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The 7 Step Guide
to Selling Your
First Video Online
Table of Contents
Step 1: Sign-up for a Gbox Account ……………………………...…….............................................…….5
Step 2: Build a Landing Page…………………………………....…….......................................................9
Step 3: Build Your OWN Audience…………..................................................…………….….…….12
Step 4: Create a Sequential Email Campaign……………........................................……….………17
Step 5: Promote, Promote, Promote…….………..........………………............................………………….25
Step 6: Deliver VALUE…………………………….............………….……………...............................………..27
Step 7: Follow-up and ASK for a review…………………................................…...………………….29
You are passionate, you’ve created a gallery of the most awesome videos ever,
but after a month you’ve got only two views one of them from your mother.
If you want to get your movies seen online then you have to market and promote online.
This guide was created to help you reach and profit from the audience your video was
created for.
Online video currently accounts for 60% of global internet traffic and each 750 million people
will view at least one video online. Whether you are filmmaker or a business owner having quality
video content is vital for 21st century business.
Videos Increase People’s Understanding of Your Product or Service by 74% *
75% Of Executives Watch Work-Related Videos On Business Websites At Least Once A
Click-Through Rates Increase 2-3 Times When Marketers Include A Video In An Email.*
Subscriber To Lead Conversation Rates Increase 51% When Video Is Included In Email Mar-
keting Campaign.*
More Video Content Is Uploaded in 30 days Than All Three Major U.S. T.V. Networks Com-
bined Have Created In 30 Years.*
*Facts via QuickSprout, InSivia, and DigitalSherpa
Introduction Page 3
Introduction Page 4
Clearly video is important and even though your market is potentially huge, your ability to cap-
ture that market is determined by knowing how to sell video online. If you want to sell your videos
online you need to understand how to bridge the gap between having great content and having
people be exposed to it.
The Formula
(Profitability) = (Killer Video) x (Killer Marketing) – (Revenue)
Now that you understand what it takes to make money from your videos online lets talk about a
simple roadmap to help you achieve your video selling vision. This may sound complicated, but
don’t worry we have broken it down into a seven step guide from upload to payday!
Step 1: Sign-up for a Gbox account and Complete Your Profile
Step 1 Page 5
This is the easiest part of the video selling journey. Gbox gives creators the power to own their
community. At Gbox we value putting creators in the driver’s seat by giving them the tools to price
and distribute your content anywhere online.
Unlike other services out there, we are committed to the lowest transaction fees because we be-
lieve that selling a movie online should not take as much effort as making a movie. By setting up
an account with Gbox you are developing a direct sales relationship with your viewers.
Traditional Distribution
Step 1: Sign-up for a Gbox account and Complete Your Profile
Step 1 Page 6
Gbox Distribution
You are in the driver’s seat when it comes to getting paid what your content is actually worth. The
platform makes it easy to sell videos on any website. No website? No problem, Gbox provides
creators a website to sell their passion.
The marketing campaigns are endless when it comes to video creation. For example, you can
create a fundraiser video where the community helps you raise money for a cause by simply
watching a 99-cent interview. Imagine getting 12,000 views for this interview? Yes, it is really that
easy. Once you have a direct relationship with your consumers we give you the tools to develop
the best monetization strategies for your video (if you have multiple videos it may require different
Step 1: Sign-up for a Gbox account and Complete Your Profile
Step 1 Page 7
Another example would be to create a video for a specific problem within your niche and charge
a small fee to show how you’d solve it. In the past we have watched experts from chefs to market-
ers to filmmakers monetize their videos. Anyone who has a passion and a ton of video content can
use Gbox. Now say that you are a chef, how can you make money with your video?
You have a community of 5,000 and you want to showcase some of your secret recipes online
but you don’t want to give them away for free. Why? Because your content is valuable and you
want your community to know, yes, you do give away free content but you also have exclusive
content. These secret recipes can cost 99-cents to two dollars to watch. This not only helps you
identify your loyal audience but it brings value to your content.
Step 1: Sign-up for a Gbox account and Complete Your Profile
Step 1 Page 8
Another example would be to create a video for a specific problem within your niche and charge
a small fee to show how you’d solve it. In the past we have watched experts from chefs to market-
ers to filmmakers monetize their videos. Anyone who has a passion and a ton of video content can
use Gbox. Now say that you are a chef, how can you make money with your video?
You have a community of 5,000 and you want to showcase some of your secret recipes online but
you don’t want to give them away for free. Why? Because your content is valuable and you want
your community to know, yes, you do give away free content but you also have exclusive content.
These secret recipes can cost 99-cents to two dollars to watch. This not only helps you identify your
loyal audience but it brings value to your content.
Go to and sign-up, upload all your videos, create an offer and em-
bed it on your site. Start small and see if your audience is buying and test different
pricing strategies. Try 3 different pricing strategies to see which one works out the
Step 2: Build a Landing Page
Step 2 Page 9
Have you ever clicked on an ad online and were taken to a webpage that asked you to take
action (such as take a survey, enter an email address, fill out a form, et.)? If you have, then you’ve
seen a land page already.
Now that you have your videos, you have to create a marketing campaign for your videos. As you
pursue your consumers you want to funnel them in to one place where you can manage them, and
that is where the landing page comes in.
First you want to build a fan base on your Facebook Fan page through interaction in different
groups, creating a connection outreach, and building loyalty with your fans. Then create a simple
landing page that creates curiosity around your product or service.
Here are the components you want to keep in mind:
Landing Page Design:
The design must be minimalistic, simple, and catchy to the eyes. One large image is usually enough
to capture someone’s attention.
Simple to
Step 2: Build a Landing Page
Step 2 Page 10
Copy for Landing Page:
Less is more when it comes to content on the landing page. We usually have 12-15 words on the
landing page. We also use it to showcase our brand. The message should not lose its context and
User Details:
For your initial launch, you’re just trying to get their email address. Think of it like a first date; do you
pester someone with questions or do you nudge them here and there to get them to provide you
with a little more information?
Benefits, Benefits,
Minimal amout of
information needed
Step 2: Build a Landing Page
Step 2 Page 11
Make sure this is a big yellow button. The bigger this is, the better. Our suggestion is to make it
overly clickable.
Killer Marketing = (number of views) x (1% conversion rate) x (price of video)
For example, Pattie the Pastry Chef has 5000 people in her funnel. She got her email campaign
viewed by 4000 consumers of which 20 converted (bought her movie for 99 cents.) Now she
made $20.00.
Wait a minute, she has 5000 members, how is it that she only made $20.00 from her video? This
shows that you clearly have to set up a marketing process to make your video really profitable
because having 5,000 people on a list just isn’t enough.
We use to create all our landing pages. They have A/B
testing tools, which allows you to, test what is working and what isn’t. Start
with 3 different landing page designs and see which one converts the most.
Then keep the one that is converting and throw out the rest.
Step 3: Build your OWN Audience
Step 3 Page 12
Now that you have your destination to funnel in your consumers who may want to watch your
video, you have to think about where you are going to find your consumers.
This is where your marketing process or your funnel comes in.
If you are building a funnel, then where is the natural place to start? Social media is the answer!
First you want to build a fan base on your Facebook Fan page through interaction in different
groups, creating a connection outreach, and building loyalty with your fans.
Social networks should serve as a way to attract people to your website. Think of social networks
as a search engine. You are data mining for the right audience and once you have your audience,
you can equip them to drive others to your community. We primarily use value based content
through video to drive leads to the website. Once they see all the value we have to offer, they are
automatically incentivized to find out what more we have to offer them.
We use for our backend to help us monitor our analytics and payments we receive for
the content. Then we use Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn to search for people and connections
that may be a good fit for our content. We invite them to book an appointment through our web-
site, so we can onboard them and show them how we can help them. This could be a great place
for you to start with as well.
Step 3: Build your OWN Audience
Step 3 Page 13
Where do you get started?
A. Friends of Friends
Your mom was your first loyal fan maybe your friends will be too? You want to start by emailing your
friends and family. This is a personable email, which is created manually. At first, you won’t scale
using this method, but over time you will build up a community. You will also have a chance to test
how they respond to your content before you launch your marketing funnel.
By having friends inviting other friends to help them test and evaluate your community you will get
valuable feedback you can incorporate before you pursue a larger audience.
You want to send them screenshots of almost every iteration of your community. Make sure you are
keeping them in the loop of your journey. Ask them if this is what they were thinking in terms of the
video content.
Everyone has to start somewhere and the best way to start is by inviting your friends and family. This
will give you a chance to test your video content to see how it can be improved before you invite
B. The Movement
As Patty the pastry chef learned, 5000 peo-
ple just isn’t enough, Patty really needs a pastry
movement. Getting buy in from our initial seed
community turns them into raving fans which trans-
forms them into a movement. In addition, every
time someone joins the community, make sure
you send them a welcome email along with an
animated gift to engage them.
Step 3: Build your OWN Audience
Step 3 Page 14
This email can be a memorable email you send them. The email should stand out from the standard
emails they receive on a daily basis.
Other times we mention community members when it is relevant so they feel involved.
Wonda W.
Thanks for meeting with me!
Hello Wonda,
This is Pattie and I am thrilled to learn more about you. I found your website
through a social search and I read your story. I can definitely relate. Let’s grab a
virtual latte soon? I’d like to explore how we can both work together.
Keep in touch!
Pattie Personal Email
Step 3: Build your OWN Audience
Step 3 Page 15
Most of the time they are excited to be involved with the changes. Why? They are able to interact
with like-minded people and feel involved at the same time. As a result, the friends will invite their
friends of friends.
C. The Destination Community
Now the inviting phase is over and you are getting traction on your website. People are seeing the
value of your videos, but they want something more. What else can you add?
You can try sending them some swag (such as t-shirts) to make them feel as though they belong in
the community. You can also mail out stickers and have them opt-in for a “Free Gift.” We tested a
technique in which we mailed out free wristbands if they opted-in for a free gift. Even though it was
a small gift, people were enthusiastic about it.
We added personality to our community through podcasting, where we brought industry leaders
together. Then we created stories around our community so we could educate our community and
teach them how to invite others to the platform.
Step 3: Build your OWN Audience
Step 3 Page 16
For example, we use tools to track updates and clicks to our website. We schedule automated so-
cial media updates. For a list of tools to put your marketing on automation, please see the appendix.
You can use your social networks and your email contacts as a good start-
ing off point. As you build your community and want more insights about
them then there are many additional tools available to help you with that.
Step 4: Create a Sequential Email Campaign
Step 4 Page 17
Patty’s pastry people may have gathered in a community but to keep the community alive she
needs to maintain it. This is where a sequential email campaign comes in. You have to make them
feel involved through a sequential email campaign. What exactly is a sequential email campaign?
A sequential email campaign is a series of emails aimed at increasing your retention and loyalty
It is important to get the sequence right in terms of your email campaigns.
Here is an example email sequence that you can use:
Email Sequence
Step 4: Create a Sequential Email Campaign
Step 4 Page 18
Email 1- Welcome Email
This is a personable email that is a letter from you to the community member. The more personable
it is the bigger the response rate will be. This email should highlight the benefits they will receive
from purchasing your content. For example, anyone can go online and buy something but if they
are unaware of the benefits it brings to them, then they won’t buy it. The member won’t contact you
for that information. You will have to give them the information beforehand. Don’t forget to introduce
yourself in this email and let them know who you are.
Hey there, Sweta here from Gbox.
Congratulations on taking the first steps toward making money from your onlline videos! Your free guide is available
here for download: 7 Steps for Selling Your Video Online.
In 7 easy steps you will learn:
1. How to post your vidos and start recieving views within the next 24 hours.
2. Insider tips on what makes a top selling video.
3. Simple tricks on how to build a raving and profitable movement around your videos.
4. How to continuously earn money for your videos.
5. The step-by-step process, with easy to follow screenshots on how to get started today!
You are the creatos with awesome videos you want to share with the world and Gbox is the industry leading way for
you to monitize your content.
Don’t let your valuable videos go another minute without making money for you. Start sharing and selling your videos
now: 7 Steps for Selling Your Videos Online.
To Your Success,
Sweta Patel
Gbox Team
Step 4: Create a Sequential Email Campaign
Step 4 Page 19
Email 2- Benefits email
This email should be sent out three days later and it should highlight the benefits of your content.
What will they learn? What can they expect from purchasing your content? Why is it exclusive
content? This email should talk about a few of the key benefits the consumer will receive.
Hey there, Sweta here from Gbox.
You are in the driver’s seat when it comes to getting paid what your content is actually worth, and Gbox is the market
leading platform that makes it easy for you to sell you videos online.
Some examples of Gbox in action:
Imagine creating a fundraiser video where you reach out to the community to help raise money for a cause. You ask
for 99-cents to view the amazing, tear-jerking interview, and you video gets 12,000 views! Yes it really is that easy.
now you’ve raised money and created buzzed around your cause.
And how about the beautiful, flawlessly integrated website that comes with your Gbox account? Isn’t it nice not
having to worry about the tech side os things and just focus on what really matters - posting and selling your videos
Once you have a direct relationship with your consumers, Gbox gives you the tools to develop the best monetization
for your video.
If you want to sell your videos online, step one is to use Gbox. Sign up today if you haven’t already. It’s fast, easy and
To Your Success,
Sweta Patel
Gbox Team
Step 4: Create a Sequential Email Campaign
Step 4 Page 20
Email 3- Reverse Engineered Email
This is another email that is sent out three days later. The email will highlight another benefit and it
will reverse engineer the end result. What will they feel like after they have purchased and watched
the video?
Eben Pagan via 9:09 AM (44 minutes ago)
to me
We’ve already had over 3,400 people join our waiting list for Wake Up Productions after
closing - so “due to popular demand” we’re going to so a quick re-open - just for
In case you showed up late to our registration, or you just missed it for other reasons,
we’re going to open registration for this one day.
Here’s the information page, with all of the details - make sure you get your regis-
tration completed by tomorrow.
NOTE: We’ve already started the class, so you will have to do a little bit of catch-up,
And if you get your registration in within the next couple of hours, you can even join us
for our welcome and orientation webinar later today.
We still have out “Business Growth” version of the class available, and we still have the
“surpries” bonus after you register - so get in today.
In any event, register now, becaue this is it - once we close tomorrow, we’re closed for
Step 4: Create a Sequential Email Campaign
Step 4 Page 21
Email 4-Email Marketing Funnel Email
This email is sent out four days later. This email will help you determine if the consumer is really a
fan or not. The email will highlight another item they will learn or takeaway from purchasing your
video. This email will also determine if they want to receive regular email updates from you as well.
Step 4: Create a Sequential Email Campaign
Step 4 Page 22
Email 5- Miss You Email
The consumer has been opening all your emails but they have not purchased any of your videos.
This email will let the consumer know that you have missed them and you want them to come back
to the platform. This is your chance to show them what they are missing out on by not joining your
platform. The email should have a link to your video gallery. Of course, this leads to a different
email sequence, which will ask them for the sale.
We Miss
You Email!
Step 4: Create a Sequential Email Campaign
Step 4 Page 23
Email 6-Solid User
The consumer has been checking out your website and they have been opening your weekly up-
dates. They have not purchased a video yet. This is where you ask the consumer for the sale. If the
user buys a video, then they will be removed from the list. If they don’t then they should continue
receiving emails.
Step 4: Create a Sequential Email Campaign
Step 4 Page 24
Email 7- The Sale
You’ve asked for the sale and they still didn’t sign up. Now what? Change up your copy a bit and
incentivize them. This could mean 50% off the first month. Remember, you have to ask multiple times
before they actually opt-in.
You can use your own platform to manually implement this. However, there
are other more sophisticated options, check the appendix for this informa-
tion. Test it with your community, and if they are not responsive, then send
them a survey so you can understand what they are looking for. These are
your consumers, you want to make sure you keep them involved and en-
Step 5: Promote, Promote, Promote
Step 5 Page 25
You want to use email marketing for three reasons: to build your consumer loyalty, to build con-
sumer retention, and increase your video sales and engagement. Creating an email sequence is
one thing, but actually nurturing the community and the list is another. What happens when you do
something once and never do it again? People tend to forget about it. What are you going to do
so your videos are on the top of their mind?
Here are some ways you can keep your audience engaged:
Premium Content:
If you gave everything away for free, would your audience value it? They wouldn’t value it.
This is the ultimate way to find out if you have a loyal following or not. The loyal following
is willing to purchase anything you create for them. When they purchase a video from you,
make sharability feasible. This will allow your audience to do the marketing for you. You can
include tips and tricks they can tweet out right from the video. Use Click to Tweet and add it
to your website under each website.
Have you ever gone to an event and picked up SWAG but never fully understood the booth
or the company? It happens all the time. This is where nurture emails are powerful. They will
educate the consumer base on exactly what you are selling and convert the lead into a sale.
Create 5-10 emails to educate your consumer base. You want to include: what you offer
and ask them to post themselves in the shirt (or booth SWAG) on their social media chan-
nels. If they do post on their social networks, then you want to give them another gift just for
doing so.
Existing Consumers:
They say it can cost up to 7 times more to find a new customer than to retain an existing one.
This is your chance to send useful emails to your existing consumer base to inspire them in
new ways. These emails can be in the form of empowering stories, experiences, resources
or tips. We connect with our existing audience on a weekly basis.
Step 5: Promote, Promote, Promote
Step 5 Page 26
We can’t keep selling without understanding our consumer base inside and out. Create in-
centivizing surveys so they feel involved in the content creation process. Follow the rule of
commerce, which focuses on creating content that consumers want so they can bring you
back value in return. This value may be referring your videos to others. We try to focus on
creating two surveys a month to receive consumer feedback. In return we giveaway branded
SWAG, which incentivizes the audience to participate.
Create 10-12 emails for your nurture sequence. Ask your consumer base
how often they want to receive emails and change things up based on their
Step 6: Deliver VALUE
Step 6 Page 27
If you watched something and it completely sucked, would you watch it again? (Hate-watching
doesn’t count.) Most likely never again, but how can you tell? Purchases are based on emotional
triggers. We buy based on what makes us feel good. This is why it is vital for your video to deliver
value. If it doesn’t deliver value then the audience will start to believe all the rest of the videos are
the same, and they will never come back again.
Here are some ways you can deliver value to your audience:
Speak Human:
There is no type of communication that beats human interaction. Consumers are inspired by
stories, experiences and of course the human touch. Does your value portray any elements
of the human touch? Each video should start with a story, which is relatable to the consumer.
Then it should speak to the hearts of those who are watching. This will keep their attention.
Value Co-Creation For Relevance:
When a consumer feels involved, they will indirectly deliver value to you. Consumers will
share what they create. This is why it is important to create content together and deliver it. If
you give them an in on what you are trying to create, they will help you deliver. Make sure
you let them know what your mission is and whom you plan on serving early on. Most people
agree to co-create when they find out the answer to the big question: “why you do what you
Establish Authority with Your Passion:
Everyone tends to move towards the best or the person who is the best at what they do. If this
is your passion, then work on becoming the best at it. Practice everyday, because consumers
will gravitate towards top-notch videos in the industry. If you are not there yet, then be very
upfront and honest. This will help you relate to the community because they will see the trans-
parency. If consumers can’t relate to you, then you will have a hard time selling.
Step 6: Deliver VALUE
Step 6 Page 28
Focus on creating videos that contain emotional triggers. Find out what
the “hot buttons” are for your target audience and incorporate them
within your video. When you deliver value you will see a huge shift
in your sales. This means the cost of acquiring new consumers will go
down in the future.
Step 7: Follow-up and ASK for a Review
Step 7 Page 29
We saved this for last because it is the most important step of them all. Let us ask you, would you
ever buy anything that didn’t have a review or any ratings at all? Most of us buy based on the
ratings and reviews of a product. This is especially true for Internet based products, services and
Here are some ways to get a review from your consumer base:
Review them first:
Sometimes we have to give first in order to receive. This will show your consumers you care
about them and their interests. If they have a LinkedIn profile, then write them a recommen-
dation for being an expert in their field. The rule of reciprocity says they will return the favor.
If you are friends with them on Facebook, then “Like” most of their status updates.
Feature them in your email campaign:
If they have been a loyal fan from early on, then feature them. Let them know how many
people the email was sent to. This is your chance to make them feel special. They will share
it with their friends and family because it makes them look good. Once you accomplish this
task, then ask them for a review on a video you have previewed.
Send them SWAG:
Do you know how many people in your community actually watch your videos? Who watch-
es the most videos? Send them special brand SWAG. Then ask them to take pictures with it
and share it as a review on the video.
Pay up:
Yes, you are pretty much out of luck. This is the most viable option for those who can’t build
or borrow their community. You are going to have to pay others a small fee for a review. It
may not seem scalable at first but consumers judge. Sometimes this is the best way to get the
engines fueled and attract new consumers to your video.
Conclusion Page 30
Ten years ago if Patty wanted a pastry movement she would have paid 10x more for video equip-
ment than she would today. She would have to go through numerous amount of publishers to find
one who might be interested. Now with Gbox’s direct relationships and killer marketing campaigns
now Pattie’s world is puff pastry 750 million people strong!
So do you think you can do better than Patty’s Puff-Pastry Movement? Prove it! Start selling video
online! This is your chance to expose your brand, passion and expertise. Just follow these seven
steps: sign-up for a Gbox account, build a landing page, build your own audience, create a se-
quential email campaign, nurture the list, deliver value, and follow-up and ask for a review. This is
your chance to build a community around your video content.
Make it easy on yourself and just start with:
Appendix Page 31
Tools For Marketing Your Video:
We would syndicate different updates filled with value added content using EveryPost. Try at least
5 updates a day on each network.
Second, use CrowdBooster to find out who your biggest advocates are. You want to send them a
friendly message.
In order to track the updates and clicks, we use
Based on our findings, we use Social Flow to optimize our campaign.
From time to time we wanted to schedule our updates, so we used Hootsuite. Finally, to track our
analytics we use Sprout Social.
Email Marketing Platforms
Sign-up with a GetResponse account and start configuring your sequential email campaign.

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7 Steps Manual 02.03.15 (1)

  • 1. The 7 Step Guide to Selling Your First Video Online PRESENTED BY
  • 2. Table of Contents Introduction................................................................................................................3 Step 1: Sign-up for a Gbox Account ……………………………...…….............................................…….5 Step 2: Build a Landing Page…………………………………....…….......................................................9 Step 3: Build Your OWN Audience…………..................................................…………….….…….12 Step 4: Create a Sequential Email Campaign……………........................................……….………17 Step 5: Promote, Promote, Promote…….………..........………………............................………………….25 Step 6: Deliver VALUE…………………………….............………….……………...............................………..27 Step 7: Follow-up and ASK for a review…………………................................…...………………….29 Conclusion.......................................................................................................30 Appendix.........................................................................................................31
  • 3. Introduction You are passionate, you’ve created a gallery of the most awesome videos ever, but after a month you’ve got only two views one of them from your mother. WHY? If you want to get your movies seen online then you have to market and promote online. This guide was created to help you reach and profit from the audience your video was created for. Online video currently accounts for 60% of global internet traffic and each 750 million people will view at least one video online. Whether you are filmmaker or a business owner having quality video content is vital for 21st century business. THE FACTS: • Videos Increase People’s Understanding of Your Product or Service by 74% * 75% Of Executives Watch Work-Related Videos On Business Websites At Least Once A Week.* Click-Through Rates Increase 2-3 Times When Marketers Include A Video In An Email.* Subscriber To Lead Conversation Rates Increase 51% When Video Is Included In Email Mar- keting Campaign.* More Video Content Is Uploaded in 30 days Than All Three Major U.S. T.V. Networks Com- bined Have Created In 30 Years.* *Facts via QuickSprout, InSivia, and DigitalSherpa Introduction Page 3
  • 4. Introduction Introduction Page 4 Clearly video is important and even though your market is potentially huge, your ability to cap- ture that market is determined by knowing how to sell video online. If you want to sell your videos online you need to understand how to bridge the gap between having great content and having people be exposed to it. The Formula (Profitability) = (Killer Video) x (Killer Marketing) – (Revenue) Now that you understand what it takes to make money from your videos online lets talk about a simple roadmap to help you achieve your video selling vision. This may sound complicated, but don’t worry we have broken it down into a seven step guide from upload to payday!
  • 5. Step 1: Sign-up for a Gbox account and Complete Your Profile Step 1 Page 5 This is the easiest part of the video selling journey. Gbox gives creators the power to own their community. At Gbox we value putting creators in the driver’s seat by giving them the tools to price and distribute your content anywhere online. Unlike other services out there, we are committed to the lowest transaction fees because we be- lieve that selling a movie online should not take as much effort as making a movie. By setting up an account with Gbox you are developing a direct sales relationship with your viewers. Profit  to  Film   Owner   Theatrical  Release   (-­‐80%)   Distributor   Independent  Sales   Agent   CollecEon  Agent   Home  Video   Release  (-­‐70%)   Distributor   Wholesaler   Retailors   TV  Release  (-­‐60%)   Cable  Networks   Network  TV   Premium  TV   Online  Release     (-­‐45%)   Pay  per  View   SubscripEon  VOD   ProducEon  Costs   PromoEon  &   AdverEsing  Cost   Traditional Distribution
  • 6. Step 1: Sign-up for a Gbox account and Complete Your Profile Step 1 Page 6 Gbox Distribution You are in the driver’s seat when it comes to getting paid what your content is actually worth. The platform makes it easy to sell videos on any website. No website? No problem, Gbox provides creators a website to sell their passion. The marketing campaigns are endless when it comes to video creation. For example, you can create a fundraiser video where the community helps you raise money for a cause by simply watching a 99-cent interview. Imagine getting 12,000 views for this interview? Yes, it is really that easy. Once you have a direct relationship with your consumers we give you the tools to develop the best monetization strategies for your video (if you have multiple videos it may require different strategies.) Profit  to  Film   Owner   Online  Pla0orm   Online  Marke3ng   Campaign   Produc3on  Costs  
  • 7. Step 1: Sign-up for a Gbox account and Complete Your Profile Step 1 Page 7 Another example would be to create a video for a specific problem within your niche and charge a small fee to show how you’d solve it. In the past we have watched experts from chefs to market- ers to filmmakers monetize their videos. Anyone who has a passion and a ton of video content can use Gbox. Now say that you are a chef, how can you make money with your video? You have a community of 5,000 and you want to showcase some of your secret recipes online but you don’t want to give them away for free. Why? Because your content is valuable and you want your community to know, yes, you do give away free content but you also have exclusive content. These secret recipes can cost 99-cents to two dollars to watch. This not only helps you identify your loyal audience but it brings value to your content.
  • 8. Step 1: Sign-up for a Gbox account and Complete Your Profile Step 1 Page 8 Another example would be to create a video for a specific problem within your niche and charge a small fee to show how you’d solve it. In the past we have watched experts from chefs to market- ers to filmmakers monetize their videos. Anyone who has a passion and a ton of video content can use Gbox. Now say that you are a chef, how can you make money with your video? You have a community of 5,000 and you want to showcase some of your secret recipes online but you don’t want to give them away for free. Why? Because your content is valuable and you want your community to know, yes, you do give away free content but you also have exclusive content. These secret recipes can cost 99-cents to two dollars to watch. This not only helps you identify your loyal audience but it brings value to your content. Best Practices Go to and sign-up, upload all your videos, create an offer and em- bed it on your site. Start small and see if your audience is buying and test different pricing strategies. Try 3 different pricing strategies to see which one works out the best.
  • 9. Step 2: Build a Landing Page Step 2 Page 9 Have you ever clicked on an ad online and were taken to a webpage that asked you to take action (such as take a survey, enter an email address, fill out a form, et.)? If you have, then you’ve seen a land page already. Now that you have your videos, you have to create a marketing campaign for your videos. As you pursue your consumers you want to funnel them in to one place where you can manage them, and that is where the landing page comes in. First you want to build a fan base on your Facebook Fan page through interaction in different groups, creating a connection outreach, and building loyalty with your fans. Then create a simple landing page that creates curiosity around your product or service. Here are the components you want to keep in mind: Landing Page Design: The design must be minimalistic, simple, and catchy to the eyes. One large image is usually enough to capture someone’s attention. Simple to Understand Call-to-Action
  • 10. Step 2: Build a Landing Page Step 2 Page 10 Copy for Landing Page: Less is more when it comes to content on the landing page. We usually have 12-15 words on the landing page. We also use it to showcase our brand. The message should not lose its context and form. User Details: For your initial launch, you’re just trying to get their email address. Think of it like a first date; do you pester someone with questions or do you nudge them here and there to get them to provide you with a little more information? Attention Grabbing Benefits, Benefits, Benefits! Catchy Call-to-Action Minimal amout of information needed
  • 11. Step 2: Build a Landing Page Step 2 Page 11 Call-To-Action: Make sure this is a big yellow button. The bigger this is, the better. Our suggestion is to make it overly clickable. Formula: Killer Marketing = (number of views) x (1% conversion rate) x (price of video) For example, Pattie the Pastry Chef has 5000 people in her funnel. She got her email campaign viewed by 4000 consumers of which 20 converted (bought her movie for 99 cents.) Now she made $20.00. Wait a minute, she has 5000 members, how is it that she only made $20.00 from her video? This shows that you clearly have to set up a marketing process to make your video really profitable because having 5,000 people on a list just isn’t enough. Best Practices We use to create all our landing pages. They have A/B testing tools, which allows you to, test what is working and what isn’t. Start with 3 different landing page designs and see which one converts the most. Then keep the one that is converting and throw out the rest.
  • 12. Step 3: Build your OWN Audience Step 3 Page 12 Now that you have your destination to funnel in your consumers who may want to watch your video, you have to think about where you are going to find your consumers. This is where your marketing process or your funnel comes in. If you are building a funnel, then where is the natural place to start? Social media is the answer! First you want to build a fan base on your Facebook Fan page through interaction in different groups, creating a connection outreach, and building loyalty with your fans. Social networks should serve as a way to attract people to your website. Think of social networks as a search engine. You are data mining for the right audience and once you have your audience, you can equip them to drive others to your community. We primarily use value based content through video to drive leads to the website. Once they see all the value we have to offer, they are automatically incentivized to find out what more we have to offer them. We use for our backend to help us monitor our analytics and payments we receive for the content. Then we use Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn to search for people and connections that may be a good fit for our content. We invite them to book an appointment through our web- site, so we can onboard them and show them how we can help them. This could be a great place for you to start with as well.
  • 13. Step 3: Build your OWN Audience Step 3 Page 13 Where do you get started? A. Friends of Friends Your mom was your first loyal fan maybe your friends will be too? You want to start by emailing your friends and family. This is a personable email, which is created manually. At first, you won’t scale using this method, but over time you will build up a community. You will also have a chance to test how they respond to your content before you launch your marketing funnel. By having friends inviting other friends to help them test and evaluate your community you will get valuable feedback you can incorporate before you pursue a larger audience. You want to send them screenshots of almost every iteration of your community. Make sure you are keeping them in the loop of your journey. Ask them if this is what they were thinking in terms of the video content. Everyone has to start somewhere and the best way to start is by inviting your friends and family. This will give you a chance to test your video content to see how it can be improved before you invite others. B. The Movement As Patty the pastry chef learned, 5000 peo- ple just isn’t enough, Patty really needs a pastry movement. Getting buy in from our initial seed community turns them into raving fans which trans- forms them into a movement. In addition, every time someone joins the community, make sure you send them a welcome email along with an animated gift to engage them.
  • 14. Step 3: Build your OWN Audience Step 3 Page 14 This email can be a memorable email you send them. The email should stand out from the standard emails they receive on a daily basis. Other times we mention community members when it is relevant so they feel involved. Wonda W. Thanks for meeting with me! Hello Wonda, This is Pattie and I am thrilled to learn more about you. I found your website through a social search and I read your story. I can definitely relate. Let’s grab a virtual latte soon? I’d like to explore how we can both work together. Keep in touch! Pattie Personal Email
  • 15. Step 3: Build your OWN Audience Step 3 Page 15 Most of the time they are excited to be involved with the changes. Why? They are able to interact with like-minded people and feel involved at the same time. As a result, the friends will invite their friends of friends. C. The Destination Community Now the inviting phase is over and you are getting traction on your website. People are seeing the value of your videos, but they want something more. What else can you add? You can try sending them some swag (such as t-shirts) to make them feel as though they belong in the community. You can also mail out stickers and have them opt-in for a “Free Gift.” We tested a technique in which we mailed out free wristbands if they opted-in for a free gift. Even though it was a small gift, people were enthusiastic about it. We added personality to our community through podcasting, where we brought industry leaders together. Then we created stories around our community so we could educate our community and teach them how to invite others to the platform. Patty’s Pastries
  • 16. Step 3: Build your OWN Audience Step 3 Page 16 For example, we use tools to track updates and clicks to our website. We schedule automated so- cial media updates. For a list of tools to put your marketing on automation, please see the appendix. Best Practices You can use your social networks and your email contacts as a good start- ing off point. As you build your community and want more insights about them then there are many additional tools available to help you with that.
  • 17. Step 4: Create a Sequential Email Campaign Step 4 Page 17 Patty’s pastry people may have gathered in a community but to keep the community alive she needs to maintain it. This is where a sequential email campaign comes in. You have to make them feel involved through a sequential email campaign. What exactly is a sequential email campaign? A sequential email campaign is a series of emails aimed at increasing your retention and loyalty rate. It is important to get the sequence right in terms of your email campaigns. Here is an example email sequence that you can use: Email Sequence
  • 18. Step 4: Create a Sequential Email Campaign Step 4 Page 18 Email 1- Welcome Email This is a personable email that is a letter from you to the community member. The more personable it is the bigger the response rate will be. This email should highlight the benefits they will receive from purchasing your content. For example, anyone can go online and buy something but if they are unaware of the benefits it brings to them, then they won’t buy it. The member won’t contact you for that information. You will have to give them the information beforehand. Don’t forget to introduce yourself in this email and let them know who you are. Hey there, Sweta here from Gbox. Congratulations on taking the first steps toward making money from your onlline videos! Your free guide is available here for download: 7 Steps for Selling Your Video Online. In 7 easy steps you will learn: 1. How to post your vidos and start recieving views within the next 24 hours. 2. Insider tips on what makes a top selling video. 3. Simple tricks on how to build a raving and profitable movement around your videos. 4. How to continuously earn money for your videos. 5. The step-by-step process, with easy to follow screenshots on how to get started today! You are the creatos with awesome videos you want to share with the world and Gbox is the industry leading way for you to monitize your content. Don’t let your valuable videos go another minute without making money for you. Start sharing and selling your videos now: 7 Steps for Selling Your Videos Online. To Your Success, Sweta Patel Gbox Team
  • 19. Step 4: Create a Sequential Email Campaign Step 4 Page 19 Email 2- Benefits email This email should be sent out three days later and it should highlight the benefits of your content. What will they learn? What can they expect from purchasing your content? Why is it exclusive content? This email should talk about a few of the key benefits the consumer will receive. Hey there, Sweta here from Gbox. You are in the driver’s seat when it comes to getting paid what your content is actually worth, and Gbox is the market leading platform that makes it easy for you to sell you videos online. Some examples of Gbox in action: Imagine creating a fundraiser video where you reach out to the community to help raise money for a cause. You ask for 99-cents to view the amazing, tear-jerking interview, and you video gets 12,000 views! Yes it really is that easy. now you’ve raised money and created buzzed around your cause. And how about the beautiful, flawlessly integrated website that comes with your Gbox account? Isn’t it nice not having to worry about the tech side os things and just focus on what really matters - posting and selling your videos online! Once you have a direct relationship with your consumers, Gbox gives you the tools to develop the best monetization for your video. If you want to sell your videos online, step one is to use Gbox. Sign up today if you haven’t already. It’s fast, easy and free! To Your Success, Sweta Patel Gbox Team
  • 20. Step 4: Create a Sequential Email Campaign Step 4 Page 20 Email 3- Reverse Engineered Email This is another email that is sent out three days later. The email will highlight another benefit and it will reverse engineer the end result. What will they feel like after they have purchased and watched the video? Eben Pagan via 9:09 AM (44 minutes ago) to me We’ve already had over 3,400 people join our waiting list for Wake Up Productions after closing - so “due to popular demand” we’re going to so a quick re-open - just for tomorrow. In case you showed up late to our registration, or you just missed it for other reasons, we’re going to open registration for this one day. Here’s the information page, with all of the details - make sure you get your regis- tration completed by tomorrow. NOTE: We’ve already started the class, so you will have to do a little bit of catch-up, And if you get your registration in within the next couple of hours, you can even join us for our welcome and orientation webinar later today. We still have out “Business Growth” version of the class available, and we still have the “surpries” bonus after you register - so get in today. In any event, register now, becaue this is it - once we close tomorrow, we’re closed for good! -Eben
  • 21. Step 4: Create a Sequential Email Campaign Step 4 Page 21 Email 4-Email Marketing Funnel Email This email is sent out four days later. This email will help you determine if the consumer is really a fan or not. The email will highlight another item they will learn or takeaway from purchasing your video. This email will also determine if they want to receive regular email updates from you as well.
  • 22. Step 4: Create a Sequential Email Campaign Step 4 Page 22 Email 5- Miss You Email The consumer has been opening all your emails but they have not purchased any of your videos. This email will let the consumer know that you have missed them and you want them to come back to the platform. This is your chance to show them what they are missing out on by not joining your platform. The email should have a link to your video gallery. Of course, this leads to a different email sequence, which will ask them for the sale. We Miss You Email!
  • 23. Step 4: Create a Sequential Email Campaign Step 4 Page 23 Email 6-Solid User The consumer has been checking out your website and they have been opening your weekly up- dates. They have not purchased a video yet. This is where you ask the consumer for the sale. If the user buys a video, then they will be removed from the list. If they don’t then they should continue receiving emails.
  • 24. Step 4: Create a Sequential Email Campaign Step 4 Page 24 Email 7- The Sale You’ve asked for the sale and they still didn’t sign up. Now what? Change up your copy a bit and incentivize them. This could mean 50% off the first month. Remember, you have to ask multiple times before they actually opt-in. Best Practices You can use your own platform to manually implement this. However, there are other more sophisticated options, check the appendix for this informa- tion. Test it with your community, and if they are not responsive, then send them a survey so you can understand what they are looking for. These are your consumers, you want to make sure you keep them involved and en- gaged.
  • 25. Step 5: Promote, Promote, Promote Step 5 Page 25 You want to use email marketing for three reasons: to build your consumer loyalty, to build con- sumer retention, and increase your video sales and engagement. Creating an email sequence is one thing, but actually nurturing the community and the list is another. What happens when you do something once and never do it again? People tend to forget about it. What are you going to do so your videos are on the top of their mind? Here are some ways you can keep your audience engaged: Premium Content: If you gave everything away for free, would your audience value it? They wouldn’t value it. This is the ultimate way to find out if you have a loyal following or not. The loyal following is willing to purchase anything you create for them. When they purchase a video from you, make sharability feasible. This will allow your audience to do the marketing for you. You can include tips and tricks they can tweet out right from the video. Use Click to Tweet and add it to your website under each website. Events: Have you ever gone to an event and picked up SWAG but never fully understood the booth or the company? It happens all the time. This is where nurture emails are powerful. They will educate the consumer base on exactly what you are selling and convert the lead into a sale. Create 5-10 emails to educate your consumer base. You want to include: what you offer and ask them to post themselves in the shirt (or booth SWAG) on their social media chan- nels. If they do post on their social networks, then you want to give them another gift just for doing so. Existing Consumers: They say it can cost up to 7 times more to find a new customer than to retain an existing one. This is your chance to send useful emails to your existing consumer base to inspire them in new ways. These emails can be in the form of empowering stories, experiences, resources or tips. We connect with our existing audience on a weekly basis.
  • 26. Step 5: Promote, Promote, Promote Step 5 Page 26 Surveys: We can’t keep selling without understanding our consumer base inside and out. Create in- centivizing surveys so they feel involved in the content creation process. Follow the rule of commerce, which focuses on creating content that consumers want so they can bring you back value in return. This value may be referring your videos to others. We try to focus on creating two surveys a month to receive consumer feedback. In return we giveaway branded SWAG, which incentivizes the audience to participate. Best Practices Create 10-12 emails for your nurture sequence. Ask your consumer base how often they want to receive emails and change things up based on their feedback. Patty’s Pastries
  • 27. Step 6: Deliver VALUE Step 6 Page 27 If you watched something and it completely sucked, would you watch it again? (Hate-watching doesn’t count.) Most likely never again, but how can you tell? Purchases are based on emotional triggers. We buy based on what makes us feel good. This is why it is vital for your video to deliver value. If it doesn’t deliver value then the audience will start to believe all the rest of the videos are the same, and they will never come back again. Here are some ways you can deliver value to your audience: Speak Human: There is no type of communication that beats human interaction. Consumers are inspired by stories, experiences and of course the human touch. Does your value portray any elements of the human touch? Each video should start with a story, which is relatable to the consumer. Then it should speak to the hearts of those who are watching. This will keep their attention. Value Co-Creation For Relevance: When a consumer feels involved, they will indirectly deliver value to you. Consumers will share what they create. This is why it is important to create content together and deliver it. If you give them an in on what you are trying to create, they will help you deliver. Make sure you let them know what your mission is and whom you plan on serving early on. Most people agree to co-create when they find out the answer to the big question: “why you do what you do?” Establish Authority with Your Passion: Everyone tends to move towards the best or the person who is the best at what they do. If this is your passion, then work on becoming the best at it. Practice everyday, because consumers will gravitate towards top-notch videos in the industry. If you are not there yet, then be very upfront and honest. This will help you relate to the community because they will see the trans- parency. If consumers can’t relate to you, then you will have a hard time selling.
  • 28. Step 6: Deliver VALUE Step 6 Page 28 Best Practices Focus on creating videos that contain emotional triggers. Find out what the “hot buttons” are for your target audience and incorporate them within your video. When you deliver value you will see a huge shift in your sales. This means the cost of acquiring new consumers will go down in the future.
  • 29. Step 7: Follow-up and ASK for a Review Step 7 Page 29 We saved this for last because it is the most important step of them all. Let us ask you, would you ever buy anything that didn’t have a review or any ratings at all? Most of us buy based on the ratings and reviews of a product. This is especially true for Internet based products, services and offers. Here are some ways to get a review from your consumer base: Review them first: Sometimes we have to give first in order to receive. This will show your consumers you care about them and their interests. If they have a LinkedIn profile, then write them a recommen- dation for being an expert in their field. The rule of reciprocity says they will return the favor. If you are friends with them on Facebook, then “Like” most of their status updates. Feature them in your email campaign: If they have been a loyal fan from early on, then feature them. Let them know how many people the email was sent to. This is your chance to make them feel special. They will share it with their friends and family because it makes them look good. Once you accomplish this task, then ask them for a review on a video you have previewed. Send them SWAG: Do you know how many people in your community actually watch your videos? Who watch- es the most videos? Send them special brand SWAG. Then ask them to take pictures with it and share it as a review on the video. Pay up: Yes, you are pretty much out of luck. This is the most viable option for those who can’t build or borrow their community. You are going to have to pay others a small fee for a review. It may not seem scalable at first but consumers judge. Sometimes this is the best way to get the engines fueled and attract new consumers to your video.
  • 30. Conclusion Conclusion Page 30 Ten years ago if Patty wanted a pastry movement she would have paid 10x more for video equip- ment than she would today. She would have to go through numerous amount of publishers to find one who might be interested. Now with Gbox’s direct relationships and killer marketing campaigns now Pattie’s world is puff pastry 750 million people strong! So do you think you can do better than Patty’s Puff-Pastry Movement? Prove it! Start selling video online! This is your chance to expose your brand, passion and expertise. Just follow these seven steps: sign-up for a Gbox account, build a landing page, build your own audience, create a se- quential email campaign, nurture the list, deliver value, and follow-up and ask for a review. This is your chance to build a community around your video content. Make it easy on yourself and just start with:
  • 31. Appendix Appendix Page 31 Tools For Marketing Your Video: We would syndicate different updates filled with value added content using EveryPost. Try at least 5 updates a day on each network. Second, use CrowdBooster to find out who your biggest advocates are. You want to send them a friendly message. In order to track the updates and clicks, we use Based on our findings, we use Social Flow to optimize our campaign. From time to time we wanted to schedule our updates, so we used Hootsuite. Finally, to track our analytics we use Sprout Social. Email Marketing Platforms Sign-up with a GetResponse account and start configuring your sequential email campaign.