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Megan Bobo                                     Michael Dore                                     Samantha Murphy                                   Emma Samms
Her performing career started here in          His rich baritone voice has enamored             Talented singer, songwriter. Grew up in the       Returning to Iowa for her 21st Telethon.
Des Moines. Her love of singing came at an     audiences around the world, in a career          music industry. She sang with the family          She is the spokesperson for “Cash for Kids.”
early age. She went on to be a member of       which has taken him from the Royal Albert        band, “The Murphys”. Born in Hawaii to            Talented and caring actress who starred
the Old Gold Singers at the University of      and Festival Halls in London and Carnegie        Australian parents, she has wowed audi-           in General Hospital, Dynasty, The Colby’s
Iowa, featured soloist with Up With People,    Hall in New York to the stages of the Royal      ences all over the world. She has her own         and many, many movies. A truly beautiful
finalist on American Idol, and is now living    Shakespeare Company. Michael is one of           Podcast SMtv. New hit CD “Somewhere               person inside and out and a vital part of
in Los Angeles. She is an outstanding young    Britain’s most successful concert and            Between Starving & Stardom” just released.        our Telethon and the Variety family. She is
lady with stage presence, passion, soul,       recording artists and his dramatic and           She will be taping part of the show live.         very proud that she founded the Starlight
and talent.                                    stylistic vocal flair make him one of the         Welcome Samantha, to your first Telethon.          Foundation which has helped thousands
                                               most sought after performers in Europe                                                             of children.
Jason Cook                                     and the Far East. He can be heard on many        Kim Olson
Starred as Shawn-Douglas Brady or Shawn        major film soundtracks, including “Lord of        Singer, nightclub entertainer, composer,          Denise Shipler
D. on “Days of our Lives”. This handsome       the Rings”, “Star Wars” and “Pirates of the      recording artist and a master of the 12-string    Appearing on her 20th Telethon. This
young man is a talented actor, musician        Caribbean”. His recent “Musicals” concert        guitar, banjo and harmonica. Kim is an            talented and beautiful young lady will
and writer. He is one of the hottest young     in Johannesburg was for the benefit of the        entertainer at Disneyland and appears             capture your heart. Iowa native from Burt.
actors in Hollywood. Returning for his fifth    Variety Club Child Rescue Centre. Welcome        on Showtime TV. Returning for his 25th            Appeared on many Variety Telethons
Telethon. Special thanks to Maureen and Bill   Michael, to your                                 Telethon. Not only a great singer, but            throughout North America. National spokes-
Civitella for the continued support of our     first Telethon                                    that Kim can sure whistle.                        person for children and Very Special Arts
kids. Currently working on a new movie.                                                                                                           – Iowa. She thrills the audience wherever
                                                                                                                                                  she goes. Performed at Ragbrai 05 and at
                                               Hacksaw Jim Duggan                               Darrin Otto
Dakota Crosswhite –                            A proud American, Hacksaw is now                 This handsome exciting singer is originally       Rock the Roof at Lake Okobodji. This
Miss Iowa Teen USA 2007                        working for World Wrestling Entertainment.       from Iowa, now lives in Nashville. Seen in        dynamic and versatile vocalist sings
Is a 17 year-old Senior at Washington High     He loves the telethon and working with           ads for Sprint PCS, O’Charleys, and Sonic         everything from Country and Blues to R
School in Cedar Rapids. She plans to attend    children. He and his wife Debra, are proud       Restuarants. Has been the opening act for         & B and Rock N Roll. Recently performed
Coe College in the fall. She will represent    to be coming back for his sixth Telethon He      Sawyer Brown and the legendary Roger              with Nashville’s “Shotgun Red” Band and
Iowa in the National Miss Teen USA pageant     can really fire up a phone panel.                 Miller. He is a spokesmodel for Menaji            appeared on stage with the legendary Ralph
in August which will be on NBC. She is                                                          Skin Care for Men, and the host of the            Emery. Be sure to see her show at the Iowa
beautiful inside and outside, a good                                                            Spa2Go infomercial. Appeared in Revlon            State Fair. We are fortunate she is part of our
                                               Blake Emmons
combination. She cares about children.         We are very proud of Blake. He was               commercial with Sheryl Crow and named             Telethon family.
Welcome, Dakota.                               presented with The Order of Canada in            one of Nashville’s Hottest Singles by the
                                               recognition of his humanitarian efforts on       prestigious Nashville Lifestyles Magazine.        Alyssa Simmons
Michael Danso                                  behalf of disabled children in Canada and        Returning for his 18th Telethon.                  This amazingly talented 16 year old returns
Born in Glasgow, Scotland, and now             around the world. A talented and caring                                                            for her fourth Iowa Variety telethon. Alyssa
living in Toronto, Canada. He is a dynamic,    man – one of Iowa’s favorites. He and his                                                          has opened for many major recording artists
                                                                                                Ed Podolak
energetic, stylish entertainer. Whether        wife Diane live in Nashville. He truly is an     Sportscaster, former Hawkeye football star        and has appeared at the Apollo theatre in
starring in Riverdance on Broadway, singing    Honorary Iowan. He was here for the first         and All-Pro running back for the Kansas           New York City. She now performs around
with a symphony orchestra in London, or on     Telethon in 1975 and nearly every one since.     City Chiefs. Still popular with Iowans as the     Michigan with her incredible band and has
the Variety Telethon in Iowa, his rich voice                                                    Voice of the Iowa Hawkeyes. Returning for         just finished recording 4 new original songs.
thrills the audience. Recently starred in a                                                     his 23rd year. A vital part of our telethon       Alyssa is very excited and honored to be a
                                               Steve Haberman
new musical in Edinburgh named “Rob Roy.”      A terrific musician, a talented songwriter, a     and a very caring human being, the proud          part of the telethon family.
Michael, as the Bard sang ‘He’s a magician’    mainstay on Variety Telethons. He conducts       son of Dorothy and Joe of Atlantic, Iowa.
in a slick cabaret style. One of everyone’s    the Telethon orchestra and you’ll want to        We love it when the children bring tears          Scott Smith & Beth Smith
favorite Telethon stars. Charles Cozens, his   watch for his late night rendition of Tuti-      to your eyes. Currently splitting his time        Scott is a talented singer, pianist and
pianist and musical conductor, joins him.      Fruiti. Has a recurring role on the Young and    between real estate ventures in Costa Rica        bandleader. He has spent many years
                                               The Restless. Thanks Steve, for all you do for   and Aspen.                                        entertaining in the Des Moines area, as well
Ben Davidson                                   the kids of Iowa.                                                                                  as Las Vegas and Atlantic City. He was a
A Telethon regular. Former All-Pro Defensive                                                                                                      member of the original cast on Telethon
                                                                                                Dani Reeves – Miss Iowa USA
Lineman with the Oakland Raiders. A                                                             A beautiful, caring and talented woman            One. You can always count on Scott for
                                               Greg Hanna
Miller Lite All-Star. He also comes back to    Handsome and fun-loving, a great combina-        who will represent our state very well in the     surprises and great music. Currently
Iowa from his home in San Deigo to go on       tion. Couple that with an excellent voice        National Miss USA Contest. She is the pride       performing at Fratello’s. He and his wife
RAGBRAI. But, we all know him as a caring      and style and you have a one-man entertain-      of Hamburg, Iowa. Currently living in Sioux       Beth are a talented couple. His daughter
man who comes to Iowa to help our kids.        ment machine. Played to rave reviews at the      City where she is finishing her degree in          had triplets prematurely, and they know
Welcome back Ben!                              Iowa State Fair. Now living in Nashville with    Radiology. Welcome Dani, to your                  first-hand why the Variety Neo-Natal
                                               his beautiful wife Sheree.                       first Telethon.                                    Intensive Care Nursery is so important!
Dondino Melchiorre was born in Italy           David Anthony Higgins                            Brandon Routh                                     Wicker Van Orsdel
and came to the USA when he was 12.            Has recurring role on Fox’s “Malcolm in the      Grew up in Norwalk, attended the Univer-          A beautiful, energetic and talented lady.
We are glad he did. A talented singer          Middle.” Starred as Joe Farrell, Master          sity of Iowa before heading to Hollywood.         Wicker has appeared at the Crystal Palace in
who has starred in the Dondino Show in         Coffee Brewer on the ABC hit series Ellen.       Had roles in Odd Man Out, Gilmore Girls,          Aspen and many nightclubs across the U.S.
Las Vegas and Branson. He contributes his      Best known as part of the sketch comedy          and Undressed before landing Clark Kent/          She has the music in her and is a lot of fun
musical talents and time to many charities.    trio, The Higgins Boys and Gruber. In ad-        Superman role in Superman Returns a               to be around. We are delighted she is a vital
Additionally he has created a fun way          dition to TV, he is a frequent guest star at     Warner Bros film released in May. His              and important part of our Telethon family.
to learn to read, dream, and ignite            comedy clubs all over the United States. He      brother is a real life Superman – a police        She is a lady with energy to burn. The “Gong
imaginations through his contributions         shot a pilot called Misconceptions for the       officer in Des Moines. Can play piano and          Show” in Okabodji is her creation.
to his partnership with Story Store            WB. Des Moines’ native returning to Iowa for     trumpet, enjoys soccer, basketball, biking
Collection of bilingual and illustrated        his 11th Telethon.                               and swimming. Proud parents are Katie and
children’s picture books. There is much                                                         Ron who live in Norwalk. Returning for his
more to this man than his excellent                                                             second Telethon.
                                               Tatana Kucharova
voice. Also welcome Debbie Richards,           Is the first Miss World from the Czech
his pianist and musical conductor.             Republic.Currently living in Prague. She         Sara Routh
                                               is a wonderful credit to the Miss World or-      Talented singer/songwriter originally from
                                               ganization. Beautiful, sentimental and caring.   Norwalk, graduated from Simpson College.
                                               We are delighted to have Tatana with us.         Went to study acting and perform in New
                                               We are very grateful to the super Miss World     York; now living in Los Angeles. Performs
                                               organization.Say a special “thank you” to        in many L.A. nightclubs. Nominated for
                                               Julia Morley, President and Stephen Morley,      Best Folk Artist for Southern California. New
                                               Executive Vice President who will be with        album is on the way. Daughter of Katie and
                                               us for the miracle weekend.                      Ron, joins her brother Brandon for their
                                                                                                second Telethon. Welcome back Sara!

                                                                                                                                                 FEBRUARY, 2007 HEART OF VARIETY 9
Danny & The Dreamers

                                     BE SURE TO JOIN US
                                          FOR THE
                                     VARIETY TELETHON,
                                         MARCH 3 & 4
Wicker VanOrsdel & Eileen Gannon                                                          Renee Wulf

                                           AT THE
                                       PALACE THEATRE!
                                     If you are one of the Variety supporters that
                                     comes to Telethon year after year or if you are
                                     a Telethon newbie….you will see these familiar
                                     faces on air. It takes a lot of people to make
                                     a telethon run smoothly so having people that
                                     know what they are doing really helps!
             Gary Lowe                                                                 Scott & Beth Smith

  Tropical Steel

                                                                                          Telethon Orchestra

2006 Grant Recipients
                                                                                                                                               Rock in Prevention
                                                                                            Handicare Inc.
  Throughout the year, Variety volunteers work tirelessly to raise                                                                             Des Moines
                                                                                                                                               Reinforcement Tapes & T-Shirts for Drug
                                                                                            Communication and Safety Equipment
  money. The reward comes in September when Variety empties its
                                                                                                                                               Prevention Program
                                                                                            Heart Connection Children’s
  pockets, this year it was in tune to $3 million dollars.
                                                                                                                                               Ruth Harbor
                                                                                            Cancer Program
                                                                                                                                               Des Moines
                                                                                            Des Moines
                                           Chrysalis Foundation
Amanda the Panda                                                                                                                               Educational Materials for Pregnant Young
                                                                                            Camp Scholarships for Children with Cancer
                                           Des Moines
Des Moines                                                                                                                                     Women
                                                                                            Hills and Dales Child
                                           Scholarships & After School Programs for
Camp Amanda
                                                                                                                                               Science Center
                                                                                            Development Center
                                           At-Risk Girls
American Lung Association of Iowa                                                                                                              Des Moines
                                           Clearview Recovery, Inc.
Des Moines                                                                                                                                     Accessibility Fund for Underprivileged
                                                                                            Rifton Gate Trainers and Rifton Tricycle
                                           Prairie City
Send Disadvantaged Children to attend                                                                                                          Children
                                                                                            Hispanic Educational Resources Inc.
                                           Sunshine Coach
Asthma Camp
                                                                                                                                               Scott County Family Y
                                                                                            Des Moines
                                           Community Action Agency of Siouxland
American Red Cross                                                                                                                             Davenport
                                                                                            After School Youth Program
                                           Head Start
Des Moines                                                                                                                                     Sunshine Bus
                                                                                            House of Mercy
                                           Sioux City
Swim Lesson Scholarships for
                                                                                                                                               Shalom Zone Ministries
                                                                                            Des Moines
                                           Flooring & BRIGANCE Development Screen
Underprivileged Youth
                                                                                                                                               Des Moines
                                                                                            Programming and Services for Children
                                           for Head Start Classrooms
Arc of East Central Iowa                                                                                                                       Backpacks Filled with School Supplies and
                                                                                            lowa Council, Boy Scouts of America
                                           Compassion fund
Cedar Rapids                                                                                                                                   Health Kits
                                           Des Moines
Equipment that improves Mobility,
                                                                                                                                               Special Olympics of IA
                                                                                            Handicapped Sidewalk Extension for Scout
                                           Special Fund for Families with Critically Ill
Skills & Idependence
Arc of Johnson County                                                                                                                          Awards, Equipment and T-Shirts for Under 8
                                                                                            Institute for Character Development
                                           Covenant Foundation
Iowa City                                                                                                                                      “Stars of the Future” Athletes
                                                                                            Des Moines
Sunshine Wheelchair Lift
                                                                                                                                               St. Luke’s Healthcare Fnd.
                                                                                            “Character Counts” Training in At-Risk Schools
                                           Remodeling of Pediatric Unit
Area Substance Abuse Council                                                                                                                   Cedar Rapids
                                                                                            and Organizations
                                           Day Care for Exceptional Children
Cedar Rapids                                                                                                                                   Neonatal Intensive Care Equipment
                                                                                            Iowa Chapter American Academy
                                           Des Moines
Fencing for Heart of Iowa Mother &
                                                                                                                                               State University of Iowa Foundation
                                                                                            of Pediatrics
                                           Renovations to Daycare Center
Child Recovery Ctr.
                                                                                                                                               Iowa City
                                           Des Moines Art Center/Edmundson Art
ASPIRE Therapeutic Riding Program                                                                                                              Vantage Plus Communication Device for
                                                                                            Books for Reach Out and Read Clinic Sites
Waterloo                                                                                                                                       Children
                                                                                            Iowa Homeless Youth Centers
                                           Des Moines
Items for Therapeutic Riding Program for
                                                                                                                                               Systems Unlimited
                                                                                            Des Moines
                                           At-Risk Children’s Educational Art Programs
Disabled Kids
                                                                                                                                               Iowa City
                                                                                            Bus Passes for Homeless Youth, Carpet &
                                           Des Moines Pastoral Counseling Center
Bidwell Riverside Child                                                                                                                        Play Therapy Tools
                                                                                            Dishwasher for Lighthouse Host Home
                                           West Des Moines
Development Center
                                                                                                                                               Tanager Place
                                                                                            Iowa Juvenile Home Foundation
                                           Testing Materials & Therapeutic Games/ Toys
Des Moines
                                                                                                                                               Cedar Rapids
Playground Equipment for                   Early ACCESS Des Moines Public Schools                                                              Sunshine Minivan
                                                                                            Instruments for Music Therapy Program
Underprivileged Children                   Des Moines
                                                                                                                                               Timber Creek Charities
                                                                                            Iowa Kidstrong, Inc.
                                           Toys & Books for the Variety Toybrary
Bikes for Kids
                                                                                                                                               Guthrie Center
                                                                                            Des Moines
Statewide                                  Easter Seals Iowa                                                                                   Therapy and Camperships for Children with
                                                                                            Program Incentives
Bikes for Underprivileged Children         Des Moines                                                                                          Autism
                                                                                            Kirkwood Kids
                                           Modified Golf Cart for First Aid for Camp
Blank Children’s Hospital
                                                                                                                                               VSA arts of Iowa
                                                                                            Cedar Rapids
Des Moines
                                                                                                                                               Des Moines
                                                                                            Equipment and Materials
Pediatric Surgery Center                   Families, Inc.                                                                                      Governor’s Very Special Arts Festival
                                                                                            Link Associates Foundation
                                           West Branch
Blank Park Zoo Foundation
                                                                                                                                               Wall Street Mission d/b/a
                                                                                            Des Moines
                                           Literature and Books for At-Risk Children
Des Moines
                                                                                                                                               Goodwill Industries
                                                                                            Front Entrance Remodel
Dreamnight at the Zoo                      Family Crisis Centers                                                                               Sioux City
                                                                                            Lutheran Services in Iowa
                                           Sioux Center
Boys & Girls Club                                                                                                                              Renovations at Camp for Underprivileged
                                           Emergency Services for At-Risk Children
Des Moines                                                                                                                                     and At-Risk Children
                                                                                            Sunshine Wheelchair Lift
One Kid at a Time – Teen & Logan Center    Four Mounds Foundation                                                                              Waypoint Services for Women,
Refurbishment                                                                               Mentor Iowa
                                           Dubuque                                                                                             Children & Families
                                                                                            Des Moines
                                           Tools for expanding the Housing Education
Broadlawns Family Birthing Center                                                                                                              Cedar Rapids
                                                                                            Mentor Assistance
                                           and Rehabilitation Training Program (HEART)
Des Moines                                                                                                                                     Remodel of Play Area at Waypoint’s Madge
Fetal Heart Monitors                                                                        Mercy Foundation                                   Phillips Center for the Homeless
                                           Four Oaks
                                                                                            Des Moines
                                           Cedar Rapids
Camp Fire USA                                                                                                                                  Wildwood Hills Ranch
                                                                                            Variety ER Trauma & Pediatric ER Equipment
                                           Renovations in Psychiatric Institute for Young
Des Moines                                                                                                                                     St. Charles
Building Improvements                                                                       Mercy Medical Center                               Camperships for Underprivileged and At-Risk
                                                                                            Cedar Rapids                                       Children
                                           Francis Lauer Youth Services
Camp Hertko Hollow
                                                                                            Neonatal Intensive Care Unit Equipment
                                           Mason City
Des Moines                                                                                                                                     Willkie House, Inc.
                                           Sunshine Minivan
Diabetes Camp Scholarships for                                                              Mercy Medical Ctr Foundation/Child                 Des Moines
Underprivileged Children                                                                    Advocacy Center                                    Sunshine Coach
                                           Freedom for Youth Ministries
                                                                                            Sioux City
                                           Des Moines
Catholic Charities                                                                                                                             YMCA
                                                                                            Welch Allyn Video Colposcope with Image
                                           Art Studio for Homeless and At-Risk Youth
Rock Island                                                                                                                                    Cedar Rapids
                                                                                            Capture System
Sunshine Minivan                                                                                                                               Sunshine Minivan
                                           Friendly House
                                                                                            Miracles in Motion
Child Abuse Prevention Services                                                                                                                YMCA
                                                                                            Cedar Rapids
                                           Youth Program Supplies
Marshalltown                                                                                                                                   Des Moines
                                                                                            Construction of Hay Barn
Developmental Toys, Safety Equipment,                                                                                                          After School Program for At-Risk Youth
                                           Galaxy Inc. Youth Center
Parent Education Materials                                                                  Oakridge Neighborhood Services
                                           Grinnell                                                                                            Youth Emergency Services & Shelter
                                                                                            Des Moines
Children & Families of Iowa                                                                                                                    Des Moines
                                                                                            Renovations to Various Buildings
Des Moines                                                                                                                                     Building Repairs and Improvements
                                           Girl Scouts of the Mississippi Valley
Building Improvements to Lou Williams                                                       Orchard Place
                                           Rock Island                                                                                         Youth Homes of Mid-America
Center                                                                                      Des Moines
                                           Sunshine Coach                                                                                      Johnston
                                                                                            PACE Juvenile Justice Services to Youth
ChildServe Foundation                                                                                                                          Improvements to Land & Buildings at Ross
                                           Girls Inc.
Johnston                                                                                    RAGBRAI Dream Team                                 Campus Treatment Center
                                           Sioux City
Pediatric Inpatient Rehabilitation Unit                                                     Des Moines
                                           Sunshine Coach                                                                                      YWCA of the Quad Cities
                                                                                            Bicycles and Safety Equipment for At-Risk &
Christ The King Free Clinic for Kids                                                                                                           Rock Island
                                           Grundy Family YMCA                               Underprivileged Youth
Des Moines                                                                                                                                     Playground, Infant and Toddler Equipment
                                           Grundy Center
Construction of Free Clinic for            Sunshine Coach
Underprivileged Youth
                                                                                                                                             FEBRUARY, 2007 HEART OF VARIETY 11
                                                                   Throughout this last year we’ve been energetically
HELP WANTED: Young Variety is actively searching for fun,
                                                                   recruiting new members and spreading the Variety
passionate, young philanthropists ready to roll up their
                                                                   message in the following ways:
sleeves and help make a difference in our community for
the kids in need!
                                                                   • Pony Up for the Kids – Polo On The Green became a
                                                                     weekend long affair at Britt Baker’s Powder River Ranch with
We work hard to raise money for the children of Iowa all year
                                                                     mechanical bull rides, live music, a silent auction, food and
long through our fun events, the annual membership drive and
                                                                     drinks the night before the classic Sunday brunch and live
our Telethon VIP Panel. We get to see everything come full
                                                                     Polo match.
circle by providing the bricks and mortar equipment to chari-
                                                                   • Firemen’s Auction – We turned up the heat and possibly
ties chosen by our vigilant grant committee. It’s a good feeling
                                                                     sparked a few love interests this year by teaming up with the
to know your hard work is going to have a positive impact on so
                                                                     Des Moines area firefighters and Aura Night Club to auction off
many children!
                                                                     20 dinner-dates from many generous local area restaurants.
                                                                   • Oktoberfest – This awesome event brought more than 15,000
This year, Young Variety donated more than $106,000
                                                                     people during one weekend to the Hessen Haus in down-
to the following charities:
                                                                     town Des Moines. With many YV volunteers pouring beer all
Willkie House –
                                                                     weekend, a portion of the proceeds and all of the tips were
  Purchased a Sunshine Coach
                                                                     generously donated to Young Variety. Cheers!
Bidwell Riverside Child Development Center –
                                                                   • November-Membership Drive – This was our 1st annual
   Built a brand new playground
                                                                     effort to raise money through our email base of more than
Link Associates Foundation –
                                                                     500 Young Variety activists via our website and pay pal.
   Helped remodel front entrance to building
                                                                     We celebrated this great stride in the tackiest way at our Ugly
Des Moines Public Schools Early ACCESS program –
                                                                     Holiday Sweater Party downtown at the new Equitable
  Purchased items for the toybrary, literacy bags, and supplies
                                                                     Building condominiums.
  for parents meetings
                                                                   • Valentine’s Soiree – Wear your heart on your sleeve for this
Iowa Chapter of the American Academy of Pediatrics –
                                                                     swanky night of love, fun and relaxation hosted this year by
  Purchased books that will support age and culturally
                                                                     Wakonda Country Club and DM Juice and sponsored in part
  appropriate reading for reach out clinic sites
                                                                     by Iowa Diamond! Considered our signature event with live
                                                                     music, silent auction, food, drinks and dancing on February 16!
                                                                   • Young Variety at Work – This year Young Variety hosted the
                                                                     most bike giveaways with approximately 200 bikes donated
                                                                     by YV to deserving children throughout central Iowa.

                                                                   Our goal is to raise over $130,000 this year for the children of
                                                                   Iowa which is quite a step up from the $106,000 we raised last
                                                                   year. Our Telethon VIP panel of more than 60 members will help
                                                                   us to achieve this goal.

                                                                   Young Variety is excited about this coming year and is
                                                                                             ready to help impact the lives
                                                                                             of Iowa’s children!

                                                                                            Brigid Paul
                                                                                            President 2006 – 2007

Polo on the Green
Polo…a game played by two teams of four players on
horseback. Each player is equipped with long-handled
mallets for driving a small wooden ball through the
opponent’s goal.

• Enjoyingthemarvelous champagne brunch
• down the field of hooves racing up and
  Feeling     thunder

• Feeling the excitement of the gametoofhelp thousands of
• Knowing that in need will go
                your support
  Iowa children

This is what spectators tasted, saw and felt at Polo on the
Green, an annual polo game to benefit Variety.

The weekend started off on Saturday night, July 29 with a
casual but fun evening under the tents, dancing to local
favorite Jason Brown and his band. There was a silent
auction and a barbeque dinner catered by Kin Folk

Polo on the Green’s main event, held on Sunday,
July 30, provided an opportunity to enjoy
one of the oldest sporting events know to
man. The day began with a champagne
brunch and live auction followed by the
polo match. This unique event was held at
Britt Baker’s beautiful Powder River Ranch
near Cumming. Team sponsors for the day
were Holmes Murphy and Regency Land
Development. R&R Realty sponsored the
scoreboard. Even though it was one of the
hottest days of the year, more than 400 people
showed up for this wonderful event that raised
over $50,000.

                                                              Zoo Day 2006
                                                              Calling all Animal Lovers! On July 14,
                                                                    2006, 533 children and adult
                                                                        chaperons attended the
                                                                           annual Variety Zoo Day
                                                                             at Blank Park Zoo in Des
                                                                              Moines. Rock In Prevention
                                                                                gave a pre-event concert
                                                                                for everyone and Blue
                                                                                Bunny provided Bomb
                                                                                Pops for everyone to
                                                                                enjoy as they left the zoo.
                                                                               Thank you to all of the
                                                                             volunteers who helped to
                                                                           make this day so much fun!

                                                                       FEBRUARY, 2007 HEART OF VARIETY 13
                          On December         ety/KJJY Radiothon. The Compassion Fund             to a special dinner or some thing they
                          19 and 20, The      was created as a part of the 1999 Variety/          always wanted to do such as going to
                         KJJY/Variety         KJJY Radiothon to help alleviate the                the zoo or a museum or art gallery.
                        Radiothon was         hardships that are created on a child            4) Providing money for parents to
                       held at the KJJY       During this Radiothon, staffs of the local          purchase groceries when they are
                         studio in            hospitals described children who were               required to travel to a distant city for a
                            Urbandale         patients in their hospital as a result of life      child’s specialized treatment.
                               and was on     threatening illness. These children,             5) Providing phone money for an
                                air from      because of their illnesses, were unable to          out-of-town parent whom has a child
                                6am until     enjoy many things enjoyed by healthy                in the neonatal intensive care unit in
                                6pm both      children. In order to lift their spirits or         order to allow the parent to speak
                            days. Between     to help alleviate hardships placed on               with relatives.
                            the companies     children in the hospital, the hospital staff
                            that sponsored    would purchase an item out of a “coffee          The radiothon has grown to become
                           hours, listeners   can” fund for the children or their families.    Variety’s second largest fundraiser.
                      calling in to pledge    Some examples of gifts are:                      Thank you to everyone at KJJY and all of
and board members that raised dollars                                                          the people that volunteered their time or
in advance of the Radiothon, more than        1) Gas money for parents to get back             pledged their money!
$86,000 was raised!                              and forth to the
Donors had two ways to donate to the          2) Paying for childcare
Radiothon. For a donation of $200, a             for a single mother
teddy bear went to a child that was in a         who has one of
Des Moines area hospital. Over 400               her children in the
teddy bears were donated during                  hospital.
those two days.                               3) Providing some
                                                 small final wish for
The other choice was to donate to the            a child, such as
Compassion Fund. The Compassion Fund             going to the prom
was created as a part of the 1999 Vari-          or hosting parents

                                              QUAD CITIES
                                              MARTINI SHAKE-OFF
                                              What a blast!! Variety – the Children’s Charity of the Quad Cities had their
                                              annual Martini Shake-off November 9th at “THE LODGE”. What a great
                                                          success with all 250 guests who attended. There were 15
                                                                local vendors participating and five martini categories;
                                                                   chocolate, cordial, traditional, gin and cosmopolitans.
                                                                     The big winner of the evening was the restaurant
                                                                       and bar Crave located in Davenport, Iowa. Other
                                                                        winners included The Red Crow Grille, Biaggies and
                                                                        The Lodge. We look forward to next year with more
                                                                        categories and even more winners.

                                                                           Many thanks to Mr. Ray Stoddard, Mr. Tom Heston,
                                                                          Ms. Lisa Northup, Ms. April Daily, Michele and
                                                                         Ken Croken and the Variety staff.

                                                                                                        FEBRUARY, 2007 HEART OF VARIETY 15
                             U.S. POSTAGE
                            Des Moines, Iowa
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  • 1. 2007 TELETHON CAST Megan Bobo Michael Dore Samantha Murphy Emma Samms Her performing career started here in His rich baritone voice has enamored Talented singer, songwriter. Grew up in the Returning to Iowa for her 21st Telethon. Des Moines. Her love of singing came at an audiences around the world, in a career music industry. She sang with the family She is the spokesperson for “Cash for Kids.” early age. She went on to be a member of which has taken him from the Royal Albert band, “The Murphys”. Born in Hawaii to Talented and caring actress who starred the Old Gold Singers at the University of and Festival Halls in London and Carnegie Australian parents, she has wowed audi- in General Hospital, Dynasty, The Colby’s Iowa, featured soloist with Up With People, Hall in New York to the stages of the Royal ences all over the world. She has her own and many, many movies. A truly beautiful finalist on American Idol, and is now living Shakespeare Company. Michael is one of Podcast SMtv. New hit CD “Somewhere person inside and out and a vital part of in Los Angeles. She is an outstanding young Britain’s most successful concert and Between Starving & Stardom” just released. our Telethon and the Variety family. She is lady with stage presence, passion, soul, recording artists and his dramatic and She will be taping part of the show live. very proud that she founded the Starlight and talent. stylistic vocal flair make him one of the Welcome Samantha, to your first Telethon. Foundation which has helped thousands most sought after performers in Europe of children. Jason Cook and the Far East. He can be heard on many Kim Olson Starred as Shawn-Douglas Brady or Shawn major film soundtracks, including “Lord of Singer, nightclub entertainer, composer, Denise Shipler D. on “Days of our Lives”. This handsome the Rings”, “Star Wars” and “Pirates of the recording artist and a master of the 12-string Appearing on her 20th Telethon. This young man is a talented actor, musician Caribbean”. His recent “Musicals” concert guitar, banjo and harmonica. Kim is an talented and beautiful young lady will and writer. He is one of the hottest young in Johannesburg was for the benefit of the entertainer at Disneyland and appears capture your heart. Iowa native from Burt. actors in Hollywood. Returning for his fifth Variety Club Child Rescue Centre. Welcome on Showtime TV. Returning for his 25th Appeared on many Variety Telethons Telethon. Special thanks to Maureen and Bill Michael, to your Telethon. Not only a great singer, but throughout North America. National spokes- Civitella for the continued support of our first Telethon that Kim can sure whistle. person for children and Very Special Arts kids. Currently working on a new movie. – Iowa. She thrills the audience wherever she goes. Performed at Ragbrai 05 and at Hacksaw Jim Duggan Darrin Otto Dakota Crosswhite – A proud American, Hacksaw is now This handsome exciting singer is originally Rock the Roof at Lake Okobodji. This Miss Iowa Teen USA 2007 working for World Wrestling Entertainment. from Iowa, now lives in Nashville. Seen in dynamic and versatile vocalist sings Is a 17 year-old Senior at Washington High He loves the telethon and working with ads for Sprint PCS, O’Charleys, and Sonic everything from Country and Blues to R School in Cedar Rapids. She plans to attend children. He and his wife Debra, are proud Restuarants. Has been the opening act for & B and Rock N Roll. Recently performed Coe College in the fall. She will represent to be coming back for his sixth Telethon He Sawyer Brown and the legendary Roger with Nashville’s “Shotgun Red” Band and Iowa in the National Miss Teen USA pageant can really fire up a phone panel. Miller. He is a spokesmodel for Menaji appeared on stage with the legendary Ralph in August which will be on NBC. She is Skin Care for Men, and the host of the Emery. Be sure to see her show at the Iowa beautiful inside and outside, a good Spa2Go infomercial. Appeared in Revlon State Fair. We are fortunate she is part of our Blake Emmons combination. She cares about children. We are very proud of Blake. He was commercial with Sheryl Crow and named Telethon family. Welcome, Dakota. presented with The Order of Canada in one of Nashville’s Hottest Singles by the recognition of his humanitarian efforts on prestigious Nashville Lifestyles Magazine. Alyssa Simmons Michael Danso behalf of disabled children in Canada and Returning for his 18th Telethon. This amazingly talented 16 year old returns Born in Glasgow, Scotland, and now around the world. A talented and caring for her fourth Iowa Variety telethon. Alyssa living in Toronto, Canada. He is a dynamic, man – one of Iowa’s favorites. He and his has opened for many major recording artists Ed Podolak energetic, stylish entertainer. Whether wife Diane live in Nashville. He truly is an Sportscaster, former Hawkeye football star and has appeared at the Apollo theatre in starring in Riverdance on Broadway, singing Honorary Iowan. He was here for the first and All-Pro running back for the Kansas New York City. She now performs around with a symphony orchestra in London, or on Telethon in 1975 and nearly every one since. City Chiefs. Still popular with Iowans as the Michigan with her incredible band and has the Variety Telethon in Iowa, his rich voice Voice of the Iowa Hawkeyes. Returning for just finished recording 4 new original songs. thrills the audience. Recently starred in a his 23rd year. A vital part of our telethon Alyssa is very excited and honored to be a Steve Haberman new musical in Edinburgh named “Rob Roy.” A terrific musician, a talented songwriter, a and a very caring human being, the proud part of the telethon family. Michael, as the Bard sang ‘He’s a magician’ mainstay on Variety Telethons. He conducts son of Dorothy and Joe of Atlantic, Iowa. in a slick cabaret style. One of everyone’s the Telethon orchestra and you’ll want to We love it when the children bring tears Scott Smith & Beth Smith favorite Telethon stars. Charles Cozens, his watch for his late night rendition of Tuti- to your eyes. Currently splitting his time Scott is a talented singer, pianist and pianist and musical conductor, joins him. Fruiti. Has a recurring role on the Young and between real estate ventures in Costa Rica bandleader. He has spent many years The Restless. Thanks Steve, for all you do for and Aspen. entertaining in the Des Moines area, as well Ben Davidson the kids of Iowa. as Las Vegas and Atlantic City. He was a A Telethon regular. Former All-Pro Defensive member of the original cast on Telethon Dani Reeves – Miss Iowa USA Lineman with the Oakland Raiders. A A beautiful, caring and talented woman One. You can always count on Scott for Greg Hanna Miller Lite All-Star. He also comes back to Handsome and fun-loving, a great combina- who will represent our state very well in the surprises and great music. Currently Iowa from his home in San Deigo to go on tion. Couple that with an excellent voice National Miss USA Contest. She is the pride performing at Fratello’s. He and his wife RAGBRAI. But, we all know him as a caring and style and you have a one-man entertain- of Hamburg, Iowa. Currently living in Sioux Beth are a talented couple. His daughter man who comes to Iowa to help our kids. ment machine. Played to rave reviews at the City where she is finishing her degree in had triplets prematurely, and they know Welcome back Ben! Iowa State Fair. Now living in Nashville with Radiology. Welcome Dani, to your first-hand why the Variety Neo-Natal his beautiful wife Sheree. first Telethon. Intensive Care Nursery is so important! Dondino Dondino Melchiorre was born in Italy David Anthony Higgins Brandon Routh Wicker Van Orsdel and came to the USA when he was 12. Has recurring role on Fox’s “Malcolm in the Grew up in Norwalk, attended the Univer- A beautiful, energetic and talented lady. We are glad he did. A talented singer Middle.” Starred as Joe Farrell, Master sity of Iowa before heading to Hollywood. Wicker has appeared at the Crystal Palace in who has starred in the Dondino Show in Coffee Brewer on the ABC hit series Ellen. Had roles in Odd Man Out, Gilmore Girls, Aspen and many nightclubs across the U.S. Las Vegas and Branson. He contributes his Best known as part of the sketch comedy and Undressed before landing Clark Kent/ She has the music in her and is a lot of fun musical talents and time to many charities. trio, The Higgins Boys and Gruber. In ad- Superman role in Superman Returns a to be around. We are delighted she is a vital Additionally he has created a fun way dition to TV, he is a frequent guest star at Warner Bros film released in May. His and important part of our Telethon family. to learn to read, dream, and ignite comedy clubs all over the United States. He brother is a real life Superman – a police She is a lady with energy to burn. The “Gong imaginations through his contributions shot a pilot called Misconceptions for the officer in Des Moines. Can play piano and Show” in Okabodji is her creation. to his partnership with Story Store WB. Des Moines’ native returning to Iowa for trumpet, enjoys soccer, basketball, biking Collection of bilingual and illustrated his 11th Telethon. and swimming. Proud parents are Katie and children’s picture books. There is much Ron who live in Norwalk. Returning for his more to this man than his excellent second Telethon. Tatana Kucharova voice. Also welcome Debbie Richards, Is the first Miss World from the Czech his pianist and musical conductor. Republic.Currently living in Prague. She Sara Routh is a wonderful credit to the Miss World or- Talented singer/songwriter originally from ganization. Beautiful, sentimental and caring. Norwalk, graduated from Simpson College. We are delighted to have Tatana with us. Went to study acting and perform in New We are very grateful to the super Miss World York; now living in Los Angeles. Performs organization.Say a special “thank you” to in many L.A. nightclubs. Nominated for Julia Morley, President and Stephen Morley, Best Folk Artist for Southern California. New Executive Vice President who will be with album is on the way. Daughter of Katie and us for the miracle weekend. Ron, joins her brother Brandon for their second Telethon. Welcome back Sara! FEBRUARY, 2007 HEART OF VARIETY 9
  • 2. Danny & The Dreamers BE SURE TO JOIN US FOR THE VARIETY TELETHON, MARCH 3 & 4 Wicker VanOrsdel & Eileen Gannon Renee Wulf AT THE ADVENTURELAND PALACE THEATRE! If you are one of the Variety supporters that comes to Telethon year after year or if you are a Telethon newbie….you will see these familiar faces on air. It takes a lot of people to make a telethon run smoothly so having people that know what they are doing really helps! Gary Lowe Scott & Beth Smith Tropical Steel Telethon Orchestra 10 HEART OF VARIETY FEBRUARY, 2007
  • 3. VARIETY – THE CHILDREN’S CHARITY 2006 Grant Recipients Rock in Prevention Handicare Inc. Throughout the year, Variety volunteers work tirelessly to raise Des Moines Coralville Reinforcement Tapes & T-Shirts for Drug Communication and Safety Equipment money. The reward comes in September when Variety empties its Prevention Program Heart Connection Children’s pockets, this year it was in tune to $3 million dollars. Ruth Harbor Cancer Program Des Moines Des Moines Chrysalis Foundation Amanda the Panda Educational Materials for Pregnant Young Camp Scholarships for Children with Cancer Des Moines Des Moines Women Hills and Dales Child Scholarships & After School Programs for Camp Amanda Science Center Development Center At-Risk Girls American Lung Association of Iowa Des Moines Dubuque Clearview Recovery, Inc. Des Moines Accessibility Fund for Underprivileged Rifton Gate Trainers and Rifton Tricycle Prairie City Send Disadvantaged Children to attend Children Hispanic Educational Resources Inc. Sunshine Coach Asthma Camp Scott County Family Y Des Moines Community Action Agency of Siouxland American Red Cross Davenport After School Youth Program Head Start Des Moines Sunshine Bus House of Mercy Sioux City Swim Lesson Scholarships for Shalom Zone Ministries Des Moines Flooring & BRIGANCE Development Screen Underprivileged Youth Des Moines Programming and Services for Children for Head Start Classrooms Arc of East Central Iowa Backpacks Filled with School Supplies and lowa Council, Boy Scouts of America Compassion fund Cedar Rapids Health Kits Davenport Des Moines Equipment that improves Mobility, Special Olympics of IA Handicapped Sidewalk Extension for Scout Special Fund for Families with Critically Ill Skills & Idependence Grimes Camp Children Arc of Johnson County Awards, Equipment and T-Shirts for Under 8 Institute for Character Development Covenant Foundation Iowa City “Stars of the Future” Athletes Des Moines Waterloo Sunshine Wheelchair Lift St. Luke’s Healthcare Fnd. “Character Counts” Training in At-Risk Schools Remodeling of Pediatric Unit Area Substance Abuse Council Cedar Rapids and Organizations Day Care for Exceptional Children Cedar Rapids Neonatal Intensive Care Equipment Iowa Chapter American Academy Des Moines Fencing for Heart of Iowa Mother & State University of Iowa Foundation of Pediatrics Renovations to Daycare Center Child Recovery Ctr. Iowa City Johnston Des Moines Art Center/Edmundson Art ASPIRE Therapeutic Riding Program Vantage Plus Communication Device for Books for Reach Out and Read Clinic Sites Foundation Waterloo Children Iowa Homeless Youth Centers Des Moines Items for Therapeutic Riding Program for Systems Unlimited Des Moines At-Risk Children’s Educational Art Programs Disabled Kids Iowa City Bus Passes for Homeless Youth, Carpet & Des Moines Pastoral Counseling Center Bidwell Riverside Child Play Therapy Tools Dishwasher for Lighthouse Host Home West Des Moines Development Center Tanager Place Iowa Juvenile Home Foundation Testing Materials & Therapeutic Games/ Toys Des Moines Cedar Rapids Toledo Playground Equipment for Early ACCESS Des Moines Public Schools Sunshine Minivan Instruments for Music Therapy Program Underprivileged Children Des Moines Timber Creek Charities Iowa Kidstrong, Inc. Toys & Books for the Variety Toybrary Bikes for Kids Guthrie Center Des Moines Statewide Easter Seals Iowa Therapy and Camperships for Children with Program Incentives Bikes for Underprivileged Children Des Moines Autism Kirkwood Kids Modified Golf Cart for First Aid for Camp Blank Children’s Hospital VSA arts of Iowa Cedar Rapids Sunnyside Des Moines Des Moines Equipment and Materials Pediatric Surgery Center Families, Inc. Governor’s Very Special Arts Festival Link Associates Foundation West Branch Blank Park Zoo Foundation Wall Street Mission d/b/a Des Moines Literature and Books for At-Risk Children Des Moines Goodwill Industries Front Entrance Remodel Dreamnight at the Zoo Family Crisis Centers Sioux City Lutheran Services in Iowa Sioux Center Boys & Girls Club Renovations at Camp for Underprivileged Waterloo Emergency Services for At-Risk Children Des Moines and At-Risk Children Sunshine Wheelchair Lift One Kid at a Time – Teen & Logan Center Four Mounds Foundation Waypoint Services for Women, Refurbishment Mentor Iowa Dubuque Children & Families Des Moines Tools for expanding the Housing Education Broadlawns Family Birthing Center Cedar Rapids Mentor Assistance and Rehabilitation Training Program (HEART) Des Moines Remodel of Play Area at Waypoint’s Madge Fetal Heart Monitors Mercy Foundation Phillips Center for the Homeless Four Oaks Des Moines Cedar Rapids Camp Fire USA Wildwood Hills Ranch Variety ER Trauma & Pediatric ER Equipment Renovations in Psychiatric Institute for Young Des Moines St. Charles Children Building Improvements Mercy Medical Center Camperships for Underprivileged and At-Risk Cedar Rapids Children Francis Lauer Youth Services Camp Hertko Hollow Neonatal Intensive Care Unit Equipment Mason City Des Moines Willkie House, Inc. Sunshine Minivan Diabetes Camp Scholarships for Mercy Medical Ctr Foundation/Child Des Moines Underprivileged Children Advocacy Center Sunshine Coach Freedom for Youth Ministries Sioux City Des Moines Catholic Charities YMCA Welch Allyn Video Colposcope with Image Art Studio for Homeless and At-Risk Youth Rock Island Cedar Rapids Capture System Sunshine Minivan Sunshine Minivan Friendly House Miracles in Motion Davenport Child Abuse Prevention Services YMCA Cedar Rapids Youth Program Supplies Marshalltown Des Moines Construction of Hay Barn Developmental Toys, Safety Equipment, After School Program for At-Risk Youth Galaxy Inc. Youth Center Parent Education Materials Oakridge Neighborhood Services Grinnell Youth Emergency Services & Shelter Des Moines Transportation Children & Families of Iowa Des Moines Renovations to Various Buildings Des Moines Building Repairs and Improvements Girl Scouts of the Mississippi Valley Building Improvements to Lou Williams Orchard Place Rock Island Youth Homes of Mid-America Center Des Moines Sunshine Coach Johnston PACE Juvenile Justice Services to Youth ChildServe Foundation Improvements to Land & Buildings at Ross Girls Inc. Johnston RAGBRAI Dream Team Campus Treatment Center Sioux City Pediatric Inpatient Rehabilitation Unit Des Moines Sunshine Coach YWCA of the Quad Cities Bicycles and Safety Equipment for At-Risk & Christ The King Free Clinic for Kids Rock Island Grundy Family YMCA Underprivileged Youth Des Moines Playground, Infant and Toddler Equipment Grundy Center Construction of Free Clinic for Sunshine Coach Underprivileged Youth FEBRUARY, 2007 HEART OF VARIETY 11
  • 4. YOUNG VARIETY Throughout this last year we’ve been energetically HELP WANTED: Young Variety is actively searching for fun, recruiting new members and spreading the Variety passionate, young philanthropists ready to roll up their message in the following ways: sleeves and help make a difference in our community for the kids in need! • Pony Up for the Kids – Polo On The Green became a weekend long affair at Britt Baker’s Powder River Ranch with We work hard to raise money for the children of Iowa all year mechanical bull rides, live music, a silent auction, food and long through our fun events, the annual membership drive and drinks the night before the classic Sunday brunch and live our Telethon VIP Panel. We get to see everything come full Polo match. circle by providing the bricks and mortar equipment to chari- • Firemen’s Auction – We turned up the heat and possibly ties chosen by our vigilant grant committee. It’s a good feeling sparked a few love interests this year by teaming up with the to know your hard work is going to have a positive impact on so Des Moines area firefighters and Aura Night Club to auction off many children! 20 dinner-dates from many generous local area restaurants. • Oktoberfest – This awesome event brought more than 15,000 This year, Young Variety donated more than $106,000 people during one weekend to the Hessen Haus in down- to the following charities: town Des Moines. With many YV volunteers pouring beer all Willkie House – weekend, a portion of the proceeds and all of the tips were Purchased a Sunshine Coach generously donated to Young Variety. Cheers! Bidwell Riverside Child Development Center – • November-Membership Drive – This was our 1st annual Built a brand new playground effort to raise money through our email base of more than Link Associates Foundation – 500 Young Variety activists via our website and pay pal. Helped remodel front entrance to building We celebrated this great stride in the tackiest way at our Ugly Des Moines Public Schools Early ACCESS program – Holiday Sweater Party downtown at the new Equitable Purchased items for the toybrary, literacy bags, and supplies Building condominiums. for parents meetings • Valentine’s Soiree – Wear your heart on your sleeve for this Iowa Chapter of the American Academy of Pediatrics – swanky night of love, fun and relaxation hosted this year by Purchased books that will support age and culturally Wakonda Country Club and DM Juice and sponsored in part appropriate reading for reach out clinic sites by Iowa Diamond! Considered our signature event with live music, silent auction, food, drinks and dancing on February 16! • Young Variety at Work – This year Young Variety hosted the most bike giveaways with approximately 200 bikes donated by YV to deserving children throughout central Iowa. Our goal is to raise over $130,000 this year for the children of Iowa which is quite a step up from the $106,000 we raised last year. Our Telethon VIP panel of more than 60 members will help us to achieve this goal. Young Variety is excited about this coming year and is ready to help impact the lives of Iowa’s children! Brigid Paul President 2006 – 2007 12 HEART OF VARIETY FEBRUARY, 2007
  • 5. Polo on the Green Polo…a game played by two teams of four players on horseback. Each player is equipped with long-handled mallets for driving a small wooden ball through the opponent’s goal. • Enjoyingthemarvelous champagne brunch a • down the field of hooves racing up and Feeling thunder • Feeling the excitement of the gametoofhelp thousands of polo • Knowing that in need will go your support Iowa children This is what spectators tasted, saw and felt at Polo on the Green, an annual polo game to benefit Variety. The weekend started off on Saturday night, July 29 with a casual but fun evening under the tents, dancing to local favorite Jason Brown and his band. There was a silent auction and a barbeque dinner catered by Kin Folk Polo on the Green’s main event, held on Sunday, July 30, provided an opportunity to enjoy one of the oldest sporting events know to man. The day began with a champagne brunch and live auction followed by the polo match. This unique event was held at Britt Baker’s beautiful Powder River Ranch near Cumming. Team sponsors for the day were Holmes Murphy and Regency Land Development. R&R Realty sponsored the scoreboard. Even though it was one of the hottest days of the year, more than 400 people showed up for this wonderful event that raised over $50,000. Zoo Day 2006 Calling all Animal Lovers! On July 14, 2006, 533 children and adult chaperons attended the annual Variety Zoo Day at Blank Park Zoo in Des Moines. Rock In Prevention gave a pre-event concert for everyone and Blue Bunny provided Bomb Pops for everyone to enjoy as they left the zoo. Thank you to all of the volunteers who helped to make this day so much fun! FEBRUARY, 2007 HEART OF VARIETY 13
  • 7. VARIETY/KJJY RADIOTHON On December ety/KJJY Radiothon. The Compassion Fund to a special dinner or some thing they 19 and 20, The was created as a part of the 1999 Variety/ always wanted to do such as going to KJJY/Variety KJJY Radiothon to help alleviate the the zoo or a museum or art gallery. Radiothon was hardships that are created on a child 4) Providing money for parents to held at the KJJY During this Radiothon, staffs of the local purchase groceries when they are studio in hospitals described children who were required to travel to a distant city for a Urbandale patients in their hospital as a result of life child’s specialized treatment. and was on threatening illness. These children, 5) Providing phone money for an air from because of their illnesses, were unable to out-of-town parent whom has a child 6am until enjoy many things enjoyed by healthy in the neonatal intensive care unit in 6pm both children. In order to lift their spirits or order to allow the parent to speak days. Between to help alleviate hardships placed on with relatives. the companies children in the hospital, the hospital staff that sponsored would purchase an item out of a “coffee The radiothon has grown to become hours, listeners can” fund for the children or their families. Variety’s second largest fundraiser. calling in to pledge Some examples of gifts are: Thank you to everyone at KJJY and all of and board members that raised dollars the people that volunteered their time or in advance of the Radiothon, more than 1) Gas money for parents to get back pledged their money! $86,000 was raised! and forth to the hospital. Donors had two ways to donate to the 2) Paying for childcare Radiothon. For a donation of $200, a for a single mother teddy bear went to a child that was in a who has one of Des Moines area hospital. Over 400 her children in the teddy bears were donated during hospital. those two days. 3) Providing some small final wish for The other choice was to donate to the a child, such as Compassion Fund. The Compassion Fund going to the prom was created as a part of the 1999 Vari- or hosting parents QUAD CITIES MARTINI SHAKE-OFF What a blast!! Variety – the Children’s Charity of the Quad Cities had their annual Martini Shake-off November 9th at “THE LODGE”. What a great success with all 250 guests who attended. There were 15 local vendors participating and five martini categories; chocolate, cordial, traditional, gin and cosmopolitans. The big winner of the evening was the restaurant and bar Crave located in Davenport, Iowa. Other winners included The Red Crow Grille, Biaggies and The Lodge. We look forward to next year with more categories and even more winners. Many thanks to Mr. Ray Stoddard, Mr. Tom Heston, Ms. Lisa Northup, Ms. April Daily, Michele and Ken Croken and the Variety staff. FEBRUARY, 2007 HEART OF VARIETY 15
  • 8. Non-profit Organization U.S. POSTAGE PAID Des Moines, Iowa Permit No. 1105 505 5th Avenue, Suite 310 Des Moines, Iowa 50309