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Subliminal imagery and the Watchtower publications illustrations
The world of subliminal imagery has been seen for almost 25 years by thousands of Jehovah’s witnesses who have
complained about the sightings. The Watchtower organization denies they exist and anyone who says contrary are
excommunicated as “APOSTATE” a term used in the Bible to refer to those who turn against Christ, such as a Judas.
These people are treated as filth and never to even be spoken to again. They are viewed as disgusting and to be
avoided at all cost, even if they are of your own family they are to be disowned. Such is the world of shunning in the
Jehovah witnesses organization for any who dare to question them. What we show here are a few examples to judge
for yourself. Below: The Watchtower organizations made comments in their monthly magazine “The Watchtower”.
What the Watchtower organization said about the complaints and rumours, they don’t exit!
A picture found in the book “Revelation –its grand climax”
showing a profile of a face in the cloud and skull to the right facing you. Not convinced? read on . . .
A skull wearing hood cloak with an
exaggerated jaw is seen in the image of the
universe. Below taken apart is clearly seen.
This is a great example! Folks have written to
say that seeing hidden images in the WTBTS
publications is simply a matter of seeing
faces in the clouds, that it is merely your
imagination and you can see whatever you
want to see. Well, this one is for those folks. I
love the irony.
Like many of the
Watchtower illustrations
it only becomes clear
after taking the images
apart. Art experts agree
these have been
inserted deliberately as
the skull appears
numerous times. In this
illustration, we see the
profile of a hooded skull
or demon floating in
space . . . This image
was created from an
actual x-ray of a human
skull and the red hood
was added. The only
modification was to
elongate the jaw bone in
order to show what the
artist was depicting.
ABOVE: Butted up against itself shows the whole. The face of a dragon is seen pulling the chariot (above) in this
WTBTS illustration, very similar to the image on this popular tarot card (right) This face is like a Chinese dragon
where Elijah is being taken up in the chariot implying being taken up by Satan rather than by almighty God. The Devil
is described as the fiery dragon in the bible book of revelation.
Speaking of tarot cards, the cover
of the early Watchtower magazine
almost follows exactly the same
image of the Tarot card called “The
• The Tower
• The Raging Sea
• The Lighting
• The Beam of Light
We might also include, to also notice the
cross and crown and “Knights Templar”
logo of the Masonic lodge in each top
corners of the magazine.
C.T.Russell’s Grave showing Masonic logo
of cross and crown illustrated on the left
which he also used on his publications.
This face can be seen upside down in the picture of
Christ in the hair and forehead. This is just one example
where faces have been cleverly insert to blend into the
There are numerous examples found to date following
the same subliminal pattern. Faces in water, clothing,
trees and rocks formation are also used.
No matter the reason, a hexagram is an
unlikely design to be found in the back of
an average household chair, and it is far
stranger that the WTBTS would utilize it in
one of the illustrations in this Bible-based
The satanic “E”
To find the hidden images and
symbology in this WTBTS publication,
all you need to do is follow the eyes of
Jesus' sea-faring apostles.
One man is poised on an oar looking
directly up at the sail tied to the yard
where we find a satanic "E" or trident.
Meanwhile, one of the men standing
mid-ship has his arm raised in terror
as he looks directly at a ghoulish face
in the curl of the cresting wave.
Jesus has his hand stretched out over
another satanic "E" or trident floating
on the water.
And the one standing at the bow is
looking directly at another face in the
More information on the symbol letter
“E” below.
Folklore held that gargoyles are good luck and frightened away evil spirits while serving its practical function of
carrying rain water away. The gargoyles disembodied head in the scene below has rainwater or the waterfall flowing
over its top instead, but carries the same connotation. The gargoyles shoulders and claws are just to the right. I have
put all the elements together to show what the artist wants us to see subconsciously.
Now see above image right hidden in the waterfall below.
A goats head can be seen near
the neck of the woman Hidden in
the image typical of many
watchtower publications. Visible
just above the woman’s index
finger. Its horns extend back into
her dark hair.
Fold the page into three . . .
A sunset image that when folding the page into three reveals a
skull over a pyramid taken from the book “The knowledge that
leads to eternal life” page 132.
Really now, it took great and deliberate care on the part of the
artist to ensure that both sides of the illustration matched up
perfectly to form the fiery skull we can clearly see once folded.
Still not convinced . . . Read On!
Spot the dogs head below!
Look under armpit and side of chest turn this to the right and
you now have a dogs head!
A rams head zodiac symbol and the letter “S” below.
The letter “S” in the garment of the man on the left
often shown to represent “Satan”.
Scanned from book: INSIGHT On The
SCRIPTURES Vol. 2 Inside Cover.
ABOVE Looks like skull but it is a horned something!. This cover photo artwork is full of hidden images, but because
of the poor quality of the scan it is hard to point out the subtle imagery. If you can get a hold of a copy of this issue, all
you need to do is examine the clothing of the children and you will find many super-imposed images, such as a dog's
head, a devil head, and letters masked into the bottom border of the photograph.
A face in the garment of a woman in the background
The Satanic “E S”
Notice the “E” “S” in the sleeve of the mans garment. The
“ES” symbols is seen repeatable in watchtower
publications. - Satan Eternal or Eternal Satan.
The Satanic “S”
Another example of the letter “S”
The letter "S" is displayed clearly on King
David's right hand in this illustration.
Some have also pointed out that the staff
in the other character's hand looks too
much like a phallus symbol , and I
certainly have to agree.
The image of King David in the Watchtower publication. Look at David's hand - where the Satanic “S” is clearly
visible. This image is from The Watchtower danish edition - Vagttårnet 1. November 2000, page 17.
This thief's bag of booty just happens to include a golden pyramid
containing a crescent moon-shaped emblem in its centre. That's not all,
First published in Rome in 1629 (though probably 16th century, The
Grimoire of Honorius describes the ritual of conjuration and other occult
Symbol of the star and moon sign:
magic: white crescent moon facing the morning star, Lucifer.
The moon faces a star as in this case represented by the jewel hanging
from the chain. The chain itself, atop the jewel, forms an inverted "A"
which identifies it with Satan.
Notice that, unlike the two seals in the Grimoire of Honorius, the moon is
turned facing left instead of right. When the crescent moon is turned to
face left towards the symbol of Lucifer (Morning Star) it takes on a
satanic overtone. Its meaning changes from "white" to "black" magic
"Superficially insignificant or accidental looking detail (in art) may well
carry the most important unconscious symbolism." -Anton Ehrenzweig,
The Hidden Order of Art
The seemingly random jumble of jewellery in the above illustration from
the "Live Forever" Book on page 19 too closely duplicates key elements
of these two seals in The Grimoire of Honorius.
The crescent moon seen inside a
pyramid triangle facing the morning star.
Top is the eternal loop which takes on the
shape of a figure “8”.
Who ever did this illustration was well
informed of the occult as can seen from
the information on the left.
This is the drawing in an early 80's issue of The Watchtower magazine (2-1-83) that began no little controversy. Just
above the woman's hemline we see what appears to be the face of Zeus, the supreme deity of the ancient Greeks as
depicted in ancient sculpture
Taken from the brochure designed by Jehovah’s witnesses for
teachers and schools. Notice that the man on the far left has a man
peeping over his shoulder. This man has a headdress different than
all the others. The band of the head has symbols in it and are upside
down. They are in fact a horned tail “S” to the left followed by four
letters J E S T. The word jest, means joke, tease, hoax, or a gag. The
word is also found in the Watchtower magazine publication where the
text is inserted in a drawing showing a cinema where the film title
reads “Jests put through daily”. These pictures are little difficult to
see, but access to the original will confirm this to be true and quite
From the book “Revelation its
grand climax”.
Left: The zodiacal sign of
Sagittarius. Far left: This is the
most common sign in astrology
and astronomy for the zodiacal
sign of Sagittarius, the Archer.
Just above the horse’s back hoof we see what appears to be an
upside-down version of the most common symbol in astrology and
astronomy for the (centaur) zodiacal sign of Sagittarius, the Archer.
(image has been rotated upside down) Revelation, It's Grand Climax
At Hand!
page 91 Read More About The Centaur Symbol First of all, the
centaur-like head hidden on the horse's face and neck just sort of
jumps out at you . .
It is obvious that here the artist is depicting Jesus as the zodiacal sign
of Sagittarius. It is intriguing that in this illustration we find not only an
actual archer seated upon a centaur-like creature, but also what
appears to be the most commonly used symbol for the zodiacal sign
of Sagittarius, the Archer
Just above the horse’s back hoof we see what appears to be an upside-down version of the most common symbol in
astrology and astronomy for the (centaur) zodiacal sign of Sagittarius, the Archer. (image has been rotated upside
down) Revelation, It's Grand Climax At Hand!
page 91.
Read More About The Centaur Symbol. First of all, the centaur-like head hidden on the horse's face and neck just
sort of jumps out at you. It is obvious that here the artist is depicting Jesus as the zodiacal sign of Sagittarius. It is
intriguing that in this illustration we find not only an actual archer seated upon a centaur-like creature, but also what
appears to be the most commonly used symbol for the zodiacal sign of Sagittarius, the Archer. (Check website for more information)
This is the most common sign in astrology and astronomy for the zodiacal sign of Sagittarius, the Archer. The sun
enters this section of the zodiac (see in Group 35) around November 22, and exits around December 21. Sagittarius
is symbolized by a being whose lower body is that of a horse, and upper that of a man, known as a centaur. The man
part is holding a stretched bow, the arrow in place. The exact age of this graph is difficult to determine. In the form it
was used already in the natal charts (horoscopes) of ancient Greece.
Above: This illustration shows what appears to be a tree. A closer look reveals a face staring at you. Remember that
Genesis states that Satan hid in the tree disguised as the serpent.
Apparently an ancient philosopher was ressurected
to hear Paul speak 'beneath the shadow of the
Areopogus – Book “INSIGHT On The Scriptures”
Vol 1
Here, we have a silent but firm admission of guilt by
the WTBTS that there are images being slipped
into the literature that should not be there. It is
reasonable to conclude that the Governing Body of
Jehovah's Witnesses realized that the implications
of depicting Antisthenes in Paul's listening
audience, as well as two other characters, was an
obvious contradiction to their so called bible based
teachings. The same illustration is once again used
in the April 1, 2002 issue of the Watchtower
magazine, page 23, but for the later publication, the
WTBTS has removed or airbrushed away the three
afore mentioned characters, including Antistenes.
We are still searching for the identities of the other
two characters, and it will be interesting to find out
who the other two mystery guests are .
These are just a few examples of subliminal imagery illustrations in the Watchtower organizations
publications and magazines but there are over or at lest 160 so far that have been documented.
Still not convinced?
There are well over 160 examples of subliminal imagery illustrations and pictures in the Watchtower publications here
are a selection of examples show skulls in the sky and waterfalls, the letter “E S” and horn tailed “S” and “E” and
various other symbols of the occult, from upside down letters such as “A” representing the goat head and witches
covens where a symbol in the centre of the upside down “A” will tell you how many witches in the coven. Silhouettes
of faces, profiles and hexagrams are also common and seen cleverly hidden. The following examples are from photo
copes of the publications and from notes as their are too many to illustrate all of then from original books.
Letter “S E” in the child leg. (Satan Eternal)
This example is very clear.
Letter “S E” in the sleeve, this is just one of many found in garments or clothes.
2 examples Letter “S and tailed E”
Found in the publication
Revelation – its grand climax, and
other books. Above right is the
dragon with body in ther shape of
an “E” and “S” tail. Notice above
middle, is a swam of locust coming
out of smoke from a volcano in the
shape of an “S” and the edge of
the rock is a tail “E” seen in many
The horned “S” in the elbow of the garment and “S” in the side of e the
garment, enlarged above.
Again the horned “S” is seen in the
stone by a well and in a man’s
garment standing in a doorway below.
The letter “E” found in the headdress of a man and arm of a child’s clothing. The occult letter use of “E” can also been
seen the Zodiac wheel also illustrated in the book: You can live forever in paradise, a Watchtower publication.
(Pictures such as the one opposite are clear in originals publications)
The occult horned tailed “E” can
easily be seen in this picture. On the
left is the upside down “A” and a
symbol in the between the two legs.
The letter “A” figures prominently in
diabolic symbolism, standing for
“anarchy,” “anti-Christ,” “adversary,”
etc. When turned upside down it is
also the pictogram of the satanic
goats head with the two horns. A
central spike as seen in the
examples, creates the three-pronged
trident (“pitchfork”), or “Devils triad.”
Witches covens use the “A” as an
emblems inscribing the number of the
members in the coven between the
two legs or horns.
Below next page: You can see the
two examples of the where the
symbols are identical and hidden in
the clothing and again directly below
in a priest arm.
An occult symbol letter “S” often seen
hidden in clothing.
Right: What appears to be a tree or
bush is in fact disguising an abstract
skeleton leaning forward with hits head
bowed forward. Skulls and skeletons
play a big roll in the occult and Masonic
cult rituals. This example is also from
the Watchtower publication: “You can
live forever in paradise.”
Upside down cross in the hand of Christ latter removed in a latter edition
of the publication and right, a pyramid containing a crescent moon-
shaped emblem in its centre of the ornament worn by the man on the
right above.
The words “JEST OUT THRU DAILY” in
the cinema in background. The mockery
and making a fool out of you, is featured
many times in subliminal imagery.
The Satanic anarchy symbol “A” with crossbar in the lower right of the
picture. When in a circle signifies limited demonic power, with out the
circle means the occult force has been given free rein [See Book The
Satan Hunter p.60.] Original pictures are very clear to see. This symbol is
also known as the goat head when the “A” is upside down.
Skull in the chest of a Moses garment. This man has a face in the sleeve of his coat. These pictures are seen
clearly in original publications and books.
A skull hidden in the sunset of the cloud shown sideways.
On top it is seen the right way up
Another skull upside down in the child’s dress. Just
above shows it turned the other way up
Above: Grotesquerie is also on display in this picture. In
the lap of the woman, upside down is a face and head of
a long forked Pinocchio nose. The character is also
wearing a jesters cap. Such a figure conveys the spirit of
deceit and mockery which permeates occult subliminal
A mans face in his leg shown above like Viking head.
More hidden skulls in the folds of the arm of the garment.
Left: This picture is supposed to be Christ sitting upon a
throne. Yet when we look closely we see that the lower
knee to feet show a profile face and the folds in the
garment reveal three horns. This clever art work can be
seen once you take the picture apart, but reveals what
the artist had in mind. Not that Christ sits on the throne
but Satan.
Below left and right: The letter “A” represented by a figure
with three points for symbol of the satanic “A” or goats
head often seen in hidden in the background or even as
cord around a mans hand as seen in this illustration
This picture is taken from the book: You can live forever
in paradise, shows two skulls hidden in the waterfall.
More profiles inserted in garments.
Here we see a profile of Alfred Hitchcock look alike by the
mans jumper sleeve. But notice the shadows of the
woman’s feet which appear to be following the opposite
direction of the mans sleeve.
Left: bottom of picture is a book called “The book of spirits”, a book on magic.
When you examine the silhouette, we find the same hidden in the picture above it of
a woman sitting in a bar on a stool. At the base of the stool by her feet we can see
the silhouette of a beaded face with horns, blown up to the right of the picture. We
can also see the “A” goats head symbol, if this is not enough we find a bearded
mans face and head upside down in the arm or sleeve of the woman. This
information like most of the examples here are contained in book “Jehovah’s
Witness and the dark side” by Derek Barefoot. This an amazing book containing a
lot of research and letter from professional art experts confirming the evidence.
Available from website
Left: Amid the ashes from a burned house, an upside
down cross with its top broken rests against a satanic
pentagram. The upside down cross with the top or side
broken, is another symbol used widely by modern
Satanists. To the right is the silhouette of a chameleon, a
universal symbol of disguise.
Left: There are a number of things in this picture that can
be seen in the original. In the bigger picture there is a
man peeping out from the pillor looking at “You” rather
than the central figures in the illustration. There is a
glimmer in the loins eye, and also a smiley face in one of
the stones.
Left: The kings crown point in this picture looks normal but when blown up reveals a man wearing a clock as if
controlling him, from book: Revelation – its grand climax. Original illustration blown up shows a clear image.
There are scores of images such as these shown so far, from a face in the arms of thrones and seats, to inscriptions
and symbols, skulls and many other occult signs. One wonders after so many examples how anyone in the right mind
can deny the insertion of such subliminal imagery. Art experts agree and gave in writing, confirmation to Derek
Barefoot these are deliberately and wilfully inserted for whatever reason they have been done.

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A hora da escuridão

  • 1. Subliminal imagery and the Watchtower publications illustrations The world of subliminal imagery has been seen for almost 25 years by thousands of Jehovah’s witnesses who have complained about the sightings. The Watchtower organization denies they exist and anyone who says contrary are excommunicated as “APOSTATE” a term used in the Bible to refer to those who turn against Christ, such as a Judas. These people are treated as filth and never to even be spoken to again. They are viewed as disgusting and to be avoided at all cost, even if they are of your own family they are to be disowned. Such is the world of shunning in the Jehovah witnesses organization for any who dare to question them. What we show here are a few examples to judge for yourself. Below: The Watchtower organizations made comments in their monthly magazine “The Watchtower”. What the Watchtower organization said about the complaints and rumours, they don’t exit! NOW EXAMINE SOME OF THE WATCHTOWER PICTURES AND JUDGE FOR YOURSELF A picture found in the book “Revelation –its grand climax” showing a profile of a face in the cloud and skull to the right facing you. Not convinced? read on . . .
  • 2. A skull wearing hood cloak with an exaggerated jaw is seen in the image of the universe. Below taken apart is clearly seen. This is a great example! Folks have written to say that seeing hidden images in the WTBTS publications is simply a matter of seeing faces in the clouds, that it is merely your imagination and you can see whatever you want to see. Well, this one is for those folks. I love the irony. Like many of the Watchtower illustrations it only becomes clear after taking the images apart. Art experts agree these have been inserted deliberately as the skull appears numerous times. In this illustration, we see the profile of a hooded skull or demon floating in space . . . This image was created from an actual x-ray of a human skull and the red hood was added. The only modification was to elongate the jaw bone in order to show what the artist was depicting. ABOVE: Butted up against itself shows the whole. The face of a dragon is seen pulling the chariot (above) in this WTBTS illustration, very similar to the image on this popular tarot card (right) This face is like a Chinese dragon where Elijah is being taken up in the chariot implying being taken up by Satan rather than by almighty God. The Devil is described as the fiery dragon in the bible book of revelation.
  • 3. Speaking of tarot cards, the cover of the early Watchtower magazine almost follows exactly the same image of the Tarot card called “The Tower”. • The Tower • The Raging Sea • The Lighting • The Beam of Light We might also include, to also notice the cross and crown and “Knights Templar” logo of the Masonic lodge in each top corners of the magazine. C.T.Russell’s Grave showing Masonic logo of cross and crown illustrated on the left which he also used on his publications. This face can be seen upside down in the picture of Christ in the hair and forehead. This is just one example where faces have been cleverly insert to blend into the image. There are numerous examples found to date following the same subliminal pattern. Faces in water, clothing, trees and rocks formation are also used.
  • 4. Hexagram No matter the reason, a hexagram is an unlikely design to be found in the back of an average household chair, and it is far stranger that the WTBTS would utilize it in one of the illustrations in this Bible-based publication. The satanic “E” To find the hidden images and symbology in this WTBTS publication, all you need to do is follow the eyes of Jesus' sea-faring apostles. One man is poised on an oar looking directly up at the sail tied to the yard where we find a satanic "E" or trident. Meanwhile, one of the men standing mid-ship has his arm raised in terror as he looks directly at a ghoulish face in the curl of the cresting wave. Jesus has his hand stretched out over another satanic "E" or trident floating on the water. And the one standing at the bow is looking directly at another face in the wave. More information on the symbol letter “E” below.
  • 5. Gargoiles Folklore held that gargoyles are good luck and frightened away evil spirits while serving its practical function of carrying rain water away. The gargoyles disembodied head in the scene below has rainwater or the waterfall flowing over its top instead, but carries the same connotation. The gargoyles shoulders and claws are just to the right. I have put all the elements together to show what the artist wants us to see subconsciously. Now see above image right hidden in the waterfall below.
  • 6. A goats head can be seen near the neck of the woman Hidden in the image typical of many watchtower publications. Visible just above the woman’s index finger. Its horns extend back into her dark hair.
  • 7. Fold the page into three . . . A sunset image that when folding the page into three reveals a skull over a pyramid taken from the book “The knowledge that leads to eternal life” page 132. Really now, it took great and deliberate care on the part of the artist to ensure that both sides of the illustration matched up perfectly to form the fiery skull we can clearly see once folded. Still not convinced . . . Read On!
  • 8. Spot the dogs head below! Look under armpit and side of chest turn this to the right and you now have a dogs head!
  • 9. A rams head zodiac symbol and the letter “S” below. The letter “S” in the garment of the man on the left often shown to represent “Satan”. Scanned from book: INSIGHT On The SCRIPTURES Vol. 2 Inside Cover. ABOVE Looks like skull but it is a horned something!. This cover photo artwork is full of hidden images, but because of the poor quality of the scan it is hard to point out the subtle imagery. If you can get a hold of a copy of this issue, all you need to do is examine the clothing of the children and you will find many super-imposed images, such as a dog's head, a devil head, and letters masked into the bottom border of the photograph.
  • 10. A face in the garment of a woman in the background The Satanic “E S” Notice the “E” “S” in the sleeve of the mans garment. The “ES” symbols is seen repeatable in watchtower publications. - Satan Eternal or Eternal Satan. The Satanic “S” Another example of the letter “S” The letter "S" is displayed clearly on King David's right hand in this illustration. Some have also pointed out that the staff in the other character's hand looks too much like a phallus symbol , and I certainly have to agree. The image of King David in the Watchtower publication. Look at David's hand - where the Satanic “S” is clearly visible. This image is from The Watchtower danish edition - Vagttårnet 1. November 2000, page 17.
  • 11. This thief's bag of booty just happens to include a golden pyramid containing a crescent moon-shaped emblem in its centre. That's not all, First published in Rome in 1629 (though probably 16th century, The Grimoire of Honorius describes the ritual of conjuration and other occult ceremonials. Symbol of the star and moon sign: magic: white crescent moon facing the morning star, Lucifer. The moon faces a star as in this case represented by the jewel hanging from the chain. The chain itself, atop the jewel, forms an inverted "A" which identifies it with Satan. Notice that, unlike the two seals in the Grimoire of Honorius, the moon is turned facing left instead of right. When the crescent moon is turned to face left towards the symbol of Lucifer (Morning Star) it takes on a satanic overtone. Its meaning changes from "white" to "black" magic "Superficially insignificant or accidental looking detail (in art) may well carry the most important unconscious symbolism." -Anton Ehrenzweig, The Hidden Order of Art The seemingly random jumble of jewellery in the above illustration from the "Live Forever" Book on page 19 too closely duplicates key elements of these two seals in The Grimoire of Honorius. The crescent moon seen inside a pyramid triangle facing the morning star. Top is the eternal loop which takes on the shape of a figure “8”. Who ever did this illustration was well informed of the occult as can seen from the information on the left.
  • 12.
  • 13. This is the drawing in an early 80's issue of The Watchtower magazine (2-1-83) that began no little controversy. Just above the woman's hemline we see what appears to be the face of Zeus, the supreme deity of the ancient Greeks as depicted in ancient sculpture
  • 14. Taken from the brochure designed by Jehovah’s witnesses for teachers and schools. Notice that the man on the far left has a man peeping over his shoulder. This man has a headdress different than all the others. The band of the head has symbols in it and are upside down. They are in fact a horned tail “S” to the left followed by four letters J E S T. The word jest, means joke, tease, hoax, or a gag. The word is also found in the Watchtower magazine publication where the text is inserted in a drawing showing a cinema where the film title reads “Jests put through daily”. These pictures are little difficult to see, but access to the original will confirm this to be true and quite clear.
  • 15. From the book “Revelation its grand climax”. Left: The zodiacal sign of Sagittarius. Far left: This is the most common sign in astrology and astronomy for the zodiacal sign of Sagittarius, the Archer. Just above the horse’s back hoof we see what appears to be an upside-down version of the most common symbol in astrology and astronomy for the (centaur) zodiacal sign of Sagittarius, the Archer. (image has been rotated upside down) Revelation, It's Grand Climax At Hand! page 91 Read More About The Centaur Symbol First of all, the centaur-like head hidden on the horse's face and neck just sort of jumps out at you . . It is obvious that here the artist is depicting Jesus as the zodiacal sign of Sagittarius. It is intriguing that in this illustration we find not only an actual archer seated upon a centaur-like creature, but also what appears to be the most commonly used symbol for the zodiacal sign of Sagittarius, the Archer Just above the horse’s back hoof we see what appears to be an upside-down version of the most common symbol in astrology and astronomy for the (centaur) zodiacal sign of Sagittarius, the Archer. (image has been rotated upside down) Revelation, It's Grand Climax At Hand! page 91. Read More About The Centaur Symbol. First of all, the centaur-like head hidden on the horse's face and neck just sort of jumps out at you. It is obvious that here the artist is depicting Jesus as the zodiacal sign of Sagittarius. It is intriguing that in this illustration we find not only an actual archer seated upon a centaur-like creature, but also what appears to be the most commonly used symbol for the zodiacal sign of Sagittarius, the Archer. (Check website for more information) This is the most common sign in astrology and astronomy for the zodiacal sign of Sagittarius, the Archer. The sun enters this section of the zodiac (see in Group 35) around November 22, and exits around December 21. Sagittarius is symbolized by a being whose lower body is that of a horse, and upper that of a man, known as a centaur. The man part is holding a stretched bow, the arrow in place. The exact age of this graph is difficult to determine. In the form it was used already in the natal charts (horoscopes) of ancient Greece.
  • 16. Above: This illustration shows what appears to be a tree. A closer look reveals a face staring at you. Remember that Genesis states that Satan hid in the tree disguised as the serpent. Apparently an ancient philosopher was ressurected to hear Paul speak 'beneath the shadow of the Areopogus – Book “INSIGHT On The Scriptures” Vol 1
  • 17. Here, we have a silent but firm admission of guilt by the WTBTS that there are images being slipped into the literature that should not be there. It is reasonable to conclude that the Governing Body of Jehovah's Witnesses realized that the implications of depicting Antisthenes in Paul's listening audience, as well as two other characters, was an obvious contradiction to their so called bible based teachings. The same illustration is once again used in the April 1, 2002 issue of the Watchtower magazine, page 23, but for the later publication, the WTBTS has removed or airbrushed away the three afore mentioned characters, including Antistenes. We are still searching for the identities of the other two characters, and it will be interesting to find out who the other two mystery guests are . These are just a few examples of subliminal imagery illustrations in the Watchtower organizations publications and magazines but there are over or at lest 160 so far that have been documented. Still not convinced? There are well over 160 examples of subliminal imagery illustrations and pictures in the Watchtower publications here are a selection of examples show skulls in the sky and waterfalls, the letter “E S” and horn tailed “S” and “E” and various other symbols of the occult, from upside down letters such as “A” representing the goat head and witches covens where a symbol in the centre of the upside down “A” will tell you how many witches in the coven. Silhouettes of faces, profiles and hexagrams are also common and seen cleverly hidden. The following examples are from photo copes of the publications and from notes as their are too many to illustrate all of then from original books. Letter “S E” in the child leg. (Satan Eternal) This example is very clear. Letter “S E” in the sleeve, this is just one of many found in garments or clothes. 2 examples Letter “S and tailed E” Found in the publication Revelation – its grand climax, and other books. Above right is the dragon with body in ther shape of an “E” and “S” tail. Notice above middle, is a swam of locust coming out of smoke from a volcano in the shape of an “S” and the edge of the rock is a tail “E” seen in many pictures.
  • 18. The horned “S” in the elbow of the garment and “S” in the side of e the garment, enlarged above. Again the horned “S” is seen in the stone by a well and in a man’s garment standing in a doorway below. The letter “E” found in the headdress of a man and arm of a child’s clothing. The occult letter use of “E” can also been seen the Zodiac wheel also illustrated in the book: You can live forever in paradise, a Watchtower publication. (Pictures such as the one opposite are clear in originals publications) The occult horned tailed “E” can easily be seen in this picture. On the left is the upside down “A” and a symbol in the between the two legs. The letter “A” figures prominently in diabolic symbolism, standing for “anarchy,” “anti-Christ,” “adversary,” etc. When turned upside down it is also the pictogram of the satanic goats head with the two horns. A central spike as seen in the examples, creates the three-pronged trident (“pitchfork”), or “Devils triad.” Witches covens use the “A” as an emblems inscribing the number of the members in the coven between the two legs or horns. Below next page: You can see the two examples of the where the symbols are identical and hidden in the clothing and again directly below in a priest arm.
  • 19. An occult symbol letter “S” often seen hidden in clothing. Right: What appears to be a tree or bush is in fact disguising an abstract skeleton leaning forward with hits head bowed forward. Skulls and skeletons play a big roll in the occult and Masonic cult rituals. This example is also from the Watchtower publication: “You can live forever in paradise.” Upside down cross in the hand of Christ latter removed in a latter edition of the publication and right, a pyramid containing a crescent moon- shaped emblem in its centre of the ornament worn by the man on the right above.
  • 20. The words “JEST OUT THRU DAILY” in the cinema in background. The mockery and making a fool out of you, is featured many times in subliminal imagery. The Satanic anarchy symbol “A” with crossbar in the lower right of the picture. When in a circle signifies limited demonic power, with out the circle means the occult force has been given free rein [See Book The Satan Hunter p.60.] Original pictures are very clear to see. This symbol is also known as the goat head when the “A” is upside down. Skull in the chest of a Moses garment. This man has a face in the sleeve of his coat. These pictures are seen clearly in original publications and books. A skull hidden in the sunset of the cloud shown sideways. On top it is seen the right way up Another skull upside down in the child’s dress. Just above shows it turned the other way up
  • 21. Above: Grotesquerie is also on display in this picture. In the lap of the woman, upside down is a face and head of a long forked Pinocchio nose. The character is also wearing a jesters cap. Such a figure conveys the spirit of deceit and mockery which permeates occult subliminal imagery. A mans face in his leg shown above like Viking head. More hidden skulls in the folds of the arm of the garment. Left: This picture is supposed to be Christ sitting upon a throne. Yet when we look closely we see that the lower knee to feet show a profile face and the folds in the garment reveal three horns. This clever art work can be seen once you take the picture apart, but reveals what the artist had in mind. Not that Christ sits on the throne but Satan. Below left and right: The letter “A” represented by a figure with three points for symbol of the satanic “A” or goats head often seen in hidden in the background or even as cord around a mans hand as seen in this illustration below.
  • 22. This picture is taken from the book: You can live forever in paradise, shows two skulls hidden in the waterfall. More profiles inserted in garments. Here we see a profile of Alfred Hitchcock look alike by the mans jumper sleeve. But notice the shadows of the woman’s feet which appear to be following the opposite direction of the mans sleeve. Left: bottom of picture is a book called “The book of spirits”, a book on magic. When you examine the silhouette, we find the same hidden in the picture above it of a woman sitting in a bar on a stool. At the base of the stool by her feet we can see the silhouette of a beaded face with horns, blown up to the right of the picture. We can also see the “A” goats head symbol, if this is not enough we find a bearded mans face and head upside down in the arm or sleeve of the woman. This information like most of the examples here are contained in book “Jehovah’s Witness and the dark side” by Derek Barefoot. This an amazing book containing a lot of research and letter from professional art experts confirming the evidence. Available from website
  • 23. Left: Amid the ashes from a burned house, an upside down cross with its top broken rests against a satanic pentagram. The upside down cross with the top or side broken, is another symbol used widely by modern Satanists. To the right is the silhouette of a chameleon, a universal symbol of disguise. Left: There are a number of things in this picture that can be seen in the original. In the bigger picture there is a man peeping out from the pillor looking at “You” rather than the central figures in the illustration. There is a glimmer in the loins eye, and also a smiley face in one of the stones. Left: The kings crown point in this picture looks normal but when blown up reveals a man wearing a clock as if controlling him, from book: Revelation – its grand climax. Original illustration blown up shows a clear image. ____________________________________________________________________________ There are scores of images such as these shown so far, from a face in the arms of thrones and seats, to inscriptions and symbols, skulls and many other occult signs. One wonders after so many examples how anyone in the right mind can deny the insertion of such subliminal imagery. Art experts agree and gave in writing, confirmation to Derek Barefoot these are deliberately and wilfully inserted for whatever reason they have been done.