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Our goal is to facilitate the practice of
Bodhisattva ideals (altruism) and to
promote holistic living.

The Vision of Compassionate Service Society (CompaSS) is to
facilitate the practice of Bodhisattva ideals (altruism) and holistic

From 2002 to 2007, our mission was to create a learning
environment for our community to integrate body, mind and
spirit. Practically, we have developed various methodologies of
meditation, taught Integral Tai Chi to the community, provided
spiritual guidance via dharma lectures, educational programs on
Television (Khai Tam TV) and radio (Khai Tam Radio) as well as
other community programs that aims at serving the Vietnamese
and American communities. Many large and small Integral Taichi
Centers (ITC) have been established in USA (Orange County,
San Jose, Houston, Dallas, Virginia, Florida), France, Hungary,
Germany, Australia, Tahiti, and Taiwan to help facilitate our
Since 2008, CompaSS adapts the vision of ITC to be our
inspiration and practical guide for engagement with community.
ITC’s Vision is:
• Restore Health to members of our community.
• Engender Hope in the hearts of those who are of need, by
providing emotional support and spiritual guidance.
• Facilitate a Healing process among members of community;
be it emotional, spiritual, or social.
In 2015, CompaSS developed the iB (integrated Beings or In-
Training Bodhisattvas) program where the vision is to establish a
holistic community, holistic living based on the model of
transcending worldliness yet engaging with the world (Xuất Tục
Nhập Thế) or the Bodhisattva model.
Our vision is called the 3H: Vision of
Health, Hope, and Healing.
Our Founder
Venerable Hang Truong is one of the influential Vietnamese
monks in the Vietnamese communities all over the world. Born in
Vietnam, grew up during the war, educated in United States,
ordained under the Chinese tradition and educated in the Dharma
under the direct tutelage of Master Hsuan Hua, the world’s
enlightened Master of the Chinese Zen lineage, Master Hang
Truong has worked and served multi-ethnic communities across
Asia, America and Europe.
The Master embodies, teaches, and lives by multicultural, multi-
disciplined, global centric values. He is very well known for his
holistic, integral approach to modernize and integrate Buddhism
into the fast changing world.
In 2002, he created Compassionate Service Society, a non-profit
organization that helps heal the body, mind and spirit. In 2003 he
co-founded Hana Spiritual Retreat in Maui, Hawaii, a spiritual
center that aspires to bring key leaders of the world religions for
dialogues and cross-cultural understanding. In 2004, he began
teaching Integral Tai Chi to the public and developed a training
curriculum for ITC instructors.
He opened an Integral Taichi Center in 2006, a community
program which promotes health, hope and healing. To this day,
Venerable Hang Truong and the ITC instructors have taught the
practice worldwide in California, Texas, Hawaii, Canada, France,
Hungary and Taiwan. In Orange County, California alone, there are
on average 300 Integral Tai Chi students registered each
semester. The healing effects and the evolutionary force of Integral
Tai Chi have been reported by many who have taken the classes.
In May 2008, he was awarded the Community Leader of the Year
in Orange County in recognition of his exemplary leadership,
selfless dedication and valuable service to the community.  In a
world that is in dire need for love and caring, Venerable Hang
Truong’s innovative spiritual work and teaching bring invigorating
spiritual uplift and healing, which transcend ethnocentrism and
cultural divides, peace and harmony for self and community, are
indeed the new hallmarks of Buddhism in the 21st century.
In 2007, the Master created the Tea Meditation ceremony, in 2009
he developed a new educational component called integral
Meditation (iM) and in 2015 the integrated Bodhisattva (iB) training
program. In 2009, he created the human mandala as a gathering
place for people of all religions to pray for world peace.
Six attitudes in self cultivation, or 6T for short, include basic
attitudes of the bodhisattva path. They are also for anyone who
wants to improve their life style and make it more gentle and
relaxing. The 6T words are in Vietnamese: thương thương, tha
thứ, thôi, tuỳ, thoáng, and thông.
1. Thương thương (Loving, lovable): The first thương means
loving, also means loving-kindness. The second thương
means knowing how to express loving-kindness, also means
compassion, a kind of non-possessive love.
2. Tha thứ (Forgiving): After loving and lovability is forgiveness.
With loving-kindness, it is easy to forgive. Loving-kindness is
the opening of the true mind when facing living beings.
Forgiveness is the opening of loving-kindness when facing
difficulties, obstacles or things against our will. Accepting
things, accepting the present is the first step of forgiving.
3. Thôi, thôi (Stop, let go): This means to stop, end, let go, relax,
cease, and terminate, not to think about any more, not to
keep in mind, not continuing nor lingering, no longer hesitate
or waver.
4. Tuỳ (Adaptable): There are many kinds of adaptability,
depending on condition, time, people, opportunity, or spiritual
development stage, depending on good things from others,
and on the needs of living beings. We should adapt naturally
to truth, goodness and beauty every time we recognize each of
them. This is the meaning of the word adaptable.
5. Thoáng (Open): This is the free and non-obstructed mentality.
For example, when we are in a stuffy room, if we can raise
our neck and stick our head outside the window to breathe
some fresh air, we will feel extremely fresh and open. Or we
have been sitting in a room with closed door and windows;
now we open the windows, and fresh air rushes in, making
the room more airy and open. Or from a bustling city, if we
drive to the beach and take a walk along the seashore, we
will feel very relaxed, open and free; that is when we are
6. Thông (empathy and sympathy): This word means
understanding thoroughly without any obstruction and
includes both empathy and sympathy. Empathy is the state
when the heart feels first, then the intellect understands. With
sympathy, the intellect understands first, the heart feels
touched later.
Engaging with the World
Transcending Worldliness
The Bodhisattva way is for anyone who has
consciousness and senses, who has developed a
desire tending toward higher ideals, and who
strives to improve themselves.
The fundamental philosophy that we base upon is the teaching
and practice of the bodhisattva path. A bodhisattva is someone
who is constantly unfolding, nurturing, and bringing to the
perfect manifestation of the eternal light in self and others. This
light manifests in myriads of ways, such as compassion,
kindness, intelligence, generosity, forgiveness, clarity,
concentration, and caring.
Our guiding compass is the holistic model that promotes
“engaging with the world, while transcending worldliness”.
Transcending worldliness means we constantly practice to refine
our character; meditate to experience stillness and clarity; reflect
and contemplate to become free from bad and irresponsible
habits; and nurture goodness to grow in the light of our True
Engaging with the world means we become responsible and
productive citizens, positive force of change and improvement in
the community, and good friends and guides to other spiritual
practitioners. Thus, Compassionate Service Society has
organized many services offered to the communities, from
teaching health-improving exercises, to stress-reducing
meditation, to disaster relief charity.
The ultimate goal of the practice is reached when the engaged
path and the transcending path are completed.  The
Transcending Path is completed when all passions, bad habits
and limited knowledge have transformed and bloomed into
Buddha-wisdom, wholesome habits, unlimited vision,
unbounded compassion, knowing and acting without obstacles,
and serenity transcending time and space.  The Engaged Path is
achieved when all sentient beings in the infinite worlds have been
enlightened, innumerable worlds enjoy peace and joy, and
innumerable consciousnesses become great Buddha-wisdom.
We offer the following programs to improve our spiritual
• Temporary Leaving Home training program
• Bodhisattva training program
• Integrated practice
• intregral Meditation
• Mandala practice
CSS (or commonly known as
CompaSS) headquarter is in
Orange County, California,
USA. CSS offers Integral Tai
Chi classes (free of charge),
m a n y t r a i n i n g s a n d
certification track for integral
Tai Chi Instructors, integral
m e d i t a t i o n c l a s s e s ,
integrated Bodhisattva
trainings, tea meditation
sessions, dharma lectures,
weekly radio and television
programs in Vietnamese,
vegetarian cooking club,
annual outdoors activities,
meditation retreats, special
trainings for our working
members and many other
activities. Through our
activities and programs, CSS
offers participants and
especially its working
members an environment
facilitating their holistic
evolution. All activities
organized by CSS are open
to everyone of all ages, race,
gender, religion and beliefs.
Most of the activities are free
a d m i s s i o n , w i t h t h e
exceptions of retreats,
pilgrimages and trainings.
All working members of CSS
are volunteers without pay.
T h e s e v o l u n t e e r s h a v e
dedicated an estimated of
over 94,00 hours in year 2017
in order to offer various
activities and programs to an
estimated 600,00 persons
I n 2 0 0 3 , C S S d o n a t e d
educational materials and gave
emotional support to the
children of Nepal. In 2009, we
created the Compassion
Water Project where we
partnered with other non-profit
organizations to distribute
water filters and build water
wells in impoverished areas
(such as Haiti, Vietnam,
Indonesia, Africa). In 2011,
CSS partnered with Global
Medic and raised over $100K
to help the victims of the
tsunami and earthquake in
Japan. In 2013, CSS-Charity
continues its global anthem of
“safe water saves lives” by
raising over $10K to install
water units for those affected
b y t h e t y p h o o n i n t h e
The Veggie Cooking Club was
formed with the mission to
inspire and to empower
individuals to create the health
they desire, therefore
facilitating a healthier and
happier community through
proper cooking, proper eating
and other healthy living habits.
The club meets on a monthly
basis with live cooking
demonstration, providing
nutritional information for the
food being cooked, and
tasting of the delicious food.
The CSS Youth exist to
provide opportunities for
young people to discover and
deepen their spirituality; to
inspire others through
altruistic service; and to build
and support like-minded
communities throughout the
world. CSS Youth provides
service projects in their
communities as well as
teaches about Buddhist
dharma, meditation, and Tai
Chi to individuals 5-25 years
Our media programs reach
worldwide audiences about
the basic philosophy of
Buddhism via our weekly
Vietnamese Khai Tam TV
show and Khai Tam Radio
broadcasts. “Khai Tam” in
English is translated as
“openness” or “open mind”.
Audiences learn how to apply,
practice the dharma and
utilize the practical teachings
of the Venerable Hang Truong
to resolve various stresses,
problems or conflicts that we
all encounter in our daily lives.
Khai Tam TV talk show
program has brought the
message of healthy lifestyles
to approximately 300,000
people worldwide and Khai
Tam Radio program also have
reached out to 300,000
Vietnamese listeners all over
the US and Canada.
Integral Tai Chi is a health
improvement exercise for all
ages. iTC combines stretch
movements, Tai Chi, Qi Gong
& Meditation in one system
that integrates body, mind
and spirit. Fast, powerful and
energy generating, iTC with
its 10 forms, is simple to learn
and practical to apply in
everyday life. iTC helps you to
generate and use energy
effectively; enhance brain
f u n c t i o n a n d m a n a g e
emotional health; increase
physical fitness; reduce stress
and sleeping problems;
increase flexibility; and lessen
the effects of aging. We have
over 200 certified iTC
instructors and assistants.
Other than the main iTC
Center in Orange County, CA,
there are many locations
nationwide and worldwide.
Tea meditation is a form of
meditation through the act of
drinking tea. Tea meditation
can be practiced by everyone,
of all ages, and of different
cultural, social, political, and
religious backgrounds. It is a
method of engaging ourselves
in silence contemplation.
Essentially, during the tea
meditation, one looks inwardly
to see one’s mind as it is,
without any effort to interpret
or judge. Whether our mind is
pure or polluted, clear of
confused, we only need to
witness it. Once free from
making judgment and blame,
we’ll be spiritually open,
understand ourselves deeper,
and become more receptive
to embrace others and their
points of view.
Every year we hold the World
Peace Gathering in Orange
C o u n t y t o b r i n g o u r
community to a common
purpose of generating
g o o d n e s s , w h o l e s o m e
energy, and love to a troubled
world. Since 2009 to now,
we had approximately 1,500
to 2,000 people attending
each year of WPG with great
enthusiasm, care, and
support. We know there is a
great need for emotional
support, especially in this
economic downturn. We
know our community needs
spiritual inspiration for its own
wholeness and healing. We
know each of us wants to
feel at home and included
when we come together
celebrating or praying. We all
want peace, first within our
hearts, then within our family,
then to our community, and
the world. Our World Peace
Gathering is just for these
The Peace Mandala is a
gathering place of Buddhas.
The circle configurations of the
mandala represents the non-
dual nature or the Buddha
nature. It encompasses all
duality phenomena, yet is ever-
present in all dualism. The 5
colored layers of the mandala
configuration represents the 5
fundamental elements (Earth,
Water, Fire, Wind, Space). It
also represents the 5 Skandhas
(form, feelings, thoughts,
habitual forming energy, and
consciousness). All living
beings in the samsara are
either bound by the 5 elements
or the 5 skandhas. All living
beings in the invisible realms do
not have a body/form skandha,
b u t t h e y d o h a v e
consciousness and habitual
forming energy. The philosophy
of the Mandala is the moving of
beings residing in the realm of
the 5 skandhas into the
Nondual nature, thus liberating
them. Additionally, we set the
world record for Largest
Human Mandala in 2016 in
order to spread the message of
peace worldwide.
CompaSS Headquarter in Orange County, CA
Contact(s) for any questions, information or volunteering in the following areas:
• Dharma and CompaSS vision, mission and culture:
Venerable Heng Chang
• CompaSS infrastructure, integration and communication:
OC-PAEI team
• iB - Integrated Bodhisattva training program:
iB Administration
• iTC – Integral Taichi (Instruction and curriculum)
‣ Hien Vu:
‣ Sheila Truong:
‣ iTC Admin:
• Global iTC and Temporary Leave Home/The Thousand program:
Khai Nghiem
• Volunteer Coordinator and Tea Meditation program:
Diana Ta:
• iB Facility Manager and Tea Meditation program:
Dan Le:
• Public relations and media opportunities:
Son Duong
• CompaSS website & Dharma Care program:
Lan Huong Lam
• World Peace Gathering & CompaSS publications:
Judy Nguyen
• CompaSS Charity:
Scott Do
• Khai Tam TV;
Tracy Anh Tram Pham:
• Mandala:
Mai Trang Nguyen
Thanh Nguyen
• Vegetarian cooking:
Huyen Linh
Hong Van
• Video production:
Hai Pham
• Audio production:
Thang Phi
• Transcribing:
Suong Vu
• Retreats and pilgrimages:
Quy Minh Hoang
• Design and setup for CompaSS events:
Dennis Tran
• CompaSS Youth:
Alexander Nguyen
Orange County, California
1 - CompaSS Center
Compassionate Service Society headquarters
iB training program & iTC classes/training program
420 S. Brookhurst St, Anaheim, CA 92804
2 – iTC Fountain Valley - FV Senior Recreation Center
17967 Bushard St., Fountain Valley, CA 92708
(714) 593-4446
3 – iTC Orange - Kaiser Permanente Orange
200 N Lewis Street, Orange CA 92868
Anh Thơ Nguyễn (714) 425-5581 or
4 – iTC Irvine - Rancho Senior center
3 Ethel Coplen Way, Irvine CA 92602
Audrey Đoàn (949) 407-9383 or
5- iTC Irvine – Trabuco Center
5701 Trabuco Rd, Irvine CA 92620
Audrey Đoàn (949) 407-9383 or
Los Angeles County, California
1 – iTC Rosemead - Garvey Community Center
9108 Garvey Ave. Rosemead, CA 91770
Phụng Bành (562) 597-0272
2- iTC South Bay –
Arthur Lee Johnson Memorial Park
1200 W. 170th St., Gardena, CA 90247
English (310) 351-7194 / Vietnamese (714) 625-8966
San Jose, California
CompaSS Center for Wellness
1394 Tully Road, Suite 215, San Jose, CA 95122
Minh Tâm Nelson (408) 320-9299 (408) 838-9084
San Diego, California
Cúc Nguyễn (619) 277-5122
1 – Linda Vista Recreation Center

17064 Levant Rd, Linda Vista, Ca 92111

2 - Mira Mesa Gil Johnson Community Park and Recreation Center

8575 New Salem St, San Diego, Ca 92126
3 - Mira Mesa Senior Center
8460 Mira Mesa Blvd, San Diego, Ca 92126
4 - Access Inc.
2612 Daniel Avenue, San Diego, Ca 92111
Houston, Texas
Phone: (832) LIFECSS (832) 543-3277
Phương Anh Nguyễn (832) 423-6163
1 – iTC MAIN CENTER - Hong Kong City Mall
11205 Bellaire, suite B29 (2nd floor)
Houston, TX 77072
2- CENTRAL - River Oaks Community Center
3600 Locke Lane, Houston, TX 77027
3 – NORTH - Mangum-Howell Center (Doss Park) 2500 Frick Road,
Houston, TX 77038
4- NORTHEAST - Humble Senior Activity Center 1401 South
Houston, Humble, TX 77338
5- NORTHEAST - Humble Kingwood Community Center
4102 Rustic Wood Dr., Kingwood, TX 77345
6 – SOUTHWEST - Alief Park & Community Center 11903 Bellaire,
Houston, TX 77072
7 – WEST - Kendall Library & Community Center 609 N. Eldridge,
Houston, TX 77079
8- NORTHWEST - Cypress Monkey Bar Gym
13626 Kludge Rd., Cypress TX 77429
9 – NORTHWEST (newest location) 
Lotus Hands Acupuncture Clinic 11427 Jones Rd. – Houston, TX
10 – SOUTHEAST - Parker Williams Library
10851 Scarsdale Blvd., Houston, TX 77089
Dallas, Texas
ITC Dallas 
1517-B  14th Street, Plano, TX 75074
Tố Phưọng Mã (214) 405-9482
1 - Chùa Pháp Quang
1004 Small Street, Grand Prairie, TX 75050
2300 West Walnut Street, Garland, TX 75042
Thu Trang Đỗ (972) 679-2107
3 – Arlington Class at MA Việt Center
1408 West Arkansas Lane, Arlington, TX 76013
Amy Hồng Bùi (469) 544-2789
4 - Carrollton
3030 N Josey Ln, Carrollton, TX 75007
Diệu Hạnh (972) 900-0675
Oklahoma, USA
Old School Moore
201 N. Broadway St. Moore, OK 73160
Phượng Lê (405) 691-2248
E-mail: or
Maryland and Virginia, USA
CSS East, iTC - Headquarters
2235 Cedar Lane, Suite 101, Vienna, VA 22182
Web: ;
Dyung Le: (703) 585-0427 or
Tammy Hilton: (703) 470-4177
1 - White Oak Community Recreation Center
1700 April Lane, Silver Spring, MD 20904
2 - St. Rose of Lima Church
11701 Clopper Rd., Gaithersburg, MD 20878
3. Gaithersburg Library
1833 Montgomery Village Ave., Gaithersburg, MD 20879
4 - Long Branch Library
8800 Garland Avenue, Silver Spring, MD 20901
Lan Hương (703) 425-3725 or (703) 627-5984
1 - Hoa Nghiêm Temple
9111 Backlick Rd, Fort Belvoir, VA 22060
Việt Dũng (703) 483-0114
2. Little River Glen Center
4001 Barker Ct, Fairfax, VA 22032
Việt Dũng (703) 483-0114
3 -Bailey Senior Center

5920 Summers Lane, Falls Church VA 22041
Việt Dũng (703) 483-0114
4. Kingstowne Center for Active Adults
6488 Landsdowne Center, Alexandria, VA 22315
Lan Uyên E-mail:

Nhà Viet Nam
3850 W. Waters Ave., Tampa, FL 33614
Kim Bằng Lê (813) 495-5318
Montreal, Quebec
Ngọc Liên Lâm (514) 926-4550
1 - Main Center
8059 St-Michel Boulevard Montreal, Quebec H1Z 2E4
2- Centre de Ressources Communautaires
Côte Des Neiges
6767 Côte Des Neiges, Montreal, Quebec H3S 2T6
3- Our Lady of Fatima Parish
875 Marcel Laurin, Saint Laurent, Quebec H4M 2M8
4 - Jewish Hospital
3755 Côte Ste Catherine (Radio oncology department) Montreal, Quebec H1W 2E9
5- Paroisse Le Bon Pasteur
700 rue Préfontaine, Longueuil, Quebec J4K 3V9
Toronto, Ontario
Kim Dung Dương  (416) 596-8900 or
1 - Grandravine Community Centre
23 Grandravine Drive, 2nd floor, North York, Ontario, Canada
Dung Dương  (416) 596-8900
2 - Trung tâm Cộng Đồng Việt Nam Mississauga
600 Lakeshore Blvd East., Mississauga, Ontario, Canada
Niên Trần (905) 653-4997 or
3 - Hội người Việt Toronto
1364 Dundas Street West, Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Loan Nguyễn (416) 537-3163 or    
4 - Driftwood Community Recreation Centre
4401 Jane Street, North York, ON M3N 2K3
Hưng Vu (416) 875-5705 or
Chi Nguyễn (905)- 653-0958 or
5 - West End Buddhist Temple& Meditation Centre
3133 Cawthra Road, Mississauga ,ON L5A 2X4
Cuong Email:
Thái Thạnh Trần
Phone numbers:
Anne Biarez: 87773423
Nadine Guais: 87748867
1 - Ecole Primaire: Salle culturelle, Baie de Cook, Paopao (Moorea)
2 - Ecole Primaire: Salle Omnisport, Afareaitu (Moorea)
3 - Salle privée, Haapiti (Moorea)
4 - Association Atiti'a, Pihaena (Moorea)
5 - Ecole de Teavaro (Moorea)
6 - Temple Mormon - Pirae (Tahitia)

Department 76

1 - Salle de fête : AVF Fontainẹ - la - Mallet –
Rue Mougnan, Le Havre
2 - Salle d'activité : AVF St François
30 Rue Percanville, Le Havre
3 - Salle d'activité de la ville du Havre : Salle De Coninck – Rue Jules
Vernes, Le Havre, France
Trong and Tuyến Nguyễn: Tel : (+33) 2 35 46 74 88


Department 78 

Châu Nguyễn: Tel: (+33) 1 34 77 69 46

CK10 : Complex Sportif Félicien Dantan

15 Rue de Lorraine, 78200 Mantes-la-Jolie
iM : 30 rue de Montchauvet, 78711 Mantes La Ville
Department 91 

Pagode Khuông Việt

Laurent Mallet and Léna Meszaros
Tel : (+33) 6 71 61 01 49 or

Department 92 

Parc de Sceaux

Minh Đinh
Tel : (+33) 6 88 01 27 07 or

Maison du Val
3 rue Abel Vacher, 92190 Meudon

Joséphine Simonnot
E-mail :

Department 94
ABCD - Abbaye Bords De Marne
10A, Quai Beaubourg 94100 St Maur Des Fosses Mme. Christine
Paquier (+33) 6 61 18 27 92
Pal Pluhar:
1 - Magyar Taoista Egyház Központja (szerda)

1134 Budapest, Kassák Lajos u. 43.
2 - Tan Kapuja Buddhista Főiskola (csütörtök, péntek)

1098 Budapest, Börzsöny u. 11.
E-mail: or
3 - Kecskeméti Kulturális és Konferencia Központ (csütörtök)

6000 Kecskemét, Deák F. tér 1.
4 - HI-LEX Kft. (péntek)

2651 Rétság, Ipari park 3.
Hoàng Tâm Nguyễn & Xuân Hằng Dương
Tel: (49) 211-758 4329
Mobile: (49) 172-586 1612
E-mail :
1 - Odenthaler Weg 1, 40591 Duesseldorf
2 -Gymnastics hall of kindergarten
Opladener Strasse 59, 40591 Duesseldorf
E-mail :
Kiều Nga Nguyễn (49) 6101-402757
1. Pagode Phat Hue,
Hanauer Landstraße 443, 60314 Frankfurt am Main
2. Hospital zum heiligen Geist
Lange Str. 4-6, 60311 Frankfurt am Main
3. Koreanischer Garten/ Grüneburgpark

August-Siebert-Straße, 60323 Frankfurt am Main
4. Heilig Kreuz, Burg Hohl 4, 61137 Schöneck
5 Kurhaus, Niddastrasse 1, 61118 Bad Vilbel
6. Theodor-Heuss Schule
Buchhügelalle 86, 63071 Offenbach
7. FSG Burg Gräfenrode
Bindweidring, 61148 Karben
8. SVV Heilsberg
Danziger Strasse 7a, 61118 Bad Vilbel
CompaSS Germany Office
Herbert-Weichmann – Strasse 2
22085 Hamburg
Lê Hồng Trương (49) 151 419 11507
Training hall (at Sankt Ansgar School)
Burgerweide 33, 20535 Hamburg
Luetticher Strasse 7, 50674 Köln
Diên Châu Vương
Tel: (49) 174-723 6824
台南實修禪堂 Tainan


Tel: 06-2275822
高雄實修禪堂 Kaohsiung

Tel: 07-7232900
Ashburton Community Hall, Melbourne

Thanh Nguyễn

Tel : (+61) 481 515 001
296 High St.
Ashburton, 3147 Australia
1. Smart shops
185 Springvale Rd. Springvale, 3171
2. 29 Eileen rd.
Clayton South, 3169
3. Ashburton Community Hall
296 High St. Ashburton, 3147
Global iTC conference
in Orange County.
CSS-Taiwan doing integral taichi during
pilgrimage to India.
2016 grand opening of new
semester of iTC classes
at CompaSS Center.
Peace Mandala Ceremony at the
World Peace Gathering in 2016 at
Long Beach Convention Center where
we achieved Record Setter’s Largest
Human Mandala world record.
CompaSS friends at our
Headquarter in Orange County:
“We love you!”
Veggie Cooking class.
Exercise for world peace at the World Peace Gathering.
CompaSS Charity on a
discussion panel with our
Compassion Water
Project’s partners (Global
Medic and Lifesaver).
Tea Meditation for Peace ceremony at 

Long Beach Convention Center 

on 12/17/16.
2018 compass brochure

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2018 compass brochure

  • 1.
  • 2. Our goal is to facilitate the practice of Bodhisattva ideals (altruism) and to promote holistic living. MISSION & VISION The Vision of Compassionate Service Society (CompaSS) is to facilitate the practice of Bodhisattva ideals (altruism) and holistic cultivation. 
 From 2002 to 2007, our mission was to create a learning environment for our community to integrate body, mind and spirit. Practically, we have developed various methodologies of meditation, taught Integral Tai Chi to the community, provided spiritual guidance via dharma lectures, educational programs on Television (Khai Tam TV) and radio (Khai Tam Radio) as well as other community programs that aims at serving the Vietnamese and American communities. Many large and small Integral Taichi Centers (ITC) have been established in USA (Orange County, San Jose, Houston, Dallas, Virginia, Florida), France, Hungary, Germany, Australia, Tahiti, and Taiwan to help facilitate our mission. Since 2008, CompaSS adapts the vision of ITC to be our inspiration and practical guide for engagement with community. ITC’s Vision is: • Restore Health to members of our community. • Engender Hope in the hearts of those who are of need, by providing emotional support and spiritual guidance. • Facilitate a Healing process among members of community; be it emotional, spiritual, or social. In 2015, CompaSS developed the iB (integrated Beings or In- Training Bodhisattvas) program where the vision is to establish a holistic community, holistic living based on the model of transcending worldliness yet engaging with the world (Xuất Tục Nhập Thế) or the Bodhisattva model.
  • 3. Our vision is called the 3H: Vision of Health, Hope, and Healing.
  • 4. Our Founder Venerable Hang Truong is one of the influential Vietnamese monks in the Vietnamese communities all over the world. Born in Vietnam, grew up during the war, educated in United States, ordained under the Chinese tradition and educated in the Dharma under the direct tutelage of Master Hsuan Hua, the world’s enlightened Master of the Chinese Zen lineage, Master Hang Truong has worked and served multi-ethnic communities across Asia, America and Europe. The Master embodies, teaches, and lives by multicultural, multi- disciplined, global centric values. He is very well known for his holistic, integral approach to modernize and integrate Buddhism into the fast changing world. In 2002, he created Compassionate Service Society, a non-profit organization that helps heal the body, mind and spirit. In 2003 he co-founded Hana Spiritual Retreat in Maui, Hawaii, a spiritual center that aspires to bring key leaders of the world religions for dialogues and cross-cultural understanding. In 2004, he began teaching Integral Tai Chi to the public and developed a training curriculum for ITC instructors. He opened an Integral Taichi Center in 2006, a community program which promotes health, hope and healing. To this day, Venerable Hang Truong and the ITC instructors have taught the practice worldwide in California, Texas, Hawaii, Canada, France, Hungary and Taiwan. In Orange County, California alone, there are on average 300 Integral Tai Chi students registered each semester. The healing effects and the evolutionary force of Integral Tai Chi have been reported by many who have taken the classes. In May 2008, he was awarded the Community Leader of the Year in Orange County in recognition of his exemplary leadership, selfless dedication and valuable service to the community.  In a world that is in dire need for love and caring, Venerable Hang Truong’s innovative spiritual work and teaching bring invigorating spiritual uplift and healing, which transcend ethnocentrism and cultural divides, peace and harmony for self and community, are indeed the new hallmarks of Buddhism in the 21st century. In 2007, the Master created the Tea Meditation ceremony, in 2009 he developed a new educational component called integral Meditation (iM) and in 2015 the integrated Bodhisattva (iB) training program. In 2009, he created the human mandala as a gathering place for people of all religions to pray for world peace.
  • 5. OUR CULTURE: The 6T’s Six attitudes in self cultivation, or 6T for short, include basic attitudes of the bodhisattva path. They are also for anyone who wants to improve their life style and make it more gentle and relaxing. The 6T words are in Vietnamese: thương thương, tha thứ, thôi, tuỳ, thoáng, and thông. 1. Thương thương (Loving, lovable): The first thương means loving, also means loving-kindness. The second thương means knowing how to express loving-kindness, also means compassion, a kind of non-possessive love. 2. Tha thứ (Forgiving): After loving and lovability is forgiveness. With loving-kindness, it is easy to forgive. Loving-kindness is the opening of the true mind when facing living beings. Forgiveness is the opening of loving-kindness when facing difficulties, obstacles or things against our will. Accepting things, accepting the present is the first step of forgiving. 3. Thôi, thôi (Stop, let go): This means to stop, end, let go, relax, cease, and terminate, not to think about any more, not to keep in mind, not continuing nor lingering, no longer hesitate or waver. 4. Tuỳ (Adaptable): There are many kinds of adaptability, depending on condition, time, people, opportunity, or spiritual development stage, depending on good things from others, and on the needs of living beings. We should adapt naturally to truth, goodness and beauty every time we recognize each of them. This is the meaning of the word adaptable. 5. Thoáng (Open): This is the free and non-obstructed mentality. For example, when we are in a stuffy room, if we can raise our neck and stick our head outside the window to breathe some fresh air, we will feel extremely fresh and open. Or we have been sitting in a room with closed door and windows; now we open the windows, and fresh air rushes in, making the room more airy and open. Or from a bustling city, if we drive to the beach and take a walk along the seashore, we will feel very relaxed, open and free; that is when we are open. 6. Thông (empathy and sympathy): This word means understanding thoroughly without any obstruction and includes both empathy and sympathy. Empathy is the state when the heart feels first, then the intellect understands. With sympathy, the intellect understands first, the heart feels touched later.
  • 6. EMOTIONAL SOCIAL Engaging with the World Transcending Worldliness SPIRITUAL PHYSICAL INTELLECTUAL
  • 7. The Bodhisattva way is for anyone who has consciousness and senses, who has developed a desire tending toward higher ideals, and who strives to improve themselves. OUR PHILOSOPHY The fundamental philosophy that we base upon is the teaching and practice of the bodhisattva path. A bodhisattva is someone who is constantly unfolding, nurturing, and bringing to the perfect manifestation of the eternal light in self and others. This light manifests in myriads of ways, such as compassion, kindness, intelligence, generosity, forgiveness, clarity, concentration, and caring. Our guiding compass is the holistic model that promotes “engaging with the world, while transcending worldliness”. Transcending worldliness means we constantly practice to refine our character; meditate to experience stillness and clarity; reflect and contemplate to become free from bad and irresponsible habits; and nurture goodness to grow in the light of our True Nature. Engaging with the world means we become responsible and productive citizens, positive force of change and improvement in the community, and good friends and guides to other spiritual practitioners. Thus, Compassionate Service Society has organized many services offered to the communities, from teaching health-improving exercises, to stress-reducing meditation, to disaster relief charity.
  • 8. INTEGRATED BODHISATTVA TRAINING (iB) The ultimate goal of the practice is reached when the engaged path and the transcending path are completed.  The Transcending Path is completed when all passions, bad habits and limited knowledge have transformed and bloomed into Buddha-wisdom, wholesome habits, unlimited vision, unbounded compassion, knowing and acting without obstacles, and serenity transcending time and space.  The Engaged Path is achieved when all sentient beings in the infinite worlds have been enlightened, innumerable worlds enjoy peace and joy, and innumerable consciousnesses become great Buddha-wisdom. We offer the following programs to improve our spiritual cultivation: • Temporary Leaving Home training program • Bodhisattva training program • Integrated practice • intregral Meditation • Mandala practice
  • 9. ACTIVITIES CSS (or commonly known as CompaSS) headquarter is in Orange County, California, USA. CSS offers Integral Tai Chi classes (free of charge), m a n y t r a i n i n g s a n d certification track for integral Tai Chi Instructors, integral m e d i t a t i o n c l a s s e s , integrated Bodhisattva trainings, tea meditation sessions, dharma lectures, weekly radio and television programs in Vietnamese, vegetarian cooking club, annual outdoors activities, meditation retreats, special trainings for our working members and many other activities. Through our activities and programs, CSS offers participants and especially its working members an environment facilitating their holistic evolution. All activities organized by CSS are open to everyone of all ages, race, gender, religion and beliefs. Most of the activities are free a d m i s s i o n , w i t h t h e exceptions of retreats, pilgrimages and trainings. OUR VOLUNTEERS All working members of CSS are volunteers without pay. T h e s e v o l u n t e e r s h a v e dedicated an estimated of over 94,00 hours in year 2017 in order to offer various activities and programs to an estimated 600,00 persons worldwide. CHARITY PROJECTS I n 2 0 0 3 , C S S d o n a t e d educational materials and gave emotional support to the children of Nepal. In 2009, we created the Compassion Water Project where we partnered with other non-profit organizations to distribute water filters and build water wells in impoverished areas (such as Haiti, Vietnam, Indonesia, Africa). In 2011, CSS partnered with Global Medic and raised over $100K to help the victims of the tsunami and earthquake in Japan. In 2013, CSS-Charity continues its global anthem of “safe water saves lives” by raising over $10K to install water units for those affected b y t h e t y p h o o n i n t h e Philippines.
  • 10. VEGGIE COOKING CLUB The Veggie Cooking Club was formed with the mission to inspire and to empower individuals to create the health they desire, therefore facilitating a healthier and happier community through proper cooking, proper eating and other healthy living habits. The club meets on a monthly basis with live cooking demonstration, providing nutritional information for the food being cooked, and tasting of the delicious food. COMPASS YOUTH The CSS Youth exist to provide opportunities for young people to discover and deepen their spirituality; to inspire others through altruistic service; and to build and support like-minded communities throughout the world. CSS Youth provides service projects in their communities as well as teaches about Buddhist dharma, meditation, and Tai Chi to individuals 5-25 years old. TELEVISION & RADIO BROADCASTS Our media programs reach worldwide audiences about the basic philosophy of Buddhism via our weekly Vietnamese Khai Tam TV show and Khai Tam Radio broadcasts. “Khai Tam” in English is translated as “openness” or “open mind”. Audiences learn how to apply, practice the dharma and utilize the practical teachings of the Venerable Hang Truong to resolve various stresses, problems or conflicts that we all encounter in our daily lives. Khai Tam TV talk show program has brought the message of healthy lifestyles to approximately 300,000 people worldwide and Khai Tam Radio program also have reached out to 300,000 Vietnamese listeners all over the US and Canada.
  • 11. INTEGRAL TAICHI (iTC) Integral Tai Chi is a health improvement exercise for all ages. iTC combines stretch movements, Tai Chi, Qi Gong & Meditation in one system that integrates body, mind and spirit. Fast, powerful and energy generating, iTC with its 10 forms, is simple to learn and practical to apply in everyday life. iTC helps you to generate and use energy effectively; enhance brain f u n c t i o n a n d m a n a g e emotional health; increase physical fitness; reduce stress and sleeping problems; increase flexibility; and lessen the effects of aging. We have over 200 certified iTC instructors and assistants. Other than the main iTC Center in Orange County, CA, there are many locations nationwide and worldwide. TEA MEDITATION Tea meditation is a form of meditation through the act of drinking tea. Tea meditation can be practiced by everyone, of all ages, and of different cultural, social, political, and religious backgrounds. It is a method of engaging ourselves in silence contemplation. Essentially, during the tea meditation, one looks inwardly to see one’s mind as it is, without any effort to interpret or judge. Whether our mind is pure or polluted, clear of confused, we only need to witness it. Once free from making judgment and blame, we’ll be spiritually open, understand ourselves deeper, and become more receptive to embrace others and their points of view.
  • 12. WORLD PEACE GATHERING Every year we hold the World Peace Gathering in Orange C o u n t y t o b r i n g o u r community to a common purpose of generating g o o d n e s s , w h o l e s o m e energy, and love to a troubled world. Since 2009 to now, we had approximately 1,500 to 2,000 people attending each year of WPG with great enthusiasm, care, and support. We know there is a great need for emotional support, especially in this economic downturn. We know our community needs spiritual inspiration for its own wholeness and healing. We know each of us wants to feel at home and included when we come together celebrating or praying. We all want peace, first within our hearts, then within our family, then to our community, and the world. Our World Peace Gathering is just for these purposes. MANDALA The Peace Mandala is a gathering place of Buddhas. The circle configurations of the mandala represents the non- dual nature or the Buddha nature. It encompasses all duality phenomena, yet is ever- present in all dualism. The 5 colored layers of the mandala configuration represents the 5 fundamental elements (Earth, Water, Fire, Wind, Space). It also represents the 5 Skandhas (form, feelings, thoughts, habitual forming energy, and consciousness). All living beings in the samsara are either bound by the 5 elements or the 5 skandhas. All living beings in the invisible realms do not have a body/form skandha, b u t t h e y d o h a v e consciousness and habitual forming energy. The philosophy of the Mandala is the moving of beings residing in the realm of the 5 skandhas into the Nondual nature, thus liberating them. Additionally, we set the world record for Largest Human Mandala in 2016 in order to spread the message of peace worldwide.
  • 13. CONTACT INFORMATION CompaSS Headquarter in Orange County, CA Contact(s) for any questions, information or volunteering in the following areas: • Dharma and CompaSS vision, mission and culture: Venerable Heng Chang • CompaSS infrastructure, integration and communication: OC-PAEI team • iB - Integrated Bodhisattva training program: iB Administration • iTC – Integral Taichi (Instruction and curriculum) ‣ Hien Vu: ‣ Sheila Truong: ‣ iTC Admin: • Global iTC and Temporary Leave Home/The Thousand program: Khai Nghiem • Volunteer Coordinator and Tea Meditation program: Diana Ta: • iB Facility Manager and Tea Meditation program: Dan Le: • Public relations and media opportunities: Son Duong • CompaSS website & Dharma Care program: Lan Huong Lam • World Peace Gathering & CompaSS publications: Judy Nguyen • CompaSS Charity: Scott Do • Khai Tam TV; Tracy Anh Tram Pham: • Mandala: Mai Trang Nguyen Thanh Nguyen • Vegetarian cooking: Huyen Linh Hong Van • Video production: Hai Pham • Audio production: Thang Phi • Transcribing: Suong Vu • Retreats and pilgrimages: Quy Minh Hoang • Design and setup for CompaSS events: Dennis Tran • CompaSS Youth: Alexander Nguyen
  • 14. CALIFORNIA, USA: Orange County, California 1 - CompaSS Center Compassionate Service Society headquarters iB training program & iTC classes/training program 420 S. Brookhurst St, Anaheim, CA 92804 2 – iTC Fountain Valley - FV Senior Recreation Center 17967 Bushard St., Fountain Valley, CA 92708 (714) 593-4446 3 – iTC Orange - Kaiser Permanente Orange 200 N Lewis Street, Orange CA 92868 Anh Thơ Nguyễn (714) 425-5581 or 4 – iTC Irvine - Rancho Senior center 3 Ethel Coplen Way, Irvine CA 92602 Audrey Đoàn (949) 407-9383 or 5- iTC Irvine – Trabuco Center 5701 Trabuco Rd, Irvine CA 92620 Audrey Đoàn (949) 407-9383 or Los Angeles County, California 1 – iTC Rosemead - Garvey Community Center 9108 Garvey Ave. Rosemead, CA 91770 Phụng Bành (562) 597-0272 2- iTC South Bay – Arthur Lee Johnson Memorial Park 1200 W. 170th St., Gardena, CA 90247 English (310) 351-7194 / Vietnamese (714) 625-8966 San Jose, California CompaSS Center for Wellness 1394 Tully Road, Suite 215, San Jose, CA 95122 Website: E-mail: Minh Tâm Nelson (408) 320-9299 (408) 838-9084 San Diego, California Cúc Nguyễn (619) 277-5122 E-mail: 1 – Linda Vista Recreation Center
 17064 Levant Rd, Linda Vista, Ca 92111 
 2 - Mira Mesa Gil Johnson Community Park and Recreation Center
 8575 New Salem St, San Diego, Ca 92126 3 - Mira Mesa Senior Center 8460 Mira Mesa Blvd, San Diego, Ca 92126 4 - Access Inc. 2612 Daniel Avenue, San Diego, Ca 92111
  • 15. Houston, Texas Phone: (832) LIFECSS (832) 543-3277 Website: E-mail: Phương Anh Nguyễn (832) 423-6163 E-mail: 1 – iTC MAIN CENTER - Hong Kong City Mall 11205 Bellaire, suite B29 (2nd floor) Houston, TX 77072 2- CENTRAL - River Oaks Community Center 3600 Locke Lane, Houston, TX 77027 3 – NORTH - Mangum-Howell Center (Doss Park) 2500 Frick Road, Houston, TX 77038 4- NORTHEAST - Humble Senior Activity Center 1401 South Houston, Humble, TX 77338 5- NORTHEAST - Humble Kingwood Community Center 4102 Rustic Wood Dr., Kingwood, TX 77345 6 – SOUTHWEST - Alief Park & Community Center 11903 Bellaire, Houston, TX 77072 7 – WEST - Kendall Library & Community Center 609 N. Eldridge, Houston, TX 77079 8- NORTHWEST - Cypress Monkey Bar Gym 13626 Kludge Rd., Cypress TX 77429 9 – NORTHWEST (newest location)  Lotus Hands Acupuncture Clinic 11427 Jones Rd. – Houston, TX 77070  10 – SOUTHEAST - Parker Williams Library 10851 Scarsdale Blvd., Houston, TX 77089 Dallas, Texas ITC Dallas  1517-B  14th Street, Plano, TX 75074 Tố Phưọng Mã (214) 405-9482 E-mail: 1 - Chùa Pháp Quang 1004 Small Street, Grand Prairie, TX 75050 2 – VAMAS 2300 West Walnut Street, Garland, TX 75042 Thu Trang Đỗ (972) 679-2107 E-mail: 3 – Arlington Class at MA Việt Center 1408 West Arkansas Lane, Arlington, TX 76013 Amy Hồng Bùi (469) 544-2789 E-mail: 4 - Carrollton 3030 N Josey Ln, Carrollton, TX 75007 Diệu Hạnh (972) 900-0675 TEXAS, USA:
  • 16. EAST COAST, USA: Oklahoma, USA Old School Moore 201 N. Broadway St. Moore, OK 73160 Phượng Lê (405) 691-2248 E-mail: or Maryland and Virginia, USA CSS East, iTC - Headquarters 2235 Cedar Lane, Suite 101, Vienna, VA 22182 Web: ; E-mail: Dyung Le: (703) 585-0427 or Maryland Tammy Hilton: (703) 470-4177 E-mail: 1 - White Oak Community Recreation Center 1700 April Lane, Silver Spring, MD 20904 2 - St. Rose of Lima Church 11701 Clopper Rd., Gaithersburg, MD 20878 3. Gaithersburg Library 1833 Montgomery Village Ave., Gaithersburg, MD 20879 4 - Long Branch Library 8800 Garland Avenue, Silver Spring, MD 20901 Virginia Lan Hương (703) 425-3725 or (703) 627-5984 1 - Hoa Nghiêm Temple 9111 Backlick Rd, Fort Belvoir, VA 22060 Việt Dũng (703) 483-0114 2. Little River Glen Center 4001 Barker Ct, Fairfax, VA 22032 Việt Dũng (703) 483-0114 3 -Bailey Senior Center
 5920 Summers Lane, Falls Church VA 22041 Việt Dũng (703) 483-0114 4. Kingstowne Center for Active Adults 6488 Landsdowne Center, Alexandria, VA 22315 Lan Uyên E-mail: FLORIDA, USA Nhà Viet Nam 3850 W. Waters Ave., Tampa, FL 33614 Kim Bằng Lê (813) 495-5318 E-mail:
  • 17. CANADA & TAHITI: Montreal, Quebec Website: Ngọc Liên Lâm (514) 926-4550 E-mail: 1 - Main Center 8059 St-Michel Boulevard Montreal, Quebec H1Z 2E4 2- Centre de Ressources Communautaires Côte Des Neiges 6767 Côte Des Neiges, Montreal, Quebec H3S 2T6 3- Our Lady of Fatima Parish 875 Marcel Laurin, Saint Laurent, Quebec H4M 2M8 4 - Jewish Hospital 3755 Côte Ste Catherine (Radio oncology department) Montreal, Quebec H1W 2E9 5- Paroisse Le Bon Pasteur 700 rue Préfontaine, Longueuil, Quebec J4K 3V9 Toronto, Ontario Kim Dung Dương  (416) 596-8900 or 1 - Grandravine Community Centre 23 Grandravine Drive, 2nd floor, North York, Ontario, Canada Dung Dương  (416) 596-8900         2 - Trung tâm Cộng Đồng Việt Nam Mississauga 600 Lakeshore Blvd East., Mississauga, Ontario, Canada Niên Trần (905) 653-4997 or 3 - Hội người Việt Toronto 1364 Dundas Street West, Toronto, Ontario, Canada Loan Nguyễn (416) 537-3163 or     4 - Driftwood Community Recreation Centre 4401 Jane Street, North York, ON M3N 2K3 Hưng Vu (416) 875-5705 or Chi Nguyễn (905)- 653-0958 or 5 - West End Buddhist Temple& Meditation Centre 3133 Cawthra Road, Mississauga ,ON L5A 2X4 Cuong Email: TAHITI: Thái Thạnh Trần E-mail: Phone numbers: Anne Biarez: 87773423 Nadine Guais: 87748867 1 - Ecole Primaire: Salle culturelle, Baie de Cook, Paopao (Moorea) 2 - Ecole Primaire: Salle Omnisport, Afareaitu (Moorea) 3 - Salle privée, Haapiti (Moorea) 4 - Association Atiti'a, Pihaena (Moorea) 5 - Ecole de Teavaro (Moorea) 6 - Temple Mormon - Pirae (Tahitia)
  • 18. EUROPE: FRANCE: Website:
 Department 76
 1 - Salle de fête : AVF Fontainẹ - la - Mallet – Rue Mougnan, Le Havre 2 - Salle d'activité : AVF St François 30 Rue Percanville, Le Havre 3 - Salle d'activité de la ville du Havre : Salle De Coninck – Rue Jules Vernes, Le Havre, France Trong and Tuyến Nguyễn: Tel : (+33) 2 35 46 74 88
 Department 78 
 Châu Nguyễn: Tel: (+33) 1 34 77 69 46
 E-mail: CK10 : Complex Sportif Félicien Dantan
 15 Rue de Lorraine, 78200 Mantes-la-Jolie iM : 30 rue de Montchauvet, 78711 Mantes La Ville Department 91 
 Pagode Khuông Việt
 Laurent Mallet and Léna Meszaros Tel : (+33) 6 71 61 01 49 or
 Department 92 
 Parc de Sceaux
 Minh Đinh Tel : (+33) 6 88 01 27 07 or
 Maison du Val 3 rue Abel Vacher, 92190 Meudon
 Joséphine Simonnot E-mail : 
 Department 94 ABCD - Abbaye Bords De Marne 10A, Quai Beaubourg 94100 St Maur Des Fosses Mme. Christine Paquier (+33) 6 61 18 27 92 HUNGARY: Pal Pluhar: 1 - Magyar Taoista Egyház Központja (szerda)
 1134 Budapest, Kassák Lajos u. 43. 2 - Tan Kapuja Buddhista Főiskola (csütörtök, péntek)
 1098 Budapest, Börzsöny u. 11. E-mail: or 3 - Kecskeméti Kulturális és Konferencia Központ (csütörtök)
 6000 Kecskemét, Deák F. tér 1. E-mail: 4 - HI-LEX Kft. (péntek)
 2651 Rétság, Ipari park 3. E-mail:
  • 19. EUROPE: GERMANY: Duesseldorf Hoàng Tâm Nguyễn & Xuân Hằng Dương Tel: (49) 211-758 4329 Mobile: (49) 172-586 1612 E-mail : 1 - Odenthaler Weg 1, 40591 Duesseldorf 2 -Gymnastics hall of kindergarten Opladener Strasse 59, 40591 Duesseldorf Frankfurt E-mail : Website: Kiều Nga Nguyễn (49) 6101-402757 1. Pagode Phat Hue, Hanauer Landstraße 443, 60314 Frankfurt am Main 2. Hospital zum heiligen Geist Lange Str. 4-6, 60311 Frankfurt am Main 3. Koreanischer Garten/ Grüneburgpark
 August-Siebert-Straße, 60323 Frankfurt am Main 4. Heilig Kreuz, Burg Hohl 4, 61137 Schöneck 5 Kurhaus, Niddastrasse 1, 61118 Bad Vilbel 6. Theodor-Heuss Schule Buchhügelalle 86, 63071 Offenbach 7. FSG Burg Gräfenrode Bindweidring, 61148 Karben 8. SVV Heilsberg Danziger Strasse 7a, 61118 Bad Vilbel Hamburg CompaSS Germany Office Herbert-Weichmann – Strasse 2 22085 Hamburg Website: E-mail: Lê Hồng Trương (49) 151 419 11507 Training hall (at Sankt Ansgar School) Burgerweide 33, 20535 Hamburg Cologne Luetticher Strasse 7, 50674 Köln Diên Châu Vương Tel: (49) 174-723 6824 E-mail:
  • 20. TAIWAN & AUSTRALIA: TAIWAN: 臺灣慈悲服務社禪修中心及CK10上課地點 Website: Email: 台南實修禪堂 Tainan
 Tel: 06-2275822 高雄實修禪堂 Kaohsiung 高雄市苓雅區中正一路372號9F-1
 Tel: 07-7232900 AUSTRALIA: Ashburton Community Hall, Melbourne
 Thanh Nguyễn
 E-mail: Tel : (+61) 481 515 001 296 High St. Ashburton, 3147 Australia 1. Smart shops 185 Springvale Rd. Springvale, 3171 2. 29 Eileen rd. Clayton South, 3169 3. Ashburton Community Hall 296 High St. Ashburton, 3147
  • 21. Global iTC conference in Orange County. CSS-Taiwan doing integral taichi during pilgrimage to India. 2016 grand opening of new semester of iTC classes at CompaSS Center.
  • 22. Peace Mandala Ceremony at the World Peace Gathering in 2016 at Long Beach Convention Center where we achieved Record Setter’s Largest Human Mandala world record. CompaSS friends at our Headquarter in Orange County: “We love you!” Veggie Cooking class.
  • 23. Exercise for world peace at the World Peace Gathering. CompaSS Charity on a discussion panel with our Compassion Water Project’s partners (Global Medic and Lifesaver). Tea Meditation for Peace ceremony at Long Beach Convention Center on 12/17/16.