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The Bulletin of the
                     Association for Coaching
                                                July 2010
                                                 Issue 1
Welcome                                                                                                           2
Anne Archer

Interview with Shelle Rose Charvet                                                                                4
Anne Archer

Resilience                                                                                                        9
Jenny Campbell

AC UK Chair Report                                                                                               15
Gladeana McMahon

AC Global Update                                                                                                 18
Katherine Tulpa

Tool Box: Defining Coaching                                                                                      21
Shirley Dockerill and Vincent Leahy

Connective Coaching – using the power of Quantum Intelligence                                                    24
By Sue Coyne and Penny Mallinson of Connectiveness Ltd

Special Interest Group Report                                                                                    27
Sharon Phillips

Book review: Cognitive Behavioural Coaching for Dummies                                                          28
Katherine Tulpa

Book review: Outliers                                                                                            29
Liz Buckle

                              Published by the Association for Coaching

              Opinions expressed are those of the authors and not necessarily of the Association for Coaching.

Summer is officially here and what a heat wave.            how to describe coaching
Already I am watering daily which makes a change           to      clients?       The
from last year. In the garden the potatoes have bolt-      Taxonomy of Coaching
ed which has not happened to me before and all I can       by Shirley Dockerill and
do is wait and see the result later in the year. My        Vincent Leahy (page 20)
lovely hens are laying daily and the eggs are magnif-      might help. An update on
icent. I find being a gardener helps me with my            Special Interest Groups
reflective process. As I think about optimal condi-        has been provided by
tions for growth in my garden I in turn think about        Sharon Phillips and I
the same for my clients. What is similar and what is       hope this will spark some action around other areas
different? What is a coaching drought versus abun-         of special interest. Once again our great team of book
dance?                                                     reviewers have reviewed two books.

So, England are out of the world cup and watching          We have even managed to squeeze in a brief stop
their performance has me thinking about the role of        press on the Leadership conference with a more
the team coach in producing talent out of diversity.       reflective piece coming next time.
What is the role of reward in behaviour and optimal
performance? Perhaps someone would venture an              I look forward to hearing from you about this edition
article for our next bulletin that explore these ques-     and I am always interested in articles, features and
tions. I wonder if I could get Fabio Capello for an        ideas. If you have a contrary view to something that
interview…..                                               has appeared, or want to offer something different
                                                           please get in touch. I have also said before that I
The interview with Shelle Rose Charvet (page 2) was        believe in supporting new writers to have a go so if
great fun to do and I hope you enjoy the finished          you have not been published before do not be shy. If
product as much as I enjoyed the process. There are        you have a good idea, can write clearly and articulate
two relevant and timely articles; one on resilience by     well then I would love to hear from you.
Jenny Campbell (page 8)and the other on Connective
Coaching by Sue Coyne and Penny Mallinson (page            Enjoy holidays, good weather, friends, clients and a
24). We have an update for the AC UK and Global            good life.
provided by Gladeana McMahon and Katherine
Tulpa respectively. So you can put names and faces         See you in the autumn.
to the AC Council, I am featuring 2 members each
time. This edition features Amanda Bouch and               Anne
Gladeana McMahon. Do you sometimes wonder        

 2               The Bulletin of the Association for Coaching • July 2010 • Issue 1 •
Stop Press

Stop Press – Stop Press – Stop Press
Leadership Coaching: Developing Elite
By Richard Andrews

The AC UK’s first event triumphantly marked its              For me, there were three highlights.
new life as an organisation run separately from its
parent. The conference was extremely well attended,          Professor Adrian Furnham got the day off to an
with more than 300 coaches thronging the modern (if          engaging start with his talk on derailing behaviours
hot!) conference centre at the University of East            in high fliers. Particularly striking was the finding
London, which shares the honours with AC UK as               that as many managers are likely to fail as succeed,
co-host. I especially enjoyed the day’s unabashed            and the discussion around the potential dark sides of
focus on excellence and the performance of leaders.          many demonstrated strengths. For example, the dark
                                                             side of integrity could be rigid zealotry. Coaching
In this small space I cannot adequately talk about all       provides a powerful route to optimising, rather than
the speakers. Jonathan Passmore discussed a range            maximising, these positive traits, helping leaders to
of topical leadership challenges suggesting that             avoid derailment. Doctor Anthony Grant made
coaching offers the only tailored way of leveraging          excellent and entertaining use of his “graveyard slot”
each leader’s unique strengths and qualities.                immediately after lunch with a long overdue debunk-
Professor Alex Linley discussed positive psychology          ing of much of the literature on coaching’s return on
in leadership and challenged us to consider how              investment and his advocacy of randomised con-
ready the profession is to take on the challenge of          trolled trials to assess coaching’s efficacy. A recent
creating the leaders of the future. Christine Williams       study of his own, carried out in a public health serv-
presented a case study from NASA on coaching                 ice in Sydney, clearly shows that leadership coaching
technical leaders in soft skills to enable them to lead      works and facilitates goal attainment.
highly complex projects across many locations –
sadly her box of NASA freebies failed to make it to          My final highlight was the opportunity to meet so
the venue on time! The AC’s very own Katherine               many other coaches to discuss our work or just to
Tulpa completed the day covering coaching top                chat in the sunshine.
teams; two of her nuggets of wisdom that will remain
with me are the importance of using co-coaching at           Perhaps the day is best summed up by one of my fel-
this level and her suggestion that whatever the agen-        low coaches who told me:
da for coaching is, halve it!
                                                             “Very good value, packed with learning, extremely
The four workshops in the afternoon covered authen-          well organised and priced just right for current mar-
tic leadership, use of feedback in coaching, strategy        ket sensitivity.”
and building a coaching pool. They gave us all the
opportunity to contribute more actively to the day           Richard Andrews
and generated lively discussions – some consider-
ably more lively than others!                                Richard Andrews is a coach supervisor and executive
                                                             coach. His website is

The Bulletin of the Association for Coaching • July 2010 • Issue 1 •

Interview with Shelle Rose Charvet
With Anne Archer

Shelle Rose Charvet, Certified Speaking                      because we help people
Professional is known around the world for her best-         to find their own best
seller Words That Change Minds. She is an expert             success strategies. A
on below-conscious motivations, thinking patterns            coach needs to be an
and decision-making strategies. Coaches, trainers,           expert in helping others
consultants use her work to help understand, moti-           to become all they can
vate and work effectively with clients. Shelle is a pro-     be. There are many
fessional speaker, NLP Trainer and organizational            ways to do this. I focus
consultant helping people solve their most difficult         on uncovering their success strategies. Helping
persuasion challenges. Her new book is The                   the person in doing, being and becoming the per-
Customer is Bothering Me! Check her out for your-            son that they want.
self at
                                                             If coaches can understand what unconsciously
How would you describe what you                              motivates their clients they can help them reach
do in the world of work?                                     their goals more quickly. But we now know that
                                                             only 40% of people are actually motivated by
My area of expertise is in influencing and persua-           goals. The trigger for many people to seek a
sion and what I’m very curious about and spent               coach is usually an issue or problem they want to
many years studying are the things that motivate             solve or prevent, rather than a goal they are pur-
or de-motivate people. I’ve conducted a lot of               suing. Individuals seeking coaching are often not
communication training and even developed a                  ready to think about goals as they are preoccupied
coaching methodology based on NLP and the                    with their issues. It is important therefore to
Language and Behaviour Profile (LAB Profile),                understand and respect this motivation when
which I have called Conversational Coaching.                 coaching someone. The LAB Profile gives you
Since a large chunk of coaching is done outside of           the language to match someone’s motivation.
an official coaching session, such as when some-
one says to you; “Have you got a minute?”; we                What is your connection to
need a conversational way of doing coaching that             writing?
doesn’t feel like a formal intervention. Something
that is really a conversation. Conversational                Writing is a very powerful way of communicat-
Coaching is like that and it has a structure and             ing. People now have much shorter attention
takes skill.                                                 spans. We are “click happy” and want everything
                                                             delivered instantly. I recently read an article about
What is your definition of                                   this, but it was four pages long, so I didn’t finish
coaching?                                                    it. We find it more difficult to read lots of infor-
                                                             mation, so visual layout is important. Using lan-
Coaching and mentoring is about helping people               guage patterns, phrases and words and by paying
to find the means to become who they truly can               attention to the visual aspect of our communica-
and want to be, and it is up to them to define what          tion– we can be far more influential.
that is. My company is called Success Strategies                                             Continued on page 5

4                The Bulletin of the Association for Coaching • July 2010 • Issue 1 •

Continued from page 4                                         do you believe to be true about your clients? Do
                                                              you believe they come to you because they need
How did your new book ‘The                                    help? Are they intelligent? Are they looking for a
Customer Is Bothering Me’ come to                             partner to be alongside them? What view do you
                                                              have of your client? If you can articulate all of
be written?
                                                              these things, and act on them, you will meet your
                                                              clients’ needs much better.
It has been a project for a number of years. It is
about making and implementing decisions about
                                                              Equally important are the processes through
how you treat your customers. When the
                                                              which you work with your clients. For example,
Icelandic volcano ash covered Europe many pas-
                                                              what is your normal process? How do you greet
sengers were stranded and the airlines struggled
                                                              them? How do you do a needs analysis? How do
to know how to take care of them.1 But even
                                                              you build the relationship for possible futures?
though they couldn’t predict the problem; that
                                                              How will you deal with it, if something goes
was no excuse for not being ready for a disruption
                                                              wrong? What is your ‘upset customer’ or emer-
to their services. Disasters will happen. Mistakes
                                                              gency process?
will happen and we need to have already thought
about this. Most companies, and people for that
                                                              Here is something else that affects many situa-
matter, are unprepared because they do not get
                                                              tions for our clients. Human beings cannot do
out of their own perspective to understand how
                                                              these two things at the same time; be upset and
events truly affect others. One of the big human
                                                              be logical. If someone is upset it may not be help-
challenges is to be able to walk in someone else’s
                                                              ful to try to solve their problem right away. If the
                                                              client/ customer is in an emotional state, treat
                                                              their emotion first.
   1Please see my article entitled Volcanoes and
   the International Customer Service Crisis, on              These are the topics I wanted to address in The                           Customer is Bothering Me.

There are 3 useful perspectives to serve our cus-             What / who influences your life?
tomers well:
                                                              There are so many I am not quite sure how to
1. Our own point of view.                                     answer the question. One of the things people do
2. Our customers’ point of view.                              for me that is a big influence, is testing my ideas.
3. The bird’s eye, overall view to ensure what we             I make things up, such as an editing technique
   are doing makes sense.                                     called The Macho Test. The Macho Test enables
                                                              you to determine whether what you are saying or
These perspectives will help you create the expe-             writing is likely to be listened to by someone who
rience you want your customers to have. Plus,                 has what I call a “Macho Pattern” and to adapt
you need to define your Customer Service                      how you express yourself to ensure your ideas
Philosophy. How do you make sure that you’re                  will get a good hearing.2 The label is for those
delivering the spirit of what you wanted to deliv-            who are perfect in every way, are more important
er? How do you market yourself; what are you                  than you, better educated, never wrong, better
promising as compared to what you actually do                 paid, fitter and so on. If someone is running that
for your client? Coaching for example, is not a               pattern and you are not aware of it, what you say
miracle cure, and should not be marketed as such.             may well be rejected. As I said earlier I make
What kind of expectations are you setting? What                                              Continued on page 6

The Bulletin of the Association for Coaching • July 2010 • Issue 1 •

Continued from page 5                                        question will get at what people want or need in a
things up and my colleagues, friends and clients             different way.
tested this process out and gave me great sugges-
tions.                                                          3 I believe that a positive consequence of

                                                                women’s caring for others has been the sur-
     2 For more information on this technique see               vival of our planet. Perhaps we need to
     the articles link on                                       elect pregnant women to be our leaders                              since they have a physical attachment to our
                                                                future. Oh! Don’t get me started!
The biggest influence has been NLP. I was work-
ing and living in France when my marriage blew
up and I moved to Canada to start all over again.            Are there any other influences?
If I hadn’t had NLP skills and insights, it would
have taken a lot longer to get back on my feet.              Clients influence me in incredible ways. I also
NLP is not something you do – it’s something that            spend time, money and effort learning from
you practice. You need to be congruent on the                experts on different topics around the world. I
inside. Many of my best friends around the plan-             have friends where the quality of our conversa-
et are NLP people. For me, NLP is a way of being             tions, questions and testing out of our assump-
rather than a way of doing things to people.                 tions is invaluable. Penny Thompkins and James
                                                             Lawley are two people I can think of right away.4
I have learned a lot from many NLP greats, in per-           I am influenced by the friends who stick out their
son or through their work; Judith DeLozier,                  foot that I trip over. OK! So you’re trying to tell
Robert Dilts, Steve and Connirae Andreas, John               me something!
Grinder, Leslie Cameron-Bandler and I can see
their different influences in my work.                          4 They are the authors of Metaphors in Mind

                                                                and the developers of the Clean Language
I began my NLP training in France in the early                  Methodology now used by many coaches,
80’s and there were cultural differences that                   based on modelling the work of David
meant the way NLP was trained needed to be                      Grove.
adapted to work in France. NLP originated in
America. It is important to be aware of cultural
                                                             Another important influence is my membership in
differences. Here’s an example. One of the essen-
                                                             two Mastermind groups
tial questions in NLP is to ask “What do you
want?” In America, there is a belief that life is
                                                             Anyone truly dedicated to learning and self devel-
about getting what you want. Hardly any other
                                                             opment needs to not just be playing at it. If you
culture on the planet has that belief with the same
                                                             are serious about coaching you already know that
intensity. In the UK, France, and Germany people
                                                             you need a coach. The mastermind group I have
tend to be more duty-driven. That would affect
                                                             been in for the last four years is a group of profes-
the way in which the question was answered.
                                                             sional speakers, experts in different areas. The
People would become uncomfortable answering
                                                             whole point of such a group is to create the con-
the question “what do you want?”. And women
                                                             ditions for each of us to achieve things that are
in the western world and elsewhere are still con-
                                                             important. You work as a group. For example in
ditioned to take care of what everyone else
                                                             this particular group we have a mix of talents. As
wants.3 Another way of asking that question
might be to ask “What’s important to you?” This
                                                                                              Continued on page 7

 6                The Bulletin of the Association for Coaching • July 2010 • Issue 1 •

Continued from page 6                                         people are addicted to work. Something is going
professional speakers we each needed more video               to blow up or change because we cannot keep
footage of our work. We put together an evening               going at this pace.
where we each gave presentations and used the
opportunity to hire a video company to film our-              What’s exciting is that people are influencing
selves in front of an audience and to raise money             large systems changes through media such as
for a charity we have been supporting for a long              Twitter and Face Book. The generations growing
time. For 6 months before that evening we got                 up now have different values. My kids don’t want
together to hone our presentations. I get a lot of            to work as hard as I do. I look at how much more
presentation training and coaching and this was               time they spend with friends and on their relation-
the best coaching I’ve had in a long time.                    ships.

What is the greatest piece of                                 Coaching is also going to have to evolve. The vast
advice you have been given?                                   majority of my clients are not in the same room as
                                                              I am. I use technology, for example with tele-
This is related to my speaking work however it                phone coaching I have a bridge line, so I record
translates to other activities too. It was said by            our conversation and send a copy to the other per-
Warren Evans. He said “Only an amateur warms                  son. And this works great for group coaching too.
up on stage”. Relating to coaching it’s about mak-            I believe there is a huge potential for group
ing sure you are in the right state before you meet           coaching with people from around the world.
with your client. Are you ready to do the work?               Coaches are going to need to constantly improve
                                                              their expertise to nourish their processes with new
What changes do you envisage in                               technology and new brain-mind-body-spirit-com-
the world of work over the next                               munication knowledge.
few decades?                                                  And where and how we work is shifting. Years
                                                              ago people asked me ‘How can you stand the
Geography will become a non-issue. This has
                                                              insecurity of working for yourself?’ Now it’s
already started in North America. There is a
                                                              more like ‘how can you stand the insecurity
recognition that you don’t need to be in the same
                                                              working for someone else?’5 Also the recognition
room, however we do still need to have relation-
                                                              of who’s going to pay you and how do you give
ships. I do a lot of my client work on the phone or
                                                              something of value in return? It is ok to give to
on Skype and speakers are now addressing large
                                                              the world, as many people do, but you are also
audiences through video conferencing.
                                                              responsible for earning your living.6 Even if you
                                                              are employed by someone else you are responsi-
Also I think working people are under way too
                                                              ble for your own income and this will become
much pressure. Something is going to bust.
                                                              ever more true as the world of work evolves.
People cannot keep working at the rate that they
are and with ever increasing expectations. New
                                                                5 There is a YouTube video of my stand-up
technology gives us the means to do more, so
more is expected. In the 1970’s we believed that                comedy routine: My boss is a bitch, unfor-
new technology was going to give us freedom,                    tunately I’m self-employed.
make world peace, end hunger and enable us to
create meaningful lives. Now we are on-line 24
hours a day, working day and night and many                                                    Continued on page 8

The Bulletin of the Association for Coaching • July 2010 • Issue 1 •

Continued from page 7
                                                             Shelle's upcoming dates in the
     6 I often have conversations with people                UK:
     who say they want to give their services to
     people who can’t afford them. I usually say             Opening Keynote Speech at Training
     that’s great, and how will you earn your liv-           Journal Conference
     ing. Thousands of people have heard my                  September 21, 2010 London
     rant against the “sacred vow of poverty.”               "The Delegate is Bothering Me! How to motivate
                                                             more people for Learning and Development."
Another trend. Many women leaving organiza-        
tions because they are fed up. They look at the
politics and game playing and don’t want to deal             Pre-conference Workshop for the NLP
with it any more. We need to make it a lot easier            Conference
for women to stay and contribute to organizations            November 12, 2010 London
to get the benefit of what they bring.                       The Customer is Bothering Me! The Client is
                                                             Bothering me! The Patient is Bothering Me!"
What’s next for you?                               

I will be licensing the LAB Profile                          Words That Change Minds: The LAB
Consultant/Trainer Certification Program, to                 Profile Practitioner
enable others to spread these great tools. I want            November 19-21, Newcastle
trainers to teach LAB Profile worldwide, ethical-  
ly, with skill and knowledge. We are here to serve
and I can help people to do that by helping them             Words That Change Minds LAB Profile
get better in all their communications, finding              Practitioner and Conversational Coaching,
new ways and uncovering their success strategies.            May 12 to 15, 2011, London

 8                The Bulletin of the Association for Coaching • July 2010 • Issue 1 •

 By Jenny Campbell

Why do some people bounce back easily after set-              response and minimum
backs, whilst others find themselves weary and car-           cost. There is an even fur-
rying a high cost to keep battling through? In this           ther level of resilience,
article Jenny Campbell shares her interesting                 where a person trans-
research on resilience, done as part of the                   forms an extreme chal-
lifetimeswork Insight series. Jenny interviewed 25            lenge into an opportunity
leaders across different sectors to understand how            and achieves good out-
they managed their own resilience and how this                comes from the setback
linked to the resilience of their organisation. Jenny         even in the face of extreme loss. Altogether, these
would welcome any of your own resilience stories to           insights give rise to a very powerful definition of
help her shape the main findings; her contact details         Resilience: R= (Bounce back * Speed) + Energy
are at the end of the article.                                Recovered + Learning + Application to other con-
                                                              texts. The research set out to find out how to build
The Definition of Resilience                                  resilience to this kind of level.

Resilience is the ability to overcome setbacks and            The Resilience Engine©
absorb any learning offered by those setbacks, quick-
ly, and at the minimum cost. There are increasing             The most significant finding of recent research is the
levels of resilience: those that describe their ability to    concept of the Resilience Engine©. Using the model
bounce back; those which describe this plus absorb-           of the Resilience Engine© helps illustrate how
ing the learning from the setback and thereby chang-          resilience is created and sustained. The engine is
ing their ways of living and working; those which             made up of an inner source of fuel and an outer force,
describe this learning, and on top, their speed of            with a driving motor creating the energy between the

                                                                                             Continued on page 10

The Bulletin of the Association for Coaching • July 2010 • Issue 1 •

Continued from page 9
two. The inner source of fuel and the outer force are       The ‘1’
stable, non- moveable components. The driving               This refers to Self Acceptance. It is the findings of
motor moves continuously. The integration of this           this research that leaders who are resilient do not
whole engine, the maintenance and nurturing of it,          necessarily have Self Esteem, but Self Acceptance.
and the continuous development implied by it, is            They know themselves deeply, and they accept
what makes resilience transformative.                       themselves - all strengths, all gremlins, all blind
The Internal Resources ‘2+7+1’
                                                            Self Confidence and Control
The first component is a set of specific Internal
Resources - 2 Beliefs, 7 Attitudes and 1 ability to         The combination ‘2+7+1’ makes for an unexpected
Self-Accept that form the internal source for an indi-      situation which lifetimeswork came across many
vidual’s resilience.                                        times in the leaders interviewed: the combination
                                                            didn’t mean defacto confidence.
The ‘2’
1. A belief in one’s purpose in life – so knowing that      Also, the relationship between resilience and being
   you have a purpose, and what it is. This belief          in control is complex: an initial state of being in con-
   leads to the highest engagement if connected with        trol is useful to resilience, but individuals have to
   the External Goal.                                       give up the need for control where the challenge is
2. A belief is one’s own judgement: judgement of            too big – instead they need to concentrate on feeling
   other people, and judgement of things and situa-         comfortable with ambiguity.
                                                            External Goal Focus
The ‘7’
There are seven attitudes whose combination is crit-        The second component of the Resilience Engine© is
ical for the highest level of resilience                    an extreme focus on an outwardly facing goal. If this
1. Takes full responsibility for self, own actions and      goal is linked to an individual’s inner purpose the
   reactions                                                bond is extremely strong. The key for this to play a
2. Doesn’t dwell, forgives when necessary, moves on         part of the Resilience Engine© is that there is a con-
3. Not taking oneself too seriously. Humility and self      tinued and almost ruthless focus on the goal. This
   deprecating humour.                                      focus is so clear that the individual will do anything
4. Optimistic                                               – including generating somehow all creative options
5. Grounded, feet on the ground, pragmatic                  available to them – to solve any problems along the
6. High level of independence and independent               way.
   judgement                                                The real mindset here is the openness to solutions
7. Values others and their opinions                         coming from unexpected places, and keeping a wide
                                                            compass map. This mindset is enhanced via the
The 4 latter attitudes make for an interesting paradox      Adaptive Capacity.
– they are 2 pairs of countering mindsets: a both opti-
mistic and pragmatic person will believe in the pos-        The Adaptive Capacity
sibility of creating options and solutions and will also
consider and cater for all barriers. Plus the extreme-      The third component of the Resilience Engine© is an
ly independent person who values other people’s             individual’s Adaptive Capacity. This is a sophisticat-
inputs will achieve a fully counterbalancing set of         ed mix of skills that connect the Internal Resources
arguments in any situation.                                                                 Continued on page 11

10               The Bulletin of the Association for Coaching • July 2010 • Issue 1 •

Continued from page 10

and External Goal Focus in continuous motion, and             resilience:
helps move the individual towards their goal(s) con-          1. Consistency. Of culture, of communication, of
gruently. It is the moving part of the Resilience                message, of values, of style of decision making, of
Engine©. The Adaptive Capacity is made up of three               trust.
components:                                                   2. A consensus, inclusive and collaborative culture.
                                                              3. A learning culture within linked communities
1. Firstly, Perspective – the ability to grasp context.          within the organisation, and as a whole organisa-
   Being able to step back from a situation in order to          tion.
   better see and understand. This implies an ability         4. There has to be an emotional contract between the
   to weigh up a welter of factors, ranging from how             organisation and the employee, linking the indi-
   very different groups of people will interpret a              vidual to the organisational aims.
   gesture, to being able to put a situation in perspec-      5. An organisation had to explicitly deal with chal-
   tive.                                                         lenges to resilience such as stress and workload.
2. The second is Supporting Oneself so that the indi-            Prioritisation has to be ruthless.
   vidual is refreshed continuously.                          6. Don’t hide difficulties or ambiguity from staff.
3. The last component is a Pacing Cycle – an
   advanced skill where an individual manages their
   load accordingly to their capacity on a continuous         The Bottom Line of Resilience
   basis. The components of the Pacing Cycle are
   shown below. Most significantly it results in a            1. Resilience is important to leaders. Those that have
   steady state use of energy rather than high peaks             the highest resilience work hard at nurturing and
   and troughs. Dependencies are ruthless prioritisa-            sustaining it.
   tion and saying no often.                                  2. Resilience relies on complete Self Acceptance. It
                                                                 does not rely on Self Esteem or Self Liking.
Organisational Resilience                                     3. Resilience relies on a number of deep beliefs and
                                                                 deep attitudes, the 2+7 of the Internal Resources
There was general agreement across the leaders                   2+7+1 formula. If not present innately, building
interviewed that organisational resilience relies                these takes profound inner work.
extremely heavily on the personal resilience of the           4. Resilience relies on connection with an External
Senior Management Team of the organisation. There                Goal that is compelling and meaningful.
are a further 6 elements necessary for organisational                                        Continued on page 12

The Bulletin of the Association for Coaching • July 2010 • Issue 1 •

Continued from page 11                                           unit.
5. The most challenging aspect for building and sus-         13. Organisational resilience relies on a further six
   taining resilience is an individual’s Adaptive                factors, including a collaborative, inclusive style
   Capacity. Experience and time is required to build            and openness of culture.
   Adaptive Capacity, and it requires continual sup-         14. There are 10 major reasons for breakdown of the
   port.                                                         Resilience Engine©. The 3 most common are
6. The output of the Pacing Cycle, part of the                          o The ‘2’ beliefs are not assimilated whol-
   Adaptive Capacity, is a steady use of one’s own                         ly.
   capacity and energy, even in the face of challenge                   o individuals’ expectations of themselves
   and setback. This involves ruthless rejection of                        are out of kilter with their individual
   unnecessary tasks, and this in turn relies on                           capacity.
   extreme clarity of the External Goal.                                o a DIY approach is preferred.
7. Resilience is not the same as confidence; indeed
   many leaders quote a lack of confidence despite           Further Information
   very high resilience.
8. Resilience requires a sophisticated relationship          The full Resilience Insight Series includes
   with the need to be in control. Resilience is built                 o More on The Resilience Engine© and its
   by becoming more in control – of those things that                    component parts.
   are within one’s control. But it also requires a                    o Sustaining Resilience.
   complete letting go of control for those things out-                o 10 Reasons for Resilience Engine break-
   side one’s control. This may sound extremely                          down.
   obvious, but the understanding of what lies                         o Sector and Gender differences.
   beyond one’s control has to be developed.                           o 10 Implications for Coaches.
9. Resilience, even at the highest level, needs to be
   sustained. At the highest level this means effecting      To obtain a copy of the full Resilience Insight Series,
   a big change.                                             or to discuss more about your own and your organi-
10. Women rate their own resilience lower than men.          sation’s resilience capabilities, please contact Jenny
    There are 3 common reasons for this: a capacity          Campbell, Director at
    versus expectation issue; a lack of self-accept-
    ance; and finally the belief that they are fixers of     0131 332 7512.
    any problem - this gets in the way of full devel-
    opment of all 3 components of the Resilience             Participants in the Research
11. Each sector has a particular pattern around              Entrepreneurs:
    resilience. The Public sector is most complex,           Ros Borland, CEO Gabriel Films;
    with both the highest and lowest resilience rat-         Charlie Dawson, CEO The Foundation;
    ings. The Corporate sector has the most consis-          Soraya Fenton, Argyll Fenton;
    tent ratings, but top ratings remain illusive. The       Pamela Lyell, Partner Core Services
    Entrepreneurial sector has the lowest average rat-       Marc Moens, Pentech Ventures LLP, x-CEO
    ing, with two fundamental reasons – a lack of            Rhetorical;
    time for reflective learning and a prevalence of         Angela Paterson, CEO Hijobs;
    DIY thinking.                                            David Sibbald, CEO Sumarian;
12. Organisational resilience depends heavily on the         Judy Wagner, Partner Finlayson Wagner & Black;
    individual resilience of its key leaders and the
    resilience of its Senior Management Team as a
                                                                                             Continued on page 13

12                The Bulletin of the Association for Coaching • July 2010 • Issue 1 •

Continued from page 12                                       References
Corporate Sector:
Anonymous Finance Director, major Scottish-based             1. Harvard Business Review on Building Personal
PLC;                                                         and Organizational Resilience.
Jann Browne, Finance Director, Cairn Energy PLC;             2. The Resiliency Advantage, Al Siebert.
Geoff Cartright, Global Marketing Director, Lifescan         3. The Power of Resilience, Robert Brooks and Sam
– part of J&J;                                               Goldstein.
Mairead Ferguson, Communications Director, BBC               4. Hostage at the Table, George Kohlrieser, IMD.
Scotland;                                                    5. Learning from Burnout: Developing Sustainable
Lewis Lyell, Director BT;                                    Leaders and avoiding career derailment. Tim
Linda Urquhart, CEO Morton Fraser;                           Casserley/David Megginson.
Tom Ward, x-Corporate Development Director                   6. Coaching At Work Vol 3, Issue 5; CIPD.
Scottish & Newcastle;                                        7. Leading Through Uncertainty. McKinsey
Helen Webster, Product Director, Aegon;                      Quarterly Dec 2008.
                                                             8. Centred Leadership: How Talented Women
Public and Third Sector:                                     Thrive. McKinsey Quarterly Sept 2008.
David Cameron, Director Child Services Stirling              9. Adapting to Life’s Sling and Arrows: Individual
Council;                                                     Differences in Resilience when recovering form an
Liz Connelly, Regional Director West Scottish                anticipated threat. Journal of Research in
Enterprise;                                                  Personality; March 2008.
Heather Jack, Head of Cultural and Community                 10. Sociocultural factors, resilience and coping: sup-
Services, Perth & Kinross Council;                           port for a culturally sensitive measure of resilience.
Fiona Mackenzie, CEO NHS Forth Valley;                       Journal of Applied Psychology, March 2008.
Kathy O’Neill, General Manager NHS Forth Valley;             11. Ego-control and ego-resiliency: Generalisation of
Harry Stevenson, Director Social Services, South             self-report scales based on personality descriptions
Lanarkshire Council;                                         from acquaintances, clinicians and self. Journal of
David Strang, Chief Constable, Lothian & Borders             Research in Personality, 2004.
Police;                                                      12. The Road to Resilience. American Psychological
Simon Woods, CEO, Royal Scottish National                    Association.
Orchestra;                                                   13. Centre for Confidence, Scotland.
Zoe van Zwanenberg, x-CEO of Scottish Leadership

Paul Dickens, Partner, Finlayson Wagner & Black,
John Leary Joyce, CEO of Academy of Executive
Coaching and Psychologist.

The Bulletin of the Association for Coaching • July 2010 • Issue 1 •

                                                                         Centre for
                                                          in association with Centre for Stress Management
                                                                                        promoting the cognitive
                                                                                          behavioural approach

     Advanced Certificates*                                    Primary Certificate Courses
     Modular programmes in:                                    Performance Coaching
     Coaching                                                  Health Coaching
     Psychological Coaching                                    Stress Management
     Coaching Psychology                                       Occupational Stress Management
                                                               Assertion & Communication Skills
                                                               Problem Focused Counselling Coaching & Training
     Certificate Courses*                                      Coaching Supervision
     Coaching†‡                                                Redundancy Coaching
     Psychological Coaching†‡
     Stress Management and                                     Correspondence Course
     Performance Coaching†                                     Life Coaching - a CBC approach
     Stress Management and Health Coaching
     Coaching Psychology                                       Courses held in London unless otherwise
     Psychological Coaching†                                   stated and can be run in-house

     The Centre for Coaching is an ILM Recognised Provider. As a
     recognised provider, the Centre runs a wide range of coaching
     and management development programmes which are suitable
     for Continuing Professional Development.

     The Director of the Centre is
     Professor Stephen Palmer PhD CPsychol.
                                                                                                        Recognised Course

     Trainers include:
          Professor Stephen Palmer            Dr Siobhain O’Riordan
          Nick Edgerton                       Kasia Szymanska
          Gladeana McMahon                    Irene Tubbs
          Michael Neenan

     Visit our website for course dates and fees:                        * Courses recognised by                                             the Association for Coaching
                                                                         † Courses accredited by Middlesex University
     Contact us for our non-certificated workshop CPD programme.         ‡ Society for Coaching Psychology Recognised Course

14               The Bulletin of the Association for Coaching • July 2010 • Issue 1 •
AC UK Chair Report

 Chair’s Report
 By Gladeana McMahon

Since the last Bulletin the AC UK has been involved           the Association do let us
in a number of projects.                                      know.

We are currently reviewing our Professional                   The AC is well on the
Indemnity Insurance arrangements and the discounts            way to getting the new
we are able to offer members using our Association            website put in place.
status. We have managed to link ourselves in with             When it is, this will allow
the major providers who are able to offer competitive         for many activities that
offerings and will be posting information about the           are difficult to put on now. There will be more pod-
current position shortly.                                     casts; web based training events and a clearer offer-
                                                              ing when it comes to resources and information. I,
At the time of writing, we are holding our first AC           for one, can’t wait. The AC UK is working closely
UK Conference on 8th of July in association with the          with the AC to ensure that we create the best offering
University of East London, entitled “Leadership               possible.
Coaching: Developing Elite Performance” and have
been delighted that we have been able to attract              Last month you will have received a membership
world class speakers. See the “stop press” in this bul-       survey and we hope that you were able to find the
letin for an update on the conference.                        time to let us have your views. We are a membership
                                                              organization and therefore need to know from the
Scotland now has a new Head in the form of Martha             membership what we do well and what you want
Simpson whom we warmly welcome to our UK                      more of. More importantly, we also need to know
Council. Scotland is very active in relation to events        what you believe we are not doing that you want us
and we are sure that they will continue to go from            to do or are not doing as well as you think we could.
strength to strength with Martha at the helm.                  We are only too well aware that communication is
Scotland is extremely active and well supported by a          the key to ensuring that you, the membership, are
group of enthusiastic members.                                fully involved and cognizant of what we are doing.
                                                              This is your Association. Our aim is to ensure that
We continue to be overawed at the number of volun-            you feel involved and see the Association as meeting
teers who give so generously of their time, intelli-          your needs. We know we cannot please all of the
gence and wisdom to help the AC UK develop its                people all of the time but with your help and guid-
offerings. There are now over 200 such volunteers             ance we hope we can please most of the people most
running events, helping with media work, assessing            of the time.
our accreditation applications and being involved at
many levels in the day to day workings of the                 Many coaches have come forward wanting us to
Association. The majority of our events are now               assist with training in marketing related aspects in
held outside London and this demonstrates the way             relation to building a coaching practice and our
that members have been able to create networks and            Events Team has listened to your requests and is
put on events in many different locations. Between            working towards providing such offerings.
2002 and 2004 all our events were London based but
now less than a third are and this is down to members         Members may not be aware but the AC UK is a
creating local based branches. If you have some time          member of the “Roundtable” where all the UK pro-
and energy and would like to make a contribution to                                     Continued on page 16

The Bulletin of the Association for Coaching • July 2010 • Issue 1 •
AC UK Chair Report

Continued from page 15                                         Katherine Tulpa, CEO of the AC and I have been
fessional coaching bodies meet to discuss areas of             interviewed by Nick Thorogood, one of our UK
common concern aiming to work collaboratively on               Advisory Panel and CEO of the UK Food Channel to
projects of mutual interest. Currently, we are consid-         explain our offerings and answer questions that
ering our individual accreditation offerings as well as        members may have. We appreciate the many ques-
coaching supervision. Our aim, where possible, is to           tions and comments we had from members and have
ensure that the coaching profession seeks the best             answered as many of them as possible in the inter-
standards possible and eases some of the confusion             view. It is now available as a podcast at the AC web-
that has been flagged up by purchasers of coaching             site at
whether corporate or individual clients.             
Since the AC went global and AC UK and AC
Ireland came into being as individual entities some            Have a wonderful summer
members have been confused about how we work                   Gladeana McMahon
together as one coaching association. Therefore,               Chair Association for Coaching UK

  Meet your council members.                                 ing in helping leaders develop their authentic style and
                                                             in creating positive learning cultures in organisations.
  Each edition we will be featuring members of the coun-     She is currently active in leadership and management
  cil so you can get to know who represents you. This time   development, in organisational development and change
  it is Amanda Bouch the Vice Chair for the Association      and in facilitating teams to develop customer-centred
  and Gladeana McMahon our Chair.                            strategy as well as providing training in strategy and
                                                             change. She has been working in people development
                                                             and organisational change for 20 years, having started
                                                             her working career in marketing. Amanda speaks and
                                                             writes on leadership and management topics and is cur-
                                                             rently editing a book on implementing coaching in
                                                             organisations, due to be published this summer.

                                                             Gladeana McMahon
                                                             Chair ACUK

                                                             Gladeana McMahon, the AC UK’s Chair, is considered
                                                             one of the leading personal development and transfor-
                                                             mational coaches in the UK. She has been instrumental
                                                             with helping to grow the Association for Coaching over
      Amanda Bouch               Gladeana McMahon
                                                             the years, and now holds the positions of Fellow and
  Amanda Bouch, MBA HMAC                                     Vice President. She is also a Fellow of the BACP, The
  Vice Chair ACUK                                            Institute of Management Studies and The Royal Society
                                                             of Arts. Gladeana is widely published with some 16 pop-
  Amanda is an Accredited Coach with AC and joined the       ular and academic books on Coaching and Counselling.
  Council in 2003 as Head of Organisational                  An innovator, Gladeana is one of the UK founders of
  Development, promoting coaching to organisations. She      Cognitive Behavioural Coaching and currently works as
  loves being at the heart of the AC with its dynamic and    Director, Professional Coaching Standards for Cedar
  values-driven ethic and working to spread the reach of     Talent Management and is Co-Director of the Centre for
  the ACUK for the benefit of coaches.                       Coaching and Centre for Stress Management as well as
                                                             running her own Associate team under the banner of
  Amanda’s passion is for learning and change, specialis-    Gladeana McMahon Associates.

16                The Bulletin of the Association for Coaching • July 2010 • Issue 1 •

        Diploma in Organisational Development and Executive Coaching
                 February – November 2011, Central London

         Develop your skills through this practical and experiential programme
       focused on leadership development and executive coaching - in a course
         designed for those currently coaching or in managerial roles who wish
            to strengthen their abilities as change agents within organisations
                                   or with individual clients.
       Ideal for coaches within companies or independent practice, counsellors,
        psychotherapists and other occupational or mental health professionals,
        in addition to those in commercial, managerial, HR or leadership roles.
      Through 20 days' training on selected weekends, professional competence
                   in coaching and organisational process is emphasized.
             Taught from a psychological basis with an integrative theoretical
           background including Gestalt, psychoanalytic concepts, TA, process
                               models and constellation theory:
         - Group dynamics, organisational systems, gender and culture,
                         - Coaching skills and psychometric tools,
                        - Conflict resolution and creative process,
         - Consulting process, entry and contracting, practice-building,
                     - Authentic leadership and team development.
        The international tutor faculty includes Bernd Leygraf (course director),
                Professor Renos Papadopoulos, Anne Litwin, Chris Williams.

      See the Courses page at
         for information on dates, syllabus, tutors and fees.
       For an informal discussion or application form, please
       contact Sarah Briggs, Director, on 020 7637 7763
                or email

The Bulletin of the Association for Coaching • July 2010 • Issue 1 •
AC Global Update

Global Update
By Katherine Tulpa, CEO, Association for Coaching

Firstly, I would like to thank Anne Archer, the editor         opment.
of the AC UK Bulletin, for offering the AC Global            • To position the AC at
Team a column in each quarterly edition. Over time             the leading edge of the
we will also be producing an AC Global Bulletin,               profession’s growth,
however until such time, we will do our best to keep           becoming the coaching
both the local and global coaching communities                 community of choice
updated on key developments and focus areas across             for personal/profession-
the Association for Coaching. We hope you will find            al coaches, organisa-
this useful, and as always, please do feel free to pro-        tions and corporations involved in the profession.
vide us with any feedback – what hits the mark and           • To grow and retain an international membership
what doesn’t! The AC continues to be an inclusive              base of a minimum of 25,000 ; one that is engaged
and members/market focused organization; as we                 and there is perceived added value.
expand internationally, it will be vital to not lose
sight of this.                                               In terms of how we work towards the Vision, below
                                                             I share the key Strategic Focus Areas the Global
A good place to start is by sharing the revised              Team has set for the next 18 months.
Purpose and Vision for the Association for Coaching,
which we believe reflects where we are now at as an          Strategic Focus Areas (July 2010 – December 2011)
organization, at this stage of our vibrant, evolving
profession.                                                  1. Region/Country Expansion
                                                             2. Build Systems & Infrastructure
Purpose                                                      3. Develop and Evolve Universal Schemes
                                                             4. Innovation – Thought Leadership
“To inspire and champion coaching excellence, by             5. Promote Coaching Excellence
being proactive, collaborative and purposeful, so            6. Operational Excellence
that we advance the coaching profession and make             7. Inspire and Develop People/ Capability
a positive, lasting difference in the world.”                8. Devise Revenue Streams

                   - Association for Coaching® 2010          The above focus areas have been informed by listen-
                                                             ing to what our members’ needs are, and what we
Vision                                                       feel we need to do to grow the Association for
                                                             Coaching proactively. An example of what we have
• To bring together a professional coaching commu-           done around the first three areas - in collaboration
  nity, both on a local and global scale, where there is     with the regions/local countries - is summarised
  sufficient need and potential for coaching.                below.
• To align or partner with individuals and organisa-
  tions whose purpose and aspirations align with our         Region/Country Expansion - The Global Team
  own, bringing coaching deeper into business and            have now developed a 4 -staged process for expan-
  society.                                                   sion. The first stage involves setting up a local AC
• To establish vibrant, energising and knowledge rich        community. Currently this is being started in China,
  online and offline learning environments, to sup-          India, Eastern Europe, Asia-Pacific, and the UAE. In
  port the profession’s sustainable growth and devel-                                      Continued on page 19

18               The Bulletin of the Association for Coaching • July 2010 • Issue 1 •
AC Global Update

Continued from page 18                                        The schemes were designed with input
Europe, the AC will be running two Global Coaching            from Coaches, Training/Coach Providers and Buyers
seminars; one in Amsterdam in September, and the              of Coaching. So far there is high interest in the new
other in Germany in December, featuring Philippe              scheme, with over 20 assessors being trained up in
Rosinski as a keynote speaker.                                July to prepare for the uptake.

Build Systems and Infrastructure – following an               We will certainly report on what we are doing around
in-depth needs analysis of our current and future             the other Strategic Focus Areas in future Bulletins.
IT/Web requirements, the AC has recently appointed            Stay tuned, too, in July for a communication which
a partner to develop a robust technology platform.            shows the findings from the recent global member’s
This will include a new modern website, with a new            survey. We are pleased it shows that more than 90%
look and feel, as well as greater automation, easier          of you are actively recommending the AC!
navigation, customized ‘micro-sites’ for local coun-
tries, and AC TV, amongst other features.                     On that note, I would like to thank you for your con-
                                                              tinued support. Let’s continue, together, to raise the
Develop and Evolve Universal Schemes – over                   bar, and to inspire and champion excellence across
the past 12 months we have been developing the new            the coaching profession. For further questions,
3 - tiered Coach and Executive Coach Accreditation            comments or information, please do email us at
Schemes, which will go into effect in October, 2010.

   This is an exciting time for the AC UK. If you            provides greater opportunities for marketing the
   fancy volunteering some of your time to help              AC UK brand. If you have a marketing back-
   raise the AC’s profile in the UK, why not consid-         ground and are interested in promoting the AC,
   er joining the Communications and Marketing               you can help us and at the same time develop
   team? We need some new members to join our                your own contacts.
   dynamic team and help us to promote some of the
   exciting new developments that are coming up in           PR
   fresh and innovative ways. We’re looking for              Do you have good PR contacts? Would you like
   volunteers who would be interested in helping us          to help build our relationships with the press? We
   in the following areas:                                   already have a good contacts base but we’re
                                                             always keen to expand it and look at new and dif-
   Social Media                                              ferent ideas about raising our profile in the press.
   Do you have expertise in the use of social media?
    We need to develop our profile in this arena. We         If you are interested in any of these opportunities,
   already have a presence but we need to expand it.         please contact Gill Smith at
    This is your opportunity to put your ideas into or Annabel
   practice and help AC UK be at the forefront of the        Harper at
   social media world.                              if
                                                             you’d like to discuss them in more detail. Tell us
   Marketing                                                 how many hours you can volunteer and why
   Developing our presence across all media outlets          you’re interested in joining the team!

The Bulletin of the Association for Coaching • July 2010 • Issue 1 •

     1 International Congress of
        Coaching Psychology:
                         UK Event Hosted by
                Special Group in Coaching Psychology
                           Invited Speakers include:

                  Dr David Drake (USA), Dr Andrew Armastas (Greece),
                  Hugh O’Donovan(Ireland), Peter Zarris (Australia),
                  Prof Alex Linley, Dr Kristina Gyllensten (Sweden),
                  Dr Jonathan Passmore, Dr Almuth McDowall, Julie Allan,
                  Dr Alison Whybrow, Paul Olson (Norway), Dr Ho Law,
                  Prof Stephen Palmer, Alanna O’Broin,
                  Prof David Lane, Pauline Willis, Dr Siobhain O’Riordan....

       This two day event includes keynotes, half day masterclasses, skills
           workshops, research papers, and posters across both days

                         For more details and to register go to:

        Details of all congress partners and future events can be found at:

     14th and 15th December 2010 – City University, London, UK

20         The Bulletin of the Association for Coaching • July 2010 • Issue 1 •
Tool Box

Your Coaching Toolbox:
Defining Coaching
By Shirley Dockerill and Vincent


                  Through our work with a number
                  of professional coaches we have
                  come to understand that most                   Shirley Dockerill             Vincent Leahy
                  coaches seek help to communi-             stood. This took us some time and proved to be a
                  cate clearly and precisely to cus-        difficult task, especially with some of the coaching
tomers the various different types of coaching              approaches we latterly categorized as Solutions
techniques they use to clients and non-coaches.             Focused/ Therapeutic.
Having spent many hours attempting to describe
what coaching is and what it can do, as well as             Using the Leahy-Dockerill Taxonomy as part of a
searching for the ultimate description of what              marketing process means customers understand
coaching means and been disappointed with what              what it is they’re buying and can become
was available, we decided a simple, clear and con-          immersed in their decision to buy, ask pertinent
cise tool to classify coaching was needed.                  questions and find the right coach.

The Leahy-Dockerill Taxonomy is a portable defi-            Leahy-Dockerill Coaching
nition of the 10 types of coaching our research sug-        Taxonomy © 2009
gests currently exists. It explains how these vari-
ous types of coaching differ from each other and is         BUSINESS/ CORPORATE
written with both the coach and the client in mind.
                                                            1. Behavioural-Performance
When we first began to compare the different types          Develops organisations and individuals within
of coaching available, we were simply attempting            organisations. Using the GROW model (Goal,
to explain to ourselves what it was we understood.          Reality, Options, Wrap-up) along with inquiry,
As the process progressed, a natural split emerged          reflection, discussion, facilitation, feedback and
between two key areas of coaching;               1,         guidance.
business/corporate and 2, personal. A distinction,
which looking back now seems obvious, but at the            2. Cross Cultural Coaching
time did not appear to have been highlighted in any         Looks at culture and cultural assumptions.
of the text books we read. This distinction arose           Develops awareness of diversity at organisational
simply because the people we canvassed were nat-            and national levels to encourage change and
urally defining themselves as being either one, or          improve performance.
the other.
                                                            3. Executive
However, it soon became clear the two broad cate-           Improves professional performance, personal satis-
gories needed to be divided into sub-sections, as           faction and the effectiveness of the client’s organi-
they were becoming far too unwieldy as they                                              Continued on page 22

The Bulletin of the Association for Coaching • June 2010 • Issue 1 •
Tool Box

Continued from page 21                                     ethics to the larger whole.
sation. Helps managers and leaders develop and
achieve an identified set of goals.                        10. Sports
                                                           Improves an individual’s sporting performance.
4. Specialist/ Technical                                   Focuses on physical and technical sporting skills,
Focuses on a specific technical area. Develops             as well as the psychological factors associated with
skills, knowledge, confidence and awareness in             sporting success.
these are as. Examples include, but are not limited
to: marketing, stress, health, music, conflict,            An example of how complicated it was deciding
Human Resource Management (HRM), communi-                  upon definitions can be illustrated by our attempt
cation, career, academic, etc .                            to place, ‘Stress Coaching’ within the Taxonomy.
                                                           Stress coaching has previously been categorized as
5. Neuro-Linguistic Programming                            a quite separate and distinct area of coaching.
Creates an awareness of the links between                  However, because stress can be alleviated through
thoughts, communication, behaviour and emo-                the use of a number of different types of therapies,
tions. Using models of excellence; new ways to             or by applying a curative process (e.g. Cognitive
think, communicate and behave are formed.                  Behavioural Therapy [CBT], hypnotherapy, or aro-
                                                           matherapy), we decided it did not need to be
6. Team                                                    defined as a singular and specific coaching
Works with teams to define goals, improve per-             approach and is therefore included in the
formance, facilitate discussions and reflect .             Specialist/ Technical (4) area. We also decided not
Highlights processes with the aim of enabling self-        to include stress coaching within the Therapeutic
coaching and teams to function effectively.                (7) area because we consider Therapeutic to be the
                                                           application of a curative process approach, applied
PERSONAL                                                   to specific ailments and/or problems.

7. Solutions Focused/ Therapeutic                          Conclusion
Facilitates personal growth and change through the
application of one or more specific approaches.            For us, creating the Leahy-Dockerill Coaching
Uses a specific approach, e.g. Cognitive                   Taxonomy was essential. If we are to market our
Behaviour, Gestalt, Positive Psychology, Clean             coaching services successfully it is vital we are
Language, Ontological, Eclectic, to identify and           able to define exactly what it is we do. We also
construct solutions to personal issues.                    believe as coaching gains a higher profile it is
                                                           essential for coaches to control the coaching defi-
8. Life/ Health                                            nitions which sit within the minds of our clients
Helps clients move towards life decisions which            and potential customers.
reflect their personal values and priorities. Uses
key areas of change to determine and achieve per-          We also believe by sharing our Taxonomy we can
sonal goals, empowerment and more fulfilling               promote various discussions within the industry.
and/or healthier lives.                                    For example, “What do we do as coaches?” and,
                                                           “How does each one of us differ from the other?”
9. Transpersonal-Holistic                                  For us this is preferable to the current situation of
Using a combination of mind, body and soul, iden-          a definition-deficit and endless duplication of
tifies links between individuals, families, commu-         generic coaching services.
nities and organisations. Connects an individual's
personal growth, higher ideals, spirituality and                                          Continued on page 23

22             The Bulletin of the Association for Coaching • June 2010 • Issue 1 •
Tool Box

Continued from page 22                                       their needs, ask for them and then expect them to
Finally, as coaching increasingly develops from an           be delivered by a coach who is totally aware of
artisan model into a far more professional offering,         what it is they are selling and delivering.
we posit coaches will have to define themselves
clearly. The benefits of being able to do this are           Shirley Dockerill and Vincent Leahy run Act.3
twofold:                                                     Associates, a coaching association based in
                                                             Bahrain. Act.3 promotes, encourages and supplies
It will enable the coach to understand their                 coaching, in all its forms, throughout the Middle
strengths and weaknesses and thus be better able to          East: They can be
create effective marketing communications, as                contacted at:
well as knowing if they can meet the needs of each 
customer. It will also allow customers to articulate

The Bulletin of the Association for Coaching • June 2010 • Issue 1 •

Connective Coaching –
using the power of
Quantum Intelligence
By Sue Coyne and Penny Mallinson of
Connectiveness Ltd

What is transformational coaching
as we know it and what is beyond?
                                                                   Sue Coyne                 Penny Mallinson
Transformational Coaching is an area of coaching to
the far right of the coaching spectrum and one that         their journeys and this requires us to meet them there
our clients are becoming more interested in with the        and go through our own transformation to develop a
increasing need for change and transformation in            different way of being with our clients.
organisations and in society as a whole.
                                                              “It’s time for coaches to stop playing
Robert Hargrove, author of Masterful Coaching
describes transformational coaching at its next level         small and to rise to the challenges,
as:                                                           opportunities and urgent needs that
                                                              the global crisis presents.”
 Transformational Coaching now seeks
 to go beyond helping people perform                        — Sir John Whitmore ICF Global Difference
                                                              Conference 2008
 better- coaching for incremental
 improvement (single-loop learning) to                      In our opinion this shift in the needs of our clients is
 getting to the source of people's                          bringing with it an evolution in the transformational
                                                            coaching sector of our market. Our response to this
 behaviour and altering their frames of                     is Connective Coaching – coaching at the quantum
 reference- coaching people to learn to                     level. At Connectiveness we’ve developed a unique
                                                            combination of powerful tools and techniques to
 do new things (double-loop learning)
                                                            enable coaches to access their inspiration, passion
 and ways of being- transforming who                        and vision, to be fully present, in flow and aware – in
 people are (triple-loop learning).                         short a different way of being. From there they can
                                                            tap into their full transformational potential and that
In order to survive and thrive as we come out of the        of their clients.
current crisis we are finding that organisations need
to be able to transform to meet the ever changing           So what is the context for this
needs of their environment. Hence a new breed of            greater need for transformation?
visionary leader is emerging; we call these leaders
Connective Leaders. These leaders are capable of            In the Western World, in our opinion, we are in the
identifying a bigger purpose or vision and embarking        process of transitioning from the industrial revolu-
on their own transformational journey to bring that to      tion paradigm which is about individual greed;
fruition. As coaches our role is to support leaders on                                     Continued on page 25

24              The Bulletin of the Association for Coaching • June 2010 • Issue 1 •

Continued from page 24                                       cess into our lives; by connecting with our energy
growth and man dominating nature, to a new para-             field and using the energy around us to develop
digm about health and wholeness, communication,              greater awareness, to tap into our creativity, vision
community and creation. It is important that we              and passion, to enable the realisation of our own
make this transition as in our view the existing sys-        potential and establish a connection to the potential
tem is not sustainable economically, ecologically or         in others. So, by living with this greater awareness
ethically. In this new era, we believe that successful       and being connected to the world of energy we have
businesses will create environments that are open            the ability to access Quantum Intelligence. Thus we
and dynamic, thus becoming Connective                        become more aware of the ‘big picture’ for ourselves
Organisations.                                               and the universe and our place and purpose in it.

What does this mean for leaders of                           What is Connective Coaching?
these organisations?
                                                             Connectiveness is dedicated to delivering a wide
The new paradigm calls for the transition from               range of experiential programmes and sessions
charismatic, emotionally intelligent leaders to lead-        which support coaches in working transformational-
ers who are transformational and who work with               ly. Mastery of these accessible techniques allows
quantum intelligence.                                        coaches to initiate the ripple effect, enabling them
                                                             and those they connect with to bring transformation
Connective Leaders create environments in which              to the world of business, organisations and other
they engage their people in co-creating the future of        communities. The ripple effect starts with coaches
their organisations. They propel their organisations         modelling a different way of being to their clients.
to a new level of success that is not defined purely by      So, in our work with coaches we go beyond emotion-
achieving financial goals but by creating organisa-          al and spiritual intelligence and explore the applica-
tions that recognise their responsibility to their peo-      tion of quantum intelligence to coaching in order to
ple, the communities in which they operate and to the        bring about the triple loop learning mentioned in the
planet. These thriving organisations regard them-            quote by Robert Hargrove. This means working at all
selves as successful when their people realise their         levels including at the energetic level to bring about
full potential and feel fulfilment and as a result cre-      transformation. Working energetically involves the
ate financial success that secures their future.             coach taking themselves on a journey into the quan-
                                                             tum world and experiencing themselves and their
Where does Quantum Intelligence                              clients as a field of potential or energy available for
(QQ) come into this?                                         realisation.

                                                             Clients who work with Connective Coaches take
Quantum Intelligence springs from the principles of
                                                             away many different experiences which contribute to
Quantum Science. Advances in science, in particu-
                                                             their success and impact. These include feeling an
lar, Quantum Physics have taken some of the mys-
                                                             enhanced sense of well-being and confidence; find-
tique out of the understanding we have of how our
                                                             ing direction and purpose; connecting with their
universe works. Key elements of this new under-
                                                             vision and passion; being fully present and in flow;
standing are that everything is inter-connected .and
                                                             experiencing their true self and fullest potential and
that everything is made of energy. In terms of
                                                             feeling calm yet energised thus reducing stress lev-
Quantum intelligence, energy (or potential) is con-
                                                             els. All of this helps them to be at their best, to have
verted into solid existence or brought into reality
                                                             maximum impact and leads them to live more fulfill-
only when we engage with it. Thus we create our
                                                             ing lives.
own reality. Our inspiration is motivated by the belief
that we can bring greater harmony, balance and suc-                                         Continued on page 26

The Bulletin of the Association for Coaching • June 2010 • Issue 1 •

Continued from page 25
                                                            Some resources you may find
If you are interested in this work you can contact us       useful
through our website
or                                • Can Humankind change the economic myth? W.
                                                            Edward Stead and Jean Garner Stead, East
About Sue Coyne and Penny                                   Tennessee State University, Journal of
Mallinson                                                   Organizational Change Management, Volume 7
                                                            No 4, 1994Presence.
Sue Coyne and Penny Mallinson are experienced               • Exploring Profound Change in People,
in co-facilitating sessions for both coaches and lead-      Organisations and Society. Peter Senge, C.Otto
ers. They bring together extensive business knowl-          Scharmer, Joseph Jaworski, Betty Sue Flowers
edge with coaching, facilitation and bodywork skills.       • Synchronicity. The Inner Path of Leadership.
                                                            Joseph Jaworski
Sue is a practising executive coach and a graduate of       • Megatrends 2010. The Rise of Conscious
the Advanced Diploma course at the AoEC. She                Capitalism. Patricia Adurdene.
combines Connective Coaching techniques with                • Spiral Dynamics. Mastering Values, Leadership
Gestalt and Somatic Cognitive Coaching to suit the          and Change. Don Edward Beck and Christopher
needs of her clients.                                       C. Cowan.
                                                            • Einstein’s Business. Edited by Dawson Church
Penny has been involved in body and energy work             • Sir John Whitmore on the role of transformation-
for 10 years and is an experienced facilitator in this      al coaches
field. Following a successful business career she is
now a Director of various NFP’s. She has been
involved in the area of self development and educa-         Quantum Science
tion and is a mentor to executives.
                                                            • Leadership & the new Science, Margaret
                                                            Wheatley, 1999
                                                            • Dr Quantum – Quantum Physics Simplified

                                                            Quantum Intelligence

                                                            Soleira Green writes about this (see her chart

26              The Bulletin of the Association for Coaching • June 2010 • Issue 1 •
AC UK Special Interest Group

 AC UK Special Interest Group
 By Sharon Phillips

What are you passionate about in coaching? How               To date we have had
do you want to make a difference? What coaching              three meetings and have
theme would you like to have the opportunity to              8 members. The meet-
share with like minded people? A SIG may be the              ings are very enjoyable
answer!                                                      and feedback from the
                                                             group is positive. The
It was announced at our WM Event that the AC                 atmosphere is support-
was looking for members to set up or join a                  ive, lively and enthusiastic. We have taken on dif-
Special Interest Group (SIG). The purpose of the             ferent actions to complete between meetings that
SIG is to discuss and share ideas and resources of           play to our interest and strengths. One of our
a context, issue, theme or topic of relevance to             future challenges is to run an AC networking and
coaching. With a background in education and                 CPD event in October for people who coach in
psychology I am passionate about coaching in                 education.
schools and education. I volunteered for a SIG
along with three others who coincidentally had               We are also researching the provisions and impact
the same interest. I offered to co-ordinate it and           of coaching in education. This is where you can
the others were happy to be the three core mem-              help! We would appreciate your feedback about
bers needed to set up a SIG.                                 any coaching you have delivered in education:
                                                             the organisation; coaching hours; number of peo-
The first step was to submit a one page plan of              ple coached; their roles (students/staff); the aims
our focus including what activities we envisage              of the coaching, and any outcomes (anecdotal,
we would engage in. We then set up the first                 descriptive or measured). We would also appreci-
meeting and invited a few more people who                    ate your thoughts on how to increase and improve
would make a good contribution and be interest-              the delivery and impact of coaching in education.
ed in joining the group.                                     Finally we would appreciate any reference to use-
                                                             ful research and articles. Please email them to me
The agenda included introductions and getting to             at We will be
know each other’s experience and interests, hopes            happy to feedback to you our overall findings.
and fears for the SIG, guidelines on data protec-
tion and representing the AC, our SIG’s focus and             I am now the overall lead for the ACUK SIGs. If
activities and the format for future meetings. The           you are considering setting up your own SIG,
SIGs are self funded so we met at my house,                  please email the AC office to send you the outline
which is the most central, and ‘free’ and we start-          of the SIG on
ed at 5.30 to avoid too many work commitments.     
                                                             Alternatively if you are ready to set one up please
Members come from different professional back-               contact me by email and I will be happy to sup-
ground and experiences. We had a rich, interest-             port you through the first steps and beyond.
ing and lively discussion. The time went very
quickly but we were able to draft our mission                Happy sigging
statement and a list of potential actions.                   Sharon Phillips ACUK SIG LEAD

The Bulletin of the Association for Coaching • June 2010 • Issue 1 •
AC Bulletin, July 2010
AC Bulletin, July 2010

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AC Bulletin, July 2010

  • 1. The Bulletin of the Association for Coaching July 2010 Issue 1 CONTENTS Welcome 2 Anne Archer Interview with Shelle Rose Charvet 4 Anne Archer Resilience 9 Jenny Campbell AC UK Chair Report 15 Gladeana McMahon AC Global Update 18 Katherine Tulpa Tool Box: Defining Coaching 21 Shirley Dockerill and Vincent Leahy Connective Coaching – using the power of Quantum Intelligence 24 By Sue Coyne and Penny Mallinson of Connectiveness Ltd Special Interest Group Report 27 Sharon Phillips Book review: Cognitive Behavioural Coaching for Dummies 28 Katherine Tulpa Book review: Outliers 29 Liz Buckle Published by the Association for Coaching Opinions expressed are those of the authors and not necessarily of the Association for Coaching.
  • 2. Welcome Welcome Summer is officially here and what a heat wave. how to describe coaching Already I am watering daily which makes a change to clients? The from last year. In the garden the potatoes have bolt- Taxonomy of Coaching ed which has not happened to me before and all I can by Shirley Dockerill and do is wait and see the result later in the year. My Vincent Leahy (page 20) lovely hens are laying daily and the eggs are magnif- might help. An update on icent. I find being a gardener helps me with my Special Interest Groups reflective process. As I think about optimal condi- has been provided by tions for growth in my garden I in turn think about Sharon Phillips and I the same for my clients. What is similar and what is hope this will spark some action around other areas different? What is a coaching drought versus abun- of special interest. Once again our great team of book dance? reviewers have reviewed two books. So, England are out of the world cup and watching We have even managed to squeeze in a brief stop their performance has me thinking about the role of press on the Leadership conference with a more the team coach in producing talent out of diversity. reflective piece coming next time. What is the role of reward in behaviour and optimal performance? Perhaps someone would venture an I look forward to hearing from you about this edition article for our next bulletin that explore these ques- and I am always interested in articles, features and tions. I wonder if I could get Fabio Capello for an ideas. If you have a contrary view to something that interview….. has appeared, or want to offer something different please get in touch. I have also said before that I The interview with Shelle Rose Charvet (page 2) was believe in supporting new writers to have a go so if great fun to do and I hope you enjoy the finished you have not been published before do not be shy. If product as much as I enjoyed the process. There are you have a good idea, can write clearly and articulate two relevant and timely articles; one on resilience by well then I would love to hear from you. Jenny Campbell (page 8)and the other on Connective Coaching by Sue Coyne and Penny Mallinson (page Enjoy holidays, good weather, friends, clients and a 24). We have an update for the AC UK and Global good life. provided by Gladeana McMahon and Katherine Tulpa respectively. So you can put names and faces See you in the autumn. to the AC Council, I am featuring 2 members each time. This edition features Amanda Bouch and Anne Gladeana McMahon. Do you sometimes wonder 2 The Bulletin of the Association for Coaching • July 2010 • Issue 1 •
  • 3. Stop Press Stop Press – Stop Press – Stop Press Leadership Coaching: Developing Elite Performance By Richard Andrews The AC UK’s first event triumphantly marked its For me, there were three highlights. new life as an organisation run separately from its parent. The conference was extremely well attended, Professor Adrian Furnham got the day off to an with more than 300 coaches thronging the modern (if engaging start with his talk on derailing behaviours hot!) conference centre at the University of East in high fliers. Particularly striking was the finding London, which shares the honours with AC UK as that as many managers are likely to fail as succeed, co-host. I especially enjoyed the day’s unabashed and the discussion around the potential dark sides of focus on excellence and the performance of leaders. many demonstrated strengths. For example, the dark side of integrity could be rigid zealotry. Coaching In this small space I cannot adequately talk about all provides a powerful route to optimising, rather than the speakers. Jonathan Passmore discussed a range maximising, these positive traits, helping leaders to of topical leadership challenges suggesting that avoid derailment. Doctor Anthony Grant made coaching offers the only tailored way of leveraging excellent and entertaining use of his “graveyard slot” each leader’s unique strengths and qualities. immediately after lunch with a long overdue debunk- Professor Alex Linley discussed positive psychology ing of much of the literature on coaching’s return on in leadership and challenged us to consider how investment and his advocacy of randomised con- ready the profession is to take on the challenge of trolled trials to assess coaching’s efficacy. A recent creating the leaders of the future. Christine Williams study of his own, carried out in a public health serv- presented a case study from NASA on coaching ice in Sydney, clearly shows that leadership coaching technical leaders in soft skills to enable them to lead works and facilitates goal attainment. highly complex projects across many locations – sadly her box of NASA freebies failed to make it to My final highlight was the opportunity to meet so the venue on time! The AC’s very own Katherine many other coaches to discuss our work or just to Tulpa completed the day covering coaching top chat in the sunshine. teams; two of her nuggets of wisdom that will remain with me are the importance of using co-coaching at Perhaps the day is best summed up by one of my fel- this level and her suggestion that whatever the agen- low coaches who told me: da for coaching is, halve it! “Very good value, packed with learning, extremely The four workshops in the afternoon covered authen- well organised and priced just right for current mar- tic leadership, use of feedback in coaching, strategy ket sensitivity.” and building a coaching pool. They gave us all the opportunity to contribute more actively to the day Richard Andrews and generated lively discussions – some consider- ably more lively than others! Richard Andrews is a coach supervisor and executive coach. His website is The Bulletin of the Association for Coaching • July 2010 • Issue 1 • 3
  • 4. Feature Interview with Shelle Rose Charvet With Anne Archer Shelle Rose Charvet, Certified Speaking because we help people Professional is known around the world for her best- to find their own best seller Words That Change Minds. She is an expert success strategies. A on below-conscious motivations, thinking patterns coach needs to be an and decision-making strategies. Coaches, trainers, expert in helping others consultants use her work to help understand, moti- to become all they can vate and work effectively with clients. Shelle is a pro- be. There are many fessional speaker, NLP Trainer and organizational ways to do this. I focus consultant helping people solve their most difficult on uncovering their success strategies. Helping persuasion challenges. Her new book is The the person in doing, being and becoming the per- Customer is Bothering Me! Check her out for your- son that they want. self at If coaches can understand what unconsciously How would you describe what you motivates their clients they can help them reach do in the world of work? their goals more quickly. But we now know that only 40% of people are actually motivated by My area of expertise is in influencing and persua- goals. The trigger for many people to seek a sion and what I’m very curious about and spent coach is usually an issue or problem they want to many years studying are the things that motivate solve or prevent, rather than a goal they are pur- or de-motivate people. I’ve conducted a lot of suing. Individuals seeking coaching are often not communication training and even developed a ready to think about goals as they are preoccupied coaching methodology based on NLP and the with their issues. It is important therefore to Language and Behaviour Profile (LAB Profile), understand and respect this motivation when which I have called Conversational Coaching. coaching someone. The LAB Profile gives you Since a large chunk of coaching is done outside of the language to match someone’s motivation. an official coaching session, such as when some- one says to you; “Have you got a minute?”; we What is your connection to need a conversational way of doing coaching that writing? doesn’t feel like a formal intervention. Something that is really a conversation. Conversational Writing is a very powerful way of communicat- Coaching is like that and it has a structure and ing. People now have much shorter attention takes skill. spans. We are “click happy” and want everything delivered instantly. I recently read an article about What is your definition of this, but it was four pages long, so I didn’t finish coaching? it. We find it more difficult to read lots of infor- mation, so visual layout is important. Using lan- Coaching and mentoring is about helping people guage patterns, phrases and words and by paying to find the means to become who they truly can attention to the visual aspect of our communica- and want to be, and it is up to them to define what tion– we can be far more influential. that is. My company is called Success Strategies Continued on page 5 4 The Bulletin of the Association for Coaching • July 2010 • Issue 1 •
  • 5. Feature Continued from page 4 do you believe to be true about your clients? Do you believe they come to you because they need How did your new book ‘The help? Are they intelligent? Are they looking for a Customer Is Bothering Me’ come to partner to be alongside them? What view do you have of your client? If you can articulate all of be written? these things, and act on them, you will meet your clients’ needs much better. It has been a project for a number of years. It is about making and implementing decisions about Equally important are the processes through how you treat your customers. When the which you work with your clients. For example, Icelandic volcano ash covered Europe many pas- what is your normal process? How do you greet sengers were stranded and the airlines struggled them? How do you do a needs analysis? How do to know how to take care of them.1 But even you build the relationship for possible futures? though they couldn’t predict the problem; that How will you deal with it, if something goes was no excuse for not being ready for a disruption wrong? What is your ‘upset customer’ or emer- to their services. Disasters will happen. Mistakes gency process? will happen and we need to have already thought about this. Most companies, and people for that Here is something else that affects many situa- matter, are unprepared because they do not get tions for our clients. Human beings cannot do out of their own perspective to understand how these two things at the same time; be upset and events truly affect others. One of the big human be logical. If someone is upset it may not be help- challenges is to be able to walk in someone else’s ful to try to solve their problem right away. If the shoes. client/ customer is in an emotional state, treat their emotion first. 1Please see my article entitled Volcanoes and the International Customer Service Crisis, on These are the topics I wanted to address in The Customer is Bothering Me. There are 3 useful perspectives to serve our cus- What / who influences your life? tomers well: There are so many I am not quite sure how to 1. Our own point of view. answer the question. One of the things people do 2. Our customers’ point of view. for me that is a big influence, is testing my ideas. 3. The bird’s eye, overall view to ensure what we I make things up, such as an editing technique are doing makes sense. called The Macho Test. The Macho Test enables you to determine whether what you are saying or These perspectives will help you create the expe- writing is likely to be listened to by someone who rience you want your customers to have. Plus, has what I call a “Macho Pattern” and to adapt you need to define your Customer Service how you express yourself to ensure your ideas Philosophy. How do you make sure that you’re will get a good hearing.2 The label is for those delivering the spirit of what you wanted to deliv- who are perfect in every way, are more important er? How do you market yourself; what are you than you, better educated, never wrong, better promising as compared to what you actually do paid, fitter and so on. If someone is running that for your client? Coaching for example, is not a pattern and you are not aware of it, what you say miracle cure, and should not be marketed as such. may well be rejected. As I said earlier I make What kind of expectations are you setting? What Continued on page 6 The Bulletin of the Association for Coaching • July 2010 • Issue 1 • 5
  • 6. Feature Continued from page 5 question will get at what people want or need in a things up and my colleagues, friends and clients different way. tested this process out and gave me great sugges- tions. 3 I believe that a positive consequence of women’s caring for others has been the sur- 2 For more information on this technique see vival of our planet. Perhaps we need to the articles link on elect pregnant women to be our leaders since they have a physical attachment to our future. Oh! Don’t get me started! The biggest influence has been NLP. I was work- ing and living in France when my marriage blew up and I moved to Canada to start all over again. Are there any other influences? If I hadn’t had NLP skills and insights, it would have taken a lot longer to get back on my feet. Clients influence me in incredible ways. I also NLP is not something you do – it’s something that spend time, money and effort learning from you practice. You need to be congruent on the experts on different topics around the world. I inside. Many of my best friends around the plan- have friends where the quality of our conversa- et are NLP people. For me, NLP is a way of being tions, questions and testing out of our assump- rather than a way of doing things to people. tions is invaluable. Penny Thompkins and James Lawley are two people I can think of right away.4 I have learned a lot from many NLP greats, in per- I am influenced by the friends who stick out their son or through their work; Judith DeLozier, foot that I trip over. OK! So you’re trying to tell Robert Dilts, Steve and Connirae Andreas, John me something! Grinder, Leslie Cameron-Bandler and I can see their different influences in my work. 4 They are the authors of Metaphors in Mind and the developers of the Clean Language I began my NLP training in France in the early Methodology now used by many coaches, 80’s and there were cultural differences that based on modelling the work of David meant the way NLP was trained needed to be Grove. adapted to work in France. NLP originated in America. It is important to be aware of cultural Another important influence is my membership in differences. Here’s an example. One of the essen- two Mastermind groups tial questions in NLP is to ask “What do you want?” In America, there is a belief that life is Anyone truly dedicated to learning and self devel- about getting what you want. Hardly any other opment needs to not just be playing at it. If you culture on the planet has that belief with the same are serious about coaching you already know that intensity. In the UK, France, and Germany people you need a coach. The mastermind group I have tend to be more duty-driven. That would affect been in for the last four years is a group of profes- the way in which the question was answered. sional speakers, experts in different areas. The People would become uncomfortable answering whole point of such a group is to create the con- the question “what do you want?”. And women ditions for each of us to achieve things that are in the western world and elsewhere are still con- important. You work as a group. For example in ditioned to take care of what everyone else this particular group we have a mix of talents. As wants.3 Another way of asking that question might be to ask “What’s important to you?” This Continued on page 7 6 The Bulletin of the Association for Coaching • July 2010 • Issue 1 •
  • 7. Feature Continued from page 6 people are addicted to work. Something is going professional speakers we each needed more video to blow up or change because we cannot keep footage of our work. We put together an evening going at this pace. where we each gave presentations and used the opportunity to hire a video company to film our- What’s exciting is that people are influencing selves in front of an audience and to raise money large systems changes through media such as for a charity we have been supporting for a long Twitter and Face Book. The generations growing time. For 6 months before that evening we got up now have different values. My kids don’t want together to hone our presentations. I get a lot of to work as hard as I do. I look at how much more presentation training and coaching and this was time they spend with friends and on their relation- the best coaching I’ve had in a long time. ships. What is the greatest piece of Coaching is also going to have to evolve. The vast advice you have been given? majority of my clients are not in the same room as I am. I use technology, for example with tele- This is related to my speaking work however it phone coaching I have a bridge line, so I record translates to other activities too. It was said by our conversation and send a copy to the other per- Warren Evans. He said “Only an amateur warms son. And this works great for group coaching too. up on stage”. Relating to coaching it’s about mak- I believe there is a huge potential for group ing sure you are in the right state before you meet coaching with people from around the world. with your client. Are you ready to do the work? Coaches are going to need to constantly improve their expertise to nourish their processes with new What changes do you envisage in technology and new brain-mind-body-spirit-com- the world of work over the next munication knowledge. few decades? And where and how we work is shifting. Years ago people asked me ‘How can you stand the Geography will become a non-issue. This has insecurity of working for yourself?’ Now it’s already started in North America. There is a more like ‘how can you stand the insecurity recognition that you don’t need to be in the same working for someone else?’5 Also the recognition room, however we do still need to have relation- of who’s going to pay you and how do you give ships. I do a lot of my client work on the phone or something of value in return? It is ok to give to on Skype and speakers are now addressing large the world, as many people do, but you are also audiences through video conferencing. responsible for earning your living.6 Even if you . are employed by someone else you are responsi- Also I think working people are under way too ble for your own income and this will become much pressure. Something is going to bust. ever more true as the world of work evolves. People cannot keep working at the rate that they are and with ever increasing expectations. New 5 There is a YouTube video of my stand-up technology gives us the means to do more, so more is expected. In the 1970’s we believed that comedy routine: My boss is a bitch, unfor- new technology was going to give us freedom, tunately I’m self-employed. make world peace, end hunger and enable us to create meaningful lives. Now we are on-line 24 hours a day, working day and night and many Continued on page 8 The Bulletin of the Association for Coaching • July 2010 • Issue 1 • 7
  • 8. Feature Continued from page 7 Shelle's upcoming dates in the 6 I often have conversations with people UK: who say they want to give their services to people who can’t afford them. I usually say Opening Keynote Speech at Training that’s great, and how will you earn your liv- Journal Conference ing. Thousands of people have heard my September 21, 2010 London rant against the “sacred vow of poverty.” "The Delegate is Bothering Me! How to motivate more people for Learning and Development." Another trend. Many women leaving organiza- tions because they are fed up. They look at the politics and game playing and don’t want to deal Pre-conference Workshop for the NLP with it any more. We need to make it a lot easier Conference for women to stay and contribute to organizations November 12, 2010 London to get the benefit of what they bring. The Customer is Bothering Me! The Client is Bothering me! The Patient is Bothering Me!" What’s next for you? I will be licensing the LAB Profile Words That Change Minds: The LAB Consultant/Trainer Certification Program, to Profile Practitioner enable others to spread these great tools. I want November 19-21, Newcastle trainers to teach LAB Profile worldwide, ethical- ly, with skill and knowledge. We are here to serve and I can help people to do that by helping them Words That Change Minds LAB Profile get better in all their communications, finding Practitioner and Conversational Coaching, new ways and uncovering their success strategies. May 12 to 15, 2011, London 8 The Bulletin of the Association for Coaching • July 2010 • Issue 1 •
  • 9. Feature Resilience By Jenny Campbell Why do some people bounce back easily after set- response and minimum backs, whilst others find themselves weary and car- cost. There is an even fur- rying a high cost to keep battling through? In this ther level of resilience, article Jenny Campbell shares her interesting where a person trans- research on resilience, done as part of the forms an extreme chal- lifetimeswork Insight series. Jenny interviewed 25 lenge into an opportunity leaders across different sectors to understand how and achieves good out- they managed their own resilience and how this comes from the setback linked to the resilience of their organisation. Jenny even in the face of extreme loss. Altogether, these would welcome any of your own resilience stories to insights give rise to a very powerful definition of help her shape the main findings; her contact details Resilience: R= (Bounce back * Speed) + Energy are at the end of the article. Recovered + Learning + Application to other con- texts. The research set out to find out how to build The Definition of Resilience resilience to this kind of level. Resilience is the ability to overcome setbacks and The Resilience Engine© absorb any learning offered by those setbacks, quick- ly, and at the minimum cost. There are increasing The most significant finding of recent research is the levels of resilience: those that describe their ability to concept of the Resilience Engine©. Using the model bounce back; those which describe this plus absorb- of the Resilience Engine© helps illustrate how ing the learning from the setback and thereby chang- resilience is created and sustained. The engine is ing their ways of living and working; those which made up of an inner source of fuel and an outer force, describe this learning, and on top, their speed of with a driving motor creating the energy between the Continued on page 10 The Bulletin of the Association for Coaching • July 2010 • Issue 1 • 9
  • 10. Feature Continued from page 9 two. The inner source of fuel and the outer force are The ‘1’ stable, non- moveable components. The driving This refers to Self Acceptance. It is the findings of motor moves continuously. The integration of this this research that leaders who are resilient do not whole engine, the maintenance and nurturing of it, necessarily have Self Esteem, but Self Acceptance. and the continuous development implied by it, is They know themselves deeply, and they accept what makes resilience transformative. themselves - all strengths, all gremlins, all blind spots. The Internal Resources ‘2+7+1’ Self Confidence and Control The first component is a set of specific Internal Resources - 2 Beliefs, 7 Attitudes and 1 ability to The combination ‘2+7+1’ makes for an unexpected Self-Accept that form the internal source for an indi- situation which lifetimeswork came across many vidual’s resilience. times in the leaders interviewed: the combination didn’t mean defacto confidence. The ‘2’ 1. A belief in one’s purpose in life – so knowing that Also, the relationship between resilience and being you have a purpose, and what it is. This belief in control is complex: an initial state of being in con- leads to the highest engagement if connected with trol is useful to resilience, but individuals have to the External Goal. give up the need for control where the challenge is 2. A belief is one’s own judgement: judgement of too big – instead they need to concentrate on feeling other people, and judgement of things and situa- comfortable with ambiguity. tions. External Goal Focus The ‘7’ There are seven attitudes whose combination is crit- The second component of the Resilience Engine© is ical for the highest level of resilience an extreme focus on an outwardly facing goal. If this 1. Takes full responsibility for self, own actions and goal is linked to an individual’s inner purpose the reactions bond is extremely strong. The key for this to play a 2. Doesn’t dwell, forgives when necessary, moves on part of the Resilience Engine© is that there is a con- 3. Not taking oneself too seriously. Humility and self tinued and almost ruthless focus on the goal. This deprecating humour. focus is so clear that the individual will do anything 4. Optimistic – including generating somehow all creative options 5. Grounded, feet on the ground, pragmatic available to them – to solve any problems along the 6. High level of independence and independent way. judgement The real mindset here is the openness to solutions 7. Values others and their opinions coming from unexpected places, and keeping a wide compass map. This mindset is enhanced via the The 4 latter attitudes make for an interesting paradox Adaptive Capacity. – they are 2 pairs of countering mindsets: a both opti- mistic and pragmatic person will believe in the pos- The Adaptive Capacity sibility of creating options and solutions and will also consider and cater for all barriers. Plus the extreme- The third component of the Resilience Engine© is an ly independent person who values other people’s individual’s Adaptive Capacity. This is a sophisticat- inputs will achieve a fully counterbalancing set of ed mix of skills that connect the Internal Resources arguments in any situation. Continued on page 11 10 The Bulletin of the Association for Coaching • July 2010 • Issue 1 •
  • 11. Feature Continued from page 10 and External Goal Focus in continuous motion, and resilience: helps move the individual towards their goal(s) con- 1. Consistency. Of culture, of communication, of gruently. It is the moving part of the Resilience message, of values, of style of decision making, of Engine©. The Adaptive Capacity is made up of three trust. components: 2. A consensus, inclusive and collaborative culture. 3. A learning culture within linked communities 1. Firstly, Perspective – the ability to grasp context. within the organisation, and as a whole organisa- Being able to step back from a situation in order to tion. better see and understand. This implies an ability 4. There has to be an emotional contract between the to weigh up a welter of factors, ranging from how organisation and the employee, linking the indi- very different groups of people will interpret a vidual to the organisational aims. gesture, to being able to put a situation in perspec- 5. An organisation had to explicitly deal with chal- tive. lenges to resilience such as stress and workload. 2. The second is Supporting Oneself so that the indi- Prioritisation has to be ruthless. vidual is refreshed continuously. 6. Don’t hide difficulties or ambiguity from staff. 3. The last component is a Pacing Cycle – an advanced skill where an individual manages their load accordingly to their capacity on a continuous The Bottom Line of Resilience basis. The components of the Pacing Cycle are shown below. Most significantly it results in a 1. Resilience is important to leaders. Those that have steady state use of energy rather than high peaks the highest resilience work hard at nurturing and and troughs. Dependencies are ruthless prioritisa- sustaining it. tion and saying no often. 2. Resilience relies on complete Self Acceptance. It does not rely on Self Esteem or Self Liking. Organisational Resilience 3. Resilience relies on a number of deep beliefs and deep attitudes, the 2+7 of the Internal Resources There was general agreement across the leaders 2+7+1 formula. If not present innately, building interviewed that organisational resilience relies these takes profound inner work. extremely heavily on the personal resilience of the 4. Resilience relies on connection with an External Senior Management Team of the organisation. There Goal that is compelling and meaningful. are a further 6 elements necessary for organisational Continued on page 12 The Bulletin of the Association for Coaching • July 2010 • Issue 1 • 11
  • 12. Feature Continued from page 11 unit. 5. The most challenging aspect for building and sus- 13. Organisational resilience relies on a further six taining resilience is an individual’s Adaptive factors, including a collaborative, inclusive style Capacity. Experience and time is required to build and openness of culture. Adaptive Capacity, and it requires continual sup- 14. There are 10 major reasons for breakdown of the port. Resilience Engine©. The 3 most common are 6. The output of the Pacing Cycle, part of the o The ‘2’ beliefs are not assimilated whol- Adaptive Capacity, is a steady use of one’s own ly. capacity and energy, even in the face of challenge o individuals’ expectations of themselves and setback. This involves ruthless rejection of are out of kilter with their individual unnecessary tasks, and this in turn relies on capacity. extreme clarity of the External Goal. o a DIY approach is preferred. 7. Resilience is not the same as confidence; indeed many leaders quote a lack of confidence despite Further Information very high resilience. 8. Resilience requires a sophisticated relationship The full Resilience Insight Series includes with the need to be in control. Resilience is built o More on The Resilience Engine© and its by becoming more in control – of those things that component parts. are within one’s control. But it also requires a o Sustaining Resilience. complete letting go of control for those things out- o 10 Reasons for Resilience Engine break- side one’s control. This may sound extremely down. obvious, but the understanding of what lies o Sector and Gender differences. beyond one’s control has to be developed. o 10 Implications for Coaches. 9. Resilience, even at the highest level, needs to be sustained. At the highest level this means effecting To obtain a copy of the full Resilience Insight Series, a big change. or to discuss more about your own and your organi- 10. Women rate their own resilience lower than men. sation’s resilience capabilities, please contact Jenny There are 3 common reasons for this: a capacity Campbell, Director at versus expectation issue; a lack of self-accept- ance; and finally the belief that they are fixers of 0131 332 7512. any problem - this gets in the way of full devel- opment of all 3 components of the Resilience Participants in the Research Engine©. 11. Each sector has a particular pattern around Entrepreneurs: resilience. The Public sector is most complex, Ros Borland, CEO Gabriel Films; with both the highest and lowest resilience rat- Charlie Dawson, CEO The Foundation; ings. The Corporate sector has the most consis- Soraya Fenton, Argyll Fenton; tent ratings, but top ratings remain illusive. The Pamela Lyell, Partner Core Services Entrepreneurial sector has the lowest average rat- Marc Moens, Pentech Ventures LLP, x-CEO ing, with two fundamental reasons – a lack of Rhetorical; time for reflective learning and a prevalence of Angela Paterson, CEO Hijobs; DIY thinking. David Sibbald, CEO Sumarian; 12. Organisational resilience depends heavily on the Judy Wagner, Partner Finlayson Wagner & Black; individual resilience of its key leaders and the resilience of its Senior Management Team as a Continued on page 13 12 The Bulletin of the Association for Coaching • July 2010 • Issue 1 •
  • 13. Feature Continued from page 12 References Corporate Sector: Anonymous Finance Director, major Scottish-based 1. Harvard Business Review on Building Personal PLC; and Organizational Resilience. Jann Browne, Finance Director, Cairn Energy PLC; 2. The Resiliency Advantage, Al Siebert. Geoff Cartright, Global Marketing Director, Lifescan 3. The Power of Resilience, Robert Brooks and Sam – part of J&J; Goldstein. Mairead Ferguson, Communications Director, BBC 4. Hostage at the Table, George Kohlrieser, IMD. Scotland; 5. Learning from Burnout: Developing Sustainable Lewis Lyell, Director BT; Leaders and avoiding career derailment. Tim Linda Urquhart, CEO Morton Fraser; Casserley/David Megginson. Tom Ward, x-Corporate Development Director 6. Coaching At Work Vol 3, Issue 5; CIPD. Scottish & Newcastle; 7. Leading Through Uncertainty. McKinsey Helen Webster, Product Director, Aegon; Quarterly Dec 2008. 8. Centred Leadership: How Talented Women Public and Third Sector: Thrive. McKinsey Quarterly Sept 2008. David Cameron, Director Child Services Stirling 9. Adapting to Life’s Sling and Arrows: Individual Council; Differences in Resilience when recovering form an Liz Connelly, Regional Director West Scottish anticipated threat. Journal of Research in Enterprise; Personality; March 2008. Heather Jack, Head of Cultural and Community 10. Sociocultural factors, resilience and coping: sup- Services, Perth & Kinross Council; port for a culturally sensitive measure of resilience. Fiona Mackenzie, CEO NHS Forth Valley; Journal of Applied Psychology, March 2008. Kathy O’Neill, General Manager NHS Forth Valley; 11. Ego-control and ego-resiliency: Generalisation of Harry Stevenson, Director Social Services, South self-report scales based on personality descriptions Lanarkshire Council; from acquaintances, clinicians and self. Journal of David Strang, Chief Constable, Lothian & Borders Research in Personality, 2004. Police; 12. The Road to Resilience. American Psychological Simon Woods, CEO, Royal Scottish National Association. Orchestra; 13. Centre for Confidence, Scotland. Zoe van Zwanenberg, x-CEO of Scottish Leadership Foundation; Psychologists Paul Dickens, Partner, Finlayson Wagner & Black, Psychologist; John Leary Joyce, CEO of Academy of Executive Coaching and Psychologist. The Bulletin of the Association for Coaching • July 2010 • Issue 1 • 13
  • 14. Advertisement Centre for Coaching in association with Centre for Stress Management promoting the cognitive behavioural approach Diplomas† Advanced Certificates* Primary Certificate Courses Modular programmes in: Performance Coaching Coaching Health Coaching Psychological Coaching Stress Management Coaching Psychology Occupational Stress Management Assertion & Communication Skills Problem Focused Counselling Coaching & Training Certificate Courses* Coaching Supervision Coaching†‡ Redundancy Coaching Psychological Coaching†‡ Stress Management and Correspondence Course Performance Coaching† Life Coaching - a CBC approach Stress Management and Health Coaching Coaching Psychology Courses held in London unless otherwise Psychological Coaching† stated and can be run in-house The Centre for Coaching is an ILM Recognised Provider. As a recognised provider, the Centre runs a wide range of coaching and management development programmes which are suitable for Continuing Professional Development. The Director of the Centre is Professor Stephen Palmer PhD CPsychol. Recognised Course Trainers include: Professor Stephen Palmer Dr Siobhain O’Riordan Nick Edgerton Kasia Szymanska Gladeana McMahon Irene Tubbs Michael Neenan Visit our website for course dates and fees: * Courses recognised by the Association for Coaching † Courses accredited by Middlesex University Contact us for our non-certificated workshop CPD programme. ‡ Society for Coaching Psychology Recognised Course 14 The Bulletin of the Association for Coaching • July 2010 • Issue 1 •
  • 15. AC UK Chair Report Chair’s Report By Gladeana McMahon Since the last Bulletin the AC UK has been involved the Association do let us in a number of projects. know. We are currently reviewing our Professional The AC is well on the Indemnity Insurance arrangements and the discounts way to getting the new we are able to offer members using our Association website put in place. status. We have managed to link ourselves in with When it is, this will allow the major providers who are able to offer competitive for many activities that offerings and will be posting information about the are difficult to put on now. There will be more pod- current position shortly. casts; web based training events and a clearer offer- ing when it comes to resources and information. I, At the time of writing, we are holding our first AC for one, can’t wait. The AC UK is working closely UK Conference on 8th of July in association with the with the AC to ensure that we create the best offering University of East London, entitled “Leadership possible. Coaching: Developing Elite Performance” and have been delighted that we have been able to attract Last month you will have received a membership world class speakers. See the “stop press” in this bul- survey and we hope that you were able to find the letin for an update on the conference. time to let us have your views. We are a membership organization and therefore need to know from the Scotland now has a new Head in the form of Martha membership what we do well and what you want Simpson whom we warmly welcome to our UK more of. More importantly, we also need to know Council. Scotland is very active in relation to events what you believe we are not doing that you want us and we are sure that they will continue to go from to do or are not doing as well as you think we could. strength to strength with Martha at the helm. We are only too well aware that communication is Scotland is extremely active and well supported by a the key to ensuring that you, the membership, are group of enthusiastic members. fully involved and cognizant of what we are doing. This is your Association. Our aim is to ensure that We continue to be overawed at the number of volun- you feel involved and see the Association as meeting teers who give so generously of their time, intelli- your needs. We know we cannot please all of the gence and wisdom to help the AC UK develop its people all of the time but with your help and guid- offerings. There are now over 200 such volunteers ance we hope we can please most of the people most running events, helping with media work, assessing of the time. our accreditation applications and being involved at many levels in the day to day workings of the Many coaches have come forward wanting us to Association. The majority of our events are now assist with training in marketing related aspects in held outside London and this demonstrates the way relation to building a coaching practice and our that members have been able to create networks and Events Team has listened to your requests and is put on events in many different locations. Between working towards providing such offerings. 2002 and 2004 all our events were London based but now less than a third are and this is down to members Members may not be aware but the AC UK is a creating local based branches. If you have some time member of the “Roundtable” where all the UK pro- and energy and would like to make a contribution to Continued on page 16 The Bulletin of the Association for Coaching • July 2010 • Issue 1 • 15
  • 16. AC UK Chair Report Continued from page 15 Katherine Tulpa, CEO of the AC and I have been fessional coaching bodies meet to discuss areas of interviewed by Nick Thorogood, one of our UK common concern aiming to work collaboratively on Advisory Panel and CEO of the UK Food Channel to projects of mutual interest. Currently, we are consid- explain our offerings and answer questions that ering our individual accreditation offerings as well as members may have. We appreciate the many ques- coaching supervision. Our aim, where possible, is to tions and comments we had from members and have ensure that the coaching profession seeks the best answered as many of them as possible in the inter- standards possible and eases some of the confusion view. It is now available as a podcast at the AC web- that has been flagged up by purchasers of coaching site at whether corporate or individual clients. cpd_podcasts.htm#apm1_2 Since the AC went global and AC UK and AC Ireland came into being as individual entities some Have a wonderful summer members have been confused about how we work Gladeana McMahon together as one coaching association. Therefore, Chair Association for Coaching UK Meet your council members. ing in helping leaders develop their authentic style and in creating positive learning cultures in organisations. Each edition we will be featuring members of the coun- She is currently active in leadership and management cil so you can get to know who represents you. This time development, in organisational development and change it is Amanda Bouch the Vice Chair for the Association and in facilitating teams to develop customer-centred and Gladeana McMahon our Chair. strategy as well as providing training in strategy and change. She has been working in people development and organisational change for 20 years, having started her working career in marketing. Amanda speaks and writes on leadership and management topics and is cur- rently editing a book on implementing coaching in organisations, due to be published this summer. Gladeana McMahon Chair ACUK Gladeana McMahon, the AC UK’s Chair, is considered one of the leading personal development and transfor- mational coaches in the UK. She has been instrumental with helping to grow the Association for Coaching over Amanda Bouch Gladeana McMahon the years, and now holds the positions of Fellow and Amanda Bouch, MBA HMAC Vice President. She is also a Fellow of the BACP, The Vice Chair ACUK Institute of Management Studies and The Royal Society of Arts. Gladeana is widely published with some 16 pop- Amanda is an Accredited Coach with AC and joined the ular and academic books on Coaching and Counselling. Council in 2003 as Head of Organisational An innovator, Gladeana is one of the UK founders of Development, promoting coaching to organisations. She Cognitive Behavioural Coaching and currently works as loves being at the heart of the AC with its dynamic and Director, Professional Coaching Standards for Cedar values-driven ethic and working to spread the reach of Talent Management and is Co-Director of the Centre for the ACUK for the benefit of coaches. Coaching and Centre for Stress Management as well as running her own Associate team under the banner of Amanda’s passion is for learning and change, specialis- Gladeana McMahon Associates. 16 The Bulletin of the Association for Coaching • July 2010 • Issue 1 •
  • 17. Advertisement Diploma in Organisational Development and Executive Coaching February – November 2011, Central London Develop your skills through this practical and experiential programme focused on leadership development and executive coaching - in a course designed for those currently coaching or in managerial roles who wish to strengthen their abilities as change agents within organisations or with individual clients. Ideal for coaches within companies or independent practice, counsellors, psychotherapists and other occupational or mental health professionals, in addition to those in commercial, managerial, HR or leadership roles. Through 20 days' training on selected weekends, professional competence in coaching and organisational process is emphasized. Taught from a psychological basis with an integrative theoretical background including Gestalt, psychoanalytic concepts, TA, process models and constellation theory: - Group dynamics, organisational systems, gender and culture, - Coaching skills and psychometric tools, - Conflict resolution and creative process, - Consulting process, entry and contracting, practice-building, - Authentic leadership and team development. The international tutor faculty includes Bernd Leygraf (course director), Professor Renos Papadopoulos, Anne Litwin, Chris Williams. See the Courses page at for information on dates, syllabus, tutors and fees. For an informal discussion or application form, please contact Sarah Briggs, Director, on 020 7637 7763 or email The Bulletin of the Association for Coaching • July 2010 • Issue 1 • 17
  • 18. AC Global Update Global Update By Katherine Tulpa, CEO, Association for Coaching Firstly, I would like to thank Anne Archer, the editor opment. of the AC UK Bulletin, for offering the AC Global • To position the AC at Team a column in each quarterly edition. Over time the leading edge of the we will also be producing an AC Global Bulletin, profession’s growth, however until such time, we will do our best to keep becoming the coaching both the local and global coaching communities community of choice updated on key developments and focus areas across for personal/profession- the Association for Coaching. We hope you will find al coaches, organisa- this useful, and as always, please do feel free to pro- tions and corporations involved in the profession. vide us with any feedback – what hits the mark and • To grow and retain an international membership what doesn’t! The AC continues to be an inclusive base of a minimum of 25,000 ; one that is engaged and members/market focused organization; as we and there is perceived added value. expand internationally, it will be vital to not lose sight of this. In terms of how we work towards the Vision, below I share the key Strategic Focus Areas the Global A good place to start is by sharing the revised Team has set for the next 18 months. Purpose and Vision for the Association for Coaching, which we believe reflects where we are now at as an Strategic Focus Areas (July 2010 – December 2011) organization, at this stage of our vibrant, evolving profession. 1. Region/Country Expansion 2. Build Systems & Infrastructure Purpose 3. Develop and Evolve Universal Schemes 4. Innovation – Thought Leadership “To inspire and champion coaching excellence, by 5. Promote Coaching Excellence being proactive, collaborative and purposeful, so 6. Operational Excellence that we advance the coaching profession and make 7. Inspire and Develop People/ Capability a positive, lasting difference in the world.” 8. Devise Revenue Streams - Association for Coaching® 2010 The above focus areas have been informed by listen- ing to what our members’ needs are, and what we Vision feel we need to do to grow the Association for Coaching proactively. An example of what we have • To bring together a professional coaching commu- done around the first three areas - in collaboration nity, both on a local and global scale, where there is with the regions/local countries - is summarised sufficient need and potential for coaching. below. • To align or partner with individuals and organisa- tions whose purpose and aspirations align with our Region/Country Expansion - The Global Team own, bringing coaching deeper into business and have now developed a 4 -staged process for expan- society. sion. The first stage involves setting up a local AC • To establish vibrant, energising and knowledge rich community. Currently this is being started in China, online and offline learning environments, to sup- India, Eastern Europe, Asia-Pacific, and the UAE. In port the profession’s sustainable growth and devel- Continued on page 19 18 The Bulletin of the Association for Coaching • July 2010 • Issue 1 •
  • 19. AC Global Update Continued from page 18 The schemes were designed with input Europe, the AC will be running two Global Coaching from Coaches, Training/Coach Providers and Buyers seminars; one in Amsterdam in September, and the of Coaching. So far there is high interest in the new other in Germany in December, featuring Philippe scheme, with over 20 assessors being trained up in Rosinski as a keynote speaker. July to prepare for the uptake. Build Systems and Infrastructure – following an We will certainly report on what we are doing around in-depth needs analysis of our current and future the other Strategic Focus Areas in future Bulletins. IT/Web requirements, the AC has recently appointed Stay tuned, too, in July for a communication which a partner to develop a robust technology platform. shows the findings from the recent global member’s This will include a new modern website, with a new survey. We are pleased it shows that more than 90% look and feel, as well as greater automation, easier of you are actively recommending the AC! navigation, customized ‘micro-sites’ for local coun- tries, and AC TV, amongst other features. On that note, I would like to thank you for your con- tinued support. Let’s continue, together, to raise the Develop and Evolve Universal Schemes – over bar, and to inspire and champion excellence across the past 12 months we have been developing the new the coaching profession. For further questions, 3 - tiered Coach and Executive Coach Accreditation comments or information, please do email us at Schemes, which will go into effect in October, 2010. AC UK’S COMMUNICATIONS & MARKETING TEAM IS LOOKING FOR NEW RECRUITS! This is an exciting time for the AC UK. If you provides greater opportunities for marketing the fancy volunteering some of your time to help AC UK brand. If you have a marketing back- raise the AC’s profile in the UK, why not consid- ground and are interested in promoting the AC, er joining the Communications and Marketing you can help us and at the same time develop team? We need some new members to join our your own contacts. dynamic team and help us to promote some of the exciting new developments that are coming up in PR fresh and innovative ways. We’re looking for Do you have good PR contacts? Would you like volunteers who would be interested in helping us to help build our relationships with the press? We in the following areas: already have a good contacts base but we’re always keen to expand it and look at new and dif- Social Media ferent ideas about raising our profile in the press. Do you have expertise in the use of social media? We need to develop our profile in this arena. We If you are interested in any of these opportunities, already have a presence but we need to expand it. please contact Gill Smith at This is your opportunity to put your ideas into or Annabel practice and help AC UK be at the forefront of the Harper at social media world. if you’d like to discuss them in more detail. Tell us Marketing how many hours you can volunteer and why Developing our presence across all media outlets you’re interested in joining the team! The Bulletin of the Association for Coaching • July 2010 • Issue 1 • 19
  • 20. Advertisement 1 International Congress of Coaching Psychology: UK Event Hosted by Special Group in Coaching Psychology Invited Speakers include: Dr David Drake (USA), Dr Andrew Armastas (Greece), Hugh O’Donovan(Ireland), Peter Zarris (Australia), Prof Alex Linley, Dr Kristina Gyllensten (Sweden), Dr Jonathan Passmore, Dr Almuth McDowall, Julie Allan, Dr Alison Whybrow, Paul Olson (Norway), Dr Ho Law, Prof Stephen Palmer, Alanna O’Broin, Prof David Lane, Pauline Willis, Dr Siobhain O’Riordan.... This two day event includes keynotes, half day masterclasses, skills workshops, research papers, and posters across both days For more details and to register go to: Details of all congress partners and future events can be found at: 14th and 15th December 2010 – City University, London, UK 20 The Bulletin of the Association for Coaching • July 2010 • Issue 1 •
  • 21. Tool Box Your Coaching Toolbox: Defining Coaching By Shirley Dockerill and Vincent Leahy Introduction Through our work with a number of professional coaches we have come to understand that most Shirley Dockerill Vincent Leahy coaches seek help to communi- stood. This took us some time and proved to be a cate clearly and precisely to cus- difficult task, especially with some of the coaching tomers the various different types of coaching approaches we latterly categorized as Solutions techniques they use to clients and non-coaches. Focused/ Therapeutic. Having spent many hours attempting to describe what coaching is and what it can do, as well as Using the Leahy-Dockerill Taxonomy as part of a searching for the ultimate description of what marketing process means customers understand coaching means and been disappointed with what what it is they’re buying and can become was available, we decided a simple, clear and con- immersed in their decision to buy, ask pertinent cise tool to classify coaching was needed. questions and find the right coach. The Leahy-Dockerill Taxonomy is a portable defi- Leahy-Dockerill Coaching nition of the 10 types of coaching our research sug- Taxonomy © 2009 gests currently exists. It explains how these vari- ous types of coaching differ from each other and is BUSINESS/ CORPORATE written with both the coach and the client in mind. 1. Behavioural-Performance When we first began to compare the different types Develops organisations and individuals within of coaching available, we were simply attempting organisations. Using the GROW model (Goal, to explain to ourselves what it was we understood. Reality, Options, Wrap-up) along with inquiry, As the process progressed, a natural split emerged reflection, discussion, facilitation, feedback and between two key areas of coaching; 1, guidance. business/corporate and 2, personal. A distinction, which looking back now seems obvious, but at the 2. Cross Cultural Coaching time did not appear to have been highlighted in any Looks at culture and cultural assumptions. of the text books we read. This distinction arose Develops awareness of diversity at organisational simply because the people we canvassed were nat- and national levels to encourage change and urally defining themselves as being either one, or improve performance. the other. 3. Executive However, it soon became clear the two broad cate- Improves professional performance, personal satis- gories needed to be divided into sub-sections, as faction and the effectiveness of the client’s organi- they were becoming far too unwieldy as they Continued on page 22 The Bulletin of the Association for Coaching • June 2010 • Issue 1 • 21
  • 22. Tool Box Continued from page 21 ethics to the larger whole. sation. Helps managers and leaders develop and achieve an identified set of goals. 10. Sports Improves an individual’s sporting performance. 4. Specialist/ Technical Focuses on physical and technical sporting skills, Focuses on a specific technical area. Develops as well as the psychological factors associated with skills, knowledge, confidence and awareness in sporting success. these are as. Examples include, but are not limited to: marketing, stress, health, music, conflict, An example of how complicated it was deciding Human Resource Management (HRM), communi- upon definitions can be illustrated by our attempt cation, career, academic, etc . to place, ‘Stress Coaching’ within the Taxonomy. Stress coaching has previously been categorized as 5. Neuro-Linguistic Programming a quite separate and distinct area of coaching. Creates an awareness of the links between However, because stress can be alleviated through thoughts, communication, behaviour and emo- the use of a number of different types of therapies, tions. Using models of excellence; new ways to or by applying a curative process (e.g. Cognitive think, communicate and behave are formed. Behavioural Therapy [CBT], hypnotherapy, or aro- matherapy), we decided it did not need to be 6. Team defined as a singular and specific coaching Works with teams to define goals, improve per- approach and is therefore included in the formance, facilitate discussions and reflect . Specialist/ Technical (4) area. We also decided not Highlights processes with the aim of enabling self- to include stress coaching within the Therapeutic coaching and teams to function effectively. (7) area because we consider Therapeutic to be the application of a curative process approach, applied PERSONAL to specific ailments and/or problems. 7. Solutions Focused/ Therapeutic Conclusion Facilitates personal growth and change through the application of one or more specific approaches. For us, creating the Leahy-Dockerill Coaching Uses a specific approach, e.g. Cognitive Taxonomy was essential. If we are to market our Behaviour, Gestalt, Positive Psychology, Clean coaching services successfully it is vital we are Language, Ontological, Eclectic, to identify and able to define exactly what it is we do. We also construct solutions to personal issues. believe as coaching gains a higher profile it is essential for coaches to control the coaching defi- 8. Life/ Health nitions which sit within the minds of our clients Helps clients move towards life decisions which and potential customers. reflect their personal values and priorities. Uses key areas of change to determine and achieve per- We also believe by sharing our Taxonomy we can sonal goals, empowerment and more fulfilling promote various discussions within the industry. and/or healthier lives. For example, “What do we do as coaches?” and, “How does each one of us differ from the other?” 9. Transpersonal-Holistic For us this is preferable to the current situation of Using a combination of mind, body and soul, iden- a definition-deficit and endless duplication of tifies links between individuals, families, commu- generic coaching services. nities and organisations. Connects an individual's personal growth, higher ideals, spirituality and Continued on page 23 22 The Bulletin of the Association for Coaching • June 2010 • Issue 1 •
  • 23. Tool Box Continued from page 22 their needs, ask for them and then expect them to Finally, as coaching increasingly develops from an be delivered by a coach who is totally aware of artisan model into a far more professional offering, what it is they are selling and delivering. we posit coaches will have to define themselves clearly. The benefits of being able to do this are Shirley Dockerill and Vincent Leahy run Act.3 twofold: Associates, a coaching association based in Bahrain. Act.3 promotes, encourages and supplies It will enable the coach to understand their coaching, in all its forms, throughout the Middle strengths and weaknesses and thus be better able to East: They can be create effective marketing communications, as contacted at: well as knowing if they can meet the needs of each customer. It will also allow customers to articulate The Bulletin of the Association for Coaching • June 2010 • Issue 1 • 23
  • 24. Feature Connective Coaching – using the power of Quantum Intelligence By Sue Coyne and Penny Mallinson of Connectiveness Ltd What is transformational coaching as we know it and what is beyond? Sue Coyne Penny Mallinson Transformational Coaching is an area of coaching to the far right of the coaching spectrum and one that their journeys and this requires us to meet them there our clients are becoming more interested in with the and go through our own transformation to develop a increasing need for change and transformation in different way of being with our clients. organisations and in society as a whole. “It’s time for coaches to stop playing Robert Hargrove, author of Masterful Coaching describes transformational coaching at its next level small and to rise to the challenges, as: opportunities and urgent needs that the global crisis presents.” Transformational Coaching now seeks to go beyond helping people perform — Sir John Whitmore ICF Global Difference Conference 2008 better- coaching for incremental improvement (single-loop learning) to In our opinion this shift in the needs of our clients is getting to the source of people's bringing with it an evolution in the transformational coaching sector of our market. Our response to this behaviour and altering their frames of is Connective Coaching – coaching at the quantum reference- coaching people to learn to level. At Connectiveness we’ve developed a unique combination of powerful tools and techniques to do new things (double-loop learning) enable coaches to access their inspiration, passion and ways of being- transforming who and vision, to be fully present, in flow and aware – in people are (triple-loop learning). short a different way of being. From there they can tap into their full transformational potential and that In order to survive and thrive as we come out of the of their clients. current crisis we are finding that organisations need to be able to transform to meet the ever changing So what is the context for this needs of their environment. Hence a new breed of greater need for transformation? visionary leader is emerging; we call these leaders Connective Leaders. These leaders are capable of In the Western World, in our opinion, we are in the identifying a bigger purpose or vision and embarking process of transitioning from the industrial revolu- on their own transformational journey to bring that to tion paradigm which is about individual greed; fruition. As coaches our role is to support leaders on Continued on page 25 24 The Bulletin of the Association for Coaching • June 2010 • Issue 1 •
  • 25. Feature Continued from page 24 cess into our lives; by connecting with our energy growth and man dominating nature, to a new para- field and using the energy around us to develop digm about health and wholeness, communication, greater awareness, to tap into our creativity, vision community and creation. It is important that we and passion, to enable the realisation of our own make this transition as in our view the existing sys- potential and establish a connection to the potential tem is not sustainable economically, ecologically or in others. So, by living with this greater awareness ethically. In this new era, we believe that successful and being connected to the world of energy we have businesses will create environments that are open the ability to access Quantum Intelligence. Thus we and dynamic, thus becoming Connective become more aware of the ‘big picture’ for ourselves Organisations. and the universe and our place and purpose in it. What does this mean for leaders of What is Connective Coaching? these organisations? Connectiveness is dedicated to delivering a wide The new paradigm calls for the transition from range of experiential programmes and sessions charismatic, emotionally intelligent leaders to lead- which support coaches in working transformational- ers who are transformational and who work with ly. Mastery of these accessible techniques allows quantum intelligence. coaches to initiate the ripple effect, enabling them and those they connect with to bring transformation Connective Leaders create environments in which to the world of business, organisations and other they engage their people in co-creating the future of communities. The ripple effect starts with coaches their organisations. They propel their organisations modelling a different way of being to their clients. to a new level of success that is not defined purely by So, in our work with coaches we go beyond emotion- achieving financial goals but by creating organisa- al and spiritual intelligence and explore the applica- tions that recognise their responsibility to their peo- tion of quantum intelligence to coaching in order to ple, the communities in which they operate and to the bring about the triple loop learning mentioned in the planet. These thriving organisations regard them- quote by Robert Hargrove. This means working at all selves as successful when their people realise their levels including at the energetic level to bring about full potential and feel fulfilment and as a result cre- transformation. Working energetically involves the ate financial success that secures their future. coach taking themselves on a journey into the quan- tum world and experiencing themselves and their Where does Quantum Intelligence clients as a field of potential or energy available for (QQ) come into this? realisation. Clients who work with Connective Coaches take Quantum Intelligence springs from the principles of away many different experiences which contribute to Quantum Science. Advances in science, in particu- their success and impact. These include feeling an lar, Quantum Physics have taken some of the mys- enhanced sense of well-being and confidence; find- tique out of the understanding we have of how our ing direction and purpose; connecting with their universe works. Key elements of this new under- vision and passion; being fully present and in flow; standing are that everything is inter-connected .and experiencing their true self and fullest potential and that everything is made of energy. In terms of feeling calm yet energised thus reducing stress lev- Quantum intelligence, energy (or potential) is con- els. All of this helps them to be at their best, to have verted into solid existence or brought into reality maximum impact and leads them to live more fulfill- only when we engage with it. Thus we create our ing lives. own reality. Our inspiration is motivated by the belief that we can bring greater harmony, balance and suc- Continued on page 26 The Bulletin of the Association for Coaching • June 2010 • Issue 1 • 25 3
  • 26. Feature Continued from page 25 Some resources you may find If you are interested in this work you can contact us useful through our website or • Can Humankind change the economic myth? W. Edward Stead and Jean Garner Stead, East About Sue Coyne and Penny Tennessee State University, Journal of Mallinson Organizational Change Management, Volume 7 No 4, 1994Presence. Sue Coyne and Penny Mallinson are experienced • Exploring Profound Change in People, in co-facilitating sessions for both coaches and lead- Organisations and Society. Peter Senge, C.Otto ers. They bring together extensive business knowl- Scharmer, Joseph Jaworski, Betty Sue Flowers edge with coaching, facilitation and bodywork skills. • Synchronicity. The Inner Path of Leadership. Joseph Jaworski Sue is a practising executive coach and a graduate of • Megatrends 2010. The Rise of Conscious the Advanced Diploma course at the AoEC. She Capitalism. Patricia Adurdene. combines Connective Coaching techniques with • Spiral Dynamics. Mastering Values, Leadership Gestalt and Somatic Cognitive Coaching to suit the and Change. Don Edward Beck and Christopher needs of her clients. C. Cowan. • Einstein’s Business. Edited by Dawson Church Penny has been involved in body and energy work • Sir John Whitmore on the role of transformation- for 10 years and is an experienced facilitator in this al coaches field. Following a successful business career she is now a Director of various NFP’s. She has been involved in the area of self development and educa- Quantum Science tion and is a mentor to executives. • Leadership & the new Science, Margaret Wheatley, 1999 • Dr Quantum – Quantum Physics Simplified Quantum Intelligence Soleira Green writes about this (see her chart below) 26 The Bulletin of the Association for Coaching • June 2010 • Issue 1 •
  • 27. AC UK Special Interest Group AC UK Special Interest Group By Sharon Phillips What are you passionate about in coaching? How To date we have had do you want to make a difference? What coaching three meetings and have theme would you like to have the opportunity to 8 members. The meet- share with like minded people? A SIG may be the ings are very enjoyable answer! and feedback from the group is positive. The It was announced at our WM Event that the AC atmosphere is support- was looking for members to set up or join a ive, lively and enthusiastic. We have taken on dif- Special Interest Group (SIG). The purpose of the ferent actions to complete between meetings that SIG is to discuss and share ideas and resources of play to our interest and strengths. One of our a context, issue, theme or topic of relevance to future challenges is to run an AC networking and coaching. With a background in education and CPD event in October for people who coach in psychology I am passionate about coaching in education. schools and education. I volunteered for a SIG along with three others who coincidentally had We are also researching the provisions and impact the same interest. I offered to co-ordinate it and of coaching in education. This is where you can the others were happy to be the three core mem- help! We would appreciate your feedback about bers needed to set up a SIG. any coaching you have delivered in education: the organisation; coaching hours; number of peo- The first step was to submit a one page plan of ple coached; their roles (students/staff); the aims our focus including what activities we envisage of the coaching, and any outcomes (anecdotal, we would engage in. We then set up the first descriptive or measured). We would also appreci- meeting and invited a few more people who ate your thoughts on how to increase and improve would make a good contribution and be interest- the delivery and impact of coaching in education. ed in joining the group. Finally we would appreciate any reference to use- ful research and articles. Please email them to me The agenda included introductions and getting to at We will be know each other’s experience and interests, hopes happy to feedback to you our overall findings. and fears for the SIG, guidelines on data protec- tion and representing the AC, our SIG’s focus and I am now the overall lead for the ACUK SIGs. If activities and the format for future meetings. The you are considering setting up your own SIG, SIGs are self funded so we met at my house, please email the AC office to send you the outline which is the most central, and ‘free’ and we start- of the SIG on ed at 5.30 to avoid too many work commitments. Alternatively if you are ready to set one up please Members come from different professional back- contact me by email and I will be happy to sup- ground and experiences. We had a rich, interest- port you through the first steps and beyond. ing and lively discussion. The time went very quickly but we were able to draft our mission Happy sigging statement and a list of potential actions. Sharon Phillips ACUK SIG LEAD The Bulletin of the Association for Coaching • June 2010 • Issue 1 • 27 3