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Acute Bariatric Surgery Complications: Managing
Parenteral Nutrition in the Morbidly Obese

      fter years of failure achieving and/or maintaining        sium, and zinc should be supplemented because the du-
      weight loss with diet and exercise alone, many indi-      odenum is bypassed. Use of high-potency multivitamins
      viduals with obesity turn to surgical treatment. In       can help individuals meet the needs of most micronutri-
1991, the National Institutes of Health established guide-      ents. An additional 18 to 27 mg elemental iron and 1,500
lines for selecting individuals considered appropriate for      to 2,000 mg elemental calcium have been recommended
bariatric surgery in the treatment of morbid obesity as         to avoid deficiencies (3). B vitamins can become depleted
those with a body mass index (BMI; calculated as kg/m2)         as normal absorption of these vitamins takes place in the
  40 or a BMI 35 with substantial comorbidities who have        proximal jejunum, which is also bypassed. The following
failed supervised diet and exercise programs. The most com-     case highlights the importance and challenges of special-
mon bariatric surgery procedures include the Roux-en-Y          ized nutrition support in a critically ill individual with
gastric bypass (RYGB), gastric banding (adjustable and          complications after the RYGB procedure.
nonadjustable bands), vertical banded gastroplasty, and
biliopancreatic diversion (duodenal switch). RYGB ac-
counts for the majority of bariatric surgery performed in       PATIENT PROFILE
the United States and includes both restrictive and mal-        RT is a 59-year-old African-American female with a med-
absorptive techniques (1). In RYGB, a small (1 to 2 oz)         ical history of asthma, hypertension, type 2 diabetes,
gastric pouch is created as the new gastric reservoir and       congestive heart failure, arthritis, obstructive dyspnea,
is directly connected to a distal portion of the small bowel,   and a surgical history of cholecystectomy. RT is 64 inches
bypassing the remainder of the stomach as well as the           and weighs 273 kg, with a BMI of 103. After failing
proximal portion of the small bowel. Weight loss after          multiple attempts at supervised weight loss and after a
RYGB has been reported to reach up to 28.6% after 1             comprehensive multidisciplinary workup, RT was cleared
year, with some individuals showing maintenance of              for an elective RYGB surgery for weight loss.
long-term weight loss for 10 to 15 years (1).
   As with any surgical procedures, bariatric surgery is        CLINICAL COURSE
not without known complications. During the immediate
postoperative period, the most commonly observed com-           The elective procedure started initially as a laparoscopic
plications include anastomotic leak and anastomotic             RYGB surgery, which was converted to an open proce-
stricture. These have obvious nutritional implications be-      dure because of difficulties with manipulation of the lap-
cause the surgical reconnections of the gastrointestinal        aroscope secondary to an enlarged fatty liver. The re-
tract make it difficult to place conventional temporary          mainder of the surgical procedure was noted to be
enteral feeding access and often require use of specialized     unremarkable. RT was extubated on postoperative day 2,
nutrition support (2). Anastomotic leak has a reported          but was emergently reintubated within 24 hours after
prevalence of 5% with the RYGB procedure and often              extubation secondary to respiratory failure. She was un-
requires the use of parenteral nutrition (PN) if the leak       able to be weaned from mechanical ventilation for the
cannot be surgically corrected (3). Because of the malab-       next 5 days because of poor respiratory efforts. In addi-
sorptive nature of RYGB, risk of micronutrient deficien-         tion, RT developed hypotension on postoperative day 6
cies requires close monitoring and observation as well.         and responded minimally to fluid resuscitation. She re-
Vitamin B-12 deficiency can develop because of the lack of       quired the initiation of norepinephrine administration for
intrinsic factor from the stomach. Nutrients typically ab-      blood pressure support. During the next 24 hours, RT’s
                                                                abdomen became distended and she developed acute re-
sorbed in the duodenum such as iron, calcium, magne-
                                                                nal failure with minimal urine output (320 mL during 24
                                                                hours). RT was taken back to the operating room on
                                                                postoperative day 8 when she had increased serosanguin-
Y. Chen is an advanced level dietitian, Rush University         eous drainage from her abdominal wound. In the opera-
Medical Center, Chicago, IL.                                    tive room, RT was found to have a strangulated, necrotic
  Address correspondence to: Yimin Chen, MS, RD, Rush           bowel with a small anastomotic leak at the distal anas-
University Medical Center, 1700 W. Van Buren, Suite 425,        tomosis connecting the Y limb of the jejunum to the
Chicago, IL 60612. E-mail:                  remaining small bowel. The necrotic bowel was resected,
  Manuscript accepted: April 7, 2010.                           the wound was debrided, a gastrostomy tube was placed
  Copyright © 2010 by the American Dietetic                     for gastric decompression, and the anastomotic leak was
Association.                                                    repaired. Because the entirety of the small intestine
  0002-8223/$36.00                                              was extremely edematous, a polyglycolic acid mesh was
  doi: 10.1016/j.jada.2010.08.010                               placed over RT’s open abdomen and sutured in place to

1734   Journal of the AMERICAN DIETETIC ASSOCIATION                         © 2010 by the American Dietetic Association
Table. Nutrition prescriptions, laboratory results, resting energy expenditure, and clinical status of a patient with morbid obesity after
 complications after Roux-en-Y gastric bypass
                        PNa day 1                PN day 5       PN day 11       PN day 16                  PN day 18            PN day 25        PN day 41

 Weight (kg)              279                    NAb            NA                293                      NA                   NA                 295
 kcal/day               2,050                    2,050          2,050           2,050                      2,050                2,050            2,050
 kcal/kg actual             7.5                      7.5            7.5             7.5                        7.5                  7.5              7.5
    body weight
 Protein (g/day)         155                      155            105             155                        155                  125               125
 IBWc (g/kg)               2.8                      2.8            1.9             2.8                        2.8                  2.3                2.3
 Albumin (g/dL)            1.6                      1.8            1.5             1.5                                             1.7                2
 Prealbumin (g/dL)                                 15                                                                              7                  9
 N-balanced                                                                     Unsuccessful; continuous                                         Positive 0.6 g
                                                                                  furosemide infusion
 Indirect calorimetry                                                                                      3,480
                            e                                               f
 Clinical course        POD 10 initial surgery   Tracheostomy   Increased BUN   Substantial improvement    Oxygen requirement   Increasing BUN   Stable clinical
                          POD 1 wound               placed         and            in renal function with     on ventilator         and              status,
                          dehiscence, bowel                        creatinine     decreased BUN and          decreased below       creatinine.      granulating
                          resection,                                              creatinine                 60%                   Suspected        tissues
                          anastomotic leak                                                                                         sepsis
                          repair, open

   PN parenteral nutrition.
   NA not available.
   IBW ideal body weight.
   N-balance nitrogen balance.
   POD postoperative day.
   BUN blood urea nitrogen.

the fascia. RT returned to the surgical intensive care unit                       tomotic leak and compromised gastrointestinal tract
for postoperative care and remained on mechanical ven-                            function, as evidenced by multiple draining fistulas.
                                                                                  NUTRITION INTERVENTION
NUTRITION ASSESSMENT                                                              Although guidelines are available to facilitate clinical
On postoperative day 9, PN was initiated by the physi-                            decisions on feeding morbidly obese individuals, actual
cian and the nutrition support service was consulted to                           clinical situations might not always fit within the frame-
evaluate RT for management of PN. Upon initial nutri-                             work provided by these guidelines. Because of RT’s class
tion assessment, it was noted that RT had been consum-                            III obesity, it was difficult to use traditional predictive
ing a very-low-calorie liquid diet for 2 weeks in prepara-                        equations to determine caloric and protein requirements.
tion for surgery (approximately 800 calories per day). In                         However, indirect calorimetry, the “gold standard,” was
addition, she had received only maintenance intravenous                           unable to be performed at this time because of her high
fluid support for 10 days since surgery secondary to her                           oxygen requirements through mechanical ventilation
clinical status. Based on the nutritional history collected,                      (fraction of inspired oxygen 60%). The nutrition support
it was determined that vitamin/mineral intake had also                            service decided to adjust RT’s PN prescription to provide
been suboptimal. It was evident that RT had inadequate                            hypocaloric feeding with additional amino acids to pro-
oral food/beverage intake (Nutrition Diagnostic Term In-                          mote wound healing and preservation of lean body mass
take Domain 2.1) related to preoperative liquid diet con-                         (Table) (4). PN was initiated on postoperative day 10 and
sumption, as evidenced by reported insufficient intake of                          provided 7.5 kcal/kg of actual body weight obtained before
energy (approximately 800 calories per day). On physical                          hospitalization, and 2.8 g/kg protein of ideal body weight.
examination, RT was found to have low muscle tone in                              Although RT was in acute renal failure, she started to
both upper and lower extremities secondary to her pre-                            produce urine and it was determined that the benefits of
surgical physical inactivity, and her family reported that                        meeting her increased protein needs for healing out-
she had not been able to walk for many years because of                           weighed the need for protein restriction for her acute
her morbid obesity and worsening arthritis. Applying                              renal failure at this time. RT received a tracheostomy on
Subjective Global Assessment, RT’s nutritional status                             postoperative day 15 because of prolonged intubation.
was categorized as normal at admission; however, she                              After 11 days of PN, RT’s renal function continued to
was deemed at high nutrition risk because of the com-                             decline and she became azotemic; her blood urea nitrogen
plexities of providing adequate nutrients, her increased                          increased to 105 mg/dL (37.5 mmol/L). As a result, the
postoperative energy and protein needs, and her altered                           amount of protein in her PN prescription was decreased
gastrointestinal anatomy (4). It was evident that RT had                          to 1.9 g/kg of ideal body weight.
altered gastrointestinal function (Nutrition Diagnostic                              On postoperative day 23, RT returned to the operating
Term Clinical Domain 1.4) related to postoperative anas-                          room because of increased output that appeared to be

                                                                                  November 2010 ● Journal of the AMERICAN DIETETIC ASSOCIATION             1735
succus from her abdominal wound. In the operating room,        charge, no plans for enteral nutrition were in place be-
she was found to have multiple small bowel fistulae and         cause she had evidence of multiple small bowel and co-
one colonic fistula. Because of the friable nature of the       lonic fistulae. Upon discharge, it was determined that the
bowel walls at the time, repairs of the fistulae were not       surgeon would continue to care for RT at the long-term
performed. Instead, small surgical drains were placed          acute care facility for continuity of care; the clinician
near the fistulae for decompression and monitoring pur-         communicated with the surgeon to ensure that RT would
poses. On postoperative day 26, in light of an improve-        transition to enteral nutrition as soon as medically feasi-
ment in RT’s renal function, with blood urea nitrogen of       ble pending closure of the multiple small bowel and co-
39 mg/dL (13.9 mmol/L) and serum creatinine down to 1.7        lonic fistulae. The clinician also communicated with the
mg/dL (150.3 mol/L), the protein content of her PN             nutrition support clinician at the long-term acute care
prescription was increased back to 2.8 g/kg to facilitate      facility to continue monitoring for weight loss of 1 to 2 lb
healing of her multiple intestinal fistulas. On postopera-      per week with routine nitrogen balance studies to assure
tive day 28, indirect calorimetry was conducted, revealing     adequate protein provision to promote wound healing.
her resting energy expenditure to be 3,480 kcal/day, with
a respiratory quotient of 0.81 and a coefficient of variance
of 10%, indicating a good measurement. Because the             DISCUSSION
PN was providing only 2,050 kcal/day with 155 g protein        Nutrition support in the critically ill patient can be chal-
per day, this created a 1,430 caloric deficit per day. On       lenging; however, nutrition support in the critically ill
postoperative day 29, a 24-hour urine collection for urine     patient who is morbidly obese is even more difficult. This
urea nitrogen was initiated; however, because of changes       case report highlights the complexities in determining
in her intravenous medications, erroneous nitrogen bal-        appropriate nutrition support for an individual with class
ance results were obtained, which were deemed unusable         III obesity (BMI of 103 at admission) who developed mul-
for clinical application. On postoperative day 35, RT’s        tiple surgical complications of the gastrointestinal tract,
blood urea nitrogen level again had been rising; therefore,    with a prolonged intensive care unit stay for respiratory
the protein in her PN was decreased to 2.3 g/kg to prevent     failure, sepsis, and acute renal failure. It has been shown
azotemia. Her prealbumin level had also decreased from         that positive nitrogen can be achieved in the obese during
15 to 7 mg/dL (150 to 70 mg/L), which was thought to be        critical illness when fed hypocalorically (13 to 21 kcal/kg
caused by a new infection secondary to her low-grade           of actual body weight) with adequate provision of protein
temperatures, slowly increasing white blood cell count,        (1.9 to 2.1 g/kg of ideal body weight) (5-7). Although the
and intermittent hypotension. Blood cultures and abdom-        existing literature provides some level of guidance for
inal wound cultures were obtained on the same day with         caloric and protein provision in the morbidly obese, there
positive infectious bacterial growth from both blood and       is a paucity of research on how to optimally feed the
wound cultures. In patients undergoing hemodialysis, ni-       critically ill obese. The existing literature is limited by
trogen balance can be assessed by collecting and analyz-       small sample sizes and the combination of different
ing nitrogen losses through dialysate to calculate total       classes of obesity (BMI range 33 to 51). Collectively, this
nitrogen appearance. However, during RT’s acute renal          makes extrapolation to patient care difficult, especially in
failure, dialysis was not initiated; therefore, total nitro-   individuals who have a higher BMI than those included
gen appearance could not be assessed. During the next 2        in these studies (5-7). A clinical decision was made to
weeks, RT’s clinical condition stabilized, infections were     provide a lower-caloric prescription than used in the stud-
treated with antibiotics, her abdominal wound started to       ies (7.5 kcal/kg) because RT’s BMI was essentially twice
develop granulating tissue, and her renal function con-        that of the highest BMI included in these studies; addi-
tinued to improve. A second 24-hour urine for urine urea       tional protein was also prescribed (2.8 g/kg) as a higher
nitrogen was successfully completed to assess nitrogen         caloric deficit was created for RT.
balance. RT was found to be in even nitrogen balance,             When providing nutrition support to the morbidly
with net balance of positive 0.6 g; it was decided at that     obese individual in the intensive care unit with caloric
time that the current PN prescription was appropriate          deficit and additional protein, it is often difficult to bal-
and no changes were necessary. Serum levels of trace           ance the increased protein needs for the promotion of
elements were also studied as RT had been on PN for            wound healing and decreased protein tolerance second-
more than 1 month with additional succus output, and all       ary to acute renal failure. It is also difficult to determine
values were found to be within normal limits. Plasma           the appropriate amount of caloric deficit without increas-
zinc was found to be 1,030 g/L (157.6 mol/L) (normal           ing the likelihood of protein catabolism and resultant
range 600 to 1,300 g/L [91.8 to 198.9 mol/L]); whole           lean body wasting. In this case report, RT did not have
blood selenium was 131 g/L (1.66 mol/L) (normal                excessive gastrointestinal output causing additional pro-
range 120 to 200 g/L [1.52 to 2.54 mol/L]); whole              tein losses; however, an astute clinician should always
blood manganese was 13 g/L (237 nmol/L) (normal                monitor for all possible excessive body fluid losses that
range 7 to 16 g/L [127 to 291 nmol/L]). Throughout             can lead to additional protein depletion. These losses
RT’s hospitalization, blood glucose was controlled with a      must be accounted for in the total nitrogen balance cal-
continuous insulin infusion to maintain glucose levels at      culation and the nutrition support prescription. It has
the institution’s goal glucose levels (80 to 120 mg/dL [4.44   been found by Cheatham and colleagues that a substan-
to 6.66 mmol/L]).                                              tial amount of protein (2 g/L) can be lost through abdom-
   On postoperative day 56, RT was discharged to a long-       inal fluids, which further validates the need to quantify
term acute care facility for continued ventilator support,     additional protein losses of body fluids (8). However, no
potential weaning, and rehabilitation. At the time of dis-     other studies have been conducted to further validate

1736   November 2010 Volume 110 Number 11
and/or evaluate protein losses of body fluids, especially in   References
individuals with morbid obesity.                              1. Colquitt JL, Picot J, Loveman E, Clegg AJ. Surgery for obesity. Co-
                                                                 chrane Database Syst Rev. 2009 Apr 15;(2):CD003641. Review.
                                                              2. Kumpf VJ, Slocum K, Binkley J, Jensen G. Complications after bari-
CONCLUSIONS                                                      atric surgery: Survey evaluating impact on the practice of specialized
RYGB is typically a safe procedure with low complication         nutrition support. Nutr Clin Pract. 2007;22:673-678.
rates; however, when complications occur, nutrition sup-      3. Mechanick JI, Kushner RF, Sugerman HJ, Gonzalez-Campoy JM, Col-
                                                                 lazo-Clavell ML, Spitz AF, Apovian CM, Livingston EH, Brolin R,
port is often necessary because rapid declines in nutri-         Sarwer DB, Anderson WA, Dixon J, Guven S; American Association of
tional status can occur. It is the nutrition support clini-      Clinical Endocrinologists; Obesity Society; American Society for Met-
cian’s obligation to recognize and communicate this acute        abolic and Bariatric Surgery. American Association of Clinical Endo-
change in nutritional status and to provide adequate             crinologists, the Obesity Society, and American Society for Metabolic
                                                                 and Bariatric Surgery Medical guidelines or clinical practice for the
nutrition as soon as medically feasible using evidence-          perioperative nutritional, metabolic, and nonsurgical support of the
based guidelines. Malnutrition in the morbidly obese is          bariatric surgery patient. Obesity (Silver Spring). 2009;17(suppl 1):S1-
commonly underappreciated because of the obvious large           S70.
body habitus, resulting in a false representation of the      4. McClave SA, Martindale RG, Vanek VW, McCarthy M, Roberts P,
                                                                 Taylor B, Ochoa JB, Napolitano L, Cresci G; A.S.P.E.N. Board of
individual’s metabolically active lean body mass stores.         Directors; American College of Critical Care Medicine; Society of Crit-
Despite multiple postoperative complications from her            ical Care Medicine. Guidelines for the provision and assessment of
RYGB procedure, the nutrition support provided to RT             nutrition support therapy in the adult critically ill patient: Society of
facilitated wound healing and eventual progression to            Critical Care Medicine and American Society for Parenteral and En-
                                                                 teral Nutrition. J Parenter Enteral Nutr. 2009;33:277-316.
rehabilitation. This case highlights the need for addi-       5. Dickerson RN, Rosato EF, Mullen JL. Net protein anabolism with
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STATEMENT OF POTENTIAL CONFLICT OF INTEREST:                     in hospitalized obese patients: A simplified method for clinical appli-
No potential conflict of interest was reported by the             cation. Am J Clin Nutr. 1997;66:546-550.
                                                              8. Cheatham ML, Safcsak K, Brezinski SJ, Lube MW. Nitrogen balance,
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                                                              November 2010 ● Journal of the AMERICAN DIETETIC ASSOCIATION           1737

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Acute bariatric surgery_complications__managing_parenteral_nutrition_in_the_morbidly_obese

  • 1. RESEARCH Practical Solutions Acute Bariatric Surgery Complications: Managing Parenteral Nutrition in the Morbidly Obese YIMIN CHEN, MS, RD A fter years of failure achieving and/or maintaining sium, and zinc should be supplemented because the du- weight loss with diet and exercise alone, many indi- odenum is bypassed. Use of high-potency multivitamins viduals with obesity turn to surgical treatment. In can help individuals meet the needs of most micronutri- 1991, the National Institutes of Health established guide- ents. An additional 18 to 27 mg elemental iron and 1,500 lines for selecting individuals considered appropriate for to 2,000 mg elemental calcium have been recommended bariatric surgery in the treatment of morbid obesity as to avoid deficiencies (3). B vitamins can become depleted those with a body mass index (BMI; calculated as kg/m2) as normal absorption of these vitamins takes place in the 40 or a BMI 35 with substantial comorbidities who have proximal jejunum, which is also bypassed. The following failed supervised diet and exercise programs. The most com- case highlights the importance and challenges of special- mon bariatric surgery procedures include the Roux-en-Y ized nutrition support in a critically ill individual with gastric bypass (RYGB), gastric banding (adjustable and complications after the RYGB procedure. nonadjustable bands), vertical banded gastroplasty, and biliopancreatic diversion (duodenal switch). RYGB ac- counts for the majority of bariatric surgery performed in PATIENT PROFILE the United States and includes both restrictive and mal- RT is a 59-year-old African-American female with a med- absorptive techniques (1). In RYGB, a small (1 to 2 oz) ical history of asthma, hypertension, type 2 diabetes, gastric pouch is created as the new gastric reservoir and congestive heart failure, arthritis, obstructive dyspnea, is directly connected to a distal portion of the small bowel, and a surgical history of cholecystectomy. RT is 64 inches bypassing the remainder of the stomach as well as the and weighs 273 kg, with a BMI of 103. After failing proximal portion of the small bowel. Weight loss after multiple attempts at supervised weight loss and after a RYGB has been reported to reach up to 28.6% after 1 comprehensive multidisciplinary workup, RT was cleared year, with some individuals showing maintenance of for an elective RYGB surgery for weight loss. long-term weight loss for 10 to 15 years (1). As with any surgical procedures, bariatric surgery is CLINICAL COURSE not without known complications. During the immediate postoperative period, the most commonly observed com- The elective procedure started initially as a laparoscopic plications include anastomotic leak and anastomotic RYGB surgery, which was converted to an open proce- stricture. These have obvious nutritional implications be- dure because of difficulties with manipulation of the lap- cause the surgical reconnections of the gastrointestinal aroscope secondary to an enlarged fatty liver. The re- tract make it difficult to place conventional temporary mainder of the surgical procedure was noted to be enteral feeding access and often require use of specialized unremarkable. RT was extubated on postoperative day 2, nutrition support (2). Anastomotic leak has a reported but was emergently reintubated within 24 hours after prevalence of 5% with the RYGB procedure and often extubation secondary to respiratory failure. She was un- requires the use of parenteral nutrition (PN) if the leak able to be weaned from mechanical ventilation for the cannot be surgically corrected (3). Because of the malab- next 5 days because of poor respiratory efforts. In addi- sorptive nature of RYGB, risk of micronutrient deficien- tion, RT developed hypotension on postoperative day 6 cies requires close monitoring and observation as well. and responded minimally to fluid resuscitation. She re- Vitamin B-12 deficiency can develop because of the lack of quired the initiation of norepinephrine administration for intrinsic factor from the stomach. Nutrients typically ab- blood pressure support. During the next 24 hours, RT’s abdomen became distended and she developed acute re- sorbed in the duodenum such as iron, calcium, magne- nal failure with minimal urine output (320 mL during 24 hours). RT was taken back to the operating room on postoperative day 8 when she had increased serosanguin- Y. Chen is an advanced level dietitian, Rush University eous drainage from her abdominal wound. In the opera- Medical Center, Chicago, IL. tive room, RT was found to have a strangulated, necrotic Address correspondence to: Yimin Chen, MS, RD, Rush bowel with a small anastomotic leak at the distal anas- University Medical Center, 1700 W. Van Buren, Suite 425, tomosis connecting the Y limb of the jejunum to the Chicago, IL 60612. E-mail: remaining small bowel. The necrotic bowel was resected, Manuscript accepted: April 7, 2010. the wound was debrided, a gastrostomy tube was placed Copyright © 2010 by the American Dietetic for gastric decompression, and the anastomotic leak was Association. repaired. Because the entirety of the small intestine 0002-8223/$36.00 was extremely edematous, a polyglycolic acid mesh was doi: 10.1016/j.jada.2010.08.010 placed over RT’s open abdomen and sutured in place to 1734 Journal of the AMERICAN DIETETIC ASSOCIATION © 2010 by the American Dietetic Association
  • 2. Table. Nutrition prescriptions, laboratory results, resting energy expenditure, and clinical status of a patient with morbid obesity after complications after Roux-en-Y gastric bypass PNa day 1 PN day 5 PN day 11 PN day 16 PN day 18 PN day 25 PN day 41 Weight (kg) 279 NAb NA 293 NA NA 295 kcal/day 2,050 2,050 2,050 2,050 2,050 2,050 2,050 kcal/kg actual 7.5 7.5 7.5 7.5 7.5 7.5 7.5 body weight Protein (g/day) 155 155 105 155 155 125 125 IBWc (g/kg) 2.8 2.8 1.9 2.8 2.8 2.3 2.3 Albumin (g/dL) 1.6 1.8 1.5 1.5 1.7 2 Prealbumin (g/dL) 15 7 9 N-balanced Unsuccessful; continuous Positive 0.6 g furosemide infusion initiated Indirect calorimetry 3,480 (kcal) e f Clinical course POD 10 initial surgery Tracheostomy Increased BUN Substantial improvement Oxygen requirement Increasing BUN Stable clinical POD 1 wound placed and in renal function with on ventilator and status, dehiscence, bowel creatinine decreased BUN and decreased below creatinine. granulating resection, creatinine 60% Suspected tissues anastomotic leak sepsis repair, open abdomen a PN parenteral nutrition. b NA not available. c IBW ideal body weight. d N-balance nitrogen balance. e POD postoperative day. f BUN blood urea nitrogen. the fascia. RT returned to the surgical intensive care unit tomotic leak and compromised gastrointestinal tract for postoperative care and remained on mechanical ven- function, as evidenced by multiple draining fistulas. tilation. NUTRITION INTERVENTION NUTRITION ASSESSMENT Although guidelines are available to facilitate clinical On postoperative day 9, PN was initiated by the physi- decisions on feeding morbidly obese individuals, actual cian and the nutrition support service was consulted to clinical situations might not always fit within the frame- evaluate RT for management of PN. Upon initial nutri- work provided by these guidelines. Because of RT’s class tion assessment, it was noted that RT had been consum- III obesity, it was difficult to use traditional predictive ing a very-low-calorie liquid diet for 2 weeks in prepara- equations to determine caloric and protein requirements. tion for surgery (approximately 800 calories per day). In However, indirect calorimetry, the “gold standard,” was addition, she had received only maintenance intravenous unable to be performed at this time because of her high fluid support for 10 days since surgery secondary to her oxygen requirements through mechanical ventilation clinical status. Based on the nutritional history collected, (fraction of inspired oxygen 60%). The nutrition support it was determined that vitamin/mineral intake had also service decided to adjust RT’s PN prescription to provide been suboptimal. It was evident that RT had inadequate hypocaloric feeding with additional amino acids to pro- oral food/beverage intake (Nutrition Diagnostic Term In- mote wound healing and preservation of lean body mass take Domain 2.1) related to preoperative liquid diet con- (Table) (4). PN was initiated on postoperative day 10 and sumption, as evidenced by reported insufficient intake of provided 7.5 kcal/kg of actual body weight obtained before energy (approximately 800 calories per day). On physical hospitalization, and 2.8 g/kg protein of ideal body weight. examination, RT was found to have low muscle tone in Although RT was in acute renal failure, she started to both upper and lower extremities secondary to her pre- produce urine and it was determined that the benefits of surgical physical inactivity, and her family reported that meeting her increased protein needs for healing out- she had not been able to walk for many years because of weighed the need for protein restriction for her acute her morbid obesity and worsening arthritis. Applying renal failure at this time. RT received a tracheostomy on Subjective Global Assessment, RT’s nutritional status postoperative day 15 because of prolonged intubation. was categorized as normal at admission; however, she After 11 days of PN, RT’s renal function continued to was deemed at high nutrition risk because of the com- decline and she became azotemic; her blood urea nitrogen plexities of providing adequate nutrients, her increased increased to 105 mg/dL (37.5 mmol/L). As a result, the postoperative energy and protein needs, and her altered amount of protein in her PN prescription was decreased gastrointestinal anatomy (4). It was evident that RT had to 1.9 g/kg of ideal body weight. altered gastrointestinal function (Nutrition Diagnostic On postoperative day 23, RT returned to the operating Term Clinical Domain 1.4) related to postoperative anas- room because of increased output that appeared to be November 2010 ● Journal of the AMERICAN DIETETIC ASSOCIATION 1735
  • 3. succus from her abdominal wound. In the operating room, charge, no plans for enteral nutrition were in place be- she was found to have multiple small bowel fistulae and cause she had evidence of multiple small bowel and co- one colonic fistula. Because of the friable nature of the lonic fistulae. Upon discharge, it was determined that the bowel walls at the time, repairs of the fistulae were not surgeon would continue to care for RT at the long-term performed. Instead, small surgical drains were placed acute care facility for continuity of care; the clinician near the fistulae for decompression and monitoring pur- communicated with the surgeon to ensure that RT would poses. On postoperative day 26, in light of an improve- transition to enteral nutrition as soon as medically feasi- ment in RT’s renal function, with blood urea nitrogen of ble pending closure of the multiple small bowel and co- 39 mg/dL (13.9 mmol/L) and serum creatinine down to 1.7 lonic fistulae. The clinician also communicated with the mg/dL (150.3 mol/L), the protein content of her PN nutrition support clinician at the long-term acute care prescription was increased back to 2.8 g/kg to facilitate facility to continue monitoring for weight loss of 1 to 2 lb healing of her multiple intestinal fistulas. On postopera- per week with routine nitrogen balance studies to assure tive day 28, indirect calorimetry was conducted, revealing adequate protein provision to promote wound healing. her resting energy expenditure to be 3,480 kcal/day, with a respiratory quotient of 0.81 and a coefficient of variance of 10%, indicating a good measurement. Because the DISCUSSION PN was providing only 2,050 kcal/day with 155 g protein Nutrition support in the critically ill patient can be chal- per day, this created a 1,430 caloric deficit per day. On lenging; however, nutrition support in the critically ill postoperative day 29, a 24-hour urine collection for urine patient who is morbidly obese is even more difficult. This urea nitrogen was initiated; however, because of changes case report highlights the complexities in determining in her intravenous medications, erroneous nitrogen bal- appropriate nutrition support for an individual with class ance results were obtained, which were deemed unusable III obesity (BMI of 103 at admission) who developed mul- for clinical application. On postoperative day 35, RT’s tiple surgical complications of the gastrointestinal tract, blood urea nitrogen level again had been rising; therefore, with a prolonged intensive care unit stay for respiratory the protein in her PN was decreased to 2.3 g/kg to prevent failure, sepsis, and acute renal failure. It has been shown azotemia. Her prealbumin level had also decreased from that positive nitrogen can be achieved in the obese during 15 to 7 mg/dL (150 to 70 mg/L), which was thought to be critical illness when fed hypocalorically (13 to 21 kcal/kg caused by a new infection secondary to her low-grade of actual body weight) with adequate provision of protein temperatures, slowly increasing white blood cell count, (1.9 to 2.1 g/kg of ideal body weight) (5-7). Although the and intermittent hypotension. Blood cultures and abdom- existing literature provides some level of guidance for inal wound cultures were obtained on the same day with caloric and protein provision in the morbidly obese, there positive infectious bacterial growth from both blood and is a paucity of research on how to optimally feed the wound cultures. In patients undergoing hemodialysis, ni- critically ill obese. The existing literature is limited by trogen balance can be assessed by collecting and analyz- small sample sizes and the combination of different ing nitrogen losses through dialysate to calculate total classes of obesity (BMI range 33 to 51). Collectively, this nitrogen appearance. However, during RT’s acute renal makes extrapolation to patient care difficult, especially in failure, dialysis was not initiated; therefore, total nitro- individuals who have a higher BMI than those included gen appearance could not be assessed. During the next 2 in these studies (5-7). A clinical decision was made to weeks, RT’s clinical condition stabilized, infections were provide a lower-caloric prescription than used in the stud- treated with antibiotics, her abdominal wound started to ies (7.5 kcal/kg) because RT’s BMI was essentially twice develop granulating tissue, and her renal function con- that of the highest BMI included in these studies; addi- tinued to improve. A second 24-hour urine for urine urea tional protein was also prescribed (2.8 g/kg) as a higher nitrogen was successfully completed to assess nitrogen caloric deficit was created for RT. balance. RT was found to be in even nitrogen balance, When providing nutrition support to the morbidly with net balance of positive 0.6 g; it was decided at that obese individual in the intensive care unit with caloric time that the current PN prescription was appropriate deficit and additional protein, it is often difficult to bal- and no changes were necessary. Serum levels of trace ance the increased protein needs for the promotion of elements were also studied as RT had been on PN for wound healing and decreased protein tolerance second- more than 1 month with additional succus output, and all ary to acute renal failure. It is also difficult to determine values were found to be within normal limits. Plasma the appropriate amount of caloric deficit without increas- zinc was found to be 1,030 g/L (157.6 mol/L) (normal ing the likelihood of protein catabolism and resultant range 600 to 1,300 g/L [91.8 to 198.9 mol/L]); whole lean body wasting. In this case report, RT did not have blood selenium was 131 g/L (1.66 mol/L) (normal excessive gastrointestinal output causing additional pro- range 120 to 200 g/L [1.52 to 2.54 mol/L]); whole tein losses; however, an astute clinician should always blood manganese was 13 g/L (237 nmol/L) (normal monitor for all possible excessive body fluid losses that range 7 to 16 g/L [127 to 291 nmol/L]). Throughout can lead to additional protein depletion. These losses RT’s hospitalization, blood glucose was controlled with a must be accounted for in the total nitrogen balance cal- continuous insulin infusion to maintain glucose levels at culation and the nutrition support prescription. It has the institution’s goal glucose levels (80 to 120 mg/dL [4.44 been found by Cheatham and colleagues that a substan- to 6.66 mmol/L]). tial amount of protein (2 g/L) can be lost through abdom- On postoperative day 56, RT was discharged to a long- inal fluids, which further validates the need to quantify term acute care facility for continued ventilator support, additional protein losses of body fluids (8). However, no potential weaning, and rehabilitation. At the time of dis- other studies have been conducted to further validate 1736 November 2010 Volume 110 Number 11
  • 4. and/or evaluate protein losses of body fluids, especially in References individuals with morbid obesity. 1. Colquitt JL, Picot J, Loveman E, Clegg AJ. Surgery for obesity. Co- chrane Database Syst Rev. 2009 Apr 15;(2):CD003641. Review. 2. Kumpf VJ, Slocum K, Binkley J, Jensen G. Complications after bari- CONCLUSIONS atric surgery: Survey evaluating impact on the practice of specialized RYGB is typically a safe procedure with low complication nutrition support. Nutr Clin Pract. 2007;22:673-678. rates; however, when complications occur, nutrition sup- 3. Mechanick JI, Kushner RF, Sugerman HJ, Gonzalez-Campoy JM, Col- lazo-Clavell ML, Spitz AF, Apovian CM, Livingston EH, Brolin R, port is often necessary because rapid declines in nutri- Sarwer DB, Anderson WA, Dixon J, Guven S; American Association of tional status can occur. It is the nutrition support clini- Clinical Endocrinologists; Obesity Society; American Society for Met- cian’s obligation to recognize and communicate this acute abolic and Bariatric Surgery. American Association of Clinical Endo- change in nutritional status and to provide adequate crinologists, the Obesity Society, and American Society for Metabolic and Bariatric Surgery Medical guidelines or clinical practice for the nutrition as soon as medically feasible using evidence- perioperative nutritional, metabolic, and nonsurgical support of the based guidelines. Malnutrition in the morbidly obese is bariatric surgery patient. Obesity (Silver Spring). 2009;17(suppl 1):S1- commonly underappreciated because of the obvious large S70. body habitus, resulting in a false representation of the 4. McClave SA, Martindale RG, Vanek VW, McCarthy M, Roberts P, Taylor B, Ochoa JB, Napolitano L, Cresci G; A.S.P.E.N. Board of individual’s metabolically active lean body mass stores. Directors; American College of Critical Care Medicine; Society of Crit- Despite multiple postoperative complications from her ical Care Medicine. Guidelines for the provision and assessment of RYGB procedure, the nutrition support provided to RT nutrition support therapy in the adult critically ill patient: Society of facilitated wound healing and eventual progression to Critical Care Medicine and American Society for Parenteral and En- teral Nutrition. J Parenter Enteral Nutr. 2009;33:277-316. rehabilitation. This case highlights the need for addi- 5. Dickerson RN, Rosato EF, Mullen JL. Net protein anabolism with tional research efforts to elucidate appropriate caloric hypocaloric parenteral nutrition in obese stressed patients. Am J Clin deficit, protein provision, and micronutrient supplemen- Nutr. 1986;44:747-755. tation in the morbidly obese who experience postopera- 6. Burge JC, Goon A, Choban PS, Flancbaum L. Efficacy of hypocaloric total parenteral nutrition in hospitalized obese patients: A prospective, tive complications and require specialized nutrition sup- double-blind randomized trial. J Parenter Enteral Nutr. 1994;18:203- port to maximize the recovery process. 207. 7. Choban PS, Burge JC, Flancbaum L. Hypoenergetic nutrition support STATEMENT OF POTENTIAL CONFLICT OF INTEREST: in hospitalized obese patients: A simplified method for clinical appli- No potential conflict of interest was reported by the cation. Am J Clin Nutr. 1997;66:546-550. 8. Cheatham ML, Safcsak K, Brezinski SJ, Lube MW. Nitrogen balance, author. protein loss, and open abdomen. Crit Care Med. 2007;35:127-131. November 2010 ● Journal of the AMERICAN DIETETIC ASSOCIATION 1737