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Communications in Information Science and Management Engineering                                                                 CISME 

 Dimensions of Consumers’ Perceived Risk and Their
    Influences on Online Consumers’ Purchasing
                                     Lingying Zhang1, 2, Wojie Tan3, Yingcong Xu1, Genlue Tan1
                                   College of Management, Shenzhen University, Shenzhen 518060, China
                              Harbin Institute of Technology Shenzhen Graduate School, Shenzhen 518000, China
                                        Normal School, Shenzhen University, Shenzhen 518060, China

Abstract-Consumers’ perceived risk is an important factor that              In this paper, firstly, we discussed the perceived risk
affects online consumers’ purchasing behavior. In this paper, the       dimensions impact on consumer online shopping
first empirical research was about the dimension structure of           decision-making and analyzed the composition of online
consumers’ perceived risk (CPR) for the overall process of B2C          shopping consumer perceived risk. Based on investigation
E-Commerce, and eight dimensions of consumers’ perceived risk
were ascertained by confirmatory factor analysis, i.e. perceived        data, eight perceived risk dimensions which have significant
health risk, perceived quality risk, perceived privacy risk,            impact on consumer online shopping decision-making are
perceived economic risk, perceived time risk, perceived social          verified and proposed. Secondly, we empirically tested what
risk, perceived delivery risk and perceived after-sale risk. Then,      risk factors from the overall process of B2C may really cause
perceived risk dimensions affecting consumers’ purchasing               consumers’ perceived risks and examined what dimensions of
behavior and their structural relationships were investigated           perceived risks significantly influenced consumers’
through a consumer survey and statistical analysis using the            purchasing behavior in the overall process of B2C.
methods of confirmatory factor analysis and structural equation
model. The results of empirical testing demonstrate that there            II. LITERATURE REVIEW AND HYPOTHESIS DEVELOPMENT
are five independent dimensions, perceived health risk, perceived
quality risk, perceived time risk, perceived delivery risk and              The original concept of perceived risk is extending out
perceived after-sale risk which affect significantly online             from the psychology by Harvard University Raymond A.
consumers’ purchasing behavior. The results also show that the          Bauer [7]. The dimensions of perceived risk are the specific
other three dimensions, perceived privacy risk, perceived social        contents or types of perceived risk. Bauer [7] held that the
risk and perceived economic risk are the less relevant factors.         perceived risk will affect the consumer’s purchase decision,
   Ke ywords- Risk Dimensions; Perceived Risk; Shopping Online;         but he didn’t analyze the perceived risk’s specific types.
Consumers’ Purchasing Behavior; Overall Process of B2C                  Followed Bauer’s theory, Cox and Rich [8] gave the specific
                                                                        explanation of perceived risk. He believed that the perceived
                       I. INTRODUCTION                                  risk included at least two factors, uncertainty and adverse
    The analysis for dimensions of consumer perceived risk in           consequences. Following the theory of consumers’ perceived
online shopping is a necessary step to know the contents and            risk, consumers will perceive risk when they face uncertainty
types of consumer perceived risk, which is considered to be             and potentially undesirable consequences as a result of
one of the important factors that impact on consumer online             purchase [9, 10].The more risk consumers perceived, the less
shopping decision-making, and it is also one of the important           likely it is that they will make a purchase. Therefore,
research theme for the online shopping risk [1][2]. Previous            Perceived risk is powerful at explaining consumers’ behavior
researchers focused on the risks in the phase of online                 because “consumers are more often motivated to avoid
transactions, some of them put forward the structure of risk            mistakes than to maximize utility in purchasing” (Mitchell
dimensions in different perspectives such as the lack of security,      [11]).
privacy risk, the credibility of online retailers or reliability risk
[3][4], functional risk, shopping risk, time risk, social risk,         A. Dimensions of Consumers’ Perceived Risk and Their
psychological risk and so on [5][6].                                        Influences
    The overall process of B2C includes three phases such as                Previous researchers have proposed many dimensions of
information searching before buying, the choosing of products           perceived risk from different perspectives. Mitchell [11,12]
                                                                        showed that consumer perceived different levels of risk at
and the service after purchasing. Therefore, the consumer’s
                                                                        every stage in the shopping process and proposed the five
perception of risk in every phase of the overall process should
                                                                        evaluation criteria for the model of perceived risk:
be considered, and so does the influence.
                                                                        understandability, predictability, reliability and effectiveness,
    In this context, taking into consideration the different risk       practicality and availability. Anne-Sophie [13] studied the
facets in every phase of the overall process of B2C, the                four sources of risk such as product, remote transaction, the
present study attempts to analyze the perceived risk in the             Internet and website risks, proposed eighteen strategies about
overall process of B2C and their influence on online                    how to reduce the perceived risk, and his empirical results
consumers’ purchasing behavior. This study seeks to                     showed that secure payment, money-back guarantee and
incorporate these dimensions of perceived risk into a research          product replacement are the top three risks which will affect
model, identify their impact on online consumers’ purchasing            the consumer decision-making. After qualitative exploration,
behavior, and test the relationships between constructs in the          Dong, Li, and Yang [14] proposed four dimensions of
overall process of B2C.                                                 perceived risk. Sun, Zhang, and You [15] proposed the

                        CISME Vol. 2 Iss. 7 2012 PP. 8-14 ○2011-2012 World Academic Publishing

Communications in Information Science and Management Engineering                                                                                         CISME 
sources of risk which had larger impact on consumer                               online shopping. Chen and Li[26] built four structural
perceived risk, and verified there were seven dimensions of                       equation models to measure six dimensions of perceived risk
perceived risk. Based on the traditional six dimensions, Yu,                      and their influences on consumer purchase intention. Herrero
Dong, and Liu [16] added another four dimensions such as                          Crespo, Rodrı´guez del, Bosque, and Garcı´a de los Salmones
services, payment, delivery, and privacy risk.                                    Sa´nchez [5] studied the perceived risk that would influence
    In E-commerce, perceived risk is often considered as a                        consumer’s attitudes and willingness for online purchasing.
perception for a natural characteristic of B2C by many                                Before our exploring tests for the structure of dimensions
consumers [17, 18]. Greater perception of risk on the part of                     of perceived risks in the overall process of B2C and their
consumers acts as a deterrent to their purchase intentions.                       influences on consumer purchasing behavior in our following
Several authors have observed that the perceived risk in                          studies, we analyzed all the risk variables related to the
e-commerce has a negative effect on shopping behavior on                          overall process of B2C E-Commerce, especially in the phases
the Internet [19], attitude toward usage behavior [20, 21, 22]                    of searching information before purchasing and after-sale
and intention to adopt E-commerce [23].                                           services considering the risk source from the overall process
    Diverse studies have also obtained empirical evidence that                    of B2C and our current research purposes. Nine important
supports the effect of perceived risk on consumer purchasing                      variables such as social risk, economic risk, privacy risk, time
behavior. Cunningham et al. [24] proposed that private risk,                      risk, quality risk, health risk, delivery risk, after-sale risk,
product risk and the risk of unknown origin would impact on                       purchasing behavior were chosen in our research model
the online shopping. Based on the investigation for perceived                     according to traditional literature on them and the empirical
risk and online purchasing behavior, Forsythe and Shi[25]                         evidence obtained from E-commerce context. They were
found that perceived risk significantly related to online                         defined in Table 1.
purchasing behavior, which could explain the barriers of

                                                                                                                                    Related Literature
     Variable                                                      Definition
                                                                                                                                    and Our Research
      Social      Potential loss of status in one’s social group as a result of adopting a product or service, looking foolish or
       risk       unpopular.

     Economic     The potential monetary outlay associated with the initial purchase price as well as the subsequent
       risk       maintenance cost of the product, and the potential financial loss due to fraud

                  Potential loss of control over personal information, when the information is used without permission.                    [5,23,27]

       Time       Potential loss of time associated with making a bad purchasing decision by wasting time researching,
       risk       shopping, or have to replace the unexpected goods.

      Quality     The possibility of the product malfunctioning and not performing as it was designed and advertised and
       risk       therefore failing to deliver the desired benefits

      Health      Potential loss of health because of prolonged use of computer will cause fatigue or visually impaired,                     [23]
       risk       pressure on one’s heart, or buying counterfeit products which is harmful to one’s health.                               This study

     Delivery     Potential loss of delivery associated with goods lost, goods damaged and sent to the wrong place after                     [16]
       risk       shopping.                                                                                                               This study

     After-sale                                                                                                                              [16]
                  Potential loss of after-sales associated with products problems, commercial disputes, and service guarantee.
        risk                                                                                                                              This study

    Purchasing    The possibility of consumer behavior to doubt, give up, cut down spending, cut down frequency, and to put
     Behavior     off one’s purchasing because of perceived risks.                                                                        This study

    From above discussion, the following research hypotheses                      H6: The perceived quality risk has a negative influence                   on
are proposed:                                                                     consumers’ purchasing behavior.
H1: The perceived risk in the overall process of B2C                              H7: The perceived health risk has a negative influence                    on
E-commerce is constructed by eight dimensions.                                    consumers’ purchasing behavior.
H2: The perceived social risk has a negative influence on                         H8: The perceived delivery risk has a negative influence                  on
consumers’ purchasing behavior.                                                   consumers’ purchasing behavior.
H3: The perceived economic risk has a negative influence on                       H9: The perceived after-sale risk has a negative influence                on
consumers’ purchasing behavior.                                                   consumers’ purchasing behavior.
H4: The perceived privacy risk has a negative influence on                        B. Research Model
consumers’ purchasing behavior.
                                                                                     As the hypotheses proposed above, firstly, there are eight
H5: The perceived time risk has a negative influence on                           dimensions which construct the perceived risk in the overall
consumers’ purchasing behavior.                                                   process of B2C E-commerce and they will have different

                         CISME Vol. 2 Iss. 7 2012 PP. 8-14 ○2011-2012 World Academic Publishing

Communications in Information Science and Management Engineering                                                                CISME 
impacts on consumers' perceived risk. The research model of           China. They were randomly selected as our respondents. We
this paper is presented as Fig. 1.                                    received 427 respondents in which information was missing
                                                                      on key variables for some of the respondents and finally we
                    H1                                                were only able to use the data of 388 cases. The number of our
                                                                      samples is more than ten times of 37 items, so we can use
     Dimensions of Perceived Risk                                     them for the further analysis.
                                                                          From the demographic variables and the percentage
          Perceived Social Risk
                                                                      number listed in Table 2 we know that all of them have
                                                                      experience of online purchasing, 54.1% of them are male, and
        Perceived Economy Risk 
                                                                      most of our respondents are young people with age between
                                            H2                        18 to 34 years old. Age, gender and online shopping times
        Perceived Privacy Risk            H3                          represent the socio-demographic background of the
        Perceived Time Risk                   H4
                                     H5            Perceived                          TABLEⅡDEMOGRAPHIC VARIABLES
                                                   Behavior                   Demographic variables        Percentage number
          Perceived Quality Risk     H6                                                                    of respondents
                                                                              Age: Age of the respondent
          Perceived Health Risk                                               18~24                          67.5
                                    H8                                        25~30                          19.3
                                         H9                                   31~34                          8.0
        Perceived Delivery Risk                                                 35                           5.2
                                                                              Gender of the respondent
        Perceived After-sale Risk                                             Male                           54.1
                                                                              Times of online shopping
                      Fig. 1 The Research Model                                3                            32.5
                                                                              4~8                            28.6
                                                                              9~15                           21.9
                                                                                16                           17
A. Formation of Questionnaire
                                                                          In order to acknowledge what kind perceived risk factors
    Based on the related literatures and our previous studies,
                                                                      have important influence on the overall process of B2C, we
we designed a questionnaire. Firstly, we summarized all the
                                                                      applied exploratory factor analysis to the 32 items to explore
items about perceived risks and consumer purchasing behavior
                                                                      the constructs of consumers’ perceived risk, reliability and
in the previous studies. Then, after pre-investigating to our
                                                                      validity for the measures are tested, and the verification results
colleagues and college students, some items were adjusted. At
                                                                      are proposed in the next paragraph.
last, we got our final questionnaire, in which there are 32
measurement items listed for part 1 used to measure the risk                          IV.   DATA ANALYSIS AND RESULTS
dimensions in the overall process of B2C, and the other 5
items for part 2 used to measure the consumers’ purchasing            A. Measurement Model Analysis
behavior. We used Likert scale of 1-5 with end points of                 We use exploratory factor analysis to extract a number of
“strongly disagree” and “strongly agree” to measure these             common factors which may explain most information of the
items. Especially in part 1, after summarizing all the items          measures. From part 1, these factors are constructs of the
about perceived risks in the previous studies, we added some          perceived risk online shopping, but from part 2, the factor
items in each of the three phases for the overall process of          describes consumer purchasing behavior. Firstly, SPSS17 was
B2C. For example, in the phase of searching information               used to test the KMO and Bartlett’s test of sphericity. The
before buying, considering that it would cause their health risk      KMO about dimensions of perceived risk in part 1 is 0.836, its
for consumers to spend much long time on information                  Bartlett’s test p value is 0.000. The KMO about perceived
searching, we added five items to measure this risk. Another 5        purchasing behavior in part 2 is 0.882, its Bartlett’s test p
items were added to measure customers’ perceived risk from
                                                                      value is 0.000. The test values indicate that the data from our
worrying about the quality of products in the phase of
                                                                      questionnaire are acceptable to perform further factor analysis.
transaction. In the phase of after transaction, considering the
risk factors such as long time waiting, the possible accidents            Then, for part 1, two items T31 and T32 are deleted
by delivery, the evaluation by some others and the service of         because their rotated factor loadings are less than 0.4 by using
after-sales, 10 items were added to measure these risks. All the      principal component analysis method and variance
items used to measure the variables proposed in Table 1 are           maximization rotation, and we got 30 items kept in and their
presented in Table 2.                                                 factor loadings are shown in Fig. 1. Table 3 shows that there
                                                                      are eight common factors extracted from the remaining 30
B. Data Collection
                                                                      items and variance contribution rates. Considering the
    The data collection was conducted through a personal              cumulative variance contribution rate is 88.627%, these eight
survey aimed at online shopping consumers in China by using           variables could be used to analyze the contents and types of
interview, investigating online and in business streets from          perceived risk for the overall process of B2C.
October, 2010 to January, 2011. The three main kinds of
people in our samples were white-collar from company,                    From part 2, we also got one common factor and the
blue-workers from factory, and college students from                  cumulative variance contribution rate is 90.38% as shown in
university, more than half of them came from Shenzhen,                Table 3.

                          CISME Vol. 2 Iss. 7 2012 PP. 8-14 ○2011-2012 World Academic Publishing

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Communications in Information Science and Management Engineering                                                                                        CISME 


                                                                                                                  Factor    Variance
      Variable      Item                                    Measurement                                                                   Factor name
                                                                                                                 loading   Contribution
                    T2       Prolonged use of computers may cause adverse effects for health.                     0.932
                    T1       Prolonged online shopping may lead to fatigue or visually impaired                   0.894                   Perceived
                    T4       The loss of online shopping happens will be pressure on my heart.                    0.882     17.245%       Health Risk
                    T3       Buying counterfeit products can damage my health.                                    0.864                   (PHR)
                    T11      It would make me irritable to the process to return or repair products               0.818
                    T25      Online shopping may buy counterfeit products.                                        0.931
                    T24      The actual quality of the goods does not match its description.                      0.902                   Perceived
                    T26      I bought the product may not meet my needs.                                          0.892     27.059%       Quality
                    T23      Online shopping is not a good judge of product quality.                              0.869                   Risk(PQR)
                    T27      Goods ordered online can’t personally try and expectations very different.           0.780
                    T15      Online shopping E-mail address may be abused by others.                              0.960
      Privacy       T17      Online shopping the phone number may be abused by others.                            0.945
                                                                                                                           8.129%         Privacy
      Risk          T16      Online shopping the bank card may be stolen by others.                               0.928
                    T22      The personal information may be disclosed to others companies                        0.829
                    T13      Use the online payment services will charge an additional fee.                       0.915                   Perceived
                    T14      Delivery service will be charged with additional fee.                                0.900    7.896%         Economic
                    T12      Online shopping may cost more than the store.                                        0.899                   Risk(PER)
                    T30      If the products have problem the communicating with the seller and                   0.901
                             the service may require a lot of time.                                                                       Perceived
                    T28      Sellers may not be timely delivery, reception have to wait long.                     0.896    13.079%        Time Risk
                    T21      Courier services of varying quality, delivery time may be too long.                  0.868                   (PTR)
                    T29      The goods returned may be waiting a long time.                                       0.868
                    T6       Online shopping may affect the image of people around me.                            0.948                   Perceived
                    T7       Online products may not be recognized by relatives or friends.                       0.931    7.116%         Social Risk
                    T5       Online shopping may make others reduce your evaluation.                              0.923                   (PSR)
                    T18      Express Delivery after shopping areas easily lost goods.                             0.916                   Perceived
                    T20      Express Delivery after shopping areas easily damaged goods.                          0.908    4.554%         Delivery
                    T19      Express Delivery may be sent to the wrong place.                                     0.855                   Risk(PDR)
                    T10      If the products have problem, hard to find the seller interference.                  0.915                   Perceived
                    T8       difficult to solve commercial disputes in online shopping.                           0.897    3.509%         After-sale
                    T9       Products purchased online may miss after-sales service guarantee.                    0.866                   Risk(PAR)
                             I doubt whether to do my purchasing online because of the perceived risk
                    J1                                                                                            0.975
                             I give up my purchasing online because of the perceived risk                                                 Perceived
                    J2                                                                                            0.970
      Purchasing             I cut down my spending on purchasing online because of the perceived risk                                    Purchasing
                    J3                                                                                            0.964    90.380%
      Behavior               I cut down my frequency on purchasing online because of the perceived                                        Behavior
                    J4                                                                                            0.962
                             risk                                                                                                         (PPB)
                    J5                                                                                            0.879
                             I decided to put off my purchasing online because of the perceived risk

    The eight common factors are the eight dimensions of                         which, construct validity is definitely important validity that
perceived risk we seek for and named as follows: perceived                       should be tested. Construct validity includes convergent
health risk(PHR), perceived quality risk(PQR), perceived                         validity and discriminate validity. In this paper, we used
privacy risk(PPR), perceived economic risk(PER), perceived                       average variance extracted (AVE) values to test the
time risk(PTR), perceived social risk(PSR), perceived delivery                   convergent validity and confirmatory factor analysis for
risk(PDR) and perceived after-sale risk(PAR). For the one                        testing discriminate validity. Table 4 shows that the AVE of
common factor from part 2, we named it as perceived                              each dimension is greater than 0.7, therefore, the survey data
purchasing behavior (PPB).                                                       in our research have a good convergent validity.
    Reliability refers to the reliability of the investigation,                           TABLE Ⅳ          ,CR AND AVE VALUE OF DIMENSIONS
which shows consistency, reproducibility and stability of the
results. Cronbach’s  coefficient is used to conduct                               Dimension                      Item                     CR          AVE
reliability analysis. If cronbach’s  coefficient is greater than                  PHR                T2,T1,T4,T3,T11          0.923      0.944       0.772
0.8, it is generally believed that the investigation has a fairly
good reliability. Table 4 shows that  value of each
                                                                                   PQ R               T25,T24,T26,T23,T27      0.914      0.940       0.768

dimension is greater than 0.8 and indicates that the survey data                   PPR                T15,T17,T16,T22          0.875      0.954       0.841
in our research are true and reliable. The composite reliability                   PER                T13,T14,T12              0.886      0.930       0.819
value CR of each dimension is greater than 0.9 and implies                         PT R               T30,T28,T21,T29          0.905      0.934       0.780
that our survey data have a high reliability.
                                                                                   PSR                T6,T7,T5                 0.843      0.954       0.872
    Validity analysis is used to analyze the effectiveness of the
                                                                                   P DR               T18,T20,T19              0.907      0.922       0.798
survey results. Validity refers to the degree to which evidence
and theory support the interpretations of test scores entailed by                  PAR                T10,T8,T9                0.858      0.921       0.797
proposed uses of tests. It is divided into various validities such                 PPB                J1,J2,J3,J4,J5           0.873      0.913       0.9035
as content validity, criterion validity and construct validity. In

                          CISME Vol. 2 Iss. 7 2012 PP. 8-14 ○2011-2012 World Academic Publishing

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Communications in Information Science and Management Engineering                                                                          CISME 

B. Structural Model Analysis                                                 dimensions showed no-cross construct loadings above 0.5,
      A Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA) is performed to                   indicating good discriminate validity. The hypothesis H1 is
evaluate the validity of the measurement scales of all variables             verified.
included in the proposed model. Once the measurement model                       For the purchasing behavior model, which is used to verify
is validated, the risk dimensions model and purchasing                       the hypotheses H2-9, the indexes show that there is a good
behavior model are performed. The goodness-of-fit indices                    goodness-of-fit between the model and the survey data and the
indicate that there are appropriate specifications of the two                model is available to be used to test the relationship between
models (Table 5), these indexes of both models are above the                 risk dimensions and consumer purchasing behavior. The test
recommended levels and the test results indicate that the                    outputs about the path coefficients and significant levels of the
survey data in this paper are real and reliable. The values of               purchasing behavior model are given in Fig. 2. The results
  2 /df for the two models are not more than 3. The values of               indicate that there are five hypotheses, i.e. H5-9, are supported
NFI, IFI, CFI, GFI, and AGFI for the two models are more                     but there are the other three hypotheses, i.e. H2-4, are rejected.
than 0.9, and both RMSEA below 0.08, which means the two                     There are some differences about the results obtained in our
models are acceptable and available.                                         study with the dedications of previous studies. It is worth for
                                                                             us to do further discussions and find whether there are any
    The results support the first hypothis H1, confirming that               new implications for the results, especially in the application
the perceived risk of the overall process of B2C includes the                on the research for online purchasing behavior of consumers
eight dimensions proposed in the risk dimension model. These                 coming from different cultures and countries.

                                          TABLEⅤ   GOODNESS-OF-FIT INDEXES OF THE RESEARCH MODEL

                  Indexes                          2       df      2 /df   NFI        IFI       CFI      GFI        AGFI      RMSEA

            recommended levels                    -          -        <3      >0.9       >0.9  >0.9           >0.9      >0.8     <0.08
            the risk dimensions model            658.43     372      1.77     0.951     0.981 0.981          0.923     0.916     0.046
            the online purchasing behavior model 941.257    519       1.81     0.947     0.971 0.971          0.913     0.906     0.055

                                            Fig. 2 The research model with path coefficient
                                               Significant relationship                       Non significant relationship

                                                                             of B2C, and the impacts for each of them on consumers’
                       V.   DISCUSSIONS
                                                                             purchasing behavior.
    There are abundant researches on the effect of perceived
                                                                                 The results obtained confirm that the composition of
risk toward the purchasing decision and the determinants of
                                                                             online shopping consumer perceived risk and some
buying intention in online context. To date, however,
                                                                             dimensions of perceived risks from the two phases before
attempts to study both risk dimensions and consumers’
                                                                             buying and after purchasing of B2C have significantly
purchasing behavior jointly have proved insufficient and
                                                                             influenced online consumers’ purchasing behavior. From the
lacked depth. Thus, we have examined such important
                                                                             supported hypotheses H5, H6, H7, H8, and H9, we can know
variables as perceived risk dimensions in the overall process
                                                                             what risk dimensions have significant influence on

                       CISME Vol. 2 Iss. 7 2012 PP. 8-14 ○2011-2012 World Academic Publishing

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Communications in Information Science and Management Engineering                                                                                   CISME 

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  • 1. Communications in Information Science and Management Engineering CISME  Dimensions of Consumers’ Perceived Risk and Their Influences on Online Consumers’ Purchasing Behavior Lingying Zhang1, 2, Wojie Tan3, Yingcong Xu1, Genlue Tan1 1 College of Management, Shenzhen University, Shenzhen 518060, China 2          Harbin Institute of Technology Shenzhen Graduate School, Shenzhen 518000, China 3 Normal School, Shenzhen University, Shenzhen 518060, China 1; Abstract-Consumers’ perceived risk is an important factor that In this paper, firstly, we discussed the perceived risk affects online consumers’ purchasing behavior. In this paper, the dimensions impact on consumer online shopping first empirical research was about the dimension structure of decision-making and analyzed the composition of online consumers’ perceived risk (CPR) for the overall process of B2C shopping consumer perceived risk. Based on investigation E-Commerce, and eight dimensions of consumers’ perceived risk were ascertained by confirmatory factor analysis, i.e. perceived data, eight perceived risk dimensions which have significant health risk, perceived quality risk, perceived privacy risk, impact on consumer online shopping decision-making are perceived economic risk, perceived time risk, perceived social verified and proposed. Secondly, we empirically tested what risk, perceived delivery risk and perceived after-sale risk. Then, risk factors from the overall process of B2C may really cause perceived risk dimensions affecting consumers’ purchasing consumers’ perceived risks and examined what dimensions of behavior and their structural relationships were investigated perceived risks significantly influenced consumers’ through a consumer survey and statistical analysis using the purchasing behavior in the overall process of B2C. methods of confirmatory factor analysis and structural equation model. The results of empirical testing demonstrate that there II. LITERATURE REVIEW AND HYPOTHESIS DEVELOPMENT are five independent dimensions, perceived health risk, perceived quality risk, perceived time risk, perceived delivery risk and The original concept of perceived risk is extending out perceived after-sale risk which affect significantly online from the psychology by Harvard University Raymond A. consumers’ purchasing behavior. The results also show that the Bauer [7]. The dimensions of perceived risk are the specific other three dimensions, perceived privacy risk, perceived social contents or types of perceived risk. Bauer [7] held that the risk and perceived economic risk are the less relevant factors. perceived risk will affect the consumer’s purchase decision, Ke ywords- Risk Dimensions; Perceived Risk; Shopping Online; but he didn’t analyze the perceived risk’s specific types. Consumers’ Purchasing Behavior; Overall Process of B2C Followed Bauer’s theory, Cox and Rich [8] gave the specific explanation of perceived risk. He believed that the perceived I. INTRODUCTION risk included at least two factors, uncertainty and adverse The analysis for dimensions of consumer perceived risk in consequences. Following the theory of consumers’ perceived online shopping is a necessary step to know the contents and risk, consumers will perceive risk when they face uncertainty types of consumer perceived risk, which is considered to be and potentially undesirable consequences as a result of one of the important factors that impact on consumer online purchase [9, 10].The more risk consumers perceived, the less shopping decision-making, and it is also one of the important likely it is that they will make a purchase. Therefore, research theme for the online shopping risk [1][2]. Previous Perceived risk is powerful at explaining consumers’ behavior researchers focused on the risks in the phase of online because “consumers are more often motivated to avoid transactions, some of them put forward the structure of risk mistakes than to maximize utility in purchasing” (Mitchell dimensions in different perspectives such as the lack of security, [11]). privacy risk, the credibility of online retailers or reliability risk [3][4], functional risk, shopping risk, time risk, social risk, A. Dimensions of Consumers’ Perceived Risk and Their psychological risk and so on [5][6]. Influences The overall process of B2C includes three phases such as Previous researchers have proposed many dimensions of information searching before buying, the choosing of products perceived risk from different perspectives. Mitchell [11,12] showed that consumer perceived different levels of risk at and the service after purchasing. Therefore, the consumer’s every stage in the shopping process and proposed the five perception of risk in every phase of the overall process should evaluation criteria for the model of perceived risk: be considered, and so does the influence. understandability, predictability, reliability and effectiveness, In this context, taking into consideration the different risk practicality and availability. Anne-Sophie [13] studied the facets in every phase of the overall process of B2C, the four sources of risk such as product, remote transaction, the present study attempts to analyze the perceived risk in the Internet and website risks, proposed eighteen strategies about overall process of B2C and their influence on online how to reduce the perceived risk, and his empirical results consumers’ purchasing behavior. This study seeks to showed that secure payment, money-back guarantee and incorporate these dimensions of perceived risk into a research product replacement are the top three risks which will affect model, identify their impact on online consumers’ purchasing the consumer decision-making. After qualitative exploration, behavior, and test the relationships between constructs in the Dong, Li, and Yang [14] proposed four dimensions of overall process of B2C. perceived risk. Sun, Zhang, and You [15] proposed the CISME Vol. 2 Iss. 7 2012 PP. 8-14 ○2011-2012 World Academic Publishing C    -8-
  • 2. Communications in Information Science and Management Engineering CISME  sources of risk which had larger impact on consumer online shopping. Chen and Li[26] built four structural perceived risk, and verified there were seven dimensions of equation models to measure six dimensions of perceived risk perceived risk. Based on the traditional six dimensions, Yu, and their influences on consumer purchase intention. Herrero Dong, and Liu [16] added another four dimensions such as Crespo, Rodrı´guez del, Bosque, and Garcı´a de los Salmones services, payment, delivery, and privacy risk. Sa´nchez [5] studied the perceived risk that would influence In E-commerce, perceived risk is often considered as a consumer’s attitudes and willingness for online purchasing. perception for a natural characteristic of B2C by many Before our exploring tests for the structure of dimensions consumers [17, 18]. Greater perception of risk on the part of of perceived risks in the overall process of B2C and their consumers acts as a deterrent to their purchase intentions. influences on consumer purchasing behavior in our following Several authors have observed that the perceived risk in studies, we analyzed all the risk variables related to the e-commerce has a negative effect on shopping behavior on overall process of B2C E-Commerce, especially in the phases the Internet [19], attitude toward usage behavior [20, 21, 22] of searching information before purchasing and after-sale and intention to adopt E-commerce [23]. services considering the risk source from the overall process Diverse studies have also obtained empirical evidence that of B2C and our current research purposes. Nine important supports the effect of perceived risk on consumer purchasing variables such as social risk, economic risk, privacy risk, time behavior. Cunningham et al. [24] proposed that private risk, risk, quality risk, health risk, delivery risk, after-sale risk, product risk and the risk of unknown origin would impact on purchasing behavior were chosen in our research model the online shopping. Based on the investigation for perceived according to traditional literature on them and the empirical risk and online purchasing behavior, Forsythe and Shi[25] evidence obtained from E-commerce context. They were found that perceived risk significantly related to online defined in Table 1. purchasing behavior, which could explain the barriers of TABLEⅠDEFINITION OF VARIABLES IN LITERATURE AND PROPOSED IN THIS STUDY Related Literature Variable Definition and Our Research Social Potential loss of status in one’s social group as a result of adopting a product or service, looking foolish or [5,24,27] risk unpopular. Economic The potential monetary outlay associated with the initial purchase price as well as the subsequent [5,24,27] risk maintenance cost of the product, and the potential financial loss due to fraud Privacy Potential loss of control over personal information, when the information is used without permission. [5,23,27] risk Time Potential loss of time associated with making a bad purchasing decision by wasting time researching, [5,24,27] risk shopping, or have to replace the unexpected goods. Quality The possibility of the product malfunctioning and not performing as it was designed and advertised and [6,24,27] risk therefore failing to deliver the desired benefits Health Potential loss of health because of prolonged use of computer will cause fatigue or visually impaired, [23] risk pressure on one’s heart, or buying counterfeit products which is harmful to one’s health. This study Delivery Potential loss of delivery associated with goods lost, goods damaged and sent to the wrong place after [16] risk shopping. This study After-sale [16] Potential loss of after-sales associated with products problems, commercial disputes, and service guarantee. risk This study Purchasing The possibility of consumer behavior to doubt, give up, cut down spending, cut down frequency, and to put Behavior off one’s purchasing because of perceived risks. This study From above discussion, the following research hypotheses H6: The perceived quality risk has a negative influence on are proposed: consumers’ purchasing behavior. H1: The perceived risk in the overall process of B2C H7: The perceived health risk has a negative influence on E-commerce is constructed by eight dimensions. consumers’ purchasing behavior. H2: The perceived social risk has a negative influence on H8: The perceived delivery risk has a negative influence on consumers’ purchasing behavior. consumers’ purchasing behavior. H3: The perceived economic risk has a negative influence on H9: The perceived after-sale risk has a negative influence on consumers’ purchasing behavior. consumers’ purchasing behavior. H4: The perceived privacy risk has a negative influence on B. Research Model consumers’ purchasing behavior. As the hypotheses proposed above, firstly, there are eight H5: The perceived time risk has a negative influence on dimensions which construct the perceived risk in the overall consumers’ purchasing behavior. process of B2C E-commerce and they will have different CISME Vol. 2 Iss. 7 2012 PP. 8-14 ○2011-2012 World Academic Publishing C    -9-
  • 3. Communications in Information Science and Management Engineering CISME  impacts on consumers' perceived risk. The research model of China. They were randomly selected as our respondents. We this paper is presented as Fig. 1. received 427 respondents in which information was missing on key variables for some of the respondents and finally we H1 were only able to use the data of 388 cases. The number of our samples is more than ten times of 37 items, so we can use Dimensions of Perceived Risk them for the further analysis. From the demographic variables and the percentage Perceived Social Risk number listed in Table 2 we know that all of them have experience of online purchasing, 54.1% of them are male, and Perceived Economy Risk  most of our respondents are young people with age between H2 18 to 34 years old. Age, gender and online shopping times Perceived Privacy Risk H3 represent the socio-demographic background of the respondents. Perceived Time Risk H4 H5 Perceived TABLEⅡDEMOGRAPHIC VARIABLES Purchasing Behavior Demographic variables Percentage number   Perceived Quality Risk H6 of respondents H7 Age: Age of the respondent   Perceived Health Risk 18~24 67.5 H8 25~30 19.3 H9 31~34 8.0 Perceived Delivery Risk  35 5.2 Gender of the respondent Perceived After-sale Risk Male 54.1 Times of online shopping Fig. 1 The Research Model  3 32.5 4~8 28.6 9~15 21.9 III. RESEARCH METHODOLOGY  16 17 A. Formation of Questionnaire In order to acknowledge what kind perceived risk factors Based on the related literatures and our previous studies, have important influence on the overall process of B2C, we we designed a questionnaire. Firstly, we summarized all the applied exploratory factor analysis to the 32 items to explore items about perceived risks and consumer purchasing behavior the constructs of consumers’ perceived risk, reliability and in the previous studies. Then, after pre-investigating to our validity for the measures are tested, and the verification results colleagues and college students, some items were adjusted. At are proposed in the next paragraph. last, we got our final questionnaire, in which there are 32 measurement items listed for part 1 used to measure the risk IV. DATA ANALYSIS AND RESULTS dimensions in the overall process of B2C, and the other 5 items for part 2 used to measure the consumers’ purchasing A. Measurement Model Analysis behavior. We used Likert scale of 1-5 with end points of We use exploratory factor analysis to extract a number of “strongly disagree” and “strongly agree” to measure these common factors which may explain most information of the items. Especially in part 1, after summarizing all the items measures. From part 1, these factors are constructs of the about perceived risks in the previous studies, we added some perceived risk online shopping, but from part 2, the factor items in each of the three phases for the overall process of describes consumer purchasing behavior. Firstly, SPSS17 was B2C. For example, in the phase of searching information used to test the KMO and Bartlett’s test of sphericity. The before buying, considering that it would cause their health risk KMO about dimensions of perceived risk in part 1 is 0.836, its for consumers to spend much long time on information Bartlett’s test p value is 0.000. The KMO about perceived searching, we added five items to measure this risk. Another 5 purchasing behavior in part 2 is 0.882, its Bartlett’s test p items were added to measure customers’ perceived risk from value is 0.000. The test values indicate that the data from our worrying about the quality of products in the phase of questionnaire are acceptable to perform further factor analysis. transaction. In the phase of after transaction, considering the risk factors such as long time waiting, the possible accidents Then, for part 1, two items T31 and T32 are deleted by delivery, the evaluation by some others and the service of because their rotated factor loadings are less than 0.4 by using after-sales, 10 items were added to measure these risks. All the principal component analysis method and variance items used to measure the variables proposed in Table 1 are maximization rotation, and we got 30 items kept in and their presented in Table 2. factor loadings are shown in Fig. 1. Table 3 shows that there are eight common factors extracted from the remaining 30 B. Data Collection items and variance contribution rates. Considering the The data collection was conducted through a personal cumulative variance contribution rate is 88.627%, these eight survey aimed at online shopping consumers in China by using variables could be used to analyze the contents and types of interview, investigating online and in business streets from perceived risk for the overall process of B2C. October, 2010 to January, 2011. The three main kinds of people in our samples were white-collar from company, From part 2, we also got one common factor and the blue-workers from factory, and college students from cumulative variance contribution rate is 90.38% as shown in university, more than half of them came from Shenzhen, Table 3. CISME Vol. 2 Iss. 7 2012 PP. 8-14 ○2011-2012 World Academic Publishing C    - 10 -
  • 4. Communications in Information Science and Management Engineering CISME  TABLEⅢ MEASUREMENT ITEMS AND THE COMMON FACTOR AND THE VARIANCE CONTRIBUTION Factor Variance Variable Item Measurement Factor name loading Contribution T2 Prolonged use of computers may cause adverse effects for health. 0.932 T1 Prolonged online shopping may lead to fatigue or visually impaired 0.894 Perceived Health T4 The loss of online shopping happens will be pressure on my heart. 0.882 17.245% Health Risk Risk T3 Buying counterfeit products can damage my health. 0.864 (PHR) T11 It would make me irritable to the process to return or repair products 0.818 T25 Online shopping may buy counterfeit products. 0.931 T24 The actual quality of the goods does not match its description. 0.902 Perceived Quality T26 I bought the product may not meet my needs. 0.892 27.059% Quality Risk T23 Online shopping is not a good judge of product quality. 0.869 Risk(PQR) T27 Goods ordered online can’t personally try and expectations very different. 0.780 T15 Online shopping E-mail address may be abused by others. 0.960 Perceived Privacy T17 Online shopping the phone number may be abused by others. 0.945 8.129% Privacy Risk T16 Online shopping the bank card may be stolen by others. 0.928 Risk(PPR) T22 The personal information may be disclosed to others companies 0.829 T13 Use the online payment services will charge an additional fee. 0.915 Perceived Economic T14 Delivery service will be charged with additional fee. 0.900 7.896% Economic Risk T12 Online shopping may cost more than the store. 0.899 Risk(PER) T30 If the products have problem the communicating with the seller and 0.901 the service may require a lot of time. Perceived Time T28 Sellers may not be timely delivery, reception have to wait long. 0.896 13.079% Time Risk Risk T21 Courier services of varying quality, delivery time may be too long. 0.868 (PTR) T29 The goods returned may be waiting a long time. 0.868 T6 Online shopping may affect the image of people around me. 0.948 Perceived Social T7 Online products may not be recognized by relatives or friends. 0.931 7.116% Social Risk Risk T5 Online shopping may make others reduce your evaluation. 0.923 (PSR) T18 Express Delivery after shopping areas easily lost goods. 0.916 Perceived Delivery T20 Express Delivery after shopping areas easily damaged goods. 0.908 4.554% Delivery Risk T19 Express Delivery may be sent to the wrong place. 0.855 Risk(PDR) T10 If the products have problem, hard to find the seller interference. 0.915 Perceived After-sale T8 difficult to solve commercial disputes in online shopping. 0.897 3.509% After-sale Risk T9 Products purchased online may miss after-sales service guarantee. 0.866 Risk(PAR) I doubt whether to do my purchasing online because of the perceived risk J1 0.975 I give up my purchasing online because of the perceived risk Perceived J2 0.970 Purchasing I cut down my spending on purchasing online because of the perceived risk Purchasing J3 0.964 90.380% Behavior I cut down my frequency on purchasing online because of the perceived Behavior J4 0.962 risk (PPB) J5 0.879 I decided to put off my purchasing online because of the perceived risk The eight common factors are the eight dimensions of which, construct validity is definitely important validity that perceived risk we seek for and named as follows: perceived should be tested. Construct validity includes convergent health risk(PHR), perceived quality risk(PQR), perceived validity and discriminate validity. In this paper, we used privacy risk(PPR), perceived economic risk(PER), perceived average variance extracted (AVE) values to test the time risk(PTR), perceived social risk(PSR), perceived delivery convergent validity and confirmatory factor analysis for risk(PDR) and perceived after-sale risk(PAR). For the one testing discriminate validity. Table 4 shows that the AVE of common factor from part 2, we named it as perceived each dimension is greater than 0.7, therefore, the survey data purchasing behavior (PPB). in our research have a good convergent validity. Reliability refers to the reliability of the investigation, TABLE Ⅳ  ,CR AND AVE VALUE OF DIMENSIONS which shows consistency, reproducibility and stability of the results. Cronbach’s  coefficient is used to conduct Dimension Item  CR AVE reliability analysis. If cronbach’s  coefficient is greater than PHR T2,T1,T4,T3,T11 0.923 0.944 0.772 0.8, it is generally believed that the investigation has a fairly good reliability. Table 4 shows that  value of each PQ R T25,T24,T26,T23,T27 0.914 0.940 0.768 dimension is greater than 0.8 and indicates that the survey data PPR T15,T17,T16,T22 0.875 0.954 0.841 in our research are true and reliable. The composite reliability PER T13,T14,T12 0.886 0.930 0.819 value CR of each dimension is greater than 0.9 and implies PT R T30,T28,T21,T29 0.905 0.934 0.780 that our survey data have a high reliability. PSR T6,T7,T5 0.843 0.954 0.872 Validity analysis is used to analyze the effectiveness of the P DR T18,T20,T19 0.907 0.922 0.798 survey results. Validity refers to the degree to which evidence and theory support the interpretations of test scores entailed by PAR T10,T8,T9 0.858 0.921 0.797 proposed uses of tests. It is divided into various validities such PPB J1,J2,J3,J4,J5 0.873 0.913 0.9035 as content validity, criterion validity and construct validity. In CISME Vol. 2 Iss. 7 2012 PP. 8-14 ○2011-2012 World Academic Publishing C    - 11 -
  • 5. Communications in Information Science and Management Engineering CISME  B. Structural Model Analysis dimensions showed no-cross construct loadings above 0.5, A Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA) is performed to indicating good discriminate validity. The hypothesis H1 is evaluate the validity of the measurement scales of all variables verified. included in the proposed model. Once the measurement model For the purchasing behavior model, which is used to verify is validated, the risk dimensions model and purchasing the hypotheses H2-9, the indexes show that there is a good behavior model are performed. The goodness-of-fit indices goodness-of-fit between the model and the survey data and the indicate that there are appropriate specifications of the two model is available to be used to test the relationship between models (Table 5), these indexes of both models are above the risk dimensions and consumer purchasing behavior. The test recommended levels and the test results indicate that the outputs about the path coefficients and significant levels of the survey data in this paper are real and reliable. The values of purchasing behavior model are given in Fig. 2. The results  2 /df for the two models are not more than 3. The values of indicate that there are five hypotheses, i.e. H5-9, are supported NFI, IFI, CFI, GFI, and AGFI for the two models are more but there are the other three hypotheses, i.e. H2-4, are rejected. than 0.9, and both RMSEA below 0.08, which means the two There are some differences about the results obtained in our models are acceptable and available. study with the dedications of previous studies. It is worth for us to do further discussions and find whether there are any The results support the first hypothis H1, confirming that new implications for the results, especially in the application the perceived risk of the overall process of B2C includes the on the research for online purchasing behavior of consumers eight dimensions proposed in the risk dimension model. These coming from different cultures and countries. TABLEⅤ GOODNESS-OF-FIT INDEXES OF THE RESEARCH MODEL Indexes 2 df  2 /df NFI IFI CFI GFI AGFI RMSEA recommended levels - - <3 >0.9 >0.9 >0.9 >0.9 >0.8 <0.08 the risk dimensions model 658.43 372 1.77 0.951 0.981 0.981 0.923 0.916 0.046 the online purchasing behavior model 941.257 519 1.81 0.947 0.971 0.971 0.913 0.906 0.055 Fig. 2 The research model with path coefficient Significant relationship Non significant relationship of B2C, and the impacts for each of them on consumers’ V. DISCUSSIONS purchasing behavior. There are abundant researches on the effect of perceived The results obtained confirm that the composition of risk toward the purchasing decision and the determinants of online shopping consumer perceived risk and some buying intention in online context. To date, however, dimensions of perceived risks from the two phases before attempts to study both risk dimensions and consumers’ buying and after purchasing of B2C have significantly purchasing behavior jointly have proved insufficient and influenced online consumers’ purchasing behavior. From the lacked depth. Thus, we have examined such important supported hypotheses H5, H6, H7, H8, and H9, we can know variables as perceived risk dimensions in the overall process what risk dimensions have significant influence on CISME Vol. 2 Iss. 7 2012 PP. 8-14 ○2011-2012 World Academic Publishing C    - 12 -
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