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                                     Acne, progesterone and the
                                     relationship between the two is an
                                     idea that many medical researchers
                                     have considered when studying the
                                     cause and treatment of acne. Acne is
                                     a common chronic skin disorder that
                                     affects millions of people of every
                                     age, gender, and race. In fact, almost
90% of the world’s population suffers with acne.

Some studies have shown that acne and progesterone have a connection in
terms of causes and treatment. The connection appears to be more evident
with the fact that while progesterone is considered a factor that triggers the
development of acne, it is also considered a key to fighting acne.

In trying to explain further the connection between acne and progesterone,
researchers have discovered that prior to menstruation there is a hormonal
imbalance in the female body, as progesterone secretions increase. It
has been noted that in the luteal phase of the menstrual cycle (from after
ovulation to the end of the cycle), progesterone is secreted abundantly
by the corpus lutcum. As this occurs, the body uses a large amount of
pantothenic acid from the body’s stores, leading to a re-distribution of the
vitamin as well as placing enormous pressure on fatty acid metabolism.

The idea of the connection between acne and progesterone further holds
that when the metabolic process is not functioning optimally, the lipid
then starts to form into a mass in the sebaceous glands -- the oil producing
glands. It is here where the acne and progesterone relationship becomes
more evident, as the increase in sebum often results in an acne breakout.

Most experts involved in researching the link between acne and
progesterone conclude that this process is the main function of their
relationship. Even though progesterone has no known impact on the
functioning of the oil producing glands, the high levels of progesterone in
the late stage of the luteal phase usually spell disaster for those prone to

Further studies are needed before we understand the real connection
between acne and progesterone. Whether progesterone simply creates
conditions ripe for acne, or is somehow linked to the treatment of the
skin condition remains unknown. It is hoped that in the future, a better
understanding of acne will lead to more effective treatments being

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                                          It can be hard to have acne,
                                          and even harder to find the
                                          product that will help you in
                                          your struggle to be free of it.
                                          One thing that makes acne
                                          treatment so difficult is the
                                          sheer number and variety of
acne treatment products currently on the market.

While it is easy to find acne treatments, locating the treatment product that
is right for you can give you a headache. It can be irritating to go through
all those different types of acne treatment products. And how do you know
which product will work for your skin?

There are ways you can simplify this search and get the product that you
need much quicker. The best place to start your acne treatment products
search is not with the products.

The place to start is with your skin. In order to determine the best
treatment for your acne, you need to know your skin type. There are three
basic skin types, the most common of which is combination skin.

Oily Skin
Oily skin is often shiny and it attracts a lot of dirt and dust. This often
causes blackheads when you have acne. Oily skin also generally has larger
pores, and is coarse to the touch. Very oily skin does not require you to use
any moisturizer at all, but it does require a good face wash and cleanser.
You can also use alcohol-based products to help dry out your skin.

Dry Skin
Dry skin looks dry and often flakes. Dry skin can also be more sensitive
to sun, wind and cold. This skin is usually less prone to acne. To treat dry
skin, use moisturizers that will lubricate your skin. Also, avoid products
containing alcohol, as alcohol will dry your skin even more.

Combination Skin
Combination skin is what most people have, where the oily T-zone comes
into play. (The T-Zone is the zone made horizontally by your forehead,
and vertically by your nose and chin.) This type of skin usually requires
products that are specifically for combination skin.

Normal to Oily: Oily skin in the T-Zone, normal skin on the

Dry to Oily: Dry skin on the cheeks, oily skin in the T-Zone

After you find out what type of skin you have, finding the right product
will become much easier. Reading more about the difference skin types
will help you understand your skin, and how it reacts. Work with this
knowledge to identify the productst that are right for your face.

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                        Acne afflicts many people all over the world. There
                        are also many rumors floating around about the
                        causes, treatments, and anything else related to

                        Here are some myths and truths that can help clear
                        up some of the rumors about acne:

                         The more you clean your skin, the better
                         your acne will get.
Acne is caused by oil in your skin, not by the dirt on your face. While
it’s important to cleanse your skin twice a day, cleaning more than that
can overly dry your skin. Many people believe cleansing all the time will
actually worsen the condition.

Eating fatty foods will make your acne worse.
Specific food groups, such as fast food and chocolate, should not trigger
breakouts; however, some people have breakouts due to reactions from
certain foods. If you notice that you break out after eating a certain food,
avoid it in the future. Your overall diet also contributes to skin health.

Stress causes breakouts.
Research has shown that breakouts are not triggered by stressful situations.
If you experience acne problems before a big or stressful event, watch what
you do with your hands. Leaning on your hands on your face can cause a
breakout, something you may do in times of stress.

Acne will clear up on its own.
Most people are under the false impression that acne only afflicts
teenagers; however everyone from babies to women in their 40’s can
experience acne. Instead of waiting for it to go away, you should get it

Covering pimples with make-up will make them worse.
As long as you use the right make-up, it should not cause breakouts. Buy
make-up specifically designed for people with acne. If it still triggers
breakouts, try a different brand. Just like food, different ingredients in
make up can cause a reaction and result in a breakout.

Pimples go away when you pop them.
Never ever pop a zit. Contrary to popular belief, popping zits can make
them worse rather than better. Popping a zit can cause infection, increase
the likelihood of scarring, and slow healing. If you must try to speed up
healing, spread the base of the zit apart instead of squeezing it. This opens
up the pore allowing it to heal.

If one medicine doesn’t work, you have to live with acne.
There’s a reason that there’s not one acne medication on the market. It’s
because not one product works for everyone. If one doesn’t work, keep
trying. Also, it sometimes takes a while for medications to work. Don’t
worry if a treatment doesn’t work after a week.

A tan helps clear up acne.
While a tan may make acne less visible, it will do nothing to clear up a
breakout. Regular tanning can make your skin look old much faster and
promotes skin cancers. The permanent damage you cause is not worth
slightly decreasing the appearance of pimples.

Once you know the facts about acne, you can learn to prevent breakouts
and find the right medicine to help you get beautifully clear skin.

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                              Acne scars are the marks left behind by
                              lesions that had not healed or had become
                              inflamed. Their size, frequency and type
                              depend on various genetic factors, which are
                              particular to every person. Some persons are
                              more likely to see scars forming on their skin,
                              due to their heritage and skin color. This is
                              why many people want to make sure their
lesions will heal properly.

There are only two types of acne scars. The simplest scar is nothing more
than a spot of skin bearing a brown, pink or purple color, testimony to the
fact that a pimple had been there. The second type is called the ice pick
scar--the lesion leaves behind a small hole in the skin. Scars are usually
left behind only by inflamed lesions, such as pustules, nodules or cysts.
However, squeezing open a comedone could result in an inflamed lesion
and a scar.

Pigmented scars are the result of the skin’s own process of rebuilding the
natural color in the healing tissue. The concentration of pigment can be
lowered with various types of treatments, such as bleaching creams, lotions
or laser surgery. The choice of over-the-counter products should depend on
the type and severity of your acne. If you are not sure what to choose, talk
to a dermatologist.

Mild acne scars take up to six weeks to vanish. If the over-the-counter
products don’t work, talk to your doctor again and he or she will
recommend you a stronger treatment for scars, possibly even creams based
on retinoids. This is done to prevent acne flare-ups and to promote the
shedding of skin cells in and around the scars. The next level in acne scar
treatment is the chemical peeling of your skin. Glycolic, salicylic or lactic
acid is used to peel away the damaged top layer of the skin and trigger the
formation of a new and smoother layer. This procedure can be beneficial
even for active acne. Peels are usually performed over a period of weeks or
months and are mostly effective against pigmented scars.

The second type of acne scars is more commonly treated with dermabrasion
or laser resurfacing. Dermabrasion means that the top layer of the skin is
removed with the help of a high-speed rotary wire brush or diamond-coated
stone. This procedure requires more than one session for each scar and has
the downside of not removing the scar at all. It simply makes it less visible.

A better treatment for scars is the laser resurfacing of the skin. Similar to
the effect of sun exposure, doctors use the concentrated light of the laser
beam to burn off a smaller or bigger part of the top layer of the skin. Many
dermatologists and cosmetic surgeons recommend this procedure over

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                                       Many people suffering from acne are
                                       familiar with the problem of acne
                                       scars. While acne is enough of a
                                       problem on its own, the issue of more
                                       or less permanent scars makes
                                       everything even more complicated.
                                       Pimples are a tempting target for
                                       squeezing or picking open in what may
be seen as a futile attempt to get rid of them. However, squeezing and
picking is exactly what you should refrain from doing because it will only
make everything worse.
I know that you heard this advice a million times, but do try to keep your
hands away fro your face. For one thing, your hands have a lot of germs
and bacteria, mainly because the hands are the most exposed part of the
body, the limbs with which you grab and use all manner of not very clean
objects. This means that bringing your hands in contact with your face skin
is guaranteed to transfer a load of germs and bacteria from the hand to the
face. Worse, all these germs and bacteria are transferred exactly in the area
where your squeezing is opening a breach in the skin. In other words, you
are bringing the enemy right to the gate.

Depending on the type of acne you are suffering from and on your face skin
type, pimples that have been picked or squeezed open can turn to scars,
leaving an unpleasantly looking skin behind. While squeezing pimples is
not a good idea, but tolerable within certain bounds, you should absolutely
refrain from trying to remove scars yourself. This is definitely a job for a
trained physician who uses the right tools for the job. Tampering with scars
will make matters worse. If you feel you cannot live with them, then make
an appointment with a dermatologist and have them removed.

Alternatively, you could try to buy an acne treatment in order to keep
your skin clear and prevent pimples from even forming. The best anti-
acne system around is the ClearPores system. Featuring deep facial and
body washes, herbal pills and a protection cream, ClearPores makes sure
your pores are clean of grime and sebum and those bacteria do not get the
chance to start multiplying in a clogged sebaceous follicle. This system is
the absolute best at stopping acne from being a problem.

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The term acne does not mean JUST pimples.

                          Acne is a term for plugged pores (blackheads,
                          whiteheads), pimples and even deeper lumps
                          (cysts or nodules), that occur on the face, neck,
                          chest, back, shoulders and even the upper arms.

There are several common variations of acne, according to skin experts.

Types of acne:
Acne Vulgaris (common acne) includes several types of lesions, usually
called blackhead, whitehead, papules, pustules, nodules and cyst.

Mild to moderate acne vulgaris is characterized by the following:

Blackheads are caused by partially blocked pores.
The black appearance is caused by melanin pigment from dead skin cells.
Blackheads tend to be stable structures, and often take a long time to clear.

Whiteheads are caused by completely blocked pores. The white appearance
is caused by the bacteria inside turning the sebum into free fatty acid. The
whitehead differs in color from the blackhead because the opening of the
plugged sebaceous follicle to the skin’s surface is closed or very narrow, in
contrast to the distended follicular opening of the blackhead.

Neither blackheads nor whiteheads should be squeezed or picked open,
unless extracted by a dermatologist under sterile conditions. Tissue injured
by squeezing or picking can become infected by staphylococci, streptococci
and other skin bacteria.

Papules are small, red, tender bumps or spots. A group of very small
papules and microcomedones may be almost invisible but have
a "sandpaper" feel to the touch. A papule is caused by localized cellular
reaction to the process of acne.

Pustules are larger, red and inflamed-pus filled spots.

On the other hand, severe acne vulgaris is characterized by:

Nodules are large and hard bumps under the skin’s surface. Unlike a
papule, a nodule is characterized by inflammation, extends into deeper
layers of the skin and may cause tissue destruction that results in scarring.
A nodule may be very painful.

Cysts are similar to nodules but can be severely inflamed and infected.

Acne Rosacea is a variant that typically causes a red nose and is more
common in older people than in young people, mostly affecting those
who are aged 30 and above. It commonly appears as red rash, which are
normally confined, to the cheeks, nose, forehead and chin. The redness is
often accompanied by bumps and pimples. Blood vessels may also become
more visible on the skin. People with this kind of acne rarely have pimples.
These flashes can be triggered by certain foods like spicy foods and alcohol.

Mike Walden is a certified nutritionist, independent medical researcher,
natural health consultant and author of the #1 best-selling e-book, "Acne
No More- Open The Door To An Acne Free Life." Mike has written
dozens of holistic health articles and has been featured in ezines and
print magazines, as well as on hundreds of websites worldwide. For
information on Mike's Holistic Clear Skin program,

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Acne Treatments Review

  • 1. ACNE AND PROGESTERONE. Acne, progesterone and the relationship between the two is an idea that many medical researchers have considered when studying the cause and treatment of acne. Acne is a common chronic skin disorder that affects millions of people of every age, gender, and race. In fact, almost 90% of the world’s population suffers with acne. Some studies have shown that acne and progesterone have a connection in terms of causes and treatment. The connection appears to be more evident with the fact that while progesterone is considered a factor that triggers the development of acne, it is also considered a key to fighting acne. In trying to explain further the connection between acne and progesterone, researchers have discovered that prior to menstruation there is a hormonal imbalance in the female body, as progesterone secretions increase. It has been noted that in the luteal phase of the menstrual cycle (from after ovulation to the end of the cycle), progesterone is secreted abundantly by the corpus lutcum. As this occurs, the body uses a large amount of pantothenic acid from the body’s stores, leading to a re-distribution of the vitamin as well as placing enormous pressure on fatty acid metabolism. The idea of the connection between acne and progesterone further holds that when the metabolic process is not functioning optimally, the lipid then starts to form into a mass in the sebaceous glands -- the oil producing glands. It is here where the acne and progesterone relationship becomes more evident, as the increase in sebum often results in an acne breakout. Most experts involved in researching the link between acne and progesterone conclude that this process is the main function of their
  • 2. relationship. Even though progesterone has no known impact on the functioning of the oil producing glands, the high levels of progesterone in the late stage of the luteal phase usually spell disaster for those prone to acne. Further studies are needed before we understand the real connection between acne and progesterone. Whether progesterone simply creates conditions ripe for acne, or is somehow linked to the treatment of the skin condition remains unknown. It is hoped that in the future, a better understanding of acne will lead to more effective treatments being developed. If You Want To Skip This Acne Scars Treatment Article Content, Please Click Here.. ACNE AND YOUR SKIN TYPE. It can be hard to have acne, and even harder to find the product that will help you in your struggle to be free of it. One thing that makes acne treatment so difficult is the sheer number and variety of acne treatment products currently on the market. While it is easy to find acne treatments, locating the treatment product that is right for you can give you a headache. It can be irritating to go through all those different types of acne treatment products. And how do you know which product will work for your skin? There are ways you can simplify this search and get the product that you need much quicker. The best place to start your acne treatment products search is not with the products. The place to start is with your skin. In order to determine the best
  • 3. treatment for your acne, you need to know your skin type. There are three basic skin types, the most common of which is combination skin. Oily Skin Oily skin is often shiny and it attracts a lot of dirt and dust. This often causes blackheads when you have acne. Oily skin also generally has larger pores, and is coarse to the touch. Very oily skin does not require you to use any moisturizer at all, but it does require a good face wash and cleanser. You can also use alcohol-based products to help dry out your skin. Dry Skin Dry skin looks dry and often flakes. Dry skin can also be more sensitive to sun, wind and cold. This skin is usually less prone to acne. To treat dry skin, use moisturizers that will lubricate your skin. Also, avoid products containing alcohol, as alcohol will dry your skin even more. Combination Skin Combination skin is what most people have, where the oily T-zone comes into play. (The T-Zone is the zone made horizontally by your forehead, and vertically by your nose and chin.) This type of skin usually requires products that are specifically for combination skin. Normal to Oily: Oily skin in the T-Zone, normal skin on the cheeks Dry to Oily: Dry skin on the cheeks, oily skin in the T-Zone After you find out what type of skin you have, finding the right product will become much easier. Reading more about the difference skin types will help you understand your skin, and how it reacts. Work with this knowledge to identify the productst that are right for your face. If You Want To Skip This Acne Scars Treatment Article Content, Please Click Here..
  • 4. ACNE MYTHS AND COMMON MISCONCEPTIONS. Acne afflicts many people all over the world. There are also many rumors floating around about the causes, treatments, and anything else related to acne. Here are some myths and truths that can help clear up some of the rumors about acne: The more you clean your skin, the better your acne will get. Acne is caused by oil in your skin, not by the dirt on your face. While it’s important to cleanse your skin twice a day, cleaning more than that can overly dry your skin. Many people believe cleansing all the time will actually worsen the condition. Eating fatty foods will make your acne worse. Specific food groups, such as fast food and chocolate, should not trigger breakouts; however, some people have breakouts due to reactions from certain foods. If you notice that you break out after eating a certain food, avoid it in the future. Your overall diet also contributes to skin health. Stress causes breakouts. Research has shown that breakouts are not triggered by stressful situations. If you experience acne problems before a big or stressful event, watch what you do with your hands. Leaning on your hands on your face can cause a breakout, something you may do in times of stress. Acne will clear up on its own. Most people are under the false impression that acne only afflicts teenagers; however everyone from babies to women in their 40’s can experience acne. Instead of waiting for it to go away, you should get it
  • 5. treated. Covering pimples with make-up will make them worse. As long as you use the right make-up, it should not cause breakouts. Buy make-up specifically designed for people with acne. If it still triggers breakouts, try a different brand. Just like food, different ingredients in make up can cause a reaction and result in a breakout. Pimples go away when you pop them. Never ever pop a zit. Contrary to popular belief, popping zits can make them worse rather than better. Popping a zit can cause infection, increase the likelihood of scarring, and slow healing. If you must try to speed up healing, spread the base of the zit apart instead of squeezing it. This opens up the pore allowing it to heal. If one medicine doesn’t work, you have to live with acne. There’s a reason that there’s not one acne medication on the market. It’s because not one product works for everyone. If one doesn’t work, keep trying. Also, it sometimes takes a while for medications to work. Don’t worry if a treatment doesn’t work after a week. A tan helps clear up acne. While a tan may make acne less visible, it will do nothing to clear up a breakout. Regular tanning can make your skin look old much faster and promotes skin cancers. The permanent damage you cause is not worth slightly decreasing the appearance of pimples. Once you know the facts about acne, you can learn to prevent breakouts and find the right medicine to help you get beautifully clear skin. If You Want To Skip This Acne Scars Treatment Article Content, Please Click Here..
  • 6. ACNE SCARS - A REVIEW Acne scars are the marks left behind by lesions that had not healed or had become inflamed. Their size, frequency and type depend on various genetic factors, which are particular to every person. Some persons are more likely to see scars forming on their skin, due to their heritage and skin color. This is why many people want to make sure their lesions will heal properly. There are only two types of acne scars. The simplest scar is nothing more than a spot of skin bearing a brown, pink or purple color, testimony to the fact that a pimple had been there. The second type is called the ice pick scar--the lesion leaves behind a small hole in the skin. Scars are usually left behind only by inflamed lesions, such as pustules, nodules or cysts. However, squeezing open a comedone could result in an inflamed lesion and a scar. Pigmented scars are the result of the skin’s own process of rebuilding the natural color in the healing tissue. The concentration of pigment can be lowered with various types of treatments, such as bleaching creams, lotions or laser surgery. The choice of over-the-counter products should depend on the type and severity of your acne. If you are not sure what to choose, talk to a dermatologist. Mild acne scars take up to six weeks to vanish. If the over-the-counter products don’t work, talk to your doctor again and he or she will recommend you a stronger treatment for scars, possibly even creams based on retinoids. This is done to prevent acne flare-ups and to promote the shedding of skin cells in and around the scars. The next level in acne scar treatment is the chemical peeling of your skin. Glycolic, salicylic or lactic
  • 7. acid is used to peel away the damaged top layer of the skin and trigger the formation of a new and smoother layer. This procedure can be beneficial even for active acne. Peels are usually performed over a period of weeks or months and are mostly effective against pigmented scars. The second type of acne scars is more commonly treated with dermabrasion or laser resurfacing. Dermabrasion means that the top layer of the skin is removed with the help of a high-speed rotary wire brush or diamond-coated stone. This procedure requires more than one session for each scar and has the downside of not removing the scar at all. It simply makes it less visible. A better treatment for scars is the laser resurfacing of the skin. Similar to the effect of sun exposure, doctors use the concentrated light of the laser beam to burn off a smaller or bigger part of the top layer of the skin. Many dermatologists and cosmetic surgeons recommend this procedure over dermabrasion. If You Want To Skip This Acne Scars Treatment Article Content, Please Click Here.. KEEPING YOUR SKIN FREE FROM ACNE SCARS. Many people suffering from acne are familiar with the problem of acne scars. While acne is enough of a problem on its own, the issue of more or less permanent scars makes everything even more complicated. Pimples are a tempting target for squeezing or picking open in what may be seen as a futile attempt to get rid of them. However, squeezing and picking is exactly what you should refrain from doing because it will only make everything worse. I know that you heard this advice a million times, but do try to keep your hands away fro your face. For one thing, your hands have a lot of germs
  • 8. and bacteria, mainly because the hands are the most exposed part of the body, the limbs with which you grab and use all manner of not very clean objects. This means that bringing your hands in contact with your face skin is guaranteed to transfer a load of germs and bacteria from the hand to the face. Worse, all these germs and bacteria are transferred exactly in the area where your squeezing is opening a breach in the skin. In other words, you are bringing the enemy right to the gate. Depending on the type of acne you are suffering from and on your face skin type, pimples that have been picked or squeezed open can turn to scars, leaving an unpleasantly looking skin behind. While squeezing pimples is not a good idea, but tolerable within certain bounds, you should absolutely refrain from trying to remove scars yourself. This is definitely a job for a trained physician who uses the right tools for the job. Tampering with scars will make matters worse. If you feel you cannot live with them, then make an appointment with a dermatologist and have them removed. Alternatively, you could try to buy an acne treatment in order to keep your skin clear and prevent pimples from even forming. The best anti- acne system around is the ClearPores system. Featuring deep facial and body washes, herbal pills and a protection cream, ClearPores makes sure your pores are clean of grime and sebum and those bacteria do not get the chance to start multiplying in a clogged sebaceous follicle. This system is the absolute best at stopping acne from being a problem. If You Want To Skip This Acne Scars Treatment Article Content, Please Click Here.
  • 9. THE MOST COMMON VARIATIONS OF ACNE. The term acne does not mean JUST pimples. Acne is a term for plugged pores (blackheads, whiteheads), pimples and even deeper lumps (cysts or nodules), that occur on the face, neck, chest, back, shoulders and even the upper arms. There are several common variations of acne, according to skin experts. Types of acne: Acne Vulgaris (common acne) includes several types of lesions, usually called blackhead, whitehead, papules, pustules, nodules and cyst. Mild to moderate acne vulgaris is characterized by the following: Blackheads are caused by partially blocked pores. The black appearance is caused by melanin pigment from dead skin cells. Blackheads tend to be stable structures, and often take a long time to clear. Whiteheads are caused by completely blocked pores. The white appearance is caused by the bacteria inside turning the sebum into free fatty acid. The whitehead differs in color from the blackhead because the opening of the plugged sebaceous follicle to the skin’s surface is closed or very narrow, in contrast to the distended follicular opening of the blackhead. Don'ts: Neither blackheads nor whiteheads should be squeezed or picked open, unless extracted by a dermatologist under sterile conditions. Tissue injured by squeezing or picking can become infected by staphylococci, streptococci and other skin bacteria. Papules are small, red, tender bumps or spots. A group of very small papules and microcomedones may be almost invisible but have
  • 10. a "sandpaper" feel to the touch. A papule is caused by localized cellular reaction to the process of acne. Pustules are larger, red and inflamed-pus filled spots. On the other hand, severe acne vulgaris is characterized by: Nodules are large and hard bumps under the skin’s surface. Unlike a papule, a nodule is characterized by inflammation, extends into deeper layers of the skin and may cause tissue destruction that results in scarring. A nodule may be very painful. Cysts are similar to nodules but can be severely inflamed and infected. Acne Rosacea is a variant that typically causes a red nose and is more common in older people than in young people, mostly affecting those who are aged 30 and above. It commonly appears as red rash, which are normally confined, to the cheeks, nose, forehead and chin. The redness is often accompanied by bumps and pimples. Blood vessels may also become more visible on the skin. People with this kind of acne rarely have pimples. These flashes can be triggered by certain foods like spicy foods and alcohol. Mike Walden is a certified nutritionist, independent medical researcher, natural health consultant and author of the #1 best-selling e-book, "Acne No More- Open The Door To An Acne Free Life." Mike has written dozens of holistic health articles and has been featured in ezines and print magazines, as well as on hundreds of websites worldwide. For information on Mike's Holistic Clear Skin program, visit: