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Submitted to: Mr. Tadele A. (MSc, Assistant professor)
Mr.Bikila T. (MSC ,Assistant professor )
June 13/06/ 2023
21-06-2023 1
 Outlines
 Objectives
 Introduction
 Anatomy of Renal system
 Physiology of Renal system
 Assessment of Renal system
 Physical Examination of Renal system
 Diagnostic
 Summary
 Reference
21-06-2023 2
 Objectives
 At the end of this lesson students will be able to:
 Describes the anatomy and physiology renal system.
 Discuss information that will help you focus your renal and
urinary assessment.
 Describe abnormal renal and urinary assessment findings as
they are associated with specific disease states.
 Preformed physical examination after completed this courses.
 Identify normal and abnormal lab values and their impact on
your renal and urinary assessment.
21-06-2023 3
 Kidneys are the organ that filter waste products from the
 The kidneys serve three essential function:
 They function as filter, removing metabolic product and toxins
from the blood and excreting them through the urine.
 They regulate the body’s fluid status, electrolyte balance and
acid-base balance.
The kidney produce or activate hormones that are involved
erythrogenesis, Ca²˖ metabolism and the regulation of blood
pressure and blood flow.
21-06-2023 4
 Introduction cont.…
Renal function may be assessed by measuring blood urea and
serum creatinine. Renal function decreases with age , which
must be taken into account when interpreting test values.
These tests primarily evaluate glomerular function by assessing
the glomerular filtration
 In many renal diseases, urea and creatinine accumulate in the
blood because they are not excreted properly
These tests also aid in determining drug dosage for drugs
excreted through the kidneys
21-06-2023 5
 Overview Urinary system anatomy
 Main structures of the
urinary system:
Pair kidneys
Pair ureters
One bladder
One urethra
21-06-2023 6
 Kidneys cont.…
21-06-2023 7
 Kidney functions
Urine formation
 Excretion of waste products
 Regulation of electrolytes
 Regulation of acid-base balance
 Control of water balance
 Control BP
 Regulation of RBC production
 Synthesis of vitamin D to active form
 Secretion of prostaglandins
 Regulation of calcium and phosphorus balance
21-06-2023 8
 Each kidney has approximately 1
million nephrons
 If the function is less than 20%
replacement therapy is usually
The nephron is responsible for the
initial formation of urine.
21-06-2023 9
 History taking
Subjective data:- include all characterization of symptoms,
history of present illness, past medical and surgical history,
demographic data, and lifestyle factors.
Signs and symptoms involving the urinary tract may be due
to disorders of the kidneys, ureters, or bladder, surrounding
structures, or disorders of other body systems.
21-06-2023 10
Past Health History.
The patient should be questioned about the presence or history
of diseases that are related to renal or other urologic problems.
Some of these diseases are hypertension, diabetes mellitus,
metabolic problems, tuberculosis, viral hepatitis, congenital
disorders, neurologic conditions trauma.
Specific urinary problems such as any cancer, infections,
benign prostatic hyperplasia, and calculi should be noted.
21-06-2023 11
An assessment of the patient's current and past use of
medications is important.
This should include over-the-counter drugs, as well as
prescription medications and herbs.
Drugs affect the urinary tract in several ways.
Many drugs are known to be nephrotoxic.
Certain drugs may alter the quantity and character of urine
e.g., diuretics may increase the urine output.
Anticoagulants may cause hematuria.
21-06-2023 12
Past surgical history
The patient should also be questioned about any previous
hospitalizations related to renal or urologic diseases and all
urinary problems during past pregnancies.
The duration, severity, and patient's perception of any problem
and its treatment should be elicited.
Past surgeries, particularly pelvic surgeries, or urinary tract
instrumentation should be documented.
Information should be obtained from the patient about any
radiation or chemotherapy treatment for cancer
21-06-2023 13
Functional Health Patterns
• Health Perception–Health Management Pattern.
Ask about the patient's general health, particularly when disease
affecting the kidneys is suspected.
Sometimes responses such as “feeling tired all of the time,”
changes in weight or appetite, excess thirst, fluid retention, and
complaints of headache, pruritus, or blurred vision may be related
to abnormal kidney function.
21-06-2023 14
Similarly, the elderly patient may report malaise and nonlocal
zed abdominal discomfort as the only symptoms of a urinary
tract infection.
 An occupational history should be taken.
 Exposure to certain chemicals can affect the kidneys and
urinary tract system.
Aromatic amines and certain organic chemicals may increase
the risk of bladder cancers.
21-06-2023 15
 A smoking history should be obtained.
Cigarette smoking is a major factor in the risk for bladder
Tumors occur 4 times more frequently in cigarette smokers
than in nonsmokers.
The presence of certain renal or urologic problems in a family
history increases the likelihood of similar problems occurring in
the patient.
21-06-2023 16
Nutritional-Metabolic Pattern.
The usual quantity and types of fluid a patient drinks are
important information related to urinary tract disease.
Dehydration may contribute to urinary infections, calculi
formation, and renal failure.
 Large intake of particular foods, such as dairy products or
foods high in proteins, may also lead to calculi formation.
21-06-2023 17
Nutritional-Metabolic Pattern.Cont.….
Caffeine, alcohol, carbonated beverages, or spicy foods
often aggravate urinary inflammatory diseases.
Many herbal teas also cause diuresis( increased production
of urine).
 An unexplained weight gain may be the result of fluid
retention secondary to a renal problem.
21-06-2023 18
Elimination Pattern.
 Ask about urine elimination patterns are the cornerstone of the
health history in the patient with a lower urinary tract disorder.
This line of inquiry begins with a question of how the patient
manages urine elimination.
The majority of patients eliminate urine by spontaneous voiding,
and they should be asked about daytime (diurnal) voiding
frequency and the frequency of night time or nocturia.
21-06-2023 19
Activity-Exercise Pattern.
The patient's level of activity should be assessed.
 A sedentary person is more likely to have stasis of urine than
an active individual, which can predispose to infection and
Demineralization(loss of minerals) of bones in a person with
limited physical activity can cause increased urine calcium
21-06-2023 20
Sleep-Rest Pattern
Nocturia is a common and a particularly both some lower
urinary tract symptom that often leads to sleep deprivation,
daytime sleepiness, and fatigue.
multiple disorders affecting the lower urinary tract, including
urinary incontinence, urinary retention, and interstitial cystitis.
 Nocturia also may be attributable to polyuria owing to renal
disease, poorly controlled diabetes mellitus, alcoholism,
excessive fluid intake, or obstructive sleep apnea.
21-06-2023 21
Cognitive-Perceptual Pattern.
Pain is a frequent symptom of urinary tract disease.
Types of pain associated with renal and urologic problems
include dysuria, groin pain, costovertebral pain and suprapubic
 pain in the abdominal region just below the umbilicus.
Complaints of pain should be assessed and the location,
character, and duration documented.
Many urinary tract tumors are painless in the early stages.
21-06-2023 22
Self-Perception–Self-Concept Pattern.
Problems associated with the urinary system, such as
incontinence, urinary diversion procedures, and chronic fatigue
may indicate anemia, can result in loss of self-esteem and a
negative body image.
Sensitive questioning may elicit cues to problems in this area.
21-06-2023 23
Role-Relationship Pattern
Urinary problems can affect many aspects of a person's life,
including the ability to work and relationships with others.
These factors will have important implications for future
treatment and management of the patient's condition.
The nurse must be alert for indications from the patient.
21-06-2023 24
Sexuality-Reproductive Pattern.
The patient should be questioned about the effect of a renal or
urologic problem on her or his sexual patterns and satisfaction.
Problems related to personal hygiene and fatigue can seriously
affect a sexual relationship.
Although urinary incontinence is not directly associated with
sexual dysfunction, it often has a devastating effect on self-
esteem and social and intimate relationships.
 Counseling of both the patient and partner may be indicated
21-06-2023 25
 Urinary Tract Infections
UTI means infection of any part of urinary tract Kidney, Ureter,
Bladder and Urethra.
Defined by the presence of more than a hundred thousand
organisms per ml in midstream sample of urine.
Infections of the urethra and bladder are often considered
superficial or mucosal infections.
while prostatitis, pyelonephritis, and renal suppuration signify
tissue invasion.
21-06-2023 26
 Urinary Tract Infections
 Classification
Anatomic categories
- lower tract infection (urethritis, bladder cystitis)
- upper tract infection (acute pyelonephritis, and intrarenal and
perinephric abscesses).
Complicated UTI - there are underlying factors that predispose
to ascending bacterial infection catheterization, instrumentation,
anatomic or functional urologic abnormalities.
Uncomplicated UTI - Occurs without underlying abnormality or
impairment of urine flow.
21-06-2023 27
 Infecting organisms
Common agents are the gram-negative bacilli
Escherichia coli causes ~80% of acute infections in patients
without catheters, urologic abnormalities, or calculi
 Proteus Enterococci
 Klebsiella Staphylococci
Pseudomonas Candida
21-06-2023 28
 Clinical Presentation
 Asymptomatic bacteriuria
Common in females & elderly.
25% develop symptomatic UTI .
25% clear spontaneously.
Spontaneous cure & reinfection are common.
21-06-2023 29
 Clinical Presentation
Bladder Cystitis
• Symptoms: dysuria, frequency, urgency, and supra pubic pain
• Physical examination generally reveals only tenderness of the
supra pubic area
Acute Pyelonephritis:- is a bacterial infection causing
inflammation of the kidneys and is one most common diseases of
• Symptoms generally develop rapidly over a few hours or a day
• fever, shaking chills, nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, and
21-06-2023 30
Urinary Tract Pain
 Genitourinary pain:-is not always present in renal disease, but
is generally seen in the more acute conditions of the urinary
 Kidney pain: may be felt as a dull ache in costovertebral
angle; or may be a sharp, colicky pain felt in the flank area that
radiates to the groin or testicle. Due to distention of the renal
capsule; severity related to how quickly it develops.
21-06-2023 31
Involuntary Voiding
Urinary incontinence: involuntary loss of urine; may be due to
pathologic, anatomical, or physiologic factors affecting the
urinary tract.
Ureteral pain: felt in the back and radiates to the groin or scrotum if
the upper ureter is the source, to the suprapubic area, penis, and
urethra if the lower ureter is the source.
21-06-2023 32
• Bladder pain (lower abdominal pain or pain over suprapubic area):
may be due to bladder infection or over distended bladder
• Urethral pain: from irritation of bladder neck, from foreign body in
canal, or from urethritis due to infection or trauma; pain increases
when voiding.
• Back and leg pain: due to cancer of prostate with metastases to bone.
21-06-2023 33
Physical Examination
The nurse should assess for changes in the following:
Skin: pallor, yellow-gray cast, excoriations, changes in turgor, bruises,
texture e.g., rough, dry skin.
Mouth: stomatitis, ammonia breath odor
Face and extremities: generalized edema, peripheral edema, bladder
distention, masses, enlarged kidneys
21-06-2023 34
Abdomen: skin changes described earlier, as well as striae,
abdominal contour for midline mass in lower abdomen may
indicate urinary retention or unilateral mass occasionally seen in
adult, indicating enlargement of one or both kidneys from large
tumor or polycystic kidney)
Weight: weight gain secondary to edema; weight loss and
muscle wasting in renal failure
General state of health: fatigue, lethargy, and diminished
21-06-2023 35
The kidneys are posterior organs protected by the abdominal
organs, the ribs, and the heavy back muscles.
A landmark useful in locating the kidneys is the costovertebral
angle or CVA formed by the rib cage and the vertebral column.
The normal-sized left kidney is rarely palpable because the
spleen lies directly on top of it.
Occasionally the lower pole of the right kidney is palpable.
21-06-2023 36
Palpation cont.
To palpate the right kidney, the examiner's left anterior hand is
placed behind and supports the patient's right side between the
rib cage and the iliac crest .
The right flank is elevated with the left hand, and the right hand
is used to palpate deeply for the right kidney.
The lower pole of the right kidney may be felt as a smooth,
rounded mass that descends on inspiration.
21-06-2023 37
21-06-2023 38
Tenderness in the flank area may be detected by fist percussion kidney
This technique is performed by striking the fist of one hand against
the dorsal surface of the other hand, which is placed flat along the
posterior CVA margin.
Normally a firm blow in the flank area should not elicit pain.
21-06-2023 39
21-06-2023 40
If CVA tenderness and pain are present, it may indicate a
kidney infection or polycystic kidney disease.
Normally a bladder is not percussible until it contains 150
ml of urine.
If the bladder is full, dullness is heard above the symphysis
 A distended bladder may be percussed as high as the
21-06-2023 41
The bell of the stethoscope may be used to auscultate over
both CVAs and in the upper abdominal quadrants.
With this technique, the abdominal aorta and renal arteries are
auscultated for a bruit (an abnormal murmur), which indicates
impaired blood flow to the kidneys.
21-06-2023 42
Diagnostic studies of the urinary system
Urinalysis is a general examination of urine to establish
baseline information or provide data to establish a tentative
diagnosis and determine whether further studies are to be
Try to obtain first urinated morning specimen.
Ensure that specimen is examined within 1 hr of urinating.
21-06-2023 43
Creatinine clearance
Creatinine is a waste product of protein breakdown (primarily
body muscle mass).
• Rate at which creatinine is removed from the blood.
• Useful measure of
- glomerular filtration rate
• - excreting capacity of the kidney.
Normal values
men : 90-140 ml/sec/m²
women: 72-110 ml/sec/m²
21-06-2023 44
Urine culture
Urine culture is done to confirm suspected urinary tract infection and
identify causative organisms.
Use sterile container for collection of urine.
Concentration test
Study evaluates renal concentration ability.
Concentration is measured by specific gravity of urines.
Normal values 1.020-1.035
21-06-2023 45
Blood Chemistries
BUN( blood urea nitrogen)
BUN is most commonly used to identify presence of renal
Concentration of urea in blood is regulated by rate at which
kidney excretes urea.
Be aware that, when interpreting BUN, non renal factors
may cause increase.
21-06-2023 46
Normal finding: 10-30 mg/dl (1.8-7.1 mmol/L)
Creatinine is more reliable than BUN as a determinant of renal
Creatinine is end product of muscle and protein metabolism
and is liberated at a constant rate.
Normal finding: 0.5-1.5 mg/dl (44-133 μmol/L).
21-06-2023 47
Uric acid
Uric acid study is used as a screening test primarily for
disorders of purine metabolism but can indicate kidney disease
as well.
Normal finding: 2.5-5.5 mg/dl (149-327 mol/L) for women; 4.5-
6.5 mg/dl (268-387 mol/L) for men
21-06-2023 48
Sodium (Na+)
Sodium is main extracellular electrolyte determining blood
Usually, values stay within normal range until late stages of
renal failure.
Normal finding: 135-145 mEq/L (135-145 mmol/L)
21-06-2023 49
Potassium (K+)
Kidneys are responsible for excreting majority of body's
In renal disease, K+ determinations are critical because K+ is
one of the first electrolytes to become abnormal.
Elevated K+ levels of >6 mEq/L can lead to muscle weakness
and cardiac dysrhythmias.
Normal finding: 3.5-5.0 mEq/L (3.5-5.0 mmol/L)
21-06-2023 50
Calcium (Ca2+)
Calcium is main mineral in bone and aids in muscle contraction,
neurotransmission, and clotting.
In renal disease, decreased reabsorption of Ca2+ leads to renal
Normal finding: 9-11 mg/dl (4.5-5.5 mEq/L, 2.25-2.74 mmol/L)
21-06-2023 51
In renal disease, phosphorus levels are elevated because the
kidney is the primary excretory organ.
Normal finding: 2.8-4.5 mg/dl (0.95-1.45 mmol/L)
Bicarbonate (HCO3
Most patients in renal failure have metabolic acidosis( when the
body produce more acid or kidneys are not removing enough
acid from body) and low serum HCO3
− levels.
Normal finding: 22-26 mEq/L (22-26 mmol/L)
21-06-2023 52
 Renal disorders
Acute renal failure:-is a rapid loss of renal function due to
damage to the kidneys.
 Depending on the duration and severity of ARF, a wide range of
• life-threatening metabolic complications can occur, including
metabolic acidosis as well as fluid and electrolyte imbalances.
21-06-2023 53
 Chronic renal failure
Chronic, irreversible loss of kidney function attributable to loss of
functional nephron mass – pathophysiologic processes for more
than 3 months.
Nephrotic syndrome:-is a kidney disorder that causes your
body to pass too much protein in your urine.
21-06-2023 54
RFT (Renal Function Test)
•is used to evaluate the severity of kidney disease and to follow
the patient's clinical progress.
Tests involved in RFT
• Urea Uric acid
• Ammonia Calcium
• Parathyroid Potassium
• Hormone
• Creatinine clearance and Glomerular filtration rate
21-06-2023 55
An assessment of the urinary system is used to gather information
about the urinary structures and urinary elimination.
The nursing student is assessing factors that may affect a patient’s
ability to urinate normally.
 An assessment of the patient’s elimination history, possible
symptoms of a urinary problem, and complaints are important
Understanding the importance and function of the renal system is
essential for performing a comprehensive nursing assessment and
identifying renal issues.
21-06-2023 56
 Summary cont.…
The renal system includes the kidney, ureters, bladder, and urethra.
The kidneys filter the blood and create urine from waste products and
excess water, which then travels through the ureters into the bladder.
The bladder collects the urine and then excretes it by contracting
and pushing it out through the urethra.
Although the renal system is sometimes referred to as the urinary
system, the kidneys are the vital organs that drive system processes.
21-06-2023 57
1. Nursing Health Assessment A Critical Thinking, Case Studies
Approach Patricia M. Dillon, DNSC, R N
2. Brunner And Suddarth’s Texbook Of Medical-surgical Nursing 10th
Edition By Suzanne C.O’connell;bare Brenda G Smeltzer(2003-07).
3. Essentials Of Human Anatomy And Physiology 11th Edition
4. Barbara Bates: a Guide To Physical Examination And History Taking
,A guide To Clinical Thinking.
5. Cox’sclinical Applications Of Nursingdiagnosis 5th Editionadult, Child,
Women’s, Mental Health,gerontic, And Home Health Considerations
21-06-2023 58
21-06-2023 59

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6.Gu. ass.pptx

  • 1. PREPARED BY: SHAMBEL DEBEBLE- IDNO-------------190/15 Submitted to: Mr. Tadele A. (MSc, Assistant professor) Mr.Bikila T. (MSC ,Assistant professor ) June 13/06/ 2023 Fiche 21-06-2023 1
  • 2.  Outlines  Objectives  Introduction  Anatomy of Renal system  Physiology of Renal system  Assessment of Renal system  Physical Examination of Renal system  Diagnostic  Summary  Reference 21-06-2023 2
  • 3.  Objectives  At the end of this lesson students will be able to:  Describes the anatomy and physiology renal system.  Discuss information that will help you focus your renal and urinary assessment.  Describe abnormal renal and urinary assessment findings as they are associated with specific disease states.  Preformed physical examination after completed this courses.  Identify normal and abnormal lab values and their impact on your renal and urinary assessment. 21-06-2023 3
  • 4.  INTRODUCTION  Kidneys are the organ that filter waste products from the blood.  The kidneys serve three essential function:  They function as filter, removing metabolic product and toxins from the blood and excreting them through the urine.  They regulate the body’s fluid status, electrolyte balance and acid-base balance. The kidney produce or activate hormones that are involved erythrogenesis, Ca²˖ metabolism and the regulation of blood pressure and blood flow. 21-06-2023 4
  • 5.  Introduction cont.… Renal function may be assessed by measuring blood urea and serum creatinine. Renal function decreases with age , which must be taken into account when interpreting test values. These tests primarily evaluate glomerular function by assessing the glomerular filtration  In many renal diseases, urea and creatinine accumulate in the blood because they are not excreted properly These tests also aid in determining drug dosage for drugs excreted through the kidneys 21-06-2023 5
  • 6.  Overview Urinary system anatomy  Main structures of the urinary system: Pair kidneys Pair ureters One bladder One urethra 21-06-2023 6
  • 8.  Kidney functions Urine formation  Excretion of waste products  Regulation of electrolytes  Regulation of acid-base balance  Control of water balance  Control BP  Regulation of RBC production  Synthesis of vitamin D to active form  Secretion of prostaglandins  Regulation of calcium and phosphorus balance 21-06-2023 8
  • 9. Nephron  Each kidney has approximately 1 million nephrons  If the function is less than 20% replacement therapy is usually initiated The nephron is responsible for the initial formation of urine. 21-06-2023 9
  • 10. ASSESSMENT  History taking Subjective data:- include all characterization of symptoms, history of present illness, past medical and surgical history, demographic data, and lifestyle factors. Signs and symptoms involving the urinary tract may be due to disorders of the kidneys, ureters, or bladder, surrounding structures, or disorders of other body systems. 21-06-2023 10
  • 11. Past Health History. The patient should be questioned about the presence or history of diseases that are related to renal or other urologic problems. Some of these diseases are hypertension, diabetes mellitus, metabolic problems, tuberculosis, viral hepatitis, congenital disorders, neurologic conditions trauma. Specific urinary problems such as any cancer, infections, benign prostatic hyperplasia, and calculi should be noted. 21-06-2023 11
  • 12. Medications. An assessment of the patient's current and past use of medications is important. This should include over-the-counter drugs, as well as prescription medications and herbs. Drugs affect the urinary tract in several ways. Many drugs are known to be nephrotoxic. Certain drugs may alter the quantity and character of urine output. e.g., diuretics may increase the urine output. Anticoagulants may cause hematuria. 21-06-2023 12
  • 13. Past surgical history The patient should also be questioned about any previous hospitalizations related to renal or urologic diseases and all urinary problems during past pregnancies. The duration, severity, and patient's perception of any problem and its treatment should be elicited. Past surgeries, particularly pelvic surgeries, or urinary tract instrumentation should be documented. Information should be obtained from the patient about any radiation or chemotherapy treatment for cancer 21-06-2023 13
  • 14. Functional Health Patterns • Health Perception–Health Management Pattern. Ask about the patient's general health, particularly when disease affecting the kidneys is suspected. Sometimes responses such as “feeling tired all of the time,” changes in weight or appetite, excess thirst, fluid retention, and complaints of headache, pruritus, or blurred vision may be related to abnormal kidney function. 21-06-2023 14
  • 15. Similarly, the elderly patient may report malaise and nonlocal zed abdominal discomfort as the only symptoms of a urinary tract infection.  An occupational history should be taken.  Exposure to certain chemicals can affect the kidneys and urinary tract system. Aromatic amines and certain organic chemicals may increase the risk of bladder cancers. 21-06-2023 15
  • 16.  A smoking history should be obtained. Cigarette smoking is a major factor in the risk for bladder cancer. Tumors occur 4 times more frequently in cigarette smokers than in nonsmokers. The presence of certain renal or urologic problems in a family history increases the likelihood of similar problems occurring in the patient. 21-06-2023 16
  • 17. Nutritional-Metabolic Pattern. The usual quantity and types of fluid a patient drinks are important information related to urinary tract disease. Dehydration may contribute to urinary infections, calculi formation, and renal failure.  Large intake of particular foods, such as dairy products or foods high in proteins, may also lead to calculi formation. 21-06-2023 17
  • 18. Nutritional-Metabolic Pattern.Cont.…. Caffeine, alcohol, carbonated beverages, or spicy foods often aggravate urinary inflammatory diseases. Many herbal teas also cause diuresis( increased production of urine).  An unexplained weight gain may be the result of fluid retention secondary to a renal problem. 21-06-2023 18
  • 19. Elimination Pattern.  Ask about urine elimination patterns are the cornerstone of the health history in the patient with a lower urinary tract disorder. This line of inquiry begins with a question of how the patient manages urine elimination. The majority of patients eliminate urine by spontaneous voiding, and they should be asked about daytime (diurnal) voiding frequency and the frequency of night time or nocturia. 21-06-2023 19
  • 20. Activity-Exercise Pattern. The patient's level of activity should be assessed.  A sedentary person is more likely to have stasis of urine than an active individual, which can predispose to infection and calculi. Demineralization(loss of minerals) of bones in a person with limited physical activity can cause increased urine calcium precipitation. 21-06-2023 20
  • 21. Sleep-Rest Pattern Nocturia is a common and a particularly both some lower urinary tract symptom that often leads to sleep deprivation, daytime sleepiness, and fatigue. multiple disorders affecting the lower urinary tract, including urinary incontinence, urinary retention, and interstitial cystitis.  Nocturia also may be attributable to polyuria owing to renal disease, poorly controlled diabetes mellitus, alcoholism, excessive fluid intake, or obstructive sleep apnea. 21-06-2023 21
  • 22. Cognitive-Perceptual Pattern. Pain is a frequent symptom of urinary tract disease. Types of pain associated with renal and urologic problems include dysuria, groin pain, costovertebral pain and suprapubic pain.  pain in the abdominal region just below the umbilicus. Complaints of pain should be assessed and the location, character, and duration documented. Many urinary tract tumors are painless in the early stages. 21-06-2023 22
  • 23. Self-Perception–Self-Concept Pattern. Problems associated with the urinary system, such as incontinence, urinary diversion procedures, and chronic fatigue may indicate anemia, can result in loss of self-esteem and a negative body image. Sensitive questioning may elicit cues to problems in this area. 21-06-2023 23
  • 24. Role-Relationship Pattern Urinary problems can affect many aspects of a person's life, including the ability to work and relationships with others. These factors will have important implications for future treatment and management of the patient's condition. The nurse must be alert for indications from the patient. 21-06-2023 24
  • 25. Sexuality-Reproductive Pattern. The patient should be questioned about the effect of a renal or urologic problem on her or his sexual patterns and satisfaction. Problems related to personal hygiene and fatigue can seriously affect a sexual relationship. Although urinary incontinence is not directly associated with sexual dysfunction, it often has a devastating effect on self- esteem and social and intimate relationships.  Counseling of both the patient and partner may be indicated 21-06-2023 25
  • 26.  Urinary Tract Infections UTI means infection of any part of urinary tract Kidney, Ureter, Bladder and Urethra. Defined by the presence of more than a hundred thousand organisms per ml in midstream sample of urine. Infections of the urethra and bladder are often considered superficial or mucosal infections. while prostatitis, pyelonephritis, and renal suppuration signify tissue invasion. 21-06-2023 26
  • 27.  Urinary Tract Infections  Classification Anatomic categories - lower tract infection (urethritis, bladder cystitis) - upper tract infection (acute pyelonephritis, and intrarenal and perinephric abscesses). Complicated UTI - there are underlying factors that predispose to ascending bacterial infection catheterization, instrumentation, anatomic or functional urologic abnormalities. Uncomplicated UTI - Occurs without underlying abnormality or impairment of urine flow. 21-06-2023 27
  • 28.  Infecting organisms Common agents are the gram-negative bacilli Escherichia coli causes ~80% of acute infections in patients without catheters, urologic abnormalities, or calculi  Proteus Enterococci  Klebsiella Staphylococci Pseudomonas Candida Enterobacter 21-06-2023 28
  • 29.  Clinical Presentation  Asymptomatic bacteriuria Common in females & elderly. 25% develop symptomatic UTI . 25% clear spontaneously. Spontaneous cure & reinfection are common. 21-06-2023 29
  • 30.  Clinical Presentation Bladder Cystitis • Symptoms: dysuria, frequency, urgency, and supra pubic pain • Physical examination generally reveals only tenderness of the supra pubic area Acute Pyelonephritis:- is a bacterial infection causing inflammation of the kidneys and is one most common diseases of kidney. • Symptoms generally develop rapidly over a few hours or a day • fever, shaking chills, nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, and diarrhea 21-06-2023 30
  • 31. Urinary Tract Pain  Genitourinary pain:-is not always present in renal disease, but is generally seen in the more acute conditions of the urinary tract  Kidney pain: may be felt as a dull ache in costovertebral angle; or may be a sharp, colicky pain felt in the flank area that radiates to the groin or testicle. Due to distention of the renal capsule; severity related to how quickly it develops.  21-06-2023 31
  • 32. Involuntary Voiding Urinary incontinence: involuntary loss of urine; may be due to pathologic, anatomical, or physiologic factors affecting the urinary tract. Ureteral pain: felt in the back and radiates to the groin or scrotum if the upper ureter is the source, to the suprapubic area, penis, and urethra if the lower ureter is the source. 21-06-2023 32
  • 33. • Bladder pain (lower abdominal pain or pain over suprapubic area): may be due to bladder infection or over distended bladder • Urethral pain: from irritation of bladder neck, from foreign body in canal, or from urethritis due to infection or trauma; pain increases when voiding. • Back and leg pain: due to cancer of prostate with metastases to bone. 21-06-2023 33
  • 34. Physical Examination Inspection. The nurse should assess for changes in the following: Skin: pallor, yellow-gray cast, excoriations, changes in turgor, bruises, texture e.g., rough, dry skin. Mouth: stomatitis, ammonia breath odor Face and extremities: generalized edema, peripheral edema, bladder distention, masses, enlarged kidneys 21-06-2023 34
  • 35. Abdomen: skin changes described earlier, as well as striae, abdominal contour for midline mass in lower abdomen may indicate urinary retention or unilateral mass occasionally seen in adult, indicating enlargement of one or both kidneys from large tumor or polycystic kidney) Weight: weight gain secondary to edema; weight loss and muscle wasting in renal failure General state of health: fatigue, lethargy, and diminished alertness 21-06-2023 35
  • 36. Palpation. The kidneys are posterior organs protected by the abdominal organs, the ribs, and the heavy back muscles. A landmark useful in locating the kidneys is the costovertebral angle or CVA formed by the rib cage and the vertebral column. The normal-sized left kidney is rarely palpable because the spleen lies directly on top of it. Occasionally the lower pole of the right kidney is palpable. 21-06-2023 36
  • 37. Palpation cont. To palpate the right kidney, the examiner's left anterior hand is placed behind and supports the patient's right side between the rib cage and the iliac crest . The right flank is elevated with the left hand, and the right hand is used to palpate deeply for the right kidney. The lower pole of the right kidney may be felt as a smooth, rounded mass that descends on inspiration. 21-06-2023 37
  • 39. Percussion. Tenderness in the flank area may be detected by fist percussion kidney punch. This technique is performed by striking the fist of one hand against the dorsal surface of the other hand, which is placed flat along the posterior CVA margin. Normally a firm blow in the flank area should not elicit pain. 21-06-2023 39
  • 41. If CVA tenderness and pain are present, it may indicate a kidney infection or polycystic kidney disease. Normally a bladder is not percussible until it contains 150 ml of urine. If the bladder is full, dullness is heard above the symphysis pubis.  A distended bladder may be percussed as high as the umbilicus 21-06-2023 41
  • 42. Auscultation. The bell of the stethoscope may be used to auscultate over both CVAs and in the upper abdominal quadrants. With this technique, the abdominal aorta and renal arteries are auscultated for a bruit (an abnormal murmur), which indicates impaired blood flow to the kidneys. 21-06-2023 42
  • 43. Diagnostic studies of the urinary system Urinalysis Urinalysis is a general examination of urine to establish baseline information or provide data to establish a tentative diagnosis and determine whether further studies are to be ordered. Try to obtain first urinated morning specimen. Ensure that specimen is examined within 1 hr of urinating. 21-06-2023 43
  • 44. Creatinine clearance Creatinine is a waste product of protein breakdown (primarily body muscle mass). • Rate at which creatinine is removed from the blood. • Useful measure of - glomerular filtration rate • - excreting capacity of the kidney. Normal values men : 90-140 ml/sec/m² women: 72-110 ml/sec/m² 21-06-2023 44
  • 45. Urine culture Urine culture is done to confirm suspected urinary tract infection and identify causative organisms. Use sterile container for collection of urine. Concentration test Study evaluates renal concentration ability. Concentration is measured by specific gravity of urines. Normal values 1.020-1.035 21-06-2023 45
  • 46. Blood Chemistries BUN( blood urea nitrogen) BUN is most commonly used to identify presence of renal problems. Concentration of urea in blood is regulated by rate at which kidney excretes urea. Be aware that, when interpreting BUN, non renal factors may cause increase. 21-06-2023 46
  • 47. Normal finding: 10-30 mg/dl (1.8-7.1 mmol/L) Creatinine Creatinine is more reliable than BUN as a determinant of renal function. Creatinine is end product of muscle and protein metabolism and is liberated at a constant rate. Normal finding: 0.5-1.5 mg/dl (44-133 μmol/L). 21-06-2023 47
  • 48. Uric acid Uric acid study is used as a screening test primarily for disorders of purine metabolism but can indicate kidney disease as well. Normal finding: 2.5-5.5 mg/dl (149-327 mol/L) for women; 4.5- 6.5 mg/dl (268-387 mol/L) for men 21-06-2023 48
  • 49. Sodium (Na+) Sodium is main extracellular electrolyte determining blood volume. Usually, values stay within normal range until late stages of renal failure. Normal finding: 135-145 mEq/L (135-145 mmol/L) 21-06-2023 49
  • 50. Potassium (K+) Kidneys are responsible for excreting majority of body's potassium. In renal disease, K+ determinations are critical because K+ is one of the first electrolytes to become abnormal. Elevated K+ levels of >6 mEq/L can lead to muscle weakness and cardiac dysrhythmias. Normal finding: 3.5-5.0 mEq/L (3.5-5.0 mmol/L) 21-06-2023 50
  • 51. Calcium (Ca2+) Calcium is main mineral in bone and aids in muscle contraction, neurotransmission, and clotting. In renal disease, decreased reabsorption of Ca2+ leads to renal osteodystrophy. Normal finding: 9-11 mg/dl (4.5-5.5 mEq/L, 2.25-2.74 mmol/L) 21-06-2023 51
  • 52. Phosphorus In renal disease, phosphorus levels are elevated because the kidney is the primary excretory organ. Normal finding: 2.8-4.5 mg/dl (0.95-1.45 mmol/L) Bicarbonate (HCO3 −) Most patients in renal failure have metabolic acidosis( when the body produce more acid or kidneys are not removing enough acid from body) and low serum HCO3 − levels. Normal finding: 22-26 mEq/L (22-26 mmol/L) 21-06-2023 52
  • 53.  Renal disorders Acute renal failure:-is a rapid loss of renal function due to damage to the kidneys.  Depending on the duration and severity of ARF, a wide range of potentially • life-threatening metabolic complications can occur, including metabolic acidosis as well as fluid and electrolyte imbalances. 21-06-2023 53
  • 54.  Chronic renal failure Chronic, irreversible loss of kidney function attributable to loss of functional nephron mass – pathophysiologic processes for more than 3 months. Nephrotic syndrome:-is a kidney disorder that causes your body to pass too much protein in your urine. 21-06-2023 54
  • 55. RFT (Renal Function Test) •is used to evaluate the severity of kidney disease and to follow the patient's clinical progress. Tests involved in RFT • Urea Uric acid • Ammonia Calcium • Parathyroid Potassium • Hormone • Creatinine clearance and Glomerular filtration rate 21-06-2023 55
  • 56. Summary An assessment of the urinary system is used to gather information about the urinary structures and urinary elimination. The nursing student is assessing factors that may affect a patient’s ability to urinate normally.  An assessment of the patient’s elimination history, possible symptoms of a urinary problem, and complaints are important Understanding the importance and function of the renal system is essential for performing a comprehensive nursing assessment and identifying renal issues. 21-06-2023 56
  • 57.  Summary cont.… The renal system includes the kidney, ureters, bladder, and urethra. The kidneys filter the blood and create urine from waste products and excess water, which then travels through the ureters into the bladder. The bladder collects the urine and then excretes it by contracting and pushing it out through the urethra. Although the renal system is sometimes referred to as the urinary system, the kidneys are the vital organs that drive system processes. 21-06-2023 57
  • 58. Reference 1. Nursing Health Assessment A Critical Thinking, Case Studies Approach Patricia M. Dillon, DNSC, R N 2. Brunner And Suddarth’s Texbook Of Medical-surgical Nursing 10th Edition By Suzanne C.O’connell;bare Brenda G Smeltzer(2003-07). 3. Essentials Of Human Anatomy And Physiology 11th Edition 4. Barbara Bates: a Guide To Physical Examination And History Taking ,A guide To Clinical Thinking. 5. Cox’sclinical Applications Of Nursingdiagnosis 5th Editionadult, Child, Women’s, Mental Health,gerontic, And Home Health Considerations 21-06-2023 58