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Accenture Solutions for Innovation and Service Management

Managing New Product
Development and Innovation
in Challenging Times
Driving high performance through profitable innovation
An Accenture research report
During challenging economic times, communications and high-tech
companies may be tempted to scale back on product development. Yet such
a decision risks cutting off the lifeblood of innovation that keeps a company
competitive. A better answer is to make innovation and new product
development more efficient and profitable.

New Accenture research finds that companies that are able to support a
more open and collaborative environment for new product development are
speeding new products and services to market faster than their peers. These
companies are more likely to say that their development process has acceler-
ated, and that they expect to launch more products in the coming year.

Expanding one's base of innovation partners and specialized developers is
a key to achieving high performance, as is an effective platform for better
management of the collaborative environment.

Table of Contents
Executive Overview: The keys to successful service innovation and new product development	    1

New product development: The challenge is in the execution 	                                  4

Faltering development projects: Contributing factors	                                         5

Overcoming the challenges: What the innovation masters know	                                  8

Driving high performance through more effective new product development	                     10	

Conclusion: Innovating through the downturn	                                                 12
Executive Overview
New Accenture research highlights the
keys to successful service innovation and
new product development
The investment community has not been kind in its assessment of            The innovation masters report development times significantly faster
the future value of the communications industry, leading to a $200         than their peers. They also were more likely to say their product
billion loss in future value among a group of major industry players       development process has accelerated over the past year, and were
just over the past couple of years.1 At its heart, such a loss points to   more optimistic about the number of new services they will develop
serious issues with the innovative capability of the industry. Add an      in the coming year, regardless of the economic climate.
economic downturn to the mix, and it spells trouble.
                                                                           What’s behind the success of the innovation masters? One key finding
                                                                           is that these companies are embracing principles of open, collabora-
Strategic cost reduction is certainly an imperative at this time, but
                                                                           tive development and open innovation. More of them also report
so is innovation that drives growth and widens the post-recession
                                                                           that they intend to improve overall development by working with
performance advantage. Accenture analysis of growth and recession
                                                                           specialized developers, using better planning processes and expand-
cycles in the United States over the past several decades has found
                                                                           ing their base of product innovation partners.
that companies that outperform their competition continue to invest
in refreshing their products and services even during an economic
downturn.                                                                  There is a catch, however. These same companies are also more
                                                                           likely to report that they experience cost overruns in new product
                                                                           development. So clearly, although an open and collaborative
New research confirms that a more effective                                development increases the opportunities for innovation, it also
collaborative environment is essential                                     introduces higher risk and, potentially, additional costs unless the
Accenture believes that a key to innovation during a downturn is           development environment can be made more efficient and effective.
a more effective collaborative environment and a development
platform, based on open standards, that enables faster and more            Creating a more effective and collaborative service
cost-effective collaboration among multiple parties, both internal         delivery platform
and external to an organization.
                                                                           What is to be done? If companies are to leverage the power of a
                                                                           more open development environment and meet the twofold challenge
This point of view is supported by new research from Accenture—a
                                                                           of speeding new product development at lower cost, then new
global survey of 277 communications, media and high-tech execu-
                                                                           processes, tools and platforms are essential. In particular, the
tives conducted in late 2008. The findings confirm the presumption
                                                                           traditional service delivery platform must evolve to enable more
that times are hard when it comes to new product development. Half
                                                                           developers and the delivery of customer-centric services in a Web 2.0
the companies in our survey report budget overruns in new product
development. Forty-two percent of the companies report an overly
slow pace as they move a product from idea to prototype to launch.
                                                                           The new kind of platform—Service Delivery Platform 2.0—is one
                                                                           based on an open infrastructure: a scalable, distributed, efficient and
As a result of these challenges, 70 percent of the companies surveyed
                                                                           open architecture capable of supporting a large number of service
stopped development of at least some services last year. Many
                                                                           activations. It provides a set of components that can be used to
companies also report a talent shortage and a breakdown in the
                                                                           create simplified interfaces to new service platforms. By being open
management of the end-to-end innovation process, which contrib-
                                                                           to third-party developers and content providers, an open SDP helps
utes to delays.
                                                                           developers create new, value-added services faster, more consistently
                                                                           and with less expense.
What the innovation masters know
The news is not all grim, however. Our research finds a correlation        Challenging economic times do not have to be a constraint on
between companies that meet or exceed their new product launch             innovation. As this Accenture research study shows, open develop-
plans—a group we term innovation masters—and those that leverage           ment—guided by a relentless focus on the customer and the customer
third parties and specialized providers in an open development             experience—can reduce the costs of new product development and
environment.                                                               increase the chances of delivering breakthrough products. A more
                                                                           effective delivery platform can meet today's need to reduce costs
                                                                           while also positioning a company for market advantage in the longer
                                                                           term, when the economy recovers.

                                                                                         Accenture Solutions for New Product Development and Innovation 1
                                                                                      More than 50 products
                                                                                      Average number of products
                                                                      No products

New product development
                                                                               6%                                            23%
                                                                           3%                                                23%
                                                                      1—10 products
The challenge is in the execution                                     11—30 products


                                                                                    No products or services  30%
Figure 1: Primary obstacles to launching new products                 31—50 products       3%
                                                                                    Figure 2: Number of discontinued development projects
                                                                                          2%       22%
Projects run over budget                                                            1-10 discontinued services
                                                                50%   More than 50 productsproducts or services
                                                                                    1—10                                                                    No Svc
                                                                                             17%                            39%
Slow to move from concept to prototype                                                            21%                   35%          42%
                                                         42%                                                                    45%
                                                                                                                                38%                         1—10
                                                                      Average number of products
Poor inter-departmental cooperation                                                 11—30 products or services
                                                                                     11-30 discontinued services
                                                   34%                                              23%              26%
                                                                                                    11%          22%                                        11—30
Unable to attract the right level of talent in-house                                             9%                       31%
                                              30%                                                        13%
                                                                                     31—50 products or services                                             31—50
Lack of incentives to innovate                                                                                  15%
                                             30%                                                         11%
                                                                      No products or servicesdiscontinued services
                                                                          3%                             12%             21%
Lack of effective project management                                                                                                                        50+
                                             30%                         2%         More than     50 11%
                                                                                                      products or services
                                                                      1—10 products or services           14% 15%
Lack of new ideas for innovative services
                                                                                                                          40%                               AVG
                                        27%                                                       7%                        42%
                                                                                       More than 50 discontinued services38%
Lack of pre launch testing
                                                                      11—30 products or services     10%
                                      25%                                                                  26%
Uncertain demand for goods and services                                                    3%                    31%
                                 24%                                  31—50 products or services
                                                                                         Total      21%Europe          USA
                                                                      More than 50 products or services

                                                                         Total        Europe       USA

The executives in our survey are clearly veterans of product                          The problem is, it's not an ideal world.
development. They have a structure in place and a proven track
record, and they have even enjoyed some success in speeding new                       In the real world, communications, media and high-tech executives
product development over the past year or so.                                         are feeling cost pressures and the frustrations of being unable to
                                                                                      move ideas through the pipeline fast enough. The ideas are there,
Only four percent of the companies surveyed have no formal                            but companies just can't execute quickly enough. (See Figure 1.)
development process in place. More than half regularly set up
management structures for innovation such as designing effective                      As a result of these challenges, 70 percent of the companies in
action plans, conducting market research and establishing a project                   our survey stopped development of at least some services last year.
team. Three-fourths of the companies have a pipeline of new                           The average company discontinued 15 new products, and 10 per-
product ideas, the source of which is input from internal sources                     cent of companies (including 35 percent in the United Kingdom)
as well as external parties such as customers, suppliers, alliance                    discontinued more than 50 services. (See Figure 2.)
partners, academics and inventors.

In other words, those surveyed as part of our research are experi-
enced and, in an ideal world, they would be comfortable with the
phased approach they have in place for conceiving, developing and
launching new products.

 2 Accenture Solutions for New product Development and Innovation
11—30 products
31—50 products

Faltering development projects
More than 50 products
Contributing factors
Average number of products
Figure 3: Cost overruns and slow development times are the primary constraints to new product innovation

Unable to attract the right level of talen in-house
Lack of new ideas for innovative services
No products or services                                       27%
      3%                                               23%
Lack of incentives for innovation
     2%                                                             30%
1—10 products or services                                              32%
Poor inter-departmental cooperation                                   42%
                                                                  38% 32%34%
11—30 products or services                                                          36%
Projects run over budget                       26%
                                       22%                                                                           50%
                                                      31%                                                                         58%
31—50effective project management
Lack of products or services
                        15%                                          30%
                  11%                                              29%
                                21%                                     32%
Slow to move from concept to prototype
More than 50 products or services                                                                  42%
                           15%                                                            39%
                               21%                                                                             47%
Lack of pre launch testing
Uncertain demand for goods and services
                                                        24%                 Total         Europe         USA

    Total          Europe           USA

What's happening to cause so many development projects to                                           What are the reasons behind such dramatic and widespread cost
falter? The research findings point to a number of factors.                                         increases? One factor is obvious: If, as we have seen in these
                                                                                                    survey findings, companies are experiencing project delays, these
High costs, excessive delays                                                                        translate into cost overruns, as well.

Perhaps not surprisingly, the two main constraints on effective
                                                                                                    More third parties involved in development
product development are cost and speed. Half the companies
surveyed, including 58 percent of European executives, cite bud-                                    Companies also now find it necessary to involve many more
get overruns in new product development. Forty-two percent of                                       parties in product development. About one-third of the executives
the companies, including 47 percent of the American executives                                      we surveyed involve third parties and/or customers in their new
surveyed, report that they suffer from an overly slow pace as they                                  product development processes. Based on Accenture experience,
move a product from idea to prototype. (See Figure 3.) Across our                                   we know that high percentages of effective communications
survey sample, the average time to launch a new product was six                                     service providers are using 10 or more co-design partners per
months. For their most important new services, companies are                                        product development project.
looking to shorten that development time considerably.
                                                                                                    Such a collaborative development environment increases the
The cost issue is particularly pernicious. High percentages of                                      opportunities for innovation but also introduces more risk and,
companies—57 percent, including about equal percentages of US                                       potentially, additional costs unless companies take steps to make
and Europeans—have experienced increases in costs of develop-                                       the environment more efficient and effective.
ment. Only 6 percent of surveyed companies have achieved cost
reductions for new product development. (See Figure 4).

                                                                                                                       Accenture Solutions for New Product Development and Innovation 3
1—10 products or services
11—30 products or services
Figure 4: Development costs are 26%
                                 increasing for a majority of companies surveyed
Increased                                    31%
31—50 products or services                                                                               57%
               11%                                                                                      56%
More than 50 products or services
       3% 7%

Stayed the same

   Total          Europe     USA

Technological complexity                                                      Talent shortages
Leading-edge technologies are also a factor and are, in fact, a               A shortage of workforce talent required to spur innovation and
double-edged sword to companies in these industry sectors. On                 manage new product development is also a factor. About a third of
the one hand, technology developments constitute a major source               the executives surveyed feel their organizations are constrained by
of innovation. On the other hand, unproven and often incompatible             an inability to attract the right level of talent and by a lack of new
technologies further increase development times, as well as costs             ideas for innovative services. A lack of incentives for innovation is
and risks. Products and services may become so complex as to be               also a factor.
overly daunting to consumers, who seek instead a simple interface
and a unified experience when it comes to their communications                This talent shortage is felt more acutely by the IT executives in our
services and electronic devices                                               study, who were more likely than their business peers to feel the
                                                                              effects of insufficient organizational incentives and the overall
For a communications or content company to release a new ser-                 lack of the right people generating breakthrough ideas.
vice on multiple handsets, for example, requires extensive testing,
which cuts into already slim margins. Complexity also increases               Organizational disconnects
the rate of returns of consumer electronics devices. Other
                                                                              A final contributing factor to both cost increases and project
Accenture research has found, for example, that in the United
                                                                              delays is a disconnect between various functions and roles of the
States alone, the total cost of consumer electronics returns is
                                                                              business. One-third of the executives we surveyed, for example,
almost $14 billion, of which 20 percent is due to processing costs
                                                                              noted that "poor interdepartmental cooperation" was a significant
of "no trouble found" devices—equipment that is not defective, but
                                                                              constraint on effective product development.
returned for reasons such as simply being too difficult for the
average consumer to connect and use. That's a huge cost drain.2

4 Accenture Solutions for New Product Development and Innovation
Figure 5: Most new services developed were extensions of existing services instead of breakthrough innovations in new areas
Voice services
Content services
Personal information management
Location based services
Fixed mobile convergence
User generated content
Social networking video streaming
Mobile advertising

   Total         Europe    USA

We also see slightly different perspectives on development and                    Indeed, we see evidence that such timidity is occurring. For exam-
innovation emerging from the executives we surveyed depending                     ple, most of the companies we surveyed are focused primarily on
on their job function. For example, business executives tend to see               developing new services for areas in which they have traditionally
budget issues as the bigger constraint on innovation, while tech-                 generated most of their revenues, such as voice services and mes-
nology executives appear more focused on talent issues: having                    saging. (See Figure 5.) Relatively few companies reported planning
the right people in place and giving them the proper incentives to                new offerings in areas such as social network video streaming,
drive breakthrough ideas to fruition. The technology executives                   user-generated content and location-based services.
also tended to place greater importance on working with third
parties to drive new, profitable products, and also emphasized                    Another recent Accenture research report confirms this tendency
attracting more specialized suppliers, increasing the availability                of companies to restrict the power of their own innovations during
of training and simplifying products.                                             times of economic stress. The study, conducted in collaboration
                                                                                  with the Economist Intelligence Unit, found that the majority of
The result: Innovation timidity                                                   innovation investments today are targeted only at extensions of
                                                                                  existing products and services, not game-changing ideas or
Added up, these new product development challenges have
                                                                                  business models. 3
additional compounded consequences on the business value
delivered by service innovation and new product development. If
risks appear to be too great, companies may become constrained
in their vision and overly timid in their investments.

                                                                                                Accenture Solutions for New Product Development and Innovation 5
More than 50 products
11—30 products
                             17%    26%
               11%                          30%
Average number of products
31—50 products
                       15%          23%

Overcoming the challenges
              10%                   23%
                                22% 23%
More than 50 products
                          17%                                           More
               11%                                                                                                            36%
What the innovation masters know
Average number of products

                                   23%                                  Less
No products or services            23%                                              10%
     3%                                                                               12%
       4%                                                                         8%
    2% 6: In several key areas, European companies are enjoying greater On par
1—10 products or services                                                                                                                            54%
success in new product development than their US counterparts
No products or services                            42%
     3%                                       38%
11—304% launches in coming year
Plannedproducts or services                                             Delivery vs. Target — Expectations
1—10 products or services   22%                                         Exceed
                                       31% 40%                                                                                      40%
                                                              42%                                                                            47%
31—50 products or services                              38%                                                             32%
11—30 products or services                                              Meet
                  11%                 26%                                                                                                          51%
                                22%                                                                                                         46%
                                            31%                                                                                                          57%
More than 50 products or services                                       Fall short
31—50 products or services
                        15%                                                            9%
               11%            21%                                                    7%
           7%              21%                                                           11%
More than 50 products or services
                                                                        No products
   Total         Europe         USA                                              6%
                                                                        1—10 products
   Total      Europe         USA                                                                                                      41%
                                                                        11—30 products
                                                                        31—50 products
Emerging from the survey responses, however, is an interesting         Europeans products
                                                                       More than 50 were more likely to exceed their launch expectations
set of correlations between companies enjoying greater success         and twice as likely to launch more than 50 products in the last
in new product development and the means they are using to             year than companies in the United States. As they look ahead to
                                                                       Average number of products
achieve it.                                                            the coming year, European executives are also more likely to be
                                                                       optimistic about the number  23%of new services they will develop,

Evidence of greater innovation success                                 regardless of the economic climate. (See Figure 6.)

The more successful innovators identified in our research—the
                                                                       The innovation masters are less prone to be timid in their innova-
innovation masters—are launching new products faster than their        No products or services
                                                                             European companies are more likely to be branching out into
peers. These are also more likely to have exceeded their product             4%
                                                                       new types of services such as personal information management,
launch expectations in the past year, and they expect to launch        1—10 products or services
                                                                       fixed-mobile convergence and services based on social networking
more products in the coming year. They are also more likely to                                                    40%
                                                                       applications.                                42%
indicate that their product development process has significantly                                               38%
                                                                        11—30 products or services
accelerated, even under challenging economic conditions.
                                                                       A commitment to 22% 26% development
In general, according to the Accenture research, these innovation      31—50 products or the success of the innovation masters? One key
                                                                       What's behind services
masters are found in continental Europe. For example, whereas                         11%
                                                                       finding is that these companies are more likely to embrace
average new product launch times across our global sample was          principles of open,or services
                                                                       More than 50 products collaborative development and open innovation.
six months, companies in France and Germany were significantly                                            21%
more likely to have launch times under three months.

                                                                           Total          Europe         USA

6 Accenture Solutions for New Product Development and Innovation
11—30 products
31—50 products
Our research finds a strong correlation between companies speeding new
More than 50 products

services 11% market faster and those leveraging a more open and extensive
                to 17% 21%
development community.
Average number of products
Figure 7: European companies are more likely to rely on an open
collaborative environment leveraging third parties

No products orspecialized developers
Work with more services
      3%                                     31%
        4%                                           40%
     2%                   18%
Better planning processes
1—10 products or services                                    46%
                                                             40% 51%
                                                     39%       42%
Expand base of product innovation partners                 38%
11—30 products or services          26%
Hire/train employees to bridge resource gaps     31%
31—50 products or services                   31%
                          15% 22%
Simplify product or11%
                                   21% 29%
More than 50 products or services22%
Outsource innovation      15%
             7%                          28%
Collaborate or look to 3rd parties
     2%           Europe          USA
No, we don’t expect to reduce development time
The2% executives in our survey are aware ofTotal
                                               potential benefits
                                                   Europe    USA
                                                                       This commitment to a more collaborative development environment
available to them through open development: 63 percent of              is significant, especially in light of other findings discussed to this
respondents acknowledged that open innovation is a cost-               point, such as the shortage of in-house talent and the difficulty in
effective alternative to traditional development. About half also      generating enough high-quality ideas. There is at least a strong
acknowledged that open innovation can counter the negative             correlation between the companies speeding new services to
effects of a shortage of in-house ideas and can lead to the            market faster and those leveraging a more open and extensive
development of more products. The technology executives in             development community.
our survey were more likely than their business peers to embrace
principles of open development.                                        The need to reduce costs and risks
                                                                       Amid these strong signs of successful results from an open devel-
One of the most important survey findings regarding open develop-
                                                                       opment environment is one cause for concern, and it's a big one:
ment is that European companies were much more likely than their
                                                                       cost. The same innovation masters who report shorter development
US counterparts to "always" use an open innovation model—37
                                                                       times and the ability to release more products are also more
percent to 29 percent. European companies were also more likely
                                                                       likely to report that they experience cost overruns in new product
than their peers to say they intended to reduce development times
by working with more specialized developers, collaborating with
third parties or even outsourcing aspects of the innovation process.   In today's economic environment, a better balance needs to be
(See Figure 7.)                                                        found between results and costs. An open environment for innova-
                                                                       tion and development is promising, and even essential to success
                                                                       today, but ways must be found to reduce development costs and
                                                                       risks if such an approach is truly to support the achievement of
                                                                       high performance.

                                                                                     Accenture Solutions for New Product Development and Innovation 7
Driving high performance through more
      effective new product development
       Figure 8: Performance comparison following the 1990-91 recession

       Average return on invested capital relative to industry


15    10

10     5

-10 -10

-15 -15

       1988           1989        1990          1991         1992         1993      1994          1995     1996       1997
              1988           1989            1990             1991           1992          1993          1994         1995           1996          1997
              Winners          Losers

                     Winners             Losers
       Accenture's High Performance Business research initiative has                   1. Commit to greater customer centricity in new
       found that a distinctive trait of a high-performance business is
                                                                                       product planning
       the ability to proactively use a downturn to improve its competi-
       tive position—prudently cutting costs while also sharpening its                 Focusing on services with more likelihood of meeting significant
       customer focus, driving operational excellence and carefully                    customer needs is key to profitable new product development.
       acquiring capabilities and assets.                                              In large measure, developing better, more customer-centric
                                                                                       innovations requires the application of analytic technologies that
       Analysis of the 1990-91 recession shows that a readily identifi-                provide a unified view of the customer. This results in a deeper
       able group of companies emerge from economic downturns in                       understanding of the unique interests and desires of customer
       strong positions and quickly widen their lead over companies that               segments, enabling companies to target profitable customers
       did not take a cost management approach with an eye for the                     more effectively.
       long view. (See Figure 8.)
                                                                                       One important key to overcoming the problem of fragmented
       Our current research into new product development and innova-                   customer data—and then using customer insight to create com-
       tion leads to some specific insights about how companies can                    petitive advantage—is what Accenture calls "converged customer
       pull away from competitors in this way by reducing costs and                    management." Converged customer management is an important
       improving development times for new services.                                   component of a company's services delivery architecture; it
                                                                                       provides the data services needed to provision, activate, execute
       Accenture recommends that companies look to the following keys                  and operate value-added services.
       to success when it comes to improving their ability to innovate
       and to generate new, profitable services.                                       Converged customer management can deliver accurate, detailed
                                                                                       and timely knowledge of customers' needs and preferences based
                                                                                       on the history of their interactions with products and on real-time
                                                                                       contextual data such as location and type of device used.

       8 Accenture Solutions for New Product Development and Innovation
This more detailed understanding of customers then supports the        This mass evaluation technique, supported by Web 2.0 technolo-
development of products and services with innovative, differenti-      gies, helps separate the highest-potential ideas from others,
ated capabilities. For example, a customer's preferences can be        leading to a winnowed-down list of the top ideas.
matched against the behaviors and interests of similar customers
within a segment. Based on inferences made about the broader           4. Leverage a new generation of open service
segment, companies can perform real-time, targeted advertising or      delivery platforms
make additional product recommendations likely to be of interest
to the customer. As sophistication in customer analytics increases,    What if companies could more easily leverage the insights of a
companies will be able to define a commercial bundle applicable        greater pool of knowledgeable and experienced developers and
even to a single customer.                                             provide them with a structure for effective collaboration? For
                                                                       more than a decade, that has been the promise of a service
In an era when offerings such as wireless services are approaching     delivery platform—a standardized service creation and execution
market saturation, the ability to use customer data effectively to     architecture that accelerates the introduction of new applications
create innovative services and deliver a compelling user experience    and services. These platforms have had a significant impact on
is critical.                                                           driving faster development times at lower cost.

2. Develop more effective program management                           However, if companies are to achieve high performance in a more
                                                                       complex and open development environment, with services that
capabilities that break down internal silos
                                                                       leverage Web 2.0 capabilities, they need to make the leap to a
Poor interdepartmental cooperation in new product development          new generation of service delivery platforms.
was cited by about a third of survey respondents as a significant
impediment to effective service innovation. Similar numbers cited      The new platform, what Accenture calls Service Delivery Platform
deficiencies in project management. One-fourth of the executives       2.0, is based on an open infrastructure—a scalable, distributed,
reported a lack of pre-launch testing.                                 efficient and open architecture capable of supporting more third-
                                                                       party collaborators and a greater number of service activations.
These findings point to several deficiencies that can only be          The platform provides a set of components that can be used to
addressed by developing the processes and the talent required to       create simplified interfaces to new services. By supporting more
manage the innovation process with more rigor and predictability.      third-party developers and content providers, an open service
This is another area where companies should consider leveraging        delivery platform helps developers create new, value-added services
third parties and outsourcing providers, who consider such             faster, more consistently and with less expense.
management capabilities to be a core competence.
                                                                       The open infrastructure also means that the service delivery
3. Tap into a larger idea pool                                         platform can integrate and interact more easily with internal
                                                                       operations support systems and business support systems. For
When it comes to innovations, many companies suffer from an
                                                                       many companies, such systems are unable to easily integrate with
inability to harvest the good ideas that reside throughout the
                                                                       those of third-party developers, further complicating companies'
workforce or among business partners. New social networking
                                                                       ability to engage in open development and adding to overall
technologies provide the potential to locate ideas and to encour-
                                                                       development costs.
age the kinds of dialogue and knowledge sharing from which
good ideas naturally emerge.
                                                                       For an example of how an open service delivery platform can drive
                                                                       faster and more cost-effective new product development, consider
For example, the Accenture Collaborative Innovation Solution is a
                                                                       the case of 3 Italia, a leading mobile phone operator in Italy.
“mass collaboration” technique used to stimulate innovation and
                                                                       3 Italia needed to increase its ability to create and launch innova-
then manage the innovation process. The solution begins with an
                                                                       tive new services to drive revenue growth, but lacked a sufficient
issue of focus (a "seed" idea or request) for the organization. That
                                                                       number of skilled development engineers and the appropriate
request is then passed electronically to a set of participants who
                                                                       technical infrastructure necessary to achieve its innovation goals.
add their individual insights and perspectives. Those responses are
                                                                       The company had a strong roadmap of target services, but was
then read and enhanced by successive waves of participants, each
                                                                       unable to implement those services at the desired speed and cost.
handoff taking the preceding ideas in new, diverse and potentially
high-value directions based on different individuals' perspectives
                                                                       In collaboration with Accenture, 3 Italia implemented a “product
of the issue or potential solution.
                                                                       development factory” that enabled 3 Italia to rapidly launch new
                                                                       products and services. The factory combines an underlying service
To keep these dozens, hundreds or even thousands of resulting
                                                                       delivery platform that is hosted by Accenture, as well as a team of
ideas manageable and actionable, the Accenture Collaborative
                                                                       development engineers dedicated to 3 Italia. Today, 45 percent of
Innovation Solution employs the same group of participants to
                                                                       3 Italia’s mobile value-added services are developed and hosted on
rate and rank individual ideas.
                                                                       the Accenture platform, including the company’s award-winning
                                                                       mobile television product.

                                                                                    Accenture Solutions for New Product Development and Innovation 9
Innovating through the downturn
Although many executives today are wary of a commitment to
innovation as economic pressures continue to grow, this Accenture
study demonstrates that it is possible to create an environment of
open innovation that is, at the same time, rigorous and cost effective.

Despite the unquestioned importance of new product development                 By opening traditional development processes to a broader range
to achieving high performance in the communications and high                   of players, and putting in place a proven infrastructure to support
tech industry, organizations are faced with greater challenges in              collaboration, companies can drive high performance even in
executing and sustaining innovations that deliver results. The                 challenging times though faster, more cost-effective service
frequency and pace of innovation are areas of weakness, as is the              innovation.
ability to consistently deliver high-impact products and services.
                                                                               Contact us
Budgets will be tighter in the foreseeable future; that much is                For more information about how Accenture's distinctive solutions
clear. But companies cannot stand still, either. If they are to                and services can help you achieve high performance through less
survive in the current economic environment and then also place                costly and more effective new product development and service
themselves in an attractive position when the economy turns                    innovation capabilities, please contact:
around, companies must leverage new processes and platforms
that tap into a broader collaborative environment and that help                Emmanuel Lalloz
them manage the new product development process more                           +33 4 92 94 88 15 (France)
effectively and at less cost.                                                  or


1	   Accenture analysis, 2009.

2 "Big Trouble with 'No Trouble Found': How Consumer Electronics Firms
	 Confront the High Cost of Customer Returns," Accenture 2007.

3	 "Overcoming Barriers to Innovation: Emerging Role of the Chief Innovation
	 Executive," Accenture, 2008.

10 Accenture Solutions for New Product Development and Innovation
1st place winner at 2008 CTIA                 Winner at 2007 IEC                               1st place winner at 2006 CTIA
Emerging Technology Awards                    InfoVision Awards                                Emerging Technology Awards
Accenture was awarded first place in the      The Accenture Service Delivery Platform          In 2006, Accenture was awarded first
4G Service Creation & Development cat-        Solution is the foundation for empower-          place in the Enterprise ROI category at
egory in this year's 2008 CTIA Emerging       ing service innovation at 3 Italia, a project    the CTIA Wireless Convention, further
Technology Awards. This is the second time    that was a finalist in the IEC’s InfoVision      validating the benefits wireless customers
that CTIA, the leading NA wireless industry   Awards, 2007. “We’re pleased to recognize        may achieve in creating and managing
association, has honoured Accenture for its   the joint work of 3 Italia and Accenture as      data services through Accenture
innovative work in a number of categories     an InfoVision finalist for their Digital Video   Communications Solutions featuring
representing the wireless industry.           Broadcasting-Handhelds (DVB-H) Solution,”        the Service Delivery Platform.
                                              commented IEC President John Janowiak.

Copyright © 2009 Accenture                    About the authors                                About Accenture
All rights reserved.
                                              Angelo Morelli is the global lead for new        Accenture is a global management
                                              product development and innovation for           consulting, technology services and out-
Accenture, its logo, and
                                              Accenture Communications.                        sourcing company. Combining unparalleled
High Performance Delivered
                                                                                               experience, comprehensive capabilities
are trademarks of Accenture.                             across all industries and business
                                                                                               functions, and extensive research on
                                                                                               the world’s most successful companies,
                                              Koen van den Biggelaar leads the strategy        Accenture collaborates with clients to
                                              practice for new product development and         help them become high-performance
                                              innovation for Accenture Communications.         businesses and governments. With more
                                                     than 186,000 people serving clients in over
                                                                                               120 countries, the company generated net
                                                                                               revenues of US$23.39 billion for the fiscal
                                                                                               year ended Aug. 31, 2008. Its home page is

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  • 1. Accenture Solutions for Innovation and Service Management Managing New Product Development and Innovation in Challenging Times Driving high performance through profitable innovation An Accenture research report
  • 2. During challenging economic times, communications and high-tech companies may be tempted to scale back on product development. Yet such a decision risks cutting off the lifeblood of innovation that keeps a company competitive. A better answer is to make innovation and new product development more efficient and profitable. New Accenture research finds that companies that are able to support a more open and collaborative environment for new product development are speeding new products and services to market faster than their peers. These companies are more likely to say that their development process has acceler- ated, and that they expect to launch more products in the coming year. Expanding one's base of innovation partners and specialized developers is a key to achieving high performance, as is an effective platform for better management of the collaborative environment. Table of Contents Executive Overview: The keys to successful service innovation and new product development 1 New product development: The challenge is in the execution 4 Faltering development projects: Contributing factors 5 Overcoming the challenges: What the innovation masters know 8 Driving high performance through more effective new product development 10 Conclusion: Innovating through the downturn 12
  • 3. Executive Overview New Accenture research highlights the keys to successful service innovation and new product development The investment community has not been kind in its assessment of The innovation masters report development times significantly faster the future value of the communications industry, leading to a $200 than their peers. They also were more likely to say their product billion loss in future value among a group of major industry players development process has accelerated over the past year, and were just over the past couple of years.1 At its heart, such a loss points to more optimistic about the number of new services they will develop serious issues with the innovative capability of the industry. Add an in the coming year, regardless of the economic climate. economic downturn to the mix, and it spells trouble. What’s behind the success of the innovation masters? One key finding is that these companies are embracing principles of open, collabora- Strategic cost reduction is certainly an imperative at this time, but tive development and open innovation. More of them also report so is innovation that drives growth and widens the post-recession that they intend to improve overall development by working with performance advantage. Accenture analysis of growth and recession specialized developers, using better planning processes and expand- cycles in the United States over the past several decades has found ing their base of product innovation partners. that companies that outperform their competition continue to invest in refreshing their products and services even during an economic downturn. There is a catch, however. These same companies are also more likely to report that they experience cost overruns in new product development. So clearly, although an open and collaborative New research confirms that a more effective development increases the opportunities for innovation, it also collaborative environment is essential introduces higher risk and, potentially, additional costs unless the Accenture believes that a key to innovation during a downturn is development environment can be made more efficient and effective. a more effective collaborative environment and a development platform, based on open standards, that enables faster and more Creating a more effective and collaborative service cost-effective collaboration among multiple parties, both internal delivery platform and external to an organization. What is to be done? If companies are to leverage the power of a more open development environment and meet the twofold challenge This point of view is supported by new research from Accenture—a of speeding new product development at lower cost, then new global survey of 277 communications, media and high-tech execu- processes, tools and platforms are essential. In particular, the tives conducted in late 2008. The findings confirm the presumption traditional service delivery platform must evolve to enable more that times are hard when it comes to new product development. Half developers and the delivery of customer-centric services in a Web 2.0 the companies in our survey report budget overruns in new product environment. development. Forty-two percent of the companies report an overly slow pace as they move a product from idea to prototype to launch. The new kind of platform—Service Delivery Platform 2.0—is one based on an open infrastructure: a scalable, distributed, efficient and As a result of these challenges, 70 percent of the companies surveyed open architecture capable of supporting a large number of service stopped development of at least some services last year. Many activations. It provides a set of components that can be used to companies also report a talent shortage and a breakdown in the create simplified interfaces to new service platforms. By being open management of the end-to-end innovation process, which contrib- to third-party developers and content providers, an open SDP helps utes to delays. developers create new, value-added services faster, more consistently and with less expense. What the innovation masters know The news is not all grim, however. Our research finds a correlation Challenging economic times do not have to be a constraint on between companies that meet or exceed their new product launch innovation. As this Accenture research study shows, open develop- plans—a group we term innovation masters—and those that leverage ment—guided by a relentless focus on the customer and the customer third parties and specialized providers in an open development experience—can reduce the costs of new product development and environment. increase the chances of delivering breakthrough products. A more effective delivery platform can meet today's need to reduce costs while also positioning a company for market advantage in the longer term, when the economy recovers. Accenture Solutions for New Product Development and Innovation 1
  • 4. 7% More than 50 products 11% 17% 21% 11% Average number of products No products 23% New product development 4% 6% 23% 3% 23% 1—10 products 38% 41% 34% The challenge is in the execution 11—30 products 22% 26% No products or services 30% Figure 1: Primary obstacles to launching new products 31—50 products 3% Figure 2: Number of discontinued development projects 4% 15% 10% 2% 22% Projects run over budget 1-10 discontinued services 50% More than 50 productsproducts or services 1—10 No Svc 17% 39% 40% Slow to move from concept to prototype 21% 35% 42% 11% 42% 45% 38% 1—10 Average number of products Poor inter-departmental cooperation 11—30 products or services 23% 11-30 discontinued services 23% 34% 23% 26% 11% 22% 11—30 Unable to attract the right level of talent in-house 9% 31% 30% 13% 31—50 products or services 31—50 Lack of incentives to innovate 15% 30% 11% No products or servicesdiscontinued services 31-50 3% 12% 21% Lack of effective project management 50+ 4% 30% 2% More than 50 11% products or services 1—10 products or services 14% 15% Lack of new ideas for innovative services 21% 40% AVG 27% 7% 42% More than 50 discontinued services38% Lack of pre launch testing 11—30 products or services 10% 25% 26% 16% 22% Uncertain demand for goods and services 3% 31% 24% 31—50 products or services 15% Total 11% Europe Total 21%Europe USA USA More than 50 products or services 15% 21% 7% Total Europe USA The executives in our survey are clearly veterans of product The problem is, it's not an ideal world. development. They have a structure in place and a proven track record, and they have even enjoyed some success in speeding new In the real world, communications, media and high-tech executives product development over the past year or so. are feeling cost pressures and the frustrations of being unable to move ideas through the pipeline fast enough. The ideas are there, Only four percent of the companies surveyed have no formal but companies just can't execute quickly enough. (See Figure 1.) development process in place. More than half regularly set up management structures for innovation such as designing effective As a result of these challenges, 70 percent of the companies in action plans, conducting market research and establishing a project our survey stopped development of at least some services last year. team. Three-fourths of the companies have a pipeline of new The average company discontinued 15 new products, and 10 per- product ideas, the source of which is input from internal sources cent of companies (including 35 percent in the United Kingdom) as well as external parties such as customers, suppliers, alliance discontinued more than 50 services. (See Figure 2.) partners, academics and inventors. In other words, those surveyed as part of our research are experi- enced and, in an ideal world, they would be comfortable with the phased approach they have in place for conceiving, developing and launching new products. 2 Accenture Solutions for New product Development and Innovation
  • 5. 11—30 products 26% 22% 30% 31—50 products 15% Faltering development projects 10% 22% More than 50 products 17% 21% Contributing factors 11% Average number of products 23% 23% Figure 3: Cost overruns and slow development times are the primary constraints to new product innovation 23% Unable to attract the right level of talen in-house 30% 31% 29% Lack of new ideas for innovative services No products or services 27% 30% 3% 23% 4% Lack of incentives for innovation 2% 30% 1—10 products or services 32% 28% 40% Poor inter-departmental cooperation 42% 38% 32%34% 11—30 products or services 36% Projects run over budget 26% 22% 50% 31% 58% 38% 31—50effective project management Lack of products or services 15% 30% 11% 29% 21% 32% Slow to move from concept to prototype More than 50 products or services 42% 15% 39% 21% 47% Lack of pre launch testing 7% 25% 25% 25% Uncertain demand for goods and services 24% 24% 24% Total Europe USA Total Europe USA What's happening to cause so many development projects to What are the reasons behind such dramatic and widespread cost falter? The research findings point to a number of factors. increases? One factor is obvious: If, as we have seen in these survey findings, companies are experiencing project delays, these High costs, excessive delays translate into cost overruns, as well. Perhaps not surprisingly, the two main constraints on effective More third parties involved in development product development are cost and speed. Half the companies surveyed, including 58 percent of European executives, cite bud- Companies also now find it necessary to involve many more get overruns in new product development. Forty-two percent of parties in product development. About one-third of the executives the companies, including 47 percent of the American executives we surveyed involve third parties and/or customers in their new surveyed, report that they suffer from an overly slow pace as they product development processes. Based on Accenture experience, move a product from idea to prototype. (See Figure 3.) Across our we know that high percentages of effective communications survey sample, the average time to launch a new product was six service providers are using 10 or more co-design partners per months. For their most important new services, companies are product development project. looking to shorten that development time considerably. Such a collaborative development environment increases the The cost issue is particularly pernicious. High percentages of opportunities for innovation but also introduces more risk and, companies—57 percent, including about equal percentages of US potentially, additional costs unless companies take steps to make and Europeans—have experienced increases in costs of develop- the environment more efficient and effective. ment. Only 6 percent of surveyed companies have achieved cost reductions for new product development. (See Figure 4). Accenture Solutions for New Product Development and Innovation 3
  • 6. 4% 2% 1—10 products or services 40% 42% 38% 11—30 products or services Figure 4: Development costs are 26% increasing for a majority of companies surveyed 22% Increased 31% 31—50 products or services 57% 58% 15% 11% 56% 21% Decreased More than 50 products or services 6% 8% 15% 21% 3% 7% Stayed the same 36% 34% 40% Total Total Europe USA Europe USA Technological complexity Talent shortages Leading-edge technologies are also a factor and are, in fact, a A shortage of workforce talent required to spur innovation and double-edged sword to companies in these industry sectors. On manage new product development is also a factor. About a third of the one hand, technology developments constitute a major source the executives surveyed feel their organizations are constrained by of innovation. On the other hand, unproven and often incompatible an inability to attract the right level of talent and by a lack of new technologies further increase development times, as well as costs ideas for innovative services. A lack of incentives for innovation is and risks. Products and services may become so complex as to be also a factor. overly daunting to consumers, who seek instead a simple interface and a unified experience when it comes to their communications This talent shortage is felt more acutely by the IT executives in our services and electronic devices study, who were more likely than their business peers to feel the effects of insufficient organizational incentives and the overall For a communications or content company to release a new ser- lack of the right people generating breakthrough ideas. vice on multiple handsets, for example, requires extensive testing, which cuts into already slim margins. Complexity also increases Organizational disconnects the rate of returns of consumer electronics devices. Other A final contributing factor to both cost increases and project Accenture research has found, for example, that in the United delays is a disconnect between various functions and roles of the States alone, the total cost of consumer electronics returns is business. One-third of the executives we surveyed, for example, almost $14 billion, of which 20 percent is due to processing costs noted that "poor interdepartmental cooperation" was a significant of "no trouble found" devices—equipment that is not defective, but constraint on effective product development. returned for reasons such as simply being too difficult for the average consumer to connect and use. That's a huge cost drain.2 4 Accenture Solutions for New Product Development and Innovation
  • 7. Figure 5: Most new services developed were extensions of existing services instead of breakthrough innovations in new areas Voice services 50% 46% 55% Messaging 42% 44% 39% Content services 41% 39% 45% Search/Navigation 36% 40% 30% Personal information management 35% 45% 22% Location based services 32% 34% 31% Fixed mobile convergence 32% 37% 24% User generated content 30% 27% 33% Social networking video streaming 25% 27% 23% Mobile advertising 19% 20% 18% Other 17% 21% 11% Total Europe USA We also see slightly different perspectives on development and Indeed, we see evidence that such timidity is occurring. For exam- innovation emerging from the executives we surveyed depending ple, most of the companies we surveyed are focused primarily on on their job function. For example, business executives tend to see developing new services for areas in which they have traditionally budget issues as the bigger constraint on innovation, while tech- generated most of their revenues, such as voice services and mes- nology executives appear more focused on talent issues: having saging. (See Figure 5.) Relatively few companies reported planning the right people in place and giving them the proper incentives to new offerings in areas such as social network video streaming, drive breakthrough ideas to fruition. The technology executives user-generated content and location-based services. also tended to place greater importance on working with third parties to drive new, profitable products, and also emphasized Another recent Accenture research report confirms this tendency attracting more specialized suppliers, increasing the availability of companies to restrict the power of their own innovations during of training and simplifying products. times of economic stress. The study, conducted in collaboration with the Economist Intelligence Unit, found that the majority of The result: Innovation timidity innovation investments today are targeted only at extensions of existing products and services, not game-changing ideas or Added up, these new product development challenges have business models. 3 additional compounded consequences on the business value delivered by service innovation and new product development. If risks appear to be too great, companies may become constrained in their vision and overly timid in their investments. Accenture Solutions for New Product Development and Innovation 5
  • 8. 34% More than 50 products 11—30 products 17% 26% 21% 22% 11% 30% Average number of products 31—50 products 15% 23% Overcoming the challenges 10% 23% 22% 23% More than 50 products 17% More 21% 11% 36% What the innovation masters know Average number of products 23% 24% 44% 23% Less No products or services 23% 10% 3% 12% 4% 8% 2% 6: In several key areas, European companies are enjoying greater On par Figure 1—10 products or services 54% success in new product development than their US counterparts 40% 44% 68% No products or services 42% 3% 38% 11—304% launches in coming year Plannedproducts or services Delivery vs. Target — Expectations 2% 26% 1—10 products or services 22% Exceed 31% 40% 40% 42% 47% 31—50 products or services 38% 32% 15% 11—30 products or services Meet 11% 26% 51% 21% 22% 46% 31% 57% More than 50 products or services Fall short 31—50 products or services 15% 15% 9% 11% 21% 7% 7% 21% 11% More than 50 products or services 15% 21% 7% No products 4% Total Europe USA 6% 3% 1—10 products 38% Total Europe USA 41% 34% 11—30 products 26% 22% 30% 31—50 products 15% 10% 22% Emerging from the survey responses, however, is an interesting Europeans products More than 50 were more likely to exceed their launch expectations 17% set of correlations between companies enjoying greater success and twice as likely to launch more than 50 products in the last 21% 11% in new product development and the means they are using to year than companies in the United States. As they look ahead to Average number of products achieve it. the coming year, European executives are also more likely to be 23% 23% optimistic about the number 23%of new services they will develop, Evidence of greater innovation success regardless of the economic climate. (See Figure 6.) The more successful innovators identified in our research—the The innovation masters are less prone to be timid in their innova- innovation masters—are launching new products faster than their No products or services tion.3% European companies are more likely to be branching out into peers. These are also more likely to have exceeded their product 4% new types of services such as personal information management, 2% launch expectations in the past year, and they expect to launch 1—10 products or services fixed-mobile convergence and services based on social networking more products in the coming year. They are also more likely to 40% applications. 42% indicate that their product development process has significantly 38% 11—30 products or services accelerated, even under challenging economic conditions. A commitment to 22% 26% development open 31% In general, according to the Accenture research, these innovation 31—50 products or the success of the innovation masters? One key What's behind services 15% masters are found in continental Europe. For example, whereas 11% finding is that these companies are more likely to embrace 21% average new product launch times across our global sample was principles of open,or services More than 50 products collaborative development and open innovation. 15% six months, companies in France and Germany were significantly 21% 7% more likely to have launch times under three months. Total Europe USA 6 Accenture Solutions for New Product Development and Innovation
  • 9. 11—30 products 26% 22% 30% 31—50 products 15% 10% Our research finds a strong correlation between companies speeding new More than 50 products 22% services 11% market faster and those leveraging a more open and extensive to 17% 21% development community. Average number of products 23% 23% 23% Figure 7: European companies are more likely to rely on an open collaborative environment leveraging third parties No products orspecialized developers Work with more services 3% 31% 4% 40% 2% 18% Better planning processes 1—10 products or services 46% 40% 51% 39% 42% Expand base of product innovation partners 38% 11—30 products or services 26% 26%32% 18% 22% Hire/train employees to bridge resource gaps 31% 27% 31—50 products or services 31% 15% 22% Simplify product or11% service 21% 29% 33% More than 50 products or services22% Outsource innovation 15% 21%21% 7% 28% 12% Collaborate or look to 3rd parties 21% 28% 11% Other 1% Total 2% Europe USA 0% No, we don’t expect to reduce development time 5% The2% executives in our survey are aware ofTotal 10% the potential benefits Europe USA This commitment to a more collaborative development environment available to them through open development: 63 percent of is significant, especially in light of other findings discussed to this respondents acknowledged that open innovation is a cost- point, such as the shortage of in-house talent and the difficulty in effective alternative to traditional development. About half also generating enough high-quality ideas. There is at least a strong acknowledged that open innovation can counter the negative correlation between the companies speeding new services to effects of a shortage of in-house ideas and can lead to the market faster and those leveraging a more open and extensive development of more products. The technology executives in development community. our survey were more likely than their business peers to embrace principles of open development. The need to reduce costs and risks Amid these strong signs of successful results from an open devel- One of the most important survey findings regarding open develop- opment environment is one cause for concern, and it's a big one: ment is that European companies were much more likely than their cost. The same innovation masters who report shorter development US counterparts to "always" use an open innovation model—37 times and the ability to release more products are also more percent to 29 percent. European companies were also more likely likely to report that they experience cost overruns in new product than their peers to say they intended to reduce development times development. by working with more specialized developers, collaborating with third parties or even outsourcing aspects of the innovation process. In today's economic environment, a better balance needs to be (See Figure 7.) found between results and costs. An open environment for innova- tion and development is promising, and even essential to success today, but ways must be found to reduce development costs and risks if such an approach is truly to support the achievement of high performance. Accenture Solutions for New Product Development and Innovation 7
  • 10. Driving high performance through more effective new product development Figure 8: Performance comparison following the 1990-91 recession Average return on invested capital relative to industry 15 15 10 10 5 5 0 0 -5 -5 -10 -10 -15 -15 -20 -20 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 Winners Losers Winners Losers Accenture's High Performance Business research initiative has 1. Commit to greater customer centricity in new found that a distinctive trait of a high-performance business is product planning the ability to proactively use a downturn to improve its competi- tive position—prudently cutting costs while also sharpening its Focusing on services with more likelihood of meeting significant customer focus, driving operational excellence and carefully customer needs is key to profitable new product development. acquiring capabilities and assets. In large measure, developing better, more customer-centric innovations requires the application of analytic technologies that Analysis of the 1990-91 recession shows that a readily identifi- provide a unified view of the customer. This results in a deeper able group of companies emerge from economic downturns in understanding of the unique interests and desires of customer strong positions and quickly widen their lead over companies that segments, enabling companies to target profitable customers did not take a cost management approach with an eye for the more effectively. long view. (See Figure 8.) One important key to overcoming the problem of fragmented Our current research into new product development and innova- customer data—and then using customer insight to create com- tion leads to some specific insights about how companies can petitive advantage—is what Accenture calls "converged customer pull away from competitors in this way by reducing costs and management." Converged customer management is an important improving development times for new services. component of a company's services delivery architecture; it provides the data services needed to provision, activate, execute Accenture recommends that companies look to the following keys and operate value-added services. to success when it comes to improving their ability to innovate and to generate new, profitable services. Converged customer management can deliver accurate, detailed and timely knowledge of customers' needs and preferences based on the history of their interactions with products and on real-time contextual data such as location and type of device used. 8 Accenture Solutions for New Product Development and Innovation
  • 11. This more detailed understanding of customers then supports the This mass evaluation technique, supported by Web 2.0 technolo- development of products and services with innovative, differenti- gies, helps separate the highest-potential ideas from others, ated capabilities. For example, a customer's preferences can be leading to a winnowed-down list of the top ideas. matched against the behaviors and interests of similar customers within a segment. Based on inferences made about the broader 4. Leverage a new generation of open service segment, companies can perform real-time, targeted advertising or delivery platforms make additional product recommendations likely to be of interest to the customer. As sophistication in customer analytics increases, What if companies could more easily leverage the insights of a companies will be able to define a commercial bundle applicable greater pool of knowledgeable and experienced developers and even to a single customer. provide them with a structure for effective collaboration? For more than a decade, that has been the promise of a service In an era when offerings such as wireless services are approaching delivery platform—a standardized service creation and execution market saturation, the ability to use customer data effectively to architecture that accelerates the introduction of new applications create innovative services and deliver a compelling user experience and services. These platforms have had a significant impact on is critical. driving faster development times at lower cost. 2. Develop more effective program management However, if companies are to achieve high performance in a more complex and open development environment, with services that capabilities that break down internal silos leverage Web 2.0 capabilities, they need to make the leap to a Poor interdepartmental cooperation in new product development new generation of service delivery platforms. was cited by about a third of survey respondents as a significant impediment to effective service innovation. Similar numbers cited The new platform, what Accenture calls Service Delivery Platform deficiencies in project management. One-fourth of the executives 2.0, is based on an open infrastructure—a scalable, distributed, reported a lack of pre-launch testing. efficient and open architecture capable of supporting more third- party collaborators and a greater number of service activations. These findings point to several deficiencies that can only be The platform provides a set of components that can be used to addressed by developing the processes and the talent required to create simplified interfaces to new services. By supporting more manage the innovation process with more rigor and predictability. third-party developers and content providers, an open service This is another area where companies should consider leveraging delivery platform helps developers create new, value-added services third parties and outsourcing providers, who consider such faster, more consistently and with less expense. management capabilities to be a core competence. The open infrastructure also means that the service delivery 3. Tap into a larger idea pool platform can integrate and interact more easily with internal operations support systems and business support systems. For When it comes to innovations, many companies suffer from an many companies, such systems are unable to easily integrate with inability to harvest the good ideas that reside throughout the those of third-party developers, further complicating companies' workforce or among business partners. New social networking ability to engage in open development and adding to overall technologies provide the potential to locate ideas and to encour- development costs. age the kinds of dialogue and knowledge sharing from which good ideas naturally emerge. For an example of how an open service delivery platform can drive faster and more cost-effective new product development, consider For example, the Accenture Collaborative Innovation Solution is a the case of 3 Italia, a leading mobile phone operator in Italy. “mass collaboration” technique used to stimulate innovation and 3 Italia needed to increase its ability to create and launch innova- then manage the innovation process. The solution begins with an tive new services to drive revenue growth, but lacked a sufficient issue of focus (a "seed" idea or request) for the organization. That number of skilled development engineers and the appropriate request is then passed electronically to a set of participants who technical infrastructure necessary to achieve its innovation goals. add their individual insights and perspectives. Those responses are The company had a strong roadmap of target services, but was then read and enhanced by successive waves of participants, each unable to implement those services at the desired speed and cost. handoff taking the preceding ideas in new, diverse and potentially high-value directions based on different individuals' perspectives In collaboration with Accenture, 3 Italia implemented a “product of the issue or potential solution. development factory” that enabled 3 Italia to rapidly launch new products and services. The factory combines an underlying service To keep these dozens, hundreds or even thousands of resulting delivery platform that is hosted by Accenture, as well as a team of ideas manageable and actionable, the Accenture Collaborative development engineers dedicated to 3 Italia. Today, 45 percent of Innovation Solution employs the same group of participants to 3 Italia’s mobile value-added services are developed and hosted on rate and rank individual ideas. the Accenture platform, including the company’s award-winning mobile television product. Accenture Solutions for New Product Development and Innovation 9
  • 12. Conclusion Innovating through the downturn Although many executives today are wary of a commitment to innovation as economic pressures continue to grow, this Accenture study demonstrates that it is possible to create an environment of open innovation that is, at the same time, rigorous and cost effective. Despite the unquestioned importance of new product development By opening traditional development processes to a broader range to achieving high performance in the communications and high of players, and putting in place a proven infrastructure to support tech industry, organizations are faced with greater challenges in collaboration, companies can drive high performance even in executing and sustaining innovations that deliver results. The challenging times though faster, more cost-effective service frequency and pace of innovation are areas of weakness, as is the innovation. ability to consistently deliver high-impact products and services. Contact us Budgets will be tighter in the foreseeable future; that much is For more information about how Accenture's distinctive solutions clear. But companies cannot stand still, either. If they are to and services can help you achieve high performance through less survive in the current economic environment and then also place costly and more effective new product development and service themselves in an attractive position when the economy turns innovation capabilities, please contact: around, companies must leverage new processes and platforms that tap into a broader collaborative environment and that help Emmanuel Lalloz them manage the new product development process more +33 4 92 94 88 15 (France) effectively and at less cost. or 1 Accenture analysis, 2009. 2 "Big Trouble with 'No Trouble Found': How Consumer Electronics Firms Confront the High Cost of Customer Returns," Accenture 2007. 3 "Overcoming Barriers to Innovation: Emerging Role of the Chief Innovation Executive," Accenture, 2008. 10 Accenture Solutions for New Product Development and Innovation
  • 13. 1st place winner at 2008 CTIA Winner at 2007 IEC 1st place winner at 2006 CTIA Emerging Technology Awards InfoVision Awards Emerging Technology Awards Accenture was awarded first place in the The Accenture Service Delivery Platform In 2006, Accenture was awarded first 4G Service Creation & Development cat- Solution is the foundation for empower- place in the Enterprise ROI category at egory in this year's 2008 CTIA Emerging ing service innovation at 3 Italia, a project the CTIA Wireless Convention, further Technology Awards. This is the second time that was a finalist in the IEC’s InfoVision validating the benefits wireless customers that CTIA, the leading NA wireless industry Awards, 2007. “We’re pleased to recognize may achieve in creating and managing association, has honoured Accenture for its the joint work of 3 Italia and Accenture as data services through Accenture innovative work in a number of categories an InfoVision finalist for their Digital Video Communications Solutions featuring representing the wireless industry. Broadcasting-Handhelds (DVB-H) Solution,” the Service Delivery Platform. commented IEC President John Janowiak. Copyright © 2009 Accenture About the authors About Accenture All rights reserved. Angelo Morelli is the global lead for new Accenture is a global management product development and innovation for consulting, technology services and out- Accenture, its logo, and Accenture Communications. sourcing company. Combining unparalleled High Performance Delivered experience, comprehensive capabilities are trademarks of Accenture. across all industries and business functions, and extensive research on the world’s most successful companies, Koen van den Biggelaar leads the strategy Accenture collaborates with clients to practice for new product development and help them become high-performance innovation for Accenture Communications. businesses and governments. With more than 186,000 people serving clients in over 120 countries, the company generated net revenues of US$23.39 billion for the fiscal year ended Aug. 31, 2008. Its home page is