
    in turn increasing the ever-growing rate of enrollment.
Threats that face the LBJSC…
     Lack of student interest has lead to low participation in the
    programs offered at LBJSC.
          Students are not motivated enough to join chartered
         organizations, which results in lower membership and
     Off-campus residents are reluctant to come to LBJSC because of the
    commute and hassle of parking.
          Parking is a threat due the shortage of parking spots. Parking
         lots charge hourly rates until 11:00 PM, which discourages
         students to attend events at the LBJSC.
The majority of the competition that LBJSC faces comes from…
     Students who do not go to Alkek or the LBJSC to study, will go to
    coffee shops such as Tantra Coffeehouse, The Coffee Pot on the
    square, Mochas & Javas, and other meeting grounds to grab a cup of
    joe and dig into their books.
     For students needing school supplies, Colloquium, Wal-Mart, and
    Office Depot generally offer lower priced stationary and other
    academic needs.
     As for students looking for food, they will avoid The Lair prior to
    1:00 p.m. because meal trades are not accepted. Alternatively, they
    go to local and chain restaurants bordering the Texas State campus.
Patrons of the LBJSC consist of…

     Students that attend Texas State that are in need of the services
    that LBJSC offers.
     Parents who’s children go to Texas State, so they will see what
    good the LBJSC does for their children.
     Prospective students who have not decided on a college and are
    wanting to enroll at Texas State.
     The LBJSC depends on these patrons to help keep the student
    center running and keep it a prestigious landmark at Texas State.
The Lyndon Baines Johnson Student Center is your one stop spot for
  banking, dining, shopping, and one can even attend class there. With
over 120 paid student jobs, and only 60 dollars a semester per student to
 keep it running, the LBJSC is essential for students and a one of a kind
place. There are some special events and promotions going on this year,
such as the football teams Drive to FBS and the celebration of LBJ’s 100th
birthday. The LBJSC is a place that students should feel comfortable and
 be able to complete any given task in a relaxed environment. The best
part about the LBJSC is the abundance of programs and services offered
                    that cater to virtually every niche.
Benchmark Surveys done in 2008
     1000+ in home surveys
         500 Student Center
              98% returned results
         500 Greek organization members
              Random list from Greek database
              45% returned results
         Student organization leaders
              Leaders of all chartered organization officers, and
             registered student organization presidents
              23% returned results
Focus Group on how involvement is connected to personal growth:

Results -Students indicated that the following were their top ten areas of
personal growth from involvement in Student Centered programs: 

        Interpersonal relationships,
        Building confidence,
        Creating sense of belonging,
        Appreciation of diversity and culture,
        Leadership opportunities,
        Personal growth and development,
        Communication skills development,
        Networking,
        Academic enhancement
        Opportunities to be more involved.
Classification of surveyed
      13% Freshman
      28% Sophomores
      37% Juniors
      16% Seniors
      4% Graduate Students
Times visited LBJSC
      14 between 7am-10am
      23 between 10am-1pm
      39 between 1pm-4pm
      22 from        4pm-later
What students use at LBJSC        Percentage of people that did not know
                                  about services at LBJSC:
    78% go to LBJSC to eat
                                      74% did not know about
    64% attend class at LBJSC
    60% make purchases at
                                      63% did not know about Boko’s
    the university bookstore or
                                      Living Room
    Paws market or other
    location                          34% did not know about the two
                                      computer labs in LBJSC
    33% attend meetings at
    LBJSC                             28% did not know about NTSO
    16% go to LBJSC to study         17% did not know about Parking
    3% work at LBJSC
                                      12% did not know about SACA
                                      13% did not know about ASG
                                      9% did not know about I.D.
The objectives of this advertising plan are a combination of informational
and motivational.
 Our objective is to increase the participation of students using LBJSC
services by 15-20% by the end of the 2009-2010 school year through a
campaign of print media throughout campus, and broadcast media.
 We also want to incorporate the many services LBJSC offers into a ONE
brand recognition of the LBJSC by the end of the fall semester 2009. This
will be accomplished by a series of special events, and giveaways which
will inform the students of such action. Eventually this will stimulate
motivation in students into returning to LBJSC regularly.
Demographics:                      Psychographics:
 The LBJSC has a target           The LBJSC wants to reach out
audience that consists of…         to….
 Students who are enrolled at          Students that are
Texas State University that are        interested in student
from the ages of 18- and older.        government
 Either                                Students interested in
                                       extracurricular programs
     Campus residents having
    easier access to LBJSC              Students needing a healthy
                                       study environment
     Commuter residents who
                                        More if you think of any
           need a place to eat
                                       good ones
           have down time after
           or before classes
The strategies we are aiming to use consist of:
 Using creative and recognizable print advertisements in the
University Star, and busses.
 Airing a low budget, yet appealing commercial on the local Texas
State channel.
 Hosting special events at the LBJSC ball room, and Georges for
 Hand out samples, such as T-shirts, at Texas State football games.
 Running a newsletter to parents and students every month.
We believe the most feasible and effective strategies are as follows:

 The print advertisements to be distributed to the University Star,
TxTram, and outdoor flyers.
 The special events and activities to be held at specific times
throughout the year to create significant turnout.
 The broadcast media which will be aired throughout the Texas
State airwaves.
The central idea of our advertising campaign is to draw more
involvement and make LBJSC more recognizable as a single unified brand.

 Having a catchy and memorable slogan will drastically increase
awareness of LBJSC and all of its amenities. Furthermore, elevating the
participation by the student body.
      With so many programs and services offered, we came up with
     the following slogan:

                “Got a full day? Get it done at LBJ!”
This slogan positions the LBJSC as the primary tool to efficiently complete
ones everyday tasks.

The LBJSC is differentiated as the only provider of said services in one
centralized location. This eliminates the need to outsource ones tasks to
alternative locations.
Jan   Feb   Mar   Apr   May   Jun

Print Ad                 X     X      X    X

Broadcast Media          X     X      X    X      X

Workshops                      X      X    X


George's College Night         X      X    X

Newsletter               X     X      X    X      X

                         Jul   Aug   Sep   Oct   Nov   Dec

Print Ad                              X    X      X

Broadcast Media                X      X    X      X    X

Workshops                             X    X      X

T-Shirts                              X    X      X

George's College Night         X      X    X      X

Newsletter                     X      X    X      X    X
The flight chart on the opposite page illustrates our plan for the 6 different
             tactics that we feel can be efficiently implemented.

 We decided to use the University Star to advertising because it is a free
publication that is read by a large portion of the campus.
 We chose local media, such as KTSW and the Texas State public access
channel, because people in the San Marcos area like to support services
within their community.
 We picked the TxTram bus system because there is a high volume of
students that travel on the busses throughout the day.
This advertisement will be run in
  the University Star. It will be
    effective due to the large
    readership of the student
 newspaper. It possesses both
readability and legibility, as well
as the symmetry required by any
         simple print ad.
This is another example
 of a print ad that could
  be run on the TxTram
  bus routes, as well as
  the University Star. It
   possesses all of the
  same qualities as the
 previous sample ad. It
   also connects with
 current issues, such as
 the rise and fall of gas
prices, with eye-catching
    graphics and text.
Production:   Radio PSA               Writer:     Grp. 15 MC3367
 Client:       LBJ Student Center      Date:       12/2/08          Page 1 of 1

                          LBJ Student Center PSA
                               (30 seconds)

Person 1:   Ah I have so much to do today! I need to study, go to the atm, grab
            some lunch, but I’m already on campus… how am I supposed to do
            all this?!

Person 2:   Well I just got some studying done, had coffee, and bought a new
            Texas State football shirt! All in one place on campus!

Person 1:   Where?!

Person 2:   At the LBJ Student Center!

Music:      (Texas State fight song comes in)

ANNCR:      If you’ve got a million things to do today…
            Get it done at LBJ.
This is a direct mail
message to be sent
through the Texas State
e-mail network, as well as
the parents, to keep
everyone as well
informed as possible.
Media          Cost
Print Media     7.99x 50
50 Graphic
   Flyers       $400.00

                4.75x 50
Footstep      $10.00x 50
Campaign       $500.00
Workshop      $75.00/stand
Total Spent   ≈$1,700.00
 Workshops
     Set up for the professional student organizations. These
    workshops will give exposure to the various programs and services
    at LBJSC in an interactive environment.
 T-shirts
     To be given away at sporting events, and eventually sold in the
    Bookstore at LBJSC.
 Monthly College Night
     A way for the 21+ crowd to relax after a long day, without having
    to venture into the square.
 Newsletters
     Monthly semester newsletter sent out to parents and students
    keeping everyone up to date on the special programs and events
    offered at the LBJSC
Objective #1
     Our objective is to increase the participation of students using
    LBJSC services by 15-20% by the end of the 2009-2010 school year
    through a campaign of print media throughout campus, and broadcast

Evaluation of intended outcome:
      Compare benchmark surveys and traffic flow charts with post-
     campaign surveys at the end of the 2009-10 school year.
      Compare enrolment in chartered organizations with pre and post-
     campaign statistics.
Objective #2
     We also want to incorporate the many services LBJSC offers
    into a ONE brand recognition of the LBJSC by the end of the fall
    semester 2009. This will be accomplished by a series of special
    events, and giveaways which will inform the students of such
    action. Eventually this will stimulate motivation in students into
    returning to LBJSC regularly.

Evaluation of intended outcome:
      Focus groups will be conducted following the 2009-10 school
     year to gauge the student reaction to the campaign.
      Surveys will also be given to a random sample of students.
          The results will show a representative sample of how
          students identify with the LBJSC.
"MPowerMedia - Home". MPowerMedia. November 28, 2008

"Texas State University". LBJ Student Center. November 23, 2008

Vaught, Dusty. Benchmark Surveys, Traffic Flow Chart. E-mailed on
         October 29, 2008.

"VistaPrint - Best Printing. Best Price.". VistaPrint. November 28, 2008
"On my honor, as a Texas State University student, I have neither given
nor received unauthorized assistance on this project. Everything in this
project is original work except where explicitly noted with a source
citation or reference.
No images, quotations, ideas, or variations of past advertising materials
for the client are contained in this project except where explicitly noted
with a source citation or reference.
I understand that violation of this honor statement constitutes
plagiarism and is punishable by both the instructor and by Texas State
University under its Honor Code.

 Ben Wirtz                     Jesus Olivas                   Corey Powers

__________________         __________________           __________________
Advertising Plan Book   Footprints

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Advertising Plan Book Footprints

  • 1. "We must throw open the doors of opportunity. But we also must equip our people to walk through these doors.“ - Lyndon Baines Johnson
  • 2. Group 15 – LBJSC Advertising Plans Book Ben Wirtz Jesus Olivas Corey Powers
  • 3.  Executive Summary  Situational Analysis  SWOT  Competitors  Customers  Background  Research  Objectives  Creative Execution  Target Audience  Strategy Statement  Big Idea  Media Plan  Sample Ads  Budget  Integrated Marketing Communications  Evaluation  References
  • 4. We will make a difference in the lives of those we serve.
  • 5. The Lyndon Baines Johnson Student Center has been a useful resource that Texas State University offers to its students. Centrally located between the McCoy School of Business and Alkek Library, LBJSC is the facility where students can attend class, eat, study, and participate in various other activities later described in this plan book. Unfortunately the LBJSC is basically viewed as one building, but with many parts that are scattered and vague. With low participation and a deceptive amount of foot traffic that misrepresents the ever growing enrolment at Texas State, the LBJSC seeks to increase exposure toward the less popular programs and services it offers. The student center is a privilege for Texas State students, and would like it to be used more consistently. It is our place and should be utilized to its greatest potential. To solve this problem, we have created an advertising plan book that intends to increase participation of students 15-20% by the end of the 2009-10 school year. Furthermore, the LBJSC intends to create a unified brand so that students will recognize all of the services offered at the LBJSC as a whole. This strategy will help students acknowledge that the LBJSC is a place where many things can be done, and is a helpful tool when needed. This will be done through a campaign of print and broadcast media, special events, and other strategies.
  • 6. The media plan is set to commence at the beginning of the 2009 fall semester, and hopefully last until the end of the 2010 spring semester. The plan will consist of various aesthetically pleasing and elaborately published print advertisements that will run in the University Star, as well as being posted throughout campus. Also we will create a thirty second radio PSA. that will air on KTSW throughout the semester. A low budget television commercial will be aired on Texas State’s public access channel. To incorporate the students and staff, the LBJSC will host a series of monthly workshops intended to provide a hands-on experience with the vast amount of chartered student organizations that are not well marketed. Also, George’s will be the venue of monthly college nights; marketing to the of-age crowd which would be an alternative to the San Marcos square. Finally, there will be direct- mail sent to parents in form of a newsletter that will provide information on what their children are getting involved in; keeping them aware of certain events that they can encourage their children to attend. This plan will successfully incorporate all the programs that the LBJSC has to offer into a recognizable brand. With a unified brand the LBJSC will confidently increase the participation of students that use its resources. By using eye appealing graphics, exciting interactive events, and the ever-growing population at Texas State, the LBJSC will be the first-choice for any services a Bobcat will need during the semester.
  • 7. The Lyndon Baines Johnson Student Center is a facility at Texas State University that has the capabilities to simplify a students everyday life. Bobcats can stop by the University Bookstore and pick up a pen before going up a flight of stairs to their class. Conversely students can grab a bite to eat downstairs at The Lair and study for an upcoming test. An integral part of the LBJSC experience is the Associated Student Government, located on the third floor. It is also the meeting grounds for many chartered student organizations, and has been the venue for many illustrious speakers. The LBJSC is in its growth stage and is taking advantage of the expanding campus and reaching out to current and future Bobcats. Now in its tenth year at Texas State, the LBJSC will keep providing students all of its beneficial services.
  • 8. LBJSC Strengths  Has a centralized location between the Alkek Library and the McCoy School of Business. Visible from most locations on campus.  Houses the University Bookstore where stationary, books, and many other goods can be purchased.  The location of The Lair, a dining area consisting of two floors.  Starbucks, Chick-fil-A, Blimpie, Pizza Hut, etc.  One of two major stops for TxTram.  Containing the Associated Student Government (ASG), and many other chartered organizations.  SACA, Non-Traditional Student Organization (NTSO), Inter Fraternity Council (IFC), etc.
  • 9. LBJSC Weaknesses  Minimal marketing hinders the exposure of the ASG, and many other student organizations that meet in the LBJSC.  The limited hours of operation do not cater to students with crowded schedules.  Low motivation in students to engage in extracurricular activities, events, and organizations.  Select goods are more expensive than external competitors  Students tend to avoid the LBJSC when entrances are overcrowded with solicitors
  • 10. Texas State presents many opportunities for the LBJ student center to take advantage of such as…  Texas State University is currently expanding its campus. They are constructing prestigious buildings which will drive in more prospective students, thus increasing the amount of students who would use LBJSC’s services.  Texas State is currently in its Drive to FBS. Football Bowl Subdivision (FBS), formerly known as Division I-A, is an American football classification for NCAA collegiate football. The Bobcats will be able to play for a bowl game which has the potential to increase the amount of students and fans at football games. This step forward could increase the popularity of Texas State University – San Marcos, in turn increasing the ever-growing rate of enrollment.
  • 11. Threats that face the LBJSC…  Lack of student interest has lead to low participation in the programs offered at LBJSC.  Students are not motivated enough to join chartered organizations, which results in lower membership and participation.  Off-campus residents are reluctant to come to LBJSC because of the commute and hassle of parking.  Parking is a threat due the shortage of parking spots. Parking lots charge hourly rates until 11:00 PM, which discourages students to attend events at the LBJSC.
  • 12. The majority of the competition that LBJSC faces comes from…  Students who do not go to Alkek or the LBJSC to study, will go to coffee shops such as Tantra Coffeehouse, The Coffee Pot on the square, Mochas & Javas, and other meeting grounds to grab a cup of joe and dig into their books.  For students needing school supplies, Colloquium, Wal-Mart, and Office Depot generally offer lower priced stationary and other academic needs.  As for students looking for food, they will avoid The Lair prior to 1:00 p.m. because meal trades are not accepted. Alternatively, they go to local and chain restaurants bordering the Texas State campus.
  • 13. Patrons of the LBJSC consist of…  Students that attend Texas State that are in need of the services that LBJSC offers.  Parents who’s children go to Texas State, so they will see what good the LBJSC does for their children.  Prospective students who have not decided on a college and are wanting to enroll at Texas State.  The LBJSC depends on these patrons to help keep the student center running and keep it a prestigious landmark at Texas State.
  • 14. The Lyndon Baines Johnson Student Center is your one stop spot for banking, dining, shopping, and one can even attend class there. With over 120 paid student jobs, and only 60 dollars a semester per student to keep it running, the LBJSC is essential for students and a one of a kind place. There are some special events and promotions going on this year, such as the football teams Drive to FBS and the celebration of LBJ’s 100th birthday. The LBJSC is a place that students should feel comfortable and be able to complete any given task in a relaxed environment. The best part about the LBJSC is the abundance of programs and services offered that cater to virtually every niche.
  • 15. Benchmark Surveys done in 2008  1000+ in home surveys  500 Student Center  98% returned results  500 Greek organization members  Random list from Greek database  45% returned results  Student organization leaders  Leaders of all chartered organization officers, and registered student organization presidents  23% returned results
  • 16. Focus Group on how involvement is connected to personal growth: Results -Students indicated that the following were their top ten areas of personal growth from involvement in Student Centered programs:  Interpersonal relationships,  Building confidence,  Creating sense of belonging,  Appreciation of diversity and culture,  Leadership opportunities,  Personal growth and development,  Communication skills development,  Networking,  Academic enhancement  Opportunities to be more involved.
  • 17. Classification of surveyed  13% Freshman  28% Sophomores  37% Juniors  16% Seniors  4% Graduate Students Times visited LBJSC  14 between 7am-10am  23 between 10am-1pm  39 between 1pm-4pm  22 from 4pm-later
  • 18. What students use at LBJSC Percentage of people that did not know about services at LBJSC: 78% go to LBJSC to eat 74% did not know about 64% attend class at LBJSC Counseling 60% make purchases at 63% did not know about Boko’s the university bookstore or Living Room Paws market or other location 34% did not know about the two computer labs in LBJSC 33% attend meetings at LBJSC 28% did not know about NTSO 16% go to LBJSC to study 17% did not know about Parking Services 3% work at LBJSC 12% did not know about SACA 13% did not know about ASG 9% did not know about I.D. Services
  • 19. The objectives of this advertising plan are a combination of informational and motivational.  Our objective is to increase the participation of students using LBJSC services by 15-20% by the end of the 2009-2010 school year through a campaign of print media throughout campus, and broadcast media.  We also want to incorporate the many services LBJSC offers into a ONE brand recognition of the LBJSC by the end of the fall semester 2009. This will be accomplished by a series of special events, and giveaways which will inform the students of such action. Eventually this will stimulate motivation in students into returning to LBJSC regularly.
  • 20. Demographics: Psychographics:  The LBJSC has a target The LBJSC wants to reach out audience that consists of… to….  Students who are enrolled at  Students that are Texas State University that are interested in student from the ages of 18- and older. government  Either  Students interested in extracurricular programs  Campus residents having easier access to LBJSC  Students needing a healthy study environment  Commuter residents who  More if you think of any need a place to eat good ones have down time after or before classes
  • 21. The strategies we are aiming to use consist of:  Using creative and recognizable print advertisements in the University Star, and busses.  Airing a low budget, yet appealing commercial on the local Texas State channel.  Hosting special events at the LBJSC ball room, and Georges for students.  Hand out samples, such as T-shirts, at Texas State football games.  Running a newsletter to parents and students every month.
  • 22. We believe the most feasible and effective strategies are as follows:  The print advertisements to be distributed to the University Star, TxTram, and outdoor flyers.  The special events and activities to be held at specific times throughout the year to create significant turnout.  The broadcast media which will be aired throughout the Texas State airwaves.
  • 23. The central idea of our advertising campaign is to draw more involvement and make LBJSC more recognizable as a single unified brand.  Having a catchy and memorable slogan will drastically increase awareness of LBJSC and all of its amenities. Furthermore, elevating the participation by the student body.  With so many programs and services offered, we came up with the following slogan: “Got a full day? Get it done at LBJ!”
  • 24. This slogan positions the LBJSC as the primary tool to efficiently complete ones everyday tasks. The LBJSC is differentiated as the only provider of said services in one centralized location. This eliminates the need to outsource ones tasks to alternative locations.
  • 25. Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Print Ad X X X X Broadcast Media X X X X X Workshops X X X T-Shirts George's College Night X X X Newsletter X X X X X Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Print Ad X X X Broadcast Media X X X X X Workshops X X X T-Shirts X X X George's College Night X X X X Newsletter X X X X X
  • 26. The flight chart on the opposite page illustrates our plan for the 6 different tactics that we feel can be efficiently implemented.  We decided to use the University Star to advertising because it is a free publication that is read by a large portion of the campus.  We chose local media, such as KTSW and the Texas State public access channel, because people in the San Marcos area like to support services within their community.  We picked the TxTram bus system because there is a high volume of students that travel on the busses throughout the day.
  • 27. This advertisement will be run in the University Star. It will be effective due to the large readership of the student newspaper. It possesses both readability and legibility, as well as the symmetry required by any simple print ad.
  • 28. This is another example of a print ad that could be run on the TxTram bus routes, as well as the University Star. It possesses all of the same qualities as the previous sample ad. It also connects with current issues, such as the rise and fall of gas prices, with eye-catching graphics and text.
  • 29. Production: Radio PSA Writer: Grp. 15 MC3367 Client: LBJ Student Center Date: 12/2/08 Page 1 of 1 LBJ Student Center PSA (30 seconds) Person 1: Ah I have so much to do today! I need to study, go to the atm, grab some lunch, but I’m already on campus… how am I supposed to do all this?! Person 2: Well I just got some studying done, had coffee, and bought a new Texas State football shirt! All in one place on campus! Person 1: Where?! Person 2: At the LBJ Student Center! Music: (Texas State fight song comes in) ANNCR: If you’ve got a million things to do today… Get it done at LBJ.
  • 30.
  • 31.
  • 32.
  • 33.
  • 34.
  • 35.
  • 36. This is a direct mail message to be sent through the Texas State e-mail network, as well as the parents, to keep everyone as well informed as possible.
  • 37. Media Cost Print Media 7.99x 50 50 Graphic Flyers $400.00 Broadcast $500.00 Commercial 4.75x 50 T-Shirts $238.00 Footstep $10.00x 50 Campaign $500.00 Workshop $75.00/stand Total Spent ≈$1,700.00
  • 38.  Workshops  Set up for the professional student organizations. These workshops will give exposure to the various programs and services at LBJSC in an interactive environment.  T-shirts  To be given away at sporting events, and eventually sold in the Bookstore at LBJSC.  Monthly College Night  A way for the 21+ crowd to relax after a long day, without having to venture into the square.  Newsletters  Monthly semester newsletter sent out to parents and students keeping everyone up to date on the special programs and events offered at the LBJSC
  • 39. Objective #1  Our objective is to increase the participation of students using LBJSC services by 15-20% by the end of the 2009-2010 school year through a campaign of print media throughout campus, and broadcast media. Evaluation of intended outcome:  Compare benchmark surveys and traffic flow charts with post- campaign surveys at the end of the 2009-10 school year.  Compare enrolment in chartered organizations with pre and post- campaign statistics.
  • 40. Objective #2  We also want to incorporate the many services LBJSC offers into a ONE brand recognition of the LBJSC by the end of the fall semester 2009. This will be accomplished by a series of special events, and giveaways which will inform the students of such action. Eventually this will stimulate motivation in students into returning to LBJSC regularly. Evaluation of intended outcome:  Focus groups will be conducted following the 2009-10 school year to gauge the student reaction to the campaign.  Surveys will also be given to a random sample of students. The results will show a representative sample of how students identify with the LBJSC.
  • 41. "MPowerMedia - Home". MPowerMedia. November 28, 2008 < HgodeVF4JQ>. "Texas State University". LBJ Student Center. November 23, 2008 <>. Vaught, Dusty. Benchmark Surveys, Traffic Flow Chart. E-mailed on October 29, 2008. "VistaPrint - Best Printing. Best Price.". VistaPrint. November 28, 2008 < back>.
  • 42. "On my honor, as a Texas State University student, I have neither given nor received unauthorized assistance on this project. Everything in this project is original work except where explicitly noted with a source citation or reference. No images, quotations, ideas, or variations of past advertising materials for the client are contained in this project except where explicitly noted with a source citation or reference. I understand that violation of this honor statement constitutes plagiarism and is punishable by both the instructor and by Texas State University under its Honor Code. Ben Wirtz Jesus Olivas Corey Powers __________________ __________________ __________________