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Booth Sales

Purposes of Cookie Booth Sales
•Sell Cookies
•Girls learn new skills by the experience of selling cookies in a retail
•Promote Girl Scouts

Who can participate?

                                             •Brownies, Juniors,
                                              Cadettes, Seniors and

                                             •Daisies may not participate

                                             •Individual Girl Members
                                              may participate

All Girl Scouts can participate in Cookie Booth Sales, except Daisies.

Booth Sales


Please read the Booth Sale Guide before participating in Booth Sales. Also,
cover the Booth Sales information with the girls and adults that will be
participating in Booth Sales.

Booth Sales

Must be returned to Council before scheduling booths. The Booth Sale
Agreement is found in the back of the Booth Sale Guide.

Dates & Times

       Thursday, February 24 – Sunday, March 13
             Times are generally in 2 hour time slots
                Monday – Friday: 4:00 to 8:00 p.m.
            Saturday & Sunday: 10:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m.

Booth Sales can be scheduled from February 24 through March 13

Generally, the booths scheduled by the Council are in 2 hour time slots and scheduled between 4:00
and 8:00 p.m. on weekdays and 10:00 and 8:00 on Saturdays and Sundays.

Girls & Adults
                                         • Number of Girls: 2 to 4
                                         • Number of Adults: 2
                                         • Role of Girls
                                         • Role of Adults

Number of Girls needed at booth: Minimum 2 / Maximum 4
  Most locations in retail stores don’t have room for more than 4 girls
  With more than 4 girls, girls tend get bored because they aren’t busy and they start talking
rather than being attentive to customers

Number of Adults: 2 adults. One volunteer needs to be a registered volunteer with
completed background check.
Why 2 adults?
  One volunteer to stay at booth with girls , so the other volunteer can take a girl to bathroom
or handle any emergency situation.

What’s the role of the girls?
 Help the customers
 Tell customers about their goal and how they will use the cookie proceeds
 Keep the booth neat and tidy

What’s the role of the Adults?
 Supervise the girls
 Help girls give back change, if needed
 Keep track of the number of cookies sold.
 Answer questions about Girl Scouting, etc.
 Safeguard the money

Public Relations
  •   Adults & Girls are representing Girl Scouts
  •   Please wear a Girl Scout uniform, vest or sash
  •   Use best manners
  •   Sales Tips for Girls

Review Top 10 List. This a good sheet to give parents who will be helping with the
1. Girls should wear uniforms or at least sashes or vests during the sale. Remember you
   are representing Girl Scouts and not yourselves.
2. Plan to arrive at the sale site at least 5 minutes early to get set up.
3. Check with the store manager as to where he/she would like the troop to sale. (It may be
   a different location than the previous troop. Let the manager choose.)
4. Two Girl Scouts and two parents MUST be on-site at all times throughout the sale.
   (Helpful Hint: Go to the restroom BEFORE starting the sale.)
5. Siblings, friends and additional adults should not be at the cookie booth.
6. Use your best manners and customer service skills. Girls should stand next to the
   display, be attentive and courteous to customers. NEVER call out to a customer who is
   not already approaching the display table. Look customers in the eye and smile when
   they approach the display table. Remember to say “Thank-you” when a customer buys
   and say something nice even when he/she doesn’t purchase cookies. And, smile!
7. Keep a tally of cookie types sold on a cookie worksheet.
8. Food and drink may NOT be consumed at your booth location. If a drink is essential,
   please buy the drink from the business.
9. Designate someone other than the adults at the booth to be a runner, who can get more
   cookies for the booth if needed from a cookie cupboard.
10. Last but not least – ENJOY YOURSELVES (within reason)!

What are some sales tips for girls? What are some things for girls to say to
  customers…something other than “would you like to buy some Girl Scout cookies?”
  Help keep it fun and interesting for the girls.
  What’s your favorite cookie?
  Were you a Girl Scout or Boy Scout?
  Our goal is to sell _____ boxes of cookies, so we can earn our way to ____________.
  Hand out to customers a recipe card with a recipe that uses girl scout cookies. Recipes
  can be found on or search for other recipes on the internet or
  create your own.
Business Relationship
  • Check in with Store Manager at your arrival
  • Ask where you are to set-up your booth
  • Do not eat or drink at your booth
  • Do not interfere with the store’s business activity
    or customer flow
  • No shopping while you’re on booth duty
  • No additional siblings, friends or adults at your
    booth…no cell phone conversations, no texting.

Follow same guides as the business employees follow.
Example: How would you feel if your grocery store check out clerk
was…eating, talking to friends, etc.

Supply Checklist

  •   Card Table & two chairs (for adults)
  •   Posters, Banners, Signs
  •   Tape, scissors, pen & markers
  •   Money bag (with bills & quarters)
  •   Cookie Worksheet
  •   Permission Slips
  •   Authorization Forms
  •   First Aid Kit
  •   Cookie Sharing Receipts
  •   Girls & Adults
  •   Cookies

What are things you’ll need to bring for your booth?
 Small Table
 Two chairs (for adults)
 Posters, Banners, Signs
 Tape, scissors, pen & markers
 Money bag (with bills & quarters)
 Cookie Worksheet
 Permission Slips (Parent Permission for this Booth Sale)
 Authorization Forms (Emergency and Medical information for each girl)
 First Aid Kit
 Cookie Sharing Receipts
 Girls & Adults

Please don’t ask the business for any supplies.

Online Booth Scheduler

   • Opens: January 19
   • Closes: Feb. 1
   • Random Scheduler: Feb. 2
   • 1st Come 1st Serve: Feb. 4 at 6PM
        – Maximum 5 additional booths: Feb. 4 – 10
        – Maximum increases to 10 booths on Feb. 11
        – Maximum increases to 15 booths on Feb. 18
        – Maximum increases to 20 booths on Feb. 25

   • Ends: March 13

There are two types of Cookie Booths.
1. Booths coordinated by the Council
2. Booth coordinated by the individual Troops or Service Units.
Both types of booths need to be entered into the Cookie Booth Scheduler on SNAP!
Booth sale locations that are arranged by the Council will be listed on the Booth Sale
  Scheduler for troops to select the location, date, and time they would liked to be schedule
  by order of preference. The Booth Scheduler will be open from Jan. 19 to Feb. 1 to select
  booths. The Council will then run the random selection feature of the Booth Scheduler in
  SNAP and troops will be assigned to the booths. This happens on Feb. 2. On Feb. 4,
  booths not assigned during the random selection process will be opened up for first come
  first serve.
If a troop would like to set up a booth at a location not listed on the Booth Scheduler (that is
    booths not coordinated by the Council) the troop must be request the booth location for
    approval on the SNAP Cookie Scheduler starting Jan. 19th. This is done through the
    “Request New Booth Location” section of the Booth Scheduler. This includes booths at
    business, churches, schools, etc.
Please do not contact businesses yourself, without first contacting the Girl Scout Regional
   Office. Business managers appreciate one call instead of numerous calls requesting

Scheduling Tips
   • Please schedule booth dates/times
     ahead of time with girls and parents.

   • If you are only scheduling two girls to
     work at a booth, please have a girl on
     stand by in case someone gets sick.

   • Please do not cancel less than a week
     ahead of time!

1. Please find out before you schedule/request a booth dates/times what
   time the girls and parents are available. Have the girls/parents hold these
   dates/time until you find out on Feb. 3 what date/time you troop is
2. If you are only scheduling two girls to work at a booth, please have a girl
   on stand by in case someone gets sick.
3. Please do not cancel less than a week ahead of time!
4. Through the random selection process it is possible that your troop could
   get scheduled for two booths at the same time or back-to-back at different
   locations, if you indicate as your preferences two locations with the same
   time slot or back-to-back time slots.

How many boxes of
• Order from Cookie Cupboard or
  with initial cookie order
• 2 hours = 100 boxes maximum.
  General about 50 boxes are sold.
• Check with Council on how many
  boxes sold last year at the location

Dividing boxes among girls

• Discuss before the sale with the girls
• Option 1 (total boxes divided by girl hours)
• Option 2 (total boxes divided by girls)
• Make transfers in SNAP as “Booth Sales”

Things to consider as you plan to divide boxes sold at booth sales
   among the girls in your troop
1. Discuss and agree to a plan before the booth sale

2. Suggestions for how to divide boxes
• Option 1: Divide the number of total boxes sold by the total number of
   hours your troop worked at booths. Each hour is then assigned a number
   of boxes. Then the girls are given the number of boxes based on the
   hours they worked. Ex: 100 boxes sold in 4 hours worked by girls
   equaling 25 boxes per hour. So, the girls who worked 1 hour receive 25
   boxes and the girls who worked 2 hours receive 50 boxes.

• Option 2: Divide the number of total boxes sold by the number of girls who
  worked. Example: 100 boxes sold by 4 girls, so each girl receives 25

Either way, it is suggested that you total the boxes of all the booth sales, so
   that the girls who work a less busy location/timeslot are rewarded equally
   to the girls who happened to work a busier location/timeslot.

Excel spreadsheet available to help calculate

When making the transfers to the girls in SNAP, please select “booth Sales”
 boxes as the box transfer type. This will transfer the cookies to the girls,
 while not making them financially liable for the boxes in SNAP, since the
 troop collects the money for the booth sales, not the girl. This feature also
 allows the Council to run reports on the number of boxes sold through            13
 booth sales.
Leftover Boxes?
    • Schedule an additional booth
    • Sell door-to-door
    • Check with Service Unit Manager
      or other troops
    • Ask initial customers if they need

What to do if you have boxes leftover from your booth sales?
•Try scheduling an additional booth
•Sell the boxes door-to-door. Door-to-door selling are easier when you have cookies in hand!
•Check with your Service Unit Manager or other troops to see if they need additional cookies
•Ask initial customers if they need more cookies

Booth Sales: Requesting Council Sponsored Booth Sales Locations
     Requests must be entered by February 1 at midnight for Random Assignments





                                                       TIP: Go to Reports > Summary Reports > Available Booth
                                                       Sales Summary Report to view all the available booth sale
                                                       locations, dates and times.

Booth Sales: Requesting Council Sponsored Booth Sales Locations
Requests must be entered by February 1 at Midnight.
1. Click on Cookies
2. Select Booth Scheduler > Schedule Booth Sale
3. Use the Search features to find a booth location
4. Double click on the booth sale location to bring up calendar of available dates for location

Continue on next page

Booth Sales: Requesting Council Sponsored Booth Sales Locations

                                         Pop Up Window



Scheduling Council Sponsored Booth Sales Locations — CONTINUED
5. Place curser on Available date to view available time slots
6. Double click on Available view a pop up window to request date and time slots
7. Click Request in the pop up window to request the date/time
8. Click Close after making request
9. Click OK to confirm the date/times

Booth Sales: Requesting Council Sponsored Booth Sales Locations





Scheduling Council Sponsored Booth Sales Locations — CONTINUED
10. Go Back to Cookies > Booth Scheduler > Schedule booth sales to request additional locations/dates/times.
You can request up to 20 timeslots.

11. Review your Requested Booth Sales
12. Change the number fields on the Requested Booth Sales to reflect you first choice, second choice, etc.
13. Click Red X to delete a booth sales location, if needed.
14. Click Save

Complete the above steps by February 1. The Random Booth Scheduler will schedule 3 timeslots for your

Viewing Scheduled Council Sponsored Booth Sales Locations


                                                                        CONFIRMATION E-MAIL

                                                         3   From:
                             2                               Sent: Wednesday, February 2, 2011
                                                             To: Chris Cookies
                                                             Subject: Booth Sale Confirmation
                                                             You have reserved a Booth Sale on Friday,
                                                             February 25, 2011 from 4:00 PM to 6:00 PM. The
                                                             location is Dillons 2 - West & Central 100 W.
                                                             Central Wichita, KS 67212

Viewing Scheduled Council Sponsored Booth Sales Locations
After the Random Booth Scheduling Process on Feb. 2, troops can view their booth locations
•     Go to Cookies > Booth Scheduler > Schedule booth sales
•     View the Reserved Booths Sales
•     Please click on the Red X to cancel any of the reserved booth sales for your troop.
•     Troops will receive a confirmation e-mail from

Scheduling 1st Come 1st Serve Booth Sales Locations




      TIME SAVING TIP: Go to Reports > Summary Reports > Available Booth Sales Summary Report to view all the
      available booth sale locations, dates and times.

Scheduling 1st Come 1 Serve Booth Sales Locations
Beginning Friday, February 4 at 6 PM, troops may select five additional booths on a first come first serve bases.
    Each week the maximum number of additional booths a troop may select will increase by five.
1. Go to Cookies > Booth Scheduler > Schedule Booth Sales
2. Use the Search features to find a booth location
3. Double click on the booth sale location to bring up calendar of available dates for location

Steps 4 – 9 are as they were when requesting a booth…steps not show on slide.
4. Click Place curser on Available date on the calendar to view available time slots
5. Double click on Available view a pop up window to request date and time slots
6. Click Request in the pop up window to request the date/time
7. Click Close after making request
8. Click OK to reserve the date/times

10. View your reserved booths under Reserved Booth Sales.

Scheduling Troop Sponsored Booth Sales Locations




Scheduling Troop Sponsored Booth Sales Locations
Please contact the Council Office to check with the Product Sales staff before contacting a business regarding
    booth sales. This ensures that only one person is contacting a location. Please do this before entering the
    Booth Location on the SNAP.
1. Go to Cookies > Booth Scheduler > Request New Location
2. Enter the Location and Contact Information (The contact information is the person at the Booth Sale
3. Enter the Date, Start Time, End Time and click Add Time after entering each date and time
4. Click Save after entering all the dates/times for the location.
5. Click OK on the pop up window to submit the request

Scheduling Troop Sponsored Booth Sales Locations



Scheduling Troop Sponsored Booth Sales Locations — CONTINUED
1. To view your requested New Locations go to Cookies > Booth Scheduler > Schedule Booth Sales
2. View the requested New Locations under Pending Booth Sales
3. Once the Council Staff has approved the New Location, it will show up under Reserved Booth Sales


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2011 Booth Sales Training Presentation

  • 1. Booth Sales Purposes of Cookie Booth Sales •Sell Cookies •Girls learn new skills by the experience of selling cookies in a retail environment •Promote Girl Scouts 1
  • 2. Who can participate? •Brownies, Juniors, Cadettes, Seniors and Ambassadors •Daisies may not participate •Individual Girl Members may participate All Girl Scouts can participate in Cookie Booth Sales, except Daisies. 2
  • 3. Booth Sales Guide 3 Please read the Booth Sale Guide before participating in Booth Sales. Also, cover the Booth Sales information with the girls and adults that will be participating in Booth Sales. 3
  • 4. Booth Sales Agreement Must be returned to Council before scheduling booths. The Booth Sale Agreement is found in the back of the Booth Sale Guide. 4
  • 5. Dates & Times Thursday, February 24 – Sunday, March 13 ••• Times are generally in 2 hour time slots Monday – Friday: 4:00 to 8:00 p.m. Saturday & Sunday: 10:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. Booth Sales can be scheduled from February 24 through March 13 Generally, the booths scheduled by the Council are in 2 hour time slots and scheduled between 4:00 and 8:00 p.m. on weekdays and 10:00 and 8:00 on Saturdays and Sundays. 5
  • 6. Girls & Adults • Number of Girls: 2 to 4 • Number of Adults: 2 • Role of Girls • Role of Adults Number of Girls needed at booth: Minimum 2 / Maximum 4 Why? Most locations in retail stores don’t have room for more than 4 girls With more than 4 girls, girls tend get bored because they aren’t busy and they start talking rather than being attentive to customers Number of Adults: 2 adults. One volunteer needs to be a registered volunteer with completed background check. Why 2 adults? One volunteer to stay at booth with girls , so the other volunteer can take a girl to bathroom or handle any emergency situation. What’s the role of the girls? Help the customers Tell customers about their goal and how they will use the cookie proceeds Keep the booth neat and tidy What’s the role of the Adults? Supervise the girls Help girls give back change, if needed Keep track of the number of cookies sold. Answer questions about Girl Scouting, etc. Safeguard the money 6
  • 7. Public Relations • Adults & Girls are representing Girl Scouts • Please wear a Girl Scout uniform, vest or sash • Use best manners • Sales Tips for Girls Review Top 10 List. This a good sheet to give parents who will be helping with the booth. 1. Girls should wear uniforms or at least sashes or vests during the sale. Remember you are representing Girl Scouts and not yourselves. 2. Plan to arrive at the sale site at least 5 minutes early to get set up. 3. Check with the store manager as to where he/she would like the troop to sale. (It may be a different location than the previous troop. Let the manager choose.) 4. Two Girl Scouts and two parents MUST be on-site at all times throughout the sale. (Helpful Hint: Go to the restroom BEFORE starting the sale.) 5. Siblings, friends and additional adults should not be at the cookie booth. 6. Use your best manners and customer service skills. Girls should stand next to the display, be attentive and courteous to customers. NEVER call out to a customer who is not already approaching the display table. Look customers in the eye and smile when they approach the display table. Remember to say “Thank-you” when a customer buys and say something nice even when he/she doesn’t purchase cookies. And, smile! 7. Keep a tally of cookie types sold on a cookie worksheet. 8. Food and drink may NOT be consumed at your booth location. If a drink is essential, please buy the drink from the business. 9. Designate someone other than the adults at the booth to be a runner, who can get more cookies for the booth if needed from a cookie cupboard. 10. Last but not least – ENJOY YOURSELVES (within reason)! What are some sales tips for girls? What are some things for girls to say to customers…something other than “would you like to buy some Girl Scout cookies?” Help keep it fun and interesting for the girls. What’s your favorite cookie? Were you a Girl Scout or Boy Scout? Our goal is to sell _____ boxes of cookies, so we can earn our way to ____________. Hand out to customers a recipe card with a recipe that uses girl scout cookies. Recipes can be found on or search for other recipes on the internet or create your own. 7
  • 8. Business Relationship Guidelines • Check in with Store Manager at your arrival • Ask where you are to set-up your booth • Do not eat or drink at your booth • Do not interfere with the store’s business activity or customer flow • No shopping while you’re on booth duty • No additional siblings, friends or adults at your booth…no cell phone conversations, no texting. Follow same guides as the business employees follow. Example: How would you feel if your grocery store check out clerk was…eating, talking to friends, etc. 8
  • 9. Supply Checklist • Card Table & two chairs (for adults) • Posters, Banners, Signs • Tape, scissors, pen & markers • Money bag (with bills & quarters) • Cookie Worksheet • Permission Slips • Authorization Forms • First Aid Kit • Cookie Sharing Receipts • Girls & Adults • Cookies What are things you’ll need to bring for your booth? Small Table Two chairs (for adults) Posters, Banners, Signs Tape, scissors, pen & markers Money bag (with bills & quarters) Cookie Worksheet Permission Slips (Parent Permission for this Booth Sale) Authorization Forms (Emergency and Medical information for each girl) First Aid Kit Cookie Sharing Receipts Girls & Adults Cookies Please don’t ask the business for any supplies. 9
  • 10. Online Booth Scheduler • Opens: January 19 • Closes: Feb. 1 • Random Scheduler: Feb. 2 • 1st Come 1st Serve: Feb. 4 at 6PM – Maximum 5 additional booths: Feb. 4 – 10 – Maximum increases to 10 booths on Feb. 11 – Maximum increases to 15 booths on Feb. 18 – Maximum increases to 20 booths on Feb. 25 • Ends: March 13 There are two types of Cookie Booths. 1. Booths coordinated by the Council 2. Booth coordinated by the individual Troops or Service Units. Both types of booths need to be entered into the Cookie Booth Scheduler on SNAP! Booth sale locations that are arranged by the Council will be listed on the Booth Sale Scheduler for troops to select the location, date, and time they would liked to be schedule by order of preference. The Booth Scheduler will be open from Jan. 19 to Feb. 1 to select booths. The Council will then run the random selection feature of the Booth Scheduler in SNAP and troops will be assigned to the booths. This happens on Feb. 2. On Feb. 4, booths not assigned during the random selection process will be opened up for first come first serve. If a troop would like to set up a booth at a location not listed on the Booth Scheduler (that is booths not coordinated by the Council) the troop must be request the booth location for approval on the SNAP Cookie Scheduler starting Jan. 19th. This is done through the “Request New Booth Location” section of the Booth Scheduler. This includes booths at business, churches, schools, etc. Please do not contact businesses yourself, without first contacting the Girl Scout Regional Office. Business managers appreciate one call instead of numerous calls requesting permission. 10
  • 11. Scheduling Tips • Please schedule booth dates/times ahead of time with girls and parents. • If you are only scheduling two girls to work at a booth, please have a girl on stand by in case someone gets sick. • Please do not cancel less than a week ahead of time! 1. Please find out before you schedule/request a booth dates/times what time the girls and parents are available. Have the girls/parents hold these dates/time until you find out on Feb. 3 what date/time you troop is scheduled. 2. If you are only scheduling two girls to work at a booth, please have a girl on stand by in case someone gets sick. 3. Please do not cancel less than a week ahead of time! 4. Through the random selection process it is possible that your troop could get scheduled for two booths at the same time or back-to-back at different locations, if you indicate as your preferences two locations with the same time slot or back-to-back time slots. 11
  • 12. How many boxes of cookies? • Order from Cookie Cupboard or with initial cookie order • 2 hours = 100 boxes maximum. General about 50 boxes are sold. • Check with Council on how many boxes sold last year at the location 12
  • 13. Dividing boxes among girls • Discuss before the sale with the girls • Option 1 (total boxes divided by girl hours) • Option 2 (total boxes divided by girls) • Make transfers in SNAP as “Booth Sales” boxes Things to consider as you plan to divide boxes sold at booth sales among the girls in your troop 1. Discuss and agree to a plan before the booth sale 2. Suggestions for how to divide boxes • Option 1: Divide the number of total boxes sold by the total number of hours your troop worked at booths. Each hour is then assigned a number of boxes. Then the girls are given the number of boxes based on the hours they worked. Ex: 100 boxes sold in 4 hours worked by girls equaling 25 boxes per hour. So, the girls who worked 1 hour receive 25 boxes and the girls who worked 2 hours receive 50 boxes. • Option 2: Divide the number of total boxes sold by the number of girls who worked. Example: 100 boxes sold by 4 girls, so each girl receives 25 boxes. Either way, it is suggested that you total the boxes of all the booth sales, so that the girls who work a less busy location/timeslot are rewarded equally to the girls who happened to work a busier location/timeslot. Excel spreadsheet available to help calculate When making the transfers to the girls in SNAP, please select “booth Sales” boxes as the box transfer type. This will transfer the cookies to the girls, while not making them financially liable for the boxes in SNAP, since the troop collects the money for the booth sales, not the girl. This feature also allows the Council to run reports on the number of boxes sold through 13 booth sales.
  • 14. Leftover Boxes? • Schedule an additional booth • Sell door-to-door • Check with Service Unit Manager or other troops • Ask initial customers if they need more. What to do if you have boxes leftover from your booth sales? •Try scheduling an additional booth •Sell the boxes door-to-door. Door-to-door selling are easier when you have cookies in hand! •Check with your Service Unit Manager or other troops to see if they need additional cookies •Ask initial customers if they need more cookies 14
  • 15. Booth Sales: Requesting Council Sponsored Booth Sales Locations Requests must be entered by February 1 at midnight for Random Assignments 1 2 3 4 TIP: Go to Reports > Summary Reports > Available Booth Sales Summary Report to view all the available booth sale locations, dates and times. Booth Sales: Requesting Council Sponsored Booth Sales Locations Requests must be entered by February 1 at Midnight. 1. Click on Cookies 2. Select Booth Scheduler > Schedule Booth Sale 3. Use the Search features to find a booth location 4. Double click on the booth sale location to bring up calendar of available dates for location Continue on next page 15
  • 16. Booth Sales: Requesting Council Sponsored Booth Sales Locations Pop Up Window 7 8 5&6 Scheduling Council Sponsored Booth Sales Locations — CONTINUED 5. Place curser on Available date to view available time slots 6. Double click on Available view a pop up window to request date and time slots 7. Click Request in the pop up window to request the date/time 8. Click Close after making request 9. Click OK to confirm the date/times 16
  • 17. Booth Sales: Requesting Council Sponsored Booth Sales Locations 10 11 13 12 14 Scheduling Council Sponsored Booth Sales Locations — CONTINUED 10. Go Back to Cookies > Booth Scheduler > Schedule booth sales to request additional locations/dates/times. You can request up to 20 timeslots. 11. Review your Requested Booth Sales 12. Change the number fields on the Requested Booth Sales to reflect you first choice, second choice, etc. 13. Click Red X to delete a booth sales location, if needed. 14. Click Save Complete the above steps by February 1. The Random Booth Scheduler will schedule 3 timeslots for your troop. 17
  • 18. Viewing Scheduled Council Sponsored Booth Sales Locations 1 4 CONFIRMATION E-MAIL 3 From: 2 Sent: Wednesday, February 2, 2011 To: Chris Cookies Subject: Booth Sale Confirmation You have reserved a Booth Sale on Friday, February 25, 2011 from 4:00 PM to 6:00 PM. The location is Dillons 2 - West & Central 100 W. Central Wichita, KS 67212 Viewing Scheduled Council Sponsored Booth Sales Locations After the Random Booth Scheduling Process on Feb. 2, troops can view their booth locations • Go to Cookies > Booth Scheduler > Schedule booth sales • View the Reserved Booths Sales • Please click on the Red X to cancel any of the reserved booth sales for your troop. • Troops will receive a confirmation e-mail from 18
  • 19. Scheduling 1st Come 1st Serve Booth Sales Locations 1 2 3 TIME SAVING TIP: Go to Reports > Summary Reports > Available Booth Sales Summary Report to view all the available booth sale locations, dates and times. Scheduling 1st Come 1 Serve Booth Sales Locations Beginning Friday, February 4 at 6 PM, troops may select five additional booths on a first come first serve bases. Each week the maximum number of additional booths a troop may select will increase by five. 1. Go to Cookies > Booth Scheduler > Schedule Booth Sales 2. Use the Search features to find a booth location 3. Double click on the booth sale location to bring up calendar of available dates for location Steps 4 – 9 are as they were when requesting a booth…steps not show on slide. 4. Click Place curser on Available date on the calendar to view available time slots 5. Double click on Available view a pop up window to request date and time slots 6. Click Request in the pop up window to request the date/time 7. Click Close after making request 8. Click OK to reserve the date/times 10. View your reserved booths under Reserved Booth Sales. 19
  • 20. Scheduling Troop Sponsored Booth Sales Locations 1 2 3 4 Scheduling Troop Sponsored Booth Sales Locations Please contact the Council Office to check with the Product Sales staff before contacting a business regarding booth sales. This ensures that only one person is contacting a location. Please do this before entering the Booth Location on the SNAP. 1. Go to Cookies > Booth Scheduler > Request New Location 2. Enter the Location and Contact Information (The contact information is the person at the Booth Sale Location.) 3. Enter the Date, Start Time, End Time and click Add Time after entering each date and time 4. Click Save after entering all the dates/times for the location. 5. Click OK on the pop up window to submit the request 20
  • 21. Scheduling Troop Sponsored Booth Sales Locations (continued) 1 2 3 Scheduling Troop Sponsored Booth Sales Locations — CONTINUED 1. To view your requested New Locations go to Cookies > Booth Scheduler > Schedule Booth Sales 2. View the requested New Locations under Pending Booth Sales 3. Once the Council Staff has approved the New Location, it will show up under Reserved Booth Sales 21