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Academic Essay Structures and Formats
For many years I have been taught that to write an essay I need to make sure I follow a specific set of steps. English class, in high school, had an essay
format that consisted of an introduction, a body with at least three paragraphs, and a conclusion. The introduction was the most significant part of the
essay because it was at this point where you explained what the argument, the purpose and the main points of it were. Furthermore, it was of utmost
importance that in the introduction there was a thesis statement, which stated what you wanted to prove with the paper. However, despite my previous
knowledge of writing, as I started college, English class or College Writing had a whole different concept about writing more content...
Personally, Appiah's essay is tough to comprehend the first time I read it because he simply explains thoughts and never reaches his own
conclusion. For me, considering my previous knowledge, an essay without a conclusion was not an essay. However, when I read the essay for the
second time I began to feel more keen about it, and I noticed that by using this style, the essay allowed the reader to discover his or her own
conclusion. I believe that Appiah's approach to writing an essay, without determining a specific conclusion allows the reader to discover knowledge
because by not having opinions trusted into our own thoughts, we are permitted to decide what we want to believe.
"The Loss of the Creature" by Waker Percy, is another essay that lacks a conclusion. Percy talks about how people are losing the ability to do or to
try new things because their lives are filled with the tales of others' experiences, and they choose to live off the possibilities that are handed to them
instead of creating their own. Percy's essay is similar to Appiah's in that they are successful at setting forth an opinion without reaching a specific
conclusion and by providing anecdotes and examples. However, Percy's essay differs because his anecdotes are personal. He gives examples that allow
the reader to relate and compare his or her experiences with Percy's
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Intro Paragraph Outline
Intro paragraph: Attention getter/interesting fact: Main idea/overall point of essay: First idea/first reason simplified: Second idea/second reason
simplified: Third idea/third reason simplified: Transition sentence (lead into first idea): Body 1 Paragraph: Main idea/reason: For example, in...
(use a quote from your reading material) Also, in... use a quote from your reading material) (This is because...): (This is also because...): As a result
of the Civil War being a war of freedom, (combine your this is because sentence ideas here..) Body 2 Paragraph: Main idea/reason: For example, in...
(use a quote from your reading material) Also, in... use a quote from your reading material) (This is because...): (This is also because...):
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Paragraph Outline
Outline Paragraph one. Describe what a chemical engineer does around, and outside of work. Use the definition form class with a twist. Briefly detail
the intangible characteristics a chemical engineer must obtain. Paragraph two. Overview the factors leading to my initial interest in chemistry. Clarify
that I initially wanted to be a physicist. Mention the professor who presented the material in a fascinating way; changing everything. Furthermore, list
the interesting captivating phenomenon that ultimately lead to my appreciation of chemistry. Paragraph three. Paint a picture of how my interest in
chemistry began to grow at an exponential rate. Indicate the factor that drew me away form a physics degree; being I am not interested
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Research Paper
Research Paper
Inclusive education means that all students in a school, regardless of their strengths or weaknesses in any area, become part of the school community.
They are included in the feeling of belonging among other students, teachers, and support staff. The educational practice known as, full inclusion may
have negative effects on the self–esteem of a special needs child. In 1975, Congress passed the Education for All Handicapped Children Act, also
known as Public Law94–142. Before this law came into effect many children with disabilities were routinely excluded from public schools.
Their options were to remain at home or be institutionalized. This law was an important landmark in education and because of this law, more
Integration presumes that "segregation" exists and students are with their peers without disabilities part–time. The CSIE did many studies and found
that inclusion is more effective than either integration or mainstreaming. Ferguson's (1992) project to achieve both social and learning outcomes for
students in general education classrooms resulted in the finding that "integration doesn't work, but inclusion does." In 1997 President Clinton signed
into law the Individuals With Disabilities Education Act. This law aims to strengthen academic expectations and accountability for the millions of
children with disabilities. This law makes it clear that schools have a duty to educate children with disabilities in general education classrooms. With
this law in effect the CSIE began to really push the inclusion movement in schools.
When inclusion was proposed, educators' primary concern was how learning–disabled students would benefit academically. Academic concern is
important; studies on the success of inclusion have determined that there are social issues that need more attention. A study on inclusion conducted by
(B. Dixon) in New Hampshire found that Even when students were first included in regular classes, teams did not focus on the students peer relations
unless parents pushed the issue or students
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Reflective Essay Writing Outlines
After reviewing the outline examples provided I feel that this will be most helpful in organizing my ideas and main points. I sometimes struggle with
organization in my essays. One thing I can say I never had been taught was a good organization tool or an outline. Outlines I was taught in high school
just confused me more. I never used them in high school and have not used them since then. Before starting this class and learning about different
styles of prewriting, I'm going to try it out and hope it makes my essay writing more smooth. I feel confident that these outlines will make the essay
more organized and I can develop more ideas that will make sense with the topic and be persuasive.
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Essay on Site Visit Report
Georgia Perimeter College
Mr. Bradley
RELI 1301 – World Religions
Spring 2011
Site Visit Report Template1
Note: Students are to read all instructions related to this assignment before completing this template. Place your responses adjacent to or below each
item/question – do not delete text from this template. Remember to please use a different font size or color in order to assist me in differentiating your
text from that of this template.
Student Name: Raul Leal
Name of Site Visit Location: Kingdom Hall of the Jehovah Witnesses
Religious Tradition: Christianity
Sub–tradition within Larger Religious Tradition: Jehovah Witnesses
Date and Time Attended: Sunday, 3:00pm
Address: 2341 Lake Rockaway Road more content...
Everyone is dressed in their best in suits and dresses, as they feel to dress at their best to worship God, with no jewelry as they believe to keep
themselves simple.
2.4. Material culture (respond to 2.4.1 – 2.4.2 below):
2.4.1. (6) Describe the interior area where the worship service is held–its shape, mood–setting features (e.g., colors, lighting, odors, music), seating,
kneeling, or other space arrangements; is any area raised or otherwise highlighted? Describe that area's arrangement.
The interior area is a medium size room which holds about 290 people, with two phrases on each side of the room which says "God is Love." Some
framed pictures are on the walls of simple things as flowers, trees, and fruits. Piano music played in a soft setting is around when entering and when
the members sing. No kneeling is done, just bow the heads. They sit on normal casual looking chairs during the service.
2.4.2. (7) What religious symbols are evident? Stained glass windows, candles, incense and other sensory mood–setting features, music (instruments,
sound systems, hymnals), flags, posters, banners, vestments and robes, flowers, hymnals, art, etc.
No religious symbols are used in the Kingdom Hall, with no glass windows. As entering the Hall, the only things that are evident simple framed art on
the walls of nature, as well a grand piano playing throughout the service.
3. Social
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Essay 5
I lengthened my stride almost imperceptibly, not wishing my tail to realise the steady rhythmic pace I'd maintained for the last fifteen minutes was
about to change as I neared my next objective. With at least three blocks to navigate before I switched direction I glanced briefly into the angled
window confirming the three operatives remained in place. A male was thirty yards across the street to my left, a female forty yards behind him, and
another male twenty yards directly behind me thinking six shoppers between us were sufficient to disguise his intentions.
By the time I made the right hand turn I'd gained five yards on them knowing they would not alter their pace until I rounded a bend. Leeds was my
playground. I doubted it was more content...
The rapid change into female wig and overcoat, pulled from my back pack, then back into a male option as I negotiated the empty station steps would
leave CCTV guessing, assuming it was being used, a big IF.
I stretched to loosen my limbs and carefully edged along the ledge until hidden by the aged wall behind which I had secreted the kayak two days
before in a niche that fifty years ago housed a rowing boat for transport and railway workers long retired to maintain the Arches.
It was sufficiently dark and cold to ensure my rapid paddling northwards would go unnoticed. If I was seen by the odd dog walker along the Leeds
Liverpool Canal, a kayaker in winter kit wouldn't seem out of place. Fortunately much of my journey beyond the Leeds City limits was sheltered from
easy scrutiny by steep banks, frosty foliage and paths rarely walked at night due to the threat of mugging and worse.
At 19.15 I struck out into the edge of the raging torrent for thirty yards till the surge eased and was soon in a steady rhythm. By 19.45 I'd cleared
the darker spots and began to ease my stroke as I ploughed north parallel to Kirkstall Lane, towards Kirkstall Abbey. Ten more minutes and I glided
by hushed factory buildings in Rodley where I spent hours in my late teens with a cousin learning to right a kayak. He was studying handicrafts at
Loughborough and had excelled at making fibreglass kayaks that
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5 Paragraph Essay Outline
Throughout all of high school, students are taught to write papers following the outline of a five–paragraph essay. The five–paragraph essay is a format
of essay having five paragraphs: one introductory paragraph, three body paragraphs with support and development, and one concluding paragraph.
This basic structure has proven to be effective for many students however the format itself has been accused of being "rigid and arbitrary" as well as
being accused of valuing mechanical organizational schemes rather than in depth thinking. (1) Is the five–paragraph essay as flawed as some people
make it out to be? A five paragraph essay breaks down like this: The first paragraph contains a one sentence (or maybe a two sentence) thesis statement,
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Outline Template for Apa Guidelines
Outline Template (Microsoft Word) Beginning on the next page is an outline template (in Microsoft Word format), which is filled in with a sample
to show you what a final outline looks like. Here is how to fill in your own outline: Triple click on a sentence to highlight it. (Or swipe across it with
a mouse's left key held down.) Type your sentence. (The original words should automatically disappear; if they don't, use the Delete key to eliminate
them.) When you don't need an outline subdivision (such as "C" or "3"), delete the line. When you need to insert a new subdivision, place the cursor
at the end of the sentence immediately above where you want to insert, press Enter, go the Style drop–down menu ( more content...
2. This exposes their young to predators and bad weather. (Transition: Let's summarize.) CONCLUSION I. Summary A. Jet skis should not be
allowed in national and state parks. B. They create noise, cause pollution, and harass wildlife. II. Clincher A. Please sign a petition that I will send to
our U.S. and state legislators asking them to support a ban. B. When we go to these parks, we have a right to find peace and quiet. BIBLIOGRAPHY
Burger, Joanna, Ph.D., professor of biology at Rutgers University. E–mail interview. 5 Oct. 2000. Clemans, John. "Bluewater Blues." Motor Boating &
Sailing Mar. 2000: 56. "Guide to Personal Watercraft." National Parks and Conservation Association (Internet site at Retrieved 14
Sept. 2000. (The article includes research by the Environmental Protection Agency; Dr. Joanna Burger, professor of biology at Rutgers University,
and Dr. Ken Cordell, wildlife expert at the University of Georgia.) Shaw, Robinson. "Environmental Group Pushes Government to Rid National Parks
of Watercraft." Environmental News Network (press release). 3 Sept. 2000. VISUAL AIDS Photo of a jet ski on a lake (PowerPoint slide) Poster
showing three main
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Basic 5 Paragraph Outline
Basic 5 Paragraph Outline
Hook: (grabs readers' attention; several sentences long) There are many types of spirits some want to harm and some just need help or want to talk.
This will help define and determine which spirit the person is encountering.
Thesis Statement: (states topic & point) Anyone wanting to find out what spirit is haunting them or are having a paranormal experience of sorts will
need to know what kind of spirit they are dealing with and how to possibly rid themselves of the spirit.
Forecasting Statement: (may be connected to or separate from thesis) There are many way ghost or spirits can act or present then selves to people.
They can appear in the form of an orb, demonic form, or even a full apparition or human size being. They can also haunt in many different ways that
differ from violent to non–violent hauntings. This simple paper can help identify what might be haunting someone and how to deal with the spirit.
1st Body Paragraph: First of all, it is important to know what a ghost is. Ghosts are energy of sorts made of people that once lived. They have no
idea that they have died and have not crossed over as of yet. There are lots of ways ghosts can make themselves known to us and how they can
make people's lives rough or even make people crazy. Who or what the spirit did or acted in life can determine how dangerous or gentle the spirit will
become. Now that people can determine what a ghost is here are some different types of
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Summary of Unteaching the Five-paragraph Essay
In an excerpt of Unteaching the Five–Paragraph Essay," Marie Foley reveals how the Five–Paragraph Essay formula contradicts writing instructor's
most basic goals. Foley shows that the formula deters from generating individual thinking. In today's society, essays are used by millions of people in
order to express their different ideas. The Five–Paragraph Essay formula was originally developed to help retain the efficiency and clarity of the essay.
Foley, however, believes that this process eventually separates the student from his or her written expression and should be used only as a first step tool
for beginning student writers. Foley insists that the formula blocks discovery, squelches authenticity and undermines the reader's need more
The formula is comfortable and familiar to them. It becomes imprinted.
Foley contends that in addition to blocking discovery, the Five–Paragraph Essay formula squelches the student's authenticity. Foley states, "filling the
structure with the requisite 500 words, they go through the motions of writing, but they seldom create something authentically theirs," (232). Foley
knew that students feel much more at liberty to freely express themselves in their personal journals and in their letters to friends, but take on a different
identity for the essay. The students' character, personality, and convictions are locked away until given the opportunity to free write.
On a more serious level, coherence is undermined while being one of the writer's and reader's most basic need. "The problem is not that the
Five–Paragraph formula produces incoherence but rather that it limits students to a superficial, predictable level or coherence," (232) states Foley.
This allows for students to throw any three liberally related ideas together for the body of the essays. Once students fabricate a thesis statement that
elucidates for their three ideas, the students feel they have mastered structure. Foley states, "To be asked merely to enumerate three aspects of any topic
relieves the student of the need to probe relationships... it robs them of any motivation to do so," (232). Juxtaposition is not
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Climate Change, An Outline Essay
Climate Change
1) What is climate change?
2) Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change
3) Causes of climate change
4) Effects of climate change?
5) International Panels on Climate Change
6) What can be done at home?
1) What is climate change?
Climate Change is the significant change in the climate and distribution of weather patterns on Earth ranging from the last decade to millennia earlier.
2) Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change
Currently chaired by Mr. Rajendra Pachauri, this organisation was setup in 1988 by two United Nations organizations, the World Meteorological
Organisation and the United Nations Environment Programme. IPCC reports on the scientific, technical and socio–economic information needed to
understand more content...
Without this layer of gases the Earth would be too cold to be inhabited, perhaps 20 degrees cooler than now. But, then amount of gases in this layer
must remain constant. Even a slight increase could have drastic results. Many people believe that a one degree increase in the temperature will not
cause much harm. The truth is with every degree of increase in temperature a 100 more wildlife species are put in danger of extinction. Numerous
experiments and studies prove that an increased level of greenhouse gases, mainly carbon dioxide, is causing climate change and causing it fast.
2) Human Activities
A) Burning of fossil fuels–This is the most prominent and deadly source of climate change. Burning of fossil fuels can release greenhouse gases
ranging from carbon dioxide to ammonia. With massive industrialization currently going on, the amount of fossil fuels burned is increasing. Transport
and heating are also major energy sources. Almost 7 giga tonnes of Carbon dioxide is emitted per year. In the U.K three–fourths of energy produced
comes from fossil fuels. Mineral fuels like petroleum and coal are major sources of energy. In the last 150 years more than 45 Billion tonnes of
carbon dioxide has been emitted .The most problematic factor is that in the last decade; there has been no slowdown in carbon emissions.
B) Poor use of land–Plants are the only natural purifiers of air and also the most abundant. But, many trees
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Great Depression Outline
History Outline
Monsy Rodriguez
The Great Depression
Thesis: In its duration and magnitude, the Great Depression was indefinitely more severe than any other episode of "hard times" in our history and it
was the molding force of the America we live in today.
Purpose of Your Hook: The purpose of my hook is to get the reader's attention and have them keep reading and get through the whole essay.
Key Point of Introduction: The purpose of my introduction is to expose the reader of my topic and my three main arguments/body paragraphs. This
would be the molding effect the Great Depression had on today; the short term effects and the lasting effects. Also how it changed the way people saw
the government and banks and how it changed the more content...
Purchase tools, necessary kitchen equipment, garden necessities, fishing gear, and other items to help improve your measure of self–sufficiency" *
"Buy American. As much as possible, avoid purchasing imported goods and look for American–made products to help our country pull itself out of the
recession. You may have to track down companies online and ask local shops to carry American
–made goods. The extra dollars spent are well worth it.
If we all followed this practice, imagine the outcome. Keep your money here; don't send it overseas." * "Seek multiple income opportunities,
rather than relying on one sector or one company for the family's support. If your job is highly secure, you're in a better position, but still look for
side income opportunities. If your job is threatened or unstable, build up additional income sources right away." * "Produce and preserve food. We
plan to have a large family garden and our own laying hens in the backyard. As local fruits and vegetables come into season, I will pick and preserve
my own – strawberry preserves, frozen peaches and jarred apple sauces are all simple to put up from local, inexpensive bounty." * "The Great
Depression was caused, just like now, by the excessive use of credit. Many people are in the horribly financial situations they are in because they owe
way too much money to creditors. Their money
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Five–Paragraph Essay Outline Introduction Thesis Statement:Who was to blame for the death of Romeo and Juliet? In the story of Romeo & Juliet,
many people shared responsibility forthe ultimate demise of the main
characters._________________________________________________________________________________ Body Paragraph #1 Topic Sentence: A
large deal of the reason of the couple's death was due to the Montague and Capulet
families.______________________________________________________________________________________ Supporting detail: There was a
long–lasting feud between the Montague and Capulet
families...___________________________________________________________________________________________________ Supporting
detail:Romeo more content...
Friar Lawrence agreed to marry them because he thought the "alliance may so happy prove/to turn your households' rancour into pure love" (put an
end to their feud)_____________________________________________________________________________________________ Supporting
detail:Friar tried to help Romeo and Juliet reunite when Romeo was banished and fled to Mantua by having Juliet use a potion to fake her death.
_________________________________ (Supporting detail:)He continued to make matters worse by lying to Lord Capulet in order to help Juliet fake
her own death.
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Five Paragraph Essay
Traditional Five Paragraph Essay The one thing that is difficult about coming to college, being around completely new strangers, is that I don't know
everyone. Back at home, I knew almost everyone in my town. I may not have been close to most of the people, but I knew who they were. As I look
around this campus, I do not recognize anyone and I can't help but wonder what kind of person they are.
First of all, I am eighteen years old, and I have brown hair and brown eyes. I am five feet, four inches tall and I am of average weight. I believe I am
modish because I love to dress up and wear a plentiful amount of jewelry. I usually wear sweaters, jeans and a pair of boots in the fall and winter. For
the duration of the summer, you can find me in either a dress or a bathing suit. I love being in the sun.
Second, I am a pre–dental hygiene student here at Penn College and since I am a freshman, I live on campus in Lancaster Hall. I have three other
roommates, and they are pretty cool. One of my roommates, Brianna, is an RA. more content...
I enjoy doing some outdoor activities such as kayaking and hiking. I have gone parasailing twice before, and it was such a thrill. Although my favorite
adventurous thing I've done was when I went zip–lining over a river this past April in Florida. It was the most exciting thing I have ever done and I
loved it. I also would like to go skydiving and scuba diving. I am compassionate; I put lots of hours into fundraising events for a scholarship fund in
honor of a close friend of mine that passed away almost three years ago. We organize clothing drives, golf outings, baked good sales and t–shirt sales.
My last character trait that comes to my mind is neat. My room, car and my clothes are always clean and tidy. My schoolwork is very organized and
color coded. Also, my closet is organized by color. I try to abstain from clutter and messiness. Needless to say, I am a bit of a clean
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Outline Of A Speech On Climate Change Essay
Topic: Climate Change
Specific Purpose: To persuade people to change their views on global warming.
Thesis Statement: Climate change is no joke. If we don 't do something about it now, it will be too late.
I. Introduction
Attention material/Credibility: No we're not hungry, no we're not worried. We're just living life right now. Tomorrow? What is Tomorrow? If we for
a second, glimpse into the future, we would see people suffering from the thoughtless decisions we are making right now. I don 't want to see my
family starving or without water. If you don 't care about your self, then care for your family, or for your future family. They are the ones that will be
affected by climate change.
Tie to the audience: Your family could be affected by climate change in less then 50 years.
Thesis and Preview: Today I will talk to you about what is causing climate change, the effect it will have on us, and finally, how to prevent it.
[Transition to body]: Let's get straight to it.
II. Body
Why is global warming happening all over the world? 1. We the people are are a problem to global warming. a. We have been influencing climate
change for some time now. Through the industrial revolution, a growth in the size of the population, and our daily activities, are releasing green house
gases. Green house gases affect the earth by, absorbing the reflection of sunlight once it hits the earth. This causes the atmosphere, the oceans, and the
surface of the land to warm up. b. The burning
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Paragraph Essay
Five Paragraph Essay Outline
Teachers can use these steps to teach students how to write a great five paragraph essay by using outlines and properly organizing thoughts, topics, and
These directions are written for students to follow when choosing a topic, creating a basic outline, and writing the essay.
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Step 1 – Choose a Good Topic
When writing an essay, it is important to choose a topic that is not too broad. For example, do not write about football. Choose something more
specific, like football drills, the greatest football team, football equipment, football practice, etc.
It is important that you can think of three main ideas more content...
Do not give any new information in this section.
It is important to write a rough draft to share with a friend or parent to edit. When editing, ask someone to check that you stayed on topic and used
proper writing conventions, such as good spelling, usage, mechanics and grammar.
Last, you want to write a final copy. This should be error free. It can be written in pen or typed. Most teachers like a typed copy; however, neatly
written essays in pen are acceptable as well. Teachers generally grade an essay on the following criteria: interesting content, organization and writing
Writing a good five paragraph essay can take some time. Do not wait until the last minute and make sure to have someone edit it before you turn in the
final copy to your teacher.
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How to Write an Argumentative Essay Step by Step
Argumentative essays intimidate lots of students because of the structure an instructor expects. Instructors will expect well–written, tightly–argued
essays, but that doesn't mean the paper needs to be twenty pages long or should refer to a dozen or more sources. What it does mean, however, is that
a student takes a stand on an issue, presents his side of the argument while refuting his opposition, and also integrates outside sources that help support
his point of view.
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Outline For Disease Essay
Disease is based in fact and is objective, and is not based on the values of the day.
I.Argument for Position
1) A disease is not an illness, and the distinction between the two is very important.
a) A disease is defined as an unhealthy condition or a condition that affects the functioning of the body. For example, the flu, which causes fever, muscle
aches, headache, fatigue, and other similar cold–like symptoms.
b) On the other hand, an illness is normative; it does not disrupt biological functions. At one time, it was thought that being left–handed was a disease,
but this would have instead been an illness.
c) To name a new disease, you must have evidence that it is what is causing the patient's problems. To simply scramble together all the symptoms one is
experiencing into one large amalgamation with more content...
1) Disease is when one deviates from the norm, and is based on our values of the time.
a) One should aspire to be an ideal person. We judge what is significant and insignificant in terms of health, which is determined by our values
(Englehardt 234).
b) Our values are relatively constant, and do not change as much as people think. We often say one thing, but one the inside, many do not believe what
they are saying.
2) An example of a disease would be masturbation. It causes a multitude of symptoms, and can even cause death.
a) Commonly in medicine, several symptoms are grouped together into a disease. One of these examples is masturbation. Some of its symptoms
include epilepsy, loss of hearing, and physical changes in the genitalia, and the loss of seminal fluid exaggerates these symptoms, as one ounce of the
fluid is equal to forty ounces of blood (Englehardt 236).
b) There were treatments for the disease, such as a change in diet, exercise, and acupuncture, among others (245). They worked as in the example of
the doctor, who had chosen to be castrated because his addiction to masturbation had kept him from the outside world for seven
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Five Paragraph Essay Outline
Five Paragraph Essay Outline Directions: Use this graphic organizer to help you complete a basic five–paragraph essay outline using the PEEL
paragraph structure. Write one complete sentence, and ONLY ONE complete sentence for item marked with an*. Limit yourself to 3
–4 words for each
line of evidence and explanation. Introductory Paragraph Intro How did women's work change? Before world war 2 women had been stereotyped to
only be stay at home moms and take care of their home and their kids,but unfortunately it wasn't actually much of a stratotype for the majority of
women it was true. But then world war 2 started and women started getting all sorts of different jobs working in the factories to make warfare,women
even were in the air force
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Academic Essay Structures And Formats

  • 1. Academic Essay Structures and Formats Understanding For many years I have been taught that to write an essay I need to make sure I follow a specific set of steps. English class, in high school, had an essay format that consisted of an introduction, a body with at least three paragraphs, and a conclusion. The introduction was the most significant part of the essay because it was at this point where you explained what the argument, the purpose and the main points of it were. Furthermore, it was of utmost importance that in the introduction there was a thesis statement, which stated what you wanted to prove with the paper. However, despite my previous knowledge of writing, as I started college, English class or College Writing had a whole different concept about writing more content... Personally, Appiah's essay is tough to comprehend the first time I read it because he simply explains thoughts and never reaches his own conclusion. For me, considering my previous knowledge, an essay without a conclusion was not an essay. However, when I read the essay for the second time I began to feel more keen about it, and I noticed that by using this style, the essay allowed the reader to discover his or her own conclusion. I believe that Appiah's approach to writing an essay, without determining a specific conclusion allows the reader to discover knowledge because by not having opinions trusted into our own thoughts, we are permitted to decide what we want to believe. "The Loss of the Creature" by Waker Percy, is another essay that lacks a conclusion. Percy talks about how people are losing the ability to do or to try new things because their lives are filled with the tales of others' experiences, and they choose to live off the possibilities that are handed to them instead of creating their own. Percy's essay is similar to Appiah's in that they are successful at setting forth an opinion without reaching a specific conclusion and by providing anecdotes and examples. However, Percy's essay differs because his anecdotes are personal. He gives examples that allow the reader to relate and compare his or her experiences with Percy's Get more content on
  • 2. Intro Paragraph Outline Intro paragraph: Attention getter/interesting fact: Main idea/overall point of essay: First idea/first reason simplified: Second idea/second reason simplified: Third idea/third reason simplified: Transition sentence (lead into first idea): Body 1 Paragraph: Main idea/reason: For example, in... (use a quote from your reading material) Also, in... use a quote from your reading material) (This is because...): (This is also because...): As a result of the Civil War being a war of freedom, (combine your this is because sentence ideas here..) Body 2 Paragraph: Main idea/reason: For example, in... (use a quote from your reading material) Also, in... use a quote from your reading material) (This is because...): (This is also because...): Get more content on
  • 3. Paragraph Outline Outline Paragraph one. Describe what a chemical engineer does around, and outside of work. Use the definition form class with a twist. Briefly detail the intangible characteristics a chemical engineer must obtain. Paragraph two. Overview the factors leading to my initial interest in chemistry. Clarify that I initially wanted to be a physicist. Mention the professor who presented the material in a fascinating way; changing everything. Furthermore, list the interesting captivating phenomenon that ultimately lead to my appreciation of chemistry. Paragraph three. Paint a picture of how my interest in chemistry began to grow at an exponential rate. Indicate the factor that drew me away form a physics degree; being I am not interested Get more content on
  • 4. Research Paper Research Paper Inclusive education means that all students in a school, regardless of their strengths or weaknesses in any area, become part of the school community. They are included in the feeling of belonging among other students, teachers, and support staff. The educational practice known as, full inclusion may have negative effects on the self–esteem of a special needs child. In 1975, Congress passed the Education for All Handicapped Children Act, also known as Public Law94–142. Before this law came into effect many children with disabilities were routinely excluded from public schools. Their options were to remain at home or be institutionalized. This law was an important landmark in education and because of this law, more content... Integration presumes that "segregation" exists and students are with their peers without disabilities part–time. The CSIE did many studies and found that inclusion is more effective than either integration or mainstreaming. Ferguson's (1992) project to achieve both social and learning outcomes for students in general education classrooms resulted in the finding that "integration doesn't work, but inclusion does." In 1997 President Clinton signed into law the Individuals With Disabilities Education Act. This law aims to strengthen academic expectations and accountability for the millions of children with disabilities. This law makes it clear that schools have a duty to educate children with disabilities in general education classrooms. With this law in effect the CSIE began to really push the inclusion movement in schools. When inclusion was proposed, educators' primary concern was how learning–disabled students would benefit academically. Academic concern is important; studies on the success of inclusion have determined that there are social issues that need more attention. A study on inclusion conducted by (B. Dixon) in New Hampshire found that Even when students were first included in regular classes, teams did not focus on the students peer relations unless parents pushed the issue or students Get more content on
  • 5. Reflective Essay Writing Outlines After reviewing the outline examples provided I feel that this will be most helpful in organizing my ideas and main points. I sometimes struggle with organization in my essays. One thing I can say I never had been taught was a good organization tool or an outline. Outlines I was taught in high school just confused me more. I never used them in high school and have not used them since then. Before starting this class and learning about different styles of prewriting, I'm going to try it out and hope it makes my essay writing more smooth. I feel confident that these outlines will make the essay more organized and I can develop more ideas that will make sense with the topic and be persuasive. Get more content on
  • 6. Essay on Site Visit Report Georgia Perimeter College Mr. Bradley RELI 1301 – World Religions Spring 2011 Site Visit Report Template1 Note: Students are to read all instructions related to this assignment before completing this template. Place your responses adjacent to or below each item/question – do not delete text from this template. Remember to please use a different font size or color in order to assist me in differentiating your text from that of this template. Student Name: Raul Leal Name of Site Visit Location: Kingdom Hall of the Jehovah Witnesses Religious Tradition: Christianity Sub–tradition within Larger Religious Tradition: Jehovah Witnesses Date and Time Attended: Sunday, 3:00pm Address: 2341 Lake Rockaway Road more content... Everyone is dressed in their best in suits and dresses, as they feel to dress at their best to worship God, with no jewelry as they believe to keep themselves simple. 2.4. Material culture (respond to 2.4.1 – 2.4.2 below): 2.4.1. (6) Describe the interior area where the worship service is held–its shape, mood–setting features (e.g., colors, lighting, odors, music), seating, kneeling, or other space arrangements; is any area raised or otherwise highlighted? Describe that area's arrangement. The interior area is a medium size room which holds about 290 people, with two phrases on each side of the room which says "God is Love." Some framed pictures are on the walls of simple things as flowers, trees, and fruits. Piano music played in a soft setting is around when entering and when
  • 7. the members sing. No kneeling is done, just bow the heads. They sit on normal casual looking chairs during the service. 2.4.2. (7) What religious symbols are evident? Stained glass windows, candles, incense and other sensory mood–setting features, music (instruments, sound systems, hymnals), flags, posters, banners, vestments and robes, flowers, hymnals, art, etc. No religious symbols are used in the Kingdom Hall, with no glass windows. As entering the Hall, the only things that are evident simple framed art on the walls of nature, as well a grand piano playing throughout the service. 3. Social Get more content on
  • 8. Essay 5 I lengthened my stride almost imperceptibly, not wishing my tail to realise the steady rhythmic pace I'd maintained for the last fifteen minutes was about to change as I neared my next objective. With at least three blocks to navigate before I switched direction I glanced briefly into the angled window confirming the three operatives remained in place. A male was thirty yards across the street to my left, a female forty yards behind him, and another male twenty yards directly behind me thinking six shoppers between us were sufficient to disguise his intentions. By the time I made the right hand turn I'd gained five yards on them knowing they would not alter their pace until I rounded a bend. Leeds was my playground. I doubted it was more content... The rapid change into female wig and overcoat, pulled from my back pack, then back into a male option as I negotiated the empty station steps would leave CCTV guessing, assuming it was being used, a big IF. I stretched to loosen my limbs and carefully edged along the ledge until hidden by the aged wall behind which I had secreted the kayak two days before in a niche that fifty years ago housed a rowing boat for transport and railway workers long retired to maintain the Arches. It was sufficiently dark and cold to ensure my rapid paddling northwards would go unnoticed. If I was seen by the odd dog walker along the Leeds Liverpool Canal, a kayaker in winter kit wouldn't seem out of place. Fortunately much of my journey beyond the Leeds City limits was sheltered from easy scrutiny by steep banks, frosty foliage and paths rarely walked at night due to the threat of mugging and worse. At 19.15 I struck out into the edge of the raging torrent for thirty yards till the surge eased and was soon in a steady rhythm. By 19.45 I'd cleared the darker spots and began to ease my stroke as I ploughed north parallel to Kirkstall Lane, towards Kirkstall Abbey. Ten more minutes and I glided by hushed factory buildings in Rodley where I spent hours in my late teens with a cousin learning to right a kayak. He was studying handicrafts at Loughborough and had excelled at making fibreglass kayaks that Get more content on
  • 9. 5 Paragraph Essay Outline Throughout all of high school, students are taught to write papers following the outline of a five–paragraph essay. The five–paragraph essay is a format of essay having five paragraphs: one introductory paragraph, three body paragraphs with support and development, and one concluding paragraph. This basic structure has proven to be effective for many students however the format itself has been accused of being "rigid and arbitrary" as well as being accused of valuing mechanical organizational schemes rather than in depth thinking. (1) Is the five–paragraph essay as flawed as some people make it out to be? A five paragraph essay breaks down like this: The first paragraph contains a one sentence (or maybe a two sentence) thesis statement, which Get more content on
  • 10. Outline Template for Apa Guidelines Outline Template (Microsoft Word) Beginning on the next page is an outline template (in Microsoft Word format), which is filled in with a sample to show you what a final outline looks like. Here is how to fill in your own outline: Triple click on a sentence to highlight it. (Or swipe across it with a mouse's left key held down.) Type your sentence. (The original words should automatically disappear; if they don't, use the Delete key to eliminate them.) When you don't need an outline subdivision (such as "C" or "3"), delete the line. When you need to insert a new subdivision, place the cursor at the end of the sentence immediately above where you want to insert, press Enter, go the Style drop–down menu ( more content... 2. This exposes their young to predators and bad weather. (Transition: Let's summarize.) CONCLUSION I. Summary A. Jet skis should not be allowed in national and state parks. B. They create noise, cause pollution, and harass wildlife. II. Clincher A. Please sign a petition that I will send to our U.S. and state legislators asking them to support a ban. B. When we go to these parks, we have a right to find peace and quiet. BIBLIOGRAPHY Burger, Joanna, Ph.D., professor of biology at Rutgers University. E–mail interview. 5 Oct. 2000. Clemans, John. "Bluewater Blues." Motor Boating & Sailing Mar. 2000: 56. "Guide to Personal Watercraft." National Parks and Conservation Association (Internet site at Retrieved 14 Sept. 2000. (The article includes research by the Environmental Protection Agency; Dr. Joanna Burger, professor of biology at Rutgers University, and Dr. Ken Cordell, wildlife expert at the University of Georgia.) Shaw, Robinson. "Environmental Group Pushes Government to Rid National Parks of Watercraft." Environmental News Network (press release). 3 Sept. 2000. VISUAL AIDS Photo of a jet ski on a lake (PowerPoint slide) Poster showing three main Get more content on
  • 11. Basic 5 Paragraph Outline Basic 5 Paragraph Outline Introduction Hook: (grabs readers' attention; several sentences long) There are many types of spirits some want to harm and some just need help or want to talk. This will help define and determine which spirit the person is encountering. Thesis Statement: (states topic & point) Anyone wanting to find out what spirit is haunting them or are having a paranormal experience of sorts will need to know what kind of spirit they are dealing with and how to possibly rid themselves of the spirit. Forecasting Statement: (may be connected to or separate from thesis) There are many way ghost or spirits can act or present then selves to people. They can appear in the form of an orb, demonic form, or even a full apparition or human size being. They can also haunt in many different ways that differ from violent to non–violent hauntings. This simple paper can help identify what might be haunting someone and how to deal with the spirit. Body 1st Body Paragraph: First of all, it is important to know what a ghost is. Ghosts are energy of sorts made of people that once lived. They have no idea that they have died and have not crossed over as of yet. There are lots of ways ghosts can make themselves known to us and how they can make people's lives rough or even make people crazy. Who or what the spirit did or acted in life can determine how dangerous or gentle the spirit will become. Now that people can determine what a ghost is here are some different types of Get more content on
  • 12. Summary of Unteaching the Five-paragraph Essay In an excerpt of Unteaching the Five–Paragraph Essay," Marie Foley reveals how the Five–Paragraph Essay formula contradicts writing instructor's most basic goals. Foley shows that the formula deters from generating individual thinking. In today's society, essays are used by millions of people in order to express their different ideas. The Five–Paragraph Essay formula was originally developed to help retain the efficiency and clarity of the essay. Foley, however, believes that this process eventually separates the student from his or her written expression and should be used only as a first step tool for beginning student writers. Foley insists that the formula blocks discovery, squelches authenticity and undermines the reader's need more content... The formula is comfortable and familiar to them. It becomes imprinted. Foley contends that in addition to blocking discovery, the Five–Paragraph Essay formula squelches the student's authenticity. Foley states, "filling the structure with the requisite 500 words, they go through the motions of writing, but they seldom create something authentically theirs," (232). Foley knew that students feel much more at liberty to freely express themselves in their personal journals and in their letters to friends, but take on a different identity for the essay. The students' character, personality, and convictions are locked away until given the opportunity to free write. On a more serious level, coherence is undermined while being one of the writer's and reader's most basic need. "The problem is not that the Five–Paragraph formula produces incoherence but rather that it limits students to a superficial, predictable level or coherence," (232) states Foley. This allows for students to throw any three liberally related ideas together for the body of the essays. Once students fabricate a thesis statement that elucidates for their three ideas, the students feel they have mastered structure. Foley states, "To be asked merely to enumerate three aspects of any topic relieves the student of the need to probe relationships... it robs them of any motivation to do so," (232). Juxtaposition is not Get more content on
  • 13. Climate Change, An Outline Essay Climate Change Topics: 1) What is climate change? 2) Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change 3) Causes of climate change 4) Effects of climate change? 5) International Panels on Climate Change 6) What can be done at home? 1) What is climate change? Climate Change is the significant change in the climate and distribution of weather patterns on Earth ranging from the last decade to millennia earlier. 2) Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change Currently chaired by Mr. Rajendra Pachauri, this organisation was setup in 1988 by two United Nations organizations, the World Meteorological Organisation and the United Nations Environment Programme. IPCC reports on the scientific, technical and socio–economic information needed to understand more content... Without this layer of gases the Earth would be too cold to be inhabited, perhaps 20 degrees cooler than now. But, then amount of gases in this layer must remain constant. Even a slight increase could have drastic results. Many people believe that a one degree increase in the temperature will not cause much harm. The truth is with every degree of increase in temperature a 100 more wildlife species are put in danger of extinction. Numerous experiments and studies prove that an increased level of greenhouse gases, mainly carbon dioxide, is causing climate change and causing it fast. 2) Human Activities A) Burning of fossil fuels–This is the most prominent and deadly source of climate change. Burning of fossil fuels can release greenhouse gases ranging from carbon dioxide to ammonia. With massive industrialization currently going on, the amount of fossil fuels burned is increasing. Transport and heating are also major energy sources. Almost 7 giga tonnes of Carbon dioxide is emitted per year. In the U.K three–fourths of energy produced comes from fossil fuels. Mineral fuels like petroleum and coal are major sources of energy. In the last 150 years more than 45 Billion tonnes of carbon dioxide has been emitted .The most problematic factor is that in the last decade; there has been no slowdown in carbon emissions. B) Poor use of land–Plants are the only natural purifiers of air and also the most abundant. But, many trees
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  • 15. Great Depression Outline History Outline Monsy Rodriguez The Great Depression Thesis: In its duration and magnitude, the Great Depression was indefinitely more severe than any other episode of "hard times" in our history and it was the molding force of the America we live in today. Purpose of Your Hook: The purpose of my hook is to get the reader's attention and have them keep reading and get through the whole essay. Key Point of Introduction: The purpose of my introduction is to expose the reader of my topic and my three main arguments/body paragraphs. This would be the molding effect the Great Depression had on today; the short term effects and the lasting effects. Also how it changed the way people saw the government and banks and how it changed the more content... Purchase tools, necessary kitchen equipment, garden necessities, fishing gear, and other items to help improve your measure of self–sufficiency" * "Buy American. As much as possible, avoid purchasing imported goods and look for American–made products to help our country pull itself out of the recession. You may have to track down companies online and ask local shops to carry American –made goods. The extra dollars spent are well worth it. If we all followed this practice, imagine the outcome. Keep your money here; don't send it overseas." * "Seek multiple income opportunities, rather than relying on one sector or one company for the family's support. If your job is highly secure, you're in a better position, but still look for side income opportunities. If your job is threatened or unstable, build up additional income sources right away." * "Produce and preserve food. We plan to have a large family garden and our own laying hens in the backyard. As local fruits and vegetables come into season, I will pick and preserve my own – strawberry preserves, frozen peaches and jarred apple sauces are all simple to put up from local, inexpensive bounty." * "The Great Depression was caused, just like now, by the excessive use of credit. Many people are in the horribly financial situations they are in because they owe way too much money to creditors. Their money Get more content on
  • 16. Five–Paragraph Essay Outline Introduction Thesis Statement:Who was to blame for the death of Romeo and Juliet? In the story of Romeo & Juliet, many people shared responsibility forthe ultimate demise of the main characters._________________________________________________________________________________ Body Paragraph #1 Topic Sentence: A large deal of the reason of the couple's death was due to the Montague and Capulet families.______________________________________________________________________________________ Supporting detail: There was a long–lasting feud between the Montague and Capulet families...___________________________________________________________________________________________________ Supporting detail:Romeo more content... Friar Lawrence agreed to marry them because he thought the "alliance may so happy prove/to turn your households' rancour into pure love" (put an end to their feud)_____________________________________________________________________________________________ Supporting detail:Friar tried to help Romeo and Juliet reunite when Romeo was banished and fled to Mantua by having Juliet use a potion to fake her death. _________________________________ (Supporting detail:)He continued to make matters worse by lying to Lord Capulet in order to help Juliet fake her own death. Get more content on
  • 17. Five Paragraph Essay Traditional Five Paragraph Essay The one thing that is difficult about coming to college, being around completely new strangers, is that I don't know everyone. Back at home, I knew almost everyone in my town. I may not have been close to most of the people, but I knew who they were. As I look around this campus, I do not recognize anyone and I can't help but wonder what kind of person they are. First of all, I am eighteen years old, and I have brown hair and brown eyes. I am five feet, four inches tall and I am of average weight. I believe I am modish because I love to dress up and wear a plentiful amount of jewelry. I usually wear sweaters, jeans and a pair of boots in the fall and winter. For the duration of the summer, you can find me in either a dress or a bathing suit. I love being in the sun. Second, I am a pre–dental hygiene student here at Penn College and since I am a freshman, I live on campus in Lancaster Hall. I have three other roommates, and they are pretty cool. One of my roommates, Brianna, is an RA. more content... I enjoy doing some outdoor activities such as kayaking and hiking. I have gone parasailing twice before, and it was such a thrill. Although my favorite adventurous thing I've done was when I went zip–lining over a river this past April in Florida. It was the most exciting thing I have ever done and I loved it. I also would like to go skydiving and scuba diving. I am compassionate; I put lots of hours into fundraising events for a scholarship fund in honor of a close friend of mine that passed away almost three years ago. We organize clothing drives, golf outings, baked good sales and t–shirt sales. My last character trait that comes to my mind is neat. My room, car and my clothes are always clean and tidy. My schoolwork is very organized and color coded. Also, my closet is organized by color. I try to abstain from clutter and messiness. Needless to say, I am a bit of a clean Get more content on
  • 18. Outline Of A Speech On Climate Change Essay Topic: Climate Change Specific Purpose: To persuade people to change their views on global warming. Thesis Statement: Climate change is no joke. If we don 't do something about it now, it will be too late. I. Introduction Attention material/Credibility: No we're not hungry, no we're not worried. We're just living life right now. Tomorrow? What is Tomorrow? If we for a second, glimpse into the future, we would see people suffering from the thoughtless decisions we are making right now. I don 't want to see my family starving or without water. If you don 't care about your self, then care for your family, or for your future family. They are the ones that will be affected by climate change. Tie to the audience: Your family could be affected by climate change in less then 50 years. Thesis and Preview: Today I will talk to you about what is causing climate change, the effect it will have on us, and finally, how to prevent it. [Transition to body]: Let's get straight to it. II. Body Why is global warming happening all over the world? 1. We the people are are a problem to global warming. a. We have been influencing climate change for some time now. Through the industrial revolution, a growth in the size of the population, and our daily activities, are releasing green house gases. Green house gases affect the earth by, absorbing the reflection of sunlight once it hits the earth. This causes the atmosphere, the oceans, and the surface of the land to warm up. b. The burning Get more content on
  • 19. Paragraph Essay Five Paragraph Essay Outline Teachers can use these steps to teach students how to write a great five paragraph essay by using outlines and properly organizing thoughts, topics, and details. These directions are written for students to follow when choosing a topic, creating a basic outline, and writing the essay. Read more:–12/articles/2999.aspx#ixzz0lQaL6vBg Step 1 – Choose a Good Topic When writing an essay, it is important to choose a topic that is not too broad. For example, do not write about football. Choose something more specific, like football drills, the greatest football team, football equipment, football practice, etc. It is important that you can think of three main ideas more content... Do not give any new information in this section. It is important to write a rough draft to share with a friend or parent to edit. When editing, ask someone to check that you stayed on topic and used proper writing conventions, such as good spelling, usage, mechanics and grammar. Last, you want to write a final copy. This should be error free. It can be written in pen or typed. Most teachers like a typed copy; however, neatly written essays in pen are acceptable as well. Teachers generally grade an essay on the following criteria: interesting content, organization and writing conventions. Writing a good five paragraph essay can take some time. Do not wait until the last minute and make sure to have someone edit it before you turn in the final copy to your teacher. Read more:–12/articles/2999.aspx#ixzz0lQaPl8km How to Write an Argumentative Essay Step by Step Argumentative essays intimidate lots of students because of the structure an instructor expects. Instructors will expect well–written, tightly–argued
  • 20. essays, but that doesn't mean the paper needs to be twenty pages long or should refer to a dozen or more sources. What it does mean, however, is that a student takes a stand on an issue, presents his side of the argument while refuting his opposition, and also integrates outside sources that help support his point of view. Get more content on
  • 21. Outline For Disease Essay Disease is based in fact and is objective, and is not based on the values of the day. I.Argument for Position 1) A disease is not an illness, and the distinction between the two is very important. a) A disease is defined as an unhealthy condition or a condition that affects the functioning of the body. For example, the flu, which causes fever, muscle aches, headache, fatigue, and other similar cold–like symptoms. b) On the other hand, an illness is normative; it does not disrupt biological functions. At one time, it was thought that being left–handed was a disease, but this would have instead been an illness. c) To name a new disease, you must have evidence that it is what is causing the patient's problems. To simply scramble together all the symptoms one is experiencing into one large amalgamation with more content... Counterargument 1) Disease is when one deviates from the norm, and is based on our values of the time. a) One should aspire to be an ideal person. We judge what is significant and insignificant in terms of health, which is determined by our values (Englehardt 234). b) Our values are relatively constant, and do not change as much as people think. We often say one thing, but one the inside, many do not believe what they are saying. 2) An example of a disease would be masturbation. It causes a multitude of symptoms, and can even cause death. a) Commonly in medicine, several symptoms are grouped together into a disease. One of these examples is masturbation. Some of its symptoms include epilepsy, loss of hearing, and physical changes in the genitalia, and the loss of seminal fluid exaggerates these symptoms, as one ounce of the fluid is equal to forty ounces of blood (Englehardt 236). b) There were treatments for the disease, such as a change in diet, exercise, and acupuncture, among others (245). They worked as in the example of the doctor, who had chosen to be castrated because his addiction to masturbation had kept him from the outside world for seven Get more content on
  • 22. Five Paragraph Essay Outline Five Paragraph Essay Outline Directions: Use this graphic organizer to help you complete a basic five–paragraph essay outline using the PEEL paragraph structure. Write one complete sentence, and ONLY ONE complete sentence for item marked with an*. Limit yourself to 3 –4 words for each line of evidence and explanation. Introductory Paragraph Intro How did women's work change? Before world war 2 women had been stereotyped to only be stay at home moms and take care of their home and their kids,but unfortunately it wasn't actually much of a stratotype for the majority of women it was true. But then world war 2 started and women started getting all sorts of different jobs working in the factories to make warfare,women even were in the air force Get more content on