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When was Nuh
How many generations
were there between
Adam and Nuh?
Adam sheeth
Anush Qainan
Mahla’eel Yared
Cut out the name labels and glue them down on the descendant‟s timeline
lamak nuh
Assembly & Completion Guide
Why did Allah
Who were
Wadd, Suwa,
Yaghooth, Ya‟ooq
& Nasr?
How did the
Shaytaan inspire
the people to
worship idols?
What is the
definition of
How long did
Nuh call his
people to
worship Allah?
Proof ~ Surah Al-Ankaboot 29:14
Give proof for
your answer
From that which has been established in the Sharee'ah (prescribed law) is that mankind was – in the
beginning – a single nation upon true Tawheed, then Shirk (directing any part or form of worship, or
anything else that is solely the right of Allaah, to other than Allaah) gradually overcame them. The basis
for this is the Saying of Allaah – the Most Blessed, the Most High:
“Mankind was one Ummah, then Allaah sent prophets bringing good news and warnings.”
[Sooratul-Baqarah 2:213]
Ibn 'Abbaas – radiyallaahu 'anhu – said:
“Between Nooh (Noah) and Aadam were ten generations, all of them were upon Sharee'ah (law) of the
truth, then they differed. So Allaah sent Prophets as bringers of good news and as warners.” [2]
Ibn 'Urwah al-Hanbalee (d.837 H) – rahimahullaah – said:
“This saying refutes those historians from the People of the Book who claim that Qaabil (Cain) and his
sons were fire-worshippers.” [3]
I say: In it is also a refutation of some of the philosophers and atheists who claim that the (natural) basis
of man is Shirk, and that Tawheed evolved in man! The preceeding aayah (verse) falsifies this claim, as do
the two following authentic hadeeth:
Firstly: His (sallallaahu 'alayhi wa sallam) saying that he related from his Lord (Allaah): “I created all my
servants upon the true Religion (upon Tawheed, free from Shirk). Then the devils came to them and led
them astray from their true Religion. They made unlawful to people that which I had made lawful for
them, and they commanded them to associate in worship with Me, that which I had sent down no
authority.” [4]
Secondly: His (sallallaahu 'alayhi wa sallam) saying: “Every child is born upon the fitrah [5] but his parents
make him a Jew or a Christian or a Magian. It is like the way an animal gives birth to a natural offspring.
Have you noticed any born mutilated, before you mutilate them?” Aboo Hurayrah (radiyallaahu 'anhu) said:
Recite if you wish:
The Origins of Shirk [1]
Shaykh Muhammad Naasirud-Deen al-Albaanee
Read the article below and then use the evidences to answer the questions that follow.
‫اَك‬‫ي‬‫ِح‬ ‫ِح‬‫ن‬ ‫ُس‬ ‫اَك‬ ‫اَك‬‫ي‬‫ِح‬ ‫ِح‬ ‫اَك‬ ‫ُس‬ ‫اَك‬ ‫ِح‬ ‫ِح‬‫َّن‬‫ل‬‫ا‬ ‫ُس‬‫َّن‬‫ا‬ ‫اَك‬ ‫اَك‬ ‫اَك‬‫اَك‬ ‫ًة‬ ‫اَك‬ ‫ِح‬‫ا‬ ‫اَك‬ ‫ًة‬ ‫َّن‬ ‫ُأ‬ ‫ُس‬‫ا‬‫َّن‬‫ل‬‫ا‬ ‫اَك‬ ‫اَك‬
“Allaah's fitrah with which He created mankind. There is to be no change to the
creation (Religion) of Allaah.”
[Sooratur-Room 30:30] [6]
After this clear explanation, it is of the utmost importance for the Muslim to know how
Shirk spread amongst the believers, after they were muwahhideen (people upon
Tawheed). Concerning the Saying of Allaah – the most perfect – about the people of Nooh:
“And they have said: You shall not forsake your gods, nor shall you forsake Wadd,
nor Suwaa„, nor Yaghooth, nor Ya'ooq, nor Nasr.”
[Soorah Nooh 71:23]
It has been related by a group from the Salaf (Pious Predecessors), in many narrations,
that these five deities were righteous worshippers. However, when they died, Shaytaan
(Satan) whispered into their people to retreat and sit at their graves. Then Shaytaan
whispered to those who came after them that they should take them as idols,
beautifying to them the idea that you will be reminded of them and thereby follow them
in righteous conduct. Then Shaytaan suggested to the third generation that they should
worship these idols besides Allaah – the Most High – and he whispered to them that this
is what their forefathers used to do!!! So Allaah sent to them Nooh ('alayhis-salaam),
commanding them to worship Allaah alone. However none responded to his call except a
few. Allaah – the Mighty and Majestic – related this whole incident in Soorah Nooh.
Ibn 'Abbaas relates: “Indeed these five names of righteous men from the people of Nooh.
When they died Shaytaan whispered to their people to make statues of them and to
place these statues in their places of gathering as a reminder of them, so they did this.
However, none from amongst them worshipped these statues, until when they died and
the purpose of the statues was forgotten. Then (the next generation) began to worship
them.” [7] The likes of this has also been related by Ibn Jareer at-Tabaree and others,
from a number of the Salaf (Pious Predecessors) – radiyallaahu 'anhum.
In ad-Durral-Manthoor (6/269): 'Abdullaah Ibn Humayd relates from Aboo Muttahar, who
said: Yazeed Ibnul-Muhallab was mentioned to Aboo Ja'far al-Baaqir (d.11H), so he said: He
was killed at the place where another besides Allaah was first worshipped. Then he
mentioned Wadd and said: “Wadd was a Muslim man who was loved by his people.
‫ِح‬ ‫َّن‬‫ا‬ ‫ِح‬ ‫ْط‬ ‫اَك‬ ‫ِح‬‫ا‬ ‫اَك‬‫ي‬ ‫ِح‬ ‫ْط‬‫اَك‬ ‫اَك‬ ‫اَك‬ ‫ْط‬‫اَك‬ ‫اَك‬ ‫اَك‬‫ا‬‫َّن‬‫ل‬‫ا‬ ‫اَك‬ ‫اَك‬ ‫اَك‬ ‫ِح‬‫َّن‬‫ا‬ ‫ِح‬ ‫َّن‬‫ا‬ ‫اَك‬ ‫اَك‬ ‫ْط‬ ‫ِح‬
‫ًة‬ ‫ْط‬‫ْس‬‫اَك‬‫ن‬‫اَك‬ ‫اَك‬‫وق‬‫ُس‬‫اَك‬ ‫اَك‬ ‫اَك‬‫ُسوث‬‫غ‬‫اَك‬ ‫اَك‬ ‫اَك‬ ‫ًة‬ ‫اَك‬‫و‬ ‫ُس‬‫س‬ ‫اَك‬ ‫اَك‬ ًّ‫د‬‫اَك‬ ‫َّن‬ ‫ُس‬ ‫اَك‬‫ن‬‫اَك‬ ‫اَك‬ ‫اَك‬ ‫ْط‬ ‫ُس‬‫ُك‬‫اَك‬‫ت‬‫اَك‬‫ه‬‫ِح‬‫ا‬ ‫َّن‬ ‫ُس‬ ‫اَك‬‫ن‬‫اَك‬ ‫اَك‬ ‫و‬‫ُس‬‫ا‬ ‫اَك‬‫ق‬‫اَك‬
When he died, firstmentioned Wadd and said: “Wadd was a Muslim man
who was loved by his people. When he died,
the people began to gather around his grave in the land of Baabil
(Babel), lamenting and mourning. So when Iblees (Satan) saw them
mourning and lamenting over him, he took the form of a man and came
to them, saying: I see that you are mourning and lamenting over him.
So why don't you make a picture of him (i.e. a statue) and place it in
your places of gatherings so that you may be reminded of him. So they
said: Yes, and they made a picture of him and put in their place of
gathering; which reminded them of him. When Iblees saw how they
were (excessively) remembering him, he said: “Why doesn't every man
amongst you make a similar picture to keep in your own houses, so
that you can be (constantly) reminded of him.” So they all said “Yes.”
So each household made a picture of him, which they adored and
venerated and which constantly reminded them of him. Aboo Ja'far
said: “Those from the later generation saw what the (pevious
generation) had done and considered the extent that they took
him as an ilaah (diety) to be worshipped besides Allaah. He then said:
“This was the first idol worshipped other than Allaah, and they called
this idol Wadd.” [8]
Thus the wisdom of Allaah – the Blessed, the Most High – was fufilled, when
He sent Muhammad (sallallaahu 'alayhi wa sallam) as the final Prophet and
made his Sharee'ah the completion of all divinely Prescribed Laws, in that
He prohibited all means and avenues by which people may fall into Shirk –
which is the greatest of sins. For this reason, building shrines over graves
and intending to specifically travel to them, taking them as places of festivity
[1] Taken from Tahdheerus-Saajid min Ittikhaadhil-Quboori Masaajid (p. 101-106) of Shaykh al-Albaanee.
[2] Related by Ibn Jareer at-Tabaree in his Tafseer (4/275) and al-Haakim (2/546) who said: “It is authentic
according to the criterion of al-Bukhaaree.” Imaam adh-Dhahabee also agreed.
[3] Al-Kawaakibud-Duraree fee Tarteeb Musnadil-Imaam Ahmad 'alaa Abwaabil-Bukhaaree (6/212/1), still in
manuscript form.
[4] Related by Muslim (8/159) and Ahmad (4/162) from 'Iyaad Ibn Himaar al-Mujaashi'ee (radiyallaahu 'anhu).
[5] Translator's Note: Ibnul-Atheer said in an-Nihaayah (3/457): “Al-Fitr: means to begin and create; and al-Fitrah
is the condition resulting from it. The meaning is that mankind were born upon a disposition and a nature which
is ready to accept the true Religion. So if he were to be left upon this, then he would continue upon it. However,
those who deviate from this do so due to following human weaknesses and blind following of others...” Al-Haafidh
Ibn Hajar said in al-Fath (3/248): “The people differ concerning what is meant by al-Fitrah and the most famous
saying is that it means Islaam. Ibn 'Abdul-Barr said: That is what was well known with most of the Salaf (pious
predecessors), and the Scholars of tafseer are agreed that what is meant by the Saying of Allaah – the Most High –
“Allaah's fitrah with which He created mankind.” is Islaam.
[6] Related by al-Bukhaaree (11/418) and Muslim (18/52).
[7] Related by al-Bukhaaree (8/534).
[8] Related by Ibn Abee Haatim also, as is in al-Kawaakibud-Duraree (6/112/2) of Ibn 'Urwah al-Hanbalee, along
with an isnaad which is Hasan, up to Aboo Muttahar. However, no biography could be found for him, neither in
ad-Dawlaabee's al-Kunaa wal-Asmaa„, nor Muslim's al-Kunaa, nor anyone else's. And the hidden defect here is
that he is from the Shee'ah, but his biography is not included in at-Toosee's al-Kunaa – from the index of Shee'ah
When he died, the people began to gather around his grave in the land of Baabil (Babel), lamenting
and mourning. So when Iblees (Satan) saw them mourning and lamenting over him, he took the form
of a man and came to them, saying: I see that you are mourning and lamenting over him. So why
don't you make a picture of him (i.e. a statue) and place it in your places of gatherings so that you
may be reminded of him. So they said: Yes, and they made a picture of him and put in their place of
gathering; which reminded them of him. When Iblees saw how they were (excessively) remembering
him, he said: “Why doesn't every man amongst you make a similar picture to keep in your own
houses, so that you can be (constantly) reminded of him.” So they all said “Yes.” So each household
made a picture of him, which they adored and venerated and which constantly reminded them of him.
Aboo Ja'far said: “Those from the later generation saw what the (pevious generation) had done and
considered the extent that they took him as an ilaah (diety) to be worshipped besides Allaah.
He then said: “This was the first idol worshipped other than Allaah, and they called this idol Wadd.” [8]
Thus the wisdom of Allaah – the Blessed, the Most High – was fufilled, when He sent Muhammad
(sallallaahu 'alayhi wa sallam) as the final Prophet and made his Sharee'ah the completion of all
divinely Prescribed Laws, in that He prohibited all means and avenues by which people may fall into
Shirk – which is the greatest of sins. For this reason, building shrines over graves and intending to
specifically travel to them, taking them as places of festivity and gathering and swearing an oath by
the inmate of a grave; have all been prohibited. All of these lead to excessiveness and lead to the
worship of other than Allaah – the Most High. This being the case even more so in an age in which
knowledge is diminishing, ignorance is increasing, there are few sincere advisors (to the truth) and
Shaytaan is co-operating with men and jinn to misguide mankind and to take them away from the
worship of Allaah alone – the Blessed, the Most High.
[1] Taken from Tahdheerus-Saajid min Ittikhaadhil-Quboori Masaajid (p. 101-106) of Shaykh al-Albaanee.
[2] Related by Ibn Jareer at-Tabaree in his Tafseer (4/275) and al-Haakim (2/546) who said: “It is authentic according to the
criterion of al-Bukhaaree.” Imaam adh-Dhahabee also agreed.
[3] Al-Kawaakibud-Duraree fee Tarteeb Musnadil-Imaam Ahmad 'alaa Abwaabil-Bukhaaree (6/212/1), still in manuscript form.
[4] Related by Muslim (8/159) and Ahmad (4/162) from 'Iyaad Ibn Himaar al-Mujaashi'ee (radiyallaahu 'anhu).
[5] Translator's Note: Ibnul-Atheer said in an-Nihaayah (3/457): “Al-Fitr: means to begin and create; and al-Fitrah is the
condition resulting from it. The meaning is that mankind were born upon a disposition and a nature which is ready to accept
the true Religion. So if he were to be left upon this, then he would continue upon it. However, those who deviate from this do
so due to following human weaknesses and blind following of others...” Al-Haafidh Ibn Hajar said in al-Fath (3/248): “The
people differ concerning what is meant by al-Fitrah and the most famous saying is that it means Islaam. Ibn 'Abdul-Barr
said: That is what was well known with most of the Salaf (pious predecessors), and the Scholars of tafseer are agreed that
what is meant by the Saying of Allaah – the Most High – “Allaah's fitrah with which He created mankind.” is Islaam.
[6] Related by al-Bukhaaree (11/418) and Muslim (18/52).
[7] Related by al-Bukhaaree (8/534).
[8] Related by Ibn Abee Haatim also, as is in al-Kawaakibud-Duraree (6/112/2) of Ibn 'Urwah al-Hanbalee, along with an
isnaad which is Hasan, up to Aboo Muttahar. However, no biography could be found for him, neither in ad-Dawlaabee's al-
Kunaa wal-Asmaa„, nor Muslim's al-Kunaa, nor anyone else's. And the hidden defect here is that he is from the Shee'ah, but
his biography is not included in at-Toosee's al-Kunaa – from the index of Shee'ah narrators.
Has mankind always committed shirk?
Shirk appeared during the lifetime of
which prophet?
How many generations were there
between Adam and Nuh?
Give proof for your answer.
The People of the Book claim that Qabil
and his sons were fire-worshippers. Is this
true or false? Explain.
What is the proof that mankind is
originally created upon Tawheed?
What were the names of the idols
worshipped by the people of Nuh?
How did the people of Nuh begin to
commit shirk?
Explain how this relates to the Messenger
of Allah prohibiting and raising up
shrines over graves.
Where did the people of Nuh live?
Reference: „Atlas of the Qur‟an‟ by Dr. Shawqi Abu Khalil, published by Darussalam
Where did the
people of Nuh
What is the
proof that the
Ark came to
rest on Mount
(Qur‟aan 11:44)
Where is
Mount Judi
Who was
the first
Who was
the first
What is
the Arabic
word for
What is the
Arabic word
What is
What is
Complete the Venn diagram to show the differences and similarities between
a prophet and a messenger.
Can you find the names of 25 Prophets and Messengers mentioned in the Qur‟aan
a d a m l m u h a m m a d
y k m u u q t i y y a h h
y o i s a e o m a n t a u
u e l a u a b l a q k s l
b v h a h a r u n l e h k
n t u o u h l t a h l i i
d a w u d n l a l m e m f
g r a n d f a t h e s e l
i s m a i l h e a i h n a
b v n l d s e d s n u t s
r r m e r c h l a t a r u
a y i s i a n a n s y m l
h t w o s a y a q u b e a
i o r a d u u a i l a b y
m t y u n u s l e e s a m
n l a e u i u g a a a h a
a o h e h l f c y f l o n
f a y c c u r l i i e r a
m z a k a r i y y a h u m
____________ said to ____________
“O my people! Worship
Allah! You have no other
Ilah (God) but Him.
Certainly, I fear for you the
torment of a Great Day!”
(Qur‟aan 7:59)
____________ said to ____________
“O my people! I am a plain
warner to you, that you
should worship Allah, fear
Him and obey me.”
(Qur‟aan 71:2-3)
____________ said to ____________
“Verily, we see you in plain
(Qur‟aan 7:60)
____________ said to ____________
“O my people! There is no
error in me, but I am a
Messenger for the Lord of
the „Alamin.”
(Qur‟aan 7:61)
Allah narrated in the Qur‟aan the story of Nuh . Can you complete
the flaps to show who said what during the following the conversation.
Research the tafsir of each ayah and write it underneath the flaps.
____________ said to ____________
“We see you but a man like
ourselves, nor do we see any
follow you but the meanest
among us and they followed
you without thinking.”
(Qur‟aan 11:27)
____________ said to ____________
“And we do not see you in
any merit above us, in fact
we think you are liars.”
(Qur‟aan 11:27)
____________ said to ____________
“O my people! Tell me, if I
have a clear proof from my
Lord, and a mercy has come
to me from Him.”
(Qur‟aan 11:28)
____________ said to ____________
“But that has been obscured
from your sight. Shall we
compel you to accept it
when you have a strong
hatred for it?”
(Qur‟aan 11:28)
____________ said to ____________
“And O my people! I ask of
you no wealth for it, my
reward is from none but
(Qur‟aan 11:29)
____________ said to ____________
“I am not going to drive away
those who have believed.
Surely, they are going to
meet their Lord. But I see you
are ignorant people.”
(Qur‟aan 11:29)
____________ said to ____________
“And O my people! Who will
help me against Allah if I
drove them away? Will you
not then give a thought?”
(Qur‟aan 11:30)
____________ said to ____________
“And I do not say to you
that with me are the
Treasures of Allah, nor that
I know the Ghaib.”
(Qur‟aan 11:31)
____________ said to ____________
“Nor do I say I am an angel,
and I do not say of those
whom your eyes look down
upon that Allah will not
bestow any good on them.”
(Qur‟aan 11:31)
____________ said to ____________
“Allah knows what is in
their inner-selves. In that
case, I should, indeed be one
of the Dhalimun.”
(Qur‟aan 11:31)
____________ said to ____________
“My Lord! Leave not one of
the disbelievers on the
(Qur‟aan 71:26)
____________ said to ____________
“If You leave them, they will
mislead Your slaves and
they will beget none but
wicked disbelievers.”
(Qur‟aan 71:27)
____________ said to ____________
“O Nuh! You have disputed
with us and much have
you prolonged the dispute
with us.”
(Qur‟aan 11:32)
____________ said to ____________
“Now bring upon us what
you threaten us with if you
are truthful.”
(Qur‟aan 11:32)
____________ said to ____________
“Only Allah will bring it on
you, if He wills and then you
will escape not.”
(Qur‟aan 11:33)
____________ said to ____________
“And my advice will not
profit you, even if I wish to
give you good counsel, if
Allah‟s Will is to keep you
(Qur‟aan 11:34)
____________ said to ____________
“None of your people will
believe except those who
have believed already. So
be not sad because of
what they used to do.”
(Qur‟aan 11:36)
____________ said to ____________
“My Lord! Verily, my people
have belied me. Therefore,
judge You between me and
them and save me and those
believers who are with me.”
(Qur‟aan 26:117-118)
____________ said to ____________
“And construct the ship
under Our Eyes and with
Our Revelation.”
(Qur‟aan 11:37)
____________ said to ____________
“And call not upon Me on
behalf of those who did
wrong; they are surely to
be drowned.”
(Qur‟aan 11:37)
____________ said to ____________
“If you mock at us, so do
we mock at you likewise
for your mocking.”
(Qur‟aan 11:38)
____________ said to ____________
“And you will know who it is
on whom will come a
torment that will cover him
with disgrace and on whom
will fall a lasting torment.”
(Qur‟aan 11:39)
____________ said to ____________
“Embark therein, of each
kind two and your family –
except him against whom
the Word has already gone
forth and those who believe.”
(Qur‟aan 11:40)
____________ said to ____________
“Embark therein; in the
Name of Allah will be its
course and its anchorage.
Surely, my Lord is Oft-
Forgiving, Most Merciful.”
(Qur‟aan 11:41)
____________ said to ____________
“O my son! Embark with
us and be not with the
(Qur‟aan 11:42)
____________ said to ____________
“I will betake myself to
some mountain. It will save
me from the water.”
(Qur‟aan 11:43)
____________ said to ____________
“This day there is no saviour
from the Decree of Allah
except him on whom He
has mercy.”
(Qur‟aan 11:43)
____________ said to ____________
“O Earth! Swallow up your
water. O Sky! Withhold!”
(Qur‟aan 11:44)
____________ said to ____________
“O my Lord! Verily my son
is of my family! And
certainly Your promise is
true, and You are the most
Just of Judges.”
(Qur‟aan 11:45)
____________ said to ____________
“O Nuh! Surely, he is not of
your family, verily his work
is unrighteous, so ask not
of Me that of which you
have no knowledge.”
(Qur‟aan 11:46)
____________ said to ____________
“O my Lord! I seek refuge
with You from asking You
that of which I have no
(Qur‟aan 11:47)
____________ said to ____________
“O Nuh! Come down with
peace from Us and
blessings on you and on the
people who are with you.”
(Qur‟aan 11:48)
Allah commanded Nuh to build a ship, saying:
“And construct the ship under Our Eyes and with Our Revelation”
[Surah Hud 11:37]
What was the
ship made from?
Surat al-Qamar
How long was
the ship?
How wide
was the ship?
How tall was
the ship?
How many
decks were
there on the
What was
the height of
each deck?
What was in
the lowest
level of the
What was the
ship coated
with inside and
out? Why?
Where was
the door of
the ship?
What was in
the middle
level of the
What was in
the highest
level of the
Answers can
be found in
the tafsir of
Ibn Kathir in
reference to
ayah 11:37
Choose words from the word bank below to complete the story on the following pages.
_ _ _ was the first _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ of Allah. He was sent
to call the people to _ _ _ _ _ _ _ and to forbid them from
_ _ _ _ _.
Nuh called his people for 950 years, but they _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
him. The people continued to worship their _ _ _ _ _: Wadd,
Suwa‟, Yaghooth, Ya‟ooq and Nasr.
Nuh asked Allah to _ _ _ _ _ _ him and the believers
because he feared the _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ would
mislead the righteous slaves of Allah.
The disbelievers told Nuh to bring about Allah‟s
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _. Nuh became angry and _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Allah‟s Anger against his people.
Allah informed Nuh that no more of his people would believe
and He told him to no longer _ _ _ _ _ _ over their misdeeds.
Nuh was no longer allowed to _ _ _ _ _ _ for the disbelievers
– Allah _ _ _ _ _ _ _ “they shall be drowned”.
Allah commanded Nuh to begin _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ the
Ark. Whilst Nuh was building the ship, his people _ _ _ _ _ _
him. He responded to them: “If you _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ us now,
we shall _ _ _ _ at you likewise”.
Allah commanded Nuh, that when the _ _ _ _ _ _ gushes
water, to take on board the ship two of every kind of animal,
along with his family and the believers.
Nuh‟s _ _ _ _ and _ _ _, Yam were among the believers who
rejected his call.
When the flood waters rose and the ship began to _ _ _ _,
Nuh called out to his son to join him.
But he refused, saying: “I will _ _ _ _ _ _ myself to the
mountain, that will protect me from the water.”
But there was no _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ for him from Allah‟s
Punishment and he was drowned with the disbelievers.
Whilst on board the ship, the believers _ _ _ _ _ _ _ and
thanked Allah and they made du‟aa to land in a blessed place.
The whole earth filled with water. Then Allah commanded the
earth to swallow the water and the sky to _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
its rain.
The water _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ and the ship came to rest
peacefully, by Allah‟s Will, on Mount Judi
Fit the vocabulary words from the story on the previous pages into the grid below. The first
one has been done for you.
When did the flood
What was the sign
that the flood was
about to begin?
Who boarded the
Note: Answers can be found in the book ‘Early Days’ page 197 and
‘Stories of the Prophets’ page 86
Who didn‟t board the
How high did the
flood waters rise?
How did the flood
come to an end?
Where did the ship
What was the name
of the disbelieving
son of Nuh?
What were the
names of the
believing sons of
What privilege did Allah give to the three
sons of Nuh that He did not give to the
rest of the believers?
Before he died, what
did Nuh command his
son with?
Before he died, what
did Nuh forbid his
son from?
‫ًة‬‫و‬‫ُس‬‫ك‬ ‫اَك‬‫ش‬ ‫ًة‬ ‫ْط‬ ‫اَك‬‫ع‬ ‫اَك‬ ‫اَك‬ ‫ُس‬‫ه‬‫َّن‬‫ن‬
ِVerily, he was a grateful slave
[Surah al-Israa 17:3]

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  • 2. © Adam sheeth Anush Qainan Mahla’eel Yared idrees Cut out the name labels and glue them down on the descendant‟s timeline Matooshlakh lamak nuh
  • 5. © Why did Allah send Nuh? Who were Wadd, Suwa, Yaghooth, Ya‟ooq & Nasr? How did the Shaytaan inspire the people to worship idols? What is the definition of Shirk? How long did Nuh call his people to worship Allah? Proof ~ Surah Al-Ankaboot 29:14 Give proof for your answer
  • 6. © From that which has been established in the Sharee'ah (prescribed law) is that mankind was – in the beginning – a single nation upon true Tawheed, then Shirk (directing any part or form of worship, or anything else that is solely the right of Allaah, to other than Allaah) gradually overcame them. The basis for this is the Saying of Allaah – the Most Blessed, the Most High: “Mankind was one Ummah, then Allaah sent prophets bringing good news and warnings.” [Sooratul-Baqarah 2:213] Ibn 'Abbaas – radiyallaahu 'anhu – said: “Between Nooh (Noah) and Aadam were ten generations, all of them were upon Sharee'ah (law) of the truth, then they differed. So Allaah sent Prophets as bringers of good news and as warners.” [2] Ibn 'Urwah al-Hanbalee (d.837 H) – rahimahullaah – said: “This saying refutes those historians from the People of the Book who claim that Qaabil (Cain) and his sons were fire-worshippers.” [3] I say: In it is also a refutation of some of the philosophers and atheists who claim that the (natural) basis of man is Shirk, and that Tawheed evolved in man! The preceeding aayah (verse) falsifies this claim, as do the two following authentic hadeeth: Firstly: His (sallallaahu 'alayhi wa sallam) saying that he related from his Lord (Allaah): “I created all my servants upon the true Religion (upon Tawheed, free from Shirk). Then the devils came to them and led them astray from their true Religion. They made unlawful to people that which I had made lawful for them, and they commanded them to associate in worship with Me, that which I had sent down no authority.” [4] Secondly: His (sallallaahu 'alayhi wa sallam) saying: “Every child is born upon the fitrah [5] but his parents make him a Jew or a Christian or a Magian. It is like the way an animal gives birth to a natural offspring. Have you noticed any born mutilated, before you mutilate them?” Aboo Hurayrah (radiyallaahu 'anhu) said: Recite if you wish: The Origins of Shirk [1] Shaykh Muhammad Naasirud-Deen al-Albaanee Read the article below and then use the evidences to answer the questions that follow. ‫اَك‬‫ي‬‫ِح‬ ‫ِح‬‫ن‬ ‫ُس‬ ‫اَك‬ ‫اَك‬‫ي‬‫ِح‬ ‫ِح‬ ‫اَك‬ ‫ُس‬ ‫اَك‬ ‫ِح‬ ‫ِح‬‫َّن‬‫ل‬‫ا‬ ‫ُس‬‫َّن‬‫ا‬ ‫اَك‬ ‫اَك‬ ‫اَك‬‫اَك‬ ‫ًة‬ ‫اَك‬ ‫ِح‬‫ا‬ ‫اَك‬ ‫ًة‬ ‫َّن‬ ‫ُأ‬ ‫ُس‬‫ا‬‫َّن‬‫ل‬‫ا‬ ‫اَك‬ ‫اَك‬
  • 7. © “Allaah's fitrah with which He created mankind. There is to be no change to the creation (Religion) of Allaah.” [Sooratur-Room 30:30] [6] After this clear explanation, it is of the utmost importance for the Muslim to know how Shirk spread amongst the believers, after they were muwahhideen (people upon Tawheed). Concerning the Saying of Allaah – the most perfect – about the people of Nooh: “And they have said: You shall not forsake your gods, nor shall you forsake Wadd, nor Suwaa„, nor Yaghooth, nor Ya'ooq, nor Nasr.” [Soorah Nooh 71:23] It has been related by a group from the Salaf (Pious Predecessors), in many narrations, that these five deities were righteous worshippers. However, when they died, Shaytaan (Satan) whispered into their people to retreat and sit at their graves. Then Shaytaan whispered to those who came after them that they should take them as idols, beautifying to them the idea that you will be reminded of them and thereby follow them in righteous conduct. Then Shaytaan suggested to the third generation that they should worship these idols besides Allaah – the Most High – and he whispered to them that this is what their forefathers used to do!!! So Allaah sent to them Nooh ('alayhis-salaam), commanding them to worship Allaah alone. However none responded to his call except a few. Allaah – the Mighty and Majestic – related this whole incident in Soorah Nooh. Ibn 'Abbaas relates: “Indeed these five names of righteous men from the people of Nooh. When they died Shaytaan whispered to their people to make statues of them and to place these statues in their places of gathering as a reminder of them, so they did this. However, none from amongst them worshipped these statues, until when they died and the purpose of the statues was forgotten. Then (the next generation) began to worship them.” [7] The likes of this has also been related by Ibn Jareer at-Tabaree and others, from a number of the Salaf (Pious Predecessors) – radiyallaahu 'anhum. In ad-Durral-Manthoor (6/269): 'Abdullaah Ibn Humayd relates from Aboo Muttahar, who said: Yazeed Ibnul-Muhallab was mentioned to Aboo Ja'far al-Baaqir (d.11H), so he said: He was killed at the place where another besides Allaah was first worshipped. Then he mentioned Wadd and said: “Wadd was a Muslim man who was loved by his people. ‫ِح‬ ‫َّن‬‫ا‬ ‫ِح‬ ‫ْط‬ ‫اَك‬ ‫ِح‬‫ا‬ ‫اَك‬‫ي‬ ‫ِح‬ ‫ْط‬‫اَك‬ ‫اَك‬ ‫اَك‬ ‫ْط‬‫اَك‬ ‫اَك‬ ‫اَك‬‫ا‬‫َّن‬‫ل‬‫ا‬ ‫اَك‬ ‫اَك‬ ‫اَك‬ ‫ِح‬‫َّن‬‫ا‬ ‫ِح‬ ‫َّن‬‫ا‬ ‫اَك‬ ‫اَك‬ ‫ْط‬ ‫ِح‬ ‫ًة‬ ‫ْط‬‫ْس‬‫اَك‬‫ن‬‫اَك‬ ‫اَك‬‫وق‬‫ُس‬‫اَك‬ ‫اَك‬ ‫اَك‬‫ُسوث‬‫غ‬‫اَك‬ ‫اَك‬ ‫اَك‬ ‫ًة‬ ‫اَك‬‫و‬ ‫ُس‬‫س‬ ‫اَك‬ ‫اَك‬ ًّ‫د‬‫اَك‬ ‫َّن‬ ‫ُس‬ ‫اَك‬‫ن‬‫اَك‬ ‫اَك‬ ‫اَك‬ ‫ْط‬ ‫ُس‬‫ُك‬‫اَك‬‫ت‬‫اَك‬‫ه‬‫ِح‬‫ا‬ ‫َّن‬ ‫ُس‬ ‫اَك‬‫ن‬‫اَك‬ ‫اَك‬ ‫و‬‫ُس‬‫ا‬ ‫اَك‬‫ق‬‫اَك‬
  • 8. © When he died, firstmentioned Wadd and said: “Wadd was a Muslim man who was loved by his people. When he died, the people began to gather around his grave in the land of Baabil (Babel), lamenting and mourning. So when Iblees (Satan) saw them mourning and lamenting over him, he took the form of a man and came to them, saying: I see that you are mourning and lamenting over him. So why don't you make a picture of him (i.e. a statue) and place it in your places of gatherings so that you may be reminded of him. So they said: Yes, and they made a picture of him and put in their place of gathering; which reminded them of him. When Iblees saw how they were (excessively) remembering him, he said: “Why doesn't every man amongst you make a similar picture to keep in your own houses, so that you can be (constantly) reminded of him.” So they all said “Yes.” So each household made a picture of him, which they adored and venerated and which constantly reminded them of him. Aboo Ja'far said: “Those from the later generation saw what the (pevious generation) had done and considered the extent that they took him as an ilaah (diety) to be worshipped besides Allaah. He then said: “This was the first idol worshipped other than Allaah, and they called this idol Wadd.” [8] Thus the wisdom of Allaah – the Blessed, the Most High – was fufilled, when He sent Muhammad (sallallaahu 'alayhi wa sallam) as the final Prophet and made his Sharee'ah the completion of all divinely Prescribed Laws, in that He prohibited all means and avenues by which people may fall into Shirk – which is the greatest of sins. For this reason, building shrines over graves and intending to specifically travel to them, taking them as places of festivity Footnotes: [1] Taken from Tahdheerus-Saajid min Ittikhaadhil-Quboori Masaajid (p. 101-106) of Shaykh al-Albaanee. [2] Related by Ibn Jareer at-Tabaree in his Tafseer (4/275) and al-Haakim (2/546) who said: “It is authentic according to the criterion of al-Bukhaaree.” Imaam adh-Dhahabee also agreed. [3] Al-Kawaakibud-Duraree fee Tarteeb Musnadil-Imaam Ahmad 'alaa Abwaabil-Bukhaaree (6/212/1), still in manuscript form. [4] Related by Muslim (8/159) and Ahmad (4/162) from 'Iyaad Ibn Himaar al-Mujaashi'ee (radiyallaahu 'anhu). [5] Translator's Note: Ibnul-Atheer said in an-Nihaayah (3/457): “Al-Fitr: means to begin and create; and al-Fitrah is the condition resulting from it. The meaning is that mankind were born upon a disposition and a nature which is ready to accept the true Religion. So if he were to be left upon this, then he would continue upon it. However, those who deviate from this do so due to following human weaknesses and blind following of others...” Al-Haafidh Ibn Hajar said in al-Fath (3/248): “The people differ concerning what is meant by al-Fitrah and the most famous saying is that it means Islaam. Ibn 'Abdul-Barr said: That is what was well known with most of the Salaf (pious predecessors), and the Scholars of tafseer are agreed that what is meant by the Saying of Allaah – the Most High – “Allaah's fitrah with which He created mankind.” is Islaam. [6] Related by al-Bukhaaree (11/418) and Muslim (18/52). [7] Related by al-Bukhaaree (8/534). [8] Related by Ibn Abee Haatim also, as is in al-Kawaakibud-Duraree (6/112/2) of Ibn 'Urwah al-Hanbalee, along with an isnaad which is Hasan, up to Aboo Muttahar. However, no biography could be found for him, neither in ad-Dawlaabee's al-Kunaa wal-Asmaa„, nor Muslim's al-Kunaa, nor anyone else's. And the hidden defect here is that he is from the Shee'ah, but his biography is not included in at-Toosee's al-Kunaa – from the index of Shee'ah narrators. When he died, the people began to gather around his grave in the land of Baabil (Babel), lamenting and mourning. So when Iblees (Satan) saw them mourning and lamenting over him, he took the form of a man and came to them, saying: I see that you are mourning and lamenting over him. So why don't you make a picture of him (i.e. a statue) and place it in your places of gatherings so that you may be reminded of him. So they said: Yes, and they made a picture of him and put in their place of gathering; which reminded them of him. When Iblees saw how they were (excessively) remembering him, he said: “Why doesn't every man amongst you make a similar picture to keep in your own houses, so that you can be (constantly) reminded of him.” So they all said “Yes.” So each household made a picture of him, which they adored and venerated and which constantly reminded them of him. Aboo Ja'far said: “Those from the later generation saw what the (pevious generation) had done and considered the extent that they took him as an ilaah (diety) to be worshipped besides Allaah. He then said: “This was the first idol worshipped other than Allaah, and they called this idol Wadd.” [8] Thus the wisdom of Allaah – the Blessed, the Most High – was fufilled, when He sent Muhammad (sallallaahu 'alayhi wa sallam) as the final Prophet and made his Sharee'ah the completion of all divinely Prescribed Laws, in that He prohibited all means and avenues by which people may fall into Shirk – which is the greatest of sins. For this reason, building shrines over graves and intending to specifically travel to them, taking them as places of festivity and gathering and swearing an oath by the inmate of a grave; have all been prohibited. All of these lead to excessiveness and lead to the worship of other than Allaah – the Most High. This being the case even more so in an age in which knowledge is diminishing, ignorance is increasing, there are few sincere advisors (to the truth) and Shaytaan is co-operating with men and jinn to misguide mankind and to take them away from the worship of Allaah alone – the Blessed, the Most High. Footnotes: [1] Taken from Tahdheerus-Saajid min Ittikhaadhil-Quboori Masaajid (p. 101-106) of Shaykh al-Albaanee. [2] Related by Ibn Jareer at-Tabaree in his Tafseer (4/275) and al-Haakim (2/546) who said: “It is authentic according to the criterion of al-Bukhaaree.” Imaam adh-Dhahabee also agreed. [3] Al-Kawaakibud-Duraree fee Tarteeb Musnadil-Imaam Ahmad 'alaa Abwaabil-Bukhaaree (6/212/1), still in manuscript form. [4] Related by Muslim (8/159) and Ahmad (4/162) from 'Iyaad Ibn Himaar al-Mujaashi'ee (radiyallaahu 'anhu). [5] Translator's Note: Ibnul-Atheer said in an-Nihaayah (3/457): “Al-Fitr: means to begin and create; and al-Fitrah is the condition resulting from it. The meaning is that mankind were born upon a disposition and a nature which is ready to accept the true Religion. So if he were to be left upon this, then he would continue upon it. However, those who deviate from this do so due to following human weaknesses and blind following of others...” Al-Haafidh Ibn Hajar said in al-Fath (3/248): “The people differ concerning what is meant by al-Fitrah and the most famous saying is that it means Islaam. Ibn 'Abdul-Barr said: That is what was well known with most of the Salaf (pious predecessors), and the Scholars of tafseer are agreed that what is meant by the Saying of Allaah – the Most High – “Allaah's fitrah with which He created mankind.” is Islaam. [6] Related by al-Bukhaaree (11/418) and Muslim (18/52). [7] Related by al-Bukhaaree (8/534). [8] Related by Ibn Abee Haatim also, as is in al-Kawaakibud-Duraree (6/112/2) of Ibn 'Urwah al-Hanbalee, along with an isnaad which is Hasan, up to Aboo Muttahar. However, no biography could be found for him, neither in ad-Dawlaabee's al- Kunaa wal-Asmaa„, nor Muslim's al-Kunaa, nor anyone else's. And the hidden defect here is that he is from the Shee'ah, but his biography is not included in at-Toosee's al-Kunaa – from the index of Shee'ah narrators.
  • 9. © Has mankind always committed shirk? Shirk appeared during the lifetime of which prophet? How many generations were there between Adam and Nuh? Give proof for your answer. The People of the Book claim that Qabil and his sons were fire-worshippers. Is this true or false? Explain.
  • 10. © What is the proof that mankind is originally created upon Tawheed? What were the names of the idols worshipped by the people of Nuh? How did the people of Nuh begin to commit shirk? Explain how this relates to the Messenger of Allah prohibiting and raising up shrines over graves.
  • 11. © Where did the people of Nuh live? ? Reference: „Atlas of the Qur‟an‟ by Dr. Shawqi Abu Khalil, published by Darussalam Where did the people of Nuh live? What is the proof that the Ark came to rest on Mount Judi? (Qur‟aan 11:44) Where is Mount Judi situated?
  • 12. © Who was the first prophet? Who was the first messenger? What is the Arabic word for „prophet‟? What is the Arabic word for „messenger‟? What is a prophet? What is a messenger?
  • 13. © Complete the Venn diagram to show the differences and similarities between a prophet and a messenger. ? prophet ? messenger ?
  • 14. © Can you find the names of 25 Prophets and Messengers mentioned in the Qur‟aan a d a m l m u h a m m a d y k m u u q t i y y a h h y o i s a e o m a n t a u u e l a u a b l a q k s l b v h a h a r u n l e h k n t u o u h l t a h l i i d a w u d n l a l m e m f g r a n d f a t h e s e l i s m a i l h e a i h n a b v n l d s e d s n u t s r r m e r c h l a t a r u a y i s i a n a n s y m l h t w o s a y a q u b e a i o r a d u u a i l a b y m t y u n u s l e e s a m n l a e u i u g a a a h a a o h e h l f c y f l o n f a y c c u r l i i e r a m z a k a r i y y a h u m
  • 15. © ____________ said to ____________ “O my people! Worship Allah! You have no other Ilah (God) but Him. Certainly, I fear for you the torment of a Great Day!” (Qur‟aan 7:59) ____________ said to ____________ “O my people! I am a plain warner to you, that you should worship Allah, fear Him and obey me.” (Qur‟aan 71:2-3) ____________ said to ____________ “Verily, we see you in plain error.” (Qur‟aan 7:60) ____________ said to ____________ “O my people! There is no error in me, but I am a Messenger for the Lord of the „Alamin.” (Qur‟aan 7:61) Allah narrated in the Qur‟aan the story of Nuh . Can you complete the flaps to show who said what during the following the conversation. Research the tafsir of each ayah and write it underneath the flaps.
  • 16. © ____________ said to ____________ “We see you but a man like ourselves, nor do we see any follow you but the meanest among us and they followed you without thinking.” (Qur‟aan 11:27) ____________ said to ____________ “And we do not see you in any merit above us, in fact we think you are liars.” (Qur‟aan 11:27) ____________ said to ____________ “O my people! Tell me, if I have a clear proof from my Lord, and a mercy has come to me from Him.” (Qur‟aan 11:28) ____________ said to ____________ “But that has been obscured from your sight. Shall we compel you to accept it when you have a strong hatred for it?” (Qur‟aan 11:28)
  • 17. © ____________ said to ____________ “And O my people! I ask of you no wealth for it, my reward is from none but Allah.” (Qur‟aan 11:29) ____________ said to ____________ “I am not going to drive away those who have believed. Surely, they are going to meet their Lord. But I see you are ignorant people.” (Qur‟aan 11:29) ____________ said to ____________ “And O my people! Who will help me against Allah if I drove them away? Will you not then give a thought?” (Qur‟aan 11:30) ____________ said to ____________ “And I do not say to you that with me are the Treasures of Allah, nor that I know the Ghaib.” (Qur‟aan 11:31)
  • 18. © ____________ said to ____________ “Nor do I say I am an angel, and I do not say of those whom your eyes look down upon that Allah will not bestow any good on them.” (Qur‟aan 11:31) ____________ said to ____________ “Allah knows what is in their inner-selves. In that case, I should, indeed be one of the Dhalimun.” (Qur‟aan 11:31) ____________ said to ____________ “My Lord! Leave not one of the disbelievers on the earth!” (Qur‟aan 71:26) ____________ said to ____________ “If You leave them, they will mislead Your slaves and they will beget none but wicked disbelievers.” (Qur‟aan 71:27)
  • 19. © ____________ said to ____________ “O Nuh! You have disputed with us and much have you prolonged the dispute with us.” (Qur‟aan 11:32) ____________ said to ____________ “Now bring upon us what you threaten us with if you are truthful.” (Qur‟aan 11:32) ____________ said to ____________ “Only Allah will bring it on you, if He wills and then you will escape not.” (Qur‟aan 11:33) ____________ said to ____________ “And my advice will not profit you, even if I wish to give you good counsel, if Allah‟s Will is to keep you astray.” (Qur‟aan 11:34)
  • 20. © ____________ said to ____________ “None of your people will believe except those who have believed already. So be not sad because of what they used to do.” (Qur‟aan 11:36) ____________ said to ____________ “My Lord! Verily, my people have belied me. Therefore, judge You between me and them and save me and those believers who are with me.” (Qur‟aan 26:117-118) ____________ said to ____________ “And construct the ship under Our Eyes and with Our Revelation.” (Qur‟aan 11:37) ____________ said to ____________ “And call not upon Me on behalf of those who did wrong; they are surely to be drowned.” (Qur‟aan 11:37)
  • 21. © ____________ said to ____________ “If you mock at us, so do we mock at you likewise for your mocking.” (Qur‟aan 11:38) ____________ said to ____________ “And you will know who it is on whom will come a torment that will cover him with disgrace and on whom will fall a lasting torment.” (Qur‟aan 11:39) ____________ said to ____________ “Embark therein, of each kind two and your family – except him against whom the Word has already gone forth and those who believe.” (Qur‟aan 11:40) ____________ said to ____________ “Embark therein; in the Name of Allah will be its course and its anchorage. Surely, my Lord is Oft- Forgiving, Most Merciful.” (Qur‟aan 11:41)
  • 22. © ____________ said to ____________ “O my son! Embark with us and be not with the disbelievers.” (Qur‟aan 11:42) ____________ said to ____________ “I will betake myself to some mountain. It will save me from the water.” (Qur‟aan 11:43) ____________ said to ____________ “This day there is no saviour from the Decree of Allah except him on whom He has mercy.” (Qur‟aan 11:43) ____________ said to ____________ “O Earth! Swallow up your water. O Sky! Withhold!” (Qur‟aan 11:44)
  • 23. © ____________ said to ____________ “O my Lord! Verily my son is of my family! And certainly Your promise is true, and You are the most Just of Judges.” (Qur‟aan 11:45) ____________ said to ____________ “O Nuh! Surely, he is not of your family, verily his work is unrighteous, so ask not of Me that of which you have no knowledge.” (Qur‟aan 11:46) ____________ said to ____________ “O my Lord! I seek refuge with You from asking You that of which I have no knowledge.” (Qur‟aan 11:47) ____________ said to ____________ “O Nuh! Come down with peace from Us and blessings on you and on the people who are with you.” (Qur‟aan 11:48)
  • 24. © Allah commanded Nuh to build a ship, saying: “And construct the ship under Our Eyes and with Our Revelation” [Surah Hud 11:37] What was the ship made from? Surat al-Qamar 54:13 How long was the ship? How wide was the ship? How tall was the ship? How many decks were there on the ship? What was the height of each deck? What was in the lowest level of the ship? What was the ship coated with inside and out? Why? Where was the door of the ship? What was in the middle level of the ship? What was in the highest level of the ship? Note: Answers can be found in the tafsir of Ibn Kathir in reference to ayah 11:37
  • 26. Nuh Choose words from the word bank below to complete the story on the following pages. ? Nuh invoked wife Messenger grieve son Tawheed constructing sail Shirk appeal betake rejected decreed protection idols mocked praised rescue ridicule disbelievers jeer withhold punishment tanoor diminished _ _ _ was the first _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ of Allah. He was sent to call the people to _ _ _ _ _ _ _ and to forbid them from _ _ _ _ _. Nuh called his people for 950 years, but they _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ him. The people continued to worship their _ _ _ _ _: Wadd, Suwa‟, Yaghooth, Ya‟ooq and Nasr. Nuh asked Allah to _ _ _ _ _ _ him and the believers because he feared the _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ would mislead the righteous slaves of Allah.
  • 27. The disbelievers told Nuh to bring about Allah‟s _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _. Nuh became angry and _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Allah‟s Anger against his people. Allah informed Nuh that no more of his people would believe and He told him to no longer _ _ _ _ _ _ over their misdeeds. Nuh was no longer allowed to _ _ _ _ _ _ for the disbelievers – Allah _ _ _ _ _ _ _ “they shall be drowned”. Allah commanded Nuh to begin _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ the Ark. Whilst Nuh was building the ship, his people _ _ _ _ _ _ him. He responded to them: “If you _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ us now, we shall _ _ _ _ at you likewise”. Allah commanded Nuh, that when the _ _ _ _ _ _ gushes water, to take on board the ship two of every kind of animal, along with his family and the believers. Nuh‟s _ _ _ _ and _ _ _, Yam were among the believers who rejected his call. When the flood waters rose and the ship began to _ _ _ _, Nuh called out to his son to join him. But he refused, saying: “I will _ _ _ _ _ _ myself to the mountain, that will protect me from the water.”
  • 28. But there was no _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ for him from Allah‟s Punishment and he was drowned with the disbelievers. Whilst on board the ship, the believers _ _ _ _ _ _ _ and thanked Allah and they made du‟aa to land in a blessed place. The whole earth filled with water. Then Allah commanded the earth to swallow the water and the sky to _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ its rain. The water _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ and the ship came to rest peacefully, by Allah‟s Will, on Mount Judi
  • 29. Fit the vocabulary words from the story on the previous pages into the grid below. The first one has been done for you. ? M E S S E N G E R CH
  • 30. When did the flood occur? ? Proof ? What was the sign that the flood was about to begin? ? Proof ? Who boarded the ship? ? Proof ? Note: Answers can be found in the book ‘Early Days’ page 197 and ‘Stories of the Prophets’ page 86
  • 31. Who didn‟t board the ship? ? Proof ? How high did the flood waters rise? ? Proof ? How did the flood come to an end? ? Proof ? Where did the ship land? Proof ?
  • 32. What was the name of the disbelieving son of Nuh? ? What were the names of the believing sons of Nuh? ? What privilege did Allah give to the three sons of Nuh that He did not give to the rest of the believers? Before he died, what did Nuh command his son with? ? Before he died, what did Nuh forbid his son from? ?
  • 33. ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________ _________________________________________ ‫ًة‬‫و‬‫ُس‬‫ك‬ ‫اَك‬‫ش‬ ‫ًة‬ ‫ْط‬ ‫اَك‬‫ع‬ ‫اَك‬ ‫اَك‬ ‫ُس‬‫ه‬‫َّن‬‫ن‬ ِVerily, he was a grateful slave [Surah al-Israa 17:3]