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Top Tips for Conference Abstract
Submissions | IFERP
Everyone from students and scholars to early and mid-level researchers and domain specialists
can build a global reputation by presenting papers and posters at conferences. They frequently
result in engaging and profitable networking and partnership opportunities. They can also help with
job chances and promotion in academia. In actuality, exhibiting posters can aid in securing funds
for further research. Finally, this process can be really helpful when putting together a full-blown
research paper. For anyone wishing to present a poster at a conference outlining a case study or
original research, this article offers advice and suggestions.
It describes how to select a subject, select partners, and select a meeting for the abstract
submission. Additionally, it provides writing hints for each section as well as instructions on how to
construct the abstract using examples that illustrate a general format. The preparation of the poster
and delivery of the presentation is then covered. As well as talking ideas to assist the reader in
engaging visitors to the poster effectively, sample poster formats are also offered. Finally, advice
on what to do following the conference is also provided. This article aims to expose the hidden
curriculum that underlies effective abstracts and posters in addition to outlining the fundamental
elements of the complete system. These insider tips will ensure that you, as the reader derive the
most out of the hard work that goes into a poster presentation at an academic conference and will
help your submission stand out.
Before we get into the top tips for successfully submitting your conference abstract for a poster
presentation, it is important to know what the steps involved in preparing a world-class poster are in
the first place.
● Step #1
Meticulously Planning Your Presentation
○ You can give a general summary of your work to a large audience with a poster presentation in a
casual setting.
○ As the presenter, it gives you a chance to speak with audience members, network, exchange
ideas, and perhaps even start new partnerships.
○ If you are just starting out in research, a poster presentation is a great way to get feedback on
your work.
○ You might even decide to use the feedback to improve your future research efforts.
○ If you are short on time, have little paid time to be involved, or have never been active in research
previously, a poster presentation can be the perfect opportunity to start.
○ There are many inexpensive online printing providers that can print an A0 poster of the standard
size, but there are also a lot of research design services that can also help you out.
○ Keeping in mind that one of the goals of such organizations is to engage more researchers in
research, you could also be able to get support from them for the creation of your abstract and
○ IFERP is particularly careful to include funding for poster creation and research in its programs in
order to promote research findings.
○ Knowing precisely what message you want to deliver with your poster is the first step in creating
one for a conference.
○ You might want to report on a case study, a local audit, a new service, its description, or its
○ You might have some research findings to share or even a research procedure for a project you
want to do in the future.
● Step #2
Carefully & Thoughtfully Composing The Abstract
○ The conference organizers will need to evaluate the quality of your presentation in comparison to
that of the other applications before allowing you to present at the event.
○ They will require an abstract to achieve this. In essence, an abstract is a condensed overview of
your work.
○ Usually, guidelines will be provided regarding the abstract structure, including whether
subheadings should be used, the appropriate font type and size, word count, etc.
○ The abstract's clarity and conciseness are its most crucial characteristics.
○ The most crucial information about your work should be included, although it is usually advisable
to steer clear of fine details in the abstract.
○ As with all academic writing styles, statements in the abstract that call for references must be
cited, but it's best to keep the number of references in the abstract to a minimum, i.e., only include
the crucial referable assertions.
○ An illustration of abstract standards -
■ A clear purpose is indicated, the abstract is written clearly and succinctly, the title accurately
summaries the abstract, it is relevant to the conference's theme, it is contextualized within the
current body of evidence, and the method or strategy used is appropriate for the objectives.
■ Strengths and flaws of the work should be highlighted, relevance and consequences to physical
therapy should be made obvious, ideas for further research should be addressed, and the work
should be of interest to a global audience.
○ An illustration of an abstract structure -
■ Title
The title should be succinct, clear, catchy, and to the point.
■ Background
In order to set a platform for the work that follows, this section should only draw on the most
important background research.
■ Aims/Objective
This should provide the reader with a clear idea of the study's goals and what they may expect to
learn after reading the poster.
■ Methods
Important details about the techniques utilized or suggested should be mentioned here. This often
includes a brief description of the objects of the experiment (the sample), tools and techniques, and
timeframes during which the study was conducted.
■ Results
This section frequently includes important findings. Wherever possible, statistical support is
preferable, but lengthy listings of mean values should be avoided. Be judicious and ensure that the
outcomes you choose to present make sense in light of the overall theme of the abstract as a
■ Conclusion
This section serves as a wrap-up for the narrative, presenting the most significant interpretation of
the findings as well as any significant recommendations for the area or future research that needs
to be done. Avoid concluding by saying, "Further investigation is now required," as this is frequently
clear and unnecessary for the context of the story.
The average word count for this section is anywhere between 250–300 words.
● Step #3
Giving Your Poster An Attractive But Also Appropriate Design
○ The next step is designing your poster, which is where the fun is, but there are usually some
guidelines you should follow before you get started.
○ The size and orientation of the poster, or if you can design it in portrait or landscape, must first be
○ If in doubt, a portrait is frequently the best option because an A0-size poster is more likely to fit
on regular conference poster boards.
○ When it comes to adjusting the page size in PowerPoint, generally, the steps to be followed are
as highlighted below -
■ Select the "Design" tab. Choose Page
■ Select "Custom" from the list of slide sizes.
■ Input the most appropriate values as per your requirement.
■ You must decide which design software is suitable for creating your poster. Microsoft Office
PowerPoint, CorelDraw, and Adobe Illustrator are a few alternatives that are frequently utilized.
■ Setting the page size is the best place to start in each.
■ The smallest font size that a conference attendee will be able to easily read if they are standing
one meter away from the board to read your poster is approximately twenty points.
■ However, this assumes that you have correctly sized your page; otherwise, it may be scaled
smaller or larger than intended during printing.
○ The easiest-to-read text is dark text on light backgrounds or vice versa.
○ The sparing use of several font styles and sizes is also effective.
○ It's a delicate balance between applying these criteria to give the presentation structure and
unduly complicating the structure, which makes it challenging to browse.
○ It is easier for people to understand and more visually appealing to use diagrams to explain
procedures, outcomes, and essential principles rather than words.
○ In order to give readers a favorable impression of your work, less text may be more effective than
○ Each poster is normally read for between thirty seconds and a few minutes.
○ Thus the simpler the information is to understand, the better.
○ Use software tools like "snap to grid," "guidelines," or even create temporary grid lines that you
can remove later to ensure that your work is nice and aligned while presenting your information on
the poster.
○ Attention to detail is crucial since small alignment discrepancies on a computer monitor can
frequently stand up on a full-sized poster printout.
○ When using a small monitor, it might be challenging to proofread a poster.
○ Ask a friend or coworker to look it over again for errors.
○ Keep in mind that the institutional affiliations of all authors of the study should be listed in the
poster's upper title area.
○ The presenter and poster designer often come first, followed by the most senior author, who is
usually the lead investigator of the study.
○ Within the team, the middle authors' order must be decided.
○ At the bottom of the poster are added any further acknowledgments to individuals and
organizations that are not authors.
● Step #4
Planning & Executing Your Printing & Poster Presentation Preparations Well
○ Printing out your poster is the last step.
○ Given the importance of being aware of printing timelines, this stage should be taken into
consideration practically as soon as you contemplate creating the poster.
○ When things are busy, or the poster needs to be shipped off-site for things like laminating, your
selected printer may turn things around the same day, or it may take longer.
○ The cost of the print, as well as how durable the poster is to travel, will depend on the weight of
the paper (the thicker, the more robust).
○ The additional layer of protection provided by lamination extends the poster's lifespan and
increases its resistance to rain, but it also makes the poster heavier and more expensive to ship.
○ Before investing in the final version, you might want to think about printing up a smaller mock-up
version (A4 or A3) to check for last-minute alignment, design errors, and typos.
○ It is now a good time to get ready to discuss the posters with others once you have your poster.
○ You will feel more confident when you prepare a brief verbal presentation that you can repeat on
the day of the conference and is no longer than a few minutes.
○ When you are there, unwind and relish the occasion.
○ Take a notepad and jot down names and contact information for anyone you wish to recall
speaking with or with whom you discussed your work.
○ Prepare A4 handouts of your poster or business cards to hand out if you are eager to network or
share your findings with the conference audience.
○ Don't worry if you don't have a lot of facts to share in a poster because simple stories typically
make the most impactful posters.
○ Don't be shocked if, after giving a poster presentation, you discover that you have a better grasp
of your work by the end of the conference.
○ Poster presentations are excellent opportunities to begin discussing your work.
○ Enjoy yourself, and keep in mind that there will more often than not be a poster presentation prize
up for grabs.
Top Tips
Academics, scientists, and researchers frequently and routinely present the results of their work as
abstracts at national and international conferences. This gives researchers a chance to present
their work in person, connect with other researchers working in the same area, get feedback from
peers, and publish their results as abstracts in conference proceedings.
Writing clear, informative abstracts while adhering to both the conference and internationally
recognized reporting guidelines is crucial for a number of reasons, including - conference program
committees use abstracts to choose the best ones for oral presentations; abstracts are typically
made available online before conferences, allowing attendees to choose which presentations to
attend; abstracts are typically published and may therefore be cited by other parties. Therefore, we
have created the following advice for both new and seasoned researchers to help them write high-
quality conference abstracts.
● Top Tip #1
● Understanding Why Presenting Your Research At A Conference Is So Vital
○ The first thing you must thoroughly comprehend is why presenting at conferences is so crucial.
○ It is acknowledged that getting scientific information out to a variety of audiences is crucial.
○ By ensuring that important scientific information, including study findings, reaches other
researchers, decision-makers, and the general public, dissemination can assist advance science.
○ Scientific conferences, which are frequently forums where novel concepts are tested with an
attentive audience, early findings are presented, and/or methodological difficulties are discussed,
are one approach to communicating with academic colleagues.
○ Academics are typically required to submit a brief abstract to the conference organizers before
presenting an oral presentation or a poster, regardless of which format they prefer.
○ An abstract is a brief description of a lengthier work that is published separately from the main
text and is intended to be read and understood without the help of the original work.
○ A conference abstract is a brief piece of writing, typically no more than two or three hundred
words, that fulfills at least three different purposes.
○ Each conference will offer specific instructions for creating an abstract.
○ Authors' abstracts are more likely to be rejected if they do not abide by these rules.
○ An abstract's primary purpose is to persuade conference organizers that your paper is worthy of
○ As a result, it provides the organizers with information on the message they intend to spread and
how it relates to the conference's overarching subject.
○ Second, your abstract will appear in the conference program or abstract book once you have
been approved to present a paper or a poster at the conference, serving as an advertisement for
your talk or poster.
○ The other crucial function of your abstract is to grab the attention of conference attendees.
○ The information in your brief abstract will be used by conference attendees to decide whether to
attend your paper or any of the others that are being presented in the parallel session.
○ Theoretically, if you produce a captivating abstract that is geared toward the intended readership,
you will also have fulfilled the first function (that of convincing the conference organizers).
○ Last but not least, if the conference program or abstract book is released after the conference
has long ended, your abstract will serve as a lasting record (either in hard copy or on the web).
○ Presentations of posters at conferences are sometimes the initial step in discussing your
research concepts or findings with other academics who share your interests.
○ It is frequently a fantastic chance to seek input from people outside of your immediate community
of coworkers and graduate students.
○ Read the guidelines before beginning, as with all academic writing.
○ Find out the deadline for submitting an abstract and whether there are any particular topics or
streams that it must adhere to.
○ However, pause for a moment before beginning your first draught of the abstract and ask yourself
- "What precisely is my idea or message, and how does it fit into the advertised conference?"
○ Consider a few conferences you have attended at your own university or organization and ask,
"Which conference did I learn the most from?" or "Which piece of writing or billboard do I wish was
○ Finding out the format and word limit is the last step before drafting the abstract.
○ Social scientific conferences, like social science journals, might be less rigid in their requirements
for the abstract style.
○ However, many health and clinical conferences demand abstracts in a formal framework,
typically something like Background, Methods, Results, and Conclusions.
● Top Tip #2
Choosing The Most Appropriate Conference To Present At
○ Not all conferences will have the right audience for your paper, just as not all journals are the
right place for your article to be published.
○ There are a variety of conferences in the health area, including those on diseases, health
systems, health psychology, medical sociology, and health promotion.
○ The conference's objectives and target audience must be carefully considered while selecting a
○ Numerous delegates attend conferences on a global scale, yet just twenty-five or thirty people
attend departmental conferences held locally.
○ Finding the greatest method to spread your job requires you to recognize that more is not always
● Top Tip # 3
Pay Close Attention To The Abstract Submission Rules & Terms Put Forth By The
Organizers Of The Conference That You Plan On Presenting Your Work At
○ The title, background/introduction, aims, methods, results, and conclusion are often included in
an abstract; however, the structure varies depending on the conference. Pay particular attention to
details like the word limit and the format for the abstract.
● Top Tip #4
Adhere To Internationally Recognized Research Reporting Standards Created Especially For
Conference Abstracts
○ By creating reporting requirements for various study design types, there are numerous global
programs existing for various technical disciplines that aim to raise the standard of published
academic research worldwide.
■ Extensions to several reporting rules that specifically address abstracts are available.
■ Before beginning to compose your abstract, read them.
● Top Tip #5
Choose Your Title Wisely
○ Consider the title carefully, as this is what readers will see initially.
○ Write a concise, objective title, and whenever you can, mention the study's design. You can make
it appealing, but don't attempt to be too clever about it (especially for beginners).
● Top Tip #6
Avoid Wasting Words In Your Introduction
○ Be succinct and to the point. Save space here so that you can elaborate further in the parts on
the techniques and outcomes, which are unique and exclusive to your study.
● Top Tip #7
Make The Objectives Of Your Research Study Clear & Plain
○ Your study question served as the basis for the objective, which should be directly related to the
findings and conclusion.
● Top Tip #8
Don't Be Ambiguous About Your Methods Section
○ Make sure the methods section includes the study design, setting, study participants, and
eligibility criteria.
○ It should be sufficiently technical but not overly so.
○ As well as describing the analytical strategy utilized to address the research question, you should
also describe the key study variables, such as exposure, intervention, predictors, and outcomes.
● Top Tip #9
Try To Offer As Much Clarity, Detail, & Explanation As Possible For Your Research Findings
○ Being precise and specific when writing the results section of an engineering research paper is
important because it helps to ensure that the reader understands the findings of the research and
can evaluate the validity of the conclusions.
○ For example, consider the following sentence:
○ "The material was discovered to be far stronger than anticipated."
○ This sentence is not precise and specific because it does not provide any information about how
much stronger the material was found to be.
○ This lack of precision makes it difficult for the reader to evaluate the significance of the findings.
○ Now consider this sentence - "The material was found to have a tensile strength of 200 MPa,
which is 25% higher than the expected value of 160 MPa."
○ This sentence is much more precise and specific.
○ It provides specific numerical values for the tensile strength of the material and how it compares
to the expected value.
○ This allows the reader to easily understand the significance of the findings and evaluate the
○ It's important to remember that a research paper is a formal document that should provide
enough information to allow other researchers to replicate the experiment and get the same results.
○ The results section is particularly important as it is where the main findings are presented, and it's
important to be as precise and specific as possible to ensure that the results can be understood
and evaluated.
○ In short, being precise and specific when writing the results section of an engineering research
paper is important because it helps the reader to understand the findings and evaluate the
○ It also helps to ensure that the research can be replicated and the results can be confirmed by
other researchers.
● Top Tip #10
Don't Over Hype Your Conclusion
○ Mention your study's significance without extrapolating beyond what the data indicate.
○ You can also discuss the study's future directions without using the overused phrase "additional
studies are needed."
● Top Tip #11
Pay Attention To Your Grammar, Sentence Structures, & Spelling
○ This is an absolute must, especially if you are not writing in your mother tongue.
● Top Tip #12
Avoid Using Acronyms As Much As Possible
○ When they have to go back and remember what an acronym means, readers may become
irritated (e.g., EQUATOR in this paper).
● Top Tip #13
Get As Much Feedback From Friends, Family, Colleagues, Mentors, & Others As Possible
○ The objective is to use their assistance to find ambiguous language and missing or incorrect
information and to ensure that the writing is of a good caliber.
○ Additionally, they may assist you in making sure that the research question is reflected in the title,
objectives, methods, results, and conclusion.
● Top Tip #14
Don't Procrastinate When It Comes To Your Research Paper Writing & Editing
○ It always takes longer than you anticipated to write and edit the abstract for quality.
○ Furthermore, errors in the submission procedure are always possible (even in the case of online
abstract submission), so you want to allow enough time for yourself to ask the conference
personnel for assistance if required.
● Top Tip #15
Be Aware Of Common Mistakes & Avoid Them At All Costs
○ Mistake #1
Avoid Going Beyond The Allotted Word Count
■ On considering papers for a lot of conferences where the word restriction are tightly enforced,
one can notice how all submitted abstracts are automatically cut off at 250 words, and the final few
words or phrases are simply just erased.
■ Some abstracts are disregarded because they lack that crucial concluding clause and are,
therefore, illogical.
○ Mistake #2
Proclaiming To Have Obtained Research Outcomes That You Are Only In The Process Of
■ International conferences frequently have abstract submission deadlines that are six to eight
months in advance of the conference.
■ People who are working on a project are frequently tempted to write in the abstract that their
findings will be available at the conference.
■ The majority of conference planners are hesitant to accept papers based on such guarantees.
■ Many times, conference planners are seasoned academics who are aware that various delays in
the research process could easily result in the expected data being unavailable at the time of the
○ Mistake #3
Presenting Identical Abstracts At Multiple Conferences
■ Sometimes, conference planners demand that only brand-new content be submitted for
■ Although in-house presentations are rarely a concern for organizers, they can argue that papers
shouldn't have previously been given at a national or worldwide level.
■ This might also apply to journal-published works.
● Top Tip #15
Being Aware Of What Happens After You Submit Your Abstract
○ What occurs once you submit your abstract?
○ The method used to review abstracts varies from conference to conference.
○ A conference's scientific committee may assess a paper in specific circumstances, although
larger conferences frequently use blind reviewing by outside reviewers (in the same way that
manuscripts are reviewed for journals).
○ Based on predetermined criteria, external reviewers provide ratings, and the scientific committee
uses these scores to shortlist the abstracts for presentation.
○ Some factors to think about include the following -
■ The Time Taken Between Submission, Decision, & Registration Has To Be Considered
● Most conferences follow a pretty rigid schedule.
● The deadline by which you will learn whether your abstract has been accepted is typically
specified in the criteria.
● You must register for the conference once a decision about the abstract has been reached.
● It's likely that your paper will be withdrawn from the conference program if you don't register by
the deadline.
■ Potential Deadlines For Full Papers If Accepted
● A whole paper may also need to be sent in by a certain deadline. These papers are often
published in a conference book of papers.
■ Poster Presentations As Opposed To Paper Presentations
● If the conference organizers are unable to accommodate all the appropriate papers within a
program, they may give the alternative of a poster presentation.
● Because they were put up in conspicuous locations or during lunch breaks, posters have a
history of being thought of as less professional than paper presentations.
● To see posters, there is now a dedicated session at many conferences.
● Top Tip #16
Knowing How Poster Presentations Work
○ Posters are displayed during "Poster Sessions," which are set times during the meeting when
presenters stand behind their posters while conference participants move around the space.
○ During these sessions, refreshments are frequently provided, and the mood is typically more laid-
back and less stressful than it is during oral presentations.
○ The one-on-one interaction also provides more opportunities for networking, conversation, and
○ The finest posters frequently receive awards, and during the session, ribbons may be used to
identify these posters.
○ Simply showing up is the first step to a good poster presentation.
○ According to surveys of conference attendees, the presenter must be present at the poster in
order to effectively communicate the findings.
○ Do not pass up the chance to benefit from your labor of love because now is also the time for you
to build your reputation and network and receive feedback.
○ Read any special conference guidelines in advance, and be sure to include business cards,
handouts of the poster, and other pertinent materials.
○ Make eye contact with everyone who approaches while standing at your poster, but wait until
they are done reading before starting a conversation.
○ You've got to remain ready to introduce your poster in as little as ten seconds, followed by any
necessary discussion and questions.
○ Before the meeting, it might be quite helpful to run through your introduction and sample
responses to typical questions with your coworkers.
○ Prior to your presentation, your mentor should get in touch with significant figures in the industry
that is linked to your topic and invite them to see your poster.
○ You ought to have a list of these individuals and be aware of their identities and expected arrival
○ Additionally, you want to have prepared inquiries tailored especially for each of the people your
mentor has gotten in touch with.
○ Then, when you submit your work, you should suggest these individuals as reviewers.
● Top Tip #17
Preparing For After The Presentation
○ Important actions must still be taken after the presentation in order to maximize the process.
○ To start, seek criticism so you can improve your subsequent presentation.
○ Consider which elements of the poster you may utilize for other purposes as well.
○ Exporting a graph or figure for use in upcoming presentations is frequently beneficial.
○ The secret is to "double-dip" and make the most of everything.
○ In order to make the absolute most of the networking chances you get, you should also follow up
with anyone who requested additional details or enquired about potential partnerships.
○ Everything appears conceivable during the meeting's excitement, but it is simple to lose that
energy once you get home.
○ The most crucial step, and perhaps the last, is to prepare your work for publication.
○ Although papers are the real money of academia, posters nevertheless have a place.
○ Unfortunately, only a small portion of abstracts are actually published.
○ Some of the reasons why a lot of researchers who present their work at conferences don't
publish their work include the following -
■ the lack of time,
■ the study still being in progress,
■ the fact that the publishing was someone else's duty,
■ problems working with co-authors, and
■ a low priority.
○ Oral presentation (as opposed to a poster), statistical analysis, the number of authors, and
university affiliation have all been demonstrated to boost the likelihood of an abstract being
○ The average time to publication is about twenty months.
Tips In A Nutshell
● Picking The Most Appropriate Conference To Submit Your Abstract To
○ Will the audience be intrigued?
○ Does my project or case mesh with the meeting's topic? If so, what is it?
○ Has my mentor participated in the meeting or given a presentation there? What is his/her advice?
○ In what areas will the knowledge be most useful?
■ Which event will offer the most chances for networking and teamwork? Which event will assist
me in developing my career the most?
■ Will my study be finished well before the deadline for abstract submission for the conference?
On the other hand, would the abstract submission deadline function as a motivator to advance my
● Making Full Use Of All The Resources At Your Disposal
○ Examine the accepted abstracts from the previous year.
○ Get opinions on your abstract and poster from people who were not the main participants in the
project, ideally from persons who have presented at the meeting you are submitting to.
○ To avoid having to create your template from scratch, check to see whether your institution has a
needed poster template or ask a colleague for an electronic copy of his or her poster.
○ Have your mentor get in touch with key figures in the industry and invite them to see your poster
before it is presented.
○ Have questions ready and be aware of who and when they are.
○ When submitting your manuscript, suggest these individuals as reviewers.
● Carefully Considering All The Possible Talking Points For Your Presentation
○ Have you got any inquiries?
○ Do you find any problems with my techniques?
○ Are my conclusions logical?
○ Ask specific queries to the contacts made by your mentor after the presentation.
● Subsequent To The Presentation
○ Get in touch with anyone who sought more details or has shown an interest in working together
with you.
○ Whenever possible, double-dip by including graphs and figures in speeches and other
Any given discipline as a whole and the researcher in particular benefit from writing abstracts and
presenting either posters or entire papers at conferences. Critical talents are developed during this
process, and countless opportunities are created.
In conclusion, submitting an abstract for a conference can be quite a daunting undertaking, but by
adhering to these top tips, you can increase your chances of having your abstract accepted.
Remember to keep your abstract concise and clear, make sure it aligns with the conference theme,
and make sure to proofread your abstract thoroughly for spelling and grammar faux pas.
Additionally, don't be afraid to seek feedback from colleagues or professionals in your field. With a
well-written and thoughtfully crafted abstract, you'll be on your way to presenting your research or
work at a prestigious conference.

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Abstract Submission for Guidelines IFERP 2023 Conference.docx

  • 1. Top Tips for Conference Abstract Submissions | IFERP Everyone from students and scholars to early and mid-level researchers and domain specialists can build a global reputation by presenting papers and posters at conferences. They frequently result in engaging and profitable networking and partnership opportunities. They can also help with job chances and promotion in academia. In actuality, exhibiting posters can aid in securing funds for further research. Finally, this process can be really helpful when putting together a full-blown research paper. For anyone wishing to present a poster at a conference outlining a case study or original research, this article offers advice and suggestions. It describes how to select a subject, select partners, and select a meeting for the abstract submission. Additionally, it provides writing hints for each section as well as instructions on how to construct the abstract using examples that illustrate a general format. The preparation of the poster and delivery of the presentation is then covered. As well as talking ideas to assist the reader in engaging visitors to the poster effectively, sample poster formats are also offered. Finally, advice on what to do following the conference is also provided. This article aims to expose the hidden curriculum that underlies effective abstracts and posters in addition to outlining the fundamental elements of the complete system. These insider tips will ensure that you, as the reader derive the most out of the hard work that goes into a poster presentation at an academic conference and will help your submission stand out. Before we get into the top tips for successfully submitting your conference abstract for a poster presentation, it is important to know what the steps involved in preparing a world-class poster are in the first place.
  • 2. ● Step #1 Meticulously Planning Your Presentation ○ You can give a general summary of your work to a large audience with a poster presentation in a casual setting. ○ As the presenter, it gives you a chance to speak with audience members, network, exchange ideas, and perhaps even start new partnerships. ○ If you are just starting out in research, a poster presentation is a great way to get feedback on your work. ○ You might even decide to use the feedback to improve your future research efforts. ○ If you are short on time, have little paid time to be involved, or have never been active in research previously, a poster presentation can be the perfect opportunity to start. ○ There are many inexpensive online printing providers that can print an A0 poster of the standard size, but there are also a lot of research design services that can also help you out.
  • 3. ○ Keeping in mind that one of the goals of such organizations is to engage more researchers in research, you could also be able to get support from them for the creation of your abstract and poster. ○ IFERP is particularly careful to include funding for poster creation and research in its programs in order to promote research findings. ○ Knowing precisely what message you want to deliver with your poster is the first step in creating one for a conference. ○ You might want to report on a case study, a local audit, a new service, its description, or its assessment. ○ You might have some research findings to share or even a research procedure for a project you want to do in the future. ● Step #2 Carefully & Thoughtfully Composing The Abstract ○ The conference organizers will need to evaluate the quality of your presentation in comparison to that of the other applications before allowing you to present at the event. ○ They will require an abstract to achieve this. In essence, an abstract is a condensed overview of your work. ○ Usually, guidelines will be provided regarding the abstract structure, including whether subheadings should be used, the appropriate font type and size, word count, etc. ○ The abstract's clarity and conciseness are its most crucial characteristics. ○ The most crucial information about your work should be included, although it is usually advisable to steer clear of fine details in the abstract. ○ As with all academic writing styles, statements in the abstract that call for references must be cited, but it's best to keep the number of references in the abstract to a minimum, i.e., only include the crucial referable assertions. ○ An illustration of abstract standards -
  • 4. ■ A clear purpose is indicated, the abstract is written clearly and succinctly, the title accurately summaries the abstract, it is relevant to the conference's theme, it is contextualized within the current body of evidence, and the method or strategy used is appropriate for the objectives. ■ Strengths and flaws of the work should be highlighted, relevance and consequences to physical therapy should be made obvious, ideas for further research should be addressed, and the work should be of interest to a global audience. ○ An illustration of an abstract structure - ■ Title The title should be succinct, clear, catchy, and to the point. ■ Background In order to set a platform for the work that follows, this section should only draw on the most important background research. ■ Aims/Objective This should provide the reader with a clear idea of the study's goals and what they may expect to learn after reading the poster. ■ Methods Important details about the techniques utilized or suggested should be mentioned here. This often includes a brief description of the objects of the experiment (the sample), tools and techniques, and timeframes during which the study was conducted. ■ Results This section frequently includes important findings. Wherever possible, statistical support is preferable, but lengthy listings of mean values should be avoided. Be judicious and ensure that the outcomes you choose to present make sense in light of the overall theme of the abstract as a whole. ■ Conclusion This section serves as a wrap-up for the narrative, presenting the most significant interpretation of the findings as well as any significant recommendations for the area or future research that needs
  • 5. to be done. Avoid concluding by saying, "Further investigation is now required," as this is frequently clear and unnecessary for the context of the story. The average word count for this section is anywhere between 250–300 words. ● Step #3 Giving Your Poster An Attractive But Also Appropriate Design ○ The next step is designing your poster, which is where the fun is, but there are usually some guidelines you should follow before you get started. ○ The size and orientation of the poster, or if you can design it in portrait or landscape, must first be determined. ○ If in doubt, a portrait is frequently the best option because an A0-size poster is more likely to fit on regular conference poster boards. ○ When it comes to adjusting the page size in PowerPoint, generally, the steps to be followed are as highlighted below - ■ Select the "Design" tab. Choose Page ■ Select "Custom" from the list of slide sizes. ■ Input the most appropriate values as per your requirement. ■ You must decide which design software is suitable for creating your poster. Microsoft Office PowerPoint, CorelDraw, and Adobe Illustrator are a few alternatives that are frequently utilized. ■ Setting the page size is the best place to start in each. ■ The smallest font size that a conference attendee will be able to easily read if they are standing one meter away from the board to read your poster is approximately twenty points. ■ However, this assumes that you have correctly sized your page; otherwise, it may be scaled smaller or larger than intended during printing. ○ The easiest-to-read text is dark text on light backgrounds or vice versa. ○ The sparing use of several font styles and sizes is also effective. ○ It's a delicate balance between applying these criteria to give the presentation structure and unduly complicating the structure, which makes it challenging to browse.
  • 6. ○ It is easier for people to understand and more visually appealing to use diagrams to explain procedures, outcomes, and essential principles rather than words. ○ In order to give readers a favorable impression of your work, less text may be more effective than more. ○ Each poster is normally read for between thirty seconds and a few minutes. ○ Thus the simpler the information is to understand, the better. ○ Use software tools like "snap to grid," "guidelines," or even create temporary grid lines that you can remove later to ensure that your work is nice and aligned while presenting your information on the poster. ○ Attention to detail is crucial since small alignment discrepancies on a computer monitor can frequently stand up on a full-sized poster printout. ○ When using a small monitor, it might be challenging to proofread a poster. ○ Ask a friend or coworker to look it over again for errors. ○ Keep in mind that the institutional affiliations of all authors of the study should be listed in the poster's upper title area. ○ The presenter and poster designer often come first, followed by the most senior author, who is usually the lead investigator of the study. ○ Within the team, the middle authors' order must be decided. ○ At the bottom of the poster are added any further acknowledgments to individuals and organizations that are not authors. ● Step #4 Planning & Executing Your Printing & Poster Presentation Preparations Well ○ Printing out your poster is the last step. ○ Given the importance of being aware of printing timelines, this stage should be taken into consideration practically as soon as you contemplate creating the poster. ○ When things are busy, or the poster needs to be shipped off-site for things like laminating, your selected printer may turn things around the same day, or it may take longer.
  • 7. ○ The cost of the print, as well as how durable the poster is to travel, will depend on the weight of the paper (the thicker, the more robust). ○ The additional layer of protection provided by lamination extends the poster's lifespan and increases its resistance to rain, but it also makes the poster heavier and more expensive to ship. ○ Before investing in the final version, you might want to think about printing up a smaller mock-up version (A4 or A3) to check for last-minute alignment, design errors, and typos. ○ It is now a good time to get ready to discuss the posters with others once you have your poster. ○ You will feel more confident when you prepare a brief verbal presentation that you can repeat on the day of the conference and is no longer than a few minutes. ○ When you are there, unwind and relish the occasion. ○ Take a notepad and jot down names and contact information for anyone you wish to recall speaking with or with whom you discussed your work. ○ Prepare A4 handouts of your poster or business cards to hand out if you are eager to network or share your findings with the conference audience. ○ Don't worry if you don't have a lot of facts to share in a poster because simple stories typically make the most impactful posters. ○ Don't be shocked if, after giving a poster presentation, you discover that you have a better grasp of your work by the end of the conference. ○ Poster presentations are excellent opportunities to begin discussing your work. ○ Enjoy yourself, and keep in mind that there will more often than not be a poster presentation prize up for grabs. Top Tips Academics, scientists, and researchers frequently and routinely present the results of their work as abstracts at national and international conferences. This gives researchers a chance to present their work in person, connect with other researchers working in the same area, get feedback from peers, and publish their results as abstracts in conference proceedings. Writing clear, informative abstracts while adhering to both the conference and internationally recognized reporting guidelines is crucial for a number of reasons, including - conference program
  • 8. committees use abstracts to choose the best ones for oral presentations; abstracts are typically made available online before conferences, allowing attendees to choose which presentations to attend; abstracts are typically published and may therefore be cited by other parties. Therefore, we have created the following advice for both new and seasoned researchers to help them write high- quality conference abstracts. ● Top Tip #1 ● Understanding Why Presenting Your Research At A Conference Is So Vital ○ The first thing you must thoroughly comprehend is why presenting at conferences is so crucial. ○ It is acknowledged that getting scientific information out to a variety of audiences is crucial. ○ By ensuring that important scientific information, including study findings, reaches other researchers, decision-makers, and the general public, dissemination can assist advance science. ○ Scientific conferences, which are frequently forums where novel concepts are tested with an attentive audience, early findings are presented, and/or methodological difficulties are discussed, are one approach to communicating with academic colleagues. ○ Academics are typically required to submit a brief abstract to the conference organizers before presenting an oral presentation or a poster, regardless of which format they prefer. ○ An abstract is a brief description of a lengthier work that is published separately from the main text and is intended to be read and understood without the help of the original work. ○ A conference abstract is a brief piece of writing, typically no more than two or three hundred words, that fulfills at least three different purposes. ○ Each conference will offer specific instructions for creating an abstract. ○ Authors' abstracts are more likely to be rejected if they do not abide by these rules. ○ An abstract's primary purpose is to persuade conference organizers that your paper is worthy of acceptance. ○ As a result, it provides the organizers with information on the message they intend to spread and how it relates to the conference's overarching subject. ○ Second, your abstract will appear in the conference program or abstract book once you have been approved to present a paper or a poster at the conference, serving as an advertisement for your talk or poster.
  • 9. ○ The other crucial function of your abstract is to grab the attention of conference attendees. ○ The information in your brief abstract will be used by conference attendees to decide whether to attend your paper or any of the others that are being presented in the parallel session. ○ Theoretically, if you produce a captivating abstract that is geared toward the intended readership, you will also have fulfilled the first function (that of convincing the conference organizers). ○ Last but not least, if the conference program or abstract book is released after the conference has long ended, your abstract will serve as a lasting record (either in hard copy or on the web). ○ Presentations of posters at conferences are sometimes the initial step in discussing your research concepts or findings with other academics who share your interests. ○ It is frequently a fantastic chance to seek input from people outside of your immediate community of coworkers and graduate students. ○ Read the guidelines before beginning, as with all academic writing. ○ Find out the deadline for submitting an abstract and whether there are any particular topics or streams that it must adhere to. ○ However, pause for a moment before beginning your first draught of the abstract and ask yourself - "What precisely is my idea or message, and how does it fit into the advertised conference?" ○ Consider a few conferences you have attended at your own university or organization and ask, "Which conference did I learn the most from?" or "Which piece of writing or billboard do I wish was mine?" ○ Finding out the format and word limit is the last step before drafting the abstract. ○ Social scientific conferences, like social science journals, might be less rigid in their requirements for the abstract style. ○ However, many health and clinical conferences demand abstracts in a formal framework, typically something like Background, Methods, Results, and Conclusions. ● Top Tip #2 Choosing The Most Appropriate Conference To Present At ○ Not all conferences will have the right audience for your paper, just as not all journals are the right place for your article to be published.
  • 10. ○ There are a variety of conferences in the health area, including those on diseases, health systems, health psychology, medical sociology, and health promotion. ○ The conference's objectives and target audience must be carefully considered while selecting a conference. ○ Numerous delegates attend conferences on a global scale, yet just twenty-five or thirty people attend departmental conferences held locally. ○ Finding the greatest method to spread your job requires you to recognize that more is not always superior. ● Top Tip # 3 Pay Close Attention To The Abstract Submission Rules & Terms Put Forth By The Organizers Of The Conference That You Plan On Presenting Your Work At ○ The title, background/introduction, aims, methods, results, and conclusion are often included in an abstract; however, the structure varies depending on the conference. Pay particular attention to details like the word limit and the format for the abstract.
  • 11. ● Top Tip #4 Adhere To Internationally Recognized Research Reporting Standards Created Especially For Conference Abstracts ○ By creating reporting requirements for various study design types, there are numerous global programs existing for various technical disciplines that aim to raise the standard of published academic research worldwide. ■ Extensions to several reporting rules that specifically address abstracts are available. ■ Before beginning to compose your abstract, read them. ● Top Tip #5 Choose Your Title Wisely ○ Consider the title carefully, as this is what readers will see initially. ○ Write a concise, objective title, and whenever you can, mention the study's design. You can make it appealing, but don't attempt to be too clever about it (especially for beginners). ● Top Tip #6 Avoid Wasting Words In Your Introduction ○ Be succinct and to the point. Save space here so that you can elaborate further in the parts on the techniques and outcomes, which are unique and exclusive to your study. ● Top Tip #7 Make The Objectives Of Your Research Study Clear & Plain ○ Your study question served as the basis for the objective, which should be directly related to the findings and conclusion. ● Top Tip #8 Don't Be Ambiguous About Your Methods Section ○ Make sure the methods section includes the study design, setting, study participants, and eligibility criteria. ○ It should be sufficiently technical but not overly so.
  • 12. ○ As well as describing the analytical strategy utilized to address the research question, you should also describe the key study variables, such as exposure, intervention, predictors, and outcomes. ● Top Tip #9 Try To Offer As Much Clarity, Detail, & Explanation As Possible For Your Research Findings ○ Being precise and specific when writing the results section of an engineering research paper is important because it helps to ensure that the reader understands the findings of the research and can evaluate the validity of the conclusions. ○ For example, consider the following sentence: ○ "The material was discovered to be far stronger than anticipated." ○ This sentence is not precise and specific because it does not provide any information about how much stronger the material was found to be. ○ This lack of precision makes it difficult for the reader to evaluate the significance of the findings. ○ Now consider this sentence - "The material was found to have a tensile strength of 200 MPa, which is 25% higher than the expected value of 160 MPa." ○ This sentence is much more precise and specific. ○ It provides specific numerical values for the tensile strength of the material and how it compares to the expected value. ○ This allows the reader to easily understand the significance of the findings and evaluate the conclusions. ○ It's important to remember that a research paper is a formal document that should provide enough information to allow other researchers to replicate the experiment and get the same results. ○ The results section is particularly important as it is where the main findings are presented, and it's important to be as precise and specific as possible to ensure that the results can be understood and evaluated. ○ In short, being precise and specific when writing the results section of an engineering research paper is important because it helps the reader to understand the findings and evaluate the conclusions.
  • 13. ○ It also helps to ensure that the research can be replicated and the results can be confirmed by other researchers. ● Top Tip #10 Don't Over Hype Your Conclusion ○ Mention your study's significance without extrapolating beyond what the data indicate. ○ You can also discuss the study's future directions without using the overused phrase "additional studies are needed." ● Top Tip #11 Pay Attention To Your Grammar, Sentence Structures, & Spelling ○ This is an absolute must, especially if you are not writing in your mother tongue. ● Top Tip #12 Avoid Using Acronyms As Much As Possible ○ When they have to go back and remember what an acronym means, readers may become irritated (e.g., EQUATOR in this paper). ● Top Tip #13 Get As Much Feedback From Friends, Family, Colleagues, Mentors, & Others As Possible ○ The objective is to use their assistance to find ambiguous language and missing or incorrect information and to ensure that the writing is of a good caliber. ○ Additionally, they may assist you in making sure that the research question is reflected in the title, objectives, methods, results, and conclusion. ● Top Tip #14 Don't Procrastinate When It Comes To Your Research Paper Writing & Editing ○ It always takes longer than you anticipated to write and edit the abstract for quality. ○ Furthermore, errors in the submission procedure are always possible (even in the case of online abstract submission), so you want to allow enough time for yourself to ask the conference personnel for assistance if required.
  • 14. ● Top Tip #15 Be Aware Of Common Mistakes & Avoid Them At All Costs ○ Mistake #1 Avoid Going Beyond The Allotted Word Count ■ On considering papers for a lot of conferences where the word restriction are tightly enforced, one can notice how all submitted abstracts are automatically cut off at 250 words, and the final few words or phrases are simply just erased. ■ Some abstracts are disregarded because they lack that crucial concluding clause and are, therefore, illogical. ○ Mistake #2 Proclaiming To Have Obtained Research Outcomes That You Are Only In The Process Of Obtaining ■ International conferences frequently have abstract submission deadlines that are six to eight months in advance of the conference. ■ People who are working on a project are frequently tempted to write in the abstract that their findings will be available at the conference. ■ The majority of conference planners are hesitant to accept papers based on such guarantees. ■ Many times, conference planners are seasoned academics who are aware that various delays in the research process could easily result in the expected data being unavailable at the time of the conference. ○ Mistake #3 Presenting Identical Abstracts At Multiple Conferences ■ Sometimes, conference planners demand that only brand-new content be submitted for presentations. ■ Although in-house presentations are rarely a concern for organizers, they can argue that papers shouldn't have previously been given at a national or worldwide level. ■ This might also apply to journal-published works.
  • 15. ● Top Tip #15 Being Aware Of What Happens After You Submit Your Abstract ○ What occurs once you submit your abstract? ○ The method used to review abstracts varies from conference to conference. ○ A conference's scientific committee may assess a paper in specific circumstances, although larger conferences frequently use blind reviewing by outside reviewers (in the same way that manuscripts are reviewed for journals). ○ Based on predetermined criteria, external reviewers provide ratings, and the scientific committee uses these scores to shortlist the abstracts for presentation. ○ Some factors to think about include the following - ■ The Time Taken Between Submission, Decision, & Registration Has To Be Considered ● Most conferences follow a pretty rigid schedule. ● The deadline by which you will learn whether your abstract has been accepted is typically specified in the criteria. ● You must register for the conference once a decision about the abstract has been reached. ● It's likely that your paper will be withdrawn from the conference program if you don't register by the deadline. ■ Potential Deadlines For Full Papers If Accepted ● A whole paper may also need to be sent in by a certain deadline. These papers are often published in a conference book of papers. ■ Poster Presentations As Opposed To Paper Presentations ● If the conference organizers are unable to accommodate all the appropriate papers within a program, they may give the alternative of a poster presentation. ● Because they were put up in conspicuous locations or during lunch breaks, posters have a history of being thought of as less professional than paper presentations. ● To see posters, there is now a dedicated session at many conferences.
  • 16. ● Top Tip #16 Knowing How Poster Presentations Work ○ Posters are displayed during "Poster Sessions," which are set times during the meeting when presenters stand behind their posters while conference participants move around the space. ○ During these sessions, refreshments are frequently provided, and the mood is typically more laid- back and less stressful than it is during oral presentations. ○ The one-on-one interaction also provides more opportunities for networking, conversation, and feedback. ○ The finest posters frequently receive awards, and during the session, ribbons may be used to identify these posters. ○ Simply showing up is the first step to a good poster presentation. ○ According to surveys of conference attendees, the presenter must be present at the poster in order to effectively communicate the findings. ○ Do not pass up the chance to benefit from your labor of love because now is also the time for you to build your reputation and network and receive feedback. ○ Read any special conference guidelines in advance, and be sure to include business cards, handouts of the poster, and other pertinent materials. ○ Make eye contact with everyone who approaches while standing at your poster, but wait until they are done reading before starting a conversation. ○ You've got to remain ready to introduce your poster in as little as ten seconds, followed by any necessary discussion and questions. ○ Before the meeting, it might be quite helpful to run through your introduction and sample responses to typical questions with your coworkers. ○ Prior to your presentation, your mentor should get in touch with significant figures in the industry that is linked to your topic and invite them to see your poster. ○ You ought to have a list of these individuals and be aware of their identities and expected arrival times.
  • 17. ○ Additionally, you want to have prepared inquiries tailored especially for each of the people your mentor has gotten in touch with. ○ Then, when you submit your work, you should suggest these individuals as reviewers. ● Top Tip #17 Preparing For After The Presentation ○ Important actions must still be taken after the presentation in order to maximize the process. ○ To start, seek criticism so you can improve your subsequent presentation. ○ Consider which elements of the poster you may utilize for other purposes as well. ○ Exporting a graph or figure for use in upcoming presentations is frequently beneficial. ○ The secret is to "double-dip" and make the most of everything. ○ In order to make the absolute most of the networking chances you get, you should also follow up with anyone who requested additional details or enquired about potential partnerships. ○ Everything appears conceivable during the meeting's excitement, but it is simple to lose that energy once you get home. ○ The most crucial step, and perhaps the last, is to prepare your work for publication. ○ Although papers are the real money of academia, posters nevertheless have a place. ○ Unfortunately, only a small portion of abstracts are actually published. ○ Some of the reasons why a lot of researchers who present their work at conferences don't publish their work include the following - ■ the lack of time, ■ the study still being in progress, ■ the fact that the publishing was someone else's duty, ■ problems working with co-authors, and ■ a low priority.
  • 18. ○ Oral presentation (as opposed to a poster), statistical analysis, the number of authors, and university affiliation have all been demonstrated to boost the likelihood of an abstract being published. ○ The average time to publication is about twenty months. Tips In A Nutshell ● Picking The Most Appropriate Conference To Submit Your Abstract To ○ Will the audience be intrigued? ○ Does my project or case mesh with the meeting's topic? If so, what is it? ○ Has my mentor participated in the meeting or given a presentation there? What is his/her advice? ○ In what areas will the knowledge be most useful? ■ Which event will offer the most chances for networking and teamwork? Which event will assist me in developing my career the most? ■ Will my study be finished well before the deadline for abstract submission for the conference? On the other hand, would the abstract submission deadline function as a motivator to advance my research? ● Making Full Use Of All The Resources At Your Disposal ○ Examine the accepted abstracts from the previous year. ○ Get opinions on your abstract and poster from people who were not the main participants in the project, ideally from persons who have presented at the meeting you are submitting to. ○ To avoid having to create your template from scratch, check to see whether your institution has a needed poster template or ask a colleague for an electronic copy of his or her poster. ○ Have your mentor get in touch with key figures in the industry and invite them to see your poster before it is presented. ○ Have questions ready and be aware of who and when they are. ○ When submitting your manuscript, suggest these individuals as reviewers. ● Carefully Considering All The Possible Talking Points For Your Presentation
  • 19. ○ Have you got any inquiries? ○ Do you find any problems with my techniques? ○ Are my conclusions logical? ○ Ask specific queries to the contacts made by your mentor after the presentation. ● Subsequent To The Presentation ○ Get in touch with anyone who sought more details or has shown an interest in working together with you. ○ Whenever possible, double-dip by including graphs and figures in speeches and other presentations. Any given discipline as a whole and the researcher in particular benefit from writing abstracts and presenting either posters or entire papers at conferences. Critical talents are developed during this process, and countless opportunities are created. In conclusion, submitting an abstract for a conference can be quite a daunting undertaking, but by adhering to these top tips, you can increase your chances of having your abstract accepted. Remember to keep your abstract concise and clear, make sure it aligns with the conference theme, and make sure to proofread your abstract thoroughly for spelling and grammar faux pas. Additionally, don't be afraid to seek feedback from colleagues or professionals in your field. With a well-written and thoughtfully crafted abstract, you'll be on your way to presenting your research or work at a prestigious conference.