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Advantages And Disadvantages Of Abortion
Should abortion be legalized and what are advantages or disadvantages of abortion?
All human beings are given some non–transferable rights that are impossible to take away and guaranteed by the Constitution. One of the most
important given privileges is the right to seek happiness for each person. Many people around the world consider abortion as inhumane and brutal as
murder. In some cases, abortion might be justifiable as according to supporters of abortion emphasize that an unborn baby cannot be considered as a
person who has to be protected and treated safe. With this very controversial social issue like abortion on our hands, there are so many difficulties in
determining if abortion is considered as right or wrong. In addition, abortion has been treated as one of the most disputed topics in our society. It has
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According to the dictionary knowledge of abortion, it can be defined as: "the termination of pregnancy and expulsion of an embryo or of a foetus that
is incapable of survival.". Only in terms of abortion, it can be as simple as the given definition above, but abortion is more about every aspect of
human life. It cannot be easily judged whether it is right or wrong, but both sides are open for interpretation, and supportive knowledges and evidences.
Abortion has been debated by two different groups such as pro–choice and pro–life party. These two groups offer different solutions and arguments to
problem and issue of abortion. Supporters of pro–choice commonly argued that various contraceptives are not perfectly effective and a baby should not
be born in the world if this pregnancy is not wanted and intended. In other word, pro–life supporters argued that abortion can cause medical
complications and a health risks for pregnant women, the child can live a full life with a harmonious family who has a plan to adopt this
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The Pros And Cons Of Abortion
The debate on whether or not to make abortion legal has been an ongoing conflict since Roe v Wade. On January 22,1973, The Supreme Court
made abortion legal in the United States.This decision held that a woman, with her doctor, could request an abortion without legal restriction. State
restrictions could be applied in later trimesters. There are usually two sides in this debate. Those who believe in pro life and the others that believe
in pro choice. Although another question arises, is there a blurred line between being pro life and being pro choice. Are you able to be both or is the
line straight and clear. I myself would have to be in the percentage of people that stay in the blurred lines not teetering on both sides but proudly
standing on both. Pro choice people say that choosing abortion is a women's right that should not be limited by governmental or religious authority
and which outweighs any right claimed for an embryo or fetus. People identifying as pro life contend that individual human life begins at
fertilization and therefore, abortion is the immoral killing of an innocent human being. People who are pro life say it's unfair to allow abortion
while couples who can not biologically conceive wait to adopt.So the question is, how am i both pro life and pro choice. Although i do not stand
for abortion i do stand for women having the overall say over what happens with their body.i feel that if you disagree with abortion then you should
simply not have one. I myself as a young women in society am conflicted as to say whether or not i would ever have an abortion. While on one hand
i would like to say that i would 100% without a doubt never have an abortion. One the other hand i know that there is always going to be a what if,
and everyday hundreds and thousands of women are going through what ifs.
Some cons on abortion is people think that abortion is murder. That the killing of an innocent human beings is not only wrong but should be illegal.
The Federal unborn Victims of Violence Act stated that "anybody intentionally killing or attempting to kill an unborn child should be punished for
attempting of intentionally killing a human." I believe this is the most controversial topic on abortion, does an
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The Pros And Cons Of Abortion
Abortion is a very controversial topic in today's society. Abortion is the deliberate termination of a human pregnancy, most often performed during the
first 28 weeks (Abortion). Many people have issues regarding this topic, while some support the idea. This paper will be covering the pros and cons,
people's attitudes, and how a researcher could possible change your perspective on the topic at hand.
Controversies Over Abortion
Abortion is the deliberate termination of a human pregnancy, most often performed during the first 28 weeks (Abortion). Abortion is a controversial
topic because one group of people would say it is killing a human (Abortion On the other hand, the other group of people would say that
the fetus is not developed enough to call it a human. This is an issue because it goes against morals that people have been been raised up on. It even
goes against religion in which it defies the word of God. The other group says it's a fundamental right guaranteed by the Constitution (Abortion
People's attitudes toward abortion are typically reinforced by observational conditioning. People are either on one side or the other, rarely is
anybody up in the air. Observational learning is the process of learning to respond in a particular way by watching others (King, 2017). In today's
younger society people view abortion as a good thing, an easy way out so to speak. They don't see the repercussions of their actions. They think they
can just go out and have their one night stand and if something were to happen they can go and 'fix' the problem. In today's older society, people view
abortion as a bad thing. It's killing an innocent human that has done nothing to deserve that fate. They see it as if the woman becomes pregnant they
are to accept the responsibilities that comes with it.
Self–fulfilling prophecy contributes to the development and attitude of people. Self–fulfilling prophecy is by definition a prediction that directly or
indirectly causes itself to become true, by the very terms of the prophecy itself due to positive feedback between belief and behavior (King, 2017).
Society has led women to believe that they are too weak, young, poor and unqualified to care for a
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Pros And Cons Of Abortion
Abortion: Oppositions and Consensus
Abortion is the termination of a pregnancy after, accompanied by, resulting in, or closely followed by the death of the embryo or fetus. Some say that
a fetus has the right to life, despite a woman's opinion, while others strongly believe that a woman's personal choice should trump all outside voices.
Those who approve of abortion endorse the right of a woman to have a choice, backing the decision made in Roe v. Wade which states a woman may
legally obtain an abortion under the Fourteenth Amendment under the United States Constitution. On the other hand, those who disprove of abortion
claim ethical judgments relating to religion, specifically the Catholic faith. People who rebut abortion accept that a fetus has the right to live as soon
as it is known to exist. Although both sides of the abortion argument have valid points, I support a woman's right to choose because I believe a woman
should have control of her own body.
In "Women Seek Abortion for a Variety of Reasons," the most common rational for women choosing abortion are doubts at the dedication having a
baby would take, the overall cost of having a child, and relationship issues that having a baby may bring. Many women feel, according to this article,
that "a baby at this time would interfere with their future goals and opportunities in general (5%) or, more specifically, with school (14%) or career
plans (7%)" (Biggs). The article also mentions an instance where a woman felt she
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Roe V. Wade Research Paper
Approximately 600000 abortions happen yearly according to centers for disease control and prevention. One of the most sensitive topics discussed not
only in the presidential debate but also in newspapers and magazines around the world. With the two strong opposing viewpoints this controversy has
been troubling for years and continues to concern the public for many years to come. With methods ranging from using a sharp vacuuming tool to
dismember and remove the baby to poking a hole in the babies head and sucking the brain out. Abortions of these kinds should not be allowed!!
Abortion has been known for thousands of years yet in the 1800's states began making the medical procedure illegal. Many women sought to get
abortions still from places other than the hospitals these were known as "Back–alley abortions". Using these abortions many women suffered serious
trauma or harm during these procedures. Therefore between 1967 and 1973 в…“ of the states repealed the criminal abortion law. On the contrary the
right to have an abortion only applied to american women in 1973. The 1973 Supreme Court decision in Roe v. Wade made it possible for women to
get safe, legal abortions from well–trained medical practitioners. This led to dramatic decreases in pregnancy–related injury and death.
With the conflicting history of abortions today, with our new technology you can choose what type of abortion you want with a range or medical
procedures that all do the same thing, kill the baby.
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The Pros And Cons Of Abortion
For the people that are agent abortion would agree that is okay for a woman to have abortion base only on the grounds of if they were rape. "It
would leave out entirely the unborn person whose existence is due to rape. Pending the availability or some further argument, then, we would be left
with the conclusion that unborn person whose existence is due to rape has no right to the use of their mother's bodies, and thus that aborting them is
not depriving them of anything they have a right to and hence is not unjust killing." This show that a fetus does not have rights to the mother's
body. I can agree with them on that part because it would be absolutely wrong for a woman to have a child for a person that heart them. For the
other fetus they have a right to leave then those that came from a woman that was raped. I believe that there are still going to be cases that are going
to be shamed. Thomson gave an example of what completely can happen to women. Which is that a woman is trying to have the baby but if she keeps
the fetus it will kill her. The option of abortion is brought up in order to help save the women life. The group of people that are completely agent it
would say it's a right of life to try to have the child still and if it takes the mother life then that was the path she was supposed to have. But Thomson
is arguing that if you are giving a chose to save your life and the doctors are telling you that the baby is going to kill you. You will choose the option to
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Abortion is the medical procedure when it is induced on purpose to extract the fetus from the uterus. When abortion occurs without purpose, it is
usually referred to as miscarriage; such instance causes psychological problems in a woman and affects her perception of the fetus. The number of
moral and ethical considerations on the problem of abortions can be considered from a variety of perspectives that include economic, medical, social,
and religious aspects of the phenomenon. Many case studies are based on the need to make a choice, especially when talking about professional duties
of doctors and such medical practices, as Hippocratic Oath. The controversy occurs every time some people cannot accept the right of the woman to
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According to the findings by Mariotti (2012), the psychosocial and emotional components are an integral part of every woman's pregnancy, and she can
make decisions of whether to sustain life in her own uterus or end it (p. 269). At the same time, numerous studies have questioned the personhood of
the fetus to provide well–evidenced approaches to evaluation of its social and legal status. Does a woman provide it with all necessary resources
and substances like a donor? Does she have a right to extract it from her body in case she does not want to give it life, has some health care issues
that put her and the baby at risk, or carries a fetus that was the result of a rape? All those questions are easier to ask than answer, but women should
have the right to do with their body everything they want.
Medical Perspective
The medical considerations often rely on moral and ethical issues, but the health care problems that may occur with the woman or fetus should also be
brought to discussion. For instance, some women may have mental problems that require administration of specific medications, which impair the fetus
and jeopardize its future functioning and health. Another reason for induced abortions, even after the first trimester, may include fetal anomalies. As
stated by Bryant, Grimes, Garrett, and
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Pros And Cons Of Abortion
No matter who you ask, it is evident that the topic of abortion is very controversial. Many people have been asking themselves the same question for
many years now, do you think abortion is ethical? Abortion has been a heated argument amongst citizens, political activists, and several religions all
across the world. Those who are against abortion are known as pro–life and argue that abortion is wrong because it kills human life. On the other
hand, there are people who are in favor of abortion are known as pro–choice. They believe women are able to do as they wish with their bodies.
Abortion has many pros and cons that deserve to be properly discussed and deliberated upon, before someone makes a decision to support or oppose
it. In more content...
There are different circumstances that could have led to that pregnancy, sometimes including rape. If a rape occurred and it was the reason that led to
the pregnancy, why should a victim feel as if they have to live with raising the child of the person who has caused destruction in her life? Also
thinking about the child, why should he/she grow up to have no father figure? Additionally, when the child grows up and learns that he/she was a
result of a rape and that their father is a terrible person; this could lead to resentment of the parent by the child. It is definitely hard to justify saving a
life of a child that will be a constant reminder of the horror someone was put through.
Furthermore, a woman should have the right to control their body, nobody should tell you what to do with your body. There are many more
arguments that support abortion, one of the strongest arguments being that life doesn 't start until birth, once the fetus becomes a human being (Zang
para 2). Therefore, abortion is not murder or taking a life, it is simply preventing a life from occurring. In most situations, this wouldn 't be in
enjoyable life, most abortions are centered around a life that would be filled with trauma ( para 3). For all of these reasons discussed above,
abortion as a practice can be justified.
Although there are many reasons why people
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Essay on Pros/Cons of Abortion
Pros and Cons of Abortion
Abortion is a very controversial subject that has been continually argued over for the past few years and probably many years to come. The main
controversy is should abortion be legalized? First before we get into the many sides of abortion we must first define abortion. Abortion is the
destruction of the fetus or unborn child while the child is still in the mother's womb. This can be done by almost anyone from the mother herself to
back alley abortions and even to abortions specialized clinics set up for this purpose. There are two sides to this abortion topic the PRO–LIFE which is
those who are against abortion altogether and the PRO– CHOICE or those who believe it is the woman's right to choose if she wants more
We even see the same thing in the abortion experience. When a person becomes pregnant because of rape or incest there is a permanent symbol of
the rape, at least until it is aborted. Women who have had abortions fear being rejected by God and loved ones. It is a very traumatic experience which
takes time to heal. Pro–life activist feel that in society today, abortion is becoming the solution to carelessness. Abortion does nothing to help the rape
victims, and that is the problem they are trying to address in the first place. Instead abortion encourages the victim to vent their anger out on others.
Pro–life also believes that childbirth on the other hand can be a victory. For those victims who chose childbirth over abortion it can be a triumph. The
choice can show that the victim is not going to let rape destroy her life. When the needs of a pregnant victim are closely examined it can be shown that
abortion is not the answer and is in fact only worsening the problem. But the worst strain abortion has on the victim is mental strain. Many victims
become confused and overwhelmed by feelings they thought they would never have, and don't know what to do. After having an abortion victims
thought they had solved the problem, but in fact they had really just started a whole new one. Many victims begin thinking there is something wrong
with them and begin to doubt themselves in situations that they would normally be sure of
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The Pros And Cons Of Abortion
The abortion of a human infant has been so controversial that the prohibition of its process had slowly begun to lose its course. While abortion may
be highly controversial in reference to the morality and free will of the human individual, the background and results of such actions are the main
ingredients for political, moral, and social chaos in the protest of the free will to make such decisions to take an infant's short life. This ethical
dilemma is one of major political issues that modern–day politicians are having more difficult times attempting to put certain regulations for. This is
resulting in the political and judicial debate on whether or not a person has the constitutional right to terminate another person's life. If I were a
politician or Supreme Court Justice, I would have to more content...
While abortion is a method in which could terminate the life of an infant still inside a woman's womb, the only benefit would be that the process would
terminate a woman's pregnancy, which in most cases, the process is done for and are usually more beneficial towards women who were sexually
assaulted. This among all others, is a key component as to determine whether or not abortion would be considered "constitutional".
On the contrary, the process of abortion would save the child from suffering abuse and neglect only if the child were to be considered an "unplanned
birth" according to David A. Grimes in his "The Huffington Post" article "How Legal Abortions Helps American Citizens" (Grimes 8). However, this
would still not be considered an "acceptable excuse" for a woman to consider abortion according to the vast majority of individuals who oppose
abortion in its entirety. Therefore, the idea of my solution would suppress the chaos of the protests of those for and against the topic of
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The Pros And Cons Of Abortion
In recent discussion of abortions, a controversial issue has been whether the government should be able to have control over whether women can
terminate their pregnancies or not. On one hand of the argument, some people believe that it's not the government's place to regulate women's right to
abort their child, or to not. From one perspective, it is believed that women should have the right to do what they please with their bodies and that the
choice is theirs (pro–choice). However, there are also people who think that abortions should be made illegal and that if you make a child you should
not be able to abort it just because you can (pro–life). The government thinks that by outlawing abortions that it will get rid of them all together and
they won't have anything to worry about. When in all actuality this will be the cause of more issues to come. Whether you believe in the 1973 decision
of the Roe v. Waderuling or not this is certainly going to be an ongoing debate for many years to come with two very strong and opinionated sides.
There are people who believe that outlawing abortions is the right thing to do. But there are also people who believe that taking away the right to
abort is also taking away Human Rights and dangerous to those who will still seek abortions after they are banned. In the words of one of these views
main supporters, "Outlawing abortion doesn't make it go away, it only makes it dangerous" (Kierra Johnson). According to this statement, making it
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The Pros and Cons of Selective Abortion Essay
This essay will evaluate advantages and disadvantages, moral, religious and ethical aspects of selective abortion, which promotes women's well–being,
physical and mental health. Surgical abortion is an abortion, carried out for different purposes, and accompanied or caused by the death of the fetus.
The procedure of the deliberating termination of a human pregnancy is known since ancient times. Kapparis Konstantinos (2002) wrote in his book "
Abortion in the Ancient world" that the word abortion came frРѕm thРµ LР°tС–n "abortus" where "ab" means "amiss" and "oriri" means "likely to be
born, arise". According to thРµ book of Christopher Tietze and Sarah Lewit (1969) "Abortion" which could be one of the earliest records of an
abortive more content...
In recent decades, pressures from public opinion and new discoveries in medicine have led to substantial changes in the procedures, requirements
and effects of abortion laws. The worldwide number of induced abortions, both safe and unsafe, declined from nearly 46 million in 1995 to
approximately 42 million in 2003 ( Induced abortion : estimated rates and trends worldwide . 2007) . This corresponds to a decline in the abortion rate
from 35 abortions per 1000 women aged 15 to 44 in 1995 to 29 in 2003. (World Abortion Policies, 2007 )
The first reason for legal selective abortion and the most powerful argument of those people, who are for it, is that society needs it at least to
prevent the risk of maternal health. According to the statistics of UN's Department of Economic and social Affairs of 2007 year, about 97% of
countries around the world allow abortion in the event of an emergency, when women's life is in explicit threat. (World Abortion Policies, 2007)There
are only 5 countries where selective abortion is prohibited. (ibid) These countries are Chile, El Salvador, the Holy See, Malta and Nicaragua.(ibid)
The procedure of abortion divides to two methods: non–surgical and surgical. (Methods of abortion. 2009) There are 3 legal methods of surgical
abortion. (ibid) The first is a vacuum aspiration. (ibid) In this method a tube is gently inserted into the womb through the cervix. (ibid) Then the
contents of the womb are
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Abortion is defined as the deliberate termination of human pregnancy, most often performed during the first twenty–eight weeks. In South Carolina,
abortion is legal which causes an ongoing controversy between those who agree and disagree. This is a sensitive subject that can get very heated.
Pregnant women will argue that abortion is okay because a fetus does not feel pain, I totally disagree. There are certain circumstances that I understand
why an abortion may be needed. Situations like emergency medical problems with the mother or baby could be a legit reason for an abortion
One reason abortion is wrong is because you are not giving your baby the right to life. Your baby was not asked to be born, you made the selfish choice
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In this case, mothers should consider giving a women who cannot conceive, the opportunity to be a mother. The adoptive parents would be
appreciative of getting the chance to be parents and giving your child the life that you could not give them. I believe that this would be the better
option because your giving the joy of life to others who will appreciate it.
Women argue that abortion is not bad because a fetus does not feel pain, but this is wrong because studies have been shown to prove that fetus's
indeed do experience pain. Bernard N. Nathanson, MD, stated that, when an abortion is performed on a twelve week old fetus, "We see (in an
ultrasound image) the child's mouth open in a silent scream...This is the silent scream of a child threatened imminently with extinction." With this
evidence we can indeed prove that a fetus does experience pain. Many people misconceive the fact that you do have a real human in your stomach, it
can feel pain, a fetus is not invincible.
Some women try to argue the fact that rape is a good excuse for an abortion, but I still do not agree. A baby did not ask to come in this world just
like you did not ask to be raped. Rape is a horrible thing, but I think if you were to get pregnant from rape you should try to make the best of it. That
sounds weird, but I believe that in all bad situations there is a blessing. The baby might turn out to be the best thing that ever came into your life.
Every baby has a
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Abortion: Pro and Con Essay
Abortion: Pro and Con
In a pluralistic culture of unwanted pregnancy, there exists a contradiction between a relative sense of morality and the democratic ideal of free
choice. Aristotle provided the first written record of this irresolvable contradiction in his book Politics, saying, "When couples have children in
excess, let abortion be procured before sense and life have begun; what may or may not be lawfully done in these cases depends on the question of life
and sensation." (1) The controversy has always consisted of two sides: "Pro–Lifers", who believe that abortion is morally wrong and should not be
allowed, and "Pro–Choicers", who support the woman's right to choose the outcome of her pregnancy in all cases. There is more content...
If these aborted fetuses are capable of developing in the same way as babies who have been carried to term, it would seem that both groups are equally
human. I think I'm safe in saying that most Americans, whether Pro–Choice or Pro–Life, object to infanticide, so, by this logic, they should be equally
opposed to abortion.
* Breast Cancer Link – Several researchers believe they have found a link between abortion and breast cancer. They claim this is due to the buildup of
estrogen that occurs during pregnancy and is normally released after birth or miscarriage. In the event of an abortion however, the high level of
estrogen is maintained, thereby increasing the woman's risk of breast cancer.
Fetal Awareness– Certain studies have demonstrated that aborted fetuses have been heard to cry from as early as 21 weeks and some doctors
believe that distress can be felt as early as 13 weeks. Many abortions may even cause pain for the fetus.
Pro–Choice Arguments
* Women's Right's– Some Pro–Choicers see the ability to choose whether or not to have an abortion as the single most important right a woman can
have. They see legal restrictions on abortion as a serious blow to the role of women in society.
* Fetus as Lump of Tissue – Beause the fetus is entirely dependant on its mother for support, it is not really a living entity, but merely a lump of tissue
that belongs to the mother. Therefore, the fetus has no human rights, and the
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Pros And Cons Of Abortion
Argumentative Essay on Pros and Cons of Abortion
Abortion is a very sensitive issue. Many people are constantly debating whether or not abortion should be allowed or not. Some people think abortion
is very bad and that it should not be allowed at all. They think abortion is like committing murder as it is killing the human fetus. Others feel that the
parents should have the right to choose and it is not murder until the baby is born. People who think it is bad say that the fetus is something alive, a
human being who is partly formed and to do abortion is to kill it and commit murder. The people who think it is ok say that it is not murder until and
unless the child is born. I think that abortion has to be seen about which stage the fetus is in. If it is in the very early stage, then it is not murder. But
if it has already developed into a larger fetus, it can be considered as murder.
There are other times when abortion is also fine. For example if there is a complication in pregnancy and the mother can suffer because of the child, I
think it is ok to do abortion. It is important to understand the various ideas that go behind abortion. The right of an abortion for a mother should be left
on her own decision as the mother knows best about her condition. She is going to be the 'host body' for the baby, even though her own, for nine
months and according to Thompson, the mother should have the right to decide if she wants to foster and go through with the ordeal.
Abortion should not be considered as murder in the early stage, which is the first ten to twelve weeks. Scientific research has proven that even though
the fetus starts to develop a face, arms, legs, etc by the tenth week, it does not have a consciousness and it does not constitute as a human being. There
have been many arguments over what is right about abortion and what is not. The Pro–Life activists claim that it is an absolute crime to have an
abortion at any stage of pregnancy while some of the extreme pro–abortionists believe that the mother should have the right to kill her baby even a
week before full birth. These two extremes form the continuum over which all the debate has been made over the past few years over the topic of
abortions and no
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What Is Abortion-Right Or Wrong?
What is an abortion some may ask, another question that pops up just as often if not more frequently is why would anyone do that to their unborn
child? An abortion in legal terms means, according to Merriam Webster dictionary, the termination of a pregnancy after, accompanied by, resulting in,
or closely followed by the death of the embryo or fetus. Many times, a parent doesn't feel as though adoption is the right decision to make because then
they risk the chance of growing a bond with their child during their pregnancy. So, they often feel abortion is the way to go without considering the
hardship they will face after that decision has been made. Many do not see it as wrong because it's the women's body it's her choice but no
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Meaning the rich are taking over and controlling decisions the public is making now because they have the money to do so. In Park Avenue:
Money, Power and the American Dream, "2007 George Bush spent fifteen minutes at the door of Steve Schwartzman asking for money, then he
received 1.5 million for a republican event" (Alex Gibney). They are so willing to give millions to a political event but won't speak up about other
issues such as abortion rates increasing, banning them will only decrease the number of safe ones and increase the number of dangerous ones so that
is not a fix. In Park Avenue: Money, Power and the American Dream, the doorman states "work hard and you will end up rich," (Alex Gibney).
Meaning that anyone who puts effort into something you will be rich at some point in your life no matter the decision you make. Lastly, Gibney states,
"Monopoly changing peoples thinking between the rich and the poor". The rich aren't thinking so they base their choice on that they can afford it so
they would get the abortion. While the poor can not afford the basic abortion so they are stuck carrying a child until birth.
Abortion are a sore topic to speak about especially to women, since they are the ones directly affected by that decision. Everyone has their thoughts on
abortion but the main thing is why people do it. Is the only reason just because they aren't ready to
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Pros And Objectives Of Abortion
Objective 1: to understand what is the definition of abortion.
Objective 2: to explain what are the types and methods of abortion
Objective 3: to illustrate the pros and cons of abortion
Objective 4: to state professional's point of views about abortion
Objective 5: to state the Islamic judgment about abortion
As you go through many biomedical researches, probably you will find some common topics that consider being the most interesting topics in the
biomedical ethical field to be discuss, one of these topics is abortion. The term abortion means the termination of a pregnancy by evacuating a fetus or
embryo before it can survive outside the uterus. The National Centre for Health Statistics defines an "abortus" more content...
Each one has a specific time for it to be efficient. From 9 weeks to 14 weeks, vacuum aspiration and dilation and suction curettage are perform in this
period. From. After 14 weeks, they use dilation and evacuation method. After week 20, medical inducers ae performed such as prostaglandin, which
will enhance early smooth muscle contraction that will lead to abortion, they also use it in obstructed labour.
Pros and cons about abortion
The benefits of abortion are represented by saving the life of the pregnant women when there is such a risk to their life or their babies' life, the
latter is different from country to another. It is also useful in the rape conditions especially for minors, who are not prepared to take care of a baby.
While there are benefits for abortion, of course there are disadvantages for it as it is consider as deny someone deserve to live. Moreover, abortion
may decrease the chance of becoming a pregnant again. In addition, abortion can lead to serious complications that may end up with death.
Professional's point of
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Pros And Cons Of Abortion
Abortion is one of those heavy topics that either side can be right or wrong. Abortion mostly gets divided into two sides; Pro–Life or Pro–choice. On
the side of Pro– life a person believes that the government has an obligation to preserve all human life, regardless of intent, viability, or quality of life
concerns. On the side pro–choice a person believes that individuals have unlimited autonomy with respect to their own reproductive systems as long as
they do not breach the autonomy of others. (Head)
Many say abortion is wrong for many reasons, one main reason, life starts from the moment of conception. Pro – Life argues when the egg and sperm
join and form a zygote; this ball of cells continues to multiple and grows becoming a child. more content...
No abortions would be permitted for any reason, including rape, incest or the health of the woman. (Anti–Choice Statements – Pro–choice Responses)
Another argument is abortion is murder and the fetus can feel pain. Pro – life argues that killing an innocent human being no matter if it is unborn, it is
still murder. They also argue that by eight weeks of gestation the spinal cord is developed. The spinal cord is "most primitive response to pain" which
is explained by Maureen Condic, PhD. Evidence found by Dr. Bernard N. Nathanson stating "We see [in an ultrasound image] the child's mouth open in
a silent scream... This is the silent scream of a child threatened imminently with extinction." (Grimes, 2011)
Pro– choice counters this with stating abortion that it should be a fundamental right and fetuses are incapable of feeling pain when abortion is
performed. It is argued any moment or reactions seen in fetuses when they detect pain are more of a reflex not actual proof that the fetus feels
anything. (McDonough, 2013) Even though the spinal cortex is needed to feel pain, neuroscientists believe that it does become functional until at least
26 weeks if development. At this stage in the child's development it is rare abortion happens. The choice should still be left in the mother's hand, for it
her body and her control over her productive
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The Pros And Cons Of Abortion
As mentioned in the previous paragraph, the procedures used to perform late term abortions are both safe and humane. It should be noted that there are
mainly two procedures used, D&E(dilation and evacuation) and D&X (dilation and extraction). To understand why there is much debate about the
humaneness of these two procedures, especially the D&X procedure, one has to comprehend what these procedures entail. "D&E is a procedure that
may require, if the pregnancy is sufficiently advanced, the use of a forceps to dismember the fetus and extract it in pieces,"(Ballaro). Interestingly
enough, this procedure which would seem like the one to cause an uproar is more accepted by the prolife movement than that of the D&X procedure.
"The D&X procedure is when the fetus is removed intact from the womb. It takes two to three days more content...
The entire body is then removed"(Ballaro). Much of the opposition has problems with the D&X procedure due to the fact that the fetus which is
removed from the mother's body is capable of surviving with current technology, some even think of it as infanticide. While this is a "interesting" idea,
this is in no way the truth. The first thing to clarify here is that the fetus is not an infant, it is not in any way medically speaking a fully formed and
completely developed, thinking and learning human being. As such, referring to the procedure as infanticide is just using crass words to create a
negative connotation of a perfectly medically sound procedure.Not to mention the fact that the D&X procedure often can save the lives of pregnant
women who may suffering from certain conditions such as cancer requiring radiation therapy or an aortic aneurysm. Such maternal illnesses, they
contend, may not be diagnosed until late in pregnancy(Ballaro). With this in mind, it should be easy to distinguish how civilized and humane these
procedures can
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  • 1. Advantages And Disadvantages Of Abortion Should abortion be legalized and what are advantages or disadvantages of abortion? All human beings are given some non–transferable rights that are impossible to take away and guaranteed by the Constitution. One of the most important given privileges is the right to seek happiness for each person. Many people around the world consider abortion as inhumane and brutal as murder. In some cases, abortion might be justifiable as according to supporters of abortion emphasize that an unborn baby cannot be considered as a person who has to be protected and treated safe. With this very controversial social issue like abortion on our hands, there are so many difficulties in determining if abortion is considered as right or wrong. In addition, abortion has been treated as one of the most disputed topics in our society. It has been more content... According to the dictionary knowledge of abortion, it can be defined as: "the termination of pregnancy and expulsion of an embryo or of a foetus that is incapable of survival.". Only in terms of abortion, it can be as simple as the given definition above, but abortion is more about every aspect of human life. It cannot be easily judged whether it is right or wrong, but both sides are open for interpretation, and supportive knowledges and evidences. Abortion has been debated by two different groups such as pro–choice and pro–life party. These two groups offer different solutions and arguments to problem and issue of abortion. Supporters of pro–choice commonly argued that various contraceptives are not perfectly effective and a baby should not be born in the world if this pregnancy is not wanted and intended. In other word, pro–life supporters argued that abortion can cause medical complications and a health risks for pregnant women, the child can live a full life with a harmonious family who has a plan to adopt this Get more content on
  • 2. The Pros And Cons Of Abortion The debate on whether or not to make abortion legal has been an ongoing conflict since Roe v Wade. On January 22,1973, The Supreme Court made abortion legal in the United States.This decision held that a woman, with her doctor, could request an abortion without legal restriction. State restrictions could be applied in later trimesters. There are usually two sides in this debate. Those who believe in pro life and the others that believe in pro choice. Although another question arises, is there a blurred line between being pro life and being pro choice. Are you able to be both or is the line straight and clear. I myself would have to be in the percentage of people that stay in the blurred lines not teetering on both sides but proudly standing on both. Pro choice people say that choosing abortion is a women's right that should not be limited by governmental or religious authority and which outweighs any right claimed for an embryo or fetus. People identifying as pro life contend that individual human life begins at fertilization and therefore, abortion is the immoral killing of an innocent human being. People who are pro life say it's unfair to allow abortion while couples who can not biologically conceive wait to adopt.So the question is, how am i both pro life and pro choice. Although i do not stand for abortion i do stand for women having the overall say over what happens with their body.i feel that if you disagree with abortion then you should simply not have one. I myself as a young women in society am conflicted as to say whether or not i would ever have an abortion. While on one hand i would like to say that i would 100% without a doubt never have an abortion. One the other hand i know that there is always going to be a what if, and everyday hundreds and thousands of women are going through what ifs. Some cons on abortion is people think that abortion is murder. That the killing of an innocent human beings is not only wrong but should be illegal. The Federal unborn Victims of Violence Act stated that "anybody intentionally killing or attempting to kill an unborn child should be punished for attempting of intentionally killing a human." I believe this is the most controversial topic on abortion, does an Get more content on
  • 3. The Pros And Cons Of Abortion Abortion is a very controversial topic in today's society. Abortion is the deliberate termination of a human pregnancy, most often performed during the first 28 weeks (Abortion). Many people have issues regarding this topic, while some support the idea. This paper will be covering the pros and cons, people's attitudes, and how a researcher could possible change your perspective on the topic at hand. Controversies Over Abortion Abortion is the deliberate termination of a human pregnancy, most often performed during the first 28 weeks (Abortion). Abortion is a controversial topic because one group of people would say it is killing a human (Abortion On the other hand, the other group of people would say that the fetus is not developed enough to call it a human. This is an issue because it goes against morals that people have been been raised up on. It even goes against religion in which it defies the word of God. The other group says it's a fundamental right guaranteed by the Constitution (Abortion People's attitudes toward abortion are typically reinforced by observational conditioning. People are either on one side or the other, rarely is anybody up in the air. Observational learning is the process of learning to respond in a particular way by watching others (King, 2017). In today's younger society people view abortion as a good thing, an easy way out so to speak. They don't see the repercussions of their actions. They think they can just go out and have their one night stand and if something were to happen they can go and 'fix' the problem. In today's older society, people view abortion as a bad thing. It's killing an innocent human that has done nothing to deserve that fate. They see it as if the woman becomes pregnant they are to accept the responsibilities that comes with it. Self–fulfilling prophecy contributes to the development and attitude of people. Self–fulfilling prophecy is by definition a prediction that directly or indirectly causes itself to become true, by the very terms of the prophecy itself due to positive feedback between belief and behavior (King, 2017). Society has led women to believe that they are too weak, young, poor and unqualified to care for a Get more content on
  • 4. Pros And Cons Of Abortion Abortion: Oppositions and Consensus Abortion is the termination of a pregnancy after, accompanied by, resulting in, or closely followed by the death of the embryo or fetus. Some say that a fetus has the right to life, despite a woman's opinion, while others strongly believe that a woman's personal choice should trump all outside voices. Those who approve of abortion endorse the right of a woman to have a choice, backing the decision made in Roe v. Wade which states a woman may legally obtain an abortion under the Fourteenth Amendment under the United States Constitution. On the other hand, those who disprove of abortion claim ethical judgments relating to religion, specifically the Catholic faith. People who rebut abortion accept that a fetus has the right to live as soon as it is known to exist. Although both sides of the abortion argument have valid points, I support a woman's right to choose because I believe a woman should have control of her own body. In "Women Seek Abortion for a Variety of Reasons," the most common rational for women choosing abortion are doubts at the dedication having a baby would take, the overall cost of having a child, and relationship issues that having a baby may bring. Many women feel, according to this article, that "a baby at this time would interfere with their future goals and opportunities in general (5%) or, more specifically, with school (14%) or career plans (7%)" (Biggs). The article also mentions an instance where a woman felt she Get more content on
  • 5. Roe V. Wade Research Paper Approximately 600000 abortions happen yearly according to centers for disease control and prevention. One of the most sensitive topics discussed not only in the presidential debate but also in newspapers and magazines around the world. With the two strong opposing viewpoints this controversy has been troubling for years and continues to concern the public for many years to come. With methods ranging from using a sharp vacuuming tool to dismember and remove the baby to poking a hole in the babies head and sucking the brain out. Abortions of these kinds should not be allowed!! Abortion has been known for thousands of years yet in the 1800's states began making the medical procedure illegal. Many women sought to get abortions still from places other than the hospitals these were known as "Back–alley abortions". Using these abortions many women suffered serious trauma or harm during these procedures. Therefore between 1967 and 1973 в…“ of the states repealed the criminal abortion law. On the contrary the right to have an abortion only applied to american women in 1973. The 1973 Supreme Court decision in Roe v. Wade made it possible for women to get safe, legal abortions from well–trained medical practitioners. This led to dramatic decreases in pregnancy–related injury and death. With the conflicting history of abortions today, with our new technology you can choose what type of abortion you want with a range or medical procedures that all do the same thing, kill the baby. Get more content on
  • 6. The Pros And Cons Of Abortion For the people that are agent abortion would agree that is okay for a woman to have abortion base only on the grounds of if they were rape. "It would leave out entirely the unborn person whose existence is due to rape. Pending the availability or some further argument, then, we would be left with the conclusion that unborn person whose existence is due to rape has no right to the use of their mother's bodies, and thus that aborting them is not depriving them of anything they have a right to and hence is not unjust killing." This show that a fetus does not have rights to the mother's body. I can agree with them on that part because it would be absolutely wrong for a woman to have a child for a person that heart them. For the other fetus they have a right to leave then those that came from a woman that was raped. I believe that there are still going to be cases that are going to be shamed. Thomson gave an example of what completely can happen to women. Which is that a woman is trying to have the baby but if she keeps the fetus it will kill her. The option of abortion is brought up in order to help save the women life. The group of people that are completely agent it would say it's a right of life to try to have the child still and if it takes the mother life then that was the path she was supposed to have. But Thomson is arguing that if you are giving a chose to save your life and the doctors are telling you that the baby is going to kill you. You will choose the option to Get more content on
  • 7. Abortion is the medical procedure when it is induced on purpose to extract the fetus from the uterus. When abortion occurs without purpose, it is usually referred to as miscarriage; such instance causes psychological problems in a woman and affects her perception of the fetus. The number of moral and ethical considerations on the problem of abortions can be considered from a variety of perspectives that include economic, medical, social, and religious aspects of the phenomenon. Many case studies are based on the need to make a choice, especially when talking about professional duties of doctors and such medical practices, as Hippocratic Oath. The controversy occurs every time some people cannot accept the right of the woman to have more content... According to the findings by Mariotti (2012), the psychosocial and emotional components are an integral part of every woman's pregnancy, and she can make decisions of whether to sustain life in her own uterus or end it (p. 269). At the same time, numerous studies have questioned the personhood of the fetus to provide well–evidenced approaches to evaluation of its social and legal status. Does a woman provide it with all necessary resources and substances like a donor? Does she have a right to extract it from her body in case she does not want to give it life, has some health care issues that put her and the baby at risk, or carries a fetus that was the result of a rape? All those questions are easier to ask than answer, but women should have the right to do with their body everything they want. Medical Perspective The medical considerations often rely on moral and ethical issues, but the health care problems that may occur with the woman or fetus should also be brought to discussion. For instance, some women may have mental problems that require administration of specific medications, which impair the fetus and jeopardize its future functioning and health. Another reason for induced abortions, even after the first trimester, may include fetal anomalies. As stated by Bryant, Grimes, Garrett, and Get more content on
  • 8. Pros And Cons Of Abortion No matter who you ask, it is evident that the topic of abortion is very controversial. Many people have been asking themselves the same question for many years now, do you think abortion is ethical? Abortion has been a heated argument amongst citizens, political activists, and several religions all across the world. Those who are against abortion are known as pro–life and argue that abortion is wrong because it kills human life. On the other hand, there are people who are in favor of abortion are known as pro–choice. They believe women are able to do as they wish with their bodies. Abortion has many pros and cons that deserve to be properly discussed and deliberated upon, before someone makes a decision to support or oppose it. In more content... There are different circumstances that could have led to that pregnancy, sometimes including rape. If a rape occurred and it was the reason that led to the pregnancy, why should a victim feel as if they have to live with raising the child of the person who has caused destruction in her life? Also thinking about the child, why should he/she grow up to have no father figure? Additionally, when the child grows up and learns that he/she was a result of a rape and that their father is a terrible person; this could lead to resentment of the parent by the child. It is definitely hard to justify saving a life of a child that will be a constant reminder of the horror someone was put through. Furthermore, a woman should have the right to control their body, nobody should tell you what to do with your body. There are many more arguments that support abortion, one of the strongest arguments being that life doesn 't start until birth, once the fetus becomes a human being (Zang para 2). Therefore, abortion is not murder or taking a life, it is simply preventing a life from occurring. In most situations, this wouldn 't be in enjoyable life, most abortions are centered around a life that would be filled with trauma ( para 3). For all of these reasons discussed above, abortion as a practice can be justified. Although there are many reasons why people Get more content on
  • 9. Essay on Pros/Cons of Abortion Pros and Cons of Abortion Abortion is a very controversial subject that has been continually argued over for the past few years and probably many years to come. The main controversy is should abortion be legalized? First before we get into the many sides of abortion we must first define abortion. Abortion is the destruction of the fetus or unborn child while the child is still in the mother's womb. This can be done by almost anyone from the mother herself to back alley abortions and even to abortions specialized clinics set up for this purpose. There are two sides to this abortion topic the PRO–LIFE which is those who are against abortion altogether and the PRO– CHOICE or those who believe it is the woman's right to choose if she wants more content... We even see the same thing in the abortion experience. When a person becomes pregnant because of rape or incest there is a permanent symbol of the rape, at least until it is aborted. Women who have had abortions fear being rejected by God and loved ones. It is a very traumatic experience which takes time to heal. Pro–life activist feel that in society today, abortion is becoming the solution to carelessness. Abortion does nothing to help the rape victims, and that is the problem they are trying to address in the first place. Instead abortion encourages the victim to vent their anger out on others. Pro–life also believes that childbirth on the other hand can be a victory. For those victims who chose childbirth over abortion it can be a triumph. The choice can show that the victim is not going to let rape destroy her life. When the needs of a pregnant victim are closely examined it can be shown that abortion is not the answer and is in fact only worsening the problem. But the worst strain abortion has on the victim is mental strain. Many victims become confused and overwhelmed by feelings they thought they would never have, and don't know what to do. After having an abortion victims thought they had solved the problem, but in fact they had really just started a whole new one. Many victims begin thinking there is something wrong with them and begin to doubt themselves in situations that they would normally be sure of Get more content on
  • 10. The Pros And Cons Of Abortion The abortion of a human infant has been so controversial that the prohibition of its process had slowly begun to lose its course. While abortion may be highly controversial in reference to the morality and free will of the human individual, the background and results of such actions are the main ingredients for political, moral, and social chaos in the protest of the free will to make such decisions to take an infant's short life. This ethical dilemma is one of major political issues that modern–day politicians are having more difficult times attempting to put certain regulations for. This is resulting in the political and judicial debate on whether or not a person has the constitutional right to terminate another person's life. If I were a politician or Supreme Court Justice, I would have to more content... While abortion is a method in which could terminate the life of an infant still inside a woman's womb, the only benefit would be that the process would terminate a woman's pregnancy, which in most cases, the process is done for and are usually more beneficial towards women who were sexually assaulted. This among all others, is a key component as to determine whether or not abortion would be considered "constitutional". On the contrary, the process of abortion would save the child from suffering abuse and neglect only if the child were to be considered an "unplanned birth" according to David A. Grimes in his "The Huffington Post" article "How Legal Abortions Helps American Citizens" (Grimes 8). However, this would still not be considered an "acceptable excuse" for a woman to consider abortion according to the vast majority of individuals who oppose abortion in its entirety. Therefore, the idea of my solution would suppress the chaos of the protests of those for and against the topic of Get more content on
  • 11. The Pros And Cons Of Abortion In recent discussion of abortions, a controversial issue has been whether the government should be able to have control over whether women can terminate their pregnancies or not. On one hand of the argument, some people believe that it's not the government's place to regulate women's right to abort their child, or to not. From one perspective, it is believed that women should have the right to do what they please with their bodies and that the choice is theirs (pro–choice). However, there are also people who think that abortions should be made illegal and that if you make a child you should not be able to abort it just because you can (pro–life). The government thinks that by outlawing abortions that it will get rid of them all together and they won't have anything to worry about. When in all actuality this will be the cause of more issues to come. Whether you believe in the 1973 decision of the Roe v. Waderuling or not this is certainly going to be an ongoing debate for many years to come with two very strong and opinionated sides. There are people who believe that outlawing abortions is the right thing to do. But there are also people who believe that taking away the right to abort is also taking away Human Rights and dangerous to those who will still seek abortions after they are banned. In the words of one of these views main supporters, "Outlawing abortion doesn't make it go away, it only makes it dangerous" (Kierra Johnson). According to this statement, making it Get more content on
  • 12. The Pros and Cons of Selective Abortion Essay This essay will evaluate advantages and disadvantages, moral, religious and ethical aspects of selective abortion, which promotes women's well–being, physical and mental health. Surgical abortion is an abortion, carried out for different purposes, and accompanied or caused by the death of the fetus. The procedure of the deliberating termination of a human pregnancy is known since ancient times. Kapparis Konstantinos (2002) wrote in his book " Abortion in the Ancient world" that the word abortion came frРѕm thРµ LР°tС–n "abortus" where "ab" means "amiss" and "oriri" means "likely to be born, arise". According to thРµ book of Christopher Tietze and Sarah Lewit (1969) "Abortion" which could be one of the earliest records of an abortive more content... In recent decades, pressures from public opinion and new discoveries in medicine have led to substantial changes in the procedures, requirements and effects of abortion laws. The worldwide number of induced abortions, both safe and unsafe, declined from nearly 46 million in 1995 to approximately 42 million in 2003 ( Induced abortion : estimated rates and trends worldwide . 2007) . This corresponds to a decline in the abortion rate from 35 abortions per 1000 women aged 15 to 44 in 1995 to 29 in 2003. (World Abortion Policies, 2007 ) The first reason for legal selective abortion and the most powerful argument of those people, who are for it, is that society needs it at least to prevent the risk of maternal health. According to the statistics of UN's Department of Economic and social Affairs of 2007 year, about 97% of countries around the world allow abortion in the event of an emergency, when women's life is in explicit threat. (World Abortion Policies, 2007)There are only 5 countries where selective abortion is prohibited. (ibid) These countries are Chile, El Salvador, the Holy See, Malta and Nicaragua.(ibid) The procedure of abortion divides to two methods: non–surgical and surgical. (Methods of abortion. 2009) There are 3 legal methods of surgical abortion. (ibid) The first is a vacuum aspiration. (ibid) In this method a tube is gently inserted into the womb through the cervix. (ibid) Then the contents of the womb are Get more content on
  • 13. Abortion is defined as the deliberate termination of human pregnancy, most often performed during the first twenty–eight weeks. In South Carolina, abortion is legal which causes an ongoing controversy between those who agree and disagree. This is a sensitive subject that can get very heated. Pregnant women will argue that abortion is okay because a fetus does not feel pain, I totally disagree. There are certain circumstances that I understand why an abortion may be needed. Situations like emergency medical problems with the mother or baby could be a legit reason for an abortion One reason abortion is wrong is because you are not giving your baby the right to life. Your baby was not asked to be born, you made the selfish choice to more content... In this case, mothers should consider giving a women who cannot conceive, the opportunity to be a mother. The adoptive parents would be appreciative of getting the chance to be parents and giving your child the life that you could not give them. I believe that this would be the better option because your giving the joy of life to others who will appreciate it. Women argue that abortion is not bad because a fetus does not feel pain, but this is wrong because studies have been shown to prove that fetus's indeed do experience pain. Bernard N. Nathanson, MD, stated that, when an abortion is performed on a twelve week old fetus, "We see (in an ultrasound image) the child's mouth open in a silent scream...This is the silent scream of a child threatened imminently with extinction." With this evidence we can indeed prove that a fetus does experience pain. Many people misconceive the fact that you do have a real human in your stomach, it can feel pain, a fetus is not invincible. Some women try to argue the fact that rape is a good excuse for an abortion, but I still do not agree. A baby did not ask to come in this world just like you did not ask to be raped. Rape is a horrible thing, but I think if you were to get pregnant from rape you should try to make the best of it. That sounds weird, but I believe that in all bad situations there is a blessing. The baby might turn out to be the best thing that ever came into your life. Every baby has a Get more content on
  • 14. Abortion: Pro and Con Essay Abortion: Pro and Con In a pluralistic culture of unwanted pregnancy, there exists a contradiction between a relative sense of morality and the democratic ideal of free choice. Aristotle provided the first written record of this irresolvable contradiction in his book Politics, saying, "When couples have children in excess, let abortion be procured before sense and life have begun; what may or may not be lawfully done in these cases depends on the question of life and sensation." (1) The controversy has always consisted of two sides: "Pro–Lifers", who believe that abortion is morally wrong and should not be allowed, and "Pro–Choicers", who support the woman's right to choose the outcome of her pregnancy in all cases. There is more content... If these aborted fetuses are capable of developing in the same way as babies who have been carried to term, it would seem that both groups are equally human. I think I'm safe in saying that most Americans, whether Pro–Choice or Pro–Life, object to infanticide, so, by this logic, they should be equally opposed to abortion. * Breast Cancer Link – Several researchers believe they have found a link between abortion and breast cancer. They claim this is due to the buildup of estrogen that occurs during pregnancy and is normally released after birth or miscarriage. In the event of an abortion however, the high level of estrogen is maintained, thereby increasing the woman's risk of breast cancer. Fetal Awareness– Certain studies have demonstrated that aborted fetuses have been heard to cry from as early as 21 weeks and some doctors believe that distress can be felt as early as 13 weeks. Many abortions may even cause pain for the fetus. Pro–Choice Arguments * Women's Right's– Some Pro–Choicers see the ability to choose whether or not to have an abortion as the single most important right a woman can have. They see legal restrictions on abortion as a serious blow to the role of women in society. * Fetus as Lump of Tissue – Beause the fetus is entirely dependant on its mother for support, it is not really a living entity, but merely a lump of tissue that belongs to the mother. Therefore, the fetus has no human rights, and the
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  • 16. Pros And Cons Of Abortion Argumentative Essay on Pros and Cons of Abortion Abortion is a very sensitive issue. Many people are constantly debating whether or not abortion should be allowed or not. Some people think abortion is very bad and that it should not be allowed at all. They think abortion is like committing murder as it is killing the human fetus. Others feel that the parents should have the right to choose and it is not murder until the baby is born. People who think it is bad say that the fetus is something alive, a human being who is partly formed and to do abortion is to kill it and commit murder. The people who think it is ok say that it is not murder until and unless the child is born. I think that abortion has to be seen about which stage the fetus is in. If it is in the very early stage, then it is not murder. But if it has already developed into a larger fetus, it can be considered as murder. There are other times when abortion is also fine. For example if there is a complication in pregnancy and the mother can suffer because of the child, I think it is ok to do abortion. It is important to understand the various ideas that go behind abortion. The right of an abortion for a mother should be left on her own decision as the mother knows best about her condition. She is going to be the 'host body' for the baby, even though her own, for nine months and according to Thompson, the mother should have the right to decide if she wants to foster and go through with the ordeal. Abortion should not be considered as murder in the early stage, which is the first ten to twelve weeks. Scientific research has proven that even though the fetus starts to develop a face, arms, legs, etc by the tenth week, it does not have a consciousness and it does not constitute as a human being. There have been many arguments over what is right about abortion and what is not. The Pro–Life activists claim that it is an absolute crime to have an abortion at any stage of pregnancy while some of the extreme pro–abortionists believe that the mother should have the right to kill her baby even a week before full birth. These two extremes form the continuum over which all the debate has been made over the past few years over the topic of abortions and no Get more content on
  • 17. What Is Abortion-Right Or Wrong? What is an abortion some may ask, another question that pops up just as often if not more frequently is why would anyone do that to their unborn child? An abortion in legal terms means, according to Merriam Webster dictionary, the termination of a pregnancy after, accompanied by, resulting in, or closely followed by the death of the embryo or fetus. Many times, a parent doesn't feel as though adoption is the right decision to make because then they risk the chance of growing a bond with their child during their pregnancy. So, they often feel abortion is the way to go without considering the hardship they will face after that decision has been made. Many do not see it as wrong because it's the women's body it's her choice but no more content... Meaning the rich are taking over and controlling decisions the public is making now because they have the money to do so. In Park Avenue: Money, Power and the American Dream, "2007 George Bush spent fifteen minutes at the door of Steve Schwartzman asking for money, then he received 1.5 million for a republican event" (Alex Gibney). They are so willing to give millions to a political event but won't speak up about other issues such as abortion rates increasing, banning them will only decrease the number of safe ones and increase the number of dangerous ones so that is not a fix. In Park Avenue: Money, Power and the American Dream, the doorman states "work hard and you will end up rich," (Alex Gibney). Meaning that anyone who puts effort into something you will be rich at some point in your life no matter the decision you make. Lastly, Gibney states, "Monopoly changing peoples thinking between the rich and the poor". The rich aren't thinking so they base their choice on that they can afford it so they would get the abortion. While the poor can not afford the basic abortion so they are stuck carrying a child until birth. Abortion are a sore topic to speak about especially to women, since they are the ones directly affected by that decision. Everyone has their thoughts on abortion but the main thing is why people do it. Is the only reason just because they aren't ready to Get more content on
  • 18. Pros And Objectives Of Abortion Objectives: Objective 1: to understand what is the definition of abortion. Objective 2: to explain what are the types and methods of abortion Objective 3: to illustrate the pros and cons of abortion Objective 4: to state professional's point of views about abortion Objective 5: to state the Islamic judgment about abortion Introduction As you go through many biomedical researches, probably you will find some common topics that consider being the most interesting topics in the biomedical ethical field to be discuss, one of these topics is abortion. The term abortion means the termination of a pregnancy by evacuating a fetus or embryo before it can survive outside the uterus. The National Centre for Health Statistics defines an "abortus" more content... Each one has a specific time for it to be efficient. From 9 weeks to 14 weeks, vacuum aspiration and dilation and suction curettage are perform in this period. From. After 14 weeks, they use dilation and evacuation method. After week 20, medical inducers ae performed such as prostaglandin, which will enhance early smooth muscle contraction that will lead to abortion, they also use it in obstructed labour. Pros and cons about abortion The benefits of abortion are represented by saving the life of the pregnant women when there is such a risk to their life or their babies' life, the latter is different from country to another. It is also useful in the rape conditions especially for minors, who are not prepared to take care of a baby. While there are benefits for abortion, of course there are disadvantages for it as it is consider as deny someone deserve to live. Moreover, abortion may decrease the chance of becoming a pregnant again. In addition, abortion can lead to serious complications that may end up with death. Professional's point of Get more content on
  • 19. Pros And Cons Of Abortion Abortion is one of those heavy topics that either side can be right or wrong. Abortion mostly gets divided into two sides; Pro–Life or Pro–choice. On the side of Pro– life a person believes that the government has an obligation to preserve all human life, regardless of intent, viability, or quality of life concerns. On the side pro–choice a person believes that individuals have unlimited autonomy with respect to their own reproductive systems as long as they do not breach the autonomy of others. (Head) Many say abortion is wrong for many reasons, one main reason, life starts from the moment of conception. Pro – Life argues when the egg and sperm join and form a zygote; this ball of cells continues to multiple and grows becoming a child. more content... No abortions would be permitted for any reason, including rape, incest or the health of the woman. (Anti–Choice Statements – Pro–choice Responses) Another argument is abortion is murder and the fetus can feel pain. Pro – life argues that killing an innocent human being no matter if it is unborn, it is still murder. They also argue that by eight weeks of gestation the spinal cord is developed. The spinal cord is "most primitive response to pain" which is explained by Maureen Condic, PhD. Evidence found by Dr. Bernard N. Nathanson stating "We see [in an ultrasound image] the child's mouth open in a silent scream... This is the silent scream of a child threatened imminently with extinction." (Grimes, 2011) Pro– choice counters this with stating abortion that it should be a fundamental right and fetuses are incapable of feeling pain when abortion is performed. It is argued any moment or reactions seen in fetuses when they detect pain are more of a reflex not actual proof that the fetus feels anything. (McDonough, 2013) Even though the spinal cortex is needed to feel pain, neuroscientists believe that it does become functional until at least 26 weeks if development. At this stage in the child's development it is rare abortion happens. The choice should still be left in the mother's hand, for it her body and her control over her productive Get more content on
  • 20. The Pros And Cons Of Abortion As mentioned in the previous paragraph, the procedures used to perform late term abortions are both safe and humane. It should be noted that there are mainly two procedures used, D&E(dilation and evacuation) and D&X (dilation and extraction). To understand why there is much debate about the humaneness of these two procedures, especially the D&X procedure, one has to comprehend what these procedures entail. "D&E is a procedure that may require, if the pregnancy is sufficiently advanced, the use of a forceps to dismember the fetus and extract it in pieces,"(Ballaro). Interestingly enough, this procedure which would seem like the one to cause an uproar is more accepted by the prolife movement than that of the D&X procedure. "The D&X procedure is when the fetus is removed intact from the womb. It takes two to three days more content... The entire body is then removed"(Ballaro). Much of the opposition has problems with the D&X procedure due to the fact that the fetus which is removed from the mother's body is capable of surviving with current technology, some even think of it as infanticide. While this is a "interesting" idea, this is in no way the truth. The first thing to clarify here is that the fetus is not an infant, it is not in any way medically speaking a fully formed and completely developed, thinking and learning human being. As such, referring to the procedure as infanticide is just using crass words to create a negative connotation of a perfectly medically sound procedure.Not to mention the fact that the D&X procedure often can save the lives of pregnant women who may suffering from certain conditions such as cancer requiring radiation therapy or an aortic aneurysm. Such maternal illnesses, they contend, may not be diagnosed until late in pregnancy(Ballaro). With this in mind, it should be easy to distinguish how civilized and humane these procedures can Get more content on