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The Mark of the Beast
By Pastor Mark Finley
Our topic tonight, is the mark of the beast. The subject of the mark of the beast is one of the most
vital subjects in all the book of Revelation. In fact, it's one of the most discussed subjects when
people begin to discuss the book of Revelation. They ask, who is the beast? What's the mark of
the beast? What about that mysterious number, 666. Is the beast a computer in Belgium? Is the
beast a person? Is the beast a system some organization? Who is the beast? What's the mark of
the beast? And how can I keep from avoiding the bark of the beast?
The warning against worshipping the beast is the most urgent warning given in the book of
Revelation. But the book of Revelation is the Revelation of Jesus Christ. The Bible says, in
Revelation 1:1, the Revelation of Jesus which God gave unto him of things that must shortly
come to pass. So, whatever the mark of the beast is, in the book of Revelation, it has something
to do with a counterfeit sign or symbol against Jesus. It has something to do with a system that
undermines fundamental truths about Jesus. Let's go directly tonight to the book of Revelation.
And let Revelation speak for us. To us. Whatever our past understanding, whatever our previous
ideas. We look tonight not at the teachings of men. We look tonight not at books that human
beings have written about the beast or the mark, we look directly at the book of Revelation. That
book given to us by the inspiration of God. The last book in the Bible.
And I saw another angel fly in the middle of heaven. Having the everlasting gospel to preach to
them that dwell on the earth. God's last day message to go swiftly and quickly to the ends of the
earth. To them that dwell on the earth and to every nation, kindred, tongue and people. Here is no
message done in a corner. Here is a message that goes to the ends of the earth. To every people
group. Every language group. Saying, fear God, and give glory to him for the hour of his
judgment is come. This message, announces that the hour of God's judgment has come. We're
living in a special time of earth's history just before the coming of Jesus. And in the light of the
coming of Jesus, in view of the return of our Lord, the angels says in Revelation 14:6, 7. And
worship him that made heaven and earth and the sea and the fountains of waters. Worship him
that made. The one that made is the creator. So, Revelation 14:7 is an appeal to worship the
creator. The central issue in Revelation 14 is worship.
The Bible then describes a second angel that flies that says, Babylon or confused religion is
fallen. And calls us from counterfeit confused religion.
Then after the second angel, the Bible describes a third angel. It says, then a third angel followed
them saying with a loud voice, if anyone worships the beast and his image. The same -- and
receives his mark in his forehead or in his hand, he himself shall drink also of the wine of the
wrath of God. Revelation 14:9, 10. Now notice the distinction in Revelation 14:7, it says,
worship the creator. In Revelation 14:9 it says, if anyone worships the beast, so the central issue
in earth's last conflict is over the subject of worship. Either worshipping the creator on this hand.
Or worshipping the beast on this hand. That conflict points out that there is true and false
worship that collide. And so in Revelation chapter 14 you have a collision between true worship
and false worship. In Revelation chapter 14, you have a conflict between truth and error.
Between a divine command of God and a substitute given by man. So, the final conflict
according to Revelation chapter 14 is over the subject of worship. Revelation 14:7 says, worship
the creator. Revelation 14:9 says, don't worship the beast. An and in Revelation 14:12, it
describes a group of people that worship their creator and do not worship the beast. Revelation
14:12 says, read it with it me please. Here is the patience of the saints. Here are they that keep
the commandments of God. And the faith of Jesus. So, worshipping the creator has something to
do with keeping the commandments of God. In keeping the commandments of God, and
worshipping the creator are in the center of this final conflict. This final issue over the mark of
the beast. This message is given by a God whose heart is filled with love. It is a loving God that
warns his children of the perils ahead. It's a loving God that warns his children of the dangers on
the road ahead. It's a loving God that calls his people to worship the creator and to keep his
commandments and not to worship the beast in the days ahead.
Revelation presents two groups. One group worships the creator. Revelation 14:7. And one
group worships the beast. Revelation 14 and verse 9. Well, if this whole conflict between good
and evil. If this whole issue in this controversy between Christ and Satan. If this whole issue is
over worship, that leads us to a question. What is the basis of true worship? Because if we can
really learn what it means to worship the creator, if we can really learn what it means to have the
basis of true worship, now ladies and gentlemen tonight, is it clear to you that this is an important
issue in Christianity. This is not a periphery issue. This is not something that is on the side. This
is not an elective to understand. Like some course in college that might be nice to take. The angel
flies in mid heaven. And he calls men and women to worship the creator. The angel flies in mid
heaven and he says in the last days, don't worship the beast. Since the central issue is over
worship, true worship and false worship. Genuine worship and counterfeit worship, that leads us
to the question. What is the basis of all true worship?
Revelation chapter 4 and verse 11 describes the basis of true worship. Thou are worthy, o, Lord,
to receive glory and honor and power; for you created all things and by your will they exist and
were created. Why is God worthy of our worship? Because did he, what, everybody? He created.
We did not evolve. We did not come to life by chance or happenstance. We were created by
God. He spoke and it was done. And although recently the pope of Rome has said, you can
accept evolution as well as creation. The Bible says, that that undermines the entire basis for
worship. Because God is the creator. And if indeed I evolved, and if God was merely the first
cause to put life into motion on earth, then indeed it undermines the whole basis for worship. The
Bible says, "you are worthy, o, Lord to receive glory and honor and power for you created all
things." We fall at his feet and worship him because he is the life giver.
Has God given to us a memorial of true worship? Has God given to us a memorial of true
worship in the heart of his law? Has God left a sign in his law of true worship of his creative
authority? Well, let's go back to the very law of God. And let's ask ourselves the question is there
a sign of true worship in the law of God that is the very basis, the very foundation of our
Christian life? The fourth commandment says, remember the Sabbath day. God says, remember.
And most of the world has forgotten. To keep it holy. Six days shalt thou labor and do all thy
work. But the 7th day, that is Saturday, is the Sabbath of the Lord thy God. Why? What reason
do we worship on Sabbath? For in six days, the Lord made heaven and earth and the sea. Now,
do you remember Revelation 14, it says, worship him that made heaven, earth, sea and fountains
of waters. So, Revelation 14 calls us to worship the creator. And Revelation 14 says, the center
of the final conflict is over worshipping the creator. Revelation 4 says, that the basis of all
worship is God created us. Exodus 20 in the ten commandments says, that the way we worship
God as creator, and the way we exalt him as the creator, the sign, the flag against evolution is
indeed the Sabbath. And the Bible says, for in six days, the Lord made heaven and earth. The sea
and all that in them is, and he rested the 7th day. Wherefore the Lord blessed the Sabbath day
and hallowed it. The Sabbath is the basis for all true worship. The Sabbath is the basis of our
praise to God. It is the sign that God has in a time of evolution. It is God's true sign. In fact
Ezekiel the Prophet describes the Sabbath as God's true sign. Ezekiel 20 verse 12. Moreover I
also gave them my Sabbath to be a sign between me and them. That they might know that I am
the Lord who sanctifies them. Since the Sabbath is a sign of true worship, and since the Sabbath
is in the heart of the ten commandments, that Satan attacks the Sabbath and as he attacks the
Sabbath he attacks the creator. He attacks the one that made heaven and earth. The Sabbath is a
Now, in the Bible, there's another term for sign. See if you can discover what it is. Romans 4:11.
Read it with me. This is talking incidentally about Abraham. And it's talking about circumcision.
And circumcision was a sign that the Jews were God's people back in the old testament. But read
this with me. And he received the sign of circumcision, a seal of the righteousness of the faith.
So, you can call it a sign or a -- what? Seal. So, in the Bible, the Sabbath is a sign of true
worship. The Sabbath is a seal of true worship. In fact, in Isaiah 8:16. It says, let's read it
together, behind up the testimony, and seal the law among my disciples. Where is God's seal?
God's seal is in his what, everybody? Law. And God's seal in his law is a sign of true worship.
And the sign of true worship in God's law is the Sabbath. That becomes God's seal of authority.
God's seal is in the heart of his law.
Now, in the old testament, when a king wanted to authenticate a document. The king put his seal
on that document. For that document to be authentic, it needed to contain three things. The name
of the king, his title, and his territory. In other words, it might say, in the new testament might
say, Herod, king of Rome. So, you would say Herod, his name. His title, king. And his territory,
Rome and its environment. If we were talking about the United States, we might say, Abraham
Lincoln. That is his name. President, that is his title. And United States, that is his domain. Every
seal that authenticates a document has to have those three things.
The Sabbath is God's seal. It's in the heart of his law, the ten commandments. It authenticates the
law. Because look let's suppose the commandments says thou shall not steal. The logical
question is "Who says 'thou shalt not steal'"? Thous shalt not kill. Who says 'thou shalt not kill?'.
The only command that has the name of the commandment giver, the title of the commandment
giver, and the territory of the command meant giver, the seal of God's law, he is the Lord thy
God. That's his name. He is the creator. And he's the creator of heaven and earth. It says that in
the Sabbath. It says, remember the Sabbath day to keep it holy. For in six days, the Lord, his
name, made, creator, heaven, earth, the sea and in them is. So, the Sabbath is the symbol in God's
law of true worship. It contains his name, his title, and his territory. The Sabbath is God's seal.
God's seal stands in contrast to Satan's mark. So, in the book of Revelation, you have God's sign.
The Sabbath. You have a counterfeit Sabbath. Initiated by the beast. You have God's seal. And a
counterfeit mark. So, you have the seal of God. That contains his name, His title, and his
territory. And you have the mark of the beast. Both of those things stand in opposition to one
another. In Revelation chapter 7, the book of Revelation talks about a great time of trouble. It
talks about plagues that are going to be pored out before Jesus comes. It talks about the winds of
destruction blowing on the earth. And Revelation says in Revelation 7. I saw another angel
ascending from the east. Having the -- what? Seal of the living God. The Sabbath stands for
loyalty to God. The Sabbath is the outer sign of obedience. It's the sign of a heart that is
committed to God. The Sabbath represents a settling in to God's truth. So, we cannot be moved.
Then I saw another angel ascending from the east. Having the seal of the living God. And he
cried with a -- what kind of voice? Loud voice to the four angels to whom it was granted to harm
the earth and the sea. Saying, do not harm the earth and the sea or the trees till we have sealed
the servants of God in their foreheads.
The forehead represents the mind. And until every human being has had a chance, every human
being had an opportunity to worship their creator, to know God's truth, to understand the
difference between false worship and true worship, to understand the difference between the
genuine and the counterfeit, to understand the difference between God's way and man's way, the
Bible says, that God tells the holy angels, hold back the trouble. Hold back the destruction. God
let my message of truth go out. Let thousands come via television. Via radio. Via the printed
page. Via Bible lessons. Via satellite technology. Let them know my truth, dear Lord. Let them
know the truth about true worship. Let them know the truth about my law. Before end-time.
God's seal and God's law are both placed in the forehead. "I will put my laws in their mind and
write them in their hearts." What does God write his law in our hearts? He writes it in our hearts
so we love it. So, we have natural impulses to do right. His Holy Spirit comes into our life. It
changes us. And we love his law, we love to obey him. Because Jesus said if you love me, keep
my commandments. And Christ has done so much for us on the cross. We love him. We want to
obey. But notice he says I'll put my law in their mind. Before it said, the seal would be in the
mind. God's law. God's seal. God's Sabbath as a sign of loving obedience is placed in our minds.
Now, Satan has attacked the Sabbath because the Sabbath is the seal and the heart of God's law.
And so, Satan has attacked the Sabbath. In fact, in Daniel 7:25, it says: that an earthly religious
power would rise to think to change the law of God. So, if the issue in the final conflict is over
creation, as opposed to evolution, and if the issue in the final conflict has to do with worshipping
the creator, and loving God so much that I obey him and keep his Sabbath as my flag or sign of
allegiance to him, because of my love. And if the devil has attacked God's law and attempted to
change it. If that indeed is true, then this issue over the Sabbath and worship and creation, the
mark of the beast must have to do with the change of the Sabbath. In must have to do with some
kind of false or substitute or counterfeit worship, since the final issue, revolves around worship.
What earthly religious power claims that it has authority to change God's law? Is there an earthly
religious power today that claims that it has the authority to change God's law? Is there a power?
There are historical statements, scores of them, dating back hundreds of years, in which, the
Roman Church declares that it has the authority to change God's law. Here is only one sample
that is a recent statement that comes from the Saint Catherine's rectory in northern Michigan in
May of 1995. I've chose then one because it's so recent. And then I'll give you a number that are
a little older. This statement says this: "perhaps" (and this is our dear Roman Catholic priest
writing.) And he says, "perhaps the boldest thing, the most revolutionary change" ( and he's
explaining how the Sabbath was changed from Saturday to Sunday.) And he says, "perhaps, the
boldest thing, the most revolutionary change the church ever did happened in the first century.
The holy day, the Sabbath" (this is what the priest says ) "was changed from Saturday to Sunday.
Not from any directions noted in scripture. But from the church's sense of its own power.
People" (now this is what the priest says ) "who think that the scripture should be the sole
authority, should logically become Seventh-day Adventists and keep Saturday holy." Now, that's
from Saint Catherine's Catholic Church Sentinel, May 21, 1995 parish paper. And his logic is
impeccable. He said, if you accept that the power of the church is above the Bible, then you
should keep Sunday. If you accept that the Bible is supreme then should you keep Saturday. And
logically become a Seventh-day Adventist. I think that's pretty good reasoning, don't you?
Certainly is good reasoning, friends. Because, look, if you take the Bible and the Bible only. And
the issue is creation and the Sabbath is a symbol of creation, then logically one should follow
that through and become a Sabbath worshiper.
Does the Pope of Rome claim that he has the authority to change God's law? Here is from the
heart of the Vatican itself, in the Latin language, from Decrito de Translit Episcop Cap, it says--
and I quote this catholic source: "The pope has the power to change times to abrogate laws and
to dispense with all things, even the precepts of Christ". So the idea is, that it is possible that the
church teaches, the catholic church teaches that God gave the authority to the Pope to change the
law. And that is clearly stated.
Now, ladies and gentlemen, tonight, it is not our purpose in any way to condemn any church or
any individual. I should tell you this. I was brought up in a lovely Roman Catholic home. I was
educated by the priests and the nuns. I memorize the mass in Latin as a little boy. And grew up in
that whole environment. When I was 17 years old, there was something missing in my life. And I
wasn't sure what it was. And I began to study the Bible. My dad helped me a lot and directed me
to passage of scripture. And I looked into the book of Revelation and I began studying. And I
had to wrestle with these texts. Wrestle with Revelation 14. The call to worship the creator.
Wrestle with the whole issue of true worship as opposed to false worship. I had to ask myself the
question, deep in my soul, I was preparing to go to college. And I said, what do I want to do with
the rest of my life? Where is God leading me? I had thought at one period of time, the possibility
of becoming a priest. And I wrestled with these issues, they were wrenching to me. Because, this
was my life. And I wrestled. There is worship the creator on this hand. There is accepting a
substitute on this hand. There is the traditions of men on this hand. There is the law of God on
this hand. And I said, Lord, what do you want me to do? I know for some of you that this is a
really a big struggle. And I totally understand it. I identify with you. I know where you're coming
from. But tonight, I'd like to ask you to just put your emotions aside. Because I know that when I
heard messages like this the first time, the first thing that happened in me was this emotional
barrier rose. And I said, this couldn't be true. Tonight, could you just put your emotions aside.
Just put them on a shelf. And say to yourself, what does the biblical text teach? What does God
teach in his word? God, maybe you've been tapping me on the shoulder. God, maybe I'm not
here to these meetings by accident. God, maybe you led me. What are the issues in the final
conflict? Worshipping the creator. Or, worshipping the beast. What are the issues? The issues
revolve around true and false worship. The genuine and the counterfeit.
Satan has attacked God's seal, the Sabbath. The basis of all worship. Revelation chapter 13,
outlines the identifying characteristics of the beast. It then goes on to outline what the mark of
the beast is. And how you can avoid it. We've already seen that the central issue indeed is
Now, let me give you 7 clues of the identifying the beast. But before I do that, isn't the word
"beast. It's a little beastly isn't it? Even the name is a little beastly? The word "beast" comes from
an old English word meaning animal. And you can understand that, can't you? Many countries
are identified with their animal symbols. You know, for example, Germany has an eagle. As a
symbol. It's not a real eagle, but it's a remade kind of an eagle. And number of nation have
eagles. Did you happen to know most of us think of Russia as the Russian bear. But the more
accurate symbol of Russia, my Russian friends tell me, is a two-headed eagle. The United States,
of course has the bald eagle as its symbol. And, you know, up in Norway, they have a lion has as
a symbol. So, animals as symbols of nations are as old as time. That has been done. So, when
you think of a beast, think of an animal as a symbol that God gives of a nation.
Now, God describes this beast or this animal, God identifies this animal in Revelation chapter
13. He says, first, that this animal that comes up that ultimately enforces the mark of the beast of
the animal, that it's a symbol. And God gives you 7 clues to identify the beast's power. He says,
"then I stood on the sand of the sea. And I saw a beast rising up out of the sea." Now, the sea in
Bible prophecy represents what, everybody? Nations or people. So, I stood on the shore of many
peoples, the sea, Revelation 17:15. Says, the waters which you saw are peoples, nations and
tongues. And I saw a beast rising up out of the sea. Having 7 heads and ten horns. And on his
horns, ten crowns. And on his heads, a blasphemous name. And the beast which I saw was like a
leopard, his feet were like a feet of a bear. His mouth like the mouth of a lion. Now did we see
the bear before? Did we see that before? Did we see the lion, before? Did we see the leopard
before? If you've been coming to this lecture series, you understand that a lion was a symbol in
Daniel of what nation everybody? Babylon. A bear was a symbol in Daniel of what nation?
Medo-Persia. The leopard was a symbol of Greece. And the dragon was a symbol of what?
Pagan Rome. Okay. Now read the yellow portion of the text with me: "The dragon gave him his
power, his throne and great authority".
Now here is clue number one. Whoever the beast is of Revelation 13, where does he get his
power from? The dragon. Where does he get his throne of government from? The dragon. Where
does he get great authority from? The dragon. And who does the dragon represent? Pagan Rome.
Somebody said, well, here you have Babylon: the lion with eagle's wings. You have Medo-
Persia: the bear with three ribs in his mouth. You have Greecia: the leopard with the four heads
and wings. You have pagan Rome: represented as the dragon. But somebody says, I thought the
dragon was a symbol of Satan? It is. But Satan always has to work through some earthly
institution. So, in Revelation 12:9, it identifies the dragon as Satan. But Satan works through
human agencies. In Revelation 12 the dragon working through pagan Rome attempted to destroy
Jesus. And you remember in Revelation 12 the dragon tried to kill the man child. Well it was
pagan Rome that tried to kill Jesus. A Roman official tried to kill baby Jesus. A roman governor
condemned Jesus. A roman executioner crucified Jesus. A Roman emblem sealed Jesus' tomp.
And a Roman guard watched that tomb. So, the dragon represents in Revelation 12, Satan
working through pagan Rome to destroy Jesus. After pagan Rome fell apart, pagan Rome would
give its government or its seat of authority to somebody. Who did the pagan Roman government
give its seat of authority to?
Professor Labianca. The professor of history of the university of Rome says this: "to the
succession of the Caesar's came the succession of the pontiffs in Rome." When Constantine left
Rome, he gave his seat to the pontiff. So, Constantine saw the roman empire falling apart. He
was going to move his headquarters to Byzantium or Constantinople. And he gave his seat of
government to the pontiff of Rome. This is a really an amazing painting. It's one of Rafael's
paintings. The Vatican has some of the most magnificent paintings in the world. And this picture
comes from a book that is published by the Vatican library. It can be purchased at the Vatican in
Italy. And it's Constantine's vision. It's the story of Constantine's conversion. And Constantine is
looking up at cross. But all the Roman soldiers around Constantine, if you look at the extreme
right of the picture, you'll notice a dragon above the arrow on a standard. The dragon standard on
the arrow, above the arrow was a symbol of Rome. So, Constantine looking to the dragon which
is a symbol of pagan Rome (like the eagle is of the United States) and the Bible says, the dragon,
pagan Rome, would give to the pope of Rome or to this other beast power, it's authority.
Now, this is an amazing painting. One of the most magnificent paintings in the Vatican. It is
Constantine kneeling before the pope, giving him the authority in Rome. It's called "the donation
of Constantine". And here, the pagan Roman emperor gives to the pope of Rome the civil and
religious authority. Constantine was concerned. He needed to move his empire from Rome
because it was falling apart. Barbarian tribes were coming down and attacking it. Ladies and
gentlemen, clue number one. Pagan Rome would give its authority to somebody. History clearly
demonstrates that that was given to papal Rome.
Clue number two. This power in Revelation 13 would become a worldwide religious power. Not
a political power. Revelation 13:8 says, all who dwell on the earth will worship him, whose
names have not been written in the book of life of the lamb slain from the foundation of the
world. All who dwell on earth will worship him. A universal power. A universal power that
initiates worship. A universal religious power. Once again, history testifies to the truthfulness of
Revelation's prophecies. As we look at these prophecies.
Clue number three. It becomes evident that only one power can fit into them. A religious power
that would at times dominate civil powers. In other words, in the early centuries, the church
would grow so large and the medieval church would become so powerful, that it would dominate
the state. Revelation 13:7 says, an authority was given him over every tribe, tongue and nation. A
power growing out of pagan Rome, that would initiate worldwide worship. And as that power
grew out of pagan Rome, it would have authority over the nations. Does history teach us that the
medieval church had authority even over kings? Myers general history page 455. Under him, was
very nearly made good the Papal claim that all earthly sovereigns were merely vassals of the
Roman pontiff. Almost all the kings and princess of Europe swore fealty, that means loyalty, to
him as their overlord.
Rome was once more the mistress of the world. History demonstrates that in these middle ages,
in the dark ages, the medieval church did have power over the state powers from time to time.
Four. This power according to the Bible would be a blasphemous power. This is confusing to
some. Revelation 13:6 says that "he opened his mouth to blaspheme against God and to
blaspheme his name, his tabernacle, and those that dwell in heaven." What is blasphemy. Some
people think blasphemy is taking your first and shaking it in God's face. Some people think that
blasphemy is saying "God?" and that God doesn't exist. But what is blasphemy according to the
Bible? Jesus was called by the Jewish priests as a blasphemer. Why was Jesus called a
blasphemer? Jesus certainly wasn't a blasphemer. Why did the Jewish priest say that he was.
John 10:33. The Jews answered him saying, for a good work we do not stone you. But for
blasphemy, and because -- read the rest of it with me please -- you being a man make yourself
God. So, the definition of blasphemy is that when a man takes the privileges and prerogatives
that are God's. Was Jesus a blasphemer? Was Jesus a blasphemer? Why not? Because Jesus was
God, therefor he could claim the privileges of God. But any human being takes that prerogative
and says he has those privileges according to the Bible, that's blasphemy. Second Thessalonians
2 verse 4, "Who opposes and exalts himself above all that is called God or that is worshipped. So
that he sits as God in the temple of God, showing himself that he is God." The Bible talks about
the drift and departure from the truth. It talks about a power that rises, that sits as God in the
temple of God." Was this the decree of ancient medieval church leaders and Popes. The Bible
describes blasphemy as assuming any rights or power that belong to God alone. It was Pope Leo
the thirteenth that echoed the sentiment of many of the Church leaders. He said, "We hold upon
this earth the place of God all mighty." That clue indeed has been filled. But the Pharisees went
on again with Jesus. And the Pharisees said this in Luke 5:21. And the scribes and the Pharisees
began to reason saying, who is this who speaks blasphemies. Who can can forgive sinners but
God alone." Jesus said to the woman cast in adultery, 'your sins are forgiven'. Jesus said to
numerous people 'your sins are forgiven' The Pharisees said 'this is blasphemy because only God
can forgive sins.' When any earthly priest claims to represent God in the forgiveness of sins. The
Bible says, very plainly. There is one God and one mediator between God and men, the man
Christ Jesus. 1 timothy 2:5.
Revelation is about Jesus. Jesus who is our creator. There is a substitute day that has been
established to obscure creation. Revelation is about Jesus. Jesus is our creator. Revelation is
about Jesus. Jesus is our redeemer. There is only one whose blood was shed. Not by the works of
man's hands but by the grace of God. Revelation is about Jesus. Jesus who is our intercessor.
Jesus who is our High Priest. Revelation is about Jesus. Jesus who is our coming king. Satan
counterfeits a substitute day for creation. Satan counterfeits a substitutes a system. Works,
penances, indulgences. Satan counterfeits human priests for Jesus. Satan counterfeits the whole
idea of the second coming of Christ. The Bible says "there is one God and one mediator between
God and man. The man Jesus Christ."
The Bible says, if we confess our sins, he, Jesus, will forgive us our sins. I'm thankful that I can
go and kneel before God and ask him through Christ to forgive me.
Clue number five. This would be a religious power that would reign supreme for 1260 years.
What does that mean? Babylon, Medo-Persia, Greece, pagan Rome. Pagan Rome then was
divided from 351 to about 476 AD. So we should expect then, Constantine giving authority to
the church. And we should expect that church to have its official dominate reign beginning some
time in the fifth and early 6th century. The Bible says, he was given a mouth speaking great
things and blasphemies. And he was given authority to continue for 42 months. I wonder what
that means? In the Bible, there were 30 days in the Bible month, and 42 months, 30 times 42
equals 1260. 30 days in a month. 30 times 42. That's 1260. Because the Bible says, in Ezekiel 4:6
read it with me please. "I've given you a day for a year". So, in Bible prophecy, one prophetic
day equals one literal what? year. So, the beast power, or the church would reign supreme for
approximately 1260 years. The legally recognized supremacy of the Pope began in 538 AD Now
that happened when the decree of Justinian, the Emperor, went into effect making the bishop of
Rome the head of all the churches, the definer of doctrine, and the corrector of heretics. So, in
538 AD, this period of the 1260 years, actually began. In fact in the history of the Christian
church, volume 3 page 327. It says, Vigiluis, ascended the Papal Chair. He was the Pope. In 538
A.D. under the military protection of Belisarius. He was the general of Justinian. So history is
clear about this church-state union. It began in 538 AD. It would go until 1798 AD. The Bible
says, that during this time, church and state would unite. It was granted to him to make war with
the saints. And to overcome them. And authority was given him over every tribe, tongue and
nation. Revelation 13:7. During this time, the church-state union would persecute in the dark or
middle ages those that didn't go along. History is resplendent with the stories of those burned at
the stake. The stories of those that suffered for their faith. This is a historical fact that the dark
ages indeed took place.
But the Bible says, and I saw one of his heads as if it had been mortally wounded. At the end of
the 1260 years, the papal power would suffer a very deadly wound. In 1798, he, Berthier. Now
Berthier was the general of Napolean. Napoleon looked to the south, and he saw a rival: the Pope
of Rome. So the Bible says, that he would have a deadly wound. The Encyclopedia Brittanica
1941 edition says, "in 1798 he, Berthier, made his entrance into Rome. Abolished the papal
government. And established a secular one." There was a deadly wound that was afflicted.
Revelation 13:9, 10 says, "If anyone has an ear, let him hear. He who leads into captivity shall go
into captivity. So the beast power, the papacy, this animal figure describing the papal power, the
bible says that the papacy would go into captivity. He who kills with the sword must be killed
with the sword. Berthier came down in 1798, took the pope captive, brought him back to France,
and historically exactly in that year, the pope died in captivity.
Clue six. The deadly wound would be healed. Revelation 13:3. I saw one of his heads as if it had
been mortally wounded. And his deadly wound was healed. And all the world marveled and
followed the beast. So, the deadly wound after 1798, some time after that period of time, would
be healed. In 1929, notice, the San Francisco Chronicle, here are the headlines: "Mossoullini and
Gasparri Signed Historic, Roman Pact." Now notice, the wording of the article. Remember the
Bible said, the deadly wound would be -- what everybody? Healed. The Roman question Ð and
I'm quoting the San Francisco chronicle. -- the roman question. Tonight was a thing of the past.
And the Vatican was at peace with Italy. In affixing the autographs to the memorable document
healing the wound. What did the Bible say the deadly wound would be, what? Healed. And
quoting the news source it says, "healing the wound, extreme cordiality was displayed on both
sides." San Francisco Chronicle February 11, 1929. What did the Bible predict? It predicted that
the papal power would rule from 538 to 1798. That happened. It predicted the pope would go
into captivity in 1798. He did. It predicted that he would die in captivity. It happened. It
predicted that that deadly wound would be healed. It did. It predicted after that, that all the world
again would wonder after this religious power. It predicted that the papacy would grow to
prominence and power at the time of the end.
Clue number 7. End time worldwide prominence. The Bible is clear. All the world would
marvel. In other words, this system again would grow to worldwide prominence. If you have
been following the news at all, this prophecy has been fulfilled. Indeed, the papal system has
grown and gained worldwide influence, prestige and prominence.
In the book of Revelation, the Bible teaches that the central issue in the last days is worship.
Revelation 13:18. Here is wisdom. Let him who has understanding calculate the number of the
beast for it is the number of the man. And his number is 666. What does that number 666 mean?
Do you remember that God created the world in 6 days and rested the 7th. In the book of
Revelation, the beast is a symbol of a religious political power. And the number 666 is a symbol.
Throughout Revelation, the number 7 represents perfection or completeness. You have the
complete scope of Christian history mentioned in the 7 churches of Revelation. Or the 7 seals of
Revelation. God created the world in six days and rested the seventh. So, 7 is always a number of
perfection. It represents obedience. It represents God's law. It represents God's truth and God's
word. Six on the other hand represents imperfection. It represents man's way. It represents a
counterfeit system. The beast represents a false religious system with human authority for the
authority of Christ. With man's tradition for God's word. With a substitute law for the commands
of God. With a counterfeit Sabbath for the true Sabbath. What then is the mark of the beast?
What is the mark of religious medieval papal church authority. Does the church itself claim that
it has a mark? What specifically is the mark of the beast? Now, the mark of the beast must be the
sign of the Roman Church's authority. And it must have to do something with worship since
we've talked about worship the creator and worship the beast. It must have also something to do
about the commandments. Because as true worship on the Sabbath, is found in the heart of God's
law. The mark of the beast must have to do with the opposite of the Sabbath. The opposite of
true worship. The opposite of the commandments of God.
Notice. Some people say, the mark of the beast that's literal. It's like a 666 tattooed on your
forehead. Now, folk, look. In Revelation 13, we have a symbolic beast. The medieval church.
We have a symbolic image to the beast. We have a symbolic name. There's a symbolic number,
666. There's a symbolic seal. It's not a literal seal on the forehead. It's accepting God as creator,
understanding that the basis of the controversy between good and evil is worship. And it's being
led back to obedience in keeping God's commandments. So, if the seal is symbolic, the mark
must be opposite of the seal and that must be symbolic.
Do you remember we looked at Daniel chapter 7. And in Daniel 7, the lion, represented Babylon.
In Revelation 13 we have a lion. In Daniel 7, the second stage was a bear. Medo-Persia. In
Revelation 13 we have a bear. In Daniel 7, you have a leopard representing Greece. In
Revelation 13, we have a leopard. In Daniel 7, you have a terrible iron-toothed like dragon beast.
In Revelation 13, the dragon, pagan Rome. Gives to this church-state power it's authority. In
Daniel 7, you have ten horns. In Revelation 13, the beast has how many horns, folk, number
five? Ten horns. In Daniel 7, the little horn speaks great things. In Revelation 13, the beast
speaks blasphemy. In Daniel 7, the medieval church reigned for 1260 days or years. In
Revelation chapter 13, the medieval church reigned for how long? 42 months or 1260 years
Now here is where it becomes fascinating. You have all these parallels in both chapters. But
look, in Daniel 7, the little horn changes the law. In Revelation 13, he afflicts the mark of the
beast. It is so logical. The issue is worship. The issue has to do with the law of God. The mark of
the beast has to do with the change of the law of God. And it has to do with the sign of the papal
authority and it has to do with the issue of worship. What does the papal church itself claim that
it's the sign of its authority? Let's go to the writings of our Roman Catholic friends. Remember,
that Daniel said that there would be an attempt to change the very law of God. Now, Cardinal
Gibbons associate wrote in a letter in October 28, 1985. In an answer to a response from a
questioner who said, did the church change the Sabbath? Now, watch this. Critical point. Of
course the Catholic Church claims that the change was her act. That is the change from Sabbath
to Sunday. And the act is a mark of her ecclesiastical power and authority in religious matters.
The church itself says, that the change of the Sabbath from Saturday to Sunday, is a mark of her
authority. A mark of her power. The Catholic Record, September 1, 1923, was answering this
same question. And it said, Sunday is our mark of authority. The church is above the Bible. And
this transference of the Sabbath observance is proof of that fact.
Do you see what the issues are, ladies and gentlemen? The issue in the final days is over
worship. True worship or false worship. Worship on the true Sabbath or accepting a counterfeit
Sabbath. Now let me be very plain. Does anyone have the mark of the beast today? The mark of
the beast is the mark of papal authority in the changing of the Sabbath from Saturday the 7th day
to Sunday the first day. But nobody has the mark of the beast today. Until the question comes
before the masses and until, church and state unite enforcing the counterfeit Sabbath, nobody
will yet receive the mark of the of the beast. No one will receive the mark of the beast until
religious legislation is passed enforcing the substitute Sabbath. You say, wait a minute. Does
Revelation actually teach that our historic freedoms will be eroded? Does Revelation actually
teach that in a time of crisis, tornado, earthquake, fire, flood, conflict, war, strife, at a time when
the economic bottom falls out. Does the book of Revelation teach there will be a counterfeit
religious revival of the uniting of churches under the auspices of the medieval church? And a
counterfeit Sabbath will be enforced? Notice, what Revelation teaches. What does the future
hold? What issues are involved in the coming crisis in the future? What indeed does the Bible
say. The Bible predicts, a coming confederacy of religions attempting to unite church and state.
Indeed the Bible says, he causes all both small and great, rich and poor, free and slave, to receive
a mark on their right hand or in their foreheads. What does it mean a mark on their right hand or
in their foreheads? The forehead is a symbol of the mind. So, you are either intellectually
convinced in your mind or the hand is a symbol of force or coercion. So, people either
intellectually accept the church-state union and counterfeit law. Or they are forced to accept it.
That no one may buy or sell except one who has the mark or the name of the beast or the number
of his name. The issue is worship. The issue is true and false worship. That focuses on the very
law of God, the very thing that makes God, God. The fact that he created us.
.He was granted power to give breath to the image of the beast. That the image of the beast
should both speak and causes many as would not worship the image of the beast should be --
what does it say -- killed. Indeed. A union of church-state powers. Indeed, our historic freedoms
will be challenged. But God will have a group of people. A group of people who say, for me it's
the Bible. And the Bible only. God will have a group of people who say, for me, it's God's word.
I want to be done with the traditions of man. In the days of Peter, the religious leaders united
with the Roman state powers. And in the days of Peter, when the religious leaders united with
the Roman state powers, Peter was thrown in prison. They denied Peter the privilege of
preaching the truth. And this is what Peter said. Read it with me please. "Then Peter and the
other apostles answered and said, we ought to obey God rather than man". We ought to obey --
what -- God, rather than men.
Here is the issue, friend. On this side, the traditions of men. On this side, the commandments of
God. On this side a divine command. On the opposite side a substitute. In the final last days of
earth's history. God reaches out to you tonight. I know for many of this is new. I know for many
of you, you've never understood these issues before. I know the struggle that can go on in your
heart. I know the conflict that can go on when you think about making a change. But tonight,
Jesus says to you, so quietly. So softly he says to you, so tenderly, my child, this is a message of
You know, if I had a little boy, and he was going hiking. A boy ten, eleven years old. He was
going to go to hiking. In the back of my house. And there was a windy steep trail. And as he
came down that trail, if I knew that the bridge was washed out, and if I knew he was coming
down that trail, I would say, son, watch out. The bridge is washed out. In love, God says, the
bridge is washed out. And man has washed away the true Sabbath. The sign of creation. God
says, the issue is worship. God says, a religious political power has changed the Sabbath. God
says, this is more than a matter of days. It's a matter of authority. It's a matter of loyalty. It's a
matter of obedience. It's a matter of a massive conflict between good and evil. A conflict
between Christ and Satan. What difference does it make, you say? In the garden of Eden, Satan
said to Eve, what difference does it make, take the fruit. And she lost Eden. And in the days of
Israel, God says, what difference did it make? Manna falls six days, but some went out to gather
on the 7th and lost their life. What difference did it make. Obedience. God said to Uzzah, Uzzah
there is an ark with the commandments in it, don't touch it. And it began to shake. And Uzzah in
defiance of God ran up and he touched it. What difference does it make? Is God that particular?
Friend, it's the attitude of the heart that God wants. The commandments of God do make a
difference. Worship does make a difference. And Christ says to you today, accept true worship.
Flee from false worship. Because soon church and state will unite. Soon, there will be
movements afoot that undermine our freedoms. And God says, make your decision now. Like
Jeremiah said if we run with the footmen and they have wearied us how will we contend with the
horses. God says, today, make your decision to follow me. God says, today, step out to follow
me. Friend of mine, tonight our ushers have a response card that I want them to put in your hands
just now.
Everyone of us one day will make a decision for Christ or the evil one. Will make a decision to
stand with the people of God or the popular church and churches. Will make a decision one day
to follow the commandments of God or the traditions of men. Will make a decision one day to
accept the genuine or to follow the counterfeit. And in love, God brought you here. And in love,
God speaks to your heart. In love, God says to you, make a decision to follow me. I'm going to
read the card over. And when you take it in your hands, wherever you are, some place
throughout the United States. Some place in Canada. In South America. Brazil. Argentina, Chile.
In Inter America. Mexico. Throughout Europe and Germany. Or Norway. Or Spain. France. Or
Poland. Or Hungary or Yugoslavia or Romania. Just quietly take your card. I'm going to read it
once. Connie is going to sing. In the quietness. Would you like to say, Jesus, this is decision
night for me. The issues are clear. The road goes only one of two ways. The true Sabbath or the
counterfeit Sabbath. So many people that have never known these truths are hearing God's call.
So many lovely Sunday keeping, Protestants and Catholics now understand the issues. They're
making decisions to follow Christ. And the days of their ignorance, God winked at. But now he's
making his final appeal. Let me read the card. If you need a pencil just raise your hand. It's called
the mark of the beast. It says, I surrender my life completely to Jesus and His truth. I do not want
to receive the mark of the beast. It says, I love Jesus and want to keep Seventh-day Sabbath,
which is Saturday. It says I would like to be baptized soon. Thousands and thousands are making
that decision. You can write your name, your phone number, your address, your city and the zip.
Are you a church member, yes or no, and what denomination. Just in the quietness. This is your
decision night. May it be a personal decision between you and Christ. Right now. As Connie
Have you sensed tonight God speaking to your heart? Just now as our ushers pass our buckets
across, tonight in a special way, decisions have been made for Christ. Decisions that will make a
difference in all eternity. Fear God, and give glory to him for the hour of God's judgment is
come. And worship him. That made heaven and earth and the sea and the fountains of waters.
God's final call to mankind. A call to be loyal to him. A call to be obedient to him. A call to
accept his love and grace and genuine Sabbath in these last days. Just now, drop your card in the
bucket. Decisions being made for Christ in the quietness. Hundreds, thousands of decisions to
worship the creator of all the universe. To give him our praise. And our allegiance. And our
honor. As our ushers collect the cards and bring them forward, listen to the words of the song.
God knows every name. He knows every heart. He knows the struggle that you go through in
making this decision. The struggle in your family with a husband or wife. The struggle in your
village, the struggle in your city. The struggle in your community. But we're living in the last
days. And Jesus is greater than the struggle. Jesus is stronger than the conflict. And Jesus' power
is yours tonight.
Let's pray. Dear Lord, Revelation teaches us that you're our creator. You're our redeemer. You're
our high priest. And you're our coming king. All we can do tonight is fall on our knees and
worship you. And praise you as the creator of the whole universe. And tonight, we have heard
your call. And we accept your invitation. To praise you and worship you and keep the true
genuine Sabbath. We flee from tradition. We flee from the teachings of man. And we come to
your word. In Christ' name. Amen.

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24. mob the mark of the beast

  • 1. The Mark of the Beast By Pastor Mark Finley Our topic tonight, is the mark of the beast. The subject of the mark of the beast is one of the most vital subjects in all the book of Revelation. In fact, it's one of the most discussed subjects when people begin to discuss the book of Revelation. They ask, who is the beast? What's the mark of the beast? What about that mysterious number, 666. Is the beast a computer in Belgium? Is the beast a person? Is the beast a system some organization? Who is the beast? What's the mark of the beast? And how can I keep from avoiding the bark of the beast? The warning against worshipping the beast is the most urgent warning given in the book of Revelation. But the book of Revelation is the Revelation of Jesus Christ. The Bible says, in Revelation 1:1, the Revelation of Jesus which God gave unto him of things that must shortly come to pass. So, whatever the mark of the beast is, in the book of Revelation, it has something to do with a counterfeit sign or symbol against Jesus. It has something to do with a system that undermines fundamental truths about Jesus. Let's go directly tonight to the book of Revelation. And let Revelation speak for us. To us. Whatever our past understanding, whatever our previous ideas. We look tonight not at the teachings of men. We look tonight not at books that human beings have written about the beast or the mark, we look directly at the book of Revelation. That book given to us by the inspiration of God. The last book in the Bible. And I saw another angel fly in the middle of heaven. Having the everlasting gospel to preach to them that dwell on the earth. God's last day message to go swiftly and quickly to the ends of the earth. To them that dwell on the earth and to every nation, kindred, tongue and people. Here is no message done in a corner. Here is a message that goes to the ends of the earth. To every people group. Every language group. Saying, fear God, and give glory to him for the hour of his judgment is come. This message, announces that the hour of God's judgment has come. We're living in a special time of earth's history just before the coming of Jesus. And in the light of the coming of Jesus, in view of the return of our Lord, the angels says in Revelation 14:6, 7. And worship him that made heaven and earth and the sea and the fountains of waters. Worship him that made. The one that made is the creator. So, Revelation 14:7 is an appeal to worship the creator. The central issue in Revelation 14 is worship. The Bible then describes a second angel that flies that says, Babylon or confused religion is fallen. And calls us from counterfeit confused religion. Then after the second angel, the Bible describes a third angel. It says, then a third angel followed them saying with a loud voice, if anyone worships the beast and his image. The same -- and receives his mark in his forehead or in his hand, he himself shall drink also of the wine of the wrath of God. Revelation 14:9, 10. Now notice the distinction in Revelation 14:7, it says, worship the creator. In Revelation 14:9 it says, if anyone worships the beast, so the central issue in earth's last conflict is over the subject of worship. Either worshipping the creator on this hand. Or worshipping the beast on this hand. That conflict points out that there is true and false worship that collide. And so in Revelation chapter 14 you have a collision between true worship and false worship. In Revelation chapter 14, you have a conflict between truth and error.
  • 2. Between a divine command of God and a substitute given by man. So, the final conflict according to Revelation chapter 14 is over the subject of worship. Revelation 14:7 says, worship the creator. Revelation 14:9 says, don't worship the beast. An and in Revelation 14:12, it describes a group of people that worship their creator and do not worship the beast. Revelation 14:12 says, read it with it me please. Here is the patience of the saints. Here are they that keep the commandments of God. And the faith of Jesus. So, worshipping the creator has something to do with keeping the commandments of God. In keeping the commandments of God, and worshipping the creator are in the center of this final conflict. This final issue over the mark of the beast. This message is given by a God whose heart is filled with love. It is a loving God that warns his children of the perils ahead. It's a loving God that warns his children of the dangers on the road ahead. It's a loving God that calls his people to worship the creator and to keep his commandments and not to worship the beast in the days ahead. Revelation presents two groups. One group worships the creator. Revelation 14:7. And one group worships the beast. Revelation 14 and verse 9. Well, if this whole conflict between good and evil. If this whole issue in this controversy between Christ and Satan. If this whole issue is over worship, that leads us to a question. What is the basis of true worship? Because if we can really learn what it means to worship the creator, if we can really learn what it means to have the basis of true worship, now ladies and gentlemen tonight, is it clear to you that this is an important issue in Christianity. This is not a periphery issue. This is not something that is on the side. This is not an elective to understand. Like some course in college that might be nice to take. The angel flies in mid heaven. And he calls men and women to worship the creator. The angel flies in mid heaven and he says in the last days, don't worship the beast. Since the central issue is over worship, true worship and false worship. Genuine worship and counterfeit worship, that leads us to the question. What is the basis of all true worship? Revelation chapter 4 and verse 11 describes the basis of true worship. Thou are worthy, o, Lord, to receive glory and honor and power; for you created all things and by your will they exist and were created. Why is God worthy of our worship? Because did he, what, everybody? He created. We did not evolve. We did not come to life by chance or happenstance. We were created by God. He spoke and it was done. And although recently the pope of Rome has said, you can accept evolution as well as creation. The Bible says, that that undermines the entire basis for worship. Because God is the creator. And if indeed I evolved, and if God was merely the first cause to put life into motion on earth, then indeed it undermines the whole basis for worship. The Bible says, "you are worthy, o, Lord to receive glory and honor and power for you created all things." We fall at his feet and worship him because he is the life giver. Has God given to us a memorial of true worship? Has God given to us a memorial of true worship in the heart of his law? Has God left a sign in his law of true worship of his creative authority? Well, let's go back to the very law of God. And let's ask ourselves the question is there a sign of true worship in the law of God that is the very basis, the very foundation of our Christian life? The fourth commandment says, remember the Sabbath day. God says, remember. And most of the world has forgotten. To keep it holy. Six days shalt thou labor and do all thy work. But the 7th day, that is Saturday, is the Sabbath of the Lord thy God. Why? What reason do we worship on Sabbath? For in six days, the Lord made heaven and earth and the sea. Now, do you remember Revelation 14, it says, worship him that made heaven, earth, sea and fountains
  • 3. of waters. So, Revelation 14 calls us to worship the creator. And Revelation 14 says, the center of the final conflict is over worshipping the creator. Revelation 4 says, that the basis of all worship is God created us. Exodus 20 in the ten commandments says, that the way we worship God as creator, and the way we exalt him as the creator, the sign, the flag against evolution is indeed the Sabbath. And the Bible says, for in six days, the Lord made heaven and earth. The sea and all that in them is, and he rested the 7th day. Wherefore the Lord blessed the Sabbath day and hallowed it. The Sabbath is the basis for all true worship. The Sabbath is the basis of our praise to God. It is the sign that God has in a time of evolution. It is God's true sign. In fact Ezekiel the Prophet describes the Sabbath as God's true sign. Ezekiel 20 verse 12. Moreover I also gave them my Sabbath to be a sign between me and them. That they might know that I am the Lord who sanctifies them. Since the Sabbath is a sign of true worship, and since the Sabbath is in the heart of the ten commandments, that Satan attacks the Sabbath and as he attacks the Sabbath he attacks the creator. He attacks the one that made heaven and earth. The Sabbath is a sign. Now, in the Bible, there's another term for sign. See if you can discover what it is. Romans 4:11. Read it with me. This is talking incidentally about Abraham. And it's talking about circumcision. And circumcision was a sign that the Jews were God's people back in the old testament. But read this with me. And he received the sign of circumcision, a seal of the righteousness of the faith. So, you can call it a sign or a -- what? Seal. So, in the Bible, the Sabbath is a sign of true worship. The Sabbath is a seal of true worship. In fact, in Isaiah 8:16. It says, let's read it together, behind up the testimony, and seal the law among my disciples. Where is God's seal? God's seal is in his what, everybody? Law. And God's seal in his law is a sign of true worship. And the sign of true worship in God's law is the Sabbath. That becomes God's seal of authority. God's seal is in the heart of his law. Now, in the old testament, when a king wanted to authenticate a document. The king put his seal on that document. For that document to be authentic, it needed to contain three things. The name of the king, his title, and his territory. In other words, it might say, in the new testament might say, Herod, king of Rome. So, you would say Herod, his name. His title, king. And his territory, Rome and its environment. If we were talking about the United States, we might say, Abraham Lincoln. That is his name. President, that is his title. And United States, that is his domain. Every seal that authenticates a document has to have those three things. The Sabbath is God's seal. It's in the heart of his law, the ten commandments. It authenticates the law. Because look let's suppose the commandments says thou shall not steal. The logical question is "Who says 'thou shalt not steal'"? Thous shalt not kill. Who says 'thou shalt not kill?'. The only command that has the name of the commandment giver, the title of the commandment giver, and the territory of the command meant giver, the seal of God's law, he is the Lord thy God. That's his name. He is the creator. And he's the creator of heaven and earth. It says that in the Sabbath. It says, remember the Sabbath day to keep it holy. For in six days, the Lord, his name, made, creator, heaven, earth, the sea and in them is. So, the Sabbath is the symbol in God's law of true worship. It contains his name, his title, and his territory. The Sabbath is God's seal. God's seal stands in contrast to Satan's mark. So, in the book of Revelation, you have God's sign. The Sabbath. You have a counterfeit Sabbath. Initiated by the beast. You have God's seal. And a
  • 4. counterfeit mark. So, you have the seal of God. That contains his name, His title, and his territory. And you have the mark of the beast. Both of those things stand in opposition to one another. In Revelation chapter 7, the book of Revelation talks about a great time of trouble. It talks about plagues that are going to be pored out before Jesus comes. It talks about the winds of destruction blowing on the earth. And Revelation says in Revelation 7. I saw another angel ascending from the east. Having the -- what? Seal of the living God. The Sabbath stands for loyalty to God. The Sabbath is the outer sign of obedience. It's the sign of a heart that is committed to God. The Sabbath represents a settling in to God's truth. So, we cannot be moved. Then I saw another angel ascending from the east. Having the seal of the living God. And he cried with a -- what kind of voice? Loud voice to the four angels to whom it was granted to harm the earth and the sea. Saying, do not harm the earth and the sea or the trees till we have sealed the servants of God in their foreheads. The forehead represents the mind. And until every human being has had a chance, every human being had an opportunity to worship their creator, to know God's truth, to understand the difference between false worship and true worship, to understand the difference between the genuine and the counterfeit, to understand the difference between God's way and man's way, the Bible says, that God tells the holy angels, hold back the trouble. Hold back the destruction. God let my message of truth go out. Let thousands come via television. Via radio. Via the printed page. Via Bible lessons. Via satellite technology. Let them know my truth, dear Lord. Let them know the truth about true worship. Let them know the truth about my law. Before end-time. God's seal and God's law are both placed in the forehead. "I will put my laws in their mind and write them in their hearts." What does God write his law in our hearts? He writes it in our hearts so we love it. So, we have natural impulses to do right. His Holy Spirit comes into our life. It changes us. And we love his law, we love to obey him. Because Jesus said if you love me, keep my commandments. And Christ has done so much for us on the cross. We love him. We want to obey. But notice he says I'll put my law in their mind. Before it said, the seal would be in the mind. God's law. God's seal. God's Sabbath as a sign of loving obedience is placed in our minds. Now, Satan has attacked the Sabbath because the Sabbath is the seal and the heart of God's law. And so, Satan has attacked the Sabbath. In fact, in Daniel 7:25, it says: that an earthly religious power would rise to think to change the law of God. So, if the issue in the final conflict is over creation, as opposed to evolution, and if the issue in the final conflict has to do with worshipping the creator, and loving God so much that I obey him and keep his Sabbath as my flag or sign of allegiance to him, because of my love. And if the devil has attacked God's law and attempted to change it. If that indeed is true, then this issue over the Sabbath and worship and creation, the mark of the beast must have to do with the change of the Sabbath. In must have to do with some kind of false or substitute or counterfeit worship, since the final issue, revolves around worship. What earthly religious power claims that it has authority to change God's law? Is there an earthly religious power today that claims that it has the authority to change God's law? Is there a power? There are historical statements, scores of them, dating back hundreds of years, in which, the Roman Church declares that it has the authority to change God's law. Here is only one sample that is a recent statement that comes from the Saint Catherine's rectory in northern Michigan in May of 1995. I've chose then one because it's so recent. And then I'll give you a number that are a little older. This statement says this: "perhaps" (and this is our dear Roman Catholic priest
  • 5. writing.) And he says, "perhaps the boldest thing, the most revolutionary change" ( and he's explaining how the Sabbath was changed from Saturday to Sunday.) And he says, "perhaps, the boldest thing, the most revolutionary change the church ever did happened in the first century. The holy day, the Sabbath" (this is what the priest says ) "was changed from Saturday to Sunday. Not from any directions noted in scripture. But from the church's sense of its own power. People" (now this is what the priest says ) "who think that the scripture should be the sole authority, should logically become Seventh-day Adventists and keep Saturday holy." Now, that's from Saint Catherine's Catholic Church Sentinel, May 21, 1995 parish paper. And his logic is impeccable. He said, if you accept that the power of the church is above the Bible, then you should keep Sunday. If you accept that the Bible is supreme then should you keep Saturday. And logically become a Seventh-day Adventist. I think that's pretty good reasoning, don't you? Certainly is good reasoning, friends. Because, look, if you take the Bible and the Bible only. And the issue is creation and the Sabbath is a symbol of creation, then logically one should follow that through and become a Sabbath worshiper. Does the Pope of Rome claim that he has the authority to change God's law? Here is from the heart of the Vatican itself, in the Latin language, from Decrito de Translit Episcop Cap, it says-- and I quote this catholic source: "The pope has the power to change times to abrogate laws and to dispense with all things, even the precepts of Christ". So the idea is, that it is possible that the church teaches, the catholic church teaches that God gave the authority to the Pope to change the law. And that is clearly stated. Now, ladies and gentlemen, tonight, it is not our purpose in any way to condemn any church or any individual. I should tell you this. I was brought up in a lovely Roman Catholic home. I was educated by the priests and the nuns. I memorize the mass in Latin as a little boy. And grew up in that whole environment. When I was 17 years old, there was something missing in my life. And I wasn't sure what it was. And I began to study the Bible. My dad helped me a lot and directed me to passage of scripture. And I looked into the book of Revelation and I began studying. And I had to wrestle with these texts. Wrestle with Revelation 14. The call to worship the creator. Wrestle with the whole issue of true worship as opposed to false worship. I had to ask myself the question, deep in my soul, I was preparing to go to college. And I said, what do I want to do with the rest of my life? Where is God leading me? I had thought at one period of time, the possibility of becoming a priest. And I wrestled with these issues, they were wrenching to me. Because, this was my life. And I wrestled. There is worship the creator on this hand. There is accepting a substitute on this hand. There is the traditions of men on this hand. There is the law of God on this hand. And I said, Lord, what do you want me to do? I know for some of you that this is a really a big struggle. And I totally understand it. I identify with you. I know where you're coming from. But tonight, I'd like to ask you to just put your emotions aside. Because I know that when I heard messages like this the first time, the first thing that happened in me was this emotional barrier rose. And I said, this couldn't be true. Tonight, could you just put your emotions aside. Just put them on a shelf. And say to yourself, what does the biblical text teach? What does God teach in his word? God, maybe you've been tapping me on the shoulder. God, maybe I'm not here to these meetings by accident. God, maybe you led me. What are the issues in the final conflict? Worshipping the creator. Or, worshipping the beast. What are the issues? The issues revolve around true and false worship. The genuine and the counterfeit.
  • 6. Satan has attacked God's seal, the Sabbath. The basis of all worship. Revelation chapter 13, outlines the identifying characteristics of the beast. It then goes on to outline what the mark of the beast is. And how you can avoid it. We've already seen that the central issue indeed is worship. Now, let me give you 7 clues of the identifying the beast. But before I do that, isn't the word "beast. It's a little beastly isn't it? Even the name is a little beastly? The word "beast" comes from an old English word meaning animal. And you can understand that, can't you? Many countries are identified with their animal symbols. You know, for example, Germany has an eagle. As a symbol. It's not a real eagle, but it's a remade kind of an eagle. And number of nation have eagles. Did you happen to know most of us think of Russia as the Russian bear. But the more accurate symbol of Russia, my Russian friends tell me, is a two-headed eagle. The United States, of course has the bald eagle as its symbol. And, you know, up in Norway, they have a lion has as a symbol. So, animals as symbols of nations are as old as time. That has been done. So, when you think of a beast, think of an animal as a symbol that God gives of a nation. Now, God describes this beast or this animal, God identifies this animal in Revelation chapter 13. He says, first, that this animal that comes up that ultimately enforces the mark of the beast of the animal, that it's a symbol. And God gives you 7 clues to identify the beast's power. He says, "then I stood on the sand of the sea. And I saw a beast rising up out of the sea." Now, the sea in Bible prophecy represents what, everybody? Nations or people. So, I stood on the shore of many peoples, the sea, Revelation 17:15. Says, the waters which you saw are peoples, nations and tongues. And I saw a beast rising up out of the sea. Having 7 heads and ten horns. And on his horns, ten crowns. And on his heads, a blasphemous name. And the beast which I saw was like a leopard, his feet were like a feet of a bear. His mouth like the mouth of a lion. Now did we see the bear before? Did we see that before? Did we see the lion, before? Did we see the leopard before? If you've been coming to this lecture series, you understand that a lion was a symbol in Daniel of what nation everybody? Babylon. A bear was a symbol in Daniel of what nation? Medo-Persia. The leopard was a symbol of Greece. And the dragon was a symbol of what? Pagan Rome. Okay. Now read the yellow portion of the text with me: "The dragon gave him his power, his throne and great authority". Now here is clue number one. Whoever the beast is of Revelation 13, where does he get his power from? The dragon. Where does he get his throne of government from? The dragon. Where does he get great authority from? The dragon. And who does the dragon represent? Pagan Rome. Somebody said, well, here you have Babylon: the lion with eagle's wings. You have Medo- Persia: the bear with three ribs in his mouth. You have Greecia: the leopard with the four heads and wings. You have pagan Rome: represented as the dragon. But somebody says, I thought the dragon was a symbol of Satan? It is. But Satan always has to work through some earthly institution. So, in Revelation 12:9, it identifies the dragon as Satan. But Satan works through human agencies. In Revelation 12 the dragon working through pagan Rome attempted to destroy Jesus. And you remember in Revelation 12 the dragon tried to kill the man child. Well it was pagan Rome that tried to kill Jesus. A Roman official tried to kill baby Jesus. A roman governor condemned Jesus. A roman executioner crucified Jesus. A Roman emblem sealed Jesus' tomp. And a Roman guard watched that tomb. So, the dragon represents in Revelation 12, Satan working through pagan Rome to destroy Jesus. After pagan Rome fell apart, pagan Rome would
  • 7. give its government or its seat of authority to somebody. Who did the pagan Roman government give its seat of authority to? Professor Labianca. The professor of history of the university of Rome says this: "to the succession of the Caesar's came the succession of the pontiffs in Rome." When Constantine left Rome, he gave his seat to the pontiff. So, Constantine saw the roman empire falling apart. He was going to move his headquarters to Byzantium or Constantinople. And he gave his seat of government to the pontiff of Rome. This is a really an amazing painting. It's one of Rafael's paintings. The Vatican has some of the most magnificent paintings in the world. And this picture comes from a book that is published by the Vatican library. It can be purchased at the Vatican in Italy. And it's Constantine's vision. It's the story of Constantine's conversion. And Constantine is looking up at cross. But all the Roman soldiers around Constantine, if you look at the extreme right of the picture, you'll notice a dragon above the arrow on a standard. The dragon standard on the arrow, above the arrow was a symbol of Rome. So, Constantine looking to the dragon which is a symbol of pagan Rome (like the eagle is of the United States) and the Bible says, the dragon, pagan Rome, would give to the pope of Rome or to this other beast power, it's authority. Now, this is an amazing painting. One of the most magnificent paintings in the Vatican. It is Constantine kneeling before the pope, giving him the authority in Rome. It's called "the donation of Constantine". And here, the pagan Roman emperor gives to the pope of Rome the civil and religious authority. Constantine was concerned. He needed to move his empire from Rome because it was falling apart. Barbarian tribes were coming down and attacking it. Ladies and gentlemen, clue number one. Pagan Rome would give its authority to somebody. History clearly demonstrates that that was given to papal Rome. Clue number two. This power in Revelation 13 would become a worldwide religious power. Not a political power. Revelation 13:8 says, all who dwell on the earth will worship him, whose names have not been written in the book of life of the lamb slain from the foundation of the world. All who dwell on earth will worship him. A universal power. A universal power that initiates worship. A universal religious power. Once again, history testifies to the truthfulness of Revelation's prophecies. As we look at these prophecies. Clue number three. It becomes evident that only one power can fit into them. A religious power that would at times dominate civil powers. In other words, in the early centuries, the church would grow so large and the medieval church would become so powerful, that it would dominate the state. Revelation 13:7 says, an authority was given him over every tribe, tongue and nation. A power growing out of pagan Rome, that would initiate worldwide worship. And as that power grew out of pagan Rome, it would have authority over the nations. Does history teach us that the medieval church had authority even over kings? Myers general history page 455. Under him, was very nearly made good the Papal claim that all earthly sovereigns were merely vassals of the Roman pontiff. Almost all the kings and princess of Europe swore fealty, that means loyalty, to him as their overlord. Rome was once more the mistress of the world. History demonstrates that in these middle ages, in the dark ages, the medieval church did have power over the state powers from time to time.
  • 8. Four. This power according to the Bible would be a blasphemous power. This is confusing to some. Revelation 13:6 says that "he opened his mouth to blaspheme against God and to blaspheme his name, his tabernacle, and those that dwell in heaven." What is blasphemy. Some people think blasphemy is taking your first and shaking it in God's face. Some people think that blasphemy is saying "God?" and that God doesn't exist. But what is blasphemy according to the Bible? Jesus was called by the Jewish priests as a blasphemer. Why was Jesus called a blasphemer? Jesus certainly wasn't a blasphemer. Why did the Jewish priest say that he was. John 10:33. The Jews answered him saying, for a good work we do not stone you. But for blasphemy, and because -- read the rest of it with me please -- you being a man make yourself God. So, the definition of blasphemy is that when a man takes the privileges and prerogatives that are God's. Was Jesus a blasphemer? Was Jesus a blasphemer? Why not? Because Jesus was God, therefor he could claim the privileges of God. But any human being takes that prerogative and says he has those privileges according to the Bible, that's blasphemy. Second Thessalonians 2 verse 4, "Who opposes and exalts himself above all that is called God or that is worshipped. So that he sits as God in the temple of God, showing himself that he is God." The Bible talks about the drift and departure from the truth. It talks about a power that rises, that sits as God in the temple of God." Was this the decree of ancient medieval church leaders and Popes. The Bible describes blasphemy as assuming any rights or power that belong to God alone. It was Pope Leo the thirteenth that echoed the sentiment of many of the Church leaders. He said, "We hold upon this earth the place of God all mighty." That clue indeed has been filled. But the Pharisees went on again with Jesus. And the Pharisees said this in Luke 5:21. And the scribes and the Pharisees began to reason saying, who is this who speaks blasphemies. Who can can forgive sinners but God alone." Jesus said to the woman cast in adultery, 'your sins are forgiven'. Jesus said to numerous people 'your sins are forgiven' The Pharisees said 'this is blasphemy because only God can forgive sins.' When any earthly priest claims to represent God in the forgiveness of sins. The Bible says, very plainly. There is one God and one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus. 1 timothy 2:5. Revelation is about Jesus. Jesus who is our creator. There is a substitute day that has been established to obscure creation. Revelation is about Jesus. Jesus is our creator. Revelation is about Jesus. Jesus is our redeemer. There is only one whose blood was shed. Not by the works of man's hands but by the grace of God. Revelation is about Jesus. Jesus who is our intercessor. Jesus who is our High Priest. Revelation is about Jesus. Jesus who is our coming king. Satan counterfeits a substitute day for creation. Satan counterfeits a substitutes a system. Works, penances, indulgences. Satan counterfeits human priests for Jesus. Satan counterfeits the whole idea of the second coming of Christ. The Bible says "there is one God and one mediator between God and man. The man Jesus Christ." The Bible says, if we confess our sins, he, Jesus, will forgive us our sins. I'm thankful that I can go and kneel before God and ask him through Christ to forgive me. Clue number five. This would be a religious power that would reign supreme for 1260 years. What does that mean? Babylon, Medo-Persia, Greece, pagan Rome. Pagan Rome then was divided from 351 to about 476 AD. So we should expect then, Constantine giving authority to the church. And we should expect that church to have its official dominate reign beginning some time in the fifth and early 6th century. The Bible says, he was given a mouth speaking great
  • 9. things and blasphemies. And he was given authority to continue for 42 months. I wonder what that means? In the Bible, there were 30 days in the Bible month, and 42 months, 30 times 42 equals 1260. 30 days in a month. 30 times 42. That's 1260. Because the Bible says, in Ezekiel 4:6 read it with me please. "I've given you a day for a year". So, in Bible prophecy, one prophetic day equals one literal what? year. So, the beast power, or the church would reign supreme for approximately 1260 years. The legally recognized supremacy of the Pope began in 538 AD Now that happened when the decree of Justinian, the Emperor, went into effect making the bishop of Rome the head of all the churches, the definer of doctrine, and the corrector of heretics. So, in 538 AD, this period of the 1260 years, actually began. In fact in the history of the Christian church, volume 3 page 327. It says, Vigiluis, ascended the Papal Chair. He was the Pope. In 538 A.D. under the military protection of Belisarius. He was the general of Justinian. So history is clear about this church-state union. It began in 538 AD. It would go until 1798 AD. The Bible says, that during this time, church and state would unite. It was granted to him to make war with the saints. And to overcome them. And authority was given him over every tribe, tongue and nation. Revelation 13:7. During this time, the church-state union would persecute in the dark or middle ages those that didn't go along. History is resplendent with the stories of those burned at the stake. The stories of those that suffered for their faith. This is a historical fact that the dark ages indeed took place. But the Bible says, and I saw one of his heads as if it had been mortally wounded. At the end of the 1260 years, the papal power would suffer a very deadly wound. In 1798, he, Berthier. Now Berthier was the general of Napolean. Napoleon looked to the south, and he saw a rival: the Pope of Rome. So the Bible says, that he would have a deadly wound. The Encyclopedia Brittanica 1941 edition says, "in 1798 he, Berthier, made his entrance into Rome. Abolished the papal government. And established a secular one." There was a deadly wound that was afflicted. Revelation 13:9, 10 says, "If anyone has an ear, let him hear. He who leads into captivity shall go into captivity. So the beast power, the papacy, this animal figure describing the papal power, the bible says that the papacy would go into captivity. He who kills with the sword must be killed with the sword. Berthier came down in 1798, took the pope captive, brought him back to France, and historically exactly in that year, the pope died in captivity. Clue six. The deadly wound would be healed. Revelation 13:3. I saw one of his heads as if it had been mortally wounded. And his deadly wound was healed. And all the world marveled and followed the beast. So, the deadly wound after 1798, some time after that period of time, would be healed. In 1929, notice, the San Francisco Chronicle, here are the headlines: "Mossoullini and Gasparri Signed Historic, Roman Pact." Now notice, the wording of the article. Remember the Bible said, the deadly wound would be -- what everybody? Healed. The Roman question Ð and I'm quoting the San Francisco chronicle. -- the roman question. Tonight was a thing of the past. And the Vatican was at peace with Italy. In affixing the autographs to the memorable document healing the wound. What did the Bible say the deadly wound would be, what? Healed. And quoting the news source it says, "healing the wound, extreme cordiality was displayed on both sides." San Francisco Chronicle February 11, 1929. What did the Bible predict? It predicted that the papal power would rule from 538 to 1798. That happened. It predicted the pope would go into captivity in 1798. He did. It predicted that he would die in captivity. It happened. It predicted that that deadly wound would be healed. It did. It predicted after that, that all the world
  • 10. again would wonder after this religious power. It predicted that the papacy would grow to prominence and power at the time of the end. Clue number 7. End time worldwide prominence. The Bible is clear. All the world would marvel. In other words, this system again would grow to worldwide prominence. If you have been following the news at all, this prophecy has been fulfilled. Indeed, the papal system has grown and gained worldwide influence, prestige and prominence. In the book of Revelation, the Bible teaches that the central issue in the last days is worship. Revelation 13:18. Here is wisdom. Let him who has understanding calculate the number of the beast for it is the number of the man. And his number is 666. What does that number 666 mean? Do you remember that God created the world in 6 days and rested the 7th. In the book of Revelation, the beast is a symbol of a religious political power. And the number 666 is a symbol. Throughout Revelation, the number 7 represents perfection or completeness. You have the complete scope of Christian history mentioned in the 7 churches of Revelation. Or the 7 seals of Revelation. God created the world in six days and rested the seventh. So, 7 is always a number of perfection. It represents obedience. It represents God's law. It represents God's truth and God's word. Six on the other hand represents imperfection. It represents man's way. It represents a counterfeit system. The beast represents a false religious system with human authority for the authority of Christ. With man's tradition for God's word. With a substitute law for the commands of God. With a counterfeit Sabbath for the true Sabbath. What then is the mark of the beast? What is the mark of religious medieval papal church authority. Does the church itself claim that it has a mark? What specifically is the mark of the beast? Now, the mark of the beast must be the sign of the Roman Church's authority. And it must have to do something with worship since we've talked about worship the creator and worship the beast. It must have also something to do about the commandments. Because as true worship on the Sabbath, is found in the heart of God's law. The mark of the beast must have to do with the opposite of the Sabbath. The opposite of true worship. The opposite of the commandments of God. Notice. Some people say, the mark of the beast that's literal. It's like a 666 tattooed on your forehead. Now, folk, look. In Revelation 13, we have a symbolic beast. The medieval church. We have a symbolic image to the beast. We have a symbolic name. There's a symbolic number, 666. There's a symbolic seal. It's not a literal seal on the forehead. It's accepting God as creator, understanding that the basis of the controversy between good and evil is worship. And it's being led back to obedience in keeping God's commandments. So, if the seal is symbolic, the mark must be opposite of the seal and that must be symbolic. Do you remember we looked at Daniel chapter 7. And in Daniel 7, the lion, represented Babylon. In Revelation 13 we have a lion. In Daniel 7, the second stage was a bear. Medo-Persia. In Revelation 13 we have a bear. In Daniel 7, you have a leopard representing Greece. In Revelation 13, we have a leopard. In Daniel 7, you have a terrible iron-toothed like dragon beast. In Revelation 13, the dragon, pagan Rome. Gives to this church-state power it's authority. In Daniel 7, you have ten horns. In Revelation 13, the beast has how many horns, folk, number five? Ten horns. In Daniel 7, the little horn speaks great things. In Revelation 13, the beast speaks blasphemy. In Daniel 7, the medieval church reigned for 1260 days or years. In Revelation chapter 13, the medieval church reigned for how long? 42 months or 1260 years
  • 11. Now here is where it becomes fascinating. You have all these parallels in both chapters. But look, in Daniel 7, the little horn changes the law. In Revelation 13, he afflicts the mark of the beast. It is so logical. The issue is worship. The issue has to do with the law of God. The mark of the beast has to do with the change of the law of God. And it has to do with the sign of the papal authority and it has to do with the issue of worship. What does the papal church itself claim that it's the sign of its authority? Let's go to the writings of our Roman Catholic friends. Remember, that Daniel said that there would be an attempt to change the very law of God. Now, Cardinal Gibbons associate wrote in a letter in October 28, 1985. In an answer to a response from a questioner who said, did the church change the Sabbath? Now, watch this. Critical point. Of course the Catholic Church claims that the change was her act. That is the change from Sabbath to Sunday. And the act is a mark of her ecclesiastical power and authority in religious matters. The church itself says, that the change of the Sabbath from Saturday to Sunday, is a mark of her authority. A mark of her power. The Catholic Record, September 1, 1923, was answering this same question. And it said, Sunday is our mark of authority. The church is above the Bible. And this transference of the Sabbath observance is proof of that fact. Do you see what the issues are, ladies and gentlemen? The issue in the final days is over worship. True worship or false worship. Worship on the true Sabbath or accepting a counterfeit Sabbath. Now let me be very plain. Does anyone have the mark of the beast today? The mark of the beast is the mark of papal authority in the changing of the Sabbath from Saturday the 7th day to Sunday the first day. But nobody has the mark of the beast today. Until the question comes before the masses and until, church and state unite enforcing the counterfeit Sabbath, nobody will yet receive the mark of the of the beast. No one will receive the mark of the beast until religious legislation is passed enforcing the substitute Sabbath. You say, wait a minute. Does Revelation actually teach that our historic freedoms will be eroded? Does Revelation actually teach that in a time of crisis, tornado, earthquake, fire, flood, conflict, war, strife, at a time when the economic bottom falls out. Does the book of Revelation teach there will be a counterfeit religious revival of the uniting of churches under the auspices of the medieval church? And a counterfeit Sabbath will be enforced? Notice, what Revelation teaches. What does the future hold? What issues are involved in the coming crisis in the future? What indeed does the Bible say. The Bible predicts, a coming confederacy of religions attempting to unite church and state. Indeed the Bible says, he causes all both small and great, rich and poor, free and slave, to receive a mark on their right hand or in their foreheads. What does it mean a mark on their right hand or in their foreheads? The forehead is a symbol of the mind. So, you are either intellectually convinced in your mind or the hand is a symbol of force or coercion. So, people either intellectually accept the church-state union and counterfeit law. Or they are forced to accept it. That no one may buy or sell except one who has the mark or the name of the beast or the number of his name. The issue is worship. The issue is true and false worship. That focuses on the very law of God, the very thing that makes God, God. The fact that he created us. .He was granted power to give breath to the image of the beast. That the image of the beast should both speak and causes many as would not worship the image of the beast should be -- what does it say -- killed. Indeed. A union of church-state powers. Indeed, our historic freedoms will be challenged. But God will have a group of people. A group of people who say, for me it's the Bible. And the Bible only. God will have a group of people who say, for me, it's God's word.
  • 12. I want to be done with the traditions of man. In the days of Peter, the religious leaders united with the Roman state powers. And in the days of Peter, when the religious leaders united with the Roman state powers, Peter was thrown in prison. They denied Peter the privilege of preaching the truth. And this is what Peter said. Read it with me please. "Then Peter and the other apostles answered and said, we ought to obey God rather than man". We ought to obey -- what -- God, rather than men. Here is the issue, friend. On this side, the traditions of men. On this side, the commandments of God. On this side a divine command. On the opposite side a substitute. In the final last days of earth's history. God reaches out to you tonight. I know for many of this is new. I know for many of you, you've never understood these issues before. I know the struggle that can go on in your heart. I know the conflict that can go on when you think about making a change. But tonight, Jesus says to you, so quietly. So softly he says to you, so tenderly, my child, this is a message of love. You know, if I had a little boy, and he was going hiking. A boy ten, eleven years old. He was going to go to hiking. In the back of my house. And there was a windy steep trail. And as he came down that trail, if I knew that the bridge was washed out, and if I knew he was coming down that trail, I would say, son, watch out. The bridge is washed out. In love, God says, the bridge is washed out. And man has washed away the true Sabbath. The sign of creation. God says, the issue is worship. God says, a religious political power has changed the Sabbath. God says, this is more than a matter of days. It's a matter of authority. It's a matter of loyalty. It's a matter of obedience. It's a matter of a massive conflict between good and evil. A conflict between Christ and Satan. What difference does it make, you say? In the garden of Eden, Satan said to Eve, what difference does it make, take the fruit. And she lost Eden. And in the days of Israel, God says, what difference did it make? Manna falls six days, but some went out to gather on the 7th and lost their life. What difference did it make. Obedience. God said to Uzzah, Uzzah there is an ark with the commandments in it, don't touch it. And it began to shake. And Uzzah in defiance of God ran up and he touched it. What difference does it make? Is God that particular? Friend, it's the attitude of the heart that God wants. The commandments of God do make a difference. Worship does make a difference. And Christ says to you today, accept true worship. Flee from false worship. Because soon church and state will unite. Soon, there will be movements afoot that undermine our freedoms. And God says, make your decision now. Like Jeremiah said if we run with the footmen and they have wearied us how will we contend with the horses. God says, today, make your decision to follow me. God says, today, step out to follow me. Friend of mine, tonight our ushers have a response card that I want them to put in your hands just now. Everyone of us one day will make a decision for Christ or the evil one. Will make a decision to stand with the people of God or the popular church and churches. Will make a decision one day to follow the commandments of God or the traditions of men. Will make a decision one day to accept the genuine or to follow the counterfeit. And in love, God brought you here. And in love, God speaks to your heart. In love, God says to you, make a decision to follow me. I'm going to read the card over. And when you take it in your hands, wherever you are, some place throughout the United States. Some place in Canada. In South America. Brazil. Argentina, Chile. In Inter America. Mexico. Throughout Europe and Germany. Or Norway. Or Spain. France. Or
  • 13. Poland. Or Hungary or Yugoslavia or Romania. Just quietly take your card. I'm going to read it once. Connie is going to sing. In the quietness. Would you like to say, Jesus, this is decision night for me. The issues are clear. The road goes only one of two ways. The true Sabbath or the counterfeit Sabbath. So many people that have never known these truths are hearing God's call. So many lovely Sunday keeping, Protestants and Catholics now understand the issues. They're making decisions to follow Christ. And the days of their ignorance, God winked at. But now he's making his final appeal. Let me read the card. If you need a pencil just raise your hand. It's called the mark of the beast. It says, I surrender my life completely to Jesus and His truth. I do not want to receive the mark of the beast. It says, I love Jesus and want to keep Seventh-day Sabbath, which is Saturday. It says I would like to be baptized soon. Thousands and thousands are making that decision. You can write your name, your phone number, your address, your city and the zip. Are you a church member, yes or no, and what denomination. Just in the quietness. This is your decision night. May it be a personal decision between you and Christ. Right now. As Connie sings. Have you sensed tonight God speaking to your heart? Just now as our ushers pass our buckets across, tonight in a special way, decisions have been made for Christ. Decisions that will make a difference in all eternity. Fear God, and give glory to him for the hour of God's judgment is come. And worship him. That made heaven and earth and the sea and the fountains of waters. God's final call to mankind. A call to be loyal to him. A call to be obedient to him. A call to accept his love and grace and genuine Sabbath in these last days. Just now, drop your card in the bucket. Decisions being made for Christ in the quietness. Hundreds, thousands of decisions to worship the creator of all the universe. To give him our praise. And our allegiance. And our honor. As our ushers collect the cards and bring them forward, listen to the words of the song. God knows every name. He knows every heart. He knows the struggle that you go through in making this decision. The struggle in your family with a husband or wife. The struggle in your village, the struggle in your city. The struggle in your community. But we're living in the last days. And Jesus is greater than the struggle. Jesus is stronger than the conflict. And Jesus' power is yours tonight. Let's pray. Dear Lord, Revelation teaches us that you're our creator. You're our redeemer. You're our high priest. And you're our coming king. All we can do tonight is fall on our knees and worship you. And praise you as the creator of the whole universe. And tonight, we have heard your call. And we accept your invitation. To praise you and worship you and keep the true genuine Sabbath. We flee from tradition. We flee from the teachings of man. And we come to your word. In Christ' name. Amen.