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2011 International Conference on Economics and Finance Research
                                                            IPEDR vol.4 (2011) © (2011) IACSIT Press, Singapore

    The comparison survey of customers' perceived risk in E-banking process and
       traditional banking process in the branches of Tabriz Karafarin bank

                 Jafar Beikzad (Ph.D.)                                                   Samira Zamini (M.A.)
                Faculty of Humanities                                                   Faculty of Humanities
               Islamic Azad University                                                 Islamic Azad University
                      Bonab, Iran                                                             Bonab, Iran
           E-mail:                                         E-mail:

     Aida Salimnezhad Gharehziaeddini(M.A.)                                             Soheila Zamini (M.A.)
                  Faculty of Mechanic                                             Faculty of Education and Psychology
            University of Technology (UTM)                                                  Tabriz University
               Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia                                                         Tabriz, Iran

Abstract—In the last decade, one of the significant issues within       adopters and non-adopters. Age, gender, education, and
the banking system and marketing management is the notion               income level have been studied [21]. Banks have dispersed
of consumers' perception of risk. The purpose of this study is          from traditional centers those activities involving frequent
to investigate the comparison of customers' perception of risk          routine, standardized, and small-scale transactions. At the
in E-banking process and traditional banking process in the             same time, banks have kept in the international financial
branches of Tabriz Karafarin bank. For this purpose, the                centers those activities involving innovative, customized, and
dimension of risk perception is based on a combination theory           large-scale transactions [2]. The current banking crisis is
of Peter and Tarpey. For testing hypothesis, a questionnaire            already widely regarded as among the most severe since the
containing 32 questions was prepared and after evaluating
                                                                        Great Depression [4]. Banks have long been suggested to be
validity and reliability, it was distributed among 360 customers
that were the statistical sample. The method of this research
                                                                        effective monitors of managerial behavior and their
was descriptive-deductive. The results of the survey were               relationships with clients put them in a position to
analyzed by Paired T- test. Results indicate that there is a            renegotiate credit agreements at early signs of financial
meaningful difference between customers' risk perception in             distress [11]. Frequently, compensation systems in the
E-banking process and traditional banking process in the                banking industry have been blamed for causing or at least
branches of Tabriz Karafarin bank. Also, there is a meaningful          contributing to the build-up of risks that led to the eruption of
difference between customers' physical, performance, financial          the recent credit crisis [3].
and time-consuming perception of risk in E-banking process                  Humans perceive and act on risk in two fundamental
and traditional banking process. In addition, the results show          ways. Risk as feelings refers to individuals' instinctive and
that there is no meaningful difference between customers'               intuitive reactions to danger. Risk as analysis brings logic,
psycho-sociological perception of risk in E-banking process             reason, and scientific deliberation to bear on risk
and traditional banking process. For enrich E-banking process,          management [16]. Risk perception is the subjective
banks should improve communication links, increase                      assessment of the probability of experiencing a negative
customers' personal privacy. Also, they should improve E-               event [8].
banking culture among customers and increase the efficiency                 In 1960, Bauer a noted consumer behaviorists introduced
of ATM machines.                                                        the notion of perceived risk. When he provided this
                                                                        perspective: Consumer behavior involves risk in the sense
   Key Words: Perceived Risk, Risk, and E-banking.
                                                                        that any action of a consumer will produce consequences
                                                                        which he cannot anticipate with anything approximating
                      I.   INTRODUCTION                                 certainty, and some of which are likely to be unpleasant [20].
    The technological revolution has reshaped the socio-                Then, he defined perceived risk as a combination of
technical interaction between banking service providers and             uncertainty plus seriousness of outcome involved [17].
consumers and has created more opportunities for service                    Cox and Rich (1964) provided a more precise definition
consumption, as customers’ traditional branches, more                   of perceived risk; it is a function of consequences (the dollar
receptive to new electronic channels, and have become less              at risk from the purchase decision) and uncertainty (the
willing to visit more sophisticated in demanding better                 person's feeling of subjective uncertainty that he or she could
service quality including 24-hour service availability [15]. In         gain or lose from the transaction). Stone and Gronhaug
the extended domain of E-banking, previous studies have                 (1993), make the argument that the marketing discipline
attempted to examine the demographic characteristics of                 mainly focuses on investigating the potential negative
consumers and to find the market segments for E-banking                 outcomes of perceived risk. This focus on the negative side

of risk is similar to the area of behavioral finance in which             Financial risk: The potential monetary outlay associated
scholars examine downside risk, the potential for below               with the initial purchase price as well as the subsequent
target returns, or the possibility of catastrophic loss. In           maintenance cost of the product. The current financial
addition, Jacoby and Kaplan (1972) and Tarpey and Peter               services research context expands this facet to include the
(1975) developed six components or dimensions of                      recurring potential for financial loss due to fraud.
perceived risk including: financial, product performance,                 Time-consuming risk: Consumers may lose time when
social, psychological, physical, and time/convenience loss [6,        making a bad purchasing decision by wasting time
9, 12, and 19].                                                       researching and making the purchase, learning how to use a
    Weber (2003) has offered the following perspective of             product or service only to have to replace it if it does not
risk perception: First, perceived risk appears to be subjective       perform to expectations [21].
and, in its subjectivity, casual. That is, people's behavior is
mediated by the perceptions of risk. Secondly, risk                                  II. RESEARCH METHODOLOGY
perception, like all other perception, is relative. We seem to            The method of this research is descriptive-deductive. The
be hardwired for relative rather than absolute evaluation.            research sample consisted of 360 subjects who were chosen
Relative judgments require comparisons, so many of our                through simple random sampling method. For testing
judgments are comparative in nature even in situations where          hypothesis, a questionnaire containing 32 questions was
economic rationality would ask for absolute judgment.                 prepared and after evaluating validity and reliability, it was
Closer attention to the regularities between objective events         distributed among 360 customers that were statistical sample.
and subjective sensation and perception well documented               The results of the survey were analyzed by Paired T- test.
within the discipline of psychophysics may provide                    The questionnaire included two sections. The first section
additional insights for the modeling of economic judgments            which was coded by alphabetic letters was controlled by
and choice [7].                                                       variables such as gender, age, marital status and education.
    MacCrimmon and Wehrung (1986) from the field of                   The second section to test the study hypothesis has been set
management define perceived risk into 3 main groupings: 1)            in two parts. The first part included 12 questions related to
the amount of the loss, 2) the possibility of loss, and 3) the        traditional banking process and the second part included 20
exposure to loss [10].                                                questions related to Electronic banking process. All these
    Studies carried out previously have shown cross-cultural          questions were measured using five-point Likert scales. For
differences related to risk perception. Goszczynska et al.            measuring the validity of the questionnaire, we used content
(1991) showed that there was greater variance in risk                 validity. For this purpose, the questionnaire provided for 7
perception between countries than between different regions           management professors. The content validity of the
in one country. This may be due to cultural differences               questionnaire was 0.77. For measuring reliability of
related to how people perceive different risk sources.                questionnaire, we used Cronbabchs Alpha whose value was
Differences in the tendency to rate risks as high or low might        0.79.
be related to the size of the country [14].
    Slovic et al. (1982) suggested that risk perception is                                 III. DATA ALALYSIS
likely to vary between cultures depending on what the media               In order to analyze data descriptive statistical methods
chose to focus on. Wåhlberg and Sjøberg (2000) argued that            and paired t-test was used. The normality of data was tested
media might have an effect on risk perception via availability.       by Kolmogorov-Smironov test.
Information is thought to lead to stronger effects [8].                   Hypothesis 1: There is a meaningful difference between
    Culture forms the background which not only allows                customers' risk perception in traditional banking process and
cognitive mechanisms to work, but also addresses                      E-banking process in the branches of Tabriz Karafarin bank,
preliminarily the selection of the risks. According to this           for testing this hypothesis paired t-test was used. The results
view, rather than being a creation of the cognitive processes,        are showed in Table 1.
the risk is a product of the social and cultural structures
within which it is placed. The point is that the line dividing                       TABLE 1
the risks in acceptable and unacceptable is traced according
to cultural evaluations. It is the degree by which the cultural                                  Std.
                                                                                      Mean                  Error      t     df     Sig
values fundamental for that society are posed in danger                                        Deviation
which determines whether the risk can be considered                     Total risk
                                                                                      0.2134   0.70842     0.03734   5.716   359   0.000
acceptable [13].
    Risk facets Definition                                                As shown in table 1, this hypothesis in 95% confidence
    Physical risk: The risk to the buyer's or other's safety in       interval is supported (p<0.05, t=5.716). In other words, there
using products.                                                       is a meaningful difference between customers' risk
    Performance risk: The possibility of the product                  perception in E-banking process and traditional banking
malfunctioning and not performing as it was designed and              process in the branches of Tabriz Karafarin bank. Also, the
advertised and therefore failing to deliver the desired benefits.     mean of customers' risk perception in E-banking process is
    Psycho-sociological risk: The risk that the service will          3.3472 and in traditional banking process is 3.1338. then,
lower the consumer's self image or using a product or service         customers' risk perception in E-banking process is more than
may lead to embarrassment before one's social group.                  traditional banking process.

Hypothesis 2: There is a meaningful difference between                        there is not a meaningful difference between customers'
customers' physical risk perception in traditional banking                       psycho-sociological risk perception in E-banking process and
process and E-banking process in the branches of Tabriz                          traditional banking process in the branches of Tabriz
Karafarin bank, for testing this hypothesis paired t-test was                    Karafarin bank.
used. The results are showed in Table 2.                                             Hypothesis 5: There is a meaningful difference between
                                                                                 customers' financial risk perception in traditional banking
                 TABLE 2                                                         process and E-banking process in the branches of Tabriz
                                                                                 Karafarin bank, for testing this hypothesis paired t-test was
                                        Error      t       df     Sig
                                                                                 used. The results are showed in Table 5.
   physical                                                                                     TABLE 5
     risk         0.5267   1.18235     0.06266   8.405     355    0.000
    As shown in table 2, this hypothesis in 95% confidence                                       Mean     Deviation
                                                                                                                       Error       t      df     Sig
interval is supported (p<0.05, t=8.405). In other words, there
is a meaningful difference between customers' physical risk                        Financial
                                                                                     risk        0.2623   1.38046     0.07358             351   0.000
perception in E-banking process and traditional banking                            perception
process in the branches of Tabriz Karafarin bank. Also, the
mean of customers' physical risk perception in E-banking                             As shown in table 3, this hypothesis in 95% confidence
process is 3.1108 and in traditional banking process is                          interval is supported (p<0.05, t=3.565). In other words, there
2.5843. then, customers' physical risk perception in E-                          is a meaningful difference between customers' performance
banking process is more than traditional banking process.                        risk perception in E-banking process and traditional banking
    Hypothesis 3: There is a meaningful difference between                       process in the branches of Tabriz Karafarin bank. Also, the
customers' performance risk perception in traditional banking                    mean of customers' performance risk perception in E-
process and E-banking process in the branches of Tabriz                          banking process is 3.5132 and in traditional banking process
Karafarin bank, for testing this hypothesis paired t-test was                    is 3.2430. then, customers' performance risk perception in
used. The results are showed in Table 3.                                         traditional process is more than E-banking banking process.
                                                                                     hypothesis 6: There is a meaningful difference between
                 TABLE 3                                                         customers' time- consuming risk perception in traditional
                                                                                 banking process and E-banking process in the branches of
                                        Error      t       df     Sig
                                                                                 Tabriz Karafarin bank, for testing this hypothesis paired t-
                                        Mean                                     test was used. The results are showed in Table 6.
    ce risk       -0.480   1.11102     0.05888   -8.161    355    0.000
  perception                                                                                    TABLE 6

    As shown in table 3, this hypothesis in 95% confidence                                                             Std.
interval is supported (p<0.05, t=8.161). In other words, there                                   Mean
                                                                                                                       Error       t      df     Sig
is a meaningful difference between customers' performance                                                              Mean
risk perception in E-banking process and traditional banking                       Time risk
                                                                                                 0.8395    1.22102     0.06508   12.899   351   0.000
process in the branches of Tabriz Karafarin bank. Also, the                        perception

mean of customers' performance risk perception in E-
banking process is 3.1059 and in traditional banking process                         As shown in table 6, this hypothesis in 95% confidence
is 3.5810. then, customers' performance risk perception in                       interval is supported (p<0.05, t=12.899). In other words,
traditional process is more than E-banking banking process.                      there was a meaningful difference between customers' time-
    Hypothesis 4: There is a meaningful difference between                       consuming risk perception in E-banking process and
customers' psycho-sociological risk perception in traditional                    traditional banking process in the branches of Tabriz
banking process and E-banking process in the branches of                         Karafarin bank. Also, the mean of customers' time-
Tabriz Karafarin bank, for testing this hypothesis paired t-                     consuming risk perception in E-banking process is 3.6360
test was used. The results are showed in Table 4.                                and in traditional banking process is 2.7933. then, customers'
                                                                                 time- consuming risk perception in E-banking process is
                 TABLE 4                                                         more than traditional banking process.

                                        Std.                                                                IV.       CONCLUSION
                  Mean                  Error          t     df     Sig
                                        Mean                                        The results of this research indicate: Hypothesis 1, there
    Psycho-                                                                      is a meaningful difference between customers' risk
                  -0.068   1.09546     0.05790   -1.178     357    0.240         perception in traditional banking process and E-banking
  perception                                                                     process in the branches of Tabriz Karafarin bank, is
                                                                                 supported. Hypothesis 2, there is a meaningful difference
    As shown in table 4, this hypothesis in 95% confidence                       between customers' physical risk perception in traditional
interval is not supported (p>0.05, t=1.178). In other words,                     banking process and E-banking process in the branches of

Tabriz Karafarin bank, is supported, too. This research                 personal privacy by enhancing security system of banks and
suggests that one of the reasons which raises customers' risk           train customers to use the system correctly. Suggestion 3. In
perception of E-banking process, is slow connections and                order to increase the efficiency of ATM machines banks
malfunction of       telecommunication services, especially             should regularly check devices to ensure their safety and
during the time before Christmas and employees' salary pay              cash. Suggestion 4. Banks have to reduce the lines and
time. These reasons reduce customers' confidence and                    communication networks and internet failure by developing
satisfaction. Hypothesis 3, there is a meaningful difference            infrastructure network communication and creating new
between customers' performance risk perception in                       communication technologies in the banking system.
traditional banking process and E-banking process in the                Suggestion 5. In order to improve E-banking culture, banks
branches of Tabriz Karafarin bank, is supported, too.                   have to instruct the customers how to use electronic services
Customers' Personal Privacy is very important in the                    efficiently. They should also advertise E-banking services
electronic banking process. Therefore, Electronic security              through media and familiarize customers with the new
systems in banks should be increased. According to the low              electronic services.
technology of ATM machines, banks can update these                          Second: Suggestions for future researchers:
systems by improving technological infrastructure and                       In this study, the dimension of risk perception is based on
reducing the losses that result from improper performance of            the combination theory of Peter and Tarpey. But, future
these machines. Hypothesis 4, there is a meaningful                     researchers are suggested studying other theories, too. Also,
difference between customers' psycho-sociological risk                  researchers can study either in other banks or in the branches
perception in traditional banking process and E-banking                 in other provinces.
process in the branches of Tabriz Karafarin bank, is not
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  • 1. 2011 International Conference on Economics and Finance Research IPEDR vol.4 (2011) © (2011) IACSIT Press, Singapore The comparison survey of customers' perceived risk in E-banking process and traditional banking process in the branches of Tabriz Karafarin bank Jafar Beikzad (Ph.D.) Samira Zamini (M.A.) Faculty of Humanities Faculty of Humanities Islamic Azad University Islamic Azad University Bonab, Iran Bonab, Iran E-mail: E-mail: Aida Salimnezhad Gharehziaeddini(M.A.) Soheila Zamini (M.A.) Faculty of Mechanic Faculty of Education and Psychology University of Technology (UTM) Tabriz University Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia Tabriz, Iran Abstract—In the last decade, one of the significant issues within adopters and non-adopters. Age, gender, education, and the banking system and marketing management is the notion income level have been studied [21]. Banks have dispersed of consumers' perception of risk. The purpose of this study is from traditional centers those activities involving frequent to investigate the comparison of customers' perception of risk routine, standardized, and small-scale transactions. At the in E-banking process and traditional banking process in the same time, banks have kept in the international financial branches of Tabriz Karafarin bank. For this purpose, the centers those activities involving innovative, customized, and dimension of risk perception is based on a combination theory large-scale transactions [2]. The current banking crisis is of Peter and Tarpey. For testing hypothesis, a questionnaire already widely regarded as among the most severe since the containing 32 questions was prepared and after evaluating Great Depression [4]. Banks have long been suggested to be validity and reliability, it was distributed among 360 customers that were the statistical sample. The method of this research effective monitors of managerial behavior and their was descriptive-deductive. The results of the survey were relationships with clients put them in a position to analyzed by Paired T- test. Results indicate that there is a renegotiate credit agreements at early signs of financial meaningful difference between customers' risk perception in distress [11]. Frequently, compensation systems in the E-banking process and traditional banking process in the banking industry have been blamed for causing or at least branches of Tabriz Karafarin bank. Also, there is a meaningful contributing to the build-up of risks that led to the eruption of difference between customers' physical, performance, financial the recent credit crisis [3]. and time-consuming perception of risk in E-banking process Humans perceive and act on risk in two fundamental and traditional banking process. In addition, the results show ways. Risk as feelings refers to individuals' instinctive and that there is no meaningful difference between customers' intuitive reactions to danger. Risk as analysis brings logic, psycho-sociological perception of risk in E-banking process reason, and scientific deliberation to bear on risk and traditional banking process. For enrich E-banking process, management [16]. Risk perception is the subjective banks should improve communication links, increase assessment of the probability of experiencing a negative customers' personal privacy. Also, they should improve E- event [8]. banking culture among customers and increase the efficiency In 1960, Bauer a noted consumer behaviorists introduced of ATM machines. the notion of perceived risk. When he provided this perspective: Consumer behavior involves risk in the sense Key Words: Perceived Risk, Risk, and E-banking. that any action of a consumer will produce consequences which he cannot anticipate with anything approximating I. INTRODUCTION certainty, and some of which are likely to be unpleasant [20]. The technological revolution has reshaped the socio- Then, he defined perceived risk as a combination of technical interaction between banking service providers and uncertainty plus seriousness of outcome involved [17]. consumers and has created more opportunities for service Cox and Rich (1964) provided a more precise definition consumption, as customers’ traditional branches, more of perceived risk; it is a function of consequences (the dollar receptive to new electronic channels, and have become less at risk from the purchase decision) and uncertainty (the willing to visit more sophisticated in demanding better person's feeling of subjective uncertainty that he or she could service quality including 24-hour service availability [15]. In gain or lose from the transaction). Stone and Gronhaug the extended domain of E-banking, previous studies have (1993), make the argument that the marketing discipline attempted to examine the demographic characteristics of mainly focuses on investigating the potential negative consumers and to find the market segments for E-banking outcomes of perceived risk. This focus on the negative side 104
  • 2. of risk is similar to the area of behavioral finance in which Financial risk: The potential monetary outlay associated scholars examine downside risk, the potential for below with the initial purchase price as well as the subsequent target returns, or the possibility of catastrophic loss. In maintenance cost of the product. The current financial addition, Jacoby and Kaplan (1972) and Tarpey and Peter services research context expands this facet to include the (1975) developed six components or dimensions of recurring potential for financial loss due to fraud. perceived risk including: financial, product performance, Time-consuming risk: Consumers may lose time when social, psychological, physical, and time/convenience loss [6, making a bad purchasing decision by wasting time 9, 12, and 19]. researching and making the purchase, learning how to use a Weber (2003) has offered the following perspective of product or service only to have to replace it if it does not risk perception: First, perceived risk appears to be subjective perform to expectations [21]. and, in its subjectivity, casual. That is, people's behavior is mediated by the perceptions of risk. Secondly, risk II. RESEARCH METHODOLOGY perception, like all other perception, is relative. We seem to The method of this research is descriptive-deductive. The be hardwired for relative rather than absolute evaluation. research sample consisted of 360 subjects who were chosen Relative judgments require comparisons, so many of our through simple random sampling method. For testing judgments are comparative in nature even in situations where hypothesis, a questionnaire containing 32 questions was economic rationality would ask for absolute judgment. prepared and after evaluating validity and reliability, it was Closer attention to the regularities between objective events distributed among 360 customers that were statistical sample. and subjective sensation and perception well documented The results of the survey were analyzed by Paired T- test. within the discipline of psychophysics may provide The questionnaire included two sections. The first section additional insights for the modeling of economic judgments which was coded by alphabetic letters was controlled by and choice [7]. variables such as gender, age, marital status and education. MacCrimmon and Wehrung (1986) from the field of The second section to test the study hypothesis has been set management define perceived risk into 3 main groupings: 1) in two parts. The first part included 12 questions related to the amount of the loss, 2) the possibility of loss, and 3) the traditional banking process and the second part included 20 exposure to loss [10]. questions related to Electronic banking process. All these Studies carried out previously have shown cross-cultural questions were measured using five-point Likert scales. For differences related to risk perception. Goszczynska et al. measuring the validity of the questionnaire, we used content (1991) showed that there was greater variance in risk validity. For this purpose, the questionnaire provided for 7 perception between countries than between different regions management professors. The content validity of the in one country. This may be due to cultural differences questionnaire was 0.77. For measuring reliability of related to how people perceive different risk sources. questionnaire, we used Cronbabchs Alpha whose value was Differences in the tendency to rate risks as high or low might 0.79. be related to the size of the country [14]. Slovic et al. (1982) suggested that risk perception is III. DATA ALALYSIS likely to vary between cultures depending on what the media In order to analyze data descriptive statistical methods chose to focus on. Wåhlberg and Sjøberg (2000) argued that and paired t-test was used. The normality of data was tested media might have an effect on risk perception via availability. by Kolmogorov-Smironov test. Information is thought to lead to stronger effects [8]. Hypothesis 1: There is a meaningful difference between Culture forms the background which not only allows customers' risk perception in traditional banking process and cognitive mechanisms to work, but also addresses E-banking process in the branches of Tabriz Karafarin bank, preliminarily the selection of the risks. According to this for testing this hypothesis paired t-test was used. The results view, rather than being a creation of the cognitive processes, are showed in Table 1. the risk is a product of the social and cultural structures within which it is placed. The point is that the line dividing TABLE 1 the risks in acceptable and unacceptable is traced according to cultural evaluations. It is the degree by which the cultural Std. Std. Mean Error t df Sig values fundamental for that society are posed in danger Deviation Mean which determines whether the risk can be considered Total risk 0.2134 0.70842 0.03734 5.716 359 0.000 perception acceptable [13]. Risk facets Definition As shown in table 1, this hypothesis in 95% confidence Physical risk: The risk to the buyer's or other's safety in interval is supported (p<0.05, t=5.716). In other words, there using products. is a meaningful difference between customers' risk Performance risk: The possibility of the product perception in E-banking process and traditional banking malfunctioning and not performing as it was designed and process in the branches of Tabriz Karafarin bank. Also, the advertised and therefore failing to deliver the desired benefits. mean of customers' risk perception in E-banking process is Psycho-sociological risk: The risk that the service will 3.3472 and in traditional banking process is 3.1338. then, lower the consumer's self image or using a product or service customers' risk perception in E-banking process is more than may lead to embarrassment before one's social group. traditional banking process. 105
  • 3. Hypothesis 2: There is a meaningful difference between there is not a meaningful difference between customers' customers' physical risk perception in traditional banking psycho-sociological risk perception in E-banking process and process and E-banking process in the branches of Tabriz traditional banking process in the branches of Tabriz Karafarin bank, for testing this hypothesis paired t-test was Karafarin bank. used. The results are showed in Table 2. Hypothesis 5: There is a meaningful difference between customers' financial risk perception in traditional banking TABLE 2 process and E-banking process in the branches of Tabriz Karafarin bank, for testing this hypothesis paired t-test was Std. Mean Std. Error t df Sig used. The results are showed in Table 5. Deviation Mean physical TABLE 5 risk 0.5267 1.18235 0.06266 8.405 355 0.000 perception Std. Std. As shown in table 2, this hypothesis in 95% confidence Mean Deviation Error t df Sig Mean interval is supported (p<0.05, t=8.405). In other words, there is a meaningful difference between customers' physical risk Financial 3.565 risk 0.2623 1.38046 0.07358 351 0.000 perception in E-banking process and traditional banking perception process in the branches of Tabriz Karafarin bank. Also, the mean of customers' physical risk perception in E-banking As shown in table 3, this hypothesis in 95% confidence process is 3.1108 and in traditional banking process is interval is supported (p<0.05, t=3.565). In other words, there 2.5843. then, customers' physical risk perception in E- is a meaningful difference between customers' performance banking process is more than traditional banking process. risk perception in E-banking process and traditional banking Hypothesis 3: There is a meaningful difference between process in the branches of Tabriz Karafarin bank. Also, the customers' performance risk perception in traditional banking mean of customers' performance risk perception in E- process and E-banking process in the branches of Tabriz banking process is 3.5132 and in traditional banking process Karafarin bank, for testing this hypothesis paired t-test was is 3.2430. then, customers' performance risk perception in used. The results are showed in Table 3. traditional process is more than E-banking banking process. hypothesis 6: There is a meaningful difference between TABLE 3 customers' time- consuming risk perception in traditional banking process and E-banking process in the branches of Std. Mean Std. Error t df Sig Tabriz Karafarin bank, for testing this hypothesis paired t- Deviation Mean test was used. The results are showed in Table 6. Performan ce risk -0.480 1.11102 0.05888 -8.161 355 0.000 perception TABLE 6 As shown in table 3, this hypothesis in 95% confidence Std. Std. interval is supported (p<0.05, t=8.161). In other words, there Mean Deviation Error t df Sig is a meaningful difference between customers' performance Mean risk perception in E-banking process and traditional banking Time risk 0.8395 1.22102 0.06508 12.899 351 0.000 process in the branches of Tabriz Karafarin bank. Also, the perception mean of customers' performance risk perception in E- banking process is 3.1059 and in traditional banking process As shown in table 6, this hypothesis in 95% confidence is 3.5810. then, customers' performance risk perception in interval is supported (p<0.05, t=12.899). In other words, traditional process is more than E-banking banking process. there was a meaningful difference between customers' time- Hypothesis 4: There is a meaningful difference between consuming risk perception in E-banking process and customers' psycho-sociological risk perception in traditional traditional banking process in the branches of Tabriz banking process and E-banking process in the branches of Karafarin bank. Also, the mean of customers' time- Tabriz Karafarin bank, for testing this hypothesis paired t- consuming risk perception in E-banking process is 3.6360 test was used. The results are showed in Table 4. and in traditional banking process is 2.7933. then, customers' time- consuming risk perception in E-banking process is TABLE 4 more than traditional banking process. Std. IV. CONCLUSION Std. Mean Error t df Sig Deviation Mean The results of this research indicate: Hypothesis 1, there Psycho- is a meaningful difference between customers' risk sociological risk -0.068 1.09546 0.05790 -1.178 357 0.240 perception in traditional banking process and E-banking perception process in the branches of Tabriz Karafarin bank, is supported. Hypothesis 2, there is a meaningful difference As shown in table 4, this hypothesis in 95% confidence between customers' physical risk perception in traditional interval is not supported (p>0.05, t=1.178). In other words, banking process and E-banking process in the branches of 106
  • 4. Tabriz Karafarin bank, is supported, too. This research personal privacy by enhancing security system of banks and suggests that one of the reasons which raises customers' risk train customers to use the system correctly. Suggestion 3. In perception of E-banking process, is slow connections and order to increase the efficiency of ATM machines banks malfunction of telecommunication services, especially should regularly check devices to ensure their safety and during the time before Christmas and employees' salary pay cash. Suggestion 4. Banks have to reduce the lines and time. These reasons reduce customers' confidence and communication networks and internet failure by developing satisfaction. Hypothesis 3, there is a meaningful difference infrastructure network communication and creating new between customers' performance risk perception in communication technologies in the banking system. traditional banking process and E-banking process in the Suggestion 5. In order to improve E-banking culture, banks branches of Tabriz Karafarin bank, is supported, too. have to instruct the customers how to use electronic services Customers' Personal Privacy is very important in the efficiently. They should also advertise E-banking services electronic banking process. Therefore, Electronic security through media and familiarize customers with the new systems in banks should be increased. According to the low electronic services. technology of ATM machines, banks can update these Second: Suggestions for future researchers: systems by improving technological infrastructure and In this study, the dimension of risk perception is based on reducing the losses that result from improper performance of the combination theory of Peter and Tarpey. But, future these machines. Hypothesis 4, there is a meaningful researchers are suggested studying other theories, too. Also, difference between customers' psycho-sociological risk researchers can study either in other banks or in the branches perception in traditional banking process and E-banking in other provinces. process in the branches of Tabriz Karafarin bank, is not supported. Hypothesis 5, there is a meaningful difference REFERENCES between customers' financial risk perception in traditional [1] A., Ashta, " Evolution of Mobile Banking Regulation", Apr., 2010. banking process and E-banking process in the branches of (id: Tabriz Karafarin bank, is supported. These results may imply [2] A. E., Tschoegl, "International Banking Centers, Geography, and that those who believe electronic services are useful and Foreign Banks", Financial Markets, Institutions and Instruments, Vol. 9, No. 1, Feb. 2000. (id: perceive lower potential risks in financial transactions will [3] C.E., Bannier , E., Feess, N., Packham, "Competition, Bonuses, and tend to embrace this service sooner [21]. 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