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JULY5, 2017
Executive Summary ..........................................3
External Environment................................... 5- 6
The Client.................................................... 7-12
SWOT Analysis.................................................13
Public Profiles ..................................................14
Campaign Goals ..............................................14
Key Publics..................................................15-19
Tactics & Strategies...................................20-22
Calendar & Budget.....................................23-26
Evaluation Plan ...........................................27-29
References .................................................30-31
Dream City Church, a mega-church located in the north valley of the city of Phoenix in Arizona,
has incorporated the arts into its weekly services through visual arts exhibits, full theater
productions extravaganzas, illustrated sermons, worship experiences, and Broadway-style
musicals for the past 39 years.
As the organization nears its 100-year anniversary in 2023, the quest for reaching new
audiences includes a 10-year vision that started in 2013 to become the arts capital of Arizona
by expanding the arts to include Broadway shows. In 2014, “Seussical the Musical” became
the first Summer Musical, followed by “Mary Poppins” in 2015, “Joseph and The Amazing
Technicolor Dreamcoat” in 2016, and “The Little Mermaid” in 2017. However, Broadway-style
productions are not foreign to the church’s audience. Every Christmas, the church produces a
Broadway-style “Celebration of Christmas” production that reaches up to 50,000 people in a
period of 15 performances (Dream City Church History, 2013).
The proposed research in this document seeks to explore the competitive art market to
develop a stronger image of the church as a place to attend Broadway productions and art-
related events in the community and increase the acceptance and support from the inside of
the organization.
Photos provided by Dream City Church Communications Department.
Phoenix, AZ is the hot spot for almost 37 million visitors every year during winter time that
spent nearly $18 billion according to a 2010 report, making the tourism industry economy for
the city “extremely climate-sensitive” (Repetto, 2012). Most of the winter visitors also known
as snowbirds, begin arriving to the Phoenix area in October, but as temperatures approach
the 110 degrees many leave the area by the middle to end of April. Despite being a dry heat,
the toasty temperatures can drive tourist away, especially during the hottest months of June,
July, and August. However, it is during the hot summer season when “resorts and hotels offer
incredibly low rates and awesome package deals” as an attempt to attract tourist that would
not normally choose to visit during the high temperatures season (US News Travel, n.d.).
Arts Environment
In a report by the Americans for the Arts found that the nonprofit arts and culture industry
“generated $135.2 billion dollars of economic activity—$61.1 billion in addition to $74.1
billion in event-related expenditures by their audiences” (2012). The findings also share that
“a vibrant arts community not only keeps residents and their discretionary spending close to
home, it also attracts visitors who spend money and help local businesses thrive” (Americans
for the Arts, 2012).
However, the lack of funding and grant opportunities have made the “Phoenix’s arts scene
scrappy. But it’s also experimental, inclusionary, and evolving,” according to Becky Bartkowski
from the Phoenix New Times (2017).
In March 2017, president Donald Trump announced that “funding for the Corporation for
Public Broadcasting would be cut to zero under the proposal, and the National Endowment
for the Arts and the National Endowment for the Humanities would be eliminated entirely, the
first time any president has proposed such a measure” (Naylor, 2017). Despite the attempts
of making Phoenix a cultural destination, the reality is that “the arts have always come second
to spas, golf and real estate” (Bartkowski, 2017). And with such a drastic cut in funding art
organizations, many could soon fade away, making it harder for the city of Phoenix to become
a healthy and sustainable place for the arts and the artists of the area.
Organization Internal Views
While most of the church’s community and staff seem to be open and receptive to the idea
of utilizing church funds to produce a secular Broadway production, there are yet a small
group of people that don’t see a value in something that doesn’t have a clear and direct
evangelistic approach. In addition, some of the themes that some Broadway shows have such
as witchcraft, magic, or anything that is not biblically based, raises concerns among key staff
leaders and plays a role in the type of performances that can be presented.
The Industry
Broadway shows attract millions of people every year. The demographics of the Broadway
audience report shares that “the average Broadway theatergoer reported attending 4 shows
in the previous 12 months. The group of devoted fans who attended 15 or more performances
comprised less than 5.6% of the audience, but accounted for 32% of all tickets” (The
Broadway League, 2014). In addition, 68% percent of the audience is female and the average
age is 44 years, with tourists representing 70% of the ticket buyers (Davenport, 2016).
However, one thing to keep in mind is that the availability of many musical productions
“depends entirely on licensing,” organizations like Dream City Church are categorized under
‘Community Theater’ which just like High School theater, it is impossible to “produce a show
until it has run its course on Broadway and in regional theaters” (Nadworny, 2015).
(Broadway Economics, 2016).
Dream City Church is a part of the Assemblies of God “an evangelical Pentecostal
denomination. That means it’s a) expressive and b) believe that you have to accept Jesus
Christ as your personal savior – and that it’s, therefore, a part of your job to spread the word
about the gospel so everyone can be saved” (Chace, 2011). The message is sacred but the
method is not; therefore, using any form of artistic expression is allowable as long as the
gospel is shared.
The church is widely-known as ‘the church with a heart’ because of the thousands of outreach
programs that include from feeding the homeless to rescuing women from human trafficking.
In addition to the outreach programs, in 2015, Dream City Church acquired its first satellite
campus in Scottsdale, and later in February 2016 Community Church of Joy, a Lutheran church
in the west valley joined the Dream City Church network becoming a part of the Valley’s
newest multi-site mega church (Dream City Church History, 2013).
Events and productions such as Easter, Celebrate America: Fireworks Family Night, Summer
Musical, and Celebration of Christmas have allowed the organization not only to reach a
wide-range of different kind of audiences but also bring financial support to cover the cost
of the event and benefit several of its outreach programs. Due to this approach, the events
have soon become known as ‘Productions with a Cause,’ often highlighting one of the many
outreach programs the church has in the community.
The church’s self-produced Broadway-style shows are fully funded by the church and
the ticket sales of the show. Dream City Church has intentionally kept the ticket price as
affordable as possible ranging from $10-$33 depending on the seat location.
The Service
Dream City Church’s Phoenix campus main auditorium has a capacity of 3,500 seats. Just
slightly larger than ASU Gammage theater with 3,017 seats and that is “one of the largest
presenters of Touring Broadway” (ASU Gammage, n.d.).
The church just recently renovated its main lobby to create a space for a coffee shop and
seating area that is also utilized as a space to create photo opportunity areas or some sort of
promotional displays for Celebration of Christmas and Summer Musical attendees. The space
is also occupied throughout the year to promote upcoming church events, outreaches, and
Despite being a mega-church, the production staff for the Summer Musical is very small
and is composed of very few full-time paid staff, some part-time and a lot of volunteers.
Unlike Gammage, most of the actors in the Celebration of Christmas and Summer Musical
productions are volunteers, including set builder designers, choreographers, photographers,
etc. The level of talent is unprecedented, allowing the church to keep the production costs
down and in turn maintain ticket prices low without compromising the quality of the show. For
example, all the costume, set, make-up and hair design is done by a group of 6-10 talented
Some of the lead actors come from other local theaters wanting to gain more experience and
add a recognized show to their resume. Many of the extra roles are filled from people inside
the church that have participated in the Celebration of Christmas production or any other art
program offered at the church.
The Summer Musical is the second largest art-related outreach program in the church after
Celebration of Christmas (that reaches 50,000 people) and the Youth Fine Arts Competition.
In the summer of 2014, the first Summer Musical reached out to 3,500 attendees in a period
of five performances, or an average of 700 people per performance (Dream City Church,
& Brushfire, 2014). The year after the attendance increased to 4,500 people with the
“Mary Poppins” production (Dream City Church, & Brushfire, 2015). However, in 2016 the
attendance for “Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat” decreased to 3,336 with an
average of 417 per performance since the venue changed to a smaller location (Dream City
Church, & Brushfire, 2016). For 2017, “The Little Mermaid” is expected to reach 4,700+ people
in a period of 5 performances.
Two of the main challenges the Summer Musical faces are a) the weather – as temperatures
get as high as 118 degrees (Etchison, 2016); b) the competing amount of promotions
happening inside the church leading up to the event. Since the church is very event driven,
often times people get bombarded with 3-4 announcements almost every weekend.
Most the advertisement is produced in-house and happens inside the church during services.
Whether is a verbal or video announcement, or a stand-up banner in the lobby, or some kind
of interactive promotional display, people begin hearing about the musical as early as Easter
weekend when all the promotions begin.
A limited amount of allocated tickets are sold through Goldstar, LivingSocial, and Groupon as
a way to offer discounted tickets to those that may not be able to afford the full price ticket,
which is already lower than other recognized theater companies in the valley. Utilizing outside
ticket sale sources allows the church to reach larger and more diverse audiences outside the
church like the map shown below (Goldstar, 2017).
Some of the Ad/PR marketing strategies include discounts during holidays or special events
like Mother’s Day, Father’s Day, Fourth of July, etc. Social Media is a big part of the promotions
that often share behind the scene videos, actor interviews, etc., and allows for the church
to constantly put the product in front of the audience more times than just the weekend
Email campaigns are one of the key elements of the advertising and marketing campaigns. An
average increase of 20%-30% of tickets sales is reflected every two weeks which is when the
email promotions are scheduled (MailChimp, 2017). An average of 15 emails are sent out over
a period of 4-5 months. The content of these emails vary from introducing the show to behind
the scenes, to promotional sales.
The average promotion budget averages between $2,000 and $5,000 for a $75,000
production that reaches close to 5,000 people in a single weekend with 5 performances or an
average of 1,000 people per performance (Summer Musical Budget Report, 2017). In order
to keep the costs down, the organization does most of the design video production and
advertising in-house. The budget also includes a limited amount of paid advertisement for
Facebook, Billboards, and Bus shelter ads.
The organization also offers a limited amount of free seats to nonprofit organizations, staff
and ministries as a way to give back to the community and align with the “Production with a
Cause” theme.
Market Share
Industry-wide, for touring companies of professional Broadway musical producing
organizations, the ticket prices range from $90 and up to $270, depending on the production,
the demand and the location (WSJ, 2016). It’s been also found out that Broadway shows tend
to be more prolific when presented in the Fall or Spring.
As a church organization producing Broadway shows there is not a lot of competition in the
Phoenix Valley. There are about two other mega-churches in the valley but each focus either
on sports or homeless outreach, but do not use the arts as much as Dream City Church does
to reach to the community.
However, as a community theater presenting organization, the church has more competition
with High Schools and the Desert Foothills Theater because of the location in which the
church is at.
Some of the advantages these organizations have in comparison
with the church is that they have a larger amount of producing shows
throughout the year. In fact, the company promotes their entire
season at the beginning of the year and gets patrons to commit to a
certain number of shows to attend. These organizations often also offered theater camps and
classes that keep families engage throughout the year. Although Dream City Church also
offers theater camps, these are only in the summer time, which reduces the amount of
exposure in comparison with other organizations.
Unlike other theater organizations, Dream City Church is often not able to qualify for art
grants that are government funded, making it harder to also be among the list of community
arts organizations that help promote one another.
The physical facility where the Summer Musical is
presented is utilized weekly for church services. In
addition, because of the large capacity of the
building (3,500) and the technology that has, the
facility is often rented out to other organizations
for graduations or conferences.
In addition, the brand new lobby space area with a coffee bar has become the perfect hangout area
before and after any event. During the week, when there are not services happening, this area also
serves as a community hub for the staff. The space is large enough that is the perfect location for
setting up displays related to the event, where people can take pictures and in turn feel a sense of
belonging to the place.
The church’s Celebration of Christmas production is also a great resource to market to past
attendees knowing the quality of productions the church puts together.
High quality of production
Affordable price
Conveniently located in the North Valley
Close to two major freeways
Large seating capacity
State of the art technology
Comfortable lobby with seating spacing and
activities before each show
Too many events promoted at once
Staff buying is not 100%
Lack of promoting the “production with a cause”
Negative bias towards non-Christian productions
from church attendees
Negative bias towards Christian productions from
attendees outside the church
Small arts community reach compared to other
Expand target market outside the church
Highlight theater art programs more than just
twice a year
Collaborate with other local theaters
Ticket prices promotions
Public perception on church productions
Economic recessions
Hot weather
Other Community Theaters in the area
Production budget
Dream City Church attracts a large group of different demographics because of the long
history of the church, the demographics include but not limited to young families, artists,
Millennials, Gen X, Baby Boomers, and even some from the Greatest Generation. This trend
seems to be reflected in the Summer Musical. Goldstar, a discounted ticket sales company
focuses on partnering with organizations to sell theater and concerts shows for half the
price (Goldstar, n.d.). The majority of the attendees for the Summer Musical that come from
Goldstar tend to be 55+, these are theater lovers and/or older community groups that are
looking for activities in the summer and Christmas time.
Situation Analysis & Core Problem
Dream City Church’s 10-year vision is to become the “Arts Capital of Arizona”. The question
is “How can Dream City Church be competitive in the arts market – among other professional
and community theaters who are already presenting Broadway productions?”
•	 Assess the potential market and evaluate current ticket sale and its methods of
•	 Understand perception of ticket buyers in relationship to the location of the
•	 Determine attitudes, motivations, and barriers for attending a theatrical production at
a church venue.
GOAL # 1: By first week of July 2018, as the Summer Musical approaches its Five Year, the
goal is to increase the buying from the staff by helping them better understand the value of
producing a secular production as a way to reach out to people whom otherwise would not
consider even stepping into the church campus.
GOAL #2: By the fourth week of June 2018, increase the awareness of the ‘production with a
cause and helping, both staff and attendees, see the connection between the productions and
how the local church can serve the community.
GOAL #3: By July 2018 increase awareness of the church as a theater producing organization.
60 days from the beginning of the campaign, increase staff positive awareness by 30%.
30 days from the beginning of the campaign, boast positive social media engagement and
interactions by 25%.
Over the next 12 months from the beginning of the campaign, develop a sponsorship program
in which local business financial participation accounts for 10% of the total budget.
Three publics have been selected for this campaign to market the annual Summer Musical to.
These include, families that live in the metropolitan Phoenix area and that stay in town during
the hot summer. At-risk/Impoverished communities that may not have access to the arts. And
the arts community that are searching for high quality productions to either attend, perform or
be a part of it in one way or another. 
One of Dream City Church’s strategies is to reach out to millennial families within a 10-mile
radius from each of the three campuses respectively. In the summertime in particular, parents
are looking for something to do since the kids are out of school. But with high temperatures
of 110+ degrees in Phoenix, outdoor activities are not always an option. The Summer Musical
would provide a great opportunity to do something as a family under the comfort of air-
conditioning and for an affordable price for the entire family. For a family of 4, tickets for the
Summer Musical would be around $132 ($33 per person) versus the ticket price for a Musical
that averages around $105.68+ per person (Statista, n.d.). Providing a family friendly show
like the Summer Musical can help “attract and retain loyal family customers” and grow the
audience (Family Hospitality, n.d.).
Broadway-style productions at Dream City Church are great family-friendly events. Located
in the north valley, the state-of-the-art facilities provide the perfect environment for the
entire family to experience the wonder of Broadway without the hassle of the downtown living
1.	 Every production at Dream City Church is an experience. The interactive activities
before each show are just the beginning of the many memories families make at any of the
2.	 The affordable prices make these Broadway-style shows perfect for families that are
looking for something to do, especially during summertime and the holidays.
3.	 Make lasting memories with your family and friends, sing along to some of your favorite
Disney classics, and let your inner-child experience the wonder of Broadway!
These events are a community building experiences in which anyone, regardless of the age,
can participate and feel a part of something bigger.
1. Creating relatable experiences that people want to talk about.
2. Dream City Church productions offer a safe-family friendly environment
3. The show is produced by ordinary people that are willing to share their talents in
extraordinary ways.
Every year, Dream City Church reaches out to over 55,000 people through the Broadway-style
productions alone. For many of them, this was their first connection to the church.
1. The arts are a great way to connect new families to the church in a non-threatening way.
2. Kids and adults alike will be inspired every time they attend a production.
3. Productions at Dream City Church are an easy way to invite family and friends to church.
Outreach is also one of the core values of the church. In fact, the Phoenix Dream Center – one
of the largest outreaches of Dream City Church – was birthed out of serving these type of
communities. This not only aligns with the mission and vision of the church and the Summer
Musical, but also create a platform to develop customer loyalty. Because “when customers
feel taken care of they are more inclined to buy from you again” (Scout, n.d.).
The term ‘Production with a Cause’ not only refers to highlighting a special ministry or cause
within the church, but it is also an opportunity to partner with other outreach organizations
and build relationships throughout the metro Phoenix area. According to Deborah Sweeney,
“When businesses have great partners to refer customers to that are similarly related to the
same industry, customers recognize this and go the partner for their needs because they trust
the company that referred them on” (2013).
A segmented number of comp tickets are allocated for these at-risk/impoverished
organizations and their clients. This not only supports the company values for reaching out
to at-risk/impoverished communities but also allows the organization to develop a genuine
connection with the customers (Scout, n.d.).
For over 40 years Dream City Church has used the arts to reach out to the community. Many
know the church for the Celebration of Christmas production, but for the last three years,
the organization has also produced Broadway Summer Musicals that have reached several
thousands of people.
1. One of the areas that differentiate Dream City Church’s Broadway-style productions
from other producing organizations is the emphasis these events have in reaching at-risk/
impoverished communities that otherwise would not have access to the arts.
2. The Summer Musical productions are not just for entertainment, they have a direct impact
in at-risk and impoverished communities.
3. The organization has over 40 years of reaching the community through the arts.
For many of the people that have attended any of the church’s productions, the place has
become a safe community where they can feel accepted and welcomed.
1. The church is intentional about developing community engaging opportunities to be
inclusive and welcoming to current and new attendees.
2. Through the productions, many people are able to use their individual talents and feel a part
of a greater artist community.
3. No matter where you've been in life, there's a place for you.
Giving back through the partnerships is one of the many ways Dream City Church is impacting
the community.
1. Utilizing the Broadway-style productions as an avenue to partner with other local
organizations have allowed Dream City Church to reach new audiences to inspire hope and
shine a light into their world.
2. Broadway-style production also known as 'Production with a Cause' help raise awareness
and money to make a lasting impact in the community.
3. Invite a friend and be a part of something greater.
Actors, dancers, musicians, performers… The Arts Community is composed by people with so
many different talents, and as a church producing organization, Dream City Church believes
that there is a place for everyone. Partnering with other local community theaters, has allowed
the church to expand the talent by opening auditions to outside performers and their families.
The Summer Musical also serves as an opportunity to reach out to two additional art
audiences, those that attend musicals regularly and those that are simply looking for
entertainment or something to do.
Broadway-style shows at Dream City Church are some of the finest productions in the valley.
1. Broadway-style shows at Dream City Church feature a talented cast, fantastic music and
incredible drama.
2. The artistic quality can be compared to any major presenting organization.
3. Tickets to a show at Dream City Church $33. Popcorn $2. Lasting memories priceless.
Dream City Church provides a great avenue for people of all ages to utilize their artistic skills
and talents and be a part of a growing community of artists.
1. The arts are allowing the church to reach to a new group of people that the organization had
not reached out to before.
2. Broadway-style shows at Dream City Church feature a talented cast, fantastic music and
incredible drama.
3. The artistic quality can be compared to any major presenting organization.
The arts are an integral part of Dream City Church to reach people that are seeking for a
community where they feel they can belong to. Providing the perfect platform to develop an
inclusive community and for some a beacon of hope. For example, this year’s Summer Musical
features one of the ministry’s special needs member. To the audience, she will be one more
character in the cast, but to the cast member, it would be a dream come true to be a part of
such a production.
1. Dream City Church’s productions are one of the few in American where people will
experience a high quality production for an affordable price and where most of the talented
cast and production crew are volunteers.
2. All the Dream City Church's productions are run 90% on volunteers.
3. Auditions are opened to the entire community regardless of their background or skill.
Dream City Church’s theatrical productions have three key publics that will be targeted in this
campaign. These include: families, at-risk/impoverished communities, and arts community.
Targeting these three publics will be key to reaching new audiences, showcase the quality of
productions, and position the church as a location to attend Broadway productions and art-
related events for the community.
In the next 8 months, increase awareness by 50% of the affordable ticket prices and the high
quality that summer musical productions are at Dream City Church.
The campaign will target families by utilizing the idea of how low ticket prices are for such
high level quality of production. According to Statista, the “average American family in 2016
consisted of 3.14 persons” (Statistic, n.d.). By utilizing the low ticket prices message as a tool
to reach families, this would allow the organization to sell more tickets while making a family-
friendly event available to the entire community.
Write a few articles that talk about the summer musical at Dream City Church and submit it to
the Raising Arizona Kids magazine, Arizona Parenting Magazine and other local magazines.
Design a photo booth area with the brand of the event at each of the organization’s campuses,
and encourage families to take their photos and download them directly from the summer
musical website. This would allow for families to build a level of connection with the event and
the organization.
Produce a series of 10 promo videos from behind the scenes to funny commercials to play in
Increase awareness of the Summer Musical as a ‘Production with a Cause’ by 30% over 3
Highlight how the musical differentiates from other productions by highlighting the
‘Production with a Cause’ side. This will aim to direct part of the attention of the event to the
positive impact the event is making within the community.
Include in both, printed and digital tickets, the phrase “A Production with a Cause” and have a
link or QR code people can scan to direct them to the website where people can learn about
the different ways they can get involved even if they are not attending the show.
Write three press releases that highlight: 1) The heart behind the cause, 2) The reason why an
actor feels compelled to be in the production supporting the cause, and 3) someone from the
featured cause that has been impacted because of the production.
Provide a limited amount of tickets to organizations that align with the values of the church
and highlight how the production is impacting the community.
In the next 5 months, increase audience engagement through social media accounts such as
Facebook, YouTube, and Instagram in order to showcase the quality of the production and gain
the arts community publics trust by 55%.
Utilize social networks to showcase several areas of the production to inspire and encourage
art enthusiast to either be a part of it or attend the production by the hyped built online.
Develop a series of 5 sub promo videos (interviews and behind the scenes) that showcase the
level of the talent and the production and share them on the organizations website, Facebook
and YouTube.
Find and empower 5 social media savvy cast/crew members to help develop 10 behind the
scenes stories (2 per person) that feature: rehearsals, costumes, hair & makeup, set building,
and the technical side of the production (lighting, audio, rigging, etc). The stories will be
featured on Facebook, YouTube and Instagram.
Run a social media contest for a chance to win tickets and a VIP backstage tour by signing up
to the arts email list.
Dream City Church has three key publics that will be targeted through this public relations
campaign: families, at-risk/impoverished communities and arts community. These key publics
will heavily influence the perception of the ‘Summer Musical’ and position the organization as
the place for attending family-friendly productions.
The impact that ‘Celebration of Christmas’ production has had in the community has been
a great launching pad for the ‘Summer Musical’ but this plan will allow the summer event to
increase the trust and recognition among its consumers. This proposed plan will begin in
December 2017, and last 8 months, ending in July 2018. The primary focus of the campaign
will be to influence the perception of families from the idea that attending high quality
theatrical productions are too expensive to seeing these kind of events as a community
building opportunity.
The entire budget for the campaign will cost the brand approximately $126,375, which
includes video productions, comp tickets as well as digital and traditional advertising. This plan
will allow the organization to position itself not only as a church presenting organization but
also as a leading arts organization in the community.
In the next 8 months, increase awareness by 50% of the affordable ticket prices and the high quality that summer musical
productions are at Dream City Church.
TACTIC	#3:		Produce	a	series	of	10	promo	
videos	from	behind	the	scenes	to	funny	
commercials	to	play	in	services.
TACTIC	#1:		Write	a	three	articles	that	talk	
about	the	summer	musical	at	Dream	City	
Church	and	submit	it	to	the	Raising	
Arizona	Kids	magazine,	Arizona	Parenting	
Magazine	and	other	local	magazines.	
TACTIC	#2:		Design	a	photo	booth	area	
with	the	brand	of	the	event	at	each	of	the	
organization’s	campuses,	and	encourage	
families	to	take	their	photos	and	
download	them	directly	from	the	summer	
musical	website.		This	would	allow	for	
families	to	build	a	level	of	connection	
with	the	event	and	the	organization.
In order to evaluate the results of the proposed campaign, a established set of objectives and
measurement criteria will be tagged along some key questions:
1. Was the desired organizational objective achieved?
2. Did it meet or went over the budget?
3. Did it reach the intended audiences?
4. Did audience(s) understand message(s)?
By posing these questions, it can help to determine the observable impact of the campaign,
while providing data to improve future campaigns.
1. In the next 8 months, increase awareness by 50% of the affordable ticket prices and the
high quality that summer musical productions are at Dream City Church.
Dream City Church will utilize specific promo codes that will be distributed out during special
events that reach out to families. Through the use of the back end of Brushfire (the ticketing
software), the organization will be able to track down the number of people that utilized the
promo code. In addition, the software will also provide demographics of the areas where the
promo code has been used.
The evaluation process will have 3 main evaluations benchmarks, once every 13 weeks to
ensure the goals are on track.
2. Increase awareness of the Summer Musical as a ‘Production with a Cause’ by 30% over 3
There has been a lack of awareness in the past. One method that Dream City Church can
utilize to evaluate the success of their public relations campaign would be through utilizing the
hashtag #productionwithacause and measure the amount of times that has been used.
In addition, utilizing tools like will help to analyze how many times people
have reached the page that talks about the cause and how many times it has been shared.
Another evaluation tool is utilizing that provides an easy and
visual overview of the most viewed
content in a website. By understanding
where people click the most, it will allow
the organization to restructure its
content as needed.
3. In the next 5 months, increase audience engagement through social media accounts
such as Facebook, YouTube, and Instagram in order to showcase the quality of the
production and gain the arts community publics trust by 55%.
Dream City Church would benefit from utilizing programs like Hootsuite or Sprouts to help
monitor its reach. These programs help to focus on specific demographics, keywords and
social mentions per platform. Utilizing any of these platforms will allow the organization
to focus on the progress of increasing both engagement and interaction with current and
prospective patrons.
Americans for the Arts. (2012). Arts & Economic Prosperity IV in the city of Phoenix. Retrieved
May 29, 2016, from
ASU Gammage. (n.d.). History. Retrieved May 29, 2017, from
Bartkowski, B. (2017). State of the Arts: Phoenix’s Arts Community Is at a Make-or-Break
Moment. It’s Time to Grow Up. Retrieved May 28, 2017, from http://www.phoenixnewtimes.
Broadway Economics. (2016). Breaking down Broadway. Retrieved May 29, 2017, from http://
Chace, Z. (2011). Human Videos: Reenacting Christian Pop Songs For Jesus. Retrieved May 28,
2017, from
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618 - PR Concepts & Strategy Final Proposal

  • 2. 2SUMMER MUSICAL PUBLIC RELATIONS PROPOSAL BY DENISE LEON TABLE OF CONTENTS Executive Summary ..........................................3 External Environment................................... 5- 6 The Client.................................................... 7-12 SWOT Analysis.................................................13 Public Profiles ..................................................14 Campaign Goals ..............................................14 Objectives........................................................15 Key Publics..................................................15-19 Tactics & Strategies...................................20-22 Calendar & Budget.....................................23-26 Evaluation Plan ...........................................27-29 References .................................................30-31
  • 3. 3SUMMER MUSICAL PUBLIC RELATIONS PROPOSAL BY DENISE LEON EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Dream City Church, a mega-church located in the north valley of the city of Phoenix in Arizona, has incorporated the arts into its weekly services through visual arts exhibits, full theater productions extravaganzas, illustrated sermons, worship experiences, and Broadway-style musicals for the past 39 years. As the organization nears its 100-year anniversary in 2023, the quest for reaching new audiences includes a 10-year vision that started in 2013 to become the arts capital of Arizona by expanding the arts to include Broadway shows. In 2014, “Seussical the Musical” became the first Summer Musical, followed by “Mary Poppins” in 2015, “Joseph and The Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat” in 2016, and “The Little Mermaid” in 2017. However, Broadway-style productions are not foreign to the church’s audience. Every Christmas, the church produces a Broadway-style “Celebration of Christmas” production that reaches up to 50,000 people in a period of 15 performances (Dream City Church History, 2013). The proposed research in this document seeks to explore the competitive art market to develop a stronger image of the church as a place to attend Broadway productions and art- related events in the community and increase the acceptance and support from the inside of the organization.
  • 4. 4SUMMER MUSICAL PUBLIC RELATIONS PROPOSAL BY DENISE LEON S A M P L E O F PA S T P R O D U C T I O N S Photos provided by Dream City Church Communications Department.
  • 5. 5SUMMER MUSICAL PUBLIC RELATIONS PROPOSAL BY DENISE LEON THE EXTERNAL ENVIRONMENT Weather Phoenix, AZ is the hot spot for almost 37 million visitors every year during winter time that spent nearly $18 billion according to a 2010 report, making the tourism industry economy for the city “extremely climate-sensitive” (Repetto, 2012). Most of the winter visitors also known as snowbirds, begin arriving to the Phoenix area in October, but as temperatures approach the 110 degrees many leave the area by the middle to end of April. Despite being a dry heat, the toasty temperatures can drive tourist away, especially during the hottest months of June, July, and August. However, it is during the hot summer season when “resorts and hotels offer incredibly low rates and awesome package deals” as an attempt to attract tourist that would not normally choose to visit during the high temperatures season (US News Travel, n.d.). Arts Environment In a report by the Americans for the Arts found that the nonprofit arts and culture industry “generated $135.2 billion dollars of economic activity—$61.1 billion in addition to $74.1 billion in event-related expenditures by their audiences” (2012). The findings also share that “a vibrant arts community not only keeps residents and their discretionary spending close to home, it also attracts visitors who spend money and help local businesses thrive” (Americans for the Arts, 2012). However, the lack of funding and grant opportunities have made the “Phoenix’s arts scene scrappy. But it’s also experimental, inclusionary, and evolving,” according to Becky Bartkowski from the Phoenix New Times (2017). In March 2017, president Donald Trump announced that “funding for the Corporation for Public Broadcasting would be cut to zero under the proposal, and the National Endowment for the Arts and the National Endowment for the Humanities would be eliminated entirely, the first time any president has proposed such a measure” (Naylor, 2017). Despite the attempts of making Phoenix a cultural destination, the reality is that “the arts have always come second to spas, golf and real estate” (Bartkowski, 2017). And with such a drastic cut in funding art organizations, many could soon fade away, making it harder for the city of Phoenix to become a healthy and sustainable place for the arts and the artists of the area.
  • 6. 6SUMMER MUSICAL PUBLIC RELATIONS PROPOSAL BY DENISE LEON Organization Internal Views While most of the church’s community and staff seem to be open and receptive to the idea of utilizing church funds to produce a secular Broadway production, there are yet a small group of people that don’t see a value in something that doesn’t have a clear and direct evangelistic approach. In addition, some of the themes that some Broadway shows have such as witchcraft, magic, or anything that is not biblically based, raises concerns among key staff leaders and plays a role in the type of performances that can be presented. The Industry Broadway shows attract millions of people every year. The demographics of the Broadway audience report shares that “the average Broadway theatergoer reported attending 4 shows in the previous 12 months. The group of devoted fans who attended 15 or more performances comprised less than 5.6% of the audience, but accounted for 32% of all tickets” (The Broadway League, 2014). In addition, 68% percent of the audience is female and the average age is 44 years, with tourists representing 70% of the ticket buyers (Davenport, 2016). However, one thing to keep in mind is that the availability of many musical productions “depends entirely on licensing,” organizations like Dream City Church are categorized under ‘Community Theater’ which just like High School theater, it is impossible to “produce a show until it has run its course on Broadway and in regional theaters” (Nadworny, 2015). (Broadway Economics, 2016).
  • 7. 7SUMMER MUSICAL PUBLIC RELATIONS PROPOSAL BY DENISE LEON THE CLIENT Dream City Church is a part of the Assemblies of God “an evangelical Pentecostal denomination. That means it’s a) expressive and b) believe that you have to accept Jesus Christ as your personal savior – and that it’s, therefore, a part of your job to spread the word about the gospel so everyone can be saved” (Chace, 2011). The message is sacred but the method is not; therefore, using any form of artistic expression is allowable as long as the gospel is shared. The church is widely-known as ‘the church with a heart’ because of the thousands of outreach programs that include from feeding the homeless to rescuing women from human trafficking. In addition to the outreach programs, in 2015, Dream City Church acquired its first satellite campus in Scottsdale, and later in February 2016 Community Church of Joy, a Lutheran church in the west valley joined the Dream City Church network becoming a part of the Valley’s newest multi-site mega church (Dream City Church History, 2013). Events and productions such as Easter, Celebrate America: Fireworks Family Night, Summer Musical, and Celebration of Christmas have allowed the organization not only to reach a wide-range of different kind of audiences but also bring financial support to cover the cost of the event and benefit several of its outreach programs. Due to this approach, the events have soon become known as ‘Productions with a Cause,’ often highlighting one of the many outreach programs the church has in the community. The church’s self-produced Broadway-style shows are fully funded by the church and the ticket sales of the show. Dream City Church has intentionally kept the ticket price as affordable as possible ranging from $10-$33 depending on the seat location. The Service Dream City Church’s Phoenix campus main auditorium has a capacity of 3,500 seats. Just slightly larger than ASU Gammage theater with 3,017 seats and that is “one of the largest presenters of Touring Broadway” (ASU Gammage, n.d.). The church just recently renovated its main lobby to create a space for a coffee shop and seating area that is also utilized as a space to create photo opportunity areas or some sort of promotional displays for Celebration of Christmas and Summer Musical attendees. The space is also occupied throughout the year to promote upcoming church events, outreaches, and services.
  • 8. 8SUMMER MUSICAL PUBLIC RELATIONS PROPOSAL BY DENISE LEON Despite being a mega-church, the production staff for the Summer Musical is very small and is composed of very few full-time paid staff, some part-time and a lot of volunteers. Unlike Gammage, most of the actors in the Celebration of Christmas and Summer Musical productions are volunteers, including set builder designers, choreographers, photographers, etc. The level of talent is unprecedented, allowing the church to keep the production costs down and in turn maintain ticket prices low without compromising the quality of the show. For example, all the costume, set, make-up and hair design is done by a group of 6-10 talented volunteers. Some of the lead actors come from other local theaters wanting to gain more experience and add a recognized show to their resume. Many of the extra roles are filled from people inside the church that have participated in the Celebration of Christmas production or any other art program offered at the church. The Summer Musical is the second largest art-related outreach program in the church after Celebration of Christmas (that reaches 50,000 people) and the Youth Fine Arts Competition. In the summer of 2014, the first Summer Musical reached out to 3,500 attendees in a period of five performances, or an average of 700 people per performance (Dream City Church, & Brushfire, 2014). The year after the attendance increased to 4,500 people with the “Mary Poppins” production (Dream City Church, & Brushfire, 2015). However, in 2016 the attendance for “Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat” decreased to 3,336 with an average of 417 per performance since the venue changed to a smaller location (Dream City Church, & Brushfire, 2016). For 2017, “The Little Mermaid” is expected to reach 4,700+ people in a period of 5 performances. Two of the main challenges the Summer Musical faces are a) the weather – as temperatures get as high as 118 degrees (Etchison, 2016); b) the competing amount of promotions happening inside the church leading up to the event. Since the church is very event driven, often times people get bombarded with 3-4 announcements almost every weekend. Promotions Most the advertisement is produced in-house and happens inside the church during services. Whether is a verbal or video announcement, or a stand-up banner in the lobby, or some kind of interactive promotional display, people begin hearing about the musical as early as Easter weekend when all the promotions begin. A limited amount of allocated tickets are sold through Goldstar, LivingSocial, and Groupon as
  • 9. 9SUMMER MUSICAL PUBLIC RELATIONS PROPOSAL BY DENISE LEON a way to offer discounted tickets to those that may not be able to afford the full price ticket, which is already lower than other recognized theater companies in the valley. Utilizing outside ticket sale sources allows the church to reach larger and more diverse audiences outside the church like the map shown below (Goldstar, 2017). Some of the Ad/PR marketing strategies include discounts during holidays or special events like Mother’s Day, Father’s Day, Fourth of July, etc. Social Media is a big part of the promotions that often share behind the scene videos, actor interviews, etc., and allows for the church to constantly put the product in front of the audience more times than just the weekend services.
  • 10. 10SUMMER MUSICAL PUBLIC RELATIONS PROPOSAL BY DENISE LEON Email campaigns are one of the key elements of the advertising and marketing campaigns. An average increase of 20%-30% of tickets sales is reflected every two weeks which is when the email promotions are scheduled (MailChimp, 2017). An average of 15 emails are sent out over a period of 4-5 months. The content of these emails vary from introducing the show to behind the scenes, to promotional sales. The average promotion budget averages between $2,000 and $5,000 for a $75,000 production that reaches close to 5,000 people in a single weekend with 5 performances or an average of 1,000 people per performance (Summer Musical Budget Report, 2017). In order to keep the costs down, the organization does most of the design video production and advertising in-house. The budget also includes a limited amount of paid advertisement for Facebook, Billboards, and Bus shelter ads. The organization also offers a limited amount of free seats to nonprofit organizations, staff and ministries as a way to give back to the community and align with the “Production with a Cause” theme.
  • 11. 11SUMMER MUSICAL PUBLIC RELATIONS PROPOSAL BY DENISE LEON Market Share Industry-wide, for touring companies of professional Broadway musical producing organizations, the ticket prices range from $90 and up to $270, depending on the production, the demand and the location (WSJ, 2016). It’s been also found out that Broadway shows tend to be more prolific when presented in the Fall or Spring. Competition As a church organization producing Broadway shows there is not a lot of competition in the Phoenix Valley. There are about two other mega-churches in the valley but each focus either on sports or homeless outreach, but do not use the arts as much as Dream City Church does to reach to the community. However, as a community theater presenting organization, the church has more competition with High Schools and the Desert Foothills Theater because of the location in which the church is at. Some of the advantages these organizations have in comparison with the church is that they have a larger amount of producing shows throughout the year. In fact, the company promotes their entire season at the beginning of the year and gets patrons to commit to a certain number of shows to attend. These organizations often also offered theater camps and classes that keep families engage throughout the year. Although Dream City Church also offers theater camps, these are only in the summer time, which reduces the amount of exposure in comparison with other organizations. Unlike other theater organizations, Dream City Church is often not able to qualify for art grants that are government funded, making it harder to also be among the list of community arts organizations that help promote one another.
  • 12. 12SUMMER MUSICAL PUBLIC RELATIONS PROPOSAL BY DENISE LEON Resources The physical facility where the Summer Musical is presented is utilized weekly for church services. In addition, because of the large capacity of the building (3,500) and the technology that has, the facility is often rented out to other organizations for graduations or conferences. In addition, the brand new lobby space area with a coffee bar has become the perfect hangout area before and after any event. During the week, when there are not services happening, this area also serves as a community hub for the staff. The space is large enough that is the perfect location for setting up displays related to the event, where people can take pictures and in turn feel a sense of belonging to the place. The church’s Celebration of Christmas production is also a great resource to market to past attendees knowing the quality of productions the church puts together.
  • 13. 13SUMMER MUSICAL PUBLIC RELATIONS PROPOSAL BY DENISE LEON SWOT ANALYSIS STRENGTHS High quality of production Affordable price Conveniently located in the North Valley Close to two major freeways Large seating capacity State of the art technology Comfortable lobby with seating spacing and activities before each show WEAKNESSES Too many events promoted at once Staff buying is not 100% Lack of promoting the “production with a cause” element Negative bias towards non-Christian productions from church attendees Negative bias towards Christian productions from attendees outside the church Small arts community reach compared to other organizations OPPORTUNITIES Expand target market outside the church Highlight theater art programs more than just twice a year Collaborate with other local theaters Ticket prices promotions THREATS Public perception on church productions Economic recessions Hot weather Other Community Theaters in the area Production budget
  • 14. 14SUMMER MUSICAL PUBLIC RELATIONS PROPOSAL BY DENISE LEON PUBLIC PROFILES Dream City Church attracts a large group of different demographics because of the long history of the church, the demographics include but not limited to young families, artists, Millennials, Gen X, Baby Boomers, and even some from the Greatest Generation. This trend seems to be reflected in the Summer Musical. Goldstar, a discounted ticket sales company focuses on partnering with organizations to sell theater and concerts shows for half the price (Goldstar, n.d.). The majority of the attendees for the Summer Musical that come from Goldstar tend to be 55+, these are theater lovers and/or older community groups that are looking for activities in the summer and Christmas time. Situation Analysis & Core Problem Dream City Church’s 10-year vision is to become the “Arts Capital of Arizona”. The question is “How can Dream City Church be competitive in the arts market – among other professional and community theaters who are already presenting Broadway productions?” RESEARCH PROBLEMS • Assess the potential market and evaluate current ticket sale and its methods of promotions. • Understand perception of ticket buyers in relationship to the location of the performance. • Determine attitudes, motivations, and barriers for attending a theatrical production at a church venue. CAMPAIGN GOALS GOAL # 1: By first week of July 2018, as the Summer Musical approaches its Five Year, the goal is to increase the buying from the staff by helping them better understand the value of producing a secular production as a way to reach out to people whom otherwise would not consider even stepping into the church campus. GOAL #2: By the fourth week of June 2018, increase the awareness of the ‘production with a cause and helping, both staff and attendees, see the connection between the productions and how the local church can serve the community. GOAL #3: By July 2018 increase awareness of the church as a theater producing organization.
  • 15. 15SUMMER MUSICAL PUBLIC RELATIONS PROPOSAL BY DENISE LEON OBJECTIVES OBJECTIVE #1 60 days from the beginning of the campaign, increase staff positive awareness by 30%. OBJECTIVE #2 30 days from the beginning of the campaign, boast positive social media engagement and interactions by 25%. OBJECTIVE #3 Over the next 12 months from the beginning of the campaign, develop a sponsorship program in which local business financial participation accounts for 10% of the total budget. KEY PUBLICS Three publics have been selected for this campaign to market the annual Summer Musical to. These include, families that live in the metropolitan Phoenix area and that stay in town during the hot summer. At-risk/Impoverished communities that may not have access to the arts. And the arts community that are searching for high quality productions to either attend, perform or be a part of it in one way or another.  FAMILIES One of Dream City Church’s strategies is to reach out to millennial families within a 10-mile radius from each of the three campuses respectively. In the summertime in particular, parents are looking for something to do since the kids are out of school. But with high temperatures of 110+ degrees in Phoenix, outdoor activities are not always an option. The Summer Musical would provide a great opportunity to do something as a family under the comfort of air- conditioning and for an affordable price for the entire family. For a family of 4, tickets for the Summer Musical would be around $132 ($33 per person) versus the ticket price for a Musical that averages around $105.68+ per person (Statista, n.d.). Providing a family friendly show like the Summer Musical can help “attract and retain loyal family customers” and grow the audience (Family Hospitality, n.d.). PRIMARY MESSAGE #1 Broadway-style productions at Dream City Church are great family-friendly events. Located in the north valley, the state-of-the-art facilities provide the perfect environment for the
  • 16. 16SUMMER MUSICAL PUBLIC RELATIONS PROPOSAL BY DENISE LEON entire family to experience the wonder of Broadway without the hassle of the downtown living atmosphere. SECONDARY MESSAGES 1. Every production at Dream City Church is an experience. The interactive activities before each show are just the beginning of the many memories families make at any of the events. 2. The affordable prices make these Broadway-style shows perfect for families that are looking for something to do, especially during summertime and the holidays. 3. Make lasting memories with your family and friends, sing along to some of your favorite Disney classics, and let your inner-child experience the wonder of Broadway! PRIMARY MESSAGE #2 These events are a community building experiences in which anyone, regardless of the age, can participate and feel a part of something bigger. SECONDARY MESSAGES 1. Creating relatable experiences that people want to talk about. 2. Dream City Church productions offer a safe-family friendly environment 3. The show is produced by ordinary people that are willing to share their talents in extraordinary ways. PRIMARY MESSAGE #3 Every year, Dream City Church reaches out to over 55,000 people through the Broadway-style productions alone. For many of them, this was their first connection to the church. SECONDARY MESSAGES 1. The arts are a great way to connect new families to the church in a non-threatening way. 2. Kids and adults alike will be inspired every time they attend a production. 3. Productions at Dream City Church are an easy way to invite family and friends to church.
  • 17. 17SUMMER MUSICAL PUBLIC RELATIONS PROPOSAL BY DENISE LEON AT-RISK/IMPOVERISHED COMMUNITIES Outreach is also one of the core values of the church. In fact, the Phoenix Dream Center – one of the largest outreaches of Dream City Church – was birthed out of serving these type of communities. This not only aligns with the mission and vision of the church and the Summer Musical, but also create a platform to develop customer loyalty. Because “when customers feel taken care of they are more inclined to buy from you again” (Scout, n.d.). The term ‘Production with a Cause’ not only refers to highlighting a special ministry or cause within the church, but it is also an opportunity to partner with other outreach organizations and build relationships throughout the metro Phoenix area. According to Deborah Sweeney, “When businesses have great partners to refer customers to that are similarly related to the same industry, customers recognize this and go the partner for their needs because they trust the company that referred them on” (2013). A segmented number of comp tickets are allocated for these at-risk/impoverished organizations and their clients. This not only supports the company values for reaching out to at-risk/impoverished communities but also allows the organization to develop a genuine connection with the customers (Scout, n.d.). PRIMARY MESSAGES #1 For over 40 years Dream City Church has used the arts to reach out to the community. Many know the church for the Celebration of Christmas production, but for the last three years, the organization has also produced Broadway Summer Musicals that have reached several thousands of people. SECONDARY MESSAGES 1. One of the areas that differentiate Dream City Church’s Broadway-style productions from other producing organizations is the emphasis these events have in reaching at-risk/ impoverished communities that otherwise would not have access to the arts. 2. The Summer Musical productions are not just for entertainment, they have a direct impact in at-risk and impoverished communities. 3. The organization has over 40 years of reaching the community through the arts.
  • 18. 18SUMMER MUSICAL PUBLIC RELATIONS PROPOSAL BY DENISE LEON PRIMARY MESSAGES #2 For many of the people that have attended any of the church’s productions, the place has become a safe community where they can feel accepted and welcomed. SECONDARY MESSAGES 1. The church is intentional about developing community engaging opportunities to be inclusive and welcoming to current and new attendees. 2. Through the productions, many people are able to use their individual talents and feel a part of a greater artist community. 3. No matter where you've been in life, there's a place for you. PRIMARY MESSAGES #3 Giving back through the partnerships is one of the many ways Dream City Church is impacting the community. SECONDARY MESSAGES 1. Utilizing the Broadway-style productions as an avenue to partner with other local organizations have allowed Dream City Church to reach new audiences to inspire hope and shine a light into their world. 2. Broadway-style production also known as 'Production with a Cause' help raise awareness and money to make a lasting impact in the community. 3. Invite a friend and be a part of something greater. ARTS COMMUNITY Actors, dancers, musicians, performers… The Arts Community is composed by people with so many different talents, and as a church producing organization, Dream City Church believes that there is a place for everyone. Partnering with other local community theaters, has allowed the church to expand the talent by opening auditions to outside performers and their families. The Summer Musical also serves as an opportunity to reach out to two additional art audiences, those that attend musicals regularly and those that are simply looking for entertainment or something to do.
  • 19. 19SUMMER MUSICAL PUBLIC RELATIONS PROPOSAL BY DENISE LEON PRIMARY MESSAGES #1 Broadway-style shows at Dream City Church are some of the finest productions in the valley. SECONDARY MESSAGES 1. Broadway-style shows at Dream City Church feature a talented cast, fantastic music and incredible drama. 2. The artistic quality can be compared to any major presenting organization. 3. Tickets to a show at Dream City Church $33. Popcorn $2. Lasting memories priceless. PRIMARY MESSAGES #2 Dream City Church provides a great avenue for people of all ages to utilize their artistic skills and talents and be a part of a growing community of artists. SECONDARY MESSAGES 1. The arts are allowing the church to reach to a new group of people that the organization had not reached out to before. 2. Broadway-style shows at Dream City Church feature a talented cast, fantastic music and incredible drama. 3. The artistic quality can be compared to any major presenting organization. PRIMARY MESSAGES #3 The arts are an integral part of Dream City Church to reach people that are seeking for a community where they feel they can belong to. Providing the perfect platform to develop an inclusive community and for some a beacon of hope. For example, this year’s Summer Musical features one of the ministry’s special needs member. To the audience, she will be one more character in the cast, but to the cast member, it would be a dream come true to be a part of such a production. SECONDARY MESSAGES 1. Dream City Church’s productions are one of the few in American where people will experience a high quality production for an affordable price and where most of the talented cast and production crew are volunteers. 2. All the Dream City Church's productions are run 90% on volunteers. 3. Auditions are opened to the entire community regardless of their background or skill.
  • 20. 20SUMMER MUSICAL PUBLIC RELATIONS PROPOSAL BY DENISE LEON TACTICS & STRATEGIES Dream City Church’s theatrical productions have three key publics that will be targeted in this campaign. These include: families, at-risk/impoverished communities, and arts community. Targeting these three publics will be key to reaching new audiences, showcase the quality of productions, and position the church as a location to attend Broadway productions and art- related events for the community. FA M I L I E S OBJECTIVE In the next 8 months, increase awareness by 50% of the affordable ticket prices and the high quality that summer musical productions are at Dream City Church. STRATEGY The campaign will target families by utilizing the idea of how low ticket prices are for such high level quality of production. According to Statista, the “average American family in 2016 consisted of 3.14 persons” (Statistic, n.d.). By utilizing the low ticket prices message as a tool to reach families, this would allow the organization to sell more tickets while making a family- friendly event available to the entire community. TACTIC #1 Write a few articles that talk about the summer musical at Dream City Church and submit it to the Raising Arizona Kids magazine, Arizona Parenting Magazine and other local magazines. TACTIC #2 Design a photo booth area with the brand of the event at each of the organization’s campuses, and encourage families to take their photos and download them directly from the summer musical website. This would allow for families to build a level of connection with the event and the organization. TACTIC #3 Produce a series of 10 promo videos from behind the scenes to funny commercials to play in services.
  • 21. 21SUMMER MUSICAL PUBLIC RELATIONS PROPOSAL BY DENISE LEON AT-RISK/IMPOVERISHED COMMUNITIES OBJECTIVE Increase awareness of the Summer Musical as a ‘Production with a Cause’ by 30% over 3 months. STRATEGY Highlight how the musical differentiates from other productions by highlighting the ‘Production with a Cause’ side. This will aim to direct part of the attention of the event to the positive impact the event is making within the community. TACTIC #1 Include in both, printed and digital tickets, the phrase “A Production with a Cause” and have a link or QR code people can scan to direct them to the website where people can learn about the different ways they can get involved even if they are not attending the show. TACTIC #2 Write three press releases that highlight: 1) The heart behind the cause, 2) The reason why an actor feels compelled to be in the production supporting the cause, and 3) someone from the featured cause that has been impacted because of the production. TACTIC #3 Provide a limited amount of tickets to organizations that align with the values of the church and highlight how the production is impacting the community.
  • 22. 22SUMMER MUSICAL PUBLIC RELATIONS PROPOSAL BY DENISE LEON A R T S C O M M U N I T Y OBJECTIVE In the next 5 months, increase audience engagement through social media accounts such as Facebook, YouTube, and Instagram in order to showcase the quality of the production and gain the arts community publics trust by 55%. STRATEGY Utilize social networks to showcase several areas of the production to inspire and encourage art enthusiast to either be a part of it or attend the production by the hyped built online. TACTIC #1 Develop a series of 5 sub promo videos (interviews and behind the scenes) that showcase the level of the talent and the production and share them on the organizations website, Facebook and YouTube. TACTIC #2 Find and empower 5 social media savvy cast/crew members to help develop 10 behind the scenes stories (2 per person) that feature: rehearsals, costumes, hair & makeup, set building, and the technical side of the production (lighting, audio, rigging, etc). The stories will be featured on Facebook, YouTube and Instagram. TACTIC #3 Run a social media contest for a chance to win tickets and a VIP backstage tour by signing up to the arts email list.
  • 23. 23SUMMER MUSICAL PUBLIC RELATIONS PROPOSAL BY DENISE LEON CALENDAR & BUDGET Dream City Church has three key publics that will be targeted through this public relations campaign: families, at-risk/impoverished communities and arts community. These key publics will heavily influence the perception of the ‘Summer Musical’ and position the organization as the place for attending family-friendly productions. The impact that ‘Celebration of Christmas’ production has had in the community has been a great launching pad for the ‘Summer Musical’ but this plan will allow the summer event to increase the trust and recognition among its consumers. This proposed plan will begin in December 2017, and last 8 months, ending in July 2018. The primary focus of the campaign will be to influence the perception of families from the idea that attending high quality theatrical productions are too expensive to seeing these kind of events as a community building opportunity. The entire budget for the campaign will cost the brand approximately $126,375, which includes video productions, comp tickets as well as digital and traditional advertising. This plan will allow the organization to position itself not only as a church presenting organization but also as a leading arts organization in the community.
  • 24. 24SUMMER MUSICAL PUBLIC RELATIONS PROPOSAL BY DENISE LEON MONTH DECEMBER JANUARY FEBRUARY MARCH APRIL MAY JUNE JULY In the next 8 months, increase awareness by 50% of the affordable ticket prices and the high quality that summer musical productions are at Dream City Church. TACTIC #3: Produce a series of 10 promo videos from behind the scenes to funny commercials to play in services. START DATE: DECEMBER 12, 2017 PUBLIC: FAMILIES STRATEGY #1 // FAMILIES INCREASE AWARENESS OF THE AFFORDABLE TICKET PRICES AND THE CALIBER OF PRODUCTIONS TACTIC #1: Write a three articles that talk about the summer musical at Dream City Church and submit it to the Raising Arizona Kids magazine, Arizona Parenting Magazine and other local magazines. TACTIC #2: Design a photo booth area with the brand of the event at each of the organization’s campuses, and encourage families to take their photos and download them directly from the summer musical website. This would allow for families to build a level of connection with the event and the organization.
  • 27. 27SUMMER MUSICAL PUBLIC RELATIONS PROPOSAL BY DENISE LEON EVALUATION PLAN In order to evaluate the results of the proposed campaign, a established set of objectives and measurement criteria will be tagged along some key questions: 1. Was the desired organizational objective achieved? 2. Did it meet or went over the budget? 3. Did it reach the intended audiences? 4. Did audience(s) understand message(s)? By posing these questions, it can help to determine the observable impact of the campaign, while providing data to improve future campaigns. 1. In the next 8 months, increase awareness by 50% of the affordable ticket prices and the high quality that summer musical productions are at Dream City Church. Dream City Church will utilize specific promo codes that will be distributed out during special events that reach out to families. Through the use of the back end of Brushfire (the ticketing software), the organization will be able to track down the number of people that utilized the promo code. In addition, the software will also provide demographics of the areas where the promo code has been used. The evaluation process will have 3 main evaluations benchmarks, once every 13 weeks to ensure the goals are on track.
  • 28. 28SUMMER MUSICAL PUBLIC RELATIONS PROPOSAL BY DENISE LEON 2. Increase awareness of the Summer Musical as a ‘Production with a Cause’ by 30% over 3 months. There has been a lack of awareness in the past. One method that Dream City Church can utilize to evaluate the success of their public relations campaign would be through utilizing the hashtag #productionwithacause and measure the amount of times that has been used. In addition, utilizing tools like will help to analyze how many times people have reached the page that talks about the cause and how many times it has been shared. Another evaluation tool is utilizing that provides an easy and visual overview of the most viewed content in a website. By understanding where people click the most, it will allow the organization to restructure its content as needed.
  • 29. 29SUMMER MUSICAL PUBLIC RELATIONS PROPOSAL BY DENISE LEON 3. In the next 5 months, increase audience engagement through social media accounts such as Facebook, YouTube, and Instagram in order to showcase the quality of the production and gain the arts community publics trust by 55%. Dream City Church would benefit from utilizing programs like Hootsuite or Sprouts to help monitor its reach. These programs help to focus on specific demographics, keywords and social mentions per platform. Utilizing any of these platforms will allow the organization to focus on the progress of increasing both engagement and interaction with current and prospective patrons.
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