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31 / My Reflections
I am trying to prepare a Balance Sheet of what I gained and what I lost in my Life. When
I decided to make this accounting, first thought that crept in my mind was of ‘Principles /
Guiding stars’ which assisted me in my Life journey. I learned these Principles from hard
realities of world which I experienced since childhood. I was brought up in a middle class
family, spent my childhood in the shadow of my father’s illness and in the threat of losing
him shortly. Nevertheless these Principles right or wrong helped me to fight my Life
battle. I feel that my uneasy and disturbed mind over the years has now settled down as
the end is not far. I just thought to document my Principles deep rooted in my mind. As it
is, I am very fond of & good at taking photos of ‘Reflections.’ This attempt is something
similar to this.
1. Perspective :
One should look at the world with magnifying glass of the mind.
What you may see or hear may not be true. There is always some hidden bond/current
which we can’t realize instantly and hence you need to involve your mind in interpreting
your experience. I would say that there are three sides to the coin and not two as every
one feels. One has to make an attempt to realize the ‘third side’ of the coin which is
decisive in every experience.
2. Adjustment:
One should always try to adjust with life; otherwise he will be a fish out of water.
We cannot manage in this world without adjustment. Birth is not in our hands but we can
certainly influence as to how we want to live? There is no guarantee that things will
always happen as we wish. In fact, they never happen. You may not get what you want in
Life but you can certainly love what you get in Life. One should learn what is the
bottom line of adjustment, when to adjust and how to adjust?
3. Race:
Life is a race from birth to death. We should know how to complete the race. Slow &
steady approach wins the race. We must know how to adjust the speed according to the
4. Appreciation:
One should not hesitate to appreciate. I have always observed that every body likes to
criticize others but they would avoid the situation when it comes to appreciate somebody.
However, you must appreciate from your heart. Everyone likes sweet talk. You should not
consider the status of the person while appreciating. Appreciation done at the right time
and in right proportion motivates the person in his future endeavours. Appreciation
should not be resorted to as part of politics or a mere formality. When somebody
appreciates, one should also learn to reciprocate. This important lesson is generally not
5. Point of view:
When you raise one finger, you should remember that three fingers are pointed at you.
It is necessary to follow the simple rule that one must think while criticizing as to how he
had behaved in similar circumstances or at that age. What logic was resorted to? One
should be able to focus our mind in every circumstance. It is said that a person staying in
a ‘Glass house’ should not throw stone at others.
6. Quit:
One should know when to stop.
As one should know as how to complete the Life’s race and at what speed, one should also
know when to stop. One must plan retirement. You should retire at a time when
somebody would ask you as to why you are retiring rather than some body asking when
you are retiring. The word ‘STOP’ should be interpreted in wider perspective. The word
should be in the backdrop of your mind when you are scolding your assistants, kids, while
eating, whenever angry, while enjoying, resting, accumulating wealth, donating etc.
Practically in every sphere, you should know when to stop because excess of every thing
is bad for us.
7. Direction:
One should always try to select the right path.
In our Life journey, we come across two roads ahead of us. We must make every attempt
to select the right path depending upon circumstances, pros and cons of the situation. If we
can’t decide then we should not hesitate to take opinion of someone who knows us deeply.
However it is necessary to have faith in that person and ability to decide. Once you decide
then it is necessary to stand by your decision. Your mind should not flicker with initial
outcome. One stands to lose more by changing decisions quickly.
8. Relaxation:
One should know the Art of Relaxation.
We should find out what relaxes you and having known this, we must enjoy the
relaxation. Most of our time is spent in discharging our duties appropriate to the age.
In childhood & middle age, we spend more time for studying, and then we spend more
time in office or profession and also for the family. Even then we must nurse our
childhood hobbies. In fact I would say that we should not loose our childhood and
should preserve child instinct in old age. We must remember that the ways & means of
relaxation would vary from person to person. According to me, any activity which is not
your primary activity is the activity of relaxation. Once you form the habit of relaxation,
your performance is bound to improve.
I have nursed many hobbies such as Astrology, Graphology, Medical reading,
Photography, Music, counseling of senior citizens and of young generation, interpretation
of body language etc. I have been relaxing from my professional work with these
hobbies carried out consistently. I have shared my knowledge & my hobbies in my
website ‘’ for the benefit of the public.
9. Approach:
Open approach helps in Life.
Inspite of my knowledge and education, I never took the stand either in the Office or in the
Family that I am wise and rest are fools. I mixed with people by understanding their
position, status and on an equality complex. I never give opinion without understanding
all the sides of the issue.
10. Saving:
Saving should be the first charge on income.
Since childhood I learned the Art & Necessity of Saving. My father had a unique
definition of saving as Income Less Saving = Expenses. We learned the real meaning of
this philosophy when he was nearing his exit from this world. He was drawing a salary of
Rs.800/-pm out of which he had offered deduction of Rs.200/- towards PF and he would
do part time typing job to make good the shortfall in household expenses.
Typically I have witnessed slow and steady rise in the cost of living over my life. If I
would not have followed this formula, I could not have nursed the dream of early
retirement from the profession on my terms.
11. Approach to Life:
One should face Life realities with a smiling face.
We can dream about happiness but technically we have no control on these dreams.
We can only try our level best and leave it to God to do justice. Ultimately GOD decides
your happiness and problems. His decision is final. He does not give what you want.
At the same time he gives something which you have not demanded or requested. Change
is part of life. We have no choice but to accept the change, good or bad. We must see to it
that you will not compromise on your peace of mind in the process. Every one faces
problems in Life and every one feels that his problem is the worst of the lot. Friends, but it
is not so. If one looks at the problem peacefully, one can still think of ways & means of
fighting it out.
12. Real wealth:
Wealth can purchase tangible goods but not peace of mind.
All tangible goods can be purchased with wealth but not the peace of mind. A rich person
is not one who has everything but a person who does not need any thing. A person with
a balanced mind, having peace of mind, detachment from material pleasures can be called
a rich person.
13. Risk:
One must acquire the skill to take calculated risk.
Every activity in our Life is full of risk. In fact, we unknowingly undertake risk even in
breathing. We inhale whole range of impurities with every breath but still we don’t fall
sick very often. We fall sick only when the germs find our body condition suitable for
growth. We are forced to undertake risk from the moment we leave the house for work.
But we get so used to this, that we don’t realize the risk. In Life, risk is associated with
every decision we take. Hence decision should be taken after considering pros and cons of
the issue. Once decision is taken then we should stand by it. If we have a wavering mind
and keep changing the decisions, then we will be the loser in the process. At times we are
not confident while taking decision in spite of logical, practical, technical analysis.
We must seek the advice in such situation from an expert who ‘can’ have unbiased
approach to decision making. However we must hear our ‘inner voice’ and take the final
decision accordingly. If your ‘gut’ feeling does not permit then drop the decision.
14. Work ethics:
Any work should be carried out with involvement & sincerity. The mental satisfaction
you get in the process can not be equated in monetary terms.
Any work should be done sincerely, honestly and with involvement of mind and body.
No work is small. Every work has its own dignity. The only difference is that each work
or job demands different skills & education and experience. Hence one is essentially a
service provider irrespective of his designation.
15. Signal:
One should not ignore ‘Signals.’
Let me share one secret with you. If you want to avoid the problems and sorrows in life,
then you must learn to identify signals. You may not identify every signal in physical
form. Many signals can be felt such as change in tone of the boss, behaviour of the
colleagues, wife’s changed face, worries hovering on the face of your parents,
mis-behaviour of your kids, minor health problems (indigestion, acidity, insomania etc.)
16. Equilibrium:
Everyone should master the ‘balancing act.’
We must achieve equilibrium in Life to be successful. We should learn what a joker does
in the circus to reach the equilibrium irrespective of the nature of problems or fight
between principles or participants. (Say between boss and assistants, wife and mother etc.)
It is possible to achieve equilibrium only if you take into account the third side of the issue,
which generally gets ignored.
17. Education:
One should study regularly to avoid burning the mid-night oil.
Clarity and consistency is most essential if we want to be successful in Life. These
attributes are required in every sphere of life. It helps to reduce tension in the long run.
Just imagine a student studying regularly appears for the examination confidently and is
not bothered about the results. A person who does office work regularly according to
priority is always tension free. We should remain as ‘Student’ all through Life because one
can learn from practically any one provided your mind is open.
18. Barriers:
One should always try to break all ‘out dated barriers’ in life.
We stay in a society and try to follow the rules, regulations, conventions of the society.
In fact every person is at the centre point of his ‘Society’. We generally think of the society’s
reaction whenever we wish to deviate from its rules & conventions. If we are weak minded
then we do not indulge in deviation at all. But it’s time to have rethinking on many
outdated customs, blind faith, beliefs which are followed blindly by all classes
irrespective of education, wealth, age etc. We must try and unearth the new meaning of
the Customs and if convinced and if not causing any disturbance to others, then we must
become the Trend setter. Have confidence that one day the same society will adore you.
My experience is great in this matter. Let me share the secret. A person like me highly
qualified & working as Top level executive married a widow and adopted two kids, way
back in 1984. Today my son and daughter are well settled in Life. No doubt we had
problems initially but more so due to interference of relatives but our concept was clear
and hence we could swim in the rough water.
19. Communication:
One must constantly make an attempt to minimize communication gap.
Most of the dispute happens because of improper or no communication. You should mean
what you say but you may not say what mean unless called for. We can communicate by
speaking, body language, handwriting etc. However there should be unity in all these
forms. It is the responsibility of every generation to bridge the gap.
20. Ladder:
One should not throw the ladder after reaching on Top.
We all play snakes & ladders game in our childhood. You will realize that contribution of
the society (our family being the integral part) in our development is invaluable.
This debt can never be repaid in full. Any animal baby stands on own legs shortly after
birth and takes its own care shortly. However a human being takes 20-25 years to stand on
own legs in true sense of the term. During this period every one including parents,
teachers, relatives, family members offer their own ladder of knowledge, finances etc. to us
with a sole intention of making us successful in Life. When ever you get promotion, don’t
think it as your victory. This is the victory of all those who have contributed to your
success and you are receiving this recognition on their behalf.
Some how, I have a bitter experience in this matter. Persons after getting assistance from
me failed to acknowledge it. They took undue advantage of my kindness. Still I continued
my mission of offering helping hand to needy people. I made it a point to share my
21. Transaction:
We should not sell our knowledge for unethical acts.
We must use our knowledge and education for the benefit of the society. But the real
picture is other way round. Knowledge and education is being used for accumulating
wealth. We have all along tolerated political leaders /workers for this. But the sad story is
that even professionals, intellectuals have also joined this band wagon. No service
provider wants to be left out of this scenario. With the result, quality of management is
deteriorating day by day because they have full confidence that somebody would ignore
their shortcomings for a ‘price’. No doubt, there are exceptions to this rule and in fact
India has made progress on all fronts due to single handed efforts of such honest
persons. However this work scenario makes things difficult for a sincere worker. I have
faced this music for cultivating good qualities such as sincerity, involvement, working for
the interest of the organization rather than the person etc.
22. Fault Finding:
One should leave the habit of finding fault with every matter.
There is a natural tendency of a human being of finding fault. It is necessary to win over
this defect. Nobody is perfect. Every one has some bad qualities or the other. Few people
do self analysis and try to win over these bad qualities. But every one may not be
successful in his efforts. Hence it is the responsibility of parents, teachers, bosses and
elders to pinpoint the deficiencies of person. However care needs to be taken that a person
doesn’t get hurt in the process. One can induce/appeal to him by highlighting his good
qualities. The advisor should also think as to how he himself had behaved under similar
circumstances and at that age.
23. Work ethics:
One should concentrate on one matter at a time.
At every stage one must realize what is the call of the day? What are his priorities in life?
What are his duties and responsibilities? One must know, what to delegate & whom to
delegate? Differentiate between important and urgent activities.
24. Wining Stroke:
We cannot always get best of everything every time.
It is worthless expecting that we will get every thing we dream or want in Life. In fact it
never happens. Very few people can digest this truth. Success and failure are two sides of
the same coin. We should not lose balance in these situations. Every happiness and
pleasure you get in Life has a ‘cost.’ Think about it to realize this. At times experience of
failure makes you stronger person. One must also taste the failure in Life to enjoy the
relieved feeling. Success is likely to make you arrogant.
25. Magic:
Every one is bestowed with magic stick, realization of which is essential for success in
We generally carry out ‘SWOT’ analysis of ourselves. However each one of us is bestowed
with a ‘Secret Energy’ and it is the responsibility of the family members, teachers to make
the person aware of this secret energy. In difficult times, this secret energy comes to our
We set our educational goals, make all out efforts to achieve the same. It is also necessary
that we must do the job or carry out the profession-occupation which would demand
our educational knowledge. You must have observed that many people compromise on
this concept of utilization of educational expertise achieved and take any job for earning
money. Under such circumstances, do you think it is possible for them to give justice to the
26. Approach:
Our hands should be clean irrespective of any act.
Our behaviour should be in line with our primary objectives of Life (Swa-dharma).
We get this swa-dharma by birth and education. It is our duty that nobody should get
opportunity to raise their finger for our failure of discharging swa-dharma. Similarly, we
should not resort to corruption in discharging our duty. One may attempt to avoid
inward corruption but what about outward corruption? Many times corruption is
resorted to due to nuisance value of bureaucrats. Bureaucracy has no alternative in
democracy and no body is afraid of penalties. India can make still better progress if
corruption is buried successfully. (Refer my views on corruption)
27. Labour:
One should take pride in doing household chores.
You cannot classify any work as small or big. Our reputation is not spoiled if we do
household chores or do our own jobs. Have you at any time enjoyed this experience of
offering a helping hand for household work? In fact your spouse may not allow you to
work because she won’t like her husband doing household chores. You can learn many
things if you observe your wife working in the kitchen. Woman is the first ‘Management
Guru’. Try to remember how your mother was managing the show with limited finances?
You cannot value her efforts in monetary terms. You must offer your helping hand as a
salute for her contribution towards the well being of the family.
28. Punctuality:
We must decide Priorities in Life and accordingly do Time Management. Your success in
Life depends on doing right thing at the right time and in right proportion. Our
approach should be modified according to changed scenario. If we adhere to the deadlines,
then most of the tensions in life can be greatly reduced.
29. Retrospect:
One should form the habit of retrospection.
One should form the habit of evaluating gains & losses on reaching the milestone in Life.
This analysis would help you to decide the further goals, what should be avoided etc.
30. Self realization:
Your success in Life depends on realization of one’s limitations.
It is necessary to know the limitations along with strong points. The knowledge of our
limitations will enable you to keep your feet firmly on the ground. Your behaviour will
never get spoilt by instant / easy success.
31. Goal:
One should always set a noble Goal in Life & make an all out effort to achieve it.
No doubt that we should set lofty goals in Life. But our all round development of
personality, social service, helping needy persons, creating good family ties, maintaining
good health, keeping peace of mind, making good friends should also find place in your
GOAL setting. You are bound to earn enough money if you work sincerely and honestly
and hence to earn handsome money you need not keep a separate target. To work
honestly and sincerely without corruption (financial or intellectual) should be the main
target. To become the good citizen of the country should be the highest goal which
every one should pursue.
32. Pack Up:
Nobody knows as to when you will get the invitation to visit heaven or hell.  
Every one is afraid of ‘death’. People hesitate to utter this word in the house. Hence
preparing for death is just impossible. I spent my childhood in the shadow of death of my
father. He was suffering from Diabetes and his days were numbered. I still remember his
efforts taken for the family inspite of his poor health.
I suffered serious accident in 1996. I had an undiagnosed fever in December 1998. I am still
trying to fight and enjoy Life. I never realized as to when my mind died due to childhood
circumstances. Still I am living considering every night as a last night and every morning
as one more day to live. I am mentally ready to quit. I have already donated my eyes,
finalized my wealth papers, giving serious thought to donating body. For many years,
I prayed God to lift me on completion of 60 years.
It is quite likely that you might get bored with reading these Principles. But you can
also make a similar attempt to unearth your principles. It is a necessary exercise one
should do in Life.
You will notice the reflections of above principles in my writing and you would be able to
get some idea about my personality.
If you can get the rhythm of your life after reading this, I would feel that my efforts are
rewarded. God bless you.
Let me sum up the discussion with Few Tips for Living a Happy LIFE.
We have to bear with Life problems and difficulties as Birth is not in our hands.
We have to follow the changes that take place in the world/society and adjust with it.
We must decide when to stop. (take macro meaning)
We should render social service according to our capacity along with
We should face the difficulties with the smiling face. We should keep our sorrows in mind.
But we should try to make others smile.
We should always remember the help rendered by every one in our Life. We should not
throw the ladder on reaching to the top.
We should be always ready to say good bye to this world.
We should tolerate people, circumstances to the extent possible.
We should aim to leave the world happily.

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31 my reflections

  • 1. 31 / My Reflections I am trying to prepare a Balance Sheet of what I gained and what I lost in my Life. When I decided to make this accounting, first thought that crept in my mind was of ‘Principles / Guiding stars’ which assisted me in my Life journey. I learned these Principles from hard realities of world which I experienced since childhood. I was brought up in a middle class family, spent my childhood in the shadow of my father’s illness and in the threat of losing him shortly. Nevertheless these Principles right or wrong helped me to fight my Life battle. I feel that my uneasy and disturbed mind over the years has now settled down as the end is not far. I just thought to document my Principles deep rooted in my mind. As it is, I am very fond of & good at taking photos of ‘Reflections.’ This attempt is something similar to this. 1. Perspective : One should look at the world with magnifying glass of the mind. What you may see or hear may not be true. There is always some hidden bond/current which we can’t realize instantly and hence you need to involve your mind in interpreting your experience. I would say that there are three sides to the coin and not two as every one feels. One has to make an attempt to realize the ‘third side’ of the coin which is decisive in every experience. 2. Adjustment: One should always try to adjust with life; otherwise he will be a fish out of water. We cannot manage in this world without adjustment. Birth is not in our hands but we can certainly influence as to how we want to live? There is no guarantee that things will always happen as we wish. In fact, they never happen. You may not get what you want in Life but you can certainly love what you get in Life. One should learn what is the bottom line of adjustment, when to adjust and how to adjust? 3. Race: Life is a race from birth to death. We should know how to complete the race. Slow & steady approach wins the race. We must know how to adjust the speed according to the circumstances.
  • 2. 2 4. Appreciation: One should not hesitate to appreciate. I have always observed that every body likes to criticize others but they would avoid the situation when it comes to appreciate somebody. However, you must appreciate from your heart. Everyone likes sweet talk. You should not consider the status of the person while appreciating. Appreciation done at the right time and in right proportion motivates the person in his future endeavours. Appreciation should not be resorted to as part of politics or a mere formality. When somebody appreciates, one should also learn to reciprocate. This important lesson is generally not learned. 5. Point of view: When you raise one finger, you should remember that three fingers are pointed at you. It is necessary to follow the simple rule that one must think while criticizing as to how he had behaved in similar circumstances or at that age. What logic was resorted to? One should be able to focus our mind in every circumstance. It is said that a person staying in a ‘Glass house’ should not throw stone at others. 6. Quit: One should know when to stop. As one should know as how to complete the Life’s race and at what speed, one should also know when to stop. One must plan retirement. You should retire at a time when somebody would ask you as to why you are retiring rather than some body asking when you are retiring. The word ‘STOP’ should be interpreted in wider perspective. The word should be in the backdrop of your mind when you are scolding your assistants, kids, while eating, whenever angry, while enjoying, resting, accumulating wealth, donating etc. Practically in every sphere, you should know when to stop because excess of every thing is bad for us. 7. Direction: One should always try to select the right path. In our Life journey, we come across two roads ahead of us. We must make every attempt to select the right path depending upon circumstances, pros and cons of the situation. If we can’t decide then we should not hesitate to take opinion of someone who knows us deeply. However it is necessary to have faith in that person and ability to decide. Once you decide
  • 3. 3 then it is necessary to stand by your decision. Your mind should not flicker with initial outcome. One stands to lose more by changing decisions quickly. 8. Relaxation: One should know the Art of Relaxation. We should find out what relaxes you and having known this, we must enjoy the relaxation. Most of our time is spent in discharging our duties appropriate to the age. In childhood & middle age, we spend more time for studying, and then we spend more time in office or profession and also for the family. Even then we must nurse our childhood hobbies. In fact I would say that we should not loose our childhood and should preserve child instinct in old age. We must remember that the ways & means of relaxation would vary from person to person. According to me, any activity which is not your primary activity is the activity of relaxation. Once you form the habit of relaxation, your performance is bound to improve. I have nursed many hobbies such as Astrology, Graphology, Medical reading, Photography, Music, counseling of senior citizens and of young generation, interpretation of body language etc. I have been relaxing from my professional work with these hobbies carried out consistently. I have shared my knowledge & my hobbies in my website ‘’ for the benefit of the public. 9. Approach: Open approach helps in Life. Inspite of my knowledge and education, I never took the stand either in the Office or in the Family that I am wise and rest are fools. I mixed with people by understanding their position, status and on an equality complex. I never give opinion without understanding all the sides of the issue. 10. Saving: Saving should be the first charge on income. Since childhood I learned the Art & Necessity of Saving. My father had a unique definition of saving as Income Less Saving = Expenses. We learned the real meaning of this philosophy when he was nearing his exit from this world. He was drawing a salary of Rs.800/-pm out of which he had offered deduction of Rs.200/- towards PF and he would do part time typing job to make good the shortfall in household expenses.
  • 4. 4 Typically I have witnessed slow and steady rise in the cost of living over my life. If I would not have followed this formula, I could not have nursed the dream of early retirement from the profession on my terms. 11. Approach to Life: One should face Life realities with a smiling face. We can dream about happiness but technically we have no control on these dreams. We can only try our level best and leave it to God to do justice. Ultimately GOD decides your happiness and problems. His decision is final. He does not give what you want. At the same time he gives something which you have not demanded or requested. Change is part of life. We have no choice but to accept the change, good or bad. We must see to it that you will not compromise on your peace of mind in the process. Every one faces problems in Life and every one feels that his problem is the worst of the lot. Friends, but it is not so. If one looks at the problem peacefully, one can still think of ways & means of fighting it out. 12. Real wealth: Wealth can purchase tangible goods but not peace of mind. All tangible goods can be purchased with wealth but not the peace of mind. A rich person is not one who has everything but a person who does not need any thing. A person with a balanced mind, having peace of mind, detachment from material pleasures can be called a rich person. 13. Risk: One must acquire the skill to take calculated risk. Every activity in our Life is full of risk. In fact, we unknowingly undertake risk even in breathing. We inhale whole range of impurities with every breath but still we don’t fall sick very often. We fall sick only when the germs find our body condition suitable for growth. We are forced to undertake risk from the moment we leave the house for work. But we get so used to this, that we don’t realize the risk. In Life, risk is associated with every decision we take. Hence decision should be taken after considering pros and cons of the issue. Once decision is taken then we should stand by it. If we have a wavering mind and keep changing the decisions, then we will be the loser in the process. At times we are not confident while taking decision in spite of logical, practical, technical analysis. We must seek the advice in such situation from an expert who ‘can’ have unbiased
  • 5. 5 approach to decision making. However we must hear our ‘inner voice’ and take the final decision accordingly. If your ‘gut’ feeling does not permit then drop the decision. 14. Work ethics: Any work should be carried out with involvement & sincerity. The mental satisfaction you get in the process can not be equated in monetary terms. Any work should be done sincerely, honestly and with involvement of mind and body. No work is small. Every work has its own dignity. The only difference is that each work or job demands different skills & education and experience. Hence one is essentially a service provider irrespective of his designation. 15. Signal: One should not ignore ‘Signals.’ Let me share one secret with you. If you want to avoid the problems and sorrows in life, then you must learn to identify signals. You may not identify every signal in physical form. Many signals can be felt such as change in tone of the boss, behaviour of the colleagues, wife’s changed face, worries hovering on the face of your parents, mis-behaviour of your kids, minor health problems (indigestion, acidity, insomania etc.) 16. Equilibrium: Everyone should master the ‘balancing act.’ We must achieve equilibrium in Life to be successful. We should learn what a joker does in the circus to reach the equilibrium irrespective of the nature of problems or fight between principles or participants. (Say between boss and assistants, wife and mother etc.) It is possible to achieve equilibrium only if you take into account the third side of the issue, which generally gets ignored. 17. Education: One should study regularly to avoid burning the mid-night oil. Clarity and consistency is most essential if we want to be successful in Life. These attributes are required in every sphere of life. It helps to reduce tension in the long run. Just imagine a student studying regularly appears for the examination confidently and is not bothered about the results. A person who does office work regularly according to priority is always tension free. We should remain as ‘Student’ all through Life because one can learn from practically any one provided your mind is open.
  • 6. 6 18. Barriers: One should always try to break all ‘out dated barriers’ in life. We stay in a society and try to follow the rules, regulations, conventions of the society. In fact every person is at the centre point of his ‘Society’. We generally think of the society’s reaction whenever we wish to deviate from its rules & conventions. If we are weak minded then we do not indulge in deviation at all. But it’s time to have rethinking on many outdated customs, blind faith, beliefs which are followed blindly by all classes irrespective of education, wealth, age etc. We must try and unearth the new meaning of the Customs and if convinced and if not causing any disturbance to others, then we must become the Trend setter. Have confidence that one day the same society will adore you. My experience is great in this matter. Let me share the secret. A person like me highly qualified & working as Top level executive married a widow and adopted two kids, way back in 1984. Today my son and daughter are well settled in Life. No doubt we had problems initially but more so due to interference of relatives but our concept was clear and hence we could swim in the rough water. 19. Communication: One must constantly make an attempt to minimize communication gap. Most of the dispute happens because of improper or no communication. You should mean what you say but you may not say what mean unless called for. We can communicate by speaking, body language, handwriting etc. However there should be unity in all these forms. It is the responsibility of every generation to bridge the gap. 20. Ladder: One should not throw the ladder after reaching on Top. We all play snakes & ladders game in our childhood. You will realize that contribution of the society (our family being the integral part) in our development is invaluable. This debt can never be repaid in full. Any animal baby stands on own legs shortly after birth and takes its own care shortly. However a human being takes 20-25 years to stand on own legs in true sense of the term. During this period every one including parents, teachers, relatives, family members offer their own ladder of knowledge, finances etc. to us with a sole intention of making us successful in Life. When ever you get promotion, don’t think it as your victory. This is the victory of all those who have contributed to your success and you are receiving this recognition on their behalf.
  • 7. 7 Some how, I have a bitter experience in this matter. Persons after getting assistance from me failed to acknowledge it. They took undue advantage of my kindness. Still I continued my mission of offering helping hand to needy people. I made it a point to share my knowledge. 21. Transaction: We should not sell our knowledge for unethical acts. We must use our knowledge and education for the benefit of the society. But the real picture is other way round. Knowledge and education is being used for accumulating wealth. We have all along tolerated political leaders /workers for this. But the sad story is that even professionals, intellectuals have also joined this band wagon. No service provider wants to be left out of this scenario. With the result, quality of management is deteriorating day by day because they have full confidence that somebody would ignore their shortcomings for a ‘price’. No doubt, there are exceptions to this rule and in fact India has made progress on all fronts due to single handed efforts of such honest persons. However this work scenario makes things difficult for a sincere worker. I have faced this music for cultivating good qualities such as sincerity, involvement, working for the interest of the organization rather than the person etc. 22. Fault Finding: One should leave the habit of finding fault with every matter. There is a natural tendency of a human being of finding fault. It is necessary to win over this defect. Nobody is perfect. Every one has some bad qualities or the other. Few people do self analysis and try to win over these bad qualities. But every one may not be successful in his efforts. Hence it is the responsibility of parents, teachers, bosses and elders to pinpoint the deficiencies of person. However care needs to be taken that a person doesn’t get hurt in the process. One can induce/appeal to him by highlighting his good qualities. The advisor should also think as to how he himself had behaved under similar circumstances and at that age. 23. Work ethics: One should concentrate on one matter at a time. At every stage one must realize what is the call of the day? What are his priorities in life? What are his duties and responsibilities? One must know, what to delegate & whom to delegate? Differentiate between important and urgent activities.
  • 8. 8 24. Wining Stroke: We cannot always get best of everything every time. It is worthless expecting that we will get every thing we dream or want in Life. In fact it never happens. Very few people can digest this truth. Success and failure are two sides of the same coin. We should not lose balance in these situations. Every happiness and pleasure you get in Life has a ‘cost.’ Think about it to realize this. At times experience of failure makes you stronger person. One must also taste the failure in Life to enjoy the relieved feeling. Success is likely to make you arrogant. 25. Magic: Every one is bestowed with magic stick, realization of which is essential for success in life. We generally carry out ‘SWOT’ analysis of ourselves. However each one of us is bestowed with a ‘Secret Energy’ and it is the responsibility of the family members, teachers to make the person aware of this secret energy. In difficult times, this secret energy comes to our rescue. We set our educational goals, make all out efforts to achieve the same. It is also necessary that we must do the job or carry out the profession-occupation which would demand our educational knowledge. You must have observed that many people compromise on this concept of utilization of educational expertise achieved and take any job for earning money. Under such circumstances, do you think it is possible for them to give justice to the job? 26. Approach: Our hands should be clean irrespective of any act. Our behaviour should be in line with our primary objectives of Life (Swa-dharma). We get this swa-dharma by birth and education. It is our duty that nobody should get opportunity to raise their finger for our failure of discharging swa-dharma. Similarly, we should not resort to corruption in discharging our duty. One may attempt to avoid inward corruption but what about outward corruption? Many times corruption is resorted to due to nuisance value of bureaucrats. Bureaucracy has no alternative in democracy and no body is afraid of penalties. India can make still better progress if corruption is buried successfully. (Refer my views on corruption)
  • 9. 9 27. Labour: One should take pride in doing household chores. You cannot classify any work as small or big. Our reputation is not spoiled if we do household chores or do our own jobs. Have you at any time enjoyed this experience of offering a helping hand for household work? In fact your spouse may not allow you to work because she won’t like her husband doing household chores. You can learn many things if you observe your wife working in the kitchen. Woman is the first ‘Management Guru’. Try to remember how your mother was managing the show with limited finances? You cannot value her efforts in monetary terms. You must offer your helping hand as a salute for her contribution towards the well being of the family. 28. Punctuality: We must decide Priorities in Life and accordingly do Time Management. Your success in Life depends on doing right thing at the right time and in right proportion. Our approach should be modified according to changed scenario. If we adhere to the deadlines, then most of the tensions in life can be greatly reduced. 29. Retrospect: One should form the habit of retrospection. One should form the habit of evaluating gains & losses on reaching the milestone in Life. This analysis would help you to decide the further goals, what should be avoided etc. 30. Self realization: Your success in Life depends on realization of one’s limitations. It is necessary to know the limitations along with strong points. The knowledge of our limitations will enable you to keep your feet firmly on the ground. Your behaviour will never get spoilt by instant / easy success. 31. Goal: One should always set a noble Goal in Life & make an all out effort to achieve it. No doubt that we should set lofty goals in Life. But our all round development of personality, social service, helping needy persons, creating good family ties, maintaining good health, keeping peace of mind, making good friends should also find place in your GOAL setting. You are bound to earn enough money if you work sincerely and honestly and hence to earn handsome money you need not keep a separate target. To work
  • 10. 10 honestly and sincerely without corruption (financial or intellectual) should be the main target. To become the good citizen of the country should be the highest goal which every one should pursue. 32. Pack Up: Nobody knows as to when you will get the invitation to visit heaven or hell.   Every one is afraid of ‘death’. People hesitate to utter this word in the house. Hence preparing for death is just impossible. I spent my childhood in the shadow of death of my father. He was suffering from Diabetes and his days were numbered. I still remember his efforts taken for the family inspite of his poor health. I suffered serious accident in 1996. I had an undiagnosed fever in December 1998. I am still trying to fight and enjoy Life. I never realized as to when my mind died due to childhood circumstances. Still I am living considering every night as a last night and every morning as one more day to live. I am mentally ready to quit. I have already donated my eyes, finalized my wealth papers, giving serious thought to donating body. For many years, I prayed God to lift me on completion of 60 years. It is quite likely that you might get bored with reading these Principles. But you can also make a similar attempt to unearth your principles. It is a necessary exercise one should do in Life. You will notice the reflections of above principles in my writing and you would be able to get some idea about my personality. If you can get the rhythm of your life after reading this, I would feel that my efforts are rewarded. God bless you. Let me sum up the discussion with Few Tips for Living a Happy LIFE. We have to bear with Life problems and difficulties as Birth is not in our hands. We have to follow the changes that take place in the world/society and adjust with it. We must decide when to stop. (take macro meaning) We should render social service according to our capacity along with service/occupation/profession. We should face the difficulties with the smiling face. We should keep our sorrows in mind.
  • 11. 11 But we should try to make others smile. We should always remember the help rendered by every one in our Life. We should not throw the ladder on reaching to the top. We should be always ready to say good bye to this world. We should tolerate people, circumstances to the extent possible. We should aim to leave the world happily.