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Pelvic Floor Strong
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Women Over 40: In an age of
women’s empowerment, it is
time we start normalizing the
conversation around bladder
A shocking and recent study
from Harvard University
reported an estimated 45% of
women experience some
form of urinary incontinence
at some point in their lives.
That's almost half of all
women and reason enough
that it is time for change. And
that’s why every woman
reading this letter today is
extraordinarily brave for
taking the next few minutes
to learn the simple upper
body technique that will stop
bladder leakage for life.
Alex Miller.
It truly doesn’t have to be this
way. Women are suffering in
silence and it has been
ingrained in us that this is
just a normal part of aging.
What most women don’t
realize is that there is actually
an underlying condition
causing this problem and
once it’s fixed you’ll be able
to get back to easy
movements without fear of
leakage, you’ll no longer have
to worry about leaking every
time you laugh in the movie
theater or sneeze during
allergy season.
You’re going to love that not
only will your bladder leakage
be healed, but your belly
pooch will flatten and your
back pain will be permanently
And there are two main forms
of urinary incontinence...
1Stress incontinence, which
occurs when women leak
urine when laughing,
sneezing, coughing, jumping,
or exercising—when there’s
any impact or increase of
pressure on the pelvic floor.
2Urgency incontinence,
which occurs when women
have a strong urge to go to
the bathroom and urine leaks
out before they get there.
These women tend to go to
the bathroom frequently
throughout the day and even
wake up to go at night.
...and they are both related to
one hidden condition that
was discovered by a Physical
Therapist who studied at
Charles University School of
Medicine in Prague in 1952.
The unconventional research
articles by this Physical
Therapist have now been
rediscovered and women
from around that world have
found the secret to stopping
urinary incontinence in just
seconds a day... I’ll be
showing you this gentle
technique next.
“It’s been a life saver. It’s truly
been a life saver because I
was kept in my house. Forget
COVID, forget lockdowns. I
was stuck in my own body
because I was afraid to go out
because I didn’t want to pee
myself. This program, it’s
literally given me wings, it’s
literally given me a new life.”
“I no longer have any kind of
accidents. I no longer have to
worry, oh my gosh, I better
find that toilet quick. I don’t
have to worry about that
anymore. I have not had one
accident since I started.”
Hi, I'm Alex Miller!
Alex Miller.
I am a fitness expert and
women’s pelvic health
specialist from Vancouver,
Canada, known best for
helping women heal their
bodies. My online programs
have reached hundreds of
thousands of women around
the world of all ages.
Since 2012, I have taught
close to one million students
from around the world how to
get fit and healthy while
overcoming unique
challenges that only women
face. Helping women feel
confident and better about
themselves is what gets me
out of bed everyday.
I have been featured at some
of the most elite fitness
studios in the world and my
wall to wall packed classes
are attended weekly by top
leaders in the health industry,
such as chiropractors,
physical therapists,
professional athletes and
some of the best known
movie celebrities in the world.
Over the years you will find
me featured in podcasts,
magazines and several large
social media channels for the
work I have done helping
women of all ages.
But there’s a lot more to me
than my successes... I’m here
today to talk about much
harder times
Family photo.
You wouldn’t have recognized
me years before...
When our family was struck
with the most horrific
moment of our lives...
And we thought life would
never be the same again…
The look of fear and distress
on my mom’s face...
As she held her eyes tightly
And hung up the phone.
I have Triple Negative Breast
a rare, life-threatening and
aggressive disease
We were all in shock and
devastated by the news.
We didn’t know at the time
that the life-threatening
surgeries, destructive
chemotherapy and painful
radiation would take away
everything she loved about
being a woman...
Affecting her pelvic
muscles... bladder health...
and self-confidence.
In that one, short phone call...
Her entire life changed
Pelvic floor.Pelvic floor.
The pelvic floor is a woven
basket of muscles that hold
your bladder, uterus and
The pelvic floor relaxes to
allow us to urinate or have a
bowel movement.
It contracts to stop the flow of
urine, tightens the vaginal
opening or prevents us from
passing stool or gas.
If you have ever experienced
accidental leakage you will
want to keep watching...
because I’m about to show
you the most important pelvic
strengthening exercises
you’ll find anywhere.
They’re crucial if you want to
get back to living an active
As well, in this short
You’re going to learn about
the one tight muscle in your
upper body...
That has been damaging your
pelvic muscles... Making
everything weak down below.
If you are one of the millions
of Americans who suffer from
leaking whenever you cough,
sneeze or lift something
I’m so sorry for what you’ve
been going through.
I understand how it impacts
everything from your social
life to your very identity.
Pain in the shoulder.
And that’s why I’m here to
help you
Patient in hospital.
My mom’s pelvic muscles
were frail...
Whenever she went out
shopping she would end up
with wet pants.
She even told me about a few
different occasions where
she would have to RUN
across the grocery store to
find the restroom.
Worried man.
While this was all happening
my body was quietly
destroying itself from the
inside out.
I was on the verge of losing
My dreams of getting
pregnant were failing and
because of that, my partner
wanted to leave me.
I know how deeply this
condition can change your
And impact the people
around you, too.
If you ever felt like
you had to wear dark colored
in case you leak in public,
you’re not alone.
I used to feel the exact same
way, and I’m going to show
Woman peed her pants.
I am finally able to jump and
run again!
Jump and run.
Not only did I cure my
Aut also my mom’s...
And thousands of my loyal
I’ll be revealing to you...
damaging your pelvic area
causing leaking, lower back,
hip and pelvic pain.
And the best part is...
You’re going to be shocked
how easy it is to fix.
Imagine how good it will feel
to be pain free and not have
to stay close to the bathroom
I’ll even be sharing with you...
The three biggest mistakes
Doctors tell women to help
firm up their pelvic muscles,
but are actually making
everything much weaker,
while causing your accidents
happen more often.
If you’ve been struggling with
intimacy due to urine odor or
Old people laughing.
You will want to keep
watching right now because...
I’m about to expose the
That is KILLING your pelvic
area, making
sex ‘not feel like it used to’
and it’s
STOPPING you from having a
relationship with your
And, it gets even better when
your pelvic
muscles are stronger...
Your orgasms will be as well!
Imagine not being chained by
the fear of embarrassment
and being able to break free
from those chains.
Leaking is very common
especially for women after
childbirth, but it can honestly
happen to anyone.
And that’s why you are going
to LOVE the one quick stretch
I'm about to show you that
will stop you from peeing
your pants nearly overnight.
In just a few moments you
can begin to free yourself of
this condition FOR GOOD.
Couple in bed.
This leaking has been holding
you back from the body you
deserve and the life you
You'll finally be able to run
around with little ones in the
back yard without leak spots
on the seat of your pants and
you’ll no longer miss out on
dinner parties or great times
at the lake.
It was minutes before the
weekend when the call came
The look of fear and distress
on my mom’s face, as she
held her eyes tightly shut and
hung up the phone.
I have Triple Negative Breast
a rare, life-threatening and
aggressive disease
We were all in shock and
devastated by the news.
My mom, who had always
been my hero...
Was about to start the most
challenging fight of her life.
She completed many invasive
surgeries, destructive
chemotherapy and painful
Older couple.
While she underwent this
terrible treatment, we had no
idea what was happening to
her body would end up
making her feel less
comfortable as a woman,
affecting her pelvic muscles,
bladder control and
And as my dad watched my
mom suffer from this horrible
disease, he didn’t know that it
would end up damaging their
relationship in ways he could
never have imagined.
At the time of my mom’s
cancer treatment, I didn’t
know how to handle my
Fit girl.
I learned to run away from my
panic attacks by going to
fitness classes.
Tears would stream down my
sweat dripping cheeks every
time I moved my body.
This escape became my
As well as the beginning of
my career as a fitness
What I didn’t know...
Was that my body was also
being destroyed from the
inside out and I was on my
way to developing serious
health problems as well.
I didn’t know then...
But I was about to face the
same health problems as my
I’m going to share something
I have been too embarrassed
to ever
talk about publicly up until
One spring afternoon I was
teaching my final class of the
I yelled out with
encouragement to my
students, and all of a
I accidentally peed myself.
I was devastated.
Everyone in the class stared
in horror at the sight of me
standing at the front of the
room, soaked.
I bet you can imagine how
humiliated I felt.
But it gets worse...
Little did I know, I had a
deadly malfunction hiding in
the deepest layers of my
That’s what caused my
horrific experience in front of
the classroom.
This malfunction was causing
extreme destruction the more
active I was.
If you have ever leaked
accidentally you could be a
victim too on the verge of
spiralling into other serious
health problems as well
Old lady smiling.
Although leaking is more
relevant after childbirth...
It can happen to any woman,
at anytime.
However, the good news is...
I found out leaking is so
much easier to fix than you
could ever imagine and I’ll be
revealing exactly how to next.
I started to realize that the
exercises that used to make
me feel great, were actually
causing my pelvic muscles to
become weak.
The worst part was that
whenever I tried to jump or
run I was leaking.
I started to lose control of my
I felt lonely and isolated.
I had never had children
before and I was personally
experiencing the same issues
many postpartum women
have to deal with.
I went to the doctor for help,
but it just made it worse
I’ll be sharing with you the
three doctor recommended
things women are told will
help stop their leaking but are
actually causing severe
damage to their pelvic
muscles and bladders.
As hard as this experience
was for me...
I felt like I could finally
breathe again because my
mom experienced a true
miracle that stunned our
entire family and her entire
medical team.
Her cancer went into
However, as a result of her
cancer treatment, her body
was sent into early
It caused dysfunction in her
pelvic muscles and often
times she would fail to make
it to the bathroom in time.
She was constantly leaking.
You could tell she was
becoming more anxious and
insecure as the days went on.
She stayed in the house as
often she could and stopped
socializing with her friends.
Sad woman.
It broke my heart.
I wish I knew then what I
know now...
But I’m so glad that I can help
In a moment, I’ll be unveiling
the three tips...
Doctors are telling women to
do during and after
menopause that are
damaging their pelvic
muscles, causing them to
My mom tried taking
prescription medication to
calm her bladder...
In hopes of stopping her
After waiting several weeks
for the expensive drugs to
kick in she started to
experience side effects of
nausea and heartburn that
became worse every time the
medication entered her body.
She was back to square one,
still leaking,
and she felt more alone than
After peeing myself in front of
my class, I was desperate
Sad woman.
I had to figure out what was
wrong with my body...
So that is when I called my
After that appointment, I was
sent to several other
expensive specialists, all
without any signs of
I began to notice a trend
repeating with all of the
They were all sharing with me
the exact same THREE TIPS
to stop leakage by
strengthening the pelvic floor.
I was shocked to find out
these three things were
actually causing more
damage to my pelvic muscles
while making my bladder
even more uncontrollable.
I’ll be sharing with you these
three doctor
recommendations shortly…
I’m also going to share with
an easy 3-step movement
sequence that will stop your
all without...
Toxic medications that carry
harmful side effects
Diapers and pads that only
temporarily fix the problem
Risky surgery that is
tremendously expensive and
My mom and I were both felt
our bodies had been
permanently destroyed
Woman looking at mirror.
But, I wasn’t ready to throw in
the towel just yet.
What we didn’t know at the
time was that just one short
month later we would both be
glowing with happiness and
our leaking would be gone!
If you've been struggling with
intimacy with your spouse
because of your fear of urine
odor and weak pelvic
muscles you will be amazed
how quickly you’ll be able to
turn things around gaining
your self-confidence and
fulfilling relationship back.
Medical bill.
I’ll be sharing with you the
THREE TIPS doctors are
telling women to do after
having children that is
causing leakage making their
pelvic muscles weak and
their bellies bulge.
You must stop these...
Otherwise you could end up
with medical bills and debt
piling up and I am absolutely
positive your issues are only
going to get worse.
Did you know...
Abdominal pain.
If you feel like your body was
never the same after having
kids it could be because you
have a seperation in your
Women often think they just
have extra belly fat after their
I will be touching more on
this in a moment...
And I’ll be sharing exactly
how to repair it to gain a flat,
toned tummy.
I’m also about to reveal to
MALFUNCTION hiding out in
the deepest layers of your
It’s causing your abdominal
area to bulge and it’s making
your pelvic floor weak.
Until you solve this sneaky
defect it’s going to spiral into
much more severe problems
such as...
Abdominal pain.
Toxic medications that carry
harmful side effects
Diapers and pads that only
temporarily fix the problem
Risky surgery that is
tremendously expensive and
In fact, while you’ve been
spending all of your time on
kegels and lower body
exercises you’re going to be
shocked when I reveal that
the real culprit is actually a
muscle in your upper body
And I’m going to tell you
exactly what muscle that is
and I’ll show you how to
release it next.
Let’s start with the three
doctor recommendations I
need to warn
you about...
Everyone says that kegels
help strengthen your vaginal
walls and pelvic floors
But did you know that this so
called 'strengthening' trick
can be extremely unsafe?
So many women think their
pelvic floor is loose, weak,
stretched out.
However, most of the time
their pelvic floor is so tight
that it actually has become
Rubber band.
Picture a normal rubber band
at rest...
It’s pliable, can stretch and
then go back to its normal
It is functional and works
very well.
This rubber band represents
our pelvic floor muscles.
However, if the rubber band is
chronically tight, overworked
and stretched it becomes
It no longer has room to
stretch or work.
Instead it will break due to its
constantly stretched state.
Same thing goes for our
pelvic floor muscles when
they are overworked and
However, not everyone is the
So I’m going to show you a
really easy test you can do
that takes just two minutes to
determine if your pelvic
muscles are tight or loose.
Based on that, if they’re tight
I’m going to tell you to toss
those kegels to the curb and I
will show you how to release
your tight muscles.
If your pelvic muscles are
loose I’m going to show you
the right kind of kegels that
will actually get you real
benefits rather than wasting
your time on all of the
squeeze and release you’ve
been doing without seeing
any results.
Women have been told to
suck in their bellies to get
pooch or wear restrictive
clothing such as Spanx
But did you know it’s making
your abdominals and pelvic
muscles weak?
By constantly ‘sucking it in’
or ‘holding it in’, it creates
shallow breathing which
stops the air flow into the rest
of your body.
When you can’t breathe
deeply, your abdominals stop
working which is the
communication line between
your brain and pelvic floor.
It’s like having a restrictive
corset on your body
squeezing in and shutting
down your abdominals
leaving your pelvic floor weak
and dysfunctional.
Many women have been told
to do
crunches to strengthen their
However, you will want to
stop those crunches
immediately if you have
diastasis recti because too
much pressure on your core
can make your diastasis
You will want to start by
reducing any pressure on
your core.
Even pushing a stroller can
be too much.
The following exercises are
considered ‘diastasis unsafe’
in the beginning...
Push ups
Rolling like a ball
Pikes on a ball
Ab rollouts
Sit ups
This doesn’t mean you can’t
slowly begin to intensify the
abdominal load as you get
While rehabbing diastasis
recti you want to slowly
progress to the point where
you can handle these
front-loading movements
because eventually they will
become ‘diastasis safe’ as
you get stronger.
If you’re moving or exercising
in these ways you could be
making your leakage and
belly pooch much worse
because of the deadly
malfunction I’m about to
reveal to you next.
If you’re a candidate for any
of these doctor
STOP immediately!
Otherwise you could be
standing on the edge of a
slippery cliff about to
plummet into debilitating
If you choose to take the path
of surgery they are risky,
painful and sometimes it
doesn't even work.
You will be forced into
overpriced medical bills and
months off of work or even
playing with your
grandchildren in the
I’m about to show you a
3-step movement sequence...
3 Step Movement Sequence.
That will strengthen your
pelvic muscles stop your
leaking and give you fast
results that you will notice
even on day 1.
It is so easy and gentle too.
In fact, I was amazed...
By how fast I stopped my
own leaking once I figured
out this 3-step method.
I’ve never had a dreadful leak
again and finally, I am able to
get back to the activities I
love such as spending time
outdoors and gardening.
I'll be telling you exactly what
this simple 3-step movement
sequence is in a momen.
Also, you’re not going to
believe when I show you how
to release the one tight
muscle in your upper body
that I guarantee you have
never thought of that is
causing all of your troubles
down below.
After months and months of
wasted medical bills and all
of my doctor's advice I finally
hit rock bottom.
Woman laughing.
I couldn’t bring myself to go
back into the studio again
there was so much pain in my
pelvic floor and I didn’t want
to risk the embarrassment of
leaking again.
I called in sick because I
didn’t want to face anybody.
I was sitting in my robe and it
was barely noon.
I began to search for ways to
heal my pelvic floor.
I dedicated all of my time to
reading research studies and
personal stories from people
all around the world.
I was desperate to find a
solution and I couldn’t
continue to live in a constant
state of fear.
All of a sudden...
I came upon a Physical
Therapist who studied at
Charles University School of
Medicine in Prague in 1952.
I started looking into his
unconventional studies and
they were appalling.
I was shocked to find out...
That women are wasting their
time on kegels and crunches
while never seeing any
results because they actually
have an imbalance in their
core muscles...
And while most doctors have
only been trained to look at
the organs this genius of a
Physical Therapist decided to
take matters into his own
hands and look at the
surrounding muscles.
This is when he discovered
LAYER syndrome
Abdominal canister.
Layer syndrome is an
imbalance of your muscles
and in this case, the muscles
in the core are out of balance.
Your ‘core’ is an abdominal
On the top you have your
breathing muscles, known as
your diaphragm on the sides
you have your abdominal
wall... And the bottom is your
pelvic floor.
The pelvic floor is a woven
basket of muscles that hold
your bladder, uterus and
The pelvic floor relaxes to
allow us to urinate or have a
bowel movement.
It contracts to stop the flow of
urine tightens the vaginal
opening or prevents us from
passing stool or gas.
Inhale exhale illustrations.
When you inhale...
Your diaphragm presses
down, which pushes out on
your abdominal wall and
down on your pelvic floor.
Everything descends down.
This relaxes the pelvic floor.
When you exhale...
Your diaphragm coils back up
your abdominal wall goes
back in and your pelvic floor
lifts back up.
This contracts the pelvic
If you have LAYER
Layer syndrome.
Your diaphragm, abdominal
wall and pelvic floor... (aka
your abdominal canister) is
out of balance and is no
longer functioning as one.
One contributing cause of
layer syndrome is shallow
If you are constantly shallow
breathing and not focusing
on breathing correctly your
diaphragm will lose its
connection to your abdominal
wall and pelvic floor.
I’ll be sharing how to breathe
correctly in a moment I
mentioned a few moments
ago that shallow breathing is
like wearing a restrictive
corset that is squeezing in
and shutting down your
abdominals the link between
your diaphragm and pelvic
Your pelvic floor will no
longer relax and contract
automatically therefore it will
become weak and frail.
Layer Syndrome can be
extremely dangerous and can
cause serious side effects.
Leaking... A protruding belly
bulge... Or a distinct bulging
at the vagina opening (aka
pelvic organ prolapse) are
just three signs from your
body WARNING you of this
muscle imbalance.
Hello, LAYER syndrome
Layer syndrome.
Leaking alone affects 200
million people worldwide.
25 million of those people are
Americans... and 75-80% of
those are women.
Hundreds of thousands of
Are seeking surgery every
year to strengthen their pelvic
floors or repair their
abdominal separation...
But they are finding that their
problems only get worse, and
they end up in a mess of
If you don’t solve your
leaking naturally, you could
end up being one of these
left in a sticky situation with
more pain and problems from
when they started off.
Layer syndrome.
If only those women knew...
How easy it is to fix their
pelvic floors and cores...
Without the expensive...
And time-consuming
Now, a little more about
separation of your middle
abdominal muscles
Your linea alba, the tissues
between your abdominals
become thin and stretched
out from a large abdomen
and can create either a dome
or gap, or bulging
appearance on your belly.
After pregnancy, often times
the muscles don’t fully heal
back together whether it’s at
the top, the bottom, or even
the entire thing.
Different variation of
diastasis recti.
The reason your diastasis
recti won’t heal back together
is because YOU HAVE LAYER
This is commonly due to
weight gain... Or childbirth
and the pressure of the baby
on your pelvic floor even if
you had a c-section which
prevents the healing process
from taking place.
Your pelvic floor, abdominal
wall and breathing muscles
are no longer communicating
which creates weakness and
dysfunction in all parts.
I work with women all the
time that are punishing
themselves with restrictive
diets and overdoing it with
crunches to tone and flatten
their bellies while never
seeing any results.
Little do they know they have
layer syndrome which is only
going to make their bellies
bulge EVEN MORE...
Until they fix this imbalance.
However, you’ll be shocked
how easy it is to heal layer
syndrome. And it can be done
naturally without painful and
risky surgeries that have high
chances of failing anyway.
And I’ll be sharing with you
How to release the one tight
muscle around your neck and
shoulders that is making it
harder for you to breathe
affecting your diaphragm
Two women.
Therefore the rest of your
abdominal canister.
After that day...
I started a 3-step movement
sequence that COMPLETELY
healed my layer syndrome
which strengthened my pelvic
floor and stopped my leaking.
I even tried it on my mom...
And not only does she no
longer leak whenever she
laughs, coughs or sneezes
but it also healed her
diastasis recti leaving her
with a firm and flat tummy.
Once you try it out for
yourself... You’ll be thrilled
that you can finally stop
spinning your wheels with
starvation diets and back
breaking crunches.
You’re also going to be
Hunched posture.
When I show you how to
release the one tight muscle
in your upper body making
your layer syndrome severely
You will finally be able to heal
your leaking and diastasis
recti creating balance in your
abdominal canister...even
faster than before.
Your pecs run across your
chest and attach to your
Hunched posture.Straight
When they get too tight they
pull our shoulders forward
causing our posture to round
forward known as 'hunched
forward posture'.
Try this with me...
Slouch in your chair with
your shoulders rounded
Now try to take a deep breath.
You will notice you can’t get a
deep breath.
Now try it sitting straight up
with your shoulders back.
You will notice you can get a
deeper breath.
This posture makes our
breath shallow because it
condenses and squishes our
breathing muscles in our
And as I mentioned earlier...
Without deep breathing our
abdominal canister becomes
weak and dysfunctional
because the diaphragm no
longer connects to the
abdominal wall and pelvic
It’s like trying to drive a car
with only 3 wheels, it doesn’t
I know this can all be really
overwhelming but if you’ve
ever experienced the panic of
leaking you know exactly how
awful this can be...
And that’s why I’m here to
help you!
Two women.
You’re going to love...
To be able to get back to
shopping trips with your
girlfriends and enjoy evening
cocktails on the patio.
All without having to stay
close to the bathroom.
By simply doing a variation of
this pec stretch every
evening before bed not only
can you heal your shoulder
pain but it will leave you with
beautiful posture to create
natural deep breathing
patterns to heal your pelvic
floor, diastasis recti and
abdominal canister.
Here’s what stretching your
pecs is going to do for you.
On day one, your chest will
feel more open and your
posture will slightly improve.
But the cool thing is after a
few days of doing this easy
stretch all of a sudden...
I will show you several
variations of this stretch,
One for bed
One for in the privacy of your
own your bathroom
During the day at your desk
And even one for really
flexible people
If you have a shoulder injury, I
even have a special
modification that will work
well for you and CAN actually
heal your injury and stop any
nerve pain you may have.
This leaking has been
holding you back...
...from the body you deserve
and the life you deserve.
Imagine not being chained by
the fear of embarrassment
and being able to break free
from those chains.
You will finally be able to live
an active lifestyle and no
longer miss out on dinner
parties or outings at the lake.
I’ve personally stopped
taking my anxiety medication
because my worried nerves
have gone away.
I’m sleeping through the
night again and I finally have
tons of energy to spend on
my relationship with my
Woman sleeping.
I am present, in love and my
dreams of starting a family
are in the near future
I’ve also dropped the ten
pounds I put on over the past
year because I was too
ashamed and fearful to step
foot into the gym.
I’m getting back into running
near the ocean in the
mornings and I no longer
have to wear black pants to
hide any wetness.
I am eating healthier because
I’m in a better mindset and I
can finally look in the mirror
and feel good about myself
It felt like my mom was finally
lighting up the room again
with her laughter.
She was given a second
chance at life.
She was a new woman.
Couple kissing.
She had been restricting her
diet and doing a million
crunches for years all without
any results and finally after
four short weeks...
She has lost fifteen pounds
and did this without any diet
or long hours in the gym.
Her tummy is toned and tight
and she is finally happy
She no longer wears
overheating, camouflaging
clothes and she looks
effortlessly beautiful in tank
tops and summer dresses.
She is way more relaxed
because she can control her
And it melts my heart the way
my dad looks at my mom now
with her glowing
It’s obvious when they flirt
with each other that they
have their intimacy back.
She doesn’t spend her spare
going to doctors
appointments anymore
She is getting back into
power walking.
She told me she is starting to
go swimming on the
And she has been
entertaining friends cooking
flavourful dinners...
And drinking even better
I started to share the secret
method with my clients and it
was no surprise they all
experienced the same
It was incredible!
In fact not only did the
program strengthen their
pelvic floors, stop their
leakage and flatten their
bellies but they also shared
with me their chronic lower
back and groin pain was
They no longer suffer from
pulling or bulging at the
vagina opening and they were
sleeping better because of it!
The word began to spread
like WILDFIRE. I was
changing lives left, right and
As women started to appear
in my life suffering from the
same ailments it made me
think about how many women
are still around with leaking
and diastasis recti and too
embarrassed to talk about it.
Many of these women are
under the impression that
they aren’t fixable or their
doctor told them surgery was
the only option.
A lot of them are not even
fully aware of their condition.
I want you to know...
That it is possible to fix your
What you’re going through is
something many other
women have experienced
before and found success
healing their bodies naturally.
I made it my life's mission to
positively impact and educate
women on how it is possible
to turn your health around
and feel like you again.
My goal is to help you regain
your confidence, joy and
Imagine how good it will feel
when you can put on your
favourite dress and stay out
with family and friends,
without constantly worrying
about where the nearest
bathroom is.
You’ll be able to fully enjoy
your evening because you’re
not distracted, waiting for a
warning sign that you’re
about to leak.
However, I didn’t have the
resources to pay for big
manufacturers or costly
That’s when a couple friends
of mine suggested that I
should create an online
Skipping ahead to a few
months later...
Couple hugging.
I’m SO excited to introduce to
Pelvic Floor Strong
Total core and pelvic floor
repair method.
This program is the set of
keys you’ve been waiting for
to a live happy, healthy life
Pelvic Floor Strong
strengthens your pelvic
floor... Puts intimacy back in
your life, giving you
self-confidence, while making
sex feel good again.
This is the only program out
there that heals leaking and
diastasis recti with the
consideration of layer
Healthy program.
All you need is the
3-movement sequence I
designed to efficiently heal
your body without cutting
into your valuable time.
It’s going to give you the
secrets to belly flattening,
diastasis healing and a
strong pelvic floor.
Pelvic Floor Strong alleviates
lower back and hip pain,
while correcting your posture
with the quick pec stretch
variations I have simply laid
out for you.
It stops your anxiety and
depression and lets you fall
asleep faster and stay asleep
throughout the night.
Michelle, 40 years
I have been working with Alex
for years now and I have
never felt healthier or more
fit! My body feels so good.
She has made me fall inlove
with fitness and I actually
enjoy exercise now.
Alex is truly an expert and my
favourite trainer. Her
knowledge of the body is
incredible and I couldn’t
recommend her more!
Lorna, 79 years
I have been leaking my entire
life after having three
children. I thought it was
normal and I can remember
many times being out of the
house and I had to rush home
because my pants were
After trying Alex’s program, I
have totally stopped leaking. I
no longer have to worry
about having an accidental in
public. It is also a nice
surprise that my core is now
stronger and my back pain
has gone away. All without
having to make any changes
to my routine! 3 minutes,
that’s all!
Anette, 55 years
My anxiety was beginning to
take over my life because I
couldn’t control my bladder. I
have been practicing Alex’s
program for the past
10-weeks, and since starting
it my leaking has completely
gone away. I was able to stop
taking my anxiety and acid
reflux medication! I have
been going for 10 kilometer
walks because I don’t have to
stay close to the washroom
anymore and I have lost 10
pounds already! I don’t have
any intention in stopping, I
have never felt so motivated
to keep up with my exercises.
My wish is for every woman
suffering from urinary
incontinence to be able to try
Alex’s program.
Pelvic Floor Strong is an
informational video with easy
to understand concepts that
will stop your leaking and
diastasis recti
It is evidence based and
trusted by Doctors, Midwives
and Personal Trainers.
In chapter 2, you will learn
how to do a proper kegel that
I promise you’ve never heard
of before to strengthen your
loose pelvic floor muscles.
In chapter 3, you will learn
how to engage your
abdominals and strengthen
your core to heal your leaking
and flatten your belly.
In chapter 4, you will learn
how to shift your stance
slightly to use 30% more of
your muscles. When you use
more of your muscles, it
boosts your metabolism.
You’ll be shocked at how
such a simple trick will shed
weight off of your body.
In chapter 6, you’ll learn the
3-step movement sequence
that will strengthen your
abdominal canister, including
your pelvic floor and core,
healing leaking and stopping
vaginal bulging and/or
In chapter 7, you’ll discover 3
easy steps to add to your
routine which will stop
leaking immediately.
Pelvic floor strong.
Just imagine...
Healthy program.
What it will feel like to wear
your favourite lightweight
summer dress or white linen
pants to dinner parties
without worrying about the
embarrassment it used to
lead to.
Now all you need to think
about is what kind of wine
you prefer as you walk
around, catching up with
people you care about.
Or how it will feel in the
department store dressing
room when you are able to
look in the mirror at your
toned body and flat tummy
and feel beautiful in your own
skin again.
Healthy program.
You’ll have more energy to go
on long walks with the girls
without lower back, groin or
hip pain.
Just imagine what it will feel
like to have a restful night’s
And how energized you feel
while enjoying things you
love again...
Like a cooking class... Or
dance lessons with your
All without the fear of being
exhausted the next day.
You’re going to feel strong,
confident and powerful in
your own body...
So that you can finally feel
like you again. And because
you’ve read this letter...
I know you’re invested in
your health... And that’s why I
want to invest in you.
You’re going to receive two
special bonus products that
will enhance your results:
Pelvic Floor Strong
Information Handbook
Bonus 1.
It is filled with all of the
content from the video so
that you can access the
information at any time.
In it, you will find the written
out steps on how to achieve a
stronger pelvic floor, pec
stretches for perfect posture
and at 3-step movement
There is also a diastasis recti
improvement checklist so
that you can track your
progress throughout the
Normally this Informational
Handbook and checklist sells
for $27...
but because I want you to feel
beautiful again as quickly as
possible, I will be giving it to
you for free today!
Flat Belly Fast Exercise Video
Bonus 2.
This is a 10-minute Quick
Start Video Routine full of my
favourite ab exercises.
I found once my clients saw
their incredible results from
Pelvic Floor Strong, they
wanted even more tummy
toning exercises.
This routine is jam-packed
with ‘diastasis safe’ exercises
that have proven to alleviate
back pain, heal diastasis recti
and whittle your waist.
By following along you will
gain a flat tummy even faster.
...and the FLAT BELLY FAST
Exercise Manual!
Exercise Manual sells for $17,
but because I want you to
experience the same
slimming results my mom
and I did...
It is my gift to you!
And now I have one more
amazing surprise from my
dear friend Emily Lark
You may have heard of Emily
She is known as America's
leading healthy back expert.
However, one thing most
people don’t know about her
is that I used to suffer from
embarrassing accidental
leakage for many years after
the birth of her second child...
“It was impossible for me to
do things I used to love like
go for a run or get up and
dance at weddings...and I was
even scared every time I
sneezed in public.
But then my good friend Alex
told me about her program
and now I finally have control
over my body again and I
don’t have to be afraid of
those humiliating moments
Alex, I can’t thank you
enough! You changed my life.
And I’m so grateful that I want
to give a special gift to you
and all the other women out
there who are watching and
feeling as hopeless as I did.
I know that it’s very common
for women with pelvic floor
issues to also suffer from
back pain...
Back to life.
So today I’m going to give
away my back to life 3-Stretch
Pain-free program to anyone
who decides to take the first
step in reclaiming their body
with Alex’s life-changing
My special Back to Life
3-Stretch Pain-Free program
has my three best at-home
stretches to help relieve
lower back pain and sciatica,
Middle and upper back pain,
and neck and shoulder pain -
in just three easy stretches!
This is a 3-sequence
stretching system I have
developed over the years and
it has helped hundreds of
thousands of people of all
ages to get out of pain and
get back to life. And the best
part is that these stretches
can either be done down on
the floor or right in your bed
to make it easy for everyone!
This step by step video
program normally sells for
$49 but today I’m giving it
away for free
Alex has helped me so much
and I’m just grateful to have
the opportunity to give
something back in return.
So as soon as you decide to
claim your copy of Pelvic
Floor Strong, you’ll also get
instant access to my Back to
Life 3 Stretch Pain-Free Video
so you can get started today.”
When I sat down with my
agent to add up all of the
costs of the time it has taken
me to create Pelvic Floor
Strong, he told me I should
be charging $150 for the
entire program.
If you take into consideration
all of my certifications and
education... All of the time I
have spent working hands on
with clients.
Not to mention the cost of
graphic designers, an
illustrator, photographers,
videographers, video editors
and a recording studio, it
made sense.
But I left his office feeling like
that wasn’t right.
I don’t want to charge you
that much and risk you, and
other women who need it, to
miss out because of the
This is an epidemic
so many women are facing...
And I would never want the
price of the program to be the
reason women continue
This program isn’t about
making money...
It’s about leaving people
better off in the world.
And that’s why I originally
decided to mark it down to
$79 which after factoring in
all of the costs I have
incurred, is a great deal.
When I first published the
program, people couldn’t get
enough of it.
Then and now.Then and
now.Then and now.
But deep down, I still wanted
to find a way to make it even
more accessible.
I want every woman in the
world to experience the same
life changing results my mom
and I did.
So I decided to lower the
price one more time. Finally I
settled for a one-time
payment of...
Physical Copies +
Instant Access to Digital
Physical Package.
$67+ S&H
Pay Now Credit Cards.
For $67 you will receive a
nation-wide tested program
filled with information and
movements that are easy to
implement into your busy life.
This program will change the
way you look at fitness and
health and for less than half
of the price of one visit to
your doctor you’ll be able to
make a stand today,
preventing permanent
damage... Taking quality
years off of your life.
Imagine the cost of all of the
diapers, pads and bedding
you’ve purchased over one
I know personally how this
can be a terrible financial
$67 is so much cheaper than
living with this condition.
And, that’s not even with
surgery in the picture...
which offer a whole new level
of debts and problems.
Not only that, but you will
have to take months off of
work while you’re recovering
which can also cause the
debt to pile up.
How will you pay your
mortgage if things go
sideways and you can’t go
back to work?
For less than $2 a day over
one month, you will be
investing in a program that
you will be able to pull from
and use as a resource for the
rest of your life.
In fact, I hope you share this
information with your
girlfriends and family as well!
Once you click the button...
You’ll be on your way to a fast
recovery, giving you many
years of joy and memories
with your loved ones.
I’m so confident Pelvic Floor
Strong will work for you and
that’s why I’m willing to take
on all of the risk, out of my
own pocket...
I’m giving you a 60-day
money back guarantee
If you don’t see results within
the first 60 days you can
return the product at any
time, for any reason.
Even if you don’t like the
pictures in the manual you
can return it by sending one
email or one quick phone call
that won’t take no longer than
90 seconds.
Alex Miller.
I will give you your money
back right away, no questions
That’s all, one simple step.
You won’t risk a thing…
And you have so much to
Your doctor isn’t going to
give you your money back if
their suggestions don’t
No store is going to let you
return all of the pads and
diapers you’ve used over the
years that never solved your
problems and no surgeon is
ever going to give you a
refund on the costly surgery
if it doesn’t work for you.
There is absolutely no reason
that would stop us from
refunding you 100% of your
With one click, you too can
experience life without
leaking or diastasis recti with
zero risk and 100% reward.
Just picture what your
spouse is going to think of
you when he sees how toned
your body is...
and how excited he will be
when you are no longer
avoiding intimacy with him.
Imagine how it will feel to
finally go out together again
instead of worrying about the
impact on your marriage from
always staying behind.
Picture the look on
everyone's faces when you
walk into your yoga class...
20 pounds lighter... Feeling
fabulous in your light colored
Elder couple dancing.
Once you click...
Picture what it will feel like to
be able to fit into your
pre-pregnancy clothes and
not have to pick your outfits
carefully in case another leak
slips out when you’re in
Physical Copies +
Instant Access to Digital
Physical Package.
$67+ S&H
Pay Now Credit Cards.
You’re only one click away
from living the life you
Right now you’re at a
crossroads with two very
different options…
You don’t buy the program
Back pain.
Your leaking is easy to cover
up by wearing black pants...
Or it doesn’t happen often
enough to be a real concern
for you.
There are millions of women
walking around and living
with mild-moderate leaking
thinking that it’s normal, until
one day they find out about
the permanent damage they
caused in their bodies by not
looking after their layer
If you don’t take measures to
repair your layer syndrome,
the muscles in your pelvic
floor, abdominals and the rest
of your body become
imbalanced, weak and can no
longer hold your spine and
pelvis in place.
Without the support of your
spine and pelvis you will be
left in crippling lower back
pain, hip and groin pain,
shooting nerves down your
legs and more.
It can even disable you from
walking or breathing on your
The days when you used to
leak or have a bit of a tummy
bugle will seem so far away.
Oxigen mask.
You may even be forced to
endure costly and painful and
dangerous surgeries.
How is your family is going to
feel as they wait outside of
the operating room for you?
This trauma will change them
I’ll never forget how it felt
waiting for news about my
mom when she went through
all her treatments.
I care about you, and I don’t
want you to go through all of
these things…
You DO buy the program
You won’t have to settle for
relationships kept at a
distance because you are
ashamed someone to find out
about your embarrassing
health complications.
You’ll finally be able to build
deeper connections with your
grandchildren and family and
you’ll finally be able to go to
the swimming pool and feel
great about yourself in your
bathing suit.
My mission in life is to
empower women like you to
live big lives, full of
confidence, where you
accomplish your biggest
dreams and goals.
Buy the program.
Pelvic Floor Strong is the set
of keys you’ve been waiting
for to set the rest of your life
up for success.
This program stops your
leaking, diastasis recti, and
vaginal pulling.
With one click you will have
everything you need to be fit
and strong.
Take action now to save
yourself from making the
same mistakes my mom and I
made when we hit rock
bottom years back.
The faster you get started, the
sooner you’ll have a flat belly,
never worrying again about
your leaking or prolapse ever
You’ve proven to me by
watching this video you’re
dedicated to solving your
health problems that have
been holding you back.
And for just $67, you will
receive a quality information
you’ll use every day.
If for any reason you’re not
happy with the program you
have 60 full days to return it,
no questions asked, money
back guarantee.
If you don’t act right now I
can promise you will end up
with lower back, hip and
groin pain and even worse
uncontrollable leaking.
We learned the hard way, but
you have a chance to be free
of this quickly and easily.
I know you don’t want to live
in a life of fear, so click right
now to experience the
healthy, happy life you’ve
always wanted!
And I value privacy and
security above everything
else, so I wanted to make
sure that your online order
process is 100% secure.
I value privacy and security
above everything else, so I
wanted to make sure that
your online order process is
100% secure
That's why I chose
Clickbank is one of the
world's top one hundred
retailers and I chose them
because they use the same
encryption data as Amazon,
the most secure software
data out there.
Once you click the button the
next page is going to pop up.
It’s going to ask for some
brief information, once you
enter it in this is a one-time
payment and you will never
be billed again.
Thank you so much for
reading this letter today...
I really hope this information
helps you. Click the button
right now and join me and the
thousands of women who are
loving their bodies again,
living their fullest lives.
Then and now.Then and
now.Then and now.
Frequently Asked Questions
What if I just don’t have
enough time in my day to do
this program?
Don’t worry, I know how busy
life can get. Whether you’re a
grandparent watching your
grandkids while running a
household or a working
woman, this program was
made to be quick and easy so
that it blends seamlessly into
your normal life.
Will this work for someone
who is 60+?
What if I’m not in good
enough shape?
Will this program work for
someone who had their
children 15+ years ago?
What if I’ve had a C-section,
will this program still work for
What if I’ve never given birth,
will this program will work for
Is all of my credit card
information secure and safe?
Will my credit card be billed
more than once?
What if this program doesn’t
work for me?
PS. You’re in good hands and
I’ll be with you every step of
the way.
I’ve designed this with your
health in mind.
Please make sure to write in
after to let me know about
your amazing results.
Click the button NOW
Physical Copies +
Instant Access to Digital
Physical Package.
$67+ S&H
Pay Now Credit Cards.
Guarantee Badge.
60 Day Full Refund
If you are not completely
satisfied with your purchase,
we will give you your money
back right away.
No questions asked!
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You should not rely on this
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Women Over 40: In an age of
women’s empowerment, it is
time we start normalizing the
conversation around bladder
A shocking and recent study from Harvard University
reported an estimated 45% of women experience
some form of urinary incontinence at some point in
their lives. That's almost half of all women and reason
enough that it is time for change. And that’s why every
woman reading this letter today is extraordinarily brave
for taking the next few minutes to learn the simple upper
body technique that will stop bladder leakage for life.
It truly doesn’t have to be this way. Women are suffering
in silence and it has been ingrained in us that this is just
a normal part of aging. What most women don’t
realize is that there is actually an underlying
condition causing this problem and once it’s fixed
you’ll be able to get back to easy movements without
fear of leakage, you’ll no longer have to worry about
leaking every time you laugh in the movie theater or
sneeze during allergy season.
You’re going to love that not only will your bladder
leakage be healed, but your belly pooch will flatten
and your back pain will be permanently gone.
And there are two main forms of urinary
​ 1
​ Stress incontinence, which occurs when women
leak urine when laughing, sneezing, coughing,
jumping, or exercising—when there’s any impact or
increase of pressure on the pelvic floor.
​ 2
​ Urgency incontinence, which occurs when women
have a strong urge to go to the bathroom and urine
leaks out before they get there. These women tend
to go to the bathroom frequently throughout the day
and even wake up to go at night.
...and they are both related to
one hidden condition that was
discovered by a Physical
Therapist who studied at Charles
University School of Medicine in
Prague in 1952.
The unconventional research articles by this Physical
Therapist have now been rediscovered and women from
around that world have found the secret to stopping
urinary incontinence in just seconds a day... I’ll be
showing you this gentle technique next.
“It’s been a lifesaver. It’s truly been a life saver because I was kept in my house.
Forget COVID, forget lockdowns. I was stuck in my own body because I was
afraid to go out because I didn’t want to pee myself. This program, it’s literally
given me wings, it’s literally given me a new life.”
“I no longer have any kind of accidents. I no longer have to worry, oh my gosh, I
better find that toilet quick. I don’t have to worry about that anymore. I have not
had one accident since I started.”
Hi, I'm Alex Miller!
I am a fitness expert and women’s pelvic health
specialist from Vancouver, Canada, known best for
helping women heal their bodies. My online programs
have reached hundreds of thousands of women around
the world of all ages.
Since 2012, I have taught close to one million students
from around the world how to get fit and healthy while
overcoming unique challenges that only women face.
Helping women feel confident and better about
themselves is what gets me out of bed every day.
I have been featured at some of the most elite fitness
studios in the world and my wall to wall packed classes
are attended weekly by top leaders in the health
industry, such as chiropractors, physical therapists,
professional athletes, and some of the best-known
movie celebrities in the world.
Over the years you will find me featured in podcasts,
magazines and several large social media channels for
the work I have done helping women of all ages.
But there’s a lot more to me than
my successes... I’m here today
to talk about much harder times
You wouldn’t have recognized me years before...
When our family was struck with the most horrific
moment of our lives...
And we thought life would never be the same again…
The look of fear and distress on my mom’s face...
As she held her eyes tightly shut...
And hung up the phone.
I have Triple Negative Breast Cancer...
a rare, life-threatening and aggressive disease
We were all in shock and devastated by the news.
We didn’t know at the time that the life-threatening
surgeries, destructive chemotherapy, and painful
radiation would take away everything she loved about
being a woman...
Affecting her pelvic muscles... bladder health... and
In that one, short phone call...
Her entire life changed
The pelvic floor is a woven basket of muscles that hold
your bladder, uterus, and bowels.
The pelvic floor relaxes to allow us to urinate or have a
bowel movement.
It contracts to stop the flow of urine, tightens the vaginal
opening, or prevents us from passing stool or gas.
If you have ever experienced accidental leakage you will
want to keep watching... because I’m about to show you
the most important pelvic strengthening exercises you’ll
find anywhere.
They’re crucial if you want to
get back to living an active
As well, in this short presentation...
You’re going to learn about the one tight muscle in your
upper body...
That has been damaging your pelvic muscles... Making
everything weak down below.
If you are one of the millions of Americans who suffer
from leaking whenever you cough, sneeze or lift
something heavy...
I’m so sorry for what you’ve been going through.
I understand how it impacts everything from your social
life to your very identity.
And that’s why I’m here to help
My mom’s pelvic muscles were frail...
Whenever she went out shopping she would end up with
wet pants.
She even told me about a few different occasions where
she would have to RUN across the grocery store to find
the restroom.
While this was all happening my body was quietly
destroying itself from the inside out.
I was on the verge of losing everything.
My dreams of getting pregnant were failing and
because of that, my partner wanted to leave me.
I know how deeply this condition can change your life…
And impact the people around you, too.
If you ever felt like
you had to wear dark colored
in case you leak in public, you’re not alone.
I used to feel the exact same way, and I’m going to show
I am finally able to jump and run
Not only did I cure my leaking...
Aut also my mom’s...
And thousands of my loyal clients.
I’ll be revealing to you...
THE #1 MALFUNCTION damaging your pelvic area
causing leaking, lower back, hip, and pelvic pain.
And the best part is...
You’re going to be shocked at how easy it is to fix.
Imagine how good it will feel to be pain-free and not
have to stay close to the bathroom anymore!
I’ll even be sharing with you...
The three biggest mistakes
Doctors tell women to help firm up their pelvic
muscles, but are actually making everything much
weaker while causing accidents to happen more
If you’ve been struggling with intimacy due to urine odor
or 'looseness'...
You will want to keep watching right now because...
I’m about to expose the HIDDEN CAUSE...
That is KILLING your pelvic area, making
sex ‘not feel like it used to’ and it’s
STOPPING you from having a fulfilling
relationship with your spouse.
And, it gets even better when your pelvic
muscles are stronger...
Your orgasms will be as well!
Imagine not being chained by the fear of embarrassment
and being able to break free from those chains.
Leaking is very common, especially for women after
childbirth, but it can honestly happen to anyone.
And that’s why you are going to LOVE the one quick
stretch I'm about to show you that will stop you from
peeing your pants nearly overnight.
In just a few moments you can begin to free yourself
of this condition FOR GOOD.
This leaking has been holding
you back from the body you
deserve and the life you deserve
You'll finally be able to run around with little ones in the
back yard without leak spots on the seat of your pants
and you’ll no longer miss out on dinner parties or great
times at the lake.
It was minutes before the weekend when the call came
The look of fear and distress on my mom’s face, as she
held her eyes tightly shut and hung up the phone.
I have Triple Negative Breast Cancer...
a rare, life-threatening and aggressive disease
We were all in shock and devastated by the news.
My mom, who had always been my hero...
Was about to start the most challenging fight of her life.
She completed many invasive surgeries, destructive
chemotherapy and painful radiation.
While she underwent this terrible treatment, we had no
idea what was happening to her body would end up
making her feel less comfortable as a woman, affecting
her pelvic muscles, bladder control and confidence.
And as my dad watched my mom suffer from this
horrible disease, he didn’t know that it would end up
damaging their relationship in ways he could never
have imagined.
At the time of my mom’s cancer
treatment, I didn’t know how to
handle my emotions
I learned to run away from my panic attacks by
going to fitness classes.
Tears would stream down my sweat-dripping cheeks
every time I moved my body.
This escape became my obsession...
As well as the beginning of my career as a fitness
What I didn’t know...
Was that my body was also being destroyed from the
inside out and I was on my way to developing serious
health problems as well.
I didn’t know then...
But I was about to face the same health problems as
my mom.
I’m going to share something
I have been too embarrassed to
talk about publicly up until now
One spring afternoon I was teaching my final class of
the day.
I yelled out with encouragement to my students, and all
of a sudden…
I accidentally peed myself.
I was devastated.
Everyone in the class stared in horror at the sight of me
standing at the front of the room, soaked.
I bet you can imagine how humiliated I felt.
But it gets worse...
Little did I know, I had a deadly malfunction hiding in
the deepest layers of my body.
That’s what caused my horrific experience in front of the
This malfunction was causing extreme destruction the
more active I was.
If you have ever leaked
accidentally you could be a
victim too on the verge of
spiralling into other serious
health problems as well
Although leaking is more relevant after childbirth...
It can happen to any woman, at anytime.
However, the good news is...
I found out leaking is so much easier to fix than you
could ever imagine and I’ll be revealing exactly how
to next.
I started to realize that the exercises that used to make
me feel great, were actually causing my pelvic
muscles to become weak.
The worst part was that whenever I tried to jump or run I
was leaking.
I started to lose control of my bladder.
I felt lonely and isolated.
I had never had children before and I was personally
experiencing the same issues many postpartum
women have to deal with.
I went to the doctor for help,
but it just made it worse
I’ll be sharing with you the three doctor recommended
things women are told will help stop their leaking but
are actually causing severe damage to their pelvic
muscles and bladders.
As hard as this experience was for me...
I felt like I could finally breathe again because my mom
experienced a true miracle that stunned our entire
family and her entire medical team.
Her cancer went into remission!
However, as a result of her cancer treatment, her body
was sent into early menopause.
It caused dysfunction in her pelvic muscles and often
times she would fail to make it to the bathroom in
She was constantly leaking.
You could tell she was becoming more anxious and
insecure as the days went on.
She stayed in the house as often she could and stopped
socializing with her friends.
It broke my heart.
I wish I knew then what I know now...
But I’m so glad that I can help YOU!
In a moment, I’ll be unveiling the three tips...
Doctors are telling women to do during and after
menopause that are damaging their pelvic muscles,
causing them to leak.
My mom tried taking prescription medication to calm her
In hopes of stopping her leakage.
After waiting several weeks for the expensive drugs to
kick in she started to experience side effects of
nausea and heartburn that became worse every time
the medication entered her body.
She was back to square one, still leaking,
and she felt more alone than ever.
After peeing myself in front of
my class, I was desperate
I had to figure out what was wrong with my body...
So that is when I called my doctor.
After that appointment, I was sent to several other
expensive specialists, all without any signs of
I began to notice a trend repeating with all of the
They were all sharing with me the exact same THREE
TIPS to stop leakage by strengthening the pelvic floor.
I was shocked to find out these three things were
actually causing more damage to my pelvic muscles
while making my bladder even more uncontrollable.
I’ll be sharing with you these three doctor
recommendations shortly…
I’m also going to share with you
an easy 3-step movement
sequence that will stop your
all without...
​ Toxic medications that carry harmful side effects
​ Diapers and pads that only temporarily fix the problem
​ Risky surgery that is tremendously expensive and
My mom and I both felt like
our bodies had been
permanently destroyed
But, I wasn’t ready to throw in the towel just yet.
What we didn’t know at the time was that just one short
month later we would both be glowing with
happiness and our leaking would be gone!
If you've been struggling with intimacy with your spouse
because of your fear of urine odor and weak pelvic
muscles you will be amazed how quickly you’ll be
able to turn things around gaining your
self-confidence and fulfilling relationship back.
I’ll be sharing with you the THREE TIPS doctors are
telling women to do after having children that is
causing leakage making their pelvic muscles weak
and their bellies bulge.
You must stop these...
Otherwise you could end up with medical bills and
debt piling up and I am absolutely positive your issues
are only going to get worse.
Did you know...
If you feel like your body was never the same after
having kids it could be because you have a
seperation in your abdominals?
Women often think they just have extra belly fat
after their pregnancy.
I will be touching more on this in a moment...
And I’ll be sharing exactly how to repair it to gain a flat,
toned tummy.
I’m also about to reveal to you...
THE #1 INVISIBLE MALFUNCTION hiding out in the
deepest layers of your body.
It’s causing your abdominal area to bulge and it’s
making your pelvic floor weak.
Until you solve this sneaky
defect it’s going to spiral into
much more severe problems
such as...
​ Toxic medications that carry harmful side effects
​ Diapers and pads that only temporarily fix the problem
​ Risky surgery that is tremendously expensive and
In fact, while you’ve been spending all of your time on
kegels and lower body exercises you’re going to be
shocked when I reveal that the real culprit is actually
a muscle in your upper body AROUND YOUR
And I’m going to tell you exactly what muscle that is and
I’ll show you how to release it next.
Let’s start with the three doctor
recommendations I need to warn
you about...
Everyone says that kegels help
strengthen your vaginal walls and pelvic
But did you know that this so-called
'strengthening' trick can be extremely unsafe?
So many women think their pelvic floor is loose, weak,
and stretched out.
However, most of the time their pelvic floor is so tight
that it actually has become weak.
Picture a normal rubber band at rest...
It’s pliable, can stretch, and then go back to its normal
It is functional and works very well.
This rubber band represents our pelvic floor muscles.
However, if the rubber band is chronically tight,
overworked, and stretched it becomes weak.
It no longer has room to stretch or work.
Instead, it will break due to its constantly stretched state.
The same thing goes for our pelvic floor muscles when
they are overworked and tight.
However, not everyone is the same...
So I’m going to show you a really easy test you can do
that takes just two minutes to determine if your pelvic
muscles are tight or loose.
Based on that, if they’re tight I’m going to tell you to toss
those kegels to the curb and I will show you how to
release your tight muscles.
If your pelvic muscles are loose I’m going to show you
the right kind of kegels that will actually get you real
benefits rather than wasting your time on all of the
squeeze and release you’ve been doing without seeing
any results.
Women have been told to suck in their
bellies to get pooch or wear restrictive
clothing such as Spanx
But did you know it’s making your abdominals
and pelvic muscles weak?
By constantly ‘sucking it in’ or ‘holding it in’, it creates
shallow breathing which stops the air flow into the rest of
your body.
When you can’t breathe deeply, your abdominals stop
working which is the communication line between your
brain and pelvic floor.
It’s like having a restrictive corset on your body
squeezing in and shutting down your abdominals
leaving your pelvic floor weak and dysfunctional.
Many women have been told to do
crunches to strengthen their abdominals
However, you will want to stop those crunches
immediately if you have diastasis recti because too
much pressure on your core can make your diastasis
You will want to start by reducing any pressure on your
Even pushing a stroller can be too much.
The following exercises are considered ‘diastasis
unsafe’ in the beginning...
​ Push ups
​ Planks
​ V-sits
​ Rolling like a ball
​ Burpees
​ Pikes on a ball
​ Ab rollouts
​ Crunches
​ Sit ups
This doesn’t mean you can’t slowly begin to intensify the
abdominal load as you get stronger.
While rehabbing diastasis recti you want to slowly
progress to the point where you can handle these
front-loading movements because eventually they will
become ‘diastasis safe’ as you get stronger.
If you’re moving or exercising in these ways you
could be making your leakage and belly pooch
much worse because of the deadly malfunction I’m
about to reveal to you next.
If you’re a candidate for any of these doctor
STOP immediately!
Otherwise you could be standing on the edge of a
slippery cliff about to plummet into debilitating illness.
If you choose to take the path of surgery they are
risky, painful and sometimes it doesn't even work.
You will be forced into overpriced medical bills and
months off of work or even playing with your
grandchildren in the backyard.
I’m about to show you a
3-step movement sequence...
That will strengthen your pelvic muscles stop your
leaking and give you fast results that you will notice
even on day 1.
It is so easy and gentle too.
In fact, I was amazed...
By how fast I stopped my own leaking once I figured out
this 3-step method.
I’ve never had a dreadful leak again and finally, I am
able to get back to the activities I love such as
spending time outdoors and gardening.
I'll be telling you exactly what this simple 3-step
movement sequence is in a momen.
Also, you’re not going to believe when I show you how
to release the one tight muscle in your upper body that I
guarantee you have never thought of that is causing all
of your troubles down below.
After months and months of wasted medical bills and all
of my doctor's advice I finally hit rock bottom.
I couldn’t bring myself to go back into the studio again
there was so much pain in my pelvic floor and I didn’t
want to risk the embarrassment of leaking again.
I called in sick because I didn’t want to face anybody.
I was sitting in my robe and it was barely noon.
I began to search for ways to heal my pelvic floor.
I dedicated all of my time to reading research studies
and personal stories from people all around the world.
I was desperate to find a solution and I couldn’t
continue to live in a constant state of fear.
All of a sudden...
I came upon a Physical Therapist who studied at
Charles University School of Medicine in Prague in
I started looking into his unconventional studies and
they were appalling.
I was shocked to find out...
That women are wasting their time on kegels and
crunches while never seeing any results because they
actually have an imbalance in their core muscles...
And while most doctors have only been trained to look at
the organs this genius of a Physical Therapist decided to
take matters into his own hands and look at the
surrounding muscles.
This is when he discovered
LAYER syndrome
Layer syndrome is an imbalance of your muscles and in
this case, the muscles in the core are out of balance.
Your ‘core’ is an abdominal canister...
On the top you have your breathing muscles, known as
your diaphragm on the sides you have your abdominal
wall... And the bottom is your pelvic floor.
The pelvic floor is a woven basket of muscles that hold
your bladder, uterus and bowels.
The pelvic floor relaxes to allow us to urinate or have a
bowel movement.
It contracts to stop the flow of urine tightens the vaginal
opening or prevents us from passing stool or gas.
When you inhale...
Your diaphragm presses down, which pushes out on
your abdominal wall and down on your pelvic floor.
Everything descends down.
This relaxes the pelvic floor.
When you exhale...
Your diaphragm coils back up your abdominal wall goes
back in and your pelvic floor lifts back up.
This contracts the pelvic floor.
If you have LAYER syndrome...
Your diaphragm, abdominal wall and pelvic floor... (aka
your abdominal canister) is out of balance and is no
longer functioning as one.
One contributing cause of layer syndrome is shallow
If you are constantly shallow breathing and not focusing
on breathing correctly your diaphragm will lose its
connection to your abdominal wall and pelvic floor.
I’ll be sharing how to breathe correctly in a moment I
mentioned a few moments ago that shallow breathing is
like wearing a restrictive corset that is squeezing in and
shutting down your abdominals the link between your
diaphragm and pelvic floor.
Your pelvic floor will no longer relax and contract
automatically therefore it will become weak and frail.
Layer Syndrome can be extremely dangerous and can
cause serious side effects.
Leaking... A protruding belly bulge... Or a distinct bulging
at the vagina opening (aka pelvic organ prolapse) are
just three signs from your body WARNING you of this
muscle imbalance.
Hello, LAYER syndrome
Leaking alone affects 200 million people worldwide.
25 million of those people are Americans... and 75-80%
of those are women.
Hundreds of thousands of women...
Are seeking surgery every year to strengthen their pelvic
floors or repair their abdominal separation...
But they are finding that their problems only get worse,
and they end up in a mess of complications.
If you don’t solve your leaking naturally, you could end
up being one of these women...
left in a sticky situation with more pain and problems
from when they started off.
If only those women knew...
How easy it is to fix their pelvic floors and cores...
Without the expensive...
And time-consuming surgeries.
Now, a little more about
separation of your middle
abdominal muscles
Your linea alba, the tissues between your abdominals
become thin and stretched out from a large abdomen
and can create either a dome or gap, or bulging
appearance on your belly.
After pregnancy, often times the muscles don’t fully heal
back together whether it’s at the top, the bottom, or even
the entire thing.
The reason your diastasis recti won’t heal back
together is because YOU HAVE LAYER SYNDROME
This is commonly due to weight gain... Or childbirth and
the pressure of the baby on your pelvic floor even if you
had a c-section which prevents the healing process from
taking place.
Your pelvic floor, abdominal wall and breathing
muscles are no longer communicating which
creates weakness and dysfunction in all parts.
I work with women all the time that are punishing
themselves with restrictive diets and overdoing it with
crunches to tone and flatten their bellies while never
seeing any results.
Little do they know they have layer syndrome which is
only going to make their bellies bulge EVEN MORE...
Until they fix this imbalance.
However, you’ll be shocked how easy it is to
heal layer syndrome. And it can be done
naturally without painful and risky surgeries that
have high chances of failing anyway.
And I’ll be sharing with you
How to release the one tight muscle around your neck
and shoulders that is making it harder for you to breathe
affecting your diaphragm function...
Therefore the rest of your abdominal canister.
After that day...
I started a 3-step movement sequence that
COMPLETELY healed my layer syndrome which
strengthened my pelvic floor and stopped my
I even tried it on my mom...
And not only does she no longer leak whenever she
laughs, coughs or sneezes but it also healed her
diastasis recti leaving her with a firm and flat tummy.
Once you try it out for yourself... You’ll be thrilled that
you can finally stop spinning your wheels with starvation
diets and back breaking crunches.
You’re also going to be
When I show you how to release the one tight muscle in
your upper body making your layer syndrome
severely worse.
You will finally be able to heal your leaking and diastasis
recti creating balance in your abdominal canister...even
faster than before.
Your pecs run across your chest and attach to your
When they get too tight they pull our shoulders forward
causing our posture to round forward known as
'hunched forward posture'.
Try this with me...
Slouch in your chair with your shoulders rounded
Now try to take a deep breath.
You will notice you can’t get a deep breath.
Now try it sitting straight up with your shoulders back.
You will notice you can get a deeper breath.
This posture makes our breath shallow because it
condenses and squishes our breathing muscles in
our diaphragm.
And as I mentioned earlier...
Without deep breathing our abdominal canister becomes
weak and dysfunctional because the diaphragm no
longer connects to the abdominal wall and pelvic floor.
It’s like trying to drive a car with only 3 wheels, it doesn’t
I know this can all be really overwhelming but if you’ve
ever experienced the panic of leaking you know
exactly how awful this can be...
And that’s why I’m here to help
You’re going to love...
To be able to get back to shopping trips with your
girlfriends and enjoy evening cocktails on the patio.
All without having to stay close to the bathroom.
By simply doing a variation of this pec stretch every
evening before bed not only can you heal your shoulder
pain but it will leave you with beautiful posture to create
natural deep breathing patterns to heal your pelvic floor,
diastasis recti and abdominal canister.
Here’s what stretching your pecs is going to do for you.
On day one, your chest will feel more open and your
posture will slightly improve.
But the cool thing is after a few days of doing this easy
stretch all of a sudden...
I will show you several variations of this
stretch, including:
​ One for bed
​ One for in the privacy of your own your bathroom
​ During the day at your desk
​ And even one for really flexible people
​ If you have a shoulder injury, I even have a
special modification that will work well for you
and CAN actually heal your injury and stop any
nerve pain you may have.
This leaking has been
holding you back...
...from the body you deserve and the life you deserve.
Imagine not being chained by the fear of
embarrassment and being able to break free from
those chains.
You will finally be able to live an active lifestyle and
no longer miss out on dinner parties or outings at
the lake.
I’ve personally stopped taking my anxiety medication
because my worried nerves have gone away.
I’m sleeping through the night again and I finally have
tons of energy to spend on my relationship with my
I am present, in love and my
dreams of starting a family are in
the near future
I’ve also dropped the ten pounds I put on over the past
year because I was too ashamed and fearful to step foot
into the gym.
I’m getting back into running near the ocean in the
mornings and I no longer have to wear black pants to
hide any wetness.
I am eating healthier because I’m in a better mindset
and I can finally look in the mirror and feel good about
myself again.
It felt like my mom was finally lighting up the room again
with her laughter.
She was given a second chance at life.
She was a new woman.
She had been restricting her diet and doing a million
crunches for years all without any results and finally
after four short weeks...
She has lost fifteen pounds and did this without any
diet or long hours in the gym.
Her tummy is toned and tight and she is finally happy
She no longer wears overheating, camouflaging clothes
and she looks effortlessly beautiful in tank tops and
summer dresses.
She is way more relaxed because she can control
her bladder...
And it melts my heart the way my dad looks at my mom
now with her glowing self-confidence.
It’s obvious when they flirt with each other that they have
their intimacy back.
She doesn’t spend her spare
going to doctors appointments
She is getting back into power walking.
She told me she is starting to go swimming on the
And she has been entertaining friends cooking flavourful
And drinking even better wine.
I started to share the secret method with my clients and
it was no surprise they all experienced the same
It was incredible!
In fact not only did the program strengthen their pelvic
floors, stop their leakage and flatten their bellies but
they also shared with me their chronic lower back and
groin pain was gone.
They no longer suffer from pulling or bulging at the
vagina opening and they were sleeping better
because of it!
The word began to spread like
WILDFIRE. I was changing lives
left, right, and center
As women started to appear in my life suffering from the
same ailments it made me think about how many
women are still around with leaking and diastasis recti
and too embarrassed to talk about it.
Many of these women are under the impression that
they aren’t fixable or their doctor told them surgery was
the only option.
A lot of them are not even fully aware of their
I want you to know...
That it is possible to fix your body.
What you’re going through is something many other
women have experienced before and found success
in healing their bodies naturally.
I made it my life's mission to positively impact and
educate women on how it is possible to turn your health
around and feel like you again.
My goal is to help you regain
your confidence, joy, and
Imagine how good it will feel when you can put on your
favourite dress and stay out with family and friends,
without constantly worrying about where the nearest
bathroom is.
You’ll be able to fully enjoy your evening because you’re
not distracted, waiting for a warning sign that you’re
about to leak.
However, I didn’t have the resources to pay for big
manufacturers or costly advertisers...
That’s when a couple friends of mine suggested that I
should create an online program.
Skipping ahead to a few months later...
I’m SO excited to introduce to
Pelvic Floor Strong
This program is the set of keys
you’ve been waiting for to a live
happy, healthy life
Pelvic Floor Strong strengthens your pelvic floor...
Puts intimacy back in your life, giving you
self-confidence, while making sex feel good again.
This is the only program out there that heals leaking
and diastasis recti with the consideration of layer
All you need is the 3-movement sequence I designed to
efficiently heal your body without cutting into your
valuable time.
It’s going to give you the secrets to belly flattening,
diastasis healing, and a strong pelvic floor.
Pelvic Floor Strong alleviates lower back and hip pain,
while correcting your posture with the quick pec stretch
variations I have simply laid out for you.
It stops your anxiety and depression and lets you fall
asleep faster and stay asleep throughout the night.
Michelle, 40 years
I have been working with Alex for years now and I have
never felt healthier or more fit! My body feels so good.
She has made me fall inlove with fitness and I actually
enjoy exercise now.
Alex is truly an expert and my favourite trainer. Her
knowledge of the body is incredible and I couldn’t
recommend her more!
Lorna, 79 years
I have been leaking my entire life after having three
children. I thought it was normal and I can remember
many times being out of the house and I had to rush
home because my pants were soaked.
After trying Alex’s program, I have totally stopped
leaking. I no longer have to worry about having an
accidental in public. It is also a nice surprise that my
core is now stronger and my back pain has gone away.
All without having to make any changes to my routine! 3
minutes, that’s all!
Anette, 55 years
My anxiety was beginning to take over my life because I
couldn’t control my bladder. I have been practicing
Alex’s program for the past 10-weeks, and since starting
it my leaking has completely gone away. I was able to
stop taking my anxiety and acid reflux medication! I have
been going for 10-kilometer walks because I don’t have
to stay close to the washroom anymore and I have lost
10 pounds already! I don’t have any intention in
stopping, I have never felt so motivated to keep up with
my exercises.
My wish is for every woman suffering from urinary
incontinence to be able to try Alex’s program.
Pelvic Floor Strong is an
informational video with
easy-to-understand concepts
that will stop your leaking and
diastasis recti
It is evidence based and trusted by Doctors, Midwives,
and Personal Trainers.
​ In chapter 2, you will learn how to do a proper
kegel that I promise you’ve never heard of
before to strengthen your loose pelvic floor
​ In chapter 3, you will learn how to engage your
abdominals and strengthen your core to heal
your leaking and flatten your belly.
​ In Chapter 4, you will learn how to shift your
stance slightly to use 30% more of your
muscles. When you use more of your muscles,
it boosts your metabolism. You’ll be shocked at
how such a simple trick will shed weight off of
your body.
​ In chapter 6, you’ll learn the 3-step movement
sequence that will strengthen your abdominal
canister, including your pelvic floor and core,
healing leaking, and stopping vaginal bulging
and/or heaviness.
​ In Chapter 7, you’ll discover 3 easy steps to
add to your routine which will stop leaking
Just imagine...
What it will feel like to wear your favourite lightweight
summer dress or white linen pants to dinner parties
without worrying about the embarrassment it used to
lead to.
Now all you need to think about is what kind of wine you
prefer as you walk around, catching up with people you
care about.
Or how it will feel in the department store dressing room
when you are able to look in the mirror at your toned
body and flat tummy and feel beautiful in your own skin
You’ll have more energy to go on long walks with the
girls without lower back, groin, or hip pain.
Just imagine what it will feel like to have a restful night’s
And how energized you feel while enjoying things you
love again...
Like a cooking class... Or dance lessons with your
All without the fear of being exhausted the next day.
You’re going to feel strong,
confident, and powerful in your
own body...
So that you can finally feel like you again. And because
you’ve read this letter...
I know you’re invested in your health... And that’s why I
want to invest in you.
You’re going to receive two special bonus products that
will enhance your results:
Pelvic Floor Strong Information
It is filled with all of the content from the video so that
you can access the information at any time.
In it, you will find the written out steps on how to
achieve a stronger pelvic floor, pec stretches for
perfect posture, and at 3-step movement sequence.
There is also a diastasis recti improvement checklist
so that you can track your progress throughout the
Normally this Informational Handbook and checklist
sells for $27...
but because I want you to feel beautiful again as
quickly as possible, I will be giving it to you for free
Flat Belly Fast Exercise Video
This is a 10-minute Quick Start Video Routine full of
my favourite ab exercises.
I found once my clients saw their incredible results from
Pelvic Floor Strong, they wanted even more tummy
toning exercises.
This routine is jam-packed with ‘diastasis safe’ exercises
that have proven to alleviate back pain, heal diastasis
recti, and whittle your waist.
By following along you will gain a flat tummy even faster.
...and the FLAT BELLY FAST Exercise Manual!
Normally FLAT BELLY FAST Exercise Manual sells for
$17, but because I want you to experience the same
slimming results my mom and I did...
It is my gift to you!
And now I have one more
amazing surprise from my dear
friend Emily Lark
You may have heard of Emily before…
She is known as America's leading healthy back expert.
However, one thing most people don’t know about her is
that I used to suffer from embarrassing accidental
leakage for many years after the birth of her second
“It was impossible for me to do things I used to love like
go for a run or get up and dance at weddings...and I was
even scared every time I sneezed in public.
But then my good friend Alex told me about her program
and now I finally have control over my body again and I
don’t have to be afraid of those humiliating moments
Alex, I can’t thank you enough! You changed my life.
And I’m so grateful that I want to give a special gift to
you and all the other women out there who are watching
and feeling as hopeless as I did.
I know that it’s very common for women with pelvic floor
issues to also suffer from back pain...
So today I’m going to give away my back to life
3-Stretch Pain-free program to anyone who decides to
take the first step in reclaiming their body with Alex’s
life-changing program.
My special Back to Life 3-Stretch Pain-Free program
has my three best at-home stretches to help relieve
lower back pain and sciatica, Middle and upper back
pain, and neck and shoulder pain - in just three easy
This is a 3-sequence stretching system I have
developed over the years and it has helped hundreds of
thousands of people of all ages to get out of pain and
get back to life. And the best part is that these stretches
can either be done down on the floor or right in your bed
to make it easy for everyone!
This step by step video program
normally sells for $49 but today
I’m giving it away for free
Alex has helped me so much and I’m just grateful to
have the opportunity to give something back in return.
So as soon as you decide to claim your copy of Pelvic
Floor Strong, you’ll also get instant access to my Back to
Life 3 Stretch Pain-Free Video so you can get started
When I sat down with my agent to add up all of the costs
of the time it has taken me to create Pelvic Floor
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0 07_06_23  Pelvic Floor Strong.pdf
0 07_06_23  Pelvic Floor Strong.pdf
0 07_06_23  Pelvic Floor Strong.pdf
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0 07_06_23 Pelvic Floor Strong.pdf

  • 1. Pelvic Floor Strong Pelvic Floor Strong en English Health & Fitness - Women's Health Gravity score 47.24 Initial $/conversion $66.53 Recurring $/rebill $23.83 The HOTTEST pelvic floor and core exercise program for women! CR: Up to 7%, EPC: $3, LOW refund rates Earn 90% commission on front-end product and all upsells! Avg $/conversion $72.66 Promote CPA Contact seller to requ Women Over 40: In an age of women’s empowerment, it is time we start normalizing the conversation around bladder leakage.
  • 2. A shocking and recent study from Harvard University reported an estimated 45% of women experience some form of urinary incontinence at some point in their lives. That's almost half of all women and reason enough that it is time for change. And that’s why every woman reading this letter today is extraordinarily brave for taking the next few minutes to learn the simple upper body technique that will stop bladder leakage for life.
  • 3. Alex Miller. It truly doesn’t have to be this way. Women are suffering in silence and it has been ingrained in us that this is just a normal part of aging. What most women don’t realize is that there is actually an underlying condition causing this problem and once it’s fixed you’ll be able to get back to easy movements without fear of leakage, you’ll no longer have
  • 4. to worry about leaking every time you laugh in the movie theater or sneeze during allergy season. You’re going to love that not only will your bladder leakage be healed, but your belly pooch will flatten and your back pain will be permanently gone. And there are two main forms of urinary incontinence...
  • 5. 1Stress incontinence, which occurs when women leak urine when laughing, sneezing, coughing, jumping, or exercising—when there’s any impact or increase of pressure on the pelvic floor. 2Urgency incontinence, which occurs when women have a strong urge to go to the bathroom and urine leaks out before they get there. These women tend to go to the bathroom frequently
  • 6. throughout the day and even wake up to go at night. ...and they are both related to one hidden condition that was discovered by a Physical Therapist who studied at Charles University School of Medicine in Prague in 1952. The unconventional research articles by this Physical Therapist have now been rediscovered and women from around that world have found the secret to stopping
  • 7. urinary incontinence in just seconds a day... I’ll be showing you this gentle technique next. “It’s been a life saver. It’s truly been a life saver because I was kept in my house. Forget COVID, forget lockdowns. I was stuck in my own body because I was afraid to go out because I didn’t want to pee myself. This program, it’s
  • 8. literally given me wings, it’s literally given me a new life.” “I no longer have any kind of accidents. I no longer have to worry, oh my gosh, I better find that toilet quick. I don’t have to worry about that anymore. I have not had one accident since I started.” Hi, I'm Alex Miller! Alex Miller.
  • 9. I am a fitness expert and women’s pelvic health specialist from Vancouver, Canada, known best for helping women heal their bodies. My online programs have reached hundreds of thousands of women around the world of all ages. Since 2012, I have taught close to one million students from around the world how to get fit and healthy while overcoming unique
  • 10. challenges that only women face. Helping women feel confident and better about themselves is what gets me out of bed everyday. I have been featured at some of the most elite fitness studios in the world and my wall to wall packed classes are attended weekly by top leaders in the health industry, such as chiropractors, physical therapists, professional athletes and
  • 11. some of the best known movie celebrities in the world. Over the years you will find me featured in podcasts, magazines and several large social media channels for the work I have done helping women of all ages. But there’s a lot more to me than my successes... I’m here today to talk about much harder times
  • 12. Family photo. You wouldn’t have recognized me years before... When our family was struck with the most horrific moment of our lives... And we thought life would never be the same again… The look of fear and distress on my mom’s face...
  • 13. As she held her eyes tightly shut... And hung up the phone. I have Triple Negative Breast Cancer... a rare, life-threatening and aggressive disease We were all in shock and devastated by the news.
  • 14. We didn’t know at the time that the life-threatening surgeries, destructive chemotherapy and painful radiation would take away everything she loved about being a woman... Affecting her pelvic muscles... bladder health... and self-confidence. In that one, short phone call...
  • 15. Her entire life changed Pelvic floor.Pelvic floor. The pelvic floor is a woven basket of muscles that hold your bladder, uterus and bowels. The pelvic floor relaxes to allow us to urinate or have a bowel movement. It contracts to stop the flow of urine, tightens the vaginal
  • 16. opening or prevents us from passing stool or gas. If you have ever experienced accidental leakage you will want to keep watching... because I’m about to show you the most important pelvic strengthening exercises you’ll find anywhere. They’re crucial if you want to get back to living an active lifestyle
  • 17. As well, in this short presentation... You’re going to learn about the one tight muscle in your upper body... That has been damaging your pelvic muscles... Making everything weak down below. If you are one of the millions of Americans who suffer from leaking whenever you cough,
  • 18. sneeze or lift something heavy... I’m so sorry for what you’ve been going through. I understand how it impacts everything from your social life to your very identity. Pain in the shoulder. And that’s why I’m here to help you
  • 19. Patient in hospital. My mom’s pelvic muscles were frail... Whenever she went out shopping she would end up with wet pants. She even told me about a few different occasions where she would have to RUN across the grocery store to find the restroom.
  • 20. I WAS WORRIED SICK ABOUT MY MOTHER'S HEALTH. Worried man. While this was all happening my body was quietly destroying itself from the inside out. I was on the verge of losing everything.
  • 21. My dreams of getting pregnant were failing and because of that, my partner wanted to leave me. I know how deeply this condition can change your life… And impact the people around you, too. If you ever felt like
  • 22. you had to wear dark colored pants... in case you leak in public, you’re not alone. I used to feel the exact same way, and I’m going to show you... Woman peed her pants. HOW I CHANGED MY LIFE... BY STRENGTHENING MY PELVIC FLOOR.
  • 23. I am finally able to jump and run again! Jump and run. Not only did I cure my leaking... Aut also my mom’s... And thousands of my loyal clients. I’ll be revealing to you...
  • 24. THE #1 MALFUNCTION damaging your pelvic area causing leaking, lower back, hip and pelvic pain. And the best part is... You’re going to be shocked how easy it is to fix. Imagine how good it will feel to be pain free and not have to stay close to the bathroom anymore!
  • 25. I’ll even be sharing with you... The three biggest mistakes Doctors tell women to help firm up their pelvic muscles, but are actually making everything much weaker, while causing your accidents happen more often. If you’ve been struggling with intimacy due to urine odor or 'looseness'...
  • 26. Old people laughing. You will want to keep watching right now because... I’m about to expose the HIDDEN CAUSE... That is KILLING your pelvic area, making sex ‘not feel like it used to’ and it’s
  • 27. STOPPING you from having a fulfilling relationship with your spouse. And, it gets even better when your pelvic muscles are stronger... Your orgasms will be as well! Imagine not being chained by the fear of embarrassment and being able to break free from those chains.
  • 28. Leaking is very common especially for women after childbirth, but it can honestly happen to anyone. And that’s why you are going to LOVE the one quick stretch I'm about to show you that will stop you from peeing your pants nearly overnight.
  • 29. In just a few moments you can begin to free yourself of this condition FOR GOOD. Couple in bed. This leaking has been holding you back from the body you deserve and the life you deserve You'll finally be able to run around with little ones in the back yard without leak spots on the seat of your pants and you’ll no longer miss out on
  • 30. dinner parties or great times at the lake. It was minutes before the weekend when the call came in. The look of fear and distress on my mom’s face, as she held her eyes tightly shut and hung up the phone. I have Triple Negative Breast Cancer...
  • 31. a rare, life-threatening and aggressive disease Mother. We were all in shock and devastated by the news. My mom, who had always been my hero... Was about to start the most challenging fight of her life.
  • 32. She completed many invasive surgeries, destructive chemotherapy and painful radiation. Older couple. While she underwent this terrible treatment, we had no idea what was happening to her body would end up making her feel less comfortable as a woman, affecting her pelvic muscles, bladder control and confidence.
  • 33. And as my dad watched my mom suffer from this horrible disease, he didn’t know that it would end up damaging their relationship in ways he could never have imagined. At the time of my mom’s cancer treatment, I didn’t know how to handle my emotions Fit girl.
  • 34. I learned to run away from my panic attacks by going to fitness classes. Tears would stream down my sweat dripping cheeks every time I moved my body. This escape became my obsession... As well as the beginning of my career as a fitness instructor.
  • 35. What I didn’t know... Was that my body was also being destroyed from the inside out and I was on my way to developing serious health problems as well. I didn’t know then... But I was about to face the same health problems as my mom.
  • 36. I’m going to share something that I have been too embarrassed to ever talk about publicly up until now Embarrassed. One spring afternoon I was teaching my final class of the day. I yelled out with encouragement to my
  • 37. students, and all of a sudden… I accidentally peed myself. I was devastated. Everyone in the class stared in horror at the sight of me standing at the front of the room, soaked. I bet you can imagine how humiliated I felt.
  • 38. But it gets worse... Little did I know, I had a deadly malfunction hiding in the deepest layers of my body. That’s what caused my horrific experience in front of the classroom. This malfunction was causing extreme destruction the more active I was.
  • 39. If you have ever leaked accidentally you could be a victim too on the verge of spiralling into other serious health problems as well Old lady smiling. Although leaking is more relevant after childbirth... It can happen to any woman, at anytime. However, the good news is...
  • 40. I found out leaking is so much easier to fix than you could ever imagine and I’ll be revealing exactly how to next. I started to realize that the exercises that used to make me feel great, were actually causing my pelvic muscles to become weak.
  • 41. The worst part was that whenever I tried to jump or run I was leaking. I started to lose control of my bladder. I felt lonely and isolated. I had never had children before and I was personally experiencing the same issues many postpartum women have to deal with.
  • 42. I went to the doctor for help, but it just made it worse I’ll be sharing with you the three doctor recommended things women are told will help stop their leaking but are actually causing severe damage to their pelvic muscles and bladders. As hard as this experience was for me...
  • 43. I felt like I could finally breathe again because my mom experienced a true miracle that stunned our entire family and her entire medical team. Doctor. Her cancer went into remission! However, as a result of her cancer treatment, her body was sent into early menopause.
  • 44. It caused dysfunction in her pelvic muscles and often times she would fail to make it to the bathroom in time. She was constantly leaking. You could tell she was becoming more anxious and insecure as the days went on.
  • 45. She stayed in the house as often she could and stopped socializing with her friends. Sad woman. It broke my heart. I wish I knew then what I know now... But I’m so glad that I can help YOU!
  • 46. In a moment, I’ll be unveiling the three tips... Doctors are telling women to do during and after menopause that are damaging their pelvic muscles, causing them to leak. My mom tried taking prescription medication to calm her bladder...
  • 47. In hopes of stopping her leakage. After waiting several weeks for the expensive drugs to kick in she started to experience side effects of nausea and heartburn that became worse every time the medication entered her body. She was back to square one, still leaking,
  • 48. and she felt more alone than ever. After peeing myself in front of my class, I was desperate Sad woman. I had to figure out what was wrong with my body... So that is when I called my doctor. After that appointment, I was sent to several other
  • 49. expensive specialists, all without any signs of improvement. I began to notice a trend repeating with all of the specialists. They were all sharing with me the exact same THREE TIPS to stop leakage by strengthening the pelvic floor.
  • 50. I was shocked to find out these three things were actually causing more damage to my pelvic muscles while making my bladder even more uncontrollable. I’ll be sharing with you these three doctor recommendations shortly… I’m also going to share with you
  • 51. an easy 3-step movement sequence that will stop your leaking... all without... Toxic medications that carry harmful side effects Diapers and pads that only temporarily fix the problem Risky surgery that is tremendously expensive and time-consuming Operating.
  • 52. My mom and I were both felt like our bodies had been permanently destroyed Woman looking at mirror. But, I wasn’t ready to throw in the towel just yet. What we didn’t know at the time was that just one short month later we would both be glowing with happiness and our leaking would be gone!
  • 53. If you've been struggling with intimacy with your spouse because of your fear of urine odor and weak pelvic muscles you will be amazed how quickly you’ll be able to turn things around gaining your self-confidence and fulfilling relationship back. Medical bill. I’ll be sharing with you the THREE TIPS doctors are telling women to do after having children that is
  • 54. causing leakage making their pelvic muscles weak and their bellies bulge. You must stop these... Otherwise you could end up with medical bills and debt piling up and I am absolutely positive your issues are only going to get worse. Did you know... Abdominal pain.
  • 55. If you feel like your body was never the same after having kids it could be because you have a seperation in your abdominals? Women often think they just have extra belly fat after their pregnancy. I will be touching more on this in a moment...
  • 56. And I’ll be sharing exactly how to repair it to gain a flat, toned tummy. I’m also about to reveal to you... THE #1 INVISIBLE MALFUNCTION hiding out in the deepest layers of your body.
  • 57. It’s causing your abdominal area to bulge and it’s making your pelvic floor weak. Until you solve this sneaky defect it’s going to spiral into much more severe problems such as... Abdominal pain. Toxic medications that carry harmful side effects Diapers and pads that only temporarily fix the problem
  • 58. Risky surgery that is tremendously expensive and time-consuming In fact, while you’ve been spending all of your time on kegels and lower body exercises you’re going to be shocked when I reveal that the real culprit is actually a muscle in your upper body AROUND YOUR CHEST AND SHOULDERS. And I’m going to tell you exactly what muscle that is
  • 59. and I’ll show you how to release it next. Let’s start with the three doctor recommendations I need to warn you about... Everyone says that kegels help strengthen your vaginal walls and pelvic floors But did you know that this so called 'strengthening' trick can be extremely unsafe?
  • 60. So many women think their pelvic floor is loose, weak, stretched out. However, most of the time their pelvic floor is so tight that it actually has become weak. Rubber band. Picture a normal rubber band at rest...
  • 61. It’s pliable, can stretch and then go back to its normal tension. It is functional and works very well. This rubber band represents our pelvic floor muscles. However, if the rubber band is chronically tight, overworked and stretched it becomes weak.
  • 62. It no longer has room to stretch or work. Instead it will break due to its constantly stretched state. Same thing goes for our pelvic floor muscles when they are overworked and tight. Grandmother.
  • 63. However, not everyone is the same... So I’m going to show you a really easy test you can do that takes just two minutes to determine if your pelvic muscles are tight or loose. Based on that, if they’re tight I’m going to tell you to toss those kegels to the curb and I will show you how to release your tight muscles.
  • 64. If your pelvic muscles are loose I’m going to show you the right kind of kegels that will actually get you real benefits rather than wasting your time on all of the squeeze and release you’ve been doing without seeing any results. Women have been told to suck in their bellies to get pooch or wear restrictive clothing such as Spanx
  • 65. But did you know it’s making your abdominals and pelvic muscles weak? By constantly ‘sucking it in’ or ‘holding it in’, it creates shallow breathing which stops the air flow into the rest of your body. Spanx. When you can’t breathe deeply, your abdominals stop working which is the communication line between your brain and pelvic floor.
  • 66. It’s like having a restrictive corset on your body squeezing in and shutting down your abdominals leaving your pelvic floor weak and dysfunctional. Many women have been told to do crunches to strengthen their abdominals However, you will want to stop those crunches
  • 67. immediately if you have diastasis recti because too much pressure on your core can make your diastasis worse. You will want to start by reducing any pressure on your core. Even pushing a stroller can be too much.
  • 68. The following exercises are considered ‘diastasis unsafe’ in the beginning... Planks. Push ups Planks V-sits Rolling like a ball Burpees Pikes on a ball Ab rollouts Crunches
  • 69. Sit ups However... This doesn’t mean you can’t slowly begin to intensify the abdominal load as you get stronger. While rehabbing diastasis recti you want to slowly progress to the point where you can handle these front-loading movements because eventually they will become ‘diastasis safe’ as you get stronger.
  • 70. If you’re moving or exercising in these ways you could be making your leakage and belly pooch much worse because of the deadly malfunction I’m about to reveal to you next. If you’re a candidate for any of these doctor recommendations... STOP immediately!
  • 71. Otherwise you could be standing on the edge of a slippery cliff about to plummet into debilitating illness. If you choose to take the path of surgery they are risky, painful and sometimes it doesn't even work. You will be forced into overpriced medical bills and
  • 72. months off of work or even playing with your grandchildren in the backyard. I’m about to show you a 3-step movement sequence... 3 Step Movement Sequence. That will strengthen your pelvic muscles stop your leaking and give you fast results that you will notice even on day 1.
  • 73. It is so easy and gentle too. In fact, I was amazed... By how fast I stopped my own leaking once I figured out this 3-step method. I’ve never had a dreadful leak again and finally, I am able to get back to the activities I love such as spending time outdoors and gardening.
  • 74. I'll be telling you exactly what this simple 3-step movement sequence is in a momen. Also, you’re not going to believe when I show you how to release the one tight muscle in your upper body that I guarantee you have never thought of that is causing all of your troubles down below. After months and months of wasted medical bills and all
  • 75. of my doctor's advice I finally hit rock bottom. Woman laughing. I couldn’t bring myself to go back into the studio again there was so much pain in my pelvic floor and I didn’t want to risk the embarrassment of leaking again. I called in sick because I didn’t want to face anybody.
  • 76. I was sitting in my robe and it was barely noon. I began to search for ways to heal my pelvic floor. I dedicated all of my time to reading research studies and personal stories from people all around the world. I was desperate to find a solution and I couldn’t
  • 77. continue to live in a constant state of fear. All of a sudden... I came upon a Physical Therapist who studied at Charles University School of Medicine in Prague in 1952. I started looking into his unconventional studies and they were appalling. I was shocked to find out...
  • 78. That women are wasting their time on kegels and crunches while never seeing any results because they actually have an imbalance in their core muscles... And while most doctors have only been trained to look at the organs this genius of a Physical Therapist decided to take matters into his own hands and look at the surrounding muscles.
  • 79. This is when he discovered LAYER syndrome Abdominal canister. Layer syndrome is an imbalance of your muscles and in this case, the muscles in the core are out of balance. Your ‘core’ is an abdominal canister... On the top you have your breathing muscles, known as your diaphragm on the sides
  • 80. you have your abdominal wall... And the bottom is your pelvic floor. The pelvic floor is a woven basket of muscles that hold your bladder, uterus and bowels. The pelvic floor relaxes to allow us to urinate or have a bowel movement.
  • 81. It contracts to stop the flow of urine tightens the vaginal opening or prevents us from passing stool or gas. Inhale exhale illustrations. When you inhale... Your diaphragm presses down, which pushes out on your abdominal wall and down on your pelvic floor. Everything descends down.
  • 82. This relaxes the pelvic floor. When you exhale... Your diaphragm coils back up your abdominal wall goes back in and your pelvic floor lifts back up. This contracts the pelvic floor. However...
  • 83. If you have LAYER syndrome... Layer syndrome. Your diaphragm, abdominal wall and pelvic floor... (aka your abdominal canister) is out of balance and is no longer functioning as one. One contributing cause of layer syndrome is shallow breathing.
  • 84. If you are constantly shallow breathing and not focusing on breathing correctly your diaphragm will lose its connection to your abdominal wall and pelvic floor. I’ll be sharing how to breathe correctly in a moment I mentioned a few moments ago that shallow breathing is like wearing a restrictive corset that is squeezing in and shutting down your abdominals the link between
  • 85. your diaphragm and pelvic floor. Your pelvic floor will no longer relax and contract automatically therefore it will become weak and frail. Layer Syndrome can be extremely dangerous and can cause serious side effects. Leaking... A protruding belly bulge... Or a distinct bulging
  • 86. at the vagina opening (aka pelvic organ prolapse) are just three signs from your body WARNING you of this muscle imbalance. Hello, LAYER syndrome Layer syndrome. Leaking alone affects 200 million people worldwide. 25 million of those people are Americans... and 75-80% of those are women.
  • 87. Hundreds of thousands of women... Are seeking surgery every year to strengthen their pelvic floors or repair their abdominal separation... But they are finding that their problems only get worse, and they end up in a mess of complications.
  • 88. If you don’t solve your leaking naturally, you could end up being one of these women... left in a sticky situation with more pain and problems from when they started off. Layer syndrome. If only those women knew... How easy it is to fix their pelvic floors and cores...
  • 89. Without the expensive... Unreliable... And time-consuming surgeries. Now, a little more about DIASTASIS RECTI... the separation of your middle abdominal muscles
  • 90. Your linea alba, the tissues between your abdominals become thin and stretched out from a large abdomen and can create either a dome or gap, or bulging appearance on your belly. After pregnancy, often times the muscles don’t fully heal back together whether it’s at the top, the bottom, or even the entire thing.
  • 91. Different variation of diastasis recti. The reason your diastasis recti won’t heal back together is because YOU HAVE LAYER SYNDROME IN YOUR CORE. This is commonly due to weight gain... Or childbirth and the pressure of the baby on your pelvic floor even if you had a c-section which prevents the healing process from taking place.
  • 92. Your pelvic floor, abdominal wall and breathing muscles are no longer communicating which creates weakness and dysfunction in all parts. I work with women all the time that are punishing themselves with restrictive diets and overdoing it with crunches to tone and flatten their bellies while never seeing any results.
  • 93. Little do they know they have layer syndrome which is only going to make their bellies bulge EVEN MORE... Until they fix this imbalance. However, you’ll be shocked how easy it is to heal layer syndrome. And it can be done naturally without painful and risky surgeries that have high chances of failing anyway.
  • 94. And I’ll be sharing with you next... How to release the one tight muscle around your neck and shoulders that is making it harder for you to breathe affecting your diaphragm function... Two women. Therefore the rest of your abdominal canister. After that day...
  • 95. I started a 3-step movement sequence that COMPLETELY healed my layer syndrome which strengthened my pelvic floor and stopped my leaking. I even tried it on my mom... And not only does she no longer leak whenever she laughs, coughs or sneezes but it also healed her
  • 96. diastasis recti leaving her with a firm and flat tummy. Once you try it out for yourself... You’ll be thrilled that you can finally stop spinning your wheels with starvation diets and back breaking crunches. You’re also going to be shocked... Hunched posture.
  • 97. When I show you how to release the one tight muscle in your upper body making your layer syndrome severely worse. You will finally be able to heal your leaking and diastasis recti creating balance in your abdominal canister...even faster than before. Your pecs run across your chest and attach to your shoulders.
  • 98. Hunched posture.Straight posture. When they get too tight they pull our shoulders forward causing our posture to round forward known as 'hunched forward posture'. Try this with me... Slouch in your chair with your shoulders rounded forward.
  • 99. Now try to take a deep breath. You will notice you can’t get a deep breath. Now try it sitting straight up with your shoulders back. You will notice you can get a deeper breath.
  • 100. This posture makes our breath shallow because it condenses and squishes our breathing muscles in our diaphragm. And as I mentioned earlier... Without deep breathing our abdominal canister becomes weak and dysfunctional because the diaphragm no longer connects to the abdominal wall and pelvic floor.
  • 101. It’s like trying to drive a car with only 3 wheels, it doesn’t work. I know this can all be really overwhelming but if you’ve ever experienced the panic of leaking you know exactly how awful this can be... And that’s why I’m here to help you! Two women.
  • 102. You’re going to love... To be able to get back to shopping trips with your girlfriends and enjoy evening cocktails on the patio. All without having to stay close to the bathroom. (AKA LEAKING...)
  • 103. By simply doing a variation of this pec stretch every evening before bed not only can you heal your shoulder pain but it will leave you with beautiful posture to create natural deep breathing patterns to heal your pelvic floor, diastasis recti and abdominal canister. Here’s what stretching your pecs is going to do for you.
  • 104. On day one, your chest will feel more open and your posture will slightly improve. But the cool thing is after a few days of doing this easy stretch all of a sudden... I will show you several variations of this stretch, including: Streching. One for bed
  • 105. One for in the privacy of your own your bathroom During the day at your desk And even one for really flexible people If you have a shoulder injury, I even have a special modification that will work well for you and CAN actually heal your injury and stop any nerve pain you may have. This leaking has been holding you back...
  • 106. ...from the body you deserve and the life you deserve. Imagine not being chained by the fear of embarrassment and being able to break free from those chains. You will finally be able to live an active lifestyle and no longer miss out on dinner parties or outings at the lake.
  • 107. I’ve personally stopped taking my anxiety medication because my worried nerves have gone away. I’m sleeping through the night again and I finally have tons of energy to spend on my relationship with my spouse. Woman sleeping.
  • 108. I am present, in love and my dreams of starting a family are in the near future Couple. I’ve also dropped the ten pounds I put on over the past year because I was too ashamed and fearful to step foot into the gym. I’m getting back into running near the ocean in the mornings and I no longer have to wear black pants to hide any wetness.
  • 109. I am eating healthier because I’m in a better mindset and I can finally look in the mirror and feel good about myself again. It felt like my mom was finally lighting up the room again with her laughter. She was given a second chance at life. She was a new woman.
  • 110. Couple kissing. She had been restricting her diet and doing a million crunches for years all without any results and finally after four short weeks... She has lost fifteen pounds and did this without any diet or long hours in the gym. Her tummy is toned and tight and she is finally happy again.
  • 111. She no longer wears overheating, camouflaging clothes and she looks effortlessly beautiful in tank tops and summer dresses. She is way more relaxed because she can control her bladder... And it melts my heart the way my dad looks at my mom now
  • 112. with her glowing self-confidence. It’s obvious when they flirt with each other that they have their intimacy back. She doesn’t spend her spare time going to doctors appointments anymore Friends. Instead...
  • 113. She is getting back into power walking. She told me she is starting to go swimming on the weekends. And she has been entertaining friends cooking flavourful dinners... And drinking even better wine.
  • 114. I started to share the secret method with my clients and it was no surprise they all experienced the same outcome. It was incredible! In fact not only did the program strengthen their pelvic floors, stop their leakage and flatten their bellies but they also shared with me their chronic lower
  • 115. back and groin pain was gone. They no longer suffer from pulling or bulging at the vagina opening and they were sleeping better because of it! The word began to spread like WILDFIRE. I was changing lives left, right and center As women started to appear in my life suffering from the
  • 116. same ailments it made me think about how many women are still around with leaking and diastasis recti and too embarrassed to talk about it. Friends. Many of these women are under the impression that they aren’t fixable or their doctor told them surgery was the only option.
  • 117. A lot of them are not even fully aware of their condition. I want you to know... That it is possible to fix your body. What you’re going through is something many other women have experienced before and found success healing their bodies naturally.
  • 118. I made it my life's mission to positively impact and educate women on how it is possible to turn your health around and feel like you again. My goal is to help you regain your confidence, joy and strenght Imagine how good it will feel when you can put on your favourite dress and stay out with family and friends, without constantly worrying
  • 119. about where the nearest bathroom is. You’ll be able to fully enjoy your evening because you’re not distracted, waiting for a warning sign that you’re about to leak. However, I didn’t have the resources to pay for big manufacturers or costly advertisers...
  • 120. That’s when a couple friends of mine suggested that I should create an online program. Skipping ahead to a few months later... Couple hugging. I’m SO excited to introduce to you... Pelvic Floor Strong TOTAL CORE AND PELVIC FLOOR REPAIR METHOD
  • 121. Total core and pelvic floor repair method. This program is the set of keys you’ve been waiting for to a live happy, healthy life Pelvic Floor Strong strengthens your pelvic floor... Puts intimacy back in your life, giving you self-confidence, while making sex feel good again. This is the only program out there that heals leaking and diastasis recti with the
  • 122. consideration of layer syndrome. Healthy program. All you need is the 3-movement sequence I designed to efficiently heal your body without cutting into your valuable time. It’s going to give you the secrets to belly flattening, diastasis healing and a strong pelvic floor.
  • 123. Pelvic Floor Strong alleviates lower back and hip pain, while correcting your posture with the quick pec stretch variations I have simply laid out for you. It stops your anxiety and depression and lets you fall asleep faster and stay asleep throughout the night. Testimonials
  • 124. Michelle. Michelle, 40 years I have been working with Alex for years now and I have never felt healthier or more fit! My body feels so good. She has made me fall inlove with fitness and I actually enjoy exercise now. Alex is truly an expert and my favourite trainer. Her knowledge of the body is incredible and I couldn’t recommend her more!
  • 125. Lorna. Lorna, 79 years I have been leaking my entire life after having three children. I thought it was normal and I can remember many times being out of the house and I had to rush home because my pants were soaked. After trying Alex’s program, I have totally stopped leaking. I
  • 126. no longer have to worry about having an accidental in public. It is also a nice surprise that my core is now stronger and my back pain has gone away. All without having to make any changes to my routine! 3 minutes, that’s all! Anette. Anette, 55 years My anxiety was beginning to take over my life because I couldn’t control my bladder. I
  • 127. have been practicing Alex’s program for the past 10-weeks, and since starting it my leaking has completely gone away. I was able to stop taking my anxiety and acid reflux medication! I have been going for 10 kilometer walks because I don’t have to stay close to the washroom anymore and I have lost 10 pounds already! I don’t have any intention in stopping, I have never felt so motivated to keep up with my exercises.
  • 128. My wish is for every woman suffering from urinary incontinence to be able to try Alex’s program. Pelvic Floor Strong is an informational video with easy to understand concepts that will stop your leaking and diastasis recti It is evidence based and trusted by Doctors, Midwives and Personal Trainers.
  • 129. In chapter 2, you will learn how to do a proper kegel that I promise you’ve never heard of before to strengthen your loose pelvic floor muscles. In chapter 3, you will learn how to engage your abdominals and strengthen your core to heal your leaking and flatten your belly. In chapter 4, you will learn how to shift your stance slightly to use 30% more of your muscles. When you use
  • 130. more of your muscles, it boosts your metabolism. You’ll be shocked at how such a simple trick will shed weight off of your body. In chapter 6, you’ll learn the 3-step movement sequence that will strengthen your abdominal canister, including your pelvic floor and core, healing leaking and stopping vaginal bulging and/or heaviness. In chapter 7, you’ll discover 3 easy steps to add to your
  • 131. routine which will stop leaking immediately. Pelvic floor strong. Just imagine... Healthy program. What it will feel like to wear your favourite lightweight summer dress or white linen pants to dinner parties without worrying about the embarrassment it used to lead to.
  • 132. Now all you need to think about is what kind of wine you prefer as you walk around, catching up with people you care about. Or how it will feel in the department store dressing room when you are able to look in the mirror at your toned body and flat tummy and feel beautiful in your own skin again. Healthy program.
  • 133. You’ll have more energy to go on long walks with the girls without lower back, groin or hip pain. Just imagine what it will feel like to have a restful night’s sleep… And how energized you feel while enjoying things you love again...
  • 134. Like a cooking class... Or dance lessons with your spouse... All without the fear of being exhausted the next day. You’re going to feel strong, confident and powerful in your own body... So that you can finally feel like you again. And because you’ve read this letter...
  • 135. I know you’re invested in your health... And that’s why I want to invest in you. You’re going to receive two special bonus products that will enhance your results: BONUS #1 Pelvic Floor Strong Information Handbook Bonus 1. It is filled with all of the content from the video so
  • 136. that you can access the information at any time. In it, you will find the written out steps on how to achieve a stronger pelvic floor, pec stretches for perfect posture and at 3-step movement sequence. There is also a diastasis recti improvement checklist so that you can track your progress throughout the program.
  • 137. Normally this Informational Handbook and checklist sells for $27... but because I want you to feel beautiful again as quickly as possible, I will be giving it to you for free today! BONUS #2 Flat Belly Fast Exercise Video Bonus 2.
  • 138. This is a 10-minute Quick Start Video Routine full of my favourite ab exercises. I found once my clients saw their incredible results from Pelvic Floor Strong, they wanted even more tummy toning exercises. This routine is jam-packed with ‘diastasis safe’ exercises that have proven to alleviate back pain, heal diastasis recti and whittle your waist.
  • 139. By following along you will gain a flat tummy even faster. ...and the FLAT BELLY FAST Exercise Manual! Normally FLAT BELLY FAST Exercise Manual sells for $17, but because I want you to experience the same slimming results my mom and I did...
  • 140. It is my gift to you! And now I have one more amazing surprise from my dear friend Emily Lark Emily. You may have heard of Emily before… She is known as America's leading healthy back expert.
  • 141. However, one thing most people don’t know about her is that I used to suffer from embarrassing accidental leakage for many years after the birth of her second child... “It was impossible for me to do things I used to love like go for a run or get up and dance at weddings...and I was even scared every time I sneezed in public.
  • 142. But then my good friend Alex told me about her program and now I finally have control over my body again and I don’t have to be afraid of those humiliating moments anymore. Alex, I can’t thank you enough! You changed my life. And I’m so grateful that I want to give a special gift to you and all the other women out there who are watching and feeling as hopeless as I did.
  • 143. I know that it’s very common for women with pelvic floor issues to also suffer from back pain... Back to life. So today I’m going to give away my back to life 3-Stretch Pain-free program to anyone who decides to take the first step in reclaiming their body with Alex’s life-changing program.
  • 144. My special Back to Life 3-Stretch Pain-Free program has my three best at-home stretches to help relieve lower back pain and sciatica, Middle and upper back pain, and neck and shoulder pain - in just three easy stretches! This is a 3-sequence stretching system I have developed over the years and it has helped hundreds of thousands of people of all
  • 145. ages to get out of pain and get back to life. And the best part is that these stretches can either be done down on the floor or right in your bed to make it easy for everyone! This step by step video program normally sells for $49 but today I’m giving it away for free Alex has helped me so much and I’m just grateful to have the opportunity to give something back in return.
  • 146. So as soon as you decide to claim your copy of Pelvic Floor Strong, you’ll also get instant access to my Back to Life 3 Stretch Pain-Free Video so you can get started today.” When I sat down with my agent to add up all of the costs of the time it has taken me to create Pelvic Floor Strong, he told me I should be charging $150 for the entire program.
  • 147. If you take into consideration all of my certifications and education... All of the time I have spent working hands on with clients. Not to mention the cost of graphic designers, an illustrator, photographers, videographers, video editors and a recording studio, it made sense.
  • 148. But I left his office feeling like that wasn’t right. I don’t want to charge you that much and risk you, and other women who need it, to miss out because of the price. This is an epidemic so many women are facing... And I would never want the price of the program to be the
  • 149. reason women continue suffering! This program isn’t about making money... It’s about leaving people better off in the world. And that’s why I originally decided to mark it down to $79 which after factoring in all of the costs I have incurred, is a great deal.
  • 150. When I first published the program, people couldn’t get enough of it. Then and now.Then and now.Then and now. But deep down, I still wanted to find a way to make it even more accessible. I want every woman in the world to experience the same
  • 151. life changing results my mom and I did. So I decided to lower the price one more time. Finally I settled for a one-time payment of... Physical Package Physical Copies + Instant Access to Digital Products
  • 152. Physical Package. $150 $67+ S&H Pay Now Credit Cards. For $67 you will receive a nation-wide tested program filled with information and movements that are easy to implement into your busy life. This program will change the way you look at fitness and health and for less than half
  • 153. of the price of one visit to your doctor you’ll be able to make a stand today, preventing permanent damage... Taking quality years off of your life. Imagine the cost of all of the diapers, pads and bedding you’ve purchased over one year... Diaper. I know personally how this can be a terrible financial burden.
  • 154. $67 is so much cheaper than living with this condition. And, that’s not even with surgery in the picture... which offer a whole new level of debts and problems. Not only that, but you will have to take months off of work while you’re recovering
  • 155. which can also cause the debt to pile up. How will you pay your mortgage if things go sideways and you can’t go back to work? For less than $2 a day over one month, you will be investing in a program that you will be able to pull from and use as a resource for the rest of your life.
  • 156. In fact, I hope you share this information with your girlfriends and family as well! Once you click the button... You’ll be on your way to a fast recovery, giving you many years of joy and memories with your loved ones. I’m so confident Pelvic Floor Strong will work for you and that’s why I’m willing to take
  • 157. on all of the risk, out of my own pocket... I’m giving you a 60-day money back guarantee If you don’t see results within the first 60 days you can return the product at any time, for any reason. Even if you don’t like the pictures in the manual you can return it by sending one email or one quick phone call
  • 158. that won’t take no longer than 90 seconds. Alex Miller. I will give you your money back right away, no questions asked. That’s all, one simple step. You won’t risk a thing…
  • 159. And you have so much to gain. Your doctor isn’t going to give you your money back if their suggestions don’t work... No store is going to let you return all of the pads and diapers you’ve used over the years that never solved your problems and no surgeon is ever going to give you a
  • 160. refund on the costly surgery if it doesn’t work for you. There is absolutely no reason that would stop us from refunding you 100% of your money. With one click, you too can experience life without leaking or diastasis recti with zero risk and 100% reward.
  • 161. Just picture what your spouse is going to think of you when he sees how toned your body is... and how excited he will be when you are no longer avoiding intimacy with him. Imagine how it will feel to finally go out together again instead of worrying about the impact on your marriage from always staying behind.
  • 162. Picture the look on everyone's faces when you walk into your yoga class... 20 pounds lighter... Feeling fabulous in your light colored tights. Elder couple dancing. Once you click... Picture what it will feel like to be able to fit into your pre-pregnancy clothes and not have to pick your outfits
  • 163. carefully in case another leak slips out when you’re in public. Physical Package Physical Copies + Instant Access to Digital Products Physical Package. $150 $67+ S&H
  • 164. Pay Now Credit Cards. You’re only one click away from living the life you deserve. Right now you’re at a crossroads with two very different options… OPTION #1 You don’t buy the program Back pain.
  • 165. Your leaking is easy to cover up by wearing black pants... Or it doesn’t happen often enough to be a real concern for you. There are millions of women walking around and living with mild-moderate leaking thinking that it’s normal, until one day they find out about the permanent damage they caused in their bodies by not
  • 166. looking after their layer syndrome. If you don’t take measures to repair your layer syndrome, the muscles in your pelvic floor, abdominals and the rest of your body become imbalanced, weak and can no longer hold your spine and pelvis in place. Without the support of your spine and pelvis you will be left in crippling lower back
  • 167. pain, hip and groin pain, shooting nerves down your legs and more. It can even disable you from walking or breathing on your own. The days when you used to leak or have a bit of a tummy bugle will seem so far away. Oxigen mask.
  • 168. You may even be forced to endure costly and painful and dangerous surgeries. How is your family is going to feel as they wait outside of the operating room for you? This trauma will change them forever. I’ll never forget how it felt waiting for news about my
  • 169. mom when she went through all her treatments. I care about you, and I don’t want you to go through all of these things… OPTION #2 You DO buy the program You won’t have to settle for relationships kept at a distance because you are ashamed someone to find out
  • 170. about your embarrassing health complications. You’ll finally be able to build deeper connections with your grandchildren and family and you’ll finally be able to go to the swimming pool and feel great about yourself in your bathing suit. My mission in life is to empower women like you to live big lives, full of confidence, where you
  • 171. accomplish your biggest dreams and goals. Buy the program. Pelvic Floor Strong is the set of keys you’ve been waiting for to set the rest of your life up for success. This program stops your leaking, diastasis recti, and vaginal pulling.
  • 172. With one click you will have everything you need to be fit and strong. Take action now to save yourself from making the same mistakes my mom and I made when we hit rock bottom years back. Friends. The faster you get started, the sooner you’ll have a flat belly, never worrying again about
  • 173. your leaking or prolapse ever again! You’ve proven to me by watching this video you’re dedicated to solving your health problems that have been holding you back. And for just $67, you will receive a quality information you’ll use every day.
  • 174. If for any reason you’re not happy with the program you have 60 full days to return it, no questions asked, money back guarantee. If you don’t act right now I can promise you will end up with lower back, hip and groin pain and even worse uncontrollable leaking. We learned the hard way, but you have a chance to be free of this quickly and easily.
  • 175. I know you don’t want to live in a life of fear, so click right now to experience the healthy, happy life you’ve always wanted! And I value privacy and security above everything else, so I wanted to make sure that your online order process is 100% secure.
  • 176. I value privacy and security above everything else, so I wanted to make sure that your online order process is 100% secure Amazon. That's why I chose Clickbank... Clickbank is one of the world's top one hundred retailers and I chose them because they use the same encryption data as Amazon,
  • 177. the most secure software data out there. Once you click the button the next page is going to pop up. It’s going to ask for some brief information, once you enter it in this is a one-time payment and you will never be billed again. Thank you so much for reading this letter today...
  • 178. I really hope this information helps you. Click the button right now and join me and the thousands of women who are loving their bodies again, living their fullest lives. Then and now.Then and now.Then and now. Frequently Asked Questions What if I just don’t have enough time in my day to do this program?
  • 179. Don’t worry, I know how busy life can get. Whether you’re a grandparent watching your grandkids while running a household or a working woman, this program was made to be quick and easy so that it blends seamlessly into your normal life. Will this work for someone who is 60+? What if I’m not in good enough shape?
  • 180. Will this program work for someone who had their children 15+ years ago? What if I’ve had a C-section, will this program still work for me? What if I’ve never given birth, will this program will work for me? Is all of my credit card information secure and safe? Will my credit card be billed more than once?
  • 181. What if this program doesn’t work for me? PS. You’re in good hands and I’ll be with you every step of the way. I’ve designed this with your health in mind. Please make sure to write in after to let me know about your amazing results. Click the button NOW
  • 182. Physical Package Physical Copies + Instant Access to Digital Products Physical Package. $150 $67+ S&H Pay Now Credit Cards. Guarantee Badge.
  • 183. 60 Day Full Refund Guaranteed If you are not completely satisfied with your purchase, we will give you your money back right away. No questions asked! Privacy Policy Terms of Service Affiliate Agreement Contact Us This site and/or app offers health, wellness, and
  • 184. nutritional information and is designed for educational purposes only. None of the statements made on this site and/or app have been reviewed or approved by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent disease. You should not rely on this information as a substitute for, nor does it replace, professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. If you have any concerns or
  • 185. questions about your health, you should always consult with a physician or other health-care professional. Do not disregard, avoid or delay obtaining medical or health related advice from your health-care professional because of something you may have read on this site and/or app. Any case studies, examples, illustrations, or testimonials cannot guarantee that you will achieve similar results. In fact, your results may vary
  • 186. significantly and many circumstances may and will cause results to vary. There can be no assurance that any prior successes, or past results, as to weight loss, or improvement in health, can be used as an indication of your future success or results. The site and its contents are provided on an "as is" basis. ClickBank is the retailer of products on this site. For help with your order contact ClickBank. CLICKBANK® is a registered
  • 187. trademark of Click Sales, Inc., a Delaware corporation located at [DO NOT MAIL] 1444 S. Entertainment Ave, Suite 410 Boise Idaho, 83706, USA and used by permission. ClickBank's role as retailer does not constitute an endorsement, approval or review of these products or any claim, claim, statement or opinion used in promotion of these products. Privacy policy last updated in April 2022. Please contact us at
  • 188. or mail to 250 H Street #262930 Blaine, WA 98230. Women Over 40: In an age of women’s empowerment, it is time we start normalizing the conversation around bladder leakage. A shocking and recent study from Harvard University reported an estimated 45% of women experience some form of urinary incontinence at some point in their lives. That's almost half of all women and reason enough that it is time for change. And that’s why every woman reading this letter today is extraordinarily brave for taking the next few minutes to learn the simple upper body technique that will stop bladder leakage for life.
  • 189. It truly doesn’t have to be this way. Women are suffering in silence and it has been ingrained in us that this is just a normal part of aging. What most women don’t realize is that there is actually an underlying condition causing this problem and once it’s fixed you’ll be able to get back to easy movements without fear of leakage, you’ll no longer have to worry about leaking every time you laugh in the movie theater or sneeze during allergy season. You’re going to love that not only will your bladder leakage be healed, but your belly pooch will flatten and your back pain will be permanently gone.
  • 190. And there are two main forms of urinary incontinence... ​ 1 ​ Stress incontinence, which occurs when women leak urine when laughing, sneezing, coughing, jumping, or exercising—when there’s any impact or increase of pressure on the pelvic floor. ​ 2 ​ Urgency incontinence, which occurs when women have a strong urge to go to the bathroom and urine leaks out before they get there. These women tend to go to the bathroom frequently throughout the day and even wake up to go at night. ...and they are both related to one hidden condition that was discovered by a Physical Therapist who studied at Charles University School of Medicine in Prague in 1952.
  • 191. The unconventional research articles by this Physical Therapist have now been rediscovered and women from around that world have found the secret to stopping urinary incontinence in just seconds a day... I’ll be showing you this gentle technique next. “It’s been a lifesaver. It’s truly been a life saver because I was kept in my house. Forget COVID, forget lockdowns. I was stuck in my own body because I was afraid to go out because I didn’t want to pee myself. This program, it’s literally given me wings, it’s literally given me a new life.” “I no longer have any kind of accidents. I no longer have to worry, oh my gosh, I better find that toilet quick. I don’t have to worry about that anymore. I have not had one accident since I started.”
  • 192. Hi, I'm Alex Miller! I am a fitness expert and women’s pelvic health specialist from Vancouver, Canada, known best for helping women heal their bodies. My online programs have reached hundreds of thousands of women around the world of all ages. Since 2012, I have taught close to one million students from around the world how to get fit and healthy while overcoming unique challenges that only women face. Helping women feel confident and better about themselves is what gets me out of bed every day.
  • 193. I have been featured at some of the most elite fitness studios in the world and my wall to wall packed classes are attended weekly by top leaders in the health industry, such as chiropractors, physical therapists, professional athletes, and some of the best-known movie celebrities in the world. Over the years you will find me featured in podcasts, magazines and several large social media channels for the work I have done helping women of all ages. But there’s a lot more to me than my successes... I’m here today to talk about much harder times You wouldn’t have recognized me years before...
  • 194. When our family was struck with the most horrific moment of our lives... And we thought life would never be the same again… The look of fear and distress on my mom’s face... As she held her eyes tightly shut... And hung up the phone. I have Triple Negative Breast Cancer... a rare, life-threatening and aggressive disease We were all in shock and devastated by the news. We didn’t know at the time that the life-threatening surgeries, destructive chemotherapy, and painful radiation would take away everything she loved about being a woman... Affecting her pelvic muscles... bladder health... and self-confidence. In that one, short phone call...
  • 195. Her entire life changed The pelvic floor is a woven basket of muscles that hold your bladder, uterus, and bowels. The pelvic floor relaxes to allow us to urinate or have a bowel movement. It contracts to stop the flow of urine, tightens the vaginal opening, or prevents us from passing stool or gas.
  • 196. If you have ever experienced accidental leakage you will want to keep watching... because I’m about to show you the most important pelvic strengthening exercises you’ll find anywhere. They’re crucial if you want to get back to living an active lifestyle As well, in this short presentation... You’re going to learn about the one tight muscle in your upper body... That has been damaging your pelvic muscles... Making everything weak down below. If you are one of the millions of Americans who suffer from leaking whenever you cough, sneeze or lift something heavy... I’m so sorry for what you’ve been going through. I understand how it impacts everything from your social life to your very identity.
  • 197. And that’s why I’m here to help you My mom’s pelvic muscles were frail...
  • 198. Whenever she went out shopping she would end up with wet pants. She even told me about a few different occasions where she would have to RUN across the grocery store to find the restroom. I WAS WORRIED SICK ABOUT MY MOTHER'S HEALTH. While this was all happening my body was quietly destroying itself from the inside out. I was on the verge of losing everything. My dreams of getting pregnant were failing and because of that, my partner wanted to leave me.
  • 199. I know how deeply this condition can change your life… And impact the people around you, too. If you ever felt like you had to wear dark colored pants... in case you leak in public, you’re not alone. I used to feel the exact same way, and I’m going to show you... HOW I CHANGED MY LIFE... BY STRENGTHENING MY PELVIC FLOOR.
  • 200. I am finally able to jump and run again! Not only did I cure my leaking... Aut also my mom’s... And thousands of my loyal clients. I’ll be revealing to you... THE #1 MALFUNCTION damaging your pelvic area causing leaking, lower back, hip, and pelvic pain. And the best part is...
  • 201. You’re going to be shocked at how easy it is to fix. Imagine how good it will feel to be pain-free and not have to stay close to the bathroom anymore! I’ll even be sharing with you... The three biggest mistakes Doctors tell women to help firm up their pelvic muscles, but are actually making everything much weaker while causing accidents to happen more often. If you’ve been struggling with intimacy due to urine odor or 'looseness'...
  • 202. You will want to keep watching right now because... I’m about to expose the HIDDEN CAUSE... That is KILLING your pelvic area, making sex ‘not feel like it used to’ and it’s STOPPING you from having a fulfilling relationship with your spouse. And, it gets even better when your pelvic muscles are stronger... Your orgasms will be as well! Imagine not being chained by the fear of embarrassment and being able to break free from those chains. Leaking is very common, especially for women after childbirth, but it can honestly happen to anyone. And that’s why you are going to LOVE the one quick stretch I'm about to show you that will stop you from peeing your pants nearly overnight. In just a few moments you can begin to free yourself of this condition FOR GOOD.
  • 203. This leaking has been holding you back from the body you deserve and the life you deserve You'll finally be able to run around with little ones in the back yard without leak spots on the seat of your pants and you’ll no longer miss out on dinner parties or great times at the lake. It was minutes before the weekend when the call came in.
  • 204. The look of fear and distress on my mom’s face, as she held her eyes tightly shut and hung up the phone. I have Triple Negative Breast Cancer... a rare, life-threatening and aggressive disease We were all in shock and devastated by the news. My mom, who had always been my hero... Was about to start the most challenging fight of her life. She completed many invasive surgeries, destructive chemotherapy and painful radiation.
  • 205. While she underwent this terrible treatment, we had no idea what was happening to her body would end up making her feel less comfortable as a woman, affecting her pelvic muscles, bladder control and confidence. And as my dad watched my mom suffer from this horrible disease, he didn’t know that it would end up damaging their relationship in ways he could never have imagined. At the time of my mom’s cancer treatment, I didn’t know how to handle my emotions
  • 206. I learned to run away from my panic attacks by going to fitness classes. Tears would stream down my sweat-dripping cheeks every time I moved my body. This escape became my obsession... As well as the beginning of my career as a fitness instructor. What I didn’t know...
  • 207. Was that my body was also being destroyed from the inside out and I was on my way to developing serious health problems as well. I didn’t know then... But I was about to face the same health problems as my mom. I’m going to share something that I have been too embarrassed to ever talk about publicly up until now
  • 208. One spring afternoon I was teaching my final class of the day. I yelled out with encouragement to my students, and all of a sudden… I accidentally peed myself. I was devastated. Everyone in the class stared in horror at the sight of me standing at the front of the room, soaked. I bet you can imagine how humiliated I felt. But it gets worse... Little did I know, I had a deadly malfunction hiding in the deepest layers of my body.
  • 209. That’s what caused my horrific experience in front of the classroom. This malfunction was causing extreme destruction the more active I was. If you have ever leaked accidentally you could be a victim too on the verge of spiralling into other serious health problems as well Although leaking is more relevant after childbirth... It can happen to any woman, at anytime.
  • 210. However, the good news is... I found out leaking is so much easier to fix than you could ever imagine and I’ll be revealing exactly how to next. I started to realize that the exercises that used to make me feel great, were actually causing my pelvic muscles to become weak. The worst part was that whenever I tried to jump or run I was leaking. I started to lose control of my bladder. I felt lonely and isolated. I had never had children before and I was personally experiencing the same issues many postpartum women have to deal with. I went to the doctor for help, but it just made it worse
  • 211. I’ll be sharing with you the three doctor recommended things women are told will help stop their leaking but are actually causing severe damage to their pelvic muscles and bladders. As hard as this experience was for me... I felt like I could finally breathe again because my mom experienced a true miracle that stunned our entire family and her entire medical team. Her cancer went into remission!
  • 212. However, as a result of her cancer treatment, her body was sent into early menopause. It caused dysfunction in her pelvic muscles and often times she would fail to make it to the bathroom in time. She was constantly leaking. You could tell she was becoming more anxious and insecure as the days went on. She stayed in the house as often she could and stopped socializing with her friends. It broke my heart. I wish I knew then what I know now...
  • 213. But I’m so glad that I can help YOU! In a moment, I’ll be unveiling the three tips... Doctors are telling women to do during and after menopause that are damaging their pelvic muscles, causing them to leak. My mom tried taking prescription medication to calm her bladder... In hopes of stopping her leakage. After waiting several weeks for the expensive drugs to kick in she started to experience side effects of nausea and heartburn that became worse every time the medication entered her body. She was back to square one, still leaking, and she felt more alone than ever. After peeing myself in front of
  • 214. my class, I was desperate I had to figure out what was wrong with my body... So that is when I called my doctor. After that appointment, I was sent to several other expensive specialists, all without any signs of improvement. I began to notice a trend repeating with all of the specialists. They were all sharing with me the exact same THREE TIPS to stop leakage by strengthening the pelvic floor.
  • 215. I was shocked to find out these three things were actually causing more damage to my pelvic muscles while making my bladder even more uncontrollable. I’ll be sharing with you these three doctor recommendations shortly… I’m also going to share with you an easy 3-step movement sequence that will stop your leaking... all without... ​ Toxic medications that carry harmful side effects ​ Diapers and pads that only temporarily fix the problem ​ Risky surgery that is tremendously expensive and time-consuming
  • 216. My mom and I both felt like our bodies had been permanently destroyed
  • 217. But, I wasn’t ready to throw in the towel just yet. What we didn’t know at the time was that just one short month later we would both be glowing with happiness and our leaking would be gone! If you've been struggling with intimacy with your spouse because of your fear of urine odor and weak pelvic muscles you will be amazed how quickly you’ll be able to turn things around gaining your self-confidence and fulfilling relationship back.
  • 218. I’ll be sharing with you the THREE TIPS doctors are telling women to do after having children that is causing leakage making their pelvic muscles weak and their bellies bulge. You must stop these... Otherwise you could end up with medical bills and debt piling up and I am absolutely positive your issues are only going to get worse. Did you know...
  • 219. If you feel like your body was never the same after having kids it could be because you have a seperation in your abdominals? Women often think they just have extra belly fat after their pregnancy. I will be touching more on this in a moment... And I’ll be sharing exactly how to repair it to gain a flat, toned tummy. I’m also about to reveal to you... THE #1 INVISIBLE MALFUNCTION hiding out in the deepest layers of your body.
  • 220. It’s causing your abdominal area to bulge and it’s making your pelvic floor weak. Until you solve this sneaky defect it’s going to spiral into much more severe problems such as... ​ Toxic medications that carry harmful side effects ​ Diapers and pads that only temporarily fix the problem ​ Risky surgery that is tremendously expensive and time-consuming In fact, while you’ve been spending all of your time on kegels and lower body exercises you’re going to be shocked when I reveal that the real culprit is actually
  • 221. a muscle in your upper body AROUND YOUR CHEST AND SHOULDERS. And I’m going to tell you exactly what muscle that is and I’ll show you how to release it next. Let’s start with the three doctor recommendations I need to warn you about... Everyone says that kegels help strengthen your vaginal walls and pelvic floors But did you know that this so-called 'strengthening' trick can be extremely unsafe? So many women think their pelvic floor is loose, weak, and stretched out. However, most of the time their pelvic floor is so tight that it actually has become weak.
  • 222. Picture a normal rubber band at rest... It’s pliable, can stretch, and then go back to its normal tension. It is functional and works very well. This rubber band represents our pelvic floor muscles. However, if the rubber band is chronically tight, overworked, and stretched it becomes weak. It no longer has room to stretch or work. Instead, it will break due to its constantly stretched state. The same thing goes for our pelvic floor muscles when they are overworked and tight.
  • 223. However, not everyone is the same... So I’m going to show you a really easy test you can do that takes just two minutes to determine if your pelvic muscles are tight or loose. Based on that, if they’re tight I’m going to tell you to toss those kegels to the curb and I will show you how to release your tight muscles. If your pelvic muscles are loose I’m going to show you the right kind of kegels that will actually get you real benefits rather than wasting your time on all of the squeeze and release you’ve been doing without seeing any results.
  • 224. Women have been told to suck in their bellies to get pooch or wear restrictive clothing such as Spanx But did you know it’s making your abdominals and pelvic muscles weak? By constantly ‘sucking it in’ or ‘holding it in’, it creates shallow breathing which stops the air flow into the rest of your body. When you can’t breathe deeply, your abdominals stop working which is the communication line between your brain and pelvic floor. It’s like having a restrictive corset on your body squeezing in and shutting down your abdominals leaving your pelvic floor weak and dysfunctional.
  • 225. Many women have been told to do crunches to strengthen their abdominals However, you will want to stop those crunches immediately if you have diastasis recti because too much pressure on your core can make your diastasis worse. You will want to start by reducing any pressure on your core. Even pushing a stroller can be too much. The following exercises are considered ‘diastasis unsafe’ in the beginning...
  • 226. ​ Push ups ​ Planks ​ V-sits ​ Rolling like a ball ​ Burpees ​ Pikes on a ball ​ Ab rollouts ​ Crunches ​ Sit ups However... This doesn’t mean you can’t slowly begin to intensify the abdominal load as you get stronger. While rehabbing diastasis recti you want to slowly progress to the point where you can handle these
  • 227. front-loading movements because eventually they will become ‘diastasis safe’ as you get stronger. If you’re moving or exercising in these ways you could be making your leakage and belly pooch much worse because of the deadly malfunction I’m about to reveal to you next. If you’re a candidate for any of these doctor recommendations... STOP immediately! Otherwise you could be standing on the edge of a slippery cliff about to plummet into debilitating illness. If you choose to take the path of surgery they are risky, painful and sometimes it doesn't even work. You will be forced into overpriced medical bills and months off of work or even playing with your grandchildren in the backyard. I’m about to show you a
  • 228. 3-step movement sequence... That will strengthen your pelvic muscles stop your leaking and give you fast results that you will notice even on day 1. It is so easy and gentle too. In fact, I was amazed... By how fast I stopped my own leaking once I figured out this 3-step method. I’ve never had a dreadful leak again and finally, I am able to get back to the activities I love such as spending time outdoors and gardening. I'll be telling you exactly what this simple 3-step movement sequence is in a momen.
  • 229. Also, you’re not going to believe when I show you how to release the one tight muscle in your upper body that I guarantee you have never thought of that is causing all of your troubles down below. After months and months of wasted medical bills and all of my doctor's advice I finally hit rock bottom. I couldn’t bring myself to go back into the studio again there was so much pain in my pelvic floor and I didn’t want to risk the embarrassment of leaking again. I called in sick because I didn’t want to face anybody. I was sitting in my robe and it was barely noon. I began to search for ways to heal my pelvic floor.
  • 230. I dedicated all of my time to reading research studies and personal stories from people all around the world. I was desperate to find a solution and I couldn’t continue to live in a constant state of fear. All of a sudden... I came upon a Physical Therapist who studied at Charles University School of Medicine in Prague in 1952. I started looking into his unconventional studies and they were appalling. I was shocked to find out... That women are wasting their time on kegels and crunches while never seeing any results because they actually have an imbalance in their core muscles... And while most doctors have only been trained to look at the organs this genius of a Physical Therapist decided to take matters into his own hands and look at the surrounding muscles.
  • 231. This is when he discovered LAYER syndrome Layer syndrome is an imbalance of your muscles and in this case, the muscles in the core are out of balance. Your ‘core’ is an abdominal canister... On the top you have your breathing muscles, known as your diaphragm on the sides you have your abdominal wall... And the bottom is your pelvic floor. The pelvic floor is a woven basket of muscles that hold your bladder, uterus and bowels.
  • 232. The pelvic floor relaxes to allow us to urinate or have a bowel movement. It contracts to stop the flow of urine tightens the vaginal opening or prevents us from passing stool or gas. When you inhale... Your diaphragm presses down, which pushes out on your abdominal wall and down on your pelvic floor. Everything descends down. This relaxes the pelvic floor.
  • 233. When you exhale... Your diaphragm coils back up your abdominal wall goes back in and your pelvic floor lifts back up. This contracts the pelvic floor. However... If you have LAYER syndrome... Your diaphragm, abdominal wall and pelvic floor... (aka your abdominal canister) is out of balance and is no longer functioning as one. One contributing cause of layer syndrome is shallow breathing.
  • 234. If you are constantly shallow breathing and not focusing on breathing correctly your diaphragm will lose its connection to your abdominal wall and pelvic floor. I’ll be sharing how to breathe correctly in a moment I mentioned a few moments ago that shallow breathing is like wearing a restrictive corset that is squeezing in and shutting down your abdominals the link between your diaphragm and pelvic floor. Your pelvic floor will no longer relax and contract automatically therefore it will become weak and frail. Layer Syndrome can be extremely dangerous and can cause serious side effects. Leaking... A protruding belly bulge... Or a distinct bulging at the vagina opening (aka pelvic organ prolapse) are just three signs from your body WARNING you of this muscle imbalance. Hello, LAYER syndrome
  • 235. Leaking alone affects 200 million people worldwide. 25 million of those people are Americans... and 75-80% of those are women. Hundreds of thousands of women... Are seeking surgery every year to strengthen their pelvic floors or repair their abdominal separation... But they are finding that their problems only get worse, and they end up in a mess of complications. If you don’t solve your leaking naturally, you could end up being one of these women... left in a sticky situation with more pain and problems from when they started off.
  • 236. If only those women knew... How easy it is to fix their pelvic floors and cores... Without the expensive... Unreliable... And time-consuming surgeries. Now, a little more about DIASTASIS RECTI... the separation of your middle abdominal muscles Your linea alba, the tissues between your abdominals become thin and stretched out from a large abdomen
  • 237. and can create either a dome or gap, or bulging appearance on your belly. After pregnancy, often times the muscles don’t fully heal back together whether it’s at the top, the bottom, or even the entire thing. The reason your diastasis recti won’t heal back together is because YOU HAVE LAYER SYNDROME IN YOUR CORE. This is commonly due to weight gain... Or childbirth and the pressure of the baby on your pelvic floor even if you had a c-section which prevents the healing process from taking place.
  • 238. Your pelvic floor, abdominal wall and breathing muscles are no longer communicating which creates weakness and dysfunction in all parts. I work with women all the time that are punishing themselves with restrictive diets and overdoing it with crunches to tone and flatten their bellies while never seeing any results. Little do they know they have layer syndrome which is only going to make their bellies bulge EVEN MORE... Until they fix this imbalance. However, you’ll be shocked how easy it is to heal layer syndrome. And it can be done naturally without painful and risky surgeries that have high chances of failing anyway. And I’ll be sharing with you next... How to release the one tight muscle around your neck and shoulders that is making it harder for you to breathe affecting your diaphragm function...
  • 239. Therefore the rest of your abdominal canister. After that day... I started a 3-step movement sequence that COMPLETELY healed my layer syndrome which strengthened my pelvic floor and stopped my leaking. I even tried it on my mom... And not only does she no longer leak whenever she laughs, coughs or sneezes but it also healed her diastasis recti leaving her with a firm and flat tummy.
  • 240. Once you try it out for yourself... You’ll be thrilled that you can finally stop spinning your wheels with starvation diets and back breaking crunches. You’re also going to be shocked... When I show you how to release the one tight muscle in your upper body making your layer syndrome severely worse. You will finally be able to heal your leaking and diastasis recti creating balance in your abdominal canister...even faster than before.
  • 241. Your pecs run across your chest and attach to your shoulders. When they get too tight they pull our shoulders forward causing our posture to round forward known as 'hunched forward posture'. Try this with me... Slouch in your chair with your shoulders rounded forward.
  • 242. Now try to take a deep breath. You will notice you can’t get a deep breath. Now try it sitting straight up with your shoulders back. You will notice you can get a deeper breath. This posture makes our breath shallow because it condenses and squishes our breathing muscles in our diaphragm. And as I mentioned earlier... Without deep breathing our abdominal canister becomes weak and dysfunctional because the diaphragm no longer connects to the abdominal wall and pelvic floor. It’s like trying to drive a car with only 3 wheels, it doesn’t work. I know this can all be really overwhelming but if you’ve ever experienced the panic of leaking you know exactly how awful this can be... And that’s why I’m here to help you!
  • 243. You’re going to love... To be able to get back to shopping trips with your girlfriends and enjoy evening cocktails on the patio. All without having to stay close to the bathroom. (AKA LEAKING...) By simply doing a variation of this pec stretch every evening before bed not only can you heal your shoulder pain but it will leave you with beautiful posture to create natural deep breathing patterns to heal your pelvic floor, diastasis recti and abdominal canister. Here’s what stretching your pecs is going to do for you.
  • 244. On day one, your chest will feel more open and your posture will slightly improve. But the cool thing is after a few days of doing this easy stretch all of a sudden... I will show you several variations of this stretch, including: ​ One for bed ​ One for in the privacy of your own your bathroom ​ During the day at your desk ​ And even one for really flexible people ​ If you have a shoulder injury, I even have a special modification that will work well for you
  • 245. and CAN actually heal your injury and stop any nerve pain you may have. This leaking has been holding you back... ...from the body you deserve and the life you deserve. Imagine not being chained by the fear of embarrassment and being able to break free from those chains. You will finally be able to live an active lifestyle and no longer miss out on dinner parties or outings at the lake. I’ve personally stopped taking my anxiety medication because my worried nerves have gone away. I’m sleeping through the night again and I finally have tons of energy to spend on my relationship with my spouse.
  • 246. I am present, in love and my dreams of starting a family are in the near future
  • 247. I’ve also dropped the ten pounds I put on over the past year because I was too ashamed and fearful to step foot into the gym. I’m getting back into running near the ocean in the mornings and I no longer have to wear black pants to hide any wetness. I am eating healthier because I’m in a better mindset and I can finally look in the mirror and feel good about myself again. It felt like my mom was finally lighting up the room again with her laughter. She was given a second chance at life.
  • 248. She was a new woman. She had been restricting her diet and doing a million crunches for years all without any results and finally after four short weeks... She has lost fifteen pounds and did this without any diet or long hours in the gym. Her tummy is toned and tight and she is finally happy again. She no longer wears overheating, camouflaging clothes and she looks effortlessly beautiful in tank tops and summer dresses.
  • 249. She is way more relaxed because she can control her bladder... And it melts my heart the way my dad looks at my mom now with her glowing self-confidence. It’s obvious when they flirt with each other that they have their intimacy back. She doesn’t spend her spare time going to doctors appointments anymore
  • 250. Instead... She is getting back into power walking. She told me she is starting to go swimming on the weekends. And she has been entertaining friends cooking flavourful dinners... And drinking even better wine. I started to share the secret method with my clients and it was no surprise they all experienced the same outcome. It was incredible! In fact not only did the program strengthen their pelvic floors, stop their leakage and flatten their bellies but they also shared with me their chronic lower back and groin pain was gone. They no longer suffer from pulling or bulging at the vagina opening and they were sleeping better because of it!
  • 251. The word began to spread like WILDFIRE. I was changing lives left, right, and center As women started to appear in my life suffering from the same ailments it made me think about how many women are still around with leaking and diastasis recti and too embarrassed to talk about it. Many of these women are under the impression that they aren’t fixable or their doctor told them surgery was the only option. A lot of them are not even fully aware of their condition.
  • 252. I want you to know... That it is possible to fix your body. What you’re going through is something many other women have experienced before and found success in healing their bodies naturally. I made it my life's mission to positively impact and educate women on how it is possible to turn your health around and feel like you again. My goal is to help you regain your confidence, joy, and strength Imagine how good it will feel when you can put on your favourite dress and stay out with family and friends, without constantly worrying about where the nearest bathroom is. You’ll be able to fully enjoy your evening because you’re not distracted, waiting for a warning sign that you’re about to leak.
  • 253. However, I didn’t have the resources to pay for big manufacturers or costly advertisers... That’s when a couple friends of mine suggested that I should create an online program. Skipping ahead to a few months later... I’m SO excited to introduce to you... Pelvic Floor Strong
  • 254. TOTAL CORE AND PELVIC FLOOR REPAIR METHOD This program is the set of keys you’ve been waiting for to a live happy, healthy life Pelvic Floor Strong strengthens your pelvic floor... Puts intimacy back in your life, giving you self-confidence, while making sex feel good again.
  • 255. This is the only program out there that heals leaking and diastasis recti with the consideration of layer syndrome. All you need is the 3-movement sequence I designed to efficiently heal your body without cutting into your valuable time. It’s going to give you the secrets to belly flattening, diastasis healing, and a strong pelvic floor. Pelvic Floor Strong alleviates lower back and hip pain, while correcting your posture with the quick pec stretch variations I have simply laid out for you.
  • 256. It stops your anxiety and depression and lets you fall asleep faster and stay asleep throughout the night. Testimonials Michelle, 40 years I have been working with Alex for years now and I have never felt healthier or more fit! My body feels so good. She has made me fall inlove with fitness and I actually enjoy exercise now. Alex is truly an expert and my favourite trainer. Her knowledge of the body is incredible and I couldn’t recommend her more!
  • 257. Lorna, 79 years I have been leaking my entire life after having three children. I thought it was normal and I can remember many times being out of the house and I had to rush home because my pants were soaked. After trying Alex’s program, I have totally stopped leaking. I no longer have to worry about having an accidental in public. It is also a nice surprise that my core is now stronger and my back pain has gone away. All without having to make any changes to my routine! 3 minutes, that’s all! Anette, 55 years My anxiety was beginning to take over my life because I couldn’t control my bladder. I have been practicing Alex’s program for the past 10-weeks, and since starting
  • 258. it my leaking has completely gone away. I was able to stop taking my anxiety and acid reflux medication! I have been going for 10-kilometer walks because I don’t have to stay close to the washroom anymore and I have lost 10 pounds already! I don’t have any intention in stopping, I have never felt so motivated to keep up with my exercises. My wish is for every woman suffering from urinary incontinence to be able to try Alex’s program. Pelvic Floor Strong is an informational video with easy-to-understand concepts that will stop your leaking and diastasis recti It is evidence based and trusted by Doctors, Midwives, and Personal Trainers. ​ In chapter 2, you will learn how to do a proper kegel that I promise you’ve never heard of
  • 259. before to strengthen your loose pelvic floor muscles. ​ In chapter 3, you will learn how to engage your abdominals and strengthen your core to heal your leaking and flatten your belly. ​ In Chapter 4, you will learn how to shift your stance slightly to use 30% more of your muscles. When you use more of your muscles, it boosts your metabolism. You’ll be shocked at how such a simple trick will shed weight off of your body. ​ In chapter 6, you’ll learn the 3-step movement sequence that will strengthen your abdominal canister, including your pelvic floor and core, healing leaking, and stopping vaginal bulging and/or heaviness. ​ In Chapter 7, you’ll discover 3 easy steps to add to your routine which will stop leaking immediately.
  • 260. Just imagine... What it will feel like to wear your favourite lightweight summer dress or white linen pants to dinner parties
  • 261. without worrying about the embarrassment it used to lead to. Now all you need to think about is what kind of wine you prefer as you walk around, catching up with people you care about. Or how it will feel in the department store dressing room when you are able to look in the mirror at your toned body and flat tummy and feel beautiful in your own skin again. You’ll have more energy to go on long walks with the girls without lower back, groin, or hip pain. Just imagine what it will feel like to have a restful night’s sleep…
  • 262. And how energized you feel while enjoying things you love again... Like a cooking class... Or dance lessons with your spouse... All without the fear of being exhausted the next day. You’re going to feel strong, confident, and powerful in your own body... So that you can finally feel like you again. And because you’ve read this letter... I know you’re invested in your health... And that’s why I want to invest in you. You’re going to receive two special bonus products that will enhance your results: BONUS #1 Pelvic Floor Strong Information Handbook
  • 263. It is filled with all of the content from the video so that you can access the information at any time. In it, you will find the written out steps on how to achieve a stronger pelvic floor, pec stretches for perfect posture, and at 3-step movement sequence. There is also a diastasis recti improvement checklist so that you can track your progress throughout the program. Normally this Informational Handbook and checklist sells for $27...
  • 264. but because I want you to feel beautiful again as quickly as possible, I will be giving it to you for free today! BONUS #2 Flat Belly Fast Exercise Video This is a 10-minute Quick Start Video Routine full of my favourite ab exercises. I found once my clients saw their incredible results from Pelvic Floor Strong, they wanted even more tummy toning exercises.
  • 265. This routine is jam-packed with ‘diastasis safe’ exercises that have proven to alleviate back pain, heal diastasis recti, and whittle your waist. By following along you will gain a flat tummy even faster. ...and the FLAT BELLY FAST Exercise Manual! Normally FLAT BELLY FAST Exercise Manual sells for $17, but because I want you to experience the same slimming results my mom and I did... It is my gift to you! And now I have one more amazing surprise from my dear friend Emily Lark
  • 266. You may have heard of Emily before… She is known as America's leading healthy back expert. However, one thing most people don’t know about her is that I used to suffer from embarrassing accidental leakage for many years after the birth of her second child... “It was impossible for me to do things I used to love like go for a run or get up and dance at weddings...and I was even scared every time I sneezed in public. But then my good friend Alex told me about her program and now I finally have control over my body again and I don’t have to be afraid of those humiliating moments anymore.
  • 267. Alex, I can’t thank you enough! You changed my life. And I’m so grateful that I want to give a special gift to you and all the other women out there who are watching and feeling as hopeless as I did. I know that it’s very common for women with pelvic floor issues to also suffer from back pain... So today I’m going to give away my back to life 3-Stretch Pain-free program to anyone who decides to take the first step in reclaiming their body with Alex’s life-changing program. My special Back to Life 3-Stretch Pain-Free program has my three best at-home stretches to help relieve lower back pain and sciatica, Middle and upper back
  • 268. pain, and neck and shoulder pain - in just three easy stretches! This is a 3-sequence stretching system I have developed over the years and it has helped hundreds of thousands of people of all ages to get out of pain and get back to life. And the best part is that these stretches can either be done down on the floor or right in your bed to make it easy for everyone! This step by step video program normally sells for $49 but today I’m giving it away for free Alex has helped me so much and I’m just grateful to have the opportunity to give something back in return. So as soon as you decide to claim your copy of Pelvic Floor Strong, you’ll also get instant access to my Back to Life 3 Stretch Pain-Free Video so you can get started today.” When I sat down with my agent to add up all of the costs of the time it has taken me to create Pelvic Floor