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A Harmonized Accommodation Grading
  System that Reduces CO2 Emissions
               Across Southern Africa

A Harmonized Accommodation
       Grading System that Reduces CO2
        Emissions Across Southern Africa
                James MacGregor, President, ecoplan:net sarl,

The development of a comprehensive harmonized accommodation grading
system will be implemented by the 15 nations of RETOSA (Regional Tourism
Organization of Southern Africa] by 2015. In 2011 a Framework Document
including a 4-year action plan from 2011 to 2015 was prepared. This was
followed by preparation of approximately 1,850 standards for six basic
categories of accommodation.
The program is possibly the most comprehensive set of standards ever
developed because it also integrates 60 responsible tourism and 40
universal accessibility standards with the 200 quality assurance
standards. This will provide southern Africa member states with a grading
system that reflects the highest level of environmental and social
responsibility while also providing facilities that are accessible to the disabled.
Furthermore the standards reflect the most rigorous international level
standards and will be mandatory when the program is launched. The
responsible Tourism standards are designed to produce a 20% reduction in
CO2 which will reduce emissions by approximately 1 billion kg./year by 2016

1. Preparation of Framework Document: Commonwealth Secretariat
(London): Ms.Chanda Chellah, Advisor (Trade)
2. Preparation of Harmonized Accommodation Grading Standards:
RETOSA (Regional Tourism Organization of Southern Africa), Johannesburg

Overall Project Management:
RETOSA, Mr. Simba Mandinyenya, Planning and Development Director

Project Consultant and Author:
James MacGregor, President, ecoplan:net sarl

This paper was first presented at the International Institute of
Peace through Tourism Conference in Lusaka, Zambia in
2011. It will be reprinted in the UNWTO Publication on
‘Tourism and Climate Change’ for publication in early 2012.

1. Overview
Despite continued market demand            In 2010, RETOSA (Regional
for    recognized      and    credible     Tourism Organization of Southern
international tourist accommodation        Africa) recognized the importance
grading systems, there continues to        of accommodation grading systems
be substantial confusion about the         and decided to create a completely
merits of the various available            harmonized system across the 15
systems. Furthermore, in many              countries in southern Africa, and
cases there is an obvious                  including Mauritius and Seychelles.
inconsistency from one national            The overall goal of this ambitious
system to another. A three-star            project was to established rigorous
rating in one country may not              and comprehensive international
reflect the same classification in         level grading standards in concert
another. As well, with an annual           with credible and coordinated
increase in online bookings, the           grading scheme within each
travel consumers, more than ever,          member nation.
require         a          recognized
accommodation grading system               2. The Processes of
that is reliable. Despite the
increased use of user generated            building the harmonized
content      on       the     Internet     grading scheme
(TripAdvisor,, etc.]
the time-tested star rating system         The preparation of the harmonized
still has substantial value and, for       accommodation grading scheme
many travellers, is more important         was developed over four phases
than ever in their decision-making         including;
                                           Phase 1: the preparation of a
                                           framework     for  the     scheme,
                                           incorporating the identification of
                                           major issues and the resulting
                                           Phase 2: the preparation of the
                                           individual standards;
                                           Phase 3: the integration of the
                                           various member nation grading
                                           systems into one harmonized
                                           grading scheme; and
                                           Phase 4: the launch of the overall
                                           program 2015.
                                           This article will address Phase 1
                                           and Phase 2.

2.1 Phase 1;                             5. Identify a feedback mechanism
                                            structure to ensure the continual
The preparation of a                        improvement of the scheme;
framework document                       6. Integrate responsible tourism
                                            and     universal    accessibility
The Framework document was                  standards       with      quality
launched with an October 2010               assurance standards;
workshop where representatives           7. Identify funding sources to
from the 15 member states                   develop the program.
gathered in Johannesburg to
present the status of their individual   The Commonwealth Secretariat
national schemes as well as              funded the preparation of the
identify the major issues associated     framework document.
with establishing a harmonized
program across the region.               Following       an       international
                                         competition, James MacGregor
They included the         need     for   from the firm ecoplan:net was hired
recommendations to:                      to undertake the research and
                                         prepare the required Framework.
1. Select either a voluntary or          As a first step in the preparation of
   mandatory harmonized grading          the Framework, the consultant
   scheme;                               visited a number of member states
2. Identify the needs for auditors       including Tanzania, Zambia, South
   and supporting auditor/assessor       Africa, Swaziland, Mozambique
   training;                             and Mauritius. This enabled a
3. Create an overall management          better understanding of the status
   structure that would enable           of national grading schemes as
   RETOSA to develop and                 well as the obstacles to developing
   administer the system;                both the national and regional
4. Identify marketing channels and       standards scheme.
   mechanisms to promote the
   system to consumers and travel
The status of the national schemes     ministries of tourism and national
varied widely; from South Africa,      tourism authorities; national and
Botswana and Namibia which have        regional        tourism          and
mature      and    well   developed    accommodation          associations;
systems, to Tanzania which is          NGO’s          and        individual
integrating its proposed scheme        accommodation             providers.
into that of the East African          Collectively     these       various
Community; to Swaziland which is       stakeholders can offer a substantial
in the early stages of development.    contribution to the preparation of
                                       the harmonized accommodation
The country visits as well as          grading scheme.
reviews of other international
systems provided the basis for a       D] The overall marketing and
“Recommendations Report” that          promotion of the harmonized
offered a preliminary response and     program will be the responsibility of
a direction to the above-mentioned     RETOSA however, it will require
issues. These recommendations          substantial support from individual
were subsequently submitted at a       member countries as well as their
2-day        RETOSA        Technical   associated          accommodation
Committee Workshop in June             associations and providers.
2011. A brief summary of the
results of the discussions included:   E] A feedback mechanism will be
                                       set up to enable the consumer and
A] There was overwhelming              the travel trade [foreign and
support for the development of a       receptive tour operators and
mandatory,        rather      than     wholesalers] to evaluate the
voluntary, harmonized systems          property within the context of the
across the member nations. There       prescribed rating. Feedback will be
is currently a 50/50 split and a 3     provided at the ministry/tourism
phase process was proposed to          authority, tourism accommodation
have all systems mandatory by          association, and accommodation
2015.                                  provider level.
B) Lack of qualified auditors is       The results will be consolidated by
one of the more serious issues         RETOSA and contribute to the on-
facing individual member nation        going     upgrading      of     the
grading systems.      This will be     accommodation standards.
addressed         during        the
implementation of the program with      F] Social and environmentally
the design and delivery of auditor     responsible standards, including
training programs throughout the       fair trade practices, as well as
region.                                universal accessibility standards
                                       will be integrated into the national
 C]    RETOSA      will  be    the     and       regional       harmonized
organization      tasked     with      accommodation grading program.
coordinating the integration of        Furthermore they will be given
various      national     grading      substantial influence in determining
systems into one harmonized            the overall rating of each property.
grading program. However it well
require the complete support from
all other stakeholders including:

With upwards of 20% to 25% of            The standards would be integrated
source markets having residents          into the overall system making it
with disabilities it is now considered   one of the first in the world to be
mandatory to have at least basic         comprehensive      and    inclusive.
Universal Accessibility standards in

         The RETOSA Accommodation Rating
          Harmonizing Framework Diagram

G] Funding will come from                  tourism attraction. Usually full-
several different sources. For             service and include a variety of
instance project support would be          recreation activities.
from donors for activities such as
training   workshops     and   the      3. Self-catering Apartments -
preparation of technical manuals,          including the required amenities
development of marketing strategy          for meal preparation but also
and communication plans, etc.              including         housekeeping
Project based funding could also           services.
be used to both promote the
scheme to the regional and              4. Nature lodges - full service
international markets as well              accommodation facility located
enhance communication between              within or adjacent to natural
member nations.                            areas. Sub categories could
                                           include game or safari lodge,
Following a complete review by the         ecolodge, game reserves.
technical committee the consultant
prepared the final Framework            5. Guesthouses - a facility that
Document, which was presented to           offers more limited lodging
the representatives of the member          services but includes a common
nations in early September, 2011.          area shared by guests and host
The presentation also included an          and may or may not include
outline of the action plan and cost        housekeeping            services
estimates required to launch the           Breakfast provided.
program by early 2015. Activities
were outlined on a quarter by           6. Campgrounds - An area with
quarter basis from late 2011               campsites or pads designed for
through to the middle of 2015.             mobile accommodation (motor
                                           home, caravan) and/or tents
2.2 Phase 2: The                           providing essential facilities
Preparation of the                         and services and select
Grading Standards.                         recreational activities.

Ecoplan:net was also hired, by          A number of well-known and
                                        respected accommodation grading
RETOSA, to prepare the individual
standards   for  six    selected        systems at the international level
                                        were      also    analysed       and
categories.  These    categories
                                        consequently     provided      some
                                        direction for the harmonization
1. Urban hotels - those located in      scheme. They included, in part, the
   urban or near urban locations        Qualmark system from New
   with particular services for the     Zealand, the AA rating system in
   business traveller. Typically full   the UK, the new French hotel rating
   service.                             scheme, as well as select
                                        standards from the Brazil, Irish and
2. Resorts + Vacation hotel -           Scottish programs.
   typically located within a tourism
   destination and adjacent to a        At the regional level South Africa,
                                        Botswana, Zimbabwe and Namibia
   feature of interest such as
   lakes, beaches, rivers or            provided an excellent source of
                                        standards. Finally the East Africa

Community (ECA) standards were             tourism and the 40 universal
considered as an important source,         accessibility standards for each
particularly with the possibility of       category of accommodation. As
integrating East Africa standards          well these standards represent
with the Southern African in, say,         approximately 30% of the total
2016.                                      number of standards so their
                                           impact is significant. Several newer
2.2.1 The integration of                   grading systems, developed within
responsible tourism and                    the past few years, have added a
                                           few environmental standards but
universal accessibility                    they have relatively little influence
standards with the                         on the final rating of the property.
quality assurance                          The responsible tourism standards,
                                           within this RETOSA harmonized
standards.                                 system, will however be specific
                                           and comprehensive. As well the
The complete incorporation of
                                           universal accessibility standards
responsible tourism and universal
                                           refer to actual dimensions and
accessibility standards with quality
                                           spatial requirements that need to
assurance represents one of the
                                           be respected to achieve a grade.
first efforts, world-wide, to combine
a comprehensive set of standards           This program identifies more than
that      embraces       the    entire     1,850 standards across the six
accommodation product. Several             accommodation categories.
countries have an independent
ecotourism, sustainability, or green       Collectively they will ensure a
certification program, however             substantially level protection for the
these environmental programs are           local       environment,       greater
typically separate from the basic          integration of the facility into the
accommodation rating system.               community, and assured access to
                                           many       more    individuals    with
Of significance is the integration of      disabilities.
approximately     60     responsible


2.2.2 Reducing carbon                    UNWTO proposals to reduce
                                         accommodation related Green
emissions across                         house gases by 30% in 2020.
southern Africa                          Furthermore the World Tourism
                                         and Travel Council (WTTC)
The      southern      Africa  tourist   proposes a 50% reduction in
accommodation sector does not            accommodation greenhouse gases
itself    generate      comparatively    by 2035. The RETOSA projections,
significant     levels      of  CO2.     therefore, seem to be realistic and
Nevertheless a concentrated effort       in keeping with other international
across the approximately 20,000          agencies.
properties [by 2015] can still make
a meaningful contribution to             By using the average daily CO2
reducing           CO2.           Few    production figures from the World
accommodation grading systems            Resource Institute it is possible to
take this issue into account.            calculate    the    decrease      in
However when designing the               emissions. It appears that these
system within the context of             standards, particularly because
growing concern for climate change       they are mandatory, would have
it is possible to integrate particular   the significant effect of reducing
standards that will contribute           emissions from the accommodation
directly to reducing accommodation       sector. It is estimated that CO2
related CO2. The responsible             emissions will be reduced by
tourism standards, in particular,        approximately 1 billion kg of CO2
have been specifically designed to       per year across southern Africa by
reduce carbon emissions. In fact         2016.
the scheme should result in an
overall reduction of CO2 by
approximately 20% by 2015. This
would seem to be in keeping with

•      Carbon emission standards             •   The introduction of short
                                                 duration local tours using
Furthermore implementing the                     bicycles and low-impact water
standards would not necessarily be               transport. These trips also
onerous on the operations of even                encourage an extended length
the smaller facilities such as                   of stay thus requiring less
guesthouses      and    self-catering            travel.
apartments. In most cases the                •   Preparation of manuals that
standards will actually result in                demonstrate to employees and
reduction of the overall operational             the adjacent communities the
costs. Specific standards that have              various techniques for reducing
been identified to reduce CO2                    greenhouse gases [GHG]
include;                                     •   Annual audits to identify how
•      Generating at least 50% of                targets can be met with respect
       energy from alternative sources           to local purchasing, reduced
       in 4 and 5 star properties                travel,     improved      energy
•      Extensive use of energy saving            conservation, etc.
       appliances,               compact     •   The regular use of reusable
       fluorescence or LED lighting,             rather than disposable materials
       and the use of equipment such             and equipment.
       as solar ovens where applicable       •   Working with distributors and
       such as in the lodge operations           suppliers to ensure as much
•      Substantial       reduction      in       recycling as possible
       transportation      related    fuel   •   Energy      reduction    through
       consumption       through     local       decreasing demand for hot
       purchases. This is a significant          water and preference for natural
       consideration in southern Africa          ventilation and ceiling fan over
       where so many products used               air conditioning
       by the accommodation sector,          Of coarse many of the currently
       throughout the region, come           accepted standards, such as a
       from Johannesburg, usually by         towel and linen re-use programs,
       transport truck.                      room sensors and the use of
•      Use of carbon credits for             compact fluorescent light bulbs
       administrative and marketing          have been integrated the overall
       related travel                        program.
•      Energy and water conservation
       education programs in local
•      Concerted visitor awareness
       programs        to      encourage
       reducing water and energy
•      On-going       climate      change
       related discussions with the
       local communities to ensure the
       residents are doing their best to
       reduce CO2 emissions.

3. Benefits to the                      Other benefits that will contribute
                                        substantially to the improvement of
Southern Africa tourism                 the          Southern        Africa
industry and the                        accommodation product and its
accommodation sector                    competitiveness include;

Since this harmonization scheme is      •   The       new    standards      will
the first of its kind in the world,         stimulate significant upgrades
when fully developed it should be           across      all   accommodation
able to solicit substantial media           categories. Facilities that wish
attention    and     exposure   for         to       emulate      international
Southern Africa.                            standards must make the effort
                                            to ensure that, say, their four-
However the greater benefits will           star property is equivalent to the
come from those long-haul travel            same grade in the source
consumers who appreciate that the           markets.
grading system is equivalent or         •   The development of the new
more rigorous than those systems            harmonized system will include
found in Europe and North                   the delivery of training programs
America. This is particularly               for    auditors     and     grading
important to both the individual FIT        officers. This information will
traveller as well as the tour               then be distributed to the
operator since much of the travel to        accommodation suppliers and
the region is multi-destination and         will further contribute to product
typically includes visits to several        upgrades and improvements
countries. The travel consumer          •   With a harmonized system in
wants to know that a three-star             place, southern Africa will
property in one southern Africa             become competitive with other
country is the equivalent to a three-       multi        nation        regional
star property in another location.          destinations where there may
                                            be a lack of consistency in
The notion of a harmonized grading          product quality across each
system that blankets all of these           country.
nations reinforces the concept of
southern Africa as a unified            •   The pricing structure across the
destination. This is particularly
                                            various nations will be more
important for the long-haul traveller       credible. Despite slight area
who prefers an extended stay [10
                                            conditions, the rates for a three-
days or more] and a visit to several
                                            star guesthouse in one country
different countries.
                                            should not be noticeably
                                            different from those in another.

4. Conclusion
The        Harmonization           of   About the Author
accommodation grading standards
across this multi-nation destination
region is an essential to position      James     is    an   internationally
Southern Africa in the international    recognized sustainable tourism
marketplace. However the initiative     consultant with more than 35 years
requires a major effort on behalf of    of    experience   22     countries
numerous stakeholders at both the       including Africa and North Africa,
regional and national level, But        South East Asia, North, South and
there is commitment at all levels.      Central American and Eastern
Under the direction of RETOSA,          Europe.
the various nations are moving
quickly to adopt or integrate the       Several of his mandates have been
new standards.                          awarded prestigious international
                                        awards including, most recently,
This effort demonstrates that           the 2009 and 2010 Tourism for
southern          Africa     believes   Tomorrow Award from the World
unequivocally that tourism will play    Tourism and Travel Council.
a central role in the economic
development of the region. As with      He has established a reputation for
any product, quality assurance and      developing responsible tourism
environmental responsibility are        destination management plans and
critical to the commercial and social   effective marketing and investment
success of the business.                strategies, sustainable tourism
                                        products and attractions, and more
As tourism expands exponentially        recently certification and grading
over the next two decades,              programs.
particularly with travel from BRICS
nations, southern Africa is clearly     His training programs, which have
positioned to be a major destination    also won of the Green Globe
for these emerging markets as well      Achievement award, have been
as maintain or strengthen their         offered to more than 6000
market share in their traditional       participants in 12 countries and
markets.                                several languages.

Harmonization        of         the               James can be reached at;
accommodation standards and the
resulting product upgrades and       
improvements are a significant part
of that process.



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A Harmonized Accommodation Grading System that Reduces co2 Emissions across Southern Africa

  • 1.   A Harmonized Accommodation Grading System that Reduces CO2 Emissions Across Southern Africa    
  • 2. A Harmonized Accommodation Grading System that Reduces CO2 Emissions Across Southern Africa James MacGregor, President, ecoplan:net sarl, Abstract The development of a comprehensive harmonized accommodation grading system will be implemented by the 15 nations of RETOSA (Regional Tourism Organization of Southern Africa] by 2015. In 2011 a Framework Document including a 4-year action plan from 2011 to 2015 was prepared. This was followed by preparation of approximately 1,850 standards for six basic categories of accommodation. The program is possibly the most comprehensive set of standards ever developed because it also integrates 60 responsible tourism and 40 universal accessibility standards with the 200 quality assurance standards. This will provide southern Africa member states with a grading system that reflects the highest level of environmental and social responsibility while also providing facilities that are accessible to the disabled. Furthermore the standards reflect the most rigorous international level standards and will be mandatory when the program is launched. The responsible Tourism standards are designed to produce a 20% reduction in CO2 which will reduce emissions by approximately 1 billion kg./year by 2016 Funding 1. Preparation of Framework Document: Commonwealth Secretariat (London): Ms.Chanda Chellah, Advisor (Trade) 2. Preparation of Harmonized Accommodation Grading Standards: RETOSA (Regional Tourism Organization of Southern Africa), Johannesburg Overall Project Management: RETOSA, Mr. Simba Mandinyenya, Planning and Development Director Project Consultant and Author: James MacGregor, President, ecoplan:net sarl This paper was first presented at the International Institute of Peace through Tourism Conference in Lusaka, Zambia in 2011. It will be reprinted in the UNWTO Publication on ‘Tourism and Climate Change’ for publication in early 2012.   2  
  • 3. 1. Overview Despite continued market demand In 2010, RETOSA (Regional for recognized and credible Tourism Organization of Southern international tourist accommodation Africa) recognized the importance grading systems, there continues to of accommodation grading systems be substantial confusion about the and decided to create a completely merits of the various available harmonized system across the 15 systems. Furthermore, in many countries in southern Africa, and cases there is an obvious including Mauritius and Seychelles. inconsistency from one national The overall goal of this ambitious system to another. A three-star project was to established rigorous rating in one country may not and comprehensive international reflect the same classification in level grading standards in concert another. As well, with an annual with credible and coordinated increase in online bookings, the grading scheme within each travel consumers, more than ever, member nation. require a recognized accommodation grading system 2. The Processes of that is reliable. Despite the increased use of user generated building the harmonized content on the Internet grading scheme (TripAdvisor,, etc.] the time-tested star rating system The preparation of the harmonized still has substantial value and, for accommodation grading scheme many travellers, is more important was developed over four phases than ever in their decision-making including; Phase 1: the preparation of a framework for the scheme, incorporating the identification of major issues and the resulting recommendations; Phase 2: the preparation of the individual standards; Phase 3: the integration of the various member nation grading systems into one harmonized grading scheme; and Phase 4: the launch of the overall program 2015. This article will address Phase 1 and Phase 2.     3  
  • 4. 2.1 Phase 1; 5. Identify a feedback mechanism structure to ensure the continual The preparation of a improvement of the scheme; framework document 6. Integrate responsible tourism and universal accessibility The Framework document was standards with quality launched with an October 2010 assurance standards; workshop where representatives 7. Identify funding sources to from the 15 member states develop the program. gathered in Johannesburg to present the status of their individual The Commonwealth Secretariat national schemes as well as funded the preparation of the identify the major issues associated framework document. with establishing a harmonized program across the region. Following an international competition, James MacGregor They included the need for from the firm ecoplan:net was hired recommendations to: to undertake the research and prepare the required Framework. 1. Select either a voluntary or As a first step in the preparation of mandatory harmonized grading the Framework, the consultant scheme; visited a number of member states 2. Identify the needs for auditors including Tanzania, Zambia, South and supporting auditor/assessor Africa, Swaziland, Mozambique training; and Mauritius. This enabled a 3. Create an overall management better understanding of the status structure that would enable of national grading schemes as RETOSA to develop and well as the obstacles to developing administer the system; both the national and regional 4. Identify marketing channels and standards scheme. mechanisms to promote the system to consumers and travel trade;
  • 5. The status of the national schemes ministries of tourism and national varied widely; from South Africa, tourism authorities; national and Botswana and Namibia which have regional tourism and mature and well developed accommodation associations; systems, to Tanzania which is NGO’s and individual integrating its proposed scheme accommodation providers. into that of the East African Collectively these various Community; to Swaziland which is stakeholders can offer a substantial in the early stages of development. contribution to the preparation of the harmonized accommodation The country visits as well as grading scheme. reviews of other international systems provided the basis for a D] The overall marketing and “Recommendations Report” that promotion of the harmonized offered a preliminary response and program will be the responsibility of a direction to the above-mentioned RETOSA however, it will require issues. These recommendations substantial support from individual were subsequently submitted at a member countries as well as their 2-day RETOSA Technical associated accommodation Committee Workshop in June associations and providers. 2011. A brief summary of the results of the discussions included: E] A feedback mechanism will be set up to enable the consumer and A] There was overwhelming the travel trade [foreign and support for the development of a receptive tour operators and mandatory, rather than wholesalers] to evaluate the voluntary, harmonized systems property within the context of the across the member nations. There prescribed rating. Feedback will be is currently a 50/50 split and a 3 provided at the ministry/tourism phase process was proposed to authority, tourism accommodation have all systems mandatory by association, and accommodation 2015. provider level. B) Lack of qualified auditors is The results will be consolidated by one of the more serious issues RETOSA and contribute to the on- facing individual member nation going upgrading of the grading systems. This will be accommodation standards. addressed during the implementation of the program with F] Social and environmentally the design and delivery of auditor responsible standards, including training programs throughout the fair trade practices, as well as region. universal accessibility standards will be integrated into the national C] RETOSA will be the and regional harmonized organization tasked with accommodation grading program. coordinating the integration of Furthermore they will be given various national grading substantial influence in determining systems into one harmonized the overall rating of each property. grading program. However it well require the complete support from all other stakeholders including:   5  
  • 6. With upwards of 20% to 25% of The standards would be integrated source markets having residents into the overall system making it with disabilities it is now considered one of the first in the world to be mandatory to have at least basic comprehensive and inclusive. Universal Accessibility standards in place. The RETOSA Accommodation Rating Harmonizing Framework Diagram   6  
  • 7. G] Funding will come from tourism attraction. Usually full- several different sources. For service and include a variety of instance project support would be recreation activities. from donors for activities such as training workshops and the 3. Self-catering Apartments - preparation of technical manuals, including the required amenities development of marketing strategy for meal preparation but also and communication plans, etc. including housekeeping Project based funding could also services. be used to both promote the scheme to the regional and 4. Nature lodges - full service international markets as well accommodation facility located enhance communication between within or adjacent to natural member nations. areas. Sub categories could include game or safari lodge, Following a complete review by the ecolodge, game reserves. technical committee the consultant prepared the final Framework 5. Guesthouses - a facility that Document, which was presented to offers more limited lodging the representatives of the member services but includes a common nations in early September, 2011. area shared by guests and host The presentation also included an and may or may not include outline of the action plan and cost housekeeping services estimates required to launch the Breakfast provided. program by early 2015. Activities were outlined on a quarter by 6. Campgrounds - An area with quarter basis from late 2011 campsites or pads designed for through to the middle of 2015. mobile accommodation (motor home, caravan) and/or tents 2.2 Phase 2: The providing essential facilities Preparation of the and services and select Grading Standards. recreational activities. Ecoplan:net was also hired, by A number of well-known and respected accommodation grading RETOSA, to prepare the individual standards for six selected systems at the international level were also analysed and categories. These categories consequently provided some included; direction for the harmonization 1. Urban hotels - those located in scheme. They included, in part, the urban or near urban locations Qualmark system from New with particular services for the Zealand, the AA rating system in business traveller. Typically full the UK, the new French hotel rating service. scheme, as well as select standards from the Brazil, Irish and 2. Resorts + Vacation hotel - Scottish programs. typically located within a tourism destination and adjacent to a At the regional level South Africa, Botswana, Zimbabwe and Namibia feature of interest such as lakes, beaches, rivers or provided an excellent source of standards. Finally the East Africa   7  
  • 8. Community (ECA) standards were tourism and the 40 universal considered as an important source, accessibility standards for each particularly with the possibility of category of accommodation. As integrating East Africa standards well these standards represent with the Southern African in, say, approximately 30% of the total 2016. number of standards so their impact is significant. Several newer 2.2.1 The integration of grading systems, developed within responsible tourism and the past few years, have added a few environmental standards but universal accessibility they have relatively little influence standards with the on the final rating of the property. quality assurance The responsible tourism standards, within this RETOSA harmonized standards. system, will however be specific and comprehensive. As well the The complete incorporation of universal accessibility standards responsible tourism and universal refer to actual dimensions and accessibility standards with quality spatial requirements that need to assurance represents one of the be respected to achieve a grade. first efforts, world-wide, to combine a comprehensive set of standards This program identifies more than that embraces the entire 1,850 standards across the six accommodation product. Several accommodation categories. countries have an independent ecotourism, sustainability, or green Collectively they will ensure a certification program, however substantially level protection for the these environmental programs are local environment, greater typically separate from the basic integration of the facility into the accommodation rating system. community, and assured access to many more individuals with Of significance is the integration of disabilities. approximately 60 responsible         8  
  • 9. 2.2.2 Reducing carbon UNWTO proposals to reduce accommodation related Green emissions across house gases by 30% in 2020. southern Africa Furthermore the World Tourism and Travel Council (WTTC) The southern Africa tourist proposes a 50% reduction in accommodation sector does not accommodation greenhouse gases itself generate comparatively by 2035. The RETOSA projections, significant levels of CO2. therefore, seem to be realistic and Nevertheless a concentrated effort in keeping with other international across the approximately 20,000 agencies. properties [by 2015] can still make a meaningful contribution to By using the average daily CO2 reducing CO2. Few production figures from the World accommodation grading systems Resource Institute it is possible to take this issue into account. calculate the decrease in However when designing the emissions. It appears that these system within the context of standards, particularly because growing concern for climate change they are mandatory, would have it is possible to integrate particular the significant effect of reducing standards that will contribute emissions from the accommodation directly to reducing accommodation sector. It is estimated that CO2 related CO2. The responsible emissions will be reduced by tourism standards, in particular, approximately 1 billion kg of CO2 have been specifically designed to per year across southern Africa by reduce carbon emissions. In fact 2016. the scheme should result in an overall reduction of CO2 by approximately 20% by 2015. This would seem to be in keeping with   9  
  • 10. Carbon emission standards • The introduction of short duration local tours using Furthermore implementing the bicycles and low-impact water standards would not necessarily be transport. These trips also onerous on the operations of even encourage an extended length the smaller facilities such as of stay thus requiring less guesthouses and self-catering travel. apartments. In most cases the • Preparation of manuals that standards will actually result in demonstrate to employees and reduction of the overall operational the adjacent communities the costs. Specific standards that have various techniques for reducing been identified to reduce CO2 greenhouse gases [GHG] include; • Annual audits to identify how • Generating at least 50% of targets can be met with respect energy from alternative sources to local purchasing, reduced in 4 and 5 star properties travel, improved energy • Extensive use of energy saving conservation, etc. appliances, compact • The regular use of reusable fluorescence or LED lighting, rather than disposable materials and the use of equipment such and equipment. as solar ovens where applicable • Working with distributors and such as in the lodge operations suppliers to ensure as much • Substantial reduction in recycling as possible transportation related fuel • Energy reduction through consumption through local decreasing demand for hot purchases. This is a significant water and preference for natural consideration in southern Africa ventilation and ceiling fan over where so many products used air conditioning by the accommodation sector, Of coarse many of the currently throughout the region, come accepted standards, such as a from Johannesburg, usually by towel and linen re-use programs, transport truck. room sensors and the use of • Use of carbon credits for compact fluorescent light bulbs administrative and marketing have been integrated the overall related travel program. • Energy and water conservation education programs in local communities • Concerted visitor awareness programs to encourage reducing water and energy requirements • On-going climate change related discussions with the local communities to ensure the residents are doing their best to reduce CO2 emissions.   10  
  • 11. 3. Benefits to the Other benefits that will contribute substantially to the improvement of Southern Africa tourism the Southern Africa industry and the accommodation product and its accommodation sector competitiveness include; Since this harmonization scheme is • The new standards will the first of its kind in the world, stimulate significant upgrades when fully developed it should be across all accommodation able to solicit substantial media categories. Facilities that wish attention and exposure for to emulate international Southern Africa. standards must make the effort to ensure that, say, their four- However the greater benefits will star property is equivalent to the come from those long-haul travel same grade in the source consumers who appreciate that the markets. grading system is equivalent or • The development of the new more rigorous than those systems harmonized system will include found in Europe and North the delivery of training programs America. This is particularly for auditors and grading important to both the individual FIT officers. This information will traveller as well as the tour then be distributed to the operator since much of the travel to accommodation suppliers and the region is multi-destination and will further contribute to product typically includes visits to several upgrades and improvements countries. The travel consumer • With a harmonized system in wants to know that a three-star place, southern Africa will property in one southern Africa become competitive with other country is the equivalent to a three- multi nation regional star property in another location. destinations where there may be a lack of consistency in The notion of a harmonized grading product quality across each system that blankets all of these country. nations reinforces the concept of southern Africa as a unified • The pricing structure across the destination. This is particularly various nations will be more important for the long-haul traveller credible. Despite slight area who prefers an extended stay [10 conditions, the rates for a three- days or more] and a visit to several star guesthouse in one country different countries. should not be noticeably different from those in another.   11  
  • 12. 4. Conclusion The Harmonization of About the Author accommodation grading standards across this multi-nation destination region is an essential to position James is an internationally Southern Africa in the international recognized sustainable tourism marketplace. However the initiative consultant with more than 35 years requires a major effort on behalf of of experience 22 countries numerous stakeholders at both the including Africa and North Africa, regional and national level, But South East Asia, North, South and there is commitment at all levels. Central American and Eastern Under the direction of RETOSA, Europe. the various nations are moving quickly to adopt or integrate the Several of his mandates have been new standards. awarded prestigious international awards including, most recently, This effort demonstrates that the 2009 and 2010 Tourism for southern Africa believes Tomorrow Award from the World unequivocally that tourism will play Tourism and Travel Council. a central role in the economic development of the region. As with He has established a reputation for any product, quality assurance and developing responsible tourism environmental responsibility are destination management plans and critical to the commercial and social effective marketing and investment success of the business. strategies, sustainable tourism products and attractions, and more As tourism expands exponentially recently certification and grading over the next two decades, programs. particularly with travel from BRICS nations, southern Africa is clearly His training programs, which have positioned to be a major destination also won of the Green Globe for these emerging markets as well Achievement award, have been as maintain or strengthen their offered to more than 6000 market share in their traditional participants in 12 countries and markets. several languages. Harmonization of the James can be reached at; accommodation standards and the resulting product upgrades and improvements are a significant part   of that process.     12