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Creator -Jehovah – Promised Messiah
Birth to his Ministry
Jesus of Nazareth
Who was Orson Hyde
what did he do in Jerusalem?
Who is the Messiah?
What do you see in the prophecies concerning the Birth of the
Messiah or Christ? (T.G. p.252)
• Isa. 7:14 (Matt. 1:23)
• Isa. 9:6-7 (Matt. 1:1-17)
• Micah 5:2 (Matt. 2:6)
• Hosea 11:1
• Born of a Virgin
• Born of Davidic descent
• Born in Bethlehem
• Out of Egypt
What do you see in the Old testament Prophecies concerning
his ministry?The Messiah or Christ? (T.G. p.252)
• Ps. 69:9 (John 2:13-17)
• Isa. 61:1-3 (Luke 4:21)
• Isa. 53:1-12
• Mosiah 3: 5-13 (John 5,6,9)
• Cleansing of the Temple
• His Ministry (D&C 138)
• Bore testimony And Rejected in
• Miracles, Atonement
Does the Old Testament bear witness of the Messiah? (T.G. p.252)
• Zech. 9:9 (John 12:4)
• Ps. 22:1, 16, 18; 34:20; Isa.
• Zech. 11:12(Matt. 27:9)
• Isa. 50:6
• Ps. 69:21 (Matt. 27:34,48)
• Ez. 37: 12 (Matt. 27:52
• Gal. 1:1
• Triumphal entry
• Betrayal Crucifixion
• Pulled out his beared
• The Price of Betrayal
• Whipped
• I thirst…
• Resurrection
To the Convincing of the Jew
• Which is to show unto the remnant of the House of
Israel what great things the Lord hath done for their
fathers; and that they may know the covenants of the
Lord, that they are not cast off forever—And also to
the convincing of the Jew and Gentile that JESUS is
the CHRIST, the ETERNAL GOD, manifesting himself
unto all nations.
• (Book of Mormon | Preface Title Page:2)
What do you see in these prophecies, signs and
symbols surrounding His Birth…?
• Light at birth darkness at death?
• 3 Nephi 1:17-19
Hel. 14:20, 27; 3 Ne.8:3, 19-23
• The New Star
• Helaman 14:5-7…such an one …
• 3 Nephi 1:21…new star arose…
• Revelation 2:28…the morning star
• Revelation 22:16…I am the Bright and Morning Star
• Why did the Angels come to the Shepherds of
the temple flock?
• JST Luke 2:8-17…keeping watch…
• Rev.5:4-6 …worthy lamb slain
• John 10 …the good shepherd…
• Why was he born in a manger?
• JST Luke 2:7…swaddling clothes
• John 1:29…Behold the Lamb of God…
• Why was he born in Bethlehem?
• JST Luke 2:4…city of David
• Matthew 2:5-6…thus it is written
• JST John 6:35-38…I am the Bread of life…
• It is the grand truth that in all that
Jesus came to say and do,
including and especially in His
atoning suffering and sacrifice, He
was showing us who and what
God our Eternal Father is like, how
completely devoted He is to His
children in every age and nation.
In word and in deed Jesus was
trying to reveal and make personal
to us the true nature of His Father,
our Father in Heaven. (CR Oct.
2003 JRH)
Luke 1:26-38
• 26 And in the sixth month
the angel Gabriel was sent
from God unto a city of
Galilee, named Nazareth,
• 27 To a virgin espoused to a
man whose name was
Joseph, of the house of
David; and the virgin’s
name was Mary.
• 28 And the angel came in
unto her, and said, Hail, thou
that art highly favoured, the
Lord is with thee:
blessed art thou among
Nazareth-Nasar-Branch Matt. 2:23
• As for Nazareth itself, like many other villages of
Judea and Galilee, it sat amid steep, tree-covered
hillsides so as not to utilize precious agricultural
land. For a village now so famous to us, it seems
to have been of singular insignificance then. It is
not even mentioned in the Old Testament or in
the extensive writings of the ancient historian
Josephus. Nathanael expressed what must have
been a common feeling even among the Galileans
when he said, "Can there any good thing come
out of Nazareth?" (John 1:46.) Evidently, the
suggestion that the Messiah had come from such
a civic backwater was unthinkable.
• But that is not to say that this home
village of Mary and Joseph, and later the
Master Himself, was a drab and dull
setting. One writer describes it as follows:
"You cannot see from Nazareth the
surrounding country, for Nazareth lies in a
basin; but the moment you climb to the
edge of the basin . . . what a view you
have. Esdraelon lies before you, with its
twenty battlefields. . . . There is Naboth's
vineyard and the place of Jehu's revenge
upon Jezebel; there Shunem and the
house of Elisha; the Carmel and the place
of Elijah's sacrifice. To the east the valley
of Jordan, . . . to the west the radiance of
the Great Sea. . . . You can see thirty miles
in three directions."
Luke 1:26-38
• 29 And when she saw him, she was troubled at his
saying, and cast in her mind what manner of
salutation this should be.
• 30 And the angel said unto her, Fear not, Mary: for
thou hast found favour with God.
• 31 And, behold, thou shalt conceive in thy womb, and
bring forth a son, and shalt call his name Jesus.
• 32 He shall be great, and shall be called the Son of the
Highest: and the Lord God shall give unto him the
throne of his father David:
Luke 1:26-38
• 33 And he shall reign over the house of Jacob for ever; and
of his kingdom there shall be no end.
• 34 Then said Mary unto the angel, How shall this be,
seeing I know not a man?
• 35 And the angel answered and said unto her, The Holy
Ghost shall come upon thee, and the power of the Highest
shall overshadow thee: therefore also that holy thing which
shall be born of thee shall be called the Son of God.
Luke 1:26-38
• 36 And, behold, thy cousin Elisabeth, she hath also
conceived a son in her old age: and this is the sixth month
with her, who was called barren.
• 37 For with God nothing shall be impossible.
• 38 And Mary said, Behold the handmaid of the Lord; be it
unto me according to thy word. And the angel departed
from her.
Church of the Annunciation
• The towering cupola of the Church of the
Annunciation in Nazareth stands over
the cave that tradition holds to be the
home of the Virgin Mary.
• Here, it is believed, the archangel Gabriel
told the young Mary, aged about 14, that
she would become the mother of the Son
of God. And here Mary uttered
her consent: “Let it be done to me
according to your word.”
Mary’s Well (Arabic: ‫العذراء‬ ‫عين‬ ,ʿ Ain il-
ʿadhrāʾ or "The spring of the Virgin Mary")
• …is reputed to be located at the site where, according to the Catholic
tradition, Angel Gabriel appeared to Mary, mother of Jesus and
announced that she would bear the Son of God – an event known as
the Annunciation.
• Found just below the Greek Orthodox Church of the Annunciation in
modern-day Nazareth, the well was positioned over an underground
spring that served for centuries as a local watering hole for
the Palestinianvillagers. Renovated twice, once in 1967 and once in
2000, the current structure is a symbolic representation of the
structure that was once in use.
Mary’s Well Nazareth
• Mary's Well is located in the center
of the downtown Nazareth, on the
main road. The site is actually a
modern water trough, which was
built over the ancient trough, which
was used by the women and
animals as drinking water.
• The well gets its water by pipes
from a natural spring about 200M
north of the well, and was used
throughout the ages. According to
the tradition, this was the place
where Virgin Mary, Mother of Jesus,
was announced by the angel Gabriel
that she will have a son of God.
Matt. 2:23
• There is an interesting verse in Matthew 2:23
that seems rather enigmatic: "And he went and
dwelt in a city called Nazareth, that what was
spoken by the prophets might be fulfilled, 'He
shall be called a Nazarene.'" This is the
conclusion of the birth narratives in Matthew,
immediately preceding the accounts of John the
Baptist (ch. 3) and the beginning of Jesus’ public
ministry in (ch. 4). It simply says that Joseph and
his family returned to live in Nazareth of
Galilee. And on the surface Matthew seems to
make the simple connection that this is
"fulfillment" of an Old Testament "prediction"
that this would occur.
Matt. 2:23
• The problem is that there is no such prediction,
or even remotely similar comment, anywhere in
the Old Testament. In fact, the city of Nazareth is
never mentioned in the Old Testament or
Apocrypha, even though it existed as a tiny village
from around 900 BC until the Babylonian exile,
and was then reestablished during the
Maccabbean era around 200 BC. It remained a
small, remote, and virtually unknown rural
village, although it was not far from the major
Roman center of Sepphoris in Jesus’ time.
Matt. 2:23
•Now, did Matthew just make a
mistake in his use of the Old
Nazareth the Branch?
• The prophets used various metaphors to refer to this
anticipated revival of the ideal monarchy to replace the
corrupt kings of the day, including "servant" (Haggai,
Isaiah), "signet ring" (Haggai), "shepherd" (Micah, Ezekiel),
or simply "David" (Amos). But in all three of the above
examples, Isaiah, Jeremiah, and Zechariah also use the
term "branch" as a metaphor to refer to the new king that
God would raise up from the line of David (Isa 4:2, 11:1, Jer
23:5, Zech 3:8, 6:12). The metaphor is most clearly
expressed in Isaiah 11:1: "There shall come forth a shoot
from the stump of Jesse, and a branch shall grow out of his
Nazareth the Branch?
• In Hebrew, the word "branch" is netzer, actually
only three consonantal letters: NZR. Note that the
town NaZaReth contains the same three primary
letters (plus an ending often attached to nouns).
In the Aramaic form of Nazareth, (Aramaic was
the common language spoken by most Israelites
after the exile; some have suggested that the
entire book of Matthew was originally written in
Aramaic rather than Greek), it comes very close in
sound to the Hebrew word for "branch."
Nazareth the Branch?
• It seems, then, that Matthew was not at all "mistaken" in
this Old Testament reference, although he was certainly not
exegeting Isaiah. He was identifying the obscure Galilean
town of Nazareth in which Jesus grew up with the Old
Testament reference to a netzer (Branch) God would raise
up to bring justice and righteousness and peace to His
people. In other words, this was the means Matthew used
to identify Jesus, even as a child returning to an obscure
town in remote Galilee ("can any good thing come from
Nazareth?" -John 1:47), as the "King" from the line of David
whom God had finally raised up to restore His people.
She kept all these things in her heart…
The Early Christian Prayer Circle by Hugh Nibley Fn, BYU Studies, vol. 19 (1978-
1979), Number 1 - Fall 1978 45.
• Having taken position in the circle, Mary begins to
• When I was in the Temple of God [a number of early
sources report that Mary served in the Temple, like
Samuel, as a Child] fn . . . there appeared to me one
day a manifestation like an angel of unfamiliar aspect. .
. . And suddenly the veil of the Temple was a great
earthquake and I fell on my face unable to bear the
sight of him. But he stretched forth his hand and
raised me up, and I looked up to heaven and a dewy
cloud came
The Early Christian Prayer Circle by Hugh Nibley Fn, BYU
Studies, vol. 19 (1978-1979), Number 1 - Fall 1978 45.
• …"Greetings, thou favored one, chosen vessel!"
and he grasped my right hand. And there was
bread in abundance and he set it out on the altar
of the Temple (cf. the shewbread), and he ate first
and then gave to me. And he put forth his hand
from his garment and there was drink in
abundance, and he drank first and then gave to
me, and I beheld and saw a full cup and bread.
The Early Christian Prayer Circle by Hugh Nibley Fn, BYU
Studies, vol. 19 (1978-1979), Number 1 - Fall 1978 45.
• And he said to me, "In three years' time I shall
send to you my Logos and you will bear a son,
and through him the creation will be saved. . . .
Peace to thee, my beloved, forever and ever."
And suddenly he was gone from me, and the
Temple was as it was before.
• At this point the Lord himself appeared and
commanded Mary "to utter no more of this
The House of Bread or Sheep?
Spice Trade Nabateans
What do we know about Jesus Mortal family?
The Boy Jesus of Nazareth
What do we know about Jesus Family?
• He was the oldest son of at least 7 children (Matt.13:55-56)
• 2 of his brothers would author scripture (James, Jude)
• He had a wonderfully humble step Father who was visited
by an angel (Matt. 1:20)
• His Mother was choice among women and grew up in the
temple she had visions and divine visitations (Luke 1:28-35)
• They were poor (Luke 2:41, 22-42)
• They went to the Temple (Luke 2:21-28)
• They labored Joseph and Mary with the boys and girls
• They lived the simple life in a small town
Shepherds Field
• In 40 BCE, after the Parthian conquest of Syria, Herod fled
to Masada. On the way, at the location of Herodion, Herod
clashed with the Parthians and emerged victorious. According to
the Roman Jewish historian Josephus, he "built a town on that
spot in commemoration of his victory, and enhanced it with
wonderful palaces... and he called it Herodion after himself"
• (The Wars of the Jews I, Chapter 13).[10]
Josephus describes
Herodium as follows:
• "This fortress, which is some
sixty stadia[11] distant from
Jerusalem, is naturally strong
and very suitable for such a
structure, for reasonably
nearby is a hill, raised to a
(greater) height by the hand
of man and rounded off in
the shape of a breast. At
intervals it has round towers,
and it has a steep ascent
formed of two hundred
steps of hewn stone.
Josephus describes Herodium
as follows:
• Within it are costly royal apartments made for security and
for ornament at the same time. At the base of the hill there
are pleasure grounds built in such a way as to be worth
seeing, among other things because of the way in which
water, which is lacking in that place, is brought in from a
distance and at great expense. The surrounding plain was
built up as a city second to none, with the hill serving as an
acropolis for the other dwellings." (The Jewish War I, 21,
10; Antiquities of the Jews XIV, chapter 13.9).
Herod’s slaying of the innocents
• The first non-Christian reference to the massacre is recorded four
centuries later by Macrobius (c. 395–423), who writes in his Saturnalia:
• When he [emperor Augustus] heard that among the boys in Syria
under two years old whom Herod, king of the Jews, had ordered killed,
his own son was also killed, he said: it is better to be Herod's pig, than
his son.[12]
• The story assumed an important place in later Christian tradition;
Byzantine liturgy estimated 14,000 Holy Innocents while an early
Syrian list of saints stated the number at 64,000. Coptic sources raise
the number to 144,000 and place the event on 29 December.[13] Taking
the narrative literally and judging from the estimated population of
Bethlehem, the Catholic Encyclopedia(1907–12) more soberly
suggested that these numbers were inflated, and that probably only
between six and twenty children were killed in the town, with a dozen
or so more in the surrounding areas.
Rachels Tomb
Luke 2:25-35
The Temple Mount
Church of St. Anne’s and Pool of
Bethesda (Sheep’s pool)
Pool of Bethseda
• Just inside Lions Gate or
Stephens Gate is the
Crusader Church of St.
Anne … the traditional
home of Anne and
Joachim Mary’s
parents…all three major
religions of the Holy land
have owned this property
at some point…1856 the
Ottoman Turks in
gratitude for help in the
Crimean war gave the
church back to the French
John 5:1-16…by the
sheep market a pool…a
certain man was there
which had an infirmity 38
He was sent to experience mortality
• As a babe he began to grow, normally and naturally… there was nothing
supernatural about it. He learned to crawl… walk… run. He spoke his
first word, cut his first tooth, took his first step—the same as other
children do. He learned to speak; he played with toys like those of his
brothers and sisters; and he played with them and with the neighbor
children. He went to sleep at night and he awoke with the morning light.
He took exercise, and his muscles were strong because he used them.
What do we know about his mortality as a
• Though Jesus was the literal Son of God,
as a young child he needed to be taught
and cared for much like other children.
This would be necessary because "over his
mind had fallen the
veil of forgetfulness
• common to all who are born to earth, by
which the remembrance of primeval
existence is shut off" (James E. Talmage,
Jesus the Christ, p. 111).
He lived the Test of Mortality
• … he was subject to disease and illness on the same basis as we all
are. We know he was hungry, weary, and sorrowful;
• Isa.53:2-5
• Heb. 2:10-18
• Heb. 5:8-9
President J. Reuben Clark, Jr.—Wist Ye Not That I Must Be
About My Father's Business,
• "As we think of them moving slowly down into the valley with their
donkeys laden with necessary supplies," President Clark says,
"picking their way among the boulders that strewed the path, we
cannot escape wondering what were the thoughts of Jesus. That He
was exceeding wise, the experience in the Temple shows. But was
this wisdom earthborn from His studies, or did He have also a
spiritual memory that brought to Him a recollection of all that had
before happened,
• and a vision to show what was thereafter to
happen along this road to Jerusalem, a road richer
in incidents of God's dealings with His children,
than any other road on the face of the earth? . . .
• "One wonders if as He came to Nain, He saw a
vision of His future miracle of kindness there. . . .
• And did there also come before Him the iniquities
and tragic fate of Ahab and Jezebel, and the Lord's
vengeance worked through Elijah against the
priests of Baal, and the flight of Elijah to Carmel,
the passing of the Lord before Elijah in the 'still
small voice'? For Jesus was the Lord who spoke to
and commanded His ancient prophets."
The Gift of seership…
• "What must have been the feelings of the young Jesus as he looked at this
present magnificence and then recalled the past, and (it seems it must be)
visioned the future! . . . for we must believe there was with Him a spiritual
recollection, a divine knowledge, of the past . . . As Jesus looked at all these, . . .
there must have crowded in upon his consciousness the scenes of the actual
• As the pilgrims pass Jacob's Well, the question is asked:
"As at twelve He now beheld the well, did He vision the
future meeting with the woman [of Samaria] and His
sermon on the living water?"
The Mortal Messiah
BRM p.369
• he was so highly endowed with talents and
abilities, so spiritually sensitive, so in tune with
the Infinite, that his learning and wisdom soon
excelled that of all his fellows. His knowledge
came to him quickly and easily because he was
building—as is the case with all men—upon the
foundations laid in preexistence. He brought with
him from that eternal world the talents and
capacities, the inclinations to conform and obey,
and the ability to recognize truth that he had there
acquired. …Jesus, when yet a child had spiritual
talents that no other man in a hundred lifetimes
could obtain.
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4 Birth Of Jesus Christ Holy Land Relevant sites

  • 1. Creator -Jehovah – Promised Messiah Birth to his Ministry Jesus of Nazareth
  • 2.
  • 3.
  • 4. Who was Orson Hyde what did he do in Jerusalem?
  • 5. Who is the Messiah?
  • 6. What do you see in the prophecies concerning the Birth of the Messiah or Christ? (T.G. p.252) • Isa. 7:14 (Matt. 1:23) • Isa. 9:6-7 (Matt. 1:1-17) • Micah 5:2 (Matt. 2:6) • Hosea 11:1 • Born of a Virgin • Born of Davidic descent • Born in Bethlehem • Out of Egypt
  • 7. What do you see in the Old testament Prophecies concerning his ministry?The Messiah or Christ? (T.G. p.252) • Ps. 69:9 (John 2:13-17) • Isa. 61:1-3 (Luke 4:21) • Isa. 53:1-12 • Mosiah 3: 5-13 (John 5,6,9) • Cleansing of the Temple • His Ministry (D&C 138) • Bore testimony And Rejected in Nazareth • Miracles, Atonement
  • 8. Does the Old Testament bear witness of the Messiah? (T.G. p.252) • Zech. 9:9 (John 12:4) • Ps. 22:1, 16, 18; 34:20; Isa. 22:23 • Zech. 11:12(Matt. 27:9) • Isa. 50:6 • Ps. 69:21 (Matt. 27:34,48) • Ez. 37: 12 (Matt. 27:52 • Gal. 1:1 • Triumphal entry • Betrayal Crucifixion • Pulled out his beared • The Price of Betrayal • Whipped • I thirst… • Resurrection
  • 9. To the Convincing of the Jew • Which is to show unto the remnant of the House of Israel what great things the Lord hath done for their fathers; and that they may know the covenants of the Lord, that they are not cast off forever—And also to the convincing of the Jew and Gentile that JESUS is the CHRIST, the ETERNAL GOD, manifesting himself unto all nations. • (Book of Mormon | Preface Title Page:2)
  • 10. What do you see in these prophecies, signs and symbols surrounding His Birth…? • Light at birth darkness at death? • 3 Nephi 1:17-19 Hel. 14:20, 27; 3 Ne.8:3, 19-23 • The New Star • Helaman 14:5-7…such an one … • 3 Nephi 1:21…new star arose… • Revelation 2:28…the morning star • Revelation 22:16…I am the Bright and Morning Star • Why did the Angels come to the Shepherds of the temple flock? • JST Luke 2:8-17…keeping watch… • Rev.5:4-6 …worthy lamb slain • John 10 …the good shepherd… • Why was he born in a manger? • JST Luke 2:7…swaddling clothes • John 1:29…Behold the Lamb of God… • Why was he born in Bethlehem? • JST Luke 2:4…city of David • Matthew 2:5-6…thus it is written • JST John 6:35-38…I am the Bread of life…
  • 11. • It is the grand truth that in all that Jesus came to say and do, including and especially in His atoning suffering and sacrifice, He was showing us who and what God our Eternal Father is like, how completely devoted He is to His children in every age and nation. In word and in deed Jesus was trying to reveal and make personal to us the true nature of His Father, our Father in Heaven. (CR Oct. 2003 JRH)
  • 12.
  • 13. Luke 1:26-38 • 26 And in the sixth month the angel Gabriel was sent from God unto a city of Galilee, named Nazareth, • 27 To a virgin espoused to a man whose name was Joseph, of the house of David; and the virgin’s name was Mary. • 28 And the angel came in unto her, and said, Hail, thou that art highly favoured, the Lord is with thee: blessed art thou among women.
  • 15. Nazareth • As for Nazareth itself, like many other villages of Judea and Galilee, it sat amid steep, tree-covered hillsides so as not to utilize precious agricultural land. For a village now so famous to us, it seems to have been of singular insignificance then. It is not even mentioned in the Old Testament or in the extensive writings of the ancient historian Josephus. Nathanael expressed what must have been a common feeling even among the Galileans when he said, "Can there any good thing come out of Nazareth?" (John 1:46.) Evidently, the suggestion that the Messiah had come from such a civic backwater was unthinkable.
  • 16. Nazareth • But that is not to say that this home village of Mary and Joseph, and later the Master Himself, was a drab and dull setting. One writer describes it as follows: "You cannot see from Nazareth the surrounding country, for Nazareth lies in a basin; but the moment you climb to the edge of the basin . . . what a view you have. Esdraelon lies before you, with its twenty battlefields. . . . There is Naboth's vineyard and the place of Jehu's revenge upon Jezebel; there Shunem and the house of Elisha; the Carmel and the place of Elijah's sacrifice. To the east the valley of Jordan, . . . to the west the radiance of the Great Sea. . . . You can see thirty miles in three directions."
  • 17. Luke 1:26-38 • 29 And when she saw him, she was troubled at his saying, and cast in her mind what manner of salutation this should be. • 30 And the angel said unto her, Fear not, Mary: for thou hast found favour with God. • 31 And, behold, thou shalt conceive in thy womb, and bring forth a son, and shalt call his name Jesus. • 32 He shall be great, and shall be called the Son of the Highest: and the Lord God shall give unto him the throne of his father David:
  • 18. Luke 1:26-38 • 33 And he shall reign over the house of Jacob for ever; and of his kingdom there shall be no end. • 34 Then said Mary unto the angel, How shall this be, seeing I know not a man? • 35 And the angel answered and said unto her, The Holy Ghost shall come upon thee, and the power of the Highest shall overshadow thee: therefore also that holy thing which shall be born of thee shall be called the Son of God.
  • 19. Luke 1:26-38 • 36 And, behold, thy cousin Elisabeth, she hath also conceived a son in her old age: and this is the sixth month with her, who was called barren. • 37 For with God nothing shall be impossible. • 38 And Mary said, Behold the handmaid of the Lord; be it unto me according to thy word. And the angel departed from her.
  • 20. Church of the Annunciation • The towering cupola of the Church of the Annunciation in Nazareth stands over the cave that tradition holds to be the home of the Virgin Mary. • Here, it is believed, the archangel Gabriel told the young Mary, aged about 14, that she would become the mother of the Son of God. And here Mary uttered her consent: “Let it be done to me according to your word.”
  • 21. Mary’s Well (Arabic: ‫العذراء‬ ‫عين‬ ,ʿ Ain il- ʿadhrāʾ or "The spring of the Virgin Mary") • …is reputed to be located at the site where, according to the Catholic tradition, Angel Gabriel appeared to Mary, mother of Jesus and announced that she would bear the Son of God – an event known as the Annunciation. • Found just below the Greek Orthodox Church of the Annunciation in modern-day Nazareth, the well was positioned over an underground spring that served for centuries as a local watering hole for the Palestinianvillagers. Renovated twice, once in 1967 and once in 2000, the current structure is a symbolic representation of the structure that was once in use.
  • 22. Mary’s Well Nazareth • Mary's Well is located in the center of the downtown Nazareth, on the main road. The site is actually a modern water trough, which was built over the ancient trough, which was used by the women and animals as drinking water. • • The well gets its water by pipes from a natural spring about 200M north of the well, and was used throughout the ages. According to the tradition, this was the place where Virgin Mary, Mother of Jesus, was announced by the angel Gabriel that she will have a son of God. •
  • 23.
  • 24. Matt. 2:23 • There is an interesting verse in Matthew 2:23 that seems rather enigmatic: "And he went and dwelt in a city called Nazareth, that what was spoken by the prophets might be fulfilled, 'He shall be called a Nazarene.'" This is the conclusion of the birth narratives in Matthew, immediately preceding the accounts of John the Baptist (ch. 3) and the beginning of Jesus’ public ministry in (ch. 4). It simply says that Joseph and his family returned to live in Nazareth of Galilee. And on the surface Matthew seems to make the simple connection that this is "fulfillment" of an Old Testament "prediction" that this would occur.
  • 25. Matt. 2:23 • The problem is that there is no such prediction, or even remotely similar comment, anywhere in the Old Testament. In fact, the city of Nazareth is never mentioned in the Old Testament or Apocrypha, even though it existed as a tiny village from around 900 BC until the Babylonian exile, and was then reestablished during the Maccabbean era around 200 BC. It remained a small, remote, and virtually unknown rural village, although it was not far from the major Roman center of Sepphoris in Jesus’ time.
  • 26. Matt. 2:23 •Now, did Matthew just make a mistake in his use of the Old Testament?
  • 27. Nazareth the Branch? • The prophets used various metaphors to refer to this anticipated revival of the ideal monarchy to replace the corrupt kings of the day, including "servant" (Haggai, Isaiah), "signet ring" (Haggai), "shepherd" (Micah, Ezekiel), or simply "David" (Amos). But in all three of the above examples, Isaiah, Jeremiah, and Zechariah also use the term "branch" as a metaphor to refer to the new king that God would raise up from the line of David (Isa 4:2, 11:1, Jer 23:5, Zech 3:8, 6:12). The metaphor is most clearly expressed in Isaiah 11:1: "There shall come forth a shoot from the stump of Jesse, and a branch shall grow out of his roots."
  • 28. Nazareth the Branch? • In Hebrew, the word "branch" is netzer, actually only three consonantal letters: NZR. Note that the town NaZaReth contains the same three primary letters (plus an ending often attached to nouns). In the Aramaic form of Nazareth, (Aramaic was the common language spoken by most Israelites after the exile; some have suggested that the entire book of Matthew was originally written in Aramaic rather than Greek), it comes very close in sound to the Hebrew word for "branch."
  • 29. Nazareth the Branch? • It seems, then, that Matthew was not at all "mistaken" in this Old Testament reference, although he was certainly not exegeting Isaiah. He was identifying the obscure Galilean town of Nazareth in which Jesus grew up with the Old Testament reference to a netzer (Branch) God would raise up to bring justice and righteousness and peace to His people. In other words, this was the means Matthew used to identify Jesus, even as a child returning to an obscure town in remote Galilee ("can any good thing come from Nazareth?" -John 1:47), as the "King" from the line of David whom God had finally raised up to restore His people.
  • 30. She kept all these things in her heart… The Early Christian Prayer Circle by Hugh Nibley Fn, BYU Studies, vol. 19 (1978- 1979), Number 1 - Fall 1978 45. • Having taken position in the circle, Mary begins to speak: • When I was in the Temple of God [a number of early sources report that Mary served in the Temple, like Samuel, as a Child] fn . . . there appeared to me one day a manifestation like an angel of unfamiliar aspect. . . . And suddenly the veil of the Temple was a great earthquake and I fell on my face unable to bear the sight of him. But he stretched forth his hand and raised me up, and I looked up to heaven and a dewy cloud came
  • 31. The Early Christian Prayer Circle by Hugh Nibley Fn, BYU Studies, vol. 19 (1978-1979), Number 1 - Fall 1978 45. • …"Greetings, thou favored one, chosen vessel!" and he grasped my right hand. And there was bread in abundance and he set it out on the altar of the Temple (cf. the shewbread), and he ate first and then gave to me. And he put forth his hand from his garment and there was drink in abundance, and he drank first and then gave to me, and I beheld and saw a full cup and bread.
  • 32. The Early Christian Prayer Circle by Hugh Nibley Fn, BYU Studies, vol. 19 (1978-1979), Number 1 - Fall 1978 45. • And he said to me, "In three years' time I shall send to you my Logos and you will bear a son, and through him the creation will be saved. . . . Peace to thee, my beloved, forever and ever." And suddenly he was gone from me, and the Temple was as it was before. • At this point the Lord himself appeared and commanded Mary "to utter no more of this mystery,“…
  • 33.
  • 34.
  • 36. The House of Bread or Sheep?
  • 38. What do we know about Jesus Mortal family?
  • 39. The Boy Jesus of Nazareth
  • 40. What do we know about Jesus Family? • He was the oldest son of at least 7 children (Matt.13:55-56) • 2 of his brothers would author scripture (James, Jude) • He had a wonderfully humble step Father who was visited by an angel (Matt. 1:20) • His Mother was choice among women and grew up in the temple she had visions and divine visitations (Luke 1:28-35) • They were poor (Luke 2:41, 22-42) • They went to the Temple (Luke 2:21-28) • They labored Joseph and Mary with the boys and girls • They lived the simple life in a small town
  • 41.
  • 43.
  • 44.
  • 45. Herodian Palace • In 40 BCE, after the Parthian conquest of Syria, Herod fled to Masada. On the way, at the location of Herodion, Herod clashed with the Parthians and emerged victorious. According to the Roman Jewish historian Josephus, he "built a town on that spot in commemoration of his victory, and enhanced it with wonderful palaces... and he called it Herodion after himself" • (The Wars of the Jews I, Chapter 13).[10]
  • 46. Josephus describes Herodium as follows: • "This fortress, which is some sixty stadia[11] distant from Jerusalem, is naturally strong and very suitable for such a structure, for reasonably nearby is a hill, raised to a (greater) height by the hand of man and rounded off in the shape of a breast. At intervals it has round towers, and it has a steep ascent formed of two hundred steps of hewn stone.
  • 47. Josephus describes Herodium as follows: • Within it are costly royal apartments made for security and for ornament at the same time. At the base of the hill there are pleasure grounds built in such a way as to be worth seeing, among other things because of the way in which water, which is lacking in that place, is brought in from a distance and at great expense. The surrounding plain was built up as a city second to none, with the hill serving as an acropolis for the other dwellings." (The Jewish War I, 21, 10; Antiquities of the Jews XIV, chapter 13.9).
  • 48. Herod’s slaying of the innocents • The first non-Christian reference to the massacre is recorded four centuries later by Macrobius (c. 395–423), who writes in his Saturnalia: • When he [emperor Augustus] heard that among the boys in Syria under two years old whom Herod, king of the Jews, had ordered killed, his own son was also killed, he said: it is better to be Herod's pig, than his son.[12] • The story assumed an important place in later Christian tradition; Byzantine liturgy estimated 14,000 Holy Innocents while an early Syrian list of saints stated the number at 64,000. Coptic sources raise the number to 144,000 and place the event on 29 December.[13] Taking the narrative literally and judging from the estimated population of Bethlehem, the Catholic Encyclopedia(1907–12) more soberly suggested that these numbers were inflated, and that probably only between six and twenty children were killed in the town, with a dozen or so more in the surrounding areas.
  • 50.
  • 54. Egypt
  • 55. Church of St. Anne’s and Pool of Bethesda (Sheep’s pool)
  • 56. Pool of Bethseda • Just inside Lions Gate or Stephens Gate is the Crusader Church of St. Anne … the traditional home of Anne and Joachim Mary’s parents…all three major religions of the Holy land have owned this property at some point…1856 the Ottoman Turks in gratitude for help in the Crimean war gave the church back to the French Christians
  • 57. John 5:1-16…by the sheep market a pool…a certain man was there which had an infirmity 38 years…
  • 58. He was sent to experience mortality • As a babe he began to grow, normally and naturally… there was nothing supernatural about it. He learned to crawl… walk… run. He spoke his first word, cut his first tooth, took his first step—the same as other children do. He learned to speak; he played with toys like those of his brothers and sisters; and he played with them and with the neighbor children. He went to sleep at night and he awoke with the morning light. He took exercise, and his muscles were strong because he used them.
  • 59. What do we know about his mortality as a youth? • Though Jesus was the literal Son of God, as a young child he needed to be taught and cared for much like other children. This would be necessary because "over his mind had fallen the veil of forgetfulness • common to all who are born to earth, by which the remembrance of primeval existence is shut off" (James E. Talmage, Jesus the Christ, p. 111).
  • 60. He lived the Test of Mortality • … he was subject to disease and illness on the same basis as we all are. We know he was hungry, weary, and sorrowful; • Isa.53:2-5 • Heb. 2:10-18 • Heb. 5:8-9
  • 61. President J. Reuben Clark, Jr.—Wist Ye Not That I Must Be About My Father's Business, • "As we think of them moving slowly down into the valley with their donkeys laden with necessary supplies," President Clark says, "picking their way among the boulders that strewed the path, we cannot escape wondering what were the thoughts of Jesus. That He was exceeding wise, the experience in the Temple shows. But was this wisdom earthborn from His studies, or did He have also a spiritual memory that brought to Him a recollection of all that had before happened,
  • 62. • and a vision to show what was thereafter to happen along this road to Jerusalem, a road richer in incidents of God's dealings with His children, than any other road on the face of the earth? . . . • "One wonders if as He came to Nain, He saw a vision of His future miracle of kindness there. . . . • And did there also come before Him the iniquities and tragic fate of Ahab and Jezebel, and the Lord's vengeance worked through Elijah against the priests of Baal, and the flight of Elijah to Carmel, the passing of the Lord before Elijah in the 'still small voice'? For Jesus was the Lord who spoke to and commanded His ancient prophets."
  • 63. The Gift of seership… • "What must have been the feelings of the young Jesus as he looked at this present magnificence and then recalled the past, and (it seems it must be) visioned the future! . . . for we must believe there was with Him a spiritual recollection, a divine knowledge, of the past . . . As Jesus looked at all these, . . . there must have crowded in upon his consciousness the scenes of the actual events." •
  • 64. • As the pilgrims pass Jacob's Well, the question is asked: "As at twelve He now beheld the well, did He vision the future meeting with the woman [of Samaria] and His sermon on the living water?"
  • 65. The Mortal Messiah BRM p.369 • he was so highly endowed with talents and abilities, so spiritually sensitive, so in tune with the Infinite, that his learning and wisdom soon excelled that of all his fellows. His knowledge came to him quickly and easily because he was building—as is the case with all men—upon the foundations laid in preexistence. He brought with him from that eternal world the talents and capacities, the inclinations to conform and obey, and the ability to recognize truth that he had there acquired. …Jesus, when yet a child had spiritual talents that no other man in a hundred lifetimes could obtain.