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February 2015
Ethical Defensibility: Should an Officer’s “Willingness to
Result in Automatic Certification Revocation?
By Thomas Martinelli, Adjunct Professor, Wayne State
University, Detroit Michigan, Independent Training
Consultant, Institute for Intergovernmental Research,
Tallahassee, Florida, and Michigan State University’s
Intelligence Toolbox Program, East Lansing, Michigan, and
Member, IACP Police Professional Standards,
Ethics, and Image Committee
The concept of Ethical Defensibility provides all sworn
personnel with the philosophical
tools and analytical skills necessary to weigh value-based
alternatives, resulting in the
repetitive acts needed to protect, preserve, and defend the
integrity of the police
“Oh, what a tangled web we weave,
When first we practice to deceive!”
—Sir Walter Scott, Marmion
ying, deception, and the omission of truth (when duty dictates),
all fall under a “willingness to deceive” in
police character policies. A character policy specifically
addresses the ethical challenges demanded of
all public servants regarding the mandatory need for and
relationship between truth-telling, duty-bound
honor, and justice. This is not about perjured written or spoken
words; they clearly are illegal and
unconstitutional. Rather it is about the philosophical tenets of
the profession that are necessary to instill and
reinforce the honor, pride, and higher standards that are the
foundations of policing. Protecting the integrity
and image of the profession involves educating officers at all
levels of an agency to prioritize truth telling,
without exception. It is a critical part of the job description.
The challenge today in policy compliance training (or core
values training) is that many character policies are
written in generalities, leaving them susceptible to arbitrary and
subjective interpretations. More times than not,
they are rarely defined, explained, or translated into real,
everyday policing situations. The profession arms its
street-level officers with tools for success, both weaponry and
street survival tactics, but generally ignores the
philosophical ethical dilemmas involving character that officers
are confronted with in the performance of their
duties. Such an oversight in training circles can be costly from a
litigation standpoint, both from citizen lawsuits
as well as internal litigation associated with running a
Policing in general and sworn testimony in specific will always
about an officer’s character and that is why core values training
vigilant supervisory reinforcement of character issues are
critical to
an agency’s future successes.
Core value-based training curriculums and scenarios provide the
rank and file with a clearer understanding of
the differing levels of distinction associated with truth telling in
law enforcement and sends them a message
that a breach of this policy, when severe enough, could cost
them their career. It is incumbent upon the
leaders of the profession to demand higher standards of
character for all sworn members specifically
regarding core values initiatives and policy compliance.
Expecting high standards of character cannot be taken
for granted or implied, rather, those standards must be defined,
discussed, and supervised in order for the
profession to thrive.
Policies such as Conduct Unbecoming, Neglect of Duty,
Insubordination, and a Willingness to Deceive, when
litigated in labor law hearings and courts of law, can be
capricious, arbitrary, and difficult to grasp. Terminated
public servants, through their counsel, will argue there are more
appropriate, lesser disciplinary alternatives
than termination that would be adequate regarding such minor
character policy violations. Even civilian jurors
may not be convinced termination is the appropriate sanction
for police officer deceptions.
Firing a veteran police officer for failing to tell the truth in any
employment-related scenario can be financially
crippling in civil courts, create a challenging precedent in
disciplinary hearings, and damage a department’s
morale. Additionally, suspended officers who feel unfairly
disciplined for what they perceived were appropriate
acts (the gray areas of ethical policing) may say, “Next time I
will choose not to get involved and avoid such
situations. It is not worth it.”
Yet, clearly the criteria for termination is subject to a higher
standard when depriving a public servant of his or
her property right to work. Many years of training and
experience are invested in law enforcement employees,
and termination over character issues such as deception or
omissions is costly for all parties involved.
Taxpayer monies and agency manpower hours are often wasted
in civil court litigation defending a chief’s
decision to rightfully terminate an unethical “bad apple” in an
effort to preserve the integrity, image, and morale
of his or her department. Avoiding such liabilities can only
prove fruitful for any agency in the long run.
Balancing administrative policy compliance measures of “doing
the right thing” with subjective, subordinate
perceptions for the job is stressful, demanding, and many times,
a losing battle.
co nve rte d by W e b2P DFC o nve m
The Latest of the Brady Progeny
Smith v. Cain, 565 U.S. ______ (2012):
Under the Brady progeny formula, “the
State violates a defendant’s right to due
process if it withholds evidence that is
favorable to the defense and material, to
the defendant’s guilt or punishment”
(emphasis added), citing Brady v.
Maryland, 373 U.S. 83, 87 (1963); See also
Giglio v. U.S., 405 U.S. 150 (1972); U.S. v.
Agurs, 427 U.S. 97 (1976).
Evidence is “material” within the meaning
of Brady, when “there is a reasonable
probability that, had the evidence been
disclosed to the defense, the result of the
proceeding would have been different.” U.S.
v. Bagley, 473 U.S. 667, 682 (1985).
The prosecutor has an affirmative duty to
discover any favorable exculpatory, material
evidence and give it to the defense. Kyles v.
Whitley, 514 U.S. 419 (1995).
“A reasonable probability does not mean
that the defendant ‘would more likely than
not have received a different verdict with the
evidence,’ only that the likelihood of a
different result is great enough to
‘undermine confidence in the outcome of
the trial’” (emphasis added). Smith, 565
U.S. ______ (2012).
In Smith, the undisclosed detective’s
statements that directly contradicted the sole
testimony tying the defendant to the crime
scene and his involvement violated the
defendant’s Fifth and Fourteenth Amendments’
guaranteed right to a fair and equitable trial.
Failing to tender this critical exculpatory
evidence demanded a new trial for the
See also: LaChance v. Erickson, 522 U.S. 262 (1998).
The key is to vigilantly self-police one’s agency in the specific
core values critical for professional success. It is
imperative to teach and supervise the rank and file in the
differing levels of acceptable and unacceptable
police deceptions defined by case law, arbitration awards, and
the agency’s policy makers and put them in
written form with specificity and clarity. In doing so, leaders
provide employees with a roadmap for executing
the value-based alternatives available to them when confronted
with philosophical ethical dilemmas, both on
and off the job. This is the foundational concept of Ethical
Defensibility: forcing employees to consider the
philosophical side of policing (reduced internal investigations,
citizen complaints, and lawsuits), coupled with
the larger picture of protecting the agency’s (and profession’s)
To presume all officers have mastered the subtleties, nuances,
and constitutionality of police ethical decision
making falls under the “supervisory logic of good faith”
paradigm, that is, “they should have known better, they
are professionals.”1 This article is intended to be a thought-
provoking continuation of previous Police Chief
articles, case law, and policies that have addressed police
deceptions, lies, and omissions; the disciplinary
process; and the future trends involving character issues in
policing. The emphasis here is to better educate
the rank and file in order to mentally prepare them for the
difficult ethical dilemmas officers face on a daily
basis and give them the tools to make the best decisions
possible and that can be used as a defense
whenever challenged.
The Brady Progeny
When officers are found to have intentionally engaged
in deceptive misconduct, whether on the streets, in
administrative investigations, in civil proceedings
during depositions, in internal affairs investigations, or
in labor law (disciplinary) hearings, they not only taint
their own ability to continue to serve as law enforcers,
but tarnish their department’s reputation on a wider
scale. Once it has been internally adjudicated that an
officer intentionally was deceptive, or worse,
demonstrates a pattern of deception, his or her future
effectiveness as a litigation witness is jeopardized.
Failing to train, as demonstrated by the landmark case
Brady v. Maryland and its contemporary progeny, is
organizational negligence that will cost a department
both financially and in regard to the good will of the
constituency served.
When one references the Brady progeny in law
enforcement training curriculums, the focus of that
specific training block deals with police officer
truthfulness and candor in relation to the job and an
employee’s effectiveness as a credible litigation
witness. The Brady v. Maryland ruling will celebrate its
40th anniversary this year, and its use and application
are still continually cited today. It is repeatedly
referenced in U.S. Supreme Court case law
addressing officer character, credibility, evidence
handling, and transparency issues within the
profession. In philosophical arguments dealing with
character, integrity, and professionalism of public
servants, courts focus on the overt duty of law enforcers
to always be truthful as demanded by the Due Process
Clause of the Fifth and Fourteenth Amendments.2
Untruthful law enforcers taint the entire criminal justice
system and the public’s perceptions of the profession.
The philosophical, legal argument constitutionally
posited by judges is that the government and its
agents cannot deprive a citizen of life, liberty, or
property without a fair and equitable opportunity to be
heard. In theory, the efforts to pursue justice by all
government agents must be honest, transparent,
forthright, and as proactive as possible in the presentation of
the prosecution’s case.
Any evidence the defense counsel (or appellate lawyers) can
produce post trial proving otherwise may result in
constitutional rights violation rulings; retrials; media scorn;
public backlash; and, most unforgiving, dismissal
of all criminal charges. Instead of protecting society, by cutting
corners, embellishing, withholding exculpatory
evidence, or not telling the whole truth, unethical officers (or
prosecutors) actually might free society’s
predators. The Brady progeny are the result of decades of U.S.
Supreme Court efforts to raise the standards of
accountability for those in law enforcement in order to uphold
the integrity of the system.
The onus of truth seeking will always be on the government and
its agents in order for the system to be fair
and equitable and to zealously protect the integrity of the
process. Ethical Defensibility training is about
protecting the integrity of the criminal justice process and
recognizing the need to zealously do so in every facet
of law enforcement. Any appearance of improprieties regarding
officer untruthfulness (or prosecutorial
misconduct) results in the negative perceptions and negative
ramifications regarding the agency’s image and
reputation and the overall criminal justice system.
Non-Compliant Deception Is a Violation of Public Policy
The Police Chief has, over the years, repeatedly published legal
and philosophical articles that have
addressed the need for self-policing in the virtues of honesty,
integrity, and professionalism, using the Brady
progeny as a foundation.3 It would behoove all academy
trainers and middle managers to review those
articles and make them a part of their training curriculums.
They provide a better understanding of the
evolution of case law regarding Brady and the U.S. Supreme
Court’s trend for a more focused demand for
public servant accountability from a due process perspective.
The justices, over the years, have repeatedly
placed the legal and ethical burden on government, to police
itself regarding character issues and integrity,
and this trend will continue. Just as the Department of Justice
consent decrees have been used to bring police
agencies in compliance with best practice standards, the
judiciary branch has made overt attempts to do so
from the bench.
co nve rte d by W e b2P DFC o nve m
There is no need to discuss these past articles due to space
constraints, but a Police Chief column written by
Professor Elliot Spector in April 2008 bears summarizing here
for clarity, emphasis, and foundation.
In 2008, a state court of appeals had ruled that a dishonest
officer is “unfit for duty” using the Brady progeny as
a public policy basis. They concluded that as a matter of public
policy, the officer’s intentionally deceptive
demeanor (thus a breach of his office) precluded him from
testifying in the future as a government witness.
Brady v. Maryland and its progeny dictate that, to be fair and
transparent, the prosecutor would have to
repeatedly tender to the defense counsel this officer’s history of
deception in every case he was a proposed
witness. This officer’s character flaws would undoubtedly be
addressed in cross-examination and closing
arguments, and cases would be, or could be, lost as a result of
his past, dishonest nature. The court’s
message was “dishonest cops are compromised witnesses.”
The appellate court wrote that the officer’s “proven record of
dishonesty prevents him from useful service as a
law enforcement officer. To require his reinstatement to a
position of great public trust in which he cannot
possibly serve violates public policy.”4 Granted not all
evidence in an officer’s personnel file of past
“deceptions” may be allowed into the record of a criminal case,
but if it is found relevant by the presiding
criminal court judge via a defense motion the due process
clause allows defendant’s counsel to play the
“once a liar, always a liar” card. Policing in general and sworn
testimony in specific will always be about an
officer’s character and that is why core values training and
vigilant supervisory reinforcement of character
issues are critical to an agency’s future successes.
Professor Spector strongly advocates the profession adopt the
appellate court’s ruling as a step in the right
direction and reinforced the need for the top administrators to
draw clear lines between “sanctioned lying and
prohibited lying.” The trend in policing is to better educate
officers in the nuances of acceptable deceptive
tactics and the agency’s specific dos and don’ts in a proactive
attempt to circumvent disciplinary measures for
officer untruthfulness or deception. Clearly sanctioned
deceptions in policing are necessary tools to fight crime
under very limited circumstances. Yet, a failure to specifically
define those circumstances for the rank and file
is a disservice to them, as well as the citizenry they serve and
can be used against an agency in a civil court of
Additionally, he suggested that academy training circles teach
all police officers, from day one, that they can
lose their jobs, pensions, and property right to work as a result
of job-related, intentional deceptiveness. By
holding sworn employees to a higher character standard of
behavior and defining what those standards are,
will not the officer’s stakeholders (him- or herself and his or
her family and dependents), the public, the courts,
the police profession, and the citizenry be better off?
“[I]ssues of credibility regarding police will be greatly reduced,
leading to more successful prosecutions, a
reduced number of constitutional violations, and fewer liability
cases and losses,” and it might diminish or
“eliminate the ‘code of silence’ completely.”5 As a matter of
public policy, terminating deceptive officers can
only enhance the profession in the long run. Brady gave police
chiefs the authority and wherewithal to adopt
and enforce such proactive measures regarding officer character
issues and the need to maintain a high level
of professional integrity in this regard.
Interestingly, the challenge here is that this appellate case was
overturned by that state’s supreme court in
2009, for not having gone far enough. In their reversal, the
message to police policymakers and trainers was
very succinct: without explicitly and definitively prohibiting
employees from engaging in the act of intentional
deceptions (overt and omissions), termination is too extreme,
unconstitutional, and not the appropriate
For chiefs, middle managers, or disciplinary board members, the
administrative duties associated with disciplining officers in
deceptive policy violations are challenging, to say the least.
Terminating a veteran officer for character indiscretions, major
minor, is a very difficult chore to embrace but a hurdle that
must be
The state supreme court, in essence, ruled that it was not “fair”
(and thus a violation of the Fifth and Fourteenth
Amendments regarding due process) to terminate an officer, as a
matter of public policy, for his past
indiscretions of misconduct and untruthfulness, solely based on
the Brady progeny. The court overturned the
lower court ruling by insisting that it did not go far enough in
demanding there be specific criteria, spelled out
either in agency policies, procedures, case law, and/or
arbitration reports. In order to justify terminating an
officer, the internal affairs mechanisms in policing had to be
much more forthright in defining such character
policies, non-compliant deceptions, and the disciplinary
potentials for such policy non-compliance.
Termination was not an appropriate sanction under these facts
due to a lack of “notice,” in failing to
comprehensively define job-related intentional deceptions.
In order to successfully terminate deceptive police officers as
being “contrary to public policy,” the state
supreme court ruled that there must exist a public policy that is
“explicit, well defined, and dominant”
specifically elaborating and focusing on the nexus between
police honesty and job retention.7 Attempting an
end-around sweep by suggesting the prosecutorial duties
espoused in the Brady progeny are specific enough
criteria for terminating deceptive police officers fails as a
policy standard and is bad law, according to these
justices. Because the Brady progeny addresses the due process
duties specifically placed on prosecutorial
acts or omissions (and indirectly, then, on law enforcers),
officer termination in this case was unconstitutional.
The cases requiring disclosure of an officer’s history of
untruthfulness have not commented on whether
such an officer could continue to be employed. As a result,
there is no explicit, (or even implicit) statement
regarding the continued employment of an officer found to be
untruthful. Further, even if the Brady case
law constituted a public policy against reinstatement of an
officer found to be dishonest, it provides no
guidance regarding what level of dishonesty would prohibit
reinstatement.8 (emphasis added)
Here, the justices do not suggest agencies cannot terminate
sworn personnel for major character flaws
regarding dishonesty, deceptions, and omissions, that is, major
unethical acts. Their strongly worded
co nve rte d by W e b2P DFC o nve m
Read the first three installments
of this series on Ethical
Defensibility in the November
2013, December 2013, and
January 2014 issues of Police
Chief online.
decision emphasizes that if an agency wishes to terminate an
officer for such egregious character
transgressions, as a matter of public policy, it must have a
written policy specifically saying so. It must be in
writing, and officers must be trained in, supervised in, and
disciplined in the policy. They specifically stressed
that such a policy must be “explicit,” “well defined,” and
“dominant.” Then, when a police chief moves to
terminate a deceptive officer, or successfully does so and the
ex-officer sues for reinstatement, the agency can
defend such decisions pursuant to the tenets of the Fifth and
Fourteenth Amendments, arguing that the officer
“knew lying, deception, and/or omissions” related to the job
could end his or her law enforcement career.
Whether this state case is ever challenged is irrelevant to this
discussion. Though this ruling is solely limited
to that state’s jurisdiction, the message is clear. The law
enforcement profession has to recognize police
deceptive practices and character issues will continue to be
major administrative challenges, and it would
behoove policy makers to better educate themselves and their
subordinates in the recent court rulings
referenced to continue to engage in best practices.
Subcultural Trends That Can Be Costly
It would be remiss not to briefly acknowledge some subcultural
trending recently in regard to disciplinary issues and officer
untruthfulness in relation to the Brady progeny.
For chiefs, middle managers, or disciplinary board members, the
administrative duties associated with disciplining officers in
policy violations are challenging, to say the least. Terminating a
veteran officer for character indiscretions,
major or minor, is a very difficult chore to embrace but a hurdle
that must be confronted. It is not unusual to find
a scenario wherein a first-line supervisor writes up a
subordinate for a policy non-compliant act and is forced
to add a second charge for lying if the officer denied engaging
in such misconduct when initially confronted.
As a result of the trending Brady-Giglio issues discussed
previously, there has been a tendency to dismiss
the lying charge as unfounded or reduce it to a generic Neglect
of Duty charge by higher ups, in order to protect
the officer’s career. Or an agency’s disciplinarians may engage
in “euphemisms” in the charging sheet or
sentencing guidelines regarding the officer’s deceptions in order
to protect him and the agency against Brady
challenges down the road.9 This creates internal tensions
between first-line supervisors who may be trying to
“do the right thing” and their superiors who may be more
interested in protecting a veteran officer or the agency
and the agency’s image or both.
The legal trend now is to have a written policy strictly
forbidding job-related officer deceptions, lying, and
omissions. The policy should define the disciplinary sanctions
for lying in such a fashion that replicates
indiscriminate sentencing guidelines, with minimums and
maximums (the maximum, of course, being
termination). Then blocks of academy training and annual in-
service training must explicitly detail examples of
unacceptable, punishable deceptive practices versus legal, but
limited police deceptions. Such acceptable
deceptive practices must be designated as “unit specific,”
limited in nature, and necessary to achieve crime
enforcement goals. The rank and file, disciplinary unit, Internal
Affairs investigators, and policy makers must all
understand the nuances between the two.10 What should be
considered, or in the very least cannot be
ignored, in any character policy drafting and training curricula
is for all sworn personnel to know the following:
1. They can be charged, departmentally, for lying, omissions, or
deceptive acts defined as a “willingness
to deceive” (denials or cover-ups), in addition to the original,
underlying allegations of misconduct.
2. Courts are trending toward stricter public policy demands for
honesty and integrity in policing, through
self-policing measures.
3. Personnel files can be used to impeach an officer’s credibility
in labor law hearings and in criminal and
civil courts.
4. There are efforts around the United States wherein databases
are created for criminal defense
attorneys that are compiled from non-criminal justice realms
such as divorce proceedings and child
custody battles demonstrating officers’ character flaws and
deceptions, with a potential to be used in
the discovery phase of criminal and civil cases.
5. There is no justification or defense for lying or failing to tell
the whole truth during all internal
investigations at every level, and termination is the only
appropriate sanction for such policy non-
compliant acts in this limited scope.
Automatic certification revocation for deceptive acts of sworn
personnel may be harsh and overreaching. But
character flaws involving deceptions in policing can never be
tolerated and notice to sworn personnel that
unacceptable, deceptive police acts may be grounds for
termination is the first step in changing a subculture’s
perceptions in this regard.
Proactive leadership entails knowing and recognizing the
pitfalls and challenges of any profession and taking
whatever measures necessary to minimize or eliminate the
potential for liability. Policing is truly one of the last
noble professions, and it takes very unique individual character
traits to be a successful law enforcer.
Ethical Defensibility training empowers sworn personnel with
the analytic tools necessary to professionally
address ethical dilemmas associated with public service. Police
ethics requires analytic contemplation.
Contemplation presupposes that a uniform knowledge,
experience, and common sense exist. Instilling in
sworn personnel these philosophical tools for success creates a
culture of integrity within an agency and
provides a solid defense to any allegations of character
misconduct or unethical behavior. ♦
1John Crank and Michael Caldero, Police Ethics: The
Corruption of Noble Cause (Cincinnati, Ohio: Anderson
2U.S. Const. amend. V and XIV.
3Jeff Noble, “Police Officer Truthfulness and the Brady
Decision,” The Police Chief 70, no. 10 (October 2003),
Lisa A. Judge, “Disclosing Officer Untruthfulness to the
Defense: Is a Liars Squad Coming to Your Town?” Chief’s
Counsel, The Police Chief 72, no. 11 (November 2005),
Elliot Spector, “Should Police Officers Who Lie Be
Terminated as a Matter of Public Policy?” Chief’s Counsel, The
Police Chief 75, no. 4 (April 2008): 10–12,
co nve rte d by W e b2P DFC o nve m
The official publication of the International Association of
Chiefs of Police.
The online version of the Police Chief Magazine is possible
through a grant from the IACP Foundation. To learn more about
the IACP Foundation, click here.
All contents Copyright © 2003 - 2015 International Association
of Chiefs of Police. All Rights Reserved.
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Supplied Information | Links Policy
44 Canal Center Plaza, Suite 200, Alexandria, VA USA 22314
phone: 703.836.6767 or 1.800.THE IACP fax: 703.836.4543
Created by Matrix Group International, Inc.®
(all accessed January 7, 2014).
4Kitsap County Deputy Sheriff’s Guild v. Kitsap County, 165
P.3d 1266, at 1271 (2007).
5Spector, “Should Police Officers Who Lie Be Terminated as a
Matter of Public Policy?”
6Kitsap County Deputy Sheriff’s Guild v. Kitsap County, 219
P.3d 675 (2009).
8Id. at 679.
9Noble, “Police Officer Truthfulness.”
10The International Association of Chiefs of Police has model
policies available to all agencies that can assist in the drafting
policies that specifically address officer deceptions. Standards
of Conduct, Early Warning Systems, Interrogations and
Confessions, and Criminal Investigations are several “Unit-
Specific” policies that would prove valuable in defining
and prohibited officer deceptive practices. Model policies can
be purchased by visiting
Thomas J. Martinelli, JD, MS, is an adjunct professor in
Detroit, Michigan. He
is a practicing attorney and an independent training consultant
for both the
Institute for Intergovernmental Research, Tallahassee, Florida,
and Michigan
State University’s Intelligence Toolbox Program, East Lansing,
Michigan. He
trains in police ethics and liability and intelligence led policing
specifically addressing constitutional policing issues and
privacy protections.
He is a member of the IACP’s Police Professional Standards,
Ethics, and
Image Committee.
Please cite as:
Thomas Martinelli, “Should an Officer’s “Willingness to
Deceive” Result in Automatic Certification
Revocation?” Ethical Defensibility Part 4, The Police Chief 81
(February 2014): 24–29.
From The Police Chief, vol. LXXXI, no. 2, February 2014.
Copyright held by the International Association of
Chiefs of Police, 515 North Washington Street, Alexandria, VA
22314 USA.
co nve rte d by W e b2P DFC o nve m
1) Using the IPv6 network assigned specifically to you (posted
on Blackboard) design an IPv6 sub-network (using CIDR
notation) that will meet the needs of Acme Corporation (from
LAB 8). The selected option must follow good network design
goals. Develop an IP network number scheme for each type of
device on the network. Apply your network IP number scheme
by assigning IP addresses to types of devices used at each
location. Diagram the entire network applying this scheme.
Here is the IPv6:
2) Using GNS3 or Cisco Packet Tracer complete the set-up of
each router, switch, and PC in the Toledo-Napoleon-Port
Clinton scenario.
a. Each Router must use IPv6 Addressing
b. Each location must have a switch connected to an Ethernet
The switch does not need to have an IP address assigned
c. Each switch must have at least one PC connected using IPv6
3) Apply the configuration statements to enable static route
entries to allow all devices on the inter-network to
4) Apply the configuration statements to enable IPv6 RIP
dynamic routing protocol to allow all devices on the inter-
network to communicate?
5) Apply the configuration statements to enable IPv6 OSPF
dynamic routing protocol to allow all devices on the inter-
network to communicate?
6) Create an IPv6 Extended ACL to block ping echo request
from your network.
Hard copies of all the config files, Route Tables, Screen Shots
of the successful pings and for question 6 – the blocked pings,
and the network diagram including your IP addressing scheme
will be turned in on the last day of class.
NOTE: You must have config files and route tables for each of
the 3 routers for each task.
Note: Project must do via IPv6:
(2001:ab5:3157:d0::/64 )

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  • 1. Advanced Search February 2015 Ethical Defensibility: Should an Officer’s “Willingness to Deceive” Result in Automatic Certification Revocation? By Thomas Martinelli, Adjunct Professor, Wayne State University, Detroit Michigan, Independent Training Consultant, Institute for Intergovernmental Research, Tallahassee, Florida, and Michigan State University’s Intelligence Toolbox Program, East Lansing, Michigan, and Member, IACP Police Professional Standards, Ethics, and Image Committee The concept of Ethical Defensibility provides all sworn personnel with the philosophical tools and analytical skills necessary to weigh value-based alternatives, resulting in the repetitive acts needed to protect, preserve, and defend the integrity of the police profession. “Oh, what a tangled web we weave, When first we practice to deceive!” —Sir Walter Scott, Marmion ying, deception, and the omission of truth (when duty dictates),
  • 2. all fall under a “willingness to deceive” in police character policies. A character policy specifically addresses the ethical challenges demanded of all public servants regarding the mandatory need for and relationship between truth-telling, duty-bound honor, and justice. This is not about perjured written or spoken words; they clearly are illegal and unconstitutional. Rather it is about the philosophical tenets of the profession that are necessary to instill and reinforce the honor, pride, and higher standards that are the foundations of policing. Protecting the integrity and image of the profession involves educating officers at all levels of an agency to prioritize truth telling, without exception. It is a critical part of the job description. The challenge today in policy compliance training (or core values training) is that many character policies are written in generalities, leaving them susceptible to arbitrary and subjective interpretations. More times than not, they are rarely defined, explained, or translated into real, everyday policing situations. The profession arms its street-level officers with tools for success, both weaponry and street survival tactics, but generally ignores the philosophical ethical dilemmas involving character that officers are confronted with in the performance of their duties. Such an oversight in training circles can be costly from a litigation standpoint, both from citizen lawsuits as well as internal litigation associated with running a department. Policing in general and sworn testimony in specific will always be about an officer’s character and that is why core values training and vigilant supervisory reinforcement of character issues are
  • 3. critical to an agency’s future successes. Core value-based training curriculums and scenarios provide the rank and file with a clearer understanding of the differing levels of distinction associated with truth telling in law enforcement and sends them a message that a breach of this policy, when severe enough, could cost them their career. It is incumbent upon the leaders of the profession to demand higher standards of character for all sworn members specifically regarding core values initiatives and policy compliance. Expecting high standards of character cannot be taken for granted or implied, rather, those standards must be defined, discussed, and supervised in order for the profession to thrive. Policies such as Conduct Unbecoming, Neglect of Duty, Insubordination, and a Willingness to Deceive, when litigated in labor law hearings and courts of law, can be capricious, arbitrary, and difficult to grasp. Terminated public servants, through their counsel, will argue there are more appropriate, lesser disciplinary alternatives than termination that would be adequate regarding such minor character policy violations. Even civilian jurors may not be convinced termination is the appropriate sanction for police officer deceptions. Firing a veteran police officer for failing to tell the truth in any employment-related scenario can be financially crippling in civil courts, create a challenging precedent in disciplinary hearings, and damage a department’s morale. Additionally, suspended officers who feel unfairly disciplined for what they perceived were appropriate acts (the gray areas of ethical policing) may say, “Next time I
  • 4. will choose not to get involved and avoid such situations. It is not worth it.” Yet, clearly the criteria for termination is subject to a higher standard when depriving a public servant of his or her property right to work. Many years of training and experience are invested in law enforcement employees, and termination over character issues such as deception or omissions is costly for all parties involved. Taxpayer monies and agency manpower hours are often wasted in civil court litigation defending a chief’s decision to rightfully terminate an unethical “bad apple” in an effort to preserve the integrity, image, and morale of his or her department. Avoiding such liabilities can only prove fruitful for any agency in the long run. Balancing administrative policy compliance measures of “doing the right thing” with subjective, subordinate perceptions for the job is stressful, demanding, and many times, a losing battle. co nve rte d by W e b2P DFC o nve m / /magazine/index.cfm?fuseaction=search / /about/sitemap.cfm /about/contact.cfm /about/faq.cfm /subscribe/ /magazine/index.cfm?fuseaction=display&issue_id=22015&cate gory_ID=2 /magazine/index.cfm?fuseaction=display&issue_id=22015&cate gory_ID=3 /magazine/index.cfm?fuseaction=display&issue_id=22015&cate gory_ID=5
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  • 6. The Latest of the Brady Progeny Smith v. Cain, 565 U.S. ______ (2012): Under the Brady progeny formula, “the State violates a defendant’s right to due process if it withholds evidence that is favorable to the defense and material, to the defendant’s guilt or punishment” (emphasis added), citing Brady v. Maryland, 373 U.S. 83, 87 (1963); See also Giglio v. U.S., 405 U.S. 150 (1972); U.S. v. Agurs, 427 U.S. 97 (1976). Evidence is “material” within the meaning of Brady, when “there is a reasonable probability that, had the evidence been disclosed to the defense, the result of the proceeding would have been different.” U.S. v. Bagley, 473 U.S. 667, 682 (1985). The prosecutor has an affirmative duty to discover any favorable exculpatory, material evidence and give it to the defense. Kyles v. Whitley, 514 U.S. 419 (1995). “A reasonable probability does not mean that the defendant ‘would more likely than not have received a different verdict with the evidence,’ only that the likelihood of a different result is great enough to ‘undermine confidence in the outcome of the trial’” (emphasis added). Smith, 565 U.S. ______ (2012). In Smith, the undisclosed detective’s statements that directly contradicted the sole testimony tying the defendant to the crime
  • 7. scene and his involvement violated the defendant’s Fifth and Fourteenth Amendments’ guaranteed right to a fair and equitable trial. Failing to tender this critical exculpatory evidence demanded a new trial for the defendant. See also: LaChance v. Erickson, 522 U.S. 262 (1998). The key is to vigilantly self-police one’s agency in the specific core values critical for professional success. It is imperative to teach and supervise the rank and file in the differing levels of acceptable and unacceptable police deceptions defined by case law, arbitration awards, and the agency’s policy makers and put them in written form with specificity and clarity. In doing so, leaders provide employees with a roadmap for executing the value-based alternatives available to them when confronted with philosophical ethical dilemmas, both on and off the job. This is the foundational concept of Ethical Defensibility: forcing employees to consider the philosophical side of policing (reduced internal investigations, citizen complaints, and lawsuits), coupled with the larger picture of protecting the agency’s (and profession’s) image. To presume all officers have mastered the subtleties, nuances, and constitutionality of police ethical decision making falls under the “supervisory logic of good faith” paradigm, that is, “they should have known better, they are professionals.”1 This article is intended to be a thought- provoking continuation of previous Police Chief articles, case law, and policies that have addressed police deceptions, lies, and omissions; the disciplinary process; and the future trends involving character issues in policing. The emphasis here is to better educate the rank and file in order to mentally prepare them for the
  • 8. difficult ethical dilemmas officers face on a daily basis and give them the tools to make the best decisions possible and that can be used as a defense whenever challenged. The Brady Progeny When officers are found to have intentionally engaged in deceptive misconduct, whether on the streets, in administrative investigations, in civil proceedings during depositions, in internal affairs investigations, or in labor law (disciplinary) hearings, they not only taint their own ability to continue to serve as law enforcers, but tarnish their department’s reputation on a wider scale. Once it has been internally adjudicated that an officer intentionally was deceptive, or worse, demonstrates a pattern of deception, his or her future effectiveness as a litigation witness is jeopardized. Failing to train, as demonstrated by the landmark case Brady v. Maryland and its contemporary progeny, is organizational negligence that will cost a department both financially and in regard to the good will of the constituency served. When one references the Brady progeny in law enforcement training curriculums, the focus of that specific training block deals with police officer truthfulness and candor in relation to the job and an employee’s effectiveness as a credible litigation witness. The Brady v. Maryland ruling will celebrate its 40th anniversary this year, and its use and application are still continually cited today. It is repeatedly referenced in U.S. Supreme Court case law addressing officer character, credibility, evidence handling, and transparency issues within the profession. In philosophical arguments dealing with character, integrity, and professionalism of public
  • 9. servants, courts focus on the overt duty of law enforcers to always be truthful as demanded by the Due Process Clause of the Fifth and Fourteenth Amendments.2 Untruthful law enforcers taint the entire criminal justice system and the public’s perceptions of the profession. The philosophical, legal argument constitutionally posited by judges is that the government and its agents cannot deprive a citizen of life, liberty, or property without a fair and equitable opportunity to be heard. In theory, the efforts to pursue justice by all government agents must be honest, transparent, forthright, and as proactive as possible in the presentation of the prosecution’s case. Any evidence the defense counsel (or appellate lawyers) can produce post trial proving otherwise may result in constitutional rights violation rulings; retrials; media scorn; public backlash; and, most unforgiving, dismissal of all criminal charges. Instead of protecting society, by cutting corners, embellishing, withholding exculpatory evidence, or not telling the whole truth, unethical officers (or prosecutors) actually might free society’s predators. The Brady progeny are the result of decades of U.S. Supreme Court efforts to raise the standards of accountability for those in law enforcement in order to uphold the integrity of the system. The onus of truth seeking will always be on the government and its agents in order for the system to be fair and equitable and to zealously protect the integrity of the process. Ethical Defensibility training is about protecting the integrity of the criminal justice process and recognizing the need to zealously do so in every facet of law enforcement. Any appearance of improprieties regarding officer untruthfulness (or prosecutorial
  • 10. misconduct) results in the negative perceptions and negative ramifications regarding the agency’s image and reputation and the overall criminal justice system. Non-Compliant Deception Is a Violation of Public Policy The Police Chief has, over the years, repeatedly published legal and philosophical articles that have addressed the need for self-policing in the virtues of honesty, integrity, and professionalism, using the Brady progeny as a foundation.3 It would behoove all academy trainers and middle managers to review those articles and make them a part of their training curriculums. They provide a better understanding of the evolution of case law regarding Brady and the U.S. Supreme Court’s trend for a more focused demand for public servant accountability from a due process perspective. The justices, over the years, have repeatedly placed the legal and ethical burden on government, to police itself regarding character issues and integrity, and this trend will continue. Just as the Department of Justice consent decrees have been used to bring police agencies in compliance with best practice standards, the judiciary branch has made overt attempts to do so from the bench. co nve rte d by W e b2P DFC o nve m There is no need to discuss these past articles due to space constraints, but a Police Chief column written by Professor Elliot Spector in April 2008 bears summarizing here for clarity, emphasis, and foundation.
  • 11. In 2008, a state court of appeals had ruled that a dishonest officer is “unfit for duty” using the Brady progeny as a public policy basis. They concluded that as a matter of public policy, the officer’s intentionally deceptive demeanor (thus a breach of his office) precluded him from testifying in the future as a government witness. Brady v. Maryland and its progeny dictate that, to be fair and transparent, the prosecutor would have to repeatedly tender to the defense counsel this officer’s history of deception in every case he was a proposed witness. This officer’s character flaws would undoubtedly be addressed in cross-examination and closing arguments, and cases would be, or could be, lost as a result of his past, dishonest nature. The court’s message was “dishonest cops are compromised witnesses.” The appellate court wrote that the officer’s “proven record of dishonesty prevents him from useful service as a law enforcement officer. To require his reinstatement to a position of great public trust in which he cannot possibly serve violates public policy.”4 Granted not all evidence in an officer’s personnel file of past “deceptions” may be allowed into the record of a criminal case, but if it is found relevant by the presiding criminal court judge via a defense motion the due process clause allows defendant’s counsel to play the “once a liar, always a liar” card. Policing in general and sworn testimony in specific will always be about an officer’s character and that is why core values training and vigilant supervisory reinforcement of character issues are critical to an agency’s future successes. Professor Spector strongly advocates the profession adopt the appellate court’s ruling as a step in the right direction and reinforced the need for the top administrators to
  • 12. draw clear lines between “sanctioned lying and prohibited lying.” The trend in policing is to better educate officers in the nuances of acceptable deceptive tactics and the agency’s specific dos and don’ts in a proactive attempt to circumvent disciplinary measures for officer untruthfulness or deception. Clearly sanctioned deceptions in policing are necessary tools to fight crime under very limited circumstances. Yet, a failure to specifically define those circumstances for the rank and file is a disservice to them, as well as the citizenry they serve and can be used against an agency in a civil court of law. Additionally, he suggested that academy training circles teach all police officers, from day one, that they can lose their jobs, pensions, and property right to work as a result of job-related, intentional deceptiveness. By holding sworn employees to a higher character standard of behavior and defining what those standards are, will not the officer’s stakeholders (him- or herself and his or her family and dependents), the public, the courts, the police profession, and the citizenry be better off? “[I]ssues of credibility regarding police will be greatly reduced, leading to more successful prosecutions, a reduced number of constitutional violations, and fewer liability cases and losses,” and it might diminish or “eliminate the ‘code of silence’ completely.”5 As a matter of public policy, terminating deceptive officers can only enhance the profession in the long run. Brady gave police chiefs the authority and wherewithal to adopt and enforce such proactive measures regarding officer character issues and the need to maintain a high level of professional integrity in this regard. Interestingly, the challenge here is that this appellate case was
  • 13. overturned by that state’s supreme court in 2009, for not having gone far enough. In their reversal, the message to police policymakers and trainers was very succinct: without explicitly and definitively prohibiting employees from engaging in the act of intentional deceptions (overt and omissions), termination is too extreme, unconstitutional, and not the appropriate remedy.6 For chiefs, middle managers, or disciplinary board members, the administrative duties associated with disciplining officers in deceptive policy violations are challenging, to say the least. Terminating a veteran officer for character indiscretions, major or minor, is a very difficult chore to embrace but a hurdle that must be confronted. The state supreme court, in essence, ruled that it was not “fair” (and thus a violation of the Fifth and Fourteenth Amendments regarding due process) to terminate an officer, as a matter of public policy, for his past indiscretions of misconduct and untruthfulness, solely based on the Brady progeny. The court overturned the lower court ruling by insisting that it did not go far enough in demanding there be specific criteria, spelled out either in agency policies, procedures, case law, and/or arbitration reports. In order to justify terminating an officer, the internal affairs mechanisms in policing had to be much more forthright in defining such character policies, non-compliant deceptions, and the disciplinary potentials for such policy non-compliance. Termination was not an appropriate sanction under these facts due to a lack of “notice,” in failing to
  • 14. comprehensively define job-related intentional deceptions. In order to successfully terminate deceptive police officers as being “contrary to public policy,” the state supreme court ruled that there must exist a public policy that is “explicit, well defined, and dominant” specifically elaborating and focusing on the nexus between police honesty and job retention.7 Attempting an end-around sweep by suggesting the prosecutorial duties espoused in the Brady progeny are specific enough criteria for terminating deceptive police officers fails as a policy standard and is bad law, according to these justices. Because the Brady progeny addresses the due process duties specifically placed on prosecutorial acts or omissions (and indirectly, then, on law enforcers), officer termination in this case was unconstitutional. The cases requiring disclosure of an officer’s history of untruthfulness have not commented on whether such an officer could continue to be employed. As a result, there is no explicit, (or even implicit) statement regarding the continued employment of an officer found to be untruthful. Further, even if the Brady case law constituted a public policy against reinstatement of an officer found to be dishonest, it provides no guidance regarding what level of dishonesty would prohibit reinstatement.8 (emphasis added) Here, the justices do not suggest agencies cannot terminate sworn personnel for major character flaws regarding dishonesty, deceptions, and omissions, that is, major unethical acts. Their strongly worded co nve rte d by W e b2P DFC o nve m
  • 15. Read the first three installments of this series on Ethical Defensibility in the November 2013, December 2013, and January 2014 issues of Police Chief online. decision emphasizes that if an agency wishes to terminate an officer for such egregious character transgressions, as a matter of public policy, it must have a written policy specifically saying so. It must be in writing, and officers must be trained in, supervised in, and disciplined in the policy. They specifically stressed that such a policy must be “explicit,” “well defined,” and “dominant.” Then, when a police chief moves to terminate a deceptive officer, or successfully does so and the ex-officer sues for reinstatement, the agency can defend such decisions pursuant to the tenets of the Fifth and Fourteenth Amendments, arguing that the officer “knew lying, deception, and/or omissions” related to the job could end his or her law enforcement career. Whether this state case is ever challenged is irrelevant to this discussion. Though this ruling is solely limited to that state’s jurisdiction, the message is clear. The law enforcement profession has to recognize police deceptive practices and character issues will continue to be major administrative challenges, and it would behoove policy makers to better educate themselves and their subordinates in the recent court rulings referenced to continue to engage in best practices. Subcultural Trends That Can Be Costly
  • 16. It would be remiss not to briefly acknowledge some subcultural pushback trending recently in regard to disciplinary issues and officer untruthfulness in relation to the Brady progeny. For chiefs, middle managers, or disciplinary board members, the administrative duties associated with disciplining officers in deceptive policy violations are challenging, to say the least. Terminating a veteran officer for character indiscretions, major or minor, is a very difficult chore to embrace but a hurdle that must be confronted. It is not unusual to find a scenario wherein a first-line supervisor writes up a subordinate for a policy non-compliant act and is forced to add a second charge for lying if the officer denied engaging in such misconduct when initially confronted. As a result of the trending Brady-Giglio issues discussed previously, there has been a tendency to dismiss the lying charge as unfounded or reduce it to a generic Neglect of Duty charge by higher ups, in order to protect the officer’s career. Or an agency’s disciplinarians may engage in “euphemisms” in the charging sheet or sentencing guidelines regarding the officer’s deceptions in order to protect him and the agency against Brady challenges down the road.9 This creates internal tensions between first-line supervisors who may be trying to “do the right thing” and their superiors who may be more interested in protecting a veteran officer or the agency and the agency’s image or both. The legal trend now is to have a written policy strictly forbidding job-related officer deceptions, lying, and omissions. The policy should define the disciplinary sanctions for lying in such a fashion that replicates
  • 17. indiscriminate sentencing guidelines, with minimums and maximums (the maximum, of course, being termination). Then blocks of academy training and annual in- service training must explicitly detail examples of unacceptable, punishable deceptive practices versus legal, but limited police deceptions. Such acceptable deceptive practices must be designated as “unit specific,” limited in nature, and necessary to achieve crime enforcement goals. The rank and file, disciplinary unit, Internal Affairs investigators, and policy makers must all understand the nuances between the two.10 What should be considered, or in the very least cannot be ignored, in any character policy drafting and training curricula is for all sworn personnel to know the following: 1. They can be charged, departmentally, for lying, omissions, or deceptive acts defined as a “willingness to deceive” (denials or cover-ups), in addition to the original, underlying allegations of misconduct. 2. Courts are trending toward stricter public policy demands for honesty and integrity in policing, through self-policing measures. 3. Personnel files can be used to impeach an officer’s credibility in labor law hearings and in criminal and civil courts. 4. There are efforts around the United States wherein databases are created for criminal defense attorneys that are compiled from non-criminal justice realms such as divorce proceedings and child custody battles demonstrating officers’ character flaws and deceptions, with a potential to be used in the discovery phase of criminal and civil cases.
  • 18. 5. There is no justification or defense for lying or failing to tell the whole truth during all internal investigations at every level, and termination is the only appropriate sanction for such policy non- compliant acts in this limited scope. Automatic certification revocation for deceptive acts of sworn personnel may be harsh and overreaching. But character flaws involving deceptions in policing can never be tolerated and notice to sworn personnel that unacceptable, deceptive police acts may be grounds for termination is the first step in changing a subculture’s perceptions in this regard. Recommendations Proactive leadership entails knowing and recognizing the pitfalls and challenges of any profession and taking whatever measures necessary to minimize or eliminate the potential for liability. Policing is truly one of the last noble professions, and it takes very unique individual character traits to be a successful law enforcer. Ethical Defensibility training empowers sworn personnel with the analytic tools necessary to professionally address ethical dilemmas associated with public service. Police ethics requires analytic contemplation. Contemplation presupposes that a uniform knowledge, experience, and common sense exist. Instilling in sworn personnel these philosophical tools for success creates a culture of integrity within an agency and provides a solid defense to any allegations of character misconduct or unethical behavior. ♦ Notes: 1John Crank and Michael Caldero, Police Ethics: The
  • 19. Corruption of Noble Cause (Cincinnati, Ohio: Anderson Publishing, 2010). 2U.S. Const. amend. V and XIV. 3Jeff Noble, “Police Officer Truthfulness and the Brady Decision,” The Police Chief 70, no. 10 (October 2003), fuseaction=display_arch&article_id=118&issue_id=102003; Lisa A. Judge, “Disclosing Officer Untruthfulness to the Defense: Is a Liars Squad Coming to Your Town?” Chief’s Counsel, The Police Chief 72, no. 11 (November 2005), fuseaction=display_arch&article_id=744&issue_id=112005; Elliot Spector, “Should Police Officers Who Lie Be Terminated as a Matter of Public Policy?” Chief’s Counsel, The Police Chief 75, no. 4 (April 2008): 10–12, co nve rte d by W e b2P DFC o nve m tion=display_arch&article_id=3193&issue_id=112013 tion=display_arch&article_id=3207&issue_id=122013 tion=display&article_id=3231&issue_id=12014 tion=display_arch&article_id=118&issue_id=102003 tion=display_arch&article_id=118&issue_id=102003 tion=display_arch&article_id=744&issue_id=112005 tion=display_arch&article_id=744&issue_id=112005 tion=display_arch&article_id=1458&issue_id=42008#3
  • 20. tion=display_arch&article_id=1458&issue_id=42008#3 The official publication of the International Association of Chiefs of Police. The online version of the Police Chief Magazine is possible through a grant from the IACP Foundation. To learn more about the IACP Foundation, click here. All contents Copyright © 2003 - 2015 International Association of Chiefs of Police. All Rights Reserved. Copyright and Trademark Notice | Member and Non-Member Supplied Information | Links Policy 44 Canal Center Plaza, Suite 200, Alexandria, VA USA 22314 phone: 703.836.6767 or 1.800.THE IACP fax: 703.836.4543 Created by Matrix Group International, Inc.® fuseaction=display_arch&article_id=1458&issue_id=42008#3 (all accessed January 7, 2014). 4Kitsap County Deputy Sheriff’s Guild v. Kitsap County, 165 P.3d 1266, at 1271 (2007). 5Spector, “Should Police Officers Who Lie Be Terminated as a Matter of Public Policy?” 6Kitsap County Deputy Sheriff’s Guild v. Kitsap County, 219 P.3d 675 (2009). 7Id. 8Id. at 679. 9Noble, “Police Officer Truthfulness.” 10The International Association of Chiefs of Police has model policies available to all agencies that can assist in the drafting of policies that specifically address officer deceptions. Standards
  • 21. of Conduct, Early Warning Systems, Interrogations and Confessions, and Criminal Investigations are several “Unit- Specific” policies that would prove valuable in defining sanctioned and prohibited officer deceptive practices. Model policies can be purchased by visiting Thomas J. Martinelli, JD, MS, is an adjunct professor in Detroit, Michigan. He is a practicing attorney and an independent training consultant for both the Institute for Intergovernmental Research, Tallahassee, Florida, and Michigan State University’s Intelligence Toolbox Program, East Lansing, Michigan. He trains in police ethics and liability and intelligence led policing practices, specifically addressing constitutional policing issues and privacy protections. He is a member of the IACP’s Police Professional Standards, Ethics, and Image Committee. Please cite as: Thomas Martinelli, “Should an Officer’s “Willingness to Deceive” Result in Automatic Certification Revocation?” Ethical Defensibility Part 4, The Police Chief 81 (February 2014): 24–29. Top From The Police Chief, vol. LXXXI, no. 2, February 2014. Copyright held by the International Association of Chiefs of Police, 515 North Washington Street, Alexandria, VA 22314 USA.
  • 22. co nve rte d by W e b2P DFC o nve m index.cfm?fuseaction=sendToFriend&article_id=3265&issue_id =22014 index.cfm?fuseaction=print_display&article_id=3265&issue_id =22014 /copyright.cfm /information.cfm /links.cfm 1) Using the IPv6 network assigned specifically to you (posted on Blackboard) design an IPv6 sub-network (using CIDR notation) that will meet the needs of Acme Corporation (from LAB 8). The selected option must follow good network design goals. Develop an IP network number scheme for each type of device on the network. Apply your network IP number scheme by assigning IP addresses to types of devices used at each location. Diagram the entire network applying this scheme. Here is the IPv6: 2001:ab5:3157:d0::/64 2) Using GNS3 or Cisco Packet Tracer complete the set-up of each router, switch, and PC in the Toledo-Napoleon-Port Clinton scenario. a. Each Router must use IPv6 Addressing
  • 23. b. Each location must have a switch connected to an Ethernet port The switch does not need to have an IP address assigned c. Each switch must have at least one PC connected using IPv6 addressing 3) Apply the configuration statements to enable static route entries to allow all devices on the inter-network to communicate? 4) Apply the configuration statements to enable IPv6 RIP dynamic routing protocol to allow all devices on the inter- network to communicate? 5) Apply the configuration statements to enable IPv6 OSPF dynamic routing protocol to allow all devices on the inter- network to communicate? 6) Create an IPv6 Extended ACL to block ping echo request from your network. Hard copies of all the config files, Route Tables, Screen Shots of the successful pings and for question 6 – the blocked pings, and the network diagram including your IP addressing scheme will be turned in on the last day of class. NOTE: You must have config files and route tables for each of the 3 routers for each task. Note: Project must do via IPv6: (2001:ab5:3157:d0::/64 )