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Skeletal System
 Skeleton means dried up body
 Skeletal system is composed of bone, cartilage, joints and
 Each individual bone is an organ.
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Functions of Bone
 Support –provides hard framework that supports the weight of
the body.
 protection
 Movement
 Blood cell formation
 Storage of minerals- calcium and phosphate
 Serve as attachment for muscles
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Skeletal System:
• has two main parts:
1. Axial skeleton
• consists of the bones of the :-
– head (cranium),
– vertebrae bones
– ribs and sternum
– Hyoid bone
2. Appendicular skeleton
• consists of the bones of the:-
– limbs, including those forming the pectoral (shoulder) and
pelvic girdles.
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Region of Skeleton
Axial skeleton: Number of Bones
Appendicular skeleton:
Skull Shoulder girdles Pelvic girdle
Cranium 8 Clavicle 2 Hip bone 2
Face 14 Scapula 2
Auditory Ossicles 6 Upper extremities Lower extremities
Hyoid 1 Humerus 2 Femur 2
Vertebrae 26 Patella 2
Sternum 1 Radius 2 Tibia 2
Ribs 24 = 80 Ulna 2 Fibula 2
Carpals 16 Tarsals 14
Metacarpals 10 Metatarsals 10
Phalanges 28 Phalanges 28
64 62
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• A resilient, semirigid, avascular form of connective
• forms parts of the skeleton where more flexibility is
– e.g., the costal cartilages that attach the ribs to the sternum.
• Periosteum :-
– Fibrous connective tissue covering that surrounds bone.
• Perichondrium :-
– The fibrous connective tissue covering that
surrounds cartilage; excluding articular cartilage.
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wo types:
Compact and
Spongy (trabecular or cancellous).
ey differ based on :-
The relative amount of solid matter and
The number and size of the spaces they contain.
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Transeverse sections of Femur
• All bones have a :-
– Superficial thin layer of
compact bone around a
central mass of spongy
• The spongy bone is
replaced by a medullary
(marrow) cavity.
• Within this cavity of
adult bones, and between
the spicules of spongy
bone blood cells are
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Classification of Bones
Bones are classified according to their length.
• Long bones :-
– Tubular structures.
• e.g., humerus in the arm; phalanges in the fingers.
• Short bones :-
– Cuboidal
– Found only in the ankle (tarsus) and wrist (carpus).
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Classification of Bones
According to their shape
• Flat bones :-
– usually serve as protective functions
e.g., those of the cranium protect the brain.
• Irregular bones:-
– Bones of face, have various shapes other than long, short, or
• Sesamoid bones:-
– Develop in certain tendons.
– These bones protect the tendons from excessive wear and
– Often change the angle of the tendons as they pass to their
• e.g., patella, or knee cap
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The Axial skeleton
The skull
• Contain 22 bones.
• Rests on the
superior of vertebral
• It is composed of
cranial bones
and facial bones
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• In adults formed by series
of 8 bones
• 4 singular bones centered
on midline
– Frontal,
– Ethmoidal,
– Sphenoidal, And
– Occipital
• 2 bilateral pairs
– Temporal
– Parietal
• Roof, the Calvaria
(skullcap)- flat bones
• F P O, united by
• Floor or Cranial Base
irregular bones
 Sphenoidal
 Temporal
 Ethmoid bone
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Viscerocranium (Facial skeleton)
• Forms the anterior part of the cranium
• 14 irregular bones
• 2 single
– Mandible &
– vomer
• 6 bones, as bilateral pairs
– Maxillae;
– Inferior nasal conchae
– Zygomatic,
– Palatine,
– Nasal, and
– Lacrimal bones
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The vertebral column
• Together with the sternum & ribs constitutes the skeleton
of the trunk of the body.
• Adult : contains 26 vertebras.
• Prior to fusion of sacral & coccygeal vertebrae the total
number is 33.
• Function
– Encloses & protect spinal cord,
– supports the head
– Serves as a point of attachment for the ribs & muscles
of the back.
• Inter vertebral discs
– Joint Between adjacent vertebrae
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The vertebral column…
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The vertebral column…
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The vertebral column…
Typical vertebra
• Consist of: body, vertebral arch and 7 processes.
1. The body (Centrum): thick, disc shaped, anterior part.
– Has superior and inferior roughened area for attachment
with IV discs.
2. The vertebral (neural) arch: extends posterior from the body
of the vertebrae.
- With the body it surrounds the spinal cord
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Typical vertebra…
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Typical vertebra …
Vertebral (spinal) canal
• Formed by foramina of all vertebras together.
Intervertebral foramen
• Formed by notch of pedicles superiorly & inferiorly
• Serves as passage of nerves that come out of spinal cord
1. Transverse processes : on both side extends laterally.
2. Spinous processes : extends posteriorly & inferiorly from the
junction of the laminae.
– Both the transverse & spinous processes are muscle attachments.
3. four articular processes form joints with other vertebra
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• Curved, flat bones that form most of the thoracic cage,
• They are remarkably light in weight yet highly resilient.
• Three types of ribs:
1. True (vertebrocostal) ribs (1st- 7th ribs)
• attach directly to the sternum through their own costal cartilages.
2. False (vertebrochondral) ribs (8th -10th ) ribs)
• have cartilages that are joined to the rib just superior to them.
3. Floating (free) ribs (11th- 12th ribs)
• have rudimentary cartilages that do not connect even indirectly with
the sternum.
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• The flat, vertically elongated
• Forms the middle of the
anterior part of the thoracic
• The sternum consists of three
parts: manubrium, body,
and xiphoid process
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The Appendicular skeleton
pectoral girdle
• Consists of the scapulae (left and right) and the clavicles (left
and right) bones
• It connects the upper limb to the trunk.
• Medial end: enlarged and triangular.
• Articulates with the manubrium at sternoclavicular (SC)
• It transmits forces from the upper limb to the axial skeleton.
• Lateral end:
– is flat and articulates with the acromion of scapula at the
Acromioclavicular (AC) joint.
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Scapula (Shoulder Blade)
• It has 3 borders
Medial (vertebral) border,
Lateral (axillary) border &
Superior border.
• Acromion: lateral end of spine
– flat expanded part that articulate with the clavicle.
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• Glenoid cavity or fossa –
receives and articulates
with the head of the
humerus at the
glenohumeral jont.
• A shallow, concave, oval
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Provide skeletal
support for the arm.
Articulate with
scapula above
- Head
- Surgical & anatomical
- Greater and lesser
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Arm bones..
 Anatomical neck of the humerus
 separating head from the greater and lesser tubercles.
 Surgical neck of the humerus,
 a common site of fracture,
 The narrow part distal to the head and tubercles.
 Greater tubercle
 At the lateral margin of the humerus,
 The lesser tubercle projects anteriorly from the bone.
 Bicipital groove - groove between tubercle
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Inferior end
– widens as the sharp medial and lateral supraepicondylar ridges
– End distally in medial epicondyle and the lateral epicondyle.
Articular surface
– Trochlea
Articular surface for ulna
– Capitulum -
Articulate with radius
- Olecranon fossa :
– The largest of the fossa,
– Superior to the trochlea on the posterior surface.
– Accommodates the olecranon of the ulna during full extension of the
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Bones of Forearm
• The medial and longer of the two forearm bones.
• Articulate with the humerus proximally and the head of the
radius laterally.
• Has two prominent projections:
(1) The olecranon: projects proximally from its posterior aspect.
(2) The coronoid process : which projects anteriorly.
• Both form the walls of the trochlear notch
• The ulna does not reach and therefore does not participate in
the wrist (radiocarpal) joint.
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Bones of Forearm…
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• The lateral and shorter of the two forearm bones.
• proximal end has
– short head,
– neck,
– medially directed tuberosity.
• Head
– Discoid and concave.
– Articulate with the capitulum of the humerus.
– It also articulates peripherally with the radial notch of the ulna.
• The neck :
– A constriction distal to the head.
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The shaft
• In contrast to the ulna, gradually enlarges as it passes distally.
• Its lateral aspect becomes increasingly ridge-like, terminating
distally in the radial styloid process.
• Radial styloid process:
– larger than the ulnar styloid process
– extends farther distally.
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Bones of Hand
Carpal bones
 Are eight in number
 arranged in two rows.
1. Proximal row:
• From the radial to the ulnar side are :
– Scaphoid,
– Lunate,
– Triquetrum,
– Pisiform;
2. Distal row: in the same order are :
– Trapezium
– Trapezoid,
– Capitate,
– Hamate.
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Bones of Hand…
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– Forms the skeleton of the palm of the hand between the
carpus and the phalanges.
– composed of five metacarpal bones (metacarpals).
– Each consists of a :
• Base,: articulate with the carpal bones,
• Shaft,
• Head : articulate with the proximal phalanges .
• Phalanges
– Each digit has three except for the first (the thumb), which
has only two.
– Each has a base proximally, a shaft (body), and a head
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• Divided into two functional components:
– Pelvic girdle and
– Bones of the free lower limb.
• The pelvic girdle (bony pelvis) :
– A bony ring composed of:
– Sacrum and right and left hip bones joined anteriorly at the
pubic symphysis.
– Attaches the free lower limb to the axial skeleton.
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The pelvic girdle…
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• Each mature hip bone is formed by the fusion of three primary
• Ilium,
• Ischium, and
• Pubis.
• At puberty, these bones are still separated by a triradiate
cartilage centered in the acetabulum.
• The cartilage disappears and the bones begin to fuse at 17
years of age
• Forms the largest part of the hip bone
• Contributes the superior part of the acetabulum.
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Fig. 2: Parts of hip bone of 13 years old showing the triradiate cartilage.
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• Iliac tubercle : a prominence on the external lip of the crest.
– lies 5-6 cm posterior to the ASIS.
• Iliac fossa
– On medial aspect of each ala.
– Is a large, smooth depression.
– provides proximal attachment for the iliacus muscle.
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• Forms the posteroinferior part of the hip bone.
• Ischiopubic ramus
– formed by union of ramus of ischium with the inferior ramus of
the pubis.
• Constitutes the inferomedial boundary of the obturator foramen.
• Body's weight rests on it when sitting.
• Forms the anteromedial part of the hip bone.
• Contribute to the anterior part of the acetabulum,
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• The large cup shaped cavity or socket on the lateral aspect of the hip
• Articulates with the head of the femur to form the hip joint.
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The Femur
• The longest and heaviest bone in the body.
• It transmits body weight from the hip bone to the tibia when a
person is standing
• Its length is approximately ¼ the person's height.
• Consists of :
– A shaft (body) and
– two ends, superior or proximal and inferior or distal
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The Femur…
Head of the Femur
• Smooth and forms about two-thirds of a sphere.
• Directed superomedially, slightly anteriorly to fit into the
acetabulum of the hipbone.
The Neck of the Femur
 It connects the head to body.
 It runs obliquely in an inferolateral direction.
 Limited laterally by the greater trochanter and is narrowest in
diameter at its middle
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The Femur…
• Are blunt elevations where the neck joins the femoral
Greater Trochanter
• A large, laterally placed.
• Projects superiorly and posteriorly.
• Can be easily palpated on the lateral side of the thigh.
• Provide attachment for abductors and rotators of the
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The Femur…
• The Body (shaft) of the Femur
• It is slightly bowed (convex) anteriorly and is
narrowest at its midpoint.
The Condyles of the Femur
 Make up nearly the entire distal end.
 Articulate with menisci (crescentic plates of
cartilage) and tibial condyles to form the knee
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Tibia and Fibula
• Articulates with the condyles of the femur superiorly and the
talus inferiorly.
• Located on the anteromedial side of the leg, nearly parallel to
the fibula
• The second largest bone in the body
• Superior (proximal) end :
– widens to form medial and lateral condyles
• Shaft : is truly vertical within the leg
– having three surfaces and borders: medial, lateral/
interosseous, and posterior.
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• Tibial tuberosity
– At the superior end of the anterior border,
– a broad provides distal attachment for the patellar ligament.
• Lies posterolateral to the tibia and is firmly attached to it by
the tibiofibular syndesmosis.
• Has no function in weight-bearing. It serves mainly for muscle
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Tibia and Fibula
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• Skeleton of the foot consists of :
– 7 tarsals, 5 metatarsals, and 14 phalanges .
• The hindfoot: talus and calcaneus.
• The midfoot: navicular, cuboid, and cuneiforms.
• The forefoot: metatarsals and phalanges.
• Consists of seven bones :
– Talus, calcaneus, cuboid, navicular, and three cuneiforms.
– Only one bone, the talus, articulates with the leg bones.
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• Consists of five metatarsals
• Numbered from the medial side of the foot.
• Each has a base proximally, a shaft, and a head distally.
• 1st metatarsal : is shorter and stouter than the others.
– on it’s base has large tuberosity.
– On it’s plantar surface of the head are prominent medial
and lateral sesamoid bones
• 2nd metatarsal : is the longest.
• 5th metatarsal
– It’s tuberosity projects laterally over the cuboid.
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• A joint is an articulation, or the place of union or junction
between two or more rigid components.
• Classification of Joints:
• Three types of joints :-
– Classified according to the manner or type of material by
which the articulating bones are united.
• Fibrous,
• Cartilaginous, and
• Synovial)
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• Fibrous joints:
• United by fibrous tissue (sutures of the vault of the skull).
• A gomphosis (dentoalveolar syndesmosis) :-
– A type of fibrous joint in which a peg-like fibrous process
stabilizes a tooth.
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• Cartilaginous joints:
• United by hyaline cartilage or fibrocartilage.
• Primary cartilaginous joints (synchondroses) :-
– United by hyaline cartilage.
– Permit growth of the length of the bone and
– Allow slight bending during early life, until the epiphysial plate
converts to bone and the epiphyses fuse with the diaphysis.
• Secondary cartilaginous joints (symphyses):-
– Strong, slightly mobile joints, united by fibrocartilage.
Ex- Intervertebral disc.
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• Synovial joints:
• The articular cavity of synovial joints is a potential space that
contains a small amount of synovial fluid.
• Synovial fluid serves the dual function of nourishing the
articular cartilage and lubricating the joint surfaces.
• Usually reinforced by accessory ligaments.
NB - ligament is connective tissue that connects bone with
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Types of synovial joints
1, Plane joints: permit gliding or sliding movements
ex:- acromioclavicular joint
2, Hinge joints:- permit flexion and extension Ex:- elbow joint
3, Saddle joints:- permit abduction and adduction as well as flexion
and extension. ex:- carpometacarpal joint
4, Condyloid joints:- similar with saddle is but axis more free to
Ex:- metacarpophalangail joints
5, Ball and socket joints:- allow flexion and extension, abduction
and adduction, medial and lateral rotation
Ex:- shoulder joint
6, Pivot joints:- permit rotation around a central axis
ex:- atlantoaxial joint
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Common joints in our body
Joints of the Upper Limb
• a ball and socket joint of the
synovial variety.
• most frequently dislocated
because of
 most mobile of all joints;
 shallow glenoid cavity
 cavity accepts about one-third
of large convex head of
 A lax capsule; lax capsular
 Inferior or antero-inferiorly
deficient:-most common site
of dislocation:
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Shoulder dislocation
• Is commonly dislocated by direct or indirect injury due to its
freedom of movement.
• 45% of all major joint dislocation in the body.
• Anterior/inferior dislocation: 95% to 97%
• Posterior/superior dislocation: 2 to 5%
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Joints of the Upper Limb
Elbow Joint:
• Consists of lower end of humerus & upper ends of
radius & ulna.
• Trochlear notch of ulna grasp the trochlea.
• Head of radius moves on capitulum.
• Movements at this joint are solely flexion & extension
(hinge like).
• Capsule surrounding elbow joint & superior radio-ulnar
joint is strengthened by medial & lateral ligaments of
Elbow J.
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Movement of elbow joint and superior radioulnar joints
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Nursemaid's elbow or pulled elbow
• Subluxation and
dislocation of the head
of the radius
• Caused by sudden lift
of child (jerked) by the
upper limb while the
forearm is pronated
(e.g., lifting a child into
a bus)
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Joints of the Upper Limb
Wrist Joint, or Radio-Carpal Joint:
 B/n radius & a disc of fibrocartilage (which excludes
ulna from wrist joint) on one side & 3 carpal bones on the
other side (scaphoid, lunate & triquetrum).
 Collateral ligaments( ulnar and radial) strengthen this
 Movements at the wrist joint include: flexion &
extension, as well as adduction & abduction (ulnar &
radial deviation).
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Joints of lower limb
Hip joint
• The largest joint in the body
• Ball-and-socket synovial joint
• Forms connection between lower limb and pelvic girdle
• Articular surfaces
– head of femur
– Acetabulum of hip bone
Movements of the hip joint
– Flexion, Extension
– Abduction, Adduction
– Medial and lateral rotation
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• The hip is usually
dislocated backwards
• posterior dislocation is
produced by a force
applied along the
femoral shaft with the
hip in the flexed and
adducted position,
• If the hip is abducted,
dislocation must be
accompanied by a
fracture of the
posterior acetabular
Dislocation of the hip joint
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Knee joint
• Articulations
– 2 femorotibial articulations (lateral and medial)
• Between femoral and tibial condyles
– 1 intermediate femoropatellar articulation
• Between patella and the patellar surface of the femur
• Movements of the knee
– flexion and extension
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Ligaments that
support knee joint
• Collateral ligaments
- Tibial (medial) collateral
- Fibular (lateral) collateral
• Cruciate ligament
- anterior cruciate ligament:
- posterior cruciate
• Patellar ligament
• oblique popliteal
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Ankle (talocrural) joint
• Articular surfaces
– lower end of the tibia and fibula forms malleolar socket
– trochlea of talus
• The weight of the body is transmitted to the talus by the
Movements of the ankle
– Plantar and dorsiflexion
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  • 1. Skeletal System  Skeleton means dried up body  Skeletal system is composed of bone, cartilage, joints and ligaments.  Each individual bone is an organ. 7/2/2023 skeletalsystem by:- Zufan T.(Msc) 1
  • 2. Functions of Bone  Support –provides hard framework that supports the weight of the body.  protection  Movement  Blood cell formation  Storage of minerals- calcium and phosphate  Serve as attachment for muscles 7/2/2023 skeletalsystem by:- Zufan T.(Msc) 2
  • 3. Skeletal System: • has two main parts: 1. Axial skeleton • consists of the bones of the :- – head (cranium), – vertebrae bones – ribs and sternum – Hyoid bone 2. Appendicular skeleton • consists of the bones of the:- – limbs, including those forming the pectoral (shoulder) and pelvic girdles. 7/2/2023 skeletalsystem by:- Zufan T.(Msc) 3
  • 5. Region of Skeleton Axial skeleton: Number of Bones Appendicular skeleton: Skull Shoulder girdles Pelvic girdle Cranium 8 Clavicle 2 Hip bone 2 Face 14 Scapula 2 Auditory Ossicles 6 Upper extremities Lower extremities Hyoid 1 Humerus 2 Femur 2 Vertebrae 26 Patella 2 Sternum 1 Radius 2 Tibia 2 Ribs 24 = 80 Ulna 2 Fibula 2 Carpals 16 Tarsals 14 Metacarpals 10 Metatarsals 10 Phalanges 28 Phalanges 28 64 62 206 7/2/2023 skeletalsystem by:- Zufan T.(Msc) 5
  • 6. Cartilage • A resilient, semirigid, avascular form of connective tissue. • forms parts of the skeleton where more flexibility is necessary. – e.g., the costal cartilages that attach the ribs to the sternum. • Periosteum :- – Fibrous connective tissue covering that surrounds bone. • Perichondrium :- – The fibrous connective tissue covering that surrounds cartilage; excluding articular cartilage. 7/2/2023 skeletalsystem by:- Zufan T.(Msc) 6
  • 7. Bones: wo types: Compact and Spongy (trabecular or cancellous). ey differ based on :- The relative amount of solid matter and The number and size of the spaces they contain. 7/2/2023 skeletalsystem by:- Zufan T.(Msc) 7
  • 8. Transeverse sections of Femur • All bones have a :- – Superficial thin layer of compact bone around a central mass of spongy bone. • The spongy bone is replaced by a medullary (marrow) cavity. • Within this cavity of adult bones, and between the spicules of spongy bone blood cells are formed. 7/2/2023 skeletalsystem by:- Zufan T.(Msc) 8
  • 9. Classification of Bones Bones are classified according to their length. • Long bones :- – Tubular structures. • e.g., humerus in the arm; phalanges in the fingers. • Short bones :- – Cuboidal – Found only in the ankle (tarsus) and wrist (carpus). 7/2/2023 skeletalsystem by:- Zufan T.(Msc) 9
  • 10. Classification of Bones According to their shape • Flat bones :- – usually serve as protective functions e.g., those of the cranium protect the brain. • Irregular bones:- – Bones of face, have various shapes other than long, short, or flat. • Sesamoid bones:- – Develop in certain tendons. – These bones protect the tendons from excessive wear and – Often change the angle of the tendons as they pass to their attachments. • e.g., patella, or knee cap 7/2/2023 skeletalsystem by:- Zufan T.(Msc) 10
  • 11. The Axial skeleton The skull • Contain 22 bones. • Rests on the superior of vertebral column. • It is composed of cranial bones (neurocranium) and facial bones (viscerocranium). 7/2/2023 skeletalsystem by:- Zufan T.(Msc) 11
  • 12. Neurocranium • In adults formed by series of 8 bones • 4 singular bones centered on midline – Frontal, – Ethmoidal, – Sphenoidal, And – Occipital • 2 bilateral pairs – Temporal – Parietal • Roof, the Calvaria (skullcap)- flat bones • F P O, united by Sutures • Floor or Cranial Base (basicranium)- irregular bones  Sphenoidal  Temporal  Ethmoid bone 7/2/2023 skeletalsystem by:- Zufan T.(Msc) 12
  • 13. 7/2/2023 skeletalsystem by:- Zufan T.(Msc) 13
  • 15. Viscerocranium (Facial skeleton) • Forms the anterior part of the cranium • 14 irregular bones • 2 single – Mandible & – vomer • 6 bones, as bilateral pairs – Maxillae; – Inferior nasal conchae – Zygomatic, – Palatine, – Nasal, and – Lacrimal bones 7/2/2023 skeletalsystem by:- Zufan T.(Msc) 15
  • 16. The vertebral column • Together with the sternum & ribs constitutes the skeleton of the trunk of the body. • Adult : contains 26 vertebras. • Prior to fusion of sacral & coccygeal vertebrae the total number is 33. • Function – Encloses & protect spinal cord, – supports the head – Serves as a point of attachment for the ribs & muscles of the back. • Inter vertebral discs – Joint Between adjacent vertebrae 7/2/2023 skeletalsystem by:- Zufan T.(Msc) 16
  • 17. The vertebral column… 7/2/2023 skeletalsystem by:- Zufan T.(Msc) 17
  • 18. The vertebral column… 7/2/2023 skeletalsystem by:- Zufan T.(Msc) 18
  • 19. The vertebral column… Typical vertebra • Consist of: body, vertebral arch and 7 processes. 1. The body (Centrum): thick, disc shaped, anterior part. – Has superior and inferior roughened area for attachment with IV discs. 2. The vertebral (neural) arch: extends posterior from the body of the vertebrae. - With the body it surrounds the spinal cord 7/2/2023 skeletalsystem by:- Zufan T.(Msc) 19
  • 21. Typical vertebra … Vertebral (spinal) canal • Formed by foramina of all vertebras together. Intervertebral foramen • Formed by notch of pedicles superiorly & inferiorly • Serves as passage of nerves that come out of spinal cord Processes 1. Transverse processes : on both side extends laterally. 2. Spinous processes : extends posteriorly & inferiorly from the junction of the laminae. – Both the transverse & spinous processes are muscle attachments. 3. four articular processes form joints with other vertebra 7/2/2023 skeletalsystem by:- Zufan T.(Msc) 21
  • 22. Ribs • Curved, flat bones that form most of the thoracic cage, • They are remarkably light in weight yet highly resilient. • Three types of ribs: 1. True (vertebrocostal) ribs (1st- 7th ribs) • attach directly to the sternum through their own costal cartilages. 2. False (vertebrochondral) ribs (8th -10th ) ribs) • have cartilages that are joined to the rib just superior to them. 3. Floating (free) ribs (11th- 12th ribs) • have rudimentary cartilages that do not connect even indirectly with the sternum. 7/2/2023 skeletalsystem by:- Zufan T.(Msc) 22
  • 25. Sternum • The flat, vertically elongated bone. • Forms the middle of the anterior part of the thoracic cage. • The sternum consists of three parts: manubrium, body, and xiphoid process 7/2/2023 skeletalsystem by:- Zufan T.(Msc) 25
  • 26. 7/2/2023 skeletalsystem by:- Zufan T.(Msc) 26 Sternum
  • 27. The Appendicular skeleton pectoral girdle • Consists of the scapulae (left and right) and the clavicles (left and right) bones THE CLAVICLE (COLLAR BONE) • It connects the upper limb to the trunk. • Medial end: enlarged and triangular. • Articulates with the manubrium at sternoclavicular (SC) joint. • It transmits forces from the upper limb to the axial skeleton. • Lateral end: – is flat and articulates with the acromion of scapula at the Acromioclavicular (AC) joint. 7/2/2023 skeletalsystem by:- Zufan T.(Msc) 27
  • 29. Scapula (Shoulder Blade) • It has 3 borders Medial (vertebral) border, Lateral (axillary) border & Superior border. • Acromion: lateral end of spine – flat expanded part that articulate with the clavicle. 7/2/2023 skeletalsystem by:- Zufan T.(Msc) 29
  • 32. Scapula…. • Glenoid cavity or fossa – receives and articulates with the head of the humerus at the glenohumeral jont. • A shallow, concave, oval fossa 7/2/2023 skeletalsystem by:- Zufan T.(Msc) 32
  • 33. BONE OF THE ARM HUMERUS Provide skeletal support for the arm. Articulate with scapula above Parts - Head - Surgical & anatomical necks, - Greater and lesser tubercles. 7/2/2023 skeletalsystem by:- Zufan T.(Msc) 33
  • 35. Arm bones..  Anatomical neck of the humerus  separating head from the greater and lesser tubercles.  Surgical neck of the humerus,  a common site of fracture,  The narrow part distal to the head and tubercles.  Greater tubercle  At the lateral margin of the humerus,  The lesser tubercle projects anteriorly from the bone.  Bicipital groove - groove between tubercle 7/2/2023 skeletalsystem by:- Zufan T.(Msc) 35
  • 36. Humerus… Inferior end – widens as the sharp medial and lateral supraepicondylar ridges form. – End distally in medial epicondyle and the lateral epicondyle. Articular surface – Trochlea Articular surface for ulna – Capitulum - Articulate with radius - Olecranon fossa : – The largest of the fossa, – Superior to the trochlea on the posterior surface. – Accommodates the olecranon of the ulna during full extension of the elbow 7/2/2023 skeletalsystem by:- Zufan T.(Msc) 36
  • 37. Bones of Forearm 1. ULNA • The medial and longer of the two forearm bones. • Articulate with the humerus proximally and the head of the radius laterally. • Has two prominent projections: (1) The olecranon: projects proximally from its posterior aspect. (2) The coronoid process : which projects anteriorly. • Both form the walls of the trochlear notch • The ulna does not reach and therefore does not participate in the wrist (radiocarpal) joint. 7/2/2023 skeletalsystem by:- Zufan T.(Msc) 37
  • 38. Bones of Forearm… 7/2/2023 skeletalsystem by:- Zufan T.(Msc) 38
  • 39. RADIUS • The lateral and shorter of the two forearm bones. • proximal end has – short head, – neck, – medially directed tuberosity. • Head – Discoid and concave. – Articulate with the capitulum of the humerus. – It also articulates peripherally with the radial notch of the ulna. • The neck : – A constriction distal to the head. 7/2/2023 skeletalsystem by:- Zufan T.(Msc) 39
  • 40. RADIUS… The shaft • In contrast to the ulna, gradually enlarges as it passes distally. • Its lateral aspect becomes increasingly ridge-like, terminating distally in the radial styloid process. • Radial styloid process: – larger than the ulnar styloid process – extends farther distally. 7/2/2023 skeletalsystem by:- Zufan T.(Msc) 40
  • 41. Bones of Hand Carpal bones  Are eight in number  arranged in two rows. 1. Proximal row: • From the radial to the ulnar side are : – Scaphoid, – Lunate, – Triquetrum, – Pisiform; 2. Distal row: in the same order are : – Trapezium – Trapezoid, – Capitate, – Hamate. 7/2/2023 skeletalsystem by:- Zufan T.(Msc) 41
  • 42. Bones of Hand… 7/2/2023 skeletalsystem by:- Zufan T.(Msc) 42
  • 43. Metacarpus – Forms the skeleton of the palm of the hand between the carpus and the phalanges. – composed of five metacarpal bones (metacarpals). – Each consists of a : • Base,: articulate with the carpal bones, • Shaft, • Head : articulate with the proximal phalanges . • Phalanges – Each digit has three except for the first (the thumb), which has only two. – Each has a base proximally, a shaft (body), and a head distally. 7/2/2023 skeletalsystem by:- Zufan T.(Msc) 43
  • 44. BONES OF LOWER LIMB • Divided into two functional components: – Pelvic girdle and – Bones of the free lower limb. • The pelvic girdle (bony pelvis) : – A bony ring composed of: – Sacrum and right and left hip bones joined anteriorly at the pubic symphysis. – Attaches the free lower limb to the axial skeleton. 7/2/2023 skeletalsystem by:- Zufan T.(Msc) 44
  • 45. The pelvic girdle… 7/2/2023 skeletalsystem by:- Zufan T.(Msc) 45
  • 46. HIP BONE • Each mature hip bone is formed by the fusion of three primary bones: • Ilium, • Ischium, and • Pubis. • At puberty, these bones are still separated by a triradiate cartilage centered in the acetabulum. • The cartilage disappears and the bones begin to fuse at 17 years of age Ilium • Forms the largest part of the hip bone • Contributes the superior part of the acetabulum. 7/2/2023 skeletalsystem by:- Zufan T.(Msc) 46
  • 47. Fig. 2: Parts of hip bone of 13 years old showing the triradiate cartilage. 7/2/2023 skeletalsystem by:- Zufan T.(Msc) 47
  • 48. HIP BONE… 7/2/2023 skeletalsystem by:- Zufan T.(Msc) 48
  • 49. HIP BONE… • Iliac tubercle : a prominence on the external lip of the crest. – lies 5-6 cm posterior to the ASIS. • Iliac fossa – On medial aspect of each ala. – Is a large, smooth depression. – provides proximal attachment for the iliacus muscle. 7/2/2023 skeletalsystem by:- Zufan T.(Msc) 49
  • 50. 7/2/2023 skeletalsystem by:- Zufan T.(Msc) 50
  • 51. ISCHIUM • Forms the posteroinferior part of the hip bone. • Ischiopubic ramus – formed by union of ramus of ischium with the inferior ramus of the pubis. • Constitutes the inferomedial boundary of the obturator foramen. • Body's weight rests on it when sitting. PUBIS • Forms the anteromedial part of the hip bone. • Contribute to the anterior part of the acetabulum, 7/2/2023 skeletalsystem by:- Zufan T.(Msc) 51
  • 52. ACETABULUM • The large cup shaped cavity or socket on the lateral aspect of the hip bone. • Articulates with the head of the femur to form the hip joint. 7/2/2023 skeletalsystem by:- Zufan T.(Msc) 52
  • 53. The Femur • The longest and heaviest bone in the body. • It transmits body weight from the hip bone to the tibia when a person is standing • Its length is approximately ¼ the person's height. • Consists of : – A shaft (body) and – two ends, superior or proximal and inferior or distal 7/2/2023 skeletalsystem by:- Zufan T.(Msc) 53
  • 54. 7/2/2023 skeletalsystem by:- Zufan T.(Msc) 54
  • 55. The Femur… Head of the Femur • Smooth and forms about two-thirds of a sphere. • Directed superomedially, slightly anteriorly to fit into the acetabulum of the hipbone. The Neck of the Femur  It connects the head to body.  It runs obliquely in an inferolateral direction.  Limited laterally by the greater trochanter and is narrowest in diameter at its middle 7/2/2023 skeletalsystem by:- Zufan T.(Msc) 55
  • 56. The Femur… Trochanters • Are blunt elevations where the neck joins the femoral shaft. Greater Trochanter • A large, laterally placed. • Projects superiorly and posteriorly. • Can be easily palpated on the lateral side of the thigh. • Provide attachment for abductors and rotators of the thigh. 7/2/2023 skeletalsystem by:- Zufan T.(Msc) 56
  • 57. The Femur… • The Body (shaft) of the Femur • It is slightly bowed (convex) anteriorly and is narrowest at its midpoint. The Condyles of the Femur  Make up nearly the entire distal end.  Articulate with menisci (crescentic plates of cartilage) and tibial condyles to form the knee joint 7/2/2023 skeletalsystem by:- Zufan T.(Msc) 57
  • 58. Tibia and Fibula TIBIA • Articulates with the condyles of the femur superiorly and the talus inferiorly. • Located on the anteromedial side of the leg, nearly parallel to the fibula • The second largest bone in the body • Superior (proximal) end : – widens to form medial and lateral condyles • Shaft : is truly vertical within the leg – having three surfaces and borders: medial, lateral/ interosseous, and posterior. 7/2/2023 skeletalsystem by:- Zufan T.(Msc) 58
  • 59. Tibia... • Tibial tuberosity – At the superior end of the anterior border, – a broad provides distal attachment for the patellar ligament. FIBULA • Lies posterolateral to the tibia and is firmly attached to it by the tibiofibular syndesmosis. • Has no function in weight-bearing. It serves mainly for muscle attachment 7/2/2023 skeletalsystem by:- Zufan T.(Msc) 59
  • 60. Tibia and Fibula 7/2/2023 skeletalsystem by:- Zufan T.(Msc) 60
  • 61. FOOT • Skeleton of the foot consists of : – 7 tarsals, 5 metatarsals, and 14 phalanges . • The hindfoot: talus and calcaneus. • The midfoot: navicular, cuboid, and cuneiforms. • The forefoot: metatarsals and phalanges. • TARSUS • Consists of seven bones : – Talus, calcaneus, cuboid, navicular, and three cuneiforms. – Only one bone, the talus, articulates with the leg bones. 7/2/2023 skeletalsystem by:- Zufan T.(Msc) 61
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  • 64. METATARSUS • Consists of five metatarsals • Numbered from the medial side of the foot. • Each has a base proximally, a shaft, and a head distally. • 1st metatarsal : is shorter and stouter than the others. – on it’s base has large tuberosity. – On it’s plantar surface of the head are prominent medial and lateral sesamoid bones • 2nd metatarsal : is the longest. • 5th metatarsal – It’s tuberosity projects laterally over the cuboid. 7/2/2023 skeletalsystem by:- Zufan T.(Msc) 64
  • 65. Joints: • A joint is an articulation, or the place of union or junction between two or more rigid components. • Classification of Joints: • Three types of joints :- – Classified according to the manner or type of material by which the articulating bones are united. • Fibrous, • Cartilaginous, and • Synovial) 7/2/2023 skeletalsystem by:- Zufan T.(Msc) 65
  • 66. Joints… • Fibrous joints: • United by fibrous tissue (sutures of the vault of the skull). • A gomphosis (dentoalveolar syndesmosis) :- – A type of fibrous joint in which a peg-like fibrous process stabilizes a tooth. 7/2/2023 skeletalsystem by:- Zufan T.(Msc) 66
  • 67. Joints… • Cartilaginous joints: • United by hyaline cartilage or fibrocartilage. • Primary cartilaginous joints (synchondroses) :- – United by hyaline cartilage. – Permit growth of the length of the bone and – Allow slight bending during early life, until the epiphysial plate converts to bone and the epiphyses fuse with the diaphysis. • Secondary cartilaginous joints (symphyses):- – Strong, slightly mobile joints, united by fibrocartilage. Ex- Intervertebral disc. 7/2/2023 skeletalsystem by:- Zufan T.(Msc) 67
  • 68. Joints… • Synovial joints: • The articular cavity of synovial joints is a potential space that contains a small amount of synovial fluid. • Synovial fluid serves the dual function of nourishing the articular cartilage and lubricating the joint surfaces. • Usually reinforced by accessory ligaments. NB - ligament is connective tissue that connects bone with bone 7/2/2023 skeletalsystem by:- Zufan T.(Msc) 68
  • 69. Types of synovial joints 1, Plane joints: permit gliding or sliding movements ex:- acromioclavicular joint 2, Hinge joints:- permit flexion and extension Ex:- elbow joint 3, Saddle joints:- permit abduction and adduction as well as flexion and extension. ex:- carpometacarpal joint 4, Condyloid joints:- similar with saddle is but axis more free to move. Ex:- metacarpophalangail joints 5, Ball and socket joints:- allow flexion and extension, abduction and adduction, medial and lateral rotation Ex:- shoulder joint 6, Pivot joints:- permit rotation around a central axis ex:- atlantoaxial joint 69 7/2/2023 skeletalsystem by:- Zufan T.(Msc)
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  • 77. Common joints in our body Joints of the Upper Limb THE SHOULDER JOINT • a ball and socket joint of the synovial variety. • most frequently dislocated because of  most mobile of all joints;  shallow glenoid cavity  cavity accepts about one-third of large convex head of humerus  A lax capsule; lax capsular ligament.  Inferior or antero-inferiorly deficient:-most common site of dislocation: 77 7/2/2023 skeletalsystem by:- Zufan T.(Msc)
  • 78. Shoulder dislocation • Is commonly dislocated by direct or indirect injury due to its freedom of movement. • 45% of all major joint dislocation in the body. • Anterior/inferior dislocation: 95% to 97% • Posterior/superior dislocation: 2 to 5% 7/2/2023 skeletalsystem by:- Zufan T.(Msc) 78
  • 80. Joints of the Upper Limb Elbow Joint: • Consists of lower end of humerus & upper ends of radius & ulna. • Trochlear notch of ulna grasp the trochlea. • Head of radius moves on capitulum. • Movements at this joint are solely flexion & extension (hinge like). • Capsule surrounding elbow joint & superior radio-ulnar joint is strengthened by medial & lateral ligaments of Elbow J. 80 7/2/2023 skeletalsystem by:- Zufan T.(Msc)
  • 81. Movement of elbow joint and superior radioulnar joints 7/2/2023 skeletalsystem by:- Zufan T.(Msc) 81
  • 83. Nursemaid's elbow or pulled elbow • Subluxation and dislocation of the head of the radius • Caused by sudden lift of child (jerked) by the upper limb while the forearm is pronated (e.g., lifting a child into a bus) 7/2/2023 skeletalsystem by:- Zufan T.(Msc) 83
  • 84. Joints of the Upper Limb Wrist Joint, or Radio-Carpal Joint:  B/n radius & a disc of fibrocartilage (which excludes ulna from wrist joint) on one side & 3 carpal bones on the other side (scaphoid, lunate & triquetrum).  Collateral ligaments( ulnar and radial) strengthen this joint.  Movements at the wrist joint include: flexion & extension, as well as adduction & abduction (ulnar & radial deviation). 84 7/2/2023 skeletalsystem by:- Zufan T.(Msc)
  • 87. 87 Hip joint • The largest joint in the body • Ball-and-socket synovial joint • Forms connection between lower limb and pelvic girdle • Articular surfaces – head of femur – Acetabulum of hip bone Movements of the hip joint – Flexion, Extension – Abduction, Adduction – Medial and lateral rotation 7/2/2023 skeletalsystem by:- Zufan T.(Msc)
  • 89. 89 • The hip is usually dislocated backwards • posterior dislocation is produced by a force applied along the femoral shaft with the hip in the flexed and adducted position, • If the hip is abducted, dislocation must be accompanied by a fracture of the posterior acetabular lip Dislocation of the hip joint 7/2/2023 skeletalsystem by:- Zufan T.(Msc)
  • 90. 90 Knee joint • Articulations – 2 femorotibial articulations (lateral and medial) • Between femoral and tibial condyles – 1 intermediate femoropatellar articulation • Between patella and the patellar surface of the femur • Movements of the knee – flexion and extension 7/2/2023 skeletalsystem by:- Zufan T.(Msc)
  • 91. 91 Ligaments that support knee joint • Collateral ligaments - Tibial (medial) collateral ligament: - Fibular (lateral) collateral ligament • Cruciate ligament - anterior cruciate ligament: - posterior cruciate ligament: • Patellar ligament • oblique popliteal ligament 7/2/2023 skeletalsystem by:- Zufan T.(Msc)
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  • 93. 93 Ankle (talocrural) joint • Articular surfaces – lower end of the tibia and fibula forms malleolar socket – trochlea of talus • The weight of the body is transmitted to the talus by the tibia Movements of the ankle – Plantar and dorsiflexion 7/2/2023 skeletalsystem by:- Zufan T.(Msc)
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