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Hello and welcome back to chapter six of my Victorian Legacy As with all the chapters I’ve been
converting from the exchange, I’ve not rewritten this apart from correcting the spelling. I suggest that
any new readers go back and read my earlier chapters to get to know who the family members are.

If you don't want to do that then just to let you know the basic premise of this legacy is that I am aiming
to make it to 10 generations of sims making them live as authentic a Victorian life as I can manage within
the constraints of the game. To this end there are no electronics apart from the phone, first born male
inherits and sims can try for a baby only.
The deaths of both my founder Gabe and his wife Elise has meant that the family friends count has fallen
dramatically, and with so many sims in the house I have been neglecting the remaining friends, so I have
George invite over some of his Uni friends to try to get their relationship back up.

"Shush do not go and tell anyone, but the voice is a very poor simmer despite the number of years that
she has been playing, and she has been ignoring me for the past few chapters."

"That's terrible George, I thought that the rumours I heard when you were at Uni were just that, rumours.
I must tel... I mean I wouldn't dream of telling everyone back at Uni about this."

George, you are not spreading sedition again are you?

"What? I would never dream of doing that voice."

Hmm, why don't I believe you?
Another reason for inviting over George's Uni friends is to try to get them on to boys' relationship panel
so that I can get them into the Secret Society and Legacy Society more easily. Unfortunately they are
more interested in playing Myshuno than making friends.

"I will beat you William because I am the best."

"Why does it matter so much to you anyway Henry, it is just a game."

"No it is not!"


"What? That is not fair. MAMA WILLIAM CHEATED!"

Allyn: "William play fair. It is not nice to cheat."


Allyn, he didn't cheat, he won fair and square, it's your other son who is the troublemaker.
The boys do normally get on well together, although Henry does seem to take things a bit too seriously
at times.

"Bang bang, take that you nasty bank robber."
"Oh noo, you killed me copper."
"Hahaha, I killed you good. That is so much fun, I like this game brother, I'm really good at it, in fact I'm
better than you hahaha."
"Hah, you are right this game is good fun. My turn to be the policeman now. Stop thief! Come back here
with those jewels. Pow pow, pow pow. Hah I shot you, fall down!"
"What! No, this is not what is meant to happen. I am meant to get away with the jewels and live happily
ever after because I outwitted you, you feeble lawman. This is not fair and I do not want to play
"Oi voice, I want a word with you."

Oh hello Anne. How are you?

"Not too good. Do you know why?"

Um, no.

"Today is my birthday, and you are going to make me grow up, when I do not want to."
I'm sorry, but I really have no say in it, you have to grow up, besides which you are platinum so you
shouldn't be fearing it.

"I have told you before that it is another step nearer the grave, and it is a step I do not want to take.
Sorry, nothing I can do, it's out of my hands.

"I do not believe you. You are meant to be the one controlling us and our daily lives, you can do
something about this, you just do not want to."

*sigh* I may tell you what to do, but I have no idea about code, I play the game, not write it. (Note to self
make sure that aging off is not mentioned around Anne. Also hide the elixir I'm having George and Allyn
"Personally Anne, I cannot wait to grow up. I want to spend my life travelling the globe. How much fun
will that be? Getting to experience other cultures and share those experiences with others."

"Hah good luck with that. The voice will have to buy Bon Voyage for that to happen."

Which I probably will do, after all I said I wasn't going to get Open for Business, but the day it came out I
went and bought it, so although On Holiday was my least favourite EP for the Sims I probably will get
Bon Voyage, if only because I have an idea for an album later in the legacy.
I'm so glad that Gabe's LTW was to reach the top of the Education career because, not only is it the
highest paying career, so gave me a good start with building and furnishing the home, but it also gave
me the bookshelf reward. Five hours in summer with a book from it, and William has maximised cooking.
I love this reward object.
"William has finished already? That is not fair, I wanted to finish first."

You will finish soon, the reason that you didn't finish first is because I had William start learning before

"So, I am still the best?"

No, on this score you are equal. Any way, what is your obsession with trying to be the best?

"If I prove to you that I am the best then you will realise that I am the one most worthy of the heirship."

Sorry, as I said last chapter, in this legacy the first born male inherits, which is William. Discussion over.

"We will see. I am not giving up on this."

Oh joy.
Just to prove that I haven't entirely forgotten about the parents this chapter, here is a picture of a very
pregnant Allyn setting fire to the stove whilst George panics behind her. Seriously I have had more fires
since Elise died than I had in the first part of the legacy.

Mind you, it is a neat way of allowing me to say that the ranges fitted in most Victorian homes could be
very dangerous, mainly because of the built in boilers for hot water, and it was not unheard of for them to
explode, or the boilers to crack if the water level was not topped up. Luckily as the century went on the
ranges became safer with innovations such as self filling boilers.
The morning fire doesn't seem to have unsettled the children however, and William seems to excited
about the fact that they are going to be welcoming a new member to the family.

"I cannot wait until our baby brother or sister is born."

"Hmm. It will be a baby William, all, it will do is scream and scream and need constant attention."

Actually it won't since I patched my game sometime ago Henry, and got rid of the constant baby
screaming problem.
"But just think about it. How wonderful it will be to teach it the essential toddler skills. If I am teen maybe I
will be allowed to teach it to walk."

I sense a family sim here.

"Are you mad William? Why would you want to do that?"

Probably because unlike you Henry, William is nice.
Why the long face George?

"My babies are growing up. I cannot believe that they are about to become teenagers."

Never mind George, your wife is about to pop with your next set of twins.

"Twins, how do you know she is having twins?"

Umm, because I have played further than this point.
"So voice, there is no changing your mind is there? You are going to make me do this?"

Yeah, we've been through this, so I'm not going to repeat myself, just blow out those candles.
“Come on Anne, it is not so bad."

"Fine, but I know what I am going to wish for."

Good, now hurry up.
So here is Charlotta after a quick change of clothes. Like her grandmother she has rolled popularity, and
is one of the first sims in this legacy to have a non-career related LTW. She wants to have twenty
simultaneous best friends. This actually really suits her personality as an outgoing, nice sim, so I'm really
happy about it.

"Does this mean that I am going to get played once I leave the house?"

Maybe. I would like to play all my spares, and I have got story ideas for some of them already, but it
depends on the time constraints, I mean it takes me long enough to find time to sit down, play and then
write a chapter as it is, without playing other houses too.
Here's Anne. I think that she has grown up to be beautiful in a typical English Rose way, I hope she
stays as pretty as an adult.

See growing up wasn't that bad was it? Now what aspiration did you roll?

"If [I] had but world enough and time, [then] coyness [voice] were no crime."

*pause* I take it you rolled romance then?

"Yes, because this life is too short to faff around and limit oneself to one love."

Ok, so what is your LTW?

"To become Hall of Famer"

Really, what sport do you have in mind?

"Croquet of course. Not only is it a gentile and lady like sport, but they give you a big mallet so I can
bash anyone who appears to be beating me."

Ah-hah, not sure that that is the reason they give you a mallet, but whatever.
"voice, voice, over here. Pay attention to me, I am bored and I have not been on a date for what seems
like years."

Sorry George, but the rest of your family takes up most of my time at the moment.

"I suppose you will pay even less attention to me when the baby is born yes?"

Uh, probably. It's not that I don't like you George, because even though you ignore most of my
commands, and do annoying things like pranking all and sundry, I am actually quite fond of you. It's just
that, well, you have a large family now that I need to take care of, and since you have all the skills
needed for your top job, and can take care of yourself, I leave you to it.
Look, to make you feel better you can go on a date with your very pregnant wife.

"Thank you voice."

You're welcome. The truth of the matter is that it is pathetically easy to have these two have a dream
date, even at home, so I tend to do a few interactions to take it up to dream date, and then leave them
on free will to do whatever they want to do.
Does anyone else find that left to their own devices their sims will, more often than not, choose to sleep
in their underwear rather than their night things?

Anyway, there is still about a minute left on the date timer when Allyn goes in to labour.

"Oww, George wake up, I need you."
“This is a brilliant date. Oh and look, Allyn has given birth to another son."
Er George, I think that Allyn was waiting to hand you your child in that last slide, so why are you making
the bed?

"You know as well as I do that the Maxian coding when it comes to bed making is some of the strongest

True, but boy can it be annoying, and you cannot cancel it. There's a thread going at at
the moment to do with the least favourite interactions, and bed making has been mentioned several
times, go check it out.
"Helllooo, is anyone going to take notice of me whilst I give birth again?"

Yes Allyn, I'm here, even if your husband isn't. So three sets of twins eh? Looks as if twins are going to
run in this family.

"Personally I think that it has a lot to do with the cheesecake you keep making me eat."

Ah, you've figured that one out then.

"Yes, ow."

Probably not a good time to ask this, but you're not mad about it are you?"

"Argghhh, no owwww, I am a family sim arghhh, and I love children."

Let me introduce you all to the newest members of the Legacy family. This is Robert, and as you can see
he has either Gabe's skin or s3 skin, Allyn's light blue eyes, and RED hair. Woot, *does happy dance* I
have a child with red hair from a blonde mother and a brunette father, yay, so happy about this.
This little sweetie is Enid. Again she has a tan skin, but I can't tell which one yet, green eyes and blonde
hair. This means that I have all of the recessive hair and eyes present in this one generation.
For a house full of meanies, they certainly like it when babies are born, and most members of the family

"Yes, a brother, may be he can help me prove to the voice that I should be heir and not William."

Please don't try to corrupt your brother.
Remember the pictures of George and Elizabeth as teens? This reminds me of them. Violet is normally a
fairly pleasant sim to have around the house, but now she has other teens, she has started doing this.

"Hah, take that Anne!"

"Get off me!"
"I cannot believe that she did that voice! She might have injured me."

Oh, don't be so melodramatic. Your father and Aunt Elizabeth were always doing it, and they never got

"Hah, have you been to Aunt Elizabeth's house lately? She is glitching all over the place."

Shush, I'm planning on using those pictures as the funnies at the end of the next chapter.
Not that you can ever tell by George's expression, but he has just come home with another promotion,
that means he needs only three more to reach the top of his career and achieve his LTW.
"So Charlotta, I was thinking, I have been a teenager for a day, and yet I have still not met any boys my
own age. I think that we should put it to the voice that she should let us go out on our own tomorrow after
school. What do you think?"
"Hmm, I agree. I do not want to meet boys in the same way as you, but I do want to meet someone

Actually, I think that that is a good idea. I want to try to extend your social circle anyway, and the two of
you can chaperone each other.
"Yes! voice, voooice, I have been given an A+ by the teacher today at school. See, I am gifted

Your point being?

"I am great, and besides I do not think that William has been given such a high grade today."
"Wow, this is so impressive. I have been given an A+ Creator. I hope that Henry did as well."

Yea he did, and well done on getting that grade.
Sorry to disappoint you Henry, but William also got an A+.

"He did? Drat, I will have to make sure that I can keep my grade up, whilst perhaps his falls."

What are you planning?

"Nothing. Why do you think I am planning anything?"

Umm, because you just good as told me, and I don't like that smile on your face. (Seriously people, this
smile creeps me out).
I must admit one of the reasons I wanted to take Anne and Charlotta out of the house was to give me a
break from looking after so many sims (nine again), but Anne doesn't seem to be enjoying it.

"Why am I doing this voice?"

Because you wanted to meet boys, I wanted a break, and I wanted to set you and your sister's gender

"But do I have to stand and talk to this boy, can I not just kiss him?"

This boy has a name, it's Randy, and you can't just kiss him, the game doesn't work like that, you have
to have at least some relationship points.
"Fine. I will do this then, since it is much more fun."

"Anne, stop it, let me go."

Urgh mean sims.
Hello, Elise, nice to see you at last.

“Miss Di, it is good to be back in the house, just checking up on the family."

That's nice. Don't scare anyone too much.
"Hmm, Elise is just as beautiful as the day we got engaged."

After days, and days without a ghost, it appears that both Gabe and Elise have decided to haunt tonight.

Elise, what are you doing? I would appreciate it if you didn't traumatise your grandson.

"Heheh, well you did say not to scare anyone too much. You did not say do not scare any one at all."

Trust you to be literal. Leave him alone for the rest of the night alright?

"Hmm, you are no fun."

I am lots of fun, but I don't want you upsetting my little heir.
I had to include this picture, if only because I have never seen this in game before, although I had heard
about it. happening.
Trouble is Gabe after playing with the xylophone immediately went and did this.

Gabe do you mind not scaring the snot out of your grandson.

"Heh, I was not that nice in life, and now you want me to act as if I have eight nice points!"

Yeah, pretty much. I like the idea of having the ghosts around, but it is the constant scaring that gets on
my wick. In one family the dead mother-in-law woke her daughter-in-law up at least seven times in one
night before I moved her grave. That gets annoying.
"voice I am not happy."

Oh why not Henry?

"Grandpa Gabe scared me last night, and the tree in the front garden has just caught fire. I am also

Yes, well, I've had a go at your Grandpa Gabe over that, the tree will soon be out because of the rain,
and why don't you go inside and play Myshuno or something?
Wait, what are you doing her headmaster Corey Untypeable?

"I was invited to dinner so that I can assess this family's suitability with regards to allowing the children
into my school."

You were not! I did not ask any sim to ring you up!

"But I spoke to a nice young man who said that this family were interested in joining my establishment. I
trust that my presence here is not an inconvenience?"

Inconvenience? No, of course not, I mean I only have a double birthday to get through, and some plotty
type scenes to stage, and thus need your presence like I need a hole in the head. So why don't you
come in and make yourself at home?

"Thank you, I shall."

Honestly folks, I have no idea what this sim is doing here, because I did not invite him.
Inside everyone gathers around the cakes ready for Robert and Enid to grow up.

"RealMe, Henry has done nothing but glare at me since I arrived."

Yeah, I would just ignore him, he keeps glaring the screen too.
Continuing the Legacy tradition of babies not growing up when I want them to, Anne helps Enid grow up
without using the cake properly, whilst their mother and I think that's Catherine Harrison behind Anne
complain about how much Charlotta smells.
Here's the little sweetie after she has been fed with the standard toddler smart milk. She is a Pisces with
a personality of 4,4,10,3,6. Another nice sim, yay. She is also taking after the rest of the family with her
three serious points and full active ones. I have never had such an active family before.
"That is not how you glare Henry, this is how it is done. See you also have to clench your fists and look
as if you are about to stamp your foot."

"Like this Violet?"

"That is much better. Let us have a glaring contest."

"Fine, I will win though."

Oh well, at lest Henry is no longer glaring at my simself or the screen.
So Charlotta are you going to toss Robert into toddler hood now that you have blown out the candles?

"No, I do not think so. I am going to put him down on the floor."

Oh for goodness sake, not again. Right, well I haven't got time for this, the clock is ticking down on the
headmaster's visit, so I am afraid that Robert will have to wait a while.

"I will be in the bath if anyone needs me."
This is in here really just to show you all what I had to put up playing this day. As you can see the guests
are all complaining about how much Charlotta and my simself smell. (SimDi was standing next to the
tree when it caught fire). Henry also smells and needs to use the toilet, and Anne is letting me know how
bored she is. In the middle of all this I am trying to show the headmaster around the house.

I do like a challenge, but this is taking the biscuit.
So headmaster Untypeable, ignoring all the smelly people and the infant on the floor, what do you think
of this room?

"I love this room, it is so tastefully decorated, and I see that you still have the Bookcase of Learning."

That we do. Quick Anne, take him to the next room.
The headmaster also flips out over the morning room.

"Woo this is great."

"voice, this is very creepy. He is standing behind me just cheering, can I hurt him?"

What? No, don't be so silly, look continue with the tour, and then you can do whatever you want for the
rest of the night.
"So, headmaster Whateveryournameis, how do you like the games room?"

"It is very nice Miss Legacy, but I am now feeling very hungry, perhaps it is time for your mother to serve
the evening meal?"

"It is probably already on the table, go on through to the dinning room, I am going to stay here and do
something fun."
Corey whatshisname, is not the only sim in the house who is hungry and not too busy complaining about
something to eat, and he finds himself sitting down to dine with his ex-pupil Elizabeth. Unfortunately he
does not appear to have any tact.

"So Mrs Skinner, how is life treating you since you left my school. Of course I know that you did not
attend university because of your gender. I have heard mutterings that there are several females who
would like to be offered the chance to take their education further, but that is of course plain ridiculous as
the female brain is not made for such strenuous activity, and would result in the girls becoming quite ill."
"I am afraid Mr Thingymabob I really do not care to discuss it. I may have been unable to attend
university because of my gender, but that does not mean that I would not have excelled at it if I had
gone. We females are capable of so much more than you give us credit for. Now if you will excuse me, I
must be getting home, good evening Sir."
Right Allyn, we are on 85 points, go schmooze a bit so that I can get this sim out of my house.

"Right Creator. So Mr Jitmackusol my sources tell me that your school is one of the best in the county,
and has been commended on various occasions. From what I understand, that must be down to your
leadership skill, for surely a successful team is only as good as the leader."

"Why thank you Mrs Legacy for your praise. You are right, we have been commended on numerous
occasions for our achievements. Hmm, I believe that we have four spaces at the moment open to any
sims who can make an immediate start, perhaps your children would like attend our school?"

"I am sure that they will be delighted."

"Splendid, I look forward to seeing them in the morning."

Phew Allyn's one schmooze gives the family exactly 90 points, and the headmaster leaves.
With the headmaster safely out of the way, I decide to give Robert's birthday another go, and so George
is instructed to do the honours using the cake that was meant for Enid, but she didn't wait to use.

"I am ready voice."

Good, now you know what to do, you rock Robert back and forth, blow out the candles, then throw him
into the air. The sparkles and confetti surround him, and when he comes down he is a toddler.

"Yes, yes, I think I can handle this."

'K off you go then.
This is the part where you throw him in to the air George.

"I do not think I am going to voice."

What? Why not?

"Because I have only one nice point, and I like to be as awkward as I can be. I am going to put Robert in
his cot now and go to bed. Goodnight."

*sob* Not again.
In fact Robert did not grow up until 9.00 the next morning when Allyn got him out of his cot. This is the
latest I think I have ever had a sim baby grow up.
Here is the little tyke. It would great if I could say that he was a shy sim, and that he obviously did not
want all the fuss of everyone crowding round him as he aged, but alas, he is another Gemini with an
almost identical personality to his father, aunts, sister and brother 5,7,10,3,1.
Well done George, you are really notching up those promotions, I think that you only need two more
before you achieve your LTW.

"Yes, and finally I will be in a platinum mood."

Yep, and I will be guaranteed my platinum pleasure grave as long as you die of old age.
"Hmm, this homework seems very easy today, do you not think Henry?"

"Yes William." 'Urggh, this is hard. Drat I must have put the wrong names on the books'

What was that Henry?

"Nothing voice." 'Oh no, does this mean that she can read minds?'

My simself is becoming a regular visitor at the legacy house, and today it is Violet who wants to talk to

"So Violet, I doubt that you have asked me in here to discuss the weather. What is it that is on your
"You are right Miss Di. As you are aware I am a knowledge sim, and what I want more than anything at
the moment is to go to university. However I know that that is not possible at this stage in my family's
"It isn't I'm afraid no. You see I will be sending your nieces to 'finishing school' at Acadamie de la Tour,
but that is mainly because I want your brother and sister-in-law to give me four more children, and thus
need the space in the house.

You grow up in two days any way, and besides it doesn't feel right to me that you, a child of the second
generation should have the same opportunities that the third generation have, because one of the things
I am trying to show with this legacy is your family's progression through society, from living in a shack to
being members of the upper middle classes, and maybe beyond."
"That is quite alright, Miss Di, I understand, really I do, and I have formulated a plan that I think you might

"Go on."

"You see, I have decided that I want to be a governess. It is a suitable career for a young middle class
woman, and it allows me to continue with my quest for knowledge. In addition, if you make me leave the
home lot before I age, then my wants and fears will reroll, and I might lose the fear of being uneducated."
"Do you know, that might work. Ok, here is what I am going to do. Thanks to the head for numbers
business perk, I know every sim in the neighbourhood. Let me make a few calls and see if I can find a
position for you. Since I am the simself of the Creator my opinions should carry some weight, and I am
sure that my recommendation will be more than enough to get you a position. In the mean time, you go
and buy some suitable clothes, and we will see if that fear goes away."

"That sounds good. Thank you Miss Di."
My simself seems to be very popular tonight. As soon as she sits down to eat, Henry sidles up and takes
a seat.

"So, you are the simself of the voice correct?"


"Good. If I can persuade you to play ball in so far as allowing me to be heir, then the voice will follow
"That's not exactly how it works Henry. See, I am the physical presence of Di in your world. Through me
she is able to interact directly with you and your family, introducing you to sims she wants you to meet
etc. I also provide a focus for you to converse with her if you do not feel like talking directly to the screen
and breaking the already smashed fourth wall some more. In other words, I follow her, not the other way
"But then surely, if I convince you, then I am in fact convincing her?

Right then, this is why you should make me heir. Firstly I am more intelligent than William, and have
been skilling more than him. Secondly I am a mean sim, you know that everyone loves a villain and that
mean sims are easier to write for because we give you so much more material because of our facial
expressions and actions. Thirdly, I may have been born second, but I aged first at my subsequent
birthdays. Fourthly you know that you are worried about how William will age, after all Charlotta has a
lumpy face, and William is a clone and all facial features will be more exaggerated because he is male.
Lastly I have Grandpa Gabe's grey eyes, and I know that you would like them to be passed down the
"Well I don't know what to say to that. I think all I can say is that you have heard my opinions on the
matter, and I refuse to discuss it with you again."
"Just think about it Miss Di. That is all I ask."
Once SimDi and Henry vacate the Dining Room, Violet and William sit down to eat, and Violet wastes no
time in telling her nephew about her plan.

"So you see William, once I am an adult I am going to become a governess so that I can teach others all
that I have learnt. I am really looking forward to it."
"You are going to be a governess, Charlotta wants to travel the world, Anne wants to play professional
croquet, where does that leave me I wonder?"

"You are the heir William, surely that has been explained to you?"

"Yes both Papa and the Creator have told me that, but what exactly do I do as heir?"

"Well, you get to keep our family line going strong by marrying and producing the next generation."

Good morning William, how are you today? I understand that you are feeling a little down about being

"Yes, I just feel that everyone else will be moving on, but I will be stuck here standing still."

Oh William, don't think of it like that, being heir is a great honour, and although I have got some stories
worked out for other members of the family, I want to try to allow you and your family experience as
much of the game as possible.


You're still not convinced are you?


Well, maybe you will be more convinced once you have aged. Look, as a present, and I know it is a bit
late, but I've downloaded that sailor suit that you wanted.

"You have? Thank you Creator."
"Haha, what makes you think that I am going to let you play with my favourite toy boat any way Enid. I do
not want toddler snot all over it."

Henry, you spent last night trying to convince my simself that you should be heir, and yet the next day
you go and do that. You are not making me like you.

"What? I did not see you there voice."

Yes well, let this be a lesson to you, there is very little that I do not see or hear about Henry, so watch
your step.
Luckily William is nice, and he rushes out to see what Enid is crying about.

"Do not cry sister, you can play with my toy boat if you want."

"Fank 'oo."

Awww, this is why I like nice sims, they do lovely things like this.
With everything that has been going on in the house, poor ol' Anne still hasn't had her first kiss, and in
fact knows very few boys, so I do something I very rarely do, and have her call up the matchmaker to try
to get a date.

"Yes, yes, hurry up woman, I have not got the whole of eternity you know. Here is the §1500, now give
me my date."
And here he is. I think that Anne's expression says it all here.

"This is what you have given me? He looks as if his face has had a nasty accident with a brick wall!"

That may be true Anne, but look he has got red hair which is one of your turn ons.

"Yes, but even so. Besides I have been meaning to have a word with you about that voice, I want you to
change it. I am a romance sim, how can I romance lots of sims if one of my turn ons is for the least
prevalent hair colour?"

Yeah, I might change that later.
Any how, despite him having red hair Anne's date was a bust, ending up as ok, and no, she did not get
her first kiss. This however was quite a good thing though as it finished just before the main event of the
day: the boys' birthday.
Despite me clicking on William's cake first, Henry decides to go first.

"Hmm, now what shall I wish for? I know."

You're not by any chance thinking I wish to heir are you?

"Not saying, because then it will not come true."

"All right Henry, this is so great. I love birthdays, and I am so glad that we share one."

"Yes, trying to grow up here William, so be quiet there's a good chap."
Well, here is Henry as a teen. as you can see, not only does he look mean and miserable, but he also
seems to have taken quite a shine to Pringle sweaters.

"It is called style voice."

Okaay. He has followed in his father's footsteps and rolled pleasure with a LTW to become a
professional party guest.
Hmm, William has grown up with rather strong features. He seems to have inherited his father's chubby
cheeks, which coupled with Allyn's cheekbones and nose have led to a lumpy face. This is a good photo,
by the way in others he is rather scary. Oh well, at least my sims don't look the same.

He has rolled family, but his LTW is to raise 20 kittens and puppies! you are rerolling in Uni mister.

"But kittens and puppies are so sweet Creator."

Yes they are, but I hate this LTW because it smacks of intensive breeding, and there is no way that my
sims are going to run a puppy farm.
The next morning Violet receives an important phone call.

"Yes, this is Miss Violet Legacy ... I see, she has? ... Yes, I am looking for a position as a governess
Major Harrison ... I have a sound understanding on most subjects, from mechanical to social etiquette ...
Well, I transition to adult tonight so I will be available to start work as soon as you are ready ... Very well,
I will be over tonight. Thank you for this opportunity."

Got a job Violet?

"Yes. Thank you voice, that was Major Harrison, your simself has been in touch with him, and he would
like to offer me a position. I must go and pack so that I am ready to go."
Violet is not the only one with a birthday today, the youngest twins are also growing up today. I hope that
everyone likes cake.

First up is Robert who blows out his candles with some help from Allyn.
And this is what he grew up like. I can see both of his brothers in him, so it will be interesting to see how
he grows up.
George is given the job of helping Enid, and this time manages to get it right.

"See Enid, Papa blows out the candles, puts you on the floor, and you grow up to be a big girl."
After changing her hair, this is what she looks like.

"Great I got big. now what shall I do?"

(Sorry about the lack of characterisation with these two, but I have literally played to the end of this
album and not beyond, so I haven't really got a chance to find their personalities yet).
In the middle of Enid growing up I noticed confetti floating over my shoulder so I paused and spun the
camera round to find the Violet had grown up despite me telling her to get to a cake before I even grew
Robert up. Oh well. I think that I only managed to get good shots of one of Violet's birthdays, the other
three times she has grown up as she has wished.

"Sorry about that voice. (Alright I am not really because I only have one nice point), but I want to start my
work as a governess."

One a positive note, I had Violet go shopping the day before this, and she lost the fear of being
uneducated so at least I haven't got to worry about her going into aspiration failure. I did catch her crying
about it though as I changed her hair and clothes.
Following that change of hair and clothes, she goes to say goodbye to her brother before moving out.

"Good luck Violet. I hope that all goes well with your job."

"Thank you brother. I will of course come to visit you when I have any days off. Take care of yourself and
your family."
Well I think that this is a good place to end this album with Violet about to leave the Legacy house and
start her new life.

I hope that you have enjoyed reading the story so far, and will be back to read the next chapter when
ever I manage to play and write it lol. The only CC by me are the eyes, which can be found at MTS2
under Less Cartoony Maxis Style Eyes. Everything else is by the amazing creators at MTS2 (make up,
wallpaper, flooring and various object recolours), All-About-Style (clothing and accessories), and various
other sites that I can't think of right at this minute. If there is a particular item that you would like, let me
know in my GB and I'll try to remember where I found it.

Turn the page for one more image, and then I'll see you next time, bye. *waves*
"Uh Andrea, we are trying to shoot a scene here. Now everyone will wonder why they can see you over
my shoulder when RealMe shows my reaction to Violet's plan."

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A Victorian Legacy - Chapter 6 the Legacy Continues Onwards

  • 1. Hello and welcome back to chapter six of my Victorian Legacy As with all the chapters I’ve been converting from the exchange, I’ve not rewritten this apart from correcting the spelling. I suggest that any new readers go back and read my earlier chapters to get to know who the family members are. If you don't want to do that then just to let you know the basic premise of this legacy is that I am aiming to make it to 10 generations of sims making them live as authentic a Victorian life as I can manage within the constraints of the game. To this end there are no electronics apart from the phone, first born male inherits and sims can try for a baby only.
  • 2. The deaths of both my founder Gabe and his wife Elise has meant that the family friends count has fallen dramatically, and with so many sims in the house I have been neglecting the remaining friends, so I have George invite over some of his Uni friends to try to get their relationship back up. "Shush do not go and tell anyone, but the voice is a very poor simmer despite the number of years that she has been playing, and she has been ignoring me for the past few chapters." "That's terrible George, I thought that the rumours I heard when you were at Uni were just that, rumours. I must tel... I mean I wouldn't dream of telling everyone back at Uni about this." George, you are not spreading sedition again are you? "What? I would never dream of doing that voice." Hmm, why don't I believe you?
  • 3. Another reason for inviting over George's Uni friends is to try to get them on to boys' relationship panel so that I can get them into the Secret Society and Legacy Society more easily. Unfortunately they are more interested in playing Myshuno than making friends. "I will beat you William because I am the best." "Why does it matter so much to you anyway Henry, it is just a game." "No it is not!" "Myshuno." "What? That is not fair. MAMA WILLIAM CHEATED!" Allyn: "William play fair. It is not nice to cheat." "But..." Allyn, he didn't cheat, he won fair and square, it's your other son who is the troublemaker.
  • 4. The boys do normally get on well together, although Henry does seem to take things a bit too seriously at times. "Bang bang, take that you nasty bank robber."
  • 5. "Oh noo, you killed me copper."
  • 6. "Hahaha, I killed you good. That is so much fun, I like this game brother, I'm really good at it, in fact I'm better than you hahaha."
  • 7. "Hah, you are right this game is good fun. My turn to be the policeman now. Stop thief! Come back here with those jewels. Pow pow, pow pow. Hah I shot you, fall down!"
  • 8. "What! No, this is not what is meant to happen. I am meant to get away with the jewels and live happily ever after because I outwitted you, you feeble lawman. This is not fair and I do not want to play anymore."
  • 9. "Oi voice, I want a word with you." Oh hello Anne. How are you? "Not too good. Do you know why?" Um, no. "Today is my birthday, and you are going to make me grow up, when I do not want to." I'm sorry, but I really have no say in it, you have to grow up, besides which you are platinum so you shouldn't be fearing it. "I have told you before that it is another step nearer the grave, and it is a step I do not want to take. Sorry, nothing I can do, it's out of my hands. "I do not believe you. You are meant to be the one controlling us and our daily lives, you can do something about this, you just do not want to." *sigh* I may tell you what to do, but I have no idea about code, I play the game, not write it. (Note to self make sure that aging off is not mentioned around Anne. Also hide the elixir I'm having George and Allyn drink).
  • 10. "Personally Anne, I cannot wait to grow up. I want to spend my life travelling the globe. How much fun will that be? Getting to experience other cultures and share those experiences with others." "Hah good luck with that. The voice will have to buy Bon Voyage for that to happen." Which I probably will do, after all I said I wasn't going to get Open for Business, but the day it came out I went and bought it, so although On Holiday was my least favourite EP for the Sims I probably will get Bon Voyage, if only because I have an idea for an album later in the legacy.
  • 11. I'm so glad that Gabe's LTW was to reach the top of the Education career because, not only is it the highest paying career, so gave me a good start with building and furnishing the home, but it also gave me the bookshelf reward. Five hours in summer with a book from it, and William has maximised cooking. I love this reward object.
  • 12. "William has finished already? That is not fair, I wanted to finish first." You will finish soon, the reason that you didn't finish first is because I had William start learning before you. "So, I am still the best?" No, on this score you are equal. Any way, what is your obsession with trying to be the best? "If I prove to you that I am the best then you will realise that I am the one most worthy of the heirship." Sorry, as I said last chapter, in this legacy the first born male inherits, which is William. Discussion over. "We will see. I am not giving up on this." Oh joy.
  • 13. Just to prove that I haven't entirely forgotten about the parents this chapter, here is a picture of a very pregnant Allyn setting fire to the stove whilst George panics behind her. Seriously I have had more fires since Elise died than I had in the first part of the legacy. Mind you, it is a neat way of allowing me to say that the ranges fitted in most Victorian homes could be very dangerous, mainly because of the built in boilers for hot water, and it was not unheard of for them to explode, or the boilers to crack if the water level was not topped up. Luckily as the century went on the ranges became safer with innovations such as self filling boilers.
  • 14. The morning fire doesn't seem to have unsettled the children however, and William seems to excited about the fact that they are going to be welcoming a new member to the family. "I cannot wait until our baby brother or sister is born." "Hmm. It will be a baby William, all, it will do is scream and scream and need constant attention." Actually it won't since I patched my game sometime ago Henry, and got rid of the constant baby screaming problem.
  • 15. "But just think about it. How wonderful it will be to teach it the essential toddler skills. If I am teen maybe I will be allowed to teach it to walk." I sense a family sim here. "Are you mad William? Why would you want to do that?" Probably because unlike you Henry, William is nice.
  • 16. Why the long face George? "My babies are growing up. I cannot believe that they are about to become teenagers." Never mind George, your wife is about to pop with your next set of twins. "Twins, how do you know she is having twins?" Umm, because I have played further than this point.
  • 17. "So voice, there is no changing your mind is there? You are going to make me do this?" Yeah, we've been through this, so I'm not going to repeat myself, just blow out those candles.
  • 18. “Come on Anne, it is not so bad." "Fine, but I know what I am going to wish for." Good, now hurry up.
  • 19. So here is Charlotta after a quick change of clothes. Like her grandmother she has rolled popularity, and is one of the first sims in this legacy to have a non-career related LTW. She wants to have twenty simultaneous best friends. This actually really suits her personality as an outgoing, nice sim, so I'm really happy about it. "Does this mean that I am going to get played once I leave the house?" Maybe. I would like to play all my spares, and I have got story ideas for some of them already, but it depends on the time constraints, I mean it takes me long enough to find time to sit down, play and then write a chapter as it is, without playing other houses too.
  • 20. Here's Anne. I think that she has grown up to be beautiful in a typical English Rose way, I hope she stays as pretty as an adult. See growing up wasn't that bad was it? Now what aspiration did you roll? "If [I] had but world enough and time, [then] coyness [voice] were no crime." *pause* I take it you rolled romance then? "Yes, because this life is too short to faff around and limit oneself to one love." Ok, so what is your LTW? "To become Hall of Famer" Really, what sport do you have in mind? "Croquet of course. Not only is it a gentile and lady like sport, but they give you a big mallet so I can bash anyone who appears to be beating me." Ah-hah, not sure that that is the reason they give you a mallet, but whatever.
  • 21. "voice, voice, over here. Pay attention to me, I am bored and I have not been on a date for what seems like years." Sorry George, but the rest of your family takes up most of my time at the moment. "I suppose you will pay even less attention to me when the baby is born yes?" Uh, probably. It's not that I don't like you George, because even though you ignore most of my commands, and do annoying things like pranking all and sundry, I am actually quite fond of you. It's just that, well, you have a large family now that I need to take care of, and since you have all the skills needed for your top job, and can take care of yourself, I leave you to it.
  • 22. Look, to make you feel better you can go on a date with your very pregnant wife. "Thank you voice." You're welcome. The truth of the matter is that it is pathetically easy to have these two have a dream date, even at home, so I tend to do a few interactions to take it up to dream date, and then leave them on free will to do whatever they want to do.
  • 23. Does anyone else find that left to their own devices their sims will, more often than not, choose to sleep in their underwear rather than their night things? Anyway, there is still about a minute left on the date timer when Allyn goes in to labour. "Oww, George wake up, I need you."
  • 24. “This is a brilliant date. Oh and look, Allyn has given birth to another son."
  • 25. Er George, I think that Allyn was waiting to hand you your child in that last slide, so why are you making the bed? "You know as well as I do that the Maxian coding when it comes to bed making is some of the strongest around." True, but boy can it be annoying, and you cannot cancel it. There's a thread going at at the moment to do with the least favourite interactions, and bed making has been mentioned several times, go check it out.
  • 26. "Helllooo, is anyone going to take notice of me whilst I give birth again?" Yes Allyn, I'm here, even if your husband isn't. So three sets of twins eh? Looks as if twins are going to run in this family. "Personally I think that it has a lot to do with the cheesecake you keep making me eat." Ah, you've figured that one out then. "Yes, ow." Probably not a good time to ask this, but you're not mad about it are you?" "Argghhh, no owwww, I am a family sim arghhh, and I love children." Good.
  • 27. Let me introduce you all to the newest members of the Legacy family. This is Robert, and as you can see he has either Gabe's skin or s3 skin, Allyn's light blue eyes, and RED hair. Woot, *does happy dance* I have a child with red hair from a blonde mother and a brunette father, yay, so happy about this.
  • 28. This little sweetie is Enid. Again she has a tan skin, but I can't tell which one yet, green eyes and blonde hair. This means that I have all of the recessive hair and eyes present in this one generation.
  • 29. For a house full of meanies, they certainly like it when babies are born, and most members of the family cheer. "Yes, a brother, may be he can help me prove to the voice that I should be heir and not William." Please don't try to corrupt your brother.
  • 30. Remember the pictures of George and Elizabeth as teens? This reminds me of them. Violet is normally a fairly pleasant sim to have around the house, but now she has other teens, she has started doing this. "Hah, take that Anne!" "Get off me!"
  • 31. "I cannot believe that she did that voice! She might have injured me." Oh, don't be so melodramatic. Your father and Aunt Elizabeth were always doing it, and they never got hurt. "Hah, have you been to Aunt Elizabeth's house lately? She is glitching all over the place." Shush, I'm planning on using those pictures as the funnies at the end of the next chapter.
  • 32. Not that you can ever tell by George's expression, but he has just come home with another promotion, that means he needs only three more to reach the top of his career and achieve his LTW.
  • 33. "So Charlotta, I was thinking, I have been a teenager for a day, and yet I have still not met any boys my own age. I think that we should put it to the voice that she should let us go out on our own tomorrow after school. What do you think?"
  • 34. "Hmm, I agree. I do not want to meet boys in the same way as you, but I do want to meet someone new." Actually, I think that that is a good idea. I want to try to extend your social circle anyway, and the two of you can chaperone each other.
  • 35. "Yes! voice, voooice, I have been given an A+ by the teacher today at school. See, I am gifted academically." Your point being? "I am great, and besides I do not think that William has been given such a high grade today."
  • 36. "Wow, this is so impressive. I have been given an A+ Creator. I hope that Henry did as well." Yea he did, and well done on getting that grade.
  • 37. Sorry to disappoint you Henry, but William also got an A+. "He did? Drat, I will have to make sure that I can keep my grade up, whilst perhaps his falls." What are you planning? "Nothing. Why do you think I am planning anything?" Umm, because you just good as told me, and I don't like that smile on your face. (Seriously people, this smile creeps me out).
  • 38. I must admit one of the reasons I wanted to take Anne and Charlotta out of the house was to give me a break from looking after so many sims (nine again), but Anne doesn't seem to be enjoying it. "Why am I doing this voice?" Because you wanted to meet boys, I wanted a break, and I wanted to set you and your sister's gender preferences. "But do I have to stand and talk to this boy, can I not just kiss him?" This boy has a name, it's Randy, and you can't just kiss him, the game doesn't work like that, you have to have at least some relationship points.
  • 39. "Fine. I will do this then, since it is much more fun." "Anne, stop it, let me go." Urgh mean sims.
  • 40. Hello, Elise, nice to see you at last. “Miss Di, it is good to be back in the house, just checking up on the family." That's nice. Don't scare anyone too much.
  • 41. "Hmm, Elise is just as beautiful as the day we got engaged." After days, and days without a ghost, it appears that both Gabe and Elise have decided to haunt tonight.
  • 42. "ARRGGHH NANA!" Elise, what are you doing? I would appreciate it if you didn't traumatise your grandson. "Heheh, well you did say not to scare anyone too much. You did not say do not scare any one at all." Trust you to be literal. Leave him alone for the rest of the night alright? "Hmm, you are no fun." I am lots of fun, but I don't want you upsetting my little heir.
  • 43. I had to include this picture, if only because I have never seen this in game before, although I had heard about it. happening.
  • 44. Trouble is Gabe after playing with the xylophone immediately went and did this. Gabe do you mind not scaring the snot out of your grandson. "Heh, I was not that nice in life, and now you want me to act as if I have eight nice points!" Yeah, pretty much. I like the idea of having the ghosts around, but it is the constant scaring that gets on my wick. In one family the dead mother-in-law woke her daughter-in-law up at least seven times in one night before I moved her grave. That gets annoying.
  • 45. "voice I am not happy." Oh why not Henry? "Grandpa Gabe scared me last night, and the tree in the front garden has just caught fire. I am also bored." Yes, well, I've had a go at your Grandpa Gabe over that, the tree will soon be out because of the rain, and why don't you go inside and play Myshuno or something?
  • 46. Wait, what are you doing her headmaster Corey Untypeable? "I was invited to dinner so that I can assess this family's suitability with regards to allowing the children into my school." You were not! I did not ask any sim to ring you up! "But I spoke to a nice young man who said that this family were interested in joining my establishment. I trust that my presence here is not an inconvenience?" Inconvenience? No, of course not, I mean I only have a double birthday to get through, and some plotty type scenes to stage, and thus need your presence like I need a hole in the head. So why don't you come in and make yourself at home? "Thank you, I shall." Honestly folks, I have no idea what this sim is doing here, because I did not invite him.
  • 47. Inside everyone gathers around the cakes ready for Robert and Enid to grow up. "RealMe, Henry has done nothing but glare at me since I arrived." Yeah, I would just ignore him, he keeps glaring the screen too.
  • 48. Continuing the Legacy tradition of babies not growing up when I want them to, Anne helps Enid grow up without using the cake properly, whilst their mother and I think that's Catherine Harrison behind Anne complain about how much Charlotta smells.
  • 49. Here's the little sweetie after she has been fed with the standard toddler smart milk. She is a Pisces with a personality of 4,4,10,3,6. Another nice sim, yay. She is also taking after the rest of the family with her three serious points and full active ones. I have never had such an active family before.
  • 50. "That is not how you glare Henry, this is how it is done. See you also have to clench your fists and look as if you are about to stamp your foot." "Like this Violet?" "That is much better. Let us have a glaring contest." "Fine, I will win though." Oh well, at lest Henry is no longer glaring at my simself or the screen.
  • 51. So Charlotta are you going to toss Robert into toddler hood now that you have blown out the candles? "No, I do not think so. I am going to put him down on the floor." Oh for goodness sake, not again. Right, well I haven't got time for this, the clock is ticking down on the headmaster's visit, so I am afraid that Robert will have to wait a while. "I will be in the bath if anyone needs me."
  • 52. This is in here really just to show you all what I had to put up playing this day. As you can see the guests are all complaining about how much Charlotta and my simself smell. (SimDi was standing next to the tree when it caught fire). Henry also smells and needs to use the toilet, and Anne is letting me know how bored she is. In the middle of all this I am trying to show the headmaster around the house. I do like a challenge, but this is taking the biscuit.
  • 53. So headmaster Untypeable, ignoring all the smelly people and the infant on the floor, what do you think of this room? "I love this room, it is so tastefully decorated, and I see that you still have the Bookcase of Learning." That we do. Quick Anne, take him to the next room.
  • 54. The headmaster also flips out over the morning room. "Woo this is great." "voice, this is very creepy. He is standing behind me just cheering, can I hurt him?" What? No, don't be so silly, look continue with the tour, and then you can do whatever you want for the rest of the night.
  • 55. "So, headmaster Whateveryournameis, how do you like the games room?" "It is very nice Miss Legacy, but I am now feeling very hungry, perhaps it is time for your mother to serve the evening meal?" "It is probably already on the table, go on through to the dinning room, I am going to stay here and do something fun."
  • 56. Corey whatshisname, is not the only sim in the house who is hungry and not too busy complaining about something to eat, and he finds himself sitting down to dine with his ex-pupil Elizabeth. Unfortunately he does not appear to have any tact. "So Mrs Skinner, how is life treating you since you left my school. Of course I know that you did not attend university because of your gender. I have heard mutterings that there are several females who would like to be offered the chance to take their education further, but that is of course plain ridiculous as the female brain is not made for such strenuous activity, and would result in the girls becoming quite ill."
  • 57. "I am afraid Mr Thingymabob I really do not care to discuss it. I may have been unable to attend university because of my gender, but that does not mean that I would not have excelled at it if I had gone. We females are capable of so much more than you give us credit for. Now if you will excuse me, I must be getting home, good evening Sir."
  • 58. Right Allyn, we are on 85 points, go schmooze a bit so that I can get this sim out of my house. "Right Creator. So Mr Jitmackusol my sources tell me that your school is one of the best in the county, and has been commended on various occasions. From what I understand, that must be down to your leadership skill, for surely a successful team is only as good as the leader." "Why thank you Mrs Legacy for your praise. You are right, we have been commended on numerous occasions for our achievements. Hmm, I believe that we have four spaces at the moment open to any sims who can make an immediate start, perhaps your children would like attend our school?" "I am sure that they will be delighted." "Splendid, I look forward to seeing them in the morning." Phew Allyn's one schmooze gives the family exactly 90 points, and the headmaster leaves.
  • 59. With the headmaster safely out of the way, I decide to give Robert's birthday another go, and so George is instructed to do the honours using the cake that was meant for Enid, but she didn't wait to use. "I am ready voice." Good, now you know what to do, you rock Robert back and forth, blow out the candles, then throw him into the air. The sparkles and confetti surround him, and when he comes down he is a toddler. "Yes, yes, I think I can handle this." 'K off you go then.
  • 60. This is the part where you throw him in to the air George. "I do not think I am going to voice." What? Why not? "Because I have only one nice point, and I like to be as awkward as I can be. I am going to put Robert in his cot now and go to bed. Goodnight." *sob* Not again.
  • 61. In fact Robert did not grow up until 9.00 the next morning when Allyn got him out of his cot. This is the latest I think I have ever had a sim baby grow up.
  • 62. Here is the little tyke. It would great if I could say that he was a shy sim, and that he obviously did not want all the fuss of everyone crowding round him as he aged, but alas, he is another Gemini with an almost identical personality to his father, aunts, sister and brother 5,7,10,3,1.
  • 63. Well done George, you are really notching up those promotions, I think that you only need two more before you achieve your LTW. "Yes, and finally I will be in a platinum mood." Yep, and I will be guaranteed my platinum pleasure grave as long as you die of old age.
  • 64. "Hmm, this homework seems very easy today, do you not think Henry?" "Yes William." 'Urggh, this is hard. Drat I must have put the wrong names on the books' What was that Henry? "Nothing voice." 'Oh no, does this mean that she can read minds?' Hmmm.
  • 65. My simself is becoming a regular visitor at the legacy house, and today it is Violet who wants to talk to her. "So Violet, I doubt that you have asked me in here to discuss the weather. What is it that is on your mind?"
  • 66. "You are right Miss Di. As you are aware I am a knowledge sim, and what I want more than anything at the moment is to go to university. However I know that that is not possible at this stage in my family's story."
  • 67. "It isn't I'm afraid no. You see I will be sending your nieces to 'finishing school' at Acadamie de la Tour, but that is mainly because I want your brother and sister-in-law to give me four more children, and thus need the space in the house. You grow up in two days any way, and besides it doesn't feel right to me that you, a child of the second generation should have the same opportunities that the third generation have, because one of the things I am trying to show with this legacy is your family's progression through society, from living in a shack to being members of the upper middle classes, and maybe beyond."
  • 68. "That is quite alright, Miss Di, I understand, really I do, and I have formulated a plan that I think you might like." "Go on." "You see, I have decided that I want to be a governess. It is a suitable career for a young middle class woman, and it allows me to continue with my quest for knowledge. In addition, if you make me leave the home lot before I age, then my wants and fears will reroll, and I might lose the fear of being uneducated."
  • 69. "Do you know, that might work. Ok, here is what I am going to do. Thanks to the head for numbers business perk, I know every sim in the neighbourhood. Let me make a few calls and see if I can find a position for you. Since I am the simself of the Creator my opinions should carry some weight, and I am sure that my recommendation will be more than enough to get you a position. In the mean time, you go and buy some suitable clothes, and we will see if that fear goes away." "That sounds good. Thank you Miss Di."
  • 70. My simself seems to be very popular tonight. As soon as she sits down to eat, Henry sidles up and takes a seat. "So, you are the simself of the voice correct?" "Yes." "Good. If I can persuade you to play ball in so far as allowing me to be heir, then the voice will follow right?"
  • 71. "That's not exactly how it works Henry. See, I am the physical presence of Di in your world. Through me she is able to interact directly with you and your family, introducing you to sims she wants you to meet etc. I also provide a focus for you to converse with her if you do not feel like talking directly to the screen and breaking the already smashed fourth wall some more. In other words, I follow her, not the other way around."
  • 72. "But then surely, if I convince you, then I am in fact convincing her? Right then, this is why you should make me heir. Firstly I am more intelligent than William, and have been skilling more than him. Secondly I am a mean sim, you know that everyone loves a villain and that mean sims are easier to write for because we give you so much more material because of our facial expressions and actions. Thirdly, I may have been born second, but I aged first at my subsequent birthdays. Fourthly you know that you are worried about how William will age, after all Charlotta has a lumpy face, and William is a clone and all facial features will be more exaggerated because he is male. Lastly I have Grandpa Gabe's grey eyes, and I know that you would like them to be passed down the generations."
  • 73. "Well I don't know what to say to that. I think all I can say is that you have heard my opinions on the matter, and I refuse to discuss it with you again."
  • 74. "Just think about it Miss Di. That is all I ask."
  • 75. Once SimDi and Henry vacate the Dining Room, Violet and William sit down to eat, and Violet wastes no time in telling her nephew about her plan. "So you see William, once I am an adult I am going to become a governess so that I can teach others all that I have learnt. I am really looking forward to it."
  • 76. "You are going to be a governess, Charlotta wants to travel the world, Anne wants to play professional croquet, where does that leave me I wonder?" "You are the heir William, surely that has been explained to you?" "Yes both Papa and the Creator have told me that, but what exactly do I do as heir?" "Well, you get to keep our family line going strong by marrying and producing the next generation." "Oh."
  • 77. Good morning William, how are you today? I understand that you are feeling a little down about being heir?" "Yes, I just feel that everyone else will be moving on, but I will be stuck here standing still." Oh William, don't think of it like that, being heir is a great honour, and although I have got some stories worked out for other members of the family, I want to try to allow you and your family experience as much of the game as possible. "Right." You're still not convinced are you? "No." Well, maybe you will be more convinced once you have aged. Look, as a present, and I know it is a bit late, but I've downloaded that sailor suit that you wanted. "You have? Thank you Creator."
  • 78. "Haha, what makes you think that I am going to let you play with my favourite toy boat any way Enid. I do not want toddler snot all over it." "Wahhh."
  • 79. Henry, you spent last night trying to convince my simself that you should be heir, and yet the next day you go and do that. You are not making me like you. "What? I did not see you there voice." Yes well, let this be a lesson to you, there is very little that I do not see or hear about Henry, so watch your step.
  • 80. Luckily William is nice, and he rushes out to see what Enid is crying about. "Do not cry sister, you can play with my toy boat if you want." "Fank 'oo." Awww, this is why I like nice sims, they do lovely things like this.
  • 81. With everything that has been going on in the house, poor ol' Anne still hasn't had her first kiss, and in fact knows very few boys, so I do something I very rarely do, and have her call up the matchmaker to try to get a date. "Yes, yes, hurry up woman, I have not got the whole of eternity you know. Here is the §1500, now give me my date."
  • 82. And here he is. I think that Anne's expression says it all here. "This is what you have given me? He looks as if his face has had a nasty accident with a brick wall!" That may be true Anne, but look he has got red hair which is one of your turn ons. "Yes, but even so. Besides I have been meaning to have a word with you about that voice, I want you to change it. I am a romance sim, how can I romance lots of sims if one of my turn ons is for the least prevalent hair colour?" Yeah, I might change that later.
  • 83. Any how, despite him having red hair Anne's date was a bust, ending up as ok, and no, she did not get her first kiss. This however was quite a good thing though as it finished just before the main event of the day: the boys' birthday.
  • 84. Despite me clicking on William's cake first, Henry decides to go first. "Hmm, now what shall I wish for? I know." You're not by any chance thinking I wish to heir are you? "Not saying, because then it will not come true." *sigh*
  • 85. "All right Henry, this is so great. I love birthdays, and I am so glad that we share one." "Yes, trying to grow up here William, so be quiet there's a good chap."
  • 86. Well, here is Henry as a teen. as you can see, not only does he look mean and miserable, but he also seems to have taken quite a shine to Pringle sweaters. "It is called style voice." Okaay. He has followed in his father's footsteps and rolled pleasure with a LTW to become a professional party guest.
  • 87. Hmm, William has grown up with rather strong features. He seems to have inherited his father's chubby cheeks, which coupled with Allyn's cheekbones and nose have led to a lumpy face. This is a good photo, by the way in others he is rather scary. Oh well, at least my sims don't look the same. He has rolled family, but his LTW is to raise 20 kittens and puppies! you are rerolling in Uni mister. "But kittens and puppies are so sweet Creator." Yes they are, but I hate this LTW because it smacks of intensive breeding, and there is no way that my sims are going to run a puppy farm.
  • 88. The next morning Violet receives an important phone call. "Yes, this is Miss Violet Legacy ... I see, she has? ... Yes, I am looking for a position as a governess Major Harrison ... I have a sound understanding on most subjects, from mechanical to social etiquette ... Well, I transition to adult tonight so I will be available to start work as soon as you are ready ... Very well, I will be over tonight. Thank you for this opportunity." Got a job Violet? "Yes. Thank you voice, that was Major Harrison, your simself has been in touch with him, and he would like to offer me a position. I must go and pack so that I am ready to go."
  • 89. Violet is not the only one with a birthday today, the youngest twins are also growing up today. I hope that everyone likes cake. First up is Robert who blows out his candles with some help from Allyn.
  • 90. And this is what he grew up like. I can see both of his brothers in him, so it will be interesting to see how he grows up.
  • 91. George is given the job of helping Enid, and this time manages to get it right. "See Enid, Papa blows out the candles, puts you on the floor, and you grow up to be a big girl."
  • 92. After changing her hair, this is what she looks like. "Great I got big. now what shall I do?" (Sorry about the lack of characterisation with these two, but I have literally played to the end of this album and not beyond, so I haven't really got a chance to find their personalities yet).
  • 93. In the middle of Enid growing up I noticed confetti floating over my shoulder so I paused and spun the camera round to find the Violet had grown up despite me telling her to get to a cake before I even grew Robert up. Oh well. I think that I only managed to get good shots of one of Violet's birthdays, the other three times she has grown up as she has wished. "Sorry about that voice. (Alright I am not really because I only have one nice point), but I want to start my work as a governess." One a positive note, I had Violet go shopping the day before this, and she lost the fear of being uneducated so at least I haven't got to worry about her going into aspiration failure. I did catch her crying about it though as I changed her hair and clothes.
  • 94. Following that change of hair and clothes, she goes to say goodbye to her brother before moving out. "Good luck Violet. I hope that all goes well with your job." "Thank you brother. I will of course come to visit you when I have any days off. Take care of yourself and your family."
  • 95. Well I think that this is a good place to end this album with Violet about to leave the Legacy house and start her new life. I hope that you have enjoyed reading the story so far, and will be back to read the next chapter when ever I manage to play and write it lol. The only CC by me are the eyes, which can be found at MTS2 under Less Cartoony Maxis Style Eyes. Everything else is by the amazing creators at MTS2 (make up, wallpaper, flooring and various object recolours), All-About-Style (clothing and accessories), and various other sites that I can't think of right at this minute. If there is a particular item that you would like, let me know in my GB and I'll try to remember where I found it. Turn the page for one more image, and then I'll see you next time, bye. *waves*
  • 96. "Uh Andrea, we are trying to shoot a scene here. Now everyone will wonder why they can see you over my shoulder when RealMe shows my reaction to Violet's plan."