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“Advertising in the time of a plague. | Communication strategies in the face of the coronavirus pandemic.
May you live
in interesting times.
An English saying, mistakenly — and ironically — thought to have originated as a Chinese curse. Seemingly a good wish, it actually praises “uninteresting times” being a synonym of a peaceful life, as opposed to “interesting times” meaning a life in turmoil.
We are facing an unprecedented situation in the most recent history, both in
Poland and the World: a pandemic and widespread quarantine. The coming
few weeks will take us into uncharted waters: we will have to adapt to a new
situation as people, but also as employees of the communications industry.
In terms of business, the near future won't be easy and that's a given. With so
much uncertainty and overall decrease in consumption, the question is no
longer if, but what is Plan B for the the communication activities planned so
And no, this is not a time to hibernate or wait it out. The ad industry currently
has a great responsibility to ensure the safety and future of the brands which
we work for and which indirectly impact the lives of all of us.
Asia’s experiences with the epidemic show that brands that have contributed
to society during this crisis — by giving back and acting for the common good
— will be appreciated. Our response may be a decisive factor in a smoother
transition to the post-pandemic reality. This is why the key question today
should be: What can my brand do for people? How can it help? There is no
single remedy, of course. Each category will be affected by this time differently
and deal with it differently.
In this study, we will try to determine how a brand should behave in the face of
the epidemic. We have based it largely on reports from Asia, where the
coronavirus seems to be subsiding. Their experiences can prove an invaluable
lesson in the face of the unknown. Let us hope that, thanks to the dedication of
the emergency services and the all-out mobilisation for social distancing,
we will soon overcome the epidemic and go back to suspended projects and
briefs. Stay healthy!
The DDB Warsaw Team
Advertising in the time of a plague. | Communication strategies in the face of the coronavirus pandemic.
Image: Victor Grabarczyk,
1. What can we expect in the near future?
2. Social perspective during the pandemic.
3. Predictions for business and the economy.
4. How brands can deal with the new situation.
5. Stages 1 & 2: Pandemic. What now?
6. Stage 3: Rebirth.
7. Stage 4: A new world.
8. Summary.
Advertising in the time of a plague. | Communication strategies in the face of the coronavirus pandemic.
What can we
expect in
the near future?*
* Predictions based on data as of 16 March.
Image: @freetousesoundscom,
Advertising in the time of a plague. | What awaits us in the near future?
The hallmarks
of the pandemic.
To best adjust to the reality in which we will have to live and work in the
coming weeks, it is crucial to understand the nature of a coronavirus
Data from the countries affected by COVID-19 shows that the virus is
highly contagious. This is partly because it is new, and humans do not
have antibodies to it (resulting in easy human-to-human transmission).
COVID-19’s reproduction number, i.e. the average number of people who
can be infected by a contagious person, is high: 2 to 2.5.
An unchecked coronavirus epidemic grows exponentially over time,
slowly at first and then accelerating, with the number of cases doubling
every day. To eliminate the coronavirus, an infectiousness of <1 person is
required. Only then will the virus gradually subside.
Advertising in the time of a plague. | What can we expect in the near future?
Limiting the number of infections is key to overcoming the epidemic.
By reducing the speed of virus transmission, we will buy time for the
medical services and enable them to help the sick without overloading the
healthcare system.
Therefore, the only solution currently available to all of us is isolation,
which should stop the further spread of COVID-19. Otherwise, if we do
not reduce the transmission rate, the disease will spread uncontrollably.
The need for
Advertising in the time of a plague. | What can we expect in the near future?
Time since first case
Number of infections
w/o protective measures
Number of infections
w/ protective measures
Protective measures* slow
the spread of the virus and
reduce demand on hospitals
Healthcare system
capacity (no. of
beds, personnel,
equipment, etc.)
* protective measures will include: washing hands, staying home (for people with symptoms of infection), limiting mass gatherings,
restrictions in movement, isolating infected people, etc.
This is evidenced by data and experiences from China,
which show exactly how the virus spreads. The orange
bars represent officially diagnosed cases of coronavirus
in Hubei Province per day. Those which the authorities
knew about.
The gray ones, on the other hand, correspond to the
supposed number of cases which the Chinese government
was unaware of, and which the Chinese Centre for
Infectious Disease Control and Prevention discovered by
taking patients’ medical histories. These are the infected
which the authorities did not know about. The sum of both
bars shows the real situation in Hubei.
Since the closing of the province, the number of unknown
cases has declined, i.e. the uncontrolled spread of the
virus has truly slowed down. At the same time, the number
of known cases (that the authorities know of) is growing,
so they can control the epidemic.
A Chinese
Advertising in the time of a plague. | What can we expect in the near future?
Source: Tomas Pueyo, Analysis of graphs from the Journal of the American Medical Association,
based on raw data from the Chinese Centre for Infectious Disease Control and Prevention.
Data from all countries show that the virus is spreading at a similar pace
in most countries where social distancing was not quickly introduced.
To contain the epidemic, it is crucial to consider two variables:
- for each case diagnosed there are many more unknown (like in China),
- how soon we introduce social distancing will decide the number of
cases and the time of recovery from the crisis.
All countries
will meet
the same fate.
Advertising in the time of a plague. | What can we expect in the near future?
“This is the time
to quarantine
each of us”
The Polish Minister of Health
Łukasz Szumowski
Image: Paweł Supernak / PAP
Advertising in the time of a plague. | What can we expect in the near future?
It seems that the decision to declare a state of epidemic threat in Poland,
to limit mass events, close schools and the borders was a fairly quick
response, compared to other countries, made at a relatively early stage
of the epidemic in the country (“only” 68 cases as of 13 March).
Most Western European countries are currently delaying this step or only
now starting to consider it, when the number of cases there is often tens
of times higher than in Poland.
Early response
in Poland.
As of 15 March 2020
Advertising in the time of a plague. | What can we expect in the near future?
Currently, Poland is experiencing a similar growth rate, resulting from the
first uncontrolled infections. We know that the coronavirus is spreading at
a similar pace in all countries, so it is only up to us which way Poland will go.
The coming days will show how events in the country will unfold. Will we see
an increase in cases like in Western Europe, or will the curve representing the
number of infections flatten?
For the moment, it is difficult to predict which path we will follow. However,
given the time advantage and the relatively early introduction of restrictions,
we can hope for the second scenario. Everything will depend on the actions
of the authorities and the preparedness of society to stay at home.
The Italian
or Singaporean
Advertising in the time of a plague. | What can we expect in the near future?
Advertising in the time of a plague. | What can we expect in the near future?
The crisis will last for many weeks. A return
to relative normality can be expected in May
at the earliest.
Poland can emerge from the epidemic crisis
as one of the first EU countries.
Advertising in the time of a plague. | Social perspective during the pandemic.
Social perspective
during the
Image: Daniel Tafjord,
This is a completely new situation for Poles. For the first time in recent
history, we are facing the necessity of staying in our homes in the fear of
a widespread pandemic.
For all of us, this means entirely new circumstances and limitations.
Changing our way of life and the necessity to adapt to our new reality.
Gathering goods in fear of supply disruptions, the need for home office,
which is new to many as well as organising children’s time and many more.
Advertising in the time of a plague. | Social perspective during the pandemic.
Stay at home if you can.
It seems that Poles have adapted to the new difficult situation quickly and
efficiently, quarantining themselves and switching to a home office
working solution (either voluntarily or as a result of their employers’
decisions). Many businesses also responded to the situation, temporarily
closing their premises to limit physical contact between people.
The quick response is a result of both fear and discipline. This stems
from understanding the situation and realising that the only way to stop
the disease is social distancing.
and fear.
Advertising in the time of a plague. | Social perspective during the pandemic.
Empty streets in Warsaw. Let’s keep it
like this for a while.
Playing w kids, board games, consoles,
movies, TV series... Lots of options!
#stayathome and show us how you’re spending
An exemplary queue to a pharmacy in Kraków!
No crowding; mandatory distance between people.
Noticed and captured by Ada Chojnowska..
Coronavirus pandemic makes culture
go online
The Internet promptly responded with viral actions in which Poles are
urging each other to stay at home, sharing information and advice,
reinforcing the importance of temporary isolation.
Advertising in the time of a plague. | Social perspective during the pandemic.
The necessity of a sudden change of lifestyle driven by social distancing;
fear, heightened by ubiquitous news stories about the virus; a lack of
confidence in the future.
All this will cause changes in consumers’ needs and behaviours in the
coming weeks, when we as a society will re-evaluate our perspective on
many issues.
Safety first.
Minimising time outside
& social distancing.
More frequent contact
online / by phone.
The home must replace
the whole world.
Work, entertainment, exercise...
Fear & uncertainty.
About safety, work, future...
Reducing expenses.
Essentials only.
Advertising in the time of a plague. | Social perspective during the pandemic.
In a study by Kantar China Insights, the most frequently mentioned way
of spending time during the epidemic in China was watching movies
(58%), short videos (56%), and traditional TV (41%).
Various forms of video were followed by games (mobile and online),
mentioned by 39% of respondents, and contacting friends (over 30%).
Interestingly, sleeping as a way of passing the time in quarantine was
mentioned by as many as 54% of respondents.
How does one
spend time
during a
Advertising in the time of a plague. | Social perspective during the pandemic.
During the epidemic, China saw a significant increase in remote services
that satisfy consumers’ new needs. According to Kantar China Insights,
as much as 84% of quarantined consumers tried at least one new service
for the first time. Of those services, the most popular were online medical
consultations (34%), online education (33%), remote work tools (29%) and
paid entertainment services (26%).
Gaming is also among the categories that have grown significantly. In two
months, the daily number of active users of Tencent’s most popular
games, Mahjong and Game for Peace, increased by 109% and 44%,
Many Chinese sources also emphasise the increase in e-commerce
services, especially for basic products such as food.
An increase
in some needs.
Advertising in the time of a plague. | Social perspective during the pandemic.
In a crisis such as a pandemic, during a prolonged confinement at home,
positive emotional stimuli are particularly important. These certainly include
the need for good news, hope for improvement, support, and consolation.
Images from Italy that we are often observing—of people singing and partying
on balconies—show a very strong need for unity, solidarity, and an escape
from everyday hardships.
needs are
Advertising in the time of a plague. | Social perspective during the pandemic.
acts of kindness
and selflessness.
Advertising in the time of a plague. | Social perspective during the pandemic.
Antiviral Rap: Helen and Jonas explain why they
are staying home
Help your neighbours stay at
home. #neighbourlyhelp My
neighbour is from China. She
said that there’s a system of
contact between neighbours
over there via their version of
WhatsApp. It was v useful
during the epidemic. Each bldg
has a group, each stairwell a
subgroup. Ppl agree who buys
food, make shopping lists & pay.
One person buys it, brings it,
leaves it in a spot and notifies
it’s there, and then ppl can
collect their groceries. They can
also ask for help or ask if
someone needs any. I’m
planning to make such a group
in my bldg.
Activists in Cracow are collecting cloth and sewing
face masks for hospitals. They are also working with
drivers who will deliver the masks to doctors. Would
you like to help them sew? Do you have spare masks
at the office and want to donate them? Register
through the contact form. The action is attracting
more and more interest by the hour!
The new
Advertising in the time of a plague. | Social perspective during the pandemic.
Our initiative aims at supporting the entire
healthcare community in this difficult time of
fighting the epidemic.
The goal is to coordinate a countrywide drive to
donate meals to all medical personnel and hospital
employees, who will be giving their all in this
difficult time ahead of us during endless,
exhausting shifts and calls.
The initiative is made by citizens and has no
support from any no companies or institutions. We
are currently looking for a non-profit organisation
that will legitimise and coordinate a fundraiser
towards this goal on a crowdfunding platform.
Right now, we are organising our structures, looking
for logistical partners, food suppliers, and
volunteers. Many people and companies have
already reached out to us, and we thank them very
One more thing: please do not deliver anything to
hospitals yourselves. We want to be careful
Humour is an important factor in relieving stress. It helps us get used to
the situation, which is outside our control.
Humour —
the cure
for the virus.
Advertising in the time of a plague. | Social perspective during the pandemic.
meet u in the alley
Safety first.
Minimising time outside
& social distancing.
More frequent contact
online / by phone.
The home must replace
the whole world
Work, entertainment, exercise...
Fear & uncertainty.
About safety, work...
Reducing expenses.
Essentials only.
What will
A sustained need for
safety. An increased
need to ensure safety.
The need to regain freedom limited for weeks + to leave home.
Going back to the pre-pandemic lifestyle. No interpersonal interactions—the need to
catch up with people after weeks of separation.
The need for unwinding
+ positive stimuli.
travel, etc.)
The need to consume
/ the need to save
(depending on the
duration of the
Advertising in the time of a plague. | Social perspective during the pandemic.
Research conducted in China shows people’s strong need to be able to
spend time outside once the pandemic is over. Nearly 60% of Chinese
respondents plan to start by going to eat out. Next, they mention the
desire for travel and out-of-home entertainment (ca. 50%).
Interestingly, having experienced the trauma of the pandemic, nearly 40%
of respondents mention activities related to safety: purchasing medicines
and supplements, health insurance, and disease prevention.
A strong need
to unwind.
Advertising in the time of a plague. | Social perspective during the pandemic.
The legacy of the coronavirus in Poland (and World) will possibly include:
a national trauma, a hole in the country’s budget, a decline in GDP, and
a sobering realisation about how weak and unprepared for such crises the
healthcare system is.
There will be a reevaluation at the consumer level. The needs, the
consumption level, and the propensity to consume will change. The
example of China signals changes in consumers, shaped by the traumatic
experiences and weeks spent in confinement. An increase in e-commerce,
VOD services and online entertainment; concerns over safety.
At the moment, however, these are only predictions; they will be verified in
a few months.
The pandemic
will have
lasting effects.
Advertising in the time of a plague. | Social perspective during the pandemic.
Image: Kristine Tanne,
During the crisis, consumers’ needs and habits will
change. Consumption will decrease significantly.
People will be in need of positive stimuli, support,
a sense of unity and solidarity.
The pandemic will leave its mark
on consumption patterns.
Advertising in the time of a plague. | Social perspective during the pandemic.
source: Benjamin Sow,
for business
and the economy.
Advertising in the time of a plague. | Predictions for business and the economy.
It is difficult at this time to accurately predict the impact of coronavirus on
our economy. Much depends on how the pandemic progresses in Poland,
how soon it is contained, and whether the authorities put in place the
“atomic” solution—a full “lockdown”, i.e. universal quarantine for everyone.
According to forecasts of the Polish Economic Institute from 12 March,
the Polish GDP growth rate will fall by around 0.4-1.3 percentage points.
In the face of the pandemic, these figures could be considered highly
It will hurt
at first.
Advertising in the time of a plague. | Predictions for business and the economy.
Coronavirus to hit Polish economy.
Here are the recent forecasts
on individual
categories. Relatively resistant sectors
Negative impact
Hygienic products
Medical services
/ drugs
/ supplements
Food + beverages Insurance
+ related
online entertainment
Convenience stores Gaming
Tourism + airlines
+ related
OOH entertainment
Shopping centres
/ superstores
Beauty Gastronomy Luxury products Furniture + home decor
Online services
/ telework
Quick loans
Advertising in the time of a plague. | Predictions for business and the economy.
According to a Kantar study, the pandemic in China increased selected
categories. Naturally, the largest growth was recorded in medical categories
related to disease prevention and in the pharmaceutical industry. Next in line
was the category related to securing the second most important need during
the pandemic, i.e. food and beverages.
The other end of the scale was populated primarily by sectors involving the
need to leave home: gastronomy, tourism, beauty and fitness. Expenditures
on luxury goods were also very limited during the pandemic. As much as 61%
of respondents in China reduced or canceled their expenses due to a high
uncertainty at the time.
The expected
After the pandemic ends, there should be a quick rebound provided that the
country’s economic potential (the ability to resume normal work and
production) can be maintained. For that to happen, companies must stay
afloat, i.e. retain employment and financing options. This may require
support from the state.
A natural social need that will appear after the pandemic is the desire to
unwind. However, the public will probably avoid consumption as we know it
today, which will result from fear, uncertainty, and a post-crisis trauma.
Spending on consumer goods during and after the SARS epidemic in China (2003)
Source: Refinitiv Datastream
Advertising in the time of a plague. | Predictions for business and the economy.
The economy will be hit hard by the pandemic.
But not all industries equally.
Once the crisis is overcome, the economy will
rebound. The sooner it happens, the less painful
the effects will be.
Advertising in the time of a plague. | Predictions for business and the economy.
How brands can
deal with the new
Advertising in the time of a plague. | How brands can deal with the new situation.
Image: Benjamin Sow,
for brands.
The crisis will last for many weeks. A return to relative normality
can be expected in May at the earliest.
People will need positive stimuli, support, a sense of unity
and solidarity.
During the crisis, consumers’ needs and habits will change.
Consumption will decrease significantly.
Poland can emerge from the epidemic crisis as one of the first
EU countries.
The economy will be hit hard by the pandemic. But not all
industries equally.
Once the crisis is overcome, the economy will rebound.
The sooner it happens, the less painful the effects will be.
The pandemic will leave its mark on consumption patterns.
Advertising in the time of a plague. | How brands can deal with the new situation.
In times of turmoil and related challenges, it is important
to notice opportunities and possibilities.
Do not wait. Start getting ready
for a post-pandemic world.
Advertising in the time of a plague. | How brands can deal with the new situation.
Image: Krzysztof Kotkowicz,
What to do.
At the time of the pandemic crisis, it is crucial to quickly assess the situation and
calibrate the strategy action plan to adapt to the new reality. This means revising
existing plans and preparing for changes. Such a challenge requires
a two-pronged approach.
Above all, a rough action plan must be developed to respond to consumers’
changing needs. Undoubtedly, the key elements here are flexibility in action and
quick reflexes, which require a shortened decision path, as well as the ability to
abandon the typical business perspective..
The biggest mistake during a crisis affecting a whole society is an attempt to
cash in on the tragedy. The time of the pandemic requires extraordinary sensitivity
to people’s emotions. Any attempt of making an extra profit at this time may be
met with hostility. Simply put, at the time of the pandemic, people expect us to be
involved in the common cause. Therefore, our goal should be to help and to
respond to their needs. This period can be a time to take care of business with an
approach other than a focus on sales (which will likely suffer): building the brand
and a relationship with consumers, which will be appreciated over time.
On the other hand, even in the early stages of the crisis, planning of medium- and
long-term activities should be started to ensure that we will safely get back on
track when the crisis is over. At this point, no one can predict which way the world
and Poland will go. However, developing scenarios and calibrating them in real
time will make us ready for the new reality.
Advertising in the time of a plague. | How brands can deal with the new situation.
Framework for brand activities*.
What to change in the business
to be needed in the new reality?
How to launch new services /
products during a quarantine?
How to make up for losses
and rebuild your business?
How to encourage resuming
consumption after the pandemic?
Is the offer still relevant in view of the
changes brought about by the crisis?
Early stages of the pandemic.
People are adapting to the new situation.
People and their needs are freed; they need to
unwind. Increased optimism due to the end of the
pandemic. Possible economic volatility!
The situation gradually stabilises and returns to
normal. Important! In the case of the coronavirus,
the pandemic may recur!
Short (possibly Mar-May) Medium (possibly Jun-Aug) Long (possibly Sep-?)
Quick response to changes and people’s
new needs. Help and involvement.
Getting closer to consumers; solidarity;
efficient operation; abandoning the role of a
brand/salesperson; communication presence
if possible.
Marketing offensive.
Ad campaigns, rebuilding traffic to shops/salons,
promotions & incentives to stimulate business.
Familiarizing brands with new needs.
Keeping track of changes in the market and
consumer behaviours; changes in the offer and
functioning of the business.
Reducing potential damage to the
brand and building closeness
Monetization of optimism
and earlier image-building activities.
Become a leader in the new reality.Goal
Stage 2: AdaptationStage 1: Shock Stage 3: Rebirth Stage 4: A new world
Further building the brand image and
potential sales during the crisis.
A sudden change in the reality of
business; new restrictions for
How to act in a dynamic situation?
The pandemic is underway. People are
getting used to the new circumstances.
Adapting the business to
the new reality.
Changing the offer to make life easier in the
reality of the pandemic; following the market
situation; planning next steps; carefully
building the brand image.
Advertising in the time of a plague. | How brands can deal with the new situation.
* The proposed division is merely a theoretical model, which will not
apply to all brands and categories at all times. Consider alternative
versions, depending on the character of your industry.
Image: @freetousesoundscom,
Stages 1 & 2:
What now?
Advertising in the time of a plague. | Stages 1 & 2: Pandemic. What now?
The main
A decline in consumption and economic activity;
changing needs; fear; anxiety; uncertainty.
Advertising in the time of a plague. | Stages 1 & 2: Pandemic. What now?
The first phase of the pandemic is a time for human solidarity
and involvement in the fight for a common cause.
Next, it is important to adjust the business to the new reality
to make people’s lives easier amid the pandemic.
How to act?
Advertising in the time of a plague. | Stages 1 & 2: Pandemic. What now?
How to act?
Consumers will recognise and greatly appreciate all activities related to
the desire to help others and be involved in the fight against the
pandemic. This has been observed by emerging cases from both Poland
and abroad, where each instance of involvement of the private sector was
widely commented in the media.
Advertising in the time of a plague. | Stages 1 & 2: Pandemic. What now?
Agata Furniture has decided to donate 1,000,000
zloty to the healthcare services to buy medical
equipment and protective wear, and to fight the
coronavirus. We hope that all the preventive action
and the much-needed medical equipment will help
overcome this ordeal as soon as possible.
Will every dollar spent return a direct profit?
Certainly not.
But every dollar not spent—if we choose to keep
quiet—will be the price we will pay for absence
and indifference.
Advertising in the time of a plague. | Stages 1 & 2: Pandemic. What now?
What to do during the
pandemic. Stage 1: Shock.
Advertising in the time of a plague. | Stages 1 & 2: Pandemic. What now?
Offer people a helping hand.
Abandon the role of brand/salesperson. In crisis,
people will limit their spending to the essential
goods. On the other hand, they will expect
support, which you should offer. They will
appreciate it!
Do not bury your head in the sand.
Cutting yourself off can be seen as abandoning
people. Even if your brand has little to offer, you
can still show your support.
Act quickly and efficiently.
During the pandemic, there is no time for endless
deliberations. You have to shorten and speed up
the decision path.
What to do during the pandemic.
Stage 2: Adaptation.
Adapt your business to changes.
E-commerce, contactless service, enabled
remote service. Try to introduce solutions
adjusted to the new reality.
Plan your next steps.
Keep planning for the future. The crisis will pass,
and the time after it will most likely be a struggle
to recover—also for the competition.
Keep your eye on the market.
Events will keep changing by the hour. Watch
what your competition is doing and do not be
afraid to do the same. What people expect now
is proactivity, not creativity.
Build your image carefully.
Use your time well, try to find in your brand
something that may be relevant for at this time,
even if it has not been crucial before.
Advertising in the time of a plague. | Stages 1 & 2: Pandemic. What now?
The need for movement
and exercise
Switching production
to goods useful
for fighting the pandemic
The need for information
and knowledge
Areas where
you can help.
The need to learn
and work remotely
The need to organise
leisure time
The need to provide children
with quality time
The need for food
and medicine
the healthcare services
Financial support
for fighting the virus
The need for contact
with loved ones
Regulating the situationUrging people
to stay at home
Supporting those in
a difficult financial situation
Emotional support
for people
Advertising in the time of a plague. | Stages 1 & 2: Pandemic. What now?
The need
to learn and work
Advertising in the time of a plague. | Stages 1 & 2: Pandemic. What now?
How Microsoft and Google are helping us
in the fight against coronavirus
Microsoft and Google have made their work and remote learning tools
available to everyone for free, to help students and businesses adapt to
the new situation.
The need to
leisure time.
In response to a decision to close premier league stadiums, Canal+ immediately offered to decode its channels.
Advertising in the time of a plague. | Stages 1 & 2: Pandemic. What now?
Stuck at home? These 12 famed
museums offer virtual tours
Cyfrowy Polsat will decode Canal+ Sport 3 and Canal+
Sport 4, movie channels and the Disney Channel
Theatre without leaving home. Best Polish
performances available online.
Coronavirus pandemic makes culture go online
The need to
provide children
with quality time.
Advertising in the time of a plague. | Stages 1 & 2: Pandemic. What now?
Theatre for children moves to the web! Online performances soon
Vectra decodes channels for children
The need for
contact with loved
A Hong Kong mobile operator, within the #ToughTimesTogether movement, offered people phones
with unlimited data plans for patients of nursing homes so that they can have contact with their
loved ones.
Advertising in the time of a plague. | Stages 1 & 2: Pandemic. What now?
The need for
and knowledge.
Advertising in the time of a plague. | Stages 1 & 2: Pandemic. What now?
The need for food
and medicine.
The retail chains Freshippo (Alibaba), Super Species and 7Fresh made it possible to order food
online via WeChat, a platform popular in China, without the need to leave the home during
quarantine. Each chain delivered the goods to the customer’s doorstep within an hour. The whole
transaction happened inside the app thanks to the integration with an online payment system.
Advertising in the time of a plague. | Stages 1 & 2: Pandemic. What now?
the healthcare
Advertising in the time of a plague. | Stages 1 & 2: Pandemic. What now?
Urging people
to stay at home.
Advertising in the time of a plague. | Stages 1 & 2: Pandemic. What now?
Allegro gives free month
of Allegro Smart. “We will
cover delivery costs, we
aren’t looking to profit”
to goods useful
for fighting the
Advertising in the time of a plague. | Stages 1 & 2: Pandemic. What now?
Polish sporting company to produce face
masks and lab coats for hospital starting
Financial support
for fighting the
Advertising in the time of a plague. | Stages 1 & 2: Pandemic. What now?
Agata Furniture has decided to donate 1,000,000
zloty to the healthcare services to buy medical
The need for
and exercise.
Advertising in the time of a plague. | Stages 1 & 2: Pandemic. What now?
Many brands related to physical exercise, i.e. gyms, equipment
manufacturers offer online training sessions for everyone to practice at
home and keep fit during the quarantine time.
Supporting those
in a difficult
financial situation.
Advertising in the time of a plague. | Stages 1 & 2: Pandemic. What now?
Regulating the
amid the
Advertising in the time of a plague. | Stages 1 & 2: Pandemic. What now?
Rossman is Poland’s first chain to limit
sales of some goods
Today, Rossmann has introduced restrictions on the sale of
selected products. These are mainly soaps and antibacterial gels
Stage 3: Rebirth.
Advertising in the time of a plague. | Stage 3: Rebirth.
Image: Emilia Niedźwiedzka,
A period of recovering from the pandemic. Increased optimism
and a desire to unwind. People and their needs are set free.
The Rebirth stage will bring a gradual improvement
in the business climate.
Advertising in the time of a plague. | Stage 3: Rebirth.
How to act?
The challenge at this stage will be to rebuild business.
The whole market will encourage resuming consumption.
Our goal will be to convert the improving moods and emerging
consumption needs into options to make up for the losses.
Advertising in the time of a plague. | Stage 3: Rebirth.
How to act when
the pandemic is over?
Building traffic
to shops/salons.
It is worth encouraging customers,
after several weeks
at home, to visit the POS again;
they might be missing it.
Special offers
to stimulate sales.
During the Rebirth stage, society’s
spending power will decline.
It is worth lowering the entry
threshold and encourage to buy.
Ad offensive.
Make use of customers’ need to
resume consumption and their
desire to return to their previous
lifestyle. Prepare campaigns and
offers that they may need at this
Follow up on the image
building from Stage 1.
If your activities during the
pandemic were focused on
sampling your brand’s service, it is
worth encouraging customers to
continue using them.
to the new reality.
Check if your brand is ready to
respond to the changes in the
market / among consumers.
Plan your next steps.
This is not the end. During the
pandemic, the market could have
changed a lot. These changes
must be mapped early so that you
can respond to them in Stage 4.
Advertising in the time of a plague. | Stage 3: Rebirth.
Stage 4:
A new world.
Advertising in the time of a plague. | Stage 4: A new world.
Image: Emilia Niedźwiedzka,
A period of gradual stabilization and return to normality.
May be characterized by high economic optimism,
which is difficult to exactly predict at this point.
(It is advisable to be prepared for a possible scenario of the pandemic recurring.)
Advertising in the time of a plague. | Stage 4: A new world.
How to act?
The goal of Stage 4 is to find the best path through the new
reality and to use the new changes to your advantage.
It may be necessary to revise your business and
adjust the offer to the new world.
Advertising in the time of a plague. | Stage 4: A new world.
How to find your place
in a new world?
Understanding the changes.
Try to monitor and understand the changes
that occurred during the pandemic. Good
insights can help you adapt your business
to the new times.
Adjusting the offer and
Prepare for sweeping changes in business.
Many aspects related to it may have
changed during the pandemic, e.g. delivery
methods, business model.
Advertising in the time of a plague. | Stage 4: A new world.
Advertising in the time of a plague. | Summary.
Image: Jacek Jabłoński,
Advertising in the time of a plague. | Summary.
1. Be flexible. Adapt quickly to the new reality; respond
to changes.
6. Do not try to profit from the situation. It will be
remembered and come back to haunt you!
2. Prepare for four stages. Be active and present in
each one.
3. The beginning is especially important. It will
demand calibrating your strategy and adjusting
to the new reality.
4. Abandon the typical business perspective! The
pandemic will require an out-of-the-box approach.
5. Opt to build relationships with consumers. This will
not be a good time for sales.
8. From the very start plan your next steps. This will help
you safely and efficiently return to doing business.
9. Be ready for changes in business. The
post-pandemic market may look different.
7. Try to respond to the new needs. Help others
during this difficult time, contribute, get involved.
It will be appreciated!
10. If possible, stay at home! This way, you will help
defeat the pandemic.
Stay healthy,
take care,
good luck!
DDB Warszawa

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Advertising in the time of a plague - Part 1 (ENG)

  • 1.
  • 2. “Advertising in the time of a plague. | Communication strategies in the face of the coronavirus pandemic. May you live in interesting times. “ An English saying, mistakenly — and ironically — thought to have originated as a Chinese curse. Seemingly a good wish, it actually praises “uninteresting times” being a synonym of a peaceful life, as opposed to “interesting times” meaning a life in turmoil.
  • 3. We are facing an unprecedented situation in the most recent history, both in Poland and the World: a pandemic and widespread quarantine. The coming few weeks will take us into uncharted waters: we will have to adapt to a new situation as people, but also as employees of the communications industry. In terms of business, the near future won't be easy and that's a given. With so much uncertainty and overall decrease in consumption, the question is no longer if, but what is Plan B for the the communication activities planned so far. And no, this is not a time to hibernate or wait it out. The ad industry currently has a great responsibility to ensure the safety and future of the brands which we work for and which indirectly impact the lives of all of us. Asia’s experiences with the epidemic show that brands that have contributed to society during this crisis — by giving back and acting for the common good — will be appreciated. Our response may be a decisive factor in a smoother transition to the post-pandemic reality. This is why the key question today should be: What can my brand do for people? How can it help? There is no single remedy, of course. Each category will be affected by this time differently and deal with it differently. In this study, we will try to determine how a brand should behave in the face of the epidemic. We have based it largely on reports from Asia, where the coronavirus seems to be subsiding. Their experiences can prove an invaluable lesson in the face of the unknown. Let us hope that, thanks to the dedication of the emergency services and the all-out mobilisation for social distancing, we will soon overcome the epidemic and go back to suspended projects and briefs. Stay healthy! The DDB Warsaw Team Intro. Advertising in the time of a plague. | Communication strategies in the face of the coronavirus pandemic. Image: Victor Grabarczyk,
  • 4. Plan. 1. What can we expect in the near future? 2. Social perspective during the pandemic. 3. Predictions for business and the economy. 4. How brands can deal with the new situation. 5. Stages 1 & 2: Pandemic. What now? 6. Stage 3: Rebirth. 7. Stage 4: A new world. 8. Summary. Advertising in the time of a plague. | Communication strategies in the face of the coronavirus pandemic.
  • 5. 1. What can we expect in the near future?* * Predictions based on data as of 16 March. Image: @freetousesoundscom, Advertising in the time of a plague. | What awaits us in the near future?
  • 6. The hallmarks of the pandemic. Source: To best adjust to the reality in which we will have to live and work in the coming weeks, it is crucial to understand the nature of a coronavirus pandemic. Data from the countries affected by COVID-19 shows that the virus is highly contagious. This is partly because it is new, and humans do not have antibodies to it (resulting in easy human-to-human transmission). COVID-19’s reproduction number, i.e. the average number of people who can be infected by a contagious person, is high: 2 to 2.5. An unchecked coronavirus epidemic grows exponentially over time, slowly at first and then accelerating, with the number of cases doubling every day. To eliminate the coronavirus, an infectiousness of <1 person is required. Only then will the virus gradually subside. Advertising in the time of a plague. | What can we expect in the near future?
  • 7. Limiting the number of infections is key to overcoming the epidemic. By reducing the speed of virus transmission, we will buy time for the medical services and enable them to help the sick without overloading the healthcare system. Therefore, the only solution currently available to all of us is isolation, which should stop the further spread of COVID-19. Otherwise, if we do not reduce the transmission rate, the disease will spread uncontrollably. The need for decisive action. Advertising in the time of a plague. | What can we expect in the near future? Numberofcases Time since first case Number of infections w/o protective measures Number of infections w/ protective measures Protective measures* slow the spread of the virus and reduce demand on hospitals Healthcare system capacity (no. of beds, personnel, equipment, etc.) * protective measures will include: washing hands, staying home (for people with symptoms of infection), limiting mass gatherings, restrictions in movement, isolating infected people, etc.
  • 8. This is evidenced by data and experiences from China, which show exactly how the virus spreads. The orange bars represent officially diagnosed cases of coronavirus in Hubei Province per day. Those which the authorities knew about. The gray ones, on the other hand, correspond to the supposed number of cases which the Chinese government was unaware of, and which the Chinese Centre for Infectious Disease Control and Prevention discovered by taking patients’ medical histories. These are the infected which the authorities did not know about. The sum of both bars shows the real situation in Hubei. Since the closing of the province, the number of unknown cases has declined, i.e. the uncontrolled spread of the virus has truly slowed down. At the same time, the number of known cases (that the authorities know of) is growing, so they can control the epidemic. A Chinese lesson. Advertising in the time of a plague. | What can we expect in the near future? Source: Tomas Pueyo, Analysis of graphs from the Journal of the American Medical Association, based on raw data from the Chinese Centre for Infectious Disease Control and Prevention.
  • 9. Data from all countries show that the virus is spreading at a similar pace in most countries where social distancing was not quickly introduced. To contain the epidemic, it is crucial to consider two variables: - for each case diagnosed there are many more unknown (like in China), - how soon we introduce social distancing will decide the number of cases and the time of recovery from the crisis. All countries will meet the same fate. Source: orni-bdc1e9b2-62e5-11ea-a693-c7191bf8b498.shtml Advertising in the time of a plague. | What can we expect in the near future?
  • 10. “This is the time to quarantine each of us” The Polish Minister of Health Łukasz Szumowski Image: Paweł Supernak / PAP Advertising in the time of a plague. | What can we expect in the near future?
  • 11. It seems that the decision to declare a state of epidemic threat in Poland, to limit mass events, close schools and the borders was a fairly quick response, compared to other countries, made at a relatively early stage of the epidemic in the country (“only” 68 cases as of 13 March). Most Western European countries are currently delaying this step or only now starting to consider it, when the number of cases there is often tens of times higher than in Poland. Early response in Poland. Source: As of 15 March 2020 Advertising in the time of a plague. | What can we expect in the near future?
  • 12. Currently, Poland is experiencing a similar growth rate, resulting from the first uncontrolled infections. We know that the coronavirus is spreading at a similar pace in all countries, so it is only up to us which way Poland will go. The coming days will show how events in the country will unfold. Will we see an increase in cases like in Western Europe, or will the curve representing the number of infections flatten? For the moment, it is difficult to predict which path we will follow. However, given the time advantage and the relatively early introduction of restrictions, we can hope for the second scenario. Everything will depend on the actions of the authorities and the preparedness of society to stay at home. The Italian or Singaporean scenario? Source: Advertising in the time of a plague. | What can we expect in the near future?
  • 13. Advertising in the time of a plague. | What can we expect in the near future? Predictions: The crisis will last for many weeks. A return to relative normality can be expected in May at the earliest. Poland can emerge from the epidemic crisis as one of the first EU countries.
  • 14. Advertising in the time of a plague. | Social perspective during the pandemic. 2. Social perspective during the pandemic. Image: Daniel Tafjord,
  • 15. This is a completely new situation for Poles. For the first time in recent history, we are facing the necessity of staying in our homes in the fear of a widespread pandemic. For all of us, this means entirely new circumstances and limitations. Changing our way of life and the necessity to adapt to our new reality. Gathering goods in fear of supply disruptions, the need for home office, which is new to many as well as organising children’s time and many more. Inevitable quarantine. Advertising in the time of a plague. | Social perspective during the pandemic. Stay at home if you can.
  • 16. It seems that Poles have adapted to the new difficult situation quickly and efficiently, quarantining themselves and switching to a home office working solution (either voluntarily or as a result of their employers’ decisions). Many businesses also responded to the situation, temporarily closing their premises to limit physical contact between people. The quick response is a result of both fear and discipline. This stems from understanding the situation and realising that the only way to stop the disease is social distancing. Understanding and fear. Advertising in the time of a plague. | Social perspective during the pandemic. Empty streets in Warsaw. Let’s keep it like this for a while. Playing w kids, board games, consoles, movies, TV series... Lots of options! #stayathome and show us how you’re spending time! An exemplary queue to a pharmacy in Kraków! No crowding; mandatory distance between people. Noticed and captured by Ada Chojnowska.. Coronavirus pandemic makes culture go online
  • 17. The Internet promptly responded with viral actions in which Poles are urging each other to stay at home, sharing information and advice, reinforcing the importance of temporary isolation. #StayAtHome #StayTheFuckHome Advertising in the time of a plague. | Social perspective during the pandemic. #stayathome CORONAVIRUS IN POLAND: INTERNET USERS LAUNCH “STAY AT HOME” MOVEMENT
  • 18. The necessity of a sudden change of lifestyle driven by social distancing; fear, heightened by ubiquitous news stories about the virus; a lack of confidence in the future. All this will cause changes in consumers’ needs and behaviours in the coming weeks, when we as a society will re-evaluate our perspective on many issues. Changing consumer behaviours. Safety first. Minimising time outside & social distancing. More frequent contact online / by phone. The home must replace the whole world. Work, entertainment, exercise... Fear & uncertainty. About safety, work, future... Reducing expenses. Essentials only. Advertising in the time of a plague. | Social perspective during the pandemic.
  • 19. In a study by Kantar China Insights, the most frequently mentioned way of spending time during the epidemic in China was watching movies (58%), short videos (56%), and traditional TV (41%). Various forms of video were followed by games (mobile and online), mentioned by 39% of respondents, and contacting friends (over 30%). Interestingly, sleeping as a way of passing the time in quarantine was mentioned by as many as 54% of respondents. How does one spend time during a quarantine? Source: 2%80%99s-consumption/ Advertising in the time of a plague. | Social perspective during the pandemic.
  • 20. During the epidemic, China saw a significant increase in remote services that satisfy consumers’ new needs. According to Kantar China Insights, as much as 84% of quarantined consumers tried at least one new service for the first time. Of those services, the most popular were online medical consultations (34%), online education (33%), remote work tools (29%) and paid entertainment services (26%). Gaming is also among the categories that have grown significantly. In two months, the daily number of active users of Tencent’s most popular games, Mahjong and Game for Peace, increased by 109% and 44%, respectively. Many Chinese sources also emphasise the increase in e-commerce services, especially for basic products such as food. An increase in some needs. Sources: 2%80%99s-consumption/ Advertising in the time of a plague. | Social perspective during the pandemic.
  • 21. In a crisis such as a pandemic, during a prolonged confinement at home, positive emotional stimuli are particularly important. These certainly include the need for good news, hope for improvement, support, and consolation. Images from Italy that we are often observing—of people singing and partying on balconies—show a very strong need for unity, solidarity, and an escape from everyday hardships. Emotional needs are equally important. Advertising in the time of a plague. | Social perspective during the pandemic.
  • 22. Notable acts of kindness and selflessness. Advertising in the time of a plague. | Social perspective during the pandemic. Antiviral Rap: Helen and Jonas explain why they are staying home Help your neighbours stay at home. #neighbourlyhelp My neighbour is from China. She said that there’s a system of contact between neighbours over there via their version of WhatsApp. It was v useful during the epidemic. Each bldg has a group, each stairwell a subgroup. Ppl agree who buys food, make shopping lists & pay. One person buys it, brings it, leaves it in a spot and notifies it’s there, and then ppl can collect their groceries. They can also ask for help or ask if someone needs any. I’m planning to make such a group in my bldg. Activists in Cracow are collecting cloth and sewing face masks for hospitals. They are also working with drivers who will deliver the masks to doctors. Would you like to help them sew? Do you have spare masks at the office and want to donate them? Register through the contact form. The action is attracting more and more interest by the hour! DEAR SENIOR NEIGHBOURS! IF YOU PREFER TO STAY HOME DUE TO THE VIRUS, COME TO APT. NO. 77. WE’LL BE GLAD TO BUY GROCERIES OR MEDS FOR YOU :) PLEASE CALL AFTER 5 PM. WE’LL WORK OUT THE DETAILS. BEST REGARDS, NEIGHBOURS FROM NO. 77
  • 23. The new heroes. Advertising in the time of a plague. | Social perspective during the pandemic. STAY AT HOME! THESE PEOPLE ARE NOT MACHINES! Hello, Our initiative aims at supporting the entire healthcare community in this difficult time of fighting the epidemic. The goal is to coordinate a countrywide drive to donate meals to all medical personnel and hospital employees, who will be giving their all in this difficult time ahead of us during endless, exhausting shifts and calls. The initiative is made by citizens and has no support from any no companies or institutions. We are currently looking for a non-profit organisation that will legitimise and coordinate a fundraiser towards this goal on a crowdfunding platform. Right now, we are organising our structures, looking for logistical partners, food suppliers, and volunteers. Many people and companies have already reached out to us, and we thank them very much. One more thing: please do not deliver anything to hospitals yourselves. We want to be careful
  • 24. Humour is an important factor in relieving stress. It helps us get used to the situation, which is outside our control. Humour — the cure for the virus. Advertising in the time of a plague. | Social perspective during the pandemic. HEALTH MINISTER - THE SZUMOWSKI SCALE A TOOL TO MEASURE HOW TIRED YOU ARE AFTER 2 DAYS WORKING @ HOME W FAMILY meet u in the alley
  • 25. Safety first. Minimising time outside & social distancing. More frequent contact online / by phone. The home must replace the whole world Work, entertainment, exercise... Fear & uncertainty. About safety, work... Reducing expenses. Essentials only. What will change. A sustained need for safety. An increased need to ensure safety. The need to regain freedom limited for weeks + to leave home. Going back to the pre-pandemic lifestyle. No interpersonal interactions—the need to catch up with people after weeks of separation. The need for unwinding + positive stimuli. (entertainment, travel, etc.) The need to consume / the need to save (depending on the duration of the pandemic). Advertising in the time of a plague. | Social perspective during the pandemic.
  • 26. Research conducted in China shows people’s strong need to be able to spend time outside once the pandemic is over. Nearly 60% of Chinese respondents plan to start by going to eat out. Next, they mention the desire for travel and out-of-home entertainment (ca. 50%). Interestingly, having experienced the trauma of the pandemic, nearly 40% of respondents mention activities related to safety: purchasing medicines and supplements, health insurance, and disease prevention. A strong need to unwind. Source: 2%80%99s-consumption/ Advertising in the time of a plague. | Social perspective during the pandemic.
  • 27. The legacy of the coronavirus in Poland (and World) will possibly include: a national trauma, a hole in the country’s budget, a decline in GDP, and a sobering realisation about how weak and unprepared for such crises the healthcare system is. There will be a reevaluation at the consumer level. The needs, the consumption level, and the propensity to consume will change. The example of China signals changes in consumers, shaped by the traumatic experiences and weeks spent in confinement. An increase in e-commerce, VOD services and online entertainment; concerns over safety. At the moment, however, these are only predictions; they will be verified in a few months. The pandemic will have lasting effects. Advertising in the time of a plague. | Social perspective during the pandemic. Image: Kristine Tanne,
  • 28. Predictions: During the crisis, consumers’ needs and habits will change. Consumption will decrease significantly. People will be in need of positive stimuli, support, a sense of unity and solidarity. The pandemic will leave its mark on consumption patterns. Advertising in the time of a plague. | Social perspective during the pandemic.
  • 29. source: Benjamin Sow, Predictions for business and the economy. 3. Advertising in the time of a plague. | Predictions for business and the economy.
  • 30. It is difficult at this time to accurately predict the impact of coronavirus on our economy. Much depends on how the pandemic progresses in Poland, how soon it is contained, and whether the authorities put in place the “atomic” solution—a full “lockdown”, i.e. universal quarantine for everyone. According to forecasts of the Polish Economic Institute from 12 March, the Polish GDP growth rate will fall by around 0.4-1.3 percentage points. In the face of the pandemic, these figures could be considered highly optimistic. It will hurt at first. Advertising in the time of a plague. | Predictions for business and the economy. Source: 6929a.html Coronavirus to hit Polish economy. Here are the recent forecasts
  • 31. Impact on individual categories. Relatively resistant sectors Negative impact Hygienic products Medical services / drugs / supplements Food + beverages Insurance E-commerce + related VOD / online entertainment Convenience stores Gaming Tourism + airlines Automotive + related OOH entertainment Shopping centres / superstores Beauty Gastronomy Luxury products Furniture + home decor Alcoholic beverages Sport Online services / telework Quick loans Advertising in the time of a plague. | Predictions for business and the economy. According to a Kantar study, the pandemic in China increased selected categories. Naturally, the largest growth was recorded in medical categories related to disease prevention and in the pharmaceutical industry. Next in line was the category related to securing the second most important need during the pandemic, i.e. food and beverages. The other end of the scale was populated primarily by sectors involving the need to leave home: gastronomy, tourism, beauty and fitness. Expenditures on luxury goods were also very limited during the pandemic. As much as 61% of respondents in China reduced or canceled their expenses due to a high uncertainty at the time. Source: pact-on-china%E2%80%99s-consumption/
  • 32. The expected rebound afterwards. After the pandemic ends, there should be a quick rebound provided that the country’s economic potential (the ability to resume normal work and production) can be maintained. For that to happen, companies must stay afloat, i.e. retain employment and financing options. This may require support from the state. A natural social need that will appear after the pandemic is the desire to unwind. However, the public will probably avoid consumption as we know it today, which will result from fear, uncertainty, and a post-crisis trauma. Spending on consumer goods during and after the SARS epidemic in China (2003) Source: Refinitiv Datastream Advertising in the time of a plague. | Predictions for business and the economy.
  • 33. Predictions: The economy will be hit hard by the pandemic. But not all industries equally. Once the crisis is overcome, the economy will rebound. The sooner it happens, the less painful the effects will be. Advertising in the time of a plague. | Predictions for business and the economy.
  • 34. 4. How brands can deal with the new situation. Advertising in the time of a plague. | How brands can deal with the new situation. Image: Benjamin Sow,
  • 35. Key predictions for brands. The crisis will last for many weeks. A return to relative normality can be expected in May at the earliest. People will need positive stimuli, support, a sense of unity and solidarity. During the crisis, consumers’ needs and habits will change. Consumption will decrease significantly. Poland can emerge from the epidemic crisis as one of the first EU countries. The economy will be hit hard by the pandemic. But not all industries equally. Once the crisis is overcome, the economy will rebound. The sooner it happens, the less painful the effects will be. The pandemic will leave its mark on consumption patterns. Advertising in the time of a plague. | How brands can deal with the new situation.
  • 36. In times of turmoil and related challenges, it is important to notice opportunities and possibilities. Do not wait. Start getting ready for a post-pandemic world. Advertising in the time of a plague. | How brands can deal with the new situation. Image: Krzysztof Kotkowicz,
  • 37. What to do. At the time of the pandemic crisis, it is crucial to quickly assess the situation and calibrate the strategy action plan to adapt to the new reality. This means revising existing plans and preparing for changes. Such a challenge requires a two-pronged approach. Above all, a rough action plan must be developed to respond to consumers’ changing needs. Undoubtedly, the key elements here are flexibility in action and quick reflexes, which require a shortened decision path, as well as the ability to abandon the typical business perspective.. The biggest mistake during a crisis affecting a whole society is an attempt to cash in on the tragedy. The time of the pandemic requires extraordinary sensitivity to people’s emotions. Any attempt of making an extra profit at this time may be met with hostility. Simply put, at the time of the pandemic, people expect us to be involved in the common cause. Therefore, our goal should be to help and to respond to their needs. This period can be a time to take care of business with an approach other than a focus on sales (which will likely suffer): building the brand and a relationship with consumers, which will be appreciated over time. On the other hand, even in the early stages of the crisis, planning of medium- and long-term activities should be started to ensure that we will safely get back on track when the crisis is over. At this point, no one can predict which way the world and Poland will go. However, developing scenarios and calibrating them in real time will make us ready for the new reality. Advertising in the time of a plague. | How brands can deal with the new situation.
  • 38. Framework for brand activities*. Pandemic What to change in the business to be needed in the new reality? How to launch new services / products during a quarantine? How to make up for losses and rebuild your business? How to encourage resuming consumption after the pandemic? Is the offer still relevant in view of the changes brought about by the crisis? Early stages of the pandemic. People are adapting to the new situation. People and their needs are freed; they need to unwind. Increased optimism due to the end of the pandemic. Possible economic volatility! The situation gradually stabilises and returns to normal. Important! In the case of the coronavirus, the pandemic may recur! Short (possibly Mar-May) Medium (possibly Jun-Aug) Long (possibly Sep-?) Time horizon Stage Challenges Quick response to changes and people’s new needs. Help and involvement. Getting closer to consumers; solidarity; efficient operation; abandoning the role of a brand/salesperson; communication presence if possible. Marketing offensive. Ad campaigns, rebuilding traffic to shops/salons, promotions & incentives to stimulate business. Familiarizing brands with new needs. Keeping track of changes in the market and consumer behaviours; changes in the offer and functioning of the business. Activities Reducing potential damage to the brand and building closeness Monetization of optimism and earlier image-building activities. Become a leader in the new reality.Goal Stage 2: AdaptationStage 1: Shock Stage 3: Rebirth Stage 4: A new world Further building the brand image and potential sales during the crisis. A sudden change in the reality of business; new restrictions for people. How to act in a dynamic situation? The pandemic is underway. People are getting used to the new circumstances. Adapting the business to the new reality. Changing the offer to make life easier in the reality of the pandemic; following the market situation; planning next steps; carefully building the brand image. Advertising in the time of a plague. | How brands can deal with the new situation. * The proposed division is merely a theoretical model, which will not apply to all brands and categories at all times. Consider alternative versions, depending on the character of your industry.
  • 39. Image: @freetousesoundscom, Stages 1 & 2: Pandemic. What now? 5. Advertising in the time of a plague. | Stages 1 & 2: Pandemic. What now?
  • 40. The main challenge. A decline in consumption and economic activity; changing needs; fear; anxiety; uncertainty. Advertising in the time of a plague. | Stages 1 & 2: Pandemic. What now?
  • 41. The first phase of the pandemic is a time for human solidarity and involvement in the fight for a common cause. Next, it is important to adjust the business to the new reality to make people’s lives easier amid the pandemic. How to act? Advertising in the time of a plague. | Stages 1 & 2: Pandemic. What now?
  • 42. How to act? Consumers will recognise and greatly appreciate all activities related to the desire to help others and be involved in the fight against the pandemic. This has been observed by emerging cases from both Poland and abroad, where each instance of involvement of the private sector was widely commented in the media. Advertising in the time of a plague. | Stages 1 & 2: Pandemic. What now? Agata Furniture has decided to donate 1,000,000 zloty to the healthcare services to buy medical equipment and protective wear, and to fight the coronavirus. We hope that all the preventive action and the much-needed medical equipment will help overcome this ordeal as soon as possible.
  • 43. Will every dollar spent return a direct profit? Certainly not. But every dollar not spent—if we choose to keep quiet—will be the price we will pay for absence and indifference. Advertising in the time of a plague. | Stages 1 & 2: Pandemic. What now?
  • 44. Checklist: What to do during the pandemic. Stage 1: Shock. Advertising in the time of a plague. | Stages 1 & 2: Pandemic. What now? Offer people a helping hand. Abandon the role of brand/salesperson. In crisis, people will limit their spending to the essential goods. On the other hand, they will expect support, which you should offer. They will appreciate it! Do not bury your head in the sand. Cutting yourself off can be seen as abandoning people. Even if your brand has little to offer, you can still show your support. Act quickly and efficiently. During the pandemic, there is no time for endless deliberations. You have to shorten and speed up the decision path.
  • 45. Checklist: What to do during the pandemic. Stage 2: Adaptation. Adapt your business to changes. E-commerce, contactless service, enabled remote service. Try to introduce solutions adjusted to the new reality. Plan your next steps. Keep planning for the future. The crisis will pass, and the time after it will most likely be a struggle to recover—also for the competition. Keep your eye on the market. Events will keep changing by the hour. Watch what your competition is doing and do not be afraid to do the same. What people expect now is proactivity, not creativity. Build your image carefully. Use your time well, try to find in your brand something that may be relevant for at this time, even if it has not been crucial before. Advertising in the time of a plague. | Stages 1 & 2: Pandemic. What now?
  • 46. The need for movement and exercise Switching production to goods useful for fighting the pandemic The need for information and knowledge Checklist: Areas where you can help. The need to learn and work remotely The need to organise leisure time The need to provide children with quality time The need for food and medicine Supporting the healthcare services Financial support for fighting the virus The need for contact with loved ones Regulating the situationUrging people to stay at home Supporting those in a difficult financial situation ... Emotional support for people Advertising in the time of a plague. | Stages 1 & 2: Pandemic. What now?
  • 47. The need to learn and work remotely. Source: Antyweb, Advertising in the time of a plague. | Stages 1 & 2: Pandemic. What now? How Microsoft and Google are helping us in the fight against coronavirus Microsoft and Google have made their work and remote learning tools available to everyone for free, to help students and businesses adapt to the new situation.
  • 48. The need to organise leisure time. In response to a decision to close premier league stadiums, Canal+ immediately offered to decode its channels. Source:,681c1dfa ?fbclid=IwAR0QBWr-5AN4_u3z5ZGIegGrsGMMK5RBxeqhwJHfIuX7GMZds02F8Dtmns4 Advertising in the time of a plague. | Stages 1 & 2: Pandemic. What now? Stuck at home? These 12 famed museums offer virtual tours Cyfrowy Polsat will decode Canal+ Sport 3 and Canal+ Sport 4, movie channels and the Disney Channel Theatre without leaving home. Best Polish performances available online. Coronavirus pandemic makes culture go online
  • 49. The need to provide children with quality time. Source: Advertising in the time of a plague. | Stages 1 & 2: Pandemic. What now? Theatre for children moves to the web! Online performances soon Vectra decodes channels for children
  • 50. The need for contact with loved ones. A Hong Kong mobile operator, within the #ToughTimesTogether movement, offered people phones with unlimited data plans for patients of nursing homes so that they can have contact with their loved ones. Source: le-data-to-counter-coronavirus-isolation Advertising in the time of a plague. | Stages 1 & 2: Pandemic. What now?
  • 51. The need for information and knowledge. Advertising in the time of a plague. | Stages 1 & 2: Pandemic. What now?
  • 52. The need for food and medicine. The retail chains Freshippo (Alibaba), Super Species and 7Fresh made it possible to order food online via WeChat, a platform popular in China, without the need to leave the home during quarantine. Each chain delivered the goods to the customer’s doorstep within an hour. The whole transaction happened inside the app thanks to the integration with an online payment system. Advertising in the time of a plague. | Stages 1 & 2: Pandemic. What now?
  • 53. Supporting the healthcare services. Advertising in the time of a plague. | Stages 1 & 2: Pandemic. What now?
  • 54. Urging people to stay at home. Advertising in the time of a plague. | Stages 1 & 2: Pandemic. What now? Allegro gives free month of Allegro Smart. “We will cover delivery costs, we aren’t looking to profit”
  • 55. Switching production to goods useful for fighting the pandemic. Advertising in the time of a plague. | Stages 1 & 2: Pandemic. What now? Polish sporting company to produce face masks and lab coats for hospital starting Monday
  • 56. Financial support for fighting the virus. Advertising in the time of a plague. | Stages 1 & 2: Pandemic. What now? Agata Furniture has decided to donate 1,000,000 zloty to the healthcare services to buy medical
  • 57. The need for movement and exercise. Advertising in the time of a plague. | Stages 1 & 2: Pandemic. What now? Many brands related to physical exercise, i.e. gyms, equipment manufacturers offer online training sessions for everyone to practice at home and keep fit during the quarantine time.
  • 58. Supporting those in a difficult financial situation. Advertising in the time of a plague. | Stages 1 & 2: Pandemic. What now?
  • 59. Regulating the situation amid the powerlessness. Advertising in the time of a plague. | Stages 1 & 2: Pandemic. What now? Rossman is Poland’s first chain to limit sales of some goods Today, Rossmann has introduced restrictions on the sale of selected products. These are mainly soaps and antibacterial gels
  • 60. Stage 3: Rebirth. 6. Advertising in the time of a plague. | Stage 3: Rebirth. Image: Emilia Niedźwiedzka,
  • 61. Context. A period of recovering from the pandemic. Increased optimism and a desire to unwind. People and their needs are set free. The Rebirth stage will bring a gradual improvement in the business climate. Advertising in the time of a plague. | Stage 3: Rebirth.
  • 62. How to act? The challenge at this stage will be to rebuild business. The whole market will encourage resuming consumption. Our goal will be to convert the improving moods and emerging consumption needs into options to make up for the losses. Advertising in the time of a plague. | Stage 3: Rebirth.
  • 63. Checklist: How to act when the pandemic is over? Building traffic to shops/salons. It is worth encouraging customers, after several weeks at home, to visit the POS again; they might be missing it. Special offers to stimulate sales. During the Rebirth stage, society’s spending power will decline. It is worth lowering the entry threshold and encourage to buy. Ad offensive. Make use of customers’ need to resume consumption and their desire to return to their previous lifestyle. Prepare campaigns and offers that they may need at this time. Follow up on the image building from Stage 1. If your activities during the pandemic were focused on sampling your brand’s service, it is worth encouraging customers to continue using them. Adapting to the new reality. Check if your brand is ready to respond to the changes in the market / among consumers. Plan your next steps. This is not the end. During the pandemic, the market could have changed a lot. These changes must be mapped early so that you can respond to them in Stage 4. Advertising in the time of a plague. | Stage 3: Rebirth.
  • 64. Stage 4: A new world. 7. Advertising in the time of a plague. | Stage 4: A new world. Image: Emilia Niedźwiedzka,
  • 65. Context. A period of gradual stabilization and return to normality. May be characterized by high economic optimism, which is difficult to exactly predict at this point. (It is advisable to be prepared for a possible scenario of the pandemic recurring.) Advertising in the time of a plague. | Stage 4: A new world.
  • 66. How to act? The goal of Stage 4 is to find the best path through the new reality and to use the new changes to your advantage. It may be necessary to revise your business and adjust the offer to the new world. Advertising in the time of a plague. | Stage 4: A new world.
  • 67. Checklist: How to find your place in a new world? Understanding the changes. Try to monitor and understand the changes that occurred during the pandemic. Good insights can help you adapt your business to the new times. Adjusting the offer and business. Prepare for sweeping changes in business. Many aspects related to it may have changed during the pandemic, e.g. delivery methods, business model. Advertising in the time of a plague. | Stage 4: A new world.
  • 68. Summary. 8. Advertising in the time of a plague. | Summary. Image: Jacek Jabłoński,
  • 69. Advertising in the time of a plague. | Summary. Summary. 1. Be flexible. Adapt quickly to the new reality; respond to changes. 6. Do not try to profit from the situation. It will be remembered and come back to haunt you! 2. Prepare for four stages. Be active and present in each one. 3. The beginning is especially important. It will demand calibrating your strategy and adjusting to the new reality. 4. Abandon the typical business perspective! The pandemic will require an out-of-the-box approach. 5. Opt to build relationships with consumers. This will not be a good time for sales. 8. From the very start plan your next steps. This will help you safely and efficiently return to doing business. 9. Be ready for changes in business. The post-pandemic market may look different. 7. Try to respond to the new needs. Help others during this difficult time, contribute, get involved. It will be appreciated! 10. If possible, stay at home! This way, you will help defeat the pandemic.
  • 70. Stay healthy, take care, good luck! DDB Warszawa