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B2B Marketing Solutions

	         p.02 		 1. Join a site with very high traffic

	         p.06 	   2. The perfect platform for your business

	 p.07 		 3. Translating your content multiplies your company’s

	         p.08 		 1. Create a landing page to fit your image

	         p.10 	   2. Showcase your products

	         p.12 	   3. Your personal space: myEUROPAGES

	         p.14 	   1. Your detailed statistics

	         p.16 	   2. Accurate analysis tools

	         p.17 	   3. Certified statistics

	         p.18 	   1. Choose the best suited solution

	         p.20 	   2. Our complementary solutions: Banner & Skyscraper

	         p.22 	   3. Our complementary solutions: Sponsor & VIP

                                                          EUROPAGES 2013 • CONTENT 01

   Can you get by without the internet? With billions of people connected, the               with the EUROPAGES marketing solutions, thousands of professionals enjoy excellent
   internet offers immense potential to companies that decide to make the leap. The          visibility to promote their business or website, making it easier for them to be spotted by
   EUROPAGES B2B marketing solutions offer you a gateway to a network of hundreds            serious, motivated visitors, most of them potential buyers from their target market. These
   of thousands of professionals and the guarantee that, at last, you will get found on      visitor numbers are mostly due to the EUROPAGES website’s excellent ranking. The
   the internet.                                                                             EUROPAGES teams are experts in search engine optimisation, allowing every member
                                                                                             company to enjoy unprecedented visibility on the leading global search engines (Google,

                                                                                             Yahoo and Bing) as well as their regional counterparts, such as Yandex and Baidu.
   	                    JOIN A SITE
   	                    WITH VERY HIGH TRAFFIC                                               EUROPAGES offers international visibility. Available in 26 different languages and
                                                                                             supported by an experienced translation team, the EUROPAGES website is visited by
   With 4 million unique visitors and 5,000 businesses signing up each month during 2012,    professionals and businesses from around the world, attracted by a site that lets them
   EUROPAGES is above all a B2B platform with a massive audience. These results have         consult company profiles in their own language. The majority of visitors to the
   been achieved despite the difficult economic conditions and there is a good reason why:   EUROPAGES website come from Europe, making the site a very attractive proposition for
                                                                                             suppliers looking to grow their business in the world’s largest market.

                                                             57.0          57.0              78% Europe
                                                             million       million           Almost 8 out of every 10 visitors are from Europe. The
                                                             visitors      visitors
                            47.3                                                             majority of visitors come from the largest economies                           9%
                             million                      EUROPAGES                          of the EU: Italy (17%), France (15%), Germany (7%),
                             visitors        41.1           exceeds                          Spain (6%), the United Kingdom (3%) and the
                          New website
                                                            5-million                        countries of eastern Europe (18%).                                                   4%
                                                          monthly visits
                                                            4 times                                                                                   78%                         4%
                                                                                             9% Russia et Asia
                                                                                             Visitors from Russia and China, two of the largest
                                                                                             economies in the BRICS grouping (Brazil, Russia,
             19.1                          optimisation
                                                                                             India, China and South Africa), account for just 9%
             visitors                                                                        of traffic, but these numbers are rising steeply: for
                                                                                             example, Russian visitor numbers were up 18%
             2008            2009             2010           2011           2012             in 2012.
                                        ANNUAL VISITS
                                                                                             5% South America

                                                                                                                                                                                           Source: comScore Digital Analytix, 2008-2012
                                                                               2 03          EUROPAGES, which is available in Spanish and Portuguese, offers its clients exposure
                                                                            5,               throughout South America. Brazil alone, the world’s 8th largest economy, accounts
                                                                                             for 2% of all visitors to the EUROPAGES site.

                                                                                             4% North America
                                                                                             The United States and Canada represent a vast supply of potential visitors that

                                                                                             EUROPAGES is starting to actively target. In 2011, visits from the USA were up 20%,

                                                                                             with Canada up no less than 55%.

            1,835          1,575
                                                                                             4% Africa
                                                                                             In overall terms, the African economies remain under-represented, but there are signs
             2008            2009             2010           2011           2012             of striking growth, especially with visitors from North Africa who are clearly looking for
                                 MONTHLY SUBSCRIPTIONS                                       European outlets (Tunisia +57%, Morocco +25% and Algeria +30%).

02                                                                                                                                       EUROPAGES 2013 • GET FOUND 03
VISITOR PROFILES:                                                                                                                       TWO OUT OF THREE USERS ARE
   SMEs FROM THE                                                                                                        45%                  DECISION-MAKERS OR PART
   INDUSTRIAL SECTOR                                                                                              Top management              OF THE DECISION-MAKING
   Although most users of solutions from EUROPAGES work in the industrial and                                           30%
   manufacturing sectors, service industries are increasingly represented, reflecting                            Middle management                   It often takes over a month in B2B for
   the rise in import-export activities. Whatever the details, one thing is sure: B2B
                                                                                                                                                     a purchasing decision to be taken. This
   visitors are drawn to EUROPAGES. Retailers account for just 4% of visitors.
                                                                                                                                                     timeframe is shortened in cases where
                                                                                                                                                     decision-makers are involved in the
   Industry 55%
                                                                                                                        25%                         buying cycle from the start. The majority
   Over half of all users are from industry, with three sectors that stand out: construction and
                                                                                                                      Operational                  of users on EUROPAGES are authorised to
   civil engineering, mechanical engineering and metallurgy and metal working.
                                                                                                                                                  take decisions about purchasing.


                                                                                                    AN AUDIENCE OF SMEs
   Services 22%                                                                                     Most visitors to EUROPAGES are drawn
   More and more visitors to the EUROPAGES website come from the services sector, which             from the ranks of small businesses;
   accounts for one-fifth of the site’s visitors. The services sector is the single most-searched
                                                                                                    almost 40% of them from very small
   sector on EUROPAGES.                                                                             companies (less than 20 employees),
                                                                                                    the rest from small and medium-sized                          14%
                                                                                                    businesses (50%). 10% of users come
                                                                                                    from companies that employ in excess                                   10%       10%
                                                                                                    of 250 staff.                                                                              7%
   Wholesale, distributors, sub-contractors, agents and representatives 19%                                                                       <10    11-50    51-100   101-200   201-500   >500
   Professional buyers, purchasing centres and distributors turn to EUROPAGES because

                                                                                                                                                                                                      Source: comScore Digital Analytix, 2008-2012
   it saves them time when they are looking for suppliers and manufacturers of finished                                                                  NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES

                                                                                                    DYNAMIC SMEs                                                                               24%

                                                                                                    One-in-two very small businesses on                  19%
   Retailers 4%                                                                                     EUROPAGES have a turnover in excess           15%             15%                15%
   The retail category, mostly B2C, is not very well represented on EUROPAGES. Some                 of €2 million, a figure higher than the                                13%
   retailers, however, choose to deal directly with manufacturers and they use EUROPAGES            average for firms of this size. One-in-four
   to locate them.                                                                                  small- and medium-sized businesses
                                                                                                    have a turnover in excess of €50 million,
                                                                                                                                                  <1M    1-2,5M   2,5-5M   5-10M     10-50M    >50M
                                                                                                    also higher than the average for
                                                                                                    companies of this size.                                TURNOVER,        euro millions

04                                                                                                                                              EUROPAGES 2013 • GET FOUND 05
                       FOR YOUR BUSINESS
                                                                                                             3.             TRANSLATING YOUR CONTENT
                                                                                                                            MULTIPLIES YOUR COMPANY’S POTENTIAL

   Using the EUROPAGES B2B marketing solutions is more than simply joining a community            Of all possible B2B services, content translation is the secret weapon that enables
   of professionals; above all, EUROPAGES offers the perfect platform for your business. To       EUROPAGES to unlock its clients’ hidden potential, helping them to create a fully-fledged
   ensure that every business finds the trade visitors it wants, EUROPAGES has created an         international strategy. EUROPAGES translates its clients’ text descriptions and keywords
   open-ended semantic-based system grouping business sectors and keywords.                       into 15 languages*.

   Every company that registers with EUROPAGES chooses keywords to ensure that his                No matter what their size or field of activity, translation is a powerful tool for our clients.
   business is accurately positioned, side-by-side with other genuinely similar professionals.    It enables them to speak to their customers and sales leads directly in their own language.
   If the exact term is not available, the company is free to add a new, fully personalised       This approach massively increases a company’s audience, making it far easier to search
   keyword that will then be used to further enhance the EUROPAGES classification system.         for sales leads and customers abroad and in identified target markets, at the same time as
                                                                                                  improving search engine rankings.
   With over 2 million registered businesses, EUROPAGES has compiled a very wide-ranging
   and exhaustive database of terms, including descriptions of many highly specialised            EUROPAGES doesn’t use robots or software to create its translations. In order to
   manufacturing activities. Even if a company uses very specific expertise, the business         guarantee a very high quality result, EUROPAGES has set up its own network of around
   sectors, which are translated into 26 different languages, have been carefully designed        100 professional freelance translators based in Europe and around the world. All
   to enable it to find its place alongside other professionals that uses similar techniques or   translation projects are managed with the aid of a computer-assisted translation (CAT)
   offer similar services.                                                                        tool, which automatically stores all previous projects. Each time a new translation project
                                                                                                  is created, the translation memory tool searches all previous translations and makes a
   This finely calibrated positioning means that companies using B2B marketing solutions          suggestion if a translation is available.
   from EUROPAGES receive only serious enquiries, enabling them to maximise their sales
   opportunities.                                                                                 *   English, French, Italian, Spanish, German, Dutch, Danish, Swedish, Finnish, Portuguese, Greek, Russian, Simplified
                                                                                                  Chinese, Polish and Turkish.

                    4,500                 Customer choices – order                                                                     Translation memory
                                                                                CAT tools
        100,000 keywords
       to describe your activity

                                                                                                                                                                                              E*Page update

06                                                                                                                                                            EUROPAGES 2013 • GET FOUND 07
CONVERT                                                                                             E*PAGE VIEWS IN 2012                              79,870,132

   It’s good to be seen, but making a sale is better. This is what EUROPAGES tools do,                                                                    Contact space
   they convert your audience. Don’t be satisfied with visitors, turn them into buyers.

   	      1.           CREATE A LANDING PAGE
                       TO FIT YOUR IMAGE
   The E*Page is at the heart of EUROPAGES B2B marketing solutions. An E*Page is a
   true Home Page for businesses to present key information such as their expertise, their
   products and their trading zone. Because EUROPAGES is an expert in search engine                   Multimedia
   optimisation, the E*Page is the first thing that potential partners see when searching the         space
   internet for businesses. It is also the first point of call for visitors using the search engine
   on the EUROPAGES website.

   E*Pages are fully customisable, they act as a virtual shop window displaying a business’
   key details: the company name as well as all other data needed by potential customers,
   such as the address, the geographical region served by the company and the languages
   spoken. It is strongly advised to include some contact information, such as an email
   address, phone or fax number. E*Pages are also a great way to promote your own
   website, which might be an e-commerce site or a more comprehensive corporate website.

   Lastly, an E*Page is a multimedia space where each company can post photos,
   videos, and documents about its products and services. From a logo to a photo of
   its installations, a video showing how its products are created to a complete product
   catalogue, a well-designed E*Page quickly becomes a key sales tool.

                                                                                                                                                                          Source: comScore Digital Analytix, 2012
                                                                                                      positioning space

                                                                                                                                   Non binding picture
08                                                                                                          EUROPAGES 2013 • CONVERT 09

          2.           SHOWCASE YOUR PRODUCTS
   Display all your products or services on your E*Page

   No matter if it is on the internet in general or on the EUROPAGES website in particular,
   products are what professional buyers really want to see. A company that displays its
   catalogue on its E*Page increases its chances of being selected. Better still, an optimised
   page is created for each of its products, boosting its natural referencing and increasing its                            Quote request
   chances of being spotted.                                                                                                        space

   Every page produced has its own URL with the product name and all content is indexed.

   Your products retrieved automatically (web crawler) 
   The EUROPAGES B2B marketing solutions provide clients with a simple tool for retrieving
   catalogues that are already online: you just have to provide the relevant URL and decide
   how many products to show on the E*Page. EUROPAGES will then send a programme
   to retrieve the product photos and descriptions before they are published on the E*Page.
   What happens when you update your catalogues? The programme will spot the change
   and automatically update your catalogue. For Flash websites or PDF documents a manual
   product publication method is necessary.

   Manual file retrieval (XML and Excel) 
   As well as the online crawler solution, EUROPAGES can publish product pages on an
   E*Page from a file provided by the client (in XML or Excel formats). Clients may update
   their catalogue by simply sending a new file.

   Creating product pages (by an operator) 
   If the client’s website does not feature a catalogue, EUROPAGES can create product
   pages from any other document format or media.

                                                                                                                                 Non binding picture
10                                                                                              EUROPAGES 2013 • CONVERT 11

                                                                                                                               Non binding picture
          3.           YOUR PERSONAL SPACE:
   EUROPAGES provides all its clients with a wide range of complementary tools, including
   E*Pages, multimedia content and keywords. The real strength of these tools lies, however,
   in their adaptability. Members are able to manage each tool directly via their personal
   space: myEUROPAGES.

   Every element on the E*Page multimedia landing page can be modified and edited at will.                             Content creation
   From the moment an E*Page goes online, the company it belongs to is issued with an                                            space
   access code for its myEUROPAGES account. Using this code, the company can logon at
   any time and is able to alter all the elements of its E*Page. Whether it is simply updating
   company details (address, contacts, email, website, etc.), adding new elements (text,
   photos, videos, documents), or using keywords to describe its activities more accurately,
   everything is easily accessible and extremely simple to update.
                                                                                                                    Space for assessing
   Each client company is free to tailor its strategy by adding or deleting free or structured                            effectiveness
   keywords, by choosing one of our complementary solutions and by suggesting additional
   translations. All of this can be achieved effortlessly, without the need for any action by a
   third-party: e-marketing has never been more flexible!

12                                                                                            EUROPAGES 2013 • CONVERT 13
ASSESS                                                                                                mystats

   Choosing solutions from EUROPAGES is not a matter of signing a blank cheque.
   You are able to check your page views and click numbers at any time and you have
   all the tools you need to track and identify your audience.

          1.            YOUR DETAILED STATISTICS
                                                                                                       Space for
   EUROPAGES solutions are based on a simple idea, the obligation to achieve results.                  tracking clicks
   Thereby every client is capable of assessing the return on investment for himself, based
   on reliable indicators available for consultation at all times. EUROPAGES has built a
   comprehensive and regularly updated information system based on its statistical data, a
   system that enables it to offer all its clients a powerful assessment tool: mySTAT.

   With mySTAT, every member with a paid subscription enjoys exclusive, secure access
   to all of their statistics. Working within this private area, clients are able to consult traffic
   on their E*Page at any time of the day or night. This function provides clients with a fully
   transparent way to check the effectiveness of the EUROPAGES tools.


                                                                                                       Space for
                                                                                                       tracking emails

                                                                                                                                       Non binding pictures
14                                                                                                     EUROPAGES 2013 • ASSESS 15
2.           accurate analysis tools                                                     	      3.            CERTIFIED STATISTICS
   EUROPAGES doesn’t just provide all of its clients with statistics: it also makes certain that   As statistics lie at the core of the marketing tools offered by EUROPAGES, we make sure
   they can be understood and easily exploited. Every month, 4 million visitors search, view       that they are certified by an outside body: l’Office de la Justification de la Diffusion. The
   and click on the E*Pages belonging to the two million companies listed on the site. These       OJD, which is a member of the International Federation of Audit Bureaux of Circulations,
   interactions represent tens of millions of pieces of information stored on the EUROPAGES        checks every month that the statistics declared by EUROPAGES are a true indication of
   servers. Every year we process and pass on a total of 5 teraoctets of information to our        the number of visitors to its website. In essence, this means that the OJD authorises the
   member companies in a fully transparent manner, (equivalent to 7,500 sets of a 15-volume        use of a limited number of tools to count visits to the EUROPAGES websites. These tools
   encyclopaedia). This is data that our member companies use to calculate their visibility        include comScore Digital Analytix, used by EUROPAGES.
   (E*Card Views and E*Page Views), count their website click throughs (Clicks), and add up
   contacts and requests for quotations received (Emails) so that they are able to properly        The OJD does more than simply authorise tools: it also audits the tag maps created by
   assess their return on investment.                                                              the websites it certifies. These tags are the digital markers that identify and track visits to
                                                                                                   websites. The OJD checks their placement and that they function correctly, guaranteeing
   This process gives users of EUROPAGES solutions access to highly accurate information.          that visitor number counts will be distortion-free.
   They can check how many times an E*Page has been consulted, the number of click
   throughs to the website(s) promoted on the E*Page and the number of emails received.            Encompassing both the tools and the way they are used, OJD certification ensures the
   EUROPAGES also indicates the geographical origins of visitors and potential partners for        complete transparency of all data used by EUROPAGES.
   every item of information recorded.

   EUROPAGES offers its clients the ability to request more far-reaching studies, enabling
   them to find answers to critical questions: who’s looking for what, who’s looking for
   who, which keywords are used for a particular business, where are users based, which
   companies have been viewed, what were the searches for and in which country did they
   originate? This information is vital for businesses using the EUROPAGES solutions and
   who want to elaborate and fine-tune their own e-marketing strategies.

                                                                                                           ROI statistics                  Emails received                  mySTATS clicks


                                                                                                               ROI modelling,
                                                                                                                                                                               Client and
       Ad Server                           ETL : Extrait,
                                                                                                               Scoring prospects,
                                                                               Datawarehouse                   Optimisation e-marketing       Datamart                         internal reporting
       Client Database                        & Load

16                                                                                                                                                   EUROPAGES 2013 • ASSESS 17

   Marketing solutions from EUROPAGES are totally adaptable. You adjust your                                                                                                 on its website. But although free registration is a good way to start building visibility and
   content whenever it suits you, and accurately assess the impact of your decisions                                                                                         discover the advantages of the EUROPAGES website, a paid subscription is the best way
   so you can constantly improve your visibility and, crucially, multiply your commercial                                                                                    to really boost visibility and internet visitor numbers. The visibility enjoyed by members
   opportunities.                                                                                                                                                            with a paid subscription is on average 78 times greater than free members, with 22 times
                                                                                                                                                                             more targeted views and up to 120 times more click throughs to their
                                                                                                                                                                             own websites.

   	                                      1.     CHOOSE THE best suited
                                                                                                                                                                             The type of subscription purchased is a decisive factor in increasing our clients’ return on
                                                                                                                                                                             investment: the greater the visibility, the higher the return on investment.
                                                                                                                                                                             The EUROPAGES range of offers ensures there is a solution to suit every client.
                                                                                                                                                                             The different E*Pages offers incremental visibility and prices, allowing clients to adjust
                                                                                                                                                                             their investment and achieve optimal efficiency.

    E*Page Views - Targeted visibility




                                                                                                                                                                               E*Card Views                       E*Page Views                             Clicks

                                                                                                                                      bubble size : website click throughs

                                         2,000                                                                                                                                            31,082                                737                                725

                                                                                       1,677                  e


                                                                          1,212         Ec on



                                                                  902             tr


                                                     S t a rte

                                                  20,000           40,000          60,000            80,000        100,000   120,000

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             Source: comScore Digital Analytix, 2012
                                                                 E*Card Views - Overall visibility

   EUROPAGES’ thousands of clients receive millions of visits every month. There are three                                                                                     401                                 33
   main indicators used to assess their return on investment: E*Card Views (overall visibility),
   E*Page Views (targeted visibility) and Clicks (click-throughs to their website).                                                                                            Free         Paid                 Free         Paid                  Free         Paid
   EUROPAGES invites trade users to register and join the 2 million businesses already listed                                                                                membership   membership           membership   membership            membership   membership

18                                                                                                                                                                                                                         EUROPAGES 2013 • OPTIMISE 19
BANNER & SKYSCRAPER DISPLAYS IN 2012          213,757,963

           2.             OUR COMPLEMENTARY

   Banner & Skyscraper
   Two further advertising options are available on the EUROPAGES website as a way
   of increasing companies’ visibility: the Banner and the Skyscraper. The Banner* is a
   horizontal rectangular advertisement and the Skyscraper** is a vertical rectangular
   advertisement. These are designed as targeted advertising tools. Thereby, clients who
   purchase a Banner or Skyscraper choose from the 4,500 business sector headings on the
   EUROPAGES website and the advertisements only appear within these categories. This
   type of contextual display enjoys a far higher click rate than similar advertisements usually
   seen on the internet.

   These tools adapt to seasonal variations. The advertisement display periods can be
   configured to suit the fact that companies do not necessarily follow the same calendars.
   Springtime? After summer is over? One, two or three times a year? For one, two or six                                                                     Skyscrapers
   months? EUROPAGES displays what clients choose.

   * Leaderboard (728x90) or Full Banner (468x60). Jpeg, Png, Gif or Flash. 20kB maximum.
   ** Wide Skyscraper (160x600) or Classic Skyscraper (120x600). Jpeg, Png, Gif or Flash. 20kB maximum.

                                                                                                                                                                 Non binding picture

                                                                                                                                                                                       Source: Neodata 2012
20                                                                                                                             EUROPAGES 2013 • OPTIMISE 21
SPONSOR DISPLAYS IN 2012             5,033,204

           3.             OUR COMPLEMENTARY

   Sponsor & VIP
   A Sponsor* is a large rectangular advertisement, a VIP** is a small rectangular
   advertisement. They both appear on home pages and are permanent rather than
   contextual displays. These are the ideal EUROPAGES formats for companies keen to
   showcase their brand to the largest possible B2B audience.

   For a Sponsor or VIP display, EUROPAGES is able to meet specific demands in terms
   of the advertising period, which can be for one or more months’ display. The space                                                          Sponsors
   reserved for Sponsor displays is sufficient for up to 4 client displays to be run alternately.
   An exclusive option is also available for clients that wish to book the entire space: they will
   be the only company display for the entire duration of the chosen period. The VIP space is
   sufficient for up to 8 companies, displayed alternately across 4 spaces. It is also possible
   to choose which language version of EUROPAGES will host the Sponsor and VIP displays.

   * Sponsor (300x250). Jpeg, Png, Gif or Flash. 30kB maximum.
   ** VIP (120x60). Jpeg, Png, Gif or Flash. 30kB maximum

                                                                                                                                                Non binding picture

                                                                                                                                                                            Source: Neodata 2012
                                                                                                     VIP DISPLAYS IN 2012                 8,046,116

22                                                                                                            EUROPAGES 2013 • OPTIMISE 23

24   EUROPAGES 2013 25
127 avenue Charles de Gaulle 92200 Neuilly-sur-Seine - FRANCE
                   Tel: +33 (0)1 41 16 49 00

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  • 2. CONTENT GET FOUND p.02 1. Join a site with very high traffic p.06 2. The perfect platform for your business p.07 3. Translating your content multiplies your company’s potential CONVERT p.08 1. Create a landing page to fit your image p.10 2. Showcase your products p.12 3. Your personal space: myEUROPAGES ASSESS p.14 1. Your detailed statistics p.16 2. Accurate analysis tools p.17 3. Certified statistics OPTIMISE p.18 1. Choose the best suited solution p.20 2. Our complementary solutions: Banner & Skyscraper p.22 3. Our complementary solutions: Sponsor & VIP EUROPAGES 2013 • CONTENT 01
  • 3. GET FOUND Can you get by without the internet? With billions of people connected, the with the EUROPAGES marketing solutions, thousands of professionals enjoy excellent internet offers immense potential to companies that decide to make the leap. The visibility to promote their business or website, making it easier for them to be spotted by EUROPAGES B2B marketing solutions offer you a gateway to a network of hundreds serious, motivated visitors, most of them potential buyers from their target market. These of thousands of professionals and the guarantee that, at last, you will get found on visitor numbers are mostly due to the EUROPAGES website’s excellent ranking. The the internet. EUROPAGES teams are experts in search engine optimisation, allowing every member company to enjoy unprecedented visibility on the leading global search engines (Google, 1. Yahoo and Bing) as well as their regional counterparts, such as Yandex and Baidu. JOIN A SITE WITH VERY HIGH TRAFFIC EUROPAGES offers international visibility. Available in 26 different languages and supported by an experienced translation team, the EUROPAGES website is visited by With 4 million unique visitors and 5,000 businesses signing up each month during 2012, professionals and businesses from around the world, attracted by a site that lets them EUROPAGES is above all a B2B platform with a massive audience. These results have consult company profiles in their own language. The majority of visitors to the been achieved despite the difficult economic conditions and there is a good reason why: EUROPAGES website come from Europe, making the site a very attractive proposition for suppliers looking to grow their business in the world’s largest market. 57.0 57.0 78% Europe million million Almost 8 out of every 10 visitors are from Europe. The visitors visitors 47.3 majority of visitors come from the largest economies 9% million EUROPAGES of the EU: Italy (17%), France (15%), Germany (7%), visitors 41.1 exceeds Spain (6%), the United Kingdom (3%) and the 5% New website million visitors 5-million countries of eastern Europe (18%). 4% monthly visits launched 4 times 78% 4% SEO: 9% Russia et Asia search Visitors from Russia and China, two of the largest engine economies in the BRICS grouping (Brazil, Russia, 19.1 optimisation India, China and South Africa), account for just 9% million visitors of traffic, but these numbers are rising steeply: for example, Russian visitor numbers were up 18% 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 in 2012. ANNUAL VISITS 5% South America Source: comScore Digital Analytix, 2008-2012 2 03 EUROPAGES, which is available in Spanish and Portuguese, offers its clients exposure 5, throughout South America. Brazil alone, the world’s 8th largest economy, accounts for 2% of all visitors to the EUROPAGES site. 4% North America The United States and Canada represent a vast supply of potential visitors that 8 EUROPAGES is starting to actively target. In 2011, visits from the USA were up 20%, 90 with Canada up no less than 55%. 3, 1,835 1,575 1,464 4% Africa In overall terms, the African economies remain under-represented, but there are signs 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 of striking growth, especially with visitors from North Africa who are clearly looking for MONTHLY SUBSCRIPTIONS European outlets (Tunisia +57%, Morocco +25% and Algeria +30%). 02 EUROPAGES 2013 • GET FOUND 03
  • 4. VISITOR PROFILES: TWO OUT OF THREE USERS ARE SMEs FROM THE 45% DECISION-MAKERS OR PART INDUSTRIAL SECTOR Top management OF THE DECISION-MAKING PROCESS Although most users of solutions from EUROPAGES work in the industrial and 30% manufacturing sectors, service industries are increasingly represented, reflecting Middle management It often takes over a month in B2B for the rise in import-export activities. Whatever the details, one thing is sure: B2B a purchasing decision to be taken. This visitors are drawn to EUROPAGES. Retailers account for just 4% of visitors. timeframe is shortened in cases where decision-makers are involved in the Industry 55% 25% buying cycle from the start. The majority Over half of all users are from industry, with three sectors that stand out: construction and Operational of users on EUROPAGES are authorised to civil engineering, mechanical engineering and metallurgy and metal working. take decisions about purchasing. 37% AN AUDIENCE OF SMEs Services 22% Most visitors to EUROPAGES are drawn More and more visitors to the EUROPAGES website come from the services sector, which from the ranks of small businesses; accounts for one-fifth of the site’s visitors. The services sector is the single most-searched 22% almost 40% of them from very small sector on EUROPAGES. companies (less than 20 employees), the rest from small and medium-sized 14% businesses (50%). 10% of users come from companies that employ in excess 10% 10% of 250 staff. 7% Wholesale, distributors, sub-contractors, agents and representatives 19% <10 11-50 51-100 101-200 201-500 >500 Professional buyers, purchasing centres and distributors turn to EUROPAGES because Source: comScore Digital Analytix, 2008-2012 it saves them time when they are looking for suppliers and manufacturers of finished NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES products. DYNAMIC SMEs 24% One-in-two very small businesses on 19% Retailers 4% EUROPAGES have a turnover in excess 15% 15% 15% The retail category, mostly B2C, is not very well represented on EUROPAGES. Some of €2 million, a figure higher than the 13% retailers, however, choose to deal directly with manufacturers and they use EUROPAGES average for firms of this size. One-in-four to locate them. small- and medium-sized businesses have a turnover in excess of €50 million, <1M 1-2,5M 2,5-5M 5-10M 10-50M >50M also higher than the average for companies of this size. TURNOVER, euro millions 04 EUROPAGES 2013 • GET FOUND 05
  • 5. 2. THE PERFECT PLATFORM FOR YOUR BUSINESS 3. TRANSLATING YOUR CONTENT MULTIPLIES YOUR COMPANY’S POTENTIAL Using the EUROPAGES B2B marketing solutions is more than simply joining a community Of all possible B2B services, content translation is the secret weapon that enables of professionals; above all, EUROPAGES offers the perfect platform for your business. To EUROPAGES to unlock its clients’ hidden potential, helping them to create a fully-fledged ensure that every business finds the trade visitors it wants, EUROPAGES has created an international strategy. EUROPAGES translates its clients’ text descriptions and keywords open-ended semantic-based system grouping business sectors and keywords. into 15 languages*. Every company that registers with EUROPAGES chooses keywords to ensure that his No matter what their size or field of activity, translation is a powerful tool for our clients. business is accurately positioned, side-by-side with other genuinely similar professionals. It enables them to speak to their customers and sales leads directly in their own language. If the exact term is not available, the company is free to add a new, fully personalised This approach massively increases a company’s audience, making it far easier to search keyword that will then be used to further enhance the EUROPAGES classification system. for sales leads and customers abroad and in identified target markets, at the same time as improving search engine rankings. With over 2 million registered businesses, EUROPAGES has compiled a very wide-ranging and exhaustive database of terms, including descriptions of many highly specialised EUROPAGES doesn’t use robots or software to create its translations. In order to manufacturing activities. Even if a company uses very specific expertise, the business guarantee a very high quality result, EUROPAGES has set up its own network of around sectors, which are translated into 26 different languages, have been carefully designed 100 professional freelance translators based in Europe and around the world. All to enable it to find its place alongside other professionals that uses similar techniques or translation projects are managed with the aid of a computer-assisted translation (CAT) offer similar services. tool, which automatically stores all previous projects. Each time a new translation project is created, the translation memory tool searches all previous translations and makes a This finely calibrated positioning means that companies using B2B marketing solutions suggestion if a translation is available. from EUROPAGES receive only serious enquiries, enabling them to maximise their sales opportunities. * English, French, Italian, Spanish, German, Dutch, Danish, Swedish, Finnish, Portuguese, Greek, Russian, Simplified Chinese, Polish and Turkish. 4,500 Customer choices – order Translation memory headings CAT tools Analysis 100,000 keywords Translator to describe your activity network E*Page update 06 EUROPAGES 2013 • GET FOUND 07
  • 6. CONVERT E*PAGE VIEWS IN 2012 79,870,132 It’s good to be seen, but making a sale is better. This is what EUROPAGES tools do, Contact space they convert your audience. Don’t be satisfied with visitors, turn them into buyers. 1. CREATE A LANDING PAGE TO FIT YOUR IMAGE The E*Page is at the heart of EUROPAGES B2B marketing solutions. An E*Page is a true Home Page for businesses to present key information such as their expertise, their products and their trading zone. Because EUROPAGES is an expert in search engine Multimedia optimisation, the E*Page is the first thing that potential partners see when searching the space internet for businesses. It is also the first point of call for visitors using the search engine on the EUROPAGES website. E*Pages are fully customisable, they act as a virtual shop window displaying a business’ key details: the company name as well as all other data needed by potential customers, such as the address, the geographical region served by the company and the languages spoken. It is strongly advised to include some contact information, such as an email address, phone or fax number. E*Pages are also a great way to promote your own website, which might be an e-commerce site or a more comprehensive corporate website. Lastly, an E*Page is a multimedia space where each company can post photos, videos, and documents about its products and services. From a logo to a photo of its installations, a video showing how its products are created to a complete product catalogue, a well-designed E*Page quickly becomes a key sales tool. Source: comScore Digital Analytix, 2012 E*Page positioning space Non binding picture 08 EUROPAGES 2013 • CONVERT 09
  • 7. PRODUCT PAGE 2. SHOWCASE YOUR PRODUCTS Display all your products or services on your E*Page No matter if it is on the internet in general or on the EUROPAGES website in particular, products are what professional buyers really want to see. A company that displays its catalogue on its E*Page increases its chances of being selected. Better still, an optimised page is created for each of its products, boosting its natural referencing and increasing its Quote request chances of being spotted. space Every page produced has its own URL with the product name and all content is indexed. Your products retrieved automatically (web crawler)  The EUROPAGES B2B marketing solutions provide clients with a simple tool for retrieving catalogues that are already online: you just have to provide the relevant URL and decide how many products to show on the E*Page. EUROPAGES will then send a programme to retrieve the product photos and descriptions before they are published on the E*Page. What happens when you update your catalogues? The programme will spot the change and automatically update your catalogue. For Flash websites or PDF documents a manual product publication method is necessary. Manual file retrieval (XML and Excel)  As well as the online crawler solution, EUROPAGES can publish product pages on an E*Page from a file provided by the client (in XML or Excel formats). Clients may update their catalogue by simply sending a new file. Creating product pages (by an operator)  If the client’s website does not feature a catalogue, EUROPAGES can create product pages from any other document format or media. Non binding picture 10 EUROPAGES 2013 • CONVERT 11
  • 8. myEUROPAGES Non binding picture 3. YOUR PERSONAL SPACE: myEUROPAGES EUROPAGES provides all its clients with a wide range of complementary tools, including E*Pages, multimedia content and keywords. The real strength of these tools lies, however, in their adaptability. Members are able to manage each tool directly via their personal space: myEUROPAGES. Every element on the E*Page multimedia landing page can be modified and edited at will. Content creation From the moment an E*Page goes online, the company it belongs to is issued with an space access code for its myEUROPAGES account. Using this code, the company can logon at any time and is able to alter all the elements of its E*Page. Whether it is simply updating company details (address, contacts, email, website, etc.), adding new elements (text, photos, videos, documents), or using keywords to describe its activities more accurately, everything is easily accessible and extremely simple to update. Space for assessing Each client company is free to tailor its strategy by adding or deleting free or structured effectiveness keywords, by choosing one of our complementary solutions and by suggesting additional translations. All of this can be achieved effortlessly, without the need for any action by a third-party: e-marketing has never been more flexible! 12 EUROPAGES 2013 • CONVERT 13
  • 9. ASSESS mystats Choosing solutions from EUROPAGES is not a matter of signing a blank cheque. You are able to check your page views and click numbers at any time and you have all the tools you need to track and identify your audience. 1. YOUR DETAILED STATISTICS Space for EUROPAGES solutions are based on a simple idea, the obligation to achieve results. tracking clicks Thereby every client is capable of assessing the return on investment for himself, based on reliable indicators available for consultation at all times. EUROPAGES has built a comprehensive and regularly updated information system based on its statistical data, a system that enables it to offer all its clients a powerful assessment tool: mySTAT. With mySTAT, every member with a paid subscription enjoys exclusive, secure access to all of their statistics. Working within this private area, clients are able to consult traffic on their E*Page at any time of the day or night. This function provides clients with a fully transparent way to check the effectiveness of the EUROPAGES tools. Space for tracking emails received Non binding pictures 14 EUROPAGES 2013 • ASSESS 15
  • 10. 2. accurate analysis tools 3. CERTIFIED STATISTICS EUROPAGES doesn’t just provide all of its clients with statistics: it also makes certain that As statistics lie at the core of the marketing tools offered by EUROPAGES, we make sure they can be understood and easily exploited. Every month, 4 million visitors search, view that they are certified by an outside body: l’Office de la Justification de la Diffusion. The and click on the E*Pages belonging to the two million companies listed on the site. These OJD, which is a member of the International Federation of Audit Bureaux of Circulations, interactions represent tens of millions of pieces of information stored on the EUROPAGES checks every month that the statistics declared by EUROPAGES are a true indication of servers. Every year we process and pass on a total of 5 teraoctets of information to our the number of visitors to its website. In essence, this means that the OJD authorises the member companies in a fully transparent manner, (equivalent to 7,500 sets of a 15-volume use of a limited number of tools to count visits to the EUROPAGES websites. These tools encyclopaedia). This is data that our member companies use to calculate their visibility include comScore Digital Analytix, used by EUROPAGES. (E*Card Views and E*Page Views), count their website click throughs (Clicks), and add up contacts and requests for quotations received (Emails) so that they are able to properly The OJD does more than simply authorise tools: it also audits the tag maps created by assess their return on investment. the websites it certifies. These tags are the digital markers that identify and track visits to websites. The OJD checks their placement and that they function correctly, guaranteeing This process gives users of EUROPAGES solutions access to highly accurate information. that visitor number counts will be distortion-free. They can check how many times an E*Page has been consulted, the number of click throughs to the website(s) promoted on the E*Page and the number of emails received. Encompassing both the tools and the way they are used, OJD certification ensures the EUROPAGES also indicates the geographical origins of visitors and potential partners for complete transparency of all data used by EUROPAGES. every item of information recorded. EUROPAGES offers its clients the ability to request more far-reaching studies, enabling them to find answers to critical questions: who’s looking for what, who’s looking for who, which keywords are used for a particular business, where are users based, which companies have been viewed, what were the searches for and in which country did they originate? This information is vital for businesses using the EUROPAGES solutions and who want to elaborate and fine-tune their own e-marketing strategies. ROI statistics Emails received mySTATS clicks Logs ROI modelling, Client and Ad Server ETL : Extrait, Scoring prospects, Datawarehouse Optimisation e-marketing Datamart internal reporting Transforme Client Database & Load 16 EUROPAGES 2013 • ASSESS 17
  • 11. OPTIMISE Marketing solutions from EUROPAGES are totally adaptable. You adjust your on its website. But although free registration is a good way to start building visibility and content whenever it suits you, and accurately assess the impact of your decisions discover the advantages of the EUROPAGES website, a paid subscription is the best way so you can constantly improve your visibility and, crucially, multiply your commercial to really boost visibility and internet visitor numbers. The visibility enjoyed by members opportunities. with a paid subscription is on average 78 times greater than free members, with 22 times more targeted views and up to 120 times more click throughs to their own websites. 1. CHOOSE THE best suited solution The type of subscription purchased is a decisive factor in increasing our clients’ return on investment: the greater the visibility, the higher the return on investment. The EUROPAGES range of offers ensures there is a solution to suit every client. The different E*Pages offers incremental visibility and prices, allowing clients to adjust their investment and achieve optimal efficiency. 5,000 4,026 E*Page Views - Targeted visibility m 4,000 iu e m Pr 3,000 E*Card Views E*Page Views Clicks bubble size : website click throughs 2,545 m 2,000 31,082 737 725 iu 1,677 e d M ic m o 1,212 Ec on x78 x22 x120 1,000 902 tr y En 642 ss Acce S t a rte r 20,000 40,000 60,000 80,000 100,000 120,000 Source: comScore Digital Analytix, 2012 E*Card Views - Overall visibility EUROPAGES’ thousands of clients receive millions of visits every month. There are three 401 33 6 main indicators used to assess their return on investment: E*Card Views (overall visibility), E*Page Views (targeted visibility) and Clicks (click-throughs to their website). Free Paid Free Paid Free Paid EUROPAGES invites trade users to register and join the 2 million businesses already listed membership membership membership membership membership membership 18 EUROPAGES 2013 • OPTIMISE 19
  • 12. BANNER & SKYSCRAPER DISPLAYS IN 2012 213,757,963 2. OUR COMPLEMENTARY SOLUTIONS Banners Banner & Skyscraper Two further advertising options are available on the EUROPAGES website as a way of increasing companies’ visibility: the Banner and the Skyscraper. The Banner* is a horizontal rectangular advertisement and the Skyscraper** is a vertical rectangular advertisement. These are designed as targeted advertising tools. Thereby, clients who purchase a Banner or Skyscraper choose from the 4,500 business sector headings on the EUROPAGES website and the advertisements only appear within these categories. This type of contextual display enjoys a far higher click rate than similar advertisements usually seen on the internet. These tools adapt to seasonal variations. The advertisement display periods can be configured to suit the fact that companies do not necessarily follow the same calendars. Springtime? After summer is over? One, two or three times a year? For one, two or six Skyscrapers months? EUROPAGES displays what clients choose. * Leaderboard (728x90) or Full Banner (468x60). Jpeg, Png, Gif or Flash. 20kB maximum. ** Wide Skyscraper (160x600) or Classic Skyscraper (120x600). Jpeg, Png, Gif or Flash. 20kB maximum. Non binding picture Source: Neodata 2012 20 EUROPAGES 2013 • OPTIMISE 21
  • 13. SPONSOR DISPLAYS IN 2012 5,033,204 3. OUR COMPLEMENTARY SOLUTIONS Sponsor & VIP A Sponsor* is a large rectangular advertisement, a VIP** is a small rectangular advertisement. They both appear on home pages and are permanent rather than contextual displays. These are the ideal EUROPAGES formats for companies keen to showcase their brand to the largest possible B2B audience. For a Sponsor or VIP display, EUROPAGES is able to meet specific demands in terms of the advertising period, which can be for one or more months’ display. The space Sponsors reserved for Sponsor displays is sufficient for up to 4 client displays to be run alternately. An exclusive option is also available for clients that wish to book the entire space: they will be the only company display for the entire duration of the chosen period. The VIP space is sufficient for up to 8 companies, displayed alternately across 4 spaces. It is also possible VIP to choose which language version of EUROPAGES will host the Sponsor and VIP displays. * Sponsor (300x250). Jpeg, Png, Gif or Flash. 30kB maximum. ** VIP (120x60). Jpeg, Png, Gif or Flash. 30kB maximum Non binding picture Source: Neodata 2012 VIP DISPLAYS IN 2012 8,046,116 22 EUROPAGES 2013 • OPTIMISE 23
  • 14. NOTES 24 EUROPAGES 2013 25
  • 15. EUROPAGES S.A. 127 avenue Charles de Gaulle 92200 Neuilly-sur-Seine - FRANCE Tel: +33 (0)1 41 16 49 00