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Pivotal CRM Plants Revenue Growth &
Customer Loyalty for Syngenta
Real customer intelligence from farmer and growers’ reward
programme realises a six times return on marketing investment
for leading crop protection and seed growing business.

   Customer Details


   •	 Bio-science — crop protection and seed production

   •	 Syngenta	is	one	of	the	world’s	leading	providers	of	field	crops,	vegetables	and	flower	seeds;	seed	
      care	products;	herbicides,	insecticides	and	fungicides	for	crop	protection,	and	turf,	garden,	home	
      care	and	public	health	products.	The	majority	of	its	products	are	sold	to	farmers	and	growers	via	
      wholesale and retail specialists.

   •	 To	maximise	the	return	on	marketing	and	sales	investments	by	better	understanding	the	un-bulked	
      product	end-user,	on	micro,	as	well	as	macro	level.		

   •	 Pivotal	5.9	from	CDC	Software,	upgraded	to	Pivotal	6	in	August	2011,	which	included	full	integration	
      with	Microsoft	Outlook	and	address	book	functionality	with	Blackberry.	Full	Blackberry	software	
      integration	expected	to	be	completed	by	summer	2012.	

CDC Software | The Customer-Driven Company™                                               CRM Case Study | 1
Customer Summary                                              •	 Microsoft	Outlook	and	Blackberry	assimilation	has		
          After	evaluating	a	number	of	options,	Syngenta	                  increased	efficiencies	and	streamlined	customer	
          implemented	Pivotal	CRM,	largely	because	of	its	                 management,	profiling	and	communications
          ability	to	streamline	customer	records	and	build	a	
                                                                        •	 360	view	of	promotion	reactions	against	demand	
          complex	database	of	end-user	product	usage.		
                                                                           vs.	supply	fluctuations	visualises	campaign	
          In	2010,	after	12	years	of	total	CRM	support	from	               effectiveness
          CDC	Software,	the	maker	of	Pivotal	CRM,	Syngenta	
                                                                        •	 Underpins	all	that	ensures	a	happy,	well	supported	
          reviewed	the	market	options	and	established	that	no	
                                                                           and	increasingly	loyal	customer	base
          other commercial CRM solution could match the pin-
          point	customer	intelligence	generated	by	Pivotal	CRM,	        Fully Supported Customer
                                     nor	had	the	feature	flexibility	   Relationship Management
                                     that	enabled	Syngenta	to	          Syngenta	is	committed	to	supporting	sustainable	
Pivotal CRM is                       customise and add the              agriculture through innovative research and
                                     functionality it needed to
not just a contacts                                                     technology.		It	provides	the	crucial	link	between	crop	
                                     meet	its	specific	business	        success and failure for farmers and plant growers. It
database. It                         needs.                             is vital that Syngenta understands the needs of each
underpins all                        As	a	result,	the	option	was	       customer,	both	the	business	and	the	environmental	
                                                                        factors that impact crop success.
our customer                         taken to upgrade to Pivotal
                                     CRM	6,	with	its	Microsoft	         End-user	intelligence	holds	the	key	to	Syngenta’s	
interaction. Our                     Outlook	and	Blackberry	            success.		The	only	way	to	get	this	is	to	understand,	
go-to-market                         integration. The system            firstly	who	the	end	customers	are	and	then,	establish	
                                     was set-up in parallel to          their	growing	profiles	and	methods	of	plant	husbandry	
strategy could not                   Pivotal CRM 5.9 to ensure          and crop protection. With this intelligence it is then
function without                     a smooth transition.               possible	to	market	effectively	to	them,	targeting	
                                     Syngenta had seen a four-          them	with	promotions	or	advice	on	how	to	combine	
Pivotal.                             fold return on marketing           products	for	better	results,	for	example.		
Simon Laidler                        and sales investment
CRM Lead, Syngenta                                                      This was a challenge in itself. Syngenta products
                                     since using Pivotal CRM
                                     as the lynch-pin to its            are	sold	in	bulk	to	wholesale	and	retail	suppliers	to	
          marketing	programmes.		It	is	also	seeing	significant	         the farming and plant growing markets and therefore
          turnover	increases	from	existing	product	lines,	plus	         there was no direct sales relationship with the end-
          the opportunity for new promotions and revenue                user.
          streams	as	the	result	of	further	refining	customer	
          responsiveness	by	integrating	with	MS	Outlook.                Prior Engagement
                                                                        Prior	to	Pivotal	CRM,	the	Syngenta	field	sales	teams	
          Benefits of Pivotal CRM to Syngenta                           used	a	disparate	mix	of	pen	and	paper;	spread	sheet	
                                                                        and	basic	database	customer	records.		There	was	
           •	 Actual	customer	intelligence		enabling	highly	
                                                                        little	process	cohesion	and	records	had	to	be	shared	
             targeted promotions - realising a four times return
                                                                        manually	and	updated	individually,	all	time	consuming	
             on campaign investment
                                                                        processes and leaving very little scope for customer
           •	 Analytical	breakdown	of	purchasing	profiles	              analytics.
             and trend mapping has opened up revenue and
             co-operative marketing opportunities with sales

          CDC Software | The Customer-Driven Company™                                                    CRM	Case	Study			|			2
What Changed?                                                Once a year these farmers and growers are now
In	1999,	this	changed	with	the	initial	Pivotal	              asked	to	submit	details	of	their	product	usage	for	that	
installation.		A	significant	upgrade	in	2004	completely	     year.		This	qualifies	them	for	a	credit	payment	based	
revolutionised the way that Syngenta interfaced with         on	variables	including	purchase	volumes	and	product	
its customers and there was an immediate parallel            types,	which	can	be	exchanged	for	goods	from	a	
increase in revenue versus increased customer                catalogue	of	business	related	products,	for	example,	
satisfaction.                                                IT	hardware,	weather	stations,	or	protective	clothing.		

Syngenta needed a CRM tool that could support                Data Analysis
its	end-to-end	sale	process;	a	platform	that	could	          Pivotal CRM not only issues the loyalty statements to
combine	traditional	customer	contact	tools	with	an	          customers,	it	is	used	to	collate	and	analyse	the	entries,	
extremely	sophisticated,	data-heavy	customer	rewards	        creating	management	reports	for	use	by	the	marketing	
programme,	potentially	holding	the	details	of	the	UK’s	      and sales teams that provide a picture of trends
24,000	potential	farmer	and	grower	records,	plus	those	      including the impact that environmental changes are
of industry advisory and influencer groups.                  having	on	growing	processes,	future	customer	needs	
The	storage	requirement,	and	that	of	the	analytics,	         and the current provision against customer demand.
meant	realistically	only	a	bespoke	CRM	platform	could	       “The information we get from farmers is gold dust.
support	Syngenta’s	business	needs,	but	a	bespoke	            Once	we’ve	engaged	with	a	farmer	we	start	to	
solution	was	beyond	its	budget	bounds.		Pivotal	CRM	         understand	about	his	growing	processes,	the	varieties	
bridged	both	by	combining	the	price	point	of	an	off-         he grows and
the-shelf	solution	with	the	ability	for	the	CRM	team	to	     his opinions on
easily	customise	fields	to	ensure	absolute	compatibility	    protection methods.                   Pivotal is the
with	the	businesses	requirements,	not	only	now,	but	
into the future.
                                                             Farmers	have	                         only way we
                                                             an emotional
“Pivotal	CRM	was	the	only	CRM	platform	able	to	              attachment to                         can confirm
manage	such	a	complex	customer	database.		No	other	          their	crops.		Like	                   who is actually
product	had	the	flexibility	in	terms	of	existing	features	   a	child,	they	want	
and	customisation,”	explained	Simon	Laidler,	CRM	            to	protect	them,	                     using our
lead at Syngenta.                                            give	them	the	best	                   products in
                                                             food and the most
Customer Rewards                                             effective medicines                   the field.
                                                             to ensure that they                   Simon Laidler
To	fulfil	the	need	for	customer	intelligence,	to	identify	
areas	for	product	development,	improvement	and	              thrive,”	explained	
to consistently provide the level of service needed          Simon	Laidler.
by	its	customers,	Syngenta	set-up	its	customer	
                                                             From	this	data,	highly	targeted	marketing	campaigns	
rewards	programme,	creating	a	feedback	capture	and	
                                                             can	be	developed,	with	the	correct	messaging	for	the	
management process tool.
                                                             audience,	right	down	to	simple	word	changes	that	
With	the	tool	in	place,	Syngenta	set	about	a	major	          reflect	customer	differences	such	as	breed	of	crop	
marketing programme to identify who the users of             grown,	type	of	soil,	preferred	crop	protection	methods	
its	unbulked	product	were.		Loaded	with	the	24,000	          or	region	of	country,	for	example.	
farmer’	records,	the	marketing	team	used	Pivotal	CRM	
to	identify	customer	types,	which	in	turn	were	sent	         Value Analysis
targeted mailings inviting them to register with the         This intelligence also tiers customers in terms of
Syngenta customer loyalty programme.                         revenue	value	to	Syngenta.		Of	the	24,000	customers	
                                                             entered	on	its	Pivotal	database,	just	2,500	of	these	
Very much a pioneer in customer information in return        account for a massive 75% of potential income for
for	a	reward,	Syngenta	found	itself	party	to	bespoke	        Syngenta	and	its	competitors,	which	include	Bayer	and	
market	intelligence	that	money	could	not	buy.		              BASF.		

CDC Software | The Customer-Driven Company™                                                   CRM Case Study | 3
Talking the Talk                                             Pivotal Points
With	this	combined	knowledge,	Syngenta	can	talk	             All	marketing	campaigns	are	now	managed	from	
informatively	to	each	customer;	package	promotions	          Pivotal	CRM.		New	campaigns	are	distributed	to	the	
that	resonate,	a	seed	plus	crop	protection	deal	             sales	teams	via	the	platform;	customer	personalisation	
perhaps	or	bulk	purchase	discounts;	real	deals	that	         managed;	response	rates	to	promotions	analysed	and	
speak	value	or	opportunity	to	the	customer,	whilst	          supply versus demand monitored.
increasing revenues for Syngenta.
                                                             “We	recognise	the	strategic	business	benefits	of	
                                                             gathering and understanding customer usage.
Positive Outlook
                                                             Using	the	data	captured	by	Pivotal	CRM,	Syngenta	
In	August	2011,	the	Pivotal	6	upgrade	brought	
                                                             can adapt and change to ensure it is consistently
integration	with	MS	Outlook.		The	result	is	a	‘link’	
                                                             delivering	the	best	sales	and	market	support	to	its	
button	from	the	customer	record	straight	to	MS	
                                                             direct	and	in-direct	customers,”	explained	Simon	
Outlook. The sales team can work from the customer
record	or	Outlook	to	create	activities,	for	example,	
emails,	notes	or	tasks,	as	well	as	sales	calls,	
                                                             Expert Opinion
customer	responses	and	literature	fulfilment.		The	
                                                             Simon	Laidler	has	worked	at	Syngenta	for	over	30	
operational	benefits	have	been	immediate.		Sales	
                                                             years.		Having	worked	in	field	sales	before	moving	
cohesion with marketing programmes and response to
                                                             to	a	customer	relationship	management	role,	he	fully	
customer	reaction	has	never	been	better.		
                                                             understands	the	needs	of	farmers	and	growers,	and	
                                                             the difference that quality seeds and crop protection
Field Sales Team Reaps Benefits
                                                             products can have on the success or failure of a
The	field	sales	team	has	probably	benefited	the	most	
from	the	integration	with	MS	Outlook.		All	34	field	
sales people now have access to exactly the same             No	two	farmers	will	experience	the	same	growing	
information.		Their	territories	are	arranged	equally,	       season.		Therefore,	no	two	farmers	will	have	the	
based	on	farm	numbers	and	value	but		it	is	possible	         same	requirements	from	Syngenta.		To	this	end,	
that	more	than	one	account	manager	will	be	looking	          Simon	can’t	stress	the	importance	of	communicating	
after	the	same	customer,	if	it	is	a	multi-site	farming	or	   with	customers	on	a	one-to-one	basis.
growing	business,	for	example.		
                                                             “Pivotal CRM provides us with the data we need to
Account	administration	has	been	simplified	and	the	          personalise our customer contact. It has not changed
one time necessary duplication of entries in multiple        the	way	that	we	work;	it	has	made	us	better	and	more	
places	removed.		Records	and	entries	can	be	linked	          efficient.		Syngenta	will	always	meet	its	customers	
and	hyper-linked	for	further	simplification.		The	           face-to-face. There is no replacement for human
margins	for	errors	have	all	but	been	eliminated.             interaction. In parallel with technical advancement in
                                                             farm	procedures,	Pivotal	CRM	rationalises	processes,	
Getting Smart with Blackberry                                germinates opportunities and ensures a far greater
The	sales	team	is	also	benefiting	from	the	initial	          yield,”	continued	Simon	Laidler.
integration	of	Pivotal	CRM	with	Blackberry.		At	present	
it	is	restricted	to	customer	contacts,	but	greater	
assimilation	is	planned	and	in	the	next	12	months	
account	managers	will	be	able	to	view	customer	
contact	forms,	add	notes	and	communicate	directly	
with	customers	via	their	Blackberries.

According	to	one	of	the	field	sales	managers;	“Pivotal	
CRM’s	integration	with	Blackberry	is	a	phenomenal	
sales	tool.		I	have	the	contact	details	of	the	entire	UK	
farming	community	in	my	Blackberry.”

CDC Software | The Customer-Driven Company™                                                     CRM	Case	Study			|			4
Under the Bonnet                                                        Formal	project	management	methodology	was	
Pivotal CRM is hosted on a secure server at                             followed throughout the course of the recent upgrade
Syngenta’s	head	office	in	Grenoble,	France.		It	is	                     project.		The	CDC	Software	project	team	provided	
accessed	by	users	via	the	Syngenta	network,	or	                         clearly defined process and controls and ensured
remotely	by	the	sales	teams	across	the	UK	and	                          that adequate quality assurance measures were in
Ireland.		Within	12	months	it	is	expected	that	the	sales	               place	from	planning,	through	the	solution	and	user	
team	will	connect	increasingly	via	their	Blackberry’s,	                 acceptance	testing	phases,	to	the	point	of	go-live	
further reducing the amount of administration required                  and throughout the settling in period. Syngenta
post-customer visit.                                                    continues	to	be	supported	by	the	CDC	Software	
                                                                        issues management team and on-going CDC Software
Pivotal	CRM	is	also	used	by	Syngenta	sales	teams	in	
                                                                        technical resources.
France,	Australia,	USA,	Canada,	Mexico	and	some	
additional	South	American	countries.

Over	the	last	12	years,	CDC	Software,	Syngenta	UK	
and	the	regional	Syngenta	offices	have	established	an	
extremely	solid	and	collaborative	working	relationship.

“To support a system as vital as Pivotal CRM is
to	Syngenta,	it	is	essential	that	we	have	a	close	
relationship	with	CDC	Software.		We’re	constantly	
tweaking	the	software,	adding	new	fields	and	
intensifying the complexity of the platform. We
therefore	believe	it	is	essential	to	have	it	regularly	
MOTed	to	ensure	it	remains	as	robust	as	the	core	
technology,”	concluded	Simon	Laidler,	CRM	lead,	

      Want to learn more?
      Resource Library                                                         Reach Out                                         Email:

      CDC Pivotal CRM                                                          Global Office Locations                                        

      See How We Fit Your Industry                                             Stay Connected With CDC Software                          

Copyright	©	CDC	Software	2011.		All	rights	reserved.	The	CDC	Software	logo	is	a	registered	trademark	of	CDC	Software.	

CDC Software | The Customer-Driven Company™                                                                     CRM Case Study | 5

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18 syngenta uk

  • 1. Pivotal CRM Plants Revenue Growth & Customer Loyalty for Syngenta Real customer intelligence from farmer and growers’ reward programme realises a six times return on marketing investment for leading crop protection and seed growing business. Customer Details Syngenta Sector • Bio-science — crop protection and seed production Profile • Syngenta is one of the world’s leading providers of field crops, vegetables and flower seeds; seed care products; herbicides, insecticides and fungicides for crop protection, and turf, garden, home care and public health products. The majority of its products are sold to farmers and growers via wholesale and retail specialists. Challenges • To maximise the return on marketing and sales investments by better understanding the un-bulked product end-user, on micro, as well as macro level. Solution • Pivotal 5.9 from CDC Software, upgraded to Pivotal 6 in August 2011, which included full integration with Microsoft Outlook and address book functionality with Blackberry. Full Blackberry software integration expected to be completed by summer 2012. CDC Software | The Customer-Driven Company™ CRM Case Study | 1
  • 2. Customer Summary • Microsoft Outlook and Blackberry assimilation has After evaluating a number of options, Syngenta increased efficiencies and streamlined customer implemented Pivotal CRM, largely because of its management, profiling and communications ability to streamline customer records and build a • 360 view of promotion reactions against demand complex database of end-user product usage. vs. supply fluctuations visualises campaign In 2010, after 12 years of total CRM support from effectiveness CDC Software, the maker of Pivotal CRM, Syngenta • Underpins all that ensures a happy, well supported reviewed the market options and established that no and increasingly loyal customer base other commercial CRM solution could match the pin- point customer intelligence generated by Pivotal CRM, Fully Supported Customer nor had the feature flexibility Relationship Management that enabled Syngenta to Syngenta is committed to supporting sustainable Pivotal CRM is customise and add the agriculture through innovative research and functionality it needed to not just a contacts technology. It provides the crucial link between crop meet its specific business success and failure for farmers and plant growers. It database. It needs. is vital that Syngenta understands the needs of each underpins all As a result, the option was customer, both the business and the environmental factors that impact crop success. our customer taken to upgrade to Pivotal CRM 6, with its Microsoft End-user intelligence holds the key to Syngenta’s interaction. Our Outlook and Blackberry success. The only way to get this is to understand, go-to-market integration. The system firstly who the end customers are and then, establish was set-up in parallel to their growing profiles and methods of plant husbandry strategy could not Pivotal CRM 5.9 to ensure and crop protection. With this intelligence it is then function without a smooth transition. possible to market effectively to them, targeting Syngenta had seen a four- them with promotions or advice on how to combine Pivotal. fold return on marketing products for better results, for example. Simon Laidler and sales investment CRM Lead, Syngenta This was a challenge in itself. Syngenta products since using Pivotal CRM as the lynch-pin to its are sold in bulk to wholesale and retail suppliers to marketing programmes. It is also seeing significant the farming and plant growing markets and therefore turnover increases from existing product lines, plus there was no direct sales relationship with the end- the opportunity for new promotions and revenue user. streams as the result of further refining customer responsiveness by integrating with MS Outlook. Prior Engagement Prior to Pivotal CRM, the Syngenta field sales teams Benefits of Pivotal CRM to Syngenta used a disparate mix of pen and paper; spread sheet and basic database customer records. There was • Actual customer intelligence enabling highly little process cohesion and records had to be shared targeted promotions - realising a four times return manually and updated individually, all time consuming on campaign investment processes and leaving very little scope for customer • Analytical breakdown of purchasing profiles analytics. and trend mapping has opened up revenue and co-operative marketing opportunities with sales channel CDC Software | The Customer-Driven Company™ CRM Case Study | 2
  • 3. What Changed? Once a year these farmers and growers are now In 1999, this changed with the initial Pivotal asked to submit details of their product usage for that installation. A significant upgrade in 2004 completely year. This qualifies them for a credit payment based revolutionised the way that Syngenta interfaced with on variables including purchase volumes and product its customers and there was an immediate parallel types, which can be exchanged for goods from a increase in revenue versus increased customer catalogue of business related products, for example, satisfaction. IT hardware, weather stations, or protective clothing. Syngenta needed a CRM tool that could support Data Analysis its end-to-end sale process; a platform that could Pivotal CRM not only issues the loyalty statements to combine traditional customer contact tools with an customers, it is used to collate and analyse the entries, extremely sophisticated, data-heavy customer rewards creating management reports for use by the marketing programme, potentially holding the details of the UK’s and sales teams that provide a picture of trends 24,000 potential farmer and grower records, plus those including the impact that environmental changes are of industry advisory and influencer groups. having on growing processes, future customer needs The storage requirement, and that of the analytics, and the current provision against customer demand. meant realistically only a bespoke CRM platform could “The information we get from farmers is gold dust. support Syngenta’s business needs, but a bespoke Once we’ve engaged with a farmer we start to solution was beyond its budget bounds. Pivotal CRM understand about his growing processes, the varieties bridged both by combining the price point of an off- he grows and the-shelf solution with the ability for the CRM team to his opinions on easily customise fields to ensure absolute compatibility protection methods. Pivotal is the with the businesses requirements, not only now, but into the future. Farmers have only way we an emotional “Pivotal CRM was the only CRM platform able to attachment to can confirm manage such a complex customer database. No other their crops. Like who is actually product had the flexibility in terms of existing features a child, they want and customisation,” explained Simon Laidler, CRM to protect them, using our lead at Syngenta. give them the best products in food and the most Customer Rewards effective medicines the field. to ensure that they Simon Laidler To fulfil the need for customer intelligence, to identify areas for product development, improvement and thrive,” explained to consistently provide the level of service needed Simon Laidler. by its customers, Syngenta set-up its customer From this data, highly targeted marketing campaigns rewards programme, creating a feedback capture and can be developed, with the correct messaging for the management process tool. audience, right down to simple word changes that With the tool in place, Syngenta set about a major reflect customer differences such as breed of crop marketing programme to identify who the users of grown, type of soil, preferred crop protection methods its unbulked product were. Loaded with the 24,000 or region of country, for example. farmer’ records, the marketing team used Pivotal CRM to identify customer types, which in turn were sent Value Analysis targeted mailings inviting them to register with the This intelligence also tiers customers in terms of Syngenta customer loyalty programme. revenue value to Syngenta. Of the 24,000 customers entered on its Pivotal database, just 2,500 of these Very much a pioneer in customer information in return account for a massive 75% of potential income for for a reward, Syngenta found itself party to bespoke Syngenta and its competitors, which include Bayer and market intelligence that money could not buy. BASF. CDC Software | The Customer-Driven Company™ CRM Case Study | 3
  • 4. Talking the Talk Pivotal Points With this combined knowledge, Syngenta can talk All marketing campaigns are now managed from informatively to each customer; package promotions Pivotal CRM. New campaigns are distributed to the that resonate, a seed plus crop protection deal sales teams via the platform; customer personalisation perhaps or bulk purchase discounts; real deals that managed; response rates to promotions analysed and speak value or opportunity to the customer, whilst supply versus demand monitored. increasing revenues for Syngenta. “We recognise the strategic business benefits of gathering and understanding customer usage. Positive Outlook Using the data captured by Pivotal CRM, Syngenta In August 2011, the Pivotal 6 upgrade brought can adapt and change to ensure it is consistently integration with MS Outlook. The result is a ‘link’ delivering the best sales and market support to its button from the customer record straight to MS direct and in-direct customers,” explained Simon Outlook. The sales team can work from the customer Laidler. record or Outlook to create activities, for example, emails, notes or tasks, as well as sales calls, Expert Opinion customer responses and literature fulfilment. The Simon Laidler has worked at Syngenta for over 30 operational benefits have been immediate. Sales years. Having worked in field sales before moving cohesion with marketing programmes and response to to a customer relationship management role, he fully customer reaction has never been better. understands the needs of farmers and growers, and the difference that quality seeds and crop protection Field Sales Team Reaps Benefits products can have on the success or failure of a The field sales team has probably benefited the most harvest. from the integration with MS Outlook. All 34 field sales people now have access to exactly the same No two farmers will experience the same growing information. Their territories are arranged equally, season. Therefore, no two farmers will have the based on farm numbers and value but it is possible same requirements from Syngenta. To this end, that more than one account manager will be looking Simon can’t stress the importance of communicating after the same customer, if it is a multi-site farming or with customers on a one-to-one basis. growing business, for example. “Pivotal CRM provides us with the data we need to Account administration has been simplified and the personalise our customer contact. It has not changed one time necessary duplication of entries in multiple the way that we work; it has made us better and more places removed. Records and entries can be linked efficient. Syngenta will always meet its customers and hyper-linked for further simplification. The face-to-face. There is no replacement for human margins for errors have all but been eliminated. interaction. In parallel with technical advancement in farm procedures, Pivotal CRM rationalises processes, Getting Smart with Blackberry germinates opportunities and ensures a far greater The sales team is also benefiting from the initial yield,” continued Simon Laidler. integration of Pivotal CRM with Blackberry. At present it is restricted to customer contacts, but greater assimilation is planned and in the next 12 months account managers will be able to view customer contact forms, add notes and communicate directly with customers via their Blackberries. According to one of the field sales managers; “Pivotal CRM’s integration with Blackberry is a phenomenal sales tool. I have the contact details of the entire UK farming community in my Blackberry.” CDC Software | The Customer-Driven Company™ CRM Case Study | 4
  • 5. Under the Bonnet Formal project management methodology was Pivotal CRM is hosted on a secure server at followed throughout the course of the recent upgrade Syngenta’s head office in Grenoble, France. It is project. The CDC Software project team provided accessed by users via the Syngenta network, or clearly defined process and controls and ensured remotely by the sales teams across the UK and that adequate quality assurance measures were in Ireland. Within 12 months it is expected that the sales place from planning, through the solution and user team will connect increasingly via their Blackberry’s, acceptance testing phases, to the point of go-live further reducing the amount of administration required and throughout the settling in period. Syngenta post-customer visit. continues to be supported by the CDC Software issues management team and on-going CDC Software Pivotal CRM is also used by Syngenta sales teams in technical resources. France, Australia, USA, Canada, Mexico and some additional South American countries. Over the last 12 years, CDC Software, Syngenta UK and the regional Syngenta offices have established an extremely solid and collaborative working relationship. “To support a system as vital as Pivotal CRM is to Syngenta, it is essential that we have a close relationship with CDC Software. We’re constantly tweaking the software, adding new fields and intensifying the complexity of the platform. We therefore believe it is essential to have it regularly MOTed to ensure it remains as robust as the core technology,” concluded Simon Laidler, CRM lead, Syngenta. Want to learn more? Resource Library Reach Out Email: CDC Pivotal CRM Global Office Locations See How We Fit Your Industry Stay Connected With CDC Software Copyright © CDC Software 2011. All rights reserved. The CDC Software logo is a registered trademark of CDC Software. CDC Software | The Customer-Driven Company™ CRM Case Study | 5