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Biblical, Legal, and Logical
Reasoning for supporting ALL
life in the womb and being
against ALL forms of abortion
•Abortion:The deliberate termination of a
human pregnancy (murder)
Christians are for
the well-being
and prosperity of
ALL people
throughout their
journey of life
(from womb to
•Abortion is a serious sin, but that is why Jesus died on
the Cross – so that we could be forgiven of our sins and
brought into a relationship with the living God through
faith and repentance.
•63 MILLION+ babies have been murdered
sin RoeV.Wade was passed in 1973
Abortion Facts
• 862,320 abortions were committed in the U.S. in
• As of 2016, there are 186 abortions per 1,000 live
births (about 1 in 5). This means for every five
people, there is one missing because of abortion.
• Approximately 1/4 of American women have had an
abortion by age 45.
•An average of 3000+
abortions per day in the
USA since 1973 (that is a
September 11th EVERY
•20% of pregnancies
(excluding miscarriages)
end in abortion in the USA
•An average of around
1,000,000 babies have
been killed every year
since RoeV.Wade.
Abortion in Oklahoma
•5 Abortion facilities in
Oklahoma (3 in OKC, 1 inTulsa,
1 in Norman)
•15-20 babies murdered every
•5,000 every year
•225,000 since 1973
Church History
Church History
•Christians throughout church history have
affirmed with a united voice the humanity of the
pre-born child.
Church History
•The 2nd century Epistle of Barnabas
speaks of “killers of the child, who
abort the mold of God.”
•Also, “You shall love your neighbor
more than your own life.You shall not
slay a child by abortion.You shall not
kill that which has already been
Church History
• The Didache (2nd Century) states, “Do not murder a
child by abortion or kill a newborn infant.”
• Defending Christians before Marcus Aurelius in AD
177, Athenagoras argued, “What reason would we
have to commit murder when we say that women
who induce abortions murderers, and will have to
give account of it to God? …The fetus in the womb is
a living being and therefore the object of God’s care.”
Church History
•Tertullian (155-240) said, “It does not matter whether
you take away a life that is born, or destroy one that is
coming to birth. In both instances, destruction is
•Basil the Great (330-379) affirmed, “Those who give
abortifacients (drug to induce abortion) for the
destruction of a child conceived in the womb are
murderers themselves, along with those receiving the
Church History
•Jerome (347-420) called abortion,
“the murder of an unborn child.”
•Augustine (354-430) warned
against the terrible crime of “the
murder of an unborn child.”
Church History
•The early church’s opposition to the practice
was so universal and so staunch that many
believe it was responsible for purging
abortion from the Roman Empire.
“I've noticed that
everyone who is
for abortion has
already been
- Ronald Reagan
RoeV.Wade (1973)
•The Court ruled that abortion must be permitted for any
reason a woman chooses until the child becomes viable;
•After viability, an abortion must still be permitted if an
abortion doctor deems the abortion necessary to
protect a woman’s “health,” defined by the Court in
another ruling issued the same day as “all factors—
physical, emotional, psychological, familial, and the
woman’s age—relevant to the well-being of the patient.”
•Supreme Court CANNOT make law! (They interpret law)
•Also, the RoeV.Wade decision was unconstitutional.
(The Constitution protects life)!
•Supreme Court once ruled that slaves were private
property and had no rights.
•At that time would we have been the type of Christians
who said, “Well the Supreme Court has given their
decision, so we just have to let slavery continue.” OR
would we continue to fight for its abolishment.
•The people have delegated all authority to make laws in
accordance with the Constitution to the legislature.
(Article 1 Section 1)
•The judiciary has no authority to make laws. It is,
however, given power to examine the application of the
laws made by the legislature. (Article 3, Section 2)
• “You seem… to consider the judges as the ultimate arbiters
of all constitutional questions: a very dangerous doctrine
indeed and one which would place us under the despotism
of an Oligarchy. our judges are as honest as other men, and
not more so… and their power is the more dangerous as
they are in office for life, and not responsible, as the other
functionaries are, to the elective control. the constitution
has erected no such single tribunal knowing that, to
whatever hands confided, with the corruptions of time &
party it’s members would become despots.”
– Thomas Jefferson to William Jarvis, September 28, 1820
• “At the establishment of our constitutions, the judiciary bodies
were supposed to be the most helpless and harmless members of
the government. experience however soon shewed in what way
they were to become the most dangerous: that the insufficiency
of the means provided for their removal gave them a freehold
and irresponsibility in office; that their decisions, seeming to
concern individual suitors only, pass silent and unheeded by the
public at large; that these decisions nevertheless become law by
precedent, sapping by little and little the foundations of the
Constitution, and working it’s change by construction, before
any one has perceived that this invisible and helpless worm has
been busily employed in consuming it’s substance. in truth, man
is not made to be trusted for life, if secured against all liability to
account.” – Thomas Jefferson to A. Coray, October 31, 1823
Questions of Law
• Dating back to British common law, the historical foundation of American
law, abortion was illegal after “quickening”, when the mother could feel the
baby begin to move.
• As early as 1871 the American Medical Association condemned abortion
as “wholesale destruction of unborn infants.”
• By 1900, abortion was illegal throughout the United States through all nine
months of pregnancy.
• Throughout the 19th and 20th centuries, individual states regulated
abortion, with penalties typically imposed on the abortionists.
• In the 1960’s, in the midst of the Sexual Revolution and more widespread
use of contraception, some sociologists and legal scholars proposed that
abortion laws be liberalized to allow exceptions for rape, incest and other
reasons never before considered to justify abortion.
WhoWas Jane Roe?
• The real name of the woman anonymously named “Jane Roe” in Roe v.
Wade is Norma McCorvey. In her lawsuit, she claimed to have become
pregnant as the result of rape and argued that she should therefore be allowed
to have an abortion, despite the laws against abortion in her home state of
Texas. She gave birth to the child and placed her for adoption before the 1973
ruling legalized abortion. McCorvey worked in the pro-choice movement and
for an abortion clinic for several years thereafter.
• McCorvey has admitted to the many fabrications in the Roe v. Wade case,
including her claim to have been raped, and eventually became an outspoken
advocate for the pre-born.
• In 2005 she asked the United States Supreme Court to overturn Roe v.
Wade on the basis of new evidence showing that abortion hurts women.
Criminalize Abortion
•If abortion is murder, it ought to be treated as such.
•Pro-life bills are committed to a strategy of giving automatic
immunity to the parents who have their child murdered in all
•This means that a woman who aborts her baby at her home
through a pill or a pimp who forces a young girl to get an
abortion are not guilty. It becomes a crime without a
punishment. That is unjust.
•Criminalize Abortion
•Godly laws restrain sin
Criminalize Abortion
•We demand justice through equal protection of the
law for all image bearers of God.
•The doctor, aborting mother, driver to the death
chamber, and consenting husband / boyfriend are
all involved in murdering the child.
•Rather than making political calculations,
abolitionists simply proclaim the truth that abortion
is murder and must be abolished without shying
away from any of the perceived consequences of
that position.
The parental exemption to abortion prosecution is
fundamentally unjust and unloving toward unborn children,
abortion-minded parents, and the culture as a whole.
Providing automatic immunity in all cases to mothers and fathers who
have their children murdered literally means that do-it-yourself
abortions are legal.
• The abortion industry is quickly moving toward DIY abortions
meaning that the real accomplishment of pro-life regulations is
expediting the evolution of the abortion industry toward earlier,
self-induced abortions.
• That evolution is happening fast. Mail-order abortion pill services
have been operating in countries where abortion is illegal for years.
• Pro-life laws should be rejected because they legalize self-induced
The parental exemption to abortion prosecution is
fundamentally unjust and unloving toward unborn
children, abortion-minded parents, and the culture as a
•While some commit murder without ever even
considering keeping their baby, it’s a close call
for most. That call would no longer be a close
if homicide charges were added to one side of
the scale.
•The law is a deterrent to crime.
•Supreme Court decided murdering
babies was okay in 1973.
•The US Constitution directly goes
against abortion.
•More importantly, a greater
authority than the Supreme Court,
or even the Constitution opposes
all forms of abortion – King Jesus.
ProblemsWith RoeV. Wade
• First, and most importantly, the outcome of Roe is harmful and unjust. Why?
The facts of embryology show that the human embryo or fetus is a distinct
and living human organism at the earliest stages of development. "Human
development begins at fertilization when a sperm fuses with an egg to form
a single cell, a zygote.”
• Justice requires that the law protect the equal dignity and basic rights of
every member of the human family.
• This principle of human equality, affirmed in the Declaration of
Independence and the United Nations' Universal Declaration of Human
Rights, is the moral core of western civilization. But the Roe Court ruled, to
the contrary, that a particular class of innocent human beings (the unborn)
must be excluded from the protection of the law and allowed to be
dismembered and killed at the discretion of others.
ProblemsWith RoeV. Wade
•14th Amendment, Section 1. =
“…No State shall make or enforce any
law which shall abridge the privileges
or immunities of citizens of the United
States; nor shall any State deprive any
person of life, liberty, or property,
without due process of law; nor deny to
any person within its jurisdiction the
equal protection of the laws.”
Problems With RoeV.Wade
• The American people adopted the Fourteenth Amendment during an era in
which those same American people enacted numerous state laws with the
primary purpose of protecting unborn children from abortion. A century later,
Roe ruled that the Fourteenth Amendment somehow prevents Americans from
doing what the ratifiers of the Fourteenth Amendment actually did.
• "To reach its result," Justice William Rehnquist quipped in his dissenting
opinion, "the Court necessarily has had to find within the scope of the
Fourteenth Amendment a right that was apparently completely unknown to
the drafters of the Amendment."
• That's absurd! "The only conclusion possible from this history," Rehnquist
explained, "is that the drafters did not intend to have the Fourteenth
Amendment withdraw from the States the power to legislate with respect to this
Problems With RoeV.Wade
•Roe V. Wade legally sanctions the murder of unborn
•A Christian cannot simply accept this fallacious court
ruling, but must fight against it – that it be repealed
or overturned as soon as possible!
Ignore RoeV.Wade
•“If states can tell the Feds to pound sand
over pot they can tell the Feds to pound
sand when it comes to murdering
When the Supreme Court isWrong
1. Change the Court
2. Ignore the Court
Reasons to Ignore RoeV.Wade
•It goes against:
•TheWord of God
•The Declaration of Independence
•The United States Constitution
•The Constitution of the state of Oklahoma
Planned Parenthood vs. Casey (1992)
•For Roe = 1 (Republican appointee)
•Against Roe = 2 (1 Dem and 1 Rep
•Since Roe = 6 (ALL Republican appointees)
•And the pro-life SCOTUS still voted against
the unborn!
WhatTrusting the Supreme Court Looks Like
•We keep losing at the
Supreme Court with
abortion decisions.
•But with all of our efforts
of destroying Planned
Parenthood, how are they
LegalAbortion Restrictions
States Have Enacted
• Parental Notification: Parental notification statutes require written proof that one or both parents have
been notified of their daughter’s desire to have an abortion. Parental notification is required in 13 states.
• Parental Consent: Parental consent statutes require written proof that, not only have one or both parents
been notified, but also that one or both parents consent to their daughter’s decision. Twenty-four states
have parental consent laws.
• Waiting Periods: Waiting periods ranging from 1 to 24 hours before an abortion can be performed have
been enacted in 24 states.
• Informed Consent: While it is ethically and legally required for a doctor to explain a medical procedure
before performing it on a patient, this is not universally required for abortion. Seventeen states have laws
requiring a woman to be provided with some kind of information before an abortion is performed, ranging
from offering a woman an ultrasound and thoroughly explaining the procedure to merely making pamphlets
that explain the procedure available. (These laws are sometimes referred to as “Right to Know” laws.)
• Partial Birth Abortion Bans: In addition to a federal law banning partial birth abortion, 14 states have laws
prohibiting the practice that would remain in force if the federal law were ever repealed.
Is it Legal for Pro-Lifers to
Pray Outside an Abortion
•Pro-lifers have the same rights as all American
citizens under the First Amendment of the United
States Constitution to freedom of expression on the
public way.
•This includes the right to pray on a public sidewalk.
However, one is not permitted to block the sidewalk
in the process of exercising this right.
Is it Legal to Talk to Abortion-Bound
Women Outside Abortion Facilities?
• As long as one remains on public property and does
not block the public right-of-way, it is perfectly legal
to talk to a woman going into an abortion facility, to
her companion, or to anyone else.
• It is NOT permissible to go onto private property in
order to communicate, unless specifically invited
there by someone with the authority to make the
• The right to free speech is guaranteed by the First
Amendment of the U.S. Constitution, and does not
depend on the hearer’s permission or interest in
hearing the speech.
Components of an Abolition Bill
1. Abolition Bills Outlaw Abortion From Conception
2. Abolition Bills Do Not Include Any Exceptions For
3. Abolition Bills CriminalizeAbortion Itself And Establish
Equal Justice ForThe Preborn
4. Abolition Bills Do Not SubmitToThe Unconstitutional
Ruling From RoeV.Wade
5. Abolition Bills Repeal or Supersede All StatutesWhich
Allow For Abortion
• Pro-lifers must cease to make deals with Moloch, entreating
him to clean up his child sacrifice centers, widen their
hallways, or bring them closer to the places where wanted
babies are born.
• Pro-lifers must cease to stand before Pharaoh declaring
“Let… some of my people go.”
Parental Consent
•Minors do not need to have
parental consent in 13
states to have the medical
procedure of an abortion
• Alaska, California, Connecticut, Hawaii,
Maine, Nevada, New Jersey, New
Mexico, NewYork, Oregon,Vermont,
Washington, and Washington DC.
• Pink = Parental notification or consent
NOT required
• Light Gray = Parental notification law not
• Dark Gray = Parental consent law not
• Purple = One parent must be informed
• Light Blue = Both parents must be
informed beforehand
• Blue = One parent must consent
• Dark Blue = Both parents must consent
• Red = One parent must consent and be
informed beforehand
Life Begins at Conception
•When dealing with horses or hummingbirds or
any other organism, the accepted science is
that a new individual begins at fertilization.
•The same scientific facts apply to humans.
•Your DNA was separate from your mom’s and
dad’s at the moment of conception.
Life Begins at Conception
•There is no outside force or substance
that enters into the embryo at any point
to transform it from some other creature
into a human.
•The entire human being develops in a
seamless continuum from conception
Life Begins at Conception
•Is the pre-born entity growing?Yes.Therefore, it is
•Are both of its parent’s human?Yes.Then it must be
•Does a dog breeder or a horse breeder have any
doubt about when life begins for those animals? No,
because they no that the life of a horse begins as
soon as fertilization is achieved.
Life Begins at Conception
•You didn’t come FROM an embryo.
•You onceWERE an embryo.
Life Begins at Conception
•The science of embryology is clear.
•From the earliest stages of development, the
unborn are distinct, living, and whole human
•Therefore, every “successful” abortion ends the
life of a living human being.
Scriptural Support that Life Begins
at Conception
•Jeremiah 1:5 = before we were born we were
known by God
•Isaiah 44:2 = God formed us in the womb
•Psalm 139:13-16 = God saw our unformed body,
knit us together in our mother’s womb
•Luke 1:41 = John the Baptist leaped in his
mother’s womb for Jesus.
• First Trimester—From
conception to
approximately 12 weeks
• Second Trimester—
From approximately 13
through 26 weeks
• Third Trimester—From
approximately 27 weeks
gestation to birth
Unborn Babies Feel Pain
• Babies in the womb can feel pain as early as 12
weeks – possibly sooner
• (There have been reports that pre-born babies can
respond to touch as early as 8 weeks!)
• Pain receptors are present throughout the fetus’
entire body by no later than 16 weeks after
fertilization, and nerves link these receptors to
the brain’s thalamus and subcortical plate by no
later than 20 weeks.
• Scientifically proven that by 20 weeks, babies
react to painful stimuli by jerking, recoiling and
Baby in theWomb
•At around 3 to 4 weeks the child has a heartbeat
•At 6 weeks, the child’s eyes and eye lids, nose,
mouth, and tongue have formed
•At 6 weeks brain activity can be detected
•At 8 weeks the child has developed all his organs
•By 10 weeks the child can make bodily movement
Babies Are Surviving andThriving at
Younger andYounger Ages
• Survival of extremely pre-term infants has increased significantly as
doctors realize advantages of active care for such young patients.
Ages of survival have dropped from 28 weeks to 24 weeks and now
less than 22 weeks.
• A study found that if extremely pre-term babies were routinely given
care, as many as 53% of those born at 22 weeks’ gestation survived,
compared to only 8% if active care was not given, challenging
physician attitudes on survival as well as thoughts about the age limit
of viability.
• 60% of infants born at 22 weeks who receive active hospital treatment
will survive.
Stages of Development
• Zygote (fertilized egg) — A single-celled human
being from fertilization until the first cell division,
around two weeks later
• Embryo—From the time of the first cell division until
approximately the eighth week of life
•Human – The entire time!
InVitro Fertilization (IVF)
• In vitro fertilization is the process of fertilization by
extracting eggs, retrieving a sperm sample, and
then manually combining an egg and sperm in a
laboratory dish. The embryo(s) are then transferred
to the uterus.
• IVF usually entails the creation of multiple human
embryos to ensure a greater chance of successful
implantation. These human embryos are then
screened for genetic disorders, handicaps, and
sometimes they are even screened for gender.
• The “undesirable” embryos are discarded. Normally,
an IVF practitioner transfers around four of the
selected embryos into a woman’s uterus.
• If more than one (or two) successfully implant, a
physician will selectively abort (kill) the remaining
Stem Cells
•Stem cells are fast-growing, unspecialized cells that can
reproduce themselves and grow new organs for the
•All 210 different types of human tissue originate from
these primitive cells.
Embryonic Stem Cell Research
•Embryonic Stem Cell Research creates extra
zygotes for research or to be thrown down the
drain if they are not used for a woman’s
•Embryonic stem cell research is not necessary!
•Adult stem cell research often produces better
Stem Cell Research
•Adult stem cell research has resulted in the treatment of
80+ diseases, while embryonic stem cell research has
resulted in nothing but the death of those very young
•Research that destroys one human being so that
another may benefit is wrong.
• We can pursue the treatment of disease in morally
acceptable ways.
Stem Cells
• Human Embryonic Stem Cell Research (hESC)
is ethically wrong because it destroys human
persons at the embryonic stage of development.
• Adult Stem Cell Research is ethically justifiable
because it does NOT end lives.
Types of
Types of Abortion
• IUD (intrauterine device) - Its primary
function is to create an unstable
environment for the FERTILIZED egg to
implant in the uterine wall. It depletes
the endometrial lining, making it
incapable of supporting the life of the
• Chemical abortion (RU-486, abortion
pills, “morning after” pills) – prevents
the baby from receiving the nourishment
it needs to survive.
The Abortion Pill Can Be Reversed!
• Abortion Pill regimen consists of taking 2 pills 1-2 days apart.
• The first pill is a drug called Mifeprex.
• Mifeprex blocks a hormone called Progesterone and kills the baby by starving
him or her of nutrients.
• Even after a woman takes Mifeprex it is possible for her to reverse its
effects and rescue the baby if Progesterone (via shot) is administered soon
• If the woman continues with the abortion procedure she will administer
Misoprostol pills which lead to heavy bleeding that help her expel the dead
baby from her uterus.
• After the child is expelled she will be responsible for disposing of her dead baby
on her own – usually by flushing the baby down the toilet.
Abortion Pill Facts
•Abortion Pills are now being accessed online. So if many pro-life
people get their way (and only want to criminalize the abortion
doctor) then killing a baby via a pill at home is not deserving of
punishment for anyone!
•Abortion Pill has become more popular in recent years (especially
with the closings of many abortion facilities). As of 2017 nearly
40% of all abortions were through the abortion pill.
•How long does the bleeding last?
•Average 9-16 days
•8% (1 in 12) more than 30 days
•1% (1 in 100) require intervention
Types of Abortion
• Saline abortion - the baby is injected with a salt
poison that burns his or her body from the inside
out over a grueling three-day period before inducing
miscarriage, at which time the baby is sometimes
still alive and suffering.
• D&C abortion (Dilation and Curettage) - the
preborn child is literally sliced into pieces by a
• D&E abortion (Dilation and
Evacuation) - the abortionist
cuts off the arms and legs and
severs the head with forceps,
before removing the body parts
from the uterus
• Suction abortion - the tiny
preborn child is torn limb from
limb by a high-powered vacuum
nearly 30 times as strong as a
home vacuum.
Types of Abortion
Type of Abortion
•Partial birth abortion (D&X) - a late-
term abortion where the baby forcibly
delivered feet first in order to stab the
child in the neck before delivery
•Post-birth abortion – the baby is
delivered and then the mother / doctor
decide to kill the already-born child
Biblical Basis For
Being Pro-Life
Biblical Reasoning
•A pro-life position can be argued
in various ways: biological, legal,
logical, etc.
•But never automatically give up
the high ground of God’sWord
•Don’t be afraid to quote Bible
verses, or speak about humans
being “made in the image of
God,” or that abortion is “SIN”
Pro-Life BibleVerses
•Genesis 1:27 = all people are created in the image of God…
and are of infinite worth because of that
•Genesis 9:6 =Whoever sheds the blood of man, by man shall
his blood be shed, for God made man in his own image.
•Exodus 20:13 = “You shall not murder” (Sixth
•Exodus 21:22-25 = the Bible considers life in the womb as
real as life outside the womb
Pro-Life BibleVerses
•Deuteronomy 27:25 = “Cursed is the man who
accepts a bribe to kill an innocent person”
•Proverbs 6:16-17 = “There are six things that
the LORD hates, seven that are an abomination to
him: haughty eyes, a lying tongue, AND HANDS
•Proverbs 24:11 = Rescue those who are being taken
away to death; hold back those who are stumbling
to the slaughter.
Pro-Life Bible
•Proverbs 31:8 = “Speak up for those who cannot speak
for themselves”
•Jeremiah 7:6 = “shed not innocent blood”
•Ezekiel 33:11 = “Say to them, 'As surely as I live, declares
the Sovereign LORD, I take no pleasure in the death of
the wicked.”
• If God finds no pleasure in the death of the wicked, then what
do you think He finds in the death of the pre-born?
Pro-Life Bible Stories
•Exodus 1:8-22 =The Hebrew Midwives saving the lives
of the baby boys
•Matthew 2:16 = Herod calling for the death of all baby
•Leviticus 18:21, Jeremiah 7:31, Ezekiel 16:21 = God
condemns the practice of child sacrifice
•“They have built the high places of Baal to burn their children in
the fire as offerings to Baal--something I did not command or
mention, nor did it enter my mind!”
God is Active in the
Creation of
Human Beings
•Births to Sarah = Genesis 17:15-22
•Births to Leah and Rachel = Genesis 30:1-24
•Birth to Ruth = Ruth 4:13-17
•Birth to Hannah = 1 Samuel 1:19-20
•Birth to Elizabeth = Luke 1:24-25, 39-44
•John 1:14 – “And theWord became
flesh and dwelt among us.”
•When did theWord (Jesus) become
•It is basic Christian doctrine that
Christ became flesh at the moment
the Holy Spirit overshadowed Mary,
at the moment of fertilization.
•Jesus became human at the
same point as all other humans
– at conception.
•Scripture says that Mary “was
found to be with child through
the Holy Spirit. (Matthew 1:18)
•“The baby (Jesus) leaped for
joy inside me.” (Luke 2:44)
Biblical Evidence for theValue of Every Person
(Jesus Died for ALL People)
• Isaiah 53:6 - All we like sheep have gone astray; we have
turned—every one—to his own way; and the LORD has
laid on him the iniquity of us ALL.
• John 3:16 - For God so loved the WORLD, that he gave
his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him
should not perish, but have everlasting life.
• Romans 5:6 - For while we were still helpless, at the right
Biblical Evidence for theValue of Every Person
(Jesus Died for ALL People)
• 1 Timothy 2:6 (a) – who gave Himself as a ransom for
• Hebrews 2:9 - But we do see Jesus, who was made
lower than the angels for a little while, now crowned with
glory and honor because he suffered death, so that by the
grace of God he might TASTE DEATH FOR EVERYONE.
• 1John 2:2 - He is the propitiation for our sins, and not for
ours only but also FOR THE SINS OF THE WORLD
What the Bible Says
•Each individual has been personally created by God
(Malachi 2:10).
•All people, male and female, are created in the image
of God (Genesis 1:27; James 3:9).
•Personhood is never measured by external categories
(Exodus 4:11).
Biblical Reasoning
•Being biblical means relying on God’s words
rather than worldly tactics and strategies.
•Rather than playing a game of political football,
we proclaim God’s Word to the people and to
the political leaders.
Biblical Reasoning
•That means we don’t do things like “test the winds”
to see whether the people support moving from a
ban of abortion at 28 weeks to a ban at 24 weeks
at this particular moment in time.
•We simply proclaim the truth that abortion is
murder and that justice demands it be abolished
• The duty to make such proclamations is ours, and
the results belong to God.
Biblical Reasoning
• This duty, as all moral obligations, is grounded in God’s revealed
• Proverbs 24 tells us to rescue those being led to slaughter.
• In Isaiah 10, God warns the Hebrew leaders, “Woe to those who
decree iniquitous decrees.”
• As for how to rescue those lead to slaughter, pro-life incrementalists
are content to compromise in an attempt to save some babies, but
these compromises are the definition of iniquitous decrees.
• They all allow for abortion as long as the baby is young enough.
Biblical Reasoning
• Romans 3:8 rebukes those who would
do evil that good may come, which is
literally the strategy of the pro-life
• Abolitionists take God’s Word seriously
and never write laws which make the
fatherless prey and there’s no one
more fatherless than the child
conceived in rape.
Biblical Reasoning
•Among many other verses, Acts 5:29 teaches us
that when presented with the choice between
obeying God or obeying man, we obey God.
•So when the Supreme Court orders our state to
allow the mass murder of preborn children, we
boldly bring the Gospel into conflict with the court’s
rebellion against God.
God Hates the Shedding of
Innocent Blood
•Genesis 4:10
•Leviticus 20:1-5
•Deuteronomy 19:10
•2 Kings 24:2-4
•Psalm 72:12-14
•Proverbs 6:16-19
God Has a Special
Love for Children
• Matthew 18:10 = “See to it that you don’t despise one
of these little ones, because I tell you that in heaven
their angels continually view the face of my Father in
• Luke 18:16 = “Jesus, however, invited them: “Let the
little children come to me, and don’t stop them,
because the kingdom of God belongs to such as these.”
• Psalm 127:3 = “Children are indeed a heritage from
the LORD, offspring, a reward.”
• Matthew 18:14 = “In the same way, it is not the will of
your Father in heaven that one of these little ones
Do Humans HaveValue?
•Our value does not come from the government.
•Our value does not come in what we can do, or in
where we live.
•Our value comes from who we are!
•Every person is:
•Made in the image of God
•A soul that Jesus died for
•Has a life worth living
SaveYourself For Marriage
•The vast majority of abortions
come from unmarried women
•There is a direct correlation
between sexual promiscuity
and abortion
•The culture that pushes for
people to have unmarried sex
also pushes for abortion
Abortion – Child Sacrifice
•Pagan cultures used to offer
a child sacrifice to receive a
•That is essentially the same
reason that most people
have abortions today – have
more money, ease of living,
more free time, etc.
Abortion –
Child Sacrifice
•“Say to the Israelites: Any
Israelite or alien residing in
Israel who gives any of his
children to Molech must be
put to death.” – Leviticus 20:2
•“Abortion is nothing less
than a blood sacrifice to
Satan.” – Adrian Rogers
Abortion – Child Sacrifice
•Psalm 106:37-38 =They sacrificed their sons
and daughters to demons.They shed
innocent blood — the blood of their sons and
daughters whom they sacrificed to the idols
of Canaan; so the land became polluted with
Pro-Life Issues
Logical Conclusion
•The taking of an innocent life is always wrong.
•Abortion is the taking of an innocent life.
•Therefore, abortion is always wrong.
Pro-Life Acronym Argument
•S – Size
•L – Level of development
•E – Environment
•D - Dependency
•Size does not mean that a baby
in the womb deserves less
•Does Shaq deserve more rights
than any of us just because he is
bigger? Of course not
Level of Development
•14 year olds are more
developed than 4 year old
children. Does that make
them more human? No.
•Are people with mental
retardation less human than
other people because they
are less developed mentally?
• Self-awareness does not
make a person human. If
that was the case a
newborn baby, people who
are sleeping, those in a
coma, and those with
Alzheimer’s would all be
said to not be a person
•Merely changing locations does not make a person more
or less a person
•WHERE you are does not changeWHO you are!
•Being in the street vs. being in the house doesn’t make
you less human.
•An 8 inch journey down the birth canal does not suddenly
change the essential personhood of every unborn child
•If level of dependency makes us less human then insulin
or kidney medication would make someone less human
•A one year old is completely dependent upon her mom
or dad to provide for her – that does not mean she is not
•We are all dependent on food, water, and oxygen to
•The lesson is that ANY
definition of personhood
NOT connected to simply
being human is subjective
and arbitrary!
Abraham Lincoln, July 1, 1854
“You say A. is white, and B. is black. It is color,
then; the lighter, having the right to enslave the darker?
Take care. By this rule, you are to be slave to the first
man you meet, with a fairer skin than your own.
You do not mean color exactly?--You mean the
whites are intellectually the superiors of the blacks, and,
therefore have the right to enslave them?Take care
again. By this rule, you are to be slave to the first man
you meet, with an intellect superior to your own.
But, say you, it is a question of interest; and, if you
can make it your interest, you have the right to enslave
another.Very well. And if he can make it his interest, he
has the right to enslave you.”
Extreme Cases
•Some people are so extreme that they may concede the
point that it is a baby, but they still believe the woman has
a right to abort the baby because the woman has absolute
freedom over her body
•If you were to ask a pro-choice person if a pregnant
woman should be allowed to drink alcohol, do drugs, etc.
while pregnant they will either say:
•Yes – and show that the child is of no significance (even
if it is born) and the only thing that matters is the
woman’s happiness
•No – shows a double standard that you do not care if
the child dies, but you do care if it has a possibility of
being harmed.
Discriminatory Practices
•Can a mother choose an abortion
because of some kind of deformity?
•What about based off of color?
•What about based off of gender?
•If they are just a bunch of cells then
why couldn’t a person discriminate
and kill female babies?
Animal Rights… and Wrongs
•Animal rights activists say they want
to elevate animal rights to the same
level as human rights.
•They say some animals (dogs, cats,
chimps, dolphins, etc.) should have
MORE rights than some humans (pre-
born babies)
•So instead of just having a high view of
animals it has a very low view of
human life
for Abortion
Rape or Incest
•Rape (0.3%) and Incest (0.02%) are extremely rare reasons for
why women say they get their abortion.
•The question “What about in the case of rape or incest?” is
typically going to come up quickly when discussing abortion
with somebody.
Rape or Incest
•Almost always the people who ask this question do not
believe that abortion should only be legal in cases of rape or
incest – they want abortion for a whole host of reasons (or no
reason at all).
•Rape and incest is a way to make an emotional appeal, when
really most pro-choice people do not limit the “right to
choose” only to these rare cases.
•Exploiting the tragedy of rape victims is intellectually
Rape or Incest
•Two wrongs don’t make a right.
•Don’t punish the child for the crimes of the father
•Abortion does not erase the trauma of rape. It is
an additional trauma for the woman.
•Those unborn children are still image bearers of
God, and must be protected!
Life of the Mother is in Danger
•Only 0.2% of women said the reason
for their abortion was due to their life
being in danger.
•You can try to save the mother first,
but that is different than choosing to
kill one in order to save the other
Life of the Mother is in Danger
•An early delivery of a premature child that results
in death is different than the purposeful murder of
an unborn child.
•So you are trying to save the mother’s life, and in
that effort the baby oftentimes dies (that is an
unintended consequence)
•It is NEVER medically necessary to kill the child in
order to save the life of the mother
“My body, my choice.”
“My body, my choice.”
•Unborn has its chromosomal make-up that is
distinct from the mother or father
•An unborn boy is distinct from the mother. A
woman has female reproductive organs, the baby
boy has its own reproductive organs.
•The blood from the baby and the blood from the
mom don’t mix.
The Unborn is a LIVING Being
1. Anything that reacts to stimuli is living
2. Anything that metabolizes (which is just
converting food into energy) is living
3. Anything that has cellular reproduction /
growth is living
“Don’t force your view on others!”
•Aren’t you forcing your view on me
right now?
•Aren’t you saying that it isWRONG for
me to believe that abortion should be
•Would a person say to not force your
view on others when it comes to rape,
or child sex trafficking?Of course not.
So we shouldn’t let that excuse fly for
abortion either.
“Pro Choice is
•Over Half of all abortions are
done against baby girls
•Abortion is not pro-woman
•What about the choice of the
baby girl being aborted?
“Women should have
the right to choose.”
•Women have the right to choose
all kinds of things – their
boyfriend/husband, college or no
college, where to live, what job
to have, etc. etc.
•Women do not have the right to
choose to murder their child.
•Your rights end where another
person’s rights begin.
“Don’t like abortion,
then don’t get one.”
•“Don’t like slavery, then don’t own a slave.”
•“Don’t like child abuse, then don’t abuse a child.”
•“Don’t like sex trafficking, then don’t participate.”
•“Don’t like [human rights violation], then don’t [human rights
violation] and mind your own business while I [human rights
•If something is objectively wrong, it is immoral to say that it is
wrong for one person but not condemn it outright.
“Don’t like abortion,
then don’t get one.”
•Morality issues are not merely matters of opinion.
•If all moral claims are only a matter of opinion
then you can’t tell me that ANY moral claim is
wrong because it is only your opinion!
•It may not be fun or expected, but a human
life is worth more than convenience
“I will stay silent on this issue.”
•“Neutrality always helps the oppressor,
never the victim.”
“A Fetus is NOT a person.”
•The Latin word “fetus” means “offspring,” “baby,” or
“little one”
•A “fetus” should have all of the rights of a born child.
•“A rose by any other name would smell as sweet.”
•A baby by any other name is still a baby.
•Referring to the unborn child as a “fetus” allows us to
not use the B-word (baby). (because that reminds
others that they are killing a person).
•Legality does NOT equal morality
•Aborting your own child = legal
•Punching a pregnant woman that
results in the death of the baby =
•So it is murder when the woman
wants it to be a baby, but it is just a
blob of cells when she does not want
it to be a baby!
• Actress Sarah Silverman has argued
that since “abortion is legal” in
America, “it would be insane not to
use fetal tissue for science and
• Conservative critic Ben Shapiro
responded that “since gas chambers
were legal in Nazi Germany, it would
have been insane not to use human
skin for lamp shades.”
• Between 1972 (the year before Roe v. Wade legalized abortion
throughout the United States) and 1979, the nation’s abortion rate
skyrocketed. But when Poland made abortion illegal in 1993, its
abortion rate plummeted.
• The law is a powerful teacher, influencing people’s attitudes towards
right and wrong. We cannot assume that if abortion were made illegal,
the abortion rate would remain steady, with similar numbers of women
seeking illegal abortions. The evidence above suggests the contrary.
• Those who wish to make abortion rare must seek to make it illegal.
That would not end all abortions, but it would dramatically reduce the
nation’s abortion rate.
“You should stop focusing on abortion…
aren’t there more important things for
Christians to be concerned with?”
•Christians are concerned with all sin – not least of which is the
murder of babies
•The reason Christians “focus” on abortion (and homosexuality)
is not because we randomly decided those would become
important topics, but because the culture around us embraces
it – not even as a neutral act – but a GOOD thing – an act of
female empowerment
•Isaiah 5:20 = “Woe to those who call evil good, and good evil.”
“Nobody KnowsWhen Life Begins”
•Many people do not believe that life begins at conception
(although the Bible and our DNA shows that it does), but if
they are uncertain when life begins then why risk it?
•If you saw some clothes in the road and you thought that there
might be a huddled up person in the middle of the road then
you will drive around it (and not over it) just to be safe.
•Those who are not sure when life begins should err on the side
of caution
“I’m personally pro-life, but…”
•Do you care for unborn children or not?
•What if somebody said, “I personally am against the
Holocaust, but I don’t want to take away the rights of
those who want to kill Jews”
That doesn’t look like a baby/person
• The preborn baby looks exactly like a human in that stage of embryonic
• Looks do not determine whether someone is a person or not.
• Many people have physical deformities that cause them to look less
typical than most people we are used to seeing – that does NOT mean
they are any less a person than anyone else!
12 weeks
8 weeks
“Planned Parenthood Does MoreThan
Just Abortions”
•Just because Planned Parenthood does other
things besides abortion doesn’t matter if they are
killing babies.
•“Aschwitz served a tasty tomato soup…”
Bad quality of life for the child
•Anybody could have a bad quality of life.
•Many toddlers, teenagers, and adults have a
tough quality of life. Does that mean we
should be able to kill them?
The baby will die as soon as it is born /
The baby will have a birth defect
•You don’t know that
•Doctors make mistakes
•Leave the results up to God
•Children with special needs are a blessing from God
•If the child is going to die then the mother should do
all she can to keep the baby as safe as she can, while
she can
The baby will die as soon as it is born /
The baby will have a birth defect
• Through an ultrasound, Marshall and Susan’s son
Toby was diagnosed withTrisomy 13, which
meant he would not survive long outside the
womb. Asked if they wanted to abort, Susan
• “We believe God is the giver and taker of life. If
the only opportunity I have to know this child is in
my womb, I don’t want to cut that time short. If
the only world he is to know is the womb, I want
that world to be as safe as I can make it.”
“What are you doing for the kids
already born?”
•It is possible to point out an injustice even when you do
not provide the solution.
•Pro-Lifers, as a whole, do a lot for the unborn and
struggling mothers (adoption services, orphanages,
•Even if pro-lifers, as a whole, did NOTHING, that
would still NOT make the murder of an unborn child
“What are you doing for the kids
already born?”
•This question tries to shift the discussion from the
morality of abortion to whether one has a
“solution” to the problem of “excessive children
already born”
•But this clever move has NOTHING to do with
whether or not abortion results in the death of
human beings who have a full right to life or
whether or not abortion is immoral.
“Pre-born baby is just a parasite”
• A parasite is an organism of a different species which
invades the host.The pre-born baby, on the other
hand, is a new human being invited (created) by the
host via having sex.
•The fetus and its relation to its mother is by
nature/biology NOT parasitic.
•No “parasite” is the biological offspring of their “host”
•Pregnancy grants the mother health benefits (a
parasite never provides health benefits to its host)
“Consent to sex is not consent to
•Consent to sex (whether condoms or other forms of
contraception are used or not) involves consent to risking
the outcome, which is to take the risk of pregnancy.
•Saying no to the deliberately risked outcome (we KNOW
contraception isn’t 100% foolproof) is like gambling at Las
Vegas and demanding one’s money back after losing it.
•Taking a risk entails taking responsibility for that risk.
Not a person until _________
•Not a person until 3 months old – no data to
confirm that… in fact, quite the opposite
•Any definition of “personhood” NOT
connected to simply being human is
subjective and arbitrary!
Human but not a Person
•Every time in human history that those in power say
are not “persons” has resulted in horrible tragedies
•Each bioethicist proposes a different list of the
capacities needed to qualify as a person based on
what they value most – very subjective!
•If you are a member of the human race then you have
dignity and worth.
•Once pro-choicers lost the scientific battle they
changed to a philosophical battle (personhood
The Unborn is a HUMAN Being
•It’s not a dolphin, or panda… it’s a human.
•Has it’s own human DNA
•Boy or Girl – Not Human or Giraffe.
•People have to explain how human parents can
produce non-human offspring, that becomes
Men Should Stay Quiet!!
•Would a person say you shouldn’t speak against
the Holocaust unless you were Jewish? Or unless
you were a Nazi?
•Would a person say you can’t speak against rape
unless you have been a victim of rape?
•Being a man means protecting women.
•Being a man means protecting the vulnerable.
Men Should Stay Quiet!!
•If only people who can get pregnant are allowed
to talk about abortion then what about women
who are unable to get pregnant due to a medical
condition or their age?
Men Should Stay Quiet!!
•“Why are you assuming my gender ‘Mr. Progressive’?”
•If men can’t speak on abortion then lets reverse the Roe
V.Wade decision, as there were 9 men who made it.
•What they really mean is: “Men should stay quiet on the
topic of abortion… unless they agree with us…”
Men Should Stay Quiet!!
•Abortion is a human issue, not a gender issue.
•The arguments against abortion are just as valid if
given by an Asian man as they would be if given by a
Native American woman.
•The point is not the gender of the person, but
whether the arguments presented are accurate.
•To believe otherwise is sexism!
WomenWill Die if Abortion
Becomes Illegal
•A)Two wrongs don’t make a right
•B) Every abortion harms the woman and kills the child
•C) Some women will choose an illegal abortion, but the
VAST MAJORITY will choose life because of the law
•D)Women aren’t forced to have illegal abortions; they
choose to have them.
WomenWill Die if Abortion
Becomes Illegal
• E)Women currently die in abortion clinics every year from abortion
• F) Because people currently die from drinking and driving car accidents
does that mean that for the safety of all involved we should make
drinking and driving legal? Of course not!
• G)The law of the land has a power to help mold the thought and
action of the people in a clear way.
• H) Even if outlawing abortion changed the number of abortions by
zero (which would not be the case) – it would still be better for America
to not have such an evil action be legalized in our land.
They Say, “KeepYour Beliefs in the Church.”
• Pro-Choicer: “By stating your Christian
worldview you are imposing your beliefs on
• Pro-Life Response: “By stating your
humanistic worldview aren’t you imposing
your beliefs on others?”
• Everybody has a worldview.
• Every law comes from a worldview.
• The question we should be asking is not,
whether we should have a worldview, but
Hard Circumstances
•Health Problems for the
•Age of the Mother
•No Support to raise the child
Abortion is Oftentimes used to
Cover Up Crime
“You just need to love these women, and
stop condemning them.”
•I want all people to be saved.
•It is unloving to let sin be practiced and praised
without speaking against it.
•Sin must be exposed as wrong.
•If you see a person about to ruin their own life or
somebody else’s because of a sinful choice then you
should feel compelled to warn them and call them to
The Burning Research Lab
•This argument is used to justify destroying embryos for
medical research
•It goes like this: Suppose a research lab is on fire.Whom should
you save – a jar full of hundreds of frozen embryos or a two-
year old girl?
•This argument is banking that our moral intuitions will drive us
to choose the toddler, thus proving we don’t really think the
embryo is human after all.
The Burning Research Lab
• This objection fails for two main reasons:
• 1) How does choosing to save one human being over another
prove the one left behind is not human?
• Given a choice between saving my brother, and three strangers, I
would save my brother. Does that prove the others were not
human beings? No!
• 2) The debate over embryonic stem cell research is not about
choosing whom we’re going to SAVE, as in the case of the
burning lab. It’s about whom we’re going to deliberately KILL to
benefit us. (Saving my brother first is permissible. Shooting those
left behind is not).
• Choosing who to SAVE is different than choosing who to KILL
The Burning Research Lab
• Hypothetical scenarios can be turned around on the
questioner –
• “If you have two twin girls in a house fire and you can only
save one, who do you save?”
• Saving one doesn’t mean that you think the other should be
“I’m not ready to be a mom…”
“Abortion is healthcare.”
•Abortion ends the life of the
child and often leads to injury,
depression, or death of the
•There is nothing “healthy” about
an abortion
Pro-Life Issues
History of Planned Parenthood and
Margaret Sanger
Euthanasia and Assisted Suicide
• There is a difference between executing a person vs. letting them die
of natural causes.
• Surprisingly, most people who choose assisted suicide are not
experiencing pain or suffering.
• One study found they are most afraid of the impending loss of self,
abilities, and quality of life –and when that happens, they fear being
a burden to others.
• Even if a person loses some of their former abilities we need to
remind them that they still have value.
Euthanasia and Assisted Suicide
•The “right-to-die” movement presents euthanasia
as compassionate. But disparaging human life as
expendable is not compassionate.
•An elderly, pre-born, or disabled person is still a
Euthanasia and Assisted Suicide
•Assisted suicide is still suicide.
•Suicide is the murder of self – a very
serious sin.
States where Assisted Suicide is Legal
• Oregon
• Washington State
• Hawaii
• California
• Colorado
• Vermont
• Maine
• New Jersey
• Washington D.C.
Assisted Suicide - Not about pain
•The top reasons for assisted suicide in Oregon are:
• Fear of losing autonomy (91.5%)
• Fear of being less able to engage in activities (88.7%)
• Fear of the loss of dignity (79.3%)
•Assisted suicide is not really about pain or fear of it
(24.7%), it is about fear of becoming dependent on
Risks of Abortion
• Medical Complications
• Heavy bleeding
• Infection
• Incomplete abortion
• Sepsis
• Damage to the cervix
• Scarring of the uterine
• Uterine perforation
• Damage to internal organs
• Unable to have children
• Death
Risks of Abortion
•Higher Risk of These Issues Later:
• Breast Cancer
• Cervical, ovarian, and liver cancer
• Placenta previa
• Pelvic Inflammatory Disease
Risks of Abortion
•Eating disorders
•Relationship problems
•Flashbacks of the
•Suicidal thoughts
•Sexual dysfunction
•Alcohol and drug abuse
Common Symptoms of After Abortion
Grief / Post-Abortion Syndrome
• initial relief that later subsides
• emotional numbness
• depression
• feelings of regret or guilt
• relationship difficulties
• anxiety attacks
• increase in alcohol or drug use
• eating disorders
• suicidal thoughts
• low self esteem
• difficulty with intimacy
• flashbacks, dreams, or nightmares
• feelings of
• anger at partner and family
• frustration with friends and co-
Is ItWrong to Show Pictures of
Aborted Babies?
• Nazi Concentration Camps – Pictures of
starving or dead Jews highlighted the
tragedy of anti-Semitism.
• EmmettTill (1941-1955) – 14 year old
black boy who was brutally beaten to
death by racists in Mississippi. His parents
gave him an open casket funeral to show
people the horror of what racism looks
• Abortion – Pictures can open people eyes
to the fact that 1) That unborn baby is a
real person. 2) Abortion is murder.
Is ItWrong to Show Pictures of
Aborted Babies?
•The key is not to reject using
abortion pictures altogether, but
to use them wisely and with
sensitivity to your audience.
•Educators universally
acknowledge the value of
graphic visuals when used
Is ItWrong to Show Pictures of
Aborted Babies?
•The question is not, are the pictures
emotional?They are.
•The real question is, are the pictures true? If
so, they ought to be shown as evidence.
Is ItWrong to Show Pictures of
Aborted Babies?
•When one side in a debate insists on not allowing the
other side to present critical evidence, what does it
suggest about their interest in the truth or in letting the
audience choose for themselves?
•What does it suggest about the weakness of their
Is ItWrong to Show Pictures of
Aborted Babies?
• Facts oftentimes change the way people think about
• Pictures oftentimes change the way people feel about
• Both are vital in changing behavior.
• Abortion pictures are difficult to look at, but they convey
truth in a way words never fully can.
Abortion Photos Ahead
(Look away if this is not something
you want to see)
Must be defended!
Become an Abolitionist
•DO NOT COMPROMISE the truth of God for
political societal acceptance of being
accommodating to the other side.
•Every pre-born child deserves all of the rights as
an already born child.
•It is up to the followers of Jesus Christ to take a
stand for the truth.
Equal Justice
•Mother, father, abortionist, and all consenting parties should be
held guilty of murder of an innocent human being (not just the
woman and or abortionist)
•Lack of consistent consequences does prove that the unborn are
not human and that intentionally killing them is justified.
•God said to apply equal justice (Exodus 23:16)
•God said that partiality is injustice in judgment (Deuteronomy 1:17)
•God said that false balances are an abomination to Him (Proverbs
Incrementalism (Don’t CompromiseWith Evil!)
•Regarding legislation, abolitionists do not believe that
compromise is an effective way to fight child sacrifice.
•Abolitionists don’t believe we should make exceptions for
abortion while arguing that abortion is evil.
•The abolitionist calls for the total and immediate
criminalization of abortion as murder and never attempts to
simply regulate or reduce abortion by treating it as
Incrementalism (Don’t CompromiseWith Evil)
• Pro-life laws are based upon age, ability to feel pain, etc.
• Pro-life legislation can unintentionally train the culture to believe
that abortion is permissible under certain circumstances.
• The people bringing these bills to the floor should be careful
because it is implicitly an acceptance of other types of abortion.
You are basically saying I will put my stamp of approval for baby
murder under these circumstances (which may be more restrictive
in certain circumstances, but it is still unacceptable).
• What fellowship does light have with darkness? (2 Corinthians
• Therefore, come out from among them and be separate, says the
Lord (2 Corinthians 6:17)
•In their zeal to prevent the killing of some preborn
children, incrementalism legislation actually
unintentionally dehumanizes all others.
•It says when, where, and how a woman can LEGALLY kill
her baby.
• Imagine a different sin… would it be okay to support that position
by incrementalism??
• Murder – you can’t kill somebody with a sword or an axe (but
everything else is fair game)
• Rape – you can’t rape a woman older than 28 years old
• Sex trafficking – you can’t sell girls until they are at least 14 years
• Child sacrifice – you can’t offer a child sacrifice based on their
• There can be NO COMPROMISE with evil!!
•A heartbeat, ability to feel pain, viability outside
of the womb, 20 weeks, etc.
•It is wrong to kill a pre-born child before or after
they reach these qualifications
•These should not be the basis for personhood or
being able to murder them if they DON’T meet
these qualifications.
•Genesis 9:6 does not give exceptions.
•By passing a heartbeat bill you are making a law
on the books that says we are for the murder of
children BEFORE a heartbeat. No! Stop playing
their game. Be against all of it – without
•After nearly 50 years we are FAR away from abolishing abortion
•In fact, by passing laws that have exceptions (rape, incest, prior
to 20 weeks, etc.) you are telling the world that abortion really
isn’t that bad.
•After nearly 50 years since RoeV.Wade there are still 800,000+
babies killed every year. Maybe in another 50 years of
incrementalism we can get that number down to 650,000+
every year…That is unacceptable!
• We must fight for abortion’s immediate end!
•Don’t give sin a foothold
•A man cheating on his wife should not try to
gradually cheat less (from twice a week to
“only” once a week), rather he should seek to
cut off that relationship immediately!
•Incremental legislation that simply determines
when, where and how one can legally murder
pre-born babies under the protection of law
Saying “I hate abortion”
fulfills your duty to the
preborn the same way
saying “be warmed and
filled”(James 2:16) fulfills your
duty to the cold and
•If a person is not willing or desirous to raise the
child then adoption is a great alternative
•Many families are wanting to adopt
•This unplanned child would be a great blessing to
his/her adoptive parents
What can you do?
•PRAY! (Lamentations 2:19)
•Financially support abolitionist causes
•Spiritually and materially aid the pregnant single
mothers in your neighborhood or church.
•Schedule a meeting with your state senators, state
representatives, state executives, city councils, and
any other magistrates to explain to them their duty
before God and Constitution to immediately abolish
What CanYou Do?
•Share abolitionist ideas with your friends and family.
Share abolitionist articles, memes, and videos on social
•And encourage your fellow brothers and sisters in Christ
to join you in all of that.
•That doesn’t mean there aren’t worthy abolitionist
projects that need financial support from Christians.
There are. But the Christian duty doesn’t end there.
What CanYou Do?
•The most loving thing we can do for a person
considering an abortion is offer them:
•A biblical and moral perspective
•The scientific facts
•Helpful alternative (adoption, resources such as those found
at pregnancy resource centers)
What can you do?
•Share the Gospel!
•The Gospel not only brings about salvation, but also a
transformed life and mind!
•The Culture changes as the Gospel is embraced
Pro-Life is On the Rise
Be A Difference Maker!
•Abraham Lincoln
•Dietrich Bonhoeffer
•Rosa Parks
•Don’t just follow the
crowd. Lead the way!
Be Bold For theTruth!
•Christians have a responsibility to take a stand against
•Proverbs 31:8 = “Speak up for those who cannot speak
for themselves”
•Genesis 1:27 = all people are created in the image of
God… and are of infinite worth because of that
•“Every abortion clinic
should have a sign in
front of it saying, “Open
by the permission of the
- Francis Schaeffer (1912-1984)
Why Get Involved at All if Many People
Will HateYou forYour Stance?
• Because God can use you to make a difference!
• Because Babies are being murdered in our county, state, and nation
every day.
• Because the right thing doesn’t mean people will always love you – in
fact oftentimes it is just the opposite (see nearly ever biblical character…
2Timothy 3:12)
• “If you displease Jesus it doesn’t really matter who you please. And if you
please Jesus it doesn’t really matter who you displease.” – Adrian Rogers
Translating theTruth
•Do you believe we should all be treated equally under
the law?
•We are all so different, but it seems there should be
something that is the same about us that demands we
should be treated equally.
•What is the same about all of us?
•It is currently legal to kill babies before they are born.
Doesn’t that violate their equal rights?
Psalm 82:3-4
“Defend the cause of the weak and fatherless;
maintain the rights of the poor and
oppressed. Rescue the weak and needy;
deliver them from the hand of the wicked.”
1.What do you mean by that?
2.How did you come to the conclusion?
3.Have you ever considered?
Pro-Choice People
•Arguing with a person accomplishes little to
•Understand their questions / pain… sympathize with
•Ask Questions
•Do not compromise what the Bible says
•Show them the love of Christ
Which Side AreYou On?
•When it comes to the murder of
unborn children there are no
“neutral” positions!
•“Anyone who is not with Me is
against Me.” - Jesus
Get Out andVote
•NEVER Vote for any candidate who is for the
murder of unborn children.
•God judges our thoughts, words, and actions
(including who / what we vote for).
•Vote for the person who will stand up for unborn
Democrat Party
•The following is a quote from the 2020
Democratic National Party Platform:
•"Democrats believe every woman should be
able to access high-quality reproductive health
care services, including safe and legal
•Choice42 – Facebook andYoutube,
•Free the States – Facebook,Youtube,
•Abolish Human Abortion – Facebook,Youtube,
Change that will last
•There are many useful arguments for bringing a pro-life
viewpoint to society: biological, legal, logical, and
•But the most sure way of seeing people reject the killing of
unborn children (and any other sin) is by beginning a
relationship with Jesus Christ.
•When we are born-again God’s will becomes ours and we
become a new creation in Christ Jesus.
Change that will last
•We will still sin, but our knowledge of the truth
will be confirmed by the Holy Spirit’s work in our
•Because of that don’t make the end goal only to
be that people will reject abortion (although that
is very good), but that people would be changed
in their belief because of a relationship with King
Abortion, the unforgiveable sin? NO!
•ALL people have sinned = Romans 3:23
•ALL sin, including abortion, finds forgiveness at the foot of
the Cross
• 1 John 1:9
• Psalm 103:12
•God does not want us to die in our sin, but to experience
eternal life, which only He can give = Romans 6:23
Repentance and Faith
•Abortion is a serious sin
•But Christ offers forgiveness for all our sins (including
•What we must do is repent of our sin and put our faith in
Christ alone.
•The heartbeat ofGod is for every person to find a new
life in Jesus – having our sins forgiven and a new heart
put within us!
Abortion / Pro Life Slides

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Abortion / Pro Life Slides

  • 1. STAND UP FOR THE UNBORN Biblical, Legal, and Logical Reasoning for supporting ALL life in the womb and being against ALL forms of abortion
  • 2. Abortion •Abortion:The deliberate termination of a human pregnancy (murder)
  • 3. Christians are for the well-being and prosperity of ALL people throughout their journey of life (from womb to tomb)
  • 4. •Abortion is a serious sin, but that is why Jesus died on the Cross – so that we could be forgiven of our sins and brought into a relationship with the living God through faith and repentance.
  • 5. Abortion •63 MILLION+ babies have been murdered sin RoeV.Wade was passed in 1973
  • 6. Abortion Facts • 862,320 abortions were committed in the U.S. in 2017. • As of 2016, there are 186 abortions per 1,000 live births (about 1 in 5). This means for every five people, there is one missing because of abortion. • Approximately 1/4 of American women have had an abortion by age 45.
  • 7. •An average of 3000+ abortions per day in the USA since 1973 (that is a September 11th EVERY SINGLE DAY FOR 48 YEARS) •20% of pregnancies (excluding miscarriages) end in abortion in the USA •An average of around 1,000,000 babies have been killed every year since RoeV.Wade.
  • 8. Abortion in Oklahoma •5 Abortion facilities in Oklahoma (3 in OKC, 1 inTulsa, 1 in Norman) •15-20 babies murdered every day •5,000 every year •225,000 since 1973
  • 9.
  • 10.
  • 11.
  • 13. Church History •Christians throughout church history have affirmed with a united voice the humanity of the pre-born child.
  • 14. Church History •The 2nd century Epistle of Barnabas speaks of “killers of the child, who abort the mold of God.” •Also, “You shall love your neighbor more than your own life.You shall not slay a child by abortion.You shall not kill that which has already been generated.”
  • 15. Church History • The Didache (2nd Century) states, “Do not murder a child by abortion or kill a newborn infant.” • Defending Christians before Marcus Aurelius in AD 177, Athenagoras argued, “What reason would we have to commit murder when we say that women who induce abortions murderers, and will have to give account of it to God? …The fetus in the womb is a living being and therefore the object of God’s care.”
  • 16. Church History •Tertullian (155-240) said, “It does not matter whether you take away a life that is born, or destroy one that is coming to birth. In both instances, destruction is murder.” •Basil the Great (330-379) affirmed, “Those who give abortifacients (drug to induce abortion) for the destruction of a child conceived in the womb are murderers themselves, along with those receiving the poisons.”
  • 17. Church History •Jerome (347-420) called abortion, “the murder of an unborn child.” •Augustine (354-430) warned against the terrible crime of “the murder of an unborn child.” (Jerome)
  • 18. Church History •The early church’s opposition to the practice was so universal and so staunch that many believe it was responsible for purging abortion from the Roman Empire.
  • 20. “I've noticed that everyone who is for abortion has already been born.” - Ronald Reagan
  • 21. RoeV.Wade (1973) •The Court ruled that abortion must be permitted for any reason a woman chooses until the child becomes viable; •After viability, an abortion must still be permitted if an abortion doctor deems the abortion necessary to protect a woman’s “health,” defined by the Court in another ruling issued the same day as “all factors— physical, emotional, psychological, familial, and the woman’s age—relevant to the well-being of the patient.”
  • 22. RoeV.Wade •Supreme Court CANNOT make law! (They interpret law) •Also, the RoeV.Wade decision was unconstitutional. (The Constitution protects life)! •Supreme Court once ruled that slaves were private property and had no rights. •At that time would we have been the type of Christians who said, “Well the Supreme Court has given their decision, so we just have to let slavery continue.” OR would we continue to fight for its abolishment.
  • 23.
  • 24. •The people have delegated all authority to make laws in accordance with the Constitution to the legislature. (Article 1 Section 1) •The judiciary has no authority to make laws. It is, however, given power to examine the application of the laws made by the legislature. (Article 3, Section 2)
  • 25. • “You seem… to consider the judges as the ultimate arbiters of all constitutional questions: a very dangerous doctrine indeed and one which would place us under the despotism of an Oligarchy. our judges are as honest as other men, and not more so… and their power is the more dangerous as they are in office for life, and not responsible, as the other functionaries are, to the elective control. the constitution has erected no such single tribunal knowing that, to whatever hands confided, with the corruptions of time & party it’s members would become despots.” – Thomas Jefferson to William Jarvis, September 28, 1820
  • 26. • “At the establishment of our constitutions, the judiciary bodies were supposed to be the most helpless and harmless members of the government. experience however soon shewed in what way they were to become the most dangerous: that the insufficiency of the means provided for their removal gave them a freehold and irresponsibility in office; that their decisions, seeming to concern individual suitors only, pass silent and unheeded by the public at large; that these decisions nevertheless become law by precedent, sapping by little and little the foundations of the Constitution, and working it’s change by construction, before any one has perceived that this invisible and helpless worm has been busily employed in consuming it’s substance. in truth, man is not made to be trusted for life, if secured against all liability to account.” – Thomas Jefferson to A. Coray, October 31, 1823
  • 27. Questions of Law • Dating back to British common law, the historical foundation of American law, abortion was illegal after “quickening”, when the mother could feel the baby begin to move. • As early as 1871 the American Medical Association condemned abortion as “wholesale destruction of unborn infants.” • By 1900, abortion was illegal throughout the United States through all nine months of pregnancy. • Throughout the 19th and 20th centuries, individual states regulated abortion, with penalties typically imposed on the abortionists. • In the 1960’s, in the midst of the Sexual Revolution and more widespread use of contraception, some sociologists and legal scholars proposed that abortion laws be liberalized to allow exceptions for rape, incest and other reasons never before considered to justify abortion.
  • 28.
  • 29. WhoWas Jane Roe? • The real name of the woman anonymously named “Jane Roe” in Roe v. Wade is Norma McCorvey. In her lawsuit, she claimed to have become pregnant as the result of rape and argued that she should therefore be allowed to have an abortion, despite the laws against abortion in her home state of Texas. She gave birth to the child and placed her for adoption before the 1973 ruling legalized abortion. McCorvey worked in the pro-choice movement and for an abortion clinic for several years thereafter. • McCorvey has admitted to the many fabrications in the Roe v. Wade case, including her claim to have been raped, and eventually became an outspoken advocate for the pre-born. • In 2005 she asked the United States Supreme Court to overturn Roe v. Wade on the basis of new evidence showing that abortion hurts women.
  • 30.
  • 31. Criminalize Abortion •If abortion is murder, it ought to be treated as such. •Pro-life bills are committed to a strategy of giving automatic immunity to the parents who have their child murdered in all cases. •This means that a woman who aborts her baby at her home through a pill or a pimp who forces a young girl to get an abortion are not guilty. It becomes a crime without a punishment. That is unjust.
  • 33. Criminalize Abortion •We demand justice through equal protection of the law for all image bearers of God. •The doctor, aborting mother, driver to the death chamber, and consenting husband / boyfriend are all involved in murdering the child. •Rather than making political calculations, abolitionists simply proclaim the truth that abortion is murder and must be abolished without shying away from any of the perceived consequences of that position.
  • 34. The parental exemption to abortion prosecution is fundamentally unjust and unloving toward unborn children, abortion-minded parents, and the culture as a whole. • 1) PARENTAL EXEMPTIONS CREATE A RIGHT TO “DO IT YOURSELF” ABORTIONS WITHOUT LEGAL CONSEQUENCES Providing automatic immunity in all cases to mothers and fathers who have their children murdered literally means that do-it-yourself abortions are legal. • The abortion industry is quickly moving toward DIY abortions meaning that the real accomplishment of pro-life regulations is expediting the evolution of the abortion industry toward earlier, self-induced abortions. • That evolution is happening fast. Mail-order abortion pill services have been operating in countries where abortion is illegal for years. • Pro-life laws should be rejected because they legalize self-induced
  • 35. The parental exemption to abortion prosecution is fundamentally unjust and unloving toward unborn children, abortion-minded parents, and the culture as a whole. •2) PENALTIES ARE DETERRENTS •While some commit murder without ever even considering keeping their baby, it’s a close call for most. That call would no longer be a close if homicide charges were added to one side of the scale. •The law is a deterrent to crime.
  • 36. RoeV.Wade •Supreme Court decided murdering babies was okay in 1973. •The US Constitution directly goes against abortion. •More importantly, a greater authority than the Supreme Court, or even the Constitution opposes all forms of abortion – King Jesus.
  • 37.
  • 38.
  • 39. ProblemsWith RoeV. Wade •Unjust • First, and most importantly, the outcome of Roe is harmful and unjust. Why? The facts of embryology show that the human embryo or fetus is a distinct and living human organism at the earliest stages of development. "Human development begins at fertilization when a sperm fuses with an egg to form a single cell, a zygote.” • Justice requires that the law protect the equal dignity and basic rights of every member of the human family. • This principle of human equality, affirmed in the Declaration of Independence and the United Nations' Universal Declaration of Human Rights, is the moral core of western civilization. But the Roe Court ruled, to the contrary, that a particular class of innocent human beings (the unborn) must be excluded from the protection of the law and allowed to be dismembered and killed at the discretion of others.
  • 40. ProblemsWith RoeV. Wade •Unconstitutional •14th Amendment, Section 1. = “…No State shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws.”
  • 41. Problems With RoeV.Wade •Unconstitutional • The American people adopted the Fourteenth Amendment during an era in which those same American people enacted numerous state laws with the primary purpose of protecting unborn children from abortion. A century later, Roe ruled that the Fourteenth Amendment somehow prevents Americans from doing what the ratifiers of the Fourteenth Amendment actually did. • "To reach its result," Justice William Rehnquist quipped in his dissenting opinion, "the Court necessarily has had to find within the scope of the Fourteenth Amendment a right that was apparently completely unknown to the drafters of the Amendment." • That's absurd! "The only conclusion possible from this history," Rehnquist explained, "is that the drafters did not intend to have the Fourteenth Amendment withdraw from the States the power to legislate with respect to this matter."
  • 42. Problems With RoeV.Wade •Unbiblical •Roe V. Wade legally sanctions the murder of unborn children. •A Christian cannot simply accept this fallacious court ruling, but must fight against it – that it be repealed or overturned as soon as possible!
  • 43. Ignore RoeV.Wade •“If states can tell the Feds to pound sand over pot they can tell the Feds to pound sand when it comes to murdering babies.”
  • 44.
  • 45. When the Supreme Court isWrong 1. Change the Court OR 2. Ignore the Court
  • 46. Reasons to Ignore RoeV.Wade •It goes against: •TheWord of God •The Declaration of Independence •The United States Constitution •The Constitution of the state of Oklahoma
  • 47. Planned Parenthood vs. Casey (1992) •For Roe = 1 (Republican appointee) •Against Roe = 2 (1 Dem and 1 Rep appointee) •Since Roe = 6 (ALL Republican appointees) •And the pro-life SCOTUS still voted against the unborn!
  • 48. WhatTrusting the Supreme Court Looks Like
  • 49. •We keep losing at the Supreme Court with abortion decisions. •But with all of our efforts of destroying Planned Parenthood, how are they doing?
  • 50. LegalAbortion Restrictions States Have Enacted • Parental Notification: Parental notification statutes require written proof that one or both parents have been notified of their daughter’s desire to have an abortion. Parental notification is required in 13 states. • Parental Consent: Parental consent statutes require written proof that, not only have one or both parents been notified, but also that one or both parents consent to their daughter’s decision. Twenty-four states have parental consent laws. • Waiting Periods: Waiting periods ranging from 1 to 24 hours before an abortion can be performed have been enacted in 24 states. • Informed Consent: While it is ethically and legally required for a doctor to explain a medical procedure before performing it on a patient, this is not universally required for abortion. Seventeen states have laws requiring a woman to be provided with some kind of information before an abortion is performed, ranging from offering a woman an ultrasound and thoroughly explaining the procedure to merely making pamphlets that explain the procedure available. (These laws are sometimes referred to as “Right to Know” laws.) • Partial Birth Abortion Bans: In addition to a federal law banning partial birth abortion, 14 states have laws prohibiting the practice that would remain in force if the federal law were ever repealed.
  • 51. Is it Legal for Pro-Lifers to Pray Outside an Abortion Facility? •Pro-lifers have the same rights as all American citizens under the First Amendment of the United States Constitution to freedom of expression on the public way. •This includes the right to pray on a public sidewalk. However, one is not permitted to block the sidewalk in the process of exercising this right.
  • 52. Is it Legal to Talk to Abortion-Bound Women Outside Abortion Facilities? • As long as one remains on public property and does not block the public right-of-way, it is perfectly legal to talk to a woman going into an abortion facility, to her companion, or to anyone else. • It is NOT permissible to go onto private property in order to communicate, unless specifically invited there by someone with the authority to make the invitation. • The right to free speech is guaranteed by the First Amendment of the U.S. Constitution, and does not depend on the hearer’s permission or interest in hearing the speech.
  • 53. Components of an Abolition Bill 1. Abolition Bills Outlaw Abortion From Conception 2. Abolition Bills Do Not Include Any Exceptions For Abortion 3. Abolition Bills CriminalizeAbortion Itself And Establish Equal Justice ForThe Preborn 4. Abolition Bills Do Not SubmitToThe Unconstitutional Ruling From RoeV.Wade 5. Abolition Bills Repeal or Supersede All StatutesWhich Allow For Abortion
  • 54. • Pro-lifers must cease to make deals with Moloch, entreating him to clean up his child sacrifice centers, widen their hallways, or bring them closer to the places where wanted babies are born. • Pro-lifers must cease to stand before Pharaoh declaring “Let… some of my people go.”
  • 55. Parental Consent •Minors do not need to have parental consent in 13 states to have the medical procedure of an abortion • Alaska, California, Connecticut, Hawaii, Maine, Nevada, New Jersey, New Mexico, NewYork, Oregon,Vermont, Washington, and Washington DC.
  • 56. PARENTAL CONSENT LAWS BY STATE • Pink = Parental notification or consent NOT required • Light Gray = Parental notification law not enforced • Dark Gray = Parental consent law not enforced • Purple = One parent must be informed beforehand • Light Blue = Both parents must be informed beforehand • Blue = One parent must consent beforehand • Dark Blue = Both parents must consent beforehand • Red = One parent must consent and be informed beforehand
  • 58. Life Begins at Conception •When dealing with horses or hummingbirds or any other organism, the accepted science is that a new individual begins at fertilization. •The same scientific facts apply to humans. •Your DNA was separate from your mom’s and dad’s at the moment of conception.
  • 59. Life Begins at Conception •There is no outside force or substance that enters into the embryo at any point to transform it from some other creature into a human. •The entire human being develops in a seamless continuum from conception
  • 60. Life Begins at Conception •Is the pre-born entity growing?Yes.Therefore, it is alive. •Are both of its parent’s human?Yes.Then it must be human. •Does a dog breeder or a horse breeder have any doubt about when life begins for those animals? No, because they no that the life of a horse begins as soon as fertilization is achieved.
  • 61. Life Begins at Conception •You didn’t come FROM an embryo. •You onceWERE an embryo.
  • 62. Life Begins at Conception •The science of embryology is clear. •From the earliest stages of development, the unborn are distinct, living, and whole human beings. •Therefore, every “successful” abortion ends the life of a living human being.
  • 63. Scriptural Support that Life Begins at Conception •Jeremiah 1:5 = before we were born we were known by God •Isaiah 44:2 = God formed us in the womb •Psalm 139:13-16 = God saw our unformed body, knit us together in our mother’s womb •Luke 1:41 = John the Baptist leaped in his mother’s womb for Jesus.
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  • 68. • First Trimester—From conception to approximately 12 weeks gestation • Second Trimester— From approximately 13 through 26 weeks gestation • Third Trimester—From approximately 27 weeks gestation to birth
  • 69. Unborn Babies Feel Pain • Babies in the womb can feel pain as early as 12 weeks – possibly sooner • (There have been reports that pre-born babies can respond to touch as early as 8 weeks!) • Pain receptors are present throughout the fetus’ entire body by no later than 16 weeks after fertilization, and nerves link these receptors to the brain’s thalamus and subcortical plate by no later than 20 weeks. • Scientifically proven that by 20 weeks, babies react to painful stimuli by jerking, recoiling and flinching.
  • 70. Baby in theWomb •At around 3 to 4 weeks the child has a heartbeat •At 6 weeks, the child’s eyes and eye lids, nose, mouth, and tongue have formed •At 6 weeks brain activity can be detected •At 8 weeks the child has developed all his organs •By 10 weeks the child can make bodily movement
  • 71. Babies Are Surviving andThriving at Younger andYounger Ages • Survival of extremely pre-term infants has increased significantly as doctors realize advantages of active care for such young patients. Ages of survival have dropped from 28 weeks to 24 weeks and now less than 22 weeks. • A study found that if extremely pre-term babies were routinely given care, as many as 53% of those born at 22 weeks’ gestation survived, compared to only 8% if active care was not given, challenging physician attitudes on survival as well as thoughts about the age limit of viability. • 60% of infants born at 22 weeks who receive active hospital treatment will survive.
  • 72. Stages of Development • Zygote (fertilized egg) — A single-celled human being from fertilization until the first cell division, around two weeks later • Embryo—From the time of the first cell division until approximately the eighth week of life •Human – The entire time!
  • 73. InVitro Fertilization (IVF) • In vitro fertilization is the process of fertilization by extracting eggs, retrieving a sperm sample, and then manually combining an egg and sperm in a laboratory dish. The embryo(s) are then transferred to the uterus. • IVF usually entails the creation of multiple human embryos to ensure a greater chance of successful implantation. These human embryos are then screened for genetic disorders, handicaps, and sometimes they are even screened for gender. • The “undesirable” embryos are discarded. Normally, an IVF practitioner transfers around four of the selected embryos into a woman’s uterus. • If more than one (or two) successfully implant, a physician will selectively abort (kill) the remaining embryos
  • 74. Stem Cells •Stem cells are fast-growing, unspecialized cells that can reproduce themselves and grow new organs for the body. •All 210 different types of human tissue originate from these primitive cells.
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  • 76. Embryonic Stem Cell Research •Embryonic Stem Cell Research creates extra zygotes for research or to be thrown down the drain if they are not used for a woman’s pregnancy. •Embryonic stem cell research is not necessary! •Adult stem cell research often produces better outcomes.
  • 77. Stem Cell Research •Adult stem cell research has resulted in the treatment of 80+ diseases, while embryonic stem cell research has resulted in nothing but the death of those very young humans. •Research that destroys one human being so that another may benefit is wrong. • We can pursue the treatment of disease in morally acceptable ways.
  • 78. Stem Cells • Human Embryonic Stem Cell Research (hESC) is ethically wrong because it destroys human persons at the embryonic stage of development. • Adult Stem Cell Research is ethically justifiable because it does NOT end lives.
  • 80. Types of Abortion • IUD (intrauterine device) - Its primary function is to create an unstable environment for the FERTILIZED egg to implant in the uterine wall. It depletes the endometrial lining, making it incapable of supporting the life of the child. • Chemical abortion (RU-486, abortion pills, “morning after” pills) – prevents the baby from receiving the nourishment it needs to survive.
  • 81. The Abortion Pill Can Be Reversed! • Abortion Pill regimen consists of taking 2 pills 1-2 days apart. • The first pill is a drug called Mifeprex. • Mifeprex blocks a hormone called Progesterone and kills the baby by starving him or her of nutrients. • Even after a woman takes Mifeprex it is possible for her to reverse its effects and rescue the baby if Progesterone (via shot) is administered soon enough. • If the woman continues with the abortion procedure she will administer Misoprostol pills which lead to heavy bleeding that help her expel the dead baby from her uterus. • After the child is expelled she will be responsible for disposing of her dead baby on her own – usually by flushing the baby down the toilet.
  • 82. Abortion Pill Facts •Abortion Pills are now being accessed online. So if many pro-life people get their way (and only want to criminalize the abortion doctor) then killing a baby via a pill at home is not deserving of punishment for anyone! •Abortion Pill has become more popular in recent years (especially with the closings of many abortion facilities). As of 2017 nearly 40% of all abortions were through the abortion pill. •How long does the bleeding last? •Average 9-16 days •8% (1 in 12) more than 30 days •1% (1 in 100) require intervention
  • 83. Types of Abortion • Saline abortion - the baby is injected with a salt poison that burns his or her body from the inside out over a grueling three-day period before inducing miscarriage, at which time the baby is sometimes still alive and suffering. • D&C abortion (Dilation and Curettage) - the preborn child is literally sliced into pieces by a scalpel.
  • 84. • D&E abortion (Dilation and Evacuation) - the abortionist cuts off the arms and legs and severs the head with forceps, before removing the body parts from the uterus • Suction abortion - the tiny preborn child is torn limb from limb by a high-powered vacuum nearly 30 times as strong as a home vacuum. Types of Abortion
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  • 86. Type of Abortion •Partial birth abortion (D&X) - a late- term abortion where the baby forcibly delivered feet first in order to stab the child in the neck before delivery •Post-birth abortion – the baby is delivered and then the mother / doctor decide to kill the already-born child
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  • 89. Biblical Reasoning •A pro-life position can be argued in various ways: biological, legal, logical, etc. •But never automatically give up the high ground of God’sWord •Don’t be afraid to quote Bible verses, or speak about humans being “made in the image of God,” or that abortion is “SIN”
  • 90. Pro-Life BibleVerses •Genesis 1:27 = all people are created in the image of God… and are of infinite worth because of that •Genesis 9:6 =Whoever sheds the blood of man, by man shall his blood be shed, for God made man in his own image. •Exodus 20:13 = “You shall not murder” (Sixth Commandment) •Exodus 21:22-25 = the Bible considers life in the womb as real as life outside the womb
  • 91. Pro-Life BibleVerses •Deuteronomy 27:25 = “Cursed is the man who accepts a bribe to kill an innocent person” •Proverbs 6:16-17 = “There are six things that the LORD hates, seven that are an abomination to him: haughty eyes, a lying tongue, AND HANDS THAT SHED INNOCENT BLOOD…” •Proverbs 24:11 = Rescue those who are being taken away to death; hold back those who are stumbling to the slaughter.
  • 92. Pro-Life Bible Verses •Proverbs 31:8 = “Speak up for those who cannot speak for themselves” •Jeremiah 7:6 = “shed not innocent blood” •Ezekiel 33:11 = “Say to them, 'As surely as I live, declares the Sovereign LORD, I take no pleasure in the death of the wicked.” • If God finds no pleasure in the death of the wicked, then what do you think He finds in the death of the pre-born?
  • 93. Pro-Life Bible Stories •Exodus 1:8-22 =The Hebrew Midwives saving the lives of the baby boys •Matthew 2:16 = Herod calling for the death of all baby boys •Leviticus 18:21, Jeremiah 7:31, Ezekiel 16:21 = God condemns the practice of child sacrifice •“They have built the high places of Baal to burn their children in the fire as offerings to Baal--something I did not command or mention, nor did it enter my mind!”
  • 94. God is Active in the Creation of Human Beings •Births to Sarah = Genesis 17:15-22 •Births to Leah and Rachel = Genesis 30:1-24 •Birth to Ruth = Ruth 4:13-17 •Birth to Hannah = 1 Samuel 1:19-20 •Birth to Elizabeth = Luke 1:24-25, 39-44
  • 95. Jesus •John 1:14 – “And theWord became flesh and dwelt among us.” •When did theWord (Jesus) become human? •It is basic Christian doctrine that Christ became flesh at the moment the Holy Spirit overshadowed Mary, at the moment of fertilization.
  • 96. Jesus •Jesus became human at the same point as all other humans – at conception. •Scripture says that Mary “was found to be with child through the Holy Spirit. (Matthew 1:18) •“The baby (Jesus) leaped for joy inside me.” (Luke 2:44)
  • 97. Biblical Evidence for theValue of Every Person (Jesus Died for ALL People) • Isaiah 53:6 - All we like sheep have gone astray; we have turned—every one—to his own way; and the LORD has laid on him the iniquity of us ALL. • John 3:16 - For God so loved the WORLD, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. • Romans 5:6 - For while we were still helpless, at the right time, CHRIST DIED FOR THE UNGODLY.
  • 98. Biblical Evidence for theValue of Every Person (Jesus Died for ALL People) • 1 Timothy 2:6 (a) – who gave Himself as a ransom for ALL • Hebrews 2:9 - But we do see Jesus, who was made lower than the angels for a little while, now crowned with glory and honor because he suffered death, so that by the grace of God he might TASTE DEATH FOR EVERYONE. • 1John 2:2 - He is the propitiation for our sins, and not for ours only but also FOR THE SINS OF THE WORLD
  • 99. What the Bible Says •Each individual has been personally created by God (Malachi 2:10). •All people, male and female, are created in the image of God (Genesis 1:27; James 3:9). •Personhood is never measured by external categories (Exodus 4:11).
  • 100. Biblical Reasoning •Being biblical means relying on God’s words rather than worldly tactics and strategies. •Rather than playing a game of political football, we proclaim God’s Word to the people and to the political leaders.
  • 101. Biblical Reasoning •That means we don’t do things like “test the winds” to see whether the people support moving from a ban of abortion at 28 weeks to a ban at 24 weeks at this particular moment in time. •We simply proclaim the truth that abortion is murder and that justice demands it be abolished immediately! • The duty to make such proclamations is ours, and the results belong to God.
  • 102. Biblical Reasoning • This duty, as all moral obligations, is grounded in God’s revealed Word. • Proverbs 24 tells us to rescue those being led to slaughter. • In Isaiah 10, God warns the Hebrew leaders, “Woe to those who decree iniquitous decrees.” • As for how to rescue those lead to slaughter, pro-life incrementalists are content to compromise in an attempt to save some babies, but these compromises are the definition of iniquitous decrees. • They all allow for abortion as long as the baby is young enough.
  • 103. Biblical Reasoning • Romans 3:8 rebukes those who would do evil that good may come, which is literally the strategy of the pro-life establishment. • Abolitionists take God’s Word seriously and never write laws which make the fatherless prey and there’s no one more fatherless than the child conceived in rape.
  • 104. Biblical Reasoning •WHERE THEY CONFLICT, OBEY GOD RATHER THAN MAN •Among many other verses, Acts 5:29 teaches us that when presented with the choice between obeying God or obeying man, we obey God. •So when the Supreme Court orders our state to allow the mass murder of preborn children, we boldly bring the Gospel into conflict with the court’s rebellion against God.
  • 105. God Hates the Shedding of Innocent Blood •Genesis 4:10 •Leviticus 20:1-5 •Deuteronomy 19:10 •2 Kings 24:2-4 •Psalm 72:12-14 •Proverbs 6:16-19
  • 106. God Has a Special Love for Children • Matthew 18:10 = “See to it that you don’t despise one of these little ones, because I tell you that in heaven their angels continually view the face of my Father in heaven.” • Luke 18:16 = “Jesus, however, invited them: “Let the little children come to me, and don’t stop them, because the kingdom of God belongs to such as these.” • Psalm 127:3 = “Children are indeed a heritage from the LORD, offspring, a reward.” • Matthew 18:14 = “In the same way, it is not the will of your Father in heaven that one of these little ones perish.”
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  • 108. Do Humans HaveValue? •Our value does not come from the government. •Our value does not come in what we can do, or in where we live. •Our value comes from who we are! •Every person is: •Made in the image of God •A soul that Jesus died for •Has a life worth living
  • 109.
  • 110. SaveYourself For Marriage •The vast majority of abortions come from unmarried women •There is a direct correlation between sexual promiscuity and abortion •The culture that pushes for people to have unmarried sex also pushes for abortion
  • 111. Abortion – Child Sacrifice •Pagan cultures used to offer a child sacrifice to receive a blessing •That is essentially the same reason that most people have abortions today – have more money, ease of living, more free time, etc.
  • 112. Abortion – Child Sacrifice •“Say to the Israelites: Any Israelite or alien residing in Israel who gives any of his children to Molech must be put to death.” – Leviticus 20:2 •“Abortion is nothing less than a blood sacrifice to Satan.” – Adrian Rogers
  • 113. Abortion – Child Sacrifice •Psalm 106:37-38 =They sacrificed their sons and daughters to demons.They shed innocent blood — the blood of their sons and daughters whom they sacrificed to the idols of Canaan; so the land became polluted with blood.
  • 115. Logical Conclusion •The taking of an innocent life is always wrong. •Abortion is the taking of an innocent life. •Therefore, abortion is always wrong.
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  • 117. Pro-Life Acronym Argument •S – Size •L – Level of development •E – Environment •D - Dependency
  • 118. Size •Size does not mean that a baby in the womb deserves less rights. •Does Shaq deserve more rights than any of us just because he is bigger? Of course not
  • 119. Level of Development •14 year olds are more developed than 4 year old children. Does that make them more human? No. •Are people with mental retardation less human than other people because they are less developed mentally? No. • Self-awareness does not make a person human. If that was the case a newborn baby, people who are sleeping, those in a coma, and those with Alzheimer’s would all be said to not be a person
  • 120. Environment •Merely changing locations does not make a person more or less a person •WHERE you are does not changeWHO you are! •Being in the street vs. being in the house doesn’t make you less human. •An 8 inch journey down the birth canal does not suddenly change the essential personhood of every unborn child
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  • 122. Dependency •If level of dependency makes us less human then insulin or kidney medication would make someone less human –WRONG! •A one year old is completely dependent upon her mom or dad to provide for her – that does not mean she is not human •We are all dependent on food, water, and oxygen to survive!
  • 123. •The lesson is that ANY definition of personhood NOT connected to simply being human is subjective and arbitrary!
  • 124. Abraham Lincoln, July 1, 1854 “You say A. is white, and B. is black. It is color, then; the lighter, having the right to enslave the darker? Take care. By this rule, you are to be slave to the first man you meet, with a fairer skin than your own. You do not mean color exactly?--You mean the whites are intellectually the superiors of the blacks, and, therefore have the right to enslave them?Take care again. By this rule, you are to be slave to the first man you meet, with an intellect superior to your own. But, say you, it is a question of interest; and, if you can make it your interest, you have the right to enslave another.Very well. And if he can make it his interest, he has the right to enslave you.”
  • 125. Extreme Cases •Some people are so extreme that they may concede the point that it is a baby, but they still believe the woman has a right to abort the baby because the woman has absolute freedom over her body •If you were to ask a pro-choice person if a pregnant woman should be allowed to drink alcohol, do drugs, etc. while pregnant they will either say: •Yes – and show that the child is of no significance (even if it is born) and the only thing that matters is the woman’s happiness •No – shows a double standard that you do not care if the child dies, but you do care if it has a possibility of being harmed.
  • 126. Discriminatory Practices •Can a mother choose an abortion because of some kind of deformity? •What about based off of color? •What about based off of gender? •If they are just a bunch of cells then why couldn’t a person discriminate and kill female babies?
  • 127. Animal Rights… and Wrongs •Animal rights activists say they want to elevate animal rights to the same level as human rights. •They say some animals (dogs, cats, chimps, dolphins, etc.) should have MORE rights than some humans (pre- born babies) •So instead of just having a high view of animals it has a very low view of human life
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  • 131. Rape or Incest •Rape (0.3%) and Incest (0.02%) are extremely rare reasons for why women say they get their abortion. •The question “What about in the case of rape or incest?” is typically going to come up quickly when discussing abortion with somebody.
  • 132. Rape or Incest •Almost always the people who ask this question do not believe that abortion should only be legal in cases of rape or incest – they want abortion for a whole host of reasons (or no reason at all). •Rape and incest is a way to make an emotional appeal, when really most pro-choice people do not limit the “right to choose” only to these rare cases. •Exploiting the tragedy of rape victims is intellectually dishonest.
  • 133. Rape or Incest •Two wrongs don’t make a right. •Don’t punish the child for the crimes of the father •Abortion does not erase the trauma of rape. It is an additional trauma for the woman. •Those unborn children are still image bearers of God, and must be protected!
  • 134.
  • 135. Life of the Mother is in Danger •Only 0.2% of women said the reason for their abortion was due to their life being in danger. •You can try to save the mother first, but that is different than choosing to kill one in order to save the other
  • 136. Life of the Mother is in Danger •An early delivery of a premature child that results in death is different than the purposeful murder of an unborn child. •So you are trying to save the mother’s life, and in that effort the baby oftentimes dies (that is an unintended consequence) •It is NEVER medically necessary to kill the child in order to save the life of the mother
  • 137.
  • 138. “My body, my choice.”
  • 139. “My body, my choice.” •Unborn has its chromosomal make-up that is distinct from the mother or father •An unborn boy is distinct from the mother. A woman has female reproductive organs, the baby boy has its own reproductive organs. •The blood from the baby and the blood from the mom don’t mix.
  • 140.
  • 141. The Unborn is a LIVING Being 1. Anything that reacts to stimuli is living 2. Anything that metabolizes (which is just converting food into energy) is living 3. Anything that has cellular reproduction / growth is living
  • 142. “Don’t force your view on others!” •Aren’t you forcing your view on me right now? •Aren’t you saying that it isWRONG for me to believe that abortion should be outlawed? •Would a person say to not force your view on others when it comes to rape, or child sex trafficking?Of course not. So we shouldn’t let that excuse fly for abortion either.
  • 143. “Pro Choice is Pro-Woman” •Over Half of all abortions are done against baby girls •Abortion is not pro-woman •What about the choice of the baby girl being aborted?
  • 144. “Women should have the right to choose.” •Women have the right to choose all kinds of things – their boyfriend/husband, college or no college, where to live, what job to have, etc. etc. •Women do not have the right to choose to murder their child. •Your rights end where another person’s rights begin.
  • 145.
  • 146. “Don’t like abortion, then don’t get one.” •“Don’t like slavery, then don’t own a slave.” •“Don’t like child abuse, then don’t abuse a child.” •“Don’t like sex trafficking, then don’t participate.” •“Don’t like [human rights violation], then don’t [human rights violation] and mind your own business while I [human rights violation] •If something is objectively wrong, it is immoral to say that it is wrong for one person but not condemn it outright.
  • 147. “Don’t like abortion, then don’t get one.” •Morality issues are not merely matters of opinion. •If all moral claims are only a matter of opinion then you can’t tell me that ANY moral claim is wrong because it is only your opinion!
  • 148. Inconvenience •It may not be fun or expected, but a human life is worth more than convenience
  • 149. “I will stay silent on this issue.” •“Neutrality always helps the oppressor, never the victim.”
  • 150. “A Fetus is NOT a person.” •The Latin word “fetus” means “offspring,” “baby,” or “little one” •A “fetus” should have all of the rights of a born child. •“A rose by any other name would smell as sweet.” •A baby by any other name is still a baby. •Referring to the unborn child as a “fetus” allows us to not use the B-word (baby). (because that reminds others that they are killing a person).
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  • 153. Legality •Legality does NOT equal morality •Aborting your own child = legal •Punching a pregnant woman that results in the death of the baby = murder •So it is murder when the woman wants it to be a baby, but it is just a blob of cells when she does not want it to be a baby!
  • 154. Legality • Actress Sarah Silverman has argued that since “abortion is legal” in America, “it would be insane not to use fetal tissue for science and education.” • Conservative critic Ben Shapiro responded that “since gas chambers were legal in Nazi Germany, it would have been insane not to use human skin for lamp shades.”
  • 155. Legality • Between 1972 (the year before Roe v. Wade legalized abortion throughout the United States) and 1979, the nation’s abortion rate skyrocketed. But when Poland made abortion illegal in 1993, its abortion rate plummeted. • The law is a powerful teacher, influencing people’s attitudes towards right and wrong. We cannot assume that if abortion were made illegal, the abortion rate would remain steady, with similar numbers of women seeking illegal abortions. The evidence above suggests the contrary. • Those who wish to make abortion rare must seek to make it illegal. That would not end all abortions, but it would dramatically reduce the nation’s abortion rate.
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  • 157. “You should stop focusing on abortion… aren’t there more important things for Christians to be concerned with?” •Christians are concerned with all sin – not least of which is the murder of babies •The reason Christians “focus” on abortion (and homosexuality) is not because we randomly decided those would become important topics, but because the culture around us embraces it – not even as a neutral act – but a GOOD thing – an act of female empowerment •Isaiah 5:20 = “Woe to those who call evil good, and good evil.”
  • 158. “Nobody KnowsWhen Life Begins” •Many people do not believe that life begins at conception (although the Bible and our DNA shows that it does), but if they are uncertain when life begins then why risk it? •If you saw some clothes in the road and you thought that there might be a huddled up person in the middle of the road then you will drive around it (and not over it) just to be safe. •Those who are not sure when life begins should err on the side of caution
  • 159. “I’m personally pro-life, but…” •Do you care for unborn children or not? •What if somebody said, “I personally am against the Holocaust, but I don’t want to take away the rights of those who want to kill Jews”
  • 160. That doesn’t look like a baby/person • The preborn baby looks exactly like a human in that stage of embryonic development! • Looks do not determine whether someone is a person or not. • Many people have physical deformities that cause them to look less typical than most people we are used to seeing – that does NOT mean they are any less a person than anyone else! 12 weeks 8 weeks
  • 161. “Planned Parenthood Does MoreThan Just Abortions” •Just because Planned Parenthood does other things besides abortion doesn’t matter if they are killing babies. •“Aschwitz served a tasty tomato soup…”
  • 162. Bad quality of life for the child •Anybody could have a bad quality of life. •Many toddlers, teenagers, and adults have a tough quality of life. Does that mean we should be able to kill them?
  • 163. The baby will die as soon as it is born / The baby will have a birth defect •You don’t know that •Doctors make mistakes •Leave the results up to God •Children with special needs are a blessing from God •If the child is going to die then the mother should do all she can to keep the baby as safe as she can, while she can
  • 164. The baby will die as soon as it is born / The baby will have a birth defect • Through an ultrasound, Marshall and Susan’s son Toby was diagnosed withTrisomy 13, which meant he would not survive long outside the womb. Asked if they wanted to abort, Susan answered, • “We believe God is the giver and taker of life. If the only opportunity I have to know this child is in my womb, I don’t want to cut that time short. If the only world he is to know is the womb, I want that world to be as safe as I can make it.”
  • 165. “What are you doing for the kids already born?” •It is possible to point out an injustice even when you do not provide the solution. •Pro-Lifers, as a whole, do a lot for the unborn and struggling mothers (adoption services, orphanages, etc.) •Even if pro-lifers, as a whole, did NOTHING, that would still NOT make the murder of an unborn child permissible.
  • 166. “What are you doing for the kids already born?” •This question tries to shift the discussion from the morality of abortion to whether one has a “solution” to the problem of “excessive children already born” •But this clever move has NOTHING to do with whether or not abortion results in the death of human beings who have a full right to life or whether or not abortion is immoral.
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  • 168. “Pre-born baby is just a parasite” • A parasite is an organism of a different species which invades the host.The pre-born baby, on the other hand, is a new human being invited (created) by the host via having sex. •The fetus and its relation to its mother is by nature/biology NOT parasitic. •No “parasite” is the biological offspring of their “host” •Pregnancy grants the mother health benefits (a parasite never provides health benefits to its host)
  • 169. “Consent to sex is not consent to pregnancy.” •Consent to sex (whether condoms or other forms of contraception are used or not) involves consent to risking the outcome, which is to take the risk of pregnancy. •Saying no to the deliberately risked outcome (we KNOW contraception isn’t 100% foolproof) is like gambling at Las Vegas and demanding one’s money back after losing it. •Taking a risk entails taking responsibility for that risk.
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  • 171. Not a person until _________ •Not a person until 3 months old – no data to confirm that… in fact, quite the opposite •Any definition of “personhood” NOT connected to simply being human is subjective and arbitrary!
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  • 173. Human but not a Person •Every time in human history that those in power say are not “persons” has resulted in horrible tragedies •Each bioethicist proposes a different list of the capacities needed to qualify as a person based on what they value most – very subjective! •If you are a member of the human race then you have dignity and worth. •Once pro-choicers lost the scientific battle they changed to a philosophical battle (personhood debate)
  • 174. The Unborn is a HUMAN Being •It’s not a dolphin, or panda… it’s a human. •Has it’s own human DNA •Boy or Girl – Not Human or Giraffe. •People have to explain how human parents can produce non-human offspring, that becomes human!
  • 175. Men Should Stay Quiet!! •Would a person say you shouldn’t speak against the Holocaust unless you were Jewish? Or unless you were a Nazi? •Would a person say you can’t speak against rape unless you have been a victim of rape? •Being a man means protecting women. •Being a man means protecting the vulnerable.
  • 176. Men Should Stay Quiet!! •If only people who can get pregnant are allowed to talk about abortion then what about women who are unable to get pregnant due to a medical condition or their age?
  • 177. Men Should Stay Quiet!! •“Why are you assuming my gender ‘Mr. Progressive’?” •If men can’t speak on abortion then lets reverse the Roe V.Wade decision, as there were 9 men who made it. •What they really mean is: “Men should stay quiet on the topic of abortion… unless they agree with us…”
  • 178. Men Should Stay Quiet!! •Abortion is a human issue, not a gender issue. •The arguments against abortion are just as valid if given by an Asian man as they would be if given by a Native American woman. •The point is not the gender of the person, but whether the arguments presented are accurate. •To believe otherwise is sexism!
  • 179. WomenWill Die if Abortion Becomes Illegal •A)Two wrongs don’t make a right •B) Every abortion harms the woman and kills the child •C) Some women will choose an illegal abortion, but the VAST MAJORITY will choose life because of the law •D)Women aren’t forced to have illegal abortions; they choose to have them.
  • 180. WomenWill Die if Abortion Becomes Illegal • E)Women currently die in abortion clinics every year from abortion procedures • F) Because people currently die from drinking and driving car accidents does that mean that for the safety of all involved we should make drinking and driving legal? Of course not! • G)The law of the land has a power to help mold the thought and action of the people in a clear way. • H) Even if outlawing abortion changed the number of abortions by zero (which would not be the case) – it would still be better for America to not have such an evil action be legalized in our land.
  • 181. They Say, “KeepYour Beliefs in the Church.” • Pro-Choicer: “By stating your Christian worldview you are imposing your beliefs on others.” • Pro-Life Response: “By stating your humanistic worldview aren’t you imposing your beliefs on others?” • Everybody has a worldview. • Every law comes from a worldview. • The question we should be asking is not, whether we should have a worldview, but rather –WHOSE WORLDVIEW WILL WE HAVE?
  • 182. Hard Circumstances •Rape •Poverty •Health Problems for the baby •Unwantedness •Age of the Mother •No Support to raise the child
  • 183. Abortion is Oftentimes used to Cover Up Crime •SexTrafficking •Prostitution •Rape •Incest
  • 184. “You just need to love these women, and stop condemning them.” •I want all people to be saved. •It is unloving to let sin be practiced and praised without speaking against it. •Sin must be exposed as wrong. •If you see a person about to ruin their own life or somebody else’s because of a sinful choice then you should feel compelled to warn them and call them to repentance.
  • 185. The Burning Research Lab •This argument is used to justify destroying embryos for medical research •It goes like this: Suppose a research lab is on fire.Whom should you save – a jar full of hundreds of frozen embryos or a two- year old girl? •This argument is banking that our moral intuitions will drive us to choose the toddler, thus proving we don’t really think the embryo is human after all.
  • 186. The Burning Research Lab • This objection fails for two main reasons: • 1) How does choosing to save one human being over another prove the one left behind is not human? • Given a choice between saving my brother, and three strangers, I would save my brother. Does that prove the others were not human beings? No! • 2) The debate over embryonic stem cell research is not about choosing whom we’re going to SAVE, as in the case of the burning lab. It’s about whom we’re going to deliberately KILL to benefit us. (Saving my brother first is permissible. Shooting those left behind is not). • Choosing who to SAVE is different than choosing who to KILL
  • 187. The Burning Research Lab • Hypothetical scenarios can be turned around on the questioner – • “If you have two twin girls in a house fire and you can only save one, who do you save?” • Saving one doesn’t mean that you think the other should be executed!
  • 188. “I’m not ready to be a mom…”
  • 189. “Abortion is healthcare.” •Abortion ends the life of the child and often leads to injury, depression, or death of the mother. •There is nothing “healthy” about an abortion
  • 191. History of Planned Parenthood and Margaret Sanger
  • 192. Euthanasia and Assisted Suicide • There is a difference between executing a person vs. letting them die of natural causes. • Surprisingly, most people who choose assisted suicide are not experiencing pain or suffering. • One study found they are most afraid of the impending loss of self, abilities, and quality of life –and when that happens, they fear being a burden to others. • Even if a person loses some of their former abilities we need to remind them that they still have value.
  • 193. Euthanasia and Assisted Suicide •The “right-to-die” movement presents euthanasia as compassionate. But disparaging human life as expendable is not compassionate. •An elderly, pre-born, or disabled person is still a PERSON!
  • 194. Euthanasia and Assisted Suicide •Assisted suicide is still suicide. •Suicide is the murder of self – a very serious sin.
  • 195. States where Assisted Suicide is Legal • Oregon • Washington State • Hawaii • California • Colorado • Vermont • Maine • New Jersey • Washington D.C.
  • 196. Assisted Suicide - Not about pain •The top reasons for assisted suicide in Oregon are: • Fear of losing autonomy (91.5%) • Fear of being less able to engage in activities (88.7%) • Fear of the loss of dignity (79.3%) •Assisted suicide is not really about pain or fear of it (24.7%), it is about fear of becoming dependent on others.
  • 197. Risks of Abortion • Medical Complications • Heavy bleeding • Infection • Incomplete abortion • Sepsis • Damage to the cervix • Scarring of the uterine lining • Uterine perforation • Damage to internal organs • Unable to have children again • Death
  • 198. Risks of Abortion •Higher Risk of These Issues Later: • Breast Cancer • Cervical, ovarian, and liver cancer • Placenta previa • Pelvic Inflammatory Disease
  • 199. Risks of Abortion •Psychological Complications •Eating disorders •Relationship problems •Guilt •Depression •Flashbacks of the abortion •Suicidal thoughts •Sexual dysfunction •Alcohol and drug abuse
  • 200. Common Symptoms of After Abortion Grief / Post-Abortion Syndrome • initial relief that later subsides • emotional numbness • depression • feelings of regret or guilt • relationship difficulties • anxiety attacks • increase in alcohol or drug use • eating disorders • suicidal thoughts • low self esteem • difficulty with intimacy • flashbacks, dreams, or nightmares • feelings of helplessness/hopelessness • anger at partner and family • frustration with friends and co- workers
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  • 203. Is ItWrong to Show Pictures of Aborted Babies? • Nazi Concentration Camps – Pictures of starving or dead Jews highlighted the tragedy of anti-Semitism. • EmmettTill (1941-1955) – 14 year old black boy who was brutally beaten to death by racists in Mississippi. His parents gave him an open casket funeral to show people the horror of what racism looks like. • Abortion – Pictures can open people eyes to the fact that 1) That unborn baby is a real person. 2) Abortion is murder.
  • 204. Is ItWrong to Show Pictures of Aborted Babies? •The key is not to reject using abortion pictures altogether, but to use them wisely and with sensitivity to your audience. •Educators universally acknowledge the value of graphic visuals when used properly.
  • 205. Is ItWrong to Show Pictures of Aborted Babies? •The question is not, are the pictures emotional?They are. •The real question is, are the pictures true? If so, they ought to be shown as evidence.
  • 206. Is ItWrong to Show Pictures of Aborted Babies? •When one side in a debate insists on not allowing the other side to present critical evidence, what does it suggest about their interest in the truth or in letting the audience choose for themselves? •What does it suggest about the weakness of their position?
  • 207. Is ItWrong to Show Pictures of Aborted Babies? • Facts oftentimes change the way people think about abortion. • Pictures oftentimes change the way people feel about abortion. • Both are vital in changing behavior. • Abortion pictures are difficult to look at, but they convey truth in a way words never fully can.
  • 208. WARNING!! Abortion Photos Ahead (Look away if this is not something you want to see)
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  • 219. Become an Abolitionist •DO NOT COMPROMISE the truth of God for political societal acceptance of being accommodating to the other side. •Every pre-born child deserves all of the rights as an already born child. •It is up to the followers of Jesus Christ to take a stand for the truth.
  • 220. Equal Justice •Mother, father, abortionist, and all consenting parties should be held guilty of murder of an innocent human being (not just the woman and or abortionist) •Lack of consistent consequences does prove that the unborn are not human and that intentionally killing them is justified. •God said to apply equal justice (Exodus 23:16) •God said that partiality is injustice in judgment (Deuteronomy 1:17) •God said that false balances are an abomination to Him (Proverbs 11:1)
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  • 223. Incrementalism (Don’t CompromiseWith Evil!) •Regarding legislation, abolitionists do not believe that compromise is an effective way to fight child sacrifice. •Abolitionists don’t believe we should make exceptions for abortion while arguing that abortion is evil. •The abolitionist calls for the total and immediate criminalization of abortion as murder and never attempts to simply regulate or reduce abortion by treating it as healthcare.
  • 224. Incrementalism (Don’t CompromiseWith Evil) • Pro-life laws are based upon age, ability to feel pain, etc. • Pro-life legislation can unintentionally train the culture to believe that abortion is permissible under certain circumstances. • The people bringing these bills to the floor should be careful because it is implicitly an acceptance of other types of abortion. You are basically saying I will put my stamp of approval for baby murder under these circumstances (which may be more restrictive in certain circumstances, but it is still unacceptable). • What fellowship does light have with darkness? (2 Corinthians 6:14) • Therefore, come out from among them and be separate, says the Lord (2 Corinthians 6:17)
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  • 226. Incrementalism •In their zeal to prevent the killing of some preborn children, incrementalism legislation actually unintentionally dehumanizes all others. •It says when, where, and how a woman can LEGALLY kill her baby.
  • 227. Incrementalism • Imagine a different sin… would it be okay to support that position by incrementalism?? • Murder – you can’t kill somebody with a sword or an axe (but everything else is fair game) • Rape – you can’t rape a woman older than 28 years old • Sex trafficking – you can’t sell girls until they are at least 14 years old • Child sacrifice – you can’t offer a child sacrifice based on their gender • There can be NO COMPROMISE with evil!!
  • 228. Incrementalism •A heartbeat, ability to feel pain, viability outside of the womb, 20 weeks, etc. •It is wrong to kill a pre-born child before or after they reach these qualifications •These should not be the basis for personhood or being able to murder them if they DON’T meet these qualifications.
  • 229. Incrementalism •Genesis 9:6 does not give exceptions. •By passing a heartbeat bill you are making a law on the books that says we are for the murder of children BEFORE a heartbeat. No! Stop playing their game. Be against all of it – without exceptions.
  • 230. Incrementalism •After nearly 50 years we are FAR away from abolishing abortion •In fact, by passing laws that have exceptions (rape, incest, prior to 20 weeks, etc.) you are telling the world that abortion really isn’t that bad. •After nearly 50 years since RoeV.Wade there are still 800,000+ babies killed every year. Maybe in another 50 years of incrementalism we can get that number down to 650,000+ every year…That is unacceptable! • We must fight for abortion’s immediate end!
  • 231. Incrementalism •Don’t give sin a foothold •A man cheating on his wife should not try to gradually cheat less (from twice a week to “only” once a week), rather he should seek to cut off that relationship immediately! •Incremental legislation that simply determines when, where and how one can legally murder pre-born babies under the protection of law
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  • 236. Saying “I hate abortion” fulfills your duty to the preborn the same way saying “be warmed and filled”(James 2:16) fulfills your duty to the cold and hungry.
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  • 240. Adoption •If a person is not willing or desirous to raise the child then adoption is a great alternative •Many families are wanting to adopt •This unplanned child would be a great blessing to his/her adoptive parents
  • 241. What can you do? •PRAY! (Lamentations 2:19) •Financially support abolitionist causes •Spiritually and materially aid the pregnant single mothers in your neighborhood or church. •Schedule a meeting with your state senators, state representatives, state executives, city councils, and any other magistrates to explain to them their duty before God and Constitution to immediately abolish abortion.
  • 242. What CanYou Do? •Share abolitionist ideas with your friends and family. Share abolitionist articles, memes, and videos on social media. •And encourage your fellow brothers and sisters in Christ to join you in all of that. •That doesn’t mean there aren’t worthy abolitionist projects that need financial support from Christians. There are. But the Christian duty doesn’t end there.
  • 243. What CanYou Do? •The most loving thing we can do for a person considering an abortion is offer them: •A biblical and moral perspective •The scientific facts •Helpful alternative (adoption, resources such as those found at pregnancy resource centers) •LOVE and KINDNESS
  • 244. What can you do? •Share the Gospel! •The Gospel not only brings about salvation, but also a transformed life and mind! •The Culture changes as the Gospel is embraced
  • 245. Pro-Life is On the Rise
  • 246. Be A Difference Maker! •Abraham Lincoln •Dietrich Bonhoeffer •WilliamWilberforce •Rosa Parks •Don’t just follow the crowd. Lead the way!
  • 247.
  • 248. Be Bold For theTruth! •Christians have a responsibility to take a stand against abortion •Proverbs 31:8 = “Speak up for those who cannot speak for themselves” •Genesis 1:27 = all people are created in the image of God… and are of infinite worth because of that
  • 249. •“Every abortion clinic should have a sign in front of it saying, “Open by the permission of the church.” - Francis Schaeffer (1912-1984)
  • 250. Why Get Involved at All if Many People Will HateYou forYour Stance? • Because God can use you to make a difference! • Because Babies are being murdered in our county, state, and nation every day. • Because the right thing doesn’t mean people will always love you – in fact oftentimes it is just the opposite (see nearly ever biblical character… 2Timothy 3:12) • “If you displease Jesus it doesn’t really matter who you please. And if you please Jesus it doesn’t really matter who you displease.” – Adrian Rogers
  • 251. Translating theTruth •Do you believe we should all be treated equally under the law? •We are all so different, but it seems there should be something that is the same about us that demands we should be treated equally. •What is the same about all of us? •It is currently legal to kill babies before they are born. Doesn’t that violate their equal rights?
  • 252. Psalm 82:3-4 “Defend the cause of the weak and fatherless; maintain the rights of the poor and oppressed. Rescue the weak and needy; deliver them from the hand of the wicked.”
  • 253. ASK QUESTIONS “TacticsTechnique” 1.What do you mean by that? 2.How did you come to the conclusion? 3.Have you ever considered?
  • 254. InteractingWith Pro-Choice People •Arguing with a person accomplishes little to nothing. •Understand their questions / pain… sympathize with them •Ask Questions •Do not compromise what the Bible says •Show them the love of Christ
  • 255. Which Side AreYou On? •When it comes to the murder of unborn children there are no “neutral” positions! •“Anyone who is not with Me is against Me.” - Jesus
  • 256. Get Out andVote •NEVER Vote for any candidate who is for the murder of unborn children. •God judges our thoughts, words, and actions (including who / what we vote for). •Vote for the person who will stand up for unborn children!
  • 257. Democrat Party •The following is a quote from the 2020 Democratic National Party Platform: •"Democrats believe every woman should be able to access high-quality reproductive health care services, including safe and legal ABORTIONS.”
  • 258. Resources •Choice42 – Facebook andYoutube, •Free the States – Facebook,Youtube, •Abolish Human Abortion – Facebook,Youtube,
  • 259. Change that will last •There are many useful arguments for bringing a pro-life viewpoint to society: biological, legal, logical, and “religious” •But the most sure way of seeing people reject the killing of unborn children (and any other sin) is by beginning a relationship with Jesus Christ. •When we are born-again God’s will becomes ours and we become a new creation in Christ Jesus.
  • 260. Change that will last •We will still sin, but our knowledge of the truth will be confirmed by the Holy Spirit’s work in our heart. •Because of that don’t make the end goal only to be that people will reject abortion (although that is very good), but that people would be changed in their belief because of a relationship with King Jesus
  • 261. Abortion, the unforgiveable sin? NO! •ALL people have sinned = Romans 3:23 •ALL sin, including abortion, finds forgiveness at the foot of the Cross • 1 John 1:9 • Psalm 103:12 •God does not want us to die in our sin, but to experience eternal life, which only He can give = Romans 6:23
  • 262. Repentance and Faith •Abortion is a serious sin •But Christ offers forgiveness for all our sins (including abortion). •What we must do is repent of our sin and put our faith in Christ alone. •The heartbeat ofGod is for every person to find a new life in Jesus – having our sins forgiven and a new heart put within us!