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Actor Concurrency
                         Alex Miller

Blog:     Twitter: @puredanger
Moore’s Law?
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Moore’s Law?
State of the Practice
public class Counter {
  private int count = 0;

    public int increment() {
      synchronized(this) {
        return ++count;
JCIP says:
•   It’s the mutable state, stupid.
•   Make fields final unless they need to be mutable.
•   Immutable objects are automatically thread-safe.
•   Encapsulation makes it practical to manage the complexity.
•   Guard each mutable variable with a lock.
•   Guard all variables in an invariant with the same lock.
•   Hold locks for the duration of compound actions.
•   A program that accesses a mutable variable from multiple threads
    without synchronization is a broken program.
•   Don’t rely on clever reasoning about why you don’t need to
•   Include thread safety in the design process - or explicitly document
    that your class is not thread-safe.
•   Document your synchronization policy.
JCIP says:
•   It’s the mutable state, stupid.
•   Make fields final unless they need to be mutable.
•   Immutable objects are automatically thread-safe.
•   Encapsulation makes it practical to manage the complexity.
•   Guard each mutable variable with a lock.
•   Guard all variables in an invariant with the same lock.
•   Hold locks for the duration of compound actions.
•   A program that accesses a mutable variable from multiple threads
    without synchronization is a broken program.
•   Don’t rely on clever reasoning about why you don’t need to
•   Include thread safety in the design process - or explicitly document
    that your class is not thread-safe.
•   Document your synchronization policy.
The problem with shared state concurrency
The problem with shared state concurrency

 the shared state.

•   No shared state
•   Lightweight processes
•   Asynchronous message-passing
•   Buffer messages in a mailbox
•   Receive messages with pattern matching
The Basics
The Basics

The Basics


The Basics


• Invented at Ericsson
• Functional language
• Dynamic typing
• Designed for concurrency, fault-tolerance
Single assignment
Eshell V5.6.3 (abort with ^G)
1> A = 4.
2> A.
3> A = 6.
** exception error: no match of right hand
side value 6
4> A = 2*2.
Atoms and Tuples
1> F=foo.
2> Stooges = {larry,curly,moe}.
3> Me = {person,quot;Alexquot;,quot;nachosquot;}.
4> {person,Name,Food} = Me.
5> Name.
6> Food.
1> List=[1,2,3].
2> [First|Rest]=List.
3> First.
4> Rest.
5> List2=[4|List].
6> [Char|String] = “abc”.
7> Char.
1> Square = fun(X) -> X*X end.
2> Square(5).

3> TimesN = fun(N) -> (fun(X) -> N*X end)
3>          end.
4> lists:map(TimesN(10), [1,2,3]).

square(Value) -> Value*Value.

fib(0) -> 0;
fib(1) -> 1;
fib(N) when N>0 -> fib(N-1) + fib(N-2).

1> c(mymath.erl).
2> mymath:square(5).
3> mymath:fib(7).
Modules and Functions

fibtr(N) -> fibtr_iter(N, 0, 1).

fibtr_iter(0, Result, _Next) -> Result;
fibtr_iter(Iter, Result, Next)
  when Iter > 0 ->
  fibtr_iter(Iter-1, Next, Result+Next).

1> c(mymath2.erl).
2> mymath2:fibtr(200).
Concurrency Primitives

• Pid = spawn(fun)
• Pid ! message
• receive...end
Concurrency Primitives

• Pid = spawn(fun)
• Pid ! message
• receive...end      Pid
Concurrency Primitives

• Pid = spawn(fun)
• Pid ! message
• receive...end      Pid
Concurrency Primitives

• Pid = spawn(fun)
• Pid ! message
• receive...end      Pid
Concurrency Primitives

• Pid = spawn(fun)
• Pid ! message
• receive...end
                     Pid     ...
A Simple Process
loop() ->
    {toF, C} ->
       io:format(quot;~p C is ~p F~nquot;,
                 [C, 32+C*9/5]),
    {toC, F} ->
       io:format(quot;~p F is ~p C~nquot;,
                 [F, (F-32)*5/9]),
    {stop} ->
    Other ->
       io:format(quot;Unknown: ~p~nquot;, [Other]),
1> c(temperature).
2> Pid = spawn(fun temperature:loop/0).
3> Pid ! {toC, 32}.
32F is 0.0 C
4> Pid ! {toF, 100}.
100C is 212.0 F
5> Pid ! {stop}.

start() ->
  spawn(fun() -> loop() end).

convert(Pid, Request) ->
  Pid ! {self(), Request},
    {Pid, Response} -> Response
loop() ->
    {From, {toF, C}} ->
       From ! {self(), 32+C*9/5},
    {From, {toC, F}} ->
       From ! {self(), (F-32)*5/9},
    {From, stop} ->
       From ! {self(), stop},
    {From, Other} ->
       From ! {self(), {error, Other}},
1> c(temp2).
2> Pid = temp2:start().
3> temp2:convert(Pid2, {toF, 100}).
Process Ring
Running Rings
1> c(ring).
2> T=ring:startTimer().
3> R=ring:startRing(100,T).
spawned 100 in 241 microseconds
4> R ! start.
{1230,863064,116530} Starting message
{1230,863064,879862} Around ring 10000 times
{1230,863065,642097} Around ring 20000 times
{1230,863140,707023} Around ring 990000 times
{1230,863141,471193} Around ring 1000000 times
Stop={1230,863141,471380} Elapsed=77354505
5> R20k = ring:startRing(20000,T).
spawned: 20000 in 118580 microseconds
Processes and

• Processes cheap to create (10ks < second)
• Create many processes (10ks to 100ks)
• Messages very fast to send (1M / second)
Error Handling
Error Handling

Error Handling

Error Handling

    exit signal
Linked Processes
reportExit(WatchedPid) ->
  spawn(fun() ->
    process_flag(trap_exit, true),
      {'EXIT', _Pid, Msg} ->
        io:format(quot;got linked exit: ~p~nquot;, [Msg])

startWatched() ->
  spawn(fun() ->
      die -> exit(quot;diequot;);
      crash -> erlang:error(quot;crashquot;)
Linked Processes
1> c(link).
2> P1 = link:startWatched().
3> P2 = link:startWatched().
4> link:reportExit(P1).
5> link:reportExit(P2).
6> P1 ! die.
got linked exit: quot;diequot;
7> P2 ! crash.
got linked exit: {quot;crashquot;,[{link,'-
Does it work?
Ericsson AXD301
• Telecom ATM switch
• Millions of calls / week
• 99.9999999% uptime =
  32 ms down / year
• -> Nortel Alteon SSL
Facebook Chat
“For Facebook Chat, we rolled our own subsystem
for logging chat messages (in C++) as well as an epoll-
driven web server (in Erlang) that holds online users'
conversations in-memory and serves the long-polled
HTTP requests. Both subsystems are clustered and
partitioned for reliability and efficient failover. ”
And others...
• JVM-based language
• Object-functional hybrid
• Actor library
Scala Rings
def act() {
  loop {
    react {
      case StartMessage => {
         log(quot;Starting messagesquot;)
         timer ! StartMessage
         nextNode ! TokenMessage(nodeId, 0)
      case StopMessage => {
         nextNode ! StopMessage
Scala Rings
    case TokenMessage(id,value) if id == nodeId => {
      val nextValue = value+1
      if(nextValue % 10000 == 0)
        log(quot;Around ring quot; + nextValue + quot; timesquot;)

      if(nextValue == 1000000) {
        timer ! StopMessage
        timer ! CancelMessage
        nextNode ! StopMessage
      } else {
        nextNode ! TokenMessage(id, nextValue)
    case TokenMessage(id,value) => {
      nextNode ! TokenMessage(id,value)
Comparison to Erlang

• receive-based actors cheap to create
  (Erlang about 3x faster)
• Can also create many processes
• Messages also fast to send (Erlang about 2x
•   Java-based framework with compile-time weaving

•   Tasks - lightweight threads/processes/etc

•   @pausable - let task be paused during execution

    •   sleep / yield

•   Mailbox (typed via generics) - single consumer

•   Messaging - mutable (in limited ways)
Kilim Ring
import kilim.Mailbox;
import kilim.Task;
import kilim.pausable;

public class NodeActor extends Task {
  private final int nodeId;
  private final Mailbox<Message> inbox;
  private final Mailbox<Message> timerInbox;
  private Mailbox<Message> nextInbox;

    public NodeActor(int nodeId,
                     Mailbox<Message> inbox,
                     Mailbox<Message> timerInbox) {
    this.nodeId = nodeId;
    this.inbox = inbox;
    this.timerInbox = timerInbox;
Kilim Ring
public void execute() throws Exception {
  while(true) {
    Message message = inbox.get();
    if(message.equals(Message.START)) {
      nextInbox.putnb(new TokenMessage(nodeId, 0));
    } else if(message.equals(Message.STOP)) {

Kilim Ring
    } else if(message instanceof TokenMessage) {
      TokenMessage token = (TokenMessage)message;
      if(token.source == nodeId) {
        int nextVal = token.value+1;
        if(nextVal == 1000000) {
          } else {
            token.value = nextVal;
        } else {
               10.0                                             400
                7.5                                             300

                5.0                                             200
                2.5                                             100
                 0                                                0
                      100 nodes                                         20k nodes


                        Kilim                        65,000


                                                                      100M messages

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Actor Concurrency

  • 1. Actor Concurrency Alex Miller Blog: Twitter: @puredanger
  • 2.
  • 3.
  • 5.
  • 6.
  • 7. Moore’s Law?
  • 8. Moore’s Law?
  • 9. Moore’s Law?
  • 10. State of the Practice public class Counter { private int count = 0; public int increment() { synchronized(this) { return ++count; } } }
  • 11.
  • 12. JCIP says: • It’s the mutable state, stupid. • Make fields final unless they need to be mutable. • Immutable objects are automatically thread-safe. • Encapsulation makes it practical to manage the complexity. • Guard each mutable variable with a lock. • Guard all variables in an invariant with the same lock. • Hold locks for the duration of compound actions. • A program that accesses a mutable variable from multiple threads without synchronization is a broken program. • Don’t rely on clever reasoning about why you don’t need to synchronize. • Include thread safety in the design process - or explicitly document that your class is not thread-safe. • Document your synchronization policy.
  • 13. JCIP says: • It’s the mutable state, stupid. • Make fields final unless they need to be mutable. • Immutable objects are automatically thread-safe. • Encapsulation makes it practical to manage the complexity. • Guard each mutable variable with a lock. • Guard all variables in an invariant with the same lock. • Hold locks for the duration of compound actions. • A program that accesses a mutable variable from multiple threads without synchronization is a broken program. • Don’t rely on clever reasoning about why you don’t need to synchronize. • Include thread safety in the design process - or explicitly document that your class is not thread-safe. • Document your synchronization policy.
  • 14. The problem with shared state concurrency
  • 15. The problem with shared state concurrency the shared state.
  • 16. Actors • No shared state • Lightweight processes • Asynchronous message-passing • Buffer messages in a mailbox • Receive messages with pattern matching
  • 18. The Basics spawn
  • 20. The Basics receive
  • 21. Erlang • Invented at Ericsson • Functional language • Dynamic typing • Designed for concurrency, fault-tolerance
  • 22. Single assignment Eshell V5.6.3 (abort with ^G) 1> A = 4. 4 2> A. 4 3> A = 6. ** exception error: no match of right hand side value 6 4> A = 2*2. 4
  • 23. Atoms and Tuples 1> F=foo. foo 2> Stooges = {larry,curly,moe}. {larry,curly,moe} 3> Me = {person,quot;Alexquot;,quot;nachosquot;}. {person,quot;Alexquot;,quot;nachosquot;} 4> {person,Name,Food} = Me. {person,quot;Alexquot;,quot;nachosquot;} 5> Name. quot;Alexquot; 6> Food. quot;nachosquot;
  • 24. Lists 1> List=[1,2,3]. [1,2,3] 2> [First|Rest]=List. [1,2,3] 3> First. 1 4> Rest. [2,3] 5> List2=[4|List]. [4,1,2,3] 6> [Char|String] = “abc”. “abc” 7> Char. 97
  • 25. Functions 1> Square = fun(X) -> X*X end. #Fun<erl_eval.6.13229925> 2> Square(5). 25. 3> TimesN = fun(N) -> (fun(X) -> N*X end) 3> end. #Fun<erl_eval.6.13229925> 4> lists:map(TimesN(10), [1,2,3]). [10,20,30]
  • 26. Modules -module(mymath). -export([square/1,fib/1]). square(Value) -> Value*Value. fib(0) -> 0; fib(1) -> 1; fib(N) when N>0 -> fib(N-1) + fib(N-2). 1> c(mymath.erl). 2> mymath:square(5). 25 3> mymath:fib(7). 13
  • 27. Modules and Functions -module(mymath2). -export([fibtr/1]). fibtr(N) -> fibtr_iter(N, 0, 1). fibtr_iter(0, Result, _Next) -> Result; fibtr_iter(Iter, Result, Next) when Iter > 0 -> fibtr_iter(Iter-1, Next, Result+Next). 1> c(mymath2.erl). 2> mymath2:fibtr(200). 280571172992510140037611932413038677189525
  • 28. Concurrency Primitives • Pid = spawn(fun) • Pid ! message • receive...end
  • 29. Concurrency Primitives • Pid = spawn(fun) • Pid ! message • receive...end Pid
  • 30. Concurrency Primitives • Pid = spawn(fun) • Pid ! message • receive...end Pid
  • 31. Concurrency Primitives • Pid = spawn(fun) • Pid ! message • receive...end Pid
  • 32. Concurrency Primitives • Pid = spawn(fun) • Pid ! message • receive...end receive Pid ... end
  • 33. A Simple Process loop() -> receive {toF, C} -> io:format(quot;~p C is ~p F~nquot;, [C, 32+C*9/5]), loop(); {toC, F} -> io:format(quot;~p F is ~p C~nquot;, [F, (F-32)*5/9]), loop(); {stop} -> io:format(quot;Stopping~nquot;); Other -> io:format(quot;Unknown: ~p~nquot;, [Other]), loop() end.
  • 34. Spawn! 1> c(temperature). {ok,temperature} 2> Pid = spawn(fun temperature:loop/0). <0.128.0> 3> Pid ! {toC, 32}. 32F is 0.0 C {convertToC,32} 4> Pid ! {toF, 100}. 100C is 212.0 F {convertToF,100} 5> Pid ! {stop}. Stopping {stop}
  • 35. Responding -module(temp2). -export([start/0,convert/2]). start() -> spawn(fun() -> loop() end). convert(Pid, Request) -> Pid ! {self(), Request}, receive {Pid, Response} -> Response end.
  • 36. Responding loop() -> receive {From, {toF, C}} -> From ! {self(), 32+C*9/5}, loop(); {From, {toC, F}} -> From ! {self(), (F-32)*5/9}, loop(); {From, stop} -> From ! {self(), stop}, io:format(quot;Stopping~nquot;); {From, Other} -> From ! {self(), {error, Other}}, loop() end.
  • 37. Responding 1> c(temp2). {ok,temp2} 2> Pid = temp2:start(). <0.57.0> 3> temp2:convert(Pid2, {toF, 100}). 212.0
  • 39. Running Rings 1> c(ring). 2> T=ring:startTimer(). 3> R=ring:startRing(100,T). spawned 100 in 241 microseconds 4> R ! start. {1230,863064,116530} Starting message {1230,863064,879862} Around ring 10000 times {1230,863065,642097} Around ring 20000 times ...etc {1230,863140,707023} Around ring 990000 times {1230,863141,471193} Around ring 1000000 times Start={1230,863064,116875} Stop={1230,863141,471380} Elapsed=77354505 5> R20k = ring:startRing(20000,T). spawned: 20000 in 118580 microseconds
  • 40. Processes and Messages • Processes cheap to create (10ks < second) • Create many processes (10ks to 100ks) • Messages very fast to send (1M / second)
  • 44. Error Handling exit signal
  • 45. Linked Processes reportExit(WatchedPid) -> spawn(fun() -> process_flag(trap_exit, true), link(WatchedPid), receive {'EXIT', _Pid, Msg} -> io:format(quot;got linked exit: ~p~nquot;, [Msg]) end end). startWatched() -> spawn(fun() -> receive die -> exit(quot;diequot;); crash -> erlang:error(quot;crashquot;) end end).
  • 46. Linked Processes 1> c(link). 2> P1 = link:startWatched(). 3> P2 = link:startWatched(). 4> link:reportExit(P1). 5> link:reportExit(P2). 6> P1 ! die. got linked exit: quot;diequot; 7> P2 ! crash. got linked exit: {quot;crashquot;,[{link,'- startWatched/0-fun-0-',0}]}
  • 48. Ericsson AXD301 • Telecom ATM switch • Millions of calls / week • 99.9999999% uptime = 32 ms down / year • -> Nortel Alteon SSL Accelerator
  • 51. Facebook Chat “For Facebook Chat, we rolled our own subsystem for logging chat messages (in C++) as well as an epoll- driven web server (in Erlang) that holds online users' conversations in-memory and serves the long-polled HTTP requests. Both subsystems are clustered and partitioned for reliability and efficient failover. ” Reference:
  • 53. • JVM-based language • Object-functional hybrid • Actor library
  • 54. Scala Rings def act() { loop { react { case StartMessage => { log(quot;Starting messagesquot;) timer ! StartMessage nextNode ! TokenMessage(nodeId, 0) } case StopMessage => { log(quot;Stoppingquot;) nextNode ! StopMessage exit }
  • 55. Scala Rings case TokenMessage(id,value) if id == nodeId => { val nextValue = value+1 if(nextValue % 10000 == 0) log(quot;Around ring quot; + nextValue + quot; timesquot;) if(nextValue == 1000000) { timer ! StopMessage timer ! CancelMessage nextNode ! StopMessage exit } else { nextNode ! TokenMessage(id, nextValue) } } case TokenMessage(id,value) => { nextNode ! TokenMessage(id,value) } }
  • 56. Comparison to Erlang • receive-based actors cheap to create (Erlang about 3x faster) • Can also create many processes • Messages also fast to send (Erlang about 2x faster)
  • 57. Java-based framework with compile-time weaving • Tasks - lightweight threads/processes/etc • @pausable - let task be paused during execution • sleep / yield • Mailbox (typed via generics) - single consumer • Messaging - mutable (in limited ways)
  • 58. Kilim Ring import kilim.Mailbox; import kilim.Task; import kilim.pausable; public class NodeActor extends Task { private final int nodeId; private final Mailbox<Message> inbox; private final Mailbox<Message> timerInbox; private Mailbox<Message> nextInbox; public NodeActor(int nodeId, Mailbox<Message> inbox, Mailbox<Message> timerInbox) { this.nodeId = nodeId; this.inbox = inbox; this.timerInbox = timerInbox; }
  • 59. Kilim Ring @pausable public void execute() throws Exception { while(true) { Message message = inbox.get(); if(message.equals(Message.START)) { timerInbox.putnb(Message.START); nextInbox.putnb(new TokenMessage(nodeId, 0)); } else if(message.equals(Message.STOP)) { nextInbox.putnb(Message.STOP); break; ...
  • 60. Kilim Ring } else if(message instanceof TokenMessage) { TokenMessage token = (TokenMessage)message; if(token.source == nodeId) { int nextVal = token.value+1; if(nextVal == 1000000) { timerInbox.putnb(Message.STOP); timerInbox.putnb(Message.CANCEL); nextInbox.putnb(Message.STOP); break; } else { token.value = nextVal; nextInbox.putnb(token); } } else { nextInbox.putnb(token); } } }
  • 61. Performance 10.0 400 7.5 300 milliseconds milliseconds 5.0 200 2.5 100 0 0 100 nodes 20k nodes 130,000 Erlang 97,500 milliseconds Scala Kilim 65,000 32,500 0 100M messages
  • 62.