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Message Excerpts Regarding

                    2012 and the Ascension
                 from Cosmic Awareness Channeled Readings
                             given in 2008/2009

         (for more about what exactly Cosmic Awareness is, please see Page 98)

What to Expect On Dec. 21, 2012 -The Moment of Ascension
(More on Earth’s Rotation and the Days of Darkness)

Question: Will our planet experience a reversal of its directions as to its rotation in the
coming years? Will we experience as a result several days of darkness? There are some
people writing on this subject. As I understand it, in case this happens, before reversing
its direction, its rotation stops. When the rotation stops there will be no electromagnetic
energy field caused from the spinning. There will be no friction with the solar winds and
rays. This will result in darkness. This could explain the three days of darkness as
foretold by various sources.

Cosmic Awareness: This Awareness is prepared to introduce a new understanding of
what will occur during the time of Ascension, especially around the forecast date of
December 21, 2012. At the moment of Ascension, the Alignment of the 7 Planetary
Gateways from that which is the central sun of the galaxy, that which is Alcyone in the
Pleiadian system, at that moment of the alignment of the 7 planetary gateways
represented by the planets, the stars, there will be an alignment, a corridor directly from
that which is the central planet to the planet Earth. Earth is already moving forward
towards this moment of alignment by adjusting and advancing many levels of
consciousness, both in its own planetary consciousness as well as many of those Light
Workers, and Wanderers and beings who exist on the earthly plane at this time, and who
have chosen to come onto the planet at this time to assist this process.

When the Portals Open a Tsunami of Energy Will Hit Our Planet
At that actual moment of complete alignment where the 7 gateways are opened, there will
be an energetic force that will travel from the central sun to the planet Earth, but the 7
gateways are the same gateways that the human soul either passes through as it descends
into human form, or upon release of human form, passed through on the way to its greater
expression of its being. With the opening of these energy portals, these gateways, when
the alignment occurs with the central sun, the force that will go through will be that force
which will carry the planet to its higher frequencies. It will be as if a tsunami of energies
that hit the planet at that time.

It is for this reason that it is necessary for those who will ascend to have raised their
consciousness to a point so that when the energies hit, they will simply ride the wave and
come to the new shoreline. In this time, events can occur as described by the Questioner,
such as the time of darkness, the shifting of the North/South poles, the shifting of the
planet, the turning over of the planet. Those who are of that higher level of
consciousness, that higher frequency, will not be destroyed by the tsunami of cosmic
energies and consciousness that will overwhelm the planet. They will be carried upwards
or forwards to that new state of consciousness, that new level of vibration and frequency.

Long Predicted Catastrophic Consequences Await the Masses
Those who do not achieve that higher level of consciousness that will allow them to surf
this energy wave will be affected most negatively by it. It is at this time that the
catastrophic consequences that have for so long been predicted by so many will indeed
affect a majority of the beings on the planet. Many will at that time leave physical
existence through the death experience. This will become their way of removing
themselves for there is no wish on their part to experience that which will come, as those
who survive this period of time experience the reality of a new physical world, that being
the energies of that planet which this Awareness has called Planet B.

Those who choose to simply leave will reenter spirit form and it will be their choice
whether to continue existence on that which is Planet A or Planet B or any other
dimension that they choose, for it is the choice on the spirit level that is relevant to what
experience one would have in whatever dimension of consciousness one would choose.
They would thus be free to make whatever choice they would wish to make. Those who
survive the catastrophic consequence of a planet stopping its rotation, of its poles
shifting, of even the planet tipping over on its axis, will find that they truly do live in
another reality than that which was the norm such a short time before.

The Coming Cosmic Tsunami and the Elite on Earth
All that was will have been swept away and they will be reduced to a most basic and
primitive state. There will be those who will anticipate this event, who will have prepared
for this event, and those are the ones this Awareness has called the Elite in the past. They
will have with them those who would serve them, those who would be party to that
experience, but there will be many who survive at the most primitive level on a planet
that no longer is as it once was. This too could be a consequence for those who wish to
experience this form of reality of a cosmic tsunami that will hit the planet at that time, but
it is only one of the consequences, for there are other ways that one will pass through this
experience, either by leaving the physical or by ascending on the crest of the wave to that
which is Planet A, the ascended higher level of consciousness.

This energy will be the purest energy of consciousness as it sweeps over the planet, but it
will have at the same time a direct physical result that if one is not fully prepared for,
could have devastating consequences.

Question: Would there be a buildup prior to the proposed date of December 21, or
would it be a “Bang! Game Over” type thing?

Cosmic Awareness: There will be a buildup to this. This Awareness has discussed this in
the past. Many entities will not necessarily wait until this final event. Many will either
pass through the natural death cycle or will find a vortex or another way of ascending,
and then those who are left will ascend in this manner, if that is their choice. There is
more, but this Awareness is leaving this for a future time.

Why Did The Mayan Calendar Come To An
Abrupt Halt In The Year 2012?

Question: Will Awareness explain why the Mayan calendar comes to an abrupt halt in
the year 2012?

Cosmic Awareness: This Awareness did explain this recently, but will again explain
why it is seen that it will come to an abrupt halt at that time. There will be an alignment
of planetary bodies that will form an energetic corridor to that which is the Central Sun.
They will open that which is often called a “wormhole” to the Central Sun, and they will
also align and open the 7 vortices through which spirit passes, both in entering into
physical existence as well as exiting back, into spiritual form.

The Alignment of Planetary Bodies Will Create an Event
Where Time and Recorded History of Mankind Will End
Once this occurs, this alignment of planetary bodies and the opening of the 7 vortices,
and the opening of that wormhole, on that date the alignment will create an event. That
event is that which this Awareness has called a cosmic energy flux or a light flux, a
photon flux. The energies of the Central Sun will pass through the corridor, creating a
tsunami of light that will hit the planet at that time and create great havoc and upheaval.
In that event, time and the recorded history of mankind will end and a new time will
begin. That is the moment and the point that this Awareness has often called the
Ascension point.

Those who have successfully created their own Light Bodies, as many are doing now,
may indeed surf that incredible tsunami of light to those levels of higher consciousness,
apparently instantaneously. Those who have not prepared their consciousness, who have
not worked at elevating their being and creating their Light Body to any great degree may
simply be swept away as the chaos of the event hits, and there will be others, who in their
choice, will seek to go with that which is the planet that will continually carry forth the
material experiment, the experiment of physicality and separation from spirit. That will
be what is known as Planet B.

Those beings who have elevated their consciousness and created their Light Body will be
on Planet A, the Planet of Ascension. The many who choose to leave at that time will
then later have a choice of which dimensional reality to play in afterwards, be it Planet A,
Planet B, or any other planet of consciousness that the soul is free to incarnate in or take

part of. This is the event that will happen on that date, or near to that date, for there is still
speculation because of adjusting calendars over the course of history that will qualify that
time somewhat, but still, the event itself is that which will precipitate the Ascension
process. This is that which will occur around the date December 21, 2012.

This is simply a point of reference for that which is to occur, and it can be predicted fairly
accurately because there is the ability to track the planetary bodies to see where certain
alignments will occur, and those who have chosen to look forward have seen this event,
and it is why it is marked as that termination date so clearly in the annals of history, both
in the Mayan calendar as well as other sources.

Question: How did the Mayans come to realize this knowledge way back when?

Cosmic Awareness: The Mayans themselves worked with their multidimensional being
and there were extraterrestrials who walked amongst them who became great teachers.
These were not the Jehovah extraterrestrials. These were members of the Galactic
Federation who taught these Mayans and helped them formulate their science and their
ability to understand time in a much more accurate manner than that which is the modern
case. These teachers were there to help them understand that a time would come when the
present consciousness and the present experiment in consciousness that was being
experienced would come to an end and a new phase would begin.

The “Physical Experiment” Now Coming To An End Is Explained
Question: You have spoken of the physical experiment several times. Could you please
elaborate on that?

Cosmic Awareness: The purpose of spirit, of the soul, was to have an experience of
separation from itself, from Spirit. Thus, it was understood that one way to do this was to
downsize, so to speak, into that which was a physical body. What occurs is that as the
soul comes into an individual expression, it comes through that which is the Central Sun,
Alcyone, through the 7 gateways or portals. Each time it passes through, that which is the
individual soul that is seeking expression is condensed. Thus, by the time it has passed
through the 7 Gateways and is ready to enter into human form, that spiritual body is com-
pressed and condensed to such a degree that it can actually enter physicality, enter into a
physical existence.

The Soul Goes Through The Veil of Forgetfulness
Part of the experiment was that the soul would go through that which has been called by
many names, but mostly known as the veil of forgetfulness, so that it would not
remember its true nature. It would simply associate itself with physicality, with a physical
material experience. Part of the experiment is that there would be access to the teachings
of Spirit. This was expressed mostly through the teachings of religious orders and sects.
Thus it is that many understand spirituality in religious terms versus individual terms, but

the experiment was such that it was wondered if there would be a return to the deeper
understanding and connection to the deeper spiritual soul, the multidimensional nature of
the being.

Even though one had gone through the veils of forgetfulness, even though one may have
been shackled by religious dogma into structured religious belief, could the soul find its
way back into its spiritual understanding of self, even with the hindrances of materialism
and dogmatic beliefs as well as a physical focus versus a spiritual focus. To ensure this
through the veil of forgetfulness, the experiment became one that the goal was to find
enlightenment, but in truth this is more a remembering of one’s truth and one’s truer

Question: I had visions in my mind of somebody holding puppet strings on each
individual, allowing them to have part of a physical experiment.

Cosmic Awareness: There is in some way a truth to this. The truth is that the strings are
not held at the higher levels of consciousness, but rather at the lower levels, by those who
hold power, those who hold sway, who already understand and know the truth and have
sought to enslave humanity. It is they who hold the strings for they are the ones who
shape consciousness as held on the physical realm. It is they who have created religion,
who nave created politics, who have created a materialistic concept of life, one that has
enslaved, one that has captured, one that has put strings upon those who live in this
physical reality.

The Struggle of the Light Workers
Cosmic Awareness: This Awareness does have an opening message at this time. This
message has to do with the struggle of Light Workers as they have held a space for so
long, a space that has allowed the Light to survive in the very dark times that have existed
over the last several hundred years. This Awareness does state the last several hundred
years, for since the industrial revolution began, where mankind started to turn away from
the natural order, from his or her own connection to nature, to the Mother, Gaia, there has
been a falling away from the spiritual connection, from that which was a natural
connection, and with the rise of technology, especially over the last 50 years, this
acceleration of the separation from spirit has indeed advanced very quickly.

A Great Gap Exists From People’s Spiritual Connection
At this time in mankind’s history, there is a great gap for the majority of people from
their spiritual source, from that sense of being spiritually connected. This has nothing to
do with those many who attend regular religious services, for there is still a confusion
between that which is religion and that which is spirit, or spiritual. This Awareness is
talking of the spiritual connection that once was the common element of mankind, and
how this has been eroded and corrupted since the industrial revolution in the 1700s. At
the same time, religion, which had already held great power and great sway over the
minds of many, continued its insidious path of corrupting away from spirit the minds and

hearts of the followers of the various religions that have appeared since the industrial
revolution and before.

At one time in the Western world, the Catholic faith was the only faith to be followed,
and it did hold great power over the minds and attitudes and behaviors of many, but then
with the entity known as Martin Luther, a schism started to form which started to provide
alternative religious beliefs. Luther was followed by Calvin and the many other religious
entities who formulated new concepts, new Protestant belief systems. There were, of
course, in existence at the same time, other alternative religious belief systems such as the
Judaic system, the Islamic Muslim system of belief, even the belief system of Buddhism,
which even predated Christianity.

The Religion of Industrialization Begins
These religious systems of belief created in the minds of the masses a certain sense of
how spirituality would look, but there was still some sense of a spiritual connection. With
the beginning of the industrial revolution, a new religion started to form, that being the
religion of Industrialization, of the Mechanical Spirit being entered into and pursued.
This started to be reflected in the minds of the masses, and a dichotomy formed between
industrial thinking, modern thinking and religious thinking. This led to all sorts of
controversies, debates, discussions, arguments, even between Darwinism and

Those discussions still occur, but many would say that it is now a forgone conclusion that
man was not created in the way the Bible suggests, but it was an evolutionary process.
This Awareness is not saying that is what happened. This Awareness is just saying that is
the nature of the debate between Creationists and Darwinists. This Awareness is speaking
more about that process that started to occur with the Industrial Revolution, where
mankind became more and more separated from any sense of spiritual connection. The
word “religion” itself meaning to be connected at a spiritual level, but of course religions
became dogmatic in nature, with rules and laws that must be obeyed to obtain that which
was heaven, the reward, or alternatively, to be cast into the pits of hell to be punished
eternally for a non-following of beliefs.

How Modern Man Developed a Sense of Spiritual Separation
(And the Price He is Paying For It)
With the growth of the industrial revolution and the beginning of separation from a
spiritual sense of being, modern man started to develop a sense that they were no longer
connected on any level to that which is spiritual in nature. Indeed, a sense of being
connected to nature itself started to evaporate, thus mankind became arrogant in its ability
to be in charge on all levels, including nature itself. There was nothing man felt he could
not do, and thus, the Industrial Revolution progressed and became the Technical
Revolution, and now, has advanced to that high level of technical knowledge that exists
in the world today. But at that level, a great price was also extracted, and that price is
separation from the Godhead, from the Source, from that sense of connection to spirit
itself, and even the connection of nature and the planet itself.

This has been all part of that plan formed eons ago to bring mankind to an evolutionary
point where a great shift would occur, where a great evolutionary leap would take place,
and that is exactly where mankind stands at this time. In the process of bringing mankind
to this epic point, much was lost, much was forgotten, and those powers that were not
focused on bringing light onto the planet, or working from a place of unconditional love,
gained power, gained momentum, gained control, and those times from the Industrial
Revolution to now were marked by this decrease in spiritual awareness, spiritual
connectedness, and an increase in the arrogance of the human mind to think itself
superior to the planet itself and to even God.

Man Became God: Man Can Do Anything
(But the Light Workers Hung in There Anyway)
Man became God, and many felt there was nothing man could not do. They could go to
the moon. They could go the depths of the oceans. They could build great cities. They
could create great computers and systems of technology. This was the loss of the soul, or
at least the connection to the soul that this Awareness is speaking of. And during this
time, there have always been those Light Workers who have held a space, who have held
an access point to Spirit, who could bring Spirit into the human condition. These Light
Workers have been located in many places, in many positions. There have been those
who are teachers, those who have been religious leaders, those who have been social
leaders, those who have been mothers, fathers, brothers, sisters, who simply held a belief,
a connection to that which is still Spirit.

In the last 20 years, those who this Awareness has often called the Light Workers, the
Wanderers, those who have held that spiritual connection, have been hard pressed, as
mankind itself has reached this crucial stage. The Light Workers have often held, without
even their understanding of it, a recognition of this work that they have done, a space that
has allowed Spirit to continue to exist in this consciousness that has marred this planet
over the last several hundred years, but in particular, over the last two decades.

Some Light Workers Fell by the Wayside, Became Agents of the Dark
Often, it has been the case that Light Workers have felt that they could not hold any
longer, they could not keep up the great effort that was required of them, and it is true
that many Light Workers did fall by the wayside, did lose their way, became embroiled in
the dark energies, sometimes not even understanding that they had done so. So it is that
many of the Light Workers became agents of the Dark, not always consciously, not
always with awareness, but such is the insidiousness of those forces of corruption, the
Dark Agents themselves, that even some of the Light Workers were tainted by this. This
is how disinformation became spread amongst those layers of consciousness of those who
were seeking to understand.

This Awareness wants to be clear here. It is not saying that Light Workers intentionally
chose to misinform, to mislead. It is often because of their own strength of belief in their
truth, that which they felt was the truth, that these Light Workers could be led astray,
through personal vanity, through ego, through need, through that condition of denial,
where having been denied so long even the material conditions of life, of prosperity, of

health, of well-being, it was easy enough to taint some of the Light Workers. This has
been a battle indeed — and a battle that is almost done.

This Long Struggle is About to End
This Awareness speaks of this issue simply to remind all of how close it is now to the end
of the struggle, a struggle that has indeed raged for hundreds or years —this Awareness
would even suggest millennia upon millennia — and this struggle is almost done. The
fact that some of the Light Workers were led astray is no big deal, for it simply is what
happened, and in the journey, each individual is asked to come to their own inner truth,
their own inner understanding. The big deal of those who were led astray is that
inadvertently they have worked to advance the causes of those Dark Forces that have
controlled and manipulated for so long. But even those who have been led astray can
once again move themselves back towards the Light, back to being of pure service, pure
connection to Spirit, by looking deep within themselves at this time and asking if they
have been 100% true to their deepest inner truth, to their deepest inner calling, to their
deepest inner light.

Light Workers Must Now Look Deeply Within Themselves
This is a time now for all Light Workers to look deeply within themselves and to be
prepared to abandon those levels of belief, those truths that they can see now perhaps
were not in true alignment with Spirit, were not true reflections of the Light, nor held a
true measure of unconditional love. This period of time, this time of self-examination,
self-inspection and introspection is needed as the final purging that will allow a quantum
leap for each individual who seeks Ascension and for a collective body who also are
prepared now to ascend.

Many other Light Workers, at great cost often to themselves, have stayed true to their
inner beliefs and perceptions, have carried on the struggle, and often a struggle it has
indeed been. Going without material acquisitions, without abundance and prosperity,
often even in bad health, to hold that space, to hold the energy of Spirit on this plane of
consciousness, a consciousness that has gone deeper and deeper into the Darkness over
the last several hundred years since the Industrial Revolution. Often it is felt by those
Light Workers who have struggled to hold this space that there is no hope, that things
may never change. And yet despite this sense of hopelessness, they have held a space for
Spirit, and the reward for doing so will indeed come to them at the time that is right for
them. It will come in the measure of the Ascension process itself, and those who ascend
into the higher states of consciousness themselves of course included.

Cosmic Awareness Acknowledges Unrecognized Service
On the other side of that which is the Ascension, they will become highly acknowledged
for the spaces that they held and that which has been given over the years. This
Awareness is not seeking to pamper Light Workers. It is simply acknowledging the
service that has been given that is often unrecognized, that has often had a great cost to
those individuals holding such spaces. This Awareness is not promising, as in the
religious sense of the promise of reward after death, the reward It has spoken of. It is
stating a fact; that there will be an acknowledgement and recognition of those who held

to the truth, who held the space for service and for Spirit. At this time, when many are
still struggling, there begins to be seen by many a glimmering of the new dawn, a sense
of change, a sense of promise to what will be. It is important at this time for those who
have struggled and sacrificed and have put their lives on the line to understand that that
the shift has begun. That which is the Ascension process is underway.

Lucifer Has Indeed Returned to the Godhead
(Now the Prodigal Son and Daughter Can Return)
This Awareness spoke once that the being known as Lucifer had returned back to the
Godhead, had returned back to the Light. The holder of the Light, the giver of Light, that
being known as Lucifer, who had begun the separation of consciousness away from
Spirit, has indeed returned back to the Godhead. The world of darkness that has occurred
is a world of delusion; for the truth is that the Light has not been extinguished. It has been
hard-pressed, it has been challenged, it has been overshadowed, but it has not been
extinguished. If the archangel who was the leader of the angelic realm, who proceeded
out on that curve of experience to separate from the Godhead, from the Source, from
Spirit, has returned home, is it not time for the many followers to return also, for the
Prodigal Son to return, the Prodigal Daughter to return back to the Source, back to the

The World Has Reached That “Ascension Point”
(Ascension Planet “A” or Ascension Planet “B”)
This is the journey that is now and has always been underway, but it has come to that
point which has been called the Ascension Point, where the many will make the choice to
return fully back into a spiritual connection, into a spiritually orientated life, in union and
in alignment with the planet herself, with Mother Earth, Gaia herself.

This Awareness has spoken many times of Ascension Planet A and Ascension Planet B;
that the heightened vibration of the planet needs to be matched by those who in the
Ascension process will themselves heighten their own vibrations. This is the Light, the
energy of Light, the vibration of Light being enhanced in all those who seek to make the
Ascension process, the Ascension journey with Gaia, with Mother Earth.

There will be those who choose to continue a path of separation, a path delving even
deeper into the separation and the density, separation first of Spirit, and the density of the
3rd dimension, but that is another story for those who need that experience. This
Awareness, in this message today is simply speaking to those who have held the spiritual
space for so long. It has attempted to explain the nature of the struggle. It has attempted
to explain that there is a time now very soon, where the Ascension will happen, the
quantum leap will happen, and It simply asks all to recognize the nature of the journey
and where it stands at this time.

Is the Ascension the “Golden Age”?
Question: With the Ascension Planet process etc., would that be similar to the golden
age often referred to in the different readings?

Cosmic Awareness: This is indeed so. Ascension processes have happened many times
before. There is that cycle of the planetary progression called the Kali Yuga, the 25, 000
year orbit of the solar system around the central sun. There was a point known as the
Golden Age, where the spiritual connection this Awareness spoke of a moment ago was
the common factor for all. All lived in spiritual union and harmony. This would be in that
time known as the Lemurian Age on this planet, where there was great spiritual harmony,
great spiritual awareness, where all lived together in peace and harmony, where the lion
and the lamb laid down together. This is what is approaching once again. This is not what
will be reached in the Ascension process that is immediately ahead, but it is where
mankind is heading once again. This is seen as several thousand years ahead still, but the
beginning of the new Golden Age is about to begin again, and that is why this Awareness
says yes, the Golden Age referred to is one of Ascension, is one of the integration, the
blending and the harmony of the spiritual and the physical space of existence.

After the Coming Shift, Will We Interact With
Loved Ones Who Have Died Previously?

Question: On a related note, after the shift, will we begin to interact physically with
loved ones who died previously, or is this type of return not generally allowed?

Cosmic Awareness: The comment that this Awareness wishes to immediately make is
that such interchange and exchange takes place already on the physical level of existence,
especially in that time of unconsciousness, that time of dreaming. The middle self, which
is the consciousness that occupies the physical body, is not confined to the physical
during the dream state. Indeed, as this Awareness has already spoken, it must leave the
physical body in order to replenish itself on that spiritual level. That is where those loved
ones also exist.

Thus, it is possible to interact with loved ones who have already crossed over in the
dream state at the level of 4th, but more accurately 5th dimensional consciousness. This
has always occurred in the human condition. What has defined it, however, is the
forgetfulness of the dream and the dream state when the middle self, the middle
consciousness returns back into the prison that is the physical body. Because of certain
mindsets and beliefs that are currently held, it is not seen as valid to remember the dream
and the dream state. It is not seen as valid to remember connecting loved ones while in
the dream state, and even if it is remembered, then there is no authority given to this
experience. It is not deemed as real or even sometimes appropriate.

Undue Grief at the Loss of a Loved One

Because this is so, most individuals do not have the fullest of understanding that their
loved ones indeed continue to exist and are always available to them. Because this is so,
many grieve unduly upon the loss of a loved one for it is felt that they have disappeared
forever and ever from their lives; that they cease to exist in any way, shape or form. Thus,
the sense of loss is even greater. This was not always so. Most indigenous people do not
hold it as so, but also in the history of mankind, at one time it was held that there was
very little barrier between physical life and spirit life, and the two intermeshed constantly
and it was more than possible to engage the presence of ancestors. In fact, ancestors were
often sought for guidance and advice and this is still so for many of the indigenous people
such as the Aborigines and others around the world.

The concept that this will change and be more available is thus not a valid concept or
even a valid question, for it already exists: that state of communication with those loved
ones who have passed over. It simply requires an openness to this and a belief that it is so
for it to be so.

Can Cosmic Awareness Still be Contacted After the Ascension Shift?
Question: After the shift, will Awareness still communicate via channels for a time? Will
we at some point simply be able to tune into Awareness easily and recognize It as the
source which spoke to us all these years?

Cosmic Awareness: The Ascension process needs to be understood as a point of
evolution that, once reached, will signify that a degree of consciousness is now available,
a degree of consciousness has been reached whereby the expansion of consciousness does
allow the communication with other dimensions to be made possible. This Awareness
comes from a very high level of consciousness, a high dimensional level close to the
Godhead. It comes down the dimensional levels until It reaches a point where It can
connect with the Interpreter’s consciousness that has been sent upwards, if you will, until
both have reached a place of commonality, where communications can occur.

After Ascension Many Will Communicate With Awareness
With the Ascension process, many will be much more able to extend their consciousness,
not only upwards, but outwards, and in all directions. Thus it will be possible for many to
have access to that which is Cosmic Awareness, that which is the level of consciousness
of this Awareness. So the answer is indeed “Yes,” that with Ascension, many more will
be able to communicate more directly with this Awareness, will understand the Source,
because they will be more directly able to connect to that Source and to be open to that

This Awareness wishes also to state that many are now starting to experience this as the
case, even before that time of Ascension is reached, for as this Awareness has said
before, the Ascension time is flexible and it is indeed subject to individual interpretation.
In other words, even though there is seen as a time of a mass Ascension of many, that
there is also seen some individuals who have the honor of going ahead, who have already

been working towards Ascension. Indeed, this can be seen throughout the history of
mankind, that there have been those who have reached Ascension at various times and
are able to communicate with this Awareness.

Many New Voices of Awareness Now Being Heard
There are indeed more and more who are reaching that level of personal Ascension
before the mass event occurs, and these individuals are speaking more and more for this
Awareness, and for the many voices of Awareness that are now starting to be issued, that
are starting to be heard and starting to be expressed. This Awareness points out that in the
early days of the organization known as Cosmic Awareness Communications, there were
very few voices for this Awareness. Indeed, the voice of Cosmic Awareness was the only
organizational voice available in the 1960s and 1970s. This already has shifted, as
consciousness has been shifting over the last thirty plus years.

Many Entities Today Are Channeling Awareness to Some Degree
There are many more who are voices for this Awareness now, but they are also voices for
many other layers and levels of consciousness, for many other entities who would speak
through them, for the shifting of consciousness has indeed led to an expansion of
availability to channel many entities, many levels of consciousness. Not all are as highly
placed, perhaps, as that which is this Awareness, but many are indeed being heard. Some
are being used nefariously, are being used to misdirect and mislead, but still the human
condition as it moves towards expanded consciousness, evolved consciousness, is indeed
turning outwards and is indeed opening up to a higher degree of conscious awareness
which allows for the connection to the multidimensional universe to be made, which
allows for the expressing and the channeling of this Awareness and other levels of
consciousness to occur.

Those Going to Planet “B”: How Will We Know If They Died or Not?
Question: Regarding the shift, Awareness said that some people will literally die and
others who appear to die will simply transfer to the other planet and not experience
death. If we align with one planet, and others in our family align with the other planet, is
there a way to tell if our loved ones have died literally, or if they simply transferred?

Cosmic Awareness: This is indeed an intriguing question, for it is one that occupies
many minds, for it also involves a sense of loss of those who are loved ones in a current
lifetime, and even a fear that perhaps they will not be able to reconnect with those loved
ones. This Awareness wishes to emphasize that there is a state of consciousness that lies
beyond the physical, which lies beyond even the process of Ascension. Thus it is that
loved ones or those who are part of the group soul that an individual may stem from, will
always be available to them. The union that occurs within the fabric of the soul matrix
will reunite always, no matter if an individual is progressing along that timeline, that
conscious line that would be known as Planet B, or even Planet A.

The experience of separation is such that in order to become totally focused on one line
or the other, it may be required by the individual having the experience of consciousness
along that line, to forget others who are held as loved and cherished in another lifetime so
that they can indeed be focused onto the physical existence and the experiences of that
physical existence. That line of existence in consciousness that this Awareness has
referred to as Planet B will indeed become much more focused on the physical, and even
digress in consciousness to an even greater state of separation between the physical and
the spiritual, that which is the state of existence and consciousness lying beyond the
physical. Thus it may be that all that is focused upon in the physical experience of that
line that is known as Planet B will be one of total physicality with no sense of connection
to that which is Spirit, or spiritual, that which is of a higher level of consciousness.

Hard Times for Eons For Many on Planet “B”
In this line, the physical suffering that may occur, the physical loss that may be so
because of this separation, may be greater than that which exists on the current line of
physical existence. The sense of loss to those beings who exist on that line may be such
that there truly is no sense of an afterlife after physical death. The level of consciousness
that will be reached will be so singular in that physical existence that there is no place for
concepts of a greater reality or multidimensionality. For those beings, the loss of a loved
one will be total and dramatic, and as consciousness digresses even deeper into
physicality, a state of consciousness will be reached that will be almost animalistic, that
will be totally governed and controlled by a handful of beings who have a greater truth
and understanding but do not allow those below them to have that same truth or

A Living Hell on Planet “B”
This will be the creation, in a manner of speaking, of a “hell” upon the planet. It has
always been understood that hell is here on this planet, that hell is considered truly to be
that separation of spirit, that separation from a spiritual understanding and awareness, and
part of that evolutionary track of that planet which this Awareness has called Planet B is a
total separation from an awareness of spirit, thus creating a separation that creates hell on
earth to an even greater degree than experienced even now. This Awareness sees many
atrocities occurring in such a line of consciousness, but this too is part of the evolutionary
track that certain souls will choose to experience in their own evolutionary track of soul

Those who choose to experience heightened awareness, who have increased their
vibrations and frequencies to such a degree, will not feel the loss of loved ones in the
same way, for they will be much more able to access those loved ones, whether in a
physical state or not. The Planet A will still have a physical component. It will still be
physical in nature, but at the same time, those individuals having that experience will, at
the same time, understand their multidimensional natures also, and will be able to play in
both realms, not being solely at the beck and call of physical reality and a separation from
Spirit and spiritual awareness. Both will exist simultaneously, and thus the physical
experience on Planet A will truly be magnificent.

If Your Loved Ones Go to Planet “B”
(Death? Missing? An Empty House)

Question: If our loved ones do transfer to the other planet without the appearance of
dying, will we simply be unable to find them? Or will they simple be unable to find us?
Will we go to their homes and places of work only to see that they’re missing, or is it
necessary that going to a different earth must be perceived by those left behind as
physically dying?

Cosmic Awareness: This Awareness states that for some, a departure from this physical
plane as they ascend or move on, or move to another state, will be seen as a physical
death. For those who have such an experience, such a loss, there is a deeper reason why
this will be so. Those who physically die off need to totally separate themselves, their
consciousness, for they nave chosen to go down a line where they are separating more
from their spiritual source, at least separating on that physical horizontal line of

Thus it may be that one might experience the loss of a loved one or an acquaintance in a
physical manner, a death. What will be much more prevalent however is that people will
simply not be part of one’s life anymore. A separation will occur without any realization
that there is any loss, that there is a separation. People will simply not be part of an
individual’s life any longer and there will not be even any thought to this, for as the
separation grows greater between the two planets: Planet A and Planet B, that sense of
other individuals will diminish, especially for those who continue along that line of
physical experience that will define the experiential line of experiences that is Planet B.

Those who have reached a higher level of Ascension may certainly, at the beginning,
indeed be aware that certain individuals that were once part of their lives chose to move
in another direction. They will acknowledge and understand that, even if it is a physical
death that separates them, their consciousness, that which is their Higher Self, still does
exist and is accessible to them if the need is there.

However, while the focus is on that track of physical experience that will be exhibited
and understood and experienced on Planet B, the need for interaction from those on that
track will be less and less and less, while those who travel on the line that is Planet A, the
Ascended planet, will honor those who have a need to progress along this spiritual
evolutionary track and they will simply get on with their own lives, knowing that they
can always connect if desired on that higher spiritual level.

This is perhaps a confusing area to understand. This Awareness wishes it to be clear.
Those beings, those souls who wish to experience an even greater experience of
separation from spirit, from the multidimensional nature of consciousness, will do so in
such a way that they will stay focused on the physical experience that they are having,
complete with the rules of definition that will define that experience. Because this will be
so, such souls will not necessarily seek to connect for a period of time with their

multidimensional nature. Thus, those who have moved upwards in that appreciation of
their multidimensional nature will not be sought out by those who do not choose this.

Even though those who have experienced Ascension could meet with these souls upon
their demise in their physical lives, they will not choose to do so, for that separation will
be such that the honoring of them will allow them to simply have their experience, and
the energetic gap will be great enough to prevent an interaction of consciousness.

Planet “A” Will Move Into the 4th and 5th Dimensions
Question: Is it fair to say that the higher consciousness on Planet A could be compared
to a person taking a PhD?

Cosmic Awareness: This is so. Those who are on that ascended level of consciousness
have a greater awareness to what is possible. They are not quite as confined to a physical
reality, but this Awareness wishes to make clear, that upon Ascension, the existence of
the planet will still be largely physical. Those beings who choose to reincarnate on Planet
A will also have a physical existence. It is more though; they will not be as confined to
physicality the same way as it is experienced in the 3rd dimension. The Ascension process
will move the planet beyond a 3rd dimension into that which is the 4th dimension: a
variance of the two.

The physicality that is experienced there will be much looser. It will not be as
constricting or as dense as it currently is or as it will become upon that which is Planet B,
and that line of evolution. Even as consciousness progresses along the timeline or the line
of consciousness that will become Planet A, there will be a greater realization as time
goes on, of the spiritual quality of consciousness and thus, a gradual moving away from
physicality altogether.

12 DNA Strands for Those who Choose Planet “A”
Question: It has been stated that our present DNA, chakras, auras, cells, must be
released from the restrictions imposed upon them at one point in time, to become clear
again. It has also been stated this is necessary to enable us to tolerate the higher
vibrations as lower vibrations cannot prevail on Ascension Planet A.

Cosmic Awareness: The DNA structure of individuals is changing, whether they wish it
so or not, for the vibrations of the planet are changing. Some will be able to go further
and deeper as their own frequencies increase, but all human beings will see a change of
the DNA structure, for it is part of the natural evolutionary process that is occurring at
this time.

This Awareness has often talked of the Ascension Planet A, and Planet B, that which is
behind or below Ascension. Both will have altered frequency, altered vibration, and to

exist on either of those two will entail a changing of the genetic DNA structure that is in
existence at this time. This DNA structural change has been underway for several years
already, and will continue on until that divisional point occurs and those two planets this
Awareness and others have spoken of come into existence, fully and completely.

Those who exist on either of those two planets will have been altered so that they can
exist physically on the new planets. Those who choose to go towards that higher level of
consciousness that will be existence on Planet A will find that their genetic structure has
altered to that which would be a higher frequency, and would allow a greater amount of
those 12 strands of genetic material to be used and opened. That is part of the genetic
shift that is occurring at this time.

Those who choose not to raise their vibrations will actually shut down and part of the
genetic code that will be needed to function on a much denser plane will be lost, or at
least shut off. Only 2 of the 12 strands have currently been used by mankind over the last
several thousand years. It is seen that this will be reduced down to one strand for those
who stay on that planetary consciousness level that is Planet B.

It is a shutting down, a damping down, a dumbing down that will occur. However, those
who have chosen the Ascension process, or are part of the Ascension, whether they
recognize their choice in this matter or not, will have an expansion of the genetic
material, the DNA strands, an opening up once again of those strands that were once fully
functional, and this will be part of that shift in consciousness, that shift towards the
higher vibrational frequencies.

Is Unconditional Love Important?
Question: Is unconditional love truly necessary or is it the intention for such that is more
important? In other words, what are the criteria to qualify for Planet A ascension?

Cosmic Awareness: This is the splitting of hairs, for both are basically the same thing. It
is indeed important to have the intention to experience unconditional love, to be the giver
of unconditional love. Putting one’s intention towards this, one’s desire for this, will pull
this into one’s life, but upon experiencing it, then this supports the ability to engage in
unconditional love, which of course then increases the desire and the intent to put such
energies forward, to live in such a way. It is a circular argument. The question is which
came first: the intent for unconditional love or experiencing unconditional love? The two
support each other. It does not matter which an individual starts with — the feelings of
unconditional love or the intent to feel unconditional love. They are both part of the same

Where Will Planet A Go After Ascension?
Question: When Planet A separates, where will it go to establish its own space?

Cosmic Awareness: It will go nowhere to establish its own space, for it will be in its
own space already and needs not go anywhere. This Awareness suggests that what is
needed is a revision of the thought process around “going somewhere” — that the planet
needs to physically go somewhere. It simply needs to vibrate at a different level. It will
then be somewhere else.

This Awareness gives as a parallel example, the example of being in a room that appears
to be empty. There is no one else in the room, and yet at the very instant an individual is
in that room, there are other beings in that room also — beings that are vibrating at a
different rate — who may or may not be aware of the individual already occupying the
room. Simply because one is not aware of others in the room because they are at a
different vibrational rate does not mean that they are not occupying the same space at the
same time.

They have not had to go anywhere else, they are simply in that space, just as other
vibrations are in the space, as X-rays and gamma rays and television rays and radios
waves or vibrations or frequencies all are in the room at the same time the individual is in
that room. Therefore, the space that the individual occupies is hardly an empty space,
even if he or she does not perceive the other individuals, the other frequencies that are
also in that space at the same time.

Planet A Will Lift Itself Beyond the Physical
Thus it will be with both planets, Planet A and Planet B, that their frequencies will
change. They will occupy, in a manner of speaking, the same space, but it will not be at
the physical level. Planet A will lift itself beyond the physical, creating a new form of
physicality at a higher frequency, as will Planet B, creating a new form of denser
physicality at a different vibration or frequency. They will no longer intersect to any
degree; their frequencies and vibrations being so different that they no longer have an
interface together as they currently do, but in a manner of speaking, they still will be in
the same space.

Will Ascending Entities Suddenly Disappear?
Question: Will entities ascending suddenly disappear from us, leaving family and
friends wondering what happened to the departed? Or will those planning to ascend
inform their relatives of their intent before that, so that the shock and confusion will not
result? The family would not even have access to the departed physical body for burial
since it has been stated that the physical body will ascend.

Cosmic Awareness: This is a question and derivations of this question that have
intrigued many and many have wondered of this. The Interpreter himself has wondered of
this. How will this happen? What will happen? Will the individuals simply disappear in
front of someone else who is standing there? Will they die, even necessitating the need
for a funeral? Or will they simply be forgotten, as if they never existed?

A Process of Forgetting Will Start to Take Place
This Awareness states that all three are somewhat relevant and possible, but that by far,
what will occur is the latter. Due to the changing frequencies and vibrations of
consciousness, that which was once known or held will no longer be known or held, and
thus a process of forgetting will start to take place more and more. This will be toward
those individuals who no longer share that reality with those who have stayed behind
versus those who have moved forward. Thus, for individuals staying on Planet B with the
slowing down of frequency, that which accelerates forward will no longer be known or

Those individuals who accelerate their vibrations and frequencies, who have moved to
those higher planes, will simply no longer exist, even in the memories of those
individuals who once knew them. They will simply cease to be part of their lives on any
level: past, present or future. It is as if they never existed. Those individuals who have
stayed on the denser planet and chosen to go forward in that spiritual evolutionary
process will not feel sadness, regret or sorrow for those who have disappeared from their
lifetime. In fact, they will be very hard pressed to even remember that those individuals
were part of that process. Thus it will be that those who have moved on will simply no
longer be part on any level of their lives.

The Scenario For Those Who Ascend on Planet A
For those who are part of the Ascension process, a slightly different scenario will occur.
Some will have an acute understanding and awareness of what is occurring for there will
be those who are advanced in the process themselves who, because of their nature and
their roles and their purpose, have been working with the Ascension process more
consciously than some others.

For those who are aware of what is occurring, there may indeed occur events where those
who are not moving forward will truly disappear in front of their eyes, but they will know
why this is occurring and they will understand that what is occurring is that those who
cannot hold the frequency and vibration and advance, that vibration and frequency will
indeed begin to slow down until they simply disappear. There will be an acceleration as
the event draws nearer, and that acceleration will cause the accelerated vibrational rate.

The two streams of consciousness that will exemplify Planet A or Planet B will become
solidified. The interface this Awareness spoke of will then cease to be and the two will
simply no longer interface with one another. Those who nave slowed down will simply
no longer be part of the reality that is experienced by those who have accelerated
themselves, as is the case for those who are in the slower reality towards those who have
accelerated themselves. They simply will not be part of that reality any longer.

Those who have a conscious awareness may actually see individuals slowing down to
such a degree that they disappear. Those who do not have quite that level of awareness
but are still part of the Ascension process may find that a natural process seems to be
occurring. Individuals they once knew, whose lives they might have been part of simply

have moved on, sometimes through a natural death or what appears to be the death of the
individual. Sometimes they have just moved away, and they no longer have contact with
those individuals, and sometimes it is simply life itself that has moved everyone in
different directions.

As those individuals themselves become even more conscious and aware they will
understand from a more enlightened point, that all that has happened is that those who
made the choice not to advance spiritually evolutionarily, have just taken a different way
and are not part of their reality any longer, are not experienced in that reality any longer.
That is why this Awareness said that all three to some degree actually apply, for this is
how it will be.

What Will Life Be Like on Ascended Planet A?
Question: What will life be like on Ascended Planet A? Will entities work, eat, sleep, etc.,
as they do on Planet B? Is the difference simply that their mentality will be one of peace
and happiness during their activities? Is Planet A fully equipped to accommodate the
needs and activities of Ascended entities, such as places to work, markets to shop for
food, some form of financial exchange to make purchases, or will entities simply think of
what they want or need, and it appears?

Cosmic Awareness: The Ascension process is a gradual unfolding, not a total and
spontaneous change of everything. This means that the process itself will be an extension
of that which was, to that which will be. It will create therefore, new thinking and new
ways of thinking that will gradually unfold as these changes occur on that planet where
the consciousness of many has been enhanced, has moved forward.

There will be those who will now become the leaders for those who have that greater
awareness and consciousness themselves through their efforts before the Ascension
created a new level of consciousness already will be available to be the leaders and the
teachers and the guides and the guardians of those many who have shifted forward, who
have expanded their consciousness, who were perhaps born at a time where they came
into the old way, the old world with expanded awareness, that made it possible for them
to move directly into the higher frequencies of Planet A.

The Rainbow and Crystal Children Will Lead Them
This Awareness is specifically talking of those children who are now being born and who
have been born over the last two or three decades, who are known as the Rainbow
Children and the Crystal Children; also the Indigo Children, who now are no longer
children of course, but who are adult members of society. Many of the Indigo Children, if
they indeed survived their tumultuous lives, will be in positions of stepping into the
frequencies of the Ascension and becoming the citizens of the Ascension.

There will be different gradients of consciousness of those many who have ascended.
Some, as this Awareness has said, having worked and are already opening before the

Ascension, being in position to take charge, to show the way forward, and others who
will be there to be shown, who are there to do the work that needs to be done. It will not
be immediately a place of instant manifestation where those who simply desire and wish
for something will instantly manifest it. However, that template will be in place for those
who hold it and know it to be possible will be able to teach others, and gradually, step by
step, over a number of years, not even singular years, but rather over decades, such
abilities will be the norm, versus the beginning when the Ascension process initially
occurs, it will not necessarily be the norm, but it will be known, it will be understood and
there will be those who can do such things, and it will be taught to those others who will
be open to such things, who will be open to a new way of thinking, for it is part of the
new frequency of consciousness that they have chosen to be part of.

For a Time Even Computers and Technology Will be Used
There will even be the need for computers and technology that is being used at this time,
but there will be a gradual shifting away from such technological tools and dependencies,
for it will be seen that the speed of thought and the ability to manifest from thought is
much quicker than anything that computers can do. However, for a space of time such
technology will still be used, will still be needed, until such awareness is reached that
recognizes that computers no longer serve a purpose. However, they will be useful for a
time yet.

Also, going together with this is an understanding that consciousness is much more
expansive and flexible than mechanical thinking, such as the process used in computer
technology. However, the computer has made possible much advancement over the last
several decades and therefore, this technology will still be useful on the other side. It is
also seen that such technological advancements and tools that have been used over the
last few decades and that are in place now will continue to progress and a biological form
of technologies will be created that is much more user friendly, much more orientated to
an amplification of thought process versus a mechanical process as it now stands.

Miracles Will be Much More Commonplace
There are discoveries that are on the verge of being made even now, even before the
Ascension process, that will alter things radically, so that by the time Ascension occurs,
those technological devices will already have a huge biological component and be part of
that expansion of consciousness, although it will be different. Therefore, the answer to
the question is that the gradual unfolding of events, thinking, and ways of acting will be
such that it will lead to a time where the mind is much more accessible, much more
instantaneous in its process, in its ability to manifest instantly, than it will be at the
beginning of that Ascension journey. However, much will be different. Miracles will be
much more commonplace, and there will be an air of excitement and wonder at the new
way of being that will be so upon Ascension.

Will Working, Eating and Sleeping Still be the Same as it is Now?
Question: Will entities working and eating and sleeping still occur the same way as it
does now?

Cosmic Awareness: No, they will not be the same as they are now. However saying this,
there will still be the need to work. There will be the need to be active. What will be the
most immediate change is the thinking that is behind the work ethic, the conditioning of
thought around work, of thinking around work. This is largely that which is the Orion
conditioning of mankind to think in terms of working for money, money being useful and
needed to survive, that nothing can be accomplished without money, without an
economic situation to provide money.

No Need to Work For Money Any Longer
At this time, before this Ascension process, most individuals find it hard to believe that
there will be no need to work for money any longer, and they will find it hard to
understand now a system can exist, how a civilization can carry on without individuals
paying for things, buying things, for the whole system of thought at this time is so
orientated toward the Orion conditioning program, that to think of living without being
paid for work done is still largely a foreign concept.

There will be the need to continue to work, but it will be work for the sake of expressing
oneself, of doing that which draws the individual, where there is a need to express
oneself, and thus work will become much more enjoyable. It will not simply be drudgery.
It will not simply be that which is done to earn money so that one can buy things or have
shelter or food. Indeed, such things will be available for all, whether they work or not, for
it will be understood that every human being is entitled to have their needs fulfilled and it
is not that one must work.

The Orion Agenda Will Not be Carried Over
One will therefore work for one wishes to be creative, one wishes to be active, one
wishes to express oneself through an activity that will be known as work, but it will
simply be so different that to draw a parallel to what work is now will be inappropriate. It
simply will not be the same thing. The Orion agenda will not be carried over into the
Ascension, into the elevated level of conscious awareness. Work will also be different in
that it will not necessarily need to be physical in nature. Much will be achieved mentally
and emotionally, and thus, many of the things that take place now in that long protracted
manner, that physical manner, will simply disappear.

There will be technologies available that will allow the drudgeries to be completed and
taken care of versus individuals having to spend time doing those jobs, that work that is
no longer seen as necessary. This Awareness speaks of the technologies that will be
carried forward, so that until that point of consciousness is reached where the individuals
are more living outside the physical and in that level of consciousness where physical
expression is not needed, some form of worker will be needed.

Robots Will Do Most of the Hard Work on Planet A
That which is known as robots or androids that are so popular in science fiction as that
which could possibly also exist until they are no longer needed in that Ascension planet,
Planet A. It is simply not seen that many humans will desire to do hard labor to repair
roads, to build buildings, to work in factories, to create the physical things that may still
be used for a time on that planet of Ascension, on that grade of Ascension, of
consciousness. These things will be done by automatons, by creations that are right now
known as robots or androids.

This can be seen to be useful for a period of time until consciousness itself has moved
even further forward over the decades that lie on the other side of the Ascension process.
They will be the ones that will be created to do the hard manual labor and the work that
will still be needed for a time, but it is not seen that most humans will choose to do this
work for there will be other ways to do it. For a time, as the Ascension process moves
forward, there may be humans who still do work of a physical nature, and even later it is
seen that certain individuals will enjoy physical activity, physical labor, such as working
in a garden or creating and building structures.

So much will change however, that it simply will not be as it is now. Even the need to
create huge skyscraper buildings will no longer be favorable. It will be much more
aligned to the physical planet earth itself, and mankind's imposition of his needs and
desires will also fall away. Thus, cities as they are now known will be a thing of the past,
for there will not be a need to live in such concrete jungles. Automobiles and vehicles
such as these contraptions will no longer be needed, but this is all farther ahead than this
Awareness wishes to speak of at this time.

Androids and Robots—the Difference?
(More Like That Creature Known as “Data”)

Question: Is the android the same as a robot, or is that entirely different?

Cosmic Awareness: The androids will be more biological in nature and will not have the
metallic surface that is that of a robot. They will be more like that creature known as Data
on the Star Trek series. There is a difference, though, in the human nature of a creature
born to a human body, that while they may have the appearance of a human being they
will not have a soul, they will not have a human consciousness as such. Theirs will be the
advancement of that which is the computer chip right now on this planet, and they will
have logic and the ability to think. They will be able to function highly at that level. This
is all part of that which lies ahead, but this Awareness does not wish to discuss much
further at this time.

A Need to Eat and Sleep on Planet A?
(Prana and Vegetarianism Will be the Norm)

Question: Will the entities eat and sleep like they do now, or will there be no need for
sleep or eating?

Cosmic Awareness: There indeed will be a need for eating and sleeping, but so much
will change. That which is known as vegetarianism will become much more the norm,
and even as time goes on the need for sustenance through plant protein will also change.
Energies will be taken in through breath, through the prana that is used even now through
yogic traditions, and more and more will be the case. Those who understand how to take
in energy will no longer need to eat the way that it is done now, will not need to take in
sustenance as it is done now.

The Need For Sleep Will Diminish
Along with this, because consciousness will shift also, the need for physical sleep will
shift and change. The times for sleep will be such that there is an active engagement of
consciousness in the 5th/6th/7th dimensional reality. The physical body will become much
more ethereal, less physical in nature, and thus the need for sleep will diminish also.
These are part of the evolutionary track that is seen by this Awareness as lying ahead,
however, this is not exactly what will be instantly the case upon Ascension. It will simply
be that this will open up now so that many will move towards it, being led by those who
have already worked towards this consciousness, who because they have attained such
awareness, will be able to teach this more and more to those others who have also

How Long Will Entities Remain On Planet A?
Question: How long will entities remain on Planet A? Will they have a choice to stay or
move on elsewhere as is the case presently in the higher dimensions?

Cosmic Awareness: This is also the case on the lower dimension, on the earth
dimension. All entities have a choice to remain or to return back into
multidimensionality, into spiritual consciousness. This will indeed continue on. It is
simply that those who have ascended will have far more awareness of their
multidimensional nature and character. They can leave physicality at different stages.
Those who have attained high enough consciousness can manifest their bodies, can create
a physical body to come into and also to disassemble that physical body as they move
more into pure consciousness, pure levels of conscious awareness.

Much will be available, but for a time many will be residing more in a physical structure
that has possible to it a higher level of conscious awareness, thus an engagement in those
conscious levels will be more and more the norm, while the body that is still available
will dream, or be asleep, while that higher level of consciousness dreams. This is not
unlike what happens in the physical level, but it will be more prominent and prevalent

and understood to a higher degree, and thus dreaming will not be dismissed or denied, for
it will be seen that that level of consciousness is that which is the natural aspect of a
multidimensional being, not something that is dismissed, that is not understood.

This Awareness wishes to make clear that an unfolding will occur which will move
mankind more into a nonphysical state of consciousness and being, but this is not what
will instantly be available on the other side of Ascension. Over a period of time, this will
become so, a relatively short period of time. The world that will exist after the Ascension
process will be radically different than the world that exists now before the Ascension
process. While this Awareness has spoken of a degree of physicality that will still remain,
it will be so radically different to what exists now, that will appear as night and day to
those who have a memory of what once was and what will be.

The Physical State of Consciousness To Totally Disappear
This itself will continue to shift so that within the space of 140 years, there will no longer
be a recognition to what was the physical state of consciousness. It will simply be
something that can be engaged in when there is a need or a desire to engage in
physicality. All that will have determined it at the beginning of the process will have
moved forward in awareness to a degree that it is simply no longer needed. It is no longer
needed to stay in a physical reality other than as this Awareness has just spoken, when
there is a need or a desire to have a physical experience.

An Instantaneous Conversion Into the Spirit State Already Exists
Many want to believe that the Ascension process will be an instantaneous conversion into
the spirit state. Such instantaneous conversion is already available. It is called Death.
Upon the crossing over from a physical state, the consciousness of the individual is
immediately released into the multidimensional consciousness that exists beyond the
physical level of consciousness. What is to occur is a more gradual unfolding towards
that level of consciousness that exists immediately upon death, after the Ascension. It is
an evolutionary process that will move mankind forward to that place of multi-

Much will change upon the Ascension process. Much will be available that was not
available before, but the unfolding that will occur needs to unfold over a period of time.
This Awareness is aware of the paradox that is involved here for It sees that the change
will be instantaneously upon the Ascension, and yet will still need time to play itself out.
What will change most dramatically is the conscious understanding of what the human
being truly is, of how they are much more than simply a physical body having a physical
existence, and yet many will already be aware of this to one degree or another before the
Ascension process happens.

Most who seek Ascension, who will experience Ascension, will have this deeper more
profound understanding of human consciousness. What this Ascension process will
primarily represent to them is the actualization of what they know or think it will be so,
versus thinking of it being so, of imagining it to be so. It will actually be so. Thus, many

will be able to experience the miraculous, the magical and the profound. That is the
biggest singular change that will occur upon the Ascension process.

The Journey into Physicality will Continue on Planet B
For the majority of people who experience the Ascension process, the majority of
humanity that ascends, will now begin to live the Ascension versus simply thinking of it,
imagining it, or wondering about it. Of course, that process that occurs on Planet B will
be radically different. Their journey into physicality will continue. It will become more
and more dense in nature, not as liberating, not as free as that which exists now. It is
largely because of those individuals who can access higher levels of consciousness that
humanity, even at this stage and time, experiences much more freedom, much more
wonder and possibility than will be so when those who are the dreamers, the visionaries,
those who hold higher levels of consciousness depart from that which is the physical
level of reality.

Once those individuals are gone, then those who would bind to a higher degree of
physicality will have full sway. They will create an intolerable situation to those of higher
consciousness, but those of higher consciousness will already be gone. This Awareness is
saying that those who would still hold to what was known by them, they will have to start
to fall asleep, “they” being those who chose not to ascend, who chose not to raise their
level of consciousness. They will have to dumb down their own consciousness to exist in
such a dense reality, such a dense vibration. Thus they will forget more and more what
once was, and start to know only physicality, as it will become.

Will Those Who Ascend with Planet “A” Still
Be Subject to Reincarnation and Karma?
Question: Will those who ascend with Planet A still be subject to karma and
reincarnation? And if so, how can this be when it sounds as though life will be one of
peace, love, harmony etc., which leads to the balancing of karma?

Cosmic Awareness: This Awareness states outright there will no longer be that which is
karma. There will be no need for karma, for with that higher understanding, that higher
awareness, it will be understood that to create an event against a person, to do something
against another individual without their intent or desire, is simply not the way it is done.
There will be no need to engage with other individuals in the creating of karma towards
that individual, towards the society. Thus, there is no need for karma. That this is the
negative experience that is no longer required as it has been required as a way of learning
in physical reality.

Reincarnation Will No Longer Exist
As to reincarnation, once the multidimensionality is truly understood and engaged, it will
be understood that reincarnation is simply a form of multiple dimensionality, of multiple
lifetimes, multiple layers of consciousness, and many lives can be seen and understood
and experienced from this higher level of consciousness. In one way, reincarnation as it is

now understood on the physical plane, will no longer exist, for it is at this time
understood to be a linear process — that past lives happened at some point in the past,
and that a linear line is drawn from the past through the present into the future.

Such understanding will no longer be valid, for the greater awareness and understanding
will be in play, that all times exist simultaneously, and in that simultaneous existence, all
lives exists simultaneously, and thus consciousness can choose any life to experience at
any time, to be open to the experiences that are present in that lifetime. Reincarnation as
it is now understood will no longer exist. What will exist is multidimensionality,
simultaneous experiencing at any time, at any point, a focus that an individual
consciousness wishes to focus on.

The focus will become much more the primary understanding. What one focuses on is
what one will experience. The need to experience negativity or karma will simply no
longer need to be the focus, and it will cease to exist. The need to follow a sequential
order of lifetimes in various reincarnations will no longer exist and thus all will change.

Will Past Lives be Remembered?
Question: Will the person’s memory of all of the different lives that they had, will that be
instantaneous? Is this something they would have to develop?

Cosmic Awareness: There is indeed a developing that will occur as that shift is being
made, as the movement and the unfolding is occurring forward into an expanded
consciousness, even beyond that which will be available initially upon Ascension. The
focus is what will be primary to this. As consciousness learns to focus its intention upon
this event or that event, this life or that life will then take that consciousness to that event,
to that consciousness or that lifetime, to that experience. This is something that exists
already, but in a strange way must also be learned.

When consciousness has reached that place, that the understanding of focus is what is
essential and primary, then anything is possible, any lifetime is possible, any dimension is
possible, any experience is possible.

Will the Garden of Eden be Restored?
(The Questioner is Quite Confused About Planet A and B)
Question: If Planet B, where we presently reside, will be restored to the Garden of Eden
by the Galactic Federation aliens when they finally arrive on our shores, thus establishing
a clean, happy and joyful abode, will this not serve as a deterrent to many entities not to
ascend, or is it the Ascension process that will be over before Eden and the Golden Era
are established here on Planet B? If entities are happy with Planet B, might they not
reason, “Why go anywhere else when we are so happy and content right here? It is not
clear exactly what will occur once the Ascension door is closed to Planet B. It has been

stated that Planet B will fall back into third density. This appears to mean Planet B is
presently rising to 4th and 5th dimensions, but will fall again to the 3rd at the departure of
Earth, and if so, will not the Garden of Eden and Golden Era still prevail on Planet B,
making is a desirable place to abide?

Cosmic Awareness: This Awareness needs to start by pointing out an error in the
thought process, and the assumptions made by the Questioner. Planet B will not be the
Eden planet that will become Planet A. It is Planet A that will be the Eden once again, for
part of that process that will occur upon the unfolding, that will last several hundred
years, is that a reinstating of that Garden of Eden energy will occur. The planet itself is
ascending and she too will reinstate herself, will draw back that perfection that is the
Garden of Eden, and those who ascend will understand their new roles, their true roles in
this process.

Thus, they will be able to partake in the Garden of Eden once again. It will be available to
all who ascend, for only those who understand their role, their place in the harmony and
the balance of working and living with a conscious being that is the planetary
consciousness of earth will have a place on the new Ascension Planet A, will have a
place on New Gaia, of the consciousness of a sentient being who wishes to live in
harmony with all of her citizens, all those who would reside within her being.

Planet B Will Be a Degraded Polluted Planet for Entities
(Dried Up Oceans and Huge Deserts)
Planet B will simply not be Eden, for what will continue to occur on Planet B is the
deterioration and destruction of the beautiful planet that currently is fighting for her
survival. While it is her naturalness to be a Garden of Eden, the ignorant and arrogant
actions of the beings that now reside upon her surface are detrimental to her well being. It
is seen that Planet B will degrade in quality as the consciousness of the planet shuts down
and goes into a deep hibernation. This being so, many will experience a degraded planet,
a planet that is heavily polluted, that has toxic areas, that huge deserts, that has oceans
that have dried up.

Life Underground the Only Possibility for Planet B
The consciousness of the planet will go deep into the planet, allowing the surface to
become a hostile surface. Part of the struggle will be simply a struggle to survive. Many
will not be able to continue surviving on the surface, and it is seen that many will go
underground. They will need to survive under the surface, for to live on the surface will
no longer be truly possible. Those conditions spoken of earlier of the radiations that are
coming through will have destroyed the planet’s surface to such a degree that life
underground is the only possibility. This too will be an unfolding over many generations,
as they are no longer able to survive on the surface and will be driven underground, thus
entering into the physical vibration of the planet itself, and as the consciousness of the
planet recedes, as it draws inwards, the effect will be a denser consciousness of those
beings living under the surface.

It is erroneous to assume that Planet B is an Eden planet, and many will not want to
ascend for they are so enamored by the glorious Garden of Eden that the planet has
become or will become. This is simply wrong. This is an erroneous assumption. This is
not the destiny of Planet B or those who will continue to have a physical experience of
consciousness on that planet.

Will Forgiveness Prevail?
Question: If it is that the Garden of Eden will be established on Planet B and become a
wonderful place to reside, obviously the evil administration, together with their Illuminati
leaders will be enjoying the environment as well, unless they are brought to justice and
imprisoned for their misdeeds. The question which arises with this scenario is, will
forgiveness be part of the Galactic teachings and become the norm, and if so, will the
administration and the Illuminati be forgiven and released from prison, or not go to
prison at all? Also, if the practice of forgiveness prevails, will this not also apply to all
entities who break the law, and will this not create an unsafe environment? If forgiveness
prevails, it would seem to follow that unless the Illuminati are closely watched, they
would be free to go their way and resume scheming, bound to reestablish and repeat their
shenanigans concerning greed and controlling — will this not eventually return Eden to
its present negative state under free will?

Cosmic Awareness: This Awareness has already stated and maintains that Planet B will
not be the Eden garden planet that the Questioner is conjecturing on. Saying this, there
are qualifications that this Awareness wishes to make. While the planet itself largely will
degrade, it is seen that there will be pockets upon the planet that will be shielded and
under the shielding, this is where there might be some form of natural beauty, of that
which the Questioner has been calling the Garden of Eden.

Orion Reptilians Will Be In Total Charge of Planet B
It is also seen that these pockets will be inhabited mostly by those who are of the
Reptilian/Orion persuasion, those who created and are part of the New World Order, the
Illuminati and all of those who have been in charge and in power for so long. They will
become and continue to be the supreme masters of this Planet B. They will have with
them in these enclaves certain slaves, humans who have been kept there for their pleasure
and for their service. These will be slaves of the ultimate order, for they will have no
rights, no options and no freedoms.

They will be treated as their masters desire to treat them. There will not be much in the
form of human compassion or kindness towards these slaves, these humans who chose to
continue in this experience, this limited consciousness. The question was asked, “Will
these types not be punished? Will they be forgiven and allowed to continue on?” The
question is irrelevant for these beings will continue on, for it is part of the purpose of that
planetary evolutionary track that those who are part of that desire to have. It will also be
part of the greater stream of consciousness that will be brought back into the Long Soul,
the Great Soul. Thus, the question of forgiveness is a redundant one.

Consciousness is Eternal
Forgiveness is truly a spiritual quality that always has existed and will always exist. At
some point, even those who chose to separate even further from the Godhead, from the
Supreme Consciousness, from Awareness of the Truth of All, even they will be forgiven
and returned back to the flock at some point. This Awareness asks all to remember that
consciousness is eternal. Eternity is a concept that is extremely hard for many to
understand or accept.

In the scale of that which is eternal, that which is eternity, what does it matter if a stream
of consciousness extends one or two or three million years? It eventually will return back
to itself, back to the Godhead. It will return bearing gifts, the gifts being that of
awareness, of that which was learned and understood through that track of evolutionary
experience. Thus, forgiveness is always possible, is always available, and many will
understand this as they move through the experiences.

The experience may not come immediately. It may take many lifetimes on that track
which has become Planet B’s spiritual evolutionary track, to be realized and be
understood. It may take many lifetimes before that quality of forgiveness is once again
understood and rediscovered, but eventually it will be understood and rediscovered.
Eventually there will be a return to the Godhead of those souls who chose to have that
experience that lies ahead for Planet B. It is not up to this Awareness to make judgment
and suggest that those who have continued along that path of degradation where there is
an imposing of their wills upon those of others of a limited consciousness, that they be
judged by this Awareness.

There is no need for judgment, for all is as needs be. All will learn. All will be forgiven,
and all will return to that which is the Godhead, the Source, the consciousness that is the
Everything and the All.

Karmic Relationships on Planet B

Question: If the Garden of Eden is restored to Planet B so that it is wonderful, how can
it be used as a karmic school of learning for souls, since everything will be so great? If
souls wish to be poor and destitute and abundance prevails on Planet B, must they seek
another galaxy to fulfill their negative karmic choice, or is there no other third
dimensional plane for souls to be born into to learn and work off negative karma? If
there are other physical planes where these souls can go to work off negative karma, do
those residents possess physical bodies such as ours, and is life there difficult, so that
they may have to experience whatever the need? If so, it sounds as though those planes
are in need of Divine Assistance, as is our Planet B.

Cosmic Awareness: The primary comment that this Awareness wishes to make again
relates to the Planet B not being the Garden of Eden. If this is understood, then it can
easily be seen how Planet B can well indeed be the line of consciousness to take if one

wishes to experience the karmic path, wishes to understand through multiple lifetimes on
a physical plane of existence, the truth of consciousness, wishes to play over and over
through many lifetimes lessons and experiences that need to be had for one to eventually
truly receive the understanding of the lifetime lessons.

There are many reasons why entities wish to have karmic relationships with others, as the
soul has set for itself certain experiences that it wishes to have and understand. The
spiritual evolutionary track that has been this planet’s evolution over the countless
millennia has reached a point of division. Many have learned through the millions of
years that this track has already progressed along, the deepest and highest lessons, and.
many have advanced their consciousness to a degree where they are ready to move

That quantum leap in consciousness is now available for those who have learned through
the karmic lessons of multiple and many lifetimes. Those are the ones who are indeed
ready to move forward, and are ready to ascend. Those who are not ready, those who
choose to have more experiences and those who choose to have even harsher experiences
of the physical will experience that which is to come on Planet B. This will be the major
physical track of consciousness that exists.

While there are other physical realities, they will not be the same. The possibility to learn
through karmic lessons, through multiple lifetimes that have a karmic tie to them will
exist only on that evolutionary track of consciousness that will define Planet B and that
spiritual evolutionary track. The question regarding other planets of physicality is
irrelevant to the understanding that it will only be this one line of spiritual evolution that
has a karmic nature to it.

Others will learn in the physical universes that exist differently. They will not necessarily
partake in a karmic series of incarnations that will teach them karmic lessons. For those
souls who wish to have such lessons, they will engage on that spiritual track of evolution.
Those who do not have that need will go elsewhere.

How is it Possible to Take a Physical Body Into a Higher Realm?
(How Buddha and Jesus Disassembled Themselves)

Question: How is it possible to take a physical body into a higher realm?

Cosmic Awareness: This is possible through the shifting in consciousness. This
Awareness spoke the other day of a concept that allowed a vertical plane to be seen, a
line that involved all higher dimensions, that all exist simultaneously. When
consciousness reaches a certain point, it becomes aware of this and is able to start
accessing some of those higher planes of existence, those higher levels of consciousness.
When a being in physical has reached conscious awareness of this truth and accesses it,
then they are able to dematerialize their bodies, and are able to remove their bodies from
the physical plane all at once, without the need of physical death. This is what has

occurred to certain Ascended Masters on the planet who in the course of the spiritual
evolution of the planet to date, reached levels of conscious awareness and thus were able
to disassemble their physical bodies and reassemble them elsewhere in non-corporeal

How Jesus Disappeared From the Tomb
It is said that the Buddha was able to do this, and there are other examples, including
Jesus Christ, who in that time of resurrection, disassembled his body and thus it
disappeared from the tomb. When he was ready, he reassembled his body in front of the
disciples. Thus, they could see his physical body. He even allowed them to touch the
wounds that were created through the experience of crucifixion. This was simply to help
them understand that he could reassemble the body. He chose to reassemble it in the
actual state it was in when he was on the cross, but he did not have to reassemble the
body that way. He could have reassembled it complete and whole without the wounds
being present.

This is an ability that can be engaged in and used by an enlightened being, a being who
has reached that level of conscious awareness that helps them understand that the
physical line of existence, that which this Awareness has referred to as the horizontal
line, can be transcended and can be changed. It is not iron clad. Once this level of
consciousness is attained, it is then that an individual can jump beyond the laws of
physicality and can do miraculous things indeed.

The Death Experience and When It Will End
Question: When one passes, as is presently the norm on Earth, the body is left behind.
Will entities...

Cosmic Awareness: This Awareness wishes to speak to this before advancing. This is
how it is now because most entities do not have a level of consciousness that allows them
to take their physical form with them. The way the reality was set up was so that at a
certain point when it is time to return back into spiritual consciousness, that which is the
physical would be discarded, and left behind, to return back into the elements of the
physical planet herself. As the saying goes, “Ashes to ashes, dust to dust.” This is simply
a statement that the physical body will return back to its natural elements while the
consciousness of that body, the identity of that body, is released from that physical prison
to be returned back into consciousness at that higher expanded level that exists beyond
the physical form.

When enough realize this, then there will be no need for physical death any longer, for
the physical form can be disassembled, and reassembled when and where it is wished, or
not, if it is meant to stay in your conscious form.

Question: Will entities reproduce in some way or will the population be composed
strictly of those who have ascended from Planet B?

Cosmic Awareness: This question does not make sense to this Awareness because all
being born on this physical planet are spirits choosing to have a physical existence. The
way forward on the physical is to be born into the physical. When consciousness is raised
to a degree, there is no need to choose to be born into the physical, for the natural state is
consciousness, is spiritual awareness. Thus, the choice is no longer one that is even

The Planet B, which will continue the physical journey, will continue to be such that each
and every soul will have to choose to be born into it, and thus the experience of physical
birth will continue onwards and will go into the depths of physicality that is almost
animalistic in nature, and it will become as it once was when there was no help available
to help birth the children being born into the physical state. Many will not survive the
physical journey, but then that too will be a choice, the choice perhaps of simply having
that part of the physical experience available to them. This is as it will be.

Question: Is there a closing message?

Cosmic Awareness: This Awareness indeed has a closing message. It profoundly thanks
the Questioner for the astounding questions. While some seemed redundant, they are
questions that many have. There are confusions that many hold towards that which is the
Ascension process, especially that which is the division of the two planets of con-
sciousness that will be formed upon Ascension.

Indeed, the Ascension Planet A will become a planet of higher consciousness and
awareness that will continue to grow and unfold, moving towards that place and space of
pure consciousness. For those who still seek to have a physical experience, Planet B will
be a continuance of the physical level of consciousness that has been in existence for

There is a need of the soul to feel an even deeper level of separation from itself, to move
into an even denser level of consciousness that is little removed from an animalistic state
of consciousness. This will be different than that animalistic state of consciousness that
existed during that timeframe known colloquially as the caveman era, or that time of the
Neanderthal, the cave man, the primitive man. It will be different because there will, be a
group of entities or beings who will have ultimate control and power over the lives of the
many. There will be those who will be slaves to these masters, who will literally serve
every wish and desire that their masters might have.

Barbarianism and Cannibalism Await on Planet B
There will be others who will not be under such dominance but will have to live
underground in a very rudimentary existence, simply to survive on the physical. This
group will be often targeted by those of the elite nature for their sport and their
sustenance even, and this level of consciousness will degrade so deeply into barbarianism
and cannibalism that it is seen as something that will be repugnant to many who even
now would not desire such an experience.


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  • 1. Message Excerpts Regarding 2012 and the Ascension from Cosmic Awareness Channeled Readings given in 2008/2009 (for more about what exactly Cosmic Awareness is, please see Page 98) What to Expect On Dec. 21, 2012 -The Moment of Ascension (More on Earth’s Rotation and the Days of Darkness) Question: Will our planet experience a reversal of its directions as to its rotation in the coming years? Will we experience as a result several days of darkness? There are some people writing on this subject. As I understand it, in case this happens, before reversing its direction, its rotation stops. When the rotation stops there will be no electromagnetic energy field caused from the spinning. There will be no friction with the solar winds and rays. This will result in darkness. This could explain the three days of darkness as foretold by various sources. Cosmic Awareness: This Awareness is prepared to introduce a new understanding of what will occur during the time of Ascension, especially around the forecast date of December 21, 2012. At the moment of Ascension, the Alignment of the 7 Planetary Gateways from that which is the central sun of the galaxy, that which is Alcyone in the Pleiadian system, at that moment of the alignment of the 7 planetary gateways represented by the planets, the stars, there will be an alignment, a corridor directly from that which is the central planet to the planet Earth. Earth is already moving forward towards this moment of alignment by adjusting and advancing many levels of consciousness, both in its own planetary consciousness as well as many of those Light Workers, and Wanderers and beings who exist on the earthly plane at this time, and who have chosen to come onto the planet at this time to assist this process. When the Portals Open a Tsunami of Energy Will Hit Our Planet At that actual moment of complete alignment where the 7 gateways are opened, there will be an energetic force that will travel from the central sun to the planet Earth, but the 7 gateways are the same gateways that the human soul either passes through as it descends into human form, or upon release of human form, passed through on the way to its greater expression of its being. With the opening of these energy portals, these gateways, when the alignment occurs with the central sun, the force that will go through will be that force which will carry the planet to its higher frequencies. It will be as if a tsunami of energies that hit the planet at that time. 1
  • 2. It is for this reason that it is necessary for those who will ascend to have raised their consciousness to a point so that when the energies hit, they will simply ride the wave and come to the new shoreline. In this time, events can occur as described by the Questioner, such as the time of darkness, the shifting of the North/South poles, the shifting of the planet, the turning over of the planet. Those who are of that higher level of consciousness, that higher frequency, will not be destroyed by the tsunami of cosmic energies and consciousness that will overwhelm the planet. They will be carried upwards or forwards to that new state of consciousness, that new level of vibration and frequency. Long Predicted Catastrophic Consequences Await the Masses Those who do not achieve that higher level of consciousness that will allow them to surf this energy wave will be affected most negatively by it. It is at this time that the catastrophic consequences that have for so long been predicted by so many will indeed affect a majority of the beings on the planet. Many will at that time leave physical existence through the death experience. This will become their way of removing themselves for there is no wish on their part to experience that which will come, as those who survive this period of time experience the reality of a new physical world, that being the energies of that planet which this Awareness has called Planet B. Those who choose to simply leave will reenter spirit form and it will be their choice whether to continue existence on that which is Planet A or Planet B or any other dimension that they choose, for it is the choice on the spirit level that is relevant to what experience one would have in whatever dimension of consciousness one would choose. They would thus be free to make whatever choice they would wish to make. Those who survive the catastrophic consequence of a planet stopping its rotation, of its poles shifting, of even the planet tipping over on its axis, will find that they truly do live in another reality than that which was the norm such a short time before. The Coming Cosmic Tsunami and the Elite on Earth All that was will have been swept away and they will be reduced to a most basic and primitive state. There will be those who will anticipate this event, who will have prepared for this event, and those are the ones this Awareness has called the Elite in the past. They will have with them those who would serve them, those who would be party to that experience, but there will be many who survive at the most primitive level on a planet that no longer is as it once was. This too could be a consequence for those who wish to experience this form of reality of a cosmic tsunami that will hit the planet at that time, but it is only one of the consequences, for there are other ways that one will pass through this experience, either by leaving the physical or by ascending on the crest of the wave to that which is Planet A, the ascended higher level of consciousness. This energy will be the purest energy of consciousness as it sweeps over the planet, but it will have at the same time a direct physical result that if one is not fully prepared for, could have devastating consequences. Question: Would there be a buildup prior to the proposed date of December 21, or would it be a “Bang! Game Over” type thing? 2
  • 3. Cosmic Awareness: There will be a buildup to this. This Awareness has discussed this in the past. Many entities will not necessarily wait until this final event. Many will either pass through the natural death cycle or will find a vortex or another way of ascending, and then those who are left will ascend in this manner, if that is their choice. There is more, but this Awareness is leaving this for a future time. Why Did The Mayan Calendar Come To An Abrupt Halt In The Year 2012? Question: Will Awareness explain why the Mayan calendar comes to an abrupt halt in the year 2012? Cosmic Awareness: This Awareness did explain this recently, but will again explain why it is seen that it will come to an abrupt halt at that time. There will be an alignment of planetary bodies that will form an energetic corridor to that which is the Central Sun. They will open that which is often called a “wormhole” to the Central Sun, and they will also align and open the 7 vortices through which spirit passes, both in entering into physical existence as well as exiting back, into spiritual form. The Alignment of Planetary Bodies Will Create an Event Where Time and Recorded History of Mankind Will End Once this occurs, this alignment of planetary bodies and the opening of the 7 vortices, and the opening of that wormhole, on that date the alignment will create an event. That event is that which this Awareness has called a cosmic energy flux or a light flux, a photon flux. The energies of the Central Sun will pass through the corridor, creating a tsunami of light that will hit the planet at that time and create great havoc and upheaval. In that event, time and the recorded history of mankind will end and a new time will begin. That is the moment and the point that this Awareness has often called the Ascension point. Those who have successfully created their own Light Bodies, as many are doing now, may indeed surf that incredible tsunami of light to those levels of higher consciousness, apparently instantaneously. Those who have not prepared their consciousness, who have not worked at elevating their being and creating their Light Body to any great degree may simply be swept away as the chaos of the event hits, and there will be others, who in their choice, will seek to go with that which is the planet that will continually carry forth the material experiment, the experiment of physicality and separation from spirit. That will be what is known as Planet B. Those beings who have elevated their consciousness and created their Light Body will be on Planet A, the Planet of Ascension. The many who choose to leave at that time will then later have a choice of which dimensional reality to play in afterwards, be it Planet A, Planet B, or any other planet of consciousness that the soul is free to incarnate in or take 3
  • 4. part of. This is the event that will happen on that date, or near to that date, for there is still speculation because of adjusting calendars over the course of history that will qualify that time somewhat, but still, the event itself is that which will precipitate the Ascension process. This is that which will occur around the date December 21, 2012. This is simply a point of reference for that which is to occur, and it can be predicted fairly accurately because there is the ability to track the planetary bodies to see where certain alignments will occur, and those who have chosen to look forward have seen this event, and it is why it is marked as that termination date so clearly in the annals of history, both in the Mayan calendar as well as other sources. Question: How did the Mayans come to realize this knowledge way back when? Cosmic Awareness: The Mayans themselves worked with their multidimensional being and there were extraterrestrials who walked amongst them who became great teachers. These were not the Jehovah extraterrestrials. These were members of the Galactic Federation who taught these Mayans and helped them formulate their science and their ability to understand time in a much more accurate manner than that which is the modern case. These teachers were there to help them understand that a time would come when the present consciousness and the present experiment in consciousness that was being experienced would come to an end and a new phase would begin. The “Physical Experiment” Now Coming To An End Is Explained Question: You have spoken of the physical experiment several times. Could you please elaborate on that? Cosmic Awareness: The purpose of spirit, of the soul, was to have an experience of separation from itself, from Spirit. Thus, it was understood that one way to do this was to downsize, so to speak, into that which was a physical body. What occurs is that as the soul comes into an individual expression, it comes through that which is the Central Sun, Alcyone, through the 7 gateways or portals. Each time it passes through, that which is the individual soul that is seeking expression is condensed. Thus, by the time it has passed through the 7 Gateways and is ready to enter into human form, that spiritual body is com- pressed and condensed to such a degree that it can actually enter physicality, enter into a physical existence. The Soul Goes Through The Veil of Forgetfulness Part of the experiment was that the soul would go through that which has been called by many names, but mostly known as the veil of forgetfulness, so that it would not remember its true nature. It would simply associate itself with physicality, with a physical material experience. Part of the experiment is that there would be access to the teachings of Spirit. This was expressed mostly through the teachings of religious orders and sects. Thus it is that many understand spirituality in religious terms versus individual terms, but 4
  • 5. the experiment was such that it was wondered if there would be a return to the deeper understanding and connection to the deeper spiritual soul, the multidimensional nature of the being. Even though one had gone through the veils of forgetfulness, even though one may have been shackled by religious dogma into structured religious belief, could the soul find its way back into its spiritual understanding of self, even with the hindrances of materialism and dogmatic beliefs as well as a physical focus versus a spiritual focus. To ensure this through the veil of forgetfulness, the experiment became one that the goal was to find enlightenment, but in truth this is more a remembering of one’s truth and one’s truer being. Question: I had visions in my mind of somebody holding puppet strings on each individual, allowing them to have part of a physical experiment. Cosmic Awareness: There is in some way a truth to this. The truth is that the strings are not held at the higher levels of consciousness, but rather at the lower levels, by those who hold power, those who hold sway, who already understand and know the truth and have sought to enslave humanity. It is they who hold the strings for they are the ones who shape consciousness as held on the physical realm. It is they who have created religion, who nave created politics, who have created a materialistic concept of life, one that has enslaved, one that has captured, one that has put strings upon those who live in this physical reality. The Struggle of the Light Workers Cosmic Awareness: This Awareness does have an opening message at this time. This message has to do with the struggle of Light Workers as they have held a space for so long, a space that has allowed the Light to survive in the very dark times that have existed over the last several hundred years. This Awareness does state the last several hundred years, for since the industrial revolution began, where mankind started to turn away from the natural order, from his or her own connection to nature, to the Mother, Gaia, there has been a falling away from the spiritual connection, from that which was a natural connection, and with the rise of technology, especially over the last 50 years, this acceleration of the separation from spirit has indeed advanced very quickly. A Great Gap Exists From People’s Spiritual Connection At this time in mankind’s history, there is a great gap for the majority of people from their spiritual source, from that sense of being spiritually connected. This has nothing to do with those many who attend regular religious services, for there is still a confusion between that which is religion and that which is spirit, or spiritual. This Awareness is talking of the spiritual connection that once was the common element of mankind, and how this has been eroded and corrupted since the industrial revolution in the 1700s. At the same time, religion, which had already held great power and great sway over the minds of many, continued its insidious path of corrupting away from spirit the minds and 5
  • 6. hearts of the followers of the various religions that have appeared since the industrial revolution and before. At one time in the Western world, the Catholic faith was the only faith to be followed, and it did hold great power over the minds and attitudes and behaviors of many, but then with the entity known as Martin Luther, a schism started to form which started to provide alternative religious beliefs. Luther was followed by Calvin and the many other religious entities who formulated new concepts, new Protestant belief systems. There were, of course, in existence at the same time, other alternative religious belief systems such as the Judaic system, the Islamic Muslim system of belief, even the belief system of Buddhism, which even predated Christianity. The Religion of Industrialization Begins These religious systems of belief created in the minds of the masses a certain sense of how spirituality would look, but there was still some sense of a spiritual connection. With the beginning of the industrial revolution, a new religion started to form, that being the religion of Industrialization, of the Mechanical Spirit being entered into and pursued. This started to be reflected in the minds of the masses, and a dichotomy formed between industrial thinking, modern thinking and religious thinking. This led to all sorts of controversies, debates, discussions, arguments, even between Darwinism and Creationism. Those discussions still occur, but many would say that it is now a forgone conclusion that man was not created in the way the Bible suggests, but it was an evolutionary process. This Awareness is not saying that is what happened. This Awareness is just saying that is the nature of the debate between Creationists and Darwinists. This Awareness is speaking more about that process that started to occur with the Industrial Revolution, where mankind became more and more separated from any sense of spiritual connection. The word “religion” itself meaning to be connected at a spiritual level, but of course religions became dogmatic in nature, with rules and laws that must be obeyed to obtain that which was heaven, the reward, or alternatively, to be cast into the pits of hell to be punished eternally for a non-following of beliefs. How Modern Man Developed a Sense of Spiritual Separation (And the Price He is Paying For It) With the growth of the industrial revolution and the beginning of separation from a spiritual sense of being, modern man started to develop a sense that they were no longer connected on any level to that which is spiritual in nature. Indeed, a sense of being connected to nature itself started to evaporate, thus mankind became arrogant in its ability to be in charge on all levels, including nature itself. There was nothing man felt he could not do, and thus, the Industrial Revolution progressed and became the Technical Revolution, and now, has advanced to that high level of technical knowledge that exists in the world today. But at that level, a great price was also extracted, and that price is separation from the Godhead, from the Source, from that sense of connection to spirit itself, and even the connection of nature and the planet itself. 6
  • 7. This has been all part of that plan formed eons ago to bring mankind to an evolutionary point where a great shift would occur, where a great evolutionary leap would take place, and that is exactly where mankind stands at this time. In the process of bringing mankind to this epic point, much was lost, much was forgotten, and those powers that were not focused on bringing light onto the planet, or working from a place of unconditional love, gained power, gained momentum, gained control, and those times from the Industrial Revolution to now were marked by this decrease in spiritual awareness, spiritual connectedness, and an increase in the arrogance of the human mind to think itself superior to the planet itself and to even God. Man Became God: Man Can Do Anything (But the Light Workers Hung in There Anyway) Man became God, and many felt there was nothing man could not do. They could go to the moon. They could go the depths of the oceans. They could build great cities. They could create great computers and systems of technology. This was the loss of the soul, or at least the connection to the soul that this Awareness is speaking of. And during this time, there have always been those Light Workers who have held a space, who have held an access point to Spirit, who could bring Spirit into the human condition. These Light Workers have been located in many places, in many positions. There have been those who are teachers, those who have been religious leaders, those who have been social leaders, those who have been mothers, fathers, brothers, sisters, who simply held a belief, a connection to that which is still Spirit. In the last 20 years, those who this Awareness has often called the Light Workers, the Wanderers, those who have held that spiritual connection, have been hard pressed, as mankind itself has reached this crucial stage. The Light Workers have often held, without even their understanding of it, a recognition of this work that they have done, a space that has allowed Spirit to continue to exist in this consciousness that has marred this planet over the last several hundred years, but in particular, over the last two decades. Some Light Workers Fell by the Wayside, Became Agents of the Dark Often, it has been the case that Light Workers have felt that they could not hold any longer, they could not keep up the great effort that was required of them, and it is true that many Light Workers did fall by the wayside, did lose their way, became embroiled in the dark energies, sometimes not even understanding that they had done so. So it is that many of the Light Workers became agents of the Dark, not always consciously, not always with awareness, but such is the insidiousness of those forces of corruption, the Dark Agents themselves, that even some of the Light Workers were tainted by this. This is how disinformation became spread amongst those layers of consciousness of those who were seeking to understand. This Awareness wants to be clear here. It is not saying that Light Workers intentionally chose to misinform, to mislead. It is often because of their own strength of belief in their truth, that which they felt was the truth, that these Light Workers could be led astray, through personal vanity, through ego, through need, through that condition of denial, where having been denied so long even the material conditions of life, of prosperity, of 7
  • 8. health, of well-being, it was easy enough to taint some of the Light Workers. This has been a battle indeed — and a battle that is almost done. This Long Struggle is About to End This Awareness speaks of this issue simply to remind all of how close it is now to the end of the struggle, a struggle that has indeed raged for hundreds or years —this Awareness would even suggest millennia upon millennia — and this struggle is almost done. The fact that some of the Light Workers were led astray is no big deal, for it simply is what happened, and in the journey, each individual is asked to come to their own inner truth, their own inner understanding. The big deal of those who were led astray is that inadvertently they have worked to advance the causes of those Dark Forces that have controlled and manipulated for so long. But even those who have been led astray can once again move themselves back towards the Light, back to being of pure service, pure connection to Spirit, by looking deep within themselves at this time and asking if they have been 100% true to their deepest inner truth, to their deepest inner calling, to their deepest inner light. Light Workers Must Now Look Deeply Within Themselves This is a time now for all Light Workers to look deeply within themselves and to be prepared to abandon those levels of belief, those truths that they can see now perhaps were not in true alignment with Spirit, were not true reflections of the Light, nor held a true measure of unconditional love. This period of time, this time of self-examination, self-inspection and introspection is needed as the final purging that will allow a quantum leap for each individual who seeks Ascension and for a collective body who also are prepared now to ascend. Many other Light Workers, at great cost often to themselves, have stayed true to their inner beliefs and perceptions, have carried on the struggle, and often a struggle it has indeed been. Going without material acquisitions, without abundance and prosperity, often even in bad health, to hold that space, to hold the energy of Spirit on this plane of consciousness, a consciousness that has gone deeper and deeper into the Darkness over the last several hundred years since the Industrial Revolution. Often it is felt by those Light Workers who have struggled to hold this space that there is no hope, that things may never change. And yet despite this sense of hopelessness, they have held a space for Spirit, and the reward for doing so will indeed come to them at the time that is right for them. It will come in the measure of the Ascension process itself, and those who ascend into the higher states of consciousness themselves of course included. Cosmic Awareness Acknowledges Unrecognized Service On the other side of that which is the Ascension, they will become highly acknowledged for the spaces that they held and that which has been given over the years. This Awareness is not seeking to pamper Light Workers. It is simply acknowledging the service that has been given that is often unrecognized, that has often had a great cost to those individuals holding such spaces. This Awareness is not promising, as in the religious sense of the promise of reward after death, the reward It has spoken of. It is stating a fact; that there will be an acknowledgement and recognition of those who held 8
  • 9. to the truth, who held the space for service and for Spirit. At this time, when many are still struggling, there begins to be seen by many a glimmering of the new dawn, a sense of change, a sense of promise to what will be. It is important at this time for those who have struggled and sacrificed and have put their lives on the line to understand that that the shift has begun. That which is the Ascension process is underway. Lucifer Has Indeed Returned to the Godhead (Now the Prodigal Son and Daughter Can Return) This Awareness spoke once that the being known as Lucifer had returned back to the Godhead, had returned back to the Light. The holder of the Light, the giver of Light, that being known as Lucifer, who had begun the separation of consciousness away from Spirit, has indeed returned back to the Godhead. The world of darkness that has occurred is a world of delusion; for the truth is that the Light has not been extinguished. It has been hard-pressed, it has been challenged, it has been overshadowed, but it has not been extinguished. If the archangel who was the leader of the angelic realm, who proceeded out on that curve of experience to separate from the Godhead, from the Source, from Spirit, has returned home, is it not time for the many followers to return also, for the Prodigal Son to return, the Prodigal Daughter to return back to the Source, back to the Godhead? The World Has Reached That “Ascension Point” (Ascension Planet “A” or Ascension Planet “B”) This is the journey that is now and has always been underway, but it has come to that point which has been called the Ascension Point, where the many will make the choice to return fully back into a spiritual connection, into a spiritually orientated life, in union and in alignment with the planet herself, with Mother Earth, Gaia herself. This Awareness has spoken many times of Ascension Planet A and Ascension Planet B; that the heightened vibration of the planet needs to be matched by those who in the Ascension process will themselves heighten their own vibrations. This is the Light, the energy of Light, the vibration of Light being enhanced in all those who seek to make the Ascension process, the Ascension journey with Gaia, with Mother Earth. There will be those who choose to continue a path of separation, a path delving even deeper into the separation and the density, separation first of Spirit, and the density of the 3rd dimension, but that is another story for those who need that experience. This Awareness, in this message today is simply speaking to those who have held the spiritual space for so long. It has attempted to explain the nature of the struggle. It has attempted to explain that there is a time now very soon, where the Ascension will happen, the quantum leap will happen, and It simply asks all to recognize the nature of the journey and where it stands at this time. 9
  • 10. Is the Ascension the “Golden Age”? Question: With the Ascension Planet process etc., would that be similar to the golden age often referred to in the different readings? Cosmic Awareness: This is indeed so. Ascension processes have happened many times before. There is that cycle of the planetary progression called the Kali Yuga, the 25, 000 year orbit of the solar system around the central sun. There was a point known as the Golden Age, where the spiritual connection this Awareness spoke of a moment ago was the common factor for all. All lived in spiritual union and harmony. This would be in that time known as the Lemurian Age on this planet, where there was great spiritual harmony, great spiritual awareness, where all lived together in peace and harmony, where the lion and the lamb laid down together. This is what is approaching once again. This is not what will be reached in the Ascension process that is immediately ahead, but it is where mankind is heading once again. This is seen as several thousand years ahead still, but the beginning of the new Golden Age is about to begin again, and that is why this Awareness says yes, the Golden Age referred to is one of Ascension, is one of the integration, the blending and the harmony of the spiritual and the physical space of existence. After the Coming Shift, Will We Interact With Loved Ones Who Have Died Previously? Question: On a related note, after the shift, will we begin to interact physically with loved ones who died previously, or is this type of return not generally allowed? Cosmic Awareness: The comment that this Awareness wishes to immediately make is that such interchange and exchange takes place already on the physical level of existence, especially in that time of unconsciousness, that time of dreaming. The middle self, which is the consciousness that occupies the physical body, is not confined to the physical during the dream state. Indeed, as this Awareness has already spoken, it must leave the physical body in order to replenish itself on that spiritual level. That is where those loved ones also exist. Thus, it is possible to interact with loved ones who have already crossed over in the dream state at the level of 4th, but more accurately 5th dimensional consciousness. This has always occurred in the human condition. What has defined it, however, is the forgetfulness of the dream and the dream state when the middle self, the middle consciousness returns back into the prison that is the physical body. Because of certain mindsets and beliefs that are currently held, it is not seen as valid to remember the dream and the dream state. It is not seen as valid to remember connecting loved ones while in the dream state, and even if it is remembered, then there is no authority given to this experience. It is not deemed as real or even sometimes appropriate. Undue Grief at the Loss of a Loved One 10
  • 11. Because this is so, most individuals do not have the fullest of understanding that their loved ones indeed continue to exist and are always available to them. Because this is so, many grieve unduly upon the loss of a loved one for it is felt that they have disappeared forever and ever from their lives; that they cease to exist in any way, shape or form. Thus, the sense of loss is even greater. This was not always so. Most indigenous people do not hold it as so, but also in the history of mankind, at one time it was held that there was very little barrier between physical life and spirit life, and the two intermeshed constantly and it was more than possible to engage the presence of ancestors. In fact, ancestors were often sought for guidance and advice and this is still so for many of the indigenous people such as the Aborigines and others around the world. The concept that this will change and be more available is thus not a valid concept or even a valid question, for it already exists: that state of communication with those loved ones who have passed over. It simply requires an openness to this and a belief that it is so for it to be so. Can Cosmic Awareness Still be Contacted After the Ascension Shift? Question: After the shift, will Awareness still communicate via channels for a time? Will we at some point simply be able to tune into Awareness easily and recognize It as the source which spoke to us all these years? Cosmic Awareness: The Ascension process needs to be understood as a point of evolution that, once reached, will signify that a degree of consciousness is now available, a degree of consciousness has been reached whereby the expansion of consciousness does allow the communication with other dimensions to be made possible. This Awareness comes from a very high level of consciousness, a high dimensional level close to the Godhead. It comes down the dimensional levels until It reaches a point where It can connect with the Interpreter’s consciousness that has been sent upwards, if you will, until both have reached a place of commonality, where communications can occur. After Ascension Many Will Communicate With Awareness With the Ascension process, many will be much more able to extend their consciousness, not only upwards, but outwards, and in all directions. Thus it will be possible for many to have access to that which is Cosmic Awareness, that which is the level of consciousness of this Awareness. So the answer is indeed “Yes,” that with Ascension, many more will be able to communicate more directly with this Awareness, will understand the Source, because they will be more directly able to connect to that Source and to be open to that Source. This Awareness wishes also to state that many are now starting to experience this as the case, even before that time of Ascension is reached, for as this Awareness has said before, the Ascension time is flexible and it is indeed subject to individual interpretation. In other words, even though there is seen as a time of a mass Ascension of many, that there is also seen some individuals who have the honor of going ahead, who have already 11
  • 12. been working towards Ascension. Indeed, this can be seen throughout the history of mankind, that there have been those who have reached Ascension at various times and are able to communicate with this Awareness. Many New Voices of Awareness Now Being Heard There are indeed more and more who are reaching that level of personal Ascension before the mass event occurs, and these individuals are speaking more and more for this Awareness, and for the many voices of Awareness that are now starting to be issued, that are starting to be heard and starting to be expressed. This Awareness points out that in the early days of the organization known as Cosmic Awareness Communications, there were very few voices for this Awareness. Indeed, the voice of Cosmic Awareness was the only organizational voice available in the 1960s and 1970s. This already has shifted, as consciousness has been shifting over the last thirty plus years. Many Entities Today Are Channeling Awareness to Some Degree There are many more who are voices for this Awareness now, but they are also voices for many other layers and levels of consciousness, for many other entities who would speak through them, for the shifting of consciousness has indeed led to an expansion of availability to channel many entities, many levels of consciousness. Not all are as highly placed, perhaps, as that which is this Awareness, but many are indeed being heard. Some are being used nefariously, are being used to misdirect and mislead, but still the human condition as it moves towards expanded consciousness, evolved consciousness, is indeed turning outwards and is indeed opening up to a higher degree of conscious awareness which allows for the connection to the multidimensional universe to be made, which allows for the expressing and the channeling of this Awareness and other levels of consciousness to occur. Those Going to Planet “B”: How Will We Know If They Died or Not? Question: Regarding the shift, Awareness said that some people will literally die and others who appear to die will simply transfer to the other planet and not experience death. If we align with one planet, and others in our family align with the other planet, is there a way to tell if our loved ones have died literally, or if they simply transferred? Cosmic Awareness: This is indeed an intriguing question, for it is one that occupies many minds, for it also involves a sense of loss of those who are loved ones in a current lifetime, and even a fear that perhaps they will not be able to reconnect with those loved ones. This Awareness wishes to emphasize that there is a state of consciousness that lies beyond the physical, which lies beyond even the process of Ascension. Thus it is that loved ones or those who are part of the group soul that an individual may stem from, will always be available to them. The union that occurs within the fabric of the soul matrix will reunite always, no matter if an individual is progressing along that timeline, that conscious line that would be known as Planet B, or even Planet A. 12
  • 13. The experience of separation is such that in order to become totally focused on one line or the other, it may be required by the individual having the experience of consciousness along that line, to forget others who are held as loved and cherished in another lifetime so that they can indeed be focused onto the physical existence and the experiences of that physical existence. That line of existence in consciousness that this Awareness has referred to as Planet B will indeed become much more focused on the physical, and even digress in consciousness to an even greater state of separation between the physical and the spiritual, that which is the state of existence and consciousness lying beyond the physical. Thus it may be that all that is focused upon in the physical experience of that line that is known as Planet B will be one of total physicality with no sense of connection to that which is Spirit, or spiritual, that which is of a higher level of consciousness. Hard Times for Eons For Many on Planet “B” In this line, the physical suffering that may occur, the physical loss that may be so because of this separation, may be greater than that which exists on the current line of physical existence. The sense of loss to those beings who exist on that line may be such that there truly is no sense of an afterlife after physical death. The level of consciousness that will be reached will be so singular in that physical existence that there is no place for concepts of a greater reality or multidimensionality. For those beings, the loss of a loved one will be total and dramatic, and as consciousness digresses even deeper into physicality, a state of consciousness will be reached that will be almost animalistic, that will be totally governed and controlled by a handful of beings who have a greater truth and understanding but do not allow those below them to have that same truth or understanding. A Living Hell on Planet “B” This will be the creation, in a manner of speaking, of a “hell” upon the planet. It has always been understood that hell is here on this planet, that hell is considered truly to be that separation of spirit, that separation from a spiritual understanding and awareness, and part of that evolutionary track of that planet which this Awareness has called Planet B is a total separation from an awareness of spirit, thus creating a separation that creates hell on earth to an even greater degree than experienced even now. This Awareness sees many atrocities occurring in such a line of consciousness, but this too is part of the evolutionary track that certain souls will choose to experience in their own evolutionary track of soul expansion. Those who choose to experience heightened awareness, who have increased their vibrations and frequencies to such a degree, will not feel the loss of loved ones in the same way, for they will be much more able to access those loved ones, whether in a physical state or not. The Planet A will still have a physical component. It will still be physical in nature, but at the same time, those individuals having that experience will, at the same time, understand their multidimensional natures also, and will be able to play in both realms, not being solely at the beck and call of physical reality and a separation from Spirit and spiritual awareness. Both will exist simultaneously, and thus the physical experience on Planet A will truly be magnificent. 13
  • 14. If Your Loved Ones Go to Planet “B” (Death? Missing? An Empty House) Question: If our loved ones do transfer to the other planet without the appearance of dying, will we simply be unable to find them? Or will they simple be unable to find us? Will we go to their homes and places of work only to see that they’re missing, or is it necessary that going to a different earth must be perceived by those left behind as physically dying? Cosmic Awareness: This Awareness states that for some, a departure from this physical plane as they ascend or move on, or move to another state, will be seen as a physical death. For those who have such an experience, such a loss, there is a deeper reason why this will be so. Those who physically die off need to totally separate themselves, their consciousness, for they nave chosen to go down a line where they are separating more from their spiritual source, at least separating on that physical horizontal line of experience. Thus it may be that one might experience the loss of a loved one or an acquaintance in a physical manner, a death. What will be much more prevalent however is that people will simply not be part of one’s life anymore. A separation will occur without any realization that there is any loss, that there is a separation. People will simply not be part of an individual’s life any longer and there will not be even any thought to this, for as the separation grows greater between the two planets: Planet A and Planet B, that sense of other individuals will diminish, especially for those who continue along that line of physical experience that will define the experiential line of experiences that is Planet B. Those who have reached a higher level of Ascension may certainly, at the beginning, indeed be aware that certain individuals that were once part of their lives chose to move in another direction. They will acknowledge and understand that, even if it is a physical death that separates them, their consciousness, that which is their Higher Self, still does exist and is accessible to them if the need is there. However, while the focus is on that track of physical experience that will be exhibited and understood and experienced on Planet B, the need for interaction from those on that track will be less and less and less, while those who travel on the line that is Planet A, the Ascended planet, will honor those who have a need to progress along this spiritual evolutionary track and they will simply get on with their own lives, knowing that they can always connect if desired on that higher spiritual level. This is perhaps a confusing area to understand. This Awareness wishes it to be clear. Those beings, those souls who wish to experience an even greater experience of separation from spirit, from the multidimensional nature of consciousness, will do so in such a way that they will stay focused on the physical experience that they are having, complete with the rules of definition that will define that experience. Because this will be so, such souls will not necessarily seek to connect for a period of time with their 14
  • 15. multidimensional nature. Thus, those who have moved upwards in that appreciation of their multidimensional nature will not be sought out by those who do not choose this. Even though those who have experienced Ascension could meet with these souls upon their demise in their physical lives, they will not choose to do so, for that separation will be such that the honoring of them will allow them to simply have their experience, and the energetic gap will be great enough to prevent an interaction of consciousness. Planet “A” Will Move Into the 4th and 5th Dimensions Question: Is it fair to say that the higher consciousness on Planet A could be compared to a person taking a PhD? Cosmic Awareness: This is so. Those who are on that ascended level of consciousness have a greater awareness to what is possible. They are not quite as confined to a physical reality, but this Awareness wishes to make clear, that upon Ascension, the existence of the planet will still be largely physical. Those beings who choose to reincarnate on Planet A will also have a physical existence. It is more though; they will not be as confined to physicality the same way as it is experienced in the 3rd dimension. The Ascension process will move the planet beyond a 3rd dimension into that which is the 4th dimension: a variance of the two. The physicality that is experienced there will be much looser. It will not be as constricting or as dense as it currently is or as it will become upon that which is Planet B, and that line of evolution. Even as consciousness progresses along the timeline or the line of consciousness that will become Planet A, there will be a greater realization as time goes on, of the spiritual quality of consciousness and thus, a gradual moving away from physicality altogether. 12 DNA Strands for Those who Choose Planet “A” Question: It has been stated that our present DNA, chakras, auras, cells, must be released from the restrictions imposed upon them at one point in time, to become clear again. It has also been stated this is necessary to enable us to tolerate the higher vibrations as lower vibrations cannot prevail on Ascension Planet A. Cosmic Awareness: The DNA structure of individuals is changing, whether they wish it so or not, for the vibrations of the planet are changing. Some will be able to go further and deeper as their own frequencies increase, but all human beings will see a change of the DNA structure, for it is part of the natural evolutionary process that is occurring at this time. This Awareness has often talked of the Ascension Planet A, and Planet B, that which is behind or below Ascension. Both will have altered frequency, altered vibration, and to 15
  • 16. exist on either of those two will entail a changing of the genetic DNA structure that is in existence at this time. This DNA structural change has been underway for several years already, and will continue on until that divisional point occurs and those two planets this Awareness and others have spoken of come into existence, fully and completely. Those who exist on either of those two planets will have been altered so that they can exist physically on the new planets. Those who choose to go towards that higher level of consciousness that will be existence on Planet A will find that their genetic structure has altered to that which would be a higher frequency, and would allow a greater amount of those 12 strands of genetic material to be used and opened. That is part of the genetic shift that is occurring at this time. Those who choose not to raise their vibrations will actually shut down and part of the genetic code that will be needed to function on a much denser plane will be lost, or at least shut off. Only 2 of the 12 strands have currently been used by mankind over the last several thousand years. It is seen that this will be reduced down to one strand for those who stay on that planetary consciousness level that is Planet B. It is a shutting down, a damping down, a dumbing down that will occur. However, those who have chosen the Ascension process, or are part of the Ascension, whether they recognize their choice in this matter or not, will have an expansion of the genetic material, the DNA strands, an opening up once again of those strands that were once fully functional, and this will be part of that shift in consciousness, that shift towards the higher vibrational frequencies. Is Unconditional Love Important? Question: Is unconditional love truly necessary or is it the intention for such that is more important? In other words, what are the criteria to qualify for Planet A ascension? Cosmic Awareness: This is the splitting of hairs, for both are basically the same thing. It is indeed important to have the intention to experience unconditional love, to be the giver of unconditional love. Putting one’s intention towards this, one’s desire for this, will pull this into one’s life, but upon experiencing it, then this supports the ability to engage in unconditional love, which of course then increases the desire and the intent to put such energies forward, to live in such a way. It is a circular argument. The question is which came first: the intent for unconditional love or experiencing unconditional love? The two support each other. It does not matter which an individual starts with — the feelings of unconditional love or the intent to feel unconditional love. They are both part of the same thing. Where Will Planet A Go After Ascension? Question: When Planet A separates, where will it go to establish its own space? 16
  • 17. Cosmic Awareness: It will go nowhere to establish its own space, for it will be in its own space already and needs not go anywhere. This Awareness suggests that what is needed is a revision of the thought process around “going somewhere” — that the planet needs to physically go somewhere. It simply needs to vibrate at a different level. It will then be somewhere else. This Awareness gives as a parallel example, the example of being in a room that appears to be empty. There is no one else in the room, and yet at the very instant an individual is in that room, there are other beings in that room also — beings that are vibrating at a different rate — who may or may not be aware of the individual already occupying the room. Simply because one is not aware of others in the room because they are at a different vibrational rate does not mean that they are not occupying the same space at the same time. They have not had to go anywhere else, they are simply in that space, just as other vibrations are in the space, as X-rays and gamma rays and television rays and radios waves or vibrations or frequencies all are in the room at the same time the individual is in that room. Therefore, the space that the individual occupies is hardly an empty space, even if he or she does not perceive the other individuals, the other frequencies that are also in that space at the same time. Planet A Will Lift Itself Beyond the Physical Thus it will be with both planets, Planet A and Planet B, that their frequencies will change. They will occupy, in a manner of speaking, the same space, but it will not be at the physical level. Planet A will lift itself beyond the physical, creating a new form of physicality at a higher frequency, as will Planet B, creating a new form of denser physicality at a different vibration or frequency. They will no longer intersect to any degree; their frequencies and vibrations being so different that they no longer have an interface together as they currently do, but in a manner of speaking, they still will be in the same space. Will Ascending Entities Suddenly Disappear? Question: Will entities ascending suddenly disappear from us, leaving family and friends wondering what happened to the departed? Or will those planning to ascend inform their relatives of their intent before that, so that the shock and confusion will not result? The family would not even have access to the departed physical body for burial since it has been stated that the physical body will ascend. Cosmic Awareness: This is a question and derivations of this question that have intrigued many and many have wondered of this. The Interpreter himself has wondered of this. How will this happen? What will happen? Will the individuals simply disappear in front of someone else who is standing there? Will they die, even necessitating the need for a funeral? Or will they simply be forgotten, as if they never existed? 17
  • 18. A Process of Forgetting Will Start to Take Place This Awareness states that all three are somewhat relevant and possible, but that by far, what will occur is the latter. Due to the changing frequencies and vibrations of consciousness, that which was once known or held will no longer be known or held, and thus a process of forgetting will start to take place more and more. This will be toward those individuals who no longer share that reality with those who have stayed behind versus those who have moved forward. Thus, for individuals staying on Planet B with the slowing down of frequency, that which accelerates forward will no longer be known or experienced. Those individuals who accelerate their vibrations and frequencies, who have moved to those higher planes, will simply no longer exist, even in the memories of those individuals who once knew them. They will simply cease to be part of their lives on any level: past, present or future. It is as if they never existed. Those individuals who have stayed on the denser planet and chosen to go forward in that spiritual evolutionary process will not feel sadness, regret or sorrow for those who have disappeared from their lifetime. In fact, they will be very hard pressed to even remember that those individuals were part of that process. Thus it will be that those who have moved on will simply no longer be part on any level of their lives. The Scenario For Those Who Ascend on Planet A For those who are part of the Ascension process, a slightly different scenario will occur. Some will have an acute understanding and awareness of what is occurring for there will be those who are advanced in the process themselves who, because of their nature and their roles and their purpose, have been working with the Ascension process more consciously than some others. For those who are aware of what is occurring, there may indeed occur events where those who are not moving forward will truly disappear in front of their eyes, but they will know why this is occurring and they will understand that what is occurring is that those who cannot hold the frequency and vibration and advance, that vibration and frequency will indeed begin to slow down until they simply disappear. There will be an acceleration as the event draws nearer, and that acceleration will cause the accelerated vibrational rate. The two streams of consciousness that will exemplify Planet A or Planet B will become solidified. The interface this Awareness spoke of will then cease to be and the two will simply no longer interface with one another. Those who nave slowed down will simply no longer be part of the reality that is experienced by those who have accelerated themselves, as is the case for those who are in the slower reality towards those who have accelerated themselves. They simply will not be part of that reality any longer. Those who have a conscious awareness may actually see individuals slowing down to such a degree that they disappear. Those who do not have quite that level of awareness but are still part of the Ascension process may find that a natural process seems to be occurring. Individuals they once knew, whose lives they might have been part of simply 18
  • 19. have moved on, sometimes through a natural death or what appears to be the death of the individual. Sometimes they have just moved away, and they no longer have contact with those individuals, and sometimes it is simply life itself that has moved everyone in different directions. As those individuals themselves become even more conscious and aware they will understand from a more enlightened point, that all that has happened is that those who made the choice not to advance spiritually evolutionarily, have just taken a different way and are not part of their reality any longer, are not experienced in that reality any longer. That is why this Awareness said that all three to some degree actually apply, for this is how it will be. What Will Life Be Like on Ascended Planet A? Question: What will life be like on Ascended Planet A? Will entities work, eat, sleep, etc., as they do on Planet B? Is the difference simply that their mentality will be one of peace and happiness during their activities? Is Planet A fully equipped to accommodate the needs and activities of Ascended entities, such as places to work, markets to shop for food, some form of financial exchange to make purchases, or will entities simply think of what they want or need, and it appears? Cosmic Awareness: The Ascension process is a gradual unfolding, not a total and spontaneous change of everything. This means that the process itself will be an extension of that which was, to that which will be. It will create therefore, new thinking and new ways of thinking that will gradually unfold as these changes occur on that planet where the consciousness of many has been enhanced, has moved forward. There will be those who will now become the leaders for those who have that greater awareness and consciousness themselves through their efforts before the Ascension created a new level of consciousness already will be available to be the leaders and the teachers and the guides and the guardians of those many who have shifted forward, who have expanded their consciousness, who were perhaps born at a time where they came into the old way, the old world with expanded awareness, that made it possible for them to move directly into the higher frequencies of Planet A. The Rainbow and Crystal Children Will Lead Them This Awareness is specifically talking of those children who are now being born and who have been born over the last two or three decades, who are known as the Rainbow Children and the Crystal Children; also the Indigo Children, who now are no longer children of course, but who are adult members of society. Many of the Indigo Children, if they indeed survived their tumultuous lives, will be in positions of stepping into the frequencies of the Ascension and becoming the citizens of the Ascension. There will be different gradients of consciousness of those many who have ascended. Some, as this Awareness has said, having worked and are already opening before the 19
  • 20. Ascension, being in position to take charge, to show the way forward, and others who will be there to be shown, who are there to do the work that needs to be done. It will not be immediately a place of instant manifestation where those who simply desire and wish for something will instantly manifest it. However, that template will be in place for those who hold it and know it to be possible will be able to teach others, and gradually, step by step, over a number of years, not even singular years, but rather over decades, such abilities will be the norm, versus the beginning when the Ascension process initially occurs, it will not necessarily be the norm, but it will be known, it will be understood and there will be those who can do such things, and it will be taught to those others who will be open to such things, who will be open to a new way of thinking, for it is part of the new frequency of consciousness that they have chosen to be part of. For a Time Even Computers and Technology Will be Used There will even be the need for computers and technology that is being used at this time, but there will be a gradual shifting away from such technological tools and dependencies, for it will be seen that the speed of thought and the ability to manifest from thought is much quicker than anything that computers can do. However, for a space of time such technology will still be used, will still be needed, until such awareness is reached that recognizes that computers no longer serve a purpose. However, they will be useful for a time yet. Also, going together with this is an understanding that consciousness is much more expansive and flexible than mechanical thinking, such as the process used in computer technology. However, the computer has made possible much advancement over the last several decades and therefore, this technology will still be useful on the other side. It is also seen that such technological advancements and tools that have been used over the last few decades and that are in place now will continue to progress and a biological form of technologies will be created that is much more user friendly, much more orientated to an amplification of thought process versus a mechanical process as it now stands. Miracles Will be Much More Commonplace There are discoveries that are on the verge of being made even now, even before the Ascension process, that will alter things radically, so that by the time Ascension occurs, those technological devices will already have a huge biological component and be part of that expansion of consciousness, although it will be different. Therefore, the answer to the question is that the gradual unfolding of events, thinking, and ways of acting will be such that it will lead to a time where the mind is much more accessible, much more instantaneous in its process, in its ability to manifest instantly, than it will be at the beginning of that Ascension journey. However, much will be different. Miracles will be much more commonplace, and there will be an air of excitement and wonder at the new way of being that will be so upon Ascension. 20
  • 21. Will Working, Eating and Sleeping Still be the Same as it is Now? Question: Will entities working and eating and sleeping still occur the same way as it does now? Cosmic Awareness: No, they will not be the same as they are now. However saying this, there will still be the need to work. There will be the need to be active. What will be the most immediate change is the thinking that is behind the work ethic, the conditioning of thought around work, of thinking around work. This is largely that which is the Orion conditioning of mankind to think in terms of working for money, money being useful and needed to survive, that nothing can be accomplished without money, without an economic situation to provide money. No Need to Work For Money Any Longer At this time, before this Ascension process, most individuals find it hard to believe that there will be no need to work for money any longer, and they will find it hard to understand now a system can exist, how a civilization can carry on without individuals paying for things, buying things, for the whole system of thought at this time is so orientated toward the Orion conditioning program, that to think of living without being paid for work done is still largely a foreign concept. There will be the need to continue to work, but it will be work for the sake of expressing oneself, of doing that which draws the individual, where there is a need to express oneself, and thus work will become much more enjoyable. It will not simply be drudgery. It will not simply be that which is done to earn money so that one can buy things or have shelter or food. Indeed, such things will be available for all, whether they work or not, for it will be understood that every human being is entitled to have their needs fulfilled and it is not that one must work. The Orion Agenda Will Not be Carried Over One will therefore work for one wishes to be creative, one wishes to be active, one wishes to express oneself through an activity that will be known as work, but it will simply be so different that to draw a parallel to what work is now will be inappropriate. It simply will not be the same thing. The Orion agenda will not be carried over into the Ascension, into the elevated level of conscious awareness. Work will also be different in that it will not necessarily need to be physical in nature. Much will be achieved mentally and emotionally, and thus, many of the things that take place now in that long protracted manner, that physical manner, will simply disappear. There will be technologies available that will allow the drudgeries to be completed and taken care of versus individuals having to spend time doing those jobs, that work that is no longer seen as necessary. This Awareness speaks of the technologies that will be carried forward, so that until that point of consciousness is reached where the individuals are more living outside the physical and in that level of consciousness where physical expression is not needed, some form of worker will be needed. 21
  • 22. Robots Will Do Most of the Hard Work on Planet A That which is known as robots or androids that are so popular in science fiction as that which could possibly also exist until they are no longer needed in that Ascension planet, Planet A. It is simply not seen that many humans will desire to do hard labor to repair roads, to build buildings, to work in factories, to create the physical things that may still be used for a time on that planet of Ascension, on that grade of Ascension, of consciousness. These things will be done by automatons, by creations that are right now known as robots or androids. This can be seen to be useful for a period of time until consciousness itself has moved even further forward over the decades that lie on the other side of the Ascension process. They will be the ones that will be created to do the hard manual labor and the work that will still be needed for a time, but it is not seen that most humans will choose to do this work for there will be other ways to do it. For a time, as the Ascension process moves forward, there may be humans who still do work of a physical nature, and even later it is seen that certain individuals will enjoy physical activity, physical labor, such as working in a garden or creating and building structures. So much will change however, that it simply will not be as it is now. Even the need to create huge skyscraper buildings will no longer be favorable. It will be much more aligned to the physical planet earth itself, and mankind's imposition of his needs and desires will also fall away. Thus, cities as they are now known will be a thing of the past, for there will not be a need to live in such concrete jungles. Automobiles and vehicles such as these contraptions will no longer be needed, but this is all farther ahead than this Awareness wishes to speak of at this time. Androids and Robots—the Difference? (More Like That Creature Known as “Data”) Question: Is the android the same as a robot, or is that entirely different? Cosmic Awareness: The androids will be more biological in nature and will not have the metallic surface that is that of a robot. They will be more like that creature known as Data on the Star Trek series. There is a difference, though, in the human nature of a creature born to a human body, that while they may have the appearance of a human being they will not have a soul, they will not have a human consciousness as such. Theirs will be the advancement of that which is the computer chip right now on this planet, and they will have logic and the ability to think. They will be able to function highly at that level. This is all part of that which lies ahead, but this Awareness does not wish to discuss much further at this time. 22
  • 23. A Need to Eat and Sleep on Planet A? (Prana and Vegetarianism Will be the Norm) Question: Will the entities eat and sleep like they do now, or will there be no need for sleep or eating? Cosmic Awareness: There indeed will be a need for eating and sleeping, but so much will change. That which is known as vegetarianism will become much more the norm, and even as time goes on the need for sustenance through plant protein will also change. Energies will be taken in through breath, through the prana that is used even now through yogic traditions, and more and more will be the case. Those who understand how to take in energy will no longer need to eat the way that it is done now, will not need to take in sustenance as it is done now. The Need For Sleep Will Diminish Along with this, because consciousness will shift also, the need for physical sleep will shift and change. The times for sleep will be such that there is an active engagement of consciousness in the 5th/6th/7th dimensional reality. The physical body will become much more ethereal, less physical in nature, and thus the need for sleep will diminish also. These are part of the evolutionary track that is seen by this Awareness as lying ahead, however, this is not exactly what will be instantly the case upon Ascension. It will simply be that this will open up now so that many will move towards it, being led by those who have already worked towards this consciousness, who because they have attained such awareness, will be able to teach this more and more to those others who have also Ascended. How Long Will Entities Remain On Planet A? Question: How long will entities remain on Planet A? Will they have a choice to stay or move on elsewhere as is the case presently in the higher dimensions? Cosmic Awareness: This is also the case on the lower dimension, on the earth dimension. All entities have a choice to remain or to return back into multidimensionality, into spiritual consciousness. This will indeed continue on. It is simply that those who have ascended will have far more awareness of their multidimensional nature and character. They can leave physicality at different stages. Those who have attained high enough consciousness can manifest their bodies, can create a physical body to come into and also to disassemble that physical body as they move more into pure consciousness, pure levels of conscious awareness. Much will be available, but for a time many will be residing more in a physical structure that has possible to it a higher level of conscious awareness, thus an engagement in those conscious levels will be more and more the norm, while the body that is still available will dream, or be asleep, while that higher level of consciousness dreams. This is not unlike what happens in the physical level, but it will be more prominent and prevalent 23
  • 24. and understood to a higher degree, and thus dreaming will not be dismissed or denied, for it will be seen that that level of consciousness is that which is the natural aspect of a multidimensional being, not something that is dismissed, that is not understood. This Awareness wishes to make clear that an unfolding will occur which will move mankind more into a nonphysical state of consciousness and being, but this is not what will instantly be available on the other side of Ascension. Over a period of time, this will become so, a relatively short period of time. The world that will exist after the Ascension process will be radically different than the world that exists now before the Ascension process. While this Awareness has spoken of a degree of physicality that will still remain, it will be so radically different to what exists now, that will appear as night and day to those who have a memory of what once was and what will be. The Physical State of Consciousness To Totally Disappear This itself will continue to shift so that within the space of 140 years, there will no longer be a recognition to what was the physical state of consciousness. It will simply be something that can be engaged in when there is a need or a desire to engage in physicality. All that will have determined it at the beginning of the process will have moved forward in awareness to a degree that it is simply no longer needed. It is no longer needed to stay in a physical reality other than as this Awareness has just spoken, when there is a need or a desire to have a physical experience. An Instantaneous Conversion Into the Spirit State Already Exists Many want to believe that the Ascension process will be an instantaneous conversion into the spirit state. Such instantaneous conversion is already available. It is called Death. Upon the crossing over from a physical state, the consciousness of the individual is immediately released into the multidimensional consciousness that exists beyond the physical level of consciousness. What is to occur is a more gradual unfolding towards that level of consciousness that exists immediately upon death, after the Ascension. It is an evolutionary process that will move mankind forward to that place of multi- dimensionality. Much will change upon the Ascension process. Much will be available that was not available before, but the unfolding that will occur needs to unfold over a period of time. This Awareness is aware of the paradox that is involved here for It sees that the change will be instantaneously upon the Ascension, and yet will still need time to play itself out. What will change most dramatically is the conscious understanding of what the human being truly is, of how they are much more than simply a physical body having a physical existence, and yet many will already be aware of this to one degree or another before the Ascension process happens. Most who seek Ascension, who will experience Ascension, will have this deeper more profound understanding of human consciousness. What this Ascension process will primarily represent to them is the actualization of what they know or think it will be so, versus thinking of it being so, of imagining it to be so. It will actually be so. Thus, many 24
  • 25. will be able to experience the miraculous, the magical and the profound. That is the biggest singular change that will occur upon the Ascension process. The Journey into Physicality will Continue on Planet B For the majority of people who experience the Ascension process, the majority of humanity that ascends, will now begin to live the Ascension versus simply thinking of it, imagining it, or wondering about it. Of course, that process that occurs on Planet B will be radically different. Their journey into physicality will continue. It will become more and more dense in nature, not as liberating, not as free as that which exists now. It is largely because of those individuals who can access higher levels of consciousness that humanity, even at this stage and time, experiences much more freedom, much more wonder and possibility than will be so when those who are the dreamers, the visionaries, those who hold higher levels of consciousness depart from that which is the physical level of reality. Once those individuals are gone, then those who would bind to a higher degree of physicality will have full sway. They will create an intolerable situation to those of higher consciousness, but those of higher consciousness will already be gone. This Awareness is saying that those who would still hold to what was known by them, they will have to start to fall asleep, “they” being those who chose not to ascend, who chose not to raise their level of consciousness. They will have to dumb down their own consciousness to exist in such a dense reality, such a dense vibration. Thus they will forget more and more what once was, and start to know only physicality, as it will become. Will Those Who Ascend with Planet “A” Still Be Subject to Reincarnation and Karma? Question: Will those who ascend with Planet A still be subject to karma and reincarnation? And if so, how can this be when it sounds as though life will be one of peace, love, harmony etc., which leads to the balancing of karma? Cosmic Awareness: This Awareness states outright there will no longer be that which is karma. There will be no need for karma, for with that higher understanding, that higher awareness, it will be understood that to create an event against a person, to do something against another individual without their intent or desire, is simply not the way it is done. There will be no need to engage with other individuals in the creating of karma towards that individual, towards the society. Thus, there is no need for karma. That this is the negative experience that is no longer required as it has been required as a way of learning in physical reality. Reincarnation Will No Longer Exist As to reincarnation, once the multidimensionality is truly understood and engaged, it will be understood that reincarnation is simply a form of multiple dimensionality, of multiple lifetimes, multiple layers of consciousness, and many lives can be seen and understood and experienced from this higher level of consciousness. In one way, reincarnation as it is 25
  • 26. now understood on the physical plane, will no longer exist, for it is at this time understood to be a linear process — that past lives happened at some point in the past, and that a linear line is drawn from the past through the present into the future. Such understanding will no longer be valid, for the greater awareness and understanding will be in play, that all times exist simultaneously, and in that simultaneous existence, all lives exists simultaneously, and thus consciousness can choose any life to experience at any time, to be open to the experiences that are present in that lifetime. Reincarnation as it is now understood will no longer exist. What will exist is multidimensionality, simultaneous experiencing at any time, at any point, a focus that an individual consciousness wishes to focus on. The focus will become much more the primary understanding. What one focuses on is what one will experience. The need to experience negativity or karma will simply no longer need to be the focus, and it will cease to exist. The need to follow a sequential order of lifetimes in various reincarnations will no longer exist and thus all will change. Will Past Lives be Remembered? Question: Will the person’s memory of all of the different lives that they had, will that be instantaneous? Is this something they would have to develop? Cosmic Awareness: There is indeed a developing that will occur as that shift is being made, as the movement and the unfolding is occurring forward into an expanded consciousness, even beyond that which will be available initially upon Ascension. The focus is what will be primary to this. As consciousness learns to focus its intention upon this event or that event, this life or that life will then take that consciousness to that event, to that consciousness or that lifetime, to that experience. This is something that exists already, but in a strange way must also be learned. When consciousness has reached that place, that the understanding of focus is what is essential and primary, then anything is possible, any lifetime is possible, any dimension is possible, any experience is possible. Will the Garden of Eden be Restored? (The Questioner is Quite Confused About Planet A and B) Question: If Planet B, where we presently reside, will be restored to the Garden of Eden by the Galactic Federation aliens when they finally arrive on our shores, thus establishing a clean, happy and joyful abode, will this not serve as a deterrent to many entities not to ascend, or is it the Ascension process that will be over before Eden and the Golden Era are established here on Planet B? If entities are happy with Planet B, might they not reason, “Why go anywhere else when we are so happy and content right here? It is not clear exactly what will occur once the Ascension door is closed to Planet B. It has been 26
  • 27. stated that Planet B will fall back into third density. This appears to mean Planet B is presently rising to 4th and 5th dimensions, but will fall again to the 3rd at the departure of Earth, and if so, will not the Garden of Eden and Golden Era still prevail on Planet B, making is a desirable place to abide? Cosmic Awareness: This Awareness needs to start by pointing out an error in the thought process, and the assumptions made by the Questioner. Planet B will not be the Eden planet that will become Planet A. It is Planet A that will be the Eden once again, for part of that process that will occur upon the unfolding, that will last several hundred years, is that a reinstating of that Garden of Eden energy will occur. The planet itself is ascending and she too will reinstate herself, will draw back that perfection that is the Garden of Eden, and those who ascend will understand their new roles, their true roles in this process. Thus, they will be able to partake in the Garden of Eden once again. It will be available to all who ascend, for only those who understand their role, their place in the harmony and the balance of working and living with a conscious being that is the planetary consciousness of earth will have a place on the new Ascension Planet A, will have a place on New Gaia, of the consciousness of a sentient being who wishes to live in harmony with all of her citizens, all those who would reside within her being. Planet B Will Be a Degraded Polluted Planet for Entities (Dried Up Oceans and Huge Deserts) Planet B will simply not be Eden, for what will continue to occur on Planet B is the deterioration and destruction of the beautiful planet that currently is fighting for her survival. While it is her naturalness to be a Garden of Eden, the ignorant and arrogant actions of the beings that now reside upon her surface are detrimental to her well being. It is seen that Planet B will degrade in quality as the consciousness of the planet shuts down and goes into a deep hibernation. This being so, many will experience a degraded planet, a planet that is heavily polluted, that has toxic areas, that huge deserts, that has oceans that have dried up. Life Underground the Only Possibility for Planet B The consciousness of the planet will go deep into the planet, allowing the surface to become a hostile surface. Part of the struggle will be simply a struggle to survive. Many will not be able to continue surviving on the surface, and it is seen that many will go underground. They will need to survive under the surface, for to live on the surface will no longer be truly possible. Those conditions spoken of earlier of the radiations that are coming through will have destroyed the planet’s surface to such a degree that life underground is the only possibility. This too will be an unfolding over many generations, as they are no longer able to survive on the surface and will be driven underground, thus entering into the physical vibration of the planet itself, and as the consciousness of the planet recedes, as it draws inwards, the effect will be a denser consciousness of those beings living under the surface. 27
  • 28. It is erroneous to assume that Planet B is an Eden planet, and many will not want to ascend for they are so enamored by the glorious Garden of Eden that the planet has become or will become. This is simply wrong. This is an erroneous assumption. This is not the destiny of Planet B or those who will continue to have a physical experience of consciousness on that planet. Will Forgiveness Prevail? Question: If it is that the Garden of Eden will be established on Planet B and become a wonderful place to reside, obviously the evil administration, together with their Illuminati leaders will be enjoying the environment as well, unless they are brought to justice and imprisoned for their misdeeds. The question which arises with this scenario is, will forgiveness be part of the Galactic teachings and become the norm, and if so, will the administration and the Illuminati be forgiven and released from prison, or not go to prison at all? Also, if the practice of forgiveness prevails, will this not also apply to all entities who break the law, and will this not create an unsafe environment? If forgiveness prevails, it would seem to follow that unless the Illuminati are closely watched, they would be free to go their way and resume scheming, bound to reestablish and repeat their shenanigans concerning greed and controlling — will this not eventually return Eden to its present negative state under free will? Cosmic Awareness: This Awareness has already stated and maintains that Planet B will not be the Eden garden planet that the Questioner is conjecturing on. Saying this, there are qualifications that this Awareness wishes to make. While the planet itself largely will degrade, it is seen that there will be pockets upon the planet that will be shielded and under the shielding, this is where there might be some form of natural beauty, of that which the Questioner has been calling the Garden of Eden. Orion Reptilians Will Be In Total Charge of Planet B It is also seen that these pockets will be inhabited mostly by those who are of the Reptilian/Orion persuasion, those who created and are part of the New World Order, the Illuminati and all of those who have been in charge and in power for so long. They will become and continue to be the supreme masters of this Planet B. They will have with them in these enclaves certain slaves, humans who have been kept there for their pleasure and for their service. These will be slaves of the ultimate order, for they will have no rights, no options and no freedoms. They will be treated as their masters desire to treat them. There will not be much in the form of human compassion or kindness towards these slaves, these humans who chose to continue in this experience, this limited consciousness. The question was asked, “Will these types not be punished? Will they be forgiven and allowed to continue on?” The question is irrelevant for these beings will continue on, for it is part of the purpose of that planetary evolutionary track that those who are part of that desire to have. It will also be part of the greater stream of consciousness that will be brought back into the Long Soul, the Great Soul. Thus, the question of forgiveness is a redundant one. 28
  • 29. Consciousness is Eternal Forgiveness is truly a spiritual quality that always has existed and will always exist. At some point, even those who chose to separate even further from the Godhead, from the Supreme Consciousness, from Awareness of the Truth of All, even they will be forgiven and returned back to the flock at some point. This Awareness asks all to remember that consciousness is eternal. Eternity is a concept that is extremely hard for many to understand or accept. In the scale of that which is eternal, that which is eternity, what does it matter if a stream of consciousness extends one or two or three million years? It eventually will return back to itself, back to the Godhead. It will return bearing gifts, the gifts being that of awareness, of that which was learned and understood through that track of evolutionary experience. Thus, forgiveness is always possible, is always available, and many will understand this as they move through the experiences. The experience may not come immediately. It may take many lifetimes on that track which has become Planet B’s spiritual evolutionary track, to be realized and be understood. It may take many lifetimes before that quality of forgiveness is once again understood and rediscovered, but eventually it will be understood and rediscovered. Eventually there will be a return to the Godhead of those souls who chose to have that experience that lies ahead for Planet B. It is not up to this Awareness to make judgment and suggest that those who have continued along that path of degradation where there is an imposing of their wills upon those of others of a limited consciousness, that they be judged by this Awareness. There is no need for judgment, for all is as needs be. All will learn. All will be forgiven, and all will return to that which is the Godhead, the Source, the consciousness that is the Everything and the All. Karmic Relationships on Planet B Question: If the Garden of Eden is restored to Planet B so that it is wonderful, how can it be used as a karmic school of learning for souls, since everything will be so great? If souls wish to be poor and destitute and abundance prevails on Planet B, must they seek another galaxy to fulfill their negative karmic choice, or is there no other third dimensional plane for souls to be born into to learn and work off negative karma? If there are other physical planes where these souls can go to work off negative karma, do those residents possess physical bodies such as ours, and is life there difficult, so that they may have to experience whatever the need? If so, it sounds as though those planes are in need of Divine Assistance, as is our Planet B. Cosmic Awareness: The primary comment that this Awareness wishes to make again relates to the Planet B not being the Garden of Eden. If this is understood, then it can easily be seen how Planet B can well indeed be the line of consciousness to take if one 29
  • 30. wishes to experience the karmic path, wishes to understand through multiple lifetimes on a physical plane of existence, the truth of consciousness, wishes to play over and over through many lifetimes lessons and experiences that need to be had for one to eventually truly receive the understanding of the lifetime lessons. There are many reasons why entities wish to have karmic relationships with others, as the soul has set for itself certain experiences that it wishes to have and understand. The spiritual evolutionary track that has been this planet’s evolution over the countless millennia has reached a point of division. Many have learned through the millions of years that this track has already progressed along, the deepest and highest lessons, and. many have advanced their consciousness to a degree where they are ready to move forward. That quantum leap in consciousness is now available for those who have learned through the karmic lessons of multiple and many lifetimes. Those are the ones who are indeed ready to move forward, and are ready to ascend. Those who are not ready, those who choose to have more experiences and those who choose to have even harsher experiences of the physical will experience that which is to come on Planet B. This will be the major physical track of consciousness that exists. While there are other physical realities, they will not be the same. The possibility to learn through karmic lessons, through multiple lifetimes that have a karmic tie to them will exist only on that evolutionary track of consciousness that will define Planet B and that spiritual evolutionary track. The question regarding other planets of physicality is irrelevant to the understanding that it will only be this one line of spiritual evolution that has a karmic nature to it. Others will learn in the physical universes that exist differently. They will not necessarily partake in a karmic series of incarnations that will teach them karmic lessons. For those souls who wish to have such lessons, they will engage on that spiritual track of evolution. Those who do not have that need will go elsewhere. How is it Possible to Take a Physical Body Into a Higher Realm? (How Buddha and Jesus Disassembled Themselves) Question: How is it possible to take a physical body into a higher realm? Cosmic Awareness: This is possible through the shifting in consciousness. This Awareness spoke the other day of a concept that allowed a vertical plane to be seen, a line that involved all higher dimensions, that all exist simultaneously. When consciousness reaches a certain point, it becomes aware of this and is able to start accessing some of those higher planes of existence, those higher levels of consciousness. When a being in physical has reached conscious awareness of this truth and accesses it, then they are able to dematerialize their bodies, and are able to remove their bodies from the physical plane all at once, without the need of physical death. This is what has 30
  • 31. occurred to certain Ascended Masters on the planet who in the course of the spiritual evolution of the planet to date, reached levels of conscious awareness and thus were able to disassemble their physical bodies and reassemble them elsewhere in non-corporeal form. How Jesus Disappeared From the Tomb It is said that the Buddha was able to do this, and there are other examples, including Jesus Christ, who in that time of resurrection, disassembled his body and thus it disappeared from the tomb. When he was ready, he reassembled his body in front of the disciples. Thus, they could see his physical body. He even allowed them to touch the wounds that were created through the experience of crucifixion. This was simply to help them understand that he could reassemble the body. He chose to reassemble it in the actual state it was in when he was on the cross, but he did not have to reassemble the body that way. He could have reassembled it complete and whole without the wounds being present. This is an ability that can be engaged in and used by an enlightened being, a being who has reached that level of conscious awareness that helps them understand that the physical line of existence, that which this Awareness has referred to as the horizontal line, can be transcended and can be changed. It is not iron clad. Once this level of consciousness is attained, it is then that an individual can jump beyond the laws of physicality and can do miraculous things indeed. The Death Experience and When It Will End Question: When one passes, as is presently the norm on Earth, the body is left behind. Will entities... Cosmic Awareness: This Awareness wishes to speak to this before advancing. This is how it is now because most entities do not have a level of consciousness that allows them to take their physical form with them. The way the reality was set up was so that at a certain point when it is time to return back into spiritual consciousness, that which is the physical would be discarded, and left behind, to return back into the elements of the physical planet herself. As the saying goes, “Ashes to ashes, dust to dust.” This is simply a statement that the physical body will return back to its natural elements while the consciousness of that body, the identity of that body, is released from that physical prison to be returned back into consciousness at that higher expanded level that exists beyond the physical form. When enough realize this, then there will be no need for physical death any longer, for the physical form can be disassembled, and reassembled when and where it is wished, or not, if it is meant to stay in your conscious form. Question: Will entities reproduce in some way or will the population be composed strictly of those who have ascended from Planet B? 31
  • 32. Cosmic Awareness: This question does not make sense to this Awareness because all being born on this physical planet are spirits choosing to have a physical existence. The way forward on the physical is to be born into the physical. When consciousness is raised to a degree, there is no need to choose to be born into the physical, for the natural state is consciousness, is spiritual awareness. Thus, the choice is no longer one that is even necessary. The Planet B, which will continue the physical journey, will continue to be such that each and every soul will have to choose to be born into it, and thus the experience of physical birth will continue onwards and will go into the depths of physicality that is almost animalistic in nature, and it will become as it once was when there was no help available to help birth the children being born into the physical state. Many will not survive the physical journey, but then that too will be a choice, the choice perhaps of simply having that part of the physical experience available to them. This is as it will be. Question: Is there a closing message? Cosmic Awareness: This Awareness indeed has a closing message. It profoundly thanks the Questioner for the astounding questions. While some seemed redundant, they are questions that many have. There are confusions that many hold towards that which is the Ascension process, especially that which is the division of the two planets of con- sciousness that will be formed upon Ascension. Indeed, the Ascension Planet A will become a planet of higher consciousness and awareness that will continue to grow and unfold, moving towards that place and space of pure consciousness. For those who still seek to have a physical experience, Planet B will be a continuance of the physical level of consciousness that has been in existence for millennia. There is a need of the soul to feel an even deeper level of separation from itself, to move into an even denser level of consciousness that is little removed from an animalistic state of consciousness. This will be different than that animalistic state of consciousness that existed during that timeframe known colloquially as the caveman era, or that time of the Neanderthal, the cave man, the primitive man. It will be different because there will, be a group of entities or beings who will have ultimate control and power over the lives of the many. There will be those who will be slaves to these masters, who will literally serve every wish and desire that their masters might have. Barbarianism and Cannibalism Await on Planet B There will be others who will not be under such dominance but will have to live underground in a very rudimentary existence, simply to survive on the physical. This group will be often targeted by those of the elite nature for their sport and their sustenance even, and this level of consciousness will degrade so deeply into barbarianism and cannibalism that it is seen as something that will be repugnant to many who even now would not desire such an experience. 32