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Jarek Ratajski
CSS Versicherung
Lagom it's about time
Jarek Ratajski
Developer, wizard, anarchitectDeveloper, wizard, anarchitect
Lives in LuzernLives in Luzern
Works in CSS InsuranceWorks in CSS Insurance
C64, 6502, 68000, 8086, C++, Java, JEE, Scala, Akka, JS,C64, 6502, 68000, 8086, C++, Java, JEE, Scala, Akka, JS,
ScalaJS....ScalaJS.... @jarek000000@jarek000000
Something, something - Lagom
Architecture of 90-ties
● Single core processors
● Small RAM ( 256 MB)
● 1000s of clients
● 10 Req / S
Motto: Conserve RAM
Result: heavy disk usage, concurrency by locks
90ties revenge
Architecture now
● Multicores 8-20 Cores
● Huge RAM 1TB
● 100 000 Clients
● 1000 Req / s
● Cloud
Motto: Scale
Scaling - Amdahl's law
Do you know what is your AS doing?
● Use multiple cores
● Do not lock
● Minimize context switching
Proposal: non blocking architecture, proces many events using only few threads
Non blocking architecture
Request 2
parse, call http
Request 1
parse http response
Call DB
Request 2
parse http response
Call DB
Request 2
Prosess DB result
Send response
Request 1
Prosess DB result
Send response
Http response for 1 Http response for 2 Db 2 Db 1
Http server
Lighbend (Typesafe)
Creators of Akka / Play
Java 8 API
Non blocking
Event Sourcing
Lagom project structure
● Maven (or SBT)
● Build
● Configs
user-api game-api score-api
user-impi user-impiuser-impi
Does not have to be
implemented by LAGOM
Lagom – Define Service - API
public interface UsersService extends Service{
ServiceCall<NewUser, RegUserStatus> addUser(String id);
ServiceCall<LoginData, Option<Session>> login(String id);
ServiceCall<NotUsed, Option<Session>> session(String sessionId);
default Descriptor descriptor() {
return named("users").withCalls(
pathCall("/api/users/add/:id", this::addUser),
pathCall("/api/users/login/:id", this::login),
pathCall("/api/users/session/:id", this::session)
Lagom – Implement Service
public HeaderServiceCall<NewUser, RegUserStatus> addUser(String id) {
return (reqHeaders, postedUser) -> {
PersistentEntityRef<UserCommand> ref =
persistentEntityRegistry.refFor(UserEntity.class, id);
return ref.ask(new UserCommand.RegisterUser(id, postedUser))
.thenApply( stat -> Pair.create(ResponseHeader.OK, stat));
Entities - CQRS
● Commands
● Events
● State
● Behaviour
● Based on akka-actors / akka-persistence
Lagom – Commands
class RegisterUser implements UserCommand , CompressedJsonable,
public final String userId;
public final String password;
public RegisterUser(String userId, String password) {
this.userId = userId;
this.password = password;
Lagom – Events
final class RegisteredUser implements UserEvent {
public final String userId;
public final String password;
public RegisteredUser(String id, String password) {
this.userId = id;
this.password = password;
Lagom – State
public class UserData {
public final String id;
public final String hashedPassword;
public UserData(String id, String hashedPassword) { = id;
this.hashedPassword = hashedPassword;
public class UserState {
public final Option<UserData> user ;
public UserState(final Option<UserData> user) {
this.user = user;
public static UserState empty() {
return new UserState(Option.none());
Lagom - entity
public class UserEntity extends PersistentEntity<UserCommand, UserEvent, UserState> {
public Behavior initialBehavior(Optional<UserState> snapshotState) {
BehaviorBuilder b = newBehaviorBuilder(
evt -> new UserState(Option.some(new UserData(evt.userId,;
b.setCommandHandler(UserCommand.RegisterUser.class, this::handleRegisterUserCMD);
b.setReadOnlyCommandHandler( UserCommand.LoginUser.class,
(cmd,ctx) ->
ctx.reply( state()
u-> u.hashedPassword
private Persist handleRegisterUserCMD(UserCommand.RegisterUser cmd, CommandContext ctx) {
if (state().user.isDefined()) {
ctx.reply(new RegUserStatus(Option.some("user exists")));
return ctx.done();
} else {
return ctx.thenPersist(new UserEvent.RegisteredUser(cmd.userId,,
evt -> ctx.reply( new RegUserStatus(Option.none())));
Lagom - entity
public class UserEntity extends PersistentEntity<UserCommand, UserEvent, UserState> {
public Behavior initialBehavior(Optional<UserState> snapshotState) {
BehaviorBuilder b = newBehaviorBuilder(
evt -> new UserState(Option.some(new UserData(evt.userId,;
b.setCommandHandler(UserCommand.RegisterUser.class, this::handleRegisterUserCMD);
b.setReadOnlyCommandHandler( UserCommand.LoginUser.class,
(cmd,ctx) ->
ctx.reply( state()
u-> u.hashedPassword
private Persist handleRegisterUserCMD(UserCommand.RegisterUser cmd, CommandContext ctx) {
if (state().user.isDefined()) {
ctx.reply(new RegUserStatus(Option.some("user exists")));
return ctx.done();
} else {
return ctx.thenPersist(new UserEvent.RegisteredUser(cmd.userId,,
evt -> ctx.reply( new RegUserStatus(Option.none())));
Lagom - entity
public class UserEntity extends PersistentEntity<UserCommand, UserEvent, UserState> {
public Behavior initialBehavior(Optional<UserState> snapshotState) {
BehaviorBuilder b = newBehaviorBuilder(
evt -> new UserState(Option.some(new UserData(evt.userId,;
b.setCommandHandler(UserCommand.RegisterUser.class, this::handleRegisterUserCMD);
b.setReadOnlyCommandHandler( UserCommand.LoginUser.class,
(cmd,ctx) ->
ctx.reply( state()
u-> u.hashedPassword
private Persist handleRegisterUserCMD(UserCommand.RegisterUser cmd, CommandContext ctx) {
if (state().user.isDefined()) {
ctx.reply(new RegUserStatus(Option.some("user exists")));
return ctx.done();
} else {
return ctx.thenPersist(new UserEvent.RegisteredUser(cmd.userId,,
evt -> ctx.reply( new RegUserStatus(Option.none())));
Lagom – Read Side and SQL/NoSQL
● Cassandra is default Event Store from few options
● SQL DB also goes ... typically makes no sense
● There can be additional READ MODELS created for Entities (for READs SQL
makes sense)
Read side projection
Read side processor
Lagom – read side... writeProcessor
private CompletionStage<List<BoundStatement>> processScoreAdded(ScoreEvent.RecordAdded event) {
System.out.println("score in PROCESSOR:"+ event);
final ScoreRecord singleRecord = event.record;
return this.getSingleScore(singleRecord.userId).thenApply(
score -> {
BoundStatement bindWriteScore = writeScore.bind();
boolean won = singleRecord.result == GameResult.WON;
bindWriteScore.setInt("totalScore", score.totalScore + (won ? 5 : 0 ));
bindWriteScore.setInt("gamesWon", score.gamesWon + (won ? 1 : 0));
bindWriteScore.setInt("gamesLost",score.gamesLost + (won ? 0 : 1) );
bindWriteScore.setInt("gamesPlayed",score.gamesPlayed + 1 );
bindWriteScore.setInt("pointsScored", score.pointsScored+ singleRecord.playerScored);
bindWriteScore.setInt("pointsLost", score.pointsLost+ singleRecord.opponentScore);
bindWriteScore.setString("userId", singleRecord.userId);
System.out.println("bound for:"+singleRecord.userId);
return bindWriteScore;
).thenApply(bs -> Arrays.asList(bs));
Lagom – read side... read with CQL
public ServiceCall<NotUsed, List<UserScore>> getTopScores() {
return request -> {
return cassandraSession.selectAll(
"SELECT userId, " +
"totalScore, " +
"gamesWon, " +
"gamesLost, " +
"gamesPlayed, " +
"pointsScored, " +
"pointsLost FROM userScore "
.thenApply(allRows ->
.sortBy(score ->score.totalScore)
private Source<GameState, NotUsed> createFlow(Source<String, NotUsed> input, final String gameId) {
final PubSubRef<GameState> ref = pubSub.refFor(TopicId.of(GameState.class, gameId));
Source<GameState, NotUsed> games = ref.subscriber();
return games;
public ServiceCall<Source<String, NotUsed>, Source<GameState, NotUsed>> stream(final String
gameId) {
return req ->
CompletableFuture.completedFuture(createFlow(req, gameId));
public HeaderServiceCall<String, Done> movePaddle(final String gameId) {
return runSecure((session, newPosition) -> {
float targetY = Float.parseFloat(newPosition);
PersistentEntityRef<GameStateCommand> ref =
persistentEntityRegistry.refFor(GameStateEntity.class, gameId);
return ref.ask(new GameStateCommand.MovePlayerPaddle(session.userId, targetY));
}, () -> Done.getInstance());
Lagom - testing
public void testDoubleCreateUser() {
withServer(defaultSetup().withCassandra(true), server -> {
UsersService service = server.client(UsersService.class);
RegUserStatus created1st = service.addUser("aaa").invoke(new NewUser("aaa")).toCompletableFuture().get(5,
RegUserStatus created2nd= service.addUser("aaa").invoke(new NewUser("aaa")).toCompletableFuture().get(5,
assertTrue( created1std.ok);
assertFalse( created2nd.ok);
Lagom programming - summary
● Java 8
● High order functions
● CompletableFuture FTW
● Immutability
● JavaSlang – perfect fit
● Fast feedback with sbt and maven(!)
● Nice tests... but slow
● Nice Documentation
● Still changing API
Lagom programming – very little magic
● No aspects with annotations
● Very simple DI framework Guice
● No beans – just classes
● Clean code with lagom is natural
Lagom alternatives
● Scala + Akka/ Akka persistence
● Ratpack + Airomem DROP DB
● Spring 5 Reactive
● JavaEE
● Spring
Lagom alternative - Ratpack
● Java 8 Non blocking http library
● Netty based
● Non blocking
● Not a framework
● Open source
● Do persistence on your own (like #DROPDB or async SQL or NoSQL)
● Fast tests
● More code to write
● No magic at all
● Ratpack + airomem : All you can get from single machine
Lagom alternative – Scala + Akka stack
● Lightbend
● Lagom is built on top of akka + play
● Scala first API
● Implementaions in Scala OK, in Java .... so so
● Lot of existing implementations, mature standard, help + support
● Professional support
● Open source
● Same as Lagom but Probably best for Scala teams
Lagom alternative – Spring 5 Reactive
● Comes soon
● No magic (like Spring Beans with DI) needed
● Similar to Ratpack !
● IMO Better looking API
● Some compatibility with Spring
● With better SpringData (non blocking, non magic) might be really killer platform!
Lagom alternatives – JavaEE or Spring
● Too much magic
● Too much locking
● Hell of getters, setters and singletons( Spring)
● Tests with mocks will test mocks
● Cleand code... with those platforms ?
● Classical state based persistence makes it easy for people
● We've seen enough!
Do you want to know more?
Life Beyond the Illusion of Present by
Jonas Boner
Polyglot Data by
Greg Young
Monadic Java & G o F patterns
Mario Fusco
Q&AJarek Ratajski

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[4 dev] lagom

  • 2. Jarek Ratajski Developer, wizard, anarchitectDeveloper, wizard, anarchitect Lives in LuzernLives in Luzern Works in CSS InsuranceWorks in CSS Insurance C64, 6502, 68000, 8086, C++, Java, JEE, Scala, Akka, JS,C64, 6502, 68000, 8086, C++, Java, JEE, Scala, Akka, JS, ScalaJS....ScalaJS.... @jarek000000@jarek000000
  • 4. Architecture of 90-ties ● Single core processors ● Small RAM ( 256 MB) ● 1000s of clients ● 10 Req / S Motto: Conserve RAM Result: heavy disk usage, concurrency by locks
  • 6. Architecture now ● Multicores 8-20 Cores ● Huge RAM 1TB ● 100 000 Clients ● 1000 Req / s ● Cloud Motto: Scale
  • 8. Do you know what is your AS doing?
  • 9.
  • 10.
  • 11. Challenges ● Use multiple cores ● Do not lock ● Minimize context switching Proposal: non blocking architecture, proces many events using only few threads
  • 12. Non blocking architecture Request 2 parse, call http Request 1 parse http response Call DB Request 2 parse http response Call DB Request 2 Prosess DB result Send response Request 1 Prosess DB result Send response Http response for 1 Http response for 2 Db 2 Db 1 service db Http server 1 2
  • 13. Lagom Lighbend (Typesafe) Creators of Akka / Play Java 8 API Microservices Reactive Cassandra Non blocking ConductR Event Sourcing CQRS Opinionated
  • 14. DEMO
  • 15. Lagom project structure ● Maven (or SBT) ● Build ● Configs
  • 16. user-api game-api score-api user-impi user-impiuser-impi HTTP/REST HTTP/REST Does not have to be implemented by LAGOM
  • 17. Lagom – Define Service - API public interface UsersService extends Service{ ServiceCall<NewUser, RegUserStatus> addUser(String id); ServiceCall<LoginData, Option<Session>> login(String id); ServiceCall<NotUsed, Option<Session>> session(String sessionId); @Override default Descriptor descriptor() { return named("users").withCalls( pathCall("/api/users/add/:id", this::addUser), pathCall("/api/users/login/:id", this::login), pathCall("/api/users/session/:id", this::session) ).withAutoAcl(true); } }
  • 18. Lagom – Implement Service @Override public HeaderServiceCall<NewUser, RegUserStatus> addUser(String id) { return (reqHeaders, postedUser) -> { PersistentEntityRef<UserCommand> ref = persistentEntityRegistry.refFor(UserEntity.class, id); return ref.ask(new UserCommand.RegisterUser(id, postedUser)) .thenApply( stat -> Pair.create(ResponseHeader.OK, stat)); }; }
  • 19. Entities - CQRS ● Commands ● Events ● State ● Behaviour ● Based on akka-actors / akka-persistence request command events state response
  • 20. Lagom – Commands @Immutable @JsonDeserialize class RegisterUser implements UserCommand , CompressedJsonable, PersistentEntity.ReplyType<RegUserStatus>{ public final String userId; public final String password; @JsonCreator public RegisterUser(String userId, String password) { this.userId = userId; this.password = password; } }
  • 21. Lagom – Events @Immutable @JsonDeserialize final class RegisteredUser implements UserEvent { public final String userId; public final String password; @JsonCreator public RegisteredUser(String id, String password) { this.userId = id; this.password = password; } }
  • 22. Lagom – State @Immutable public class UserData { public final String id; public final String hashedPassword; public UserData(String id, String hashedPassword) { = id; this.hashedPassword = hashedPassword; } } @Immutable public class UserState { public final Option<UserData> user ; public UserState(final Option<UserData> user) { this.user = user; } public static UserState empty() { return new UserState(Option.none()); } }
  • 23. Lagom - entity public class UserEntity extends PersistentEntity<UserCommand, UserEvent, UserState> { @Override public Behavior initialBehavior(Optional<UserState> snapshotState) { BehaviorBuilder b = newBehaviorBuilder( snapshotState.orElse(UserState.empty())); b.setEventHandler(UserEvent.RegisteredUser.class, evt -> new UserState(Option.some(new UserData(evt.userId,; b.setCommandHandler(UserCommand.RegisterUser.class, this::handleRegisterUserCMD); b.setReadOnlyCommandHandler( UserCommand.LoginUser.class, (cmd,ctx) -> ctx.reply( state() u-> u.hashedPassword .equals( .getOrElse(false)) ); return; } private Persist handleRegisterUserCMD(UserCommand.RegisterUser cmd, CommandContext ctx) { if (state().user.isDefined()) { ctx.reply(new RegUserStatus(Option.some("user exists"))); return ctx.done(); } else { return ctx.thenPersist(new UserEvent.RegisteredUser(cmd.userId,, evt -> ctx.reply( new RegUserStatus(Option.none()))); } } }
  • 24. Lagom - entity public class UserEntity extends PersistentEntity<UserCommand, UserEvent, UserState> { @Override public Behavior initialBehavior(Optional<UserState> snapshotState) { BehaviorBuilder b = newBehaviorBuilder( snapshotState.orElse(UserState.empty())); b.setEventHandler(UserEvent.RegisteredUser.class, evt -> new UserState(Option.some(new UserData(evt.userId,; b.setCommandHandler(UserCommand.RegisterUser.class, this::handleRegisterUserCMD); b.setReadOnlyCommandHandler( UserCommand.LoginUser.class, (cmd,ctx) -> ctx.reply( state() u-> u.hashedPassword .equals( .getOrElse(false)) ); return; } private Persist handleRegisterUserCMD(UserCommand.RegisterUser cmd, CommandContext ctx) { if (state().user.isDefined()) { ctx.reply(new RegUserStatus(Option.some("user exists"))); return ctx.done(); } else { return ctx.thenPersist(new UserEvent.RegisteredUser(cmd.userId,, evt -> ctx.reply( new RegUserStatus(Option.none()))); } } }
  • 25. Lagom - entity public class UserEntity extends PersistentEntity<UserCommand, UserEvent, UserState> { @Override public Behavior initialBehavior(Optional<UserState> snapshotState) { BehaviorBuilder b = newBehaviorBuilder( snapshotState.orElse(UserState.empty())); b.setEventHandler(UserEvent.RegisteredUser.class, evt -> new UserState(Option.some(new UserData(evt.userId,; b.setCommandHandler(UserCommand.RegisterUser.class, this::handleRegisterUserCMD); b.setReadOnlyCommandHandler( UserCommand.LoginUser.class, (cmd,ctx) -> ctx.reply( state() u-> u.hashedPassword .equals( .getOrElse(false)) ); return; } private Persist handleRegisterUserCMD(UserCommand.RegisterUser cmd, CommandContext ctx) { if (state().user.isDefined()) { ctx.reply(new RegUserStatus(Option.some("user exists"))); return ctx.done(); } else { return ctx.thenPersist(new UserEvent.RegisteredUser(cmd.userId,, evt -> ctx.reply( new RegUserStatus(Option.none()))); } } }
  • 27. Lagom – Read Side and SQL/NoSQL ● Cassandra is default Event Store from few options ● SQL DB also goes ... typically makes no sense ● There can be additional READ MODELS created for Entities (for READs SQL makes sense) events state Read side projection Read side processor request response
  • 28. Lagom – read side... writeProcessor private CompletionStage<List<BoundStatement>> processScoreAdded(ScoreEvent.RecordAdded event) { System.out.println("score in PROCESSOR:"+ event); final ScoreRecord singleRecord = event.record; return this.getSingleScore(singleRecord.userId).thenApply( score -> { BoundStatement bindWriteScore = writeScore.bind(); boolean won = singleRecord.result == GameResult.WON; bindWriteScore.setInt("totalScore", score.totalScore + (won ? 5 : 0 )); bindWriteScore.setInt("gamesWon", score.gamesWon + (won ? 1 : 0)); bindWriteScore.setInt("gamesLost",score.gamesLost + (won ? 0 : 1) ); bindWriteScore.setInt("gamesPlayed",score.gamesPlayed + 1 ); bindWriteScore.setInt("pointsScored", score.pointsScored+ singleRecord.playerScored); bindWriteScore.setInt("pointsLost", score.pointsLost+ singleRecord.opponentScore); bindWriteScore.setString("userId", singleRecord.userId); System.out.println("bound for:"+singleRecord.userId); return bindWriteScore; } ).thenApply(bs -> Arrays.asList(bs)); }
  • 29. Lagom – read side... read with CQL public ServiceCall<NotUsed, List<UserScore>> getTopScores() { return request -> { return cassandraSession.selectAll( "SELECT userId, " + "totalScore, " + "gamesWon, " + "gamesLost, " + "gamesPlayed, " + "pointsScored, " + "pointsLost FROM userScore " ) .thenApply(allRows -> List.ofAll(allRows) .map(ScoreRSProcessor.getRowUserScoreFunction()) .sortBy(score ->score.totalScore) .reverse() .take(20) ); }; }
  • 30. Websocket private Source<GameState, NotUsed> createFlow(Source<String, NotUsed> input, final String gameId) { final PubSubRef<GameState> ref = pubSub.refFor(TopicId.of(GameState.class, gameId)); Source<GameState, NotUsed> games = ref.subscriber(); return games; } @Override public ServiceCall<Source<String, NotUsed>, Source<GameState, NotUsed>> stream(final String gameId) { return req -> CompletableFuture.completedFuture(createFlow(req, gameId)); }
  • 31. Security public HeaderServiceCall<String, Done> movePaddle(final String gameId) { return runSecure((session, newPosition) -> { float targetY = Float.parseFloat(newPosition); PersistentEntityRef<GameStateCommand> ref = persistentEntityRegistry.refFor(GameStateEntity.class, gameId); return ref.ask(new GameStateCommand.MovePlayerPaddle(session.userId, targetY)); }, () -> Done.getInstance()); }
  • 32. Lagom - testing @Test public void testDoubleCreateUser() { withServer(defaultSetup().withCassandra(true), server -> { UsersService service = server.client(UsersService.class); RegUserStatus created1st = service.addUser("aaa").invoke(new NewUser("aaa")).toCompletableFuture().get(5, SECONDS); RegUserStatus created2nd= service.addUser("aaa").invoke(new NewUser("aaa")).toCompletableFuture().get(5, SECONDS); assertTrue( created1std.ok); assertFalse( created2nd.ok); }); }
  • 33. Lagom programming - summary ● Java 8 ● High order functions ● CompletableFuture FTW ● Immutability ● JavaSlang – perfect fit ● Fast feedback with sbt and maven(!) ● Nice tests... but slow ● Nice Documentation ● Still changing API
  • 34. Lagom programming – very little magic ● No aspects with annotations ● Very simple DI framework Guice ● No beans – just classes ● Clean code with lagom is natural
  • 35. Lagom alternatives ● Scala + Akka/ Akka persistence ● Ratpack + Airomem DROP DB ● Spring 5 Reactive ● JavaEE ● Spring
  • 36. Lagom alternative - Ratpack ● Java 8 Non blocking http library ● Netty based ● Non blocking ● Not a framework ● Open source ● Do persistence on your own (like #DROPDB or async SQL or NoSQL) ● Fast tests ● More code to write ● No magic at all ● Ratpack + airomem : All you can get from single machine
  • 37. Lagom alternative – Scala + Akka stack ● Lightbend ● Lagom is built on top of akka + play ● Scala first API ● Implementaions in Scala OK, in Java .... so so ● Lot of existing implementations, mature standard, help + support ● Professional support ● Open source ● Same as Lagom but Probably best for Scala teams
  • 38. Lagom alternative – Spring 5 Reactive ● Comes soon ● No magic (like Spring Beans with DI) needed ● Similar to Ratpack ! ● IMO Better looking API ● Some compatibility with Spring ● With better SpringData (non blocking, non magic) might be really killer platform!
  • 39.
  • 40. Lagom alternatives – JavaEE or Spring ● Too much magic ● Too much locking ● Hell of getters, setters and singletons( Spring) ● Tests with mocks will test mocks ● Cleand code... with those platforms ? ● Classical state based persistence makes it easy for people ● We've seen enough!
  • 41. Do you want to know more? Life Beyond the Illusion of Present by Jonas Boner Polyglot Data by Greg Young Monadic Java & G o F patterns Mario Fusco