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 Safety in the clinical environment: Electrical safety
 Physiological effects of electricity
 Susceptibility parameters
 Distribution of electrical power
 Isolated power systems
 Macroshock hazards
 Microshock hazards
 Electrical safety codes and standards
 Protection
 Power distribution
 Ground fault circuit interrupters (GFCI)
 Equipment design
 Electrical safety analyzers / Testing electrical systems
Safety in Clinical Environment
 Electrical hazards
 Electrical shocks (micro and macro) due to equipment failure, failure of
power delivery systems, ground failures, burns, fire, etc.
 Mechanical hazards
 mobility aids, transfer devices, prosthetic devices, mechanical assist
devices, patient support devices
 Environmental hazards
 Solid wastes, noise, utilities (natural gas), building structures, etc.
 Biological hazards
 Infection control, viral outbreak, isolation, decontamination, sterilization,
waste disposal issues
 Radiation hazards
 Use of radioactive materials, radiation devices (X-ray, CT), exposure
Electrical Safety
 Many sources of energy, potentially hazardous substances,
instruments and procedures
 Use of fire, compressed air, water, chemicals, drugs, microorganisms,
waste, sound, electricity, radiation, natural and unnatural disaster,
negligence, sources of radiation, etc.
 Medical procedures expose patients to increased risks of hazards due
to skin and membranes being penetrated / altered
 10,000 device related injuries in the US every year! Typically due to
 Improper use
 Inadequate training
 Lack of experience
 Improper (lack of) use of manuals
 Device failure
Physiological Effects of Electricity
 For electricity to have an effect on the human body:
 An electrical potential difference must be present
 The individual must be part of the electrical circuit, that is, a current must
enter the body at one point and leave it at some other point.
 However, what causes the physiological effect is NOT voltage, but
rather CURRENT.
 A high voltage (K.103V) applied over a large impedance (rough skin) may
not cause much (any) damage
 A low voltage applied over very small impedances (heart tissue) may cause
grave consequences (ventricular fibrillation)
 The magnitude of the current is equal to the applied voltage divided
by the total effective impedance the current faces; skin : largest.
 Electricity can have one of three effects:
 Electrical stimulation of excitable tissue (muscles, nerve)
 Resistive heating of tissue
 Electrical burns / tissue damage for direct current and high voltages
Physiological Effects of Electricity
Physiological effects of electricity. Threshold or estimated mean values are given for each effect in a
70 kg human for a 1 to 3 s exposure to 60 Hz current applied via copper wires grasped by the hands.
Dry skin impedance:93 kΩ / cm2
Electrode gel on skin: 10.8 kΩ / cm2
Penetrated skin: 200 Ω / cm2
The real physiological effect depends on the actual path of the current
 Threshold of perception: The minimal current that an individual can detect. For AC (with
wet hands) can be as small as 0.5 mA at 60 Hz. For DC, 2 ~10 mA
 Let-go current: The maximal current at which the subject can voluntarily withdraw.
6~100mA, at which involuntary muscle contractions, reflex withdrawals, secondary physical
effects (falling, hitting head) may also occur. Minimal threshold is 6mA.
 Respiratory Paralysis / Pain / Fatigue At high currents, involuntary contractions of
respiratory muscles can cause asphyxiation / respiratory arrest (18-22 ma), if the current is not
interrupted. Strong involuntary contraction of other muscles can cause pain and fatigue
 Ventricular fibrillation 75 ~ 400 mA can cause heart muscles to contract uncontrollably,
altering the normal propagation of the electrical activity of the heart. HR can raise up to 300
bpm, rapid, disorganized and too high to pump any meaningful amount of blood  ventricular
fibrillation. Normal rhythm can only return using a defibrillator
 Sustained myocardial contraction / Burns and physical injury At 1 ~6 A, the
entire heart muscle contracts and heart stops beating. This will not cause irreversible tissue
damage, however, as normal rhythm will return once the current is removed. At or after 10A,
however, burns can occur, particularly at points of entry and exit because skin resistance is high.
Physiological Effects of Electricity
Important Susceptibility Parameters
 Threshold and let-go current variability
Distributions of perception thresholds and let-go currents These data depend on surface area of
contact, moistened hand grasping AWG No. 8 copper wire, 70 kg human, 60Hz, 1~3 s. of exposure
Threshold of perception
Women-0.7mA mean
Important Susceptibility Parameters
 Frequency
Note that the minimal let-
go current happens at the
precise frequency of
commercial power-line,
Let-go current rises below
10 Hz and above several
hundred Hz.
Let-go current versus frequency
Percentile values indicate variability of
let-go current among individuals. Let-go
currents for women are about two-
thirds the values for men.
Important Susceptibility Parameters
 Duration
 The longer the duration, the smaller
the current at which ventricular
fibrillation occurs
 Shock must occur long enough to
coincide with the most vulnerable
period occurring during the T wave.
 Weight
 Fibrillation threshold increases with
body weight (from 50mA for 6kg
dogs to 130 mA for 24 kg dogs)
Fibrillation current versus shock
duration. Thresholds for ventricular
fibrillation in animals for 60 Hz AC current.
Duration of current (0.2 to 5 s) and weight
of animal body were varied.
Important Susceptibility Parameters
 Points of entry
 The magnitude of the current required to fibrillate the heart is far greater if the
current is not applied directly to heart; externally applied current loses much of
its amplitude due to current distributions. Large, externally applied currents cause
 If catheters are used, the natural protection provided by the skin (15 kΩ ~ 2
MΩ) is bypassed, greatly reducing the amount of current req’d to cause
fibrillation. Even smallest currents (80 ~ 600 μA), causing microshock, may
result in fibrillation. Safety limit for microshocks is 10 μA.
 The precise point of entry, even externally is very important: If both points of
entry and exit are on the same extremity, the risk of fibrillation is greatly reduced
even at high currents (e.g. for dog the current req’d for fibrillation through Lead
I (LA-RA) electrodes is higher than for Leads II (LL-RA) and III (LL-LA).
Important Susceptibility Parameters
 Points of entry
Effect of entry points on current distribution (a) Macroshock, externally applied current spreads through-
out the body. (b) Microshock, all the current applied through an intracardiac catheter flows through the heart.
Distribution of
Electrical Power
Simplified electric-power distribution for 115 V circuits. Power frequency is 60 Hz
(230 V)
Distribution of Power
 If electrical devices were perfect, only two wires
would be adequate (hot and return), with all power
confined to these two wires. However, there are
two major departures from this ideal case:
• A fault may occur, through miswiring,
component failure, etc., causing an electrical
potential between an exposed surface (metal
casing of the device) and a grounded surface
(wet floor, metal case of another device etc.)
Any person who bridges these two surfaces is
subject to macroshock.
• Even if a fault does not occur, imperfect insulation or electromagnetic
coupling (capacitive or inductive) may produce an electrical potential
relative to the ground. A susceptible patient providing a path for this
leakage current to flow to the ground is subject to microshock.
 The additional line that is connected directly to the earth-ground provides the
 In case of a fault (short circuit between hot conductor and metal casing), a
large current will use the path through the ground wire (instead of the patient)
and not only protect the patient, but also cause the circuit breaker to open.
The ability of the grounding system to conduct high currents to ground is
crucial for this to work!
 If there is no fault, the ground wire serves to conduct the leakage current
safely back to the electrical power source – again, as long as the grounding
system provides a low-resistance pathway to the ground
 Leakage current recommended by ECRI are established to prevent injury in
case the grounding system fails and a patient touches an electrically active
surface (10 ~ 100 μA).
Isolated Power Distribution
Not grounded !
• Normally, when there is a ground-fault from hot wire to ground, a large current is drawn
causing a potential hazard, as the device will stop functioning when the circuit breakers
open !
• This can be prevented by using the isolated system, which separates ground from neutral,
making neutral and hot electrically identical. A single ground-fault will not cause large
currents, as long as both hot conductors are initially isolated from ground!
Isolated Power Distribution
Not grounded !
• In fact, in such an isolated system, if a single ground-fault occurs, the system simply
reverts back to the normal ground-referenced system.
•A line isolation monitor is used with such system that continuously monitors for the
first ground fault, during which case it simply informs the operators to fix the problem.
•The single ground fault does NOT constitute a hazard!
 Most electrical devices have a metal cabinet, which constitutes a hazard, in
case of an insulation failure or shortened component between the hot
power lead and the chassis. There is then 115 ~ 230 V between the chassis
and any other grounded object.
 The first line of defense available to patients is their skin.
 The outer layer provides 15 kΩ to 1 MΩ depending on the part of the body,
moisture and sweat present, 1% of that of dry skin if skin is wet or broken.
 Internal resistance of the body is 200Ω for each limb, and 100Ω for the trunk,
thus internal body resistance between any two limbs is about 500Ω (somewhat
higher for obese people due to high resistivity of the adipose tissue)!
 Any medical procedure that reduces or eliminates the skin resistance increases
the risk of electrical shock, including biopotential electrode gel, electronic
thermometers placed in ears, mouth, rectum, intravenous catheters, etc.
 A third wire, grounded to earth, can greatly reduce the effect of
macroshock, as the resistance of that path would be much smaller than
even that of internal body resistance!
Macroshock Hazards
• Direct faults between the hot conductor and the ground is not common,
and technically speaking, ground connection is not necessary during
normal operation.
•In fact, a ground fault will not be detected during normal operation of
the device, only when someone touches it, the hazard becomes known.
•Therefore, the continuity of ground wire in devices and receptacles must
be tested periodically.
Macroshock Hazards
Microshock Hazards
Small currents inevitably flow between adjacent insulated
conductors at different potentials  leakage currents
which flow through stray capacitances, insulation, dust and
Leakage current flowing to the chassis flows safely to
the ground, if a low-resistance ground wire is available.
Microshock Hazards
• If ground wire is broken, the chassis
potential rises above the ground; a
patient who has a grounded
connection to the heart (e.g. through a
catheter) receives a microshock if
he/she touches the chassis.
• If there is a connection from the
chassis to the patient’s heart, and a
connection to the ground anywhere in
the body, this also causes microshock.
• Note that the hazard for
microshock only exists if there is a
direct connection to the heart.
•Otherwise, even the internal
resistance of the body is high enough
top prevent the microshocks.
Microshock via
Ground Potentials
•Microshocks can also occur if
different devices are not at the
exact same ground potential.
•In fact, the microshock can
occur even when a device that
does not connected to the
patient has a ground fault!
•A fairly common ground wire
resistance of 0.1Ω can easily
cause a 500mV potential
difference if initiated due to, 5A
of ground fault.
•If the patient resistance is less
than 50kΩ, this would cause an
above safe current of 10μA
Safety Codes & Standards
 Limits on leakage current are instituted and regulated by the safety
codes instituted in part by the National Fire Protection Association
(NFPA), American National Standards Institute (ANSI), Association
for the Advancement of Medical Instrumentation (AAMI), and
Emergency Care Research Institute (ECRI).
Basic Approaches to
Shock Protection
There are two major ways to protect patients from
Completely isolate and insulate patient from all grounded
object and all sources of electric current
Keep all conductive surfaces within reach of the patient at the
same voltage
Neither of these can be fully achieved  some
combination of these two
Grounding system
Isolated power-distribution system
Ground-fault circuit interrupters (GFCI)
Grounding Systems
Low resistance (0.15 Ω) ground that can
carry currents up to the circuit-breaker
ratings protects patients by keeping all
conductive surfaces and receptacle
grounds at the same potential.
Protects patients from
• Macroshocks
• Microshocks
• Ground faults elsewhere
The difference between the receptacle
grounds and other surface should not
exceed 40 mV
All the receptacle grounds and conductive surfaces
in the vicinity of the patient are connected to the
patient-equipment grounding point.
Each patient-equipment grounding point is
connected to the reference grounding point that
makes a single connection to the building ground.
Isolated Power Systems
 A good equipotential grounding system cannot eliminate large
current that may result from major ground-faults (which are
rather rare).
 Isolated power systems can protect against such major (single)
ground faults
Provide considerable protection against macroshocks,
particularly around wet conditions
However, they are expensive
Used only at locations where flammable anesthetics are used.
Additional minor protection against microshocks does not
justify the high cost of these systems to be used everywhere in
the clinical environment
Ground – Fault
Circuit Interrupters (GFCI)
 Disconnects source of electric current when a ground fault greater than about 6 mA occurs!
•When there is no fault, Ihot=Ineutral. The GFCI detects the difference between these two
currents. If the difference is above a threshold, that means the rest of the current must
be flowing through elsewhere, either the chassis or the patient !!!.
•The detection is done through the monitoring the voltage induced by the two coils (hot
and neutral) in the differential transformer!
•The National Electric Code (NEC - 1996) requires that all
circuits serving bathrooms, garages, outdoor receptacles,
swimming pools and construction sites be fitted with
•GFCI protect against major ground faults only, not
against microshocks.
•Patient care areas are typically not fitted with GFCI, since
the loss of power to life support equipment can also be
equally deadly!
Protection through
Equipment Design
 Strain-relief devices for cords is recommended, where cord enters the
equipment and connection between the cord and plug
 Reduction of leakage current through proper layout and insulation to minimize
the capacitance between all hot conductors and the chassis
 Double insulation is used to prevent the contact of the patient with the chassis
or any other conducting surface (outer case being insulating material, plastic
knobs, etc.)
 Operation at low voltages; solid state devices operating at <10V are far less
likely to cause macroshocks
 Electrical isolation in circuit design
Electrical Isolation
and resistance
Input common
*IMRR in v/v
common o =
SIG± Gain
• Main features of an isolation amplifier:
• High ohmic isolation between input and output (>10MΩ)
• High isolation mode voltage (>1000V)
• High common mode rejection ration (>100 dB)
Transformer Isolation Amplifiers
+ 15 V DC
25 kHz
- 7.5 V
+ 7.5 V
In com
In +
5 V
25 kHz
Rect. &
± 5 V
Optical Isolation Amplifier
Isolation barrier
o = i
RK = 1M W
1 2
Capacitive Isolation Amplifier
Electrical Safety Analyzers
Wiring / Receptacle Testing
 Three LED receptacle tester:
 Simple device used to test common wiring problems (can detect only 8 of possible 64
 Will not detect ground/neutral reversal, or when ground/neutral are hot and hot is
grounded (GFCI would detect the latter)
Electrical Safety Analyzers
Testing Electrical Appliances
 Ground-pin-to-chassis resistance: Should be <0.15Ω during
the life of the appliance
Ground-pin-to-chassis resistance test
Electrical Safety Analyzers
Testing Electrical Appliances
 Chassis leakage current: The leakage current should not exceed 500μA with single fault for
devices not intended for patient contact, and not exceed 300 μA for those that are intended for
patient contact.
To exposed conductive
surface or if none, then 10 by
20 cm metal foil in contact
with the exposed surface
Insulating surface
Current meter
Test circuit
Open switch
for appliances
not intended to
contact a patient
switch (use in
OPEN position)
Polarity- reversing
switch (use both
Appliance power switch
(use both OFF and ON positions)
This connection
is at service
entrance or on
supply side of
separately derived
H (black)
N (white)
H = hot
N = neutral (grounded)
G = grounding conductor
I < 500 μA for facility owned housekeeping and maintenance appliances
I > 300 μA for appliances intended for use in the patient vicinity
120 V
G (green)
Electrical Safety Analyzers
Testing Electrical Appliances
Leakage current in patient leads:
Potentially most damaging leakage is the one with patient
leads, since they typically have low impedance patient
Current should be restricted to 50μA for non-isolated leads
and to 10 μA for isolated leads (used with catheters /
electrodes that make connection to the heart)
Leakage current between any pair of leads, or between a
single lead and other patient connections should also be
Leakage in case of line voltage appearing on the patient
should also be restricted.
Leakage current Testers
Test for leakage current from
patient leads to ground
Leakage Current testers
Test for leakage current
between patient leads
Leakage Current Testers
Test for ac isolation current
Isolation current is
the current that
passes through
patient leads to
ground if and when
line voltage appears
on the patient.
This should also be
limited to 50μA
Commercially Available ESA

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1728511503435_Electrical Safety Analyzer.ppt

  • 2. TOPICS TO BE COVERED  Safety in the clinical environment: Electrical safety  Physiological effects of electricity  Susceptibility parameters  Distribution of electrical power  Isolated power systems  Macroshock hazards  Microshock hazards  Electrical safety codes and standards  Protection  Power distribution  Ground fault circuit interrupters (GFCI)  Equipment design  Electrical safety analyzers / Testing electrical systems
  • 3. Safety in Clinical Environment  Electrical hazards  Electrical shocks (micro and macro) due to equipment failure, failure of power delivery systems, ground failures, burns, fire, etc.  Mechanical hazards  mobility aids, transfer devices, prosthetic devices, mechanical assist devices, patient support devices  Environmental hazards  Solid wastes, noise, utilities (natural gas), building structures, etc.  Biological hazards  Infection control, viral outbreak, isolation, decontamination, sterilization, waste disposal issues  Radiation hazards  Use of radioactive materials, radiation devices (X-ray, CT), exposure control
  • 4. Electrical Safety  Many sources of energy, potentially hazardous substances, instruments and procedures  Use of fire, compressed air, water, chemicals, drugs, microorganisms, waste, sound, electricity, radiation, natural and unnatural disaster, negligence, sources of radiation, etc.  Medical procedures expose patients to increased risks of hazards due to skin and membranes being penetrated / altered  10,000 device related injuries in the US every year! Typically due to  Improper use  Inadequate training  Lack of experience  Improper (lack of) use of manuals  Device failure
  • 5. Physiological Effects of Electricity  For electricity to have an effect on the human body:  An electrical potential difference must be present  The individual must be part of the electrical circuit, that is, a current must enter the body at one point and leave it at some other point.  However, what causes the physiological effect is NOT voltage, but rather CURRENT.  A high voltage (K.103V) applied over a large impedance (rough skin) may not cause much (any) damage  A low voltage applied over very small impedances (heart tissue) may cause grave consequences (ventricular fibrillation)  The magnitude of the current is equal to the applied voltage divided by the total effective impedance the current faces; skin : largest.  Electricity can have one of three effects:  Electrical stimulation of excitable tissue (muscles, nerve)  Resistive heating of tissue  Electrical burns / tissue damage for direct current and high voltages
  • 6. Physiological Effects of Electricity Physiological effects of electricity. Threshold or estimated mean values are given for each effect in a 70 kg human for a 1 to 3 s exposure to 60 Hz current applied via copper wires grasped by the hands. Dry skin impedance:93 kΩ / cm2 Electrode gel on skin: 10.8 kΩ / cm2 Penetrated skin: 200 Ω / cm2 The real physiological effect depends on the actual path of the current
  • 7.  Threshold of perception: The minimal current that an individual can detect. For AC (with wet hands) can be as small as 0.5 mA at 60 Hz. For DC, 2 ~10 mA  Let-go current: The maximal current at which the subject can voluntarily withdraw. 6~100mA, at which involuntary muscle contractions, reflex withdrawals, secondary physical effects (falling, hitting head) may also occur. Minimal threshold is 6mA.  Respiratory Paralysis / Pain / Fatigue At high currents, involuntary contractions of respiratory muscles can cause asphyxiation / respiratory arrest (18-22 ma), if the current is not interrupted. Strong involuntary contraction of other muscles can cause pain and fatigue  Ventricular fibrillation 75 ~ 400 mA can cause heart muscles to contract uncontrollably, altering the normal propagation of the electrical activity of the heart. HR can raise up to 300 bpm, rapid, disorganized and too high to pump any meaningful amount of blood  ventricular fibrillation. Normal rhythm can only return using a defibrillator  Sustained myocardial contraction / Burns and physical injury At 1 ~6 A, the entire heart muscle contracts and heart stops beating. This will not cause irreversible tissue damage, however, as normal rhythm will return once the current is removed. At or after 10A, however, burns can occur, particularly at points of entry and exit because skin resistance is high. Physiological Effects of Electricity
  • 8. Important Susceptibility Parameters  Threshold and let-go current variability Distributions of perception thresholds and let-go currents These data depend on surface area of contact, moistened hand grasping AWG No. 8 copper wire, 70 kg human, 60Hz, 1~3 s. of exposure Threshold of perception for Women-0.7mA mean
  • 9. Important Susceptibility Parameters  Frequency Note that the minimal let- go current happens at the precise frequency of commercial power-line, 50-60Hz. Let-go current rises below 10 Hz and above several hundred Hz. Let-go current versus frequency Percentile values indicate variability of let-go current among individuals. Let-go currents for women are about two- thirds the values for men.
  • 10. Important Susceptibility Parameters  Duration  The longer the duration, the smaller the current at which ventricular fibrillation occurs  Shock must occur long enough to coincide with the most vulnerable period occurring during the T wave.  Weight  Fibrillation threshold increases with body weight (from 50mA for 6kg dogs to 130 mA for 24 kg dogs) Fibrillation current versus shock duration. Thresholds for ventricular fibrillation in animals for 60 Hz AC current. Duration of current (0.2 to 5 s) and weight of animal body were varied.
  • 11. Important Susceptibility Parameters  Points of entry  The magnitude of the current required to fibrillate the heart is far greater if the current is not applied directly to heart; externally applied current loses much of its amplitude due to current distributions. Large, externally applied currents cause macroshock.  If catheters are used, the natural protection provided by the skin (15 kΩ ~ 2 MΩ) is bypassed, greatly reducing the amount of current req’d to cause fibrillation. Even smallest currents (80 ~ 600 μA), causing microshock, may result in fibrillation. Safety limit for microshocks is 10 μA.  The precise point of entry, even externally is very important: If both points of entry and exit are on the same extremity, the risk of fibrillation is greatly reduced even at high currents (e.g. for dog the current req’d for fibrillation through Lead I (LA-RA) electrodes is higher than for Leads II (LL-RA) and III (LL-LA).
  • 12. Important Susceptibility Parameters  Points of entry Effect of entry points on current distribution (a) Macroshock, externally applied current spreads through- out the body. (b) Microshock, all the current applied through an intracardiac catheter flows through the heart.
  • 13. Distribution of Electrical Power Simplified electric-power distribution for 115 V circuits. Power frequency is 60 Hz (230 V)
  • 14. Distribution of Power  If electrical devices were perfect, only two wires would be adequate (hot and return), with all power confined to these two wires. However, there are two major departures from this ideal case: • A fault may occur, through miswiring, component failure, etc., causing an electrical potential between an exposed surface (metal casing of the device) and a grounded surface (wet floor, metal case of another device etc.) Any person who bridges these two surfaces is subject to macroshock. • Even if a fault does not occur, imperfect insulation or electromagnetic coupling (capacitive or inductive) may produce an electrical potential relative to the ground. A susceptible patient providing a path for this leakage current to flow to the ground is subject to microshock.
  • 15. GROUND!  The additional line that is connected directly to the earth-ground provides the following:  In case of a fault (short circuit between hot conductor and metal casing), a large current will use the path through the ground wire (instead of the patient) and not only protect the patient, but also cause the circuit breaker to open. The ability of the grounding system to conduct high currents to ground is crucial for this to work!  If there is no fault, the ground wire serves to conduct the leakage current safely back to the electrical power source – again, as long as the grounding system provides a low-resistance pathway to the ground  Leakage current recommended by ECRI are established to prevent injury in case the grounding system fails and a patient touches an electrically active surface (10 ~ 100 μA).
  • 16. Isolated Power Distribution Not grounded ! • Normally, when there is a ground-fault from hot wire to ground, a large current is drawn causing a potential hazard, as the device will stop functioning when the circuit breakers open ! • This can be prevented by using the isolated system, which separates ground from neutral, making neutral and hot electrically identical. A single ground-fault will not cause large currents, as long as both hot conductors are initially isolated from ground!
  • 17. Isolated Power Distribution Not grounded ! • In fact, in such an isolated system, if a single ground-fault occurs, the system simply reverts back to the normal ground-referenced system. •A line isolation monitor is used with such system that continuously monitors for the first ground fault, during which case it simply informs the operators to fix the problem. •The single ground fault does NOT constitute a hazard!
  • 18. Macroshock  Most electrical devices have a metal cabinet, which constitutes a hazard, in case of an insulation failure or shortened component between the hot power lead and the chassis. There is then 115 ~ 230 V between the chassis and any other grounded object.  The first line of defense available to patients is their skin.  The outer layer provides 15 kΩ to 1 MΩ depending on the part of the body, moisture and sweat present, 1% of that of dry skin if skin is wet or broken.  Internal resistance of the body is 200Ω for each limb, and 100Ω for the trunk, thus internal body resistance between any two limbs is about 500Ω (somewhat higher for obese people due to high resistivity of the adipose tissue)!  Any medical procedure that reduces or eliminates the skin resistance increases the risk of electrical shock, including biopotential electrode gel, electronic thermometers placed in ears, mouth, rectum, intravenous catheters, etc.  A third wire, grounded to earth, can greatly reduce the effect of macroshock, as the resistance of that path would be much smaller than even that of internal body resistance!
  • 19. Macroshock Hazards • Direct faults between the hot conductor and the ground is not common, and technically speaking, ground connection is not necessary during normal operation. •In fact, a ground fault will not be detected during normal operation of the device, only when someone touches it, the hazard becomes known. •Therefore, the continuity of ground wire in devices and receptacles must be tested periodically.
  • 21. Microshock Hazards Small currents inevitably flow between adjacent insulated conductors at different potentials  leakage currents which flow through stray capacitances, insulation, dust and moisture Leakage current flowing to the chassis flows safely to the ground, if a low-resistance ground wire is available.
  • 22. Microshock Hazards • If ground wire is broken, the chassis potential rises above the ground; a patient who has a grounded connection to the heart (e.g. through a catheter) receives a microshock if he/she touches the chassis. • If there is a connection from the chassis to the patient’s heart, and a connection to the ground anywhere in the body, this also causes microshock. • Note that the hazard for microshock only exists if there is a direct connection to the heart. •Otherwise, even the internal resistance of the body is high enough top prevent the microshocks.
  • 23. Microshock via Ground Potentials •Microshocks can also occur if different devices are not at the exact same ground potential. •In fact, the microshock can occur even when a device that does not connected to the patient has a ground fault! •A fairly common ground wire resistance of 0.1Ω can easily cause a 500mV potential difference if initiated due to, 5A of ground fault. •If the patient resistance is less than 50kΩ, this would cause an above safe current of 10μA
  • 24. Safety Codes & Standards  Limits on leakage current are instituted and regulated by the safety codes instituted in part by the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA), American National Standards Institute (ANSI), Association for the Advancement of Medical Instrumentation (AAMI), and Emergency Care Research Institute (ECRI).
  • 25. Basic Approaches to Shock Protection There are two major ways to protect patients from shocks: Completely isolate and insulate patient from all grounded object and all sources of electric current Keep all conductive surfaces within reach of the patient at the same voltage Neither of these can be fully achieved  some combination of these two Grounding system Isolated power-distribution system Ground-fault circuit interrupters (GFCI)
  • 26. Grounding Systems Low resistance (0.15 Ω) ground that can carry currents up to the circuit-breaker ratings protects patients by keeping all conductive surfaces and receptacle grounds at the same potential. Protects patients from • Macroshocks • Microshocks • Ground faults elsewhere The difference between the receptacle grounds and other surface should not exceed 40 mV All the receptacle grounds and conductive surfaces in the vicinity of the patient are connected to the patient-equipment grounding point. Each patient-equipment grounding point is connected to the reference grounding point that makes a single connection to the building ground.
  • 27. Isolated Power Systems  A good equipotential grounding system cannot eliminate large current that may result from major ground-faults (which are rather rare).  Isolated power systems can protect against such major (single) ground faults Provide considerable protection against macroshocks, particularly around wet conditions However, they are expensive Used only at locations where flammable anesthetics are used. Additional minor protection against microshocks does not justify the high cost of these systems to be used everywhere in the clinical environment
  • 28. Ground – Fault Circuit Interrupters (GFCI)  Disconnects source of electric current when a ground fault greater than about 6 mA occurs! •When there is no fault, Ihot=Ineutral. The GFCI detects the difference between these two currents. If the difference is above a threshold, that means the rest of the current must be flowing through elsewhere, either the chassis or the patient !!!. •The detection is done through the monitoring the voltage induced by the two coils (hot and neutral) in the differential transformer!
  • 29. GFCI •The National Electric Code (NEC - 1996) requires that all circuits serving bathrooms, garages, outdoor receptacles, swimming pools and construction sites be fitted with GFCI. •GFCI protect against major ground faults only, not against microshocks. •Patient care areas are typically not fitted with GFCI, since the loss of power to life support equipment can also be equally deadly!
  • 30. Protection through Equipment Design  Strain-relief devices for cords is recommended, where cord enters the equipment and connection between the cord and plug  Reduction of leakage current through proper layout and insulation to minimize the capacitance between all hot conductors and the chassis  Double insulation is used to prevent the contact of the patient with the chassis or any other conducting surface (outer case being insulating material, plastic knobs, etc.)  Operation at low voltages; solid state devices operating at <10V are far less likely to cause macroshocks  Electrical isolation in circuit design
  • 31. Electrical Isolation CM CM CMRR SIG ISO ISO Error Isolation barrier Isolation Capacitance and resistance - + - + Input common (a) *IMRR in v/v Output common o = CM CMRR ISO IMRR SIG± Gain ± RF ISO IMRR* ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Error • Main features of an isolation amplifier: • High ohmic isolation between input and output (>10MΩ) • High isolation mode voltage (>1000V) • High common mode rejection ration (>100 dB)
  • 32. Transformer Isolation Amplifiers - + (b) + 15 V DC o Power return 25 kHz - 7.5 V +ISO Out SIG -ISO Out + 7.5 V In com In- In + FB ± 5 V F.S. Oscillator 25 kHz Signal Mod Rect. & filter Power Demod ± 5 V F.S. AD202 Hi Lo
  • 33. Optical Isolation Amplifier Isolation barrier Input control Output control -V +V +o - + o = i RK RG CR3 CR1 CR2 i2 i i i i1 RG AI AII i3 i2 o RK = 1M W - + - + + - (c) ~ 1 2
  • 35. Electrical Safety Analyzers Wiring / Receptacle Testing  Three LED receptacle tester:  Simple device used to test common wiring problems (can detect only 8 of possible 64 states)  Will not detect ground/neutral reversal, or when ground/neutral are hot and hot is grounded (GFCI would detect the latter)
  • 36. Electrical Safety Analyzers Testing Electrical Appliances  Ground-pin-to-chassis resistance: Should be <0.15Ω during the life of the appliance Ground-pin-to-chassis resistance test
  • 37. Electrical Safety Analyzers Testing Electrical Appliances  Chassis leakage current: The leakage current should not exceed 500μA with single fault for devices not intended for patient contact, and not exceed 300 μA for those that are intended for patient contact. To exposed conductive surface or if none, then 10 by 20 cm metal foil in contact with the exposed surface Insulating surface Current meter I Test circuit Open switch for appliances not intended to contact a patient Grounding-contact switch (use in OPEN position) Polarity- reversing switch (use both positions) Appliance power switch (use both OFF and ON positions) This connection is at service entrance or on supply side of separately derived system Building ground H (black) N (white) Appliance G N H H = hot N = neutral (grounded) G = grounding conductor I < 500 μA for facility owned housekeeping and maintenance appliances I > 300 μA for appliances intended for use in the patient vicinity 120 V G (green) Internal Circuitry
  • 38. Electrical Safety Analyzers Testing Electrical Appliances Leakage current in patient leads: Potentially most damaging leakage is the one with patient leads, since they typically have low impedance patient contacts Current should be restricted to 50μA for non-isolated leads and to 10 μA for isolated leads (used with catheters / electrodes that make connection to the heart) Leakage current between any pair of leads, or between a single lead and other patient connections should also be controlled Leakage in case of line voltage appearing on the patient should also be restricted.
  • 39. Leakage current Testers Test for leakage current from patient leads to ground
  • 40. Leakage Current testers Test for leakage current between patient leads
  • 41. Leakage Current Testers Test for ac isolation current Isolation current is the current that passes through patient leads to ground if and when line voltage appears on the patient. This should also be limited to 50μA

Editor's Notes

  1. Let’s now discuss the psychophysical and physiological effects that occurs in human as the magnitude of applied current progressively increases.
  2. Asphyxiation-the state or process of being deprived of oxygen, which can result in unconsciousness or death; suffocation.
  3. The additional ground line provides a good line of defense! (how / why?)
  4. ECRI – Emergency Care Research Institute
  5. IMRR-Isolation Mode Rejection Ratio  Rejection of isolation voltage by amplifier