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A Day in the Life of a College Basketball 
And the Mental Side Effects 
Cody Ridge 
After being in communication with NAU basketball player senior Karl Harris, he gave me a rundown of
the average seven day week of a NAU college basketball player. Thankfully for the sake of this
experiment, with my current school and work schedule I am able to replicate the schedule without any
My goal here is to compare my mental health results from before the week to after, as well on a daily
basis. I will be analyzing if the schedule has a negative, positive, or neutral effect on my mental health in
different categories. As far as my results go, I will be self calculating stress, mental exhaustion, and
overall mental health on a daily basis. These all will be on a 1-10 point scale. With stress and mental
exhaustion 1 will be none and 10 will be extreme. Overall mental health will be a cumulation of all mental
health factors, with 1 being clinically depressed and 10 being not a care in the world. I will record the
number at the end of each day. I will be basing each symptom off the WebMD definition of them found
under the mental health category.
The two self exams I will be conducting will be the free NAU mental health exam provided by the Health
Promotion Department at NAU, as well as likely the most often used mental health exams, the Patient
Health Questionnaire 9 (PHQ-9). Because mental health is not a cut and dry concept, it is difficult to get
scientific results without breaking the bank and paying for a professional. That being said, here are my
current pre-test results:
ULifeLine results​​-
● Minor depression
● 3 points, which does not indicate signs of depression.
Stress- 3.5
● I am graduating in about a month, so I am more stressed now than I usually am. I would say 90%
stems from that. Where I’m going to live after graduation, what job I’m going to have, money, life,
etc. That said, I consider myself a very laid back person, so it takes a lot to get me stressed.
Mental exhaustion- 2
● I am on the nine hour a night sleeping schedule and am generally not tired throughout the day. I
regularly exercise, so this does not keep me up at night and keeps my tiredness in check. Overall, I
generally am clearly able to compile thoughts, am not forgetful, and do not experience mental
tiredness throughout the day.
Overall mental health- 7
● My mental health is solid. Despite the stresses listed above, I honestly feel I have a good head on
my shoulders. My easy going, yet hard working lifestyle has treated me well to this point in my life.
It is worth noting, I have never been on medication or treated for a mental illness.
Day 1 
The first thing on Harris’s schedule that stood out to me was his first line- “5am- wake up”. The last time I
saw 5 a.m. I was still up from after a long fun night. I realized this would be a challenge, but something I
know I can do. After a poor, 5 hour night of sleep, my alarm went off and I am out of bed by 5 a.m.
Feeling like a zombie, I got some coffee in me, and got ready for a long gym session. The morning
temperature is 23 degrees and windy, so the one mile walk to the HLC is, in a word, miserable. Once
inside the heated building, tears gushing out of my eyes from the cold, I finally am ready to hit the gym.
To my surprise, there are many go-getters at the gym this early, nearly filling up the place. I was still able
to get all the machines I needed and the one hour weight lift workout from 6-7 a.m. was a success.
Coffee made it so I did not get tired or worn out.
From here came a big, one hour breakfast. I walked down to the local diner just off campus known for
their big, hearty plates. After that was an hour and a half study time in which I managed to get some vital
reading done, and start a powerpoint. Things at this point are going just great.
Harris said the team watches film just before every practice. Attempting to stay as true as possible to the
schedule, I found tape of NAU’s win over Jacksonville last Saturday. I watched fifteen minutes of the
game, then headed back to the HLC for my 2.5 hour basketball session. Once there, I rented a ball,
found a court, and started on drills I found online. Dribbling, shooting, running, rebounding, all of the
fundamentals. I did this for over an hour, and started to feel tired, but I was ok. With about an hour left, I
ask the guy beside me if he wanted to play one-on-one. He is happy to, and we play four games of 21.
After that I was fried. I look down at the clock and saw I still had 15 minutes, so did a cooldown on the
bike machine to end the session. I want to call it a day and slip back into bed, but I knew I still had class.
Once home the exhaustion started to kick in. I am starving, but don't want to make anything. I smell like
I’ve been in the gym for 4 hours, but don’t want to take a shower. I know I should be studying, but would
rather just look at the back of my eyelids. But I have been here before, this is just the symptoms of a
long, full day workout. I muscled through it, got ready and a few hours later headed to class.
While in class, it was hard to stay focused like normal. I kept finding myself nodding off and my mind
seemed to be elsewhere. After class I hung around campus before hitting the gym for one last hour long
shooting session. After shooting all day, one more hour of it was the exact opposite of what I want to do.
Once that was over, I slowly biked home, scarfed down some leftovers, looked at my phone for a bit and
passed out after what seemed like a very, very long day. I think to myself “Wow, this is just day one.”
Stress- 4
● The stress of getting up early affected me, but other than that it was just a long day. Mentally taxing
yes, extremely stressful, no.
Mental exhaustion- 4
● This category had the largest impact. It started off fine, but by 5pm I was unable to focus on
everyday life, and by 9pm my mind was somewhere else. I was checked out.
Overall mental health- 6.75
● I’m knocking this down a quarter point because my mental health was clearly affected negatively in
a way, but I also had some positives come from this. By waking up before the sun did, I was able to
get two major workouts in before lunchtime. This gave my mind a boost and made me feel better
about myself. But then came school, work, another workout. Those factors ultimately outweighed
the benefits, causing my mind to go on a bit of a 18 hour rollercoaster where by the end I was ready
to get off the ride. Unfortunately for me, it is only 1/7 of the way through
Day 2 
Today was a lot harder to get out of bed than yesterday, even though I got a more sleep than last night.
Needless to say, I did, got my coffee and made my way down to the HLC. It was a bone chilling 17
degrees today. Once at the HLC, I proceeded with my favorite part of the day- weights. I noticed right
away that my body was pretty sore, especially my feet and ankles. I guess my body was not ready for all
that basketball yesterday.
After weights it was time for breakfast. I figured I was just going to buy some oatmeal, or something
cheap from The Wedge, but to my surprise they did not open until 9 a.m. Two hours away. Knowing I’m
on a budget, but having to eat, I decided to walk up to Dunkin Donuts for a cheap item. I spent more than
I wanted too, which lead me to start thinking about my bank account. Doing this experiment, I am
sacrificing many hours from work due to both not having the time, and also exhaustion. I’m also noticing
I’m having to eat out more on the run, because I’m not finding time to meal prep, and I don't have time to
come home and cook. Thinking about this along with the lack of work hours put an extra level of stress
on me as I made my way to the library for two hours of studying. That went fine, and back to the HLC we
go for 2.5 hours of basketball.
Basketball hurt. My feet continuously cramped like I pulled a tendon yesterday, my ankles were swollen, I
was tired, but I pulled through. I got a great 3 on 3 game going and before long 2.5 hours were in the
books. I hobbled home, threw my stuff on the floor again (something I’ve never done in the past, but am
just too mentally flushed to put things away) made lunch, and layed down. I was set to meet with a
political science class group at 3:30pm before a specialty class at 5:45. Laying in bed I continued to look
at the time. 2:30. 3:00. 3:20. Looks like I’m gonna have to cancel that meeting with them. I’m just too
drained. It was not the utmost important of meeting, but I do now have this feeling of shame and regret
that I ditched my group. I absolutely cannot miss this class though, which I didn't.
After that was the most dreaded part of my day- the final hour of shootaround. I made my way to the now
packed HLC, ankles and feet still killing me, and managed to get an hour of shooting in. The one mile
(which at this point feels like a 10 mile) trek home again was exhausting. Again, I threw my bags and
clothes on the ground and passed out pretty quickly.
Stress- 5.5
● This jumped up more than yesterday because other factors started to emerge. Unexpected factors
such as finance and time for school. It is hard to manage these even with such a set, organized
Mental exhaustion- 6
● This is the category I’m now worried about. My mind is even more exhausted and it is definitely
getting harder to focus. At this rate with the current schedule, I fear this one may continue to rise.
Overall mental health- 6.5
● Again, I’m only dropping it a quarter for many of the same reasons. Yes I’m more tired and
stressed, but there were again some positives. I know the workout I’m getting is beneficial to my
body. I’m becoming a better basketball player. And… well… that's kind of about it.
Day 3 
Alright, this is getting very difficult, to say the least. I could barely roll out of bed this morning. I got the
same six hours of sleep I’ve been getting, but today for some reason was way more difficult than the
other days. After I got up a bit later than I wanted, I did my same morning routing and made it to the HLC.
One thing to note was my feet were extremely sore now. This has nothing to do with my mental health,
but I did have to take the exercise portions of the day lightly, otherwise long term damage felt like a
possibility. After the workout, knowing money is extremely tight I splurged a buck on a V8 juice. Then I
made my way to the library, where the stress started to accumulate.
When I first started this week of a basketball player, I figured one of the best parts of it would be all of the
extra, mandatory study time I would be getting. Almost two hours a day of getting homework done would
be great. Not only would I get my homework done, but I easily could get way ahead in many classes
(including my capstone). To my shock, this was not the case. I was actually falling behind. After thinking
about it, it totally makes sense too. I usually do my homework or reading either during downtime at work
or laying in bed for a few hours before sleeping. Now I have no work downtime, and when I hit the bed I
CRASH. This hour and a half library session now is the only time to get schoolwork done. In today’s case
I needed to finish, edit and rehearse a class presentation. So with the presentation being top priority,
along with the now normal constant exhaustion, I got most of the Powerpoint presentation done.
After that I had a very easy basketball practice that consisted of mainly stationary shooting, as well as
thinking about my presentation the whole time. On the way home I splurged on an energy drink, which I
normally avoid but coffee just was not doing it anymore. It was necessary though because I had to finish
up the Powerpoint. I essentially was able to finish it and was ready as I was going to be to present.
Despite being more anxious than usual, the presentation actually did go well. The rest of the night went
fine, but I did have to skip the nightly one hour shootaround. I had work until late and there really was no
way I could do both. Speaking of work, it was hard to stay awake. I mentioned earlier this is the place I
generally get most of my homework done. Due to lack of sleep, stress, and mental exhaustion, tonight
there was absolutely no homework done.
Stress- 6.5
● The Powerpoint killed me. I thought I would have had it complete and mastered by now, but nope.
Came down to the wire. This and all the other aforementioned factors put me on edge.
Mental exhaustion- 7.25
● Another big jump. I don't know how I was able to stay awake at work. The energy drinks and coffee
are just messing with it as well. Those crashes and highs people talk about are absolutely a real
Overall mental health- 5.25
● This was a rough day because of the presentations on top of the normal rounds. I’m starting to miss
being social and just talking to people. But because my stress and exhaustion keep rising, I really
don't even want to do anything that I don’t have to, like talk to people.
Day 4
I woke up a bit late today. After having to work until 11:30 p.m. and getting home late, I got less sleep
than normal. I still was able to get out of bed by 6 and trek my still sore body to the STC. I proceed with
my weight lifting and the normal rounds. At this point, my mind is just in a haze. I know it’s Friday, and
tomorrow is “game day” which means I will finally get to sleep in for a bit, but I simply don't care. I’m
happy that I don’t have to torture myself with this for an additional day, but in the same sense I’m
depressed, angry, irritable, and as I’m writing this today, just want to cry. This is not something I would
ever see myself saying. I have not cried in years, and I did not cry, but now, reflecting these last four
days makes me want to just crawl into a corner, fall asleep for 36 hours and then lay there for an
additional 15 hours doing nothing. Ok, I am being dramatic, but I can honestly say these last four days
have been the most mentally taxing in my life. As far as the rest of my day went, I finished up the normal
library and basketball/cardio, then had work until 9pm. That is where I was able to write this emotional
entry. I can also assure you that this will be the only writing or any homework I’ll be doing tonight despite
how slow it is, even though I definitely have other work to do. My brain just won't let me. One more note
about work, I really hope my supervisors are not listening to my calls today because my customer service
is very poor. I have no patience, no empathy. The worst part is I realize this and can’t help it. And
customer service is generally my strong point. Now at this point I just can't wait for “gameday” to come,
where it almost seems like a day off. Really all that is on the schedule is shootaround and a game.
Stress- 6.5
● The stress was stagnant. I did not have a big presentation, or really anything that should be
stressful today, but it still was. It definitely did not recede.
Mental exhaustion- 8.5
● I can never recall a moment in my life that I have been so exhausted. All I want to do is sleep. I
definitely do not want to “use my brain”. Even watching mindless YouTube videos is to difficult.
Overall mental health- 3.5
● Today has been hell. My irritability, exhaustion, stress, depressing thoughts. And looking back, it
was by far my easiest day in the last four. I generally feel depressed and just want to check out of
this experiment.
Day 5
I get to sleep in! After a nice sleep, I feel better than I did yesterday. I was honestly thinking about
quitting the experiment, and I don't quit things I start. I can say though, I am happy this is a game day
because if it was not, I don't think I could have done another consecutive “normal” day. Since it is game
day, my body and mind get to somewhat recover. Game day is pretty simple: get to the game early for
warm ups, and maybe get some play time. My game day will be nothing like a real college basketball
player’s one, who have the stress of a university on their backs. Mid day I went ahead and begrudgingly
moseyed on over to the HLC.
What I would have done to completely avoid basketball today. I did my warm up session, then got a
quick game of 21 in and called it. The average basketball player doesn't play that many minutes on game
day anyways. If it’s a close game, majority won’t even see the floor. Anyways, I grabbed my stuff and
headed home. At this point depression started to kick in again. I knew tomorrow was a rest day, which is
about the same as game day, so I should be excited. Nah. I couldn't help but think of the day after
tomorrow, when I’d have to start the whole thing over again. Granted, that was the last day of my
experiment, which provided me some comfort, but not immediately. I got home to my messy room, and
was finally was able to catch up on some Netflix. That was nice.
Stress- 6.25
● Still about the same. I have so much less going on, but I’m still constantly stressing over the little
Mental exhaustion- 7
● The ability to just sleep in and get around to some TV was huge. I’m nowhere near back to how I
was in the first few days, but not feeling like I want to lash out at everyone for no reason either.
Overall mental health- 5
● Again, this day was much needed. The feeling I have as I’m writing this is so much better than
compared to yesterday. I still feel like I’m not myself though. That depressive cloud, along with a
few other clouds, won’t go away. Can’t ever really remember feeling like this.
Day 6
Rest day. Another day of sleeping in. And today I don’t even have work. All I’ve got is weights and
optional shootaround. I think I’ll just stick to the weights. The sheer thought of basketball, or running, or
even walking is making me sick. As I write this, I am in my bed and have been since I woke up about 5
hours ago. Eventually I would like to clean my room today, and I need to do homework, but right now it is
just me and my bed.
I did a home workout on my bench. I was finally able to cook some food at my house. That was a must,
considering my credit card has been getting much more usage this week than normal. Really, the rest of
the day I spent in bed. It was like having a hangover or something. I again didn't manage to clean my
room. Tomorrow is day 7. Last day. At this point, I know I only have one more day. That really is the only
thing keeping me going. There is no way I would do one more week.
Yesterday and today feel like they blended together for one semi-off day. That being said, my mental
statuses are all the same.
Stress- 6.25
Mental exhaustion- 7
Overall mental health- 5
Day 7
“This is the last time I have to do this”. That is all I kept repeating in my head this morning when dragging
myself to the HLC. My body feels better, but my mind is in a cloud. I feel like I need to be robotic, like I
have no personality. My eyes today are just on the finish line. I powered through the morning rounds one
last time. Wake up, walk in cold, lift, eat, study, basketball. But when that was done, I completely
mentally checked out. I was done. I went home, didn't eat, fell asleep, slept through class, called in sick
to work, and there was no late night shoot around tonight. I ended up sleeping a good additional six or so
hours. It hit me after I called into work that this was over. I wouldn’t have to wake up at 5. I wouldn’t have
to tell my friends I can’t hang out. I could start earning money at work. I could get back to my normal
school routine. I could drink a beer again. Most of all, I could clear my mind again.
Stress- Pre-last workout 7, post-checking out 4
● A weight was lifted off my shoulders. I felt like a marathon runner in that last 100 meters. The all
out, exhausting sprint right before the finish line. I was not thinking anymore about work, money,
social life. I knew I now have the freedom to do all those things.
Mental exhaustion- Pre-last workout 8, post-checking out 7
● I’m still exhausted. I still don’t want to use my brain in basically any capacity. The final sprint added
some exhaustion, but at this point I could see the finish line. I’ll be back to normal soon.
Overall mental health- Pre-last workout 4, post-checking out 6
● I feel like those clouds of depression, stress, exhaustion, and the others are finally starting to clear
up now that I’m done. It is a relief. They still linger, but I’m hoping not for long.
Post-test results
ULifeLine results​​-
● Depression- This went from minor depression to simply depression. This being the only mental
health symptom that arose was a bit surprising, but upgrading from minor to depression makes
sense. Throughout the process my mind continued to feel worse and worse. It will likely be a few
more days before I will be completely back to normal.
● 15 points, which indicates depression at a possibly severe level. Specifically “Moderately severe
depression”. This jumped from 3 to 15. The points possible are 30, so even though that big jump of
12 points seems severe, which it is, the total is still in the middle of the range. Needless to say the
large jump makes sense for the same reasons I stated in the ULifeLine results.

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A day in the life of a college basketball player

  • 1.   A Day in the Life of a College Basketball  Player  And the Mental Side Effects  ___  Cody Ridge       
  • 2.     2    INTRODUCTION    After being in communication with NAU basketball player senior Karl Harris, he gave me a rundown of the average seven day week of a NAU college basketball player. Thankfully for the sake of this experiment, with my current school and work schedule I am able to replicate the schedule without any hitches. My goal here is to compare my mental health results from before the week to after, as well on a daily basis. I will be analyzing if the schedule has a negative, positive, or neutral effect on my mental health in different categories. As far as my results go, I will be self calculating stress, mental exhaustion, and overall mental health on a daily basis. These all will be on a 1-10 point scale. With stress and mental exhaustion 1 will be none and 10 will be extreme. Overall mental health will be a cumulation of all mental health factors, with 1 being clinically depressed and 10 being not a care in the world. I will record the number at the end of each day. I will be basing each symptom off the WebMD definition of them found under the mental health category. The two self exams I will be conducting will be the free NAU mental health exam provided by the Health Promotion Department at NAU, as well as likely the most often used mental health exams, the Patient Health Questionnaire 9 (PHQ-9). Because mental health is not a cut and dry concept, it is difficult to get scientific results without breaking the bank and paying for a professional. That being said, here are my current pre-test results:
  • 3.     3    ULifeLine results​​- ● Minor depression PHQ-9 ● 3 points, which does not indicate signs of depression. Stress- 3.5 ● I am graduating in about a month, so I am more stressed now than I usually am. I would say 90% stems from that. Where I’m going to live after graduation, what job I’m going to have, money, life, etc. That said, I consider myself a very laid back person, so it takes a lot to get me stressed. Mental exhaustion- 2 ● I am on the nine hour a night sleeping schedule and am generally not tired throughout the day. I regularly exercise, so this does not keep me up at night and keeps my tiredness in check. Overall, I generally am clearly able to compile thoughts, am not forgetful, and do not experience mental tiredness throughout the day. Overall mental health- 7 ● My mental health is solid. Despite the stresses listed above, I honestly feel I have a good head on my shoulders. My easy going, yet hard working lifestyle has treated me well to this point in my life. It is worth noting, I have never been on medication or treated for a mental illness.
  • 4.     4    Day 1    The first thing on Harris’s schedule that stood out to me was his first line- “5am- wake up”. The last time I saw 5 a.m. I was still up from after a long fun night. I realized this would be a challenge, but something I know I can do. After a poor, 5 hour night of sleep, my alarm went off and I am out of bed by 5 a.m. Feeling like a zombie, I got some coffee in me, and got ready for a long gym session. The morning temperature is 23 degrees and windy, so the one mile walk to the HLC is, in a word, miserable. Once inside the heated building, tears gushing out of my eyes from the cold, I finally am ready to hit the gym. To my surprise, there are many go-getters at the gym this early, nearly filling up the place. I was still able to get all the machines I needed and the one hour weight lift workout from 6-7 a.m. was a success. Coffee made it so I did not get tired or worn out. From here came a big, one hour breakfast. I walked down to the local diner just off campus known for their big, hearty plates. After that was an hour and a half study time in which I managed to get some vital reading done, and start a powerpoint. Things at this point are going just great. Harris said the team watches film just before every practice. Attempting to stay as true as possible to the schedule, I found tape of NAU’s win over Jacksonville last Saturday. I watched fifteen minutes of the game, then headed back to the HLC for my 2.5 hour basketball session. Once there, I rented a ball, found a court, and started on drills I found online. Dribbling, shooting, running, rebounding, all of the
  • 5.     5    fundamentals. I did this for over an hour, and started to feel tired, but I was ok. With about an hour left, I ask the guy beside me if he wanted to play one-on-one. He is happy to, and we play four games of 21. After that I was fried. I look down at the clock and saw I still had 15 minutes, so did a cooldown on the bike machine to end the session. I want to call it a day and slip back into bed, but I knew I still had class. Once home the exhaustion started to kick in. I am starving, but don't want to make anything. I smell like I’ve been in the gym for 4 hours, but don’t want to take a shower. I know I should be studying, but would rather just look at the back of my eyelids. But I have been here before, this is just the symptoms of a long, full day workout. I muscled through it, got ready and a few hours later headed to class. While in class, it was hard to stay focused like normal. I kept finding myself nodding off and my mind seemed to be elsewhere. After class I hung around campus before hitting the gym for one last hour long shooting session. After shooting all day, one more hour of it was the exact opposite of what I want to do. Once that was over, I slowly biked home, scarfed down some leftovers, looked at my phone for a bit and passed out after what seemed like a very, very long day. I think to myself “Wow, this is just day one.” Stress- 4 ● The stress of getting up early affected me, but other than that it was just a long day. Mentally taxing yes, extremely stressful, no. Mental exhaustion- 4 ● This category had the largest impact. It started off fine, but by 5pm I was unable to focus on everyday life, and by 9pm my mind was somewhere else. I was checked out.
  • 6.     6    Overall mental health- 6.75 ● I’m knocking this down a quarter point because my mental health was clearly affected negatively in a way, but I also had some positives come from this. By waking up before the sun did, I was able to get two major workouts in before lunchtime. This gave my mind a boost and made me feel better about myself. But then came school, work, another workout. Those factors ultimately outweighed the benefits, causing my mind to go on a bit of a 18 hour rollercoaster where by the end I was ready to get off the ride. Unfortunately for me, it is only 1/7 of the way through  
  • 7.     7    Day 2    Today was a lot harder to get out of bed than yesterday, even though I got a more sleep than last night. Needless to say, I did, got my coffee and made my way down to the HLC. It was a bone chilling 17 degrees today. Once at the HLC, I proceeded with my favorite part of the day- weights. I noticed right away that my body was pretty sore, especially my feet and ankles. I guess my body was not ready for all that basketball yesterday. After weights it was time for breakfast. I figured I was just going to buy some oatmeal, or something cheap from The Wedge, but to my surprise they did not open until 9 a.m. Two hours away. Knowing I’m on a budget, but having to eat, I decided to walk up to Dunkin Donuts for a cheap item. I spent more than I wanted too, which lead me to start thinking about my bank account. Doing this experiment, I am sacrificing many hours from work due to both not having the time, and also exhaustion. I’m also noticing I’m having to eat out more on the run, because I’m not finding time to meal prep, and I don't have time to come home and cook. Thinking about this along with the lack of work hours put an extra level of stress on me as I made my way to the library for two hours of studying. That went fine, and back to the HLC we go for 2.5 hours of basketball. Basketball hurt. My feet continuously cramped like I pulled a tendon yesterday, my ankles were swollen, I was tired, but I pulled through. I got a great 3 on 3 game going and before long 2.5 hours were in the books. I hobbled home, threw my stuff on the floor again (something I’ve never done in the past, but am
  • 8.     8    just too mentally flushed to put things away) made lunch, and layed down. I was set to meet with a political science class group at 3:30pm before a specialty class at 5:45. Laying in bed I continued to look at the time. 2:30. 3:00. 3:20. Looks like I’m gonna have to cancel that meeting with them. I’m just too drained. It was not the utmost important of meeting, but I do now have this feeling of shame and regret that I ditched my group. I absolutely cannot miss this class though, which I didn't. After that was the most dreaded part of my day- the final hour of shootaround. I made my way to the now packed HLC, ankles and feet still killing me, and managed to get an hour of shooting in. The one mile (which at this point feels like a 10 mile) trek home again was exhausting. Again, I threw my bags and clothes on the ground and passed out pretty quickly. Stress- 5.5 ● This jumped up more than yesterday because other factors started to emerge. Unexpected factors such as finance and time for school. It is hard to manage these even with such a set, organized schedule. Mental exhaustion- 6 ● This is the category I’m now worried about. My mind is even more exhausted and it is definitely getting harder to focus. At this rate with the current schedule, I fear this one may continue to rise. Overall mental health- 6.5 ● Again, I’m only dropping it a quarter for many of the same reasons. Yes I’m more tired and stressed, but there were again some positives. I know the workout I’m getting is beneficial to my body. I’m becoming a better basketball player. And… well… that's kind of about it.
  • 9.     9    Day 3    Alright, this is getting very difficult, to say the least. I could barely roll out of bed this morning. I got the same six hours of sleep I’ve been getting, but today for some reason was way more difficult than the other days. After I got up a bit later than I wanted, I did my same morning routing and made it to the HLC. One thing to note was my feet were extremely sore now. This has nothing to do with my mental health, but I did have to take the exercise portions of the day lightly, otherwise long term damage felt like a possibility. After the workout, knowing money is extremely tight I splurged a buck on a V8 juice. Then I made my way to the library, where the stress started to accumulate. When I first started this week of a basketball player, I figured one of the best parts of it would be all of the extra, mandatory study time I would be getting. Almost two hours a day of getting homework done would be great. Not only would I get my homework done, but I easily could get way ahead in many classes (including my capstone). To my shock, this was not the case. I was actually falling behind. After thinking about it, it totally makes sense too. I usually do my homework or reading either during downtime at work or laying in bed for a few hours before sleeping. Now I have no work downtime, and when I hit the bed I CRASH. This hour and a half library session now is the only time to get schoolwork done. In today’s case I needed to finish, edit and rehearse a class presentation. So with the presentation being top priority, along with the now normal constant exhaustion, I got most of the Powerpoint presentation done.
  • 10.     10    After that I had a very easy basketball practice that consisted of mainly stationary shooting, as well as thinking about my presentation the whole time. On the way home I splurged on an energy drink, which I normally avoid but coffee just was not doing it anymore. It was necessary though because I had to finish up the Powerpoint. I essentially was able to finish it and was ready as I was going to be to present. Despite being more anxious than usual, the presentation actually did go well. The rest of the night went fine, but I did have to skip the nightly one hour shootaround. I had work until late and there really was no way I could do both. Speaking of work, it was hard to stay awake. I mentioned earlier this is the place I generally get most of my homework done. Due to lack of sleep, stress, and mental exhaustion, tonight there was absolutely no homework done. Stress- 6.5 ● The Powerpoint killed me. I thought I would have had it complete and mastered by now, but nope. Came down to the wire. This and all the other aforementioned factors put me on edge. Mental exhaustion- 7.25 ● Another big jump. I don't know how I was able to stay awake at work. The energy drinks and coffee are just messing with it as well. Those crashes and highs people talk about are absolutely a real thing. Overall mental health- 5.25 ● This was a rough day because of the presentations on top of the normal rounds. I’m starting to miss being social and just talking to people. But because my stress and exhaustion keep rising, I really don't even want to do anything that I don’t have to, like talk to people.
  • 11.     11    Day 4 I woke up a bit late today. After having to work until 11:30 p.m. and getting home late, I got less sleep than normal. I still was able to get out of bed by 6 and trek my still sore body to the STC. I proceed with my weight lifting and the normal rounds. At this point, my mind is just in a haze. I know it’s Friday, and tomorrow is “game day” which means I will finally get to sleep in for a bit, but I simply don't care. I’m happy that I don’t have to torture myself with this for an additional day, but in the same sense I’m depressed, angry, irritable, and as I’m writing this today, just want to cry. This is not something I would ever see myself saying. I have not cried in years, and I did not cry, but now, reflecting these last four days makes me want to just crawl into a corner, fall asleep for 36 hours and then lay there for an additional 15 hours doing nothing. Ok, I am being dramatic, but I can honestly say these last four days have been the most mentally taxing in my life. As far as the rest of my day went, I finished up the normal library and basketball/cardio, then had work until 9pm. That is where I was able to write this emotional entry. I can also assure you that this will be the only writing or any homework I’ll be doing tonight despite how slow it is, even though I definitely have other work to do. My brain just won't let me. One more note about work, I really hope my supervisors are not listening to my calls today because my customer service is very poor. I have no patience, no empathy. The worst part is I realize this and can’t help it. And customer service is generally my strong point. Now at this point I just can't wait for “gameday” to come, where it almost seems like a day off. Really all that is on the schedule is shootaround and a game.
  • 12.     12    Stress- 6.5 ● The stress was stagnant. I did not have a big presentation, or really anything that should be stressful today, but it still was. It definitely did not recede. Mental exhaustion- 8.5 ● I can never recall a moment in my life that I have been so exhausted. All I want to do is sleep. I definitely do not want to “use my brain”. Even watching mindless YouTube videos is to difficult. Overall mental health- 3.5 ● Today has been hell. My irritability, exhaustion, stress, depressing thoughts. And looking back, it was by far my easiest day in the last four. I generally feel depressed and just want to check out of this experiment. Day 5 I get to sleep in! After a nice sleep, I feel better than I did yesterday. I was honestly thinking about quitting the experiment, and I don't quit things I start. I can say though, I am happy this is a game day because if it was not, I don't think I could have done another consecutive “normal” day. Since it is game day, my body and mind get to somewhat recover. Game day is pretty simple: get to the game early for warm ups, and maybe get some play time. My game day will be nothing like a real college basketball player’s one, who have the stress of a university on their backs. Mid day I went ahead and begrudgingly moseyed on over to the HLC.
  • 13.     13    What I would have done to completely avoid basketball today. I did my warm up session, then got a quick game of 21 in and called it. The average basketball player doesn't play that many minutes on game day anyways. If it’s a close game, majority won’t even see the floor. Anyways, I grabbed my stuff and headed home. At this point depression started to kick in again. I knew tomorrow was a rest day, which is about the same as game day, so I should be excited. Nah. I couldn't help but think of the day after tomorrow, when I’d have to start the whole thing over again. Granted, that was the last day of my experiment, which provided me some comfort, but not immediately. I got home to my messy room, and was finally was able to catch up on some Netflix. That was nice. Stress- 6.25 ● Still about the same. I have so much less going on, but I’m still constantly stressing over the little things. Mental exhaustion- 7 ● The ability to just sleep in and get around to some TV was huge. I’m nowhere near back to how I was in the first few days, but not feeling like I want to lash out at everyone for no reason either. Overall mental health- 5 ● Again, this day was much needed. The feeling I have as I’m writing this is so much better than compared to yesterday. I still feel like I’m not myself though. That depressive cloud, along with a few other clouds, won’t go away. Can’t ever really remember feeling like this.
  • 14.     14    Day 6 Rest day. Another day of sleeping in. And today I don’t even have work. All I’ve got is weights and optional shootaround. I think I’ll just stick to the weights. The sheer thought of basketball, or running, or even walking is making me sick. As I write this, I am in my bed and have been since I woke up about 5 hours ago. Eventually I would like to clean my room today, and I need to do homework, but right now it is just me and my bed. I did a home workout on my bench. I was finally able to cook some food at my house. That was a must, considering my credit card has been getting much more usage this week than normal. Really, the rest of the day I spent in bed. It was like having a hangover or something. I again didn't manage to clean my room. Tomorrow is day 7. Last day. At this point, I know I only have one more day. That really is the only thing keeping me going. There is no way I would do one more week. Yesterday and today feel like they blended together for one semi-off day. That being said, my mental statuses are all the same. Stress- 6.25 Mental exhaustion- 7 Overall mental health- 5
  • 15.     15    Day 7 “This is the last time I have to do this”. That is all I kept repeating in my head this morning when dragging myself to the HLC. My body feels better, but my mind is in a cloud. I feel like I need to be robotic, like I have no personality. My eyes today are just on the finish line. I powered through the morning rounds one last time. Wake up, walk in cold, lift, eat, study, basketball. But when that was done, I completely mentally checked out. I was done. I went home, didn't eat, fell asleep, slept through class, called in sick to work, and there was no late night shoot around tonight. I ended up sleeping a good additional six or so hours. It hit me after I called into work that this was over. I wouldn’t have to wake up at 5. I wouldn’t have to tell my friends I can’t hang out. I could start earning money at work. I could get back to my normal school routine. I could drink a beer again. Most of all, I could clear my mind again. Stress- Pre-last workout 7, post-checking out 4 ● A weight was lifted off my shoulders. I felt like a marathon runner in that last 100 meters. The all out, exhausting sprint right before the finish line. I was not thinking anymore about work, money, social life. I knew I now have the freedom to do all those things. Mental exhaustion- Pre-last workout 8, post-checking out 7 ● I’m still exhausted. I still don’t want to use my brain in basically any capacity. The final sprint added some exhaustion, but at this point I could see the finish line. I’ll be back to normal soon.
  • 16.     16    Overall mental health- Pre-last workout 4, post-checking out 6 ● I feel like those clouds of depression, stress, exhaustion, and the others are finally starting to clear up now that I’m done. It is a relief. They still linger, but I’m hoping not for long. Post-test results ULifeLine results​​- ● Depression- This went from minor depression to simply depression. This being the only mental health symptom that arose was a bit surprising, but upgrading from minor to depression makes sense. Throughout the process my mind continued to feel worse and worse. It will likely be a few more days before I will be completely back to normal. PHQ-9 ● 15 points, which indicates depression at a possibly severe level. Specifically “Moderately severe depression”. This jumped from 3 to 15. The points possible are 30, so even though that big jump of 12 points seems severe, which it is, the total is still in the middle of the range. Needless to say the large jump makes sense for the same reasons I stated in the ULifeLine results.