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Yom Ha’Atzmaut Edition
April 2015 / 5775
Supporting Israel’s
Most Valuable Asset
A Birthday is an opportunity for reflection on what’s past and an opportunity to re-energise for the future.
At Israel’s 67th Birthday, we celebrate with admiration for all of her achievements with a touch of pride for the difference
that UIA has been able to make. More importantly, our celebration for and with Israel, is an opportunity to further
strengthen the unity within our community in our role of making Israel what it is today.
On behalf of the UIA, I would like to take this opportunity to express our thanks to you - our Community - for your
support of our work over the past 95 years which has enabled us to continue supporting Israel’s most valuable asset
UIA has had a very successful start to its 2015 campaign and may we continue to leverage off this good work
and unwavering support. Our culture as a campaign reflects a view that our community are bound by a common
commitment to Tzedakah and to Israel. There is nothing organic about giving. Tzedakah in general and tzedakah
specifically for Israel is intrinsic to being a Jew. It defines who we are, our priorities and the value set with which we
brand ourselves for our children, for us as a community and most importantly for ourselves.
UIA respects our donors and their donations. We make it our priority to minimise our campaign costs (at every turn) in order to maximise the money
we send to Israel, where we put every dollar to work.
Your donations reflect that you recognise our culture and the primacy of our cause. The common themes across the spectrum of our activities
in partnership with the Jewish Agency for Israel are a commitment to assist every Jew who wishes to make Israel their home, to provide these
new Olim with continued support and the best opportunity to integrate into the vibrancy of modern Israel as well as our provision for services and
support for youth at risk and the elderly. At UIA, we have the ability to scale up and resource to make a difference.
Our programs maintain a characteristic of unconditional partnership to improve the lives of our fellow Jews in Israel, and this relies on your
continuing commitment and support. YOU can be rightfully proud of your role in this partnership as a share of the whole, and thus we celebrate as
equals today for Israel with Jews everywhere.
Our hope and prayers are that Am Israel will soon live in lasting peace and harmony amongst its neighbours. Chag Sameach and Am Israel Chai!
Shlomo Werdiger
President UIA Victoria
Dear Friends,
It is with much pride that I address you - our supporters - on the 67th anniversary of Israel’s Independence. Over the
past 5 years of being the shlicha for UIA Victoria, I have been overwhelmed by your unwavering support for the State
of Israel. Without you, we would not be able to undertake the vital work we do in Israel.
Our 2015 campaign began in early March with an incredible array of events and speakers. Each event took our
supporters on a journey which celebrates the success of Israel but also demonstrated the need for Diaspora support
for our people.
UIA continues to raise funds for Israel’s most vulnerable populations – the Olim, Youth at risk and the Elderly. This
is done through projects such as Youth Futures, Absorption Centres, Net@, Youth Villages and more. Through our
programs, we bridge critical gaps – educationally, physically and socially. We provide the tools and long term solutions.
We help to ensure that these vulnerable populations become fully integrated into Israeli society as valuable members.
This year, we are also focusing on strengthening the South of Israel affected by the constant threat. Funds raised will also be directed towards
projects such as armouring the kindergartens and schools with proper safe rooms as well as providing assistance to children and their families
suffering from Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder.
On behalf of the State of Israel, I thank you for your generosity and commitment. I look forward to welcoming you to future UIA functions and
working together to support Israel’s most valuable asset – OUR PEOPLE!
Wishing you and your family a Yom Ha’atzmaut Sameach and may we go from strength to strength.
Amit Tzur-Tal
Executive Director and Shlicha UIA Victoria
A capacity filled Grand Hyatt Savoy Ballroom of 550 donors united
on Monday 16 March for the Gala Dinner featuring international
guest speakers Colonel Richard Kemp and Lieutenant Colonel
Chezy Deutsch.
Kemp spoke of his admiration for the IDF as being the most moral
army he had come across over his many years as Head of the British
Forces. Kemp brought a strong message of support for Israel and
the UIA stating that “the challenges that Israel faces today makes
your work at the UIA even more important than it’s been before.”
He concluded with the profound statement that “Israel – one of the
greatest nations the world has ever seen will stand until the end of
time. And Israel will not stand alone, because we in this room will
stand with it.”
Deutsch, the Former Director for International Relations of the IDF’s
Home Front Command, spoke of the vital role of the Home Front
Command in protecting the lives of Israeli civilians. He paralleled this
to the work of the UIA acknowledging our donors for their role in
also saving lives referencing the 2015 campaign focus of armouring
kindergartens in the South of Israel. He highlighted the importance
of this project which he had visited prior to coming to Australia and
spoke of the imminent need for donors’ support of this project to
protect our children in the event of a code red.
Guests also heard from UIA Victoria President Shlomo Werdiger,
Master of Ceremonies Tom Krulis and were entertained by the
wonderful Rita Satch.
Our Major Donor group was treated to a wonderful cocktail evening
kindly hosted at the home of Roslyn and Richard Rogers on Thursday
12 March with special guest speaker Brig. Gen. (Res) Dr Danny Gold –
the inventor of the Iron Dome.
Gold highlighted a range of innovative technologies that have been
created by Israel before detailing the development of the Iron Dome
and some of the challenges he had to overcome in securing support
for this initiative.
Guests also heard from the new Chairman of the KH-UIA World
Board of Trustees David Koschitzky who expressed his gratitude to
our donors for the important role they play in ensuring the continuity
of UIA’s valuable work.
Mazal tov to UIA Vice-President Nathan
Shafir OAM who was awarded the Order of
Australia Medal in the Australia Day honours
for service to the community through a
range of organisations. For the UIA, Nathan
has been the Vice-President since 2013;
was the Chairman 1990-1993, been an
Executive Member since 1972 and was the
Chairman of YoungUIA 1973-1978.
Kol Hakavod on this well-deserved award.
A) Tony and Jennifer Smorgon, Val OBE and Jack AO Smorgon B) Marlen and Leon
Carp C) Darren Book, Devorah Lemish, Sam Street, Henna Meltzer, Rafi Lamm
D) Yvonne Fink, David and Esther Frenkiel OAM E) Lady Anna Cowen, Ben Cowen
F) Rochelle Butt, Eddie and Lindy Tamir G) Richard Kemp, Tom Krulis, Chezy Deutsch
A) Dr Danny Gold, Amit Tzur-Tal, Shlomo Werdiger, David Koschitzky, Richard Kemp
B) Lorraine Bloom, Rosanna Leibler C) Richard Rogers, Julie and Simon Kessel
D) Danielle Sutton, Roslyn Rogers, Joanna Rubenstein E) Ann and Mark Bryce
Photos: Peter Haskin
Photos: Peter Haskin
A pre-campaign event for UIA volunteers and table captains to gear up for the 2015
campaign was held on Sunday 8 February kindly hosted at the home of Amit Tzur-Tal. Sixty
guests were inspired by guest speaker Rebekah Giles who told of her courageous story of
overcoming enormous adversity after becoming seriously injured in the 2004 Boxing Day
Tsunami while holidaying in Thailand. After numerous surgeries and challenges, just three
years later, she became one of Sydney’s most respected commercial litigators, becoming
Partner at international law firm Kennedys. Hers is a story of incredible resilience, survival
and overcoming the odds.
The event also included a practical canvassing session led by Vice President Nathan Shafir
OAM. This was a wonderful start to a series of successful and well received campaign events.
A Forum lunch event was recently hosted in
the offices of featuring the inventor
of the Iron Dome Brig. Gen. (Res) Dr Danny
Gold. Gold captivated the audience with his
presentation on the creation of the Iron Dome
from conception to implementation as well as
an overview of other developments that have
emerged from Israel including 3D fighting,
robots and airplane anti-missile defence
systems. Forum Steering Committee Member
Tony Smorgon spoke about the premise of
Forum being centred on cultivating the next
generation of Jewish leaders around the world
through important global events and gatherings.
The UIA Cabinet gathered for a breakfast
event with the new Chairman of the KH-UIA
World Board of Trustees David Koschitzky
and Director General of KH-UIA Greg Masel
at Melbourne Hebrew Congregation’s
Boardroom. It was a great opportunity to
discuss the direction and strategic vision of
the organisation.
UIA co-hosted a public forum with AIJAC featuring
guest speaker Melanie Phillips on Thursday 26
February. Melanie is a British journalist, broadcaster
and author. Her weekly column, which currently
appears in The Times, has appeared over the
years in the Guardian, Observer, Sunday Times and
Daily Mail. She also writes regularly for the Jewish
Chronicle and the Jerusalem Post.
Melanie spoke of Britain and the Battle for Civilisation-
in the wake of the French atrocities and rising
European anti-Semitism, is the west now waking
up to the nature and extent of the threat which until
now it has refused to understand or confront? She
described that “until very recently, anti-Semitism was the prejudice that dared not speak its
name in Britain,” for you would be labelled hysterical and exaggerating if you did so. Her
address was followed by an engaging Q & A session.
A) Alex Rozin, Emmanuel Droukman B) Leah and David Schulberg C) Nathan Shafir OAM, Amit Tzur-Tal, Rebekah
Giles, Shlomo Werdiger D) Brad Klein, Bentley and Judy Klein, Herbert Epstein E) Ann and Brian Turner, Alek
Kwiatkowski F) Jenni Krafchek and Jutta Rubinstein doing a phone canvassing role play
A) Melanie Phillips B) Leanne and Daniel Peer C) Bernie and Joyce Marks D) Jenni Krafchek, Nora Vinson
A) Amit Tzur-Tal, Jaki Lew, Greg Masel
B) Dr Danny Gold, Ruslan Kogan C) Andrew Rettig,
Tony Smorgon D) Paul Fleiszig, Mark Fleiszig
A) Cabinet Team B) Julian Black, Shlomo Werdiger
C) Jeffrey Appel OAM, Amit Tzur-Tal D) David
Koschitzky, Carli Diamond, Dean Rzechta
Photos: Peter Haskin
Dear Women’s Division Supporters,
Our 2015 Campaign is certainly off to an incredible start with an
exceptional event followed by successful Super Sunday Phoning Days.
For that, I extend my thanks and appreciation to you all – our donors,
volunteers and sponsors.
We are all part of a global family – the Keren Hayesod – UIA International
Women’s Division family – a vibrant global community of committed
Jewish women dedicated to ensuring the continuity of the Jewish people
and the strength of the State of Israel.
The past year has continued to present some challenges and adversity for Israel, however,
as a community we have remained united in support of our homeland. It was fitting that we
had such an impressive guest speaker who has continued to demonstrate her support for the
State of Israel and we were grateful to host Brigitte Gabriel in our community.
For the first time, our event also included the Pinning Ceremony which acknowledges our
new Lev Chai and Lion of Judah donors who demonstrate their commitment through an
annual gift and in return they are adorned with one of our pins of recognition.
We thank you all for your support of our activities and encourage you to help us continue
in our fundraising efforts to support the Youth Futures program and Israel’s most valuable
asset – OUR PEOPLE!
Wishing you and your family a Chag Sameach.
Hayley Southwick
Chairman – Women’s Division
“The world needs Israel as much as Israel needs the world!” This
was one of the profound statements made by world leading terrorism
expert Brigitte Gabriel who was the guest speaker at the Women’s
Division Breakfast at the International of Brighton before an audience
of 585 women and a handful of men. Gabriel received a standing
ovation at the conclusion of her passionate speech which solidified
her immense support towards the Jewish people and the State of
She said that, “as long as I know that there are wonderful people
like you in the world who want the tikkun olam, who want to repair
the world, who want to make the world a better place, I am willing
to fly across oceans to stand before you and speak so thank you for
honouring me with your presence.”
Gabriel told of her heart-warming story of being a Christian Lebanese
girl growing up during the civil war and how certain events changed
her life and the way she viewed the world, particularly her exposure
to the generosity of the Israeli people. These experiences shaped the
woman she is today and her pursuit for bringing about change by
speaking out against the rise of global Islamic terrorism.
Funds raised through this event will be directed towards the Women’s
Division supported Youth Futures program with particular focus
on assisting youth and their families who are suffering from Post-
Traumatic Stress Disorder in the South of Israel following the events
of last year’s Operation.
Thank you to all the table captains, donors and volunteers whose
support is a reflection of the success of this function. Sincere thanks
to our sponsors; Pratt Foundation, Balwyn Travel, Ice Events, Besser
& Co, MOR Corporation, Magnolia Silver Jewellery, Justine Kuran
Designs, Seacret Spa, Brown Paper Packaging, Bonne Maman, La
Chocolate, Table of Plenty and Signarama.
The Women’s Division held an incredibly
successful Super Sunday Phoning Day on
Sunday 15 March which raised funds for the
Youth Futures project in Israel which they
have supported over the last 7 years. Kol
Hakavod to our wonderful volunteers who
participated in this day and a sincere thank
you to the community for showing your
support towards our cause.
A) Judith Gerczuk B) Zehava Spicer
C) Melma Hamersfeld D) Irene Krauskopf
A) Luba Olenski, Edith Herman, Dianne Moshel B) Naomi Cohen, Donna Cohen, Heather Cohen C) Marilyn Wagen, Janette Lewis D) Meaghan Kausman, Leah Kausman,
Elise Kausman E) Michelle Kaye, Amy Eliau, Carmit Orbach F) Mera Brooks, Shoshana Jordan G) Georgie Crozier MP, Matthew Guy MP, Brigitte Gabriel, David Southwick MP,
Hayley Southwick H) Ronit Fraid, Amit Tzur-Tal
Photos: Dean Schmideg
Chag Sameach to all members!
Together, we stand proud as we celebrate Israel’s 67th Birthday. As you read
this publication, our Yom Ha’atzmaut Mission is travelling Israel creating
lifetime memories in the best and most unique way that UIA can bring you.
At UIA, we celebrate life, existence and survival with our strong spirit, passion
and love for our Jewish Homeland. We are proud to be affiliated with many
groups and organisations within the Jewish community, continuing to bring
you - our respected members - education, stimulation and enjoyment. We
thank community members for their attendance at our campaign functions.
Sincere thanks to our dear volunteers for your time, care and assistance when called upon – we
really appreciate the assistance you have given UIA. If you would like to get involved, please
contact me. We look forward to welcoming you to our weekly shiurim and future functions.
Be well, safe and live today like there’s no tomorrow, enjoying the nachat from your children,
grandchildren and great grandchildren.
Estelle Wytwornik
Planned Giving Coordinator
Our community afternoon tea was well attended with many new faces. Guests thoroughly
enjoyed hearing Colonel Richard Kemp and Lieutenant Colonel Chezy Deutsch.
Entertainment was provided by Matan Franco and the raffle prizes, which were donated
by Pomegranate Tree and Lee Hirsh, were also well received. Donations received on the
day were directed towards armouring kindergartens and schools in the South of Israel to
protect our Olim children. It was a wonderful and successful function and we look forward to
welcoming you at our next event.
Our annual senior’s outing, held at the end
of last year, was a wonderful and perfect day
for 78 eager travellers.
Our first stop was Villa Pileggi in Gisborne,
visiting a family olive grove. Participants
were given an insight into the growth and
processing of the olives once in flower and
walked the orchards as they taste tested the
delicious delights. It was an educational and
enjoyable experience for all.
They then travelled to the beautiful Gardens of
Tieve Tara – a relaxing and scenic experience
in Mt Macedon. The group enjoyed lunch
on the tennis court and walking through
the gardens, around the lakes, seeing the
waterfalls, feeding the ducks and absorbing
the natural surroundings.
A) Renee Companez, Sarah Wein B) Ludmile Yukilis, Vladimir Kievscki C) Henry Alkalai, Alex and Debrah Zuben, Rosi
Alkalai, Zehava Spicer D) Beverley and Mauryce Walter E) Front Row: Lesley Sheezel, Esther Wise, Julie Baker Back Row:
Shirley Jacobs, Tania Gerschman, Sally Felzen, Gutta Zaks F) Matan Franco entertaining guests G) Shlomo Werdiger,
Chezy Deutsch, Amit Tzur-Tal, Richard Kemp H) Rose Heneberg, Sally Baum, Estelle Wytwornik
A) Reva Siegel, Vera Link, Jona and Denis Goldman, Ruth
Siegel, Denise Barnett B) Shirley Freedman, Rina Klisman,
Ettie Leiba C) Elyane Hoffman, Susan Eichenbaum
D) Tamara Briskin, Florence Cohen, Ester Grynszpan
E) Ninelle Terliker, Beverley Sutton, Freda Zielinski
Please join us for our weekly
shiur with Rabbi Steven
Link every Tuesday 12-1pm
in the UIA Boardroom at
Beth Weizmann. As well as
Chagim, discussions cover
a diverse area of topics.
Refreshments will be served.
Estelle Wytwornik on 9272 5533
To create an Endowment Fund
or arrange a Bequest to UIA
please contact:
Amit Tzur-Tal
Executive Director/Shlicha on
9272 5533 or
Estelle Wytwornik
Planned Giving Co-ordinator on
9272 5533 or
Supporting Israel’s
Most Valuable Asset
Photos: Jeremy Blode
A successful Super Sunday was held on Sunday 22 March when we
reached out to the community for their wholehearted support of our
vital projects particularly focusing on the armouring of kindergartens
and schools in the South of Israel for our Olim children.
It was wonderful to see the next generation involved with a number
of student volunteers as well as some from AUJS.
UIA will continue to hold canvassing sessions throughout the year
and we encourage you all to get involved.
Kol Hakavod for your dedication and love for Israel.
For more information contact
Jenny Bourstein 9272 5533
A) Denise Isaacs B) David Schulberg C) & D) Student volunteers from Mount Scopus
College E) Martin Miller F) Ethan Kravietz, Dave Skurnik, David Boyar, Carli Diamond,
Victoria Wein, Jenni Mandel
Pledge your time to the UIA and
become a volunteer.
Lend a hand with canvassing,
administration, office assistance,
entertainment, driving and events.
High school students, retirees,
casual volunteers of all ages are
welcome. Let us know what skills
or experience you can offer.
To get involved,
please contact:
Simonne 9272 5533 or
Supporting Israel’s
Most Valuable Asset
MEET with people who have helped shape Israel’s history
VISIT classified military locations and Israel’s main attractions
SEE first-hand the work of the UIA
YoungUIA held a Major Donor breakfast event at the end of 2014
with guest speaker Larry Kestelman who kindly hosted the event
in his boardroom. Guests heard about Larry’s business history and
future plans spanning a number of different areas.
On Tuesday 17 March, YoungUIA held a Sessions event with Colonel
Richard Kemp and LTC Chezy Deutsch for 35 young, bright minded
people. Kemp and Deutsch engaged the audience through their
humor and stories which was followed by an engaging Q & A session.
Brig. Gen. (Res) Dr Daniel Gold, the inventor of the Iron Dome, wowed
the YoungUIA Major Donor group with his innovative presentation on
Friday 13 March at an intimate cocktail event at the Royce Hotel.
Gold spoke about the Iron Dome in depth and his other business and
technology ventures.
Carli Diamond is the YoungUIA Co-Chair. Her
passion for Israel is enhanced as the Head of
Marketing and Fundraising for the UIA. She hopes
to strengthen donor commitment and engage
a wider range of members through meaningful
events and fundraising initiatives.
Dean Rzechta is the YoungUIA Co-Chair, a proud
supporter of the State of Israel and passionate
about the Community. He remains committed to
connecting and engaging the ‘Next Generation’
and brings with him a wealth of sporting and
business experiences.
Jessica Cantori co-heads the new YoungUIA
Women’s Division. She holds a Bachelor of Law/
Bachelor of Art (History) and practices as a lawyer
at an international firm. She hopes to create a strong
lasting group against the backdrop of raising money
and awareness for Israel.
Jenni Mandel has a Bachelor of Arts/Bachelor of
Laws and is working as a lawyer in commercial
litigation and family law. She is passionate about
helping the community and giving back. Jenni is
keen to engage and connect professional Jewish
women in the community.
Eyal Genende heads our community collaboration
division - engagement with our youth movements,
shules and schools. He has been active in
fundraising for Israel holding positions in a range
of communal organisations.
Ethan Kravietz is the AUJS representative for
YoungUIA. He aims to involve more students aged
18-25 in YoungUIA, raising their awareness of the
vital work that YoungUIA does.
Dave Skurnik plays a large role in developing the
Young Major Donors Group. He has always had
a passion and ambition to succeed in building
Melbourne’s future and thus acquired a Bachelor
of Planning and Design and a Bachelor of Property
and Construction.
Victoria Wein has a Bachelor of Public Relations
and is currently the YoungUIA Coordinator. Within
her events portfolio, she continues to coordinate
high quality events to drive people to get involved
with YoungUIA.
A) Larry Kestelman, Dean Rzechta B) Adam Broder, Saul Davidoff C) Illan Samuel, Dion Besser
A) Phillip Wein, Richard Kemp, Ben Shafir B) Dale Brouze, Jesse Kochen, Ashley Moss,
Joshua Kaplan C) Chezy Deutsch, Carli Diamond
A) Dave Skurnik, Ingrid van Dijken, Nick Marks, Natalie Green B) Max Shifman,
Rafi Lamm C) Dr Danny Gold, David Boyar
Photos: Jeremy Blode
Photos: Peter Haskin
This new group, a co-branded initiative between YoungUIA and
the Women’s Division will launch in the coming months and
is headed by Jenni Mandel and Jess Cantori supported by a
subcommittee of Kim Richwol, Sheree Rubenstein and Megan
This is a new group of the UIA to engage and connect Jewish
female professionals in the community, predominately in the
20-40 age bracket.
The primary objectives of this group are:
	 •	Running networking events to connect female Jewish professionals from all industries
and levels to assist them with developing strong business relationships in the community.
	 •	Hosting speaker events with a range of successful business people to engage
professional Jewish women in discussion about challenges in the workplace and how
to overcome them as well as inspiring and motivating them to achieve their goals.
	 •	Fostering mentorship by connecting experienced female professionals with junior
female professionals with the aim of providing mentees with career guidance and
	 •	 Raising money and awareness for Israel and the UIA mission.
	 •	 Engaging a younger generation of existing and potential UIA donors.
YoungUIA’s annual Candy party took place for the 3rd consecutive year at Boutique nightclub
on Christmas Eve last year. 360 people were entertained by DJ Dan, DJ Cee:Jay, Gid Luber
and Ryan Riback. Funds raised were directed towards YoungUIA’s supported project – the
Kiryat Yearim Youth Village in Israel.
At the 2014 AGM, UIA presented a number
of awards to our volunteers in several
categories, in front of family and friends.
The Askan Award is given to those volunteers
who have contributed in excess of 10 years
voluntary service to the organisation.
Mazel tov to the following recipients:
Nathan Better
Lee Hirsh
Aron Vinkler
Lex Tannenbaum
The Nitzanim leadership award is given for
outstanding young leadership services and
was presented to outgoing YoungUIA Vice
Chairman Shifi Cohen.
We also acknowledged several volunteers
for their administration and canvassing
assistance and those awards were given to:
Golda Gross
Gwen Abzatz
Klara Jacobson
A) Nathan Better B) Lee Hirsh C) Aron Vinkler
D) Shifi Cohen E) Golda Gross F) Gwen Abzatz
G) Lex Tannenbaum, Amit Tzur-Tal
CANDY 2014
Youth Futures
Youth Futures is a revolutionary one-on-one
mentoring programme that provides children
and Youth at Risk with comprehensive,
tailored intervention enabling them to take
their place as independent, productive
members of Israeli society. Mentors undergo
specialised training to work with youth at risk,
considering each child’s unique situation and
then developing an individualised action plan
to put the children in touch with services they
Based primarily in the periphery, Youth
Futures helps build self esteem, improve
school performance and set goals for a
brighter future – bringing them from risk to
Aliyah  Absorption
With thousands of New Olim arriving in
Israel annually, successful absorption is
essential to fulfilling both their dreams and
of Jews who come home to Israel which
helps to soften their landing – providing a
sheltered “first home” and the tools they
need to achieve the independence and
acclimatising to new life in Israel.
The assistance and support provided
enables the Olim to concentrate on
succeeding and becoming valuable
members of Israeli society.
Armouring Kindergartens
Armouring kindergartens and schools in
the South is one of our high priorities in
light of the events surrounding Operation
Protection Edge. The aim of this project
is to ensure that the children, who are
predominately Olim, are protected and
safe in the event of an attack.
Funds raised will assist in building additional
safe rooms as well as renovating current
ones so that they have a multi-functional
purpose of being an activities room for the
children during the day with the secondary
function of a safe room in the event of a
code red.
Ayalim is building the new generation of
Israeli Social Pioneers by providing 20,000
disadvantaged children, mostly Olim, living
in the geographical periphery of Israel
with special care and support. Over 700
idealistic young adults live in 15 student
villages in the Negev and the Galilee
where they serve as agents of change for
strengthening distressed areas.
Students volunteer 500 hours of
community service a year in return for
housing and academic scholarships. This
project has led to demographic change
and the migration of stronger populations
to this area.
Is the official global fundraising arm
for the State of Israel
Works in partnership with the
Jewish Agency for Israel (JAFI) and
the Prime Minister’s Office
Is founded on 4 major pillars –
aliyah (immigration) and
klita (absorption), education,
youth-at-risk and strengthening
Israeli society
Was established in 1920
Created the transportation and
banking system in Israel
Has settled over 3 million
immigrants to Israel since 1948
Established more than 800
rural settlements in Israel
Transformed 90 disadvantaged
Israeli neighbourhoods and
development towns
Provides care for and education of
over 350,000 children and youth
Has brought more than 190,000
young Jews from abroad to participate
and to enforce their Zionism in “Israel
Experience” programs
Helped advance Jewish
and Zionist education for tens
of thousands of children in
the Diaspora
To donate or volunteer your time to the UIA,
please contact us on 9272 5533, or
A) Colonel Richard Kemp with Mount Scopus Memorial College students B) LTC Chezy
Deutsch with Mount Scopus Memorial College Year 9 students C) Brigitte Gabriel with
students from the various Jewish Day Schools D) Colonel Richard Kemp with Bialik
College students
UIA values its strong relationship with the schools as reflected in
ensuring that school visits are always part of our program when
we bring out speakers for the UIA campaign. We try to offer as
many of our speakers to the Jewish Day Schools as we identify the
importance of investing in education and our future generation.
This year we were thrilled to offer Brigitte Gabriel, LTC Chezy Deutsch
and Colonel Richard Kemp to Mount Scopus Memorial College,
Leibler Yavneh College, Bialik College and the King David School.
The UIA partnered with the Australian Jewish News, Zionist Council
of Victoria, the Zionist Federation of Australia and Dan Hotels to host
a public forum following the Israeli Election on Sunday 22 March.
220 people gathered at Beth Weizmann to hear from an expert
panel consisting of Nathan Jeffay – AJN Israel Correspondent, Greg
Sheridan - The Australian Foreign Editor and Or Avi-Guy – AIJAC
Policy Analyst.
It was a wonderful evening of engaged discussion centred on
some of the issues facing the next Israeli government such as the
implications of the results for Israel, the impact on US relations, the
mood in Israel and settlements.
A sincere thanks to the Tzofim – Melbourne Israeli Scouts for
volunteering their time to help UIA pack 580 show bags for the
Women’s Division Breakfast.
Kol Hakavod on an incredible and military style procedure to ensure
every bag was perfect!
A) Nathan Jeffay B) Greg Sheridan, Or Avi-Guy C) Ori Avi-Guy D) Shlomo Werdiger,
Dr Danny Lamm, Greg Sheridan, Nathan Jeffay, Ori Avi-Guy, Sam Tatarka
A) The scouts ready to take on the challenge B) Some of the volunteers packing
the bags
Photos: AJN/Peter Haskin
On 1 January 2015, a very successful UIA for a Day visit was organised by KH-UIA for 17 members of the Robenstone family who were
in Israel on a family trip. They had the opportunity to visit the Ayalim project in Lod which is founded on building the new generation of
Israeli Social Pioneers by providing 20,000 disadvantaged children, mostly Olim, living in the geographical periphery of Israel with special
care and support.
The visit was very informative and the Robenstone family learned about the Ayalim residents’ important work and difficulties.
Mike and Ruth Steele, from the Christadelphian community of Adelaide were amazed when they visited the UIA supported Mevasseret Zion
Absorption Centre as part of their trip to Israel. They were accompanied by KH-UIA representative Karen Worb and Liat Damuza from the
Jewish Agency and gained an insight into the recent Ethiopian Aliyah.
“Today we had a fantastic time with Karen and Liat as they showed us around the amazing education centre for the Ethiopian community.
It was a great opportunity for us to witness firsthand the incredible work being done in Israel to help with the assimilation into Jewish
society of those coming from third world countries. We found the whole experience very incredible indeed.”
Photos: Member of the Robenstone family enjoying a joint family wall drawing on one of the village buildings.
Photos: Mike and Ruth Steele and hosts meeting Olim children from the Mevasseret Zion Absorption Centre
Why not consider doing “UIA for a Day” and
see your fundraising dollar first hand!
For more information contact Amit Tzur-Tal on
9272 5533 or
at the Cramim Spa Hotel, Jerusalem Hills
Meet the President of Israel, Reuven Rivlin
Join fellow KH leaders and friends from campaigns around the world
Discuss challenges facing Israel and world Jewry
Tour the Mateh Yehudah wine country
June 16-19, 2015
Our Home – is Your Home
Wolf Szykman – 101st Birthday
Nathan Arber – 100th Birthday
Eva Berkovic – 90th Birthday
Rae Rothfield – 90th Birthday
Maurie Perlow – 90th Birthday
Thelma Swersky – 80th Birthday
Mel Mark – 80th Birthday
Bruce Levy – 80th Birthday
Carmel Bridgeman – 70th Birthday
Robbie Wyner – 60th Birthday
Lorraine Fantl – 60th Birthday
Howard Shmerling – 60th Birthday
Johnny Baker – 60th Birthday
Albert and Bess Hymans –
60th Wedding Anniversary
Simon and Julie Kessel –
50th Wedding Anniversary
Zara Kessel – Batmitzvah
Zoe Smorgon – Batmitzvah
Mazal tov to Zoe Smorgon on
the occasion of her bat-mitzvah.
Zoe generously requested
donations to UIA in lieu of
gifts. She is pictured here with
UIA Executive Director Amit
Mazal tov to Zara Kessel on
her batmitzvah who generously
requested donations to UIA
in lieu of gifts. She is pictured
with her parents Rachel and
Mark Kessel and UIA Executive
Director Amit Tzur-Tal.
Your contribution will provide ongoing support for Youth-at-risk and Olim in Israel.
Order online at or phone 9272 5533.
Hon Life Chairman
UIA Australia
Mark Leibler AC
Hon Life President and Hon
Life Governor UIA Australia
and UIA Victoria
Saul Same AM
President UIA Australia
Harold Finger OAM
President UIA Victoria
Shlomo Werdiger *
Vice President UIA Victoria
Nathan Shafir OAM *
Treasurer UIA Victoria
Julian Black *
Jeffrey Appel OAM
David Boyar
Herbert Epstein
Robert Richter
Dean Rzechta
Ian Samuel OAM
Hayley Southwick
(Women’s Division Chairman)
Carli Diamond
(YoungUIA Co-Chair)
Dean Rzechta
(YoungUIA Co-Chair)
Victoria Wein
Dave Skurnik
Jenni Mandel
Jess Cantori
Eyal Genende
Ethan Kravietz
Executive Director
and Shlicha
Amit Tzur-Tal *
Chief Operating Officer
Leon Jacobs *
Head of Marketing 
Carli Diamond *
Senior Accountant
Nonna Aleksenitser
Planned Giving Coordinator
Estelle Wytwornik
Public Relations, Events
 Marketing Coordinator
Melissa Morris
IT  Systems Manager
Wayne Levin
Executive Assistant
To Executive Director
Jenny Bourstein
Jane Lyubic
Adrienne Perch
Campaign Coordinator
Simonne Winecier
Campaign Administrator
Henry Holzer
YoungUIA Coordinator
Victoria Wein
Toni Francis
Card number:
Name:							Email:
Telephone:							Fax:
Payment Details Please make cheque payable to UIA – RRF Ltd
Payment Type:	 Cheque	 Mastercard	 VISA 	 AMEX	Direct Debit Account name UIA RRF
BSB 083 004 Account Number 860 176 241
Please put your surname in reference
Please send to the UIA Office:
P.O. Box 337 Caulfield Victoria 3162
If you have already donated to the 2015
Campaign, we thank you for your support.Or donate online at
THANK YOU FOR YOUR GENEROUS SUPPORTAll donations over $2 are tax deductible
I / We would be interested
in receiving information
regarding Wills and Bequests
* Also members of the Cabinet
To get involved with the UIA, contact 9272 5533
or or visit us at
P.O. Box 337 Caulfield Victoria 3162
Yad b’Yad
Hand in Hand
Yom Ha’atzmaut Concert
Wednesday 22 April – 7:30pm
Melbourne Recital Centre
Elisabeth Murdoch Hall, Southbank
Tickets: $67 Premium
$38 Reserved
$20 Youth
Family package:
2 reserved  2 youth for $105
Book Online:
Ticketing Enquiries: (03) 9699 3333
Family Festival ‫ישראלי‬ ‫פסטיבל‬
Thursday 23 April 4–7pm
Beth Weizmann Community Centre,
306 Hawthorn Road
Great Israeli-themed activities, food,
entertainment  fun for the entire family!
Entry by Gold Coin Donation
Rain or Shine!
For more information: • 9272 5544
‫הזיכרון‬ ‫יום‬
‫ישראל‬ ‫מערכות‬ ‫לחללי‬
‫האיבה‬ ‫פעולות‬ ‫ולנפגעי‬
Tuesday 21 April – 7:30pm
Doors  Memorial Room open at 7pm
Robert Blackwood Hall
Monash University
Wellington Rd, Clayton
Immediately followed by
Erev Shirei Zikaron
Admission Free
With sincere thanks and appreciation to our 2015 sponsors
whose support has helped to make our campaign a success!

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7555-UIA Newsletter-April 2015_web

  • 1. OUR ISRAEL Yom Ha’Atzmaut Edition April 2015 / 5775 Supporting Israel’s Most Valuable Asset OUR PEOPLE
  • 2. 2 OUR ISRAEL – YOM HA’ATZMAUT EDITION 2015 A Birthday is an opportunity for reflection on what’s past and an opportunity to re-energise for the future. At Israel’s 67th Birthday, we celebrate with admiration for all of her achievements with a touch of pride for the difference that UIA has been able to make. More importantly, our celebration for and with Israel, is an opportunity to further strengthen the unity within our community in our role of making Israel what it is today. On behalf of the UIA, I would like to take this opportunity to express our thanks to you - our Community - for your support of our work over the past 95 years which has enabled us to continue supporting Israel’s most valuable asset – OUR PEOPLE! UIA has had a very successful start to its 2015 campaign and may we continue to leverage off this good work and unwavering support. Our culture as a campaign reflects a view that our community are bound by a common commitment to Tzedakah and to Israel. There is nothing organic about giving. Tzedakah in general and tzedakah specifically for Israel is intrinsic to being a Jew. It defines who we are, our priorities and the value set with which we brand ourselves for our children, for us as a community and most importantly for ourselves. UIA respects our donors and their donations. We make it our priority to minimise our campaign costs (at every turn) in order to maximise the money we send to Israel, where we put every dollar to work. Your donations reflect that you recognise our culture and the primacy of our cause. The common themes across the spectrum of our activities in partnership with the Jewish Agency for Israel are a commitment to assist every Jew who wishes to make Israel their home, to provide these new Olim with continued support and the best opportunity to integrate into the vibrancy of modern Israel as well as our provision for services and support for youth at risk and the elderly. At UIA, we have the ability to scale up and resource to make a difference. Our programs maintain a characteristic of unconditional partnership to improve the lives of our fellow Jews in Israel, and this relies on your continuing commitment and support. YOU can be rightfully proud of your role in this partnership as a share of the whole, and thus we celebrate as equals today for Israel with Jews everywhere. Our hope and prayers are that Am Israel will soon live in lasting peace and harmony amongst its neighbours. Chag Sameach and Am Israel Chai! Shlomo Werdiger President UIA Victoria Dear Friends, It is with much pride that I address you - our supporters - on the 67th anniversary of Israel’s Independence. Over the past 5 years of being the shlicha for UIA Victoria, I have been overwhelmed by your unwavering support for the State of Israel. Without you, we would not be able to undertake the vital work we do in Israel. Our 2015 campaign began in early March with an incredible array of events and speakers. Each event took our supporters on a journey which celebrates the success of Israel but also demonstrated the need for Diaspora support for our people. UIA continues to raise funds for Israel’s most vulnerable populations – the Olim, Youth at risk and the Elderly. This is done through projects such as Youth Futures, Absorption Centres, Net@, Youth Villages and more. Through our programs, we bridge critical gaps – educationally, physically and socially. We provide the tools and long term solutions. We help to ensure that these vulnerable populations become fully integrated into Israeli society as valuable members. This year, we are also focusing on strengthening the South of Israel affected by the constant threat. Funds raised will also be directed towards projects such as armouring the kindergartens and schools with proper safe rooms as well as providing assistance to children and their families suffering from Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder. On behalf of the State of Israel, I thank you for your generosity and commitment. I look forward to welcoming you to future UIA functions and working together to support Israel’s most valuable asset – OUR PEOPLE! Wishing you and your family a Yom Ha’atzmaut Sameach and may we go from strength to strength. Amit Tzur-Tal Executive Director and Shlicha UIA Victoria MESSAGE FROM THE PRESIDENT – SHLOMO WERDIGER MESSAGE FROM THE EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR AND SHLICHA – AMIT TZUR-TAL
  • 3. 3UNITED ISRAEL APPEAL A capacity filled Grand Hyatt Savoy Ballroom of 550 donors united on Monday 16 March for the Gala Dinner featuring international guest speakers Colonel Richard Kemp and Lieutenant Colonel Chezy Deutsch. Kemp spoke of his admiration for the IDF as being the most moral army he had come across over his many years as Head of the British Forces. Kemp brought a strong message of support for Israel and the UIA stating that “the challenges that Israel faces today makes your work at the UIA even more important than it’s been before.” He concluded with the profound statement that “Israel – one of the greatest nations the world has ever seen will stand until the end of time. And Israel will not stand alone, because we in this room will stand with it.” Deutsch, the Former Director for International Relations of the IDF’s Home Front Command, spoke of the vital role of the Home Front Command in protecting the lives of Israeli civilians. He paralleled this to the work of the UIA acknowledging our donors for their role in also saving lives referencing the 2015 campaign focus of armouring kindergartens in the South of Israel. He highlighted the importance of this project which he had visited prior to coming to Australia and spoke of the imminent need for donors’ support of this project to protect our children in the event of a code red. Guests also heard from UIA Victoria President Shlomo Werdiger, Master of Ceremonies Tom Krulis and were entertained by the wonderful Rita Satch. Our Major Donor group was treated to a wonderful cocktail evening kindly hosted at the home of Roslyn and Richard Rogers on Thursday 12 March with special guest speaker Brig. Gen. (Res) Dr Danny Gold – the inventor of the Iron Dome. Gold highlighted a range of innovative technologies that have been created by Israel before detailing the development of the Iron Dome and some of the challenges he had to overcome in securing support for this initiative. Guests also heard from the new Chairman of the KH-UIA World Board of Trustees David Koschitzky who expressed his gratitude to our donors for the important role they play in ensuring the continuity of UIA’s valuable work. Mazal tov to UIA Vice-President Nathan Shafir OAM who was awarded the Order of Australia Medal in the Australia Day honours for service to the community through a range of organisations. For the UIA, Nathan has been the Vice-President since 2013; was the Chairman 1990-1993, been an Executive Member since 1972 and was the Chairman of YoungUIA 1973-1978. Kol Hakavod on this well-deserved award. A NIGHT OF NIGHTS ... THE GALA DINNER A NIGHT OF INSPIRATION AUSTRALIA DAY HONOURS A) Tony and Jennifer Smorgon, Val OBE and Jack AO Smorgon B) Marlen and Leon Carp C) Darren Book, Devorah Lemish, Sam Street, Henna Meltzer, Rafi Lamm D) Yvonne Fink, David and Esther Frenkiel OAM E) Lady Anna Cowen, Ben Cowen F) Rochelle Butt, Eddie and Lindy Tamir G) Richard Kemp, Tom Krulis, Chezy Deutsch A) Dr Danny Gold, Amit Tzur-Tal, Shlomo Werdiger, David Koschitzky, Richard Kemp B) Lorraine Bloom, Rosanna Leibler C) Richard Rogers, Julie and Simon Kessel D) Danielle Sutton, Roslyn Rogers, Joanna Rubenstein E) Ann and Mark Bryce Photos: Peter Haskin A B A D C F B E G D C E Photos: Peter Haskin
  • 4. 4 OUR ISRAEL – YOM HA’ATZMAUT EDITION 2015 A pre-campaign event for UIA volunteers and table captains to gear up for the 2015 campaign was held on Sunday 8 February kindly hosted at the home of Amit Tzur-Tal. Sixty guests were inspired by guest speaker Rebekah Giles who told of her courageous story of overcoming enormous adversity after becoming seriously injured in the 2004 Boxing Day Tsunami while holidaying in Thailand. After numerous surgeries and challenges, just three years later, she became one of Sydney’s most respected commercial litigators, becoming Partner at international law firm Kennedys. Hers is a story of incredible resilience, survival and overcoming the odds. The event also included a practical canvassing session led by Vice President Nathan Shafir OAM. This was a wonderful start to a series of successful and well received campaign events. A Forum lunch event was recently hosted in the offices of featuring the inventor of the Iron Dome Brig. Gen. (Res) Dr Danny Gold. Gold captivated the audience with his presentation on the creation of the Iron Dome from conception to implementation as well as an overview of other developments that have emerged from Israel including 3D fighting, robots and airplane anti-missile defence systems. Forum Steering Committee Member Tony Smorgon spoke about the premise of Forum being centred on cultivating the next generation of Jewish leaders around the world through important global events and gatherings. The UIA Cabinet gathered for a breakfast event with the new Chairman of the KH-UIA World Board of Trustees David Koschitzky and Director General of KH-UIA Greg Masel at Melbourne Hebrew Congregation’s Boardroom. It was a great opportunity to discuss the direction and strategic vision of the organisation. UIA co-hosted a public forum with AIJAC featuring guest speaker Melanie Phillips on Thursday 26 February. Melanie is a British journalist, broadcaster and author. Her weekly column, which currently appears in The Times, has appeared over the years in the Guardian, Observer, Sunday Times and Daily Mail. She also writes regularly for the Jewish Chronicle and the Jerusalem Post. Melanie spoke of Britain and the Battle for Civilisation- in the wake of the French atrocities and rising European anti-Semitism, is the west now waking up to the nature and extent of the threat which until now it has refused to understand or confront? She described that “until very recently, anti-Semitism was the prejudice that dared not speak its name in Britain,” for you would be labelled hysterical and exaggerating if you did so. Her address was followed by an engaging Q & A session. A MOTIVATING START TO THE 2015 CAMPAIGN IN THE EYE OF THE STORM IRON DOME UNCOVERED CABINET BREAKFAST A) Alex Rozin, Emmanuel Droukman B) Leah and David Schulberg C) Nathan Shafir OAM, Amit Tzur-Tal, Rebekah Giles, Shlomo Werdiger D) Brad Klein, Bentley and Judy Klein, Herbert Epstein E) Ann and Brian Turner, Alek Kwiatkowski F) Jenni Krafchek and Jutta Rubinstein doing a phone canvassing role play A) Melanie Phillips B) Leanne and Daniel Peer C) Bernie and Joyce Marks D) Jenni Krafchek, Nora Vinson A) Amit Tzur-Tal, Jaki Lew, Greg Masel B) Dr Danny Gold, Ruslan Kogan C) Andrew Rettig, Tony Smorgon D) Paul Fleiszig, Mark Fleiszig A) Cabinet Team B) Julian Black, Shlomo Werdiger C) Jeffrey Appel OAM, Amit Tzur-Tal D) David Koschitzky, Carli Diamond, Dean Rzechta A D B A B E C C F D A B C A C D B D Photos: Peter Haskin
  • 5. 5UNITED ISRAEL APPEAL Dear Women’s Division Supporters, Our 2015 Campaign is certainly off to an incredible start with an exceptional event followed by successful Super Sunday Phoning Days. For that, I extend my thanks and appreciation to you all – our donors, volunteers and sponsors. We are all part of a global family – the Keren Hayesod – UIA International Women’s Division family – a vibrant global community of committed Jewish women dedicated to ensuring the continuity of the Jewish people and the strength of the State of Israel. The past year has continued to present some challenges and adversity for Israel, however, as a community we have remained united in support of our homeland. It was fitting that we had such an impressive guest speaker who has continued to demonstrate her support for the State of Israel and we were grateful to host Brigitte Gabriel in our community. For the first time, our event also included the Pinning Ceremony which acknowledges our new Lev Chai and Lion of Judah donors who demonstrate their commitment through an annual gift and in return they are adorned with one of our pins of recognition. We thank you all for your support of our activities and encourage you to help us continue in our fundraising efforts to support the Youth Futures program and Israel’s most valuable asset – OUR PEOPLE! Wishing you and your family a Chag Sameach. Hayley Southwick Chairman – Women’s Division “The world needs Israel as much as Israel needs the world!” This was one of the profound statements made by world leading terrorism expert Brigitte Gabriel who was the guest speaker at the Women’s Division Breakfast at the International of Brighton before an audience of 585 women and a handful of men. Gabriel received a standing ovation at the conclusion of her passionate speech which solidified her immense support towards the Jewish people and the State of Israel. She said that, “as long as I know that there are wonderful people like you in the world who want the tikkun olam, who want to repair the world, who want to make the world a better place, I am willing to fly across oceans to stand before you and speak so thank you for honouring me with your presence.” Gabriel told of her heart-warming story of being a Christian Lebanese girl growing up during the civil war and how certain events changed her life and the way she viewed the world, particularly her exposure to the generosity of the Israeli people. These experiences shaped the woman she is today and her pursuit for bringing about change by speaking out against the rise of global Islamic terrorism. Funds raised through this event will be directed towards the Women’s Division supported Youth Futures program with particular focus on assisting youth and their families who are suffering from Post- Traumatic Stress Disorder in the South of Israel following the events of last year’s Operation. Thank you to all the table captains, donors and volunteers whose support is a reflection of the success of this function. Sincere thanks to our sponsors; Pratt Foundation, Balwyn Travel, Ice Events, Besser & Co, MOR Corporation, Magnolia Silver Jewellery, Justine Kuran Designs, Seacret Spa, Brown Paper Packaging, Bonne Maman, La Chocolate, Table of Plenty and Signarama. The Women’s Division held an incredibly successful Super Sunday Phoning Day on Sunday 15 March which raised funds for the Youth Futures project in Israel which they have supported over the last 7 years. Kol Hakavod to our wonderful volunteers who participated in this day and a sincere thank you to the community for showing your support towards our cause. MESSAGE FROM THE CHAIRMAN – WOMEN’S DIVISION A STANDING OVATION AT THE 2015 WOMEN’S DIVISION CAMPAIGN LAUNCH BREAKFAST ANSWER THE CALL A) Judith Gerczuk B) Zehava Spicer C) Melma Hamersfeld D) Irene Krauskopf A) Luba Olenski, Edith Herman, Dianne Moshel B) Naomi Cohen, Donna Cohen, Heather Cohen C) Marilyn Wagen, Janette Lewis D) Meaghan Kausman, Leah Kausman, Elise Kausman E) Michelle Kaye, Amy Eliau, Carmit Orbach F) Mera Brooks, Shoshana Jordan G) Georgie Crozier MP, Matthew Guy MP, Brigitte Gabriel, David Southwick MP, Hayley Southwick H) Ronit Fraid, Amit Tzur-Tal A C B D A E B F C G D H Photos: Dean Schmideg
  • 6. 6 OUR ISRAEL – YOM HA’ATZMAUT EDITION 2015 Chag Sameach to all members! Together, we stand proud as we celebrate Israel’s 67th Birthday. As you read this publication, our Yom Ha’atzmaut Mission is travelling Israel creating lifetime memories in the best and most unique way that UIA can bring you. At UIA, we celebrate life, existence and survival with our strong spirit, passion and love for our Jewish Homeland. We are proud to be affiliated with many groups and organisations within the Jewish community, continuing to bring you - our respected members - education, stimulation and enjoyment. We thank community members for their attendance at our campaign functions. Sincere thanks to our dear volunteers for your time, care and assistance when called upon – we really appreciate the assistance you have given UIA. If you would like to get involved, please contact me. We look forward to welcoming you to our weekly shiurim and future functions. Be well, safe and live today like there’s no tomorrow, enjoying the nachat from your children, grandchildren and great grandchildren. Estelle Wytwornik Planned Giving Coordinator Our community afternoon tea was well attended with many new faces. Guests thoroughly enjoyed hearing Colonel Richard Kemp and Lieutenant Colonel Chezy Deutsch. Entertainment was provided by Matan Franco and the raffle prizes, which were donated by Pomegranate Tree and Lee Hirsh, were also well received. Donations received on the day were directed towards armouring kindergartens and schools in the South of Israel to protect our Olim children. It was a wonderful and successful function and we look forward to welcoming you at our next event. Our annual senior’s outing, held at the end of last year, was a wonderful and perfect day for 78 eager travellers. Our first stop was Villa Pileggi in Gisborne, visiting a family olive grove. Participants were given an insight into the growth and processing of the olives once in flower and walked the orchards as they taste tested the delicious delights. It was an educational and enjoyable experience for all. They then travelled to the beautiful Gardens of Tieve Tara – a relaxing and scenic experience in Mt Macedon. The group enjoyed lunch on the tennis court and walking through the gardens, around the lakes, seeing the waterfalls, feeding the ducks and absorbing the natural surroundings. MESSAGE FROM THE PLANNED GIVING COORDINATOR A LOVELY AFTERNOON FOR OUR SENIORS SENIORS OUTING A) Renee Companez, Sarah Wein B) Ludmile Yukilis, Vladimir Kievscki C) Henry Alkalai, Alex and Debrah Zuben, Rosi Alkalai, Zehava Spicer D) Beverley and Mauryce Walter E) Front Row: Lesley Sheezel, Esther Wise, Julie Baker Back Row: Shirley Jacobs, Tania Gerschman, Sally Felzen, Gutta Zaks F) Matan Franco entertaining guests G) Shlomo Werdiger, Chezy Deutsch, Amit Tzur-Tal, Richard Kemp H) Rose Heneberg, Sally Baum, Estelle Wytwornik A) Reva Siegel, Vera Link, Jona and Denis Goldman, Ruth Siegel, Denise Barnett B) Shirley Freedman, Rina Klisman, Ettie Leiba C) Elyane Hoffman, Susan Eichenbaum D) Tamara Briskin, Florence Cohen, Ester Grynszpan E) Ninelle Terliker, Beverley Sutton, Freda Zielinski WEEKLY SHIUR Please join us for our weekly shiur with Rabbi Steven Link every Tuesday 12-1pm in the UIA Boardroom at Beth Weizmann. As well as Chagim, discussions cover a diverse area of topics. Refreshments will be served. Enquiries: Estelle Wytwornik on 9272 5533 To create an Endowment Fund or arrange a Bequest to UIA please contact: Amit Tzur-Tal Executive Director/Shlicha on 9272 5533 or Estelle Wytwornik Planned Giving Co-ordinator on 9272 5533 or YOUR WILL ... ISRAEL’S FUTURE Supporting Israel’s Most Valuable Asset OUR PEOPLE B A E C D A DB F C GE H Photos: Jeremy Blode
  • 7. 7UNITED ISRAEL APPEAL A successful Super Sunday was held on Sunday 22 March when we reached out to the community for their wholehearted support of our vital projects particularly focusing on the armouring of kindergartens and schools in the South of Israel for our Olim children. It was wonderful to see the next generation involved with a number of student volunteers as well as some from AUJS. UIA will continue to hold canvassing sessions throughout the year and we encourage you all to get involved. Kol Hakavod for your dedication and love for Israel. A DAY OF SUPPORT FOR ISRAEL - SUPER SUNDAY ISRAEL EXPERIENCE For more information contact Jenny Bourstein 9272 5533 or A) Denise Isaacs B) David Schulberg C) & D) Student volunteers from Mount Scopus College E) Martin Miller F) Ethan Kravietz, Dave Skurnik, David Boyar, Carli Diamond, Victoria Wein, Jenni Mandel A D B E C F CALLING FOR VOLUNTEERS Pledge your time to the UIA and become a volunteer. Lend a hand with canvassing, administration, office assistance, entertainment, driving and events. High school students, retirees, casual volunteers of all ages are welcome. Let us know what skills or experience you can offer. To get involved, please contact: Simonne 9272 5533 or HOLD THE DATE 2015 VOLUNTEERS THANK YOU DINNER WEDNESDAY 10TH JUNE, 7.00PM Supporting Israel’s Most Valuable Asset OUR PEOPLE EXPLORE, EXPERIENCE & BE INSPIRED MEET with people who have helped shape Israel’s history VISIT classified military locations and Israel’s main attractions SEE first-hand the work of the UIA INFORMATION NIGHT THURSDAY 7 MAY, 6.30PM RSVP ESSENTIAL FAMILY MISSION TUESDAY 29 DECEMBER 2015 – THURSDAY 7 JANUARY 2016 10 DAYS OF FUN, FOOD, EXPLORATION AND INSPIRATION!
  • 8. 8 OUR ISRAEL – YOM HA’ATZMAUT EDITION 2015 YoungUIA held a Major Donor breakfast event at the end of 2014 with guest speaker Larry Kestelman who kindly hosted the event in his boardroom. Guests heard about Larry’s business history and future plans spanning a number of different areas. On Tuesday 17 March, YoungUIA held a Sessions event with Colonel Richard Kemp and LTC Chezy Deutsch for 35 young, bright minded people. Kemp and Deutsch engaged the audience through their humor and stories which was followed by an engaging Q & A session. Brig. Gen. (Res) Dr Daniel Gold, the inventor of the Iron Dome, wowed the YoungUIA Major Donor group with his innovative presentation on Friday 13 March at an intimate cocktail event at the Royce Hotel. Gold spoke about the Iron Dome in depth and his other business and technology ventures. CO-CHAIR Carli Diamond is the YoungUIA Co-Chair. Her passion for Israel is enhanced as the Head of Marketing and Fundraising for the UIA. She hopes to strengthen donor commitment and engage a wider range of members through meaningful events and fundraising initiatives. CO-CHAIR Dean Rzechta is the YoungUIA Co-Chair, a proud supporter of the State of Israel and passionate about the Community. He remains committed to connecting and engaging the ‘Next Generation’ and brings with him a wealth of sporting and business experiences. YOUNGUIA WOMEN’S DIVISION Jessica Cantori co-heads the new YoungUIA Women’s Division. She holds a Bachelor of Law/ Bachelor of Art (History) and practices as a lawyer at an international firm. She hopes to create a strong lasting group against the backdrop of raising money and awareness for Israel. YOUNGUIA WOMEN’S DIVISION Jenni Mandel has a Bachelor of Arts/Bachelor of Laws and is working as a lawyer in commercial litigation and family law. She is passionate about helping the community and giving back. Jenni is keen to engage and connect professional Jewish women in the community. COMMUNITY & SCHOOL ENGAGEMENT Eyal Genende heads our community collaboration division - engagement with our youth movements, shules and schools. He has been active in fundraising for Israel holding positions in a range of communal organisations. AUJS REPRESENTATIVE Ethan Kravietz is the AUJS representative for YoungUIA. He aims to involve more students aged 18-25 in YoungUIA, raising their awareness of the vital work that YoungUIA does. MAJOR DONOR LIAISON Dave Skurnik plays a large role in developing the Young Major Donors Group. He has always had a passion and ambition to succeed in building Melbourne’s future and thus acquired a Bachelor of Planning and Design and a Bachelor of Property and Construction. EVENT COORDINATOR & ADMINISTRATOR Victoria Wein has a Bachelor of Public Relations and is currently the YoungUIA Coordinator. Within her events portfolio, she continues to coordinate high quality events to drive people to get involved with YoungUIA. MEET OUR NEW YOUNGUIA EXECUTIVE PERSERVERENCE IS KEY A NIGHT WITH HEROES INNOVATION FOR OUR MAJOR DONORS UPCOMING EVENT A) Larry Kestelman, Dean Rzechta B) Adam Broder, Saul Davidoff C) Illan Samuel, Dion Besser A) Phillip Wein, Richard Kemp, Ben Shafir B) Dale Brouze, Jesse Kochen, Ashley Moss, Joshua Kaplan C) Chezy Deutsch, Carli Diamond A) Dave Skurnik, Ingrid van Dijken, Nick Marks, Natalie Green B) Max Shifman, Rafi Lamm C) Dr Danny Gold, David Boyar A A A B B B C C C Photos: Jeremy Blode Photos: Peter Haskin
  • 9. 9UNITED ISRAEL APPEAL This new group, a co-branded initiative between YoungUIA and the Women’s Division will launch in the coming months and is headed by Jenni Mandel and Jess Cantori supported by a subcommittee of Kim Richwol, Sheree Rubenstein and Megan Smorgon. This is a new group of the UIA to engage and connect Jewish female professionals in the community, predominately in the 20-40 age bracket. The primary objectives of this group are: • Running networking events to connect female Jewish professionals from all industries and levels to assist them with developing strong business relationships in the community. • Hosting speaker events with a range of successful business people to engage professional Jewish women in discussion about challenges in the workplace and how to overcome them as well as inspiring and motivating them to achieve their goals. • Fostering mentorship by connecting experienced female professionals with junior female professionals with the aim of providing mentees with career guidance and support. • Raising money and awareness for Israel and the UIA mission. • Engaging a younger generation of existing and potential UIA donors. WATCH THIS SPACE!!! YoungUIA’s annual Candy party took place for the 3rd consecutive year at Boutique nightclub on Christmas Eve last year. 360 people were entertained by DJ Dan, DJ Cee:Jay, Gid Luber and Ryan Riback. Funds raised were directed towards YoungUIA’s supported project – the Kiryat Yearim Youth Village in Israel. At the 2014 AGM, UIA presented a number of awards to our volunteers in several categories, in front of family and friends. The Askan Award is given to those volunteers who have contributed in excess of 10 years voluntary service to the organisation. Mazel tov to the following recipients: Nathan Better Lee Hirsh Aron Vinkler Lex Tannenbaum The Nitzanim leadership award is given for outstanding young leadership services and was presented to outgoing YoungUIA Vice Chairman Shifi Cohen. We also acknowledged several volunteers for their administration and canvassing assistance and those awards were given to: Golda Gross Gwen Abzatz Klara Jacobson INTRODUCING THE NEW YOUNGUIA WOMEN’S DIVISION A) Nathan Better B) Lee Hirsh C) Aron Vinkler D) Shifi Cohen E) Golda Gross F) Gwen Abzatz G) Lex Tannenbaum, Amit Tzur-Tal CANDY 2014 UIA AWARD RECIPIENTS A C E G B D F
  • 10. Youth Futures Youth Futures is a revolutionary one-on-one mentoring programme that provides children and Youth at Risk with comprehensive, tailored intervention enabling them to take their place as independent, productive members of Israeli society. Mentors undergo specialised training to work with youth at risk, considering each child’s unique situation and then developing an individualised action plan to put the children in touch with services they need. Based primarily in the periphery, Youth Futures helps build self esteem, improve school performance and set goals for a brighter future – bringing them from risk to opportunity. Aliyah Absorption With thousands of New Olim arriving in Israel annually, successful absorption is essential to fulfilling both their dreams and potential. UIAisinstrumentalinthesmoothintegration of Jews who come home to Israel which helps to soften their landing – providing a sheltered “first home” and the tools they need to achieve the independence and acclimatising to new life in Israel. The assistance and support provided enables the Olim to concentrate on succeeding and becoming valuable members of Israeli society. Armouring Kindergartens Armouring kindergartens and schools in the South is one of our high priorities in light of the events surrounding Operation Protection Edge. The aim of this project is to ensure that the children, who are predominately Olim, are protected and safe in the event of an attack. Funds raised will assist in building additional safe rooms as well as renovating current ones so that they have a multi-functional purpose of being an activities room for the children during the day with the secondary function of a safe room in the event of a code red. Ayalim Ayalim is building the new generation of Israeli Social Pioneers by providing 20,000 disadvantaged children, mostly Olim, living in the geographical periphery of Israel with special care and support. Over 700 idealistic young adults live in 15 student villages in the Negev and the Galilee where they serve as agents of change for strengthening distressed areas. Students volunteer 500 hours of community service a year in return for housing and academic scholarships. This project has led to demographic change and the migration of stronger populations to this area. OUR FOCUS 2015
  • 11. DID YOU KNOW THAT UIA: Is the official global fundraising arm for the State of Israel Works in partnership with the Jewish Agency for Israel (JAFI) and the Prime Minister’s Office Is founded on 4 major pillars – aliyah (immigration) and klita (absorption), education, youth-at-risk and strengthening Israeli society Was established in 1920 Created the transportation and banking system in Israel Has settled over 3 million immigrants to Israel since 1948 Established more than 800 rural settlements in Israel Transformed 90 disadvantaged Israeli neighbourhoods and development towns Provides care for and education of over 350,000 children and youth Has brought more than 190,000 young Jews from abroad to participate and to enforce their Zionism in “Israel Experience” programs Helped advance Jewish and Zionist education for tens of thousands of children in the Diaspora To donate or volunteer your time to the UIA, please contact us on 9272 5533, or
  • 12. 12 OUR ISRAEL – YOM HA’ATZMAUT EDITION 2015 UIA CAMPAIGN SPEAKERS ENGAGE WITH THE NEXT GENERATION A) Colonel Richard Kemp with Mount Scopus Memorial College students B) LTC Chezy Deutsch with Mount Scopus Memorial College Year 9 students C) Brigitte Gabriel with students from the various Jewish Day Schools D) Colonel Richard Kemp with Bialik College students UIA values its strong relationship with the schools as reflected in ensuring that school visits are always part of our program when we bring out speakers for the UIA campaign. We try to offer as many of our speakers to the Jewish Day Schools as we identify the importance of investing in education and our future generation. This year we were thrilled to offer Brigitte Gabriel, LTC Chezy Deutsch and Colonel Richard Kemp to Mount Scopus Memorial College, Leibler Yavneh College, Bialik College and the King David School. The UIA partnered with the Australian Jewish News, Zionist Council of Victoria, the Zionist Federation of Australia and Dan Hotels to host a public forum following the Israeli Election on Sunday 22 March. 220 people gathered at Beth Weizmann to hear from an expert panel consisting of Nathan Jeffay – AJN Israel Correspondent, Greg Sheridan - The Australian Foreign Editor and Or Avi-Guy – AIJAC Policy Analyst. It was a wonderful evening of engaged discussion centred on some of the issues facing the next Israeli government such as the implications of the results for Israel, the impact on US relations, the mood in Israel and settlements. A sincere thanks to the Tzofim – Melbourne Israeli Scouts for volunteering their time to help UIA pack 580 show bags for the Women’s Division Breakfast. Kol Hakavod on an incredible and military style procedure to ensure every bag was perfect! POST ISRAELI ELECTION - SO WHAT NOW? THANKS TO THE TZOFIM A) Nathan Jeffay B) Greg Sheridan, Or Avi-Guy C) Ori Avi-Guy D) Shlomo Werdiger, Dr Danny Lamm, Greg Sheridan, Nathan Jeffay, Ori Avi-Guy, Sam Tatarka A) The scouts ready to take on the challenge B) Some of the volunteers packing the bags A B C D A C B D A B Photos: AJN/Peter Haskin
  • 13. 13UNITED ISRAEL APPEAL VISITING ISRAEL? UIA FOR A DAY WITH THE ROBENSTONE FAMILY UIA FOR A DAY WITH THE STEELE FAMILY On 1 January 2015, a very successful UIA for a Day visit was organised by KH-UIA for 17 members of the Robenstone family who were in Israel on a family trip. They had the opportunity to visit the Ayalim project in Lod which is founded on building the new generation of Israeli Social Pioneers by providing 20,000 disadvantaged children, mostly Olim, living in the geographical periphery of Israel with special care and support. The visit was very informative and the Robenstone family learned about the Ayalim residents’ important work and difficulties. Mike and Ruth Steele, from the Christadelphian community of Adelaide were amazed when they visited the UIA supported Mevasseret Zion Absorption Centre as part of their trip to Israel. They were accompanied by KH-UIA representative Karen Worb and Liat Damuza from the Jewish Agency and gained an insight into the recent Ethiopian Aliyah. “Today we had a fantastic time with Karen and Liat as they showed us around the amazing education centre for the Ethiopian community. It was a great opportunity for us to witness firsthand the incredible work being done in Israel to help with the assimilation into Jewish society of those coming from third world countries. We found the whole experience very incredible indeed.” Photos: Member of the Robenstone family enjoying a joint family wall drawing on one of the village buildings. Photos: Mike and Ruth Steele and hosts meeting Olim children from the Mevasseret Zion Absorption Centre Why not consider doing “UIA for a Day” and see your fundraising dollar first hand! For more information contact Amit Tzur-Tal on 9272 5533 or KEREN HAYESOD-UIA 2015 WORLD CONFERENCE at the Cramim Spa Hotel, Jerusalem Hills Meet the President of Israel, Reuven Rivlin Join fellow KH leaders and friends from campaigns around the world Discuss challenges facing Israel and world Jewry Tour the Mateh Yehudah wine country June 16-19, 2015 SAVE the DATE! Our Home – is Your Home wikimedia
  • 14. 14 OUR ISRAEL – YOM HA’ATZMAUT EDITION 2015 MAZAL TOV Wolf Szykman – 101st Birthday Nathan Arber – 100th Birthday Eva Berkovic – 90th Birthday Rae Rothfield – 90th Birthday Maurie Perlow – 90th Birthday Thelma Swersky – 80th Birthday Mel Mark – 80th Birthday Bruce Levy – 80th Birthday Carmel Bridgeman – 70th Birthday Robbie Wyner – 60th Birthday Lorraine Fantl – 60th Birthday Howard Shmerling – 60th Birthday Johnny Baker – 60th Birthday Albert and Bess Hymans – 60th Wedding Anniversary Simon and Julie Kessel – 50th Wedding Anniversary Zara Kessel – Batmitzvah Zoe Smorgon – Batmitzvah Mazal tov to Zoe Smorgon on the occasion of her bat-mitzvah. Zoe generously requested donations to UIA in lieu of gifts. She is pictured here with UIA Executive Director Amit Tzur-Tal. Mazal tov to Zara Kessel on her batmitzvah who generously requested donations to UIA in lieu of gifts. She is pictured with her parents Rachel and Mark Kessel and UIA Executive Director Amit Tzur-Tal. ZOE SMORGON BATMITZVAH ZARA KESSEL BATMITZVAH MAZAL TOV AND THANK YOU TO THE FOLLOWING PEOPLE WHO SHARED THEIR SMACHOT WITH ISRAEL UIA CERTIFICATES UIA SAYS MAZAL TOV FOR ALL OCCASIONS IN LIEU OF GIFTS OR FLOWERS, WHY NOT CHOOSE A UIA GIFT CERTIFICATE? Your contribution will provide ongoing support for Youth-at-risk and Olim in Israel. Order online at or phone 9272 5533.
  • 15. 15UNITED ISRAEL APPEAL UIA EXECUTIVE Hon Life Chairman UIA Australia Mark Leibler AC Hon Life President and Hon Life Governor UIA Australia and UIA Victoria Saul Same AM President UIA Australia Harold Finger OAM President UIA Victoria Shlomo Werdiger * Vice President UIA Victoria Nathan Shafir OAM * Treasurer UIA Victoria Julian Black * CABINET MEMBERS Jeffrey Appel OAM David Boyar Herbert Epstein Robert Richter Dean Rzechta Ian Samuel OAM Hayley Southwick (Women’s Division Chairman) YOUNGUIA EXECUTIVE MEMBERS Carli Diamond (YoungUIA Co-Chair) Dean Rzechta (YoungUIA Co-Chair) Victoria Wein Dave Skurnik Jenni Mandel Jess Cantori Eyal Genende Ethan Kravietz UIA PROFESSIONAL STAFF Executive Director and Shlicha Amit Tzur-Tal * Chief Operating Officer Leon Jacobs * Head of Marketing Fundraising Carli Diamond * Senior Accountant Nonna Aleksenitser Planned Giving Coordinator Estelle Wytwornik Public Relations, Events Marketing Coordinator Melissa Morris IT Systems Manager Wayne Levin Executive Assistant To Executive Director Jenny Bourstein Bookkeeper Jane Lyubic Reception Adrienne Perch Campaign Coordinator Simonne Winecier Campaign Administrator Henry Holzer YoungUIA Coordinator Victoria Wein Administration Toni Francis Card number: Cardholder: Expiry Signature: / CCV: Name: Email: Address: Telephone: Fax: MY TAX DEDUCTIBLE PLEDGE FOR 2015 IS $ Payment Details Please make cheque payable to UIA – RRF Ltd Payment Type: Cheque Mastercard VISA AMEX Direct Debit Account name UIA RRF BSB 083 004 Account Number 860 176 241 Please put your surname in reference Please send to the UIA Office: P.O. Box 337 Caulfield Victoria 3162 If you have already donated to the 2015 Campaign, we thank you for your support.Or donate online at THANK YOU FOR YOUR GENEROUS SUPPORTAll donations over $2 are tax deductible I / We would be interested in receiving information regarding Wills and Bequests * Also members of the Cabinet 2015 CAMPAIGN
  • 16. To get involved with the UIA, contact 9272 5533 or or visit us at P.O. Box 337 Caulfield Victoria 3162 Sup Mo OU Yad b’Yad Hand in Hand ISRAEL Yom Ha’atzmaut Concert Wednesday 22 April – 7:30pm Melbourne Recital Centre Elisabeth Murdoch Hall, Southbank Tickets: $67 Premium $38 Reserved $20 Youth Family package: 2 reserved 2 youth for $105 Book Online: Ticketing Enquiries: (03) 9699 3333 Family Festival ‫ישראלי‬ ‫פסטיבל‬ Thursday 23 April 4–7pm Beth Weizmann Community Centre, 306 Hawthorn Road Great Israeli-themed activities, food, entertainment fun for the entire family! Entry by Gold Coin Donation Rain or Shine! For more information: • 9272 5544 YOM HAZIKARON FOR ISRAEL’S FALLEN SOLDIERS VICTIMS OF TERROR ‫הזיכרון‬ ‫יום‬ ‫ישראל‬ ‫מערכות‬ ‫לחללי‬ ‫האיבה‬ ‫פעולות‬ ‫ולנפגעי‬ Tuesday 21 April – 7:30pm Doors Memorial Room open at 7pm Robert Blackwood Hall Monash University Wellington Rd, Clayton Immediately followed by Erev Shirei Zikaron Admission Free ‫יזכור‬ THANKS TO OUR SPONSORS With sincere thanks and appreciation to our 2015 sponsors whose support has helped to make our campaign a success!