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3-School fluoridation studies in Elk Lake, Pennsylvania, and
Pike County, Kentucky--results after eight years.
4-American Association for Dental Research Policy Statement
on Community Water Fluoridation
5- Ground-Water Quality in Kentucky: Fluoride - University of
6-Kentucky Oral Health Program Brochure - Cabinet for Health.
746 JADA, Vol. 131, June 2000
Enamel fluorosis is a hypomineralization of the
enamel caused by the ingestion of an amount of
fluoride that is above optimal levels during
enamel formation.1,2 Clinically, the appearance of
enamel fluorosis can vary. In its mildest form, it
appears as faint white lines or streaks visible
only to trained examiners under controlled exam-
ination conditions. In its pronounced form, fluo-
rosis manifests as white mottling of the teeth in
which noticeable white lines or streaks often
have coalesced into larger opaque areas.2,3 Brown
staining or pitting of the enamel also may be
present.2,3 In its most severe form, actual break-
down of the enamel may occur.2,3
In recent years, there has been an increase in
the prevalence of children seen with enamel fluo-
Background. Few studies have evaluated the
impact of specific fluoride sources on the prevalence of
enamel fluorosis in the population. The author con-
ducted research to determine attributable risk percent
estimates for mild-to-moderate enamel fluorosis in two
populations of middle-school–aged children.
Methods. The author recruited two groups of
children 10 to 14 years of age. One group of 429 had
grown up in nonfluoridated communities; the other
group of 234 had grown up in optimally fluoridated
communities. Trained examiners measured enamel
fluorosis using the Fluorosis Risk Index and meas-
ured early childhood fluoride exposure using a ques-
tionnaire completed by the parent. The author then
calculated attributable risk percent estimates, or the
proportion of cases of mild-to-moderate enamel fluo-
rosis associated with exposure to specific early fluo-
ride sources, based on logistic regression models.
Results. In the nonfluoridated study sample,
sixty-five percent of the enamel fluorosis cases were
attributed to fluoride supplementation under the pre-
1994 protocol. An additional 34 percent were
explained by the children having brushed more than
once per day during the first two years of life. In the
optimally fluoridated study sample, 68 percent of the
enamel fluorosis cases were explained by the children
using more than a pea-sized amount of toothpaste
during the first year of life, 13 percent by having
been inappropriately given a fluoride supplement,
and 9 percent by the use of infant formula in the
form of a powdered concentrate.
Conclusions. Enamel fluorosis in the non-
fluoridated study sample was attributed to fluoride
supplementation under the pre-1994 protocol and
early toothbrushing behaviors. Enamel fluorosis in
the optimally fluoridated study sample was attrib-
uted to early toothbrushing behaviors, inappropriate
fluoride supplementation and the use of infant for-
mula in the form of a powdered concentrate.
Clinical Implications. By advising
parents about the best early use of fluoride agents,
health professionals play an important role in reduc-
ing the prevalence of clinically noticeable enamel
Copyright ©1998-2001 American Dental Association. All rights
for enamel fluorosis.17,25 The use
of infant formula in various
forms, before the infant formula
industry’s voluntary reduction
in the fluoride content of its
products, also has been associ-
ated with enamel fluorosis.12,17,33
Findings from two recent stud-
ies suggest that while the risk
of enamel fluorosis associated
with infant formula use may no
longer exist for children living
in nonfluoridated communities,
the use of formula in the pow-
dered concentrate form pre-
pared with optimally fluoridated
water may continue to be an
enamel fluorosis risk factor.21,25
While an increasing number
of studies have reported esti-
mates of the relative risk or the
increased likelihood of enamel
fluorosis associated with specif-
ic early fluoride exposures, rel-
atively few investigations have
evaluated the impact of a spe-
cific fluoride-containing agent
on the prevalence of enamel
fluorosis in the population.12,15,34
This impact is a function of
both the relative risk associated
with a specific fluoride-contain-
ing agent, as well as the preva-
lence of exposure to that agent
within the population. It is
thought to be best measured via
estimation of the attributable
risk percent,35 or the percentage
of all fluorosis cases that can be
explained by exposure to a spe-
cific fluoride-containing agent.
The attributable risk, therefore,
becomes an estimate of the
potential reduction in cases
that would occur were the asso-
ciated exposure modified or
eliminated. Because children
may be exposed to several dif-
ferent fluoride-containing
agents during the tooth-devel-
opment period, the most accu-
rate attributable risk percent
estimate for a specific fluoride-
rosis in both optimally fluoridat-
ed and nonfluoridated areas of
the United States.4,5 The great-
est relative increase in fluorosis
prevalence has occurred in non-
fluoridated areas.4 Dentists and
hygienists need to understand
the most likely reasons for this
increase. This will allow them to
advise parents about the most
appropriate use of fluoride to
prevent caries in their children
while minimizing the risk of
their children developing enamel
Dating back to the classic
research of H. Trendley Dean,
it has been well-known that a
concentration of approximately
1 part per million fluoride in
the drinking water imparts sub-
stantial caries protection with
the absence of noticeable enam-
el fluorosis.6-8
Since the advent of optimal
water fluoridation, other pre-
ventive fluoride agents have
been introduced. They include
ingestible fluoride supplements
and fluoride toothpaste, which
may be ingested by young chil-
dren, although it is intended for
topical use.9-11
Studies suggest that behav-
iors associated with the early
use of fluoride toothpaste—such
as the amount of toothpaste
usually used when brushing—
are associated with enamel fluo-
rosis in both optimally fluori-
dated and nonfluoridated popu-
lations in the United States and
elsewhere.12-25 Studies further
suggest that early fluoride sup-
plements use by children living
in nonfluoridated areas have
been an important risk factor
for enamel fluorosis.21,26-32 Not
unexpectedly, the inappropriate
use of fluoride supplements by
children living in optimally
fluoridated areas has been
shown to be a strong risk factor
containing agent should be
adjusted for exposure to any
other fluoride-containing
agents.4,35 To date, only two
investigations have reported
adjusted attributable risk per-
cent estimates15,34; and only one
of these investigations has
reported these estimates along
with adjusted confidence inter-
vals, which gives the reader the
best sense of the statistical sig-
nificance of those estimates.34
That study also was the only
one to have reported findings
from the investigation of a U.S.
A study of Canadian children
who were current residents of
an optimally fluoridated area
reported that 72 percent of the
fluorosis cases could be attrib-
uted to beginning to brush teeth
with fluoride toothpaste during
the first two years of life.12 In
this same study, 22 percent of
the cases were attributed to the
use of infant formula.
A study of Australian chil-
dren who also resided in an opti-
mally fluoridated area reported
that 47 percent of the fluorosis
cases could be explained by a
history of swallowing toothpaste
at a young age, while 55 percent
of the fluorosis cases seen in this
study could be explained by the
early cessation of breast-feeding,
with the implication that these
infants were switched to the use
of infant formula.15
A study of children in
Connecticut who grew up in
optimally fluoridated communi-
ties reported that 71 percent of
the cases could be attributed to
“usually” brushing more than
once a day and “usually” using
more than a pea-sized amount
of toothpaste during the first
eight years.34 Twenty-five per-
cent of these cases were attrib-
utable to children having been
JADA, Vol. 131, June 2000 747
Copyright ©1998-2001 American Dental Association. All rights
inappropriately given a fluoride
supplement during the first
eight years of their lives.34
Understanding attributable
risk information reported in
the literature is important;
dentists and hygienists need to
be able to provide the parents
of young children with appro-
priate advice regarding the
early use of fluoride toothpaste
and fluoride supplements. In
this article, I report on results
of research I performed to
determine attributable risk
percent estimates for mild-to-
moderate enamel fluorosis in
two populations of middle-
school–aged children born after
the 1978 fluoride supplement
dosage revision36,37 and after
the decision by U.S. infant for-
mula manufacturers to reduce
and control the fluoride content
of their products38,39 (effective
for those born in 1980 and
after). Because comprehensive,
surface-specific analyses of the
relative risk percent estimates
associated with enamel fluoro-
sis in these two populations
have been previously report-
ed,21,25 key findings from those
reports will be only briefly
reviewed in this article.
Detailed descriptions of the
methods used in my previous
investigations are published
elsewhere21,25; therefore, only a
brief summary follows. All
study procedures involving
human subjects were approved
by the University of
Connecticut Health Center
Institutional Review Board. The
study subjects consisted of mid-
dle-school–aged children who
had grown up in either six non-
fluoridated Massachusetts and
Connecticut communities or
five optimally fluoridated
Connecticut communities.
Among the subjects who grew
up in nonfluoridated areas of
Massachusetts and Connecticut,
it was found that children who
were reported to have begun
brushing with fluoridated tooth-
paste during the first two years
of life and who reported they
usually brushed more than once
per day had an approximately
three- to fourfold increase in the
risk of enamel fluorosis, depend-
ing on the specific enamel sur-
faces affected.21 In this same
population, children who were
reported to have used a fluoride
supplement throughout the sec-
ond through eighth years of life
had an approximately two- to
eightfold increase in the risk of
enamel fluorosis, again depend-
ing on the specific enamel sur-
faces affected.21
The subjects in the second
population grew up in optimally
fluoridated areas in Connecti-
cut.25 These areas had begun
fluoridation many years before
these children were born, and
when the water departments
were contacted, they indicated
that episodes of below-optimum
fluoridation were rare and brief
over the lifetimes of the sub-
jects. In this population, it was
found that children who were
reported to have usually
brushed with more than a pea-
size amount of toothpaste and
who were reported to have usu-
ally brushed more than once
per day had a six- to eightfold
increase in the risk of enamel
fluorosis, depending on the spe-
cific surfaces affected.25
Children in these optimally
fluoridated areas who inappro-
priately were given fluoride
supplements had an approxi-
mately six- to 10-fold increase
in the risk of enamel fluorosis,
again depending on the specific
enamel surfaces affected.25 In
this population, the reported
use of infant formula in the
form of a powdered concentrate
produced an approximately
four- to 10-fold increase in the
risk of enamel fluorosis, once
again depending on the specific
surfaces affected.25
Two trained examiners
measured enamel fluorosis
using the Fluorosis Risk
Index.40 For the attributable
risk analyses presented in this
article, I included a subject as a
fluorosis case if he or she had
mild-to-moderate enamel fluo-
rosis as defined by Møller41 that
was characterized by the pres-
ence of paper-white streaking,
coalescence of opacities or both
on more than 50 percent of two
or more enamel surface zones,
anywhere throughout the denti-
tion.41 A fluorosis control was
defined as any subject who was
fluorosis-free throughout the
Two examiners conducted
random, blind inter- and
intraexaminer reliability exami-
nations daily throughout the
data collection period. There
were few cases (approximately
2 percent) of subjects showing
signs of more severe fluorosis,
which was characterized by the
presence of brown staining or
pitting. Therefore, I included
these few subjects in the analy-
ses with the rest of the cases.
I retrospectively obtained fluo-
ride exposure history via a self-
administered, closed-ended
questionnaire that was mailed
to the parents of all case and
control subjects. Parents were
offered $20 for return of the com-
pleted questionnaire. This ques-
tionnaire had been pretested and
used in two fluorosis risk investi-
gations.17,27 The subject’s name
748 JADA, Vol. 131, June 2000
Copyright ©1998-2001 American Dental Association. All rights
was handwritten on the cover of
the questionnaire and into each
of the questions within the ques-
tionnaire. This was done to help
keep parents with several chil-
dren mindful of the specific child
we were asking about.
For each quarter of the first
year of life—birth through 3
months, 4 through 6 months,
and so on—parents were asked
to indicate, by checking the
appropriate box, whether the
subject’s main source of food
was breast milk, ready-to-feed
infant formula, formula in the
form of liquid concentrate, for-
mula in the form of powdered
concentrate, cow’s milk or solid
food. They also were asked to
do this for the second year of
the children’s lives as a whole.
Then they were asked to write
in the usual brand of infant for-
mula used, which allowed me to
determine whether the formula
was milk- or soy-based. For
each of the first eight years,
parents were asked to write in
the city and state (country if
not the United States) where
the subject lived for each year.
Also for each of the first eight
years, parents were asked to
indicate by checking the appro-
priate box whether the subject
was given plain vitamins with-
out fluoride, a vitamin drop
with fluoride, a vitamin tablet
with fluoride, a fluoride drop
alone, a fluoride tablet alone or
nothing. Parents were asked to
indicate by circling the best
choice whether the subject usu-
ally did not brush, usually
brushed once a day or usually
brushed more than once a day
during the first eight years, and
by circling the best drawing to
indicate whether the subject
usually placed a pea-sized
amount or more of toothpaste
on his or her toothbrush when
brushing during the first eight
years. Parents were asked to
indicate by circling the appro-
priate age at which the subjects
began to brush and at what
ages they helped the subjects
brush their teeth. For each of
the first eight years, parents
were asked to write in the sub-
jects’ places of residence.
Parents also were asked to indi-
cate whether they used bottled
water or a tap water filter for
more than two of the first eight
years. Finally, they were asked
to indicate their relationship to
the subjects and to indicate by
circling the appropriate ages
during which of the subjects’
first eight years they had lived
with them.
I included for analysis only
subjects whose questionnaires
were completed by parents who
had resided with the subjects
for the entire eight-year survey
period. I assessed questionnaire
reliability by having a random-
ly drawn sample of respondents
complete a second question-
naire that was mailed at least
one month after the completion
of the first.
I included in the nonfluori-
dated group analysis only data
from subjects born after 1979
who were residents of a non-
fluoridated community for the
entire eight-year survey period.
For the optimally fluoridated
group analysis, I included only
data from subjects born after
1979 who were residents of an
optimally fluoridated commu-
nity for the entire eight-year
survey period. I determined the
fluoridation status of prior resi-
dences other than in the survey
communities using the
Fluoridation Census.42
I derived adjusted attribut-
able risk percent estimates and
adjusted 95 percent confidence
intervals, or CIs, individually
for early fluoride exposures
found to be associated with an
increased risk of mild-to-
moderate enamel fluorosis,
based on logistic regression
analyses.43,44 I derived these
attributable risk percent esti-
mates separately for the nonflu-
oridated study sample and for
the optimally fluoridated study
sample. I included variables
found to have been either
important predictors of enamel
fluorosis or important covari-
ates in the relative risk analy-
ses21,25 in each of the attributa-
ble risk analyses.
A total of 1,091 subjects (94
percent of those enrolled and
15 percent of those eligible to
enroll) were examined for fluo-
rosis in the nonfluoridated
study sample. A total of 867
subjects (95 percent of those
enrolled and 14 percent of
those eligible to enroll) were
examined for fluorosis in the
optimally fluoridated study
sample. Intra- and interexam-
iner agreement on case vs. con-
trol status was 98.9 percent
and 93.8 percent, respectively
(κ = 0.93 and 0.73, respective-
ly), in the nonfluoridated sam-
ple and 100 percent and 86 per-
cent, respectively (κ = 1.0 and
0.70, respectively), in the opti-
mally fluoridated sample. The
prevalence of mild-to-moderate
enamel fluorosis was 39 per-
cent in the nonfluoridated sam-
ple and 34 percent in the opti-
mally fluoridated sample.
Eighty-four percent of the cases
from the nonfluoridated com-
munities and 74 percent of
cases from the optimally fluori-
dated communities involved the
maxillary anterior teeth.
The questionnaire return
JADA, Vol. 131, June 2000 749
Copyright ©1998-2001 American Dental Association. All rights
rate was 90 percent in the non-
fluoridated sample and 91
percent in the optimally fluori-
dated sample. A 12 percent
reliability sample in the nonflu-
oridated sample and a 16
percent reliability sample in
fluoridated revealed an average
agreement between the second
and first questionnaire respons-
es of 87 percent for both study
A total of 250 subjects with
mild-to-moderate enamel fluo-
rosis and 179 fluorosis-free con-
trols were available in the non-
fluoridated study sample for
analysis, after exclusions based
on year of birth, fluoridation
history or completion of the
questionnaire by someone other
than parents who had lived
with their children throughout
the entire eight-year survey
period. These subjects ranged
in age from 10 to 13 years of
age (mean = 12.5 years), and 57
percent were girls. Eighty-six
percent of these subjects were
lifelong residents of their cur-
rent communities.
A total of 180 subjects with
mild-to-moderate fluorosis and
54 fluorosis-free control sub-
jects were available in the
fluoridated study sample for
analysis, again after exclusions
based on year of birth, fluorida-
tion history or completion of the
questionnaire by someone other
than parents who had lived
with their children throughout
the entire eight-year survey
period. These subjects ranged
in age from 10 to 14 years of
age (mean = 12.9 years), and 56
percent were girls.
Tables 1 and 2 show the mul-
tiple logistic-regression–
derived, adjusted attributable
risk percent estimates for these
two study samples. Individual
attributable risk percents do
not add to 100 percent, since
the variables studied in both
samples were not mutually
exclusive exposures.43
For the nonfluoridated study
sample, Table 1 shows that an
estimated 65 percent of the
cases could be attributed to or
explained by exposure to fluo-
ride supplements during the
second through eighth year of
life. Thirty-four percent of the
cases in this sample could be
explained by a history of having
begun to brush with toothpaste
during the first two years and
having usually brushed more
than once per day. The logistic-
regression–derived test for
750 JADA, Vol. 131, June 2000
* Estimate of cases attributable to each specific fluoride source
based on logistic regression modeling.21 Note that individual
attributable risk
percents do not add up to 100 percent, as fluoride
supplementation and toothbrushing history are not mutually
exclusive exposures.43
† CI: Confidence interval.
‡ Reference group: no supplementation during each of the
identified periods.
§ Reference group: began after year 2; brushed once per day.
Supplementation History‡
Supplemented Year 1
Supplemented Years 2
Through 8
Toothbrushing History§
Began During Years 1
and 2; Brushed More
Than Once per Day
Began During Years 1
and 2; Brushed Once
per Day
Began After Year 2;
Brushed More Than
Once per Day
Used More Than a
Pea-sized Amount of
Copyright ©1998-2001 American Dental Association. All rights
trend across the three tooth-
brushing exposure categories
was statistically significant,
suggesting a dose response
effect; however, the negative CI
limits for two of the toothbrush-
ing exposure categories indicate
that the analysis cannot say
with 95 percent certainty that
cases could be attributed to
these two exposure histories.
While not statistically signifi-
cant, the findings suggested
that perhaps 45 percent of the
observed cases could be attrib-
uted to the usual early use of
greater than a pea-sized
amount of toothpaste when
For the study subjects who
grew up in optimally fluoridat-
ed communities, Table 2 shows
that an estimated 13 percent of
the cases could be explained by
the inappropriate use of fluo-
ride supplements during the
first two years of life. Forty-six
percent of the cases could be
explained by a history of having
usually used more than a pea-
sized amount of toothpaste
when brushing and usually
having brushed more than once
per day. The test for trend
across the three toothbrushing
exposure categories was statis-
tically significant, again sup-
porting the presence of a dose-
response effect. A clear associa-
tion with age when brushing
began was not observed in this
study sample, when adjusted
for usual toothbrushing fre-
quency and amount of tooth-
paste used.
Table 2 also shows that 9
percent of the cases could be
explained by a history of having
used infant formula in the form
of a powdered concentrate as
the main source of food, espe-
cially during the last quarter of
the first year. There was no
suggestion of an association
with ready-to-feed infant for-
mula and no significant associa-
tion was observed with liquid
concentrate formula. The
reported use of either bottled
water or a tap water filter was
not statistically significantly
associated with fluorosis in the
analyses from either nonfluori-
dated or optimally fluoridated
Attributable risk percent esti-
mates associated with enamel
fluorosis are useful in assessing
the public health impact of par-
ticular fluoride exposures.
JADA, Vol. 131, June 2000 751
* Estimate of cases attributable to each specific fluoride source
based on logistic regression modeling.24 Note that individual
attributable risk
percents do not add up to 100 percent, as fluoride
supplementation, toothbrushing history and infant formula use
are not mutually exclusive
† CI: Confidence interval.
‡ Reference group: no fluoride supplementation years 1 through
§ Reference group: pea-sized amount of toothpaste, once per
** At 10 to 12 months of age. Referent group: no infant formula
Supplemented Years
1 Through 2
Toothbrushing History§
More Than a Pea-sized
Amount of Toothpaste,
More Than Once per
More Than a Pea-sized
Amount of Toothpaste,
Once per Day
Pea-sized Amount of
Toothpaste, More Than
Once per Day
Formula as Powdered
Supplementation History‡
Copyright ©1998-2001 American Dental Association. All rights
Children in the United States
today are exposed to a variety
of fluoride sources during early
childhood. Some sources, such
as fluoride supplements, are
intended to be ingested.
Others, such as fluoride tooth-
paste, are intended for topical
use but are nevertheless
ingested by preschool-aged chil-
dren who typically have not
begun to expectorate any or
enough of the toothpaste with
which they brush.45,46 It is
important when estimating the
attributable risk percent specif-
ic to a particular fluoride expo-
sure that this estimate be
adjusted for the effects of the
other exposures. In this way,
the estimate of the effect of a
particular exposure is not
biased by the other exposures.
It also is important to recognize
that the effect of exposure to a
specific fluoride source within a
population is always in the con-
text of exposure to that source
along with exposure to the
other fluoride sources within
that population. In this way,
the fluorosis impact of one fluo-
ride source among several can
be estimated, and appropriate
professional and public health
action can be taken.
In this study, approximately
two-thirds of mild-to-moderate
enamel fluorosis cases observed
in optimally fluoridated areas
and at least one-third of mild-
to-moderate enamel fluorosis
cases observed in nonfluoridat-
ed areas could be attributed to
or explained by habits related
to the early use of fluoride
toothpaste. Three potentially
important behaviors associated
with early toothbrushing are
when toothbrushing began, the
usual daily frequency of tooth-
brushing and the usual amount
of toothpaste used during
brushing. All three of these
behaviors are indicators of the
overall fluoride ingestion associ-
ated with early toothbrushing.
In the nonfluoridated study
population, the age at which
toothbrushing began and the
usual frequency of toothbrush-
ing were most significantly
associated with enamel fluoro-
sis. While not statistically sig-
nificant, these findings suggest
that as much as 45 percent of
the enamel fluorosis cases could
be explained by a history of
having usually used more than
a pea-sized amount of tooth-
paste when brushing.
In the optimally fluoridated
study population, the usual
amount of toothpaste used
when brushing and the usual
daily frequency of toothbrush-
ing were most significantly
associated with enamel fluoro-
sis. The statistically significant
trends observed with early
toothpaste use in both study
samples suggests a dose-
response relationship.
A previous investigation of a
Connecticut study population
who grew up in optimally
fluoridated communities esti-
mated that approximately 70
percent of enamel fluorosis
cases could be attributed to
early toothbrushing behav-
iors.34 Findings from Canadian
and Australian studies of chil-
dren who were current resi-
dents of optimally fluoridated
areas suggested that many of
the enamel fluorosis cases seen
in those investigations also
could be attributed to early
toothbrushing habits.12,15 This
study’s findings from the opti-
mally fluoridated study sample
are consistent with those past
reports. Importantly, this
study’s findings from the non-
fluoridated study sample sug-
gest that early toothpaste use
behaviors may affect the
prevalence of enamel fluorosis,
regardless of whether the com-
munity is optimally fluoridated.
These findings reinforce the
important opportunity and need
for dentists and hygienists to
guide the parents of preschool-
aged children in proper fluoride
toothpaste use. Specifically,
dental professionals should
advise parents to supervise
their preschool-aged children
during toothbrushing and be
sure that the children use only
a small pea-sized amount of
toothpastes when brushing.
This advice should be given and
followed regardless of whether
the children live in an optimally
fluoridated or nonfluoridated
area. Parents should encourage
their children to expectorate
the toothpaste at the earliest
possible age rather than swal-
low it, avoid toothpastes with
flavors that would encourage
young children to wish to eat
the toothpaste, and keep tooth-
paste and all other fluoride-
containing products out of the
reach of preschool-aged chil-
dren. These findings further
support the call for a lower-
fluoride-concentration tooth-
paste, specifically for use by pre-
school-aged children.34,47-49
The findings of this study
indicate that nearly two-thirds
of the cases of mild-to-moderate
enamel fluorosis observed in
nonfluoridated areas could be
attributed to or explained by
the early use of fluoride supple-
ment. Subjects in this investi-
gation would have been given
fluoride supplements under the
pre-1994 protocol; these find-
ings strongly support the new,
lower dosage fluoride supple-
mentation protocol, which has
been accepted by both the
752 JADA, Vol. 131, June 2000
Copyright ©1998-2001 American Dental Association. All rights
American Dental Association
and the American Academy of
Pediatrics (Table 3).50,51
The ADA Guide to Dental
Therapeutics50 is a good
resource on the use of fluoride
supplements, as well as other
fluoride-containing compounds.
Dentists and hygienists should
evaluate the fluoride content of
a child’s drinking water, while
keeping in mind that the child
may have access to more than
one drinking water source dur-
ing the day, both at home and
in a child-care setting, for
example. If the child’s drinking
water is not from a municipal
water supply of known fluoride
concentration, the drinking
water sources must be tested
for their fluoride content. Then,
a proper decision regarding
what fluoride supplementation,
if any, is appropriate can be
made based on the protocol in
Table 3. By doing this, dentists
can avoid inappropriately pre-
scribing fluoride supplements to
children who already are drink-
ing adequately fluoridated
water. It also is important to
determine whether children are
receiving a fluoride supplement
as part of a multiple vitamin
prescribed by a physician.
Dentists should ask parents to
bring to the office any vitamin
preparations their children are
taking so the vitamins can be
evaluated directly. Dentists also
should ask parents to inform
them if the children’s drinking
water sources change.
The use of bottled drinking
water complicates the process,
as bottled water’s fluoride con-
tent can vary markedly, and
manufacturers are not required
to list the fluoride content.52 A
one-time test of the fluoride
content of bottled water may
not be sufficient to prescribe a
fluoride supplement, as a
child’s family might change the
brand of bottled water it drinks
or the fluoride concentration
could change.
My current findings indicate
that 13 percent of the cases of
mild-to-moderate enamel fluo-
rosis observed in optimally
fluoridated areas could be
attributed to or explained by
the inappropriate use of fluo-
ride supplements during the
first two years of children’s
lives while they lived in these
optimally fluoridated areas.
This is not surprising. The use
of fluoride supplements by chil-
dren living in optimally fluori-
dated areas has never been
recommended by any profes-
sional organization, given
the likelihood of causing an
above-optimal ingestion of fluo-
ride.50, 51,53-55 Fortunately, the
percentage of cases attributa-
ble to inappropriate fluoride
supplementation was relatively
low in this study population
and was approximately one-
half that reported in the only
previously published report of
the attributable risk associated
with enamel fluorosis and
inappropriate fluoride supple-
mentation.34 Nevertheless, this
finding illustrates the need for
dentists and hygienists to
serve as a source of guidance
to parents as to the proper use
of fluoride supplements.
The findings of this investi-
gation suggest that nearly 10
percent of the enamel fluorosis
cases in optimally fluoridated
areas could be explained by
having used infant formula in
the form of a powdered concen-
trate during the first year. I
observed no suggestion of an
association between enamel
fluorosis and infant formula—
in any form—in the nonfluori-
dated population. These find-
ings support the continued con-
JADA, Vol. 131, June 2000 753
0.25 mg/day
0.50 mg/day
0.25 milligrams
per day‡
0.50 mg/day
1.00 mg/day
* Revised schedule accepted by the American Dental
Association,50 the American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry
and the American
Academy of Pediatrics.
† ppm: Parts per million.
‡ 2.2 mg sodium fluoride contain 1 mg fluoride ion.
Less Than 0.3 ppm† 0.3 to 0.6 ppm More Than 0.6 ppm
Birth to 6 Months
6 Months to 3 Years
3 to 6 Years
6 to 16 Years
Copyright ©1998-2001 American Dental Association. All rights
cern that the use of powdered
concentrate formula mixed
with optimally fluoridated
water still may have an impact
on the prevalence of enamel flu-
orosis in optimally fluoridated
To my knowledge, this is the
first investigation reporting
attributable risk percent esti-
mates associated with infant
formula use after the U.S. for-
mula manufacturers’ voluntary
decision in 1979 to reduce the
fluoride in their products.
Therefore, other studies will
need to be conducted to confirm
these findings. In the interim,
however, it may be prudent to
recommend to parents living in
optimally fluoridated areas who
are feeding formula to their
infants, that they either use a
ready-to-feed formula or pre-
pare formula from concentrate
using bottled water with a
known low-fluoride concentra-
tion. Care should be taken,
however, to explain to the par-
ent that drinking optimally
fluoridated water by itself is not
a risk factor for noticeable
enamel fluorosis,6,7 and that
drinking optimally fluoridated
water has proven important
caries preventive benefits.7
The questionnaire used in
these investigations originally
was judged to possess content
validity (that is, adequacy of the
questions to measure what the
questionnaire is suppose to
measure)57,58 by me, my col-
leagues, nondental–trained
pretesters and a National
Institutes of Health scientific
review panel. Throughout its use
in five separate investigations of
several thousand subjects, there
have been few questions raised
by respondents relative to the
meaning of questions. Beyond
this, questions in this question-
naire have shown considerable
predictive validity57,58 as used in
the specific investigation report-
ed in this article, as well as in
previous investigations in which
it has been used. For example,
as hypothesized in previous
toothpaste ingestion studies,47
adjusted multivariate analyses
have consistently shown specific
early toothpaste-use variables to
be associated with enamel fluo-
rosis diagnosed by examiners
blind to the children’s fluoride
exposure histories. This supports
the likelihood that the question-
naire has measured what it
intended to measure.
In this type of study (case-
controlled), guessing on the
part of questionnaire respon-
dents always diminishes the
observed association between
fluoride exposure and fluorosis
or hides it entirely.59 In con-
trast, if responses were biased
such that a history of exposure
to one fluoride source really
reflected a true exposure to a
different fluoride source, then
the potential for an observed
spurious association would
exist. In this situation, howev-
er, adjustment for the true risk
factor by use of a multivariate
analyses would reveal a true
lack of association between the
spurious factor and fluorosis.
Therefore, the use of fully
adjusted, multivariate analyses
in this investigation lends fur-
ther support to the validity of
observed associations.
The findings reported in this
article suggest that early tooth-
brushing habits have an impor-
tant impact on the prevalence
of mild-to-moderate enamel fluo-
rosis in both nonfluoridated and
optimally fluoridated areas. At
least one-third of the fluorosis
cases in nonfluoridated areas
and two-thirds of the cases in
optimally fluoridated areas
could be explained by specific
patterns of early fluoride tooth-
paste use.
Approximately two-thirds of
mild-to-moderate enamel fluoro-
sis cases in nonfluoridated areas
could be explained by the use of
fluoride supplements under the
pre-1994 supplementation pro-
tocol. Inappropriate use of fluo-
ride supplements explained 13
percent of fluorosis cases in
optimally fluoridated areas. An
additional 9 percent of fluorosis
cases in optimally fluoridated
areas were explained by the use
of infant formula in the form of
a powdered concentrate. This
relationship with infant formula
use was not seen in nonfluori-
dated areas.
These findings reinforce the
important role that health pro-
fessionals can have in reducing
the prevalence of enamel fluoro-
sis in U.S. children today and
suggest that much of the clini-
cally noticeable enamel fluoro-
sis seen today could be prevent-
ed by specific changes in early
childhood behaviors. In particu-
lar, providing the parent of a
young child with appropriate
advice regarding the early use
of fluoride toothpaste and fluo-
ride supplements may have a
significant impact on the preva-
lence of enamel fluorosis in
both nonfluoridated and opti-
mally fluoridated populations. �
Dr. Pendrys is an associate professor,
Department of Behavioral Sciences and
Community Health, School of Dental
Medicine, University of Connecticut Health
Center, 263 Farmington Ave., Farmington,
Conn. 06030-3910. Address reprint requests
to Dr. Pendrys.
This study was supported by National
Institute of Dental and Craniofacial Research
grants DE08939 and DE9400110592.
The author thanks Drs. Ralph V. Katz and
754 JADA, Vol. 131, June 2000
Copyright ©1998-2001 American Dental Association. All rights
Douglas E. Morse, coexaminers in these inves-
tigations, as well as Ms. Laura Byrne-Maraj
for her assistance with data management.
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paste. Community Dent Oral Epidemiol
25. Pendrys DG, Katz RV. Risk factors for
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26. Holm A-K, Andersson R. Enamel miner-
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29. Woolfolk MW, Faja BW, Bagramian RA.
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31. Ismail AI, Brodeur JM, Kavanagh M,
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33. Forsman B. Early supply of fluoride and
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35. Coughlin SS, Benichou J, Weed DL.
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36. Driscoll WS, Horowitz HS. A discussion
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39. Johnson J Jr, Bawden JW. The fluoride
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40. Pendrys DG. The Fluorosis Risk Index:
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JADA, Vol. 131, June 2000 755
Copyright ©1998-2001 American Dental Association. All rights
1. The program is primarily for pre-school children (6 months–6
years), but may be provided up to age 16 (targeting children
who do not attend a school with fluoridated water), who are not
presently receiving fluoridated drinking water, other fluoride
supplements, or vitamins with fluoride.
2. Whether or not a child is receiving fluoride can be
determined by the answers to questions on the questionnaire and
consent form (OH-9). A copy of the form is included in this
3. When bottled water is being used as the primary source of
drinking water, the fluoride content of the water should be
determined. If the child’s legal representative is unaware of the
fluoride content of the bottled water, there are several sources
of information, which can be helpful in learning the fluoride
content of different brands of bottled water. Generally, bottled
water has a toll-free phone number printed on the label, or a
product web site, which can be accessed to learn the fluoride
content of the bottled water. Additional sources for learning the
fluoride content of bottled water can be found at International
Bottled Water Association (IBWA) Information Hotline: 1-800-
WATER-11 or the International Bottled Water Association
Website Do not
submit a sample of bottled water for testing, without first
attempting to determine the fluoride content of the bottled
4. If the child is not receiving fluoride in the water supply, an
analysis of the natural fluoride content of the home water
supply must be performed prior to prescribing fluoride
supplementation. Instructions for taking and submitting a water
sample are provided on the reverse side of “Information for
Parents or Guardians”.
5. The maximum amount of fluoride a child under six should
receive is 0.5 mg. fluoride ion per day.
6. Fluoride drops (8 drops–1 mg. fluoride ion) are packaged in
plastic bottles containing one ounce liquid with about 500 drops
(62.5 mg. fluoride ion) per bottle.
7. Fluoride chewable tablets (0.5 mg. fluoride ion) are packaged
in plastic bottles containing 120 tablets (60 mg. fluoride ion)
per bottle.
8. Dosage levels of fluoride drops or tablets depend on the age
of the child and the amount of fluoride in the drinking water
(from fluoride water sample tests). The dosage schedule for
fluoride drops or tablets is included in the fluoride supplement
protocols. For patients with abnormal fluoride test results of
water samples submitted to the State Lab, issuing of fluoride
supplements (drops or tablets) and follow-up should be followed
per protocol.
If the test results from the water sample are:
· Equal to or greater than 2.00 ppm fluoride concentration,
submit another sample of the water source to the State Lab for
confirmation testing.
· If both water samples are equal to or greater than 2.00 ppm up
to 4.00 ppm fluoride concentration, recommend to the parent or
guardian that children equal to or less than 8 years of age
should consume another source of water.
· Equal to or greater than 4.00 ppm fluoride concentration,
recommend that both children and adults should consume
another source of water.
· The Environmental Protection Agency classifies water with
equal to or greater than 2.00 ppm fluoride concentration as the
Secondary Containment Level and water with equal to or greater
than 4.00 ppm fluoride concentration as the Maximum
Containment Level for fluoride in water.
· When both water samples are equal to or greater than 4.00
ppm fluoride concentration, the nurse working with the Fluoride
Supplement Program in the local health department should
contact the local health department environmentalists and
request an investigation of the water source.
· If the second water samples, comes back less than 2.00 ppm,
submit a third water sample to the State Lab for testing.
· If fluoride concentration in two of the three samples is less
than 2.00 ppm, follow the Fluoride Supplements Protocols for
water samples with fluoride concentrations less than 2.00 ppm.
If the fluoride concentration in two of the three samples is equal
to or greater than 2.00 ppm, follow Fluoride Supplement
Protocols for water samples with fluoride concentrations equal
to or greater than 2.00 ppm.
· For further clarifications and directions, call the Oral Health
Program at 502-564-3246, extension 4421.
10. Orders for fluoride supplement drops or tablets must be
signed by the health officer, another physician, a dentist, or
another health professional with prescriptive authority.
Protocols may be used—one copy will cover all children in the
program. A sample copy is included in this section. If
prescription blanks are used, a signed prescription for fluoride
must be in each child’s folder.
11. Parents or guardians must be advised concerning the
importance of giving their child no more than the prescribed
amounts of fluoride. It should be called to the attention of the
parent or guardian that excessive amounts (i.e., more than 2 mg.
per day) over an extended period of time (two or three months)
may cause tooth discoloration during their development; with
white spots appearing on the child’s permanent teeth. In
addition, they need to be told of the potentially toxic nature of
fluoride when ingested in large doses at a single time.
If, for example, a 22 pound child takes 264 mg. of sodium
(120 mg. fluoride ion) at any single time, symptoms of acute
can occur (stomach upset, vomiting). The minimum lethal dose
for a
22-pound child is 480 mg. of sodium fluoride.
12. If it is determined that a child will participate in a
preventive dental program, a questionnaire and consent form,
the fluoride analysis of home water supply report, and a record
of the amount of fluoride to be provided, if needed, shall be
made a part of the child’s permanent health record. (Each
participating child in the family must have a signed
questionnaire and consent form and a record of the amount of
fluoride to be taken.)
13. If more than one child in a family is to receive the fluoride
supplement, written instructions for each child must be given to
the parent.
14. A 3-month supply of supplements may be provided for each
child in a family. Empty containers should be returned before
providing a replacement. At this time, a determination should
be made whether circumstances affecting the amount of fluoride
supplement to be provided have changed, such as change in
address, change in water source or the ‘aging out’ of the
impacted children. Questions to Ask Parents
a. Have you moved?
b. Have you changed your water supply? (Hint: even redrilling
a well may impact the fluoride intake of the family.)
c. Has the child been placed on a vitamin supplement with
Fluoride Supplementation Recommendations are based on the
current guidelines of the American Dental Association,
For additional information, please call the Oral Health
Administrator at 502-564-3246, ext 4421.
Water Samples Tested for Fluoride Concentration
Results of Initial Water Sample Test
Fluoride Concentration
Equal to or greater than 2.00 ppm
Submit another sample of the water source to the State Lab for
Less than 2.00 ppm
Follow Fluoride Supplement Protocols
Less than 2.00 ppm
Submit another sample of the water source to the State Lab for
Equal to or greater than 4.00 ppm
Recommend children and adults consume another source of
RN/RDH responsible for Fluoride Supplement Program at LHD
should contact LHD environmentalist and request an
investigation of the water source
Equal or greater than 2.00 ppm to 4.00 ppm
Recommend children 8 years of age and younger consume
another source of water
2 water samples equal to or greater than 2.00 ppm
Follow chart for readings equal to or greater than 2.00 ppm
2 water samples less than 2.00 ppm
Follow Fluoride Supplement Protocols
For further information or directions, contact
the Oral Health Program
502-564-3246 x 4421
Infants and preschool children who are not drinking fluoridated
water or who are not taking vitamins with fluoride should be
given this essential nutrient. A laboratory test done on a sample
of the drinking water supply will tell how much fluoride is in
the water and the amount of the supplement that may be needed.
Call the Oral Health Program at 502-564-3246 to order forms,
fluoride supplements, water sample, and collection kits or if
further information is needed.
Unfluoridated drinking water source may be:
· Well
· Cistern
· Bottled
· Spring
Distribute one (1) bottle of fluoride drops and/or one (1) bottle
of fluoride tablets to each child with individualized doses as
NaFrinse Drops – 1 bottle has about 500 drops fluoride.
NaFrinse Tablets – 1 bottle contains 120 tablets.
Children under 3 are not issued tablets. Dosage depends on age
of child and amount of fluoride in drinking water.
At each preventive visit ask:
1. Have you moved?
2. Has the source of your child’s drinking water changed?
3. Is child taking vitamin with fluoride supplement?
Yes response to #1 and 2—assess new water supply, if indicated
Yes response to #3—discontinue fluoride supplementDOSAGE
Age of child
Fluoride in water
0 to 0.3 ppm
Fluoride in water
0.3 to 0.6 ppm
Fluoride in water
0.6 ppm and above
Age birth – 6 months
Age 6 months – 3 yrs
2 drops – .25 mg 1 time per day
(8 month supply)
Age 3 – 6 yrs
4 drops – .50 mg 1 time per day
(4 month supply)
1 tablet – .50 mg 1 time per day
(About a 4 month supply)
2 drops – .25 mg 1 time per day
(8 month supply)
Must give drops. There are no .25 mg tablets.
Age 6 – 16 yrs *
*Children who do not attend school with a fluoridated water
supply may continue in the program.
8 drops – 1.0 mg 1 time per day
(2 month supply)
2 tablets – .50 mg 1 time per day (2 month supply)
4 drops – .50 mg 1 time per day
(4 month supply)
1 tablet – .50 mg 1 time per day
(4 month supply)
Dispose of unused drops or tablets by:
· Returning any unused liquid or tablets to LHD
· Flushing unused liquid or tablet down toilet
· Placing unused liquid or tablets in disposable trash container
Source: American Dental Association’s Council on Scientific
Affairs: Fluoride Supplement Dosage Schedule: 2010
Physician, Dentist, Other
628 JADA, Vol. 140 June 2009
Editorials represent the opinions of the authors
and not those of the American Dental Association.
Fluoridated toothpaste
and the prevention of early
childhood caries
A failure to meet the needs
of our young
n the United States, dental caries is on the rise in children, es-
pecially among the very young and the poor.1 The cause is not
fully understood but likely is related to the consumption of in-
creasingly available, inexpensive foods containing excess sug-
ars, as well as to the now-ubiquitous habit of snacking and
drinking sweetened drinks throughout the day.2,3
Dental services for low-income children in the United States,
ered through the Early Periodic Screening, Diagnosis and
(EPSDT) Program—Medicaid’s child health insurance
have achieved limited success in reducing dental caries. Access
dentists accepting Medicaid payment remains a major obstacle
these children.4 As a consequence, in some states, public health
cials have encouraged medical care providers to screen children
birth to 24 months of age for dental care needs and to apply
fluoride varnish during primary care visits.5 Researchers are
gating other strategies, such as combining povidone-iodine and
ride varnish or xylitol syrups and confections.6,7
A more accessible and less costly strategy to prevent caries
young children is the regular use of fluoridated toothpaste. Con-
cerned about the rising rates of early childhood caries (ECC), an
pert panel convened in 2007 by the U.S. government
that children younger than 2 years who are at high risk of
ing caries brush twice per day with a “smear” of regular U.S.
ride toothpaste (typically containing about 1,100 parts per
fluoride) and that children aged 2 to 6 years brush twice daily
no more than a pea-sized amount of U.S. fluoridated
Regular toothpaste typically contains about 1,100 parts per
However, there is resistance among dentists, physicians and
ents in the United States to using regular fluoridated toothpaste
with very young children; the U.S. Food and Drug
(FDA) Drug Facts label discourages its use in this population.
Fluoridated toothpaste is packaged with the mandatory warning:
“Keep out of reach of children under 6 years of age. If more
used for brushing is accidentally swallowed, get medical help or
It is time for the dental
profession, the dental
industry and the
government to
reconsider instructions
to parents regarding
the use of fluoridated
toothpaste for children
younger than 2 years.
Peter M. Milgrom, DDS;
Colleen E. Huebner, PhD,
MPH; Kiet A. Ly, MD, MPH
Copyright © 2009 American Dental Association. All rights
reserved. Reprinted by permission.
tact a Poison Control Center
right away.”9
The intention behind the
choice of the terms “smear” and
“pea-sized” in the expert report
was to limit children’s excess
exposure to fluoride. However,
without evidence of the benefits
and risks associated with fluo-
ride use, the expert panel rec-
ommendation will have little
impact, particularly while the
FDA limits the directions for
use to “adults and children
2 years of age and older.”9
The concentration of fluoride
in toothpaste varies from coun-
try to country in accord with
government regulations, which
makes it difficult to compare
study results. The FDA allows
dentifrices containing 850 to
1,150 ppm total fluoride for use
by children 2 years and older
and 1,500 ppm fluoride for use
by those 6 years and older.
However, consumers and health
care providers often do not un-
derstand the distinction. The la-
beling is confusing because of
the different forms of fluoride
used and the use of percent
weight/volume measures; un-
derstanding these technical
terms requires health literacy
beyond that of many Americans.
It is time for the dental pro-
fession, the dental industry and
the government to reconsider
instructions to parents regard-
ing the use of fluoridated tooth-
paste for children younger than
2 years. Unfortunately, the lit-
erature concerning toothpaste
use in the very young is scant.
Fluoridated toothpaste is highly
effective in preventing caries in
children’s permanent denti-
tion,10 but only one study has
demonstrated its efficacy in
doing so in the primary denti-
tion of very young children.
Described by its authors as an
effectiveness study of a program
for parents with low incomes,
not a trial of toothpaste’s effica-
cy, it nonetheless provided a
comparison of the use of fluori-
dated toothpaste—either
440 ppm (monosodium fluoride
0.304 percent weight/volume) or
1,450 ppm (sodium fluoride 0.32
percent weight/volume)—with
no use of fluoridated tooth-
paste.11 The investigators as-
signed families to receive tooth-
paste and educational materials
regularly by mail while their
children were aged 1 to 51/2
years. Clinical examinations
conducted when the children
were 5 to 6 years old found an
advantage for children in the
1,450-ppm fluoride group rela-
tive to those in the 440-ppm
group and to those in the un-
treated control group. Overall,
they found that the 440-ppm
fluoride intervention had no ad-
vantage relative to the control.
In a study of 1,100-ppm fluoride
toothpaste used by preschool
children in China, You and col-
leagues12 reported equivocal
findings. This latter study does
not meet FDA scientific stand-
ards for a randomized clinical
trial of a regulated drug, but its
results suggest that further in-
vestigation of fluoridated tooth-
paste in very young children is
The benefit identified by
Davies and colleagues11 of use of
the 1,450-ppm toothpaste was
not without associated risk. A
follow-up study found that those
who received the 1,450-ppm flu-
oride toothpaste had significant-
ly more fluorosis—some with
fluorosis scores in the range con-
sidered esthetically objection-
able according to standardized
measures used in public
health—than did those who re-
ceived the 440-ppm fluoride
toothpaste.13 Scores observed in
the objectionable range were
among children who lived in rel-
atively less deprived communi-
ties, suggesting an association
between better adherence to
home hygiene goals (that is,
brushing begun at an early age)
and greater risk of developing
fluorosis. Data from Bentley and
colleagues14 suggested the same.
Instructing parents to use a
smear or a pea-sized amount of
fluoride toothpaste with their
young children is not universal-
ly effective in reducing the
amount applied to the tooth-
brush. Also, it may be possible
to apply too little toothpaste.
Itthagarun and colleagues15 con-
cluded, “Reduction of the
amount of fluoride toothpaste to
less than a pea-size in order to
minimize the risk of fluorosis
should be undertaken with cau-
tion because it may compromise
the cariostatic effects of the
toothpaste, as shown by in vitro
studies.” Other researchers had
reached a similar conclusion in
an earlier study involving sali-
vary fluoride analyses.16 Thus,
the amounts of U.S. 1,100-ppm
fluoride toothpaste being recom-
mended for use by our youngest
children may be ineffective.
In the United States, in con-
trast to some other countries
(such as England and
Australia), no fluoridated tooth-
paste has been formulated for
use by infants and toddlers, and
none has been tested.10,17
Furthermore, using no tooth-
paste or using only nonfluori-
dated toothpaste (such as Baby
Orajel Tooth and Gum Cleanser
[Church and Dwight, Princeton,
N.J.]) is regarded as the stand-
ard of care for children of this
age. There is nothing in the
portfolio of research supported
by the National Institute of
630 JADA, Vol. 140 June 2009
Copyright © 2009 American Dental Association. All rights
reserved. Reprinted by permission.
Dental and Craniofacial
Research or sponsored by the
Centers for Disease Control and
Prevention on this topic; we do
not know what investigations, if
any, manufacturers are
Formally testing the benefits
and secondary effects of the use
of 1,100-ppm fluoridated tooth-
paste with infants and toddlers
in the United States who are at
high risk of developing caries—
and changing instructions for
use on toothpaste labels, if ap-
propriate—can benefit many
children at little cost relative to
current investments in dental
research and profits from oral
care products. Parents and pro-
fessionals in poor and minority
communities in the United
States have told us in the
course of our research that they
would support a randomized
placebo-controlled study of a
special fluoridated toothpaste
for infants and toddlers. Thus,
we conclude on the basis of ex-
isting science and the rising lev-
els of dental caries that clinical
trials of fluoridated toothpaste
for very young children in the
United States are overdue. ■
Dr. Milgrom is a professor, Department of
Dental Public Health Sciences, and director,
Northwest Center to Reduce Oral Health
Disparities, University of Washington, Box
357475, Seattle, Wash. 98195-7475, e-mail
“[email protected]”. Address reprint re-
quests to Dr. Milgrom.
Dr. Huebner is an associate professor,
Department of Health Services, University of
Washington, Seattle, and the director, gradu-
ate program in Maternal and Child Health
Public Health Leadership, University of
Washington, Seattle.
Dr. Ly is an acting assistant professor,
Department of Dental Public Health Sciences,
University of Washington, Seattle.
Disclosure. None of the authors reported
any disclosures.
The development of this article was sup-
ported in part by grant U54DE019346 from
the National Institute of Dental and
Craniofacial Research, National Institutes of
Health, Bethesda, Md.
1. U.S. Department of Health and Human
Services. Figure 21-1: Progress quotient chart
for focus area 21—oral health. In: Healthy
People 2010 Midcourse Review. Modified
April 9, 2007. “
Accessed April 16, 2009.
2. Ismail AI, Lim S, Sohn W, Willem JM.
Determinants of early childhood caries in low-
income African American young children.
Pediatr Dent 2008;30(4):289-296.
3. Thitasomakul S, Piwat S, Thearmontree
A, Chankanka O, Pithpornchaiyakul W,
Madyusoh S. Risks for early childhood caries
analyzed by negative binomial models. J Dent
Res 2009;88(2):137-141.
4. Milgrom P, Weinstein P, Huebner C,
Graves J, Tut O. Empowering Head Start to
improve access to good oral health for chil-
dren from low income families (published on-
line ahead of print Feb. 2, 2008). Matern
Child Health J.
5. dela Cruz GG, Rozier RG, Slade G.
Dental screening and referral of young chil-
dren by pediatric primary care providers.
Pediatrics 2004;114(5):e642-e652.
6. Berkowitz RJ, Koo H, McDermott MP, et
al. Adjunctive chemotherapeutic suppression
of mutans streptococci in the setting of severe
early childhood caries: an exploratory study. J
Public Health Dent (in press).
7. Milgrom P, Ly KA, Tut OK, et al. Xylitol
pediatric topical oral syrup to prevent dental
caries: a double blind, randomized clinical
trial of efficacy. Arch Pediatr Adolesc Med (in
8. Health Resources and Services
Administration, Maternal and Child Health
Bureau. Appendix A: Decision support ma-
trix—topical fluoride recommendations. In:
Topical Fluoride Recommendations for High-
Risk Children: Development of Decision
Support Matrix, Recommendations from
Maternal and Child Health Bureau Expert
Panel. Washington: Altarum Institute; 2009.
hi%20risk%20children.pdf”. Accessed April
16, 2009.
9. Anticaries drug products for over-the-
counter human use, 21 CFR 355;2006.
10. Marinho VC, Higgins JP, Sheiham A,
Logan S. Fluoride toothpastes for preventing
dental caries in children and adolescents.
Cochrane Database Syst Rev 2003;(1):
11. Davies GM, Worthington HV, Ellwood
RP, et al. A randomised controlled trial of the
effectiveness of providing free fluoride tooth-
paste from the age of 12 months on reducing
caries in 5-6 year old children. Community
Dent Health 2002;19(3):131-136.
12. You BJ, Jian WW, Sheng RW, et al.
Caries prevention in Chinese children with
sodium fluoride dentifrice delivered through a
kindergarten-based oral health program in
China. J Clin Dent 2002;13(4):179-184.
13. Tavener JA, Davies GM, Davies RM,
Ellwood RP. The prevalence and severity of
fluorosis in children who received toothpaste
containing either 440 or 1,450 ppm F from the
age of 12 months in deprived and less de-
prived communities. Caries Res 2006;
14. Bentley EM, Ellwood R, Davies RM.
Fluoride ingestion from toothpaste by young
children. Br Dent J 1999;186(9):460-462.
15. Itthagarun A, King NM, Rana R. Effects
of child formula dentifrices on artificial caries
like lesions using in vitro pH-cycling: prelimi-
nary results. Int Dent J 2007;57(5):307-313.
16. DenBesten P, Ko HS. Fluoride levels in
whole saliva of preschool children after brush-
ing with 0.25 g (pea-sized) as compared to 1.0
g (full-brush) of a fluoride dentifrice. Pediatr
Dent 1996;18(4):277-280.
17. Twetman S, Axelsson S, Dahlgren H, et
al. Caries-preventive effect of fluoride tooth-
paste: a systematic review. Acta Odontol
Scand 2003;61(6):347-355.
JADA, Vol. 140 June 2009 631
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Fluoridated toothpaste and the prevention of early childhood
caries: A failure to meet the needs
of our youngDisclosureREFERENCE
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Oral Health–Promoting School Environments and Dental Caries
in Québec Children
Anu Edasseri, MSc,1 Tracie A. Barnett, PhD,2 Khady Kâ,
PhD,3 Mélanie Henderson, PhD,4 Belinda Nicolau, PhD1
Introduction: Dental caries are highly prevalent among children
and have negative health consequences. Their occurrence may
depend in part on school-based environmental or policy- related
factors, but few researchers have explored this subject. This
study aimed to identify oral health promoting school
environment types and estimate their relation with 2-year dental
caries incidence among Québec children aged 8–10 years.
Methods: This study used data from two visits (completed in
2008 and 2011) of the QUALITY (Québec Adipose Lifestyle
Investigation in Youth) cohort, which recruited white children
at risk of obesity and their families from Greater Montreal
schools. Measures included school and neighborhood
characteristics, and Decayed, Missing, Filled-Surfaces index
scores. Principal component and cluster analyses, and
generalized estimating equations were conducted.
Results: Data were available for 330 children attending 200
schools. Based on a series of statistical analyses conducted in
2016, the authors identified three distinct school environment
types. Type 1 and 2 schools had strong healthy eating programs,
whereas Type 3 had weak programs. Type 1 schools had
favorable neighborhood food environments, whereas Type 2 and
3 had unfavorable ones. Adjusting for potential confounders,
children attending Type 1 and 2 schools had 21% (incidence
rate ratio1⁄40.79, 95% CI1⁄40.68, 0.90) and 6% (incidence rate
ratio1⁄40.94, 95% CI1⁄40.83, 1.07) lower 2-year incidence of
dental caries, respectively, compared with Type 3 schools.
Conclusions: School-based oral health promotion programs
combined with a favorable neighbor- hood can lower dental
caries incidence in school children.
Am J Prev Med 2017;53(5):697–704. & 2017 American Journal
of Preventive Medicine. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights
Despite improved detection and treatment
modalities, dental caries remain the most com-
mon chronic oral disease among children and a
major public health concern affecting 60%−90% of
school-aged children worldwide.1 Oral conditions
(untreated caries, severe periodontitis, and tooth loss)
affect nearly 3.9 billion people worldwide; untreated
decay in permanent teeth is the most prevalent condition,
affecting 35% of the population and ranking 80th among
the top 100 causes of disability-adjusted life years.2 North
American children have the second highest lifetime
caries experience measured by the Decayed, Missing,
and Filled-Teeth index (Decayed Missing Filled-
youth have experienced dental caries, with a higher prevalence
and severity found among youth from a low socioeconomic
background.4 Moreover, oral health is a determinant of general
health and plays an important role in quality of life.5 Finally,
oral disease is the fourth
From the 1Division of Oral Health and Society, Faculty of
Dentistry, McGill University, Montreal, Québec, Canada;
2Epidemiology and Biostatistics Unit, Institut National de la
Recherche Scientifique−Institut Armand Frappier, Laval,
Québec, Canada; 3University of Montreal Hospital Research
Centre, Montreal, Québec, Canada; and 4Department of Pedia-
trics, Université de Montréal, Centre Hospitalier Universitaire
Sainte- Justine, Montreal, Québec, Canada
Address correspondence to: Belinda Nicolau, PhD, Faculty of
Dentistry, McGill University, 2001 McGill College Avenue,
Suite 527, Montreal, QC Canada, H3A 1G1. E-mail:
[email protected]
Teeth1⁄42.08) worldwide. More than half of Canadian
& 2017 American Journal of Preventive Medicine. Published by
Elsevier Inc. All rights Am J Prev Med 2017;53(5):697–704 697
698 Edasseri et al / Am J Prev Med 2017;53(5):697–704
most expensive condition to treat and is therefore a major
economic burden to both society and individuals.1 Fortunately,
dental caries are mostly preventable, and even reversible, if
detected in early stages and if effective intervention is
available. However, the effectiveness of oral health education
and clinical preventive programs in improving oral health
outcomes is questionable.6,7 Dental health education may
increase knowledge, but whether it translates into better oral
health behaviors is still a matter of debate.6–8 In fact,
information giving alone may be ineffective and may even
increase health inequity because people with the highest need
are frequently less educated, with fewer economic resources to
make healthier choices.9,10 Also, focusing on clinical
prevention, such as sealants and topical fluorides, alone is
palliative7 and not
cost effective.11
Health promotion strategies that go beyond the
individual level to integrate elements of policy develop- ment
and social and physical environmental factors may be more
effective for disease prevention than isolated behavior-specific
interventions.7,12 The WHO’s concept of health promoting
schools highlights the importance of the environment, and
advocates for a comprehensive approach in transforming
schools as healthy settings.13 Considering oral health
promotion as an integral com- ponent of health promoting
schools, WHO has proposed guidelines for oral health
promoting schools.14 Schools worldwide have attempted to
adapt and implement school-based oral health promotion
programs according to these guidelines.
These initiatives generally had a favorable impact on reduction
of dental caries in children,15–17 however, instances of failure
were also reported.18,19 Although the Québec government
responsible for schools in the current study published guidelines
for school health promotion in 2005,20 the authors did not find
any studies evaluating its effect on oral health outcomes.
Other school-related variables may play important roles in
determining children’s health and health behav- iors, notably
neighborhood disadvantage. For example, favorable school
socioeconomic environment is inversely related to dental caries
in Québec school children.21 In addition, school SES, based on
average percentage of low- income families in the school
neighborhood, appears to modify the association between oral
health promotion and dental caries reduction, the effect being
stronger among low SES schools,15 where the need is the
Disadvantaged neighborhoods may also have more nutritionally
poor food sources; hence, children attend- ing schools located
in disadvantaged neighborhoods may be more likely to adopt
poor dietary habits. Some evidence suggests an adverse effect
of an unhealthy food environment around schools on pediatric
A previous study published by the QUALITY (Québec Adipose
Lifestyle Investigation in Youth) cohort group found that a
higher number of “unhealthful” compared with “healthful” food
stores in the proximity of schools had undesirable effects on
children’s dietary habits.23 However, studies on the
surrounding food environment and children’s dietary habits
provide inconsistent find- ings and are mostly cross-
sectional22; there is a need for additional longitudinal
Despite major criticism of traditional preventive and behavioral
approaches, many interventions targeting isolated behaviors
persist. Few studies have looked at comprehensive programs in
schools that incorporated policy elements and participatory
approaches15,16,18; a literature search identified only one such
study from Canada15 and none from Québec. In addition, fewer
studies have considered school neighborhood disadvant-
age,15,16 and the authors identified none that included the
surrounding food environment in their assessment of the oral
health promoting school environment. Therefore, the aims are to
identify distinct school environments based on oral health
promoting and neighborhood environmental factors, and to
estimate the relation between school environment types and 2-
year dental caries incidence among Québec children aged 8–10
Study Sample
Data were from an ongoing prospective study, the QUALITY
cohort, which investigates the natural history of metabolic risk
in youth. A full description of this study can be found
elsewhere.24 Briefly, the QUALITY cohort recruited 630 white
children aged 8–10 years at baseline from schools located
within 75 km of three major urban centers in the province of
Québec. Both biological parents had to be available and at least
one of them had to be obese (BMI ≥30 or waist circumference
4102 cm in men and 488 cm in women) for inclusion in the
study. An ancillary study included a formal evaluation of the
schools attended by QUALITY partic- ipants and the
neighborhood for children attending schools in the Montreal
Census Metropolitan Area (home to 480% of QUAL- ITY
participants). Among the 296 schools (attended by 506 children
of the QUALITY study) in the Montreal Census Metropolitan
Area, 247 schools (attended by 430 children) agreed to
participate in the study. The current study uses data collected in
Visit 1 (baseline, aged 8–10 years) and Visit 2 (children aged
10–12 years), which were completed in 2008 and 2011,
The QUALITY cohort study obtained ethics approval from
several IRBs, including the Centre Hospitalier Universitaire
Sainte- Justine and McGill University. Parents and school
principals signed consent forms and children provided assent.
Trained dentists performed the clinical oral health examination
in a dental office during the hospital visit. This study used the
Child Dental Health Survey of England, Wales, and Northern
diagnostic criteria to record dental caries.25 Two-year dental
caries incidence was measured as the difference in the Decayed,
Missing, Filled-Surfaces (DMF-S) index between Visits 1 and 2.
Surfaces that were not examined in either visit were excluded
from the DMF-S index calculation. Five observations had
negative DMF-S incremental values. In each of these cases,
some of the initial caries lesions in Visit 1 were replaced by
sealants in Visit 2 and thus were not counted in Visit 2, leading
to negative differences. As this is equivalent to a difference of
0, the 2-year dental caries incidence in all these cases was also
recorded as 0.
Data on age, sex, and parental SES were collected using
structured questionnaires administered to parents at Visit 1.
Parental SES was measured using two variables: parental
education and parental income. Parental education, collected as
a seven- category variable, was later combined for both parents
and categorized into (1) one or two parents with high school or
less; (2) one or two parents with collège d'enseignement général
et professionnel/vocational or trade school; and (3) one or two
parents with university degree. The annual household income
before taxes was collected as 12 categories ranging from
o$10,000 to ≥$140,000 Canadian dollars. This variable was
later adjusted for the number of people living in the house26
and further grouped into quartiles.
Trained research assistants collected school environment data
by interviewing school principals with the aid of structured
questionnaires. Questions related to healthy eating promotion
policies in schools were derived from recognized guidelines for
Québec schools, including the Institute of Medicine Recommen-
dations for Schools to Address Childhood Obesity,27 the School
Health Index,28 the School Health Policy and Programs
Survey,29 and the Coalition for School Nutrition.30
School neighborhood disadvantage information was obtained
from the 2006 Canadian Census. The authors constructed a
material deprivation index of the area within 1,000 m of street
network around each school. The index comprises “the
proportion of individuals without a high school diploma, the
employment population ratio and the average personal income”
for people aged ≥15 years in census dissemination areas, with a
higher value representing lower deprivation.31 This variable
was classified into tertiles ranging from high (0) to low (2)
deprivation. The numbers of convenience and fast-food stores
within 500 m around each school were calculated using the GIS
from the Montreal Epide- miological and Geographic Analysis
of Population Health Out- comes and Neighbourhood Effect
database that contains information until May 2005.32 These
variables were then dicho- tomized into at least one store within
500 m (unfavorable) versus none within 500 m (favorable).
Statistical Analysis
The analyses for this paper were conducted in 2016. Principal
component analysis (PCA) with a polychoric correlation matrix
was used to group variables measuring schools’ healthy eating
promotion policies. Oblimin oblique rotation was applied to
differentiate the components and those with eigen values 41
were retained.
Subsequently, the authors performed a hierarchical agglomer-
ative average linkage cluster analysis using the components
identified by PCA, along with variables that measured presence
of dental health/hygiene programs and formal healthy eating
promotion initiatives, school’s surrounding food environment
and SES, to identify distinct types of school environments.
Cluster stop rules (Calinski−Harabasz pseudo-F index, and
Duda−Hart and Je [2]/Je [1] indices) were used to select the
optimal number of clusters.33
After preliminary descriptive and exploratory analyses, the
authors used generalized estimating equations with a binomial
link function, exchangeable correlation matrix, and school as
the grouping variable, to model the association between school
environment types and 2-year dental caries incidence in
children, adjusting for potential confounders. All analyses were
preformed using Stata/SE, version 12.
Out of the 430 children (attending 247 schools) for whom
school data were available, 357 had data on dental caries for
both visits. The authors further excluded 27 children because of
missing data for other covariates. The mean age for the final
sample of 330 children was 9.2 years (SD1⁄40.9 years) at
baseline. The mean DMF-S for Visits 1 and 2 were 0.6
(SD1⁄41.4) and 2.0 (SD1⁄42.9), respectively (Table 3).
PCA and cluster analyses were performed in 226 schools (21
schools were excluded because of missing values). PCA
included ten variables, which loaded on three components
(Table 1 and Appendix Table 1, available online). Three distinct
types of school environ- ments were identified based on cluster
analysis and the school types were defined by examining the
mean or proportion of each variable within each cluster (Table
2). Type 1 included schools located in neighborhoods with high
SES, favorable surrounding food environments, strong healthy
eating promotion, and weak dental care programs (50.9% of all
schools). Type 2 included schools located in neighborhoods
with low SES, unfavorable surrounding food environments,
strong healthy eating promotion and strong dental care programs
(36.1%). Type 3 comprised schools located in neighborhoods
with average SES, unfavorable surrounding food environ-
ments, weak healthy eating promotion, and average dental care
programs (13.0%).
Finally, the authors used generalized estimating equa- tion to
model the association between the three variables representing
school environment types and 2-year dental caries incidence.
Using Type 3 school as a reference, children attending Type 1
and 2 schools had 21% (incidence rate ratio1⁄40.79, 95%
CI1⁄40.68, 0.90) and 6% (incidence rate ratio1⁄40.94, 95%
CI1⁄40.83, 1.07) lower 2- year incidence of dental caries,
respectively, after adjust- ing for age, sex, parental SES, and
baseline DMF-S index (Table 4).
November 2017
Edasseri et al / Am J Prev Med 2017;53(5):697–704 699
700 Edasseri et al / Am J Prev Med 2017;53(5):697–704 Table
1. Variable Loading Pattern in Principal Component Analysis
Variable 1 2 3 variance
Willingness to participate in healthy eating promotion of:
School management 0.4876 — — 0.1524
Teachers 0.4423 — — 0.2016
Daycare managers 0.4740 — — 0.1964
Community 0.4478 — — 0.2851
Agreement with community to promote healthy eating within
school 0.3448 — — 0.5884
School makes room for families to engage in volunteer
activities — 0.5879 — 0.5096
Frequently informs parents about health promotion activities in
schools — 0.5509 — 0.4839
Educates teachers on the importance of promoting healthy living
— 0.5655 — 0.4078
Strict rule for approval of catering service menu by a
nutritionist — — 0.6770 0.3284
School sells drinks and snacks in accordance with principles of
healthy eating — — 0.6909 0.3417 during fundraising programs
This study aimed to identify school environment profiles based
on oral health promoting and neighborhood environmental
factors and estimate their impact on
2-year dental caries incidence. The study identified three
distinct school environment types and the results suggest that a
favorable school environment can lower the incidence of dental
caries in children. These findings are in agreement with
previous cross-sectional studies
Table 2. Description of the School Environment Types Based on
the Variables Used in the Cluster Analysis
Variables used in cluster analysis 1 (n1⁄499)a 2 (n1⁄475)a 3
School Material Deprivation Index
M (SD) 1.22 (0.80) 0.67 (0.72) 0.92 (0.84)
Range 0 to 2 0 to 2 0 to 2
Presence of a convenience store or a fast-food store within 500
m around the school (yes1⁄41/no1⁄40)
Yes, n (%) 0 (0) 75 (100) 26 (100)
Formal school initiatives to promote healthy eating
Yes, n (%) 83 (84) 75 (100) 0 (0)
Component 1: Willingness of school to promote healthy eating
within school and involvement of community partnersb
M (SD) 5.34 (0.73) 5.38 (0.85) 5.05 (1.12)
Range 2.99 to 6.33 1.71 to 6.45 1.07 to 6.31
Component 2: Encouraging teachers and parents to promote
healthy lifestyles in childrenb
M (SD) 3.36 (0.55) 3.26 (0.55) 2.97 (0.63)
Range 1.34 to 3.89 1.88 to 3.88 1.98 to 3.82
Component 3: Great attention to providing healthy food within
M (SD) 0.83 (0.54) 0.68 (0.56) 0.42 (0.49)
Range −0.24 to 1.59 −0.31 to 1.56 −0.24 to 1.52
Visit by any dental health professional at school
Yes, n (%) 88 (89) 71 (95) 24 (92)
Programs providing dental hygiene education (yes1⁄41/no1⁄40) c
Yes, n (%) 79 (80) 65 (87) 22 (85)
Programs other than the provision of dental hygiene education
Yes, n (%) 46 (47) 28 (37) 14 (54)
aTotal 200 schools included in the complete case analysis.
bThe types of schools were graded as strong/average/weak in
healthy eating promotion, based the on the distribution of these
variables in three
cThe types of schools were graded as strong/average/weak in
dental care programs, based the on the distribution of these
variables in three clusters.
Edasseri et al / Am J Prev Med 2017;53(5):697–704 701 Table
3. Distribution of Sociodemographic Characteristics and Mean
DMF-S in Children Within Each School Environment
Total (n1⁄4330 1 (n1⁄4168 2 (n1⁄4119 3 (n1⁄443 Variable
[100%]) [50.9%]) [36.1%]) [13.0%])
Age, years, M (SD) 9.2 (0.9) 9.2 (0.9) 9.3 (0.9) 9.0 (0.9)
Sex, n (%)
Boys 191 (57.9) 93 (55.4) 73 (61.3) 25 (58.1)
Girls 139 (42.1) 75 (44.6) 46 (38.7) 18 (41.9)
Household income, n (%)
o$29,070 78 (23.6) 38 (22.6) 33 (27.7) 7 (16.3)
$29,070–$42,579 79 (23.9) 40 (23.8) 30 (25.2) 9 (20.9)
$42,580–$56,271 85 (25.8) 33 (19.6) 38 (31.9) 14 (32.6)
4$56,271 88 (26.7) 57 (33.9) 18 (15.1) 13 (30.2)
Parental education, n (%)
One or both parents hold a high school degree or 25 (7.6) 15
(8.9) 10 (8.4) 0 less
One or both parents completed CEGEP/vocational 121 (36.7) 67
(39.9) 39 (32.8) 15 (34.9) or trade school
One or both parents hold a university degree 184 (55.8) 86
(51.2) 70 (58.8) 28 (65.1)
DMF-S Index, M (SD)
Baseline DMF-S 0.6 (1.4) 0.5 (1.2) 0.7 (1.6) 0.8 (1.5)
DMF-S Visit 2 2.0 (2.9) 1.6 (2.3) 2.3 (3.3) 3.0 (3.5)
CEGEP, collège d'enseignement général et professionnel; DMF-
S, Decayed, Missing, Filled-Surfaces.
investigating the impact of comprehensive oral health
promotion approaches.15,16 In contrast, a school-based study
using a participatory approach to reduce sugar intake of
children failed to bring about any change in diet
behaviors or reduction of dental caries. This failure may have
been attributable to the narrow scope of the policy, which
restricted children’s food intake to fruits and milk during school
breaks rather than focusing on overall diet
Table 4. Association Between School Environment Types and 2-
year Dental Caries Incidence (GEE, n1⁄4330)
Variables in the model Change in DMF-S over 2 years, M (SD)
IRRa (95% CI)
School environment
Type 1 1.1 (1.7) 0.79 (0.68–0.90)
Type 2 1.7 (2.6) 0.94 (0.83–1.07)
Type 3 2.3 (2.7) 1
Age — 1.06 (1.00–1.12)
Male 1.4 (2.2) 1
Female 1.5 (2.2) 1.06 (0.96–1.18)
Household income
o$29,070 2.1 (2.7) 1
$29,070–$42,579 1.5 (1.8) 0.97 (0.85–1.10)
$42,580–$56,271 1.3 (2. 4) 0.98 (0.84–1.15)
4$56,271 1.0 (1.8) 0.95 (0.78–1.15)
Parental education
One or both parents hold a high school degree or less 3.0 (3.2) 1
One or both parents completed CEGEP/vocational or trade
school 1.6 (2.1) 0.77 (0.67–0.87)
One or both parents hold a university degree 1.2 (2.1) 0.71
Baseline DMF-Sa — 1.08 (1.05–1.10)
aBaseline DMF-S was separately included in the model to better
capture the variations in the baseline caries risk of children,
which may not be captured by the difference in DMF-S indices
over 2 years.
CEGEP, collège d'enseignement général et professionnel; DMF-
S, Decayed, Missing, Filled-Surfaces; IRR, incidence rate ratio.
November 2017
702 Edasseri et al / Am J Prev Med 2017;53(5):697–704
behaviors. Moreover, the program did not include measures to
raise the awareness of teachers, children, or parents regarding a
healthy diet18 and did not consider the broader built and social
environments around the schools, which could potentially
influence children’s food habits.
In this study, Type 1 schools, which showed the strongest
protective association with dental caries, had strong healthy
eating environments inside the schools as well as favorable food
environments around the schools. This finding suggests that an
environment promoting healthy eating, that also incorporates
the socioenviron- mental and policy aspects of health
promotion, may be particularly effective in reducing dental
caries. This observation aligns with the common risk factor
approach to oral health promotion, which advocates for an
integrated strategy, targeting risk factors (e.g., high sugar diet)
that are common to multiple chronic diseases, and their
underlying determinants.9
Moreover, this study’s results highlight the impor- tance of
school neighborhood disadvantage factors on dental caries
incidence in schoolchildren. Type 1 schools were located in the
highest SES neighborhood and had favorable surrounding food
environments, whereas Type 2 and 3 schools, located in
neighbor- hoods with relatively low SES, had unfavorable
surrounding food environments. The additional pro- tective
influence of Type 1 schools may be attributable to the reduced
access to nutritionally poor food sources in the school
neighborhoods. A previous study in QUALITY cohort children
reported that unhealth- ful stores around schools may have a
negative influence on the dietary choices of children attending
that school,23 which provides insight on the potential mediating
It is also notable that despite scoring the lowest in dental
health-specific programs, Type 1 schools were associated with

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  • 1. 1- 2- 3-School fluoridation studies in Elk Lake, Pennsylvania, and Pike County, Kentucky--results after eight years. =1 4-American Association for Dental Research Policy Statement on Community Water Fluoridation 5- Ground-Water Quality in Kentucky: Fluoride - University of Kentucky 6-Kentucky Oral Health Program Brochure - Cabinet for Health. 0Program/beigebrochureoralhealth80107.pdf 7- 8- 9- PIIS00028177146263 98.pdf 746 JADA, Vol. 131, June 2000
  • 2. Enamel fluorosis is a hypomineralization of the enamel caused by the ingestion of an amount of fluoride that is above optimal levels during enamel formation.1,2 Clinically, the appearance of enamel fluorosis can vary. In its mildest form, it appears as faint white lines or streaks visible only to trained examiners under controlled exam- ination conditions. In its pronounced form, fluo- rosis manifests as white mottling of the teeth in which noticeable white lines or streaks often have coalesced into larger opaque areas.2,3 Brown staining or pitting of the enamel also may be present.2,3 In its most severe form, actual break- down of the enamel may occur.2,3 In recent years, there has been an increase in the prevalence of children seen with enamel fluo- A B S T R A C T Background. Few studies have evaluated the impact of specific fluoride sources on the prevalence of enamel fluorosis in the population. The author con- ducted research to determine attributable risk percent estimates for mild-to-moderate enamel fluorosis in two populations of middle-school–aged children. Methods. The author recruited two groups of children 10 to 14 years of age. One group of 429 had grown up in nonfluoridated communities; the other group of 234 had grown up in optimally fluoridated communities. Trained examiners measured enamel fluorosis using the Fluorosis Risk Index and meas- ured early childhood fluoride exposure using a ques- tionnaire completed by the parent. The author then calculated attributable risk percent estimates, or the
  • 3. proportion of cases of mild-to-moderate enamel fluo- rosis associated with exposure to specific early fluo- ride sources, based on logistic regression models. Results. In the nonfluoridated study sample, sixty-five percent of the enamel fluorosis cases were attributed to fluoride supplementation under the pre- 1994 protocol. An additional 34 percent were explained by the children having brushed more than once per day during the first two years of life. In the optimally fluoridated study sample, 68 percent of the enamel fluorosis cases were explained by the children using more than a pea-sized amount of toothpaste during the first year of life, 13 percent by having been inappropriately given a fluoride supplement, and 9 percent by the use of infant formula in the form of a powdered concentrate. Conclusions. Enamel fluorosis in the non- fluoridated study sample was attributed to fluoride supplementation under the pre-1994 protocol and early toothbrushing behaviors. Enamel fluorosis in the optimally fluoridated study sample was attrib- uted to early toothbrushing behaviors, inappropriate fluoride supplementation and the use of infant for- mula in the form of a powdered concentrate. Clinical Implications. By advising parents about the best early use of fluoride agents, health professionals play an important role in reduc- ing the prevalence of clinically noticeable enamel fluorosis. RISK OF ENAMEL FLUOROSIS IN NONFLUORIDATED AND OPTIMALLY FLUORIDATED POPULATIONS: CONSIDERATIONS FOR THE DENTAL PROFESSIONAL DAVID G. PENDRYS, D.D.S., PH.D.
  • 4. J A D A C O N T I N U I N G E D U C A T I O N ✷✷ ARTICLE 1 Copyright ©1998-2001 American Dental Association. All rights reserved.
  • 5. for enamel fluorosis.17,25 The use of infant formula in various forms, before the infant formula industry’s voluntary reduction in the fluoride content of its products, also has been associ- ated with enamel fluorosis.12,17,33 Findings from two recent stud- ies suggest that while the risk of enamel fluorosis associated with infant formula use may no longer exist for children living in nonfluoridated communities, the use of formula in the pow- dered concentrate form pre- pared with optimally fluoridated water may continue to be an enamel fluorosis risk factor.21,25 While an increasing number of studies have reported esti- mates of the relative risk or the increased likelihood of enamel fluorosis associated with specif- ic early fluoride exposures, rel- atively few investigations have evaluated the impact of a spe- cific fluoride-containing agent on the prevalence of enamel fluorosis in the population.12,15,34 This impact is a function of both the relative risk associated with a specific fluoride-contain- ing agent, as well as the preva-
  • 6. lence of exposure to that agent within the population. It is thought to be best measured via estimation of the attributable risk percent,35 or the percentage of all fluorosis cases that can be explained by exposure to a spe- cific fluoride-containing agent. The attributable risk, therefore, becomes an estimate of the potential reduction in cases that would occur were the asso- ciated exposure modified or eliminated. Because children may be exposed to several dif- ferent fluoride-containing agents during the tooth-devel- opment period, the most accu- rate attributable risk percent estimate for a specific fluoride- rosis in both optimally fluoridat- ed and nonfluoridated areas of the United States.4,5 The great- est relative increase in fluorosis prevalence has occurred in non- fluoridated areas.4 Dentists and hygienists need to understand the most likely reasons for this increase. This will allow them to advise parents about the most appropriate use of fluoride to prevent caries in their children while minimizing the risk of their children developing enamel fluorosis.
  • 7. Dating back to the classic research of H. Trendley Dean, it has been well-known that a concentration of approximately 1 part per million fluoride in the drinking water imparts sub- stantial caries protection with the absence of noticeable enam- el fluorosis.6-8 Since the advent of optimal water fluoridation, other pre- ventive fluoride agents have been introduced. They include ingestible fluoride supplements and fluoride toothpaste, which may be ingested by young chil- dren, although it is intended for topical use.9-11 Studies suggest that behav- iors associated with the early use of fluoride toothpaste—such as the amount of toothpaste usually used when brushing— are associated with enamel fluo- rosis in both optimally fluori- dated and nonfluoridated popu- lations in the United States and elsewhere.12-25 Studies further suggest that early fluoride sup- plements use by children living in nonfluoridated areas have been an important risk factor for enamel fluorosis.21,26-32 Not
  • 8. unexpectedly, the inappropriate use of fluoride supplements by children living in optimally fluoridated areas has been shown to be a strong risk factor containing agent should be adjusted for exposure to any other fluoride-containing agents.4,35 To date, only two investigations have reported adjusted attributable risk per- cent estimates15,34; and only one of these investigations has reported these estimates along with adjusted confidence inter- vals, which gives the reader the best sense of the statistical sig- nificance of those estimates.34 That study also was the only one to have reported findings from the investigation of a U.S. population.34 A study of Canadian children who were current residents of an optimally fluoridated area reported that 72 percent of the fluorosis cases could be attrib- uted to beginning to brush teeth with fluoride toothpaste during the first two years of life.12 In this same study, 22 percent of the cases were attributed to the use of infant formula.
  • 9. A study of Australian chil- dren who also resided in an opti- mally fluoridated area reported that 47 percent of the fluorosis cases could be explained by a history of swallowing toothpaste at a young age, while 55 percent of the fluorosis cases seen in this study could be explained by the early cessation of breast-feeding, with the implication that these infants were switched to the use of infant formula.15 A study of children in Connecticut who grew up in optimally fluoridated communi- ties reported that 71 percent of the cases could be attributed to “usually” brushing more than once a day and “usually” using more than a pea-sized amount of toothpaste during the first eight years.34 Twenty-five per- cent of these cases were attrib- utable to children having been JADA, Vol. 131, June 2000 747 RESEARCH Copyright ©1998-2001 American Dental Association. All rights reserved.
  • 10. inappropriately given a fluoride supplement during the first eight years of their lives.34 Understanding attributable risk information reported in the literature is important; dentists and hygienists need to be able to provide the parents of young children with appro- priate advice regarding the early use of fluoride toothpaste and fluoride supplements. In this article, I report on results of research I performed to determine attributable risk percent estimates for mild-to- moderate enamel fluorosis in two populations of middle- school–aged children born after the 1978 fluoride supplement dosage revision36,37 and after the decision by U.S. infant for- mula manufacturers to reduce and control the fluoride content of their products38,39 (effective for those born in 1980 and after). Because comprehensive, surface-specific analyses of the relative risk percent estimates associated with enamel fluoro- sis in these two populations have been previously report- ed,21,25 key findings from those reports will be only briefly
  • 11. reviewed in this article. MATERIALS AND METHODS Detailed descriptions of the methods used in my previous investigations are published elsewhere21,25; therefore, only a brief summary follows. All study procedures involving human subjects were approved by the University of Connecticut Health Center Institutional Review Board. The study subjects consisted of mid- dle-school–aged children who had grown up in either six non- fluoridated Massachusetts and Connecticut communities or five optimally fluoridated Connecticut communities. Among the subjects who grew up in nonfluoridated areas of Massachusetts and Connecticut, it was found that children who were reported to have begun brushing with fluoridated tooth- paste during the first two years of life and who reported they usually brushed more than once per day had an approximately three- to fourfold increase in the risk of enamel fluorosis, depend-
  • 12. ing on the specific enamel sur- faces affected.21 In this same population, children who were reported to have used a fluoride supplement throughout the sec- ond through eighth years of life had an approximately two- to eightfold increase in the risk of enamel fluorosis, again depend- ing on the specific enamel sur- faces affected.21 The subjects in the second population grew up in optimally fluoridated areas in Connecti- cut.25 These areas had begun fluoridation many years before these children were born, and when the water departments were contacted, they indicated that episodes of below-optimum fluoridation were rare and brief over the lifetimes of the sub- jects. In this population, it was found that children who were reported to have usually brushed with more than a pea- size amount of toothpaste and who were reported to have usu- ally brushed more than once per day had a six- to eightfold increase in the risk of enamel fluorosis, depending on the spe- cific surfaces affected.25 Children in these optimally
  • 13. fluoridated areas who inappro- priately were given fluoride supplements had an approxi- mately six- to 10-fold increase in the risk of enamel fluorosis, again depending on the specific enamel surfaces affected.25 In this population, the reported use of infant formula in the form of a powdered concentrate produced an approximately four- to 10-fold increase in the risk of enamel fluorosis, once again depending on the specific surfaces affected.25 Two trained examiners measured enamel fluorosis using the Fluorosis Risk Index.40 For the attributable risk analyses presented in this article, I included a subject as a fluorosis case if he or she had mild-to-moderate enamel fluo- rosis as defined by Møller41 that was characterized by the pres- ence of paper-white streaking, coalescence of opacities or both on more than 50 percent of two or more enamel surface zones, anywhere throughout the denti- tion.41 A fluorosis control was defined as any subject who was fluorosis-free throughout the dentition.
  • 14. Two examiners conducted random, blind inter- and intraexaminer reliability exami- nations daily throughout the data collection period. There were few cases (approximately 2 percent) of subjects showing signs of more severe fluorosis, which was characterized by the presence of brown staining or pitting. Therefore, I included these few subjects in the analy- ses with the rest of the cases. I retrospectively obtained fluo- ride exposure history via a self- administered, closed-ended questionnaire that was mailed to the parents of all case and control subjects. Parents were offered $20 for return of the com- pleted questionnaire. This ques- tionnaire had been pretested and used in two fluorosis risk investi- gations.17,27 The subject’s name 748 JADA, Vol. 131, June 2000 RESEARCH Copyright ©1998-2001 American Dental Association. All rights reserved.
  • 15. was handwritten on the cover of the questionnaire and into each of the questions within the ques- tionnaire. This was done to help keep parents with several chil- dren mindful of the specific child we were asking about. For each quarter of the first year of life—birth through 3 months, 4 through 6 months, and so on—parents were asked to indicate, by checking the appropriate box, whether the subject’s main source of food was breast milk, ready-to-feed infant formula, formula in the form of liquid concentrate, for- mula in the form of powdered concentrate, cow’s milk or solid food. They also were asked to do this for the second year of the children’s lives as a whole. Then they were asked to write in the usual brand of infant for- mula used, which allowed me to determine whether the formula was milk- or soy-based. For each of the first eight years, parents were asked to write in the city and state (country if not the United States) where the subject lived for each year. Also for each of the first eight years, parents were asked to indicate by checking the appro-
  • 16. priate box whether the subject was given plain vitamins with- out fluoride, a vitamin drop with fluoride, a vitamin tablet with fluoride, a fluoride drop alone, a fluoride tablet alone or nothing. Parents were asked to indicate by circling the best choice whether the subject usu- ally did not brush, usually brushed once a day or usually brushed more than once a day during the first eight years, and by circling the best drawing to indicate whether the subject usually placed a pea-sized amount or more of toothpaste on his or her toothbrush when brushing during the first eight years. Parents were asked to indicate by circling the appro- priate age at which the subjects began to brush and at what ages they helped the subjects brush their teeth. For each of the first eight years, parents were asked to write in the sub- jects’ places of residence. Parents also were asked to indi- cate whether they used bottled water or a tap water filter for more than two of the first eight years. Finally, they were asked to indicate their relationship to the subjects and to indicate by
  • 17. circling the appropriate ages during which of the subjects’ first eight years they had lived with them. I included for analysis only subjects whose questionnaires were completed by parents who had resided with the subjects for the entire eight-year survey period. I assessed questionnaire reliability by having a random- ly drawn sample of respondents complete a second question- naire that was mailed at least one month after the completion of the first. I included in the nonfluori- dated group analysis only data from subjects born after 1979 who were residents of a non- fluoridated community for the entire eight-year survey period. For the optimally fluoridated group analysis, I included only data from subjects born after 1979 who were residents of an optimally fluoridated commu- nity for the entire eight-year survey period. I determined the fluoridation status of prior resi- dences other than in the survey communities using the Fluoridation Census.42
  • 18. I derived adjusted attribut- able risk percent estimates and adjusted 95 percent confidence intervals, or CIs, individually for early fluoride exposures found to be associated with an increased risk of mild-to- moderate enamel fluorosis, based on logistic regression analyses.43,44 I derived these attributable risk percent esti- mates separately for the nonflu- oridated study sample and for the optimally fluoridated study sample. I included variables found to have been either important predictors of enamel fluorosis or important covari- ates in the relative risk analy- ses21,25 in each of the attributa- ble risk analyses. RESULTS A total of 1,091 subjects (94 percent of those enrolled and 15 percent of those eligible to enroll) were examined for fluo- rosis in the nonfluoridated study sample. A total of 867 subjects (95 percent of those enrolled and 14 percent of those eligible to enroll) were examined for fluorosis in the optimally fluoridated study
  • 19. sample. Intra- and interexam- iner agreement on case vs. con- trol status was 98.9 percent and 93.8 percent, respectively (κ = 0.93 and 0.73, respective- ly), in the nonfluoridated sam- ple and 100 percent and 86 per- cent, respectively (κ = 1.0 and 0.70, respectively), in the opti- mally fluoridated sample. The prevalence of mild-to-moderate enamel fluorosis was 39 per- cent in the nonfluoridated sam- ple and 34 percent in the opti- mally fluoridated sample. Eighty-four percent of the cases from the nonfluoridated com- munities and 74 percent of cases from the optimally fluori- dated communities involved the maxillary anterior teeth. The questionnaire return JADA, Vol. 131, June 2000 749 RESEARCH Copyright ©1998-2001 American Dental Association. All rights reserved. rate was 90 percent in the non- fluoridated sample and 91 percent in the optimally fluori-
  • 20. dated sample. A 12 percent reliability sample in the nonflu- oridated sample and a 16 percent reliability sample in fluoridated revealed an average agreement between the second and first questionnaire respons- es of 87 percent for both study samples. A total of 250 subjects with mild-to-moderate enamel fluo- rosis and 179 fluorosis-free con- trols were available in the non- fluoridated study sample for analysis, after exclusions based on year of birth, fluoridation history or completion of the questionnaire by someone other than parents who had lived with their children throughout the entire eight-year survey period. These subjects ranged in age from 10 to 13 years of age (mean = 12.5 years), and 57 percent were girls. Eighty-six percent of these subjects were lifelong residents of their cur- rent communities. A total of 180 subjects with mild-to-moderate fluorosis and 54 fluorosis-free control sub- jects were available in the fluoridated study sample for
  • 21. analysis, again after exclusions based on year of birth, fluorida- tion history or completion of the questionnaire by someone other than parents who had lived with their children throughout the entire eight-year survey period. These subjects ranged in age from 10 to 14 years of age (mean = 12.9 years), and 56 percent were girls. Tables 1 and 2 show the mul- tiple logistic-regression– derived, adjusted attributable risk percent estimates for these two study samples. Individual attributable risk percents do not add to 100 percent, since the variables studied in both samples were not mutually exclusive exposures.43 For the nonfluoridated study sample, Table 1 shows that an estimated 65 percent of the cases could be attributed to or explained by exposure to fluo- ride supplements during the second through eighth year of life. Thirty-four percent of the cases in this sample could be explained by a history of having begun to brush with toothpaste during the first two years and
  • 22. having usually brushed more than once per day. The logistic- regression–derived test for 750 JADA, Vol. 131, June 2000 RESEARCH TABLE 1 29 65 34 8 6 45 * Estimate of cases attributable to each specific fluoride source based on logistic regression modeling.21 Note that individual attributable risk percents do not add up to 100 percent, as fluoride supplementation and toothbrushing history are not mutually exclusive exposures.43 † CI: Confidence interval. ‡ Reference group: no supplementation during each of the identified periods. § Reference group: began after year 2; brushed once per day. FLUORIDATION SOURCE
  • 23. Supplementation History‡ ATTRIBUTABLE RISK PERCENT ESTIMATES* ATTRIBUTABLE RISK 95 PERCENT CI† ESTIMATED PERCENTAGE OF ENAMEL FLUOROSIS CASES ATTRIBUTABLE TO SPECIFIC FLUORIDE SOURCES IN A NONFLUORIDATED POPULATION. Supplemented Year 1 Supplemented Years 2 Through 8 Toothbrushing History§ Began During Years 1 and 2; Brushed More Than Once per Day Began During Years 1 and 2; Brushed Once per Day Began After Year 2; Brushed More Than Once per Day Used More Than a Pea-sized Amount of Toothpaste −6-52
  • 24. 34-81 18-47 −2-17 −4-14 −7-72 Copyright ©1998-2001 American Dental Association. All rights reserved. trend across the three tooth- brushing exposure categories was statistically significant, suggesting a dose response effect; however, the negative CI limits for two of the toothbrush- ing exposure categories indicate that the analysis cannot say with 95 percent certainty that cases could be attributed to these two exposure histories. While not statistically signifi- cant, the findings suggested that perhaps 45 percent of the observed cases could be attrib- uted to the usual early use of greater than a pea-sized amount of toothpaste when brushing. For the study subjects who
  • 25. grew up in optimally fluoridat- ed communities, Table 2 shows that an estimated 13 percent of the cases could be explained by the inappropriate use of fluo- ride supplements during the first two years of life. Forty-six percent of the cases could be explained by a history of having usually used more than a pea- sized amount of toothpaste when brushing and usually having brushed more than once per day. The test for trend across the three toothbrushing exposure categories was statis- tically significant, again sup- porting the presence of a dose- response effect. A clear associa- tion with age when brushing began was not observed in this study sample, when adjusted for usual toothbrushing fre- quency and amount of tooth- paste used. Table 2 also shows that 9 percent of the cases could be explained by a history of having used infant formula in the form of a powdered concentrate as the main source of food, espe- cially during the last quarter of the first year. There was no
  • 26. suggestion of an association with ready-to-feed infant for- mula and no significant associa- tion was observed with liquid concentrate formula. The reported use of either bottled water or a tap water filter was not statistically significantly associated with fluorosis in the analyses from either nonfluori- dated or optimally fluoridated populations. DISCUSSION Attributable risk percent esti- mates associated with enamel fluorosis are useful in assessing the public health impact of par- ticular fluoride exposures. JADA, Vol. 131, June 2000 751 RESEARCH 6-20 25-61 8-35 −6-10 3-15 TABLE 2
  • 27. 13 46 22 2 9 * Estimate of cases attributable to each specific fluoride source based on logistic regression modeling.24 Note that individual attributable risk percents do not add up to 100 percent, as fluoride supplementation, toothbrushing history and infant formula use are not mutually exclusive exposures.43 † CI: Confidence interval. ‡ Reference group: no fluoride supplementation years 1 through 2. § Reference group: pea-sized amount of toothpaste, once per day. ** At 10 to 12 months of age. Referent group: no infant formula used. FLUORIDATION SOURCE ATTRIBUTABLE RISK PERCENT ESTIMATE* ATTRIBUTABLE RISK 95 PERCENT CI† ESTIMATED PERCENTAGE OF ENAMEL FLUOROSIS CASES ATTRIBUTABLE TO SPECIFIC FLUORIDE SOURCES IN AN OPTIMALLY FLUORIDATED POPULATION.
  • 28. Supplemented Years 1 Through 2 Toothbrushing History§ More Than a Pea-sized Amount of Toothpaste, More Than Once per Day More Than a Pea-sized Amount of Toothpaste, Once per Day Pea-sized Amount of Toothpaste, More Than Once per Day Formula as Powdered Concentrate** Supplementation History‡ Copyright ©1998-2001 American Dental Association. All rights reserved. Children in the United States today are exposed to a variety of fluoride sources during early childhood. Some sources, such as fluoride supplements, are intended to be ingested. Others, such as fluoride tooth- paste, are intended for topical
  • 29. use but are nevertheless ingested by preschool-aged chil- dren who typically have not begun to expectorate any or enough of the toothpaste with which they brush.45,46 It is important when estimating the attributable risk percent specif- ic to a particular fluoride expo- sure that this estimate be adjusted for the effects of the other exposures. In this way, the estimate of the effect of a particular exposure is not biased by the other exposures. It also is important to recognize that the effect of exposure to a specific fluoride source within a population is always in the con- text of exposure to that source along with exposure to the other fluoride sources within that population. In this way, the fluorosis impact of one fluo- ride source among several can be estimated, and appropriate professional and public health action can be taken. In this study, approximately two-thirds of mild-to-moderate enamel fluorosis cases observed in optimally fluoridated areas and at least one-third of mild- to-moderate enamel fluorosis cases observed in nonfluoridat-
  • 30. ed areas could be attributed to or explained by habits related to the early use of fluoride toothpaste. Three potentially important behaviors associated with early toothbrushing are when toothbrushing began, the usual daily frequency of tooth- brushing and the usual amount of toothpaste used during brushing. All three of these behaviors are indicators of the overall fluoride ingestion associ- ated with early toothbrushing. In the nonfluoridated study population, the age at which toothbrushing began and the usual frequency of toothbrush- ing were most significantly associated with enamel fluoro- sis. While not statistically sig- nificant, these findings suggest that as much as 45 percent of the enamel fluorosis cases could be explained by a history of having usually used more than a pea-sized amount of tooth- paste when brushing. In the optimally fluoridated study population, the usual amount of toothpaste used when brushing and the usual daily frequency of toothbrush-
  • 31. ing were most significantly associated with enamel fluoro- sis. The statistically significant trends observed with early toothpaste use in both study samples suggests a dose- response relationship. A previous investigation of a Connecticut study population who grew up in optimally fluoridated communities esti- mated that approximately 70 percent of enamel fluorosis cases could be attributed to early toothbrushing behav- iors.34 Findings from Canadian and Australian studies of chil- dren who were current resi- dents of optimally fluoridated areas suggested that many of the enamel fluorosis cases seen in those investigations also could be attributed to early toothbrushing habits.12,15 This study’s findings from the opti- mally fluoridated study sample are consistent with those past reports. Importantly, this study’s findings from the non- fluoridated study sample sug- gest that early toothpaste use behaviors may affect the prevalence of enamel fluorosis, regardless of whether the com-
  • 32. munity is optimally fluoridated. These findings reinforce the important opportunity and need for dentists and hygienists to guide the parents of preschool- aged children in proper fluoride toothpaste use. Specifically, dental professionals should advise parents to supervise their preschool-aged children during toothbrushing and be sure that the children use only a small pea-sized amount of toothpastes when brushing. This advice should be given and followed regardless of whether the children live in an optimally fluoridated or nonfluoridated area. Parents should encourage their children to expectorate the toothpaste at the earliest possible age rather than swal- low it, avoid toothpastes with flavors that would encourage young children to wish to eat the toothpaste, and keep tooth- paste and all other fluoride- containing products out of the reach of preschool-aged chil- dren. These findings further support the call for a lower- fluoride-concentration tooth- paste, specifically for use by pre- school-aged children.34,47-49
  • 33. The findings of this study indicate that nearly two-thirds of the cases of mild-to-moderate enamel fluorosis observed in nonfluoridated areas could be attributed to or explained by the early use of fluoride supple- ment. Subjects in this investi- gation would have been given fluoride supplements under the pre-1994 protocol; these find- ings strongly support the new, lower dosage fluoride supple- mentation protocol, which has been accepted by both the 752 JADA, Vol. 131, June 2000 RESEARCH Copyright ©1998-2001 American Dental Association. All rights reserved. American Dental Association and the American Academy of Pediatrics (Table 3).50,51 The ADA Guide to Dental Therapeutics50 is a good resource on the use of fluoride supplements, as well as other fluoride-containing compounds. Dentists and hygienists should evaluate the fluoride content of
  • 34. a child’s drinking water, while keeping in mind that the child may have access to more than one drinking water source dur- ing the day, both at home and in a child-care setting, for example. If the child’s drinking water is not from a municipal water supply of known fluoride concentration, the drinking water sources must be tested for their fluoride content. Then, a proper decision regarding what fluoride supplementation, if any, is appropriate can be made based on the protocol in Table 3. By doing this, dentists can avoid inappropriately pre- scribing fluoride supplements to children who already are drink- ing adequately fluoridated water. It also is important to determine whether children are receiving a fluoride supplement as part of a multiple vitamin prescribed by a physician. Dentists should ask parents to bring to the office any vitamin preparations their children are taking so the vitamins can be evaluated directly. Dentists also should ask parents to inform them if the children’s drinking water sources change.
  • 35. The use of bottled drinking water complicates the process, as bottled water’s fluoride con- tent can vary markedly, and manufacturers are not required to list the fluoride content.52 A one-time test of the fluoride content of bottled water may not be sufficient to prescribe a fluoride supplement, as a child’s family might change the brand of bottled water it drinks or the fluoride concentration could change. My current findings indicate that 13 percent of the cases of mild-to-moderate enamel fluo- rosis observed in optimally fluoridated areas could be attributed to or explained by the inappropriate use of fluo- ride supplements during the first two years of children’s lives while they lived in these optimally fluoridated areas. This is not surprising. The use of fluoride supplements by chil- dren living in optimally fluori- dated areas has never been recommended by any profes- sional organization, given the likelihood of causing an above-optimal ingestion of fluo- ride.50, 51,53-55 Fortunately, the
  • 36. percentage of cases attributa- ble to inappropriate fluoride supplementation was relatively low in this study population and was approximately one- half that reported in the only previously published report of the attributable risk associated with enamel fluorosis and inappropriate fluoride supple- mentation.34 Nevertheless, this finding illustrates the need for dentists and hygienists to serve as a source of guidance to parents as to the proper use of fluoride supplements. The findings of this investi- gation suggest that nearly 10 percent of the enamel fluorosis cases in optimally fluoridated areas could be explained by having used infant formula in the form of a powdered concen- trate during the first year. I observed no suggestion of an association between enamel fluorosis and infant formula— in any form—in the nonfluori- dated population. These find- ings support the continued con- JADA, Vol. 131, June 2000 753 RESEARCH
  • 37. None None None None TABLE 3 None None 0.25 mg/day 0.50 mg/day None 0.25 milligrams per day‡ 0.50 mg/day 1.00 mg/day * Revised schedule accepted by the American Dental Association,50 the American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry and the American Academy of Pediatrics. † ppm: Parts per million. ‡ 2.2 mg sodium fluoride contain 1 mg fluoride ion. AGE
  • 38. Less Than 0.3 ppm† 0.3 to 0.6 ppm More Than 0.6 ppm FLUORIDE CONCENTRATION IN THE DRINKING WATER REVISED FLUORIDE SUPPLEMENTATION SCHEDULE.* Birth to 6 Months 6 Months to 3 Years 3 to 6 Years 6 to 16 Years Copyright ©1998-2001 American Dental Association. All rights reserved. cern that the use of powdered concentrate formula mixed with optimally fluoridated water still may have an impact on the prevalence of enamel flu- orosis in optimally fluoridated areas.55,56 To my knowledge, this is the first investigation reporting attributable risk percent esti- mates associated with infant formula use after the U.S. for- mula manufacturers’ voluntary decision in 1979 to reduce the fluoride in their products.
  • 39. Therefore, other studies will need to be conducted to confirm these findings. In the interim, however, it may be prudent to recommend to parents living in optimally fluoridated areas who are feeding formula to their infants, that they either use a ready-to-feed formula or pre- pare formula from concentrate using bottled water with a known low-fluoride concentra- tion. Care should be taken, however, to explain to the par- ent that drinking optimally fluoridated water by itself is not a risk factor for noticeable enamel fluorosis,6,7 and that drinking optimally fluoridated water has proven important caries preventive benefits.7 The questionnaire used in these investigations originally was judged to possess content validity (that is, adequacy of the questions to measure what the questionnaire is suppose to measure)57,58 by me, my col- leagues, nondental–trained pretesters and a National Institutes of Health scientific review panel. Throughout its use in five separate investigations of several thousand subjects, there have been few questions raised
  • 40. by respondents relative to the meaning of questions. Beyond this, questions in this question- naire have shown considerable predictive validity57,58 as used in the specific investigation report- ed in this article, as well as in previous investigations in which it has been used. For example, as hypothesized in previous toothpaste ingestion studies,47 adjusted multivariate analyses have consistently shown specific early toothpaste-use variables to be associated with enamel fluo- rosis diagnosed by examiners blind to the children’s fluoride exposure histories. This supports the likelihood that the question- naire has measured what it intended to measure. In this type of study (case- controlled), guessing on the part of questionnaire respon- dents always diminishes the observed association between fluoride exposure and fluorosis or hides it entirely.59 In con- trast, if responses were biased such that a history of exposure to one fluoride source really reflected a true exposure to a different fluoride source, then
  • 41. the potential for an observed spurious association would exist. In this situation, howev- er, adjustment for the true risk factor by use of a multivariate analyses would reveal a true lack of association between the spurious factor and fluorosis. Therefore, the use of fully adjusted, multivariate analyses in this investigation lends fur- ther support to the validity of observed associations. CONCLUSIONS The findings reported in this article suggest that early tooth- brushing habits have an impor- tant impact on the prevalence of mild-to-moderate enamel fluo- rosis in both nonfluoridated and optimally fluoridated areas. At least one-third of the fluorosis cases in nonfluoridated areas and two-thirds of the cases in optimally fluoridated areas could be explained by specific patterns of early fluoride tooth- paste use. Approximately two-thirds of mild-to-moderate enamel fluoro- sis cases in nonfluoridated areas could be explained by the use of
  • 42. fluoride supplements under the pre-1994 supplementation pro- tocol. Inappropriate use of fluo- ride supplements explained 13 percent of fluorosis cases in optimally fluoridated areas. An additional 9 percent of fluorosis cases in optimally fluoridated areas were explained by the use of infant formula in the form of a powdered concentrate. This relationship with infant formula use was not seen in nonfluori- dated areas. These findings reinforce the important role that health pro- fessionals can have in reducing the prevalence of enamel fluoro- sis in U.S. children today and suggest that much of the clini- cally noticeable enamel fluoro- sis seen today could be prevent- ed by specific changes in early childhood behaviors. In particu- lar, providing the parent of a young child with appropriate advice regarding the early use of fluoride toothpaste and fluo- ride supplements may have a significant impact on the preva- lence of enamel fluorosis in both nonfluoridated and opti- mally fluoridated populations. � Dr. Pendrys is an associate professor,
  • 43. Department of Behavioral Sciences and Community Health, School of Dental Medicine, University of Connecticut Health Center, 263 Farmington Ave., Farmington, Conn. 06030-3910. Address reprint requests to Dr. Pendrys. This study was supported by National Institute of Dental and Craniofacial Research grants DE08939 and DE9400110592. The author thanks Drs. Ralph V. Katz and 754 JADA, Vol. 131, June 2000 RESEARCH Copyright ©1998-2001 American Dental Association. All rights reserved. Douglas E. Morse, coexaminers in these inves- tigations, as well as Ms. Laura Byrne-Maraj for her assistance with data management. 1. Dean HT, McKay FS. Production of mot- tled enamel halted by a change in common water supply. Am J Public Health 1939; 29:590-6. 2. Fejerskov O, Larsen MJ, Richards A, Baelum V. Dental tissue effects of fluoride. Adv Dent Res 1994;8(1):15-31. 3. Rozier RG. Epidemiologic indices for
  • 44. measuring the clinical manifestations of den- tal fluorosis: overview and critique. Adv Dent Res 1994;8(1):39-55. 4. Pendrys DG, Stamm JW. Relationship of total fluoride intake to beneficial effects and enamel fluorosis. J Dent Res 1990;69:529-38. 5. Clark DC. Trends in prevalence of dental fluorosis in North America. Community Dent Oral Epidemiol 1994;22:148-52. 6. Dean HT. The investigation of physiologi- cal effects by the epidemiologic method. In: Moulton FR, ed. Fluorine and dental health. Washington: American Association for the Advancement of Science; 1942:23-31. Publication 19. 7. Dean HT. Fluorine in the control of den- tal caries. Int Dent J 1954;4:311-77. 8. Newbrun E. Effectiveness of water fluori- dation. J Public Health Dent 1989;49:(5 spe- cial number):279-89. 9. Marthaler T. Clinical cariostatis effects of various methods and programs. In: Ekstrand J, Fejerskov O, Silverstone LM, eds. Fluoride in dentistry. Copenhagen: Munksgaard; 1988:252-75. 10. Murray JJ, Rugg-Gunn AJ, Jenkins GN. Fluoride toothpastes and dental caries. In: Fluoride in caries prevention. 3rd ed. Oxford, Mass.: Butterworth-Heinemann;
  • 45. 1991:127-60. 11. Riordan PJ. Fluoride supplements in caries prevention: a literature review and proposal for a new dosage schedule. J Public Health Dent 1993;53:174-89. 12. Osuji OO, Leake JL, Chipman ML, Nikiforuk G, Locker D, Levine N. Risk factors for dental fluorosis in a fluoridated communi- ty. J Dent Res 1988;67:1488-92. 13. Evans DJ. A study of developmental defects in enamel in 10-year-old high social class children residing in a non-fluoridated area. Community Dent Health 1991;8(1):31-8. 14. Milsom K, Mitropoulos CM. Enamel defects in 8-year-old children in fluoridated and non-fluoridated parts of Chesire. Caries Res 1990;24:286-9. 15. Riordan PJ. Dental fluorosis, dental caries and fluoride exposure among 7-year- olds. Caries Res 1993;27(1):71-7. 16. Holt RD, Morris CE, Winter GB, Downer MC. Enamel opacities and dental caries in children who used a low fluoride toothpaste between 2 and 5 years of age. Int Dent J 1994;44:331-41. 17. Pendrys DG, Katz RV, Morse DE. Risk factors for enamel fluorosis in a fluoridated population. Am J Epidemiol 1994;140:461-71.
  • 46. 18. Skotowski M, Hunt R, Levy S. Risk fac- tors for dental fluorosis in pediatric dental patients. J Public Health Dent 1995;55:154-9. 19. Ellwood R, O’Mullane D. Dental enamel opacities in three groups with varying levels of fluoride in their drinking water. Caries Res 1995;29:137-42. 20. Lalumandier J, Rozier R. The preva- lence and risk factors of fluorosis among patients in a pediatric dental practice. Pediatr Dent 1995;17:19-25. 21. Pendrys DG, Katz RV, Morse DE. Risk factors for enamel fluorosis in a nonfluoridated population. Am J Epidemiol 1996;143:808-15. 22. Rock W, Sabieha A. The relationship between reported toothpaste usage in infancy and fluorosis of permanent incisors. Br Dent J 1997;183:165-70. 23. Wang N, Gropen AM, Ogaard B. Risk factors associated with fluorosis in a non- fluoridated population in Norway. Community Dent Oral Epidemiol 1997;25:396-401. 24. Mascarenhas AK, Burt BA. Fluorosis risk from early exposure to fluoride tooth- paste. Community Dent Oral Epidemiol 1998;26:241-8. 25. Pendrys DG, Katz RV. Risk factors for enamel fluorosis in optimally fluoridated children born after the U.S. manufacturers’
  • 47. decision to reduce the fluoride concentration of infant formula. J Am Epidemiol 1998; 148:967-74. 26. Holm A-K, Andersson R. Enamel miner- alization disturbances in 12-year-old children with known early exposure to fluorides. Community Dent Oral Epidemiol 1982;10: 335-9. 27. Pendrys DG, Katz RV. Risk of enamel fluorosis associated with fluoride supplemen- tation, infant formula, and fluoride dentifrice use. Am J Epidemiol 1989;130:1199-208. 28. Kumar JV, Green EL, Wallace W, Carnahan T. Trends in dental fluorosis and dental caries prevalences in Newburgh and Kingston, N.Y. Am J Public Health 1989; 79(5):565-9. 29. Woolfolk MW, Faja BW, Bagramian RA. Relation of sources of systemic fluoride to prevalence of dental fluorosis. J Public Health Dent 1989;49(2):78-82. 30. Bohaty BS, Parker WA, Seale NS, Zimmermann ER. Prevalence of fluorosis-like lesions associated with topical and systemic fluoride usage in an area of optimal water fluoridation. Pediatr Dent 1989;11:125-8. 31. Ismail AI, Brodeur JM, Kavanagh M, Boisclair G, Tessier C, Picotte L. Prevalence of dental caries and fluorosis in students, 11- 17 years of age, in fluoridated and non-fluori-
  • 48. dated cities in Quebec. Caries Res 1990;24(4): 290-7. 32. Riordan PJ, Banks JA. Dental fluorosis and fluoride exposure in Western Australia. J Dent Res 1991;70:1022-8. 33. Forsman B. Early supply of fluoride and enamel fluorosis. Scand J Dent Res 1977; 85(1):22-30. 34. Pendrys DG. Risk of fluorosis in a fluo- ridated population. JADA 1995;126:1617-24. 35. Coughlin SS, Benichou J, Weed DL. Attributable risk estimation in case-control studies. Epidemiol Rev 1994;16(1):51-64. 36. Driscoll WS, Horowitz HS. A discussion of optimal dosage for dietary fluoride supple- mentation. JADA 1978;96:1050-3. 37. American Academy of Pediatrics Committee on Nutrition. Fluoride supplemen- tation: revised dosage schedule. Pediatrics 1979;63:150-2. 38. Feigal RJ. Recent modifications in the use of fluorides by children. Northwest Dent 1983;62(5):19-21. 39. Johnson J Jr, Bawden JW. The fluoride content of infant formulas available in 1985. Pediatr Dent 1987;9(1):33-7.
  • 49. 40. Pendrys DG. The Fluorosis Risk Index: a method for investigating risk factors. J Public Health Dent 1990;50:291-8. 41. Møller IJ. Clinical standards used for diagnosing fluorosis. In: McClure FJ, ed. Water fluoridation. Bethesda, Md.: U.S. Department of Health, Education, and Welfare; 1970:72. 42. Fluoridation census 1992. Atlanta, Ga.: U.S. Department of Health and Human Services; 1992. 43. Bruzzi P, Green SB, Byar DP, Brinton LA, Schairer C. Estimating the population attributable risk for multiple risk factors using case-control data. Am J Epidemiol 1985;122:904-14. 44. Greenland S. Applications of stratified analysis methods. In: Rothman KJ, Greenland S, eds. Modern epidemiology. 2nd ed. Philadelphia: Lippincott-Raven; 1997:295-7. 45. Barnhart WE, Hiller LK, Leonard GJ, Michaels SE. Dentifrice usage and ingestion among four age groups. J Dent Res 1974;53:1317-22. 46. Dowell TB. The use of toothpaste in infancy. Br Dent J 1981;150:247-9. 47. Beltran ED, Szpunar SM. Fluoride in toothpastes for children: suggestion for change. Pediatr Dent 1988;10:185-8.
  • 50. 48. Horowitz HS. The need for toothpaste with lower than conventional fluoride concen- trations for preschool-aged children. J Public Health Dent 1992;52:216-21. 49. Burt BA. Changing patterns of systemic fluoride intake. J Dent Res 1992;71:1228-37. 50. Burrell KH. Systemic and topical fluo- rides. In: Ciancio S., ed. ADA guide to dental therapeutics. Chicago: ADA Publishing Co. Inc.; 1998:214-25. 51. Committee on Nutrition, American Academy of Pediatrics. Fluoride supplemen- tation for children: interim policy recommen- dations. Pediatrics 1995;95:777. 52. Levy SM, Kiritsy MC, Warren JJ. Sources of fluoride intake in children. J Public Health Dent 1995;55(1):39-52. 53. American Dental Association Council on Dental Therapeutics. Accepted dental re- medies. 32nd ed. Chicago: American Dental Association; 1967:395-420. 54. American Academy of Pediatrics Committee on Nutrition. Fluoride as a nutri- ent. Pediatrics 1972;49:456-60. 55. American Academy of Pediatrics Committee on Nutrition. Fluoride supplemen- tation: revised dosage schedule. Pediatrics 1979;63:150-2.
  • 51. 56. Van Winkle S, Levy S, Kiritsky M, Heilman J, Wefel J, Marshall T. Water and formula fluoride concentrations: significance for infants fed formula. Pediatr Dent 1995;17:305-10. 57. McDowell I, Newell C. Measuring health: A guide to rating scales and question- naires. New York: Oxford University Press; 1987:27-9. 58. Aday L. Designing and conducting health surveys. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass Publishers; 1989:47-50. 59. Rothman KJ, Greenland S. Precision and validity in epidemiologic studies. In: Rothman KJ, Greenland S, eds. Modern epi- demiology. Philadelphia: Lippincott-Raven; 1997:127-32. JADA, Vol. 131, June 2000 755 RESEARCH Copyright ©1998-2001 American Dental Association. All rights reserved. RISK OF ENAMEL FLUOROSIS IN NONFLUORIDATEDAND OPTIMALLY FLUORIDATED POPULATIONS: CONSIDERATIONS FOR THE DENTAL PROFESSIONALMATERIALS AND METHODSRESULTSDISCUSSIONCONCLUSIONS FluorideSupplemen tation.docxFLUORIDE SUPPLEMENT PROGRAM GUIDELINES
  • 52. 1. The program is primarily for pre-school children (6 months–6 years), but may be provided up to age 16 (targeting children who do not attend a school with fluoridated water), who are not presently receiving fluoridated drinking water, other fluoride supplements, or vitamins with fluoride. 2. Whether or not a child is receiving fluoride can be determined by the answers to questions on the questionnaire and consent form (OH-9). A copy of the form is included in this section. 3. When bottled water is being used as the primary source of drinking water, the fluoride content of the water should be determined. If the child’s legal representative is unaware of the fluoride content of the bottled water, there are several sources of information, which can be helpful in learning the fluoride content of different brands of bottled water. Generally, bottled water has a toll-free phone number printed on the label, or a product web site, which can be accessed to learn the fluoride content of the bottled water. Additional sources for learning the fluoride content of bottled water can be found at International Bottled Water Association (IBWA) Information Hotline: 1-800- WATER-11 or the International Bottled Water Association Website Do not submit a sample of bottled water for testing, without first attempting to determine the fluoride content of the bottled water. 4. If the child is not receiving fluoride in the water supply, an analysis of the natural fluoride content of the home water supply must be performed prior to prescribing fluoride supplementation. Instructions for taking and submitting a water sample are provided on the reverse side of “Information for Parents or Guardians”.
  • 53. 5. The maximum amount of fluoride a child under six should receive is 0.5 mg. fluoride ion per day. 6. Fluoride drops (8 drops–1 mg. fluoride ion) are packaged in plastic bottles containing one ounce liquid with about 500 drops (62.5 mg. fluoride ion) per bottle. 7. Fluoride chewable tablets (0.5 mg. fluoride ion) are packaged in plastic bottles containing 120 tablets (60 mg. fluoride ion) per bottle. 8. Dosage levels of fluoride drops or tablets depend on the age of the child and the amount of fluoride in the drinking water (from fluoride water sample tests). The dosage schedule for fluoride drops or tablets is included in the fluoride supplement protocols. For patients with abnormal fluoride test results of water samples submitted to the State Lab, issuing of fluoride supplements (drops or tablets) and follow-up should be followed per protocol. 9. If the test results from the water sample are: · Equal to or greater than 2.00 ppm fluoride concentration, submit another sample of the water source to the State Lab for confirmation testing. · If both water samples are equal to or greater than 2.00 ppm up to 4.00 ppm fluoride concentration, recommend to the parent or guardian that children equal to or less than 8 years of age should consume another source of water. · Equal to or greater than 4.00 ppm fluoride concentration, recommend that both children and adults should consume another source of water. · The Environmental Protection Agency classifies water with equal to or greater than 2.00 ppm fluoride concentration as the Secondary Containment Level and water with equal to or greater than 4.00 ppm fluoride concentration as the Maximum
  • 54. Containment Level for fluoride in water. · When both water samples are equal to or greater than 4.00 ppm fluoride concentration, the nurse working with the Fluoride Supplement Program in the local health department should contact the local health department environmentalists and request an investigation of the water source. · If the second water samples, comes back less than 2.00 ppm, submit a third water sample to the State Lab for testing. · If fluoride concentration in two of the three samples is less than 2.00 ppm, follow the Fluoride Supplements Protocols for water samples with fluoride concentrations less than 2.00 ppm. If the fluoride concentration in two of the three samples is equal to or greater than 2.00 ppm, follow Fluoride Supplement Protocols for water samples with fluoride concentrations equal to or greater than 2.00 ppm. · For further clarifications and directions, call the Oral Health Program at 502-564-3246, extension 4421. 10. Orders for fluoride supplement drops or tablets must be signed by the health officer, another physician, a dentist, or another health professional with prescriptive authority. Protocols may be used—one copy will cover all children in the program. A sample copy is included in this section. If prescription blanks are used, a signed prescription for fluoride must be in each child’s folder. 11. Parents or guardians must be advised concerning the importance of giving their child no more than the prescribed amounts of fluoride. It should be called to the attention of the parent or guardian that excessive amounts (i.e., more than 2 mg. per day) over an extended period of time (two or three months) may cause tooth discoloration during their development; with white spots appearing on the child’s permanent teeth. In addition, they need to be told of the potentially toxic nature of fluoride when ingested in large doses at a single time.
  • 55. If, for example, a 22 pound child takes 264 mg. of sodium fluoride (120 mg. fluoride ion) at any single time, symptoms of acute toxicity can occur (stomach upset, vomiting). The minimum lethal dose for a 22-pound child is 480 mg. of sodium fluoride. 12. If it is determined that a child will participate in a preventive dental program, a questionnaire and consent form, the fluoride analysis of home water supply report, and a record of the amount of fluoride to be provided, if needed, shall be made a part of the child’s permanent health record. (Each participating child in the family must have a signed questionnaire and consent form and a record of the amount of fluoride to be taken.) 13. If more than one child in a family is to receive the fluoride supplement, written instructions for each child must be given to the parent. 14. A 3-month supply of supplements may be provided for each child in a family. Empty containers should be returned before providing a replacement. At this time, a determination should be made whether circumstances affecting the amount of fluoride supplement to be provided have changed, such as change in address, change in water source or the ‘aging out’ of the impacted children. Questions to Ask Parents a. Have you moved? b. Have you changed your water supply? (Hint: even redrilling a well may impact the fluoride intake of the family.) c. Has the child been placed on a vitamin supplement with fluoride? Fluoride Supplementation Recommendations are based on the
  • 56. current guidelines of the American Dental Association, For additional information, please call the Oral Health Administrator at 502-564-3246, ext 4421. Water Samples Tested for Fluoride Concentration Results of Initial Water Sample Test Fluoride Concentration Equal to or greater than 2.00 ppm Submit another sample of the water source to the State Lab for testing Less than 2.00 ppm Follow Fluoride Supplement Protocols
  • 57. Less than 2.00 ppm Submit another sample of the water source to the State Lab for testing Equal to or greater than 4.00 ppm Recommend children and adults consume another source of water RN/RDH responsible for Fluoride Supplement Program at LHD should contact LHD environmentalist and request an investigation of the water source Equal or greater than 2.00 ppm to 4.00 ppm Recommend children 8 years of age and younger consume another source of water 2 water samples equal to or greater than 2.00 ppm Follow chart for readings equal to or greater than 2.00 ppm 2 water samples less than 2.00 ppm
  • 58. Follow Fluoride Supplement Protocols For further information or directions, contact the Oral Health Program 502-564-3246 x 4421 FLUORIDE SUPPLEMENT PROTOCOL Infants and preschool children who are not drinking fluoridated water or who are not taking vitamins with fluoride should be given this essential nutrient. A laboratory test done on a sample of the drinking water supply will tell how much fluoride is in the water and the amount of the supplement that may be needed. Call the Oral Health Program at 502-564-3246 to order forms, fluoride supplements, water sample, and collection kits or if further information is needed. HEALTH RISK OR CONDITION TREATMENT/ INTERVENTION EDUCATION/ COUNSELING FOLLOW-UP Unfluoridated drinking water source may be: · Well · Cistern · Bottled · Spring Distribute one (1) bottle of fluoride drops and/or one (1) bottle of fluoride tablets to each child with individualized doses as follows: NaFrinse Drops – 1 bottle has about 500 drops fluoride. NaFrinse Tablets – 1 bottle contains 120 tablets. Children under 3 are not issued tablets. Dosage depends on age of child and amount of fluoride in drinking water. At each preventive visit ask: 1. Have you moved?
  • 59. 2. Has the source of your child’s drinking water changed? 3. Is child taking vitamin with fluoride supplement? Yes response to #1 and 2—assess new water supply, if indicated Yes response to #3—discontinue fluoride supplementDOSAGE Age of child Fluoride in water 0 to 0.3 ppm Fluoride in water 0.3 to 0.6 ppm Fluoride in water 0.6 ppm and above Age birth – 6 months None None None Age 6 months – 3 yrs 2 drops – .25 mg 1 time per day (8 month supply) None None Age 3 – 6 yrs 4 drops – .50 mg 1 time per day (4 month supply) or 1 tablet – .50 mg 1 time per day (About a 4 month supply) 2 drops – .25 mg 1 time per day (8 month supply) Must give drops. There are no .25 mg tablets. None Age 6 – 16 yrs * *Children who do not attend school with a fluoridated water supply may continue in the program. 8 drops – 1.0 mg 1 time per day
  • 60. (2 month supply) or 2 tablets – .50 mg 1 time per day (2 month supply) 4 drops – .50 mg 1 time per day (4 month supply) or 1 tablet – .50 mg 1 time per day (4 month supply) None Dispose of unused drops or tablets by: · Returning any unused liquid or tablets to LHD · Flushing unused liquid or tablet down toilet · Placing unused liquid or tablets in disposable trash container Source: American Dental Association’s Council on Scientific Affairs: Fluoride Supplement Dosage Schedule: 2010 _____________________________________________________ _____ Physician, Dentist, Other Date PIIS00028177146282 69.pdf C O M M E N T A R Y G U E S T E D I T O R I A L 628 JADA, Vol. 140 June 2009 Editorials represent the opinions of the authors and not those of the American Dental Association.
  • 61. Fluoridated toothpaste and the prevention of early childhood caries A failure to meet the needs of our young I n the United States, dental caries is on the rise in children, es- pecially among the very young and the poor.1 The cause is not fully understood but likely is related to the consumption of in- creasingly available, inexpensive foods containing excess sug- ars, as well as to the now-ubiquitous habit of snacking and drinking sweetened drinks throughout the day.2,3 Dental services for low-income children in the United States, cov- ered through the Early Periodic Screening, Diagnosis and Treatment (EPSDT) Program—Medicaid’s child health insurance program— have achieved limited success in reducing dental caries. Access to dentists accepting Medicaid payment remains a major obstacle for these children.4 As a consequence, in some states, public health offi- cials have encouraged medical care providers to screen children from birth to 24 months of age for dental care needs and to apply sodium fluoride varnish during primary care visits.5 Researchers are investi- gating other strategies, such as combining povidone-iodine and fluo-
  • 62. ride varnish or xylitol syrups and confections.6,7 A more accessible and less costly strategy to prevent caries among young children is the regular use of fluoridated toothpaste. Con- cerned about the rising rates of early childhood caries (ECC), an ex- pert panel convened in 2007 by the U.S. government recommended that children younger than 2 years who are at high risk of experienc- ing caries brush twice per day with a “smear” of regular U.S. fluo- ride toothpaste (typically containing about 1,100 parts per million fluoride) and that children aged 2 to 6 years brush twice daily with no more than a pea-sized amount of U.S. fluoridated toothpaste.8 Regular toothpaste typically contains about 1,100 parts per million fluoride. However, there is resistance among dentists, physicians and par- ents in the United States to using regular fluoridated toothpaste with very young children; the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) Drug Facts label discourages its use in this population. Fluoridated toothpaste is packaged with the mandatory warning: “Keep out of reach of children under 6 years of age. If more than used for brushing is accidentally swallowed, get medical help or con-
  • 63. It is time for the dental profession, the dental industry and the government to reconsider instructions to parents regarding the use of fluoridated toothpaste for children younger than 2 years. Peter M. Milgrom, DDS; Colleen E. Huebner, PhD, MPH; Kiet A. Ly, MD, MPH G U E S T E D I T O R I A L Copyright © 2009 American Dental Association. All rights reserved. Reprinted by permission. tact a Poison Control Center right away.”9 The intention behind the choice of the terms “smear” and “pea-sized” in the expert report was to limit children’s excess exposure to fluoride. However, without evidence of the benefits and risks associated with fluo- ride use, the expert panel rec-
  • 64. ommendation will have little impact, particularly while the FDA limits the directions for use to “adults and children 2 years of age and older.”9 The concentration of fluoride in toothpaste varies from coun- try to country in accord with government regulations, which makes it difficult to compare study results. The FDA allows dentifrices containing 850 to 1,150 ppm total fluoride for use by children 2 years and older and 1,500 ppm fluoride for use by those 6 years and older. However, consumers and health care providers often do not un- derstand the distinction. The la- beling is confusing because of the different forms of fluoride used and the use of percent weight/volume measures; un- derstanding these technical terms requires health literacy beyond that of many Americans. It is time for the dental pro- fession, the dental industry and the government to reconsider instructions to parents regard- ing the use of fluoridated tooth- paste for children younger than 2 years. Unfortunately, the lit- erature concerning toothpaste
  • 65. use in the very young is scant. Fluoridated toothpaste is highly effective in preventing caries in children’s permanent denti- tion,10 but only one study has demonstrated its efficacy in doing so in the primary denti- tion of very young children. Described by its authors as an effectiveness study of a program for parents with low incomes, not a trial of toothpaste’s effica- cy, it nonetheless provided a comparison of the use of fluori- dated toothpaste—either 440 ppm (monosodium fluoride 0.304 percent weight/volume) or 1,450 ppm (sodium fluoride 0.32 percent weight/volume)—with no use of fluoridated tooth- paste.11 The investigators as- signed families to receive tooth- paste and educational materials regularly by mail while their children were aged 1 to 51/2 years. Clinical examinations conducted when the children were 5 to 6 years old found an advantage for children in the 1,450-ppm fluoride group rela- tive to those in the 440-ppm group and to those in the un- treated control group. Overall, they found that the 440-ppm
  • 66. fluoride intervention had no ad- vantage relative to the control. In a study of 1,100-ppm fluoride toothpaste used by preschool children in China, You and col- leagues12 reported equivocal findings. This latter study does not meet FDA scientific stand- ards for a randomized clinical trial of a regulated drug, but its results suggest that further in- vestigation of fluoridated tooth- paste in very young children is warranted. The benefit identified by Davies and colleagues11 of use of the 1,450-ppm toothpaste was not without associated risk. A follow-up study found that those who received the 1,450-ppm flu- oride toothpaste had significant- ly more fluorosis—some with fluorosis scores in the range con- sidered esthetically objection- able according to standardized measures used in public health—than did those who re- ceived the 440-ppm fluoride toothpaste.13 Scores observed in the objectionable range were among children who lived in rel- atively less deprived communi- ties, suggesting an association between better adherence to
  • 67. home hygiene goals (that is, brushing begun at an early age) and greater risk of developing fluorosis. Data from Bentley and colleagues14 suggested the same. Instructing parents to use a smear or a pea-sized amount of fluoride toothpaste with their young children is not universal- ly effective in reducing the amount applied to the tooth- brush. Also, it may be possible to apply too little toothpaste. Itthagarun and colleagues15 con- cluded, “Reduction of the amount of fluoride toothpaste to less than a pea-size in order to minimize the risk of fluorosis should be undertaken with cau- tion because it may compromise the cariostatic effects of the toothpaste, as shown by in vitro studies.” Other researchers had reached a similar conclusion in an earlier study involving sali- vary fluoride analyses.16 Thus, the amounts of U.S. 1,100-ppm fluoride toothpaste being recom- mended for use by our youngest children may be ineffective. In the United States, in con- trast to some other countries (such as England and Australia), no fluoridated tooth-
  • 68. paste has been formulated for use by infants and toddlers, and none has been tested.10,17 Furthermore, using no tooth- paste or using only nonfluori- dated toothpaste (such as Baby Orajel Tooth and Gum Cleanser [Church and Dwight, Princeton, N.J.]) is regarded as the stand- ard of care for children of this age. There is nothing in the portfolio of research supported by the National Institute of C O M M E N T A R Y G U E S T E D I T O R I A L 630 JADA, Vol. 140 June 2009 Copyright © 2009 American Dental Association. All rights reserved. Reprinted by permission. Dental and Craniofacial Research or sponsored by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention on this topic; we do not know what investigations, if any, manufacturers are sponsoring. Formally testing the benefits and secondary effects of the use of 1,100-ppm fluoridated tooth- paste with infants and toddlers
  • 69. in the United States who are at high risk of developing caries— and changing instructions for use on toothpaste labels, if ap- propriate—can benefit many children at little cost relative to current investments in dental research and profits from oral care products. Parents and pro- fessionals in poor and minority communities in the United States have told us in the course of our research that they would support a randomized placebo-controlled study of a special fluoridated toothpaste for infants and toddlers. Thus, we conclude on the basis of ex- isting science and the rising lev- els of dental caries that clinical trials of fluoridated toothpaste for very young children in the United States are overdue. ■ Dr. Milgrom is a professor, Department of Dental Public Health Sciences, and director, Northwest Center to Reduce Oral Health Disparities, University of Washington, Box 357475, Seattle, Wash. 98195-7475, e-mail “[email protected]”. Address reprint re- quests to Dr. Milgrom. Dr. Huebner is an associate professor, Department of Health Services, University of Washington, Seattle, and the director, gradu-
  • 70. ate program in Maternal and Child Health Public Health Leadership, University of Washington, Seattle. Dr. Ly is an acting assistant professor, Department of Dental Public Health Sciences, University of Washington, Seattle. Disclosure. None of the authors reported any disclosures. The development of this article was sup- ported in part by grant U54DE019346 from the National Institute of Dental and Craniofacial Research, National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, Md. 1. U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. Figure 21-1: Progress quotient chart for focus area 21—oral health. In: Healthy People 2010 Midcourse Review. Modified April 9, 2007. “ midcourse/html/tables/pq/PQ-21.htm”. Accessed April 16, 2009. 2. Ismail AI, Lim S, Sohn W, Willem JM. Determinants of early childhood caries in low- income African American young children. Pediatr Dent 2008;30(4):289-296. 3. Thitasomakul S, Piwat S, Thearmontree A, Chankanka O, Pithpornchaiyakul W, Madyusoh S. Risks for early childhood caries analyzed by negative binomial models. J Dent Res 2009;88(2):137-141.
  • 71. 4. Milgrom P, Weinstein P, Huebner C, Graves J, Tut O. Empowering Head Start to improve access to good oral health for chil- dren from low income families (published on- line ahead of print Feb. 2, 2008). Matern Child Health J. 5. dela Cruz GG, Rozier RG, Slade G. Dental screening and referral of young chil- dren by pediatric primary care providers. Pediatrics 2004;114(5):e642-e652. 6. Berkowitz RJ, Koo H, McDermott MP, et al. Adjunctive chemotherapeutic suppression of mutans streptococci in the setting of severe early childhood caries: an exploratory study. J Public Health Dent (in press). 7. Milgrom P, Ly KA, Tut OK, et al. Xylitol pediatric topical oral syrup to prevent dental caries: a double blind, randomized clinical trial of efficacy. Arch Pediatr Adolesc Med (in press). 8. Health Resources and Services Administration, Maternal and Child Health Bureau. Appendix A: Decision support ma- trix—topical fluoride recommendations. In: Topical Fluoride Recommendations for High- Risk Children: Development of Decision Support Matrix, Recommendations from Maternal and Child Health Bureau Expert Panel. Washington: Altarum Institute; 2009. “ Topical%20fl%20recommendations%20for%20 hi%20risk%20children.pdf”. Accessed April
  • 72. 16, 2009. 9. Anticaries drug products for over-the- counter human use, 21 CFR 355;2006. 10. Marinho VC, Higgins JP, Sheiham A, Logan S. Fluoride toothpastes for preventing dental caries in children and adolescents. Cochrane Database Syst Rev 2003;(1): CD002278. 11. Davies GM, Worthington HV, Ellwood RP, et al. A randomised controlled trial of the effectiveness of providing free fluoride tooth- paste from the age of 12 months on reducing caries in 5-6 year old children. Community Dent Health 2002;19(3):131-136. 12. You BJ, Jian WW, Sheng RW, et al. Caries prevention in Chinese children with sodium fluoride dentifrice delivered through a kindergarten-based oral health program in China. J Clin Dent 2002;13(4):179-184. 13. Tavener JA, Davies GM, Davies RM, Ellwood RP. The prevalence and severity of fluorosis in children who received toothpaste containing either 440 or 1,450 ppm F from the age of 12 months in deprived and less de- prived communities. Caries Res 2006; 40(1):66-72. 14. Bentley EM, Ellwood R, Davies RM. Fluoride ingestion from toothpaste by young children. Br Dent J 1999;186(9):460-462.
  • 73. 15. Itthagarun A, King NM, Rana R. Effects of child formula dentifrices on artificial caries like lesions using in vitro pH-cycling: prelimi- nary results. Int Dent J 2007;57(5):307-313. 16. DenBesten P, Ko HS. Fluoride levels in whole saliva of preschool children after brush- ing with 0.25 g (pea-sized) as compared to 1.0 g (full-brush) of a fluoride dentifrice. Pediatr Dent 1996;18(4):277-280. 17. Twetman S, Axelsson S, Dahlgren H, et al. Caries-preventive effect of fluoride tooth- paste: a systematic review. Acta Odontol Scand 2003;61(6):347-355. C O M M E N T A R Y G U E S T E D I T O R I A L JADA, Vol. 140 June 2009 631 JADA welcomes letters fromreaders on articles that haveappeared in The Journal. The Journal reserves the right to edit all communications and requires that all letters be signed. Letters must be no more than 550 words and must cite no more than five ref- erences. No illustrations will be ac- cepted. A letter concerning a recent JADA article will have the best chance of acceptance if it is received within two months of the article’s publication. For instance, a letter about an article that appeared in April JADA usually will be consid-
  • 74. ered for acceptance only until the end of June. You may submit your letter via e-mail to “[email protected]”; by fax to 1-312-440-3538; or by mail to 211 E. Chicago Ave., Chicago, Ill. 60611-2678. By send- ing a letter to the editor, the author acknowledges and agrees that the letter and all rights of the author in the letter sent become the property of The Journal. The views ex- pressed are those of the letter writer and do not necessarily reflect the opinion or official policy of the Association. Brevity is appreciated. L E T T E R S Copyright © 2009 American Dental Association. All rights reserved. Reprinted by permission. Fluoridated toothpaste and the prevention of early childhood caries: A failure to meet the needs of our youngDisclosureREFERENCE Title Page Include course ID, full name, date, laboratory number, and title. Also include a brief abstract (≤ 150 words summarizing the lab objectives, importance, results, and conclusions). Introduction Include background material pertaining to the laboratory technique and its importance and application to environmental microbiology. Clearly state the objective(s) of the laboratory. Results and Discussion This section should represent the bulk of your report. It should
  • 75. include a presentation of pertinent results, using figures and tables as appropriate, and a discussion of the meaning and relevance of the results. The discussion is your opportunity to demonstrate your understanding of the laboratory technique, your results, and the application of the method in the field of environmental engineering. Conclusions The objective(s) of the laboratory should be reiterated and specific conclusions should be listed using bullet points. Questions The questions from the laboratory handout should be included in a numbered list. Complete, concise answers to the questions should be provided. References Include appropriate citations for all material referenced in the report. * Note that there is no Materials and Methods section. There is no need to repeat the information provided in the laboratory handouts. Your understanding of the method should be illustrated through your results and discussion. Each laboratory report is worth 100 points. The grade distribution will be as follows: Quiz - 10 Title Page / Abstract - 5 Introduction - 15 Results and Discussion - 35 Conclusions - 15 Questions – 20 RESEARCH ARTICLE Oral Health–Promoting School Environments and Dental Caries
  • 76. in Québec Children Anu Edasseri, MSc,1 Tracie A. Barnett, PhD,2 Khady Kâ, PhD,3 Mélanie Henderson, PhD,4 Belinda Nicolau, PhD1 Introduction: Dental caries are highly prevalent among children and have negative health consequences. Their occurrence may depend in part on school-based environmental or policy- related factors, but few researchers have explored this subject. This study aimed to identify oral health promoting school environment types and estimate their relation with 2-year dental caries incidence among Québec children aged 8–10 years. Methods: This study used data from two visits (completed in 2008 and 2011) of the QUALITY (Québec Adipose Lifestyle Investigation in Youth) cohort, which recruited white children at risk of obesity and their families from Greater Montreal schools. Measures included school and neighborhood characteristics, and Decayed, Missing, Filled-Surfaces index scores. Principal component and cluster analyses, and generalized estimating equations were conducted. Results: Data were available for 330 children attending 200 schools. Based on a series of statistical analyses conducted in 2016, the authors identified three distinct school environment types. Type 1 and 2 schools had strong healthy eating programs, whereas Type 3 had weak programs. Type 1 schools had favorable neighborhood food environments, whereas Type 2 and 3 had unfavorable ones. Adjusting for potential confounders, children attending Type 1 and 2 schools had 21% (incidence rate ratio1⁄40.79, 95% CI1⁄40.68, 0.90) and 6% (incidence rate ratio1⁄40.94, 95% CI1⁄40.83, 1.07) lower 2-year incidence of dental caries, respectively, compared with Type 3 schools. Conclusions: School-based oral health promotion programs combined with a favorable neighbor- hood can lower dental caries incidence in school children. Am J Prev Med 2017;53(5):697–704. & 2017 American Journal of Preventive Medicine. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
  • 77. INTRODUCTION Despite improved detection and treatment modalities, dental caries remain the most com- mon chronic oral disease among children and a major public health concern affecting 60%−90% of school-aged children worldwide.1 Oral conditions (untreated caries, severe periodontitis, and tooth loss) affect nearly 3.9 billion people worldwide; untreated decay in permanent teeth is the most prevalent condition, affecting 35% of the population and ranking 80th among the top 100 causes of disability-adjusted life years.2 North American children have the second highest lifetime caries experience measured by the Decayed, Missing, and Filled-Teeth index (Decayed Missing Filled- 3 youth have experienced dental caries, with a higher prevalence and severity found among youth from a low socioeconomic background.4 Moreover, oral health is a determinant of general health and plays an important role in quality of life.5 Finally, oral disease is the fourth From the 1Division of Oral Health and Society, Faculty of Dentistry, McGill University, Montreal, Québec, Canada; 2Epidemiology and Biostatistics Unit, Institut National de la Recherche Scientifique−Institut Armand Frappier, Laval, Québec, Canada; 3University of Montreal Hospital Research Centre, Montreal, Québec, Canada; and 4Department of Pedia- trics, Université de Montréal, Centre Hospitalier Universitaire Sainte- Justine, Montreal, Québec, Canada Address correspondence to: Belinda Nicolau, PhD, Faculty of Dentistry, McGill University, 2001 McGill College Avenue, Suite 527, Montreal, QC Canada, H3A 1G1. E-mail: [email protected] 0749-3797/$36.00 Teeth1⁄42.08) worldwide. More than half of Canadian
  • 78. & 2017 American Journal of Preventive Medicine. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights Am J Prev Med 2017;53(5):697–704 697 reserved. 698 Edasseri et al / Am J Prev Med 2017;53(5):697–704 most expensive condition to treat and is therefore a major economic burden to both society and individuals.1 Fortunately, dental caries are mostly preventable, and even reversible, if detected in early stages and if effective intervention is available. However, the effectiveness of oral health education and clinical preventive programs in improving oral health outcomes is questionable.6,7 Dental health education may increase knowledge, but whether it translates into better oral health behaviors is still a matter of debate.6–8 In fact, information giving alone may be ineffective and may even increase health inequity because people with the highest need are frequently less educated, with fewer economic resources to make healthier choices.9,10 Also, focusing on clinical prevention, such as sealants and topical fluorides, alone is palliative7 and not cost effective.11 Health promotion strategies that go beyond the individual level to integrate elements of policy develop- ment and social and physical environmental factors may be more effective for disease prevention than isolated behavior-specific interventions.7,12 The WHO’s concept of health promoting schools highlights the importance of the environment, and advocates for a comprehensive approach in transforming schools as healthy settings.13 Considering oral health promotion as an integral com- ponent of health promoting schools, WHO has proposed guidelines for oral health promoting schools.14 Schools worldwide have attempted to adapt and implement school-based oral health promotion programs according to these guidelines. These initiatives generally had a favorable impact on reduction of dental caries in children,15–17 however, instances of failure were also reported.18,19 Although the Québec government
  • 79. responsible for schools in the current study published guidelines for school health promotion in 2005,20 the authors did not find any studies evaluating its effect on oral health outcomes. Other school-related variables may play important roles in determining children’s health and health behav- iors, notably neighborhood disadvantage. For example, favorable school socioeconomic environment is inversely related to dental caries in Québec school children.21 In addition, school SES, based on average percentage of low- income families in the school neighborhood, appears to modify the association between oral health promotion and dental caries reduction, the effect being stronger among low SES schools,15 where the need is the greatest. Disadvantaged neighborhoods may also have more nutritionally poor food sources; hence, children attend- ing schools located in disadvantaged neighborhoods may be more likely to adopt poor dietary habits. Some evidence suggests an adverse effect of an unhealthy food environment around schools on pediatric obesity.22 A previous study published by the QUALITY (Québec Adipose Lifestyle Investigation in Youth) cohort group found that a higher number of “unhealthful” compared with “healthful” food stores in the proximity of schools had undesirable effects on children’s dietary habits.23 However, studies on the surrounding food environment and children’s dietary habits provide inconsistent find- ings and are mostly cross- sectional22; there is a need for additional longitudinal studies.22 Despite major criticism of traditional preventive and behavioral approaches, many interventions targeting isolated behaviors persist. Few studies have looked at comprehensive programs in schools that incorporated policy elements and participatory approaches15,16,18; a literature search identified only one such study from Canada15 and none from Québec. In addition, fewer studies have considered school neighborhood disadvant- age,15,16 and the authors identified none that included the
  • 80. surrounding food environment in their assessment of the oral health promoting school environment. Therefore, the aims are to identify distinct school environments based on oral health promoting and neighborhood environmental factors, and to estimate the relation between school environment types and 2- year dental caries incidence among Québec children aged 8–10 years. METHODS Study Sample Data were from an ongoing prospective study, the QUALITY cohort, which investigates the natural history of metabolic risk in youth. A full description of this study can be found elsewhere.24 Briefly, the QUALITY cohort recruited 630 white children aged 8–10 years at baseline from schools located within 75 km of three major urban centers in the province of Québec. Both biological parents had to be available and at least one of them had to be obese (BMI ≥30 or waist circumference 4102 cm in men and 488 cm in women) for inclusion in the study. An ancillary study included a formal evaluation of the schools attended by QUALITY partic- ipants and the neighborhood for children attending schools in the Montreal Census Metropolitan Area (home to 480% of QUAL- ITY participants). Among the 296 schools (attended by 506 children of the QUALITY study) in the Montreal Census Metropolitan Area, 247 schools (attended by 430 children) agreed to participate in the study. The current study uses data collected in Visit 1 (baseline, aged 8–10 years) and Visit 2 (children aged 10–12 years), which were completed in 2008 and 2011, respectively. The QUALITY cohort study obtained ethics approval from several IRBs, including the Centre Hospitalier Universitaire Sainte- Justine and McGill University. Parents and school principals signed consent forms and children provided assent. Measures Trained dentists performed the clinical oral health examination in a dental office during the hospital visit. This study used the
  • 81. Child Dental Health Survey of England, Wales, and Northern Ireland diagnostic criteria to record dental caries.25 Two-year dental caries incidence was measured as the difference in the Decayed, Missing, Filled-Surfaces (DMF-S) index between Visits 1 and 2. Surfaces that were not examined in either visit were excluded from the DMF-S index calculation. Five observations had negative DMF-S incremental values. In each of these cases, some of the initial caries lesions in Visit 1 were replaced by sealants in Visit 2 and thus were not counted in Visit 2, leading to negative differences. As this is equivalent to a difference of 0, the 2-year dental caries incidence in all these cases was also recorded as 0. Data on age, sex, and parental SES were collected using structured questionnaires administered to parents at Visit 1. Parental SES was measured using two variables: parental education and parental income. Parental education, collected as a seven- category variable, was later combined for both parents and categorized into (1) one or two parents with high school or less; (2) one or two parents with collège d'enseignement général et professionnel/vocational or trade school; and (3) one or two parents with university degree. The annual household income before taxes was collected as 12 categories ranging from o$10,000 to ≥$140,000 Canadian dollars. This variable was later adjusted for the number of people living in the house26 and further grouped into quartiles. Trained research assistants collected school environment data by interviewing school principals with the aid of structured questionnaires. Questions related to healthy eating promotion policies in schools were derived from recognized guidelines for Québec schools, including the Institute of Medicine Recommen- dations for Schools to Address Childhood Obesity,27 the School Health Index,28 the School Health Policy and Programs Survey,29 and the Coalition for School Nutrition.30 School neighborhood disadvantage information was obtained
  • 82. from the 2006 Canadian Census. The authors constructed a material deprivation index of the area within 1,000 m of street network around each school. The index comprises “the proportion of individuals without a high school diploma, the employment population ratio and the average personal income” for people aged ≥15 years in census dissemination areas, with a higher value representing lower deprivation.31 This variable was classified into tertiles ranging from high (0) to low (2) deprivation. The numbers of convenience and fast-food stores within 500 m around each school were calculated using the GIS from the Montreal Epide- miological and Geographic Analysis of Population Health Out- comes and Neighbourhood Effect database that contains information until May 2005.32 These variables were then dicho- tomized into at least one store within 500 m (unfavorable) versus none within 500 m (favorable). Statistical Analysis The analyses for this paper were conducted in 2016. Principal component analysis (PCA) with a polychoric correlation matrix was used to group variables measuring schools’ healthy eating promotion policies. Oblimin oblique rotation was applied to differentiate the components and those with eigen values 41 were retained. Subsequently, the authors performed a hierarchical agglomer- ative average linkage cluster analysis using the components identified by PCA, along with variables that measured presence of dental health/hygiene programs and formal healthy eating promotion initiatives, school’s surrounding food environment and SES, to identify distinct types of school environments. Cluster stop rules (Calinski−Harabasz pseudo-F index, and Duda−Hart and Je [2]/Je [1] indices) were used to select the optimal number of clusters.33 After preliminary descriptive and exploratory analyses, the authors used generalized estimating equations with a binomial link function, exchangeable correlation matrix, and school as the grouping variable, to model the association between school environment types and 2-year dental caries incidence in
  • 83. children, adjusting for potential confounders. All analyses were preformed using Stata/SE, version 12. RESULTS Out of the 430 children (attending 247 schools) for whom school data were available, 357 had data on dental caries for both visits. The authors further excluded 27 children because of missing data for other covariates. The mean age for the final sample of 330 children was 9.2 years (SD1⁄40.9 years) at baseline. The mean DMF-S for Visits 1 and 2 were 0.6 (SD1⁄41.4) and 2.0 (SD1⁄42.9), respectively (Table 3). PCA and cluster analyses were performed in 226 schools (21 schools were excluded because of missing values). PCA included ten variables, which loaded on three components (Table 1 and Appendix Table 1, available online). Three distinct types of school environ- ments were identified based on cluster analysis and the school types were defined by examining the mean or proportion of each variable within each cluster (Table 2). Type 1 included schools located in neighborhoods with high SES, favorable surrounding food environments, strong healthy eating promotion, and weak dental care programs (50.9% of all schools). Type 2 included schools located in neighborhoods with low SES, unfavorable surrounding food environments, strong healthy eating promotion and strong dental care programs (36.1%). Type 3 comprised schools located in neighborhoods with average SES, unfavorable surrounding food environ- ments, weak healthy eating promotion, and average dental care programs (13.0%). Finally, the authors used generalized estimating equa- tion to model the association between the three variables representing school environment types and 2-year dental caries incidence. Using Type 3 school as a reference, children attending Type 1 and 2 schools had 21% (incidence rate ratio1⁄40.79, 95% CI1⁄40.68, 0.90) and 6% (incidence rate ratio1⁄40.94, 95% CI1⁄40.83, 1.07) lower 2- year incidence of dental caries, respectively, after adjust- ing for age, sex, parental SES, and baseline DMF-S index (Table 4).
  • 84. November 2017 Edasseri et al / Am J Prev Med 2017;53(5):697–704 699 700 Edasseri et al / Am J Prev Med 2017;53(5):697–704 Table 1. Variable Loading Pattern in Principal Component Analysis Component Variable 1 2 3 variance Unexplained Willingness to participate in healthy eating promotion of: School management 0.4876 — — 0.1524 Teachers 0.4423 — — 0.2016 Daycare managers 0.4740 — — 0.1964 Community 0.4478 — — 0.2851 Agreement with community to promote healthy eating within school 0.3448 — — 0.5884 School makes room for families to engage in volunteer activities — 0.5879 — 0.5096 Frequently informs parents about health promotion activities in schools — 0.5509 — 0.4839 Educates teachers on the importance of promoting healthy living — 0.5655 — 0.4078 Strict rule for approval of catering service menu by a nutritionist — — 0.6770 0.3284 School sells drinks and snacks in accordance with principles of healthy eating — — 0.6909 0.3417 during fundraising programs DISCUSSION This study aimed to identify school environment profiles based on oral health promoting and neighborhood environmental factors and estimate their impact on 2-year dental caries incidence. The study identified three distinct school environment types and the results suggest that a favorable school environment can lower the incidence of dental caries in children. These findings are in agreement with previous cross-sectional studies Table 2. Description of the School Environment Types Based on the Variables Used in the Cluster Analysis
  • 85. Cluster Variables used in cluster analysis 1 (n1⁄499)a 2 (n1⁄475)a 3 (n1⁄426)a School Material Deprivation Index M (SD) 1.22 (0.80) 0.67 (0.72) 0.92 (0.84) Range 0 to 2 0 to 2 0 to 2 Presence of a convenience store or a fast-food store within 500 m around the school (yes1⁄41/no1⁄40) Yes, n (%) 0 (0) 75 (100) 26 (100) Formal school initiatives to promote healthy eating (yes1⁄41/no1⁄40)b Yes, n (%) 83 (84) 75 (100) 0 (0) Component 1: Willingness of school to promote healthy eating within school and involvement of community partnersb M (SD) 5.34 (0.73) 5.38 (0.85) 5.05 (1.12) Range 2.99 to 6.33 1.71 to 6.45 1.07 to 6.31 Component 2: Encouraging teachers and parents to promote healthy lifestyles in childrenb M (SD) 3.36 (0.55) 3.26 (0.55) 2.97 (0.63) Range 1.34 to 3.89 1.88 to 3.88 1.98 to 3.82 Component 3: Great attention to providing healthy food within schoolb M (SD) 0.83 (0.54) 0.68 (0.56) 0.42 (0.49) Range −0.24 to 1.59 −0.31 to 1.56 −0.24 to 1.52 Visit by any dental health professional at school (yes1⁄41/no1⁄40)c Yes, n (%) 88 (89) 71 (95) 24 (92) Programs providing dental hygiene education (yes1⁄41/no1⁄40) c Yes, n (%) 79 (80) 65 (87) 22 (85) Programs other than the provision of dental hygiene education (yes1⁄41/no1⁄40)c Yes, n (%) 46 (47) 28 (37) 14 (54) aTotal 200 schools included in the complete case analysis. bThe types of schools were graded as strong/average/weak in healthy eating promotion, based the on the distribution of these
  • 86. variables in three clusters. cThe types of schools were graded as strong/average/weak in dental care programs, based the on the distribution of these variables in three clusters. Edasseri et al / Am J Prev Med 2017;53(5):697–704 701 Table 3. Distribution of Sociodemographic Characteristics and Mean DMF-S in Children Within Each School Environment Cluster Type Total (n1⁄4330 1 (n1⁄4168 2 (n1⁄4119 3 (n1⁄443 Variable [100%]) [50.9%]) [36.1%]) [13.0%]) Age, years, M (SD) 9.2 (0.9) 9.2 (0.9) 9.3 (0.9) 9.0 (0.9) Sex, n (%) Boys 191 (57.9) 93 (55.4) 73 (61.3) 25 (58.1) Girls 139 (42.1) 75 (44.6) 46 (38.7) 18 (41.9) Household income, n (%) o$29,070 78 (23.6) 38 (22.6) 33 (27.7) 7 (16.3) $29,070–$42,579 79 (23.9) 40 (23.8) 30 (25.2) 9 (20.9) $42,580–$56,271 85 (25.8) 33 (19.6) 38 (31.9) 14 (32.6) 4$56,271 88 (26.7) 57 (33.9) 18 (15.1) 13 (30.2) Parental education, n (%) One or both parents hold a high school degree or 25 (7.6) 15 (8.9) 10 (8.4) 0 less One or both parents completed CEGEP/vocational 121 (36.7) 67 (39.9) 39 (32.8) 15 (34.9) or trade school One or both parents hold a university degree 184 (55.8) 86 (51.2) 70 (58.8) 28 (65.1) DMF-S Index, M (SD) Baseline DMF-S 0.6 (1.4) 0.5 (1.2) 0.7 (1.6) 0.8 (1.5) DMF-S Visit 2 2.0 (2.9) 1.6 (2.3) 2.3 (3.3) 3.0 (3.5) CEGEP, collège d'enseignement général et professionnel; DMF- S, Decayed, Missing, Filled-Surfaces. investigating the impact of comprehensive oral health
  • 87. promotion approaches.15,16 In contrast, a school-based study using a participatory approach to reduce sugar intake of children failed to bring about any change in diet behaviors or reduction of dental caries. This failure may have been attributable to the narrow scope of the policy, which restricted children’s food intake to fruits and milk during school breaks rather than focusing on overall diet Table 4. Association Between School Environment Types and 2- year Dental Caries Incidence (GEE, n1⁄4330) Variables in the model Change in DMF-S over 2 years, M (SD) IRRa (95% CI) School environment Type 1 1.1 (1.7) 0.79 (0.68–0.90) Type 2 1.7 (2.6) 0.94 (0.83–1.07) Type 3 2.3 (2.7) 1 Age — 1.06 (1.00–1.12) Sex Male 1.4 (2.2) 1 Female 1.5 (2.2) 1.06 (0.96–1.18) Household income o$29,070 2.1 (2.7) 1 $29,070–$42,579 1.5 (1.8) 0.97 (0.85–1.10) $42,580–$56,271 1.3 (2. 4) 0.98 (0.84–1.15) 4$56,271 1.0 (1.8) 0.95 (0.78–1.15) Parental education One or both parents hold a high school degree or less 3.0 (3.2) 1 One or both parents completed CEGEP/vocational or trade school 1.6 (2.1) 0.77 (0.67–0.87) One or both parents hold a university degree 1.2 (2.1) 0.71 (0.62–0.82) Baseline DMF-Sa — 1.08 (1.05–1.10) aBaseline DMF-S was separately included in the model to better capture the variations in the baseline caries risk of children, which may not be captured by the difference in DMF-S indices over 2 years. CEGEP, collège d'enseignement général et professionnel; DMF-
  • 88. S, Decayed, Missing, Filled-Surfaces; IRR, incidence rate ratio. November 2017 702 Edasseri et al / Am J Prev Med 2017;53(5):697–704 behaviors. Moreover, the program did not include measures to raise the awareness of teachers, children, or parents regarding a healthy diet18 and did not consider the broader built and social environments around the schools, which could potentially influence children’s food habits. In this study, Type 1 schools, which showed the strongest protective association with dental caries, had strong healthy eating environments inside the schools as well as favorable food environments around the schools. This finding suggests that an environment promoting healthy eating, that also incorporates the socioenviron- mental and policy aspects of health promotion, may be particularly effective in reducing dental caries. This observation aligns with the common risk factor approach to oral health promotion, which advocates for an integrated strategy, targeting risk factors (e.g., high sugar diet) that are common to multiple chronic diseases, and their underlying determinants.9 Moreover, this study’s results highlight the impor- tance of school neighborhood disadvantage factors on dental caries incidence in schoolchildren. Type 1 schools were located in the highest SES neighborhood and had favorable surrounding food environments, whereas Type 2 and 3 schools, located in neighbor- hoods with relatively low SES, had unfavorable surrounding food environments. The additional pro- tective influence of Type 1 schools may be attributable to the reduced access to nutritionally poor food sources in the school neighborhoods. A previous study in QUALITY cohort children reported that unhealth- ful stores around schools may have a negative influence on the dietary choices of children attending that school,23 which provides insight on the potential mediating pathway. It is also notable that despite scoring the lowest in dental health-specific programs, Type 1 schools were associated with