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Changing Water Into Wine
Becoming the Person God Created You To Be
Lord Jesus Christ,
We thank you for having called us together here.
We offer you what we are about to undertake,
everything we think, do and experience
during these coming days in your honor.
We also offer you the fatigue of the past week,
and from the various events of this day,
because this – too - is our “daily bread.”
Grant that we may begin this retreat
with a spirit of hope and anticipation
That you will feed our hearts and souls in the time ahead...
in the name of the Father and of the Son
and of the Holy Spirit. Amen
Pathway – Sunday Evening
 BIG PICTURE - Us, The Church
& the New Evangelization:
 New paradigms !
 Sacred vs. Secular
 Office vs. Talent vs. Charism
 Call & Mission & The “Affirmative Way”
 Examining the Inventory
Pathway – Saturday
 Charisms, Personalities and
 Signs of Charisms
 Evaluation
 Additional Resources
 Next Steps
Why is this important ?
 Through our charisms:
 God wants to love & care for others
 God wants to be revealed to others
 Knowing Charisms helps avoid:
 Burn out
 Frustration
 Ineffectiveness
 Knowing our charisms enables us to:
 Make good decisions
 Not judge ourselves
 Not judge others
New Evangelization Challenges Us..
 To see the world in a new light
 To see the Church in a new light
 To see ourselves in a new light
 Changed view of the laity:
 From being simply disciples …
 Merely receive the spiritual gifts of the Church
 “Pray, Pay and Obey”
 “Meet my friend Sherri. She’s not ordained.”
 (…with no context i.t.o. her as disciple/apostle)
 …To disciples AND apostles (people who are sent)
 If sent, you need to know:
Where you are sent.
To whom you are sent
What to do once you get there.
 Church was place we went to:
 Hide from the world
 Rest from the world
 Problem is when “secular” (area of the laity)
is seen in opposition to the world.
 John Paul II:
 “Secular” is theological term
 The place to where we are sent
 Locus where we achieve holiness
 Laity possess “secular character” (cf charism)
 Grace flows through us in exactly the way
God has made you.
 Sharing your “faith experiences” with others by:
 Simply being who you are, and….
 Using your gifts in a natural way.
 Paradigms are shifting:
 In terms of Church Paradigm:
 Not just the parish area…
 From model where campus, rectory, convent, etc…
support the church building and the school..
 Moving into the home, workplace, university, entertainment
centers …
 In terms of Personal Paradigm:
 From street corner, testimonial, Bible thumping
 To Pope John Paul II’s “New Humanism.”
 Exactly what you are, who you are, what you do naturally ,
what you do well, where you are.
 Bringing Christ to others in a redemptive way.
 Confer Gabe Lyons, “Next Christians.”
OFFICE = 3 Components:
 Ability to act:
 In the place of Jesus or..
 In the place of the Church
 Priest by nature of Sacrament
of Ordination
 Laity by nature of Sacrament
of Baptism
 Practical ability to do something and get something done.
 To do the job for which you have been sent.
 A setting, occasion, arena or an area of life…
 which power and authority are exercised.
 Example:
 Parents (not the Archbishop) have jurisdiction over the
 Pastor (not the parents) has jurisdiction over the parish.
 Principal (not the Pastor) has jurisdiction over the school.
Temporary or Permanent?
 Examples:
 Parents’ jurisdiction over
their children (permanent).
 Counseling a friend about a
relationship, job or vocation
 Let’s say…someone seeks Christ in some way.
 Your call to act is NOT VAGUE. It is specific!
 You have been chosen, called and sent:
 To that particular person/group,
 In a particular situation/moment,
 With your particular charism(s),
 For a particular mission.
 If you do NOT act,
 The person may be lost or,
 May have lost the opportunity to encounter Jesus
in that particular moment.
 Vatican II and reform of Canon Law
 First half of new Code talks about laity:
 Rights
 Responsibilities
 Duties
 Obligations
 Jurisdiction
 Mandate to Act
 From Yves Congar, O.P.
 With Baptism,
 You have been consecrated (“set apart”)
 For something or for someone.
The “Affirmative Way”
 ALL Catholics are consecrated for mission.
 Catholics find themselves in the world,
 Directed towards and for the world,
 And achieve holiness within the world.
 Spiritual transformation..
 In the midst of loving the world,
 ..and being in the midst of the world.
The “Affirmative Way”
 The world is the “agent” of your holiness.
 Bishops and priests provide the tradition
 Narrow focus
 The laity take it, and apply it in the world
 Broad focus
 From Catherine of Siena to Palestrina.
The “Affirmative Way”
 St. Francis of Xavier on the shores of Japan
 Had a mission, a mandate…
 Didn’t have a CLUE on what to do.
 Takes vision, creativity and imagination.
 A LONG WAY from “pray, pay and obey.”
The “Affirmative Way”
The “Affirmative Way”
The “Affirmative Way”
The “Affirmative Way”
Charisms in Scripture
 Examples:
 Romans 12
 I Corinthians 12
 Ephesians 4
 Elsewhere ..
Signs of Charisms
 Christians are to expect that charisms are to be present.
 Scriptural basis of what it means to be “Catholic.”
 This has not been the case/experience of most Catholics.
 Exceptions – Charismatic Renewal, Cursillo, Marriage Encounter
 Beginning to manifest itself as fewer priests/sisters available.
Changing Water Into Wine
Becoming the Person God Created You To Be
The King’s Men Retreat
Malvern Retreat House
May 10–11, 2013
Spiritual Gifts and Charisms
Real Important !
The Inventory IS NOT
 Just the start of the process.
 First - need to pray about this.
 Then, go out and:
◦ Actually “do” the charism,
◦ Test to see whether it is true,
◦ Note the results (“fruit”),
◦ Have a conversation,
◦ …and another,
◦ …and another,
◦ .. …and another conversation with someone else
about it.
 Discernment = “to cut away”
 In decisions you cut away aspects that
are not useful or relevant.
Discernment – Initial Questions
 What Does A Charism Look Like?
 What Does A Charism Feel Like?
 How Does a Charism Work?
 What Happens When I Start to
Exercise a Charism?
To Discern – examine …..
 Your Experiences
 Your Effectiveness
 Outside affirmation.
To Discern – ask questions:
 Do others think or say I have it?
 Does it “flow?”
 Does it energize me (or does it take energy
 Do I feel enthusiastic?
 Is it fun?
 Does it give us a sense of
 Am I effective?
Discernment - Try it out!
 Charisms are tested by doing
 Admitting to negative experiences is
fine, necessary and healthy.
Discernment …(Yup)
 Important to know what your gifts,
talents and charisms are …
Discernment …(Nope)
 Just as important to know,
acknowledge and own what your
gifts are not!
 Some have an ANTI-charism.
◦ “I REALLY don’t do well in that arena!”
◦ (“OK. So don’t work or minister in that
 This does the following:
◦ Allows us to focus on what we have and are.
 Leading to focus on what we can do.
◦ Helps us relax.
 Releases us from pressure to be something that we
are not …
Related to difference between:
“Gift Projection”
 You might have charism:
◦ Find it easy to do
◦ Often receive affirmation.
 You might think you’re ordinary person:
◦ Nothing / no one special.
 Thus everybody should be able to do this “if they
just had faith.”
“Gift Projection”
 BUT - Not everyone is:
◦ Called to this.
◦ Even capable of doing this.
◦ Can be crushing to other person,
◦ Especially someone with an “Office” but not the
Charism vs. “Office”
 Example: Healing
◦ Priest has “Office” of Healing (Sacrament of
◦ Priest might not have “Charism of Healing”
7th Inning….
How do we discern that we
actually have a charism?
Gifts of the Holy Spirit are: A Charism is a:
 Supernatural
 Given by God TO you…
 Given by God FOR you
 For your sanctification
 Natural gift
 With supernatural power
 Given by God TO you…
 …for OTHERS!
 For their consolation
 Used by God
 For supernatural purpose.
Signs of Charisms
Signs of Charisms
 Through a charism:
 People are called to conversation,
 And a closer relationship with Jesus Christ
Signs of Charisms
 Seen by others:
 Believers inside and outside of church
 Non believers
 Discerned (Benedictine Spirituality):
 From “above”
 From someone in authority
 From “below”
 People around you
 Recipients of your charism
Signs of Charisms
 God is inexhaustible !
 Inventory only covers 24 most common
 Example reconciliation/peace making not included
Signs of Charisms
 Some charisms given in concert with others:
 Example:
 Healing with Gift of Discernment and Intercessory Prayer.
Signs of Charisms
 Some charisms given to groups/communities:
 Benedictines – Hospitality
 Dominicans (“Office of
Preachers”) - Preaching,
Teaching, Spiritual Direction.
Habitual vs. One-Time Gifts
 Some charisms given “habitually” (all of the time)
 Long-term
 Can be developed / deepened
 Larger effects in the community
Habitual vs. One-Time Gifts
 Some charisms given only once
 Example – A prophetic word
 Remember: God does not “change his mind.”
 Particular time / particular situation in our lives that
calls for it - then goes away.
 Discernment in this case critical.
Charism vs. “Talent”
 Just because you have a “talent” does not mean you
have an anointed charism.
 You might have a talent..
 But through it people are not called to a deeper relationship
with Christ.
 vs. when something beyond your control is occurring,
 Something beyond what could be expected through mere
human activity
Attitude Towards the Charisms
 You don’t “ask” (i.e. demand or expect) a particular
 “I’m here to get the gift of prophesy!”
 You might not have it, get it.
 Might not use it A.M.D.G.
 You can “ask” for a charism in humility.
 Ask for “laying on of hands.”
Summary Statements
How God Works
 God does not act alone.
 Charisms - Signs of God’s will and purpose in our lives.
 Charisms - Signs that:
God exists,
God desires a relationship with his people,
 God is concretely reaching out to his people,
 God is concretely reaching out through his people.
What is a Martyr/Witness?
 Where does the power come from?
 Charisms bear fruit beyond our natural ability.
 Have a force/power beyond our “talents.”
 To live in such a way that your life would not make
sense if God did not exist.
Mission To Others
 No MISSION without a CALL,
 No CALL without a GIFT.
 If there’s a charism – there is a mission:
 God has purpose for you in your life for sake of the kingdom.
 God intends to reach our neighbor incarnationally through
YOUR charism.
Help for You
 Easier to make decisions about what we are called to
be involved in.
Help for You
 Also easier to make decisions about what we are
NOT called to be involved in.
 Helps us avoid frustration and ineffectiveness.
 Being out of God’s will – to act in an arena:
 To which we have NOT been called,
 For which we have NOT been equipped.
 Set up for failure –SIGN that you do NOT have the call here!
Help for You
 Reduces conflict
 Helps reduce need to judge ourselves,
 Helps reduce need to judge others:
 They’re not malicious
 They’re simply channeling their particular time/resources
into their particular call
 You’re not trying to “fix them..”
 You’re not seeking something from them.
 Not trying to make yourself feel good, useful, special..
 You’re seeking something FOR them.
 Actually you’re seeking someONE for them
 You’re seeking their fulfillment
Next Steps
Next Steps:
1. Daily Prayer
2. Read / Study D.C. workbook ----->
3. Two hours / week deliberately
experimenting with one charism
4. Involving others in discernment process
Next Steps - Individuals
Next Steps - Groups
 Introduction and Inventory
 One-on-One Discernment and
 Trying Out One Gift
 Small Group Discussion & Support
Additional Resources
Initial Discernment for Small
 C&G I for first 5 weeks ($35)
 C&G II for remainder ($39)
 Or complete version ($80)
 Includes:
 Called & Gifted Workshop 4-CD set
 Catholic Spiritual Gifts Inventory
 Small Group Leader's Guide
 Called & Gifted Small Group Participant's
Guides I & II
Workbook: “Discerning
 Written version of “gifts interview.”
 Guidance on “designing” an effective
gifts experiment.
 Making your experiment a prayer.
 Mining patterns buried in your
 Comprehensive Key to the Charisms:
 Classic signs of each charism.
 Interplay between charisms and seven
“Gifts of the Holy Spirit.
 Recommended books and websites for
exploring further.
 $10.00
Spiritual Gifts “Resource
 For each charism:
 Scripture & Catechism references
 List of patron saints
 Catholic men and women who
demonstrated charisms in their lives
 Books relating to each charism
 Possible uses of each charism in
your own life.
 $8.00
Spiritual Gifts Inventory
 120 questions.
 Examine work, relationships, and spiritual
experiences in light of 24 most common gifts
of the Holy Spirit.
 Includes:
 Beginners guide to discernment
 Description of 24 common charisms
 Explanation of Church teaching on charisms
 Experience of saints / Catholics throughout history.
 $10.00
Changing Water Into Wine
Becoming the Person God Created You To Be
… and NOW !
Spiritual Gifts Inventory
Directions and Suggestions
Taking the Inventory
About 45 minutes
to complete
What it is NOT
• It’s an “inventory,”
▫ This is NOT a test.
▫ There are NO wrong answers.
▫ You cannot FAIL.
What it is NOT
• The inventory is NOT discernment.
• Meant to tease out some information based on
your life experiences.
• Where you might begin discerning what the
Lord is doing in your life.
What it is NOT
• Nothing significant in the numbers themselves.
• Scoring high in one area doesn’t mean you’re:
▫ Better
▫ Holier
▫ Smarter
▫ More gifted
▫ (Perhaps just have more experience in this area)
• So don’t compare your score with others !
▫ …(Although everybody does it anyway)
Instructions and Tips
• On page lO
• Everybody will put a “O” next to something.
▫ That’s not failure…
▫ That’s being honest; that’s being human.
• Don’t agonize over a question
▫ Go with initial “gut” reaction.
• If married and a question concerns being single,
▫ Just put a “O” there and move on.
Instructions and Tips
• Read and answer the questions LITERALLY!
• If question seems outlandish, fine. Put a “O” there and go on.
• Don’t answer:
▫ What you wish were true
▫ What you think should be true
▫ What you hope will be true (someday)
▫ Answer what IS true, in YOUR life, at THIS time.
Instructions and Tips
• When done, should be five numbers across the page.
• Add up five columns ACROSS answer sheet.
• Put total under column “total.”
• Highest you could get adding across is “15”
Instructions and Tips
• At the end, circle your TOP 6.
• If there are “tie scores” you might have top 7 or 8, that’s fine.
• Just because you score high in a category does NOT mean
you have the charism..
▫ It only means that this is a place for further discernment
Personalities, Charisms
& Discernment
Personalities - Introverts vs. Extroverts
 Life experiences, emphases and approaches can be
different between introverts and extroverts.
 Thus, introverts and extroverts generally exhibit
different types of charisms.
 Extroverts often score higher in more categories:
 They are constantly engaging more people.
 Thus they receive more data (…sometimes).
 But more feedback does NOT = a charism.
 Introverts receive feedback but:
 Don’t care about it
 Not interested in it
 Not aware of impact on others or,
 Minimize impact on others
 Discernment:
 Might take longer
 Might require a second “stab at it.”
Introverts vs. Extroverts - Results
 Can be encouraging to a community as you test,
discern, support and learn about each other.
 Differences can be exciting and great fun !
Categories of Charisms
 Pastoral
 Communication
 Organizational
 Healing
 Understanding
 Creative
 Lifestyle Charisms (support/sustain other
Categories of Charisms
 Grouped by what they achieve.
 Can begin discernment process according to
Investing your life in the life of someone
 Helps
 Mercy
 Encouragement
 Hospitality
 Pastoring
 Helps:
 Seeing the person.
 (Vs. Service - looking at the tasks)
 Mercy:
 Respond with concrete, hands-on deeds of
 Mother Theresa
 Encouragement:
 Respond to distress verbally
 Physical presence and conversation
 Counseling / Spiritual Direction
 Hospitality
 “Bridge gift” between community and individuals.
 Food, shelter, clothing, warmth, friendship
 Charism of healing
 Often associated with a place.
 Pastoring:
 Fostering relationships and nurturing spiritual
 Of a group
 Long-term
 Distinction between “office” and “charism” of
 Everyone called to (for example) “help the
 With “Pastoring”
 Effectiveness is well beyond human powers
and normal leadership skills.
 Results have supernatural power.
 Especially effective in smaller groups (up to
200 people).
 Exodus 18:13-27. Moses, his father-in-law
and delegation of leadership
 Therefore larger parishes need numerous
people with this charism.
Proclaiming of Christ to the World
 Evangelism
 Teaching
 Encouragement
 Prophesy
 Desire to proclaim gospel to others.
 Key is results:
 Lives are changed
 People come to or come back to Christ…
 ..on basis of person with the Charism
 Often not in the central activities of the parish
 Done outside of parish structures
 Channel of God’s truth and wisdom
 Others discern what is God’s calling for them.
 Different from “Office” of teaching.
 Signs:
 Personal connection with the person across from
 Someone learns in a way that has remarkable
and profound effect in their life.
 They get a personal urgency to learn even more.
 Might not be about divine or religious subjects.
 An effective channel of God’s love
 Nurturing others through his/her presence..
 ..and words of comfort, encouragement and
 St. Baptist de LaSalle (inventor of Grade School)
 Communicating a present message of God,
 a particular person or group,
 ..about a particular topic or situation
 Communicated through:
 Word
 Song
 Image
 Poetry
 Experienced as coming from beyond oneself
 Received as coming from beyond the person
 A particularly strong intuition or strong
“burden” does not mean:
 You have charism or
 What you’re saying is prophetic
 Prophesy; Non-Prophesy; False Prophesy
 Spoken - then let go.
 Not the first-in-a-series-of steps,
 Or what response to prophesy should be next.
 Danger of self-importance.
 Not infallible – needs to be discerned by
others (Authority such as Scripture, Tradition,
Magisterium, practical experience and fruit).
 Prophesy is always directed at authority to
check its validity.
Organizing Charisms
 Giving
 Service
 Administration
 Leadership
Charism of Giving
 Giving materials
 With special sense of generosity
and joy
 To accomplish God’s purposes in
the world
Charism of Service
 Ability to recognize “organizational gaps”
 ..that are preventing something good
from happening.
 To do YOURSELF what it takes,
 To solve the problem and meet the
Charism of Service
 Often multi-talented
 Able to put their hands on – and bring
together - numerous resources.
 Have prophetic vision
 See, want to, begin to address needs before we’re
even aware of them.
 Can make people angry (They are made to feel
ignorant or put down)
Challenges of Service
 Mistaken for “Leadership”
 Pushed into leadership role, position or “office”
 Especially in “vacuum-based” organization.
 Signs:
 Leadership skills then seen lacking; situation is
simply not coming together.
 Because they’re uncomfortable in planning and
setting overall vision and direction.
 They like to do it THEMSELVES. They do NOT like to
 They’re hands-on (“Give me something to do!”)
Able to efficiently conceive, organize and lead plans
so that individuals, teams or large organizations
can achieve goals.
Charism of Administration
Charism of Administration
 But - goals that reflects the purposes of God.
 Presence of God felt in midst of exercise
 They cut through chaos!
 A channel
 In a stewardship model
 To offer provision
 Where God is needed
 St. Vincent de Paul; Florence Nightingale
Charism of Administration
 Charism of Administration is:
 Seeing an issue,
 Breaking it up into smaller pieces,
 Identifying the problems,
 Delegating the problems,
 Bringing the pieces and solutions together to
solve the problems.
Charism of Leadership
 Leaders are God’s catalysts.
 Leadership is setting the VISION.
 Leaders see something better.
 See a better world
 Leaders draw people into the better - more
hopeful - vision.
Charism of Leadership
 People with the Charism of Leadership:
 Might not be in leadership positions …
 or have leadership training, background or
 They simply see the world with new eyes.
 See the connections; articulate the
connections where people say “Yes! I see
and understand that now.”
What It’s Not
 Administration is NOT Leadership
 Leaders might not have Charism of Administration.
 Leaders don’t pay attention to the details
 (That’s Charism of “Administration”)
 Charism of Leadership and Charism of
Administration go together.
 Need each other for project to be successful.
• “Ministry” of Healing;
• Related to an “Order” or vocation (like nurse or priest)
•vs. “Charism” of Healing
Intercessory Prayer
 God seldom acts unilaterally.
 God typically acts I an “incarnational way”..
 ..through gifts, talents and charisms of believers.
 ..and the assent and collaboration of God’s sons and
Intercessory Prayer
 Person (and their prayers) are used as instruments of
God’s presence, healing and love in dramatic, concrete
and often visible ways.
 Their idea of a “good time!”
 Can pray for hours; they don’t get tired; they don’t find
it boring.
Intercessory Prayer
 They don’t tell God what to do.
 They discern first then pray according to the “word”
that they receive.
 Not unusual to be awakened in the middle of the night
with a “prayer burden:”
 Sometimes very specific.
 Sometimes for someone they don’t even know.
 Knowledge
 Wisdom
 Discernment of Spirits
Through study and intellectual activity - channel of
knowledge of God, the creation and ourselves.
 Not just information:
 It’s about the whole picture, broad vistas, visions
and the whole principle of an idea.
 Not just religious things:
 Also concepts and ideas of the world.
 Fruit – when these people explain something,
others have “a-ha” moment.
 They gain a more hopeful, enlivened,
enthusiastic relationship with God.
 Particular and profound insight into a specific
situation or person.
 Thus a sound decision can be made.
 Teachings of the church applied ..
 ..and another person’s decision or discernment is
aided to a profound degree.
 Charism ofWisdom might happen infrequently
or only once.
 Knowledge is focused on BIG ideas and
 Wisdom is focused on a very narrow, specific
situation or person.
The “Charism of Discernment” is not the same
as the “Process of Discernment.”
 Immediate or intuitive grasp of a presence.
 Person able to perceive spiritual link of a
particular situation or behavior.
 Also detect positive / demonic presence of a
particular person, place or situation.
 Highly unusual charism.
 Craftsmanship
 Writing
 Music
 According to St. Benedict:
 Success – towards pleasing man (Talent)
 Excellence- towards pleasing God (Charism)
 A form or prayer or spiritual exercise.
 Has an impact which brings people closer to
God in a way beyond what a normal talent
would seem to be able to do.
 It “baptizes” the imagination.
 Orders the world around us in such a way
that it manifests God’s provision.
 Arts of “Living” (cooking, needlepoint, sowing,
 Arts of “Recreation” (fine art, sculpture,
 The musical tradition of the Church has a
greater role than the other creative charisms
 Augustine: “Who sings well, prays twice.”
 J.R. Tolkein: “Hamlet is a play written by a
man who, if he had had more talent, would
have written a fairy tale.”
 Tolkein and “Lord of the Rings.”
 Deals with basic human truths like conversion,
and sin and suffering and redemption and the
fight between good and evil.
Enabling Other Charisms to be Powerful
and Effective
 Gifts of “friendship.”
 Disinterested, selfless and seeks the good of the other.
 Examples:
 Faith
 Celibacy
 Obedience
 Missionary
 Poverty (Simple Lifestyle)
 Charity (Generosity)
To be cheerful, personally fulfilled and
spiritually fruitful
 Radical dependence on God.
 A trust in the ..
 Power
 Provision
 Promise of God
 Offers remarkable freedom to act.
 Enables one to be effective agent of God’s purpose.
 Can drive the planning/control types crazy.
 Ability to use one (or several charisms) in a “foreign
 Might not even have language aptitude.
 Delight in entering and thriving in a new
environment and culture.
 Ability to identify with Jesus in the poor.
 Cheerful, voluntary simplicity
 Especially enlivens, animates, energizes and empowers
the other charisms.
 Make distinction between:
 Involuntary (difficult financial situation)
 Voluntary (charism freely chosen).
 An adventure to see what God is going to provide.

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2013 The King's Men

  • 1. T H E K I N G ’ S M E N M A L V E R N R E T R E A T H O U S E M A Y 1 9 – 2 0 , 2 0 1 3 Changing Water Into Wine Becoming the Person God Created You To Be
  • 2. Lord Jesus Christ, We thank you for having called us together here. We offer you what we are about to undertake, everything we think, do and experience during these coming days in your honor. We also offer you the fatigue of the past week, and from the various events of this day, because this – too - is our “daily bread.” Grant that we may begin this retreat with a spirit of hope and anticipation That you will feed our hearts and souls in the time ahead... in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen
  • 3. Pathway – Sunday Evening  BIG PICTURE - Us, The Church & the New Evangelization:  New paradigms !  Sacred vs. Secular  Office vs. Talent vs. Charism  Call & Mission & The “Affirmative Way”  Examining the Inventory
  • 4. Pathway – Saturday  Charisms, Personalities and Discernment  Signs of Charisms  Evaluation  Additional Resources  Next Steps
  • 5. Why is this important ?  Through our charisms:  God wants to love & care for others  God wants to be revealed to others  Knowing Charisms helps avoid:  Burn out  Frustration  Ineffectiveness  Knowing our charisms enables us to:  Make good decisions  Not judge ourselves  Not judge others
  • 7. New Evangelization Challenges Us..  To see the world in a new light  To see the Church in a new light  To see ourselves in a new light
  • 8. VATICAN II  Changed view of the laity:  From being simply disciples …  Merely receive the spiritual gifts of the Church  “Pray, Pay and Obey”  “Meet my friend Sherri. She’s not ordained.”  (…with no context i.t.o. her as disciple/apostle)  …To disciples AND apostles (people who are sent)
  • 9. VATICAN II  If sent, you need to know: Where you are sent. To whom you are sent What to do once you get there.
  • 10. SACRED VS. SECULAR  Church was place we went to:  Hide from the world  Rest from the world  Problem is when “secular” (area of the laity) is seen in opposition to the world.
  • 11. SACRED VS. SECULAR  John Paul II:  “Secular” is theological term  The place to where we are sent  Locus where we achieve holiness  Laity possess “secular character” (cf charism)
  • 12. NEW EVANGELIZATION  Grace flows through us in exactly the way God has made you.  Sharing your “faith experiences” with others by:  Simply being who you are, and….  Using your gifts in a natural way.
  • 13. NEW EVANGELIZATION  Paradigms are shifting:  In terms of Church Paradigm:  Not just the parish area…  From model where campus, rectory, convent, etc… support the church building and the school..  Moving into the home, workplace, university, entertainment centers …
  • 14. NEW EVANGELIZATION  In terms of Personal Paradigm:  From street corner, testimonial, Bible thumping  To Pope John Paul II’s “New Humanism.”  Exactly what you are, who you are, what you do naturally , what you do well, where you are.  Bringing Christ to others in a redemptive way.  Confer Gabe Lyons, “Next Christians.”
  • 16. OFFICE = 3 Components: Authority Power Jurisdiction
  • 17. AUTHORITY  Ability to act:  In the place of Jesus or..  In the place of the Church  Priest by nature of Sacrament of Ordination   Laity by nature of Sacrament of Baptism
  • 18. POWER  Practical ability to do something and get something done.  To do the job for which you have been sent.
  • 19. JURISDICTION  A setting, occasion, arena or an area of life…  which power and authority are exercised.  Example:  Parents (not the Archbishop) have jurisdiction over the household.  Pastor (not the parents) has jurisdiction over the parish.  Principal (not the Pastor) has jurisdiction over the school.
  • 20. LAY JURISDICTION Temporary or Permanent?  Examples:  Parents’ jurisdiction over their children (permanent).  Counseling a friend about a relationship, job or vocation (temporary).
  • 21. LAY JURISDICTION  Let’s say…someone seeks Christ in some way.  Your call to act is NOT VAGUE. It is specific!  You have been chosen, called and sent:  To that particular person/group,  In a particular situation/moment,  With your particular charism(s),  For a particular mission.
  • 22. LAY JURISDICTION  If you do NOT act,  The person may be lost or,  May have lost the opportunity to encounter Jesus in that particular moment.
  • 23. “OFFICIAL” LAY JURISDICTION  Vatican II and reform of Canon Law  First half of new Code talks about laity:  Rights  Responsibilities  Duties  Obligations  Jurisdiction  Mandate to Act
  • 25. CONSECRATION AND MISSION  From Yves Congar, O.P.  With Baptism,  You have been consecrated (“set apart”)  For something or for someone.
  • 26. The “Affirmative Way”  ALL Catholics are consecrated for mission.  Catholics find themselves in the world,  Directed towards and for the world,  And achieve holiness within the world.  Spiritual transformation..  In the midst of loving the world,  ..and being in the midst of the world.
  • 27. The “Affirmative Way”  The world is the “agent” of your holiness.  Bishops and priests provide the tradition  Narrow focus  The laity take it, and apply it in the world  Broad focus  From Catherine of Siena to Palestrina.
  • 28. The “Affirmative Way”  St. Francis of Xavier on the shores of Japan  Had a mission, a mandate…  Didn’t have a CLUE on what to do.  Takes vision, creativity and imagination.  A LONG WAY from “pray, pay and obey.”
  • 31. THIS IS NOT A USER FRIENDLY WORLD VIEW The “Affirmative Way”
  • 32. BUT IT IS A SCRIPTURAL WORLD VIEW The “Affirmative Way”
  • 33. Charisms in Scripture  Examples:  Romans 12  I Corinthians 12  Ephesians 4  Elsewhere ..
  • 34. Signs of Charisms  Christians are to expect that charisms are to be present.  Scriptural basis of what it means to be “Catholic.”  This has not been the case/experience of most Catholics.  Exceptions – Charismatic Renewal, Cursillo, Marriage Encounter  Beginning to manifest itself as fewer priests/sisters available.
  • 35. Changing Water Into Wine Becoming the Person God Created You To Be The King’s Men Retreat Malvern Retreat House May 10–11, 2013
  • 36.
  • 37.
  • 38. INVENTORY & DISCERNMENT Spiritual Gifts and Charisms
  • 40. The Inventory IS NOT Discernment  Just the start of the process.  First - need to pray about this.  Then, go out and: ◦ Actually “do” the charism, ◦ Test to see whether it is true, ◦ Note the results (“fruit”), ◦ Have a conversation, ◦ …and another, ◦ …and another, ◦ .. …and another conversation with someone else about it.
  • 41. Discernment  Discernment = “to cut away”  In decisions you cut away aspects that are not useful or relevant.
  • 42. Discernment – Initial Questions  What Does A Charism Look Like?  What Does A Charism Feel Like?  How Does a Charism Work?  What Happens When I Start to Exercise a Charism?
  • 43. To Discern – examine …..  Your Experiences  Your Effectiveness  Outside affirmation.
  • 44. To Discern – ask questions:  Do others think or say I have it?  Does it “flow?”  Does it energize me (or does it take energy away?)  Do I feel enthusiastic?  Is it fun?  Does it give us a sense of accomplishment?  Am I effective?
  • 45. Discernment - Try it out!  Charisms are tested by doing  Admitting to negative experiences is fine, necessary and healthy.
  • 46. Discernment …(Yup)  Important to know what your gifts, talents and charisms are …
  • 47. Discernment …(Nope)  Just as important to know, acknowledge and own what your gifts are not!  Some have an ANTI-charism. ◦ “I REALLY don’t do well in that arena!” ◦ (“OK. So don’t work or minister in that arena”)
  • 48. Discernment  This does the following: ◦ Allows us to focus on what we have and are.  Leading to focus on what we can do. ◦ Helps us relax.  Releases us from pressure to be something that we are not …
  • 49. “GIFT PROJECTION” Related to difference between: “Office” “Talent” “Charism“
  • 50. “Gift Projection”  You might have charism: ◦ Find it easy to do ◦ Often receive affirmation.  You might think you’re ordinary person: ◦ Nothing / no one special.  Thus everybody should be able to do this “if they just had faith.”
  • 51. “Gift Projection”  BUT - Not everyone is: ◦ Called to this. ◦ Even capable of doing this. ◦ Can be crushing to other person, ◦ Especially someone with an “Office” but not the “Charism.”
  • 52. Charism vs. “Office”  Example: Healing ◦ Priest has “Office” of Healing (Sacrament of Anointing) ◦ Priest might not have “Charism of Healing”
  • 54. SIGNS OF CHARISMS How do we discern that we actually have a charism?
  • 55. Gifts of the Holy Spirit are: A Charism is a:  Supernatural  Given by God TO you…  Given by God FOR you  For your sanctification  Natural gift  With supernatural power  Given by God TO you…  …for OTHERS!  For their consolation  Used by God  For supernatural purpose. Signs of Charisms
  • 56. Signs of Charisms  Through a charism:  People are called to conversation,  And a closer relationship with Jesus Christ
  • 57. Signs of Charisms  Seen by others:  Believers inside and outside of church  Non believers  Discerned (Benedictine Spirituality):  From “above”  From someone in authority  From “below”  People around you  Recipients of your charism
  • 58. Signs of Charisms  God is inexhaustible !  Inventory only covers 24 most common  Example reconciliation/peace making not included
  • 59. Signs of Charisms  Some charisms given in concert with others:  Example:  Healing with Gift of Discernment and Intercessory Prayer.
  • 60. Signs of Charisms  Some charisms given to groups/communities:  Benedictines – Hospitality  Dominicans (“Office of Preachers”) - Preaching, Teaching, Spiritual Direction.
  • 61. Habitual vs. One-Time Gifts  Some charisms given “habitually” (all of the time)  Long-term  Can be developed / deepened  Larger effects in the community
  • 62. Habitual vs. One-Time Gifts  Some charisms given only once  Example – A prophetic word  Remember: God does not “change his mind.”  Particular time / particular situation in our lives that calls for it - then goes away.  Discernment in this case critical.
  • 63. Charism vs. “Talent”  Just because you have a “talent” does not mean you have an anointed charism.  You might have a talent..  But through it people are not called to a deeper relationship with Christ.  vs. when something beyond your control is occurring,  Something beyond what could be expected through mere human activity
  • 64. Attitude Towards the Charisms  You don’t “ask” (i.e. demand or expect) a particular charism.  “I’m here to get the gift of prophesy!”  You might not have it, get it.  Might not use it A.M.D.G.  You can “ask” for a charism in humility.  Ask for “laying on of hands.”
  • 65. WHY IS ALL OF THIS IMPORTANT ? Summary Statements
  • 66. How God Works  God does not act alone.  Charisms - Signs of God’s will and purpose in our lives.  Charisms - Signs that: God exists, God desires a relationship with his people,  God is concretely reaching out to his people,  God is concretely reaching out through his people.
  • 67. What is a Martyr/Witness?  Where does the power come from?  Charisms bear fruit beyond our natural ability.  Have a force/power beyond our “talents.”  To live in such a way that your life would not make sense if God did not exist.
  • 68. Mission To Others  No MISSION without a CALL,  No CALL without a GIFT.  If there’s a charism – there is a mission:  God has purpose for you in your life for sake of the kingdom.  God intends to reach our neighbor incarnationally through YOUR charism.
  • 69. Help for You  Easier to make decisions about what we are called to be involved in.
  • 70. Help for You  Also easier to make decisions about what we are NOT called to be involved in.  Helps us avoid frustration and ineffectiveness.  Being out of God’s will – to act in an arena:  To which we have NOT been called,  For which we have NOT been equipped.  Set up for failure –SIGN that you do NOT have the call here!
  • 71. Help for You  Reduces conflict  Helps reduce need to judge ourselves,  Helps reduce need to judge others:  They’re not malicious  They’re simply channeling their particular time/resources into their particular call
  • 72. USING YOUR CHARISMS  You’re not trying to “fix them..”  You’re not seeking something from them.  Not trying to make yourself feel good, useful, special..  You’re seeking something FOR them.  Actually you’re seeking someONE for them  You’re seeking their fulfillment
  • 75. 1. Daily Prayer 2. Read / Study D.C. workbook -----> 3. Two hours / week deliberately experimenting with one charism 4. Involving others in discernment process Next Steps - Individuals
  • 76. Next Steps - Groups  Introduction and Inventory  One-on-One Discernment and  Trying Out One Gift  Small Group Discussion & Support
  • 78. Initial Discernment for Small Groups  C&G I for first 5 weeks ($35)  C&G II for remainder ($39)  Or complete version ($80)  Includes:  Called & Gifted Workshop 4-CD set  Catholic Spiritual Gifts Inventory  Small Group Leader's Guide  Called & Gifted Small Group Participant's Guides I & II
  • 79. Workbook: “Discerning Charisms”  Written version of “gifts interview.”  Guidance on “designing” an effective gifts experiment.  Making your experiment a prayer.  Mining patterns buried in your experiences.  Comprehensive Key to the Charisms:  Classic signs of each charism.  Interplay between charisms and seven “Gifts of the Holy Spirit.  Recommended books and websites for exploring further.  $10.00
  • 80. Spiritual Gifts “Resource Guide”  For each charism:  Scripture & Catechism references  List of patron saints  Catholic men and women who demonstrated charisms in their lives  Books relating to each charism  Possible uses of each charism in your own life.  $8.00
  • 81. Spiritual Gifts Inventory  120 questions.  Examine work, relationships, and spiritual experiences in light of 24 most common gifts of the Holy Spirit.  Includes:  Beginners guide to discernment  Description of 24 common charisms  Explanation of Church teaching on charisms  Experience of saints / Catholics throughout history.  $10.00
  • 82. END OF PRESENTATION Changing Water Into Wine Becoming the Person God Created You To Be
  • 85. Taking the Inventory About 45 minutes to complete
  • 86. What it is NOT • It’s an “inventory,” ▫ This is NOT a test. ▫ There are NO wrong answers. ▫ You cannot FAIL.
  • 87. What it is NOT • The inventory is NOT discernment. • Meant to tease out some information based on your life experiences. • Where you might begin discerning what the Lord is doing in your life.
  • 88. What it is NOT • Nothing significant in the numbers themselves. • Scoring high in one area doesn’t mean you’re: ▫ Better ▫ Holier ▫ Smarter ▫ More gifted ▫ (Perhaps just have more experience in this area) • So don’t compare your score with others ! ▫ …(Although everybody does it anyway)
  • 89. Instructions and Tips • On page lO • Everybody will put a “O” next to something. ▫ That’s not failure… ▫ That’s being honest; that’s being human. • Don’t agonize over a question ▫ Go with initial “gut” reaction. • If married and a question concerns being single, ▫ Just put a “O” there and move on.
  • 90. Instructions and Tips • Read and answer the questions LITERALLY! • If question seems outlandish, fine. Put a “O” there and go on. • Don’t answer: ▫ What you wish were true ▫ What you think should be true ▫ What you hope will be true (someday) ▫ Answer what IS true, in YOUR life, at THIS time.
  • 91. Instructions and Tips • When done, should be five numbers across the page. • Add up five columns ACROSS answer sheet. • Put total under column “total.” • Highest you could get adding across is “15”
  • 92. Instructions and Tips • At the end, circle your TOP 6. • If there are “tie scores” you might have top 7 or 8, that’s fine. • Just because you score high in a category does NOT mean you have the charism.. ▫ It only means that this is a place for further discernment
  • 94. Personalities - Introverts vs. Extroverts  Life experiences, emphases and approaches can be different between introverts and extroverts.  Thus, introverts and extroverts generally exhibit different types of charisms.
  • 95. Extroverts  Extroverts often score higher in more categories:  They are constantly engaging more people.  Thus they receive more data (…sometimes).  But more feedback does NOT = a charism.
  • 96. Introverts  Introverts receive feedback but:  Don’t care about it  Not interested in it  Not aware of impact on others or,  Minimize impact on others  Discernment:  Might take longer  Might require a second “stab at it.”
  • 97. Introverts vs. Extroverts - Results  Can be encouraging to a community as you test, discern, support and learn about each other.  Differences can be exciting and great fun !
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  • 102. Categories of Charisms  Pastoral  Communication  Organizational  Healing  Understanding  Creative  Lifestyle Charisms (support/sustain other charisms)
  • 103. Categories of Charisms  Grouped by what they achieve.  Can begin discernment process according to category.
  • 104. PASTORAL CHARISMS Investing your life in the life of someone else.
  • 105. PASTORAL CHARISMS  Helps  Mercy  Encouragement  Hospitality  Pastoring
  • 106. PASTORAL CHARISMS  Helps:  Seeing the person.  (Vs. Service - looking at the tasks)
  • 107. PASTORAL CHARISMS  Mercy:  Respond with concrete, hands-on deeds of compassion  Mother Theresa  Encouragement:  Respond to distress verbally  Physical presence and conversation  Counseling / Spiritual Direction
  • 108. PASTORAL CHARISMS  Hospitality  “Bridge gift” between community and individuals.  Food, shelter, clothing, warmth, friendship  Charism of healing  Often associated with a place.
  • 109. PASTORAL CHARISMS  Pastoring:  Fostering relationships and nurturing spiritual gifts:  Of a group  Long-term  Distinction between “office” and “charism” of pastoring.
  • 110. PASTORAL CHARISMS  Everyone called to (for example) “help the poor”  With “Pastoring”  Effectiveness is well beyond human powers and normal leadership skills.  Results have supernatural power.  Especially effective in smaller groups (up to 200 people).
  • 111. PASTORING  Exodus 18:13-27. Moses, his father-in-law and delegation of leadership  Therefore larger parishes need numerous people with this charism.
  • 112. Proclaiming of Christ to the World
  • 113.  Evangelism  Teaching  Encouragement  Prophesy
  • 114.  Desire to proclaim gospel to others.  Key is results:  Lives are changed  People come to or come back to Christ…  ..on basis of person with the Charism  Often not in the central activities of the parish  Done outside of parish structures
  • 115.  Channel of God’s truth and wisdom  Others discern what is God’s calling for them.  Different from “Office” of teaching.
  • 116.  Signs:  Personal connection with the person across from you.  Someone learns in a way that has remarkable and profound effect in their life.  They get a personal urgency to learn even more.  Might not be about divine or religious subjects.
  • 117.  An effective channel of God’s love  Nurturing others through his/her presence..  ..and words of comfort, encouragement and counsel.  St. Baptist de LaSalle (inventor of Grade School)
  • 118.  Communicating a present message of God,  a particular person or group,  ..about a particular topic or situation  Communicated through:  Word  Song  Image  Poetry
  • 119.  Experienced as coming from beyond oneself  Received as coming from beyond the person speaking.  A particularly strong intuition or strong “burden” does not mean:  You have charism or  What you’re saying is prophetic  Prophesy; Non-Prophesy; False Prophesy
  • 120.  Spoken - then let go.  Not the first-in-a-series-of steps,  Or what response to prophesy should be next.
  • 121.  Danger of self-importance.  Not infallible – needs to be discerned by others (Authority such as Scripture, Tradition, Magisterium, practical experience and fruit).  Prophesy is always directed at authority to check its validity.
  • 123. Organizing Charisms  Giving  Service  Administration  Leadership
  • 124. Charism of Giving  Giving materials  With special sense of generosity and joy  To accomplish God’s purposes in the world
  • 125. Charism of Service  Ability to recognize “organizational gaps” ..  ..that are preventing something good from happening.  To do YOURSELF what it takes,  To solve the problem and meet the need.
  • 126. Charism of Service  Often multi-talented  Able to put their hands on – and bring together - numerous resources.  Have prophetic vision  See, want to, begin to address needs before we’re even aware of them.  Can make people angry (They are made to feel ignorant or put down)
  • 127. Challenges of Service  Mistaken for “Leadership”  Pushed into leadership role, position or “office”  Especially in “vacuum-based” organization.  Signs:  Leadership skills then seen lacking; situation is simply not coming together.  Because they’re uncomfortable in planning and setting overall vision and direction.  They like to do it THEMSELVES. They do NOT like to delegate.  They’re hands-on (“Give me something to do!”)
  • 128. Able to efficiently conceive, organize and lead plans so that individuals, teams or large organizations can achieve goals. Charism of Administration
  • 129. Charism of Administration  But - goals that reflects the purposes of God.  Presence of God felt in midst of exercise  They cut through chaos!  A channel  In a stewardship model  To offer provision  Where God is needed  St. Vincent de Paul; Florence Nightingale
  • 130. Charism of Administration  Charism of Administration is:  Seeing an issue,  Breaking it up into smaller pieces,  Identifying the problems,  Delegating the problems,  Bringing the pieces and solutions together to solve the problems.
  • 131. Charism of Leadership  Leaders are God’s catalysts.  Leadership is setting the VISION.  Leaders see something better.  See a better world  Leaders draw people into the better - more hopeful - vision.
  • 132. Charism of Leadership  People with the Charism of Leadership:  Might not be in leadership positions …  or have leadership training, background or experience.  They simply see the world with new eyes.  See the connections; articulate the connections where people say “Yes! I see and understand that now.”
  • 133. What It’s Not  Administration is NOT Leadership  Leaders might not have Charism of Administration.  Leaders don’t pay attention to the details  (That’s Charism of “Administration”)  Charism of Leadership and Charism of Administration go together.  Need each other for project to be successful.
  • 134.
  • 135. • “Ministry” of Healing; • Related to an “Order” or vocation (like nurse or priest) •vs. “Charism” of Healing
  • 136. Intercessory Prayer  God seldom acts unilaterally.  God typically acts I an “incarnational way”..  ..through gifts, talents and charisms of believers.  ..and the assent and collaboration of God’s sons and daughters.
  • 137. Intercessory Prayer  Person (and their prayers) are used as instruments of God’s presence, healing and love in dramatic, concrete and often visible ways.  Their idea of a “good time!”  Can pray for hours; they don’t get tired; they don’t find it boring.
  • 138. Intercessory Prayer  They don’t tell God what to do.  They discern first then pray according to the “word” that they receive.  Not unusual to be awakened in the middle of the night with a “prayer burden:”  Sometimes very specific.  Sometimes for someone they don’t even know.
  • 139.
  • 140.  Knowledge  Wisdom  Discernment of Spirits
  • 141. Through study and intellectual activity - channel of knowledge of God, the creation and ourselves.
  • 142.  Not just information:  It’s about the whole picture, broad vistas, visions and the whole principle of an idea.  Not just religious things:  Also concepts and ideas of the world.
  • 143.  Fruit – when these people explain something, others have “a-ha” moment.  They gain a more hopeful, enlivened, enthusiastic relationship with God.
  • 144.  Particular and profound insight into a specific situation or person.  Thus a sound decision can be made.  Teachings of the church applied ..  ..and another person’s decision or discernment is aided to a profound degree.  Charism ofWisdom might happen infrequently or only once.
  • 145.  Knowledge is focused on BIG ideas and concepts  Wisdom is focused on a very narrow, specific situation or person.
  • 146. The “Charism of Discernment” is not the same as the “Process of Discernment.”
  • 147.  Immediate or intuitive grasp of a presence.  Person able to perceive spiritual link of a particular situation or behavior.  Also detect positive / demonic presence of a particular person, place or situation.  Highly unusual charism.
  • 148.
  • 150.  According to St. Benedict:  Success – towards pleasing man (Talent)  Excellence- towards pleasing God (Charism)  A form or prayer or spiritual exercise.  Has an impact which brings people closer to God in a way beyond what a normal talent would seem to be able to do.  It “baptizes” the imagination.
  • 151.  Orders the world around us in such a way that it manifests God’s provision.  Arts of “Living” (cooking, needlepoint, sowing, tailoring)  Arts of “Recreation” (fine art, sculpture, painting)
  • 152.  The musical tradition of the Church has a greater role than the other creative charisms (Catechism).  Augustine: “Who sings well, prays twice.”
  • 153.  J.R. Tolkein: “Hamlet is a play written by a man who, if he had had more talent, would have written a fairy tale.”  Tolkein and “Lord of the Rings.”  Deals with basic human truths like conversion, and sin and suffering and redemption and the fight between good and evil. 
  • 154. LIFESTYLE CHARISMS Enabling Other Charisms to be Powerful and Effective
  • 155. LIFESTYLE CHARISMS  Gifts of “friendship.”  Disinterested, selfless and seeks the good of the other.  Examples:  Faith  Celibacy  Obedience  Missionary  Poverty (Simple Lifestyle)  Charity (Generosity)
  • 156. CELIBACY: To be cheerful, personally fulfilled and spiritually fruitful
  • 157. FAITH  Radical dependence on God.  A trust in the ..  Power  Provision  Promise of God
  • 158. FAITH  Offers remarkable freedom to act.  Enables one to be effective agent of God’s purpose.  Can drive the planning/control types crazy.
  • 159. MISSIONARY  Ability to use one (or several charisms) in a “foreign culture.”  Might not even have language aptitude.  Delight in entering and thriving in a new environment and culture.
  • 160. VOLUNTARY POVERTY  Ability to identify with Jesus in the poor.  Cheerful, voluntary simplicity  Especially enlivens, animates, energizes and empowers the other charisms.
  • 161. VOLUNTARY POVERTY  Make distinction between:  Involuntary (difficult financial situation)  Voluntary (charism freely chosen).  An adventure to see what God is going to provide.