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The benefits of ozone are now well proven and can include cost
savings and reduced effluent load


                               he first industrial pulp bleaching line including   effluents to 4-6 m3/air dry tonne4. Of course investors
                               an ozone stage started 19 years ago. Today there    always focus on the return on investment (ROI) and it
                               are 22 mills worldwide using what is commonly       has now become clear to all ozone users that bleach-
                      named light-ECF bleaching. Among those 22 mills, 16          ing costs are reduced by 20-32% when introducing an
                      produce solely hardwood pulps, four produce both soft-       ozone stage in an ECF bleaching line 3,5,6,7 and even
                      wood and hardwood pulps while SCA in Östrand (Swe-           more in the case of TCF bleaching 8. The high bleach-
                      den) and Rosenthal in Blankenstein (Germany) produce         ing efficiency of ozone allows a drastic reduction in
                      exclusively softwood pulp1. Thirteen mills started ozone     the consumption of expensive bleaching chemicals
                      bleaching in the early years of the 21st century and three   - chlorine dioxide in ECF bleaching and hydrogen
                      mills equipped two of their bleaching lines with ozone:      peroxide in TCF bleaching as well as sodium hydrox-
                      Oji Paper in Tomioka (Japan), Fibria in Jacarei (Brazil)     ide in both cases - and the implementation of ozone
                      and ITC in Bhadrachalam (India). Fibria selected ozone       bleaching also results in reduced of steam require-
                      bleaching in 2002 for Jacarei’s new 2,500-tonne/day line     ments during the bleaching process. The ROI in the
                      C after having operated ozone bleaching as from 1995         replacement of a D0-stage by an ozone Z-stage lies
                      on its 900-tonne/day line B. This decision clearly shows     between two and four years 1,6.
                      that ozone bleaching has met all requirements and                 Without affecting the pulp strength properties
                      expectations on line B for seven years.                      in comparison with conventional ECF sequences,
                           In April 2011, four new ozone generation sys-           bleaching with an ozone stage additionally gives a
                      tems have been contracted and will start operating           wide range of opportunities by:
                      in 2012 for:                                                 - making very high brightness levels possible (92-
                      - a 700,000-tonne/yr capacity Chinese greenfield mill          93% ISO)2,9;
                        owned by Oji Paper (the company already uses               - decreasing brightness reversion2,8,10;
                        ozone in its Japanese mills);                              - reducing drastically the extractive content10,11 by
                      - a pulp production capacity increase in Austria at            50-75%8,12;
                        Lenzing;                                                   - reducing energy requirements during refining by at
                      - two pulp production capacity increases in Brazil             least 10%3,13;
                        (confidential).                                            - precisely controlling the viscosity in viscose pulp
                          Ozone bleaching is efficiently used on hardwood
                      and softwood pulps, on kraft and sulphite pulps dedi-             Nevertheless, arguing that ECF bleaching has
                      cated to all kinds of final applications. Pulp produc-       already been used in the industry for 30 years, a
                      ers do not always evaluate the significant ecological        number of conservative pulp producers still con-
                      advantages of ozone-based bleaching sequences over           sider the bleaching sequence D0-Eop-D1-D2 and
                      the traditional ECF bleaching sequence D0-Eop-D1-            its variants- as the best alternative today. One should
                      D2 (or its variants): the quality of wastewater is drasti-   however be aware that within the next 20 years,
                      cally improved 2,3 as it is possible to lower bleaching      the pulp and paper industry will have to carry out

34                                                                                  August 2011     Pulp & Paper International (PPI)

significant modernisations to retain its competitive-      HIGH CONSISTENCY (HC) OZONE
ness and, in turn such a traditional ECF bleaching         BLEACHING
will then be over 50 years old. This position could
be understood if no better technique was available.        The first commercial HC ozone bleaching started in
But considering the very good results and proven           1992 at the Union Camp mill in Franklin, VA. Accord-
stable operation achieved today by a large number          ing to the C-Free® process implemented there, the
of industrial ozone-based light-ECF and TCF bleach         pulp was pH adjusted, pressed to high consistency
plants, such a conservative attitude can’t be justified    (40%), fluffed and transferred to the ozone paddle
any longer.                                                reactor operating at atmospheric pressure14. The C-
     The industrial use of ozone has already under-
gone a long string of improvements and develop-
ments. As with other new technologies, ozone bleach-
ing did not immediately reach its optimal technical
efficiency but faced several issues during its early
years. All the same, achievements of ozone bleaching
have improved year in year out and it is now a well
proven technology. Nevertheless, some pulp produc-
                                                                                       Fig. 1 - OZONE FORMATION IN AN ELECTRICAL FIELD
ers still remember the difficulties faced in the early
years and, unfortunately, this still represents a very
serious drawback towards the modernization of their
pulp mills. By doing a brief survey of ozone applica-
tion in pulp bleaching development over the past 20
years, the present article aims to draw specialists’ and
investors’ attention to practices and technologies that
helped ozone bleaching become the most advanced
and promising technology.


Ozone generation is a pure on-site technology requir-
ing only energy and oxygen (usually also produced on
site from a VPSA plant). Ozone (O3) is produced from
oxygen (O2) in an electrical field at a concentration of
12% by weight, Fig. 1.
     Modern ozone generators are 50% more efficient
than the ones used in the first ozone pulp bleaching
                                                                                       Fig. 2 - Z-COMPACT SYSTEM IN CELTEJO (PORTUGAL)
applications. Z-Compact-Systems, Fig. 2, were spe-
cially designed for the pulp and paper industry and
they are able to produce up to 250kg O3/h (6 tons/
day) per unit.
     Today, ozone production only requires 7 to 8
kWh/kg of ozone and as a result, 1 kg ozone is now
cheaper than 1 kg of chlorine dioxide. Based on a
“plug and play” principle, modern ozone genera-
tion units are easy to operate and can deliver the full
ozone capacity in less than one minute with an avail-
                                                                                   Fig. 3- HC OZONE BLEACHING IN THE 1990S AND TODAY
ability higher than 99%.

Pulp & Paper International (PPI) A u g u s t 2 0 1 1                                                                                35

            Free® was provided by Sunds Defibrator until the late      MEDIUM CONSISTENCY (MC) OZONE
            1990s in the US, Sweden, South Africa and Germany.         BLEACHING
                 Modern HC ozone bleaching uses the ZeTracTM
            technology provided by Metso which is a much               Improvements in MC ozone bleaching consist in fact
            simplified version of the C-Free, Fig. 35. The experi-     of alterations to the ozone mixers. This is no wonder
            ence gained from the first industrial installations        since the ozone mixer is the core of the MC Z-stage
            showed that ozone requires very short (around 1            and the quality of the final pulp depends on its ef-
            minute) contacting time with the pulp and that a 5-10      ficiency. It is worth remembering that the very few
            minute extraction stage after the Z-stage is in most       mills which faced quality issues are those where the
            cases sufficient. These observations allowed the size      first MC ozone bleaching technique was implement-
            of reactors to be reduced, which lowered investment        ed: this was mainly due to a non homogenous mixing
            costs. Then the plug screw feeder, the refiner fluffer     and a mixer which mechanically affected the fibers.
            and the washing stage prior to the extraction stage             Andritz, GL&V and Lenzing Technik are the three
            could all be eliminated. These drastic simplifications     suppliers of MC ozone mixers and all MC Z-stages are
            led to significant reduction of the capital expenditure,   designed according to the same principles. Industrial
            energy requirements, maintenance costs as well as          practice has shown that Andritz technology requires
            effluent volume5.                                          two mixers in series for a 3-6 kg/tonne ozone dose to
                 Figure 3 shows the principle of the modern            obtain the optimal bleaching efficiency while Lenzing
            ZeTrac system. The pulp is acidified and then pressed      Technik considers that one single mixer of its own is
            to high consistency (38-42%). Such a high consis-          sufficient for a 4-5 kg/tonne ozone charge.
            tency is a prerequisite to facilitate the rapid contact         Because of the larger amount of filtrate around
            between ozone gas and well fluffed pulp and so             the fibers at 12% pulp consistency, the reaction must
            preserves the reaction efficiency. Once dewatered,         take place in a pressurized (7-8 bar) reactor and con-
            the pulp is fluffed in a shredder screw on the top of      sequently the total gas flow (oxygen and ozone) must
            the press and fed by gravity into the reactor. Ozone is    be compressed accordingly. A typical MC ozone stage
            added to the reactor which is operated at a pressure       from Andritz, Fig. 4, features a MC pump that feeds
            slightly below atmospheric. After the reactor, the pulp    the pulp to the ozone stage, two ozone mixers in
            is diluted with alkaline liquor.                           series, a pressurized reaction tube, a flow discharger
                                                                       at the reactor top and a blow tube11.
                                                                            It was noticed that the whole reaction process
                                                                       takes place in the mixers while the “reactor” has no
                                                                       effect on the ozone reaction but only guarantees a
                                                                       stable flow to the blow tube11. It is now possible to
                                                                       decrease the gas pressure from 12 bar to 9 bar and
                                                                       thus reduce operating costs.
                                                                            Andritz improved the original Ahlström mixer
                                                                       efficiency by reducing the gas bubble size without
                                                                       making any fundamental change in the design of the
                                                                       mixer but only increasing turbulence and mitigating
                                                                       the mechanical action12. It makes the mixing a lot
                                                                       more homogenous and maintains pulp strength all
                                                                       along ozonation.
                                                                            Lenzing started a MC ozone mixing system
                                                                       from Kvaerner in 1992 and has since investigated all
                                                                       possible improvements in MC ozone bleaching. It
                                                                       has been a pioneer in ozone bleaching for almost 20
                  Fig. 4 - TYPICAL MC OZONE STAGE AND MIXER
                                                                       years. As a result, LenzingTechnik designed its own

36                                                                      August 2011    Pulp & Paper International (PPI)

ozone MC mixers (called Eccentric Mixers) imple-           lower than the ratio of softwood/hardwood bleached
menting the revolutionary idea of an asymmetric            pulps produced in those countries.
design to increase both fluidization of the pulp and            Numerous studies carried out during the 1990s
retention time16.                                          and in the more recent years have shown that the se-
    And this proved to work: Lenzing upgraded its          lectivity of ozone against lignin is very high. It is now
two bleaching lines in 2004 with modern Eccentric          established that the reaction kinetic of ozone with
Mixers and the use of the new mixing technology            typical lignin structures is 10 to 1,000 times higher
resulted in a 2.5 ISO brightness points increase for       than with carbohydrates, Fig. 517.
the same ozone dose! Actually, Lenzing reduced its              This means that as long as there is some remain-
bleaching chemical costs by 50% on line 1 and 38%          ing lignin (even only 0.5-1.5%) a well-operated ozone
on line B16.                                               bleaching process does not impact the cellulose more
                                                           than any other bleaching stage (a chlorine dioxide
PULP QUALITY                                               one for example). In fact, according to the best wood
                                                           chemistry specialists15,17, the reaction kinetic of ozone
Since the first commercial ozone bleaching instal-         with lignin is 1,000 times higher than the kinetic of
lation was started, enhancements to the ozone              cellulose oxidation or depolymerisation by ozone.
bleaching process have been conducted jointly by           Those scientific results are confirmed by the follow-
laboratories on the chemical side and by both the          ing industrial experience of ozone bleaching.
industry and equipment suppliers on the operational             In 1998, the Domtar mill in Espanola, ON,
and technical sides. Improvements in ozone bleach-         switched from the ECF O-A-D-E-DnD sequence to
ing efficiency were boosted by the development             the light-ECF O-A-ZD-E-DnD sequence for bleach-
of automatic control systems, mainly as a result of        ing pulp up to 93% ISO brightness. Comparing the
achievements in the accuracy and reliability of elec-      two sequences Domtar noticed “ozone has no impact
tronics. It is now possible to adjust very precisely the   on viscosity or PFI strength properties and in paper
ozone dosage, pH, retention time and temperature in        machine performance”9.
the Z-stage. These improvements now fully guarantee             The Mondi mill in Ruzomberok (Slovakia)
the pulp quality after ozone bleaching.                    produces hardwood and softwood pulps at 89% ISO
     When ozone bleaching started to develop in the        brightness and switched in 2004 from a D-Eop-D-
early 1990s, the use of such a powerful oxidant in com-
bination with yet non-optimized process parameters
(the most important issue being the mixing homogene-
ity) resulted sometimes in uneven pulp delignification
and affected the pulp mechanical properties. Practices
improved step by step and opportunities soon replaced
difficulties, yet many pulp producers still believe that
the quality of ozone bleached pulp, especially soft-
wood, is lower than traditional ECF bleached pulp.
     Since most of the mills using ozone are produc-
ing hardwood pulps, some people even believe that
this evidence sustains the alleged lower strength of
softwood ozone bleached pulps. The true explana-
tion instead is rather simple: ozone bleaching is
mostly implemented in Europe, Brazil, South Africa,
Australia, India and Japan, all countries deficient in
softwood resources. Thus, such an argument does not
                                                                                 Fig. 5 - MAIN OZONE REACTIONS WITH LIGNIN COMPOUNDS
stand considering that 25% of the mills using ozone
                                                                                                                  AND CARBOHYDRATES
are producing softwood pulps. This proportion is not

Pulp & Paper International (PPI) A u g u s t 2 0 1 1                                                                              37

            E-D bleaching to a ZEo-DnD one. It should first be            At this stage it is worth remembering that gener-
            noticed that there was only one washing stage (after     ally, the tensile index is increased by refining while
            ZEo) in the new process. Mondi compared hardwood         the tear index follows the opposite trend and it is
            and softwood pulp strength parameters of the new         impossible to increase both of them at the same time.
            pulps with the ones of the former pulps set as the       Nevertheless the mill reported that the paper machine
            reference (100%); only minor differences could be        runnability was not affected and the final paper prop-
            seen in standard pulp properties, Table 118.             erties were even better than expected (stiffness)13.
                                                                          Hardwood pulp properties were particularly
                                                                     excellent and the hardwood proportion in the paper
             WITH ECF AT 27°SR FOR BOTH HW AND SW                    machine furnish was increased over 90%13. In 2005
                                                                     Mondi Ruzomberok set up a new world record for
                              Hardwood          Softwood             copy paper production at 1,500 m/min13,18. Of course,
                PFI rev              89                90            these two achievements would not have been pos-
                Burst Index         100                97            sible with a lower pulp quality than before.
                Tear Index           92                90                 Moreover, the Ruzomberok mill has kept improv-
                Breaking Length     104               102            ing the Z-stage operation and its bleaching process
                Tensile Index       102               102            by installing a pressurized (PO) stage in place of the
                Stiffness            93                94            last D stage in August 2008. Current pulp strength
                                                                     properties are excellent and would make most pulp
                                                                     mills envious, Fig. 6.
                 Concerning hardwood pulp, energy requirements            Ozone bleaching process improvements never
            for refining dropped by 11%, burst was maintained,       stopped. The ITC mill in Bhadrachalam (India)
            breaking length and tensile index increased while        started ozone bleaching in 2007 after five years of ECF
            tear and stiffness decreased. Meanwhile, for softwood    bleaching operation. Its results are clear19:
            pulp, refining energy was again reduced significantly,   •	 the	breaking	length	increased	by	5.5%;
            tensile properties increased marginally while burst,     •	 the	burst	factor	increased	by	10%;
            tear and stiffness showed some reduction.                •	 the	tear	factor	increased	by	6%;


38                                                                    August 2011     Pulp & Paper International (PPI)

•	 the	bleaching	chemicals	cost	decreased	by	about	          65 kg/tonne of low-pressure steam only are necessary
   450 Rs/tonne ($10/tonne).                                 for the Ze-DD bleaching sequence.
                                                                  As an example, implementation of the ozone
O P E R AT I N G PA R A M E T E R S                          stage at Bhadrachalam led to a 50% drop in steam
                                                             consumption in comparison to the former D-Eop-D
Pulp temperature is one important operating param-           bleaching sequence21.
eter that has been tuned. Ozonation was initially car-            Steam savings are the highest in the case of hard-
ried out at 40°C in the 1990s and such a low tempera-        wood pulp bleaching where usually a first A-stage
ture was not very convenient as the Z-stage is located       (acidic) or DHT-stage (D-stage at hot temperature) is
right after the 85-95°C oxygen delignification and           implemented. Such A or DHT stages have 2 targets:
before an alkaline extraction or a chlorine dioxide          •	 removing hexenuronic acids which are responsible
stage (after a few MC ozone stages) generally carried           for parasite chlorine dioxide consumption and
out at around 60-80°C. Therefore, it is necessary to            brightness reversion;
cool the pulp before reheating it.                           •	 cleaning	the	pulp	from	transition	metals	which	
     It was thought that a higher temperature would             are known to decompose H2O2 and responsible
lower the Z-stage efficiency, speed up the ozone                for weakening of the cellulose during peroxide
decomposition, increase the negative effect of transi-          bleaching.
tion metals and ultimately decrease the pulp quality.
Slowly, throughout industrial trials, it appeared that            By removing transition metals the A-stage ef-
such fears were totally unfounded. Several results           fectively replaces the use of a chelating agent. Acidic
have demonstrated that for hardwood pulp the Z-              stages were built prior to the ozone stage in the
stage temperature could be increased up to 60°C and          1990s at the UPM mill in Pietarsaari (Finland), at the
sometimes even higher without any negative effect            Sateri mill in Bahia (Brazil), at Fibria Jacarei and at
on pulp strength and brightness9,13,18.                      Espanola. But today there is no doubt that the imple-
     For example, data from Ruzomberok show that             mentation of an A-stage reduces both pulp strength
an increase of the Z-stage temperature from 43°C to          properties and pulp yield22.
61°C gives a higher brightness (+1.8% ISO), a lower               Of course, there is no such problem of hex-
brightness reversion, a higher stiffness and a better        enuronic acids in the case of softwood pulp bleach-
ozone delignification efficiency, with all other proper-     ing. But the issue of transition metals remains and
ties (PFI rev, Burst Index, Tear Index, Tensile Index        in the 1990s Swedish mills SCA Östrand and Nordic
and Bulk) unaltered, Table 213,20.                           Paper Säffle as well as the Rosenthal mill in Blan-
     Domtar Espanola first operated the Z-stage at           kenstein (Germany) chose to start their bleaching
55°C. When it decided to increase the ozone stage            sequence with a Q-stage (chelation).
temperature to 60°C, it increased delignification by              Such A-stages or Q-stages are costly because they
5-10% and gained 1 point ISO brightness. Today, it is        require a tower (with 2-3 hours retention time for
operating the ozone stage at 70°C9.                          the later) and the use of expensive chemicals. Yet in-
     All HW pulp mills which set up an ozone stage in        dustrial light-ECF and ozone based TCF experiences
the past 5-6 years are running the Z stage at a 55°C mini-
mum. This also resulted in significant steam savings. For
                                                              Table 2 - IMPACT OF TEMPERATURE ON THE KAPPA INDEX, ISO BRIGHTNESS
example, Ruzomberok reduced its steam requirements            AND BRIGHTNESS REVERSION AT MONDI RUZOMBEROK
by 75% by running the Z-stage at 58-61°C 13.
     Metso has shown industrially that steam require-              Temp in Z                            43°C           43°C    58°C    61°C
ments for light-ECF bleaching are only 25% of steam                Kappa number after Z(EO)               4.1            4.0     4.0    3.8
requirements for conventional ECF bleaching in                     ClO2 charge, kg/adt (DCS data)        24.5           23.5    24.7   24.4
the case of HW pulp8. While the bleaching sequence                 Brightness, % ISO                     85.9           85.2    86.6   87.7
DHT-Eop-D requires 249 kg/tonne of low-pressure                    Reverted brightness, % ISO            81.8           82.2    83.9   85.9
steam and 40 kg/tonne of medium-pressure steam,

Pulp & Paper International (PPI) A u g u s t 2 0 1 1                                                                                     39

            have shown that the installation of those A-stages or            In the 1990s it was common to fully bleach the
            Q-stages should be avoided.                                  pulp with six or even seven stages as in the following
                 The hexenuronic acids content is reduced by at          sequences:
            least 60% in the ozone stage23. This makes the ozone         - A-ZD-Eop-ZD-Ep in Pietarsaari (Finland);
            stage even more efficient than any A-stage and it            - Q-OP-D-Z-PO-P in Blankenstein;
            partly explains why ozone bleached pulps have a              - A-ZD-Eo-DnD in Espanola.
            lower brightness reversion than other pulps.
                 Actually, removal of transition metals is efficiently       Bleaching sequences built in the last decade for
            carried out during the ozone stage where the pH              both hardwood and softwood pulps usually have only
            is acidic (usually 2.5-3). Awareness of this avoids          three or four stages and vary little from one another:
            investing in any acid or chelating stage when ozone          - Z-D-Ep-D at Nippon PaperYufutsu (Japan);
            is applied, and results in operating cost savings. As a      - ZEop-D-P at Mondi Ruzomberok;
            result, only two of the 16 pulp bleaching lines having       - ZD-E-D at Nippon Paper Maryvale (Australia);
            started ozone since 2000 use an A-stage and none of          - Ze-DP at ITC Bhadrachalam, Fig. 7;
            them use chelating agents.                                   - Z(EOP)-(PO) at Sniace (Spain, sulphite pulp for
                                                                          dissolving grades);
            BLEACHING SEQUENCES                                          - Ze-D-P at Celtejo (Portugal).

            The proven economical, technical and environmen-                  These bleaching sequences reflect the continuous
            tal advantages, the development of oxygen deligni-           and impressive developments of ozone application
            fication as well as improvements in ozone bleaching          in light-ECF bleaching process and clearly show the
            and in the whole pulping process over the last 20            worldwide interest of pulp makers in ozone bleaching.
            years, have allowed the bleaching sequence to be
            shortened by one, two or even three stages, while            CONCLUSIONS
            simultaneously increasing the brightness ceiling with
            2-3 points compared with what was possible.                  Ozone bleaching has already been industrially imple-

                                                                                       Fig. 7 - LINE 2 AT ITC BHADRACHALAM

40                                                                        August 2011     Pulp & Paper International (PPI)

mented, experienced and improved for 18 years. It          4. CAMPO, R. and MARQUES, P Results Pulp & Paper
is a well proven and safe process, currently used by       3, 32 (2009).
some reference pulp mills among the most modern            5. BOKSTRÖM, M., African Pulp and Paper Week
in the world. Its advantages in terms of bleaching cost    2002, Durban, South Africa.
savings, effluent load reduction and ease of use can       6. HOSTACHY, J.-C., Tappi J., 9(8): 16(2010).
no longer be questioned. It is applicable to all kind of   7. CAMPO, R. and SUNDIN, M., Proceedings of the
pulps and has no negative effect on their mechanical       EFPG Days 2004, Grenoble, France.
properties.                                                8. WENNERSTRÖM, M. et al, International Colloqui-
     The Z-stage takes place in just one minute and        um on Eucalyptus Pulp 2007, Belo Horizonte, Brazil.
both HC and MC technologies are recognized as fully        9. GARTLEY, B., Ozone Delignification at Domtar
reliable, safe and stable processes.                       Espanola, paper presented at the PAPTAC Bleaching
     High-consistency ozone bleaching is performed         Committee, Oct. 21-23 2002.
at atmospheric pressure. Behind the ozone reactor,         10. CHIRAT, C., et al., Proceedings of the ABTCP 2008,
it requires only a 5-10 minutes long extraction stage      Sao Paulo, Brazil.
and no intermediate washing is necessary. This solu-       11. VEHMAA, J. and PIKKA, O., Proceedings of Paperex
tion allows the E filtrate to be recycled back to the      2007, New Delhi, India.
brown stock or post-oxygen washing and further to          12. PIKKA, O., Proceedings of the EFPG Days 2004,
the recovery boiler, and so the total bleaching effluent   Grenoble, France.
can drop to 4-6 m3/tonne.                                  13. TOMIS, B. and TUOMI, A., Proceedings of
     As a result of continuous improvements of the         Zellcheming 2006, Wiesbaden, Germany.
equipment and process automation as well as tuning         14. FERGUSON, K., Pulp & Paper, 66(11): 42 (1992).
of the operating conditions over a period of almost 20     15. CHIRAT, C., Proceedings of the EFPG Days 2007,
years, modern ozone bleaching is now recognised as         Grenoble, France.
a state of the art technology for both hardwood and        16. LenzingTechnik, Eccentric Mixer - an innovation
softwood pulps.                                            from LenzingTechnik, commercial presentation.
     There are neither technical nor economical            17. LACHENAL, D., Proceedings of the EFPG Days
reasons to stick to a 30-year-old conventional ECF         2005, Grenoble, France.
process. The use of a light-ECF bleaching sequence         18. NORSTEDT, Å. and LINDSTRÖM, L.-Å., ATCP Con-
can by itself decrease bleaching costs by more than        ference 2006.
20% and lead to the same pulp strengths with better        19. KUMAR, K.R., Proceedings of Paperex 2009, New
optical properties and refining ability. Ozone bleach-     Delhi, India.
ing is by far the most valuable solution not only for      20. BALAZ, P Proceedings of Zellcheming 2006, Wies-
forerunners but for all pulp mills. PPI                    baden, Germany.
                                                           21. PADMANABHAN, A. et al, paper presented at the
Emil Germer, Saint-Petersburg State Forest Technical       National Award for Excellence in Energy Management
Academy; Alexis Métais, Jean-Christophe Hostachy,          2007, 22-23 August 2008, Pune, India.
ITT Wedeco                                                 22. KOBAYASHI, T. et al, Japan Tappi, 59 (2005).
                                                           23. NORDÉN, S., ZeTrac Forum 2004, Rochehaut,
LITERATURE                                                 Belgium.
1. MÉTAIS, A., Proceedings of the TAPPSA National          24. ENGELFELDT A., internal training for ITC.
Conference 2010, Durban, South Africa.
2. CARRÉ, G. and WENNERSTRÖM, M., Proceedings
of the International Pulp Bleaching Conference 2005,
Stockholm, Sweden.
3. NORDÉN, S. et al., Eco-Friendly Bleaching with                     To read more articles on Chemicals, visit our Chemicals
ZeTracTM, paper presented at the IPPTA Annual Gen-                    Technology Channel at
eral Meeting & Seminar 2006, Chennai, India.

Pulp & Paper International (PPI) A u g u s t 2 0 1 1                                                                                   41

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Achievements In Industrial Ozone Bleaching Ppi

  • 1. bleaching By EMIL GERMER, ALEXIS MÉTAIS and JEAN-CHRISTOPHE HOSTACHY The benefits of ozone are now well proven and can include cost savings and reduced effluent load ACHIEVEMENTS IN INDUSTRIAL OZONE BLEACHING T he first industrial pulp bleaching line including effluents to 4-6 m3/air dry tonne4. Of course investors an ozone stage started 19 years ago. Today there always focus on the return on investment (ROI) and it are 22 mills worldwide using what is commonly has now become clear to all ozone users that bleach- named light-ECF bleaching. Among those 22 mills, 16 ing costs are reduced by 20-32% when introducing an produce solely hardwood pulps, four produce both soft- ozone stage in an ECF bleaching line 3,5,6,7 and even wood and hardwood pulps while SCA in Östrand (Swe- more in the case of TCF bleaching 8. The high bleach- den) and Rosenthal in Blankenstein (Germany) produce ing efficiency of ozone allows a drastic reduction in exclusively softwood pulp1. Thirteen mills started ozone the consumption of expensive bleaching chemicals bleaching in the early years of the 21st century and three - chlorine dioxide in ECF bleaching and hydrogen mills equipped two of their bleaching lines with ozone: peroxide in TCF bleaching as well as sodium hydrox- Oji Paper in Tomioka (Japan), Fibria in Jacarei (Brazil) ide in both cases - and the implementation of ozone and ITC in Bhadrachalam (India). Fibria selected ozone bleaching also results in reduced of steam require- bleaching in 2002 for Jacarei’s new 2,500-tonne/day line ments during the bleaching process. The ROI in the C after having operated ozone bleaching as from 1995 replacement of a D0-stage by an ozone Z-stage lies on its 900-tonne/day line B. This decision clearly shows between two and four years 1,6. that ozone bleaching has met all requirements and Without affecting the pulp strength properties expectations on line B for seven years. in comparison with conventional ECF sequences, In April 2011, four new ozone generation sys- bleaching with an ozone stage additionally gives a tems have been contracted and will start operating wide range of opportunities by: in 2012 for: - making very high brightness levels possible (92- - a 700,000-tonne/yr capacity Chinese greenfield mill 93% ISO)2,9; owned by Oji Paper (the company already uses - decreasing brightness reversion2,8,10; ozone in its Japanese mills); - reducing drastically the extractive content10,11 by - a pulp production capacity increase in Austria at 50-75%8,12; Lenzing; - reducing energy requirements during refining by at - two pulp production capacity increases in Brazil least 10%3,13; (confidential). - precisely controlling the viscosity in viscose pulp production. Ozone bleaching is efficiently used on hardwood and softwood pulps, on kraft and sulphite pulps dedi- Nevertheless, arguing that ECF bleaching has cated to all kinds of final applications. Pulp produc- already been used in the industry for 30 years, a ers do not always evaluate the significant ecological number of conservative pulp producers still con- advantages of ozone-based bleaching sequences over sider the bleaching sequence D0-Eop-D1-D2 and the traditional ECF bleaching sequence D0-Eop-D1- its variants- as the best alternative today. One should D2 (or its variants): the quality of wastewater is drasti- however be aware that within the next 20 years, cally improved 2,3 as it is possible to lower bleaching the pulp and paper industry will have to carry out 34 August 2011 Pulp & Paper International (PPI)
  • 2. bleaching significant modernisations to retain its competitive- HIGH CONSISTENCY (HC) OZONE ness and, in turn such a traditional ECF bleaching BLEACHING will then be over 50 years old. This position could be understood if no better technique was available. The first commercial HC ozone bleaching started in But considering the very good results and proven 1992 at the Union Camp mill in Franklin, VA. Accord- stable operation achieved today by a large number ing to the C-Free® process implemented there, the of industrial ozone-based light-ECF and TCF bleach pulp was pH adjusted, pressed to high consistency plants, such a conservative attitude can’t be justified (40%), fluffed and transferred to the ozone paddle any longer. reactor operating at atmospheric pressure14. The C- The industrial use of ozone has already under- gone a long string of improvements and develop- ments. As with other new technologies, ozone bleach- ing did not immediately reach its optimal technical efficiency but faced several issues during its early years. All the same, achievements of ozone bleaching have improved year in year out and it is now a well proven technology. Nevertheless, some pulp produc- Fig. 1 - OZONE FORMATION IN AN ELECTRICAL FIELD ers still remember the difficulties faced in the early years and, unfortunately, this still represents a very serious drawback towards the modernization of their pulp mills. By doing a brief survey of ozone applica- tion in pulp bleaching development over the past 20 years, the present article aims to draw specialists’ and investors’ attention to practices and technologies that helped ozone bleaching become the most advanced and promising technology. O Z O N E G E N E R AT I O N Ozone generation is a pure on-site technology requir- ing only energy and oxygen (usually also produced on site from a VPSA plant). Ozone (O3) is produced from oxygen (O2) in an electrical field at a concentration of 12% by weight, Fig. 1. Modern ozone generators are 50% more efficient than the ones used in the first ozone pulp bleaching Fig. 2 - Z-COMPACT SYSTEM IN CELTEJO (PORTUGAL) applications. Z-Compact-Systems, Fig. 2, were spe- cially designed for the pulp and paper industry and they are able to produce up to 250kg O3/h (6 tons/ day) per unit. Today, ozone production only requires 7 to 8 kWh/kg of ozone and as a result, 1 kg ozone is now cheaper than 1 kg of chlorine dioxide. Based on a “plug and play” principle, modern ozone genera- tion units are easy to operate and can deliver the full ozone capacity in less than one minute with an avail- Fig. 3- HC OZONE BLEACHING IN THE 1990S AND TODAY ability higher than 99%. Pulp & Paper International (PPI) A u g u s t 2 0 1 1 35
  • 3. bleaching Free® was provided by Sunds Defibrator until the late MEDIUM CONSISTENCY (MC) OZONE 1990s in the US, Sweden, South Africa and Germany. BLEACHING Modern HC ozone bleaching uses the ZeTracTM technology provided by Metso which is a much Improvements in MC ozone bleaching consist in fact simplified version of the C-Free, Fig. 35. The experi- of alterations to the ozone mixers. This is no wonder ence gained from the first industrial installations since the ozone mixer is the core of the MC Z-stage showed that ozone requires very short (around 1 and the quality of the final pulp depends on its ef- minute) contacting time with the pulp and that a 5-10 ficiency. It is worth remembering that the very few minute extraction stage after the Z-stage is in most mills which faced quality issues are those where the cases sufficient. These observations allowed the size first MC ozone bleaching technique was implement- of reactors to be reduced, which lowered investment ed: this was mainly due to a non homogenous mixing costs. Then the plug screw feeder, the refiner fluffer and a mixer which mechanically affected the fibers. and the washing stage prior to the extraction stage Andritz, GL&V and Lenzing Technik are the three could all be eliminated. These drastic simplifications suppliers of MC ozone mixers and all MC Z-stages are led to significant reduction of the capital expenditure, designed according to the same principles. Industrial energy requirements, maintenance costs as well as practice has shown that Andritz technology requires effluent volume5. two mixers in series for a 3-6 kg/tonne ozone dose to Figure 3 shows the principle of the modern obtain the optimal bleaching efficiency while Lenzing ZeTrac system. The pulp is acidified and then pressed Technik considers that one single mixer of its own is to high consistency (38-42%). Such a high consis- sufficient for a 4-5 kg/tonne ozone charge. tency is a prerequisite to facilitate the rapid contact Because of the larger amount of filtrate around between ozone gas and well fluffed pulp and so the fibers at 12% pulp consistency, the reaction must preserves the reaction efficiency. Once dewatered, take place in a pressurized (7-8 bar) reactor and con- the pulp is fluffed in a shredder screw on the top of sequently the total gas flow (oxygen and ozone) must the press and fed by gravity into the reactor. Ozone is be compressed accordingly. A typical MC ozone stage added to the reactor which is operated at a pressure from Andritz, Fig. 4, features a MC pump that feeds slightly below atmospheric. After the reactor, the pulp the pulp to the ozone stage, two ozone mixers in is diluted with alkaline liquor. series, a pressurized reaction tube, a flow discharger at the reactor top and a blow tube11. It was noticed that the whole reaction process takes place in the mixers while the “reactor” has no effect on the ozone reaction but only guarantees a stable flow to the blow tube11. It is now possible to decrease the gas pressure from 12 bar to 9 bar and thus reduce operating costs. Andritz improved the original Ahlström mixer efficiency by reducing the gas bubble size without making any fundamental change in the design of the mixer but only increasing turbulence and mitigating the mechanical action12. It makes the mixing a lot more homogenous and maintains pulp strength all along ozonation. Lenzing started a MC ozone mixing system from Kvaerner in 1992 and has since investigated all possible improvements in MC ozone bleaching. It has been a pioneer in ozone bleaching for almost 20 Fig. 4 - TYPICAL MC OZONE STAGE AND MIXER years. As a result, LenzingTechnik designed its own 36 August 2011 Pulp & Paper International (PPI)
  • 4. bleaching ozone MC mixers (called Eccentric Mixers) imple- lower than the ratio of softwood/hardwood bleached menting the revolutionary idea of an asymmetric pulps produced in those countries. design to increase both fluidization of the pulp and Numerous studies carried out during the 1990s retention time16. and in the more recent years have shown that the se- And this proved to work: Lenzing upgraded its lectivity of ozone against lignin is very high. It is now two bleaching lines in 2004 with modern Eccentric established that the reaction kinetic of ozone with Mixers and the use of the new mixing technology typical lignin structures is 10 to 1,000 times higher resulted in a 2.5 ISO brightness points increase for than with carbohydrates, Fig. 517. the same ozone dose! Actually, Lenzing reduced its This means that as long as there is some remain- bleaching chemical costs by 50% on line 1 and 38% ing lignin (even only 0.5-1.5%) a well-operated ozone on line B16. bleaching process does not impact the cellulose more than any other bleaching stage (a chlorine dioxide PULP QUALITY one for example). In fact, according to the best wood chemistry specialists15,17, the reaction kinetic of ozone Since the first commercial ozone bleaching instal- with lignin is 1,000 times higher than the kinetic of lation was started, enhancements to the ozone cellulose oxidation or depolymerisation by ozone. bleaching process have been conducted jointly by Those scientific results are confirmed by the follow- laboratories on the chemical side and by both the ing industrial experience of ozone bleaching. industry and equipment suppliers on the operational In 1998, the Domtar mill in Espanola, ON, and technical sides. Improvements in ozone bleach- switched from the ECF O-A-D-E-DnD sequence to ing efficiency were boosted by the development the light-ECF O-A-ZD-E-DnD sequence for bleach- of automatic control systems, mainly as a result of ing pulp up to 93% ISO brightness. Comparing the achievements in the accuracy and reliability of elec- two sequences Domtar noticed “ozone has no impact tronics. It is now possible to adjust very precisely the on viscosity or PFI strength properties and in paper ozone dosage, pH, retention time and temperature in machine performance”9. the Z-stage. These improvements now fully guarantee The Mondi mill in Ruzomberok (Slovakia) the pulp quality after ozone bleaching. produces hardwood and softwood pulps at 89% ISO When ozone bleaching started to develop in the brightness and switched in 2004 from a D-Eop-D- early 1990s, the use of such a powerful oxidant in com- bination with yet non-optimized process parameters (the most important issue being the mixing homogene- ity) resulted sometimes in uneven pulp delignification and affected the pulp mechanical properties. Practices improved step by step and opportunities soon replaced difficulties, yet many pulp producers still believe that the quality of ozone bleached pulp, especially soft- wood, is lower than traditional ECF bleached pulp. Since most of the mills using ozone are produc- ing hardwood pulps, some people even believe that this evidence sustains the alleged lower strength of softwood ozone bleached pulps. The true explana- tion instead is rather simple: ozone bleaching is mostly implemented in Europe, Brazil, South Africa, Australia, India and Japan, all countries deficient in softwood resources. Thus, such an argument does not Fig. 5 - MAIN OZONE REACTIONS WITH LIGNIN COMPOUNDS stand considering that 25% of the mills using ozone AND CARBOHYDRATES are producing softwood pulps. This proportion is not Pulp & Paper International (PPI) A u g u s t 2 0 1 1 37
  • 5. bleaching E-D bleaching to a ZEo-DnD one. It should first be At this stage it is worth remembering that gener- noticed that there was only one washing stage (after ally, the tensile index is increased by refining while ZEo) in the new process. Mondi compared hardwood the tear index follows the opposite trend and it is and softwood pulp strength parameters of the new impossible to increase both of them at the same time. pulps with the ones of the former pulps set as the Nevertheless the mill reported that the paper machine reference (100%); only minor differences could be runnability was not affected and the final paper prop- seen in standard pulp properties, Table 118. erties were even better than expected (stiffness)13. Hardwood pulp properties were particularly excellent and the hardwood proportion in the paper Table 1 - RELATIVE PULP QUALITY FOR ECF-Z COMPARED WITH ECF AT 27°SR FOR BOTH HW AND SW machine furnish was increased over 90%13. In 2005 Mondi Ruzomberok set up a new world record for Hardwood Softwood copy paper production at 1,500 m/min13,18. Of course, PFI rev 89 90 these two achievements would not have been pos- Burst Index 100 97 sible with a lower pulp quality than before. Tear Index 92 90 Moreover, the Ruzomberok mill has kept improv- Breaking Length 104 102 ing the Z-stage operation and its bleaching process Tensile Index 102 102 by installing a pressurized (PO) stage in place of the Stiffness 93 94 last D stage in August 2008. Current pulp strength properties are excellent and would make most pulp mills envious, Fig. 6. Concerning hardwood pulp, energy requirements Ozone bleaching process improvements never for refining dropped by 11%, burst was maintained, stopped. The ITC mill in Bhadrachalam (India) breaking length and tensile index increased while started ozone bleaching in 2007 after five years of ECF tear and stiffness decreased. Meanwhile, for softwood bleaching operation. Its results are clear19: pulp, refining energy was again reduced significantly, • the breaking length increased by 5.5%; tensile properties increased marginally while burst, • the burst factor increased by 10%; tear and stiffness showed some reduction. • the tear factor increased by 6%; Fig. 6 - BLEACHING LINE AT MONDI RUZOMBEROK AND PULP STRENGTH PROPERTIES 38 August 2011 Pulp & Paper International (PPI)
  • 6. bleaching • the bleaching chemicals cost decreased by about 65 kg/tonne of low-pressure steam only are necessary 450 Rs/tonne ($10/tonne). for the Ze-DD bleaching sequence. As an example, implementation of the ozone O P E R AT I N G PA R A M E T E R S stage at Bhadrachalam led to a 50% drop in steam consumption in comparison to the former D-Eop-D Pulp temperature is one important operating param- bleaching sequence21. eter that has been tuned. Ozonation was initially car- Steam savings are the highest in the case of hard- ried out at 40°C in the 1990s and such a low tempera- wood pulp bleaching where usually a first A-stage ture was not very convenient as the Z-stage is located (acidic) or DHT-stage (D-stage at hot temperature) is right after the 85-95°C oxygen delignification and implemented. Such A or DHT stages have 2 targets: before an alkaline extraction or a chlorine dioxide • removing hexenuronic acids which are responsible stage (after a few MC ozone stages) generally carried for parasite chlorine dioxide consumption and out at around 60-80°C. Therefore, it is necessary to brightness reversion; cool the pulp before reheating it. • cleaning the pulp from transition metals which It was thought that a higher temperature would are known to decompose H2O2 and responsible lower the Z-stage efficiency, speed up the ozone for weakening of the cellulose during peroxide decomposition, increase the negative effect of transi- bleaching. tion metals and ultimately decrease the pulp quality. Slowly, throughout industrial trials, it appeared that By removing transition metals the A-stage ef- such fears were totally unfounded. Several results fectively replaces the use of a chelating agent. Acidic have demonstrated that for hardwood pulp the Z- stages were built prior to the ozone stage in the stage temperature could be increased up to 60°C and 1990s at the UPM mill in Pietarsaari (Finland), at the sometimes even higher without any negative effect Sateri mill in Bahia (Brazil), at Fibria Jacarei and at on pulp strength and brightness9,13,18. Espanola. But today there is no doubt that the imple- For example, data from Ruzomberok show that mentation of an A-stage reduces both pulp strength an increase of the Z-stage temperature from 43°C to properties and pulp yield22. 61°C gives a higher brightness (+1.8% ISO), a lower Of course, there is no such problem of hex- brightness reversion, a higher stiffness and a better enuronic acids in the case of softwood pulp bleach- ozone delignification efficiency, with all other proper- ing. But the issue of transition metals remains and ties (PFI rev, Burst Index, Tear Index, Tensile Index in the 1990s Swedish mills SCA Östrand and Nordic and Bulk) unaltered, Table 213,20. Paper Säffle as well as the Rosenthal mill in Blan- Domtar Espanola first operated the Z-stage at kenstein (Germany) chose to start their bleaching 55°C. When it decided to increase the ozone stage sequence with a Q-stage (chelation). temperature to 60°C, it increased delignification by Such A-stages or Q-stages are costly because they 5-10% and gained 1 point ISO brightness. Today, it is require a tower (with 2-3 hours retention time for operating the ozone stage at 70°C9. the later) and the use of expensive chemicals. Yet in- All HW pulp mills which set up an ozone stage in dustrial light-ECF and ozone based TCF experiences the past 5-6 years are running the Z stage at a 55°C mini- mum. This also resulted in significant steam savings. For Table 2 - IMPACT OF TEMPERATURE ON THE KAPPA INDEX, ISO BRIGHTNESS example, Ruzomberok reduced its steam requirements AND BRIGHTNESS REVERSION AT MONDI RUZOMBEROK by 75% by running the Z-stage at 58-61°C 13. Metso has shown industrially that steam require- Temp in Z 43°C 43°C 58°C 61°C ments for light-ECF bleaching are only 25% of steam Kappa number after Z(EO) 4.1 4.0 4.0 3.8 requirements for conventional ECF bleaching in ClO2 charge, kg/adt (DCS data) 24.5 23.5 24.7 24.4 the case of HW pulp8. While the bleaching sequence Brightness, % ISO 85.9 85.2 86.6 87.7 DHT-Eop-D requires 249 kg/tonne of low-pressure Reverted brightness, % ISO 81.8 82.2 83.9 85.9 steam and 40 kg/tonne of medium-pressure steam, Pulp & Paper International (PPI) A u g u s t 2 0 1 1 39
  • 7. bleaching have shown that the installation of those A-stages or In the 1990s it was common to fully bleach the Q-stages should be avoided. pulp with six or even seven stages as in the following The hexenuronic acids content is reduced by at sequences: least 60% in the ozone stage23. This makes the ozone - A-ZD-Eop-ZD-Ep in Pietarsaari (Finland); stage even more efficient than any A-stage and it - Q-OP-D-Z-PO-P in Blankenstein; partly explains why ozone bleached pulps have a - A-ZD-Eo-DnD in Espanola. lower brightness reversion than other pulps. Actually, removal of transition metals is efficiently Bleaching sequences built in the last decade for carried out during the ozone stage where the pH both hardwood and softwood pulps usually have only is acidic (usually 2.5-3). Awareness of this avoids three or four stages and vary little from one another: investing in any acid or chelating stage when ozone - Z-D-Ep-D at Nippon PaperYufutsu (Japan); is applied, and results in operating cost savings. As a - ZEop-D-P at Mondi Ruzomberok; result, only two of the 16 pulp bleaching lines having - ZD-E-D at Nippon Paper Maryvale (Australia); started ozone since 2000 use an A-stage and none of - Ze-DP at ITC Bhadrachalam, Fig. 7; them use chelating agents. - Z(EOP)-(PO) at Sniace (Spain, sulphite pulp for dissolving grades); BLEACHING SEQUENCES - Ze-D-P at Celtejo (Portugal). The proven economical, technical and environmen- These bleaching sequences reflect the continuous tal advantages, the development of oxygen deligni- and impressive developments of ozone application fication as well as improvements in ozone bleaching in light-ECF bleaching process and clearly show the and in the whole pulping process over the last 20 worldwide interest of pulp makers in ozone bleaching. years, have allowed the bleaching sequence to be shortened by one, two or even three stages, while CONCLUSIONS simultaneously increasing the brightness ceiling with 2-3 points compared with what was possible. Ozone bleaching has already been industrially imple- Fig. 7 - LINE 2 AT ITC BHADRACHALAM 40 August 2011 Pulp & Paper International (PPI)
  • 8. bleaching mented, experienced and improved for 18 years. It 4. CAMPO, R. and MARQUES, P Results Pulp & Paper ., is a well proven and safe process, currently used by 3, 32 (2009). some reference pulp mills among the most modern 5. BOKSTRÖM, M., African Pulp and Paper Week in the world. Its advantages in terms of bleaching cost 2002, Durban, South Africa. savings, effluent load reduction and ease of use can 6. HOSTACHY, J.-C., Tappi J., 9(8): 16(2010). no longer be questioned. It is applicable to all kind of 7. CAMPO, R. and SUNDIN, M., Proceedings of the pulps and has no negative effect on their mechanical EFPG Days 2004, Grenoble, France. properties. 8. WENNERSTRÖM, M. et al, International Colloqui- The Z-stage takes place in just one minute and um on Eucalyptus Pulp 2007, Belo Horizonte, Brazil. both HC and MC technologies are recognized as fully 9. GARTLEY, B., Ozone Delignification at Domtar reliable, safe and stable processes. Espanola, paper presented at the PAPTAC Bleaching High-consistency ozone bleaching is performed Committee, Oct. 21-23 2002. at atmospheric pressure. Behind the ozone reactor, 10. CHIRAT, C., et al., Proceedings of the ABTCP 2008, it requires only a 5-10 minutes long extraction stage Sao Paulo, Brazil. and no intermediate washing is necessary. This solu- 11. VEHMAA, J. and PIKKA, O., Proceedings of Paperex tion allows the E filtrate to be recycled back to the 2007, New Delhi, India. brown stock or post-oxygen washing and further to 12. PIKKA, O., Proceedings of the EFPG Days 2004, the recovery boiler, and so the total bleaching effluent Grenoble, France. can drop to 4-6 m3/tonne. 13. TOMIS, B. and TUOMI, A., Proceedings of As a result of continuous improvements of the Zellcheming 2006, Wiesbaden, Germany. equipment and process automation as well as tuning 14. FERGUSON, K., Pulp & Paper, 66(11): 42 (1992). of the operating conditions over a period of almost 20 15. CHIRAT, C., Proceedings of the EFPG Days 2007, years, modern ozone bleaching is now recognised as Grenoble, France. a state of the art technology for both hardwood and 16. LenzingTechnik, Eccentric Mixer - an innovation softwood pulps. from LenzingTechnik, commercial presentation. There are neither technical nor economical 17. LACHENAL, D., Proceedings of the EFPG Days reasons to stick to a 30-year-old conventional ECF 2005, Grenoble, France. process. The use of a light-ECF bleaching sequence 18. NORSTEDT, Å. and LINDSTRÖM, L.-Å., ATCP Con- can by itself decrease bleaching costs by more than ference 2006. 20% and lead to the same pulp strengths with better 19. KUMAR, K.R., Proceedings of Paperex 2009, New optical properties and refining ability. Ozone bleach- Delhi, India. ing is by far the most valuable solution not only for 20. BALAZ, P Proceedings of Zellcheming 2006, Wies- ., forerunners but for all pulp mills. PPI baden, Germany. 21. PADMANABHAN, A. et al, paper presented at the Emil Germer, Saint-Petersburg State Forest Technical National Award for Excellence in Energy Management Academy; Alexis Métais, Jean-Christophe Hostachy, 2007, 22-23 August 2008, Pune, India. ITT Wedeco 22. KOBAYASHI, T. et al, Japan Tappi, 59 (2005). 23. NORDÉN, S., ZeTrac Forum 2004, Rochehaut, LITERATURE Belgium. 1. MÉTAIS, A., Proceedings of the TAPPSA National 24. ENGELFELDT A., internal training for ITC. Conference 2010, Durban, South Africa. 2. CARRÉ, G. and WENNERSTRÖM, M., Proceedings of the International Pulp Bleaching Conference 2005, Stockholm, Sweden. 3. NORDÉN, S. et al., Eco-Friendly Bleaching with To read more articles on Chemicals, visit our Chemicals ZeTracTM, paper presented at the IPPTA Annual Gen- Technology Channel at technologychannels/chemicals eral Meeting & Seminar 2006, Chennai, India. Pulp & Paper International (PPI) A u g u s t 2 0 1 1 41