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Structuring React
Bartek Witczak
What do you mean by
What do you mean by
• single component in isolation
• relation between components
• structuring modules
• whole page architecture
What do you mean by
• single component in isolation
• relation between components
• structuring modules
• whole page architecture
What’s the purpose?
What’s the purpose?
Product Library
What’s the purpose?
Product Library
React component
Props State
Lifecycle event
class WelcomeTo4Devs extends React.Component {
render () {
return 'Welcome to meme generator!'
(Functional) Stateless
Props State
Lifecycle event
const Loading = () => (
<div className='loading'>
<i className='icon-refresh spin’/>
Functional stateless
Functional stateless
const Loading = ({ text }) => (
<div className='loading'>
<i className='icon-refresh spin'/>
<div className='loading-text'>
Props State
Lifecycle event
class UsersSelect extends React.Component {
constructor(props) {
this.state = { loading: true, options: [] }
componentDidMount() {
UsersService.getAll().then(options => {
this.setState({ loading: false, options })
render() {
const { selected, onSelect } = this.props
const { loading, options } = this.state
return (
Container & Presentational
Smart & Dumb
View & Controller
Container & Presentational
Props State
Lifecycle event
Props State
Lifecycle event
const UsersSelect = ({
}) => (
const mapStateToProps = state => ({
options: state.users.options,
selected: state.users.selected,
const mapDispatchToProps = dispatch => ({
onSelect: options => dispatch({
type: 'SELECT_USER',
const Users = connect
(mapStateToProps, mapDispatchToProps)
Higher order component
const withLoading = WrappedComponent => ({ loading, ...props }) => {
if ( loading ) {
return <div>Keep calm and eat broccoli ...</div>
} else {
return <WrappedComponent {...props} />
Coupling & cohesion
Dependency between elements
( components)
changing one
component does
not imply changes in
Loose coupling Tight coupling
changing one
component implies
changes in other
if element’s responsibilities form
one thing
High cohesion Low cohesion
Loosely coupled
high cohesive component
John Mike Tom
Create meme details panel
name: 'Challenge accepted',
file: 'challenge-accepted.jpg',
date: '2018-04-05T11:15:30',
creator: 'Jim Beam’,
const MemeDetails = ({ meme }) => (
<div className='meme-details'>
<div>Name: <span>{}</span></div>
<div>File: <span>{meme.file}</span></div>
<div>Date: <span>{format(, 'YYYY-MM-DD')}</span></div>
<div>Creator: <span>{meme.creator}</span></div>
<MemeDetails meme={meme} />
const MemeDetails = ({ name, file, date, creator }) => (
<div className='meme-details'>
<div>Name: <span>{name}</span></div>
<div>File: <span>{file}</span></div>
<div>Date: <span>{date}</span></div>
<div>Creator: <span>{creator}</span></div>
date={format(, ‘YYYY-MM-DD’)}
const MemeDetails = ({ fields }) => (
<div className="meme-details">
{ => (
{f.label}: <span>{f.value}</span>
{label: 'Name', value:},
{label: 'File', value: meme.file},
{label: 'Date', value: format(, 'YYYY-MM-DD')},
{label: 'Creator', value: meme.creator},
What about future
What about future
• changing model schema
const MemeDetails = ({ meme }) => (
<div className='meme-details'>
<div>Name: <span>{}</span></div>
<div>File: <span>{meme.file}</span></div>
<div>Format: <span>{meme.format}</span></div>
<div>Date: <span>{format(, 'YYYY-MM-DD')}</span></div>
<div>Creator: <span>{meme.creator}</span></div>
<MemeDetails meme={meme} />
const MemeDetails = ({ name, file, format, date, creator }) => (
<div className='meme-details'>
<div>Name: <span>{name}</span></div>
<div>File: <span>{file}</span></div>
<div>Format: <span>{format}</span></div>
<div>Date: <span>{date}</span></div>
<div>Creator: <span>{creator}</span></div>
date={format(, ‘YYYY-MM-DD’)}
const MemeDetails = ({ fields }) => (
<div className="meme-details">
{ => (
{o.label}: <span>{o.value}</span>
{label: 'Name', value:},
{label: 'File', value: meme.file},
{label: 'Format', value: meme.format},
{label: 'Date', value: format(, 'YYYY-MM-DD')},
{label: 'Creator', value: meme.creator},
What about future
• changing model schema
• formatting
const MemeDetails = ({ meme, dateFormat }) => (
<div className='meme-details'>
<div>Name: <span>{}</span></div>
<div>File: <span>{meme.file}</span></div>
<div>Date: <span>{format(, dateFormat)}</span></div>
<div>Creator: <span>{meme.creator}</span></div>
<MemeDetails meme={meme} meme=‘YYYY-MM-DD H:mm’/>
const MemeDetails = ({ name, file, date, creator }) => (
<div className='meme-details'>
<div>Name: <span>{name}</span></div>
<div>File: <span>{file}</span></div>
<div>Date: <span>{date}</span></div>
<div>Creator: <span>{creator}</span></div>
date={format(, ‘YYYY-MM-DD H:mm’)}
const MemeDetails = ({ fields }) => (
<div className="meme-details">
{ => (
{o.label}: <span>{o.value}</span>
{label: 'Name', value:},
{label: 'File', value: meme.file},
{label: 'Date', value:
format(, ‘YYYY-MM-DD H:mm’)},
{label: 'Creator', value: meme.creator},
John Mike Tom
High cohesion
Tightly coupled with model
Single place when
modifying model
Loosely coupled with model
Low cohesion
Many places when
modifying model
Very abstract
Loosely coupled with model
Low cohesion
Multiple places when
modifying model
Very abstract
And something from 

real world?
const OptionsList = ({ open, width, options = [], onOptionClick, range, height }) => !open || options.length === 0
? null
: (
<div style={{ width: width < 70 ? 70 : width, maxHeight: height }} className={classes2.optionsList}>
{{ name, value, selected }, key) => (
className={classes2.optionsListItem + ' ' + (selected ? classes2.selected : '')}
onClick={e => {
onOptionClick(value, !selected)
{!range && <input type='checkbox' checked={selected} style={{ marginRight: '5px' }} />}
export class MultiSelect extends Component {
state = { optionsListOpen: false }
componentDidMount () {
const width = ReactDOM.findDOMNode(this).offsetWidth
this.setState({ width })
getInputText = () => {
const value = this.props.value || []
return value.length > 0 ? value.sort().join(', ') : 'Not selected'
onOptionClick = (selectedValue, selected) => {
const { onChange } = this.props
const value = this.props.value || []
onChange && onChange(selected
? [selectedValue, ...value]
: value.filter(item => selectedValue !== item)
toggleOptionsList = () => {
const { optionsListOpen } = this.state
this.setState({ optionsListOpen: !optionsListOpen })
prepareOptions = () => {
const { options } = this.props
const value = this.props.value || []
const preparedOptions = [...options]
value.forEach(selected => {
const optionIndex = preparedOptions.findIndex(({ value }) => value === selected)
if (optionIndex !== -1) preparedOptions[optionIndex] = { ...preparedOptions[optionIndex], selected: true }
return preparedOptions
close = () => this.setState({ optionsListOpen: false })
render () {
const { optionsListOpen, width } = this.state
const { options, inputSize, customStyle = {}, height } = this.props
return (
<ClickOutside onClickOutside={this.close}>
position: 'relative',
display: 'flex',
height: inputSize || '44px',
alignItems: 'center',
<span style={{
textOverflow: 'ellipsis',
overflow: 'hidden',
whiteSpace: 'nowrap',
display: 'block',
fontSize: '15px'
<div style={{ position: 'absolute', right: 0}}>
<ChevronDown marginRight='0' />
onOptionClick={this.onOptionClick} />
export class RangeSelect extends Component {
state = { optionsListOpen: false, currentlyEditing: 'min' }
componentDidMount () {
const width = ReactDOM.findDOMNode(this).offsetWidth
this.setState({ width })
getParsedMinMax = () => ({
min: parseInt(this.props.min, 10),
max: parseInt(this.props.max, 10)
getInputText = () => {
const { min = 0, max = 0 } = this.getParsedMinMax()
if (!min && min !== 0) return '0'
return min === max ? max : `${min} - ${max}`
openOptionsList = () => {
const { optionsListOpen, currentlyEditing } = this.state
this.setState({ optionsListOpen: true })
prepareOptions = () => {
const { options } = this.props
const { min, max } = this.getParsedMinMax()
return options
.map(({ name, value }) => ({ name, value: parseInt(value, 10) }))
.map(option => ({ ...option, selected: option.value >= min && option.value <= max }))
onOptionClick = (selectedValue, selected) => {
const { onChange } = this.props
const { min, max } = this.getParsedMinMax()
const { currentlyEditing } = this.state
const parsedValue = parseInt(selectedValue, 10)
const newMinMax = { min: min.toString(), max: max.toString() }
if (currentlyEditing === 'min') {
newMinMax.min = parsedValue
newMinMax.max = parsedValue
this.setState({ currentlyEditing: 'max' })
} else {
if (parsedValue < min) {
newMinMax.max = min
newMinMax.min = parsedValue
} else {
newMinMax.max = parsedValue
this.setState({ currentlyEditing: 'min' })
onChange && onChange(newMinMax)
close = () => this.setState({ optionsListOpen: false, currentlyEditing: 'min' })
render () {
const { optionsListOpen, width } = this.state
const { options, inputSize, customStyle, height } = this.props
return (
<ClickOutside onClickOutside={this.close}>
position: 'relative',
display: 'flex',
height: inputSize || '44px',
alignItems: 'center',
paddingRight: '0px',
<span style={{
textOverflow: 'ellipsis',
overflow: 'hidden',
whiteSpace: 'nowrap',
display: 'block',
fontSize: '15px'
<div style={{ position: 'absolute', right: 0}}>
<ChevronDown marginRight='0' />
ref={optionsList => this.optionsList = optionsList}
onOptionClick={this.onOptionClick} />
const typeInputs = {
text: (params, error, returnEvent) => (
onChange={(e) => { (params && params.onChange) ? returnEvent ? params.onChange(e) : params.onChange( : null }}
className={`${classes.inputForm} ${error ? classes.inputError : ''} ${params.disabled ? classes.inputDisabled : ''} ${ (Object.keys(params.emptyStyle || {}).length && (!params.value || params.value === NOT_SELECTED)) ? classes.emptyInput : null }`} />
select: (params = {}, error) => {
const { options = [], onChange, prependNullOption, emptyStyle = {}} = params
const preparedOptions = prependNullOption ? [{ name: 'Not selected', value: null }, ...options] : options
const showEmptyStyle = Object.keys(emptyStyle).length && (!params.value || params.value === NOT_SELECTED)
return (
onChange={e => {
const val =
if (!onChange) return
if (typeof val === 'string') {
try {
const parsedVal = JSON.parse(val)
onChange && onChange(parsedVal)
} catch (e) {
onChange && onChange(val)
className={`${classes.inputSelectForm} ${showEmptyStyle ? classes.emptyInput : null}`}>
{, key) => (
value={item.value !== undefined ? item.value :}>
multiselect: (params = {}, error) => (
value={params.value} />
range: (params = {}, error) => <RangeSelect {...params} />,
checkbox: (params, error) => (
const renderInput = (type, params, error, returnEvent) => {
return typeInputs[type] ? typeInputs[type](params, error, returnEvent) : null
export const InputForm = ({ icon, type = 'text', params, error, labelText, labelStyle, labelType, customStyle, returnEvent }) => {
return (
className={`${classes.inputContainer} ${type === 'select' || type === 'multiselect' ? classes.inputContainerWithIcon : ''}`}
style={!labelText ? { marginTop: '0', ...customStyle } : customStyle}>
{labelText && (<label className={`${classes[labelType] || classes.inputLabelForm} ${params.disabled ? classes.inputDisabled : ''}`} style={labelStyle} >{labelText}</label>)}
{renderInput(type, params, error, returnEvent)}
{icon && (<i className={`fa fa-${icon} ${classes.inputAddon} ${params.disabled ? classes.inputDisabled : ''}`} />)}
export default InputForm
export const NOT_SELECTED = 'not_selected'
export const validateSelected = (property) => {
return property && property !== NOT_SELECTED
5 types
• text
• select
• multiselect
• range
• checkbox
9 props
params {} 

can match any type
both controlled & uncontrolled
at the same time
I thought GENERIC is a good thing
Mission 2
Access rights
Keep calm,

start small,
refactor in need.
class MemePage extends React.Component {
render() {
const { permissions } = this.props
return (
Permissions.canCreateMeme(permissions) ? (
<MemeGeneratorLink />
) : null
const mapStateToProps = state => ({ permissions: state.permission })
export default connect(mapStateToProps)(MemePage)
• create meme?
• edit meme?
• delete meme?
• see meme history?
• generate meme for
• download meme?
const HasPermission = ({ children, permissions, role}) => {
if (role === 'CREATE_MEME' && Permissions.canCreateMeme(permissions)) {
return children
return null
const mapStateToProps = state => ({ permissions: state.permission })
export default connect(mapStateToProps)(HasPermission)
class MemesPage extends React.Component {
render() {
return (
<HasPermission role='CREATE_MEME'>
<MemeGeneratorLink />
const mapStateToProps = state => ({ permissions: state.permission })
const withPermission = (WrappedComponent, role) => 

connect(mapStateToProps)(({ permissions, ...props }) => {
if (role === 'CREATE_MEME' && Permissions.canCreateMeme(permissions)) {
return <WrappedComponent {...props}/>
return null
export withPermission(MemeGeneratorLink, ‘CREATE_MEME’)
class MemesPage extends React.Component {
render() {
return (
<MemeGeneratorLink />




• better abstraction
• separation of concerns
• improved maintainability
• better reusability
Context is the king
• project
• stage of project
• component
• developer preferences
• requirements
“We value code that is easy to maintain 

over code that is easy to write”
Nat Pryce, Steve Freeman
Bartek Witczak

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4Developers 2018: Structuring React components (Bartłomiej Witczak)

  • 2. What do you mean by structuring?
  • 3. What do you mean by structuring? • single component in isolation • relation between components • structuring modules • whole page architecture
  • 4. What do you mean by structuring? • single component in isolation • relation between components • structuring modules • whole page architecture
  • 9. class WelcomeTo4Devs extends React.Component { render () { return 'Welcome to meme generator!' } }
  • 11. const Loading = () => ( <div className='loading'> <i className='icon-refresh spin’/> </div> ) Functional stateless
  • 12. Functional stateless const Loading = ({ text }) => ( <div className='loading'> <i className='icon-refresh spin'/> <div className='loading-text'> {text} </div> </div> )
  • 14. class UsersSelect extends React.Component { constructor(props) { super(props) this.state = { loading: true, options: [] } } componentDidMount() { UsersService.getAll().then(options => { this.setState({ loading: false, options }) }) } render() { const { selected, onSelect } = this.props const { loading, options } = this.state return ( <Select value={selected} isLoading={loading} options={options} onChange={onSelect} /> ) } }
  • 15. Container & Presentational Smart & Dumb View & Controller
  • 16. Container & Presentational Props State Lifecycle event ContextRender Props State Lifecycle event ContextRender
  • 17. const UsersSelect = ({ onSelect, options, selected, }) => ( <Select value={selected} options={options} onChange={onSelect} /> ) Presentational const mapStateToProps = state => ({ options: state.users.options, selected: state.users.selected, }) const mapDispatchToProps = dispatch => ({ onSelect: options => dispatch({ type: 'SELECT_USER', options, }) }) const Users = connect (mapStateToProps, mapDispatchToProps) (UsersSelect) Container
  • 19. const withLoading = WrappedComponent => ({ loading, ...props }) => { if ( loading ) { return <div>Keep calm and eat broccoli ...</div> } else { return <WrappedComponent {...props} /> } }
  • 22. changing one component does not imply changes in other Loose coupling Tight coupling changing one component implies changes in other
  • 24. single responsibility High cohesion Low cohesion multiple responsibilities
  • 27. Challenge: Create meme details panel { name: 'Challenge accepted', file: 'challenge-accepted.jpg', date: '2018-04-05T11:15:30', creator: 'Jim Beam’, }
  • 28. const MemeDetails = ({ meme }) => ( <div className='meme-details'> <div>Name: <span>{}</span></div> <div>File: <span>{meme.file}</span></div> <div>Date: <span>{format(, 'YYYY-MM-DD')}</span></div> <div>Creator: <span>{meme.creator}</span></div> </div> ) John ... <MemeDetails meme={meme} /> ...
  • 29. Mike const MemeDetails = ({ name, file, date, creator }) => ( <div className='meme-details'> <div>Name: <span>{name}</span></div> <div>File: <span>{file}</span></div> <div>Date: <span>{date}</span></div> <div>Creator: <span>{creator}</span></div> </div> ) ... <MemeDetails name={} file={meme.file} date={format(, ‘YYYY-MM-DD’)} creator={meme.creator} /> ...
  • 30. Tom const MemeDetails = ({ fields }) => ( <div className="meme-details"> { => ( <div> {f.label}: <span>{f.value}</span> </div> ))} </div> ) ... <MemeDetails fields={[ {label: 'Name', value:}, {label: 'File', value: meme.file}, {label: 'Date', value: format(, 'YYYY-MM-DD')}, {label: 'Creator', value: meme.creator}, ]} /> ...
  • 32. What about future changes? • changing model schema
  • 33. const MemeDetails = ({ meme }) => ( <div className='meme-details'> <div>Name: <span>{}</span></div> <div>File: <span>{meme.file}</span></div> <div>Format: <span>{meme.format}</span></div> <div>Date: <span>{format(, 'YYYY-MM-DD')}</span></div> <div>Creator: <span>{meme.creator}</span></div> </div> ) John ... <MemeDetails meme={meme} /> ...
  • 34. Mike const MemeDetails = ({ name, file, format, date, creator }) => ( <div className='meme-details'> <div>Name: <span>{name}</span></div> <div>File: <span>{file}</span></div> <div>Format: <span>{format}</span></div> <div>Date: <span>{date}</span></div> <div>Creator: <span>{creator}</span></div> </div> ) ... <MemeDetails name={} file={meme.file} format={meme.format} date={format(, ‘YYYY-MM-DD’)} creator={meme.creator} /> ...
  • 35. Tom const MemeDetails = ({ fields }) => ( <div className="meme-details"> { => ( <div> {o.label}: <span>{o.value}</span> </div> ))} </div> ) ... <MemeDetails fields={[ {label: 'Name', value:}, {label: 'File', value: meme.file}, {label: 'Format', value: meme.format}, {label: 'Date', value: format(, 'YYYY-MM-DD')}, {label: 'Creator', value: meme.creator}, ]} /> ...
  • 36. What about future changes? • changing model schema • formatting
  • 37. const MemeDetails = ({ meme, dateFormat }) => ( <div className='meme-details'> <div>Name: <span>{}</span></div> <div>File: <span>{meme.file}</span></div> <div>Date: <span>{format(, dateFormat)}</span></div> <div>Creator: <span>{meme.creator}</span></div> </div> ) John ... <MemeDetails meme={meme} meme=‘YYYY-MM-DD H:mm’/> ...
  • 38. Mike const MemeDetails = ({ name, file, date, creator }) => ( <div className='meme-details'> <div>Name: <span>{name}</span></div> <div>File: <span>{file}</span></div> <div>Date: <span>{date}</span></div> <div>Creator: <span>{creator}</span></div> </div> ) ... <MemeDetails name={} file={meme.file} date={format(, ‘YYYY-MM-DD H:mm’)} creator={meme.creator} /> ...
  • 39. Tom const MemeDetails = ({ fields }) => ( <div className="meme-details"> { => ( <div> {o.label}: <span>{o.value}</span> </div> ))} </div> ) ... <MemeDetails fields={[ {label: 'Name', value:}, {label: 'File', value: meme.file}, {label: 'Date', value: format(, ‘YYYY-MM-DD H:mm’)}, {label: 'Creator', value: meme.creator}, ]} /> ...
  • 41. High cohesion Tightly coupled with model Single place when modifying model FormattingJohn
  • 42. Loosely coupled with model Formatting Low cohesion Many places when modifying model Mike
  • 43. Very abstract Loosely coupled with model Low cohesion Multiple places when modifying model Very abstract Tom
  • 44. And something from 
 real world?
  • 45. const OptionsList = ({ open, width, options = [], onOptionClick, range, height }) => !open || options.length === 0 ? null : ( <div style={{ width: width < 70 ? 70 : width, maxHeight: height }} className={classes2.optionsList}> {{ name, value, selected }, key) => ( <div key={key} className={classes2.optionsListItem + ' ' + (selected ? classes2.selected : '')} onClick={e => { e.stopPropagation() onOptionClick(value, !selected) }}> {!range && <input type='checkbox' checked={selected} style={{ marginRight: '5px' }} />} {name} </div> )) } </div> ) export class MultiSelect extends Component { state = { optionsListOpen: false } componentDidMount () { const width = ReactDOM.findDOMNode(this).offsetWidth this.setState({ width }) } getInputText = () => { const value = this.props.value || [] return value.length > 0 ? value.sort().join(', ') : 'Not selected' } onOptionClick = (selectedValue, selected) => { const { onChange } = this.props const value = this.props.value || [] onChange && onChange(selected ? [selectedValue, ...value] : value.filter(item => selectedValue !== item) ) } toggleOptionsList = () => { const { optionsListOpen } = this.state this.setState({ optionsListOpen: !optionsListOpen }) } prepareOptions = () => { const { options } = this.props const value = this.props.value || [] const preparedOptions = [...options] value.forEach(selected => { const optionIndex = preparedOptions.findIndex(({ value }) => value === selected) if (optionIndex !== -1) preparedOptions[optionIndex] = { ...preparedOptions[optionIndex], selected: true } }) return preparedOptions } close = () => this.setState({ optionsListOpen: false }) render () { const { optionsListOpen, width } = this.state const { options, inputSize, customStyle = {}, height } = this.props return ( <ClickOutside onClickOutside={this.close}> <div className={classes.inputSelectForm} style={{ position: 'relative', display: 'flex', height: inputSize || '44px', alignItems: 'center', ...customStyle }} onClick={this.toggleOptionsList}> <span style={{ textOverflow: 'ellipsis', overflow: 'hidden', whiteSpace: 'nowrap', display: 'block', fontSize: '15px' }}>{this.getInputText()}</span> <div style={{ position: 'absolute', right: 0}}> <ChevronDown marginRight='0' /> </div> <OptionsList open={optionsListOpen} width={width} height={height} options={this.prepareOptions()} onOptionClick={this.onOptionClick} /> </div> </ClickOutside> ) } } export class RangeSelect extends Component { state = { optionsListOpen: false, currentlyEditing: 'min' } componentDidMount () { const width = ReactDOM.findDOMNode(this).offsetWidth this.setState({ width }) } getParsedMinMax = () => ({ min: parseInt(this.props.min, 10), max: parseInt(this.props.max, 10) }) getInputText = () => { const { min = 0, max = 0 } = this.getParsedMinMax() if (!min && min !== 0) return '0' return min === max ? max : `${min} - ${max}` } openOptionsList = () => { const { optionsListOpen, currentlyEditing } = this.state this.setState({ optionsListOpen: true }) } prepareOptions = () => { const { options } = this.props const { min, max } = this.getParsedMinMax() return options .map(({ name, value }) => ({ name, value: parseInt(value, 10) })) .map(option => ({ ...option, selected: option.value >= min && option.value <= max })) } onOptionClick = (selectedValue, selected) => { const { onChange } = this.props const { min, max } = this.getParsedMinMax() const { currentlyEditing } = this.state const parsedValue = parseInt(selectedValue, 10) const newMinMax = { min: min.toString(), max: max.toString() } if (currentlyEditing === 'min') { newMinMax.min = parsedValue newMinMax.max = parsedValue this.setState({ currentlyEditing: 'max' }) } else { if (parsedValue < min) { newMinMax.max = min newMinMax.min = parsedValue } else { newMinMax.max = parsedValue } this.setState({ currentlyEditing: 'min' }) } onChange && onChange(newMinMax) } close = () => this.setState({ optionsListOpen: false, currentlyEditing: 'min' }) render () { const { optionsListOpen, width } = this.state const { options, inputSize, customStyle, height } = this.props return ( <ClickOutside onClickOutside={this.close}> <div className={classes.inputSelectForm} style={{ position: 'relative', display: 'flex', height: inputSize || '44px', alignItems: 'center', paddingRight: '0px', ...customStyle }} onClick={this.openOptionsList}> <span style={{ textOverflow: 'ellipsis', overflow: 'hidden', whiteSpace: 'nowrap', display: 'block', fontSize: '15px' }}>{this.getInputText()}</span> <div style={{ position: 'absolute', right: 0}}> <ChevronDown marginRight='0' /> </div> <OptionsList range ref={optionsList => this.optionsList = optionsList} open={optionsListOpen} width={width} height={height} options={this.prepareOptions()} onOptionClick={this.onOptionClick} /> </div> </ClickOutside> ) } } const typeInputs = { text: (params, error, returnEvent) => ( <input type='text' {...params} onChange={(e) => { (params && params.onChange) ? returnEvent ? params.onChange(e) : params.onChange( : null }} className={`${classes.inputForm} ${error ? classes.inputError : ''} ${params.disabled ? classes.inputDisabled : ''} ${ (Object.keys(params.emptyStyle || {}).length && (!params.value || params.value === NOT_SELECTED)) ? classes.emptyInput : null }`} /> ), select: (params = {}, error) => { const { options = [], onChange, prependNullOption, emptyStyle = {}} = params const preparedOptions = prependNullOption ? [{ name: 'Not selected', value: null }, ...options] : options const showEmptyStyle = Object.keys(emptyStyle).length && (!params.value || params.value === NOT_SELECTED) return ( <select disabled={params.disabled} value={params.value} onChange={e => { const val = if (!onChange) return if (typeof val === 'string') { try { const parsedVal = JSON.parse(val) onChange && onChange(parsedVal) } catch (e) { onChange && onChange(val) } } }} className={`${classes.inputSelectForm} ${showEmptyStyle ? classes.emptyInput : null}`}> {, key) => ( <option key={key} value={item.value !== undefined ? item.value :}> {} </option> )) } </select> ) }, multiselect: (params = {}, error) => ( <MultiSelect options={params.options} onChange={params.onChange} value={params.value} /> ), range: (params = {}, error) => <RangeSelect {...params} />, checkbox: (params, error) => ( <input type='checkbox' {...params} /> ) } const renderInput = (type, params, error, returnEvent) => { return typeInputs[type] ? typeInputs[type](params, error, returnEvent) : null } export const InputForm = ({ icon, type = 'text', params, error, labelText, labelStyle, labelType, customStyle, returnEvent }) => { return ( <div className={`${classes.inputContainer} ${type === 'select' || type === 'multiselect' ? classes.inputContainerWithIcon : ''}`} style={!labelText ? { marginTop: '0', ...customStyle } : customStyle}> {labelText && (<label className={`${classes[labelType] || classes.inputLabelForm} ${params.disabled ? classes.inputDisabled : ''}`} style={labelStyle} >{labelText}</label>)} {renderInput(type, params, error, returnEvent)} {icon && (<i className={`fa fa-${icon} ${classes.inputAddon} ${params.disabled ? classes.inputDisabled : ''}`} />)} </div> ) } export default InputForm export const NOT_SELECTED = 'not_selected' export const validateSelected = (property) => { return property && property !== NOT_SELECTED }
  • 46. INPUT 5 types • text • select • multiselect • range • checkbox 9 props params {} 
 can match any type very-very-very-generic both controlled & uncontrolled at the same time
  • 47.
  • 48. I thought GENERIC is a good thing
  • 52. class MemePage extends React.Component { ... render() { const { permissions } = this.props return ( <div> { Permissions.canCreateMeme(permissions) ? ( <MemeGeneratorLink /> ) : null } {/* RENDER MEMES */} </div> ) } } const mapStateToProps = state => ({ permissions: state.permission }) export default connect(mapStateToProps)(MemePage)
  • 53. • create meme? • edit meme? • delete meme? • see meme history? • generate meme for presentation? • download meme?
  • 54. const HasPermission = ({ children, permissions, role}) => { if (role === 'CREATE_MEME' && Permissions.canCreateMeme(permissions)) { return children } return null } const mapStateToProps = state => ({ permissions: state.permission }) export default connect(mapStateToProps)(HasPermission)
  • 55. class MemesPage extends React.Component { ... render() { return ( <div> <HasPermission role='CREATE_MEME'> <MemeGeneratorLink /> </HasPermission> {/* RENDER MEMES */} </div> ) } }
  • 56. const mapStateToProps = state => ({ permissions: state.permission }) const withPermission = (WrappedComponent, role) => 
 connect(mapStateToProps)(({ permissions, ...props }) => { if (role === 'CREATE_MEME' && Permissions.canCreateMeme(permissions)) { return <WrappedComponent {...props}/> } return null } ))
  • 57. export withPermission(MemeGeneratorLink, ‘CREATE_MEME’) /// class MemesPage extends React.Component { ... render() { return ( <div> <MemeGeneratorLink /> {/* RENDER MEMES */} </div> ) } }
  • 58. Children 
 nothing ?
  • 59. Criteria • better abstraction • separation of concerns • improved maintainability • better reusability
  • 60. Context is the king • project • stage of project • component • developer preferences • requirements
  • 61. “We value code that is easy to maintain 
 over code that is easy to write” Nat Pryce, Steve Freeman Bartek Witczak @bartekwitczak