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To In몭uencers, Entrepreneurs, and Business Leaders Who Want To Launch &
Grow A Successful Podcast... 
Even if you are starting from scratch and have never
recorded an episode before…
A successful podcast is the next frontier
for anyone who wants to create multiple
income streams, increase in몭uence, and
develop powerful relationships faster
and easier than any other platform...
even for those who think they have
 Join Now!
even for those who think they have
nothing to say.
And that number is expected to TRIPLE in coming years. 1
The late Steve Jobs made a prophecy about it…
Saying podcasting would be the future of platform building. 2
Now Forbes agrees that striking while the iron is hot should be a #1
Surveys from iHeartRadio and Edison Research say it will help create a deep
connection with any audience…
While reaching up to 94% MORE people than one could ever do with it… 3 4 5
And 11 studies from the Center For Public A몭airs Research found businesses
and in몭uencers can increase brand recognition by 340% just by using it. 6
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New York Magazine calls podcasting…
“The most significant and
exciting cultural innovation of
the new century...” 7 8
Claiming people “have an appetite” for connecting through this on-demand tool
now more than ever. 9
When done the way I’ll share today, podcasting can make it possible to…
...and reach people in speci몭c markets that may have been too hard to reach 
build trust and rapport and turn them into loyal customers who are more likely to
buy any product or service being sold...
and increase the number of valuable relationships one can pro몭t from for years
and decades to come…  
with a convenient, on-demand way to stay engaged in a way that works
anytime and anywhere for them…
and gain their attention and loyalty doing little more than sharing strategies, skill
sets, services, or just what’s on the heart… 
and save a ton of time and money
while doing it!
Because in just a moment I’ll share exactly what this method is…
And how it can help connect with potential prospects and customers at their
home, in their car, while they workout, and everywhere else they bring their
Plus, I’ll share how to use podcasting to help create strong bonds with the
biggest and most in몭uential heroes in any speci몭c market…  
Without sounding desperate...
And while giving them a ton of value that’ll gain their respect and maybe even a
“shoutout” or friendship.
I’ll also share why this one connection method can help entrepreneurs and
in몭uencers of all levels achieve more success than expected…
Whether an experienced and successful entrepreneur already…
Or just getting started from scratch.
I’m the founder and host of the Build Your Network podcast…
One of the top business and entrepreneurship podcasts on iTunes…
Where I interview some of the world’s most impressive business leaders and
in몭uencers like Grant Cardone, John Lee Dumas, Amy Porter몭eld, Jasmine
Star, John C Maxwell and hundreds more like them.
But it wasn’t always like this. In fact…
Just a few years back, I wasn’t even a “blip” on the radar of these people who I now
consider to be close friends.
I was just an ordinary guy making a living as a door-to-door salesman. Until one
day, I just couldn’t do it anymore.
But I knew I needed to 몭nd what that thing was.
So my wife graciously decided to go back to work…
And I padded our bank account with money we made from a real-estate
Which bought me some time to focus on personal development for a while.
That’s when I stumbled on the unique tool that some of the world’s most
successful business leaders and in몭uencers use to expand their platform…
build their audience… and open up several streams of revenue all at once. 
It’s The Lone Tool I Used To Become A Respected Voice In Networking
And Entrepreneurship
And it can do the same for others if utilized the right way. The tool is Podcasting.  
But before I explain more about why podcasting may be the most important
strategy to implement in the coming days for building a brand, boosting income,
and creating a life of freedom…
And the connection method that can be used to help shorten the runway to a
successful future…
See once I started listening to podcasts, I was hooked. 
And wondered if there was some way I could use podcasting to help me out of a
rut I was in.
So I reached out to a guy named John who hosted my favorite entrepreneurship
podcast… and asked for some advice, not really expecting to get much of anything
back in return.
But to my surprise he responded in the most generous way, and…
Next Thing I Knew I Was On A Plane To Puerto Rico With A
Personal Invitation To His Mansion
I spent the weekend learning everything I could from him… 
Picking his brain trying to 몭gure out how he achieved all the success he did. 
And that I could do the same thing if I go about it the right way.
So before I left, John and I worked on a podcasting strategy that changed my
life forever…
Which I now refer to as my “connection method.”
Once my plane landed back in Los Angeles, I hit the ground running…
And used the connection method to create my Build Your Network podcast
that’s now one of the most listened to entrepreneurship podcasts on iTunes.
Which has generated me hundreds of thousands of dollars of revenue...  
Plus— starting this podcast single-handedly created connections, status and
recognition that I didn’t think possible before.
Best of all — it only took me a few months to reap the bene몭ts...
And after 몭ne-tuning the connection method formula to what it is today…
I’m con몭dent it can now...
Help Others Achieve The Kind Of
Success I’ve Enjoyed In A Shorter
Success I’ve Enjoyed In A Shorter
Amount Of Time Than It Took
Way more than when I 몭rst started.  
And people are beginning to prefer listening to podcasts over reading blog
posts, listening to the radio, and even watching television.
Instead they’re binge listening to podcasts that educate them, entertain them,
inspire them and give them a sense of loyalty and excitement.
What’s surprising is that even though they can listen to podcasts “on demand”
while cleaning the house… going out for a run… 
taking a shower… commuting to work… and practically whenever else they
have their phone…
70% of listeners say that when they tune-in to a podcast, they tune-out all other
Which means when utilizing podcasting as a tool for branding and business
It’s possible to have a captive audience listening to the message being shared…
following the “call to action”... and connecting on a much deeper level.
Even more exciting is…
Once Listeners Are Hooked On A Podcast…
They’re Downright Loyal
80% of podcast consumers say they listen to all or most of an episode when
they tune-in… while listening to an average of 7 shows per week…
Which means there’s no need to be the ONLY podcast they listen to in order to
reap the bene몭ts…
Just be 1 of the 7 shows they listen to per week...
Think about how much of an impact that will have on a brand or business.
Plus, studies show that podcast listeners are the “perfect customer.” 
Studies show most people who listen to podcasts have disposable income…
And 63% of listeners say they make purchases based on ads they hear
during a podcast and the products their favorite podcasters promote.
Surveys also show people who listen to podcasts are more active on social
media accounts…
Meaning if they hear something they like…
They’ll share it…
Meaning a ton of FREE exposure to potentially thousands of people..
But when I followed up my question by asking if he would come onto my podcast
for a 45-minute episode and talk with me there… 
He gladly agreed without any hesitation. 
The reason is because the 3-minute phone call added zero-value to him and
wouldn’t expand his platform one bit. 
But by coming onto my podcast he would get exposure to my audience… 
And my listeners would become fans of his. 
That speaks volumes about the power of podcasting and how it can boost a
network and in몭uence…  
Because I was able to use my podcast as a tool to leverage 42 extra minutes of
a high-pro몭le entrepreneur’s time than I’d originally asked for… 
Plus, having this guy on my show gave me a ton more credibility to my
And after releasing the show… his audience started following me and what I was
I accessed more people and more valuable information than I ever could have
if I didn’t run a podcast.  
And it’s one of the few forms of self-promotion that doesn’t look greedy or
In fact…
Launching and hosting a podcast has the opposite e몭ect.
It sets one up as an authority 몭gure in any market…
Automatically expands a person’s platform and credibility…
Can generate new streams of income…
And builds trust and genuine connection with listeners… 
See there are several common podcasting mistakes that people make when they
get started...
And if I didn’t 몭y out to meet John in his mansion in Puerto Rico…
And learn from him the most e몭ective strategy for creating a successful
I likely would have been frustrated like most people who start a podcast and make
all the same mistakes...
Because there’s really a lot more to it than buying a microphone and hitting
And when that happens…
Podcasting is more like screaming into a void than building connections with an
audience. Because very few people tune-in to the show.
And there’s hardly any return on the investment of time and energy.
With a small audience, it’s di몭cult to get the attention of high-
pro몭le entrepreneurs and grow a network that drives tra몭c to the
Plus, with the growing number of podcasts, new podcasters are more likely than
ever before to get lost in the mix…  
And if the initial podcast launch doesn’t go well…
It’s much harder to get ears on it…
And even harder to turn those ears into dollars.
All it takes is using this plug n’ play formula to lock-down all the important parts
of having a successful podcast launch…  
And shorten the runway to success as an entrepreneur, in몭uencer or brand-
Grow a network...
Increase brand awareness to new customers...
Boost income…
And make a di몭erence in people’s lives…
The 30-Day Podcast Success Formula is a step-by-step system
designed to take a podcast from creation to launch in just one
short month… using a proven formula that’s simple to follow and
helps capture the ears, hearts (and wallets) of listeners around
the world… boost brand recognition… and make you an authority
몭gure in any market.
1 podcast strategy email delivered straight to your email inbox every
single day for the next 30-days straight to keep progress on track… and
help launch a podcast in front of the right people who’ll love the content,
message and brand…
12 high-de몭nition videos giving clear “next steps” to take through
the entire podcast creation and launch process from beginning to
end… (The action steps for these videos are about as “plug n’ play”
simple as it gets… just follow along and podcasting will open up new
doors of opportunities!)
A foolproof way to move any podcast show up higher on the iTunes
charts even on launch day… and stakes claim at the top of the “new and
noteworthy” list. (This is an absolute MUST for maximum exposure)
How to create a podcast that helps any target market become
excited brand evangelists… (most podcasters make a hidden mistake
here… and try to get “everybody” to tune in. Watch video #2 to discover
how to avoid this easy pitfall.)
Why it’s crucial to create a show schedule BEFORE ever releasing an
episode… (many podcasters surprisingly miss the mark here… and I’ll
teach why it’s a major “turn o몭” to even the most loyal listeners.)
The “3 C’s” that will make a podcast stand out from the other 850,000
out there. (Nail these components down from video #5 and it’s possible
to make a big splash in the “blue ocean” of listeners… while likely
earning income from the show faster than planned.)
Why graphic design could be the di몭erence between new listeners
racing to the podcast… or leaving a bad taste in their mouth… before
they listen to a single episode!
Yes! It’s that important to dial-in podcast artwork before launch day…
Think of it like being a book in a bookstore… With tens of thousands of
Why does someone pick up a book and read it?
It’s The Cover Art!
The same is true of a podcast…  To stand out in the right way to a target
Eye-catching artwork is a must…  
And I’ll share exactly how to do that inside video #8. Plus, I’ll also share...
How to hook a listener in during the 몭rst 7-seconds of a show... and
keep them listening for hours! Check out video #4.
 Have 100 ideas but don’t know which one is the best for the brand?
Watch video #2 to 몭gure out EXACTLY how to 몭ne-tune a message so the
listeners love every minute. (Most people think they already “know” their
message… but are way o몭 the mark. Don’t be one of them.)
The #1 editing mistake new and experienced podcasters make that
stunts their business growth… Check out video #10 to 몭nd out exactly
what it is and how to avoid it.
How to increase ratings and reviews that drive more tra몭c to the
podcast and helps increase listenership...
 Which media hosts to go with to increase brand awareness… and which
ones to 100% avoid!
Have a product or service that’ll bene몭t the listeners? Check out video
#4 where I’ll share how to get an audience excited about the product or
service being shared… and become consistent buyers and fans!
A step-by-step checklist for how to create the perfect show… (It
doesn’t matter if the show is an interview, solo, scripted, 몭ction, or
anything else. Follow this easy template to be in great shape to create a
fantastic show that has listeners coming back for more.)
Stumbling down rabbit trails can be a major turn-o몭 to listeners.
The world’s most charismatic speakers know this…
Which is why they use a script to keep them on track…
Because Without Them… They’re A Mess 
The checklist inside this program helps to create a show to be proud of…
While building a network…
And becoming the voice of a great brand… and an authority 몭gure in any
A step-by-step guide for creating the “central idea of the show”. (This
is one of the most important parts of becoming an in몭uencer and
having success talking about your passion and brand over the
microphone… 몭nd out how to knock it out of the park in video #2.)
The most a몭ordable “studio setup” that’ll make any voice sound
great without spending a fortune… I’ve used this exact setup since the
beginning of my show… and it’s surprising how little it costs.
A “creation to launch checkmark timeline” to keep track of progress
and know the next steps…
Where’s your “Blue Ocean”? Check out video #2 to 몭nd out what I mean,
how to get to know a listener better than they know themselves AND how
to target them with the right content that turns them into fans. 
How to create a “lead magnet generator” that’ll pin-point where
listeners are and how to reach them most e몭ectively… 
Why creating a “podcast identity” is so bene몭cial to the listeners…
(they won’t notice it when it’s there… but they de몭nitely notice it when it’s
NOT. Check out video #2 to make sure it’s included.)
How to select categories for ranking and maximize listenership on
launch day… the “perfect description formula” for writing show
descriptions that appeals to the target customer… 6 bene몭ts of
podcasting that most people likely never thought of before… and so
much more!
Let me give a quick summary of how the 30-Day Podcast Sucess Formula works…
After signing up today for the fast-action discount (that I’ll share in a minute)…
Each member receives an email from me with a link to the private members
area to access all 12 of the podcast launch videos.
Then — for the next 30 days, members receive an email from me each day…
Sent directly to the email inbox provided…
With podcasting tips and strategies that I and dozens of world-class entrepreneurs
have used to become real life in몭uencers, brand-builders and networking
All members have to do is implement what I share in the videos and the
And their podcast will be set-up for success
So that’s how easy it works.
I love working with action takers…
They’re my favorite kind of people…
For that reason, I want to give action takers a reward today for joining right here
and now.
I could charge something in the ballpark of $499 for this.
Especially because podcasting is projected to be the #1 platform for
entrepreneurs and business leaders to build their brand in the coming years.
Plus — after the podcast opens up new connections and streams of income,
chances are most people will make that $499 investment back very quickly.
But even though I might charge something like that in the future…
I Want To Give Fast-Action Takers A HUGE Break
When signing up for the 30-Day Podcast Sucess Formula on this page…
I won’t charge $499 like I could… I won’t even charge half that…  
Instead — get the entire 30-Day Podcast Success Formula for just $99.
In my experience, most people end up wasting $99 or more if trying to go at it
But after signing up for the 30-Day Podcast Success Formula…
It’s almost impossible to waste a single dime (unless one decides not to follow the
actual course)...
Because it’s an investment that’ll grow listeners, generate streams of revenue,
boost brand recognition, give one a voice authority and more.
But also, I want to go one step further and make this choice easier by putting the
risk on me… 
Platinum 60-Day 100% Money Back Guarantee
Here’s the deal…  
I got into podcasting to build genuine relationships with people and a brand
people could trust…
Which is the main reason I put this Platinum 60-Day 100% Money Back
Guarantee together.
Plus, I don’t want money to keep someone with huge potential from signing up for
the 30-Day Podcast Sucess Formula…
So I want to shoulder all the risk…
If for any reason you don’t love this 30-day challenge…  
Or 몭nd my special podcast strategy emails helpful…
Then I don’t want to keep this investment.  
So if that’s the case, just send me an email and let me know…
And get every penny back.
No questions or hassles. And we can still be friends afterward.
Even if on the fence…
Sign up for the 30-Day Podcast Sucess Formula now while this
Fast-Action Discount is still available... 
And decide if it’s a good 몭t.
There’s plenty of time to try it out. And there won’t be any regrets.
Just click the “Yes! Sign Me Up!” button below to get started right away.
Yes! Sign Me Up!
Option #1: Ignore everything I’ve shared
on this page…
About how experts are saying that starting a podcast is the most important
thing one can do to build a brand or business right now…  
How it can help reach up to 94% more people than without it…
That it’s the easiest way to build a deep connection with any target market…
And instead of taking advantage of the opportunity on this page…
Decide now is not the right time to start a podcast…
Even though there are hundreds of stories that started from scratch… with no
platform or in몭uence… 
Who are now doing big things because they decided to start a podcast…
Or one can also decide to go at it alone…
And start a podcast without using my 30-day formula…   
Possibly ending up like other people who’ve tried to do it by themselves…
Yet waste valuable time, energy and dollars for an “okay” result…
And end up quitting a few episodes in because no matter what they try…
They can’t seem to 몭nd listeners…
Or expand their network…
Or make a single dime o몭 their show.
And when they launch their podcast...
One can settle for going this route, but it’s more likely to end up like the others.
Who’ve gotten lost in the crowd of other podcasts…
And ultimately miss the boat on this opportunity to get in and make a great
move for business, branding, and impacting.
Trying to go at it alone takes a LOT longer compared to using something like the
30-Day Podcast Sucess Formula...
Probably months longer…
Because they’re trying to 몭gure most things out on their own instead of getting
help from someone who’s “been there” before...
And knows how to reach the top.
Most people wouldn’t just say, “I’ll 몭gure it out myself”... right?
Well, I want to be that guide for others who want to 몭nd their own buried treasure
with podcasting.
Now... I get it. We live in the “Internet Age”...
So there’s no shortage of podcasting tips and advice out there…
But do people really believe others haven’t tried that before? 
There’s a HUGE di몭erence between someone giving a few tips on a blog… 
And someone giving a person a carefully calculated strategy to take a podcast
from creation to a successful launch. 
It's Like Flying On A Jet Plane While Everyone Else Is
Stuck In A Tra몭c Jam
Personally, I haven’t come across a single podcaster — even the most in몭uential
people with massive brands and incomes — who haven’t said these words:
“I wish someone was there to help me launch my podcast the right way.”
And hey… If your podcast is already launched…  And it hasn’t seen as much
It’s never too late to re-launch with a fresh outlook and a whole ton of help…
And 몭nally taste that success that’s been sitting there the whole time.
But continuing down the same path just doesn’t make much sense.
And enjoy a successful podcast launch just 30-days from now!
Most people underestimate the amount of time it takes to start a podcast. But
together, we’ll get the job done in a month.
With this option…
Members gain access to a tried-and-true podcasting strategy…
That’ll make every step… From podcast creation… to podcast launch… and
everything in-between…  
Amazingly clear… 100x easier… and backed with a guarantee of success. 
Just follow along with the videos in the challenge…  
Implement the strategies I send for the next 30-days…
I’ve worked my tail o몭 to make sure the 30-Day Podcast Success Formula is as
“plug n’ play” simple as possible…
Plus — a ton of fun…
And life-changing if members follow what’s inside.
Building a great brand, and getting the message out there…
Reaching more people that attracts the right kind of followers like a magnet...
Leaving all the frustration and guesswork at the door…
Avoiding the roadblocks that most people run into when 몭rst getting started…
And being on the fast track to reaching the goals that have been in mind since day
This path is the fastest way to the brightest future… no matter where you’re
starting from today.
And remember… I’ve created the 30-Day Podcast Sucess Formula to be a rock-
solid solution…  
Which is why it’s backed up with my Platinum 60-Day 100% Money Back
I’m basically pushing all my chips into the middle of the table…
And am betting this 30-day challenge is going to be a huge help.
And if at any time over the next 30-days I’m more than happy to return the
investment if it’s not living up to everything I mentioned above.
But it all starts with the decision right here and now…
To Click The “Yes! Sign Me Up!” Button Below To Access
The 30-Day Podcast Success Formula For The “Dedicated
Podcasters Discount”...
Yes! Sign Me Up!
I can’t wait to go on this journey with you!
Travis Chappell
 Who is the 30-Day Podcast Success Formula For?
The 30-Day Podcast Success Formula is for anyone who wants to launch (or re-launch) a
podcast in the next 30-days to boost in몭uence, income, brand awareness and more. The 30-
Day Podcast Success Formula is a simple way to shorten the runway to success using the
most e몭ective “branding tool” out there right now..
 What exactly do I get inside the 30-Day Podcast Success
Inside the 30-Day Podcast Success Formula members gain access to 12 never-before-seen,
high-de몭nition videos where I’ll share exactly how to build a podcast from creation to
launch. Members also get one exclusive email per day delivered straight to the email inbox
with a strategy tip to take the podcast to the next level every single day for the next month.
 Will I really have my new podcast launched in 30-days?
Most likely, yes. If members give this 30-day challenge their very best e몭ort, they can.
However, it may not all happen in “sequential order,” meaning some of the strategies may
take a few days to complete, and that’s okay. However, if members watch the videos, stick
with the formula, and follow each of the podcast strategy tips I give over the next 30-days,
they’ll make some great strides building a podcast that works best for what they want to
achieve with it.
 Is this something I can opt-out of?
After 몭nalizing the purchase, we’re in this thing together for the next 30-days! If members
want to go at their own pace, and save the emails and the videos for another time or
something like that, they can do that, too.
 Alright, I’m ready to do this! How do I sign up again?
It’s simple. Click the “Yes! Sign Me Up!” button. From there, a secure checkout page will
appear to complete the order. After that, members gain access to the 30-Day Podcast
Success Formula members page where there is access to all 12 videos in the challenge. Plus,
members receive their 몭rst email in the inbox from me, and another email everyday after
that for the next 30-days to help achieve a successful podcast launch.
Yes! Sign Me Up!
1 "Why Podcasting Is the Next Marketing Frontier - Entrepreneur." 27 Apr. 2018, Accessed 3 Mar. 2020.
2  "Steve Jobs Was Right When He Said Podcasts Were ... - Forbes." 16 Aug. 2018,
were-the-future-of-audio/. Accessed 4 Mar. 2020.
3   "New Survey Reveals Radio is the Most Trusted Medium in ...." 7 Jan. 2019,
Medium-America. Accessed 3 Mar. 2020.
4 "The Podcast Consumer 2019 - Edison Research." 5 Apr. 2019,
podcast-consumer-2019/. Accessed 3 Mar. 2020.
5  "Essential podcast statistics and trends for marketers [Infographic]." 5 Oct. 2019, Accessed 3 Mar. 2020.
6 "Podcast advertising generates up to 4.4x better brand ... - Midroll." 19 Dec. 2018, Accessed 3
Mar. 2020.
7  "How Podcasts Became an Essential Medium - Vulture." 18 Mar. 2019, Accessed 3 Mar. 2020.
8  "The Rise of Podcasts and Podcast Marketing - We Are Marketing." 5 Sep. 2019, Accessed 3
Mar. 2020.
9   "Harvard Business Review Announces New Podcast Network ...." 3 Apr. 2019,
New-Podcast-Network. Accessed 4 Mar. 2020.
10  "Why Podcasting Matters to Marketing [Infographic] | WebFX." Accessed 3
Mar. 2020
11 "How Many of the 540,000 Podcasts Have "Podfaded ...." 23 Aug. 2018,
active. Accessed 5 Mar. 2020.
Questions? We're here for you. Email our world-class Support Team at We're rooting for your success!
Copyright © Travis Chappell. All Rights Reserved.
Nothing on this page, any of our websites, or any of our content or curriculum is a promise or
guarantee of results or future earnings, and we do not offer any legal, medical, tax or other
professional advice. Any 몭nancial numbers referenced here, or on any of our sites, are illustrative
of concepts only and should not be considered average earnings, exact earnings, or promises for
actual or future performance. Use caution and always consult your accountant, lawyer or
professional advisor before acting on this or any information related to a lifestyle change or your
business or 몭nances. You alone are responsible and accountable for your decisions, actions and
results in life, and by your registration here you agree not to attempt to hold us liable for your
decisions, actions or results, at any time, under any circumstance.
This site is not a part of the Facebook website or Facebook Inc. Additionally, This site is NOT
endorsed by Facebook in any way. FACEBOOK is a trademark of FACEBOOK, Inc.

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30 Day Podcast Launch Course

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  • 3. New York Magazine calls podcasting… “The most significant and exciting cultural innovation of the new century...” 7 8 AND IN THE LAST 12 MONTHS... HARVARD BUSINESS SCHOOL HAS JUMPED ON THE BANDWAGON…
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  • 5.  DEVELOP A DEEP CONNECTION WITH ANY AUDIENCE build trust and rapport and turn them into loyal customers who are more likely to buy any product or service being sold... MULTIPLY ONE’S NETWORK and increase the number of valuable relationships one can pro몭t from for years and decades to come…  
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  • 8. THE PROVEN BENEFITS OF THIS “CONNECTION METHOD” FASTER THAN EXPECTED…   Because in just a moment I’ll share exactly what this method is… And how it can help connect with potential prospects and customers at their home, in their car, while they workout, and everywhere else they bring their phone… Plus, I’ll share how to use podcasting to help create strong bonds with the biggest and most in몭uential heroes in any speci몭c market…   Without sounding desperate... And while giving them a ton of value that’ll gain their respect and maybe even a “shoutout” or friendship. I’ll also share why this one connection method can help entrepreneurs and in몭uencers of all levels achieve more success than expected… Whether an experienced and successful entrepreneur already… Or just getting started from scratch.
  • 9. THAT’S EXACTLY HOW I DID IT…   HEY! I’M TRAVIS CHAPPELL…  I’m the founder and host of the Build Your Network podcast… One of the top business and entrepreneurship podcasts on iTunes…
  • 10. Where I interview some of the world’s most impressive business leaders and in몭uencers like Grant Cardone, John Lee Dumas, Amy Porter몭eld, Jasmine Star, John C Maxwell and hundreds more like them. But it wasn’t always like this. In fact… Just a few years back, I wasn’t even a “blip” on the radar of these people who I now consider to be close friends. I was just an ordinary guy making a living as a door-to-door salesman. Until one day, I just couldn’t do it anymore. I FELT LIKE THERE WAS THIS GIANT HOLE INSIDE OF ME… LIKE I WAS COMPLETELY MISSING THE THING I WAS PUT ON THIS EARTH TO DO   But I knew I needed to 몭nd what that thing was. So my wife graciously decided to go back to work… And I padded our bank account with money we made from a real-estate investment… Which bought me some time to focus on personal development for a while. That’s when I stumbled on the unique tool that some of the world’s most successful business leaders and in몭uencers use to expand their platform… build their audience… and open up several streams of revenue all at once. 
  • 11. It’s The Lone Tool I Used To Become A Respected Voice In Networking And Entrepreneurship And it can do the same for others if utilized the right way. The tool is Podcasting.   But before I explain more about why podcasting may be the most important strategy to implement in the coming days for building a brand, boosting income, and creating a life of freedom… And the connection method that can be used to help shorten the runway to a successful future… LET ME FINISH SHARING HOW PODCASTING CHANGED MY LIFE... See once I started listening to podcasts, I was hooked.  And wondered if there was some way I could use podcasting to help me out of a rut I was in. So I reached out to a guy named John who hosted my favorite entrepreneurship podcast… and asked for some advice, not really expecting to get much of anything back in return. But to my surprise he responded in the most generous way, and…
  • 12. Next Thing I Knew I Was On A Plane To Puerto Rico With A Personal Invitation To His Mansion I spent the weekend learning everything I could from him…  Picking his brain trying to 몭gure out how he achieved all the success he did.  THAT’S WHEN HE TOLD ME SOMETHING I NEVER EXPECTED TO HEAR. HE TOLD ME HE BUILT HIS DREAM LIFE THROUGH HIS PODCAST… And that I could do the same thing if I go about it the right way. So before I left, John and I worked on a podcasting strategy that changed my life forever… Which I now refer to as my “connection method.” Once my plane landed back in Los Angeles, I hit the ground running… And used the connection method to create my Build Your Network podcast that’s now one of the most listened to entrepreneurship podcasts on iTunes. Which has generated me hundreds of thousands of dollars of revenue...   Plus— starting this podcast single-handedly created connections, status and recognition that I didn’t think possible before.
  • 13. Best of all — it only took me a few months to reap the bene몭ts... And after 몭ne-tuning the connection method formula to what it is today… I’m con몭dent it can now... Help Others Achieve The Kind Of Success I’ve Enjoyed In A Shorter
  • 14. Success I’ve Enjoyed In A Shorter Amount Of Time Than It Took Me…   BECAUSE EVEN THOUGH PODCASTING HAS BEEN AROUND FOR YEARS… IT’S GETTING MORE TRACTION NOW THAN EVER BEFORE…    Way more than when I 몭rst started.   And people are beginning to prefer listening to podcasts over reading blog posts, listening to the radio, and even watching television. Instead they’re binge listening to podcasts that educate them, entertain them, inspire them and give them a sense of loyalty and excitement. What’s surprising is that even though they can listen to podcasts “on demand” while cleaning the house… going out for a run…  taking a shower… commuting to work… and practically whenever else they have their phone… 70% of listeners say that when they tune-in to a podcast, they tune-out all other distractions…
  • 15. Which means when utilizing podcasting as a tool for branding and business growth… It’s possible to have a captive audience listening to the message being shared… following the “call to action”... and connecting on a much deeper level. Even more exciting is… Once Listeners Are Hooked On A Podcast… They’re Downright Loyal 80% of podcast consumers say they listen to all or most of an episode when they tune-in… while listening to an average of 7 shows per week… Which means there’s no need to be the ONLY podcast they listen to in order to reap the bene몭ts… Just be 1 of the 7 shows they listen to per week...
  • 16. Think about how much of an impact that will have on a brand or business. Plus, studies show that podcast listeners are the “perfect customer.”  BECAUSE... PODCASTS CONNECT CONTENT CREATORS WITH CONTENT CONSUMERS  Studies show most people who listen to podcasts have disposable income… And 63% of listeners say they make purchases based on ads they hear during a podcast and the products their favorite podcasters promote. Surveys also show people who listen to podcasts are more active on social media accounts… Meaning if they hear something they like… They’ll share it… Meaning a ton of FREE exposure to potentially thousands of people..
  • 17. GUESS WHAT HAPPENED… HE SHOT ME DOWN! But when I followed up my question by asking if he would come onto my podcast for a 45-minute episode and talk with me there…    He gladly agreed without any hesitation.  The reason is because the 3-minute phone call added zero-value to him and wouldn’t expand his platform one bit.  But by coming onto my podcast he would get exposure to my audience…  And my listeners would become fans of his.  That speaks volumes about the power of podcasting and how it can boost a network and in몭uence…  
  • 18. Because I was able to use my podcast as a tool to leverage 42 extra minutes of a high-pro몭le entrepreneur’s time than I’d originally asked for…  Plus, having this guy on my show gave me a ton more credibility to my audience…  And after releasing the show… his audience started following me and what I was doing.  I accessed more people and more valuable information than I ever could have if I didn’t run a podcast.   AND I HAVE FOUND… PODCASTING IS LIKE THE HOLY GRAIL OF SELF- PROMOTION… And it’s one of the few forms of self-promotion that doesn’t look greedy or desperate. In fact… Launching and hosting a podcast has the opposite e몭ect. It sets one up as an authority 몭gure in any market… Automatically expands a person’s platform and credibility… Can generate new streams of income… And builds trust and genuine connection with listeners… 
  • 20. See there are several common podcasting mistakes that people make when they get started... And if I didn’t 몭y out to meet John in his mansion in Puerto Rico… And learn from him the most e몭ective strategy for creating a successful podcast… I likely would have been frustrated like most people who start a podcast and make all the same mistakes... Because there’s really a lot more to it than buying a microphone and hitting “record.”   IN FACT... MOST PEOPLE WHO START A PODCAST QUIT AFTER 7 EPISODES BECAUSE THEY DIDN’T LAUNCH THEIR SHOW WITH THE RIGHT FORMULA…  11 And when that happens…
  • 21. Podcasting is more like screaming into a void than building connections with an audience. Because very few people tune-in to the show. And there’s hardly any return on the investment of time and energy. With a small audience, it’s di몭cult to get the attention of high- pro몭le entrepreneurs and grow a network that drives tra몭c to the show. Plus, with the growing number of podcasts, new podcasters are more likely than ever before to get lost in the mix…   And if the initial podcast launch doesn’t go well… It’s much harder to get ears on it… And even harder to turn those ears into dollars.
  • 22. BUT WITH THE CONNECTION METHOD FORMULA I’M ABOUT TO SHARE... IT’S POSSIBLE TO MOVE UP THE ITUNES CHARTS SOON AFTER LAUNCHING THE SHOW...   All it takes is using this plug n’ play formula to lock-down all the important parts of having a successful podcast launch…   And shorten the runway to success as an entrepreneur, in몭uencer or brand- builder… Grow a network... Increase brand awareness to new customers... Boost income… And make a di몭erence in people’s lives…
  • 23. INTRODUCING... 30-DAY PODCAST SUCCESS FORMULA The 30-Day Podcast Success Formula is a step-by-step system designed to take a podcast from creation to launch in just one short month… using a proven formula that’s simple to follow and helps capture the ears, hearts (and wallets) of listeners around the world… boost brand recognition… and make you an authority 몭gure in any market.
  • 25. 1 podcast strategy email delivered straight to your email inbox every single day for the next 30-days straight to keep progress on track… and help launch a podcast in front of the right people who’ll love the content, message and brand… 12 high-de몭nition videos giving clear “next steps” to take through the entire podcast creation and launch process from beginning to end… (The action steps for these videos are about as “plug n’ play” simple as it gets… just follow along and podcasting will open up new doors of opportunities!)
  • 26. A foolproof way to move any podcast show up higher on the iTunes charts even on launch day… and stakes claim at the top of the “new and noteworthy” list. (This is an absolute MUST for maximum exposure) How to create a podcast that helps any target market become excited brand evangelists… (most podcasters make a hidden mistake here… and try to get “everybody” to tune in. Watch video #2 to discover how to avoid this easy pitfall.) Why it’s crucial to create a show schedule BEFORE ever releasing an
  • 27. episode… (many podcasters surprisingly miss the mark here… and I’ll teach why it’s a major “turn o몭” to even the most loyal listeners.) The “3 C’s” that will make a podcast stand out from the other 850,000 out there. (Nail these components down from video #5 and it’s possible to make a big splash in the “blue ocean” of listeners… while likely earning income from the show faster than planned.) Why graphic design could be the di몭erence between new listeners racing to the podcast… or leaving a bad taste in their mouth… before they listen to a single episode!
  • 28. Yes! It’s that important to dial-in podcast artwork before launch day… Think of it like being a book in a bookstore… With tens of thousands of options…   Why does someone pick up a book and read it? It’s The Cover Art! The same is true of a podcast…  To stand out in the right way to a target audience…    Eye-catching artwork is a must…   And I’ll share exactly how to do that inside video #8. Plus, I’ll also share... How to hook a listener in during the 몭rst 7-seconds of a show... and keep them listening for hours! Check out video #4.
  • 29.  Have 100 ideas but don’t know which one is the best for the brand? Watch video #2 to 몭gure out EXACTLY how to 몭ne-tune a message so the listeners love every minute. (Most people think they already “know” their message… but are way o몭 the mark. Don’t be one of them.) The #1 editing mistake new and experienced podcasters make that stunts their business growth… Check out video #10 to 몭nd out exactly what it is and how to avoid it.
  • 30. How to increase ratings and reviews that drive more tra몭c to the podcast and helps increase listenership...  Which media hosts to go with to increase brand awareness… and which ones to 100% avoid!
  • 31. Have a product or service that’ll bene몭t the listeners? Check out video #4 where I’ll share how to get an audience excited about the product or service being shared… and become consistent buyers and fans! A step-by-step checklist for how to create the perfect show… (It doesn’t matter if the show is an interview, solo, scripted, 몭ction, or anything else. Follow this easy template to be in great shape to create a fantastic show that has listeners coming back for more.) SPEAKING OF CHECKLISTS… NEVER… EVER… “WING IT” WHEN IT COMES TO PODCASTING.
  • 32. PODCASTING. Stumbling down rabbit trails can be a major turn-o몭 to listeners. The world’s most charismatic speakers know this… Which is why they use a script to keep them on track… Because Without Them… They’re A Mess  The checklist inside this program helps to create a show to be proud of… While building a network… And becoming the voice of a great brand… and an authority 몭gure in any market.
  • 33. INSIDE THE 30-DAY PODCAST SUCCESS FORMULA I’LL ALSO SHARE… A step-by-step guide for creating the “central idea of the show”. (This is one of the most important parts of becoming an in몭uencer and having success talking about your passion and brand over the microphone… 몭nd out how to knock it out of the park in video #2.)
  • 34. The most a몭ordable “studio setup” that’ll make any voice sound great without spending a fortune… I’ve used this exact setup since the beginning of my show… and it’s surprising how little it costs. A “creation to launch checkmark timeline” to keep track of progress and know the next steps…
  • 35. Where’s your “Blue Ocean”? Check out video #2 to 몭nd out what I mean, how to get to know a listener better than they know themselves AND how to target them with the right content that turns them into fans.  How to create a “lead magnet generator” that’ll pin-point where listeners are and how to reach them most e몭ectively… 
  • 36. Why creating a “podcast identity” is so bene몭cial to the listeners… (they won’t notice it when it’s there… but they de몭nitely notice it when it’s NOT. Check out video #2 to make sure it’s included.) How to select categories for ranking and maximize listenership on launch day… the “perfect description formula” for writing show descriptions that appeals to the target customer… 6 bene몭ts of podcasting that most people likely never thought of before… and so much more! HERE’S WHAT OTHER PEOPLE ARE SAYING… 
  • 38. INFLUENTIAL, CONNECTED AND PROFITABLE USING PODCASTS AS THE MAIN MARKETING TOOL! Let me give a quick summary of how the 30-Day Podcast Sucess Formula works… After signing up today for the fast-action discount (that I’ll share in a minute)… Each member receives an email from me with a link to the private members area to access all 12 of the podcast launch videos. Then — for the next 30 days, members receive an email from me each day… Sent directly to the email inbox provided… With podcasting tips and strategies that I and dozens of world-class entrepreneurs have used to become real life in몭uencers, brand-builders and networking pros. All members have to do is implement what I share in the videos and the emails… And their podcast will be set-up for success So that’s how easy it works.
  • 39. NOW... LET ME SHARE ABOUT THE “FAST-ACTION DISCOUNT." REAL QUICK... I love working with action takers… They’re my favorite kind of people… For that reason, I want to give action takers a reward today for joining right here and now. I could charge something in the ballpark of $499 for this. Especially because podcasting is projected to be the #1 platform for
  • 40. entrepreneurs and business leaders to build their brand in the coming years. Plus — after the podcast opens up new connections and streams of income, chances are most people will make that $499 investment back very quickly. But even though I might charge something like that in the future… I Want To Give Fast-Action Takers A HUGE Break Today…   When signing up for the 30-Day Podcast Sucess Formula on this page… I won’t charge $499 like I could… I won’t even charge half that…   Instead — get the entire 30-Day Podcast Success Formula for just $99. In my experience, most people end up wasting $99 or more if trying to go at it alone… But after signing up for the 30-Day Podcast Success Formula… It’s almost impossible to waste a single dime (unless one decides not to follow the actual course)... Because it’s an investment that’ll grow listeners, generate streams of revenue, boost brand recognition, give one a voice authority and more. SO ACTION TAKER… PLEASE TAKE ME UP ON THIS DEAL WHILE IT’S STILL
  • 41. THIS DEAL WHILE IT’S STILL AVAILABLE. But also, I want to go one step further and make this choice easier by putting the risk on me…  Platinum 60-Day 100% Money Back Guarantee Here’s the deal…   I got into podcasting to build genuine relationships with people and a brand people could trust… Which is the main reason I put this Platinum 60-Day 100% Money Back Guarantee together.
  • 42. Plus, I don’t want money to keep someone with huge potential from signing up for the 30-Day Podcast Sucess Formula… So I want to shoulder all the risk… If for any reason you don’t love this 30-day challenge…   Or 몭nd my special podcast strategy emails helpful… Then I don’t want to keep this investment.   So if that’s the case, just send me an email and let me know… And get every penny back. No questions or hassles. And we can still be friends afterward. SO MY RECOMMENDATION… DON’T PASS UP ON THIS OPPORTUNITY RIGHT HERE
  • 43. OPPORTUNITY RIGHT HERE AND NOW. Even if on the fence… Sign up for the 30-Day Podcast Sucess Formula now while this Fast-Action Discount is still available...  And decide if it’s a good 몭t. There’s plenty of time to try it out. And there won’t be any regrets. Just click the “Yes! Sign Me Up!” button below to get started right away. Yes! Sign Me Up! SO… THERE ARE 2 OPTIONS OF WHERE TO GO FROM HERE…
  • 44. Option #1: Ignore everything I’ve shared on this page… About how experts are saying that starting a podcast is the most important thing one can do to build a brand or business right now…   How it can help reach up to 94% more people than without it… That it’s the easiest way to build a deep connection with any target market… And instead of taking advantage of the opportunity on this page… Decide now is not the right time to start a podcast… Even though there are hundreds of stories that started from scratch… with no platform or in몭uence…  Who are now doing big things because they decided to start a podcast… Or one can also decide to go at it alone… And start a podcast without using my 30-day formula…    Possibly ending up like other people who’ve tried to do it by themselves… Yet waste valuable time, energy and dollars for an “okay” result… And end up quitting a few episodes in because no matter what they try… They can’t seem to 몭nd listeners… Or expand their network… Or make a single dime o몭 their show. And when they launch their podcast...
  • 45. NO ONE KNOWS ABOUT IT EXCEPT A FEW FRIENDS. WHICH HURTS THEIR EXPOSURE ON ITUNES AND MAKES IT REALLY DIFFICULT TO BOUNCE BACK One can settle for going this route, but it’s more likely to end up like the others. Who’ve gotten lost in the crowd of other podcasts… And ultimately miss the boat on this opportunity to get in and make a great move for business, branding, and impacting. Trying to go at it alone takes a LOT longer compared to using something like the 30-Day Podcast Sucess Formula... Probably months longer… Because they’re trying to 몭gure most things out on their own instead of getting help from someone who’s “been there” before... And knows how to reach the top.
  • 46. I MEAN... IF SOMEONE CAME UP AND SAID THEY KNOW WHERE A BURIED TREASURE IS AND I’LL SHARE IT...  Most people wouldn’t just say, “I’ll 몭gure it out myself”... right? Well, I want to be that guide for others who want to 몭nd their own buried treasure with podcasting. Now... I get it. We live in the “Internet Age”... So there’s no shortage of podcasting tips and advice out there…
  • 47. But do people really believe others haven’t tried that before?  There’s a HUGE di몭erence between someone giving a few tips on a blog…  And someone giving a person a carefully calculated strategy to take a podcast from creation to a successful launch.  It's Like Flying On A Jet Plane While Everyone Else Is Stuck In A Tra몭c Jam Personally, I haven’t come across a single podcaster — even the most in몭uential people with massive brands and incomes — who haven’t said these words: “I wish someone was there to help me launch my podcast the right way.” And hey… If your podcast is already launched…  And it hasn’t seen as much traction…   It’s never too late to re-launch with a fresh outlook and a whole ton of help… And 몭nally taste that success that’s been sitting there the whole time. But continuing down the same path just doesn’t make much sense. BUT LISTEN THERE’S ALWAYS... OPTION #2: SIGN UP FOR THE 30-DAY PODCAST LAUNCH FORMULA RIGHT
  • 48. LAUNCH FORMULA RIGHT NOW, TODAY… And enjoy a successful podcast launch just 30-days from now! Most people underestimate the amount of time it takes to start a podcast. But together, we’ll get the job done in a month. With this option… Members gain access to a tried-and-true podcasting strategy… That’ll make every step… From podcast creation… to podcast launch… and everything in-between…   Amazingly clear… 100x easier… and backed with a guarantee of success.  Just follow along with the videos in the challenge…   Implement the strategies I send for the next 30-days…
  • 49. AND... HAVE A SUCCESSFUL PODCAST LAUNCH THAT CAN TRULY BE LIFE- CHANGING I’ve worked my tail o몭 to make sure the 30-Day Podcast Success Formula is as “plug n’ play” simple as possible… Plus — a ton of fun… And life-changing if members follow what’s inside. Imagine… Building a great brand, and getting the message out there… Reaching more people that attracts the right kind of followers like a magnet... Leaving all the frustration and guesswork at the door… Avoiding the roadblocks that most people run into when 몭rst getting started… And being on the fast track to reaching the goals that have been in mind since day 1. This path is the fastest way to the brightest future… no matter where you’re starting from today. And remember… I’ve created the 30-Day Podcast Sucess Formula to be a rock-
  • 50. solid solution…   Which is why it’s backed up with my Platinum 60-Day 100% Money Back Guarantee. I’m basically pushing all my chips into the middle of the table… And am betting this 30-day challenge is going to be a huge help. And if at any time over the next 30-days I’m more than happy to return the investment if it’s not living up to everything I mentioned above. But it all starts with the decision right here and now… To Click The “Yes! Sign Me Up!” Button Below To Access The 30-Day Podcast Success Formula For The “Dedicated Podcasters Discount”... Yes! Sign Me Up! I can’t wait to go on this journey with you! Sincerely, Travis Chappell FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS
  • 51.  Who is the 30-Day Podcast Success Formula For? The 30-Day Podcast Success Formula is for anyone who wants to launch (or re-launch) a podcast in the next 30-days to boost in몭uence, income, brand awareness and more. The 30- Day Podcast Success Formula is a simple way to shorten the runway to success using the most e몭ective “branding tool” out there right now..  What exactly do I get inside the 30-Day Podcast Success Formula? Inside the 30-Day Podcast Success Formula members gain access to 12 never-before-seen, high-de몭nition videos where I’ll share exactly how to build a podcast from creation to launch. Members also get one exclusive email per day delivered straight to the email inbox with a strategy tip to take the podcast to the next level every single day for the next month.  Will I really have my new podcast launched in 30-days? Most likely, yes. If members give this 30-day challenge their very best e몭ort, they can. However, it may not all happen in “sequential order,” meaning some of the strategies may take a few days to complete, and that’s okay. However, if members watch the videos, stick with the formula, and follow each of the podcast strategy tips I give over the next 30-days, they’ll make some great strides building a podcast that works best for what they want to achieve with it.  Is this something I can opt-out of? After 몭nalizing the purchase, we’re in this thing together for the next 30-days! If members want to go at their own pace, and save the emails and the videos for another time or something like that, they can do that, too.  Alright, I’m ready to do this! How do I sign up again? It’s simple. Click the “Yes! Sign Me Up!” button. From there, a secure checkout page will appear to complete the order. After that, members gain access to the 30-Day Podcast Success Formula members page where there is access to all 12 videos in the challenge. Plus, members receive their 몭rst email in the inbox from me, and another email everyday after that for the next 30-days to help achieve a successful podcast launch. Yes! Sign Me Up!
  • 52. 1 "Why Podcasting Is the Next Marketing Frontier - Entrepreneur." 27 Apr. 2018, Accessed 3 Mar. 2020. 2  "Steve Jobs Was Right When He Said Podcasts Were ... - Forbes." 16 Aug. 2018, were-the-future-of-audio/. Accessed 4 Mar. 2020. 3   "New Survey Reveals Radio is the Most Trusted Medium in ...." 7 Jan. 2019, Medium-America. Accessed 3 Mar. 2020. 4 "The Podcast Consumer 2019 - Edison Research." 5 Apr. 2019, podcast-consumer-2019/. Accessed 3 Mar. 2020. 5  "Essential podcast statistics and trends for marketers [Infographic]." 5 Oct. 2019, Accessed 3 Mar. 2020. 6 "Podcast advertising generates up to 4.4x better brand ... - Midroll." 19 Dec. 2018, Accessed 3 Mar. 2020. 7  "How Podcasts Became an Essential Medium - Vulture." 18 Mar. 2019, Accessed 3 Mar. 2020. 8  "The Rise of Podcasts and Podcast Marketing - We Are Marketing." 5 Sep. 2019, Accessed 3 Mar. 2020. 9   "Harvard Business Review Announces New Podcast Network ...." 3 Apr. 2019, New-Podcast-Network. Accessed 4 Mar. 2020. 10  "Why Podcasting Matters to Marketing [Infographic] | WebFX." Accessed 3 Mar. 2020 11 "How Many of the 540,000 Podcasts Have "Podfaded ...." 23 Aug. 2018, https://www.ampli몭 active. Accessed 5 Mar. 2020.
  • 53. Questions? We're here for you. Email our world-class Support Team at We're rooting for your success! Copyright © Travis Chappell. All Rights Reserved. Nothing on this page, any of our websites, or any of our content or curriculum is a promise or guarantee of results or future earnings, and we do not offer any legal, medical, tax or other professional advice. Any 몭nancial numbers referenced here, or on any of our sites, are illustrative of concepts only and should not be considered average earnings, exact earnings, or promises for actual or future performance. Use caution and always consult your accountant, lawyer or professional advisor before acting on this or any information related to a lifestyle change or your business or 몭nances. You alone are responsible and accountable for your decisions, actions and results in life, and by your registration here you agree not to attempt to hold us liable for your decisions, actions or results, at any time, under any circumstance.   This site is not a part of the Facebook website or Facebook Inc. Additionally, This site is NOT endorsed by Facebook in any way. FACEBOOK is a trademark of FACEBOOK, Inc.