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14 � March 2018 ◆
They are the ones who popularized
selfies, food porn, online communities,
byte sized learning, and introduced the
multitasking wonders of smartphones
to the world. However, it is evident
that they bring with them a cache of
unique experiences and skills that are
invaluable to the workplace. As today's
workplace creates room for millennials
who are seen to make for 50% of the
global workforce by 2020, and with the
arrival of Gen Z, the standard
engagement practices of the past need
to be done away with, so as to
accommodate ourselves for the arrival
of Gen Z and the inundation of
millennials. Failure to pay heed to this
would only result in the organisation
losing out on the top performing talent,
and in real quick time, and even worse,
to their competitors who offered them
an opportunity as per the needs of
their engagement. Revamping and
illennials are being viewed
through the wrong optics
since they are perceived as
the initiators of disruptions.M
As today's workplace creates room for millennials who are seen
to make
for 50% of the global workforce by 2020, and with the arrival of
Gen Z, the
standard engagement practices of the past need to be done away
with, so
as to accommodate ourselves for the arrival of Gen Z and the
inundation of
millennials. Failure to pay heed to this would only result in the
losing out on the top performing talent, and in real quick time,
and even
worse, to their competitors who offered them an opportunity as
per the
needs of their engagement.
“When people are financially invested, they want a return.
When people
are emotionally invested, they want to contribute.” - Simon
Paradox At Work
By Shruti Chadha and S. Ajay Kumar◆ March 2018 � 15
employees are unlikely to take on
anything outside of what they see as
their core remit. They will make
excuses or find reasons as to why they
cannot take on extra work, or try
newer ways of doing things. They may
refuse to entertain even the simplest
of requests.
3. Withdrawal from meetings and
gatherings: Disengaged employees
tend to withdraw and even isolate
themselves from their co-workers.
They choose to opt out when it comes
to meetings and gatherings. Even if
they are present during a meeting or
a team discussion, their minds wander
to other places. Paying little interest
to the matters of the organisation,
disengaged employees make fewer
efforts to engage and participate in
any of the company events.
4. I g n o r i n g r e f e r r a l r e q u e s t s :
Employees who are disengaged are
unlikely to refer candidates for open
positions. Even when you are actively
seeking out referrals, and do not
receive any from your employees, it
is an indicator that they may be
disengaged. Actively disengaged
employees might even use social
media to discourage others from
applying. The Net Promoter Score
(NPS) is where ratings can be given
on a zero to ten scale as to how likely
it is for a person to recommend this
company as a place to work.
Employees who score 9 or 10 are
called 'Promoters', those who score 7
innovating recognition practices can
capitalize employee talents so that they
flourish in the company. The changing
rules of engagement for the diverse
generation, spotting critical signs of
disengagement, employer-employee
expectation mismatch, innovative ways
of enhancing engagement along with
illustrations on best industry practices,
and the contemporary ways of
measuring the employee engagement
pulse have been mentioned in the
paragraphs to follow.
The changing laws of
In late 2014, the Northeastern
University conducted a survey on teens
in the age bracket of 16-19 years, and
came about with certain traits on Gen
Z that could give a sense of the
behaviour pattern of this wannabe
� 63 percent of the respondents stating
that colleges should be teaching
them on entrepreneurship
� 42 percent expect to be self-
employed later in life
� Interpersonal or face-to-face
interaction is highly important as
compared to communicating via
Spotting critical signs of
The 7 tell-tale signs that are needed to
be monitored by HR business partners
and engagement experts with empirical
evidence in order to help organisations
plan their engagement strategies.
1. Excessive absenteeism and
tardiness: That disengaged employees
do not rush to work in the mornings
is a common red flag. But, if some
employees are turning in slightly late
it does not imply that they are
disengaged, but it could be a strong
indicator that they are lacking time
management skills, are struggling with
work-life balance, or maintaining a
different lifestyle. Howe ve r, it is
noteworthy if employees are very late,
leave the office randomly, or take
extended lunch breaks. Absenteeism
is a lot more serious than tardiness.
Employees who do not come to work
at all, or who take lots of random sick
days are often simply fed up with their
work. And, if they seem to be
consistently ignoring pressing
deadlines and targets by requesting
days off, they are clearly disengaged.
2. Poor quality of work: Disengaged
employees certainly do not aim for
maximum quality. Actively disengaged
employees will not meet expectations.
Or, they may be doing just enough to
keep themselves from getting fired.
So, if there is a degeneration or
stagnation in the overall quality, it may
signal low engagement. Disengaged
“Fostering a culture of 'trust' in the organisation so employees
feel empowered
and responsible to go beyond themselves to ensure the
organisation's success
-- this is what great places to work strive for. And building this
trust does not come
easily. Engaging employees is one of the most important HR
mandate besides
talent attraction and retention. We have seen strong correlation
between employee
engagement and profitability. With the right strategy and
approach, employee
engagement can become one of the strongest tools for robust
business outcomes.
While there are several ways to boost engagement with
employees, one of the
most effective ones is to foster a system of continuous feedback
and conversations.
Praising an employee for a job well done is just as important as
pointing out
where there is room for improvement. Also crucial is to give
them credit and show appreciation in a timely manner. Building
an engaged, all-in workforce is an assured metric for the
success of not just the business but of the leader as well.”
Head of Human Resources
SAP India
16 � March 2018 ◆
or 8 are 'Passives', and an employee
who gives a score of 6 or below can
be viewed as a 'Detractor'. In general,
we like to improve upon and
participate in things that we care about
and appear meaningful to us. So, either
the employees are not connecting with
the mission and values of the company,
or they are unhappy in the office
5. Managers do not praise their team
members: An HR business partner
needs to ask the managers and
supervisors, "what did you do in the
past month to reward or praise your
team members?" If in return, there is
a hesitant answer or an awkward
silence, it might just be the beginning
of a grave engagement problem.
Employees who do not see their work
being recognized are unlikely to be
motivated or engaged.
6. Employees at odds and raise
complaints: Disengaged employees are
not interested in solving problems and
making progress. They often express
their lack of engagement through open
frustration and aggression. These
employees will always be at odds with
someone, and will resist new initiatives
or instructions from their manager.
7. Lack of ownership: 'Nothing to
do with me', 'not my responsibility,'
'thought someone else would do it'
are common refrains of those who
are disengaged with the company and
their role. Finding things that they do
care about in their role, even if it is
only one element, is the key to
changing the mindset of these
employees. Reallocation of duties
among a team can often revive
disengaged employees, with certain
team members thriving to do some
tasks that the others are not truly
deriving enjoyment from.
The Expectation Mismatch
A search into the motivators of the
workforce will invariably lead us to
the famous Herzberg's two-factor
motivational theor y. Her zberg's
findings revealed that certain
characteristics of a job are consistently
related to job satisfaction, while
certain factors are associated with job
dissatisfaction. He stated that factors
such as achievement, recognition,
responsibility and career advancement
are key motivating factors that will
help employees exceed at their work.
Whereas factors such as supervision,
company policies, work conditions,
salary were the hygiene factors, which
when absent were sure to demotivate
employees. With generations changing
at the workplace, from baby boomers
to Gen X, from Gen X to Millennials,
and now to Gen Z, we will need to
revisit motivational theories and
redefine their placement. With the
enhanced presence of the millennial
workforce and the arrival of the Gen
Z, certain factors that were seen as
motivators over the last decade are
no longer seen as motivating, but have
become the basic hygiene factors for
the multigenerational workforce.
Hygiene Factor 1:
Today, it is hard to find millennials/
generation Z without a smartphone,
and by 2020, it is evident that every
employee would be hooked to a smart
device. What would it look like if the
generation is to be married to their
work? What is it that would make them
wake up every morning excited to put
their nose to the grindstone another
day? Millennials want to put everything
they have into their work. Their hearts
sing because they are living their
purpose. Their minds are stimulated
by the challenge. Like Millennials, Gen
Z is a cohort of digital natives; they
have had the technology and the many
forms of communication since birth.
They are used to instant access to
information, and, like their older Gen
Y counterparts, they are continually
processing information. Like
Millennials, they prefer to solve their
own problems, and will turn to
YouTube or other video platforms for
“Employee engagement is one of the key pillars to building a
great company.
Today's dynamic and competitive environment clearly demands
a lot more from
HR than it was before. From creating a robust learning and
development ecosystem
across levels to ensuring employees live a healthy and
rewarding life; employee
engagement plays a massive role in an organisation. Technology
plays a powerful
tool here, for example online learning platforms are playing a
crucial role in helping
employees unearth their potential. Creating a caring and humane
environment that
offers flexibility, mentorship roles are other ways to engage
employees and build
goodwill. Do not forget to recognize achievements and build a
ecosystem. Employees should feel valued and they should
cherish their journey with an organisation. Happy and
successful employees are an asset to building a successful
Chief Human Resource Officer
Cigna TTK
Disengaged employees certainly do not
aim for maximum quality. Actively
disengaged employees will not meet
expectations. Or, they may be doing just enough
to keep themselves from getting fired. So, if there
is a degeneration or stagnation in the overall
quality, it may signal low engagement. Disengaged
employees are unlikely to take on anything
outside of what they see as their core remit.
COVER STORY◆ March 2018 � 17
tutorials to troubleshoot prior to
seeking assistance. They also place
great value on the reviews of their
peers. Fostering connectivity in the
workplace is a profound key to such
a kind of holistic happiness. For
managers with millennials on their
teams, this is great news for if they
can inspire creativity and innovation,
and if they have hired well, they are
sure to have a talented team of leaders
with some untapped potential.
Industry Practice: DreamWorks
Although employees at DreamWorks
Animation are provided with perks
such as free refreshments, paid
opportunity to decorate workspaces,
and company parties after the
completion of big projects, a practice
truly appreciated by them is if they
are encouraged to share their
personal work and projects amongst
their co-workers at such parties and
events. This makes way for
appreciation of non-work related
projects, kindles their creativity, and
makes employees feel that they are
more than just the work that they
perform. With other companies like
Google also providing employees with
the time to work and pitch their own
projects, and, this is a great way to
really tell your employees that not only
are they trusted, but that their input
and creativity is really valued.
Hygiene Factor 2: Career
Millennials grew up in a different world.
When they work at a company, money
does not merely motivate them.
Instead, they want more opportunities,
more progression, and more chances
at development. Creating individual
development plans could be the first
step in developing employees to create
a development plan. It is important to
sit down with the employee and discuss
individual interests and career goals.
Such a conversation will help identify
the developmental activities that
individuals should be undertaking.
After all, not everyone shares the same
goals or has the same perspective
about what they want to achieve in
their career.
Industry Practice: Hyatt group
of hotels
Hyatt's high employee retention and
long tenures speak volumes in an
industry known for high employee
turnover. The focus on employee
development and promoting from
within plays a large part in this. Another
interesting practice, connected to
development, is how they empower
their employees (whom they call
associates), to listen carefully to each
other and guests, to be able to solve
problems and create new solutions,
rather than following scripts of what
to do.
Hygiene Factor 3:
One thing Millennials are used to is
individuality. They have grown up in a
culture, which prizes nonconformity,
and they have carried this belief over
to their working lives. As employees
that value themselves as individual
talents, they expect an equally
personalized form of feedback that
addresses their strengths and
weaknesses. They also expect this from
the people they know; with 80%
Millennials saying they were seeking
regular feedback from their managers.
Such a personal and individual type of
recognition is designed to
simultaneously deliver feedback and
coaching. 95% of millennial employees
said they would work even harder if
they had learnt how their task
contributed to the company's larger
Industry Practice: Legal
This legal record management
company established a simpler, smaller
way to show employees that their hard
work is valued. The Appreciation Board
is a glass picture frame, on which
employees can write a note using a
marker, and present it to their
colleague to whom they want to show
appreciation to. Whoever receives the
board is free to keep it on display on
their desk, until they are ready to pass
it on to someone else, with each
achievement also being posted on the
company's Facebook page to increase
visibility outside of the team.
Hygiene Factor 4: Making
the Voice Work
These days, Millennials do not just have
to agree to their job role, they also
“Building and nurturing a great work culture and environment
where everyone
finds a place to bloom, every day is special, everything is
learning and everyone
is involved is an achievement par excellence. The environment
where employees
get excited about the organisation and feel proud of, can be
created only by
enthusiastic and highly energized people who derive enjoyment
from their work
and also make it a pleasure for those whom they work with.
Such an engaged
workforce is the real asset of any organisation and drives it to a
position of
invincibility. I am strongly convinced that the Human Resource
team plays the lead
role in driving this thought process and in inculcating this as
the credo of the
organisation. Experience is the edifice of every relationshi p
and relationship is the
anvil of engagement. Furthermore, promoting and fostering
strong employer-
employee relationship is fundamental to driving a great place to
work experience.
The general understanding and nuances of employer-employee
relations have
gone through a sea change in the recent years, thanks to a lot of
thinking in Human Resource management (HRM). A strong
employee employer
relationship is no longer seen as state of 'peaceful working',
rather is a platform
for co-creating business and individual success. Respecting and
valuing the
unique flavour and strength of every employee, and binding
them through a
common shared vision and purpose is quintessential to forging
the said connect. A work culture that has elements of
collaboration, supportiveness, result orientation and respect
cannot but be strongly bonded."
Vice President - Human Resources
CDK Global (India)
18 � March 2018 ◆
have to agree to the company.
Millennials are a generation who are
deeply socially aware, and will often
prioritize a company whose social
innovations they agree with, over one
with which they do not. Combined
with the fact that they are some of
the most educated employees in the
workforce, companies should strive
to let Millennials in on company
decisions as a means of recognition.
This does not have to be anything
very significant; simple things like the
company's charitable decisions,
allowing them to choose their own
rewards allows Millennial employees
to productively exercise their opinion.
Removing barriers is a key to listening
to employees. Many organisations are
rigid in their organisational structure
and processes, which can make it
challenging to implement some cross-
functional development and facilitate
dynamic growth and high-
performance training. It is up to the
leadership to bridge the silos, knock
down walls, and design a system, that
encourages a fluid approach to learning
and working.
Industry Practice: Virgin
This multi-industry organisation has a
habit of listening to its employees, to
show that they are valued, to listen to
their opinions, and caring for their
ideas, having healthy debates and
continuously innovating. It is a win-
win; the organisation keeps learning,
and employees feel important and
engage with the organisation.
Hygiene Factor 5: Real-Time
Millennials experience a culture of
instant gratification which is vastly
dissimilar from what the other
generations have experienced. Fuelled
by familiarity with digital media,
Millennials are most accustomed to
instantaneous reactions, and they
anticipate the same at their workplace.
Standardized recognition methods such
as annual engagement surveys are
therefore failing to resonate with
Millennials; since they are clunky,
lengthy, and do not resolve issues in
limited time. Instead, try investing in
pulse surveys that are short, powerful
and are issued frequently enough so
that you can resolve issues closer to
their emergence. This is an easy way
to recognize millennial employees, as
it specifically addresses their individual
needs and gives them a clear channel
for communication in the company.
Digital media is also extremely useful
in providing a platform for real-time
recognition. As Millennials are more
accustomed to a work life, which bleeds
into their home, companies are no
longer restricted to communication
within a strict 9-5 time frame to provide
their feedback.
Industry Practice: HCL
HCL Technologies has started a
Happiness Index, an analytics-based
platform where people respond to a
set of statements, which helps
determine the mood of the
organisation. The system is designed
to automatically push out a short
survey to anyone who has undergone
a change of some sort. This could be
a new manager, appraisal, end of a
project etc.
Activities for enhancing
Employee Engagement
Virtual surveys: There are multiple
applications and systems that can be
used to hold online surveys for the
team members. By conducting a poll,
you can learn and analyse their
character, attitudes, patterns of
behaviour, as well as personal
V irtual coffee break: While team
members cannot always hang out
together after work, you can still invite
them for a virtual coffee break. These
days, most public areas offer good Wi-
Fi connection, including a coffee shop.
Online gaming: Believe it or not,
playing games together can boost
teamwork in virtual teams. To
encourage healthy competition,
managers can invite their teams to play
the same online games. Not only is
this fun, it also helps smoothen the
flow of communication and improve
overall bonding to build camaraderie.
Various games available on the Internet
can be used, or even custom games
such as trivia questions related to the
business can be developed.
Encourage sharing: People cannot
always be 100 percent at work. When
we find a co-worker who does not
appear lively while responding to a
chat, as usual, there might be
something going on with them. In such
situations, we need to take some time
to put the business aside and learn
what is happening with them.
Use Social Media: While it is true that
Employee engagement is an emotional state where employees
feel passionate,
energetic, and committed to their work. Thats why Employee
Engagement is &
always will be the very high priority for HR department, as it
leads to high
productivity, positivity and; it creates a happy environment at
work. It even helps
employees to do their job effectively. Employee engagement is
a very powerful
concept and; every organisation should be more focused on
increasing employee
engagement activities, as its directly related to employee
performance &
organisation growth. Following of the techniques that will help
in employee
� Create a fun work Culture, as fun workplace make happier
� Make a culture where employees can respect their work life
& personal life
� Invest in both internal and external development for
employees professional
� Ensure that their development is linked to organisation goal
and they should
clearly be able to see where their development plan is
taking them.
� Take an active interest in employee well-being.
� Hold regular employee engagement programmes, it will
help build bridges between peers across all departments.
HR Head, Xapads Media.
COVER STORY◆ March 2018 � 19
we should draw clear lines of
separation between the working and
private life, it never hurts to add co-
workers on the friends list on social
media. Through social platforms like
Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, or Path,
we can gather more information about
the people we are working with.
Making recognition personal: The
most successful recognition is highly
personal. The value of highly
personalized rewards cannot be
understated, even in the case of those
tenure-based anniversary gifts. It is
also a great opportunity to reinforce
the value of sticking around for a long
time to the employees that the reward
was chosen with them in mind, or
which they can look forward to, which
works as a great motivator to keep
going during moments of low-morale.
On the other hand, having a
recognition system that stacks
employees against each other does
more harm than good. While
competing for points might motivate
the top performers to try even harder,
it can be demoralizing for those at the
bottom of the competition, and even
make employees to act poorly in order
to win.
Sounding the death knell to annual
surveys: Having a social engagement
strategy means being more
communicative with employees, and
inviting conversation about the
concerns or suggestions that they have.
In that vein, annual surveys, which
have been on the decline for years, are
really the last lingering relic of a time
where feedback was barely solicited,
and almost always never acted upon.
Employers who are committed to
collecting continuous, ongoing
feedback, and acting on it, then moving
past the annual survey into something
more real-time and iterative will
facilitate that.
Contemporary ways of
measuring Employee
Matching up to the engagement
expectations of the hygiene factors of
generation Z and millennials, employee
engagement programmes are now built
on smart cloud data and analytics that
is measuring the employee pulse in
real time. WorldatWork, a global human
resources foundation, divulged the
findings of a study in which 54 percent
of employees said that short-term
incentives have a high impact on
engagement, while only 32 percent
cited long-term incentives. Several
companies are helping workplaces
revamp the way they reward their
employees, trading company coffee
mugs against 6-month memberships
to a local gym. Options as such, permit
the managers to hand out employee
perks online in real time, and some
also add these on the social media
platform so that the team can openly
thank their colleagues for a job well
done. Certain critical aspects that are
should occur across the entire
organisation. Develop a strategy that
encourages peer-to-peer recognition
and feedback, allowing employees to
recognize both individual and team
accomplishments. In most cases, real-
time recognition is more meaningful
than the feedback employees receive
through annual performance
conversations. However, too much
recognition can be a bad thing if it is
not linked to achievements and
Making recognition simple and
aligned with company values: There is
“The role of employee engagement is critical for business
process services
organisations like ours. As our people strive to delight
customers by doing a lot
of knowledge driven processing, engagement events provide the
breather. While there is the [email protected] aspect of
engagement activities, the real
benefit comes in the form on enhanced bonding levels between
team members,
and people leaders, as well as long term benefits such as loyalty
and commitment.
We strongly believe that engaging employees is the job role of
each people leader
and have created 15 clubs on topics as diverse as health and
wellness, sports,
music, human resources, coding as a hobby, and innovation.
These interest
based groups or clubs as we call them create a platform for
like-minded individuals to come together and builds a stronger
association with employees, besides building our employer
Vice President and Head
People Function, Access Healthcare
Like Millennials, Gen Z is a cohort of
digital natives; they have had the
technology and the many forms of
communication since birth. They are used to
instant access to information, and, like their older
Gen Y counterparts, they are continually
processing information. Like Millennials, they
prefer to solve their own problems, and will turn
to YouTube or other video platforms for tutorials
to troubleshoot prior to seeking assistance.”
needed to be taken into consideration
while designing a new age employee
engagement plans are: -
Encouraging multidirectional
feedback and recognition: Recognition
nothing better than the good old face-
to-face recognition and an "atta-boy!"
Complicated programmes and
technologies are disincentives for real-
time recognition. User-friendly mobile
20 � March 2018 ◆
and social tools make recognition
simple. Some platforms also integrate
with other technologies to improve
manager visibility to feedback for
coaching conversations. Employee
recognition programmes should align
with company values and business
Working towards succession
planning for top performers: In
addition to recognition, employees
want to know if you are invested in
their careers. Recognition programmes
are a great starting point for
conversations on career growth. After
recognizing employees for hard work
and positive results, managers can
collaborate with them on a plan for
taking the next step in their career.
The platter of Employee
Engagement tools
When managers and owners are the
sole distributors of recognition and
rewards, companies put themselves at
a disadvantage. Siloed walls need to be
torn down. During times of growth
and diversification, it is very easy for
departments to come with big walls;
adding designers, developers, coders,
senior staff and recent graduates, while
an array of backgrounds and
personalities make it difficult to be
highly engaged with everyone.
Connecting new hires to the company
culture and ethos can also prove to be
more difficult. The toxicity mostly
stems from the underappreciated.
Feeling valued, wanted, appreciated,
etc., at one's job is not some new age,
entitled generational issue. It is valid
across the board. All human beings do
their best when they feel fulfilled, and
part of feeling fulfilled is in knowing
that their efforts are seen as essential
to the company.
Peoplecart: The Peoplecart platform
aligns employee teams to
organisational priorities through agile
feedback, mobile check-ins and
instant recognition. With a
comprehensive solution of
engagement surveys, recognition of
peers for demonstrating right
behaviours and values, anytime
accessibility with a gamified mobile
technology platform, real-time insights
on engagement through customizable
tools such as People Buzz, mentor
connect, idea zone, KPI gamification
and transition clubs, this engagement
platform makes a promising choice.
Officevibe: Officevibe provides a
weekly report format that is simple
and visual, and identifies the issues
specific to the workplace. Knowing
what matters to the team and where
to focus energies on has never been
easier. Officevibe goes the extra mile
to help both you and your team
improve by pairing every identified
issue with advice and strategies to
overcome it. Because, even the best
teams have room for growth and
Quantum Workplace: Quantum
Workplace provides an all-in-one
employee engagement software that
makes managers the central drivers of
workplace culture. Quantum
Workplaces technology gives team
leaders direct access to employee
feedback and personalized real-time
insights, so that they can make work
better every day. The software includes
features such as surveys, goals,
recognition, feedback, one-on-one, and
alerts providing a powerful solution for
team engagement and improvement.
The Platter of Reward Tools
As HR practitioners choose from the
platter of tools now available, an
important question they should answer
is "what they want out of the
programme." While people should be
able to say thank you to each other,
rewards need to be aligned towards the
direction the company wants to go.
This social-media based recognition
programme allows the entire team
award points to their colleagues; these
points can then be redeemed for a
variety of different rewards. They
provide a curated master catalogue of
gift cards from top retailers and
donations to a variety of meaningful
charities. Companies can also build in
their own rewards such as a day off,
Starbucks vouchers, movie tickets for
two, bowling game passes, with one
company even offering "Coffee from
the Boss" where employees redeem
points to get a hand delivered coffee
from their manager.
To be borne in mind: HR managers
need to continuously evaluate if this
programme is meeting the overall
needs of the company. A pulse check
is important to record measurable
changes in engagement levels.
This straightforward gift card campaign
company allows managers to send gift
cards to employees online, and is not
chargeable until the gift is redeemed.
While the debate on "Is working from home effective?"
intensifies in today's
business world, let me objectively put down the perks and
downsides of the
same. The perks that I can think of include higher flexibility in
terms of cutting down
commute time, no dress code and flexi-work schedule. It allows
organisations to
reach out to larger population of potential candidates like
freelancers, working
parents etc. Working from home gives you a lot of personal time
to be able to
schedule time for hobbies / fitness regime / family. It also
results in better
productivity helping you work with greater freedom while
enhancing your creativity
and hence boost performance. The flipside of this could be
lowered employee
morale. It takes a hit since you miss out on co-worker
camaraderie and work
ecosystem in terms of challenges in support, cross learning
opportunities and
networking. It also affects the visibility and recognition
mechanism as even though
chats, videos and emails are great tools; connect and
appreciation work best in
person. Working from home takes a whole lot of self-discipline,
support and motivation to ensure that timelines are met,
distractions are kept at
bay and priorities are not compromised. Maintaining a good
work life balance also becomes a task as your work and
office are the same and you are never off of work.
Chief People Officer
Aegon Life Insurance
COVER STORY◆ March 2018 � 21
The platform also allows managers to
send out multiple gifts with employee-
specific messages while tracking
fulfilment. "If an employee chooses
Amazon, an employer can make sure
to put Amazon in the next reward
email," It increases personalization, and
is one of the big values that is brought
in the reward and recognition calendar.
To be borne in mind: Managers need
to evaluate if people already find an
intrinsic value in what they are working
on, and whether they need direct gifts.
If the workforce is doing a common
job that is not rewarding, having a clear
link between jobs and gift is great. So,
someone doing basic data entry or
coding might see this as a huge
incentive, while an architect or marine
biologist might not need this type of
A social-media based programme,
7Geese is focused on replacing classic
HR programmes with online reviews
and forms. Managers can set up online
goals, people directories and
organisation charts so that the team
structures are clear. Rewards come in
the form of recognition badges that
are pinned to the core values of the
company. The badges can then be
shared on social networks such as
Twitter and LinkedIn profiles. Bad
reviews are private, but can include
requests for one-on-one coaching
What to keep in mind: Such a
programme is best suited to a
collaborative workplace with many
shared projects, so that teammates
could report on project progress,
discuss what problems are holding
them up, and get feedback from co
workers. In more competitive
workplaces, like a sales office or a call
centre, such programmes might not
be as close a fit, since co-workers
compete with one another.
This is a corporate social network and
a peer-to-peer recognition system
designed to engage teams with
enhanced communication,
collaboration, appreciation, and
recognition. Timely and public
employee recognition is at the core of
this service provider. They get the team
talking, sharing and collaborating.
From custom pages, birthday invites,
themed user profiles, leaderboards,
gamified badges, performance
dashboard, Kudos provides a wide
platter of engagement ideas to choose
from. 360-degree employee feedback
including anonymous organisational
feedback solutions for wellness,
training and development and peer to
peer recognition are now the key
motivating factors. The rise of the
millennials in the workforce and their
preferences, catalysed by the rage of
digitization has led employees to expect
a much more fun, engaging and end-
to-end solution to their woes. 2018 will
see companies and their leaders focus
on how to achieve an outstanding
employee experience across the
lifecycle of an employee. Factors such
as work environment, team
relationships, professional growth
opportunities, company culture, and
recognition will be looked at from a
fresh perspective.
Copyright of Human Capital is the property of HR Information
Services and its content may
not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv
without the copyright holder's
express written permission. However, users may print,
download, or email articles for
individual use.

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14 March 2018 ◆They are the o

  • 1. 14 � March 2018 ◆ They are the ones who popularized selfies, food porn, online communities, byte sized learning, and introduced the multitasking wonders of smartphones to the world. However, it is evident that they bring with them a cache of unique experiences and skills that are invaluable to the workplace. As today's workplace creates room for millennials who are seen to make for 50% of the global workforce by 2020, and with the arrival of Gen Z, the standard engagement practices of the past need to be done away with, so as to accommodate ourselves for the arrival of Gen Z and the inundation of millennials. Failure to pay heed to this would only result in the organisation losing out on the top performing talent, and in real quick time, and even worse, to their competitors who offered them an opportunity as per the needs of their engagement. Revamping and illennials are being viewed through the wrong optics since they are perceived as the initiators of disruptions.M COVER STORY
  • 2. As today's workplace creates room for millennials who are seen to make for 50% of the global workforce by 2020, and with the arrival of Gen Z, the standard engagement practices of the past need to be done away with, so as to accommodate ourselves for the arrival of Gen Z and the inundation of millennials. Failure to pay heed to this would only result in the organisation losing out on the top performing talent, and in real quick time, and even worse, to their competitors who offered them an opportunity as per the needs of their engagement. The “When people are financially invested, they want a return. When people are emotionally invested, they want to contribute.” - Simon Sinek Engagement Paradox At Work By Shruti Chadha and S. Ajay Kumar
  • 3.◆ March 2018 � 15 employees are unlikely to take on anything outside of what they see as their core remit. They will make excuses or find reasons as to why they cannot take on extra work, or try newer ways of doing things. They may refuse to entertain even the simplest of requests. 3. Withdrawal from meetings and gatherings: Disengaged employees tend to withdraw and even isolate themselves from their co-workers. They choose to opt out when it comes to meetings and gatherings. Even if they are present during a meeting or a team discussion, their minds wander to other places. Paying little interest to the matters of the organisation, disengaged employees make fewer efforts to engage and participate in any of the company events. 4. I g n o r i n g r e f e r r a l r e q u e s t s : Employees who are disengaged are unlikely to refer candidates for open positions. Even when you are actively seeking out referrals, and do not receive any from your employees, it is an indicator that they may be disengaged. Actively disengaged employees might even use social media to discourage others from applying. The Net Promoter Score
  • 4. (NPS) is where ratings can be given on a zero to ten scale as to how likely it is for a person to recommend this company as a place to work. Employees who score 9 or 10 are called 'Promoters', those who score 7 C O V E R S T O R Y innovating recognition practices can capitalize employee talents so that they flourish in the company. The changing rules of engagement for the diverse generation, spotting critical signs of disengagement, employer-employee expectation mismatch, innovative ways of enhancing engagement along with illustrations on best industry practices, and the contemporary ways of measuring the employee engagement pulse have been mentioned in the paragraphs to follow. The changing laws of engagement In late 2014, the Northeastern University conducted a survey on teens in the age bracket of 16-19 years, and came about with certain traits on Gen Z that could give a sense of the behaviour pattern of this wannabe generation. � 63 percent of the respondents stating that colleges should be teaching them on entrepreneurship
  • 5. � 42 percent expect to be self- employed later in life � Interpersonal or face-to-face interaction is highly important as compared to communicating via technology Spotting critical signs of disengagement The 7 tell-tale signs that are needed to be monitored by HR business partners and engagement experts with empirical evidence in order to help organisations plan their engagement strategies. 1. Excessive absenteeism and tardiness: That disengaged employees do not rush to work in the mornings is a common red flag. But, if some employees are turning in slightly late it does not imply that they are disengaged, but it could be a strong indicator that they are lacking time management skills, are struggling with work-life balance, or maintaining a different lifestyle. Howe ve r, it is noteworthy if employees are very late, leave the office randomly, or take extended lunch breaks. Absenteeism is a lot more serious than tardiness. Employees who do not come to work at all, or who take lots of random sick days are often simply fed up with their work. And, if they seem to be consistently ignoring pressing
  • 6. deadlines and targets by requesting days off, they are clearly disengaged. 2. Poor quality of work: Disengaged employees certainly do not aim for maximum quality. Actively disengaged employees will not meet expectations. Or, they may be doing just enough to keep themselves from getting fired. So, if there is a degeneration or stagnation in the overall quality, it may signal low engagement. Disengaged “Fostering a culture of 'trust' in the organisation so employees feel empowered and responsible to go beyond themselves to ensure the organisation's success -- this is what great places to work strive for. And building this trust does not come easily. Engaging employees is one of the most important HR mandate besides talent attraction and retention. We have seen strong correlation between employee engagement and profitability. With the right strategy and approach, employee engagement can become one of the strongest tools for robust business outcomes. While there are several ways to boost engagement with employees, one of the
  • 7. most effective ones is to foster a system of continuous feedback and conversations. Praising an employee for a job well done is just as important as pointing out where there is room for improvement. Also crucial is to give them credit and show appreciation in a timely manner. Building an engaged, all-in workforce is an assured metric for the success of not just the business but of the leader as well.” SHRADDHANJALI RAO Head of Human Resources SAP India 16 � March 2018 ◆ or 8 are 'Passives', and an employee who gives a score of 6 or below can be viewed as a 'Detractor'. In general, we like to improve upon and participate in things that we care about and appear meaningful to us. So, either the employees are not connecting with the mission and values of the company, or they are unhappy in the office environment. 5. Managers do not praise their team members: An HR business partner
  • 8. needs to ask the managers and supervisors, "what did you do in the past month to reward or praise your team members?" If in return, there is a hesitant answer or an awkward silence, it might just be the beginning of a grave engagement problem. Employees who do not see their work being recognized are unlikely to be motivated or engaged. 6. Employees at odds and raise complaints: Disengaged employees are not interested in solving problems and making progress. They often express their lack of engagement through open frustration and aggression. These employees will always be at odds with someone, and will resist new initiatives or instructions from their manager. 7. Lack of ownership: 'Nothing to do with me', 'not my responsibility,' 'thought someone else would do it' are common refrains of those who are disengaged with the company and their role. Finding things that they do care about in their role, even if it is only one element, is the key to changing the mindset of these employees. Reallocation of duties among a team can often revive disengaged employees, with certain team members thriving to do some tasks that the others are not truly deriving enjoyment from.
  • 9. The Expectation Mismatch A search into the motivators of the workforce will invariably lead us to the famous Herzberg's two-factor motivational theor y. Her zberg's findings revealed that certain characteristics of a job are consistently related to job satisfaction, while certain factors are associated with job dissatisfaction. He stated that factors such as achievement, recognition, responsibility and career advancement are key motivating factors that will help employees exceed at their work. Whereas factors such as supervision, company policies, work conditions, salary were the hygiene factors, which when absent were sure to demotivate employees. With generations changing at the workplace, from baby boomers to Gen X, from Gen X to Millennials, and now to Gen Z, we will need to revisit motivational theories and redefine their placement. With the enhanced presence of the millennial workforce and the arrival of the Gen Z, certain factors that were seen as motivators over the last decade are no longer seen as motivating, but have become the basic hygiene factors for the multigenerational workforce. Hygiene Factor 1: Connectivity Today, it is hard to find millennials/
  • 10. generation Z without a smartphone, and by 2020, it is evident that every employee would be hooked to a smart device. What would it look like if the generation is to be married to their work? What is it that would make them wake up every morning excited to put their nose to the grindstone another day? Millennials want to put everything they have into their work. Their hearts sing because they are living their purpose. Their minds are stimulated by the challenge. Like Millennials, Gen Z is a cohort of digital natives; they have had the technology and the many forms of communication since birth. They are used to instant access to information, and, like their older Gen Y counterparts, they are continually processing information. Like Millennials, they prefer to solve their own problems, and will turn to YouTube or other video platforms for “Employee engagement is one of the key pillars to building a great company. Today's dynamic and competitive environment clearly demands a lot more from HR than it was before. From creating a robust learning and development ecosystem across levels to ensuring employees live a healthy and rewarding life; employee
  • 11. engagement plays a massive role in an organisation. Technology plays a powerful tool here, for example online learning platforms are playing a crucial role in helping employees unearth their potential. Creating a caring and humane environment that offers flexibility, mentorship roles are other ways to engage employees and build goodwill. Do not forget to recognize achievements and build a rewarding ecosystem. Employees should feel valued and they should cherish their journey with an organisation. Happy and successful employees are an asset to building a successful company.” REENA TYAGI Chief Human Resource Officer Cigna TTK Disengaged employees certainly do not aim for maximum quality. Actively disengaged employees will not meet expectations. Or, they may be doing just enough to keep themselves from getting fired. So, if there is a degeneration or stagnation in the overall
  • 12. quality, it may signal low engagement. Disengaged employees are unlikely to take on anything outside of what they see as their core remit. “ COVER STORY◆ March 2018 � 17 tutorials to troubleshoot prior to seeking assistance. They also place great value on the reviews of their peers. Fostering connectivity in the workplace is a profound key to such a kind of holistic happiness. For managers with millennials on their teams, this is great news for if they can inspire creativity and innovation, and if they have hired well, they are sure to have a talented team of leaders with some untapped potential. Industry Practice: DreamWorks Although employees at DreamWorks Animation are provided with perks such as free refreshments, paid opportunity to decorate workspaces, and company parties after the completion of big projects, a practice truly appreciated by them is if they are encouraged to share their personal work and projects amongst their co-workers at such parties and
  • 13. events. This makes way for appreciation of non-work related projects, kindles their creativity, and makes employees feel that they are more than just the work that they perform. With other companies like Google also providing employees with the time to work and pitch their own projects, and, this is a great way to really tell your employees that not only are they trusted, but that their input and creativity is really valued. Hygiene Factor 2: Career Progression Millennials grew up in a different world. When they work at a company, money does not merely motivate them. Instead, they want more opportunities, more progression, and more chances at development. Creating individual development plans could be the first step in developing employees to create a development plan. It is important to sit down with the employee and discuss individual interests and career goals. Such a conversation will help identify the developmental activities that individuals should be undertaking. After all, not everyone shares the same goals or has the same perspective about what they want to achieve in their career. Industry Practice: Hyatt group of hotels
  • 14. Hyatt's high employee retention and long tenures speak volumes in an industry known for high employee turnover. The focus on employee development and promoting from within plays a large part in this. Another interesting practice, connected to development, is how they empower their employees (whom they call associates), to listen carefully to each other and guests, to be able to solve problems and create new solutions, rather than following scripts of what to do. Hygiene Factor 3: Personalization One thing Millennials are used to is individuality. They have grown up in a culture, which prizes nonconformity, and they have carried this belief over to their working lives. As employees that value themselves as individual talents, they expect an equally personalized form of feedback that addresses their strengths and weaknesses. They also expect this from the people they know; with 80% Millennials saying they were seeking regular feedback from their managers. Such a personal and individual type of recognition is designed to simultaneously deliver feedback and coaching. 95% of millennial employees
  • 15. said they would work even harder if they had learnt how their task contributed to the company's larger strategy. Industry Practice: Legal Monkeys This legal record management company established a simpler, smaller way to show employees that their hard work is valued. The Appreciation Board is a glass picture frame, on which employees can write a note using a marker, and present it to their colleague to whom they want to show appreciation to. Whoever receives the board is free to keep it on display on their desk, until they are ready to pass it on to someone else, with each achievement also being posted on the company's Facebook page to increase visibility outside of the team. Hygiene Factor 4: Making the Voice Work These days, Millennials do not just have to agree to their job role, they also “Building and nurturing a great work culture and environment where everyone finds a place to bloom, every day is special, everything is learning and everyone is involved is an achievement par excellence. The environment where employees
  • 16. get excited about the organisation and feel proud of, can be created only by enthusiastic and highly energized people who derive enjoyment from their work and also make it a pleasure for those whom they work with. Such an engaged workforce is the real asset of any organisation and drives it to a position of invincibility. I am strongly convinced that the Human Resource team plays the lead role in driving this thought process and in inculcating this as the credo of the organisation. Experience is the edifice of every relationshi p and relationship is the anvil of engagement. Furthermore, promoting and fostering strong employer- employee relationship is fundamental to driving a great place to work experience. The general understanding and nuances of employer-employee relations have gone through a sea change in the recent years, thanks to a lot of progressive thinking in Human Resource management (HRM). A strong employee employer
  • 17. relationship is no longer seen as state of 'peaceful working', rather is a platform for co-creating business and individual success. Respecting and valuing the unique flavour and strength of every employee, and binding them through a common shared vision and purpose is quintessential to forging the said connect. A work culture that has elements of collaboration, supportiveness, result orientation and respect cannot but be strongly bonded." JOY GEORGE Vice President - Human Resources CDK Global (India) C O V E R S T O R Y 18 � March 2018 ◆ have to agree to the company. Millennials are a generation who are deeply socially aware, and will often prioritize a company whose social innovations they agree with, over one with which they do not. Combined
  • 18. with the fact that they are some of the most educated employees in the workforce, companies should strive to let Millennials in on company decisions as a means of recognition. This does not have to be anything very significant; simple things like the company's charitable decisions, allowing them to choose their own rewards allows Millennial employees to productively exercise their opinion. Removing barriers is a key to listening to employees. Many organisations are rigid in their organisational structure and processes, which can make it challenging to implement some cross- functional development and facilitate dynamic growth and high- performance training. It is up to the leadership to bridge the silos, knock down walls, and design a system, that encourages a fluid approach to learning and working. Industry Practice: Virgin This multi-industry organisation has a habit of listening to its employees, to show that they are valued, to listen to their opinions, and caring for their ideas, having healthy debates and continuously innovating. It is a win- win; the organisation keeps learning, and employees feel important and engage with the organisation.
  • 19. Hygiene Factor 5: Real-Time Recognition Millennials experience a culture of instant gratification which is vastly dissimilar from what the other generations have experienced. Fuelled by familiarity with digital media, Millennials are most accustomed to instantaneous reactions, and they anticipate the same at their workplace. Standardized recognition methods such as annual engagement surveys are therefore failing to resonate with Millennials; since they are clunky, lengthy, and do not resolve issues in limited time. Instead, try investing in pulse surveys that are short, powerful and are issued frequently enough so that you can resolve issues closer to their emergence. This is an easy way to recognize millennial employees, as it specifically addresses their individual needs and gives them a clear channel for communication in the company. Digital media is also extremely useful in providing a platform for real-time recognition. As Millennials are more accustomed to a work life, which bleeds into their home, companies are no longer restricted to communication within a strict 9-5 time frame to provide their feedback. Industry Practice: HCL Technologies
  • 20. HCL Technologies has started a Happiness Index, an analytics-based platform where people respond to a set of statements, which helps determine the mood of the organisation. The system is designed to automatically push out a short survey to anyone who has undergone a change of some sort. This could be a new manager, appraisal, end of a project etc. Activities for enhancing Employee Engagement Virtual surveys: There are multiple applications and systems that can be used to hold online surveys for the team members. By conducting a poll, you can learn and analyse their character, attitudes, patterns of behaviour, as well as personal preferences. V irtual coffee break: While team members cannot always hang out together after work, you can still invite them for a virtual coffee break. These days, most public areas offer good Wi- Fi connection, including a coffee shop. Online gaming: Believe it or not, playing games together can boost teamwork in virtual teams. To encourage healthy competition, managers can invite their teams to play the same online games. Not only is this fun, it also helps smoothen the flow of communication and improve
  • 21. overall bonding to build camaraderie. Various games available on the Internet can be used, or even custom games such as trivia questions related to the business can be developed. Encourage sharing: People cannot always be 100 percent at work. When we find a co-worker who does not appear lively while responding to a chat, as usual, there might be something going on with them. In such situations, we need to take some time to put the business aside and learn what is happening with them. Use Social Media: While it is true that Employee engagement is an emotional state where employees feel passionate, energetic, and committed to their work. Thats why Employee Engagement is & always will be the very high priority for HR department, as it leads to high productivity, positivity and; it creates a happy environment at work. It even helps employees to do their job effectively. Employee engagement is a very powerful concept and; every organisation should be more focused on increasing employee engagement activities, as its directly related to employee performance &
  • 22. organisation growth. Following of the techniques that will help in employee engagement: � Create a fun work Culture, as fun workplace make happier employee. � Make a culture where employees can respect their work life & personal life both. � Invest in both internal and external development for employees professional growth. � Ensure that their development is linked to organisation goal and they should clearly be able to see where their development plan is taking them. � Take an active interest in employee well-being. � Hold regular employee engagement programmes, it will help build bridges between peers across all departments. AKANSHA TRIPATHI HR Head, Xapads Media. COVER STORY◆ March 2018 � 19
  • 23. we should draw clear lines of separation between the working and private life, it never hurts to add co- workers on the friends list on social media. Through social platforms like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, or Path, we can gather more information about the people we are working with. Making recognition personal: The most successful recognition is highly personal. The value of highly personalized rewards cannot be understated, even in the case of those tenure-based anniversary gifts. It is also a great opportunity to reinforce the value of sticking around for a long time to the employees that the reward was chosen with them in mind, or which they can look forward to, which works as a great motivator to keep going during moments of low-morale. On the other hand, having a recognition system that stacks employees against each other does more harm than good. While competing for points might motivate the top performers to try even harder, it can be demoralizing for those at the bottom of the competition, and even make employees to act poorly in order to win. Sounding the death knell to annual surveys: Having a social engagement strategy means being more communicative with employees, and inviting conversation about the
  • 24. concerns or suggestions that they have. In that vein, annual surveys, which have been on the decline for years, are really the last lingering relic of a time where feedback was barely solicited, and almost always never acted upon. Employers who are committed to collecting continuous, ongoing feedback, and acting on it, then moving past the annual survey into something more real-time and iterative will facilitate that. Contemporary ways of measuring Employee Engagement Matching up to the engagement expectations of the hygiene factors of generation Z and millennials, employee engagement programmes are now built on smart cloud data and analytics that is measuring the employee pulse in real time. WorldatWork, a global human resources foundation, divulged the findings of a study in which 54 percent of employees said that short-term incentives have a high impact on engagement, while only 32 percent cited long-term incentives. Several companies are helping workplaces revamp the way they reward their employees, trading company coffee mugs against 6-month memberships to a local gym. Options as such, permit the managers to hand out employee
  • 25. perks online in real time, and some also add these on the social media platform so that the team can openly thank their colleagues for a job well done. Certain critical aspects that are should occur across the entire organisation. Develop a strategy that encourages peer-to-peer recognition and feedback, allowing employees to recognize both individual and team accomplishments. In most cases, real- time recognition is more meaningful than the feedback employees receive through annual performance conversations. However, too much recognition can be a bad thing if it is not linked to achievements and contributions. Making recognition simple and aligned with company values: There is “The role of employee engagement is critical for business process services organisations like ours. As our people strive to delight customers by doing a lot of knowledge driven processing, engagement events provide the much-needed breather. While there is the [email protected] aspect of engagement activities, the real benefit comes in the form on enhanced bonding levels between
  • 26. team members, and people leaders, as well as long term benefits such as loyalty and commitment. We strongly believe that engaging employees is the job role of each people leader and have created 15 clubs on topics as diverse as health and wellness, sports, music, human resources, coding as a hobby, and innovation. These interest based groups or clubs as we call them create a platform for like-minded individuals to come together and builds a stronger association with employees, besides building our employer brand.” JACOB JESUROON Vice President and Head People Function, Access Healthcare Like Millennials, Gen Z is a cohort of digital natives; they have had the technology and the many forms of communication since birth. They are used to instant access to information, and, like their older Gen Y counterparts, they are continually processing information. Like Millennials, they
  • 27. prefer to solve their own problems, and will turn to YouTube or other video platforms for tutorials to troubleshoot prior to seeking assistance.” “ needed to be taken into consideration while designing a new age employee engagement plans are: - Encouraging multidirectional feedback and recognition: Recognition nothing better than the good old face- to-face recognition and an "atta-boy!" Complicated programmes and technologies are disincentives for real- time recognition. User-friendly mobile C O V E R S T O R Y 20 � March 2018 ◆ and social tools make recognition simple. Some platforms also integrate with other technologies to improve manager visibility to feedback for coaching conversations. Employee recognition programmes should align with company values and business objectives. Working towards succession planning for top performers: In
  • 28. addition to recognition, employees want to know if you are invested in their careers. Recognition programmes are a great starting point for conversations on career growth. After recognizing employees for hard work and positive results, managers can collaborate with them on a plan for taking the next step in their career. The platter of Employee Engagement tools When managers and owners are the sole distributors of recognition and rewards, companies put themselves at a disadvantage. Siloed walls need to be torn down. During times of growth and diversification, it is very easy for departments to come with big walls; adding designers, developers, coders, senior staff and recent graduates, while an array of backgrounds and personalities make it difficult to be highly engaged with everyone. Connecting new hires to the company culture and ethos can also prove to be more difficult. The toxicity mostly stems from the underappreciated. Feeling valued, wanted, appreciated, etc., at one's job is not some new age, entitled generational issue. It is valid across the board. All human beings do their best when they feel fulfilled, and part of feeling fulfilled is in knowing that their efforts are seen as essential
  • 29. to the company. Peoplecart: The Peoplecart platform aligns employee teams to organisational priorities through agile feedback, mobile check-ins and instant recognition. With a comprehensive solution of engagement surveys, recognition of peers for demonstrating right behaviours and values, anytime accessibility with a gamified mobile technology platform, real-time insights on engagement through customizable tools such as People Buzz, mentor connect, idea zone, KPI gamification and transition clubs, this engagement platform makes a promising choice. Officevibe: Officevibe provides a weekly report format that is simple and visual, and identifies the issues specific to the workplace. Knowing what matters to the team and where to focus energies on has never been easier. Officevibe goes the extra mile to help both you and your team improve by pairing every identified issue with advice and strategies to overcome it. Because, even the best teams have room for growth and improvement. Quantum Workplace: Quantum Workplace provides an all-in-one employee engagement software that makes managers the central drivers of workplace culture. Quantum
  • 30. Workplaces technology gives team leaders direct access to employee feedback and personalized real-time insights, so that they can make work better every day. The software includes features such as surveys, goals, recognition, feedback, one-on-one, and alerts providing a powerful solution for team engagement and improvement. The Platter of Reward Tools As HR practitioners choose from the platter of tools now available, an important question they should answer is "what they want out of the programme." While people should be able to say thank you to each other, rewards need to be aligned towards the direction the company wants to go. YouEarnedIt This social-media based recognition programme allows the entire team award points to their colleagues; these points can then be redeemed for a variety of different rewards. They provide a curated master catalogue of gift cards from top retailers and donations to a variety of meaningful charities. Companies can also build in their own rewards such as a day off, Starbucks vouchers, movie tickets for two, bowling game passes, with one company even offering "Coffee from the Boss" where employees redeem points to get a hand delivered coffee
  • 31. from their manager. To be borne in mind: HR managers need to continuously evaluate if this programme is meeting the overall needs of the company. A pulse check is important to record measurable changes in engagement levels. Kiind This straightforward gift card campaign company allows managers to send gift cards to employees online, and is not chargeable until the gift is redeemed. While the debate on "Is working from home effective?" intensifies in today's business world, let me objectively put down the perks and downsides of the same. The perks that I can think of include higher flexibility in terms of cutting down commute time, no dress code and flexi-work schedule. It allows organisations to reach out to larger population of potential candidates like freelancers, working parents etc. Working from home gives you a lot of personal time to be able to schedule time for hobbies / fitness regime / family. It also results in better productivity helping you work with greater freedom while
  • 32. enhancing your creativity and hence boost performance. The flipside of this could be lowered employee morale. It takes a hit since you miss out on co-worker camaraderie and work ecosystem in terms of challenges in support, cross learning opportunities and networking. It also affects the visibility and recognition mechanism as even though chats, videos and emails are great tools; connect and appreciation work best in person. Working from home takes a whole lot of self-discipline, technology support and motivation to ensure that timelines are met, distractions are kept at bay and priorities are not compromised. Maintaining a good work life balance also becomes a task as your work and office are the same and you are never off of work. SABA ADIL Chief People Officer Aegon Life Insurance COVER STORY
  • 33.◆ March 2018 � 21 The platform also allows managers to send out multiple gifts with employee- specific messages while tracking fulfilment. "If an employee chooses Amazon, an employer can make sure to put Amazon in the next reward email," It increases personalization, and is one of the big values that is brought in the reward and recognition calendar. To be borne in mind: Managers need to evaluate if people already find an intrinsic value in what they are working on, and whether they need direct gifts. If the workforce is doing a common job that is not rewarding, having a clear link between jobs and gift is great. So, someone doing basic data entry or coding might see this as a huge incentive, while an architect or marine biologist might not need this type of carrot. 7Geese A social-media based programme, 7Geese is focused on replacing classic HR programmes with online reviews and forms. Managers can set up online goals, people directories and organisation charts so that the team structures are clear. Rewards come in the form of recognition badges that
  • 34. are pinned to the core values of the company. The badges can then be shared on social networks such as Twitter and LinkedIn profiles. Bad reviews are private, but can include requests for one-on-one coaching sessions. What to keep in mind: Such a programme is best suited to a collaborative workplace with many shared projects, so that teammates could report on project progress, discuss what problems are holding them up, and get feedback from co workers. In more competitive workplaces, like a sales office or a call centre, such programmes might not be as close a fit, since co-workers compete with one another. Kudos This is a corporate social network and a peer-to-peer recognition system designed to engage teams with enhanced communication, collaboration, appreciation, and recognition. Timely and public employee recognition is at the core of this service provider. They get the team talking, sharing and collaborating. From custom pages, birthday invites, themed user profiles, leaderboards, gamified badges, performance dashboard, Kudos provides a wide
  • 35. platter of engagement ideas to choose from. 360-degree employee feedback including anonymous organisational feedback solutions for wellness, training and development and peer to peer recognition are now the key motivating factors. The rise of the millennials in the workforce and their preferences, catalysed by the rage of digitization has led employees to expect a much more fun, engaging and end- to-end solution to their woes. 2018 will see companies and their leaders focus on how to achieve an outstanding employee experience across the lifecycle of an employee. Factors such as work environment, team relationships, professional growth opportunities, company culture, and recognition will be looked at from a fresh perspective. References: C O V E R S T O R Y Copyright of Human Capital is the property of HR Information Services and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print,
  • 36. download, or email articles for individual use.