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The scientific definition of a fruit
is ‘an organ that develops from
the ovary of a flowering plant and
contains one or more seeds.’ The
culinary definition, however,
limits fruits to those foods
containing a high sugar content.
The sweetness of fruits
comes from a natural
form of sugar called
Fruit is very versatile,
appropriate for
puddings, pies, and
jellies, salads,
appetizers, eaten as
snacks, and served in
soups. Fruits can cut
the richness of meats
like pork and duck, and
enhances the delicate
flavors of fish and veal.
Fruits are classified by growing
season and location. The 3
main groups of fruit are
summer, winter, and tropical.
Citrus fruits are characterized by thick skins, aromatic oils, and
segmented flesh. They are abundant in vitamin C. The most common
citrus fruits are oranges, grapefruits (white and sweeter pink varieties),
lemons, limes, tangelos, and tangerines. The flavor of citrus fruits
range from very sweet oranges to very tart, sour lemons.
Winter fruits include citrus
fruits and apples.
Apples are a widely
available winter fruit, and
among the most commonly
used of all the fruits.
The sweet and semi-firm
textures of the Red and
Golden Delicious apples
are best for ‘eating’.
The crisp and tart apples
like the Jonathan and
Granny Smith are best for
baking, as they hold their
shape well during cooking.
The semi-tart McIntosh,
Rome, and Winesap apples
are excellent for
Carpels are semi-
transparent pods
that contain seeds
near the core. They
do not soften
during cooking.
Summer fruits include
berries, cherries, grapes,
melons, peaches,
nectarines, plums, and
Berries are highly
perishable, tender,
and fragile.
Handle them as
little as possible
and serve them as
soon as possible.
Varieties include
boysenberries, and
Cherries range in color from the light red of the Queen Anne to the very
dark, almost black Bing cherry. Flavors range from very tart cherries,
best for baking, to the very sweet and usually darker cherries best for
eating fresh. Cherries can be served fresh or cooked; they can be
frozen or canned or pickled and candied, like the maraschino cherry.
Cherries, along with plums,
peaches, nectarines, and
apricots are called DRUPES.
Drupes all have a central pit
enclosing a single seed.
Peaches have a distinctive fuzzy skin. There
are two categories of peaches:
In CLINGSTONE peaches, the pit sits tightly
against the meat and is tougher to remove, but
the meat is sweeter, darker in color and juicier.
It is mostly used in the making of jellies and
jams, and is not commonly found in groceries
or markets. In FREESTONE peaches the pit sits
loosely against the meat and is much easier to
remove. Grown in the southern states, like
Georgia, they are lighter in color, firmer in
texture, and tend to be larger than clingstone.
Apricots have fuzzy
skin like peaches, but
are usually smaller,
slightly drier and more
orange in color.
Nectarines are also
similar to peaches, but
with a smooth skin
and flesh the same
texture of plums.
Popular sweet melons are honeydew
and cantaloupe (muskmelon).
Characterized by their tan, green, or
yellow skin, the rind is tough and the
flesh is flavorful. The network of seeds
in the middle are taken out before
Unlike sweet melons, watermelons have
a smooth, thick green skin and are
often much larger in size. The seeds are
scattered throughout the melon.
Plums have a firm flesh and
range in shades of green, red, and
purple. There are two categories:
dessert and cooking. Cooking
plums are generally drier and
more acidic than dessert plums.
Some cooking plums grow wild.
Grapes are technically berries that grow in
clusters on vines, but because they come in
so many varieties with so many uses, they
are grouped separately. They are available
with or without seeds. We eat them, cook
with them, and make wine with them.
California Seedless and Napoleon Red are
two common varieties. White wines
complement the flavor of fish and poultry;
red wines complement the flavor of beef.
Pears have a sweet taste and a
smooth juicy flesh. Common
varieties are Bartlett, Bosc, or
d’Anjou (small dark red or green).
Pears are often picked early,
while the flesh is still very firm
and grainy. Place them in a paper
bag and allow them to ripen at
room temperature.
Tropical fruits are named for the
climatic conditions under which
they grow, and include figs, dates,
kiwis (fuzzy skin with bright green-
colored flesh and tiny edible
seeds), mangos (thick-skinned with
a light yellow flesh and spicy-sweet
flavor), bananas, papayas (their
vitamin C content increases as
they ripen), pomegranates, passion
fruit, pineapple, and coconuts
(coconut milk is not the juice from
the center, but a simmered mixture
of water and coconut meat).
Bananas are high in
nutrients and are picked
green and allowed to ripen
during transport. Green
bananas can be cooked;
very overripe bananas can
be used in baking.
The parts of the vegetable
plants we eat include the
leaves, fruit, stems, roots,
tubers, seeds, and flowers.
They are eaten cooked more
often than fruits are, and have
a lower sugar content.
In flower vegetables,
the flower or FLORET
part of the plant and
the stems are eaten.
Cut broccoli
lengthwise to
cooking times
for stems and
florets are the
The thick, waxy
leaves of the
cabbage plant stand
up well in stir-frying
and in soups.
Only the tender flesh at the base of
each globe artichoke outer leaf is
eaten, scraped off on the teeth.
Then the thistle-type
‘choke’ is removed
and the ‘heart’ of the
artichoke is exposed.
Artichokes are sometimes
considered a stem vegetable.
It is believed that cruciferous vegetables may
lower the risk of certain kinds of cancer. These
vegetables are from the cabbage family and
include cabbage, cauliflower, Brussels sprouts,
kale, broccoli, mustard greens, collards,
rutabagas and turnips.
Avocados have leathery green or black skin
with a buttery flavor. They should be served
with lime or lemon juice to prevent the flesh
from turning brown. Guacamole (gwak-ah-
MOE-lee) is a traditional Mexican dip using
mashed avocados as the main ingredient.
Eggplant is a tear-shaped, purple-black vegetable with a glossy skin and
firm flesh, sometimes used as a good replacement for meat. Asian
eggplant, a more slender variety, is typically sweeter. It is always served
cooked. Babaganoush (BAH-bah-gahn-OOSH) is a Middle Eastern dip
using eggplant as the main ingredient.
Slicing cucumbers have
smooth skins and are long,
round cylinders with a high water
content. Pickling cucumbers
(prickly skin)are best used
for making sweet or dill
pickles. Ones that feel heavy for their size are likely
to be crisper. Smaller cukes have fewer seeds.
Butternut, acorn,
spaghetti, banana,
hubbard, and
pumpkin are types
of winter squash.
Crookneck, and
zucchini are types
of summer squash
with soft skin and
smaller seeds that
can both be eaten.
Bell or sweet peppers are
named for their shape. All
varieties start out green,
and change colors to red,
green, yellow, cream, or
purple as they ripen.
Chili peppers are smaller
and hotter. The seeds are
the hottest part.
Tomatoes are a type of
berry, ranging in color
from green, to yellow,
to bright red. Large,
green tomatoes can be
fried. Vine-ripened
tomatoes have the
best flavor.
Tomato products include
sauce, paste, and ketchup.
The light-green leaves of iceberg lettuce are
tightly packed together; the heaviest heads
being the most compact. Remove the core
before storage for a longer shelf life. Both
romaine and leaf lettuce are loosely packed;
the leaves grow upward in bunches and
their edges are slightly ruffled.
There are several types of ‘greens’ used in cooking,
including mustard greens, escarole, and spinach.
They usually have a more bitter, stronger flavor than
the lettuces and are very high in nutrients.
Escarole →
Red & green leaf lettuce
Green beans Haricot verts
Fresh beans include green beans, yellow
wax beans, and French haricot verts
(HAIR-ee-ko VAIR). They are all eaten in the
pod… or long, outer shell.
Fava Beans Lima Beans
Broad beans are removed
from the pod before cooking.
They are toxic when raw.
Once the seed vegetables
are picked, they begin to
convert their natural sugars
to starch. They lose their
Corn and popcorn,
grown for its small
ears and pointed
kernels that explode
when heated.
Carrots contain a large
amount of carotene, a
pigment easily
convertible to vitamin A.
The leaves and
root of beets are
both edible. Large
beets may have a
woody texture.
Pickled beets are
When young and fresh, half-white,
half-purple turnips range in flavor
from very sweet to a little peppery;
older ones can be hot and bitter. The
flesh is white; the greens are edible.
radishes range in
color from bright
reds to pale cream,
making them a good
Root vegetables are plants
that have a single, large edible
root that extends down into
the ground and provides
nutrients to the part of the
plant above ground.
White onions have the sharpest,
cleanest flavor, best for slicing
Green onions, also
called scallions, are
common onions
pulled when
Mild-flavored shallots are shaped like
small bulb onions, but separate into
cloves when broken apart.
Leeks look like large
green onions. They have the
mildest flavor of all onions.
on hamburgers. Flattened yellow onions are the
most common and the least expensive. Use these
for most recipes and for onion rings. Very round
yellow, red, and white onions are less “hot”,
somewhat sweeter and crisper. All varieties have a
pungent flavor and aroma and are used as
seasonings. Pearl onions have very small bulbs.
Garlic is separated into cloves and peeled. Some
believe garlic has medicinal qualities.
Vidalia onions:
sweet onions only
from South Georgia
Tubers are enlarged,
bulbous roots capable of
generating a new plant. They are actually
fat, underground stems. Like several of the
seed vegetables, these are high in starch.
Sweet potatoes have a darker flesh than a
white potato due to a higher sugar content.
The thick skin is not usually eaten.
Yams are similar to sweet potatoes, but not
as sweet. Its flesh ranges in color from
deep red to creamy white.
Potatoes are the most
popular vegetable and
very versatile, able to be
prepared by baking,
boiling, frying, deep-
frying, and microwaving.
There are several varieties of potatoes,
served daily in over 60% of U.S. households.
White oval-shaped potatoes, a variety called Russets, are grown
for baking. As they become tender, the flesh of the potato
becomes mealy. The skin is the only thing that helps this potato
maintain its shape. They are the most expensive potato.
Red potatoes hold their shape well when cooked, so
are best prepared by boiling. These can be boiled, and
then sliced for frying or diced for potato salad.
Round white potatoes can be prepared
by either baking or boiling.
Celery has a high water
content and is very crisp.
The ‘bunch’ is called a
STALK. An individual
piece is called a RIB.
Celery is often served
‘stuffed’ with cheese or
peanut butter.
Mushrooms are a family of
‘fungi’. Purchase from
reliable sources to avoid
poisonous varieties.
Chanterelle with nutty flavor
Shitake; 10” cap
mushroom with
meaty flavor
Enoki; resembles bean
sprouts and fruity flavor
Morel; resembles truffle
with earthy nutty flavor
The USDA (United States Dept. of Agriculture)
has a grading system for fruits and vegetables
to indicate quality, but it is not mandatory in all
cases. USDA grades, from highest to lowest,
are U.S. Extra Fancy, U.S. Fancy, U.S. No. 1,
U.S. No. 2, and U.S. No. 3. Higher qualities are
indicative of excellent colors and flavors and
uniformity of shapes and sizes.
When purchasing canned fruits,
you may select from those packed
in their own juice (no sugar added),
those packed in light syrup (a small
amount of sugar added), or those
packed in heavy syrup (a larger
amount of sugar added).
Produce grown by
hydroponic farming methods
(grown in nutrient-enriched
water under regulated light and
temperatures) is not as flavorful.
Purchasing produce in the off-
season is more expensive.
DO NOT wash vegetables until you are ready to
use them. Moisture causes spoilage. Certain fruits
(incl. apples, bananas, melons, and avocados)
emit ethylene gas which causes fruits to ripen.
These should be stored in a sealed container.
Unripe produce will continue to ripen in cool, dry
places. Refrigerate ripened fruits and vegetables
in ventilated plastic or paper bags or in the
crisper section. Refrigerating bananas will darken
the skins, but delay the ripening of the fruit.
Do not refrigerate other potatoes, as the starch
will turn to sugar. Store potatoes and onions in a
cool, dry place…. Unpeeled. Potatoes exposed to
light turn a green color, and develop a bitter taste.
Wash produce
before using.
Refrigerate Yukon Gold
potatoes, which are used like
other round potatoes, but have a
yellow flesh and buttery flavor.
Some fruits and vegetables naturally contain the enzyme
polyphenoloxidase (pol-lee-fen-il-OX-ee-days) that, when combined
with oxygen in the air react to cause discoloration. This process
begins as soon as the skin or peel of the produce is removed.
Apples, pears, bananas,
grapes, potatoes, lettuce,
and avocadoes are all fruits
and vegetables that will turn
brown as the flesh of the
produce is exposed to
oxygen. Lemon juice,
vinegar, powdered ascorbic
acid (Vitamin C)…all used full
strength or diluted with water,
will delay and/or slow the
enzymatic browning. Even
adding salt and/or covering
them with water will help.
Tearing lettuce instead of cutting it
with a knife, deters browning.
Cooking fruits and vegetables results in noticeable changes:
1. COLOR of green vegetables, from the
chlorophyll pigment, turns to dull olive green
if overcooked or exposed to acid. A small
amount of baking soda will brighten the
green color, but destroys nutrients. A small
amount of acid from lemon juice or vinegar
added to red vegetables such as cabbage or
beets that contain the carotenoid or
anthocyanin (an-thoe-SIGH-ah-nin) pigments
restores bright colors damaged by cooking
these vegetables in water containing certain
minerals. An alkali such as soda causes a
blue-green color in red vegetables.
3. FLAVOR is released during cooking,
making them more pronounced, but
overcooking fades or causes
unpleasant flavors. Fruits flavors
mellow when heated, and become
less acidic.
2. TEXTURE changes as heat
softens cell walls, making the
fruit and vegetables more tender.
Overcooking them, however,
may cause them to be mushy.
MACEDOINE (mass-ee-dohn): mixture of fruits or vegetables
Fruits and vegetables are excellent
sources of vitamins ( like A & C),
minerals (such as potassium), and
fiber. They are low in fat and
sodium and have no cholesterol.
Bananas are an excellent source of
potassium…a mineral needed to
prevent cramping of leg muscles.
1. Use as little water as possible while
cooking vegetables and fruits, and
serve them with the liquid as many
of the nutrients are dissolved in it.
(All vitamins except A,D,E,&K)
Leftover liquids can be used in
soups and mashed potatoes.
2. Cut the vegetables and fruits in
large pieces rather than very small
ones. Nutrients leave the food item
through the cut surfaces.
3. Don’t overcook! Nutrients are
destroyed by exposure to heat,
especially over long periods of
time. Cook fruits and vegetables as
quickly as possible.
FRYING is a popular
method of preparing
vegetables. Potatoes and onion
rings can be deep fat fried.
STIR-FRYING requires a large, hot
surface, like a wok. Chopped
onions, garlic, or green pepper might
be SAUTÉED in butter.
Pierce skins of whole
potatoes before
avoid bursting.
Peppers, sweet corn,
mushrooms, bananas,
tomatoes… benefit with
a flavor burst from being
cooks vegetables or fruits in boiling
water. This allows the skins of produce
such as peaches or tomatoes to be
easily removed.
a la king: served in cream sauce with vegetables
called stewing, is a
method of cooking
in liquid. The goal
is retention of
shape. Use just
enough water to
cover fruit, and add
water for a little
sweetness and help
in retaining shape.
STEAMING minimizes nutrient
loss. It may take a little longer
than placing the food directly in
a liquid, however. There are a
variety of steamers available on
the market.
SIMMERING is a method
of slow-cooking in liquid.
Keep the temperature at
or just under boiling.
BAKING is cooking in
dry heat in an oven.
TEMPURA is a Japanese method of
breading and deep-frying
GLAZING is a finishing
technique. A small
amount of sugar or syrup
is added to or brushed
over the vegetable to
give it a glossy
appearance as it heats.
BOUQUETIERE: a mix of fresh
vegetables, in season
JARDINIERE: diced, mixed vegetables
Popular fruit sauces include applesauce
or a fresh berry coulis (cool-LEE) which is
a sauce made from a purée of vegetables
or fruit that can be served hot or cold.
Begin by cooking the fruit in liquid, such
as water, until the fruit has broken down.
Add a sweetener such as sugar, honey, or
syrup. Once the sauce has cooled, spices
or other flavorings can be added as
desired. A purée will be smooth if put in a
blender or through a sieve.
A compote is
stewed fresh or
dried fruit, fruit
cooked in water and
sugar (a syrup), and
served as a hot or
cold dessert.
Chutney is
any relish type
mixture made
from chopped
fruits or
The “relish tray” has become
standard fare on many tables
and buffets. Raw vegetables
(including cucumbers that have
been made into sweet and dill
pickles) and olives (black, green,
stuffed, etc.) are high in
nutrients and very colorful. Their
crisp texture adds variety to any
meal. They make a low-calorie,
high-fiber snack.
Crudités (croo-dee-TAY): A
French term for raw vegetables
served as a relish. Wasabi: Japanese horseradish condiment
82-Fruits-Vegetables (2).ppt

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Caffeinated Pitch Bible- developed by Claire Wilson
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Caffeinated Pitch Bible- developed by Claire Wilson
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2137ad - Characters that live in Merindol and are at the center of main stories

82-Fruits-Vegetables (2).ppt

  • 1.
  • 2. The scientific definition of a fruit is ‘an organ that develops from the ovary of a flowering plant and contains one or more seeds.’ The culinary definition, however, limits fruits to those foods containing a high sugar content. The sweetness of fruits comes from a natural form of sugar called fructose. Fruit is very versatile, appropriate for puddings, pies, and jellies, salads, appetizers, eaten as snacks, and served in soups. Fruits can cut the richness of meats like pork and duck, and enhances the delicate flavors of fish and veal.
  • 3. Fruits are classified by growing season and location. The 3 main groups of fruit are summer, winter, and tropical. Citrus fruits are characterized by thick skins, aromatic oils, and segmented flesh. They are abundant in vitamin C. The most common citrus fruits are oranges, grapefruits (white and sweeter pink varieties), lemons, limes, tangelos, and tangerines. The flavor of citrus fruits range from very sweet oranges to very tart, sour lemons. Winter fruits include citrus fruits and apples.
  • 4. Apples are a widely available winter fruit, and among the most commonly used of all the fruits. The sweet and semi-firm textures of the Red and Golden Delicious apples are best for ‘eating’. The crisp and tart apples like the Jonathan and Granny Smith are best for baking, as they hold their shape well during cooking. The semi-tart McIntosh, Rome, and Winesap apples are excellent for applesauce. Carpels are semi- transparent pods that contain seeds near the core. They do not soften during cooking.
  • 5. Summer fruits include berries, cherries, grapes, melons, peaches, nectarines, plums, and pears. Berries are highly perishable, tender, and fragile. Handle them as little as possible and serve them as soon as possible. Varieties include blueberries, raspberries, blackberries, boysenberries, and strawberries. Cherries range in color from the light red of the Queen Anne to the very dark, almost black Bing cherry. Flavors range from very tart cherries, best for baking, to the very sweet and usually darker cherries best for eating fresh. Cherries can be served fresh or cooked; they can be frozen or canned or pickled and candied, like the maraschino cherry.
  • 6. Cherries, along with plums, peaches, nectarines, and apricots are called DRUPES. Drupes all have a central pit enclosing a single seed. Peaches have a distinctive fuzzy skin. There are two categories of peaches: In CLINGSTONE peaches, the pit sits tightly against the meat and is tougher to remove, but the meat is sweeter, darker in color and juicier. It is mostly used in the making of jellies and jams, and is not commonly found in groceries or markets. In FREESTONE peaches the pit sits loosely against the meat and is much easier to remove. Grown in the southern states, like Georgia, they are lighter in color, firmer in texture, and tend to be larger than clingstone. Apricots have fuzzy skin like peaches, but are usually smaller, slightly drier and more orange in color. Nectarines are also similar to peaches, but with a smooth skin and flesh the same texture of plums.
  • 7. Popular sweet melons are honeydew and cantaloupe (muskmelon). Characterized by their tan, green, or yellow skin, the rind is tough and the flesh is flavorful. The network of seeds in the middle are taken out before eating. Unlike sweet melons, watermelons have a smooth, thick green skin and are often much larger in size. The seeds are scattered throughout the melon. Plums have a firm flesh and range in shades of green, red, and purple. There are two categories: dessert and cooking. Cooking plums are generally drier and more acidic than dessert plums. Some cooking plums grow wild.
  • 8. Grapes are technically berries that grow in clusters on vines, but because they come in so many varieties with so many uses, they are grouped separately. They are available with or without seeds. We eat them, cook with them, and make wine with them. California Seedless and Napoleon Red are two common varieties. White wines complement the flavor of fish and poultry; red wines complement the flavor of beef. Pears have a sweet taste and a smooth juicy flesh. Common varieties are Bartlett, Bosc, or d’Anjou (small dark red or green). Pears are often picked early, while the flesh is still very firm and grainy. Place them in a paper bag and allow them to ripen at room temperature.
  • 9. Tropical fruits are named for the climatic conditions under which they grow, and include figs, dates, kiwis (fuzzy skin with bright green- colored flesh and tiny edible seeds), mangos (thick-skinned with a light yellow flesh and spicy-sweet flavor), bananas, papayas (their vitamin C content increases as they ripen), pomegranates, passion fruit, pineapple, and coconuts (coconut milk is not the juice from the center, but a simmered mixture of water and coconut meat). POMEGRANATE PAPAYA MANGO Bananas are high in nutrients and are picked green and allowed to ripen during transport. Green bananas can be cooked; very overripe bananas can be used in baking.
  • 10. The parts of the vegetable plants we eat include the leaves, fruit, stems, roots, tubers, seeds, and flowers. They are eaten cooked more often than fruits are, and have a lower sugar content. In flower vegetables, the flower or FLORET part of the plant and the stems are eaten. Cut broccoli stems lengthwise to ensure cooking times for stems and florets are the same. The thick, waxy leaves of the cabbage plant stand up well in stir-frying and in soups. Only the tender flesh at the base of each globe artichoke outer leaf is eaten, scraped off on the teeth. Then the thistle-type ‘choke’ is removed and the ‘heart’ of the artichoke is exposed. Artichokes are sometimes considered a stem vegetable.
  • 11. It is believed that cruciferous vegetables may lower the risk of certain kinds of cancer. These vegetables are from the cabbage family and include cabbage, cauliflower, Brussels sprouts, kale, broccoli, mustard greens, collards, rutabagas and turnips.
  • 12. Avocados have leathery green or black skin with a buttery flavor. They should be served with lime or lemon juice to prevent the flesh from turning brown. Guacamole (gwak-ah- MOE-lee) is a traditional Mexican dip using mashed avocados as the main ingredient. Eggplant is a tear-shaped, purple-black vegetable with a glossy skin and firm flesh, sometimes used as a good replacement for meat. Asian eggplant, a more slender variety, is typically sweeter. It is always served cooked. Babaganoush (BAH-bah-gahn-OOSH) is a Middle Eastern dip using eggplant as the main ingredient. Slicing cucumbers have smooth skins and are long, round cylinders with a high water content. Pickling cucumbers (prickly skin)are best used for making sweet or dill pickles. Ones that feel heavy for their size are likely to be crisper. Smaller cukes have fewer seeds.
  • 13. Butternut, acorn, spaghetti, banana, hubbard, and pumpkin are types of winter squash. Crookneck, and zucchini are types of summer squash with soft skin and smaller seeds that can both be eaten. Bell or sweet peppers are named for their shape. All varieties start out green, and change colors to red, green, yellow, cream, or purple as they ripen. Chili peppers are smaller and hotter. The seeds are the hottest part. Tomatoes are a type of berry, ranging in color from green, to yellow, to bright red. Large, green tomatoes can be fried. Vine-ripened tomatoes have the best flavor. Tomato products include sauce, paste, and ketchup.
  • 14. The light-green leaves of iceberg lettuce are tightly packed together; the heaviest heads being the most compact. Remove the core before storage for a longer shelf life. Both romaine and leaf lettuce are loosely packed; the leaves grow upward in bunches and their edges are slightly ruffled. There are several types of ‘greens’ used in cooking, including mustard greens, escarole, and spinach. They usually have a more bitter, stronger flavor than the lettuces and are very high in nutrients. Escarole → Romaine Red & green leaf lettuce
  • 15. Green beans Haricot verts Fresh beans include green beans, yellow wax beans, and French haricot verts (HAIR-ee-ko VAIR). They are all eaten in the pod… or long, outer shell. Fava Beans Lima Beans Broad beans are removed from the pod before cooking. They are toxic when raw. Once the seed vegetables are picked, they begin to convert their natural sugars to starch. They lose their sweetness. Peas Corn and popcorn, grown for its small ears and pointed kernels that explode when heated.
  • 16. Carrots contain a large amount of carotene, a pigment easily convertible to vitamin A. The leaves and root of beets are both edible. Large beets may have a woody texture. Pickled beets are zesty. When young and fresh, half-white, half-purple turnips range in flavor from very sweet to a little peppery; older ones can be hot and bitter. The flesh is white; the greens are edible. Peppery-flavored radishes range in color from bright reds to pale cream, making them a good garnish. Root vegetables are plants that have a single, large edible root that extends down into the ground and provides nutrients to the part of the plant above ground.
  • 17. White onions have the sharpest, cleanest flavor, best for slicing Green onions, also called scallions, are common onions pulled when immature. Mild-flavored shallots are shaped like small bulb onions, but separate into cloves when broken apart. Leeks look like large green onions. They have the mildest flavor of all onions. on hamburgers. Flattened yellow onions are the most common and the least expensive. Use these for most recipes and for onion rings. Very round yellow, red, and white onions are less “hot”, somewhat sweeter and crisper. All varieties have a pungent flavor and aroma and are used as seasonings. Pearl onions have very small bulbs. Garlic is separated into cloves and peeled. Some believe garlic has medicinal qualities. Vidalia onions: sweet onions only from South Georgia
  • 18. Tubers are enlarged, bulbous roots capable of generating a new plant. They are actually fat, underground stems. Like several of the seed vegetables, these are high in starch. Sweet potatoes have a darker flesh than a white potato due to a higher sugar content. The thick skin is not usually eaten. Yams are similar to sweet potatoes, but not as sweet. Its flesh ranges in color from deep red to creamy white. Potatoes are the most popular vegetable and very versatile, able to be prepared by baking, boiling, frying, deep- frying, and microwaving. There are several varieties of potatoes, served daily in over 60% of U.S. households.
  • 19. White oval-shaped potatoes, a variety called Russets, are grown for baking. As they become tender, the flesh of the potato becomes mealy. The skin is the only thing that helps this potato maintain its shape. They are the most expensive potato. Red potatoes hold their shape well when cooked, so are best prepared by boiling. These can be boiled, and then sliced for frying or diced for potato salad. Round white potatoes can be prepared by either baking or boiling.
  • 20. Celery has a high water content and is very crisp. The ‘bunch’ is called a STALK. An individual piece is called a RIB. Celery is often served ‘stuffed’ with cheese or peanut butter. Mushrooms are a family of ‘fungi’. Purchase from reliable sources to avoid poisonous varieties. Asparagus Chanterelle with nutty flavor Inexpensive Button Shitake; 10” cap Portabella; largest mushroom with meaty flavor Enoki; resembles bean sprouts and fruity flavor Morel; resembles truffle with earthy nutty flavor
  • 21. The USDA (United States Dept. of Agriculture) has a grading system for fruits and vegetables to indicate quality, but it is not mandatory in all cases. USDA grades, from highest to lowest, are U.S. Extra Fancy, U.S. Fancy, U.S. No. 1, U.S. No. 2, and U.S. No. 3. Higher qualities are indicative of excellent colors and flavors and uniformity of shapes and sizes. When purchasing canned fruits, you may select from those packed in their own juice (no sugar added), those packed in light syrup (a small amount of sugar added), or those packed in heavy syrup (a larger amount of sugar added). Produce grown by hydroponic farming methods (grown in nutrient-enriched water under regulated light and temperatures) is not as flavorful. Purchasing produce in the off- season is more expensive.
  • 22. DO NOT wash vegetables until you are ready to use them. Moisture causes spoilage. Certain fruits (incl. apples, bananas, melons, and avocados) emit ethylene gas which causes fruits to ripen. These should be stored in a sealed container. Unripe produce will continue to ripen in cool, dry places. Refrigerate ripened fruits and vegetables in ventilated plastic or paper bags or in the crisper section. Refrigerating bananas will darken the skins, but delay the ripening of the fruit. Do not refrigerate other potatoes, as the starch will turn to sugar. Store potatoes and onions in a cool, dry place…. Unpeeled. Potatoes exposed to light turn a green color, and develop a bitter taste. Wash produce before using. Refrigerate Yukon Gold potatoes, which are used like other round potatoes, but have a yellow flesh and buttery flavor.
  • 23. Some fruits and vegetables naturally contain the enzyme polyphenoloxidase (pol-lee-fen-il-OX-ee-days) that, when combined with oxygen in the air react to cause discoloration. This process begins as soon as the skin or peel of the produce is removed. Apples, pears, bananas, grapes, potatoes, lettuce, and avocadoes are all fruits and vegetables that will turn brown as the flesh of the produce is exposed to oxygen. Lemon juice, vinegar, powdered ascorbic acid (Vitamin C)…all used full strength or diluted with water, will delay and/or slow the enzymatic browning. Even adding salt and/or covering them with water will help. Tearing lettuce instead of cutting it with a knife, deters browning.
  • 24. Cooking fruits and vegetables results in noticeable changes: 1. COLOR of green vegetables, from the chlorophyll pigment, turns to dull olive green if overcooked or exposed to acid. A small amount of baking soda will brighten the green color, but destroys nutrients. A small amount of acid from lemon juice or vinegar added to red vegetables such as cabbage or beets that contain the carotenoid or anthocyanin (an-thoe-SIGH-ah-nin) pigments restores bright colors damaged by cooking these vegetables in water containing certain minerals. An alkali such as soda causes a blue-green color in red vegetables. 3. FLAVOR is released during cooking, making them more pronounced, but overcooking fades or causes unpleasant flavors. Fruits flavors mellow when heated, and become less acidic. 2. TEXTURE changes as heat softens cell walls, making the fruit and vegetables more tender. Overcooking them, however, may cause them to be mushy. MACEDOINE (mass-ee-dohn): mixture of fruits or vegetables
  • 25. Fruits and vegetables are excellent sources of vitamins ( like A & C), minerals (such as potassium), and fiber. They are low in fat and sodium and have no cholesterol. Bananas are an excellent source of potassium…a mineral needed to prevent cramping of leg muscles. 1. Use as little water as possible while cooking vegetables and fruits, and serve them with the liquid as many of the nutrients are dissolved in it. (All vitamins except A,D,E,&K) Leftover liquids can be used in soups and mashed potatoes. 2. Cut the vegetables and fruits in large pieces rather than very small ones. Nutrients leave the food item through the cut surfaces. 3. Don’t overcook! Nutrients are destroyed by exposure to heat, especially over long periods of time. Cook fruits and vegetables as quickly as possible.
  • 26. FRYING is a popular method of preparing vegetables. Potatoes and onion rings can be deep fat fried. STIR-FRYING requires a large, hot surface, like a wok. Chopped onions, garlic, or green pepper might be SAUTÉED in butter. Pierce skins of whole potatoes before MICROWAVE COOKING to avoid bursting. Peppers, sweet corn, mushrooms, bananas, tomatoes… benefit with a flavor burst from being GRILLED OR BROILED. BLANCHING or PARBOILING, partially cooks vegetables or fruits in boiling water. This allows the skins of produce such as peaches or tomatoes to be easily removed. a la king: served in cream sauce with vegetables
  • 27. POACHING, also called stewing, is a method of cooking in liquid. The goal is retention of shape. Use just enough water to cover fruit, and add water for a little sweetness and help in retaining shape. STEAMING minimizes nutrient loss. It may take a little longer than placing the food directly in a liquid, however. There are a variety of steamers available on the market. SIMMERING is a method of slow-cooking in liquid. Keep the temperature at or just under boiling. BAKING is cooking in dry heat in an oven. TEMPURA is a Japanese method of breading and deep-frying vegetables. GLAZING is a finishing technique. A small amount of sugar or syrup is added to or brushed over the vegetable to give it a glossy appearance as it heats. BOUQUETIERE: a mix of fresh vegetables, in season JARDINIERE: diced, mixed vegetables
  • 28. Popular fruit sauces include applesauce or a fresh berry coulis (cool-LEE) which is a sauce made from a purée of vegetables or fruit that can be served hot or cold. Begin by cooking the fruit in liquid, such as water, until the fruit has broken down. Add a sweetener such as sugar, honey, or syrup. Once the sauce has cooled, spices or other flavorings can be added as desired. A purée will be smooth if put in a blender or through a sieve. A compote is stewed fresh or dried fruit, fruit cooked in water and sugar (a syrup), and served as a hot or cold dessert. Chutney is any relish type mixture made from chopped fruits or vegetables.
  • 29. The “relish tray” has become standard fare on many tables and buffets. Raw vegetables (including cucumbers that have been made into sweet and dill pickles) and olives (black, green, stuffed, etc.) are high in nutrients and very colorful. Their crisp texture adds variety to any meal. They make a low-calorie, high-fiber snack. Crudités (croo-dee-TAY): A French term for raw vegetables served as a relish. Wasabi: Japanese horseradish condiment