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A Story Of My Family
Every family has their fair share of stories to tell with each generation. My grandparents told my sister and me some interesting stories and my parents
passed them on to my sister and I. Through all the experiences that they have shared with us, it felt as if we were with them and shared that moment
together. With all the stories that 'exist' it was inevitable that there were a few stories that intrigued us or stuck with us wherever we go.
One story that interested me was about the eventful time that my family had leading up to my parents' wedding on October 27, 1999. A week before
the wedding there was a festival known as Diwali so everybody on mom's side met to have some fun. Everybody was playing cards in the house as
it was raining outside. Around 10 pm the power went out, and in India, the power going out when there is heavy raining is nothing out of the
ordinary. They continued to play cards in the light of a few candles, and around 12 it began to get windy and even at this point, nobody realized that
anything bad was going on. It continued to get worse outside eventually, it got bad enough that the windows began to break and the wind began to rush
through the ventilators. This caught their attention because the houses in India are made of concrete and the doors are made of iron. The storm was
steadily increasing in strength and water began to rush into the house. As the night progressed, they began to see trees fall down by the dozens.
Grandma and Grandpa began to
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Essay on My Family's Ancestry
Gathering research about my family and its history turned out to be an interesting and insightful opportunity, through which I learned much more than
I expected. When I started this project, I knew that I would not be able to find as much useful information on the Internet as some of my peers. In
effect, I realized that I would have to rely on other primary resources such as my parents and grandparents to reveal the story of my ancestry to me.
After I had interviewed them, my family history became much clearer to me. More than 2 millennia ago, around the 3rd century BC, a group of
Tamil–speaking people from present–day South India migrated to the nearby island of Sri Lanka. Among these people, known today as "Sri Lankan
Tamils", are more content...
The Peninsula has a hot, monsoonal tropical climate characterized by a dry season from February to October and a wet season from October to
January. Because of the monsoons, the region is humid and averages three feet of rain each year, which is relatively low compared to the rest of the
island. The climate of the region allows for many crops to be grown including many varieties of fruits and vegetables.
While interviewing my parents and grandparents, I learned about many customs and aspects of the Sri Lankan Tamil culture. Sri Lankan Tamils are
devotees of the Shaiva sect of Hinduism, mainly worshipping the lord Shiva. The three main cultural festivals celebrated in the area are Thai Pongal
(beginning of the harvest), Chittrai Pongal (Tamil New Year), and Deepavali (Hindu Festival of Lights). In addition, pujas (religious rituals) are
performed for different occasions, such as the death day of an ancestor or the celebration of a certain Hindu deity. It was also a custom to ask the
village astrologer for advice on certain decisions, such as the name of a newborn child.
Paternal Great–Grandparents In the early 1900's, Kadirasaipillai and Vairavipillai Kandappar, my paternal grandmother's parents, were born in the
village of Puloly, Northern Province, Sri Lanka. They were both born into families of the Vellalar caste of Tamil society and went to school at Puttalai
Vidhyalayam, the only schooling option
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The Story Of My Family
The story of my family is one that I do not tell often. Although my entire family may not be in agreement at all ties, I know that there is a purpose
for every single person in my family; there is a reason that I have the ties I do. Each person and each event builds on the continuous story of my life.
Each new day is another chance to embark upon a journey that has the potential to change my life forever. Every time I see my parents, I tell them
that I love them. Life itself is so fragile, and we never know what is in store for the future. When I think of my family narrative, I think of courage,
resilience, love, compassion, joy, difficulty, and many more emotions and reactions. This is the story of my family as it relates to Marriage and
Families today.
My parents were married on January 15, 1994. They have been married for 22 years now, and the beginning of my family was signified on that day.
My parents were married for 2 years before having their first child. Twenty years later, I am still their only child. My mother's pregnancy with me was
filled with stress and unexpected turns. I was born prematurely at two pounds and twelve ounces; an entire two months prematurely. My mom had to
stay with me in the hospital for months because I developed jaundice and other conditions that deteriorated my health. The problems did not end there,
however. I would love to believe that racism and colorism are not issues anymore, but sadly they are even today. The sight of my pale skin led
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My Family Story
The stories from our parents and grandparents always hold a special place in our hearts, for just an instance we get to see what the world was like
from a more mature individual's perspective, we get to live the days they did through the stories they share. My grandma, or what she is to me; my
meme, has shared a variety of stories from her childhood that has allowed me to see some of the challenges and opportunities she had faced growing
up. My favorite story she has shared with me would be about the time my memes parents decided to move states. The story tells about the trip on the
way to move, the short amount of time they stayed, and lastly, the decision to moving back, to where they previously resided. My meme grew up in a more content...
She said the girls were the Indians and the boys the cowboys. In these new outfits, the girls who were the Indians found a red clay wall, and
"what's an Indian without some red clay" she would always say, put red clay all over themselves! After the game began the boys then decided they
too want to be Indians and covered themselves in clay! "Oh boy were we in trouble" she said. Around 3 months of living in Illinois memes dad
didn't want to live there anymore. He wanted to go back home he said. Just in time for the start of school the got back home. My meme explained
how most people wouldn't consider moving to somewhere such as Illinois as an exciting childhood memory, but for her growing up in a small
town, it was the best thing in the world! She considered the world to be small as she was growing up, and then told me about the car they had at
the time. A station wagon and no seat belt laws, and how there wasn't even a car seat for her baby brother. They then would lean the seats down
and nap and play. My meme has had a pretty amazing life growing up from what she tells me. I always enjoy hearing stories about the past, because
it allows me to see the world in different views. Something so little to us now, was the world to people back in the day, our generation takes
advantage of things we should be thankful for, and in hearing stories I become more thankful each day for the family
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Autobiography Of My Family
I was born and raised into a hardworking family that are the complete opposite of culture alienators. My siblings and I are all first generation in
America on my mom's side and second generation on my dad's side. Life was very hard for my parents to raise all seven of us and depended on
my grandparents for most of their help. Being that my grandparents brought all nine of their kids to America from Belize it was also very hard for
them so survive and find stability. Most families that come to America from a third world country usually find it very difficult to keep up family
traditions and sometimes lose all contact. My family found a way to stay very close and keep the Belizean culture very alive still to this day. As you
can tell by more content...
This left my mom with seven kids to raise by herself. Meaning one on one time was rare, because my mom is not a superhero and could not be in
multiple places at one time. Grief left my family and I in a place where we did not know what to do, but we eventually got out of it, and continued
on with our life. We always remembered the hard working parents we had, and the hard working mother we still had. I am resilient and got back
on my feet and continued to attend school, graduated elementary school, and will soon graduate from high school. Although, I have gone through
many difficulties it has made me work harder as an individual and choose my career choice at an early age. Being that I was very into the heart at
a young age, and my father passing from a heart disease, I always knew I wanted to study cardiology, and will someday soon become a
cardiologist. Being that my mother has attended medical school several times, I first handedly have seen how difficult it can be. I have been told
by many people to pick a different profession because of that; But because of how passionate I am about cardiology and the amount of times I have
experienced people deal with heart problems has assured me that I have chose the right profession. I being a very conscientious person has has also
assured me that I will be able to tackle medical school and become a cardiologist. I believe that the first steps of becoming a cardiologist is that I have
personally experienced people suffer from
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Essay on My Family History
My Family History
Family history is very important to an individual. By knowing where you come from, you can have a better perspective of your life. Having a clear
understanding of your family background allows you to better appreciate the things that you would normally take for granted. The house, the car, and
the average clothing may look better when one sees the sacrifices their family has made. They will see that their family has worked very hard just so
their family can experience the better things in life. A persons roots and origin is one of the most important things to explore. It alone can bring you
closer to self–discovery.
There are two sides to a person's family and one side of my family more content...
One of these is that on Thanksgiving everybody comes together to my parents' house in New Jersey for a huge feast. On Christmas only my mother and
the children (me and my brother) travel to Illinois to spend a week with my grandparents. On New Years Eve we all get together at my parents'
house in New Jersey and toast to the New Year with champagne and apple cider. During Labor Day weekend all of my family travels to South
Jersey to my grandfathers' condo. We usually spend all of our time on the beach and barbequing, except on Sunday when we go to church. After
all, my grandfather is a minister. One of our biggest family traditions is going back to Puerto Rico. Every year my mother and I travel back to
Puerto Rico for a portion of our summer vacation. Now that I am older I travel there more often and stay there much longer. My father never joins
because he doesn't like my mothers side of the father too much and he thinks that we when we speak Spanish we are all plotting against him. Of
course that's not true though. My bother doesn't speak Spanish so he doesn't like to go either. I guess that tradition is one that belongs solely to my
mother and I.
The role of the people in family basically stayed the same for most of the generations with a little change in the later generations. Earlier the males
were the only ones that worked in the family and the wife stayed at home and took care of the house and
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My Family's Immigration
Annette Chu
Mrs. Grover
English 9A
26 November 2012
The Reason I was Born in the USA
金山 or Gold Mountain was the name given to the United States by the people of China looking for new opportunities. The immigration story on my
mother's side of the family begins with my great–grandfather's journey to the United States in search for a better life for himself, his wife, and his four
children. At this time, the majority of the population in China was living in poverty. Being able to come to America was the dream of many in the
hopes they would be able to become wealthy.
However, it was a rough start for my great–grandfather. The language barrier was a major obstacle and job options for foreigners were very limited;
the only more content...
Instead, my grandmother and my great–grandparents decided to meet in Hong Kong. It was a huge risk for my grandmother to take because she was
leaving China. During the Cultural Revolution, this was viewed as being unfaithful to Chinese government and the person could be subject to public
humiliation. Red Guards Nevertheless, they were reunited for a period of time.
Knowing that there was the possibility that they would never see their daughter again after she returned to China, my great–grandparents pleaded my
grandmother to stay in Hong Kong. However, my grandmother knew by doing so she would be regarded as an anti–revolutionist, and her husband
would be persecuted for her actions. Once again she was separated from her parents.
Years later, my mother knowing how much her mother wanted to be reunited with her parents, studied hard to give her mother the chance to come to
America. By succeeding academically, she was able to travel to the United States as a foreign college student at the age of 18. After graduating, she
became a US citizen and filed the appropriate papers that allowed my grandmother to immigrate to the United States. At the age of 65, my
grandmother's family was complete
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My Family Essay
No one can't meet a family like mine's. My family is well diversified. Every family member plays an important role in all my family's lives. In my
family, there are four people: my father, my mother, my little brother and me. My father is one who brings money home and is also responsible for
organizing and planning family trips. My mother is the one who is in charge for making meals and makes sure everyone eats at the appropriate times.
My little brother is the pet of the family. He actually doesn't have any responsibilities, for he's the pet. I am the rock of support in my family. I always
go beyond my parents' expectations. I also support my younger cousins and little brother, by being a role model that they can look up to.
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Doing what my parents tell me to do is just one of many reasons why I am a rock of support for my family. Not only do I support my parents, but I
also support my younger cousins and brother. As an eldest brother and cousin, I feel I must be a good example for the young ones. There are
numerous methods of showing my cousins and brother support. One main way is by providing advice on making the right choices. For example my
brother had a problem at school with one of his classmates. As a mature and responsible older brother, I advised him to use the non–violent approach. I
told him to go discuss the problem and try to resolve it peacefully. My brother then asked me why he shouldn't fight his classmate. I explained how
violence is the answer to anything. I advised him to first talk to his classmate in a professional manner. If then things get out of hand, I told him to
let the teacher know the situation. In the end, my brother didn't need to get the teacher involved. In fact, their conflict was resolved by talking
through with each other. I also am very supportive of my little cousins. One way I help them out is by tutoring them once in a while. They come
over to my house and I assist them with their school work. Not only I help my cousins with their homework, but I also support them recreationally. I
play various sports and activities with them. As their older cousin/brother, I feel I should be a good role model to follow. I am also known for being there
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My Family : A Short Story
Growing up, my family was ideal. My sisters and I were all very happy and very coddled by my father, he was my hero in my early years, he would
always be the fun and loving parent when my mom would yell. My dad was into welding, fishing, and playing guitar, I thought that no dad could
possibly be more outstanding or influential than my own, he was impeccably intelligent and resourceful. My family and I had not spent a holiday apart,
the amount of love that took place in our home was uncomparable. While growing up in my household, I had not faced many issues with myself
and my family, we had always felt secure with one another and spent our days happily together, just us five. Until one day that five became a four.
As I had gotten a little older, my parents started losing their love for each other, I was incredibly naive as a girl and felt as if this was temporary, as
if were to stop at any moment and would end and we could somehow seem to not acknowledge what took place the previous night as all of us sat in
our diningroom and devoured our breakfast in uncomforting silence. In every family you will encounter an argument between parents, but to me it
was as if the world had plunged into a vortex. I never imagined them separating, I knew my sisters and I would not be able to handle that and we
would slowly and mentally separate ourselves as well. I could not handle the heartbreak any longer so I eventually asked my mom a simple question, I
asked her where her love had
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My Family Short Story
The best thing that has ever happened to me is my family. What can I say about my family, my kids? I can say that they are my angels the best
present that god had send me. The most joyful gift that anyone can get. Family comes first more than anything in life. I am blessed to be a mother
of three children. When I found out that I was expecting my first kid I was really in shock. Yeah I was only a teenager back then, I was nineteen
years old. Back then I was attending high school everyone kept looking at me like a weirdo. My parents were upset at me but, they didn't left me
alone with my pregnancy. They gave me their hundred percent support. You can imagine I was their princess and her only daughter. Long story short
in June 23, 2004 more content...
I don't regret my sleepless, crying, and craziness life. The love I have for them is everything and anything in this world. After all the craziness with
my first two princess I tough I had finish. I had always say that an even number of kids it's a good number. But guess what I got pregnant again. When
I found out I was pregnant I was very happy but, I said that will be my last one. After a long time and I thought about getting pregnant which I did. By
this time my oldest was twelve and my youngest was seven years old. I had to restart all over again with diapers, bottles, milk, and diaper bag.
Goodbye to my purses, hello diaper bag "again". This time I was expecting a boy "wow". I was really happy I was having a boy but, at the same time I
was afraid. My mind was going crazy "oh my god a boy, what will I do with a boy". The month past super–fast by the time it was January 22, 2016. I
was blessed with my baby boy. This time I had a lot of help my girls, my parents, and my brother. My girls will help me with anything the baby needed.
I couldn't be happier with my three kids. When my last baby was born I decided to go back to school. After fourteen years I am here. I am afraid of
being here but, I will not give up. My kids are my motivation to keep me going forward and never look back. My family is my world and wouldn't
change it. To conclude my three kids keep me going. Does three angles are my motivation my motor to
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My Family Story
Prologue A long time ago, or it feels that way, my life was good. Happy. Peaceful. Growing up, I never thought that maybe I was unlucky. I was
always grateful for the riches my family had, for our presumed safety in the collapsing government. My mother, Adeline, died three years after my
twin brother Leonardo and I were born, so I didn't remember her that well. My father said he'd never remarry, that he loved my mother too much,
but sometimes I thought we'd be better off if he had. Let me explain. Six years ago, when I ten years old, my father disappeared. He left no will,
and we had no near relatives of legal age. Despite our protests, everything my father owned was turned over to his colleague, an elderly man named
Mr. Anselmus who wanted nothing to do with us. Mr. Anselmus had never been my father's friend, per say, but they worked together and he was the
closest thing to a grandfather we ever knew. He wasn't exactly friendly, and he hated children, but he was a rich and powerful man and often got
what he wanted. In this case, he wanted us gone. We never heard from him again. Description We were shipped off to a farm to work. Hundreds of
miles away from our home, our life, our newly–non–existent family. As we pulled in on a broken down horse cart, clothed in nothing much better than
rags that hardly protected us from the nipping, frosty air, we stared up at our new owner's massive castle. My brother wiped a tear from my cheek. I
smiled, turning to him, and punched
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Family Narrative Essay
Cervantes I
Cervantes Higuera Jessica
University of the Incarnate Word
English Composition I
Draft #1
Why does everyone leave?
Seeing your parents apart and not getting along when they're together is hard for most kids specially when you're 8 years old and you don't know
what's coming next. The day my parents got divorced changed my perception of what a normal family was.
Having my dad around all the time wasn't my everyday routine. I'd see him once or twice a week so I wasn't very much used to see him every day.
One day I came home after school and he and my mom were on the balcony talking, the notice I was staring, they both looked at me and called for a
family meeting by the tone of their voices I could tell there more content...
According to the doctor the pollution had affected his eyes. He had always lived on the beach and his body never got used to the city.
I knew my life was going to change completely, I wouldn't see him every day. Who would I cry out for help when my mom gets angry?
Everything was about to change, we wouldn't order take–out on Sundays, it was a big deal, I was losing my best friend, the only father figure I have
ever had so far. I watched him taking all of his stuff out of the apartment, I was getting more and more mad. Wasn't our beautiful relationship enough
to make him stay? I even blame myself I thought I had done something wrong, maybe wearing his clothes and leaving them all messy, I apologize and
swear not to do it again, but it didn't matter the decision was already made.
I stared at him and yelled "if you don't love me anymore go ahead leave, I don't need you" there were tears on our faces, I jumped into my bed and
cried myself to sleep.
I realized there was nothing else to be done, he was not my father and I was sure I'd see him someday, he wouldn't stop loving me, and we would
always have the memories of the brief time we shared our lives. He made the best out of my childhood.
Cervantes III
Growing up with a father that was never around and a father figure that also left was hard, but it taught me that I don't need a father to rely on. I have
myself and my mom, and as long as I don't forget who I am I
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My Family Dream
As a young dreamer coming to America, I dreamed of being successful. I dreamed of owning a big house, owning a plaza back home. I was
looking forward to get back into college and get a degree in something. As time went by those dreams started to fade. I got married, had children and
my life went into a different path. After being married for a couple of years, and observing my husband's mood swings and awkward behavior, I
learned that he has a mental illness. I tried to help him, but was preventing him from learning to be independent by doing everything for him. With lack
of knowledge on the matter, we were both denied to talk about the situation, or seek help. The impotence of not knowing how to help him was
immense. He started hiding, more content...
I will have to participate in a workshop and practice the experience of hearing voices, to better understand what he goes through daily. I have to
practice being kind to him and myself. The personal resistances that I have experienced in working toward my goals are that my husband cannot
maintain a job for more than 1 or 2 years. I have to go through the uncertainty of knowing that my income is the only stable income. I have to rely on
public assistance as for housing, and public healthcare. I have to constantly prove to child care voucher providers that even though my husband is
home; he is not capable of caring for the children for long hours. This has been shaming and uncomfortable. My husband's mental illness makes him
see things differently than everyone else; this makes our relationship very difficult. I have difficulty asking for help when I need it, and the only
person I can rely on is my husband. He is my only natural support. I feel that there are no motivational strategies used by my agency to motivate
individuals at my practicum site. They are very understanding and caring, but I wish they had a method to motivate us to do better. They use
incentives, but only for those employees that work overtime. I help clients identify and reach their goals, by assessing their strength, understanding
what the needs are. I help clients by using information from their culture to understand the way they do things. I
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Essay about My Family Heritage
My Family Heritage
Family Defined
The word family has changed so much in the past century. A family back in the 1950's was probably considered a husband, wife, and one or more
children. Times have changed and families have become much different. The Interpersonal Communication: Relating to Others book definesfamily as
a, "Unit made up of any number of persons who live in relationship with one another over time in a common living space who are usually, but not
always, united by marriage and kinship" (Beebe, Beebe & Redmond, 243). Families can be broken up into five different types. The first is the
traditional family, which includes a mother, father, and their biological children. Next, is the blended family which more content...
William, known as Bill, was born on July 20, 1921 in Minneapolis, MN. He worked in the plaster/stucco business for over 25 years before working
at Northwest Airlines. His wife's maiden name was Lorraine Mulcahy. Lorraine was born on August 13, 1922 in St. Paul, MN. Lorraine went to
college at the University of Minnesota where she got her Bachelor of Science degree and became a dental hygienist. My grandma "Lo" is the
genealogy nut in our family. She has searched for birthdates, marriage licenses, and other documents of her grandparents. I called grandma Lo to get
some information on my great–grandparents and family stories. I found out I was part Norwegian and I never even knew it! Grandma Lo's parents
were Edward Mulcahy and Olga Shermoen. Her father Ed was born on April 15, 1880 in Minneapolis, MN. Ed worked as a claim agent for the Great
Northern Railroad in the twin cities. Olga was born on March 15, 1888 in Hawley, MN. She also worked for the Great Northern Railroad as a matron.
Edward was 100% Irish while Olga was 100% Norwegian. This makes my grandma Lorraine 50% Irish & 50% Norwegian. My grandpa Bill was
adopted in Minneapolis so his genealogy is unknown. He was told by his adopted parents that he was mostly Irish. If we pretended Bill was 100%
Irish, this would make my mom 75% Irish and 25% Norwegian.
Father's side
My father's name is Gerald Otto Utz. He was born on January 23, 1950 in Springfield, MN. He is
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A Story Of My Family

  • 1. A Story Of My Family Every family has their fair share of stories to tell with each generation. My grandparents told my sister and me some interesting stories and my parents passed them on to my sister and I. Through all the experiences that they have shared with us, it felt as if we were with them and shared that moment together. With all the stories that 'exist' it was inevitable that there were a few stories that intrigued us or stuck with us wherever we go. One story that interested me was about the eventful time that my family had leading up to my parents' wedding on October 27, 1999. A week before the wedding there was a festival known as Diwali so everybody on mom's side met to have some fun. Everybody was playing cards in the house as it was raining outside. Around 10 pm the power went out, and in India, the power going out when there is heavy raining is nothing out of the ordinary. They continued to play cards in the light of a few candles, and around 12 it began to get windy and even at this point, nobody realized that anything bad was going on. It continued to get worse outside eventually, it got bad enough that the windows began to break and the wind began to rush through the ventilators. This caught their attention because the houses in India are made of concrete and the doors are made of iron. The storm was steadily increasing in strength and water began to rush into the house. As the night progressed, they began to see trees fall down by the dozens. Grandma and Grandpa began to Get more content on
  • 2. Essay on My Family's Ancestry Gathering research about my family and its history turned out to be an interesting and insightful opportunity, through which I learned much more than I expected. When I started this project, I knew that I would not be able to find as much useful information on the Internet as some of my peers. In effect, I realized that I would have to rely on other primary resources such as my parents and grandparents to reveal the story of my ancestry to me. After I had interviewed them, my family history became much clearer to me. More than 2 millennia ago, around the 3rd century BC, a group of Tamil–speaking people from present–day South India migrated to the nearby island of Sri Lanka. Among these people, known today as "Sri Lankan Tamils", are more content... The Peninsula has a hot, monsoonal tropical climate characterized by a dry season from February to October and a wet season from October to January. Because of the monsoons, the region is humid and averages three feet of rain each year, which is relatively low compared to the rest of the island. The climate of the region allows for many crops to be grown including many varieties of fruits and vegetables. While interviewing my parents and grandparents, I learned about many customs and aspects of the Sri Lankan Tamil culture. Sri Lankan Tamils are devotees of the Shaiva sect of Hinduism, mainly worshipping the lord Shiva. The three main cultural festivals celebrated in the area are Thai Pongal (beginning of the harvest), Chittrai Pongal (Tamil New Year), and Deepavali (Hindu Festival of Lights). In addition, pujas (religious rituals) are performed for different occasions, such as the death day of an ancestor or the celebration of a certain Hindu deity. It was also a custom to ask the village astrologer for advice on certain decisions, such as the name of a newborn child. Paternal Great–Grandparents In the early 1900's, Kadirasaipillai and Vairavipillai Kandappar, my paternal grandmother's parents, were born in the village of Puloly, Northern Province, Sri Lanka. They were both born into families of the Vellalar caste of Tamil society and went to school at Puttalai Vidhyalayam, the only schooling option Get more content on
  • 3. The Story Of My Family The story of my family is one that I do not tell often. Although my entire family may not be in agreement at all ties, I know that there is a purpose for every single person in my family; there is a reason that I have the ties I do. Each person and each event builds on the continuous story of my life. Each new day is another chance to embark upon a journey that has the potential to change my life forever. Every time I see my parents, I tell them that I love them. Life itself is so fragile, and we never know what is in store for the future. When I think of my family narrative, I think of courage, resilience, love, compassion, joy, difficulty, and many more emotions and reactions. This is the story of my family as it relates to Marriage and Families today. My parents were married on January 15, 1994. They have been married for 22 years now, and the beginning of my family was signified on that day. My parents were married for 2 years before having their first child. Twenty years later, I am still their only child. My mother's pregnancy with me was filled with stress and unexpected turns. I was born prematurely at two pounds and twelve ounces; an entire two months prematurely. My mom had to stay with me in the hospital for months because I developed jaundice and other conditions that deteriorated my health. The problems did not end there, however. I would love to believe that racism and colorism are not issues anymore, but sadly they are even today. The sight of my pale skin led Get more content on
  • 4. My Family Story The stories from our parents and grandparents always hold a special place in our hearts, for just an instance we get to see what the world was like from a more mature individual's perspective, we get to live the days they did through the stories they share. My grandma, or what she is to me; my meme, has shared a variety of stories from her childhood that has allowed me to see some of the challenges and opportunities she had faced growing up. My favorite story she has shared with me would be about the time my memes parents decided to move states. The story tells about the trip on the way to move, the short amount of time they stayed, and lastly, the decision to moving back, to where they previously resided. My meme grew up in a more content... She said the girls were the Indians and the boys the cowboys. In these new outfits, the girls who were the Indians found a red clay wall, and "what's an Indian without some red clay" she would always say, put red clay all over themselves! After the game began the boys then decided they too want to be Indians and covered themselves in clay! "Oh boy were we in trouble" she said. Around 3 months of living in Illinois memes dad didn't want to live there anymore. He wanted to go back home he said. Just in time for the start of school the got back home. My meme explained how most people wouldn't consider moving to somewhere such as Illinois as an exciting childhood memory, but for her growing up in a small town, it was the best thing in the world! She considered the world to be small as she was growing up, and then told me about the car they had at the time. A station wagon and no seat belt laws, and how there wasn't even a car seat for her baby brother. They then would lean the seats down and nap and play. My meme has had a pretty amazing life growing up from what she tells me. I always enjoy hearing stories about the past, because it allows me to see the world in different views. Something so little to us now, was the world to people back in the day, our generation takes advantage of things we should be thankful for, and in hearing stories I become more thankful each day for the family Get more content on
  • 5. Autobiography Of My Family I was born and raised into a hardworking family that are the complete opposite of culture alienators. My siblings and I are all first generation in America on my mom's side and second generation on my dad's side. Life was very hard for my parents to raise all seven of us and depended on my grandparents for most of their help. Being that my grandparents brought all nine of their kids to America from Belize it was also very hard for them so survive and find stability. Most families that come to America from a third world country usually find it very difficult to keep up family traditions and sometimes lose all contact. My family found a way to stay very close and keep the Belizean culture very alive still to this day. As you can tell by more content... This left my mom with seven kids to raise by herself. Meaning one on one time was rare, because my mom is not a superhero and could not be in multiple places at one time. Grief left my family and I in a place where we did not know what to do, but we eventually got out of it, and continued on with our life. We always remembered the hard working parents we had, and the hard working mother we still had. I am resilient and got back on my feet and continued to attend school, graduated elementary school, and will soon graduate from high school. Although, I have gone through many difficulties it has made me work harder as an individual and choose my career choice at an early age. Being that I was very into the heart at a young age, and my father passing from a heart disease, I always knew I wanted to study cardiology, and will someday soon become a cardiologist. Being that my mother has attended medical school several times, I first handedly have seen how difficult it can be. I have been told by many people to pick a different profession because of that; But because of how passionate I am about cardiology and the amount of times I have experienced people deal with heart problems has assured me that I have chose the right profession. I being a very conscientious person has has also assured me that I will be able to tackle medical school and become a cardiologist. I believe that the first steps of becoming a cardiologist is that I have personally experienced people suffer from Get more content on
  • 6. Essay on My Family History My Family History Family history is very important to an individual. By knowing where you come from, you can have a better perspective of your life. Having a clear understanding of your family background allows you to better appreciate the things that you would normally take for granted. The house, the car, and the average clothing may look better when one sees the sacrifices their family has made. They will see that their family has worked very hard just so their family can experience the better things in life. A persons roots and origin is one of the most important things to explore. It alone can bring you closer to self–discovery. There are two sides to a person's family and one side of my family more content... One of these is that on Thanksgiving everybody comes together to my parents' house in New Jersey for a huge feast. On Christmas only my mother and the children (me and my brother) travel to Illinois to spend a week with my grandparents. On New Years Eve we all get together at my parents' house in New Jersey and toast to the New Year with champagne and apple cider. During Labor Day weekend all of my family travels to South Jersey to my grandfathers' condo. We usually spend all of our time on the beach and barbequing, except on Sunday when we go to church. After all, my grandfather is a minister. One of our biggest family traditions is going back to Puerto Rico. Every year my mother and I travel back to Puerto Rico for a portion of our summer vacation. Now that I am older I travel there more often and stay there much longer. My father never joins because he doesn't like my mothers side of the father too much and he thinks that we when we speak Spanish we are all plotting against him. Of course that's not true though. My bother doesn't speak Spanish so he doesn't like to go either. I guess that tradition is one that belongs solely to my mother and I. The role of the people in family basically stayed the same for most of the generations with a little change in the later generations. Earlier the males were the only ones that worked in the family and the wife stayed at home and took care of the house and Get more content on
  • 7. My Family's Immigration Annette Chu Mrs. Grover English 9A 26 November 2012 The Reason I was Born in the USA 金山 or Gold Mountain was the name given to the United States by the people of China looking for new opportunities. The immigration story on my mother's side of the family begins with my great–grandfather's journey to the United States in search for a better life for himself, his wife, and his four children. At this time, the majority of the population in China was living in poverty. Being able to come to America was the dream of many in the hopes they would be able to become wealthy. However, it was a rough start for my great–grandfather. The language barrier was a major obstacle and job options for foreigners were very limited; the only more content... Instead, my grandmother and my great–grandparents decided to meet in Hong Kong. It was a huge risk for my grandmother to take because she was leaving China. During the Cultural Revolution, this was viewed as being unfaithful to Chinese government and the person could be subject to public humiliation. Red Guards Nevertheless, they were reunited for a period of time. Knowing that there was the possibility that they would never see their daughter again after she returned to China, my great–grandparents pleaded my grandmother to stay in Hong Kong. However, my grandmother knew by doing so she would be regarded as an anti–revolutionist, and her husband would be persecuted for her actions. Once again she was separated from her parents. Years later, my mother knowing how much her mother wanted to be reunited with her parents, studied hard to give her mother the chance to come to America. By succeeding academically, she was able to travel to the United States as a foreign college student at the age of 18. After graduating, she became a US citizen and filed the appropriate papers that allowed my grandmother to immigrate to the United States. At the age of 65, my grandmother's family was complete Get more content on
  • 8. My Family Essay No one can't meet a family like mine's. My family is well diversified. Every family member plays an important role in all my family's lives. In my family, there are four people: my father, my mother, my little brother and me. My father is one who brings money home and is also responsible for organizing and planning family trips. My mother is the one who is in charge for making meals and makes sure everyone eats at the appropriate times. My little brother is the pet of the family. He actually doesn't have any responsibilities, for he's the pet. I am the rock of support in my family. I always go beyond my parents' expectations. I also support my younger cousins and little brother, by being a role model that they can look up to. more content... Doing what my parents tell me to do is just one of many reasons why I am a rock of support for my family. Not only do I support my parents, but I also support my younger cousins and brother. As an eldest brother and cousin, I feel I must be a good example for the young ones. There are numerous methods of showing my cousins and brother support. One main way is by providing advice on making the right choices. For example my brother had a problem at school with one of his classmates. As a mature and responsible older brother, I advised him to use the non–violent approach. I told him to go discuss the problem and try to resolve it peacefully. My brother then asked me why he shouldn't fight his classmate. I explained how violence is the answer to anything. I advised him to first talk to his classmate in a professional manner. If then things get out of hand, I told him to let the teacher know the situation. In the end, my brother didn't need to get the teacher involved. In fact, their conflict was resolved by talking through with each other. I also am very supportive of my little cousins. One way I help them out is by tutoring them once in a while. They come over to my house and I assist them with their school work. Not only I help my cousins with their homework, but I also support them recreationally. I play various sports and activities with them. As their older cousin/brother, I feel I should be a good role model to follow. I am also known for being there Get more content on
  • 9. My Family : A Short Story Growing up, my family was ideal. My sisters and I were all very happy and very coddled by my father, he was my hero in my early years, he would always be the fun and loving parent when my mom would yell. My dad was into welding, fishing, and playing guitar, I thought that no dad could possibly be more outstanding or influential than my own, he was impeccably intelligent and resourceful. My family and I had not spent a holiday apart, the amount of love that took place in our home was uncomparable. While growing up in my household, I had not faced many issues with myself and my family, we had always felt secure with one another and spent our days happily together, just us five. Until one day that five became a four. As I had gotten a little older, my parents started losing their love for each other, I was incredibly naive as a girl and felt as if this was temporary, as if were to stop at any moment and would end and we could somehow seem to not acknowledge what took place the previous night as all of us sat in our diningroom and devoured our breakfast in uncomforting silence. In every family you will encounter an argument between parents, but to me it was as if the world had plunged into a vortex. I never imagined them separating, I knew my sisters and I would not be able to handle that and we would slowly and mentally separate ourselves as well. I could not handle the heartbreak any longer so I eventually asked my mom a simple question, I asked her where her love had Get more content on
  • 10. My Family Short Story The best thing that has ever happened to me is my family. What can I say about my family, my kids? I can say that they are my angels the best present that god had send me. The most joyful gift that anyone can get. Family comes first more than anything in life. I am blessed to be a mother of three children. When I found out that I was expecting my first kid I was really in shock. Yeah I was only a teenager back then, I was nineteen years old. Back then I was attending high school everyone kept looking at me like a weirdo. My parents were upset at me but, they didn't left me alone with my pregnancy. They gave me their hundred percent support. You can imagine I was their princess and her only daughter. Long story short in June 23, 2004 more content... I don't regret my sleepless, crying, and craziness life. The love I have for them is everything and anything in this world. After all the craziness with my first two princess I tough I had finish. I had always say that an even number of kids it's a good number. But guess what I got pregnant again. When I found out I was pregnant I was very happy but, I said that will be my last one. After a long time and I thought about getting pregnant which I did. By this time my oldest was twelve and my youngest was seven years old. I had to restart all over again with diapers, bottles, milk, and diaper bag. Goodbye to my purses, hello diaper bag "again". This time I was expecting a boy "wow". I was really happy I was having a boy but, at the same time I was afraid. My mind was going crazy "oh my god a boy, what will I do with a boy". The month past super–fast by the time it was January 22, 2016. I was blessed with my baby boy. This time I had a lot of help my girls, my parents, and my brother. My girls will help me with anything the baby needed. I couldn't be happier with my three kids. When my last baby was born I decided to go back to school. After fourteen years I am here. I am afraid of being here but, I will not give up. My kids are my motivation to keep me going forward and never look back. My family is my world and wouldn't change it. To conclude my three kids keep me going. Does three angles are my motivation my motor to Get more content on
  • 11. My Family Story Prologue A long time ago, or it feels that way, my life was good. Happy. Peaceful. Growing up, I never thought that maybe I was unlucky. I was always grateful for the riches my family had, for our presumed safety in the collapsing government. My mother, Adeline, died three years after my twin brother Leonardo and I were born, so I didn't remember her that well. My father said he'd never remarry, that he loved my mother too much, but sometimes I thought we'd be better off if he had. Let me explain. Six years ago, when I ten years old, my father disappeared. He left no will, and we had no near relatives of legal age. Despite our protests, everything my father owned was turned over to his colleague, an elderly man named Mr. Anselmus who wanted nothing to do with us. Mr. Anselmus had never been my father's friend, per say, but they worked together and he was the closest thing to a grandfather we ever knew. He wasn't exactly friendly, and he hated children, but he was a rich and powerful man and often got what he wanted. In this case, he wanted us gone. We never heard from him again. Description We were shipped off to a farm to work. Hundreds of miles away from our home, our life, our newly–non–existent family. As we pulled in on a broken down horse cart, clothed in nothing much better than rags that hardly protected us from the nipping, frosty air, we stared up at our new owner's massive castle. My brother wiped a tear from my cheek. I smiled, turning to him, and punched Get more content on
  • 12. Family Narrative Essay Cervantes I Cervantes Higuera Jessica University of the Incarnate Word English Composition I Draft #1 Why does everyone leave? Seeing your parents apart and not getting along when they're together is hard for most kids specially when you're 8 years old and you don't know what's coming next. The day my parents got divorced changed my perception of what a normal family was. Having my dad around all the time wasn't my everyday routine. I'd see him once or twice a week so I wasn't very much used to see him every day. One day I came home after school and he and my mom were on the balcony talking, the notice I was staring, they both looked at me and called for a family meeting by the tone of their voices I could tell there more content... According to the doctor the pollution had affected his eyes. He had always lived on the beach and his body never got used to the city. I knew my life was going to change completely, I wouldn't see him every day. Who would I cry out for help when my mom gets angry? Everything was about to change, we wouldn't order take–out on Sundays, it was a big deal, I was losing my best friend, the only father figure I have ever had so far. I watched him taking all of his stuff out of the apartment, I was getting more and more mad. Wasn't our beautiful relationship enough to make him stay? I even blame myself I thought I had done something wrong, maybe wearing his clothes and leaving them all messy, I apologize and swear not to do it again, but it didn't matter the decision was already made. I stared at him and yelled "if you don't love me anymore go ahead leave, I don't need you" there were tears on our faces, I jumped into my bed and cried myself to sleep. I realized there was nothing else to be done, he was not my father and I was sure I'd see him someday, he wouldn't stop loving me, and we would always have the memories of the brief time we shared our lives. He made the best out of my childhood. Cervantes III Growing up with a father that was never around and a father figure that also left was hard, but it taught me that I don't need a father to rely on. I have myself and my mom, and as long as I don't forget who I am I
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  • 14. My Family Dream As a young dreamer coming to America, I dreamed of being successful. I dreamed of owning a big house, owning a plaza back home. I was looking forward to get back into college and get a degree in something. As time went by those dreams started to fade. I got married, had children and my life went into a different path. After being married for a couple of years, and observing my husband's mood swings and awkward behavior, I learned that he has a mental illness. I tried to help him, but was preventing him from learning to be independent by doing everything for him. With lack of knowledge on the matter, we were both denied to talk about the situation, or seek help. The impotence of not knowing how to help him was immense. He started hiding, more content... I will have to participate in a workshop and practice the experience of hearing voices, to better understand what he goes through daily. I have to practice being kind to him and myself. The personal resistances that I have experienced in working toward my goals are that my husband cannot maintain a job for more than 1 or 2 years. I have to go through the uncertainty of knowing that my income is the only stable income. I have to rely on public assistance as for housing, and public healthcare. I have to constantly prove to child care voucher providers that even though my husband is home; he is not capable of caring for the children for long hours. This has been shaming and uncomfortable. My husband's mental illness makes him see things differently than everyone else; this makes our relationship very difficult. I have difficulty asking for help when I need it, and the only person I can rely on is my husband. He is my only natural support. I feel that there are no motivational strategies used by my agency to motivate individuals at my practicum site. They are very understanding and caring, but I wish they had a method to motivate us to do better. They use incentives, but only for those employees that work overtime. I help clients identify and reach their goals, by assessing their strength, understanding what the needs are. I help clients by using information from their culture to understand the way they do things. I Get more content on
  • 15. Essay about My Family Heritage My Family Heritage Family Defined The word family has changed so much in the past century. A family back in the 1950's was probably considered a husband, wife, and one or more children. Times have changed and families have become much different. The Interpersonal Communication: Relating to Others book definesfamily as a, "Unit made up of any number of persons who live in relationship with one another over time in a common living space who are usually, but not always, united by marriage and kinship" (Beebe, Beebe & Redmond, 243). Families can be broken up into five different types. The first is the traditional family, which includes a mother, father, and their biological children. Next, is the blended family which more content... William, known as Bill, was born on July 20, 1921 in Minneapolis, MN. He worked in the plaster/stucco business for over 25 years before working at Northwest Airlines. His wife's maiden name was Lorraine Mulcahy. Lorraine was born on August 13, 1922 in St. Paul, MN. Lorraine went to college at the University of Minnesota where she got her Bachelor of Science degree and became a dental hygienist. My grandma "Lo" is the genealogy nut in our family. She has searched for birthdates, marriage licenses, and other documents of her grandparents. I called grandma Lo to get some information on my great–grandparents and family stories. I found out I was part Norwegian and I never even knew it! Grandma Lo's parents were Edward Mulcahy and Olga Shermoen. Her father Ed was born on April 15, 1880 in Minneapolis, MN. Ed worked as a claim agent for the Great Northern Railroad in the twin cities. Olga was born on March 15, 1888 in Hawley, MN. She also worked for the Great Northern Railroad as a matron. Edward was 100% Irish while Olga was 100% Norwegian. This makes my grandma Lorraine 50% Irish & 50% Norwegian. My grandpa Bill was adopted in Minneapolis so his genealogy is unknown. He was told by his adopted parents that he was mostly Irish. If we pretended Bill was 100% Irish, this would make my mom 75% Irish and 25% Norwegian. Father's side My father's name is Gerald Otto Utz. He was born on January 23, 1950 in Springfield, MN. He is
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