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The Importance Of Respect
Respect can be displayed in numerous ways which may be verbal or none verbal dependent upon
the individual. My aim is to demonstrate a clear outline of 'respect' touching upon subjects such as,
human rights, and values. Respect can be as straightforward as manors such as 'please' and 'thank
you', although many may not always display this. Respect is dignity for every individual, mutual
acknowledgment from one individual to another portraying thoughtfulness and equality. (Nhina le,
2016). Respect has changed outstandingly over the years which effects the way we live today.
Morally It is of significance to include others without preconceptions or exceptions no matter of
differences such as ethnicity or beliefs. (Joyce Catlett and Robert w firestone 2009) respect and
human rights interlink, as in 1998 the humans right act came into power which is built up of 30
articles e.g. 'right to life' which states that "nobody including the government can try to end your life"
(ref article) these rights are about respect and belong to everyone.
Values are personal attributes of importance which we are passionate about, gained through life and
experiences. Values certainly influence the opinions we have and the choices we make, as these are
personal thoughts and felling of what we care about. (Hayden, 2006)
Values affect the way we choose to live our life furthermore the way we act towards others and
their life.(REF) As we develop as individuals many factors such as age, wisdom and life
experiences are likely to have an impacted value's now held in comparison to ones held in younger
life, as growth, knowledge and life experience act towards shaping us as individuals and the way
we may view things. Values are not factual nevertheless there are no right or wrong values as these
are personal to each and every individual. (x2ref)
changes were made, which has a huge influence throughout the world.
RESPECT– many may say respect should be earned, but in certain instances, this is not always
possible, for ex; when
holding the door for someone who is walking behind you is effortless human respect, that is morally
expected to be given and reciprocated. showing respect for someone does not necessarily mean you
have to
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Definition Essay On Respect
I believe that respect means a lot of different things for different people. For me personally, respect
means taking someone's feelings into consideration as if they were your own feelings, and being
mature enough to handle the feelings and thoughts of other people. When giving someone respect,
it should make them feel worthy and valued as well as making them feel like they belong. The
behavior one person shows toward another can present how much that person respects the other and
the other person should be able to feel the respect that you have for them. People act in many ways
that are considered respectful and in ways that are considered disrespectful. In my childhood, I was
taught to treat others the way you would would want to be treated,
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Definition Essay: The Importance Of Respect
Respect. Respect is a thing most of us don't use as much as we should. A think mostly people
desire, is to be respected. Respect means a feeling of deep admiration for someone or something
elicited by their abilities, qualities, or achievements. People define respect as different things,
according to the unique way that they want to be treated. If you respect a group of people you are
showing that group a positive mentality. Mentality is the characteristic attitude of mind or way of
thinking of a person or group. People find it disrespectful when you take control of them. The
reasons for this is because if you take control of them and don't make it fair, it is disrespectful.
You're giving that person the lower hand instead of making each of you more content...
There will always be someone who dislikes what you do, even though there's nothing wrong with
what you are doing. Of course people have to be kind, helpful, and understanding towards others.
Yes, we have to be nice. But to treat someone with "respect", that's what people say when they
dislike your actions, and cannot or choose not to articulate their insecurities regarding how they
feel. If you try to help one person, as I was doing in class, the other person will, or could, think it
is disrespectful. If you are to be respectful to one person you're most likely going to be disrespectful
to the other person and
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Definition Of Respect Essay
Sam KozlowskiTeen LeadershipRespect!There are many definitions of the word "respect"
according to the Merriam Webster Dictionary. It can be a "relation or reference to a particular
thing or situation", or "high or special regard",or the quality or state of beingesteemed." Respect
can be a noun or a verb. A synonym for respect can be "civility". Both words convey showing
some one esteem and dignity. It is especially important in the work place or in the class room.
!With out respect, the World would cease to function in a civilized manner. For example, author
Ralph Waldo Emerson stated that, "Every human being, of what ever origin, of what ever station,
deserves respect. We must each respect others even as we respect ourselves." In more
Even if you master a skill, but fail to use common courtesy and respect to others in school or in the
work place, you will find that your tasks are less pleasant and more difficult than if you use these
social tools to communicate with others. There are very few careers that do not depend on using
respect and civility. Whether your primary communication is face to face, email, texting or phone
calls, respect courtesy and civility are the most important skills you need for success. In conclusion,
it is important to remember that as you go through life, these important life skills will benefit you in
whatever career you choose. It shows others that you have empathy for their problems, beliefs and
disagreements. One could argue, that social mediation between two parties that disagree with each
other could be easily resolved by the use courtesy, civility, and respect. If you go through life using
these techniques to communicate with others, it will demonstrate your capacity for tolerance,
rationality, and leadership skills. There have been many wise words written to express a definition of
tolerance from ancient times to the present. Writers and philosophers such as Aristotle, Marcus
Aurelius, Albert Einstein, and Ralph Waldo Emerson, have conveyed their thoughts on respect and
civility through the ages. However, this anonymous quote sums it up well: "Treat everyone with
kindness and respect, even those who are rude to you–
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1000 Words on Accountability
Accountability is defined by department of defense as the obligation imposed by a law or lawful
order or regulation on an officer or other person for keeping an accurate record of government
property, documents or funds. The numerical end product of personnel accountability process
reflects the combat power of a unit. So what is Personnel accountability exactly? Personnel
accountability is a by name tracking system that manages the duty status and location of every single
soldier assigned or attached to a unit. This tracking system also tracks the soldiers as they arrive to
the unit, and depart from the unit for duty. Personnel accountability must be maintained at all times,
for an inaccurate count will lead to disastrous more content...
Therefore, it reflects poorly on the commander in charge of the task. Which leads to punishment
of the leadership in charge of the soldiers who did not report and were not accurately accounted
for. Accountability for personnel aids in the accessing of a unit's assets and combat readiness is
called personnel strength reporting. Personnel strength reporting is a command function that
enables a unit as a whole, to analyze the manning levels and readiness to provide commanders with
a snapshot of the unit's combat power and capabilities. The formula to achieve a Personnel
Strength report is achieved by comparing the by name data obtained during the Personnel
accountability process and face it against the specified authorizations to determine the percentage
of the slots filled for certain positions within a unit. Even though Strength reporting seems to be
only important for the deployment process one has to think of the capabilities of each and every
by name soldier within the unit, if the soldiers do not report to training how will they every be
prepared for when it comes to combat situations. So therefore even in garrison we need to maintain
accurate numbers on the soldiers accounted for. If the numbers are inaccurate in garrison, what is it
to say when it comes to combat situations? How will soldiers know how to perform their duties
while they are in combat if they did not attend the specified training that is there
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The Meaning of Respect Essay
Most people go through life and always hear about the word respect, but they don't know what it
means. Respect is the esteem for or a sense of the worth or excellence of a person. There are
things in life you need to hold in respect. Respect for yourself, respect for others, and respect for
property. Respect is taught to people everywhere and it is even taught to them in their religions.
Respect is the very aspect that keeps everything in your life. Respect for yourself is very
important to a person because it can be the balancing factor of your life. If a person has no respect
for themselves the will most likely go into depression. Respecting yourself is also important for your
self–esteem. Having a high self–esteem means that more content...
Respecting your elders is important because they know more than you and they know what is
good for you and what isn't. Respecting your peers is important too. Respecting your peers means
not making fun of them, not fighting, and helping them when they are troubled by something.
Lastly respecting property means not damaging or taking something that is not yours. Respecting
property can vary from writing on a desk at school to stealing from a store. Respecting property is
important because if you don't it could be considered a felony offense. But respecting property is
just using your common sense. There is a Japanese culture that teaches us to respect the
environment because they believe that the earth is holy, such as the trees, grass, and animals. You
may be asking yourself "what does this have to do with respecting property?" But respecting
property does not just mean that you shouldn't damage things that are not yours but it also means
taking care of your enviorment. There is an old saying "do onto others as you would have them do
onto you." How would you feel if someone came along and broke your bicycle, or trampled on your
flowers? Most people don't think about how the other person would feel if someone did something to
their personal property. There is a Japanese culture that teaches us to respect the environment
because they believe that the earth is holy,
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Respect in the Military
Respect Respect, especially in the Army is a very important value to live by. It is much more than
just talking kindly and listening to someone. It is the process of taking into consideration someone's
emotions, feelings and needs. You must also focus on their ideas, thoughts, and preferences. It is
showing someone that you value their time; that you care what they have to say. Showing someone
respect allows that person to know and acknowledge that you are tracking them and that you
comprehend and believe in what they are saying, It is important to allow someone to feel your
respect for them. It will ease the conversation and create trust. Behavior and attitude will allow the
person demanding respect to feel that respect. When more content...
Do what they ask and do it well. Treat them kindly and use proper language. You still must take
into consideration the person's emotions, needs, preferences, thoughts, and ideas. Do what they
say and do it quickly. Do not ask questions, do not smart off, and do not do anything to jeopardize
your own self in regards to the situation. It is important to complete the job task and complete it
well the first time. Show the person you respect them. Get it done, and get it down the right way,
the first time. This is how you show respect. This is how you earn respect. Respect is very
important both in the military and in the civilian world. In most cases, people can easily tell
when someone respects them or not. Once they feel that they are being respected, they can instill
more trust into a person, respect them back, and take what the person says to heart. They can put
faith into that person. Once we earn someone's respect, it is much easier to gain his or her
cooperation. It is much easier to have them support us and take our sides. We don't have to put as
much effort in to getting them to listen to an order or doing what they are told. Respect must be
EARNED. You must provide someone with your respect before they show you the same respect.
This is what I mean by earning it. I do not believe that respect can be demanded or forced.
Demanding someone's respect will most likely lead to some type of conflict. Respect
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Definition Essay On Respect
When I was a little kid, about 8 to 9 years of age, I usually believed on anything a person said.
Specifically the time when one of my classmates said "I'll give back your pencil at the end of
class." That's where trust comes in: a substantial belief in one's loyalty, truth, or ability. In fact, he
never gave it back which saddens me because the pencil he kept was actually my favorite one. It's
understandable that a pencil is cheap and easily replaceable, but that doesn't give anyone the right to
keep it without the owner's consent. From my perspective, trust is like a vase, a nice well–decorated
artifact, that is highly fragile and easy to break. Once it is destroyed it can be fixed, maybe by using
tape or super glue, but the vase will more content...
Be courteous: that's what respect is. Respect is also what brings people together, like a
relationship or a friendship of some sort. If not used it can also tear people apart. There is another
form of respect too, and that is respect for one's property. Ever heard of the term "vandalism"? That
term means: action involving destruction of or damage to private or public property. This includes
anything from writing on a desk at school to stealing from 7–Eleven. It is a form of disrespect and
crime. Property, whether a friend's, the school's, or even a stranger's, should always be respected.
Even if you smash a bottle on the side–walk. Be thoughtful and respect others, and you'll get that
respect back. So what does respect truly mean to me? Respect for me is a form of loving and
admiring something or someone. It means so much that it makes me open up more about my ideas
on improving somethings in life, without getting rudely interrupted or persecuted. Again with the
friendship thing, it is the reason why I have the friends that I think highly of today. Because we hand
out and obtain respect from one another, as a result, formed the our
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Respect Essay
I have been told that I need to write a 1000 word essay on disrespecting a Non Commissioned
Officer. But it is really hard to write about this because I am having a hard time wondering how I
disrespected them. So, where do I start on this and what do I say about it. As far as this essay
goes I am just going to write how I feel about respect and how respect works both ways. It is
wrong to disrespect a Non Commissioned Officer because they are appointed above me to guide
me to the right place and things to do. But it is really hard to respect someone when they do not
respect you. Respect works both ways and if that person or leadership does not respect you trying to
respect them is difficult. No matter what is said it is more content...
I have seen way worse disrespect then what I have ever done to anyone. In my eyes disrespect is
if you just plainly say hell no or fuck off. I have never done that and yet they automatically think
that if you are asking them why you are told to do something it is disrespect but in fact is not
disrespect it is that the soldier is trying to learn from them. If I remember correctly the Non
Commissioned Officer Creed states "Competence is my watchword. My two basic responsibilities
will always be uppermost in my mind–accomplishment of my mission and the welfare of my
soldiers. I will strive to remain tactically and technically proficient. I am aware of my role as a
Noncommissioned Officer. I will fulfill my responsibilities inherent in that role. All soldiers are
entitled to outstanding leadership; I will provide that leadership. I know my soldiers and I will
always place their needs above my own. I will communicate consistently with my soldiers and
never leave them uninformed. I will be fair and impartial when recommending both rewards and
punishment." But it seems that only a few of the Non Commissioned Officers respect the lower
enlisted. Why should soldiers' words get twisted and why is that NCO's are not respecting the
soldiers and their needs. We need to be respected that is one of the many needs of the soldiers of
today. That is why a lot of soldiers act out against Non Commissioned Officers. Ok so disrespect is
all on what that person
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The Importance of Following Orders Essay
The Importance of Following Orders Following orders is of the utmost importance in the military.
Obedience is what enables the military to operate in an organized and effective manner which is
clearly very important during challenging military situations. While an individual can question the
notion of obedience in daily life, this luxury is often not available in the military where the grand
goals and aims require smooth internal functioning and hierarchical coordination. Indeed, many of
the standards that would be frowned upon outside the military are essential to the work's success
within. For example, punishment is not deemed to be a positive occurrence in an average person's
life, whereas the military guide maintains that more content...
There is thus little chance for participation among the subordinates in the military, in the
establishment of the standards of general orders. These can include anything from restrictions on
alcohol during wartime to the requirement of avoiding tattoos as a soldier. The military is a fairly
formal and strict hierarchical institution and orders are channeled gradually down. Difficulties in
the military are generally attributed to the breakdown of this structure by lack of efficiency
resulting from the inability of an individual or group of individuals to follow the chain of
command. Following orders instills discipline and ensures that everyone in the military is in
alignment with others' by providing a cohesive plan of instructions that ties the military together as
one unit. Refusing to follow an order or not following it precisely indicates a soldier's unwillingness
to compromise for the general good of the military and presents one's actions to be more
self–centered and selfishly motivated than should be for a successful soldier. An individual who
does not understand the gravity of orders in the military is one who can quickly become a
hindrance to others' ability to execute tasks smoothly and quickly regardless of any persona factors
and emotional sate during any given day. This is of course
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Respect Essay
Respect Many people have different ideas about what respect means. I think it means having
respect for others, property, and respect for yourself. Most people want respect even if it is just a
little. The American Heritage Dictionary states that respect is 1.A feeling of appreciative, often
deferential regard, esteem. 2.The state of being regarded with honor or esteem. 3.Willingness to
show consideration or appreciation. People demand different amounts of respect, though not
everyone is willing to give the amount needed. Maybe this is because not every one knows what
respect means. The first rule is respect for others. A few of those "others" are teachers, police,
authority figures, and business people. more content...
This respect should be shown on every ones property including friend's, teachers, and even
strangers. The last rule is respecting yourself. Respecting yourself can mean holding your head
up high and respecting your own ideas. You can share your ideas even if you might not thing they
are right. But it can lead to more important things like peer pressure, and not giving into it. It is
about not letting it affect you in any way or sort. You can not have respect for others if you can
not respect yourself. There are many little things you can do to show respect. For example you
can clean your room and set the dishes. You can raise your hand when some one else is talking
when you have an opinion. Don't be afraid to share your opinions and ideas. They can be a good
example for someone. Be a person that another person would want to look up to. You can not be
this person when you have a lack of respect. You may not notice it, but respect plays a role in our
daily lives. Respect follows you wherever you go. Whether it is in school, your home, or in a
restaurant. You may not notice it that other people give you respect, but you do notice when they
don't. Even for the simplest reasons. If you are not respectful than you will not be respected. You
can't DEMAND respect, nor make people give respect out of fear. The scare will not work. You
have to get respect by earning it. Remaining calm in bad situations and being
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When I Respect Research Paper
Over the latter parts of my 18–years of existence I have gotten pretty good at people watching.
Therefore, I have become prone to know who I respect and those I don't. The way one speaks,
acts, and obeys has a strong influence on how they will be first viewed. First impressions are very
important and if one is saying mean things, lashing out, or disrespecting my view of said person
will more than likely be negative. Overall, respect is a characteristic that is not simply received
but gained. Growing up my parents taught me to look at people and see their hearts, not the
clothes they are wearing or the shoes on their feet. This trait hasn't always been easy to come by
and by no means is it natural. Upon first glance of an individual with a scouring look on their face,
anyone would not think highly of them, at least I don't. For all I know they could just be having a
rough day or perhaps received bad news but I don't think about that until after my wrongful
judgement has been more content...
I tend to watch the actions of people I pass by and can't help but notice when someone is on their
phone, completely clueless to what is going on around them. This makes it easy to be invisible to
someone in need. I have zero respect for someone who is unwilling to help another when they
have the opportunity to make a big impact. When someone is struggling, my first intention is to
help and when a passerby keeps walking I have a hard time to comprehend. This could be because
of how I was raised. Moreover, helping is not limited to assisting someone in need. Not everyone
is a genius, therefore, people need homework help and that is an easy service to grant. Everywhere
you look there is someone in need whether they admit it or not. Being a person who is so
self–involved will get you nowhere in life but if you humble yourself, you will be able to see the
world for how it is and not how you want it to
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The Importance Of Respect In Society
One of the most fundamental things a society needs to be able to function is respect. For
example, ever since the early days in elementary school we are told to "respect others the way you
want to be treated." Everyone in this nation as a human being deserve respect it is what gives
everyone a voice a sense of identity in society. It is what people use to acknowledge each other, to
be listened when spoken to, and to be taken seriously when needed to. When ignored by others it
is an insult like being downgraded and becoming invincible in the process which lowers the
individual in the social ladder. For example within society there is a social ladder, Steve jobs is
someone who is widely known and respected by everyone for his contribution in technology.
Whereas someone in the streets is not widely received and is often judged and neglected than
someone who is high in the social ladder. Society shows respect anywhere from businesses to even
gangs who live on the edge of the law which provides evidence on how respect does matter in all
functions of society. It is what builds the foundation of trust and what determines the leaders. In
addition, respect is what gives the opportunity for people to be open to each other's perspectives. It
does not mean to agree with other people's opinion instead it is what gives everyone the equal
treatment they deserve not regarding their race, ethnicity, or gender to speak out their opinions.
People express their thoughts and ideas through
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Speech On Respect
In Retrospect About Respect Respect is earned, not given. Some people earn their respect and
fully deserve it, like the boss who worked their way up the company ladder, or a brave general
who fought to gain their medals of honor, even the hard working, dedicated teacher who works
overtime has earned the respect from their students and peers. All of these examples, are of
people who have worked long and hard to make it to where they are, whether it's working up the
starting at the bottom and working their way to the top or solidifying their reputation as an
intelligent, honorable person, they all earned the respect they were given. Although this is not
the only way to gain honorable respect it is one of the more common ways and when people gain
this type of respect, it is rewarding for them. Fully allowing them to be recognized and
appreciated for all their hard work. Good people should be respected and rewarded, especially
when they are mutually respectful no matter the circumstances. While some types of respect is
given to a deserving person, there are circumstances when people are given respect because of how
they enforce the situations they are in. This type of "respect" is more of a power over someone or
an abuse of the position they have been put in. A teacher is given the respect of their pupils, but
some use that to punish or humiliate students they don't particularly like. Some parents use this type
of respect to their advantage: punishing children for things that
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Importance of Respecting NCOs in the Military
There are many reasons why lower enlisted soldiers should respect non–commissioned officers in the
military. It is important to respect an non–commissioned officer in order to keep the balance in the
work place. Even if respect is not deserved or given back to you, the military still expects you to
give them respect because they are appointed above you. Not showing them respect will result in
getting yourself in trouble that will make yourself look bad to your other superiors. Punishments
will be given out to whoever disrespects or does not listen to a non–commissioned officer. These
consequences must be obeyed. Further punishments will be given out to you if these are not
followed to every specific detail. Some people say that more content...
Because of this inherent hierarchal quality, respect must be established between the ranks to ensure
that tactical operations continue to fit within a strategic plan. Additionally, in order to successfully
mobilize a military, some sort of structure must be enforced to ensure critical elements such as
communication, discipline, and accountability are properly maintained. If hierarchal respect,
particularly in the sense of customs and courtesies is not maintained, the effectiveness and
efficiency of a military is inhibited. In combat situations, if this respect is not well established, it
can put the lives of soldiers in danger. Furthermore, in most cases NCOs have more combat
experience or, at least, more experience in their MOS. In this sense they are better equipped to lead
lower enlisted soldiers into combat situations, to protect their soldiers, and to ensure the completion
of the mission. This is why they have earned the position of a non–commissioned officer in the first
place and should therefore be respected. I can understand the logic behind this point of view. In that
aspect I believe that if someone is an NCO they should work and live by the NCO creed. The NCO
is a soldier that is a well–rounded professional that has the experience and qualifications to lead
other soldiers. They must learn the NCO Creed. The NCO creed
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Persuasive Essay On Respect
As children we are taught to always show respect to those around us. We are taught to never say
no to an adult, to listen and to use manners to everyone around us. But as we grow older we
develop a sense of rebelliousness, and an urge to question every single moral and value we have
So the burning question arises: Should respect be given to everyone no matter what, or is it
something that needs to be earned? I believe that respect is a given. Like a natural right, it is born
with it, and it is your choice whether you can gain more or lose it. People around the world have
been fighting all around the world for equality. Isn't that the same as respect? We have been
fighting for respect this whole time, so why should we suddenly discriminate every organism on
this planet. Everyone has a side of insecurity and if we keep making people feel ashamed of that,
there would be no respect. Respect is what separates me from you, him from her. But shouldn't
everyone get respect no matter the case? From CEOs to retail workers?
According to The Positivity Solution, an organization dedicated to spread positivity, dignity, and
kindness, "Rudeness is often a by–product of a lack of respect. Not to sound like Captain Obvious
here, but most people don't choose to be rude and disrespectful to people who they respect, do
they?". What they are trying to convey is that people often don't give everyone the respect they
deserve. When we do not give people respect, we lose respect for ourselves and become rude in
other people's eyes. As we learn to realize that everyone deserves respect, we can see that even the
most small things can earn our attention. If you are consciously deciding to give people respect or
not, that is a mistake. Why do people need your acceptance to be treated equally? They do not. And
if you are making a choice based on shallow judgment, you are destroying the love and kindness that
others have shown to you. To be critical like that is unacceptable and wrong universally.
"A person's a person, no matter how small" said Dr. Suess, an award winning children's books writer.
Everyone wants to be accepted, some people at all costs. But would we like to see these people
struggle to work there way up and
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Punctuality In The Military Essay
Punctuality is a concept that is held to a different standard in every culture in the world. In
Switzerland, for example, the train schedule is almost to the second. If a commuter is even thirty
seconds late for the train, it will have already departed. On the other hand, in Italy, which is right
next door to Switzerland, the train schedules are quite a bit more relaxed. If a train is not posting
delayed warnings, it almost comes as a surprise. However, there is one cultural norm that all
peoples across the globe can agree upon: respect. Being respectful to our peers, superiors, and
subordinates, is an extremely important part of the Army lifestyle. One way that we show this
respect is through an even more disciplined version of more content...
Building a culture of respect and regard for another's time is important in every level of
relationships in the military, seniors, peers, and subordinates. Being punctual is a sign of excellent
leadership, as well as a sign for the potential for more responsibility and leadership opportunities.
Timeliness is a key part of self–development. Being self–disciplined can lead to building a better
personal life for oneself, and being on time in your daily activities is a good opportunity to put
self–discipline in to action. Finally, timeliness is an important aspect of the military community that
non–military personnel respect and admire. Maintaining that imagery and persona of a military
member can lead to great opportunities outside of the military. Clearly, punctuality is key to being a
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Essay on Respect
One of the keys to building or tearing down ego is respect. The communication of respect or the
failure to communicate respect can greatly affect self esteem. Oftentimes it can take a lifetime of
investment to communicate love, respect, and admiration. Self doubt and poor self–esteem can often
erode the efforts of a friend or mentor to encourage and support. Oftentimes, though, building and
destroying self–esteem can take place in a very short time. The ego buster and the ego booster in my
life are one in the same person. Even more, the busting and boosting took place in the same
I had a close relationship with a teacher in high school. Throughout my years there, this teacher
encouraged me to work hard academically. more content...
I responded, "I like take–home exams." In retrospect, I wish I had given the answer more though.
The teacher had just said how valuable my opinion was in front of the entire class, and I could only
must this brief phrase. In my defense, he did catch me off guard.
I remember his response equally well. Without a single word, he said, "Hmpf." It was obvious that
my answer had not been neither as insightful not as informative as he had hoped. In that one exhale
of air, he expressed his frustration, annoyance, and disappointment with my unreasoned and
lack–luster response.
In the space of a few seconds, the ego booster became the ego buster, and I left feeling quite small,
regretting my pitiful response.
Since that time, I have thought back on that moment many times. I have wished that I had said
something different. I have wished that I'd thought a little bit more about the question. I could have
expounded upon the benefits of a take–home exam. I could have explained how take–home exams
allow more time for detailed research and thorough response, while in–class exams are often rushed
and filled with pressure. I could have argued that in–class exams are less about measuring knowledge
and more an exercise in memorization. I have run through the details many times.
Perhaps it says something about me that I could be so greatly
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What Does Respect Mean To You Essay
A foundational value that best describes who I am and what I am about is respect; not only to
others, but for yourself as well. Respect for another person is knowing that there is a line and
making sure you do not cross it. I believe this is important because everyone has their limits and it is
essential for one to know that they should not cross a certain line under any circumstances.
Additionally, respect is important in relationships because it shows equality and that no one is
superior to anyone else. Meaning, you are not communicating in a way that makes others believe
that you are talking down to them. I believe this is significant because if you want to show someone
that you value them, the foundation of that admiration is respect. Moreover,
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Respect Definition Essay
The feeling of a deep admiration for someone could be used to describe the word respect. Others
may say that allowing a person to believe in or speak for whatever they feel the need to show a
great deal of respect. A substitute meaning for the word is an agreement to abide by a person's rules
or thoughts, and avoiding confrontation, though you may not fully agree with what that person has
to say, their interests, or even the way things are being presented, you are still courteous and polite.
Multiple different meanings and definitions are used to describe the word respect. One may say that
respect can be defined as an acknowledgement of something or of someone (Marriam Webster.)
Acknowledging something or someone means to recognize the fact, importance, or quality of
something or someone. When speaking with someone, a person should normally acknowledge
everything the other person is saying. Nodding when a person speaks could be a great way to
express the fact that you may be acknowledging them. By acknowledging a person, the person
receiving the message is confirming that they matter and that what they are saying may be relevant, more content...
Respect could be hard to come by and that is because sometimes people let their emotions get in
the way of their respect towards that person or persons. This can be a problem because a person
should not let their emotions prevent them from acting the way they should and showing someone
the respect that person deserves. Some may have a difference of opinion and still show respect
towards someone in order to be thought highly of or to avoid a problem from stirring. How a
person acts and what a person does that shape them into the person they are. If you want the respect
of others, you must first give it, though respect should be a thing common enough where every
person receives it. You should never be surprised when someone treats you with respect, you should
expect it(Sarah
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1000 Word Essay On Respect

  • 1. The Importance Of Respect Respect can be displayed in numerous ways which may be verbal or none verbal dependent upon the individual. My aim is to demonstrate a clear outline of 'respect' touching upon subjects such as, human rights, and values. Respect can be as straightforward as manors such as 'please' and 'thank you', although many may not always display this. Respect is dignity for every individual, mutual acknowledgment from one individual to another portraying thoughtfulness and equality. (Nhina le, 2016). Respect has changed outstandingly over the years which effects the way we live today. Morally It is of significance to include others without preconceptions or exceptions no matter of differences such as ethnicity or beliefs. (Joyce Catlett and Robert w firestone 2009) respect and human rights interlink, as in 1998 the humans right act came into power which is built up of 30 articles e.g. 'right to life' which states that "nobody including the government can try to end your life" (ref article) these rights are about respect and belong to everyone. VALUEs Values are personal attributes of importance which we are passionate about, gained through life and experiences. Values certainly influence the opinions we have and the choices we make, as these are personal thoughts and felling of what we care about. (Hayden, 2006) Values affect the way we choose to live our life furthermore the way we act towards others and their life.(REF) As we develop as individuals many factors such as age, wisdom and life experiences are likely to have an impacted value's now held in comparison to ones held in younger life, as growth, knowledge and life experience act towards shaping us as individuals and the way we may view things. Values are not factual nevertheless there are no right or wrong values as these are personal to each and every individual. (x2ref) changes were made, which has a huge influence throughout the world. RESPECT– many may say respect should be earned, but in certain instances, this is not always possible, for ex; when holding the door for someone who is walking behind you is effortless human respect, that is morally expected to be given and reciprocated. showing respect for someone does not necessarily mean you have to Get more content on
  • 2. Definition Essay On Respect I believe that respect means a lot of different things for different people. For me personally, respect means taking someone's feelings into consideration as if they were your own feelings, and being mature enough to handle the feelings and thoughts of other people. When giving someone respect, it should make them feel worthy and valued as well as making them feel like they belong. The behavior one person shows toward another can present how much that person respects the other and the other person should be able to feel the respect that you have for them. People act in many ways that are considered respectful and in ways that are considered disrespectful. In my childhood, I was taught to treat others the way you would would want to be treated, Get more content on
  • 3. Definition Essay: The Importance Of Respect Respect. Respect is a thing most of us don't use as much as we should. A think mostly people desire, is to be respected. Respect means a feeling of deep admiration for someone or something elicited by their abilities, qualities, or achievements. People define respect as different things, according to the unique way that they want to be treated. If you respect a group of people you are showing that group a positive mentality. Mentality is the characteristic attitude of mind or way of thinking of a person or group. People find it disrespectful when you take control of them. The reasons for this is because if you take control of them and don't make it fair, it is disrespectful. You're giving that person the lower hand instead of making each of you more content... There will always be someone who dislikes what you do, even though there's nothing wrong with what you are doing. Of course people have to be kind, helpful, and understanding towards others. Yes, we have to be nice. But to treat someone with "respect", that's what people say when they dislike your actions, and cannot or choose not to articulate their insecurities regarding how they feel. If you try to help one person, as I was doing in class, the other person will, or could, think it is disrespectful. If you are to be respectful to one person you're most likely going to be disrespectful to the other person and Get more content on
  • 4. Definition Of Respect Essay Sam KozlowskiTeen LeadershipRespect!There are many definitions of the word "respect" according to the Merriam Webster Dictionary. It can be a "relation or reference to a particular thing or situation", or "high or special regard",or the quality or state of beingesteemed." Respect can be a noun or a verb. A synonym for respect can be "civility". Both words convey showing some one esteem and dignity. It is especially important in the work place or in the class room. !With out respect, the World would cease to function in a civilized manner. For example, author Ralph Waldo Emerson stated that, "Every human being, of what ever origin, of what ever station, deserves respect. We must each respect others even as we respect ourselves." In more content... Even if you master a skill, but fail to use common courtesy and respect to others in school or in the work place, you will find that your tasks are less pleasant and more difficult than if you use these social tools to communicate with others. There are very few careers that do not depend on using respect and civility. Whether your primary communication is face to face, email, texting or phone calls, respect courtesy and civility are the most important skills you need for success. In conclusion, it is important to remember that as you go through life, these important life skills will benefit you in whatever career you choose. It shows others that you have empathy for their problems, beliefs and disagreements. One could argue, that social mediation between two parties that disagree with each other could be easily resolved by the use courtesy, civility, and respect. If you go through life using these techniques to communicate with others, it will demonstrate your capacity for tolerance, rationality, and leadership skills. There have been many wise words written to express a definition of tolerance from ancient times to the present. Writers and philosophers such as Aristotle, Marcus Aurelius, Albert Einstein, and Ralph Waldo Emerson, have conveyed their thoughts on respect and civility through the ages. However, this anonymous quote sums it up well: "Treat everyone with kindness and respect, even those who are rude to you– Get more content on
  • 5. 1000 Words on Accountability Accountability is defined by department of defense as the obligation imposed by a law or lawful order or regulation on an officer or other person for keeping an accurate record of government property, documents or funds. The numerical end product of personnel accountability process reflects the combat power of a unit. So what is Personnel accountability exactly? Personnel accountability is a by name tracking system that manages the duty status and location of every single soldier assigned or attached to a unit. This tracking system also tracks the soldiers as they arrive to the unit, and depart from the unit for duty. Personnel accountability must be maintained at all times, for an inaccurate count will lead to disastrous more content... Therefore, it reflects poorly on the commander in charge of the task. Which leads to punishment of the leadership in charge of the soldiers who did not report and were not accurately accounted for. Accountability for personnel aids in the accessing of a unit's assets and combat readiness is called personnel strength reporting. Personnel strength reporting is a command function that enables a unit as a whole, to analyze the manning levels and readiness to provide commanders with a snapshot of the unit's combat power and capabilities. The formula to achieve a Personnel Strength report is achieved by comparing the by name data obtained during the Personnel accountability process and face it against the specified authorizations to determine the percentage of the slots filled for certain positions within a unit. Even though Strength reporting seems to be only important for the deployment process one has to think of the capabilities of each and every by name soldier within the unit, if the soldiers do not report to training how will they every be prepared for when it comes to combat situations. So therefore even in garrison we need to maintain accurate numbers on the soldiers accounted for. If the numbers are inaccurate in garrison, what is it to say when it comes to combat situations? How will soldiers know how to perform their duties while they are in combat if they did not attend the specified training that is there Get more content on
  • 6. The Meaning of Respect Essay Most people go through life and always hear about the word respect, but they don't know what it means. Respect is the esteem for or a sense of the worth or excellence of a person. There are things in life you need to hold in respect. Respect for yourself, respect for others, and respect for property. Respect is taught to people everywhere and it is even taught to them in their religions. Respect is the very aspect that keeps everything in your life. Respect for yourself is very important to a person because it can be the balancing factor of your life. If a person has no respect for themselves the will most likely go into depression. Respecting yourself is also important for your self–esteem. Having a high self–esteem means that more content... Respecting your elders is important because they know more than you and they know what is good for you and what isn't. Respecting your peers is important too. Respecting your peers means not making fun of them, not fighting, and helping them when they are troubled by something. Lastly respecting property means not damaging or taking something that is not yours. Respecting property can vary from writing on a desk at school to stealing from a store. Respecting property is important because if you don't it could be considered a felony offense. But respecting property is just using your common sense. There is a Japanese culture that teaches us to respect the environment because they believe that the earth is holy, such as the trees, grass, and animals. You may be asking yourself "what does this have to do with respecting property?" But respecting property does not just mean that you shouldn't damage things that are not yours but it also means taking care of your enviorment. There is an old saying "do onto others as you would have them do onto you." How would you feel if someone came along and broke your bicycle, or trampled on your flowers? Most people don't think about how the other person would feel if someone did something to their personal property. There is a Japanese culture that teaches us to respect the environment because they believe that the earth is holy, Get more content on
  • 7. Respect in the Military Respect Respect, especially in the Army is a very important value to live by. It is much more than just talking kindly and listening to someone. It is the process of taking into consideration someone's emotions, feelings and needs. You must also focus on their ideas, thoughts, and preferences. It is showing someone that you value their time; that you care what they have to say. Showing someone respect allows that person to know and acknowledge that you are tracking them and that you comprehend and believe in what they are saying, It is important to allow someone to feel your respect for them. It will ease the conversation and create trust. Behavior and attitude will allow the person demanding respect to feel that respect. When more content... Do what they ask and do it well. Treat them kindly and use proper language. You still must take into consideration the person's emotions, needs, preferences, thoughts, and ideas. Do what they say and do it quickly. Do not ask questions, do not smart off, and do not do anything to jeopardize your own self in regards to the situation. It is important to complete the job task and complete it well the first time. Show the person you respect them. Get it done, and get it down the right way, the first time. This is how you show respect. This is how you earn respect. Respect is very important both in the military and in the civilian world. In most cases, people can easily tell when someone respects them or not. Once they feel that they are being respected, they can instill more trust into a person, respect them back, and take what the person says to heart. They can put faith into that person. Once we earn someone's respect, it is much easier to gain his or her cooperation. It is much easier to have them support us and take our sides. We don't have to put as much effort in to getting them to listen to an order or doing what they are told. Respect must be EARNED. You must provide someone with your respect before they show you the same respect. This is what I mean by earning it. I do not believe that respect can be demanded or forced. Demanding someone's respect will most likely lead to some type of conflict. Respect Get more content on
  • 8. Definition Essay On Respect When I was a little kid, about 8 to 9 years of age, I usually believed on anything a person said. Specifically the time when one of my classmates said "I'll give back your pencil at the end of class." That's where trust comes in: a substantial belief in one's loyalty, truth, or ability. In fact, he never gave it back which saddens me because the pencil he kept was actually my favorite one. It's understandable that a pencil is cheap and easily replaceable, but that doesn't give anyone the right to keep it without the owner's consent. From my perspective, trust is like a vase, a nice well–decorated artifact, that is highly fragile and easy to break. Once it is destroyed it can be fixed, maybe by using tape or super glue, but the vase will more content... Be courteous: that's what respect is. Respect is also what brings people together, like a relationship or a friendship of some sort. If not used it can also tear people apart. There is another form of respect too, and that is respect for one's property. Ever heard of the term "vandalism"? That term means: action involving destruction of or damage to private or public property. This includes anything from writing on a desk at school to stealing from 7–Eleven. It is a form of disrespect and crime. Property, whether a friend's, the school's, or even a stranger's, should always be respected. Even if you smash a bottle on the side–walk. Be thoughtful and respect others, and you'll get that respect back. So what does respect truly mean to me? Respect for me is a form of loving and admiring something or someone. It means so much that it makes me open up more about my ideas on improving somethings in life, without getting rudely interrupted or persecuted. Again with the friendship thing, it is the reason why I have the friends that I think highly of today. Because we hand out and obtain respect from one another, as a result, formed the our Get more content on
  • 9. Respect Essay I have been told that I need to write a 1000 word essay on disrespecting a Non Commissioned Officer. But it is really hard to write about this because I am having a hard time wondering how I disrespected them. So, where do I start on this and what do I say about it. As far as this essay goes I am just going to write how I feel about respect and how respect works both ways. It is wrong to disrespect a Non Commissioned Officer because they are appointed above me to guide me to the right place and things to do. But it is really hard to respect someone when they do not respect you. Respect works both ways and if that person or leadership does not respect you trying to respect them is difficult. No matter what is said it is more content... I have seen way worse disrespect then what I have ever done to anyone. In my eyes disrespect is if you just plainly say hell no or fuck off. I have never done that and yet they automatically think that if you are asking them why you are told to do something it is disrespect but in fact is not disrespect it is that the soldier is trying to learn from them. If I remember correctly the Non Commissioned Officer Creed states "Competence is my watchword. My two basic responsibilities will always be uppermost in my mind–accomplishment of my mission and the welfare of my soldiers. I will strive to remain tactically and technically proficient. I am aware of my role as a Noncommissioned Officer. I will fulfill my responsibilities inherent in that role. All soldiers are entitled to outstanding leadership; I will provide that leadership. I know my soldiers and I will always place their needs above my own. I will communicate consistently with my soldiers and never leave them uninformed. I will be fair and impartial when recommending both rewards and punishment." But it seems that only a few of the Non Commissioned Officers respect the lower enlisted. Why should soldiers' words get twisted and why is that NCO's are not respecting the soldiers and their needs. We need to be respected that is one of the many needs of the soldiers of today. That is why a lot of soldiers act out against Non Commissioned Officers. Ok so disrespect is all on what that person Get more content on
  • 10. The Importance of Following Orders Essay The Importance of Following Orders Following orders is of the utmost importance in the military. Obedience is what enables the military to operate in an organized and effective manner which is clearly very important during challenging military situations. While an individual can question the notion of obedience in daily life, this luxury is often not available in the military where the grand goals and aims require smooth internal functioning and hierarchical coordination. Indeed, many of the standards that would be frowned upon outside the military are essential to the work's success within. For example, punishment is not deemed to be a positive occurrence in an average person's life, whereas the military guide maintains that more content... There is thus little chance for participation among the subordinates in the military, in the establishment of the standards of general orders. These can include anything from restrictions on alcohol during wartime to the requirement of avoiding tattoos as a soldier. The military is a fairly formal and strict hierarchical institution and orders are channeled gradually down. Difficulties in the military are generally attributed to the breakdown of this structure by lack of efficiency resulting from the inability of an individual or group of individuals to follow the chain of command. Following orders instills discipline and ensures that everyone in the military is in alignment with others' by providing a cohesive plan of instructions that ties the military together as one unit. Refusing to follow an order or not following it precisely indicates a soldier's unwillingness to compromise for the general good of the military and presents one's actions to be more self–centered and selfishly motivated than should be for a successful soldier. An individual who does not understand the gravity of orders in the military is one who can quickly become a hindrance to others' ability to execute tasks smoothly and quickly regardless of any persona factors and emotional sate during any given day. This is of course Get more content on
  • 11. Respect Essay Respect Many people have different ideas about what respect means. I think it means having respect for others, property, and respect for yourself. Most people want respect even if it is just a little. The American Heritage Dictionary states that respect is 1.A feeling of appreciative, often deferential regard, esteem. 2.The state of being regarded with honor or esteem. 3.Willingness to show consideration or appreciation. People demand different amounts of respect, though not everyone is willing to give the amount needed. Maybe this is because not every one knows what respect means. The first rule is respect for others. A few of those "others" are teachers, police, authority figures, and business people. more content... This respect should be shown on every ones property including friend's, teachers, and even strangers. The last rule is respecting yourself. Respecting yourself can mean holding your head up high and respecting your own ideas. You can share your ideas even if you might not thing they are right. But it can lead to more important things like peer pressure, and not giving into it. It is about not letting it affect you in any way or sort. You can not have respect for others if you can not respect yourself. There are many little things you can do to show respect. For example you can clean your room and set the dishes. You can raise your hand when some one else is talking when you have an opinion. Don't be afraid to share your opinions and ideas. They can be a good example for someone. Be a person that another person would want to look up to. You can not be this person when you have a lack of respect. You may not notice it, but respect plays a role in our daily lives. Respect follows you wherever you go. Whether it is in school, your home, or in a restaurant. You may not notice it that other people give you respect, but you do notice when they don't. Even for the simplest reasons. If you are not respectful than you will not be respected. You can't DEMAND respect, nor make people give respect out of fear. The scare will not work. You have to get respect by earning it. Remaining calm in bad situations and being Get more content on
  • 12. When I Respect Research Paper Over the latter parts of my 18–years of existence I have gotten pretty good at people watching. Therefore, I have become prone to know who I respect and those I don't. The way one speaks, acts, and obeys has a strong influence on how they will be first viewed. First impressions are very important and if one is saying mean things, lashing out, or disrespecting my view of said person will more than likely be negative. Overall, respect is a characteristic that is not simply received but gained. Growing up my parents taught me to look at people and see their hearts, not the clothes they are wearing or the shoes on their feet. This trait hasn't always been easy to come by and by no means is it natural. Upon first glance of an individual with a scouring look on their face, anyone would not think highly of them, at least I don't. For all I know they could just be having a rough day or perhaps received bad news but I don't think about that until after my wrongful judgement has been more content... I tend to watch the actions of people I pass by and can't help but notice when someone is on their phone, completely clueless to what is going on around them. This makes it easy to be invisible to someone in need. I have zero respect for someone who is unwilling to help another when they have the opportunity to make a big impact. When someone is struggling, my first intention is to help and when a passerby keeps walking I have a hard time to comprehend. This could be because of how I was raised. Moreover, helping is not limited to assisting someone in need. Not everyone is a genius, therefore, people need homework help and that is an easy service to grant. Everywhere you look there is someone in need whether they admit it or not. Being a person who is so self–involved will get you nowhere in life but if you humble yourself, you will be able to see the world for how it is and not how you want it to Get more content on
  • 13. The Importance Of Respect In Society One of the most fundamental things a society needs to be able to function is respect. For example, ever since the early days in elementary school we are told to "respect others the way you want to be treated." Everyone in this nation as a human being deserve respect it is what gives everyone a voice a sense of identity in society. It is what people use to acknowledge each other, to be listened when spoken to, and to be taken seriously when needed to. When ignored by others it is an insult like being downgraded and becoming invincible in the process which lowers the individual in the social ladder. For example within society there is a social ladder, Steve jobs is someone who is widely known and respected by everyone for his contribution in technology. Whereas someone in the streets is not widely received and is often judged and neglected than someone who is high in the social ladder. Society shows respect anywhere from businesses to even gangs who live on the edge of the law which provides evidence on how respect does matter in all functions of society. It is what builds the foundation of trust and what determines the leaders. In addition, respect is what gives the opportunity for people to be open to each other's perspectives. It does not mean to agree with other people's opinion instead it is what gives everyone the equal treatment they deserve not regarding their race, ethnicity, or gender to speak out their opinions. People express their thoughts and ideas through Get more content on
  • 14. Speech On Respect In Retrospect About Respect Respect is earned, not given. Some people earn their respect and fully deserve it, like the boss who worked their way up the company ladder, or a brave general who fought to gain their medals of honor, even the hard working, dedicated teacher who works overtime has earned the respect from their students and peers. All of these examples, are of people who have worked long and hard to make it to where they are, whether it's working up the starting at the bottom and working their way to the top or solidifying their reputation as an intelligent, honorable person, they all earned the respect they were given. Although this is not the only way to gain honorable respect it is one of the more common ways and when people gain this type of respect, it is rewarding for them. Fully allowing them to be recognized and appreciated for all their hard work. Good people should be respected and rewarded, especially when they are mutually respectful no matter the circumstances. While some types of respect is given to a deserving person, there are circumstances when people are given respect because of how they enforce the situations they are in. This type of "respect" is more of a power over someone or an abuse of the position they have been put in. A teacher is given the respect of their pupils, but some use that to punish or humiliate students they don't particularly like. Some parents use this type of respect to their advantage: punishing children for things that Get more content on
  • 15. Importance of Respecting NCOs in the Military There are many reasons why lower enlisted soldiers should respect non–commissioned officers in the military. It is important to respect an non–commissioned officer in order to keep the balance in the work place. Even if respect is not deserved or given back to you, the military still expects you to give them respect because they are appointed above you. Not showing them respect will result in getting yourself in trouble that will make yourself look bad to your other superiors. Punishments will be given out to whoever disrespects or does not listen to a non–commissioned officer. These consequences must be obeyed. Further punishments will be given out to you if these are not followed to every specific detail. Some people say that more content... Because of this inherent hierarchal quality, respect must be established between the ranks to ensure that tactical operations continue to fit within a strategic plan. Additionally, in order to successfully mobilize a military, some sort of structure must be enforced to ensure critical elements such as communication, discipline, and accountability are properly maintained. If hierarchal respect, particularly in the sense of customs and courtesies is not maintained, the effectiveness and efficiency of a military is inhibited. In combat situations, if this respect is not well established, it can put the lives of soldiers in danger. Furthermore, in most cases NCOs have more combat experience or, at least, more experience in their MOS. In this sense they are better equipped to lead lower enlisted soldiers into combat situations, to protect their soldiers, and to ensure the completion of the mission. This is why they have earned the position of a non–commissioned officer in the first place and should therefore be respected. I can understand the logic behind this point of view. In that aspect I believe that if someone is an NCO they should work and live by the NCO creed. The NCO is a soldier that is a well–rounded professional that has the experience and qualifications to lead other soldiers. They must learn the NCO Creed. The NCO creed Get more content on
  • 16. Persuasive Essay On Respect As children we are taught to always show respect to those around us. We are taught to never say no to an adult, to listen and to use manners to everyone around us. But as we grow older we develop a sense of rebelliousness, and an urge to question every single moral and value we have learned. So the burning question arises: Should respect be given to everyone no matter what, or is it something that needs to be earned? I believe that respect is a given. Like a natural right, it is born with it, and it is your choice whether you can gain more or lose it. People around the world have been fighting all around the world for equality. Isn't that the same as respect? We have been fighting for respect this whole time, so why should we suddenly discriminate every organism on this planet. Everyone has a side of insecurity and if we keep making people feel ashamed of that, there would be no respect. Respect is what separates me from you, him from her. But shouldn't everyone get respect no matter the case? From CEOs to retail workers? According to The Positivity Solution, an organization dedicated to spread positivity, dignity, and kindness, "Rudeness is often a by–product of a lack of respect. Not to sound like Captain Obvious here, but most people don't choose to be rude and disrespectful to people who they respect, do they?". What they are trying to convey is that people often don't give everyone the respect they deserve. When we do not give people respect, we lose respect for ourselves and become rude in other people's eyes. As we learn to realize that everyone deserves respect, we can see that even the most small things can earn our attention. If you are consciously deciding to give people respect or not, that is a mistake. Why do people need your acceptance to be treated equally? They do not. And if you are making a choice based on shallow judgment, you are destroying the love and kindness that others have shown to you. To be critical like that is unacceptable and wrong universally. "A person's a person, no matter how small" said Dr. Suess, an award winning children's books writer. Everyone wants to be accepted, some people at all costs. But would we like to see these people struggle to work there way up and Get more content on
  • 17. Punctuality In The Military Essay Punctuality is a concept that is held to a different standard in every culture in the world. In Switzerland, for example, the train schedule is almost to the second. If a commuter is even thirty seconds late for the train, it will have already departed. On the other hand, in Italy, which is right next door to Switzerland, the train schedules are quite a bit more relaxed. If a train is not posting delayed warnings, it almost comes as a surprise. However, there is one cultural norm that all peoples across the globe can agree upon: respect. Being respectful to our peers, superiors, and subordinates, is an extremely important part of the Army lifestyle. One way that we show this respect is through an even more disciplined version of more content... Building a culture of respect and regard for another's time is important in every level of relationships in the military, seniors, peers, and subordinates. Being punctual is a sign of excellent leadership, as well as a sign for the potential for more responsibility and leadership opportunities. Timeliness is a key part of self–development. Being self–disciplined can lead to building a better personal life for oneself, and being on time in your daily activities is a good opportunity to put self–discipline in to action. Finally, timeliness is an important aspect of the military community that non–military personnel respect and admire. Maintaining that imagery and persona of a military member can lead to great opportunities outside of the military. Clearly, punctuality is key to being a better Get more content on
  • 18. Essay on Respect One of the keys to building or tearing down ego is respect. The communication of respect or the failure to communicate respect can greatly affect self esteem. Oftentimes it can take a lifetime of investment to communicate love, respect, and admiration. Self doubt and poor self–esteem can often erode the efforts of a friend or mentor to encourage and support. Oftentimes, though, building and destroying self–esteem can take place in a very short time. The ego buster and the ego booster in my life are one in the same person. Even more, the busting and boosting took place in the same conversation. I had a close relationship with a teacher in high school. Throughout my years there, this teacher encouraged me to work hard academically. more content... I responded, "I like take–home exams." In retrospect, I wish I had given the answer more though. The teacher had just said how valuable my opinion was in front of the entire class, and I could only must this brief phrase. In my defense, he did catch me off guard. I remember his response equally well. Without a single word, he said, "Hmpf." It was obvious that my answer had not been neither as insightful not as informative as he had hoped. In that one exhale of air, he expressed his frustration, annoyance, and disappointment with my unreasoned and lack–luster response. In the space of a few seconds, the ego booster became the ego buster, and I left feeling quite small, regretting my pitiful response. Since that time, I have thought back on that moment many times. I have wished that I had said something different. I have wished that I'd thought a little bit more about the question. I could have expounded upon the benefits of a take–home exam. I could have explained how take–home exams allow more time for detailed research and thorough response, while in–class exams are often rushed and filled with pressure. I could have argued that in–class exams are less about measuring knowledge and more an exercise in memorization. I have run through the details many times. Perhaps it says something about me that I could be so greatly Get more content on
  • 19. What Does Respect Mean To You Essay A foundational value that best describes who I am and what I am about is respect; not only to others, but for yourself as well. Respect for another person is knowing that there is a line and making sure you do not cross it. I believe this is important because everyone has their limits and it is essential for one to know that they should not cross a certain line under any circumstances. Additionally, respect is important in relationships because it shows equality and that no one is superior to anyone else. Meaning, you are not communicating in a way that makes others believe that you are talking down to them. I believe this is significant because if you want to show someone that you value them, the foundation of that admiration is respect. Moreover, Get more content on
  • 20. Respect Definition Essay The feeling of a deep admiration for someone could be used to describe the word respect. Others may say that allowing a person to believe in or speak for whatever they feel the need to show a great deal of respect. A substitute meaning for the word is an agreement to abide by a person's rules or thoughts, and avoiding confrontation, though you may not fully agree with what that person has to say, their interests, or even the way things are being presented, you are still courteous and polite. Multiple different meanings and definitions are used to describe the word respect. One may say that respect can be defined as an acknowledgement of something or of someone (Marriam Webster.) Acknowledging something or someone means to recognize the fact, importance, or quality of something or someone. When speaking with someone, a person should normally acknowledge everything the other person is saying. Nodding when a person speaks could be a great way to express the fact that you may be acknowledging them. By acknowledging a person, the person receiving the message is confirming that they matter and that what they are saying may be relevant, more content... Respect could be hard to come by and that is because sometimes people let their emotions get in the way of their respect towards that person or persons. This can be a problem because a person should not let their emotions prevent them from acting the way they should and showing someone the respect that person deserves. Some may have a difference of opinion and still show respect towards someone in order to be thought highly of or to avoid a problem from stirring. How a person acts and what a person does that shape them into the person they are. If you want the respect of others, you must first give it, though respect should be a thing common enough where every person receives it. You should never be surprised when someone treats you with respect, you should expect it(Sarah Get more content on