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200 Words-
Describe three types of systems used in organizations. Note the
factors that normally lead to adopting the system and
requirements that will likely push its future growth of each
Discuss an IT system that has transformed the way
organizations in at least one field carry out work. Note what
requirements drove the system to be developed and what
requirements are likely to drive it to change in the future.
Reply with 150 words-
Business had changed a great deal in the past fifty years.
Businesses used to keep everything on paper and file it in
cabinet. Trying to find the information that you needed was a
long process that took a lot of man power. Paper files also came
with a lot of error and you had to depend on the people writing
the data to get accurate information. For large organizations this
was a painful and unreliable process and it you couldn't get it
right then your business would have a hard time succeeding.
There are many systems that can help organize information and
place it where it needs to be. One of the information systems
that sticks out to me is the ERP system. This system may be
costly and may take a lot of training to implement, but if it is
done right it can show great results. Take a large manufacturing
company for instance. You have a finance and accounting
department, an HR department, sales department, and an
operations department. Imagine keeping all of that information
on paper and relying on hundreds of employees to fill out the
paper work correctly. That sounds like a nightmare to me. ERP
systems were designed to organize all of the information from
each department and accurately make decisions based on that
information. ERP systems can be difficult to use and train
others on how they work. I believe that ERP systems will
become more user friendly and easier to implement into any
organization in the future.
Transformational IT technologies transform organizations, as
they provide businesses with new opportunities for strategic
advantage while challenging previously successful techs. It
changes the basic ways that people and departments work and
may even change the very nature of the business enterprise. The
most important and significant transformational IT system that
I can think of that changed the way organizations work was the
World Wide Web, or the Web. This multimedia was invented by
Sir Tim Berners-Lee, a British computer scientist, in 1989. The
Web transformed how business was made worldwide, the
interaction between a company and consumer was closer than
ever. It allowed organizations to make information
instantaneously available throughout the world, targeting more
consumers, and all this at a lower cost, saving companies alot of
money. Now with the new techs, such as social media and ad
revenue, organizations are able to reach people even faster. That
is the future, social media, videos, etc..Where companies can
promote their products in an instant and consumers can stay
informed. Good idea that the Web was never proprietary, it was
made free to everyone from the beginning, and it will likely
stay that way for a long while, if not forever, a free web for the
whole world is vital for business.
Reply with 150-
Information systems play an important role in small businesses,
helping companies improve their productivity, efficiency and
customer service. Networked information systems enable
companies to share knowledge and data throughout the
organization, giving managers, executives, project teams and
key employees access to the information they need to make
decisions or manage operations. Decision Support, Customer
Management, and Transaction Processing are three types of
systems used in an organization. Decision support systems
provide managers with access to financial, marketing and
operational data that helps them to make better, faster decisions.
A decision support system brings together information, such as
financial records, sales data, manufacturing data, inventory
information and market research, traditionally held in separate
departmental databases. Managers can also use the system's
simulation capabilities to assess the potential impact of a
change such as a price increase. Customer Management systems
accumulate and track customer activities, including purchasing
trends, product defects and customer inquiries. The capabilities
of these systems allow customers to interact with companies for
service or product feedback and problem resolutions. Businesses
may also use them internally as a component of their
collaboration strategies. As such, the information system allow
business partners to interact with each other as they develop
ideas and products. Transaction Processing systems process
business transactions of the organization. TPS information
systems can be based on real-time or batch processing, and can
help business owners meet demand without acquiring additional
personnel. These systems provide speed and accuracy, and can
be programmed to follow routine functions of the organization.
Three types of systems that can be used in organizations are
ERP systems(enterprise resource planning), CRM
systems(customer relationship management), and TPS system(
transaction processing systems. ERP systems give you the
opportunity of integrating every procedure of your business
while improving the quality of several areas simultaneously.
ERP also helps to increase production levels and to control cost
more efficiently and this means you will be able to control the
whole enterprise more efficiently. If a large organization is
struggling using multiple systems or procedures it can
implement and ERP system to help organize it all. A CORM
system help with improving the relationship with existing
customers, potential customers, and possibly getting back
previous customers. this system help collect, organize, and
manage customer information. If a company is struggling with
customer service or really wants to obtain new customers it can
implement a CORM system to help organize the information and
make better decisions for its customers. A TIPS system
performs the routine transactions necessary to conduct business.
They can manage sales order entry, reservations, payroll,
employee records, manufacturing, and shipping. TIPS has been
a popular system to use with the Internet. Transaction
processing links multiple individual transactions into a single
transaction and ensure they are done without error. These
systems are beneficial to almost any business.
Part 1
Planning Form Directions
Please complete the Planning Form
and upload on or before the due date
5 points credit – no late papers accepted!
Both the Project and Community Service must be addressed in
order to avoid point loss.
No rubric needed for this assignment.
Purpose: To assist students in planning for selection of the
Project Assignment and Community Service involvement. This
form also allows feedback from the instructor as to the
appropriateness of the choices selected. Once again, this form
must be uploaded before or on the due date. Late papers will
not receive any points. This assignment is worth 5 points.
1. Enter your name and student # at the top of the page.
2. Project: Read over the project options
3. Choose one of the options for your project.
4. Community Service: It is not necessary to have completed
any hours by the due date of this form.
5. Briefly describe what you are currently doing, (or planning
on doing) for your Community Service Project.
6. You may work with more than one agency to complete the 15
required hours. Please list all agencies/individuals with whom
you might be involved.
Read over the guidelines for the Project Assignment options
before choosing.
No late papers accepted.
Separate part 1 and part 2
Part 2
Purpose: Students will further explore disability topics by
choosing a project of interest. All assignments are required to
follow the expectations for assignment completion listed in the
syllabus. It is each student’s responsibility to review the
syllabus for course grading policy. The following options are
1.) Interviews - See following two pages for descriptions and
sample interview questions
2.) Agency Visitation
This project involves research, visitation, and write-up of a
community resource available for people with disabilities.
Agencies not presented in class are preferred. The full 3-5 page
report must include the following information:
· The name, address, and a phone number of the agency, a
contact person, and a brief description of the organization.
· Discuss the services provided and funding sources.
· Your personal opinion of this agency.
· Please indicate whether or not this agency uses volunteers. If
so, would they be interested in utilizing GS 420 students.
· Relate the agency’s services to information from text or class.
· List website information
3.) Book Review
This project involves researching and reading a book, preferably
an autobiography, or book that deals with current policy/issues
on people with disabilities. A creative presentation of the book
is required. A Power Point presentation, Poster board, 3-D
display, mobile, collage, etc. A one-two-page summary (double
spaced) of the book with author and publication information is
to be uploaded on Blackboard. Also, please relate the
information from the book to information from textbook or class
*If choosing a PowerPoint format you will upload your ppt on
blackboard. If for any reason the file is too large and will not
go through, email the instructor
4.) Other
The purpose of this assignment is to allow students to further
explore the issues and personal experiences of people with
disabilities. A full 3-5 page report must be completed and
uploaded for full credit. There are many options available for
GS 420 students in the community. A hands-on approach is
preferred when selecting this choice for a special project. It
might include hours spent over and above your required
community service with a specific focus. Other options
include: conferences, meetings, fundraising, attendance at
events involving disability issues, researching technology, etc.
The professor must approve “Other options”.
GS 420: Disability & Society
Assignment #4: Project
Suggested Interview Guidelines
The purpose of this assignment is to act as an “ally” to reduce
“ableism”. In order to understand the impact that “ableism” has
on an individual, it is beneficial to learn first hand about the
kinds of prejudice and discrimination that people with
disabilities face. A person with a disability is the real expert on
the issues that affect their lives. After considering their
experiences, it is then that you become aware of your own role
in promoting disability rights – even if it means facing your
own subtle beliefs of discrimination.
The interview process should focus on the experiences of the
person with the disability. By educating yourself, and by your
willingness to learn from someone with an experience of
disability, you can align yourself with the community of people
with disabilities so that needed change can occur.
The interview process should focus on the individual first and
the disability experience second. By staying focused on the
individual, you affirm their need for respect, equal treatment,
and the right to access societal opportunities without
experiencing discrimination.
This interview should be a full 3-5 pages long, double spaced.
The interview is easiest to read if written in a narrative format.
(Just tell the story). Confidentiality is important, so initials, or
first name only is appropriate.
1. Ask the person to tell their story – their history… where they
were born, their family situation, educational experiences,
adulthood goals, and current living situations.
2. Ask the person about their experiences in society – have they
experienced any challenges in accomplishing their goals. What
about education? Have they ever been discriminated against?
Talk to the individual about Americans with Disabilities Act.
Are they aware of their rights?
3. If appropriate and the person wants to share details about
their specific disability, include that information. If they would
prefer to not give you specifics of the disability in a medical
context, then be respectful and stick to the societal responses to
their situation. Focus on the strengths of the individual and
their attitudes towards their experiences. Find out what changes
can be made to improve their life.
4. At the end of the write-up, reflect on your own personal
response to this experience. Reflect on any biased beliefs of
which you were made aware. How can you become an ally to
make the changes needed for this person to live a full and
successful life?
5. Finally, include at least two concepts from GS 420 to this
experience. For example: Did you use any of the “10
Commandments” when interacting with this individual? If so,
state the commandment and how you applied it during this
Book Reading List
Ansay, A. M. (2001). Limbo: A memoir. New York:
Harperperennial Library.
Bauby, J.D., & Leggatt, J. (1997). The diving bell and the
butterfly: A memoir of life in death. New York: Alfred A.
Becker, S. (2005). I had brain surgery, what’s your excuse?
New York: Workman. Bender, K. (2000). Like normal people.
Boston, MA: Houghton Miflin. Calderwood, L. (2003). Cracked:
Recovering after traumatic brain injury. London:
Jessica Kingsley.
Campbell, B. M. (2005). 72-hour hold. New York: Anchor
(Random House).
Charlton, J. (1998). Nothing about us, without us. Berkley, CA:
University of California
Press, Berkeley, 1998.
Cohen, R. M. (2004). Blindsided: Lifting a life above illness, a
reluctant memoir. New York: Perennial.
Cohen, R. M. (2008). Strong at the broken places: Voices of
illness, a chorus of hope. New York: Harper Paperbacks.
Collins, P. (2004). Not even wrong: Adventures in autism. New
York: Bloomsbury. Crimmins, C. (2000). Where is the mango
princess? A journey back from brain injury.
New York: Vintage Books.
Dart, I. R. (1999). When I fall in love. New York: Avon.
Edwards, K. (2005). The memory keeper’s daughter. New York:
Penguin. Fadiman, A. (1997). The spirit catches you and you
fall down: A Hmong child, her
American doctors, and the collision of two cultures. New York:
Noonday Press.
Fleischer, D. Z. & Zames, F. (2001). The Disability Rights
Movement: From Charity to Confrontation. Philadelphia:
Temple University Press
Fox, L. (1999). My sister from the black lagoon. New York.
Scribner Books.
Fries, K. (1998). Body, remember: A memoir. New York:
Fries, K. (Ed.) (1997). Staring back: The disability experience
from the inside out, New
York: Dutton.
Gallagher, H. G. (1990). By trust betrayed: Patients, physicians,
and the license to kill in the Third Reich. New York: H. Holt.
Grandin, T. (1995). Thinking in pictures and other reports from
my life with autism. New York: Doubleday.
Grealy, L. (1994). Autobiography of a face. New York: Harper
Perennial. Greenberg, J. (1970). In this sign. New York: Henry
Grunwald, H. (1999). Twilight: Losing sight, gaining insight.
New York: Alfred A.
Haddon, M. (2003). The curious incident of the dog in the
night-time. New York:
Hall, R. H. (2002). A quiet storm: A novel. New York: Scribner.
Haller, B. (2010). Representing disability in an ableist world:
Essays on mass media.
Louisville, KY: Avocado Press.
Hallman, Jr., T. (2002). Sam: The boy behind the mask. New
York: G. P. Putnam’s Sons. Handler, L. (1998). Twitch and
shout: A Touretter’s tale. New York: Dutton.
Hans, A. & Patri, A. (2003). Women, disability and identity.
Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.
Hockenberry, J. (1995). Moving violations: War zones,
wheelchairs, and declarations of independence. New York:
Hughes, R. (2003). Running with Walker: A memoir. London:
Jessica Kingsley. Jamison, K. R. (1995). An unquiet mind: A
memoir of moods and madness. New York:
Vintage Books.
Johnson, M. (2003). Make them go away. Clint Eastwood,
Christopher Reeve & the case against disability rights.
Louisville, KY: Avocado Press.
Karasik, P., & Karasik, J. (2003). The ride together: A brother
and sister’s memoir of autism in the family. New York:
Washington Square Press.
Kleege, G. (1999). Sight unseen. New Haven, CT: Yale
University Press.
Knighton, R. (2006). Cockeyed: A memoir. New York: Public
Kuusisto, S. (1998). Planet of the blind. New York: Delta.
Kuusisto, S. (2006). Eavesdropping: A memoir of blindness and
listening. New York: W.
W. Norton & Co.
Leimbach, M. (2006). Daniel isn’t talking. New York: Anchor
Books (Random House). Linton, S. (1998). Claiming disability:
Knowledge and identity. NY: New York
University Press.
Linton, S. (2009). My body politic: A memoir. Ann Arbor, MI:
University of Michigan
Longmore, P. (2003) Why I burned my book and other essays on
disability. Temple
University Press, 2003.
Lopez, S. (2008). The soloist: A lost dream, an unlikely
friendship, and the redemptive power of music. New York: G. P.
Putnam’s Sons.
Mairs, N. (1996). Waist-high in the world: A life among the
nondisabled. Boston: Beacon Press.
Mee, C. L. (1999). A nearly normal life. Boston: Little, Brown,
& Company. Ototake, H., & Harcourt, G. (2000). No one’s
perfect. Tokyo, Japan: Kodansha
Padden, C. & Humphries, T. (1988). Deaf in America: Voices
from a culture. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press.
Padden, C. & Humphries, T. (2005). Inside deaf culture.
Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press.
Peck, C. (2005). Revenge of the paste eaters: Memoirs of a
misfit. New York: 5 Spot, Time Warner Book Group.
Rubio. G. H. (1998). Icy sparks. New York: Viking Press.
Rucker, A. (2007). The best seat in the house: How I woke up
one Tuesday and was
paralyzed for life. New York: HarperCollins.
Russell, M. (1998). Beyond ramps: Disability at the end of the
social contract. Monroe,
ME: Common Courage Press.
Sacks, O. (1989). Seeing voices: A journey into the world of the
deaf. Los Angeles, CA: University of California Press.
Saramago, J. (1998). Blindness. New York: Harcourt Brace.
Shapiro, J. (1994). No pity: People with disabilities forging a
new civil rights movement.
NY: Times Books.
Sidransky, R. (1990). In silence: Growing up hearing in a deaf
world. New York: St.
Martin’s Press.
Simon, R. (2002). Riding the bus with my sister: A true life
journey. New York: Houghton Mifflin.
Slater, L. (2000). Lying: A metaphorical memoir. New York:
Penguin Books. Taylor, J. B. (2009). My stroke of insight: A
brain scientist’s personal journey. New
York: Penguin Group.
Tayman, J. (2006). The colony. New York: Scribner.
Traig, J. (2004). Devil in the details: Scenes from an obsessive
girlhood. New York: Back
Bay Books.
Trent, J. W. (1994). Inventing the feeble mind: A history of
mental retardation in the
United States. Berkley: University of California Press.
Vigand, P., & Vigand, S. (2000). Only the eyes say yes: A love
story. New York: Arcade. Walker, L. A. (1986). A loss for
words: The story of deafness in a family. New York:
Harper Perennial.
Weihenmayer, E. (2001). Touch the top of the world: A blind
man’s journey to climb farther than the eye can see. New York:
Penguin Group.
West, C. (1999). First person plural: My life as a multiple. New
York: Hyperion. Woodruff, L., & Woodruff, B. (2007). In an
instant: A family's journey of love and
healing. New York: Random House.
Yun, M. (2004). Translations of beauty. New York: Washington
Square Press.
Zola, I. K. (1982). Missing pieces: A chronicle of living with a
disability. Philadelphia:
Temple University Press.

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  • 1. 200 Words- Describe three types of systems used in organizations. Note the factors that normally lead to adopting the system and requirements that will likely push its future growth of each type. Discuss an IT system that has transformed the way organizations in at least one field carry out work. Note what requirements drove the system to be developed and what requirements are likely to drive it to change in the future. Reply with 150 words- (DO YOU AGREE WITH THE BELOW POST? WHY OR WHY NOT? IF SO WHY? IF NOT WHY NOT?) Business had changed a great deal in the past fifty years. Businesses used to keep everything on paper and file it in cabinet. Trying to find the information that you needed was a long process that took a lot of man power. Paper files also came with a lot of error and you had to depend on the people writing the data to get accurate information. For large organizations this was a painful and unreliable process and it you couldn't get it right then your business would have a hard time succeeding. There are many systems that can help organize information and place it where it needs to be. One of the information systems that sticks out to me is the ERP system. This system may be costly and may take a lot of training to implement, but if it is done right it can show great results. Take a large manufacturing company for instance. You have a finance and accounting department, an HR department, sales department, and an operations department. Imagine keeping all of that information on paper and relying on hundreds of employees to fill out the paper work correctly. That sounds like a nightmare to me. ERP
  • 2. systems were designed to organize all of the information from each department and accurately make decisions based on that information. ERP systems can be difficult to use and train others on how they work. I believe that ERP systems will become more user friendly and easier to implement into any organization in the future. Transformational IT technologies transform organizations, as they provide businesses with new opportunities for strategic advantage while challenging previously successful techs. It changes the basic ways that people and departments work and may even change the very nature of the business enterprise. The most important and significant transformational IT system that I can think of that changed the way organizations work was the World Wide Web, or the Web. This multimedia was invented by Sir Tim Berners-Lee, a British computer scientist, in 1989. The Web transformed how business was made worldwide, the interaction between a company and consumer was closer than ever. It allowed organizations to make information instantaneously available throughout the world, targeting more consumers, and all this at a lower cost, saving companies alot of money. Now with the new techs, such as social media and ad revenue, organizations are able to reach people even faster. That is the future, social media, videos, etc..Where companies can promote their products in an instant and consumers can stay informed. Good idea that the Web was never proprietary, it was made free to everyone from the beginning, and it will likely stay that way for a long while, if not forever, a free web for the whole world is vital for business. Reply with 150- Information systems play an important role in small businesses, helping companies improve their productivity, efficiency and customer service. Networked information systems enable companies to share knowledge and data throughout the organization, giving managers, executives, project teams and key employees access to the information they need to make
  • 3. decisions or manage operations. Decision Support, Customer Management, and Transaction Processing are three types of systems used in an organization. Decision support systems provide managers with access to financial, marketing and operational data that helps them to make better, faster decisions. A decision support system brings together information, such as financial records, sales data, manufacturing data, inventory information and market research, traditionally held in separate departmental databases. Managers can also use the system's simulation capabilities to assess the potential impact of a change such as a price increase. Customer Management systems accumulate and track customer activities, including purchasing trends, product defects and customer inquiries. The capabilities of these systems allow customers to interact with companies for service or product feedback and problem resolutions. Businesses may also use them internally as a component of their collaboration strategies. As such, the information system allow business partners to interact with each other as they develop ideas and products. Transaction Processing systems process business transactions of the organization. TPS information systems can be based on real-time or batch processing, and can help business owners meet demand without acquiring additional personnel. These systems provide speed and accuracy, and can be programmed to follow routine functions of the organization. Three types of systems that can be used in organizations are ERP systems(enterprise resource planning), CRM systems(customer relationship management), and TPS system( transaction processing systems. ERP systems give you the opportunity of integrating every procedure of your business while improving the quality of several areas simultaneously. ERP also helps to increase production levels and to control cost more efficiently and this means you will be able to control the whole enterprise more efficiently. If a large organization is struggling using multiple systems or procedures it can implement and ERP system to help organize it all. A CORM
  • 4. system help with improving the relationship with existing customers, potential customers, and possibly getting back previous customers. this system help collect, organize, and manage customer information. If a company is struggling with customer service or really wants to obtain new customers it can implement a CORM system to help organize the information and make better decisions for its customers. A TIPS system performs the routine transactions necessary to conduct business. They can manage sales order entry, reservations, payroll, employee records, manufacturing, and shipping. TIPS has been a popular system to use with the Internet. Transaction processing links multiple individual transactions into a single transaction and ensure they are done without error. These systems are beneficial to almost any business. Part 1 Planning Form Directions Please complete the Planning Form and upload on or before the due date 5 points credit – no late papers accepted! Both the Project and Community Service must be addressed in order to avoid point loss. No rubric needed for this assignment. Purpose: To assist students in planning for selection of the Project Assignment and Community Service involvement. This form also allows feedback from the instructor as to the appropriateness of the choices selected. Once again, this form
  • 5. must be uploaded before or on the due date. Late papers will not receive any points. This assignment is worth 5 points. Directions: 1. Enter your name and student # at the top of the page. 2. Project: Read over the project options 3. Choose one of the options for your project. 4. Community Service: It is not necessary to have completed any hours by the due date of this form. 5. Briefly describe what you are currently doing, (or planning on doing) for your Community Service Project. 6. You may work with more than one agency to complete the 15 required hours. Please list all agencies/individuals with whom you might be involved. PLAN WISELY: Read over the guidelines for the Project Assignment options before choosing. No late papers accepted. Separate part 1 and part 2 Part 2 Purpose: Students will further explore disability topics by choosing a project of interest. All assignments are required to follow the expectations for assignment completion listed in the syllabus. It is each student’s responsibility to review the syllabus for course grading policy. The following options are available: 1.) Interviews - See following two pages for descriptions and sample interview questions
  • 6. 2.) Agency Visitation This project involves research, visitation, and write-up of a community resource available for people with disabilities. Agencies not presented in class are preferred. The full 3-5 page report must include the following information: · The name, address, and a phone number of the agency, a contact person, and a brief description of the organization. · Discuss the services provided and funding sources. · Your personal opinion of this agency. · Please indicate whether or not this agency uses volunteers. If so, would they be interested in utilizing GS 420 students. · Relate the agency’s services to information from text or class. · List website information 3.) Book Review This project involves researching and reading a book, preferably an autobiography, or book that deals with current policy/issues on people with disabilities. A creative presentation of the book is required. A Power Point presentation, Poster board, 3-D display, mobile, collage, etc. A one-two-page summary (double spaced) of the book with author and publication information is to be uploaded on Blackboard. Also, please relate the information from the book to information from textbook or class material. *If choosing a PowerPoint format you will upload your ppt on blackboard. If for any reason the file is too large and will not go through, email the instructor 4.) Other
  • 7. The purpose of this assignment is to allow students to further explore the issues and personal experiences of people with disabilities. A full 3-5 page report must be completed and uploaded for full credit. There are many options available for GS 420 students in the community. A hands-on approach is preferred when selecting this choice for a special project. It might include hours spent over and above your required community service with a specific focus. Other options include: conferences, meetings, fundraising, attendance at events involving disability issues, researching technology, etc. The professor must approve “Other options”. GS 420: Disability & Society Assignment #4: Project Suggested Interview Guidelines The purpose of this assignment is to act as an “ally” to reduce “ableism”. In order to understand the impact that “ableism” has on an individual, it is beneficial to learn first hand about the kinds of prejudice and discrimination that people with disabilities face. A person with a disability is the real expert on the issues that affect their lives. After considering their experiences, it is then that you become aware of your own role in promoting disability rights – even if it means facing your own subtle beliefs of discrimination. The interview process should focus on the experiences of the person with the disability. By educating yourself, and by your willingness to learn from someone with an experience of disability, you can align yourself with the community of people with disabilities so that needed change can occur.
  • 8. The interview process should focus on the individual first and the disability experience second. By staying focused on the individual, you affirm their need for respect, equal treatment, and the right to access societal opportunities without experiencing discrimination. This interview should be a full 3-5 pages long, double spaced. The interview is easiest to read if written in a narrative format. (Just tell the story). Confidentiality is important, so initials, or first name only is appropriate. 1. Ask the person to tell their story – their history… where they were born, their family situation, educational experiences, adulthood goals, and current living situations. 2. Ask the person about their experiences in society – have they experienced any challenges in accomplishing their goals. What about education? Have they ever been discriminated against? Talk to the individual about Americans with Disabilities Act. Are they aware of their rights? 3. If appropriate and the person wants to share details about their specific disability, include that information. If they would prefer to not give you specifics of the disability in a medical context, then be respectful and stick to the societal responses to their situation. Focus on the strengths of the individual and their attitudes towards their experiences. Find out what changes can be made to improve their life. 4. At the end of the write-up, reflect on your own personal response to this experience. Reflect on any biased beliefs of which you were made aware. How can you become an ally to make the changes needed for this person to live a full and successful life? 5. Finally, include at least two concepts from GS 420 to this
  • 9. experience. For example: Did you use any of the “10 Commandments” when interacting with this individual? If so, state the commandment and how you applied it during this experience. Book Reading List Ansay, A. M. (2001). Limbo: A memoir. New York: Harperperennial Library. Bauby, J.D., & Leggatt, J. (1997). The diving bell and the butterfly: A memoir of life in death. New York: Alfred A. Knopf. Becker, S. (2005). I had brain surgery, what’s your excuse? New York: Workman. Bender, K. (2000). Like normal people. Boston, MA: Houghton Miflin. Calderwood, L. (2003). Cracked: Recovering after traumatic brain injury. London: Jessica Kingsley. Campbell, B. M. (2005). 72-hour hold. New York: Anchor (Random House). Charlton, J. (1998). Nothing about us, without us. Berkley, CA: University of California Press, Berkeley, 1998. Cohen, R. M. (2004). Blindsided: Lifting a life above illness, a reluctant memoir. New York: Perennial. Cohen, R. M. (2008). Strong at the broken places: Voices of illness, a chorus of hope. New York: Harper Paperbacks. Collins, P. (2004). Not even wrong: Adventures in autism. New York: Bloomsbury. Crimmins, C. (2000). Where is the mango princess? A journey back from brain injury. New York: Vintage Books. Dart, I. R. (1999). When I fall in love. New York: Avon. Edwards, K. (2005). The memory keeper’s daughter. New York: Penguin. Fadiman, A. (1997). The spirit catches you and you fall down: A Hmong child, her American doctors, and the collision of two cultures. New York: Noonday Press. 1
  • 10. Fleischer, D. Z. & Zames, F. (2001). The Disability Rights Movement: From Charity to Confrontation. Philadelphia: Temple University Press Fox, L. (1999). My sister from the black lagoon. New York. Scribner Books. Fries, K. (1998). Body, remember: A memoir. New York: Dutton. Fries, K. (Ed.) (1997). Staring back: The disability experience from the inside out, New York: Dutton. Gallagher, H. G. (1990). By trust betrayed: Patients, physicians, and the license to kill in the Third Reich. New York: H. Holt. Grandin, T. (1995). Thinking in pictures and other reports from my life with autism. New York: Doubleday. Grealy, L. (1994). Autobiography of a face. New York: Harper Perennial. Greenberg, J. (1970). In this sign. New York: Henry Holt. Grunwald, H. (1999). Twilight: Losing sight, gaining insight. New York: Alfred A. Knopf. Haddon, M. (2003). The curious incident of the dog in the night-time. New York: Vintage. Hall, R. H. (2002). A quiet storm: A novel. New York: Scribner. Haller, B. (2010). Representing disability in an ableist world: Essays on mass media. Louisville, KY: Avocado Press. Hallman, Jr., T. (2002). Sam: The boy behind the mask. New York: G. P. Putnam’s Sons. Handler, L. (1998). Twitch and shout: A Touretter’s tale. New York: Dutton. Hans, A. & Patri, A. (2003). Women, disability and identity. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage. 2 Hockenberry, J. (1995). Moving violations: War zones, wheelchairs, and declarations of independence. New York: Hyperion.
  • 11. Hughes, R. (2003). Running with Walker: A memoir. London: Jessica Kingsley. Jamison, K. R. (1995). An unquiet mind: A memoir of moods and madness. New York: Vintage Books. Johnson, M. (2003). Make them go away. Clint Eastwood, Christopher Reeve & the case against disability rights. Louisville, KY: Avocado Press. Karasik, P., & Karasik, J. (2003). The ride together: A brother and sister’s memoir of autism in the family. New York: Washington Square Press. Kleege, G. (1999). Sight unseen. New Haven, CT: Yale University Press. Knighton, R. (2006). Cockeyed: A memoir. New York: Public Affairs. Kuusisto, S. (1998). Planet of the blind. New York: Delta. Kuusisto, S. (2006). Eavesdropping: A memoir of blindness and listening. New York: W. W. Norton & Co. Leimbach, M. (2006). Daniel isn’t talking. New York: Anchor Books (Random House). Linton, S. (1998). Claiming disability: Knowledge and identity. NY: New York University Press. Linton, S. (2009). My body politic: A memoir. Ann Arbor, MI: University of Michigan Press. Longmore, P. (2003) Why I burned my book and other essays on disability. Temple University Press, 2003. Lopez, S. (2008). The soloist: A lost dream, an unlikely friendship, and the redemptive power of music. New York: G. P. Putnam’s Sons. 3 Mairs, N. (1996). Waist-high in the world: A life among the nondisabled. Boston: Beacon Press. Mee, C. L. (1999). A nearly normal life. Boston: Little, Brown, & Company. Ototake, H., & Harcourt, G. (2000). No one’s
  • 12. perfect. Tokyo, Japan: Kodansha International. Padden, C. & Humphries, T. (1988). Deaf in America: Voices from a culture. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press. Padden, C. & Humphries, T. (2005). Inside deaf culture. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press. Peck, C. (2005). Revenge of the paste eaters: Memoirs of a misfit. New York: 5 Spot, Time Warner Book Group. Rubio. G. H. (1998). Icy sparks. New York: Viking Press. Rucker, A. (2007). The best seat in the house: How I woke up one Tuesday and was paralyzed for life. New York: HarperCollins. Russell, M. (1998). Beyond ramps: Disability at the end of the social contract. Monroe, ME: Common Courage Press. Sacks, O. (1989). Seeing voices: A journey into the world of the deaf. Los Angeles, CA: University of California Press. Saramago, J. (1998). Blindness. New York: Harcourt Brace. Shapiro, J. (1994). No pity: People with disabilities forging a new civil rights movement. NY: Times Books. Sidransky, R. (1990). In silence: Growing up hearing in a deaf world. New York: St. Martin’s Press. 4 Simon, R. (2002). Riding the bus with my sister: A true life journey. New York: Houghton Mifflin. Slater, L. (2000). Lying: A metaphorical memoir. New York: Penguin Books. Taylor, J. B. (2009). My stroke of insight: A brain scientist’s personal journey. New York: Penguin Group. Tayman, J. (2006). The colony. New York: Scribner. Traig, J. (2004). Devil in the details: Scenes from an obsessive girlhood. New York: Back Bay Books. Trent, J. W. (1994). Inventing the feeble mind: A history of
  • 13. mental retardation in the United States. Berkley: University of California Press. Vigand, P., & Vigand, S. (2000). Only the eyes say yes: A love story. New York: Arcade. Walker, L. A. (1986). A loss for words: The story of deafness in a family. New York: Harper Perennial. Weihenmayer, E. (2001). Touch the top of the world: A blind man’s journey to climb farther than the eye can see. New York: Penguin Group. West, C. (1999). First person plural: My life as a multiple. New York: Hyperion. Woodruff, L., & Woodruff, B. (2007). In an instant: A family's journey of love and healing. New York: Random House. Yun, M. (2004). Translations of beauty. New York: Washington Square Press. Zola, I. K. (1982). Missing pieces: A chronicle of living with a disability. Philadelphia: Temple University Press.